fhe Wilson Advance. !PlrL.;n ' . r H.T -1. 1"? 8T THE ADVANCE PUBLISHING COMPANY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY VV. L. Cant well Propkiktor. Entered in the Post Office at Wilson N. C, as second class mail matter, j SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : One Year. . . ... . $1.00 ix Months 50 Remit by draft, post-office' order or 1 county. Imnic registered letter at our risk. Always ,t 1 ":i give post-office address in full. t5FAdvertising Rales furnished on application. No communication will be printed without the name of the writer being known to the Editor. Address all cor respondence to The Advance, , Wilson. N. C. NTnrfli f "--! t some sections ui m. 011- na the negroes stand loir Jaw, anu oruer, atun-v-iti"v- oppostion to a race war in court houses. - This is indeed auspicious. Give the courts a .lnnrp ;fihvRrnor Russell is Vliunv.- - . . 1 to be commended for so quick ly Ordering the court to try the scoundrel at Henderson, Vance -diate trialnirly 1 . 1 '.I- '.ft- viClllf-C conducted, wiui swui iv.. the v will do much to allay the fever of excitement and give supremacy to uk; courts as well as enhance pub lic confidence. The State Fair Association has just issued a very hand- Mi'sstuitcr. There was but one county 1 of the ninety-six in which as many as two townships vott a fcr.thp ;neri'al arid increased some premium list. Those on tax for common schools Sur the inside say that the fair this r ' .Tl. . -n wt Colonel Carr's year will be the best ever held. , We are pleased to see that Surrv stood "solitary and Farmers of Northampton alone " and it is satisfying to county, Va., have received H,eieve that the wide and well "more money for the 160,000 based popular mistrust of the Darreis or potatoes snipped mis jaw and mose concerned, gave year than for the 284,600 ship- me o-reat blow to the attempt ped last year. - tn inrre.nso taxes at a time of heavy burdens, with new ones , Tins year's wheat crop is but recently added, and the jail estimated at soo,ooo,obo bush- doors opened by law of the op- els. Each cent added to the pressors for all taxpayers who price means $S-O0o,ooo poured did not "pony up" at the earli- into the laps of the farmers, est possible day for the sheriffs The actual advance in a year to operate. The question of has been about 25 cents a education was hardly involved bushel or & 12s .000. 000. It was a clear case or taxation IT V ' 1 ' or no taxation. Since our issue of last week our attention has been 'called The complete novel in the to. the fact that provision has September issue of Lippin already been made, by State cott's is "Weeping Ferry," by law. bv which the State can Margaret L. Woods. It is quickly be rid of all tramps, sincere, simple, and effective The provisions of the statute tale ol Ungltsh country me, re- are such that anv citizen is em- cording the .honorable but pas powered to arrest and bring sing love ot a squire 5 son tor such vagrants to trial, and fur- an ex-servant's daughter, and thermore, such person shall be the sad result thereot. Mrs. entitled to sheriff's fees for Woods (who is better known making said arrest. ' The only at home than in America) thing necessary now is to en- Ivields a rrrm, gracelui, and en force the law, which should be tirely competent pen : -every done with vio-or. We are line of her work is. true to na pleased to note that the Sea- ture. Some of the peculiar board Air Line will cause to be economics ot "iiuropean arrested all tramps found upon Housekeeping," as they appear their right-of-way. to an American, are amusingly depicted by Trances Courte- T.. TTT41 t,.