jl j YEAR CASH IH ADVANCE. V OLUME XXVII, "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIFbl'AT BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY G0IT3 AND TRUTHS." WILSOX, X. C; MAY 20, 1897. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. "XT UMBER 20. : . i t f l ' : DIDFITZ. HIT FOUL. lh"y SaJ' tlie Verascope Will Trove That . ' 11 li(l. . : I -v New York, May 13 When HELPFOnTKE AMEKICANS IN CUBA, VKRUICT FOR A LA RGB SUM. the The President Has Decided t Recommend to Congress to Provide for the UelUf of Our Citizens on the Devastated Island. big: crowds gather at the Academy, ot Washington, May 15 - The defi Music Saturday night to witness the nite announcement was made at the Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight on canvas capital today that a message on the OUR NEW Soda fountain Jthey.will see many things that are surprising and many things over which' they Will gossip for days. , Some time ago W. I A. Brady, Corbett's manager, told the newspa pers ot a foul blow by Fitzsimmons, which he had, discovered in the vera scope films. The public! was skepti- , cil ond the subject was dropped, f The foul blow is pictured in the verascope, nevertheless. Nobody who has seen the films can gainsay it. When Corbett's friends see the fight on canvass they will be up in arms. Cuban situation will be sent on to Congress by the President next Mon day. It will deal specifically with the question of the deprivations' to which Americans are subjected in Cuba, and it will rececmmend an appropriation for their relief. In considering the ways and means affording substantial relief to Ameri can citizens in Cuba who are in dis tress owing to the war, the adminis- Jfew York City; looses Suit f or Nearly a '. , Mhlioti. . . . 1 ! New York, Iay 14. After drag ging through the courts for nearly twenty years a decision was handed down today in the famous snit Drought against .the mayor of New , York by C. J. Campbell. Tne ver dict allows Campbell $818,074 for in - -fringement of a patent relief valve fcr . use on fire engines. The suit was commenced November 24th, 1S77. Mlty 24, 1864, lette'rs patent on a re lief valve for use. on steam fire en j gines and pumps were gtanted to S James Knibes, who later, assigned his rifhl in thf natpnt tr Christnnlipr T tration has a plan which may be put u u xT . K - -v-. . . Campbell. The New York fire depart - mto operation, if it is sanctioned by ! , c . . . . .. . -by the judgment cf the United States They will see Fitzsimmons land on , consular officers in Cuba, who being Corbett's jaw when the Californian is down Is now running at full blast,; Afoul? There is not the shadow and we are prepared to serve cold drinks of every description. Soda Water, i Milk Shakes, Lemonade, etc. Also a nice line of FRUITS, ' : 1 . Tobacco, Cigars -and Cigarrettes, Don't forget our Gro cery Department. l.R. Hardy fkCo.,;-' J 1 tartr hv The Bargain Store. 1 of a doubt of it. Biit as to its effect on the result of the fiht there is only one thing to be said. Corbett would have been, knocked out any way. The Californian him self will admit this. It was the solar: plexus punch that did the business, not the foul, rap on the jaw. Nevertheless the blow was a foul technically, and when seen on the big canvas sheet the public will judge for themselves as to its foul intent and the damage it occasioned. ment fitted the city's engines with the i valve and the saving to the city by cicncy of the proposed relief meas ures This plan is to give notice through the American consuls to all American citizens in Cuba - that the government will undertake to remove the-m from the island to the United States, if they, so desire. To do this will require action by .Congress, not , , , . . . ! 1 here was a dispute at the time about "- uiuuuiii yjx ill j I y uui. ill fur the patent. Campbell made claims which were alleged to be excessive. They were not paid and the suit fol lowed Almost endless litigation was the result. , ' , It will probably be several years before the case is definitely settled, as the city will undoubtedly carry it to N Between No. 7S. 42 P. M. No 4S. DIRECTORY. Bound. DKPA IITUIIK OF TRAINS. LOCAL, trains: S. Bound. Florence snd Weldon, . ' No. 23. -eaves Wilson. 2:05 P.M. Between Wilmington and Norfolk: No. 40. ib:2 P. M. Between No. 32. No. 49. p:4S P. M. Leaves Wilson, 2:12 P. M. Shoo Flv' Wilmington to Rocky. -Mount: No. 41. Leaves Wilson, 6:15 A.M. THROUGH TRAINS: Florence and We'don: No. 35. A. M. Leaves Wilson, 11:18 P. M. s COUNTY OFFICKIl? rOAKI)' R. S. OHN C. HaIDLEV, HADE FeLTON, V. J. Cherry, SherifT, J J Wm. Harriss, Coroner, HAVANA ADVI ES. - Kumars of an Intended Attack on the City' by Gtn. Gomez Denied. Havana, May 13. -There is no truth in the report that the city is. ex- rumors of van intended at tack by Gen. Maxino Gomez. Nor have the forts been re-garrisoned and new earth vorks been thrown uo. No TARBORO STREET. attack :by Gen GomeZ is expected. He is now in the eastern part of the province of Puerto Principi and has not come westward. The correspondent of the Spanish DRUGGISTS AND ODD: FELLOWS. necessarily'in soecific authorization of i tt a c. ' r , , . . v the United Slates circuit court of ap r .