&i IEAR CASH IN ADVAECE. VOLUME XXVII. LET ALL THE "EPS THOU AIMSV AT. BE THY COOSTRY'S, THY GOD'S ASD TROTHS. WILSON, X. C, JTJXE 24, 1897. BEST ADYERTISISG HEDIQU. DIRECTORY. . t pki'a uture of trains. local trains: K. Bound. S- Eond. "Between Florence and Weldon. So. 78. 1 . No-3- j 2 p. M. Leaves Wilson 2:05 P. M. I'OSIUON SENSE. Between Wilmington and Norfolk: o 48. No- 49- iU . , 1 1 T M iT ,VT Leaves wiison, 1 . iu. .0 u iv r 12:40 1 "Shoo Fly Wilmington 'to Mount: Rocky Of all the gilts this side of heaven That ever were to mortals given, : The best to have, the worst to miss, The truest, sweetest source of bliss The one raiHeft of Eden's fence i Stands the pure charm of common sense. To earn our right to "daily bread, 'J To not regret whentime is fled. : To wisely speak and act and think, To keep life's boat from ruin's brink To balance every hour's expense Ve need the aid of common sense. THK UNITED fiTATKS AXfJ fUSA. .' 4. '. . - -. ' ' . '-. - ' ' . .. ' . ; , -. ..." Nrt Definite Plan of Action hws been De , eirtd upon by the Executive HinUter Wo clfii(l toPnt in Thirty Days Studying , hiw lnxtruciionii. Washington, June 19. It can be . stated on the best authority that all '.publications purporting to outline the I Cuban policy ol President McKinley j that have been made up' to the pres i ent 'time, have been in disregard j of the fact that up to this moment, ; the case of the United States govern- havaSa advices. NUMBER 24. Another Globe Girdter " Fort MogntfS Surprised and Captured by Innr2-Rt :;otnz Maki ujj a Deinonii ra lion 16,OJO Soldiers in HospKaU. No. 10:23 1J- M Leaves Wilson, 6:15 A.M. THROUGH TRAINS: Between Florence and Weldon: No ;2. . No. 35. '12:22 A. M. Leaves Wilson, 11:18 P. M. COUNTY OFFICERS. j;OAKD OF commissioners: R. S. Clark, Chairman. Shade Felton, J. H. Newsom, 1 lie lltrntnino- hn tcsnm o-Armic t iron,- ; " 1 - o o -- " ,v....vw niivn , W.J. Cherry, Sheriff, t j). Bardin, Clerk of Superior Court. H. Griffin, Kegister 01 ueeas, S.H.Tyson, ireasurer, Vm. Harriss, Cqroner, . . j. T." Revel, Purveyor. J even in the discussion of the subject of bur relations to Cuba that have taken place in the cabinet circle, the point has not yet been reached where it could be said that the executive had finally determined upon any cer tain plan of action, I At the State Department, an au thoritative denial of the statement was cabled from London to the effect j v Lieut- Julius Brandstoettner, of the ! Austrian army, is making a tour ot. Havana, June 19 Fugitive sold- the world on his wheel. He is twen iers from Fort Mogotes, five leagues j ty-seven years old, more than .six from Santa Clara, report that insur- feet tall! and a muscular athlete. A gents surprised the fort, wiped out all ; cycling suit, a sweater, a pair of but a handful of the garrison and j socks, a couple of spare tires and a captured all the ammunition. The repair kit are all the baggage he car- soldies who bring the story claim to ries exclusive ot the clother he be the only survivors. Gomez is reported making a dem- wears. His weapon is a big revolver. j He started fronV his birthplace, Vien- onstration against the Jaraco-Monon ' na, on November 14 1S96. He town offickiss. aldermen: J. D.Lee, J.A.Clark, U. H. Cozakt, Geo'. Hackney, J. T. Ellis. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Ward. ?. BDeans, Mayor; Jxo.'R. Moore, Town Clerk; W. E. Deans, Collector.' ; But now we need, well mixed and stirred. ; i With silent thought or spoken word A sort of human fool's defense ' The wholesome aid of common sense. Sone things,! perhaps, must still be taught. ' Where mighty minds their power in wrought. But how to guard the priceless wealth Of peace and love, of youthful health, And how to keep our own fewpence, that General Woodford i the newly Is taught alone by common sense. appointed United States'. Minister to We pray for faith, and light, and peace, Spain, has been instructed to intimate b or sun s remove and love s increase' to the Spanish authorities that if or. strength to meet the tempters Spa;n refuseg tQ freedom td power, ..:: , , . , . , , XT' 1 C 1 1 "Liti, out. IliUJl VJl . VU IU V itiva h rvr ilvincr rrarp tir rlvin(r Imnr ' , r I ' J But now, right in the present tense, Give us, O Lord ! good common sense. To keep from