y THE WILSON ADVANCE 1 A YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE. "LET ALL THE ENDS THOD 'MSI' AT BE THY COUNTRY'S, -THY GOD'S AND TRUTHS." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. VOLUME XXVII, WILSON, N. C, MAY 2 7,1897. NUMBER 21. I -M ' - We Have Opened Up OUR NEW Soda Fountaio 1 H K G II A DU AT E 'S K K1 U 11 . 1 EDDY'S XAVAL ISKPUttl. CH ARGK.S AGAINST CONSTANTINO. Norfo'k Navy Yafd Hh Dism!il 1,400 Men. Our Molly's home, an' fixin' up fer her f cuuimeuremeni. v.eeK ; j . She pets the cat in Latin an axes grace ' AV ashington. May - 21 Assistant I in Greek; ; Secretary Roosevelt has returned to ' An' she's wearin' gold-rim-spectacles to Washington from a visit of in v .to hide her ees so bright; I spection to the Norfolk Navy Yard -an' I recon that she's right! the sPbul1 works oi the - 1 cw 1 jiji i iews i.nmmnv in. 1 When she left us ,t wuz spnngt,me, an' , primary pur -f Roosevelt tme constantly arriving from, cor not a rose that stirs I f , , . - i respondents with the Greek army, Wuz redder than the roses on themas to look mto complamts that had ; I . 1 - - -I ...W.MW W VJV.UUVU lUll " - iiuui.iuud, V IVJlrtllVJii 111 II f is A ceased of Inrompetecvn and Cw- aid ice. Paris. May 21. News from the Greek -Turkish war that is coming in is conflicting. Fresh charges of cowardice and in competency on the part of Constan- DIRECTORY. IFIA IITUKK OF, Tit A INS. 1 Is now running at full blast, and we are prepared to '. serve cold drinks of every description. Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Lemonade, etc. Also a nice line of FRUITS Tobacco, Cigars and Cigar rettes. Don't forget our Gro cery Department. j. R. Hardy & Go,, The Bargain Store. tXrBORO 'STREET. chubby cheeks o' hers; 1 An' she use to run roun' barefoot when the spirit ot the labor employment the dew wuz on the grass, rules in the Navy Yard. Like the An' the river tookTer- picture an' wuz ' complaints that had ten made in the all her lookin glass. , , ,T . ! case of the New ork yard, the As An' Jimmy wuz her sweetheart, an'; sist;mt Secretary found that in only a down thar in the dells ' ' , -i ' Where the sweet birds wuz a-singin' leases was there any substantial and the cattle shook their eells 1 foundation for complaint and even He pulled the prettiest wild flowers these will require further; considertion ? that growd in'all the land, before judgment can be passed upon An' Moily'd kiss him for 'em as they their sufficiency: ks to the yard 1 . generally, me conditions were excel- j But now she don't know Jimmy, an' lent and such discontent as mani- . tne poor noy nangs about I r t , ,r . , - . a ' 0,.fQ .1 u tested itself among- .the workmen is An shorter takes a peep at her when , no one's lookin' out; ' attributed to the fact that, owin to An' seein' of them spetacles, the trou- the lak ot money, it has been found ble in his mind i necessary to make heavy reductions Just made him ask me-on the s!y-"Is in the force of workmen. When a Molly done gone blind?" ir . . , , , & - i lorce ot 2,000 men is reduced sudden- These colleges is curious, an' I'm sor- lv t0 about 6oo, it is no matter of ; ry, too, fer Jim, i ' . - r . " , ry . . , , J, . surprise in the view of the Assistant But mighty glad the rest of us am t in r 1 the fix of him- ' ( Secretery, that the unfortunates who Fer when she fust come steppin' in, as are dismissed, should feel that they lofty as could be, " i are discriminated against. Another She kissed her motheron the cheeks X. Bound. local trains: 1 S." Bound. Between Florence and Weldon. No. 78. No. 2$. 