- 4. ,o,i nay Baylor. Arthur: Howard - I IV flll .' I II t- VJ jury, Judge button called par ticular attention to the law reg ulating the sale of cigarettes, The law has made the selling of cigarettes, to minors, crimi nal and the law should be en forced. The use of the cirar- rette is one of the most perni cious habits of the day, and es pecially is this SO in the case of been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Cure is the only positive-cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beinjj a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Cntnrrh Cure is taken internally, acting, direct ly upon the blood and mucuous sur- Noll wfrites on."Musical Mexi- co, ana unn Lrraham on . cooks that Ijirls have Loved." The onlv poem is bv Mary McNeil Scott. $100 Upward, $100. ; The readers of this paper will be pleased to learnvthat there is at, least one dreaded disease that science has the vouth of the country. As a general rule we are against the idea of the State assuming too close a watch upon the morals of children, as we con sider this the particular prov ince of the parent or guardian, ffcefs of t,he Systefm thereby destroyinj h,,f Jn thl. Lt3nnp almnct the foundation of tne disease, and giv ... ig the patient strength by building up .imjjuaaiuic iui uic paiciiL lu the constitution and assisting nature in nrpvpnt o 1rvr f mm ncinrr fVio I rlninn Ul m.h-!- Tl,., . . , j-ri v v.vui. u uj 11 win ujiiii; lii I ".1 ivuin. inc jTu'inciors nave cio-arette, unless the sale is so much fiiith in its curative powers, prohibited. Every person vi- U,iat ther ffer 0ne Hundred Dollars rU;n W,C AA lor any cile tnat it fails to cure. Send "'"""a "UJ vwt ailJ ) icnv lor list ot 1 estimonials. should be made to suffer the Address, v. j. cheney & co., full penalty. SSpSold by DruSgists, 75c. Toledo, O. ,." A new light has opened' in educational fields and if the promotors do themselves jus tice the cause of education must surely be advanced. In Asheville Citizen. .' It is estimated by the Balti more Sun that the cheap rail road lares and low freight rates will attact to New York this week tiiii oaiutaiui y uic cuuuix from varmnc mrfo A valgus ijciils 01 me coun- messrs. 1 r. laxion ana i.. try to purchase their fall stock i-f iiuwcu, bay of goods, and that thev will spend over $25,000,000. A large number of . these mer chants will come ft--, thn "The North Carolina Journal of Education is born with a Durpose, and it will endeavor to follow this purpose as closely as may be until it has been accnmnlisbpd at lpuct in enmo m d I CJ-nf-l- tt1-1-i K i . r iuuuuiv.. 1 uymiii viiin ndij tne raw ma- ure. The one supreme question for terial nntfu: us, in North Carolina and the South, ""Z l' LUUia De N is the better education of our child- 7 iib inese.- buyers ren ; the one great pioblem, how to iCCK' anu tne Swittlv Howinp; T T 1 - .1 wm 1 fT- 4- i n -? secure uns. 10 aia in me. H solution I ucia lu lurnisn a noorl of this problem is the only reason for power. The day will come the existence ot this journal. Right when the South will be W.r nonesiiy, wun an unwavering iaitn in n , , the luture, and with a bone of better b,eiI-con tainea than now, and things, will it work at its task. It will j tnen a greater portion than 1 1 . now or ner earnmrrc ,:n 7 - V V lli acuteness. Amonp - them an inventor is an ordinary citizen ; with us he is a celebrity. : Their per capita wealth indicates prosperity.' Ours indicates poverty. All this is equally true of our intellectual life. If irge literary talent arises i 1 amonir us, it must aie or ae- part elsewhere. Our school text books come to us in bales from other states. All that .re flects our inner life in poetry, history or biography is done by alien pens. It is difficult to sustain our public journals and magazines and impossible to create a really great newspa per, though we have" men of power, brains and energy who. devote themselves to the task. The readers are lacking; and that is the. fundamental trou ble. The mightiest problem before us is the permanent re-: adjustment of our social life and machinery. We are searching for this clue under the. stern pressure of poverty and ignorance. The plain people will hereafter rule. They must be made fit for this sovereignty through training. They must be shaped for their task by the power of character. strive to help the teacher m the school-room and to aid the school of- kept at home, ficer in the discharge of t!je duties oi 1 his Othce. It Will aim to Stimulate and X-C. Journal of Education. VFKEKLY 4JBOP ItCLl-KTINV For Week Kiiding Monday, -Anff. "3, '07. Eastern district Drought contin ues to prevail with some severity only in Nash, Halifix and Northamp ton counties, and is cutting crops very short in those counties. ' Else where the weather was .favorable lhis week, with cloudy weather and r n tle showers