useless jar and strife., And bless the changing path of life, : To make each fountain purer still, To take from loss its fatal chill ' And bring thy own sweet.recompense, We bow to thee, blest common sense. O. S. RiCEr in Boston Transcript. trocha. made h is way to Bordeaux by wayot police: W. P. Snakenberg, Chief. Ephriam Harrell, Frank Felton James Marshbourne. i D. P. ChristmaV St. Commissioner, A Public Letter. ClNCINNATTI, O., Aug. 16 '93, Aunt Rachael Speer, CHUKCIIKS5. St. Timothy's Episcopal church, Rev. F. C. Bavliss, Priest-in-charge. Services: Sundays at n a..m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday School at 3 p.m., Week days Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p. m. Holy days at 10 a. m. Celebra tion of Holy Communion on 1st Sun day in each month at 11 a. m., other Sundays at 7:45 a. m. Methodist Church, Rev. J. B. Hurley Pastor; services at H a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School, 5 p. m., J. F, Bruton, Supt. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. Disciples Church, Rev. D. W. Davis, Pastor; services on Second, Third and Fourth Sundays at, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, p. m., Geo. Hackney, Supt. Presbyterian Church, Rev. James Thomas, Pastor; services on the First, Third and Fourth Sunday in every month and at Louisburg Second Sun day. "Services at if a. m. and 8:30 p. to force. " ' - i Mr. Calhoun is still here in daily conference with Assistant Secretary Day upon the subject of our general to the Cuban question; as well as upon the Ruiz case in particular, and it is desired that General Woodiord also be given an opportunity to con I fer with Mr. -Calhoun. Therefore, I the minister will come again to Wash- ington Irom New York, land begin a serious study of the history ot the !'presentN insurrection from its very Dear Madam : We are seven in beginning. Of this General Wood family, m self, wife, her sister and ford at present knows little more four children. All have been sick than the average close readers of the two summers with malaria. Quinine newspapers, and it is, of course, high would break it but leaves us weak' iy important that he should have and distressed in the head and when jn his possession all the information we stopped the quinine the lever re-; that is in the State Department, be turned. Many p;eople praised your ' sides that which Mr. talhoun may Peruvian Bitters and our physician be able to add verbally, before he told us to use it. I led. gratelul to goes to Spain, as it is the intention you because your bitters has cured of our government that the new' min every one of us after using it 21 days. ister shall carry with jhim when he We used it five and six times a day, goes, the complete case: of the United taking a table spoon ful of the bitters States. This necessarily will con; in a small wine glass ol Speer's Port some time, and it can be stated posi Wine. ; Rev. Jno. J. Thomas, tively that there is no expectation Mmo. : that General Woodiord will j start lor Madrid until the expiration of the 30th day period allowed by the State Department to all United States min isters upon their appointment, within which time to study the instructions i There are actually 16,000 sick sol- ( Prague Dresden, ' Leipsic, Madge diers now in government hospitals, burg, Berlin, Stettin, Lubeck, Ham arid the authorities have been com-! burg, feremen, Dusseldorf, Brussels pelled to reopen the Kegla sugar, and Paris. warehouse hospital. Putrid dysen-1 Only once was he molested. He tery is making havoc among the wore on his sweater an Austrian troops in Santiago de Cuba. j eagle and was attacked by some hall Admiral Navarro, during his stay ; a dozen French peasants in the De at Santiago de Cuba, was visited by. partment ofLa Tours. He.shotor.e. the; local authorities and by all the j 0f them, wounding him in thejleg. consuls except the American, who ; Then the rest ran" away. r FrornBor simply sent his card to the admiral. ! deausrnhe took the! steamer for Lon Lu Lucha. in a leading editorial, j don, thence by wheel to Liverpool, strongly condemns the attacks ol the . by. steamer to Halifax, and from that oran of the Spanish admiralty on; point to New York. He is now on Consul General Lee, which, it says ! his way across