THE WILSON "advance. I a YEAR CASH IB ADVANCE. " LET ALL THE BHDS THOU AIMS! ' AT BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S ASD TRUTHS." BEST ADYERTiSISG MEDIUM. 1 DIRECTORY. DEPAIMUKEOFTRAIXS. . LOCAL trains: ' lt,,i S. Bound. gOUllu. "gnveen Florence and Weldon. No. -21. 42 P. M- Between w " , " f , t nr U'llcnn 'o-nP iU Shoo Fly Wilmington to Rocky Mount: 'n -it No: if" at T .Mves Wilson. 6:15 A.M. ho:23.r WILSON, N. C, JULY 22, 1897. NUMBER 28. IX WAS SOT A SWtLL WEDDISG. Leaves Wilson 2:05 P.VM. lint Jiuljre Roberts Did It Up in Curl Pa pers anil Poetry. He was' a tall, shabbily dressed, bare-looted mulatto ; she was a little, short, kinky-haired negress, as black as the ace of spades, and though more elegantly attired than her es: cort, she, too was bare-footed. The couple was yesterday captured at the court house by Micajah and portion of this world's goods, be it ; iruE statk.superin ten-uext recog- II peri Sit; Down on Tillman. ever so small, would leave specific di rections a3 to what disposition should be made ot their property after death Making a will is generally regarded as a very solemn affair. Surrounded by all the gloom and sorrow of the death bed, where these important documents are generally made, the fra mi ncr rf a 1qct will anrl tectomont io tWO DefnOCratS a very serious and unpleasant task :SIZES THE REVTrtOARO. . Speaker Reed and Senator Till man had a little mix-up on the floor the Senate to-day over the South Carolina dispensary liquor law, which The Wilson County Revolutionary Com missioner! Knocked Out on TwoCoums. Not a great while after the. new county commissioners were elected in Wilson county, application was made was tart wmJe it lasted. Speaker to Judge Graham to appoint two mi- j Reed, having dismissed the members nority commissioners and he appoint- making the board of the House for the day by declaring recess, ambled over marched into Judge Robert's office. A If there is one thin? above another THROUGH TRAINS: ivtween Florence and Weldon: No- 32- . 2:22 A. M. No. 35- Leaves Wilson, ii:iS P. M. COUNTY OFFICERS. . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: R. S. Clark, Chairman. ' T T T "X. T Shade Fel'ton, j. n. AEWbuii. V: I. Cherrv, bhenri, , I). Bardin, Clerk ot bupenor ourt. H. Griffin, Kegister 01 ueeas, 5 H, Tvson, i reasurer, VM. HARRISS, Luruuci , T. Revel, Surveyor.4 , town officers. aldermen: .1). Lee, . A. Clark, U. H. Cozart, Geo. Hackney, J.T. Ellis. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Ward. P. B. Deans, Mayor; Jxo. R. Moore, Town Clerk; W.E. Deans, Collector. police: V. P. Snakenberg, Chief. L IVREIAM IfARRELL, FRANK F ELTON James Marshbourne. D. P. Christman, St. Commissioner, ra. CHURCHES, t. Timothy's Episcopal church, Rev. F. C. Bayliss, Pnest-in-charge. 1 Tudae, look at me, then look at him, , 1 " ,- Services: Sundays at 11 a. m. ana 7:30 now don't vou think 'twould be a sin . m., Sunday School at 3 p.m., eek ays Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p. Holy days at- 10 a. m. Celebra- ion ot Holy communion on isl ouu- day in each month at 11 a. m., other Sundays at 7:45 a: m. Methodist Church, Rev. J. B. Hurley Pl.-t- r- 'r- - TT 1 Til 3 Tl H 7"10 p.m. Sunday School, 5 p. m.,j.r. Bruton, Supt.; Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. Disciples Church, Rev. D.-W. Davis, If your worship please," said Mi- cajah, "here's two mokes with but a single thought, two coons whose hearts beat as one ; two field hands who right now ought to be hoeing in the cdrrv "Dey wants to be tied up." The tall mulatto handed the Judge a paper which proved to be a license authorizing the matrimonial license of George.. Washington Doolittle and Sophronia Elizabeth Jones. The Judge scanned the paper, looked quizzically at the girl and carefully viewed the man. Then he said : "George, - what means have you to to carry out the covenant oi the mar riage yows to protect, care lor and support this dusky maiden ?" . G. W. D. smiled and made answer to this effect : "Of life to live, there is none so desolate- as to live' alone. All