1:42 P. M. Leaves Wilson 2:05 V. M. I an' sorter bowed ter me! . v An' so we're, goin' to fix her up for her commencement week ; She kin pet the cat in Latin. an' say the grace in Greek ; An' wear all sorts o' spectacles to hide her eyes so bright v She's all we've got God bless her an' I recon that she's right ! - " ; ' " 't: F.' Lv "Stan ion.' ' LULAI HURSTS POWKIJ. The Strong 'Girl, Now 3Iarried, Will Re veal Secrets. '' Chatanooga, May 20 Lala Hurst the young woman who performed wonderful 1 teats of strength a few years ago is coming in for a share of public notice again j after several years ot retirement in which she was almost forgotten. It is announced that Mrs Paul Y. Atkinson, for many years a resident of Chatanooga, but now living in Atlanta, will in a few days present to the public a lull ex similarity to the similarity to the complaints made in the case ot the New York Navy Yard was that the bulk of the Norfolk complaints are as to discharges made since the present administration came intp power. Mr. Roosevelt spent a;day ih,the exami nation of the plant of. the Newport News Shipbuilding. Company and was much pleased; with the character It is a fortunate day for a man when ot the work being done for the Navy he first discovers the value of Ayer's in that yard, us j well as with the Sarsaparilla as a blood-purifier. With rapidity with which it is being prose this medicine, he knows he has found j ! a remedy upon which ne may rely, ana that his life-long malady is at last con quered, you. . ficalion at the hands of the Greek censors. During the fighting which took place in Greece on the Turkish frontier Constantine was at Larissa, far, from the battle, smoking cigar ettes and reading novels. 'On the niorning of the evacuation of Larissa, the Crown Prince was on board the first train that departed. Women and children were ejected from cars to make room for him and his horses. At Velistino, two officers drove two wounded privates from the train go ing to Volo in order that they might take their places. In many cases whole battalions were abandoned by officers' who sought safety in flight, while the men continued fighting without a leader. General Smolenitz and Yanicosti are highly praised by the corres pondents, who speak in the highest terms of the Greek evzones and ar tillery. Constantinople, May 21. Major General Nelson A. Miles, of the Um- ted States army, who came to Eu rope to observe the operations of the war, was received by the Sultan to day. His majesty granted him a special audience. . . i - Athens, May 21. The govern ment has a loan of 6,00,000 drachmae at t per cent. It was exclusively subscribed by three Greek banks. Between Wilmington and Norfolk: No 4$. v No 49: 12:4s P. M-. Leaves Wilson, 2:12 P. M. "Shoo ; Fly" Wilmington to Rocky 4 Mount: No. 40. : No. 41. 10:23 P. M. Leaves Wilson, 6:15 A.M. through trains: Between Florence and Weldon: I No. 32. No. 35. 12:22 A. M. Leaves Wi'son, ii:iS P.M. rouxvV OIT ,'CKR. i:oakd Ol? COMMISSION EK3: R. S. Clark, Chairman. " John C. If adlev, Thos. Fllton; Siia-deTelton, J. H. Newsom. W.J. Cherry, Sheriff, J. D. Bardin, Clerk of Superior CourJ. J. H. Griffin, Register of Deeds, S. H. Tyson, Treasurer, Wm. IIarriss, Coroner J. T. Revel, -Surveyor. ' town offk khs. aldermen: ' J. D. Lee, J. A. Clark, U. ft. Cozart, Geo. Hackney, J. T. Ellis. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Ward. Has cured others, will cure .A Hawaii May be Cedt-fl to Great Britain. THE CUBAN STIiUGGLK. The Patriots Dynamite More Railway Trains Kebel Reverses. " Havana, May 21. Captain Gen'l oston, May 22. Private advice? j . cl . , . t, c tt 1 , . gos, province 01 oania iiara. received in Boston from Honolulu ' . . f I , - T , , . , t t iU - j The insurgents dinamited and de says: It has leaked out that the pro- , . . . M. Damon s railroad between Cnsto and bergo, P. B. Deans, Mayor; Jisro. R. Moore, Town Clerk; W. E. Deans, Collector. , : police: ,.. D. P. Christman, Chief. Ephriam Harrll, Frank Felton James Marsheourne. posed visit of Hon QnH Mainr lank pa to London has a . .r 'y iU u provice of Sintiago de Cuba, and rlppnpr