- . . ! peals, and if necessary, to the United of the appropriation to general terms ! c, . c r rr r I States Supreme Court. 01 renei 01 ine Americans in vuoa. t similar plan was adopted with refer 'ence to China during the rioting inci dent to the Chinese-Japanese war, arid during the Armenian troublesin Turkey. The reason for this is the belief, founded on reports from Uni ted States Consul General; Lee, and other United States consular officers, that the war has thoroughly exhaust ed' the TigjicolturnL.iiismd-' that it SUIT AGAINST SOUTHKRN. Jury Award Plaintiff $15, OOO For Killing lVi neer James. .. , ' ..... Salisbury, N. C, May 14. The trial of James vs. Railroad brought against the Western North Carolina Railroad for killing Plaintiff's husband was concluded today. The jury found L T. Revel, the Southern Railway Company was will be a long time before Cuba will .negligent,' and assessed damages at Pharmaceutical Assoeiativ Elects Otflcers and .Adjourns. Raleigh, May 13 The Pharma-; journal lilpais, who has returneanere ceutical Association adjourned today ' fromtManzariillq, says that the Span to meet in Charlotte next year. Offi-1 ish column operating in that locality cers weFe elected as follows: J. P. Sted- retired to Portillo on May 5 after de man, of Oxford, 'President; Wm. ; stroying several insurgent; camps and Yearby, of Durham. J. B. Smith, of more than 400 houses in the towns of Lexington and lames I Johnson, of Brazo, Seco, Barrio, Zevilla and at Ra'iegh, Vice Presidents ; H. R. other places in the district. The Span Home, of Fayettville, Secretary: A.J. ish column was attacked ,by the in Cooke, of Fayettville, Treasurer, gents all along the route, and especi W. H. Hearne, of Charlotte was re- ally at Purgatorio. elected a member of the Board, of The milk supply here is very short. Pharmacy for the term of five years, j Yesterday milk dealers inj'Campo re The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows fused to accept $1 in paper for ten of North Carolina decided to main- quarts, demanding the same price in tain a home for aged and infirm Odd silver. j v Fellows and the widows of Odd Fei- j The seamstresses complain that lows. A fund of five hundred dollars they get their wages in paper, while the tailors are paid in gold by their customers. again be able to maintain its popula tion. The proposed American exo dus must be purely voluntary, and it "is not even proposed to present the alternative of denying supplies to of commissioners: Clark, Chairman. Thos. Felton. J. H. Newsom. D. Bardin Hv Griffi H. Tyson , Clerk cf Superior Court. p , Register 01 weeds. Treasurer, surveyor. TO D. Lee, A. Clark, is. H. CozARrr, Geo. HAtKN VN (IFFK KKS. aldermen: EY, T. Ellis. . B, IDeans, P. P. police: Christman, Chief. $PHRIAM HARRELL, FRANK FELTON "James Jt arshbourne. 1 $15,000. Upon the issue of law the Judge held that the Western road wis not liable. Both parties appealed. The case involves the legality of the sale of fhe them if destitute Americans refuse to Western road, under the decree cf leave the island. It is the belief oi the Federal Court. Five days were is already secured. Aunt Kachtel's Horehquud and Elecam pane for SInsers.j Jailed for Spitting on a Car Floor. San Francisco. May i Million- a;re V. B. Bradbury, who was re- j There are thousands of cases on ' cently arrested and fined for soit- record where persons suffering from tJng on ;the floor of a street car was consumption have been completely arrested again last night lor the same cured by the use of Aunt - Rachsels offense. Today he was sentenced to Horehound Herb, Elecampane Root, twenty-four hours in jail. His attor-! and Speer's Grape Juice, and persons ey will sue out a writ of habeas ' are willing to-day to testify to the pus. Bradbury declares that the miraculous . cures, wrought for them anti-spitting ordinance is idiotic, and by this pleasant and most effective ay feeborn American has a right to remedy. Used by public speakers. General Lee that many persons will avail themselves of such an oppor tunity. So far as is officially known to the Department, through the re ports of cousuls made up to this time tbe number of Americans in Cuba in this condition is between 150 and 200. In explanation of this small number, it is said thafmost of the Americans, natives, living in Cuba are employed in the higher branches of industries or professions and are not actual workers of the soil. The sufferers are mostly naturalized citizens, hold ing small pieces of ground which they have depended on for a living. It is not doubted that . there are more of this class in need than are yet known to the Department, but it is hoped in the course ot a few days to have a census of them. , consumed in the trial. The question involved is whether a foreign corpor ation can purchase and hold the fran chise of a domestic railway com- any under ' the authority given in ections 697 and 698 of the Code. udge Avery, B. F. Long and Lee S. Overman appeared for the plaint iff; Price. Bason and Kluttz for defendant. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Ward.- Mayor; JT0. R. Moore,. Town Clerk; V. E. Deans, Collector. sPit when and where he pleases. Cheatham Confirmed. For sale by druggists. Mt. Airy to Bave Water Works. JOHNSON'S CHILL AND FE VER TONIC Cures Fever In One Day. Cotton Mill Burned. ClIUUf.HKv. SU - TimptJiY' Epicopal t. church , Bayliss, Priest-in-charge. hdays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday School at 3 p. m., Week- ' days Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p. Holy ,days at io a. m. Celebra- Communion on ist Sun month at 11 i. m., other 145 a. m. Churcli, Rev. J. B. Hurley ices at 11 a. ni; and 7:30 p. m. bunday bchool, 5 p. m., J. r. Bruton, Supt. Prayer meeting W ed- at 7:30. Disciples Church, Rev. D. W. Davis, pes on Second, Third and ays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. meeting every Thursday night. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, p. m., Geo. Hackney, Supt. 'Presbyterian Church,! Rev. James Thomas, Pastor; services on the First, Third Sunday in every at Strickland's church Sunday. Sunday School P. M. . i - . - l Bantist Church, service as follows: ' Preaching s'unday mdrriing at 11:00 i o'clock and 8:30 p. m. Rev. J. A. Rood 1 ti..i T uj 1 evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday School &t 5 p. m., Dj S. Boykin Supt. Primitive Baptist Church, preaching: 1 6n 2nd Sunday b Elder Jas. Bass; on trd Sunday by Elder Jas S. u oodard; On the 4th Sunday and Saturday before Rev. F. C. Services: Su m. tion of Holy day in each Sundays at 7 Methodist Pastor; serv p. 1 Bn pesday night Pictnr' e cr Fourth Sund m. rrayer Second and rnonth and every Fourth at 5 o'clock, by the pastor Mount Airy, N. C, May 13 .The Washington, Mavm.-The Senate suVof bonds for water works is about today confirmed the nomination of finished and now work will soon be-H- P. Cheatham, of North ! Carolina. ' frin to irive us plenty of water as our Recorder of. Deeds in the Dis tnct ot Columbia. - if OS town recentlvent "wet 1 he next step forward' now will be for a good I graded ' school system and electric lights and then we can boast ot ttns being one of the best mountain towns in North Carolina. ; ; Bishop Thompson of Mississippi Accepts Two Honorable Invitations. Jackspn, Miss-, May 14. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Miller Thompson, Protest ant Episcopal bishop, of Mississippi, has been invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury to preach the anniver sary sermon for the Society for the Propagandi of the Gospel in f oreign Parts in St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon don Tune 23. This society is the old est missionary organization jn the world and had much to do with the planting ot Trinity church New York, 200 years ago. , j- Mr. Thompson has also, upon the nomination of the vice-chancellor been asked to preach the Whit Sun day sermon before the University of Oxford on June 6. He has accepted ! both invitations and! expects to sail j from New York next Sunday. Charlotte. Mav ic The Em Dire , --j - j 1. ' 1 j :n u:t. 1 J 1 A.-. piaiu muis, wuiuii udu uccn sum uuwu j :.jCesbegin at 11 a. m. for some time were burned at High Point this morning. There were no looms in the mill and nothing was saved except the boiler and engine. Loss $27,000; insurance $16,000. The General Assembly, of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, (Southern General Assembly), meets in Charlotte, May 20th and will be in session for ten days. It is one of the largest and most representative religious ' assem blies in the Uuion. During ! its ses sions the Charlotte Observer will have the most com plele reports of its pro ceedings, and the paper will be sent to any address in the United I States lor entire session of ten days for 25 cents. Remit by postal note or mon ey order. Address Charlotte Ob server, Charlotte, N. C. Elder P. D. Gold: Ser- LODGES. Regrular meetines of Mt. Lebanon odge No. 117 A. F. & A..M. are held n their hall, corner of Nash and Golds poro streets on the ist and 3rd Monday hights at;7:3o.o'clock p. m. each month. I J. L. Bullock, W.'M. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Chapter No. 27 are held in the Masonic iall every 2nd Monday night at 7:30 O'clock p. m. 'each month. Lat Williams, H. r. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Commandervf No. 7 are held in the Masonic hall every 4th Monday night at 7:30 o'clock each month. w. ri. ippiewnue, . Regular mdetings of Wilson Lodge C W T ,VT. Ly . 1 1J r 1 "I 11 tv. 01 n. no. 1094 are neiu in men iiaii Over the .1st National Bank, every ist Thursday evening at 3:30 o'clock, p. m. lis. b. Briggs, Director. Regular meetings of Contentnea Lodge, No. 87, K. of P., are held in Odd Fellows Hall very Thursday L- Li 1 r- , 1 I come.t ' Regular meetings of Enterprise Lodge,' No. 44. are held every Frday- night in Odd bellows' Hall.

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