beneficial to all crops, but interfering with fodder pnliing, some being damaged. Old corn is good ; late corn fair ; fodder pulling full blast. Cott n h is been dam aged some by' drought, has shed con siderably, and there are some com plaints ot rust ; but it promises a fine crop yet in many counties it never was better ; cotton is opening as far north as Northampton county. All minor crops, peanuts, rice, sweet potatoes, field peas, turnips, etc., are doing well. success. The September Scribner's has a number of outing articles suited to the dog days. Wil liam Henry Bishop describes picturesquely the famous watering-place in northern Spain, San Sebastian, selected sever al years ago as the summer home ot the Oueen Regent of Spain and tne boy King ' The fashion and gaiety of the place lead him to call it "The Span ish Newport." Marchetti, the famous artist, visited San Se bastian about the same time as the author, and made the bril liant illustrations that have been wood-engraved by French engravers. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ths fss simils signature of ' iS 88 rapper. The September Ladies' Home Journal, in the variety, interest and timeliness of its ar ticles, and In the beauty of its illustations, is a notable num ber 6f that Mao-azine." A spirited article by John F. Coyle, "When Henry Clay said Farewell to the Senate," describes the most impressive and dramatic scene ever en acted in Congress, and anoth er, by Clifford Howard, tells of "Destroying a Million Dol lars a Day," the task of the re demption division of our Treasury. direct a stronger and luster educa- 11. i- tional sentiment among the people. Uic uy a It will ofter to teachers a means of ,v as. inexorable as that which . 1 1-1 . . .1 communication. Through its col- "77 UIlven me red Indian to umns, the strong may help the .tne racihe or which has elevat liT v r t i i- , v-n"ai1 cinu tne nn ,.n,JU iV- r iiunan to leadershin on this planet. Our monev flow?; in a golden stream to the states to Messenger. thpnV, f ... i i .:n . 1 UU1 111 111 MS AunnsLf kim ! It is not to be overlooked ables them tomal-e tViinrs that that in the two recent trials for we need nnH nn'not make. rape in this state there were Four-fifths of the improvements negroes on both juries and in .productive machinery is the : they - voted guilty.. That is result of their trained mental I?l;i k Creek Notes. Our farmers a feeling greatly en couraged about the crops since we have had the much needed rains. The crops are indeed good in this va cinity. Mr. L. A Barnes has just complet ed his market house. It is quite neat and attractive and a great improve ment to our little town. The Wiggins' Mill and Black Creek baseball teams played a game of five innings here last Saturday. The score was Wiggins' Mill n, Black Creek 32. Mr. B. Lucas, of Valdosta. Ga., was in our town for a short while last week. Miss Dora Wpodal who has been visiting here, returned to her borne in Smithfield Tuesday. , ' Will. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation,-jaundice, bilious nessand all kindred troubles. "The FIyWheel of Life" Dr. Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as,if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt's Liver Pills Kielit. Sanforsl E.tpri's. The , Express i.V hi i aor ol a straight democratic fight on State is sues in j the next campaign. The people have become sick and dis gusted with the kind of "reform the last Legislature pave them. We 0 have no abuse to ofter the rank and file ol the Populists. Many ot them honestly believed that chey were right in joining that party. It is the perfidy, and duplicity of the leaders that sboftld be exposed. Kleirv Are the Messengers of Sense, the Telegraph System of the human-body Nerves extend from the brain to every part of the body and reach every organ. Nerves are like fire good servants but hard ' masters. ' N erves are fed by the blood and are therefore like it in character Nerves will be weak and exhausted, if the blood is thin, pale and impure Nerves will surely be strong and steady if the blood is rich, red and vigorous. Nerves find a true friend in Hood's Sarsapa rilla because it makes rich, red blood Nerves 1 their work naturally and well, the brain is unclouded, there are no neuralgic pains, appetite and diges tion are good, when'you take SarsapariiSa The One True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. 