THE WILSON ADVANCE: FEBRUARY 25, 1897. locals. Mr. Frank Giddens, cf Goldsboro, was in Wilson a short while this week Miss Lula Deans, of Kinston, who has been visiting relatives in -Wilson returned Thursday. ' Miss Mary Hadley who has been visiting relatives in Johnson county returned Monday. Mrs. E. R. Gay and child who have been visiting in Pvoanoke Rapids returned Monday. Mr. G. S. Tucker, after spending a short while here last week returned Sunday to Raleigh. Mrs. W. G. Batts, of Norfolk who .has, been visiting Mrs. Royall left for her home yesterday. Mr. Robt. Farmer, of Rocky Mt.' was in Wilson a short while Saturday enroute to Wilmington. Mrs. W. C. Allen, and children, who have been visiting in Courtland, Va., returned Tuesday. Mrs. Maud Byniim, of Tarboro spent a short while in the city last week visiting relatives, .. Mrs. Daughtridge cf Rocky Mount, who has been v felting Mrs. George Hackney returned home Tuesday. Rev. F.'.C. Bayliss, returned Sat urday from Weldon, where he went to attend the convocation of Tarboro.". Mr. G. E Farmer and wife left yes terday tor the Newberne tm. They were accompanied by Miss Annie Pierce. Mr. Haywood Best, a popular "Knight of ahe Grip ' came to Wil son Saturday to spend Sunday with .his family. Capt. S. M. Bobbitt left Saturday for Washington D. C. having been called to that city by the death of his sister-in-law. :: Dr. and Mrs Albert Anderson left Monday for Washington. D C. They will stay until President McKinley's inauguration. ' Mrs. H. W. Stanley and little child who. have been visiting relatives; in Wilson returned to their home in Norfolk yesterday. Mr. Lit Alley, formerly of Wilson, now in the U. S. Mail service, was in Wilson a short while last week on a visit to his parents. Mr. Richmond Maury after spend ing several days in Wilson on busi ness connected with his stemmery ie turned to Danville Saturday. Mr. VV. L. Cant well left Saturday for Wilmington to visit relatives. Returning Sunday night he made a business trip to Richmond Va. Mrs. H. E. Thompson and litttle child left Saturday for Red Springs. They go to join Mr. Thompson who "has charge of the hotel at that place. Miss Walenah Moore and Mr. B. F. Moore left Monday for Kittrel, where they went to attend the mar riage of their brother Mr J. W. Moore. Wilson's cotton market is very quiet this week. Only a lew bales have been marketed. Spot cotton was selling yesterday at 64 to 63. witnesses the erection of some new building. As these places are erect ed why not let one be a suitable hall? No first class troupes can be expected to stop here when to do justice to themselves is an impossibility upon this stage. There are many good companise whd now give Wilson the go by on account of the poor accom odation offered them. The s:ze of the audience on Tues day night demonstrates the interest that miht be taken in good shows. It would noMoubt pay someone who had money, to invest it in a public building with a theatre attached. It first class shoAS were to visit Wilson those that are so degrading would hardly venture to make their appearance. ' Cannot something be done ?; ' Something to Depend on. MrJames Jones, pf the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speahing of Dr. King's New Discov ery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothr ing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of ali she begen to get bffer from first, dose, and half dozen '-'dollar' bottles cured her sound arid well. Dr. . King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Hargrave's drug store. - . . : . - - ' " ' - - , I i - ' . - h AT RALEIGH. Happening In I he Legislature Since Oar l-at Iac Exrractw Froni th Dailies. i i j - - extend the cprporaj'e limjits of Mount j Olive ; to incorporate Royal Sons at Wilmington ; to prohibit the sale of liquor, beer or wine outside of incor porated towns ; tojallowi the adminis trator ot sheriff Murrill ot Onslow county to collect arrears !of taxes ; to incorporate New j Hanover S ciety for Prevention off Crime, giving it i - power to establish! a chiiplrens' home to which -all colored children under ' 14 year ot age 'without parents or homershail be ilijgiblej; to increase the appropriation of the State Guard from six to sixteen thousand anuauily and tn allfnv ir'blll 3ne tO tWO j hundred dollars tp each county an nually, j . . Bills passed were : To charter the Stone Mountin Railroad; for relief of sheriff and tax collectors, allowing them to collect arrears qf taxes since 1 89 1. .' 