AT 1IAI.EIGH. "HPPe,,'nH 1,1 !lB ''fR,8'anr' .Our Lat Iiu Extract! From tli Dailfe. MONDAY. HOUSE. Bills .and resolutions w ere adopted a's follows: To give North Carolina the Illinois law tor protection of in ebriates ; to make it a misdemeanor to fail to remove obstrucsions. to pas sage of fish in streams within 30 days alter notice from the State Board of Agriculture ; to prohibit the taking at .elarns' in Brunswick county ; to pro tect sheep by taxing male dogs 50 cents and female dogs $1.00; to amend the charter of the Chamber of Commerce at Wilmington ; to provide- that when a person shall be de clared insane the husband or wife of such shall be first entitled to guar dianship of his or her propery. . The following bills were passed : to makej wire fences lawful fences in Edcombe county ; to allow Nash count to levy a special tax and to work the roads by taxation; to incor porate Bridgersville, Wilson county; to allow Washington county to levy a special tax for bridges ; to allow Robeson county to levy a special tax; to incorporate Saratoga, Wilson county NIGHT SESSION. The House met at 7:30 o'clock. Trie calendar was taken up and the following bills passed: To levy a . 1 : .u., ... . :. special uia 111 iuc siuth. ix iciiiiuiy of Nash county; to incorporate Win tersville, Pitt county ; to allow Green county to levy a special tax. " SENATE. The Senate met at 4 o'clock p. m. A Petition 'was presented trom the Robeson County Teachers Associa tion asking for .four months public schools.- Biils vvere introduced ; to lejauzi bonds issued by E'izabeth City and to levy, a special tax to authorize the city ot Greeneboro to issue bonds for the establishment y( a public library ; to increase revenue arid regulate insurance.' The biH passed to distribute the State Records ctllU V.'OlUlllctl i.CLUlU3 .J CdLlI lllCiU" her ot the general assembly and to d fierent co'lt-ges and scl 0)ls in the State.; ' . NIGHT SESSION. The Senate inet at 8 o'clock. Bill for the relief of the deaf, dumb and 1 V ' 1 ti 1 1 . 1 r . oiina, at iviieitin was taKen up. it carries an appropriation of $34,000 lor a new building. It is said. that the present building in which the blind boys sleep is unfit for occupancy. The bill passed allowing judges of the election $2 per day and 10 cents per mile for carrying returns. TUESDAY. HOUSE. The . House met at. 10 o'clock. Some of the bills introduced were : to nrohihit thp sale nf limrrir within two miles ot public speakings, not to ap ply to ' towns where there is a police iorce ; to incorporate Richmond coun ty ; to amend the chaiter of Newbern, to allpw Beaufort county to levy a Moore county ; to make it a misde meanor for one' who- is not authorized to perform the marriaee 'service; to allow preachers to vote without 90 days residence in county and 30 days in township ; to provide for. working public roads in Halifax ; to allow the ' people of La Grange to vote on the l.quor question ; to establish a dis pensary in Bladen County. 1 i Bills passed third reading incorpor ating Wintersville, Pitt countyj ; to al , . .1. low (jreen to levy a special tax ; to-allow Jackson county to levy a . special tax ; to allow Nash county to pay debt ; to allow Yancey to levy a special tax ; to allow Perquimans to levy a special tax , to allow Transyl vania to levy a special tax "to allow Nash to levy a stock law tax ; to al low. Caswell to levy a special tax ; to incorporate Saratoga, Wilson county; to allow Nash to levy a road tax : to provide, that in any county where there is a law to work the convicts of , the count vv the convict vvhp has moved his case' shall be worked in the county from which he moved it. At noon the bill to amend the lease of the North Carolina Railroad came up. , After much talk the bill to an nul the lease passed the House by a close vote of 60 to 54. - .NIGHT SESSION. The House met at 7:30 oclock. Bills were pasied to incorporate the People's Benevolent Association ; to amand the charter of the Atlantic & N. C. Railroad ;' to regulate the service of ; process in criminal cases ; The bill to provide for the fusion ists taking charge" of the penitentiary came up. It was passed by a vote of 59 to 36. The Agriculture. Department & A. & M. College was also put in the hands of .16 directors, 14 to be ap pointed by the governor, which means of course Rep-Pop rule. SENATE. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock by Lieutenant-Governcr Reynolds. Bills and resolutions were intro duced as follows : To provide for cotton weighers for Wadeshoro, Mor vin and Lilesville ; To amend chapter 152 Laws 18Q2 ; to incorporate the auxiliary board of health; to establish a board of train, locomotive cmd boiler inspection for each county of the Stale ; bill to amend the code re lating to foreclosure of trust ; a bill to abolish the complaint of hard : times Section 1. That lrom and after the inauguration of Hon. Wrn. Mc-Kin'ey,- President of the United States on the 4th of March, 1897, it shall be unlawful for any Republican or Re- poplican or "Gold. Bug Democrat" to complain of "hard times" -or ot the continuation of the present "gold standard of finance," or to criticise adversely the financial policy of said McKinley's administration. Sec- 2. A violation of this act by any person who is embraced within the provisions of the foregoing section shall be deemed an offence against patriotic duty, and upon conviction thereof the offender shall be impris oned in the insane asylum of North Carolina until the expiration of the term ot office of President McKinley and the inauguration of his successor. Sec. 3 This act shall be in force from and after the 4th day of March 1S97. . This bill, on motion of Mr. Lyon, was immediately taken up and placed on its passage. Mr. McCasky moved to table. Carried. Bills passed second and third read ings : To incorporate the Piford Sanitarium for consumptive negroes. To renew and keep in force trie Wil mington, Norfolk and Charleston R. R. Company. t The special order of the day was then taken up. It was to provide for the general supervision of railroad, steamboats, canal