1 Prepared only by C. I. Hool Jfc Co., Lowell, Mass ,, -'" the best family cathartic nOOQ S KlilS and liver. stimulant. 25c A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Jl- Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Benjamin Parker, de ceased', notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to present them tome for payment on or before An jr. 25, 1898, or this notice vyid be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make im mediate payment. This Ai;gi:st 21st, iS9. ' , ' John T. Ri;vi:li., 27"33'6t. Administrator. mmu my rn when the Creator said to woman, "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," that a curse was pro nounced arainst the numan-race, but the joy felt, by every Mother when she first presses to her heart her babe, proves the contrary. Danger and' suffering lurk -in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour when the hope of her heart is to be real ized, in full vigor and strength. imu so relaxes the system and as sists Nature that the nec essary change takes place without Nau sea, Headache, Nervous or I Gloomy Fore- ger, andthe trying hour is robbed of its pain and suffering, as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but Mother's Friend" does this. Don't be deceived . or persuaded to use anything' else. "MoFher's Friend" is the greatest remedy e-er put on the market, and all our customers praise it highly." W. It. Kisa & Co., Whitewright, Tex. Of dms-fiists at 81.00, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Write for book containing valua ble information for all Mothers, mailed free The BradSeld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. - Potash is a necessary and important ingredient of complete . fer- j tilizers. Crops of all kinds require a properly balanced manure. The best By special arrangement we ojfer Fertilizers Home and Pain In conibinaMon with oiir p n 23 ID Dili AIR, "!,,rfor beicg the piice of our r.;,,,,.. . , ' That is, for all new orr u, ! 'f'"1'; hers renWinjr and pau,,,,' ' . M:r! vance, we send ' contain a high percentage of Potash. All about Potash the results of its use by actual ex periment on the best farms in the United States is told in a little book-which we publish and will gladly mail free to any farmer in America who will write for it. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. :. A- V I " Elf : 1 ml W 'I w XVa lin. - 1 . prepared especial iy for you, wh ich f IL SQ ie. It trelts of lit 1- stomach disorders worm !. ft that every child is liable to and which. mm u , r t Cjf 5) m Vermifuge I nas teen success futiy used l-fftei j for a half century. 3E. 4 S. FEET, Baltimo'-e, Bd. f " M NEW YORK WORLD, TH KICE-A-WEEK -'EDITION. 18 Paees a Week, 156 Papers a Year FOR 81 DOLLAR. PUBLISHED EVERY-ALTERNATE DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. The Thrice-a-week .edition" of The New York eWorld is first am on all "weekly" papers in size-,' frequency of publication, and the freshness, accura cy and variety of its contents. It has all the merits of a great 6 daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its political news is prompt, '-complete,, accurate and impartial as all its readers will ttstify. It is against the monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of all the world, having special correspondence from all important news points on the. globe. It has brilliant illustrations, stories by great authors, a capital humor raSe complete' markets, departments of the household and woman's work and oth er special departments of unusual in terest. We offer this unequalled"' newspaper and '1 HE ADVANCE to- Q-t . r( gether one year for 0.J The regular subscription price of the two papers is 2 00. COL c 1 year old 2 years old 3 years o'd 4 years old o T IS WE HAVE A FINE LOT OF STANDARD BRED COLTS ..From one to four years old. Roth broke and fresh. - Also a few full strain Jersey Calves. 