that we here in life possess, we must enjoy, and nothing else. My hands alone my work can do, why, Judge, not do the same for two ?" iow, opnronia, are you satisnea to tread life's rugged pathway with G. Wash., bare-footed as you both are ? .. This is a lifelong contract and many obstacles will have to be met and overcome ' Sophtonia grinned and laughed out right. Then looking at G. Wash she turned to the Judge and said : two coons, each with ja willing, loving heart, to be compelled to live apart ? And while I'm standing at his side, you: judge, shall be the first to kiss the bride." "Good," said Judge Roberts, "the court is satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that you two should marry. Stand up and listen to your doom : 'G. Wash will you Sophronia take, Forever your lawful wife to make ; that a person should take time to do well, and to use his best judgement in d Ding, it is making his will A clear brain and unprejudiced frame of mind are necessary for so important a work. These conditions can only be found when the body is in the best of health. The importance of not postponing -this matter until the last moment is very apparent. Many put this matter off on ac count of the expense attached to it in lawyer's lees, etc. Anyone who can write a legible hand and express his ideas so that thiy can be understood can write his own will. The simpler the form the better, so it is clear. The following lorm will make as strong a testament as can be framed by any attorney : , .1, ............. of ............ County, ............ State, do hereby make my last will and testament. I give de vise and bequeath air my estate, real and personal, to' , ...... heirs, executors, administrators and j assigns, I appoint .sole executor of this will. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand this of x 8 Signed ........1... Signed, published and declared by the above named.......... as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his pres ence and in the' presence of each oth er and at his request have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. stand three Populists arid two Demo-! to the Senate chamber to get one of ocrats. It was necessary to have the numerous senatorial receipts for these minority commissioners to pro- killing time. Senator Morgan, of tegtihe county's interest. All went Alabama, was talking to a very slim well until the last Legislature repealed Seriate, with the Pacific railroad fund- that cafesruard. Then the three Pop- mg bill as his topic. 1 v. . Senator Tillman ulist commissioners, foolishly think ing that because minority commis sio spied Speake- Reed as he entered the chamber, and hers could not be appoiuted in t'.ie , a Httle later the Senator, fearing he future, they need not regard the mi- would have a hard time getting a nority members of their board, de-; special order in in the House to ena ciined to recognize them. Oi course ble hi:n to get a Federil law passed this was nothing short of revolution. I to enforce the dispensary, law in the and the more conservative members ! Palmetto State, walked over and of the Populist party were shocked at it. But the fellows in charge cared for nothing except for absolute con- trol. , . - v Then came the time to elect the ounty board of education. The e'erk of the court, register of deeds, and the two commissioners appointed by Judge Graham met and elected a non-partisan board of education. But the three Populists on the board refused to "recognize" the meeting and they proceeded ' to elect a solid' Populist board. This gave the coun ty two Boirds of Education, and blocked the wheels of education in that county. Beth' sides sent in the - names, of the committeemen chosen and argued to the Superintendent of the Schools that their board should be ; recognized. Mr. Mebane has eiyen the matter serious considera tion and patient investigation. He was , making much headway with the re- anxious to recognize the legal board, j quest 7.30 p m. Prayer meeting Wednesday f sever forsake her, her always love, night. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, p. m.,.Geo. Hackney, Supt. . - Presbyterian Church, Rev. James Thomas, Pastor; services on the First, Third and Fourth Sunday in every month and at Louisburg Second Sun day. , Services at n a. m. and 8:30 p. Sunday School at 5 o'clock, p. m. Baptist Church, service as follows: Preach ing Suhday morning at 11:00 Till both are called to meet above ?" "You bet," said G. Wash "Sophronia, will you G. Wash wed ; Follow; him up 'till you both are dead. Cook his rations and wash his clothes, Stick closely to him . wherever he goes?'1 "Yes, sah," said Sohronia. A will of this kind will hold in the courts of any of the States if properly witnessed. Two witnesses are gener ally necessary. With this general form the distribution can be made to include any number of beneficiaries, or changed to suit circumstances. Exchange. e broached the subject to Reed, with an amusing result. "Look here, Mr. Speaker," said Senator Tillman, addressing Mr. Reed ; "I wish you would give . my friend Latimer a special rule to ena ble hira to call up my dispensary bil in the House." j "Let me see," dravyled the Speaker with his characteristic blindness, "that is a nill to override the decision ot a United States Court?" , "No sir," retorted Senator Tillman hotly, "It is to express the wishes of the people." ;; ; -. t "The people of the United States, or th people of South Carolina ?" in-' quired the Speaker, with a tantalizing smile upon his round, fat face. "Trie people of South Carolina," replied Senator Tillman quickly be ginning to realize that' he Was not , NToah After the Flood. ociock and 8 p. m. Rev. W. H. Keaisn , . , f QU enter the eolden U i j Pastor. Prayer meeting Wednes evening at 8 o'clock at5 p. m., D. S. Boykin Supt. Primitive Baptist Church, preaching Forever to be each others mate, And be happy though all this life, I a a T Virxo tVat nIthfr rf vou ever ad Sunday bs Elder Jas. Bass; on j 3Xl,f hia knnt .n y,ever. vv ill cii-nijv 3rd Sunday by Elder Jas S. Woodard: 0nthe 4th Sunday and Saturday before by the pastor, Elder P. D. Gold. Ser vices'begin at 11 a. m. .; LODGES. . Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon f-dge No. 117 A."F. & A. M. are held J1 their hall, corner of Nash and Golds Doro-streets on the 1st and 3rd Monday mhts at 7:30 o'clock p. m. each month. . C. E. Moore, W. M. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Lnapter No. 27 areheld in the Masonic "ail every 2nd Monday night at 7:30 0 clock p. m. each month. ' . W.H.Applewhite, H. P. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon ommandery No. 7 are' held in the asonic hall every 4th Monday night 4C ;3o o'clock each month. R. S. Ba-rnes, E. C. KRrWar meetings of Wilson Lodge ovp u No- i694 are held iri their hall Thu -1 ISt Nalional Bank every 1st rsuay evening at 3:30 o'clock, p. m. - B. F. Briggs, Director. LofeUHV meetings of Conte.ntnea Odd h0' 87 K. of P., are held in bellows' Hnll oioi-ir Tlnnrcrl C0ml; V lblUnS That has made you man and wife. "G. Wash, pull down your vest, turn down your collar. Go down in your trousers and hand me a dollar;" News & Observer. The first fruit planted by Noah when he left the ark was the grape, the most healthy of all the products of the e?rth, All through the Bible we read of grapes and wine fronr and to that end sought and obtained the opinion of the Attorney General as to whether the two appointed Commissiners were now legal mem bers of the Board. The Attorney General holds that they are just as legally entitled to serve as the three members elected by the people. For tified by this opinion, Mn Mebane decided that inasmuch as four legal rriembers of the board of educatinn had voted, for George W. Connor, Nathan Bass and S. H. Vick, they com posed , the legal school board of Wilson county, and he yesterday sent the fallowing telegram : Raleigh, N. C, July 16. George W. Connor, Wilson, N. C, Geo. W. Connor, iNathan Bass "The' Legislature of South Caroli na legislates (or- the people of that State," was the Speaker's non-committal but exasperating response to the Senator. "That