siomifiranrp than the bearinp- v " . - UVVLVl ,.jr - ;- , - . C ., ' , , , dUU cLllvZl WdlU 1UCU KJll lliC Li dill WJ.J1V.1I JOHNSON'S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC Cures Fever In One Day. Star for Jeff Davis, People Honor tlie Hero. rf th nncrratnlatinns of the Hawa - . r followed it, plundering and burning lan Government on the occasion of K ( . , . , . , ., 1 . . j three cars. 1 he remainder of the the Queen's lubilee, and it is-stated, . , . . . . , j . ! tram put back to Cnsto. on what is considered excellent au-1 v , , , . . . . ihe local guerilla force attacked thonty, that . if the movements at ? . . r . pianation of the marvelbus feats which, Washington in connection with the . . & . . c . . . . .1 -r rr I'll . auu icv-ciuiuitu int. s-utuicci ui iui. sugar schedule of the Tariff bill to , r . , , .. , , . - t t i exploring-engine land three ! railroad nhrorrofp tVip Hawaiian rpnnrocitv 1 . , . -pv employes who had fallen into the 11 taijr i v- mv--v.., and Major Iaukea will, it is asserted, proceed at once to, the negotiation of a treaty of cession of the Hawanaji islands to Great Britain. made her famous throughout the country when a young girl.; Mrs. Atkinson, it will be remembered, was the famous Lula Hurst, who astonish ed people wherever she went by her remarkable exhibitions pi strength. She moved chairs on which large men sat heavily? she wrested canes and umbrellas from vigorous hands, and she bent arms to which muscles The Climax Brandy of 18TC Vintage. hands7 of the insurgents, The guenl las had a lieutenant killed. If aval Catlet9 Under Arrest. much larger than her own should lation, and with years of ripening is have given rigidity. Her managers ' now put upon the market by the talked of 'jodic force," and the grave ; Speer N. J. Wine Co. It is a super ameteurs of physical research nodded rior mellow brandy, possessing all vise approval, but persons of less the medicinal properties for which dignity came forward and demon- brandies from grapes are so eminent- strated that Lula Was marvelous only y useful. Sold by druggists tor her skill with which she took ad- Annapolis, Md., May 22. The ar rest of two naval cadets who have ! ?ncf rpfurnp'l fnr: final fYaminatinri Has proven to be a superior distil- J ., . .. Montgomery Ala., May 22 The spot on the balcony of the State Cap itol on which Jefterson Davis - stood when inaugurated thirty-six years ago as President of the Confederacy ot Southern States was marked this afternoon by the Society of Daugh ters of the Confederacy, who placed a 12-inch silver star there. A pro cession consisting oi a large body of; veterans, ' CHUKCHES. St. Timothy's t Episcopal , church, Rev. F. C. Bayliss, Priest-in-charge: Services: Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday School at 3 p. m., Week days Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p. m. Holy days at 10 a. m. Celebra tion ofHoly Communion on 1st Sun day in each month at 11 a. m., other Sundays at 7:45 a. m. Methodist Church, Rev.-J. B. Hurley Pastor; services 1 r a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School, 5 p. m., J. F. Brutpn, Supt. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. Disciples Church, Rev. D. V. Davis, Pastor; ser.vices on Second, Thirdand Fourth Sundays at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, p. m., Geo. Hackney, Supt.. Presbyterian Church, Rev. James Thomas Pastor; services on the First, Second and Third Sunday in every month and. at Strickland's church every Fourth Sunday. Sunday School at 5 o'clock, P. M. ; the State military, btate , F, . . . . - executive officers, the city officers, 1 0,clock. and 8:30 p. Rev. j. A. Rood and officers vof the society marched pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday to the Ca at 6 o'clock to the J evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday School music of banHs. Gen. J. W. Sanford at 5 p. n1., u. Boyicm upt. o ;f;o trAf Primitive Baptjst Church, preaching Ul lVAUlllJiWU.JCl y , ail' iiiiuiiaiv. iiiv.uu ja vantage of the laws of. force and mo tion, tor the often convincing ingenu- my. They will on the charge, of be tried on Friday assault with intent to kill an Annapolis policeman who had attempted to arrest them. The policeman was beaten severely. The middies had been on a lark. : Arrested for Smuggling. New York, May 22. K. J. Lang horne and Richard Scruggs, of St. A youngf white man appeared in the Register ot Deeds' office Tuesday ousness of her claim not to know the and asked the price of a marriage li- source of her nnwprs ; 1 cense. When told that it was three t . ,- - -. , . - , .- t 1 Mrs. Atkinson has just completed dollars he said that he would not give patent on a calculating: maenme- ana abookin which Ihe relates how all that much, that he had made up his , for which they received over a mil these tricks were performed and goes ' mind never to give three dollars and ' lion, arrived this morning on the so thoroughly into details that any that he would go without marrying one can" perform them. The book '-before he would do it. is np4r being printed and will make j He offered all the way up from its appearrnce in a few days. It is two dollars to $2.75, and being re being awaited with much interest by- jected each time he left, displaying ' all who have heard of the seemingly ' much indignation. Fayettville Ob- marvelous powers of the lady, server. Mr. Davis, and who stood near , him at his inauguration, presided, and showed the-spot on which Mr. Davis stood. Gen. Sanford said the South ern people had nothing to apologize for in their action and paid a tribute to Mr. Davis, and said : "If we were rebels, then to rebel is right If Jef ferson Davis was a taitor, then treas on is the higher virtue." 1 Miss Mattie Henry Thompkins, of Montgomery, delivered the. star to Governor Johnson, who received it for ttfe State in a speech extolling Mr. Davis and the Confederate cause. on 2nd Sunday b Elder Jas. Bass; on 3rd Sunday by Elder Jas S, Woodard; on the 4th Sunday and Saturday before by the pastor, Elder P. D. Gold. Ser vices" begin at 11 a. m. - .!. T 1 H I L.OU1S, wno went 10 loduou w,, the star was set it was covered with piles of roses. American Line steamship St. Paul. They were immediately arrested ior smuggling several thousand dollars' worth ofiamonds and jewelry, which were tied around their bodies. Both men admitted the charge. They will be held. 1 A Murderer Confesses. Winston, N. C, May 21. Henry Love, colored, under arrest here has confessed that he is Lewis Mason, who killed Peter Duran, while under arrest at Atlanta on Christmas day, ! 1895. v LODGES. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 117 A. F. & A. M. are held in their hall, corner of Nash and Golds boro streets on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights at 7:30 o'clock p. m. each month. J. D. Bullock W. M. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Chapter No. 27 are held in the Masonic Hall every 2nd Monday night at 7:30 o'clock p. m. each month. Lat Williams, II. P. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Conimandery No. 7are held in the Masonic hall every 4th Monday night at 7:30 o'clock each month. W. H. Applewhite, E. C. Regular meetings of Wilson Lodge K. of H. No. 1694 are held in their hall over the 1st National Bank every 1st Thursday evening at 3:30 o'clock, p. m. j B. F. Briggs, Director. Regular meetings of Contentnea Lodge, No. 87, K. of P., are held in Odd Fellows' Hall every Thursday night! Visiting members always yrel come. v.. - Regular meetings of Enterprise Lodge, No. 44. are held every Frday night in Odd Fellows' Hall.

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