the 'American conti are indiscreet, adding that such at- nent, with San Francisco as his ob tacks made at a time when- the gov- j jective point, ahence hy steamer to ernment at Washington contemplates Sydney, Australia. Alter visiticg removing the Consul General may ! the principle points in Australia he induce the American government to vrill cross to the Indian continent, tain him in his position: The au-1 and after exploring his way through thorities at Washington might re- j Afghanistan, will strike for the Red move General Lee of their own acj Sea and Suez, and thence through cord, but would not do so on account Egypt to civilization. American of the pressure brought to bear by Cyclist. - I: the Spanish press. La Lucha iurth- . 1 . " T r pr s;ava tb Ampriran envprnmpnt ' has already placed their -full-valued . !iJL119"" upon General Lee's services, which i c' fact i is shown by the expression of, opinion by persons in high positions ) . at Washington in favor of the Consul j Stauntori, Va , June 21 Hon Wm, General's removal and that President j. Bryan came here from Culpepper McKinley will name, as did President ! to-day. He is the guest ol Hon. PL Cleveland, a person for the post .'who' St. George Turner; He spoke over is in his confidence. I two hours to-night to an audience j numbering anout 3.500 in an is ca .Speaks From HI Chair. A Kecent Inveution. One ol the latest inventions in bi cycle tires has a row ol inflated bulbs in a casing. These are rilled with air from a small tube running along their Homeing Pigeon' Fast Jourm-y . m. bunclav School at o'clock, p. m. base, which is connected inrougn me, "... .. . . 1 r " i . 'i , , j - Len. Woodtora s instructions, 01 Baptist Church, service as follows: , rim to the usual pump -valve. Placed ' . r r . f,.; p ' , . , . . TT., . , . . 11 u course, from the peculiarities ol the teaching Sunday morning at "-oo at intervals along this small tube are . . ' , , " V o'clock and s-n n m Rpv 1 A Rood , U , . , t j situation, be more complex than are uoc ana b.0o p. m. Kev. j. a. rouu short tubes, over which are forced , . r . r . . Pastor. Prayer meetine Wednesday , , . a, usually given to an American minis- evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday School j v 0 ebulbs. The latter fae be charged 5 P. m., 1). s: Boykin Supt. are formed wjn a long, mwardly ex- , Rujz Primitive Baptist Church, preachin tending neck, which serves as a.valve. ; q (mini3. QnnfU,. K. T?A- Tc- Rocc nn t n : l 1 1 ..,V,- nnrrpr " . f . f ... i . . - ' . . . i -"iyitt mr,cf rvt-tviiHar-lfa rrnhlf4m hut hp w 3rd Sunday by Elder Jas S. Woodard; n the 4th Sunday and Saturday before bY the pastor, Elder P. D. Gold. Ser vices'begin an a. m. , also take with him all of the evidence a - ! ii j LODGES. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 117 A. F- & A. M. are held jn their hall, corner of Nash and Golds, "Pro streets on the ist and 3rd Monday n'ghts at 7:30 o'clock p. m. each month. K J. 1). Bullock, W. M. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Lhaptei- No. 27 are held in the Masonic Nail every 2nd Mondav night at 7:30 0 CIock p. m. each month. W. H. Applewhite, H. P. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon ommandery No. 7 are held in the Al 7:30 o'clock each month. R. S. Barnes, E. C. ..Regular meetings of Wilsonl Lodge of H. No. 164 are held in their hall "ver the ist National Bank every ist "Jrsday evening at 3:30 o'clock, p. m. B. F. Briggs, Director: Insular meetings, of Contentnea Odd'Vu0- S7 K. of P., are held in nSht Fe"0ws' Hall every Thursday come sltlnS members always wel- Lofex" meetings of Enterprise nWvl 44. are held every Frday nit in Odd Fellows' Hall. than the diameter of the bulb they arc -, y v . , , 1 necessary to establish the losses suf- bulbs" When inflated the bulbs fill , , ' TT . , -c . . ; fered by the United States citizens, in the outer carina, and are removable .. , J , . 4, tne ouier i.a. ui, . Cuba Irom the continuance ot the thrauh the laced base of the casing . , , . , . .-! war, with much other data in support in case 01 - - ; " of the suggestion of our government the casing caused by the removal of . . . - ine wM , , ; . , that it can scarcely continue to coan- a bulb is filled by the expansion ot 1 a Duiu ' y j tenance a prolongation of present the remaining bulbs. The bulb idea , . , t tUnA 1 conditions. ; . is not entirely new, but the metnoa ; i , is iiui culucij 1 Upon the answer returned bv the Ol lniiaUUU umcio i j c , i,of 1iocp rPnro. open a r:it 1.