fellow Reed thinks he is At las, with the responsibility "of the world on his shoulders," remarked Senator Tillmanin disgust as "he re tired from the tilt with the -Speaker, minus an assurance of a special order for his pet bill. Washington Dispatch. grapes being recommended as the s H Vick are reC0gnized as the first remedy for the ills of iife, but it County Board of Education of Wil- ' 1 A is pure juice wine, nor waiacu son Cqu untii ordered otherwise suguared juice mat tne Dioie reiers 10. by h courts Why take Johnson's Chill & Fever Tonic? Because it cures the most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DA Y. Sugared wines are highly alcho holicand starchy , the sugar mak ing excess of alchohol and other pro ducts not belonging to a healthful wine. Speer of New Jersey, the oldest wine grower in the United States, ha studiously avoided water and sugar or any foreign substance whatever, but has his wme fully matured by great age and careful handling. - C. H. Mebane, State Superintendent of Schools. The Board has already elected Mr. James W. Hays, a capable and experienced instructor, County Su pervisor, and this action by the State Superintendent makes him the legal county supervisor. News and Observer. "Have tried others, but like Ayerrs best,", is the statement made over and over again by those who testify to the benefit derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Disease never had a greater enemy than this power ful blood purifier. Ir makes the weak strong. A,Swift L.inotyiiT. New Use for Grapes. Oriental Industrial Stock, Fruit and -Agricultural Fair Xewbern, N. C. ,Aug. 23. It has been discovered that grapes used with Elecampane Root and the William A. Dufly, a linotype op erator employed in the composing room of the Philadelphia Inquirer, set in six days last week the enormous amount of 469,300 ems of nonpareil type His average per hour was 9, 192 ems. He worked oft theordi nary run of daily copy, principally markets and summaries of sporting events, leaded his own matter, using one point leads, did all his own copy' correction, passed galley proofs to the next operator, and kept no account of waits for copy or breaks in the ; machine., The highest average lor 00 per Make Your; Will. 1 T . . Visitinr memhers alwavs wel meetings of Enterprise MJQcrp xt 't-' j-.uivinuy hti' h?ld. every Frday- A man possessed of one dollar or a few hundred dollars has as much right to arrange for the distribution ot his possessions as the man who has millions. It is also as incumbent upon the man of small means to dis oose of his Holdings as it is upon the one who has more.. .The lawyers of tViU rountrv would loose many - tat T7 .u i v.q CrMitK- Hprh Hnrehnnnn in nroner Drooor- rui uicduuvcui.wsiu.i. uit uuuu. 1 " j 1 1 r I J,,.. l,fl c t- -i .:n 11 AA mto hnn mdp in n rnrdial is neriorminET . 1 ' em tvan wdy wui sat cuuecu i i . j r i . . 3 , , ri 1 . , , r hour and 410,000 for six days, but j .:wD. m C KvnnHerful cures in stubborn cases of 3 .. ruuuu-u.! n . narsA j the matter was leaded lor the opera- Und rptnm at rate of one first class colds, sore throat and hoarseness. . . - , . . fnr and a lstonnafes lor the machine ,are for the round-trip. Tickets w.ll ; ;; KubUc sper, nn. rf - . be sold Aug. 2isUo .27th :inclusve. or for the throat tp any tea , d c.i t: :. a .u Tt n mmina n jreneral use amon? J . 1 final UUlll, X-UJi " On nrl,t;nnc fr flnflRr physicians. Ask for Aunt Rachael's j " T; Booth, rrwnd rnrdial. For sale bv ; COUld set Over 500 OOO CTIS. t . I - . J, , ,-, , , 1 Mr. uuny nas seL 11,900 ems non- ri Effectual Charles Olive wood, Cal., saps : "I have us ed Ayer's Pills in my family for sev eral years, nnd . have always found them most effectual in the -relief of ' ailments arising from the stomach, I : f I " . . " J 1 1 ( fees if those who have accumulated a ! torpid liver, and constipated bowels. Tie fas- eixila pareil, 14 ems pica wide, in an hourr ! which was. 10 em less than the ma- is n ; chine would cast. Phiadelpnia Dis- patch.

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