1 Senate bill to sUmaulate local tax ation by allowing the State Board of Education to use a mucjh as $20,900 to rural districts which for three suc cessive years vote to tax themselves, cf $50, $75 its readinps" "Farmer Hopkins ." It has been many days since the people of Wilson have had the pleas ure of witnessing a show as good in every respect as "Farmer Hopkins." It is indeed a treat to witness such a J performance as the one given by; Frank P. Davidson's company. From beginning to end the play was inter esting and it was with, regret that the large crowd present saw the curtain fall on the last act. Mr. Davidson, as "Jeremiah Hop kins, of Slabtown, Conn.," was excel lent. His funny sayings and doings kept the audience in a roar of laugh ter. Miss Allie ' South wick, as "Dai sy Li'ndon" and "Jimmy Tuft, played her parts to perfection, going through ''trials anrJ tribulations" at last to find a kind home, etc. , The other actors showed that they we're artists of the highest ability. John C. Rabisch, who played the detective, is no stranger to the theatre going people of Wilson, as he was with Mabel Paige on her last visit here. It will be remembered he made quite a hit in his "William A " The scenery in "Farmer Hopkins" was magnificent. The representa tions of the different scenes were perfect. the gifts to be injsums and $100 a year, pissed The bill to repeal the appropriation t the University was unfavorably re ported. There was some opposition to the bill appropriating $100,000 to Morganton Asylum, $631,000 to Ral eigh Asylum, and $43,000 for the Hospir.U at Goldsboro. J An amend ment nas made to mak the appro pna 'i to Moratiton Asylum $So,-oco.-i .leigh $55,000 anj . Goldsdoro $4' " -.) The amendments to cut dev.: 1 he appropriations? were over vvht iMiirgly voted j. down. "The bill pas 1 viith the amendnlent striking out propriations: for purchase -of landa. " i - 1 - A President on Krandy for Sickness. Meat Stolen. John Melton, a colored farmer liv ing near Black Creek had a lot of meat stolen Irom him last week. He hung .jjt up in a tobacco barn and after driling the door and furnaces up thought it secure. But the thiefuvas 'onto the game" and after tearing the boards away from the furnace went inside and heloed himself to the "tomthumbs," hams, shoulders &c. No clue to the robber has been found. The President of the Baltimore Medical College, who has thoroughly tested Speer's wines and brandy, says : I, am prepared to bear testimony to the value of Speer's Climax. Bran dy as a pure and valuable article in ail cases of disease in which a reliable stimulant is required. I regard it superior to most French brandies. Harvey L. Byrd, President and Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, Baltimore Medical College. SENATE. ' The Senate met at 10 b'clock. : Bills and resolutions j were intro duced as follows : To j amend the election law of -North Carolina'; bill to regulate the challenges of jurors ; for the protection of newspa3ers for the publication of news in good faith B.lis were passed : to incorporate the Peoples Benevolent Association ; to increase revthuo and regulate insur ance T-" to legalize, bonds; issued by Elizabeth City and to levy special tax ; to restore, to the coitroll of the i - State the Atlanta & North Carina Railroad. This gives thje Governor power to appoint ; president and a majority of directors ; to provide for a special school building for the deaf and dumb. It) carries with it an appropriation of $20,000. NIGHT SESSION.'" The following bills wers passed : to amend' to the act of 1895 relating to lime of holding courts ; to amend the charter of Du ham ; to refund bonded debt of Cumberland. t SATURDAY. ; i HOUE. liills were introduced : to matte it descretionary with the State Treasur er when to pay annUal appropriations monthly, quarterly or annually'; to provide a dispensary for to pay solicitors $200 a Jan. 1 st ,'98 ; to adjourn Washington's Birthday ; for Working convicts in i Wayne counties ; to pa for surveying lands in dispute $5 in- steed oi $2. . ' The House then - took up the spec ial order, a Dill making- it unlawful for any person; firm or corporation to manufacture, sell as give away cigar ettes of any kind the penalty to be a fine or imprisonment at the discretion of'the court. It was claimed the law would hurt tobacco growers. An amendment was offered that no smok ing tobacco or cigarette paper should be manufactured in the State. Lusk offered a substitute making it unlawful to give away cigarettes to minors or for any minor to make them. The vote on the substitute was; yeas 46, noes 34. ' The substiture then became the bill and it passed third reading by a vote of 66 to 2S. A bill to amend "the charter of Ral eigh was introduced- . ; ' ' - SENATE. " . Bills were introduced in the Senate: To authorize the sale of standing; timbers, for partition in common among tenants ; for reliefof sureties of J. M. Brown, of Bladen; to protect innocent persons from misrepresenta tion. ".. ;.-:'.. ''.' "'''-'.