- a. ' " ... ' w . '. 3 -. . . v . . , , . , , v field beside the park Irom a. tempor tion of the bowels, without which there t . can be no; regular; healthy operations, j arr platform. Mr. Bryan was intro For tlie cure of billiousness, indiges- duced by Mr. Tucker and sat in a tion, sick headache, constipation, jaun- J chair while speaking, having been dice, and liver complaint, these pills unwell for several days. A iter speak have no equal. Every dose effective, j -nfr , , .Ur ftf((:..ntnn bfi 1ailnrh. ed into his usual free silver speechf interspersed 'with humorous an- Eight homing pigeous belonging ecdoteSt which kept the crowd. He to members of the Hudson District , kaves here at 4:20 a. m. tomorrow federation Club made new records on Saturday in a fly from Statesville, N. O, to this city. They were liber- , - , t , j t , rrolessor ball some time ago . A . . 4, . . .v I wrote an articls on the possibility oi previous trips Irom this point the . . . t , . , v j .I 1 r " I existing in other worlds. It was a birds never reached their lotts on the , . , . , , , j tt c t- u- j ! foregone conclusion that he should same day. H. Schmidts bird was , . f. , . i u i-i u a confidently assert the existence ot m- tVia winnpr nf tnp nnrp cretin hann. J . . . 1 r 0 m 1 tellfgent beings outside of this world, having attained a speed of 1,085.54 s . 1 , feet per minute for the entire 500 miles. N. Y. Journal.-? ist. for Cincinnati. Life In Other Worlds. Knights of Phythias. this sort. Ex. Why take Johnson's Chill & Fever Tonic? Because it cures the most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DA Y. because our science as yet has not been able to discover indisputable ! sign of them, notwithstanding Mr. ! Lowell's observations of the "canals" , T r j of Mars ; but science, at any rate, has Charlotte, June 17. The Grand , ' , , ' J. , t j ir c Ti .i.- a found that the planets and stars or Lodge, Knight of Pythias, transacted , J 7 . , 1 suns are all made of much the same routine business to-day, such as ap- j . t j i , . . . . , t . I kind of matter as the earth. As the pomtment ol committees, resolution 1 , . , rr , , 1 4 ! houses are not built to go uninhabited of thanks, etc. A resolution intro- 1 . ; , . . . c , , it seems very improbable so many duced by Representative D. Schneck, r T f , j great worlds, more or less resemDhng Jr., of Greensboro, expressed appre-. . . , , , ... J . . r , . , y our own, should be made to roll idly Dora "He said there5 was. one. thing about me he didn't like.' Cora "What was that ?" "Another man's arm." Life. Thomas D. Meares. of North Caroli- sentations by Mr. Woodford, will de- na in his recent election to the posi pend the course to be followed by tion Gf Supreme Master of Exche the United States. While perfectly er; The Grand Lodge then ad - willing to gather, all information per-1 ourned. tinent to this issue, and listen to all proper representations, the adminis tration is determined not to be undu ly hurried m its treatment of the case, realizing that if it should permit itself to be carried away by temporary Ex- Mother Why, Willie ! Striking vour little sister ? in empty space, u Few of us, not bi- ' ased by earlier views, can doubt that they were meant to be inhabited and that a certain proportion ot them are inhabited by living creatures of one kind or another. M. Jenssen, the. weli-khown French astronomer, is ev- j idently of this opinion, and he imag- Willie Aunt Frost Face made me! ines that science after a time will lift Aunt Frostface Why, Willie. I man above material preoccupations said if you did strike her I would ' and mechanical or positive pursuits to - m .1 - . . 1 PTorirtr a 1 airi ror rnorriT ri n r 1 mim 1111. citement, mistakes ot : tne gravest never kiss you again. ViV-ttu character might result, that would in ! Willie Well, I couldn't let no siasm tor the beautiful and a reverence 1 lor thi ideal. North tfntisa review. the end weaken our position. I chance like dat slip. Truth. 1

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