boats, express and telegraph companies. It is desired to reduce passenger rates to 2)4 ctr., for first class and 2 cents for second fare per mile. It also forbids the use ot tree pasess by public officers-". Af ter much argument and an amend ment the bill was. tabled.. Bills passed third reading to allow Rutherford county to levy a special tax; to revise the jury list ' of the State. AFTERNOON SESSION. The following bills were passed. . I To provide for 'lawful fences in Randolph county ; for stock law in Robeson county ; to. incorporate the Wingate School, Union county ; to amend apportionment of school fund in Stokes and Robeson ; to amend act incorporating Mocksville ; to change the corporate limits oi Thom asville ; to incorporate the town' of Hardin Cotian Mills, in Gaston coun ty ; to provide for the working of ' public roads and highways in Macon. WEDNESDAY. HOUSE. Bills were introduced in the House to require sheriffs in sales of mort gaped land to give notice 01 such sale to mortgagee ; to incorporate the Snow Hill Railroad ; to incorporate the Independent Ordre of Farmers and Mechanics ; to protect fruit ship pers by requiring railroads to pay cost price of goods if there is a great delay ; to entitle widows of Cejmfeder ate soldiers to fourth class pensions; to repeal the act making $10,000 ap propriation to the University ) to pro tect coal miners; to locate a line'be tween North' Carolina and Tennessee and to pay therefor $300. Bill passed to allow penitentiary directors to pass upon i the falue of bonds offered by counties as'jpay fcr convict labor. I Bill to pay D. L. Patrick !ex-Pro- fessor State University $i,7oobalance on salary was tabled. SENATE, i In the Senate bill to establish a re formatory for youthful criminals passed secoud recading. THURSDAY. HOUSE. j Bills were introducediin the! House: to impose tenjdollars penalty Tor kill ing mocking birds or nobbing nests ; to forbid e-Cpnfederate soldiers from recievingensions whije initiates of soldiers hcime; to require hej attend ance of all children betweenVhe ages of eight and fourteen years at school ; to pay colored A. Sl M. .coi'ege its pro rata share of card script lu d; to require railroads to carry bicycles as other baggage ; in regard to legal price of gas ;rto make misconduct at rehgious meetings a misdemeknor ; to require cotton mills to pay their em ployes the second Saturday night fol lowing their employment and making it unlawful, to longer withold their wages, the offense. fo be a misdemean or and the penalty fine.or imprison ment ; to allow Lumberton td vote on sewer bonds ; to, make the? railway commission a board for the equaliza tion of taxes. " I j A bill was passed requiring the county commissioners of each, county to meet on the first Monday in June a.nd revise the jury list.; It was decided that House to ad 1 journ Tuesday until Thursday at tend the Newbein fair. senate'; Bills were introduced in the Senate ri . I' ' 11. - lo prevent the pollution otj streams. with saw dust where fish inhabit; to . . j prevent the jsale of liquor wijthin two miles of certain churcnes iii Craven county. The Senate decided to adjourn Tuesday to attend the Newbern fai,; FRIDAY. II OUSE. Bills were introduced to revise and incorporate the charter of Wilson ; to (Continued on 6th pages.) GETTING REABV Every expectant mtother has a trying ordeal to face, r If he; does not 1Uk l W I get ready , for, it. tliere is jno telling what may happen. Child-bij:th is full of uncertainties if for Infants and Children. " Castoriaisso-w-elladapted'tochildrentht I reeorntQend it superior to any prescription knowa to ine." IL.A.' Archer, 51. X.t 111 So. Qxfoid St.- Brookljn, K. Y. i 'The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well knowa that it seeaiS a work of- supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cablos Maktyn, I. D., New York City. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, . ,4 . " Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." I" Edwin F. Pardee, M.'Dm li'th Street and 7th Ave.J New York CSty. The Cestacr. Cojipant, 77 JIcerat Street, New York Crrr. GEO. D. Pres't. . SAIC'L HODGES, gec'y. & Trea H 1 0. DMl (INCORPORATED JAN Successors to liDpilE CO. 3, 1896.) ,. 6 ; GEO. D. GREEN & COv WILSON, N. C. "The Geo. D. Green Hardware Company" was incorporated January 3rd, 1896, and as successor to the late firm of Geo. D. Green & Co,, will conduct a general hardware business in the town of Wilson, N. C, at the stand fbrmerly occupied by said firm. Will deal irk Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Builders' Materials, utlery,' Lime, Paints, Oil, Plumbing Materials and House Furnishing Goods. Mr. Geo. D. Green, senior menlber, as President, and Mr. .Lat. Williams, the junior member of the late firm, will continue to give their personal atten tion to the business. Mr. Samuel Hodges, Sec'y and Treasurer, will join them in the conduct and management of the business of the corporation. " "ery Respectfully", ' , ; 6 2:j-6m. Geo. D. Green Hardware Company. Nature is not given proper assistance, rViotSter's frten A l - u m i - n ui 1 1 1 . While North buying Silverware we selected, a full line of orna ments in . . . ... . As bright as Silver. As pure as Gold. As cheap as Brass. is the best help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months before baby conies, it malies the advent easy; and nearly pain- I'Anci a hundred other articles. Every article-sold under abso ciJs, relieves the distended feeling, short-( lute guarantee not to tarnisn. xiso a lull line Ol j ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous after-effects . . ALUMINUM . . Pins, Buckles, Picture Frames, Match Safes Mother's Friend is go6d fpr only one purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood ol danger and pain. j $1 dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or cent by mail oTi receipt cf price. -i J tion for women, will be sent to any address t upon application to ; THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Watches, Clocks k SilYerware. 3 . Cx. Plate Glass Front. Nash Street.