-' ( SATURDAY. w : SENATE. Bills were passed : To refund, bond ed debt of Cumberland.; to allow ex press matter to be transported .Sun days ; to authorize commissioners of Brunswick and Duplin counties to j levy a special tax. : , ,". .Bills were also introduced to . pre- ' vent discrimination. in jury lists': to improve the public school system. Fifty Years Ago. " - .-..iw vuu6ii i ti-ieilv. . Whether 'twas Asthma, Lrr.-rv,;:' Crouo. . -'.".. kiS Or baby at nirjht waked the hou-.-.v wliOOD. a With Ayer's Cherry Fectoral Gran'ts was sure . That no cold or cough would e'er fail n, , la hats the styles cliange, but th re- will show 14 Coughs are cured as they were CCyearsajx Ayer's Cherry Pi has no equal as a remedy fCj coughs, colds, and lung eases. Where ether soothing elixirs, palliate, Ayer's Clierjy cheap "cough syrup, -which soothes but does not strength en; it is a physician's cough remedy, and it cures. It As put up m largo bottles, onh for household use. It vas awarded the medal at the World's Fair of ninety - three. It has a record, cf SO Years-' of Cures. FE ED. Kesol ut ions f Kcsiect. My Stables are Open Night and Day.. Whereas, In the 'providence of. our merciful Heavenly Father, oar dear sister and once earnest and efficient co worker, Sister Hattie Coprland, has been taken from her home and-church militant to her home ' and church -triumphant, and : - - ! Whereas, Our Society appreciating her worth and missing her fellowship and help, desire to give an expression of our sorrow and to place on record a testimonial to her worth. Resolved ist. . That we will-cherish the memory of Sister Copeland and strive to emulate her example : in the performance of , the labors of. Ioveiand duty so faithfully set by her. .... Resolved 2nd, That we extend our sincere sympathy to hex bereaved hus band and family and pray the blessing of heaven upon them. . Resolved 3rd, That .we will . spread these resolutions upon the minutes of our society and send a copy to the fam ily and to the Kinston Free Press. Mrs. James T. Wiggins. Mis. W. W. Edwards. Miss Mattie Hadlcy. YOU CAN HIRE- A GOOD HORSE AT ANY HOUR. OR j HAVE. YOUR OWN TEAM HOUSED .AND CARED FOR. REMEMBER WE ARE AT DUllUUvb h o STAND EST, Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to cash check No. 9071 drawn m fivbr of Jones & Beam;in by Ander son &-Jtn!?sf; Wilson, N. C. Build a New One. ' Wilson needs a new opera house. The one now in use is not in keeping with the growth ol the town. Sever al years ago the opera house as itnow stands would have done very kveil, but Wilson b growing. Each year : Biblical Recorder: North Carolina people will rtjoice to know that no wines will be served from the govern or's table during apministration. Last Sunday, Rev. R. .H. W. Leak announced from his pulpit that he had been invited by. Ma jo McKinley )o be one of the escort committee .to accompany the. prasident-elect from Canto to Washington on the occasion of the insuguration. (It was all hoax.) Raleigh Press Visitor. Asheville ; mcnth after 'eb. 22nd to provide Wilson and y surveyors WANTED A rellrable lady or gentleman to distribute sauJples and make a house-to-house convass for our Vegetable Toilet Soaps. $40 to $75 a month easily made. Address Crofts & Reed, 842 to 850 Austin' Avenue, Chicago 111. . . GET YOUR OB PRINTING AT THE ADVANCE OFFICE. 1 year old 2 years old 3 years old 4 years old 0 L T S1 WE HAVE A FINE LOT OF STANDARD BRED COLTS From one to four fears old. Both broke and fresh. Also a few full strain Jersey Calves. For full particulars ap ply to Fair View Dairy, fir T PADHtrD Drnnf wi 1 n - rc r rv i i uuit Wanted An Idea Protect yonr Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO.. Patent Attor neys, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prize oiler ana list oz two nunarea inventions wameu. Who can thiak of some simple thing to patent? H. G. GOMOR, President i- i. i hi ii'i. i.i l uiuir Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Save Your JVlohev. One box of Tutt's Pilfs will save many dollars in doctors' bills They willsurely cure c .11 diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels i No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS BRANG H & GO. TRANSACTS A GENERAL MWINH. pncinaccQ tw TTc rmircp crnp? MilA) iAlilU IllUit II IlkMl 111 I lil I I Mlil il I ill .III liS 25.27-tSfQLICITS THE IUJSINESS OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. Real Estate Brokers and Commission Merchants. Office Corner Nasw ivn nmcn - ur.... r Real Estate Boa$t and Sold. Rents Collected. We ofler for. sale Building Lots in! the town of Wilson nd Else where.- Pafias fbr sale; , 1,070 acres, 500 acres cleared, large uweuing, ac. - . . no acres, all cleared, WeUinr Sec. 306 " improved, . 500 " " We invite intending spttl . - . o w V.UI1 aiiu acrrr lis i nrrpennnnonoa rn ij nru 7 o ! uuaig. I 110 acres, improved, tfvvelling, &c. 40 . 60 I (

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