1 For full particulars ap ply to Fair View Dairy, - , V. T. FARMER, Propr THE STATE Normal and Industrial College, G.REENSBORO, N. C, Offers the young women of the S ate thorough professional, literary, classi cal, scientific, and industrial education. Annual expenses $90 to $130. Faculty of 25 members'. More than 400 regular students. Practice school of 126 pupils for teachers." More than 1,200 matricu lates representing, every county in the State except three. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. To secure board in dor mitories afl free-tuition applications must be made before August 1st. For catalogue and information, address President Ciias D. McTver. ttorfb Carolina -College oi Agriculture aEd Mechanical Arts. WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 9ih, 1897. Thorough academic, "scientific and technical courses. 'Experienced. Spo eialists in every department. EXl'ENSES PER SESSION INCLUDING BOARD : For County Students. - - - . $ 93.00. For all Other Students, - - 123.00. "AppIyfor Catalogue to Alexander Q, Holladay, LL. D., Pres't., RALEIGH, N. C. GREENSBORO . Female College, NORTH CAROLINA. Fifty-second Session of this college begins j Wednesday,' September 8tfi, '97. Advantages of College and Conserva tory oliered at moderate cost. A'FacuIty of Specialists Ample Equipment.' A Pleasant Home. Catalogue on application. D3ED-PEACOCK, President. Academy and College for Girls and Young Women. Best home care to gether with full college instruction Specialists in Music, Art, Elocution, Languages, Commercial and Industrial Studies. Institution founded in 1802. The Register shows 324 last year. New term begins Thursday, Sept. 2, 1S97. benn lor Catalogue to . Rev. J. II. CLE WELL, Principal, 31- Salem, North Carolina Chichester' Enelleh Diamond It rand. ENNYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Genuine safe, always reliable, ladies ask lruid:t for' Chichester s English Dia-, imond Brand in Kel aod Gold metallic Jfwxea. scaled with blue riblron. Xake ino other. JteftiMedanaeroussiibMtitu 'tions and imitations. At Drueeiats, or send 4. ia stamps for particulars, testimonials aod If el!cf for tn letter, bv return Mail. IO.OOO Tetttimonials. A'me Paper. field bj ail Locai I'rusistu. lhUaUa.f THE COUPEE MARBLE WORKS, in, 113 ad 115 Bank St., - NORFOLK j VA. Large stock of finished Monuments, Gravestones, & Ready for shipment. Designs free; So Yea Liki is Read Good Ksireli? Er.cagh For all the Winter Evenings ' ALEVIOST FREE. tmi TOPICS, ffisf-arta 20S 5fch Ave., N. V., FIFTEEN ceDts in Stamps, any one of the foliorin prize novels (TWO HUNDRED AXD FIFTY" -SIX pages, regular price FIFTY cfc;.); for FIFTY cents any FOUR; for ONE DOLLAR any TEN : for OSE DOLLAR AND A II A LF the whole library of SIXTEEN volumes 6 THE SALE OF A SOUL. ByftlLS. SIc le!la!i. 'THE COUSIN Or THE KING. By A. S. Vaw Vestrnnu 8-SIX. MONTHS IN HADES. By Clarice L ' CiinjrhsiiTi. SRIKTS OF CHANCE. By Captain Alro'd Thon'min. 10- ANrHONYT KENV. B- Charles Stoies "Wayn. 11 AN- ECLIPSE OF VIUTL'E. By Champion 12- AN UNSPEAK ABLE SIPEN. By Jolm Gilliat. 13 THAT Di;EADFUL WOMAN-. By Harold lt-A DEAL IN DENVEZ. By Gilmer McKen dw. 15- TVHV? SATS GLADYS. B7 David Christie - -NJnrrsv. 16- A VEitY TiEMAKEABLE GIP.L. By L. IL Bickfr.rd. - 17- AM Ar.IIIAGE FOS HATE. By Harold K. IS-OTT OF TTTE FTTT PHHR. Uy T. O. De Ton. 19-THK WHOSO MAN. Bv Pl:tr.ptcn Bism1!. -SiO-THE HUNT FOU HAPPINESS By Aoit V i va:iti 'hartrs. . - HEii WTUANGE EXTEIIIMENT By HaroW .. '-Vvnu. AiiOioate y the numbers the noTels you want. fail slgmture of ' It 08 tren Trappen. One Yer.r . HOME AN I FARM h.;s years been the leas'.iisir .-;,.,',,'". journal of tin- .o;l! s-,, "made bv fanners lt,i Home 1 -ejj.'u lint w.t ,y;iU Aunt Jane, its rhiVir-n!. ; , ment, and its Dairv- 1 .'!.;,.' ' are brighter iind hi tier th.! . RENEW NOand 1' x. journal for the huniu ; ce. "'"Ml U"ist. l,s- mi ie Wilson Book Stor Wf e have just received a nice, new stock of every thing kept in our line and we want your patronage. Our line of BOOKS STATION is entirely complete, and We shall try to keep everything you want, and will do our best to please you in j r -v mm - We make a specialty of Blank B 0 o ks of every description, and will carry the Leading Magazines, allies', oor Daily Papers. A fine stock of v. ' y y , Always on Hand. Wilson BookStore. " 'WXX.SOBT, Iff.-C Plate Glass Front oppositeCourt House.