- .... ....... "... , , V .' ( A TEAR CASH IH ADYAHCE "LET ALL THE ESDS THOU AIHSl"' AT BE THY COUKTRY'S, THY GOD'S AND TROTHS." BEST ADYERTISISG MEDIUM. VOLUME XXVII. WILSON, C, O.CTOBER 14, 1897. NUMBER 40. I TJ TT n -r-m . 1 ' I ' I ' ' ' - ' ' ! i : 1 1 i ' 11 i UMPIMONSTRATION DIRECTORY. Calendar of Sales AT TOBACCO WAREHOUSES NEXT WEEK. OCTOBER Monday- lS Tue tl iv J9- WYdm-silay 20. . '1 hiirsil.iy 21.. Friday 22 Saturday 23 g z 5 2 o S H 3 Q -v. J 2 H O 2 I t g 0. u : ? w 3 4 5 1 2 2345 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 234 l C T 2 1 :::.-;;..i3l4iiiiis HI I'A lil UKK OF TRAINS. local trains: X. Bon nil. S. Bound. '"' 'T,aveen, Florence and VVeldon. 7S. No. 23. j-42 I'. M. . Leaves Wilson 2:05 P. M. naween - Wilmington and Norfolk: js. No. 49. 1:14s i'- M. "Leaves Wilson, 2:12 P. M. Hi twcen Goldsboro and Norfolk. -No 102.' No. 103. 5:41AM- Leaves Wilson 7:17 PM. "Shoo Fly" Wilmington to Rocky Mt: ,.4o. No. 41. 10: i-, 1'. M. Leaves Wilson, 6:15 A.M. THROUGH TRAINS; IVtween Florence and Wei don:. No. S2- No. 35. r A. M. Leaves Wilson, 11:18 P. M COUNTY OFFICERS. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: R. S. Clark, Chairman. SlIDF. F ELTON, L H. NEWSOM. J. C. Hadi-ey. Isaac Felton. W.J. Cherry, Sheriff, J. I). Hardin, Clerk of Superior Court. J. H. Griffin, Register of Deeds, S. if. Tyson, Treasurer, W'.m. Harriss, Coroner, J. T. Kkyel, Surveyor. town officers. aldermen: J. I). Lee, J. A. Clark, Dr. A. Anderson, Geo Hackney, J. T. Ellis. 1st Ward. 2nd 3rd 4th 5th P. R. Deans, Mayor; Jxo.'R. Moore, Town Clerk; W. E. Deans, Collector. police: - W. P.'Snakenberg, Chief. Ei'hriam Harrell, Frank Felton James Marshbourne: D. P. Christman, St. Commissioner. HU1K HK S. St. Timothy's Episcopal church. Rev. F. C Bayliss, Priest-in-charge Services: Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday School at 3 p. m.,Week- Jays Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 P ni. Holy days at io a. m. Celebra tiuii of Holy Communion on 1st Sun day in each month at 11 a. m., other Sundays at 7:45 a. m. Methodist Church, Rev. J. B. Hurley- Pastor; strvices t 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School, 5 p. m., J. F. l'-rut.-.n, Supt. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night" at. 7:30. ' ' - D.sciples Church, Rev. D. W. Davis, Pastor; services every Sunday, nam, 7 30 p m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, p m., Geo. Hackney, Supt. Presbyterian'. Church, Rev. James Thomas, Pastor; services on the First, Third and Fourth Sunday in every month and at Louisburg Second Sun day. Services at ii a. m. and 8:30 p. 111. Sunday School at 5 o'clock, P- m Baptist Church, service as follows: Preaching Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock anrl s n. m. Rev. W. H. Redisb Pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday Schoo at 5 p. m., D. S. Hoykin Supt. Primitive Baptist Church, preaching: on 2nd Sunday b Elder las. Bass; on 3rd Sunday by Elder Jas S. Woodard; on the dth Sunday and Saturday before ty the pastor, Elder P. D. Gold. Ser vices Jjegin at 11 a. m. 1 UIHiKS. ''Regular meetings oP Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 117 A. F. & A. M. are held i 1 their hall, corner of Nash and Golds horo streets on the 1st and 3rd Monday lights at 7:3oo'clock p. m. each month. C. E. Moore, W. M. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon f h apter No 27 are held in the Masonic Hall every 2nd Monday night at,7:3Q 0 1 lock p. m. efich month. W.jH. Applewhite. H. P. Regular meetings of-Mt. Lebanon Comniandery No. 7 are held in the Masonic hall every 4th Monday night al 7:3fJ o'clock each month. R. S. Barnes. E. C. Regular meetings of Wilson Lodge K- of H. No. i6q, are held in their hal the 1st National Bank every 1st iliursday evening at 3:30 o'clock, p. m r B. F. Briggs, Director. Regular meetings of Contentnea lo,w, No. 87, K. of P., are held in Odd Fellows' Hall every Thursday '"Klit. Visiting members always wel lln;e. . .. Regular - meetings of Enterprise Lodge, No. 44, are held every Frday "'Ki't in Odd Fellows' Hall. POST OFFICE HOURS. 'thee opens 8a.m. and closes at sun se "y mails close for North at 1 p. ' " " " West 1 p. K! ' " . " South " 1.30P. 'gt't mails for all points close at 9 p, t m. m m m In Eeverence to the Memory of wucuiBB oiewart rarnell. IEISH POVERTY DEMONSTEATED. - - . - - Children Walked Barefooted In the i-araue and Men Made Poor At tempts at Uniformlng-The Stars and Stripes Carried Beside Erin's Flag;. Dublin, Oct. 11 sixth anniversarv nf thQ Charles Stewart Parnell. Five thousand .a-iiuHaiisis paraded the streets to the bleak Glasnevin cemetery, where they heaped high the grave of their famous and lamented leader with flawo brought from all the land. . The demonstration Was linimio Tn vious demonstrations have had strictly a. tunerai cnaracter, rJut in accordance with the decision of" the leaders, that of yesterday was divested of all the trappings and the suits of woe and cnn. verted into a triumphal procession, live iy national airs replacing dirges. J.ne country people were brought in by crowded excursion trains. On thir hats they wore ivy. and shamrocks in stead of crape. It was emphatically the people s day, for the aristocracy held coldly aloof. No flags were raised on tne public buildings along the line of march, and only a few houses of thf poor displayed decorationk The novertv xf Ireland was exhibited not only by tne cnuaren who walked in their bare feet, but in the attempts at uniform for the processionists, who seldom achieved more than a faded green sash or a spray of ivy on the coat. ,The day was wet. Windy and cheer less, and the demonstration was im posing in no respect except in its spirit. The. memorial ear was the most con spicious feature. It was drawn by four coal black horses, and upon it were piled wreaths and crosses, a veritable mass 01 white and green stacked as high as a load of hay. A bronze bust or arnell surmounted the car, and above the head streamed a green fias emblazened with a setting sun in gold. After this came the members of the Irish parliamentary party, headed by Mr. John Redmond, member of parlia ment for Waterford, the moving spirit of the celebration. They were followed by the honorary officers of the demon stration committee, the staffs of the Irish Daily Independent, the Evening Herald and Weekly Independent, dele gates from the Irish National League of Great Britain, and then by the car riages containing Mr. John Parnell, M. P., Mrs. -Dickinson, sister of the dead patriot, and other members of the Par nell family, though the venerable Mrs. Delia Parnell was unable' to be present. The lord mayor and corporation of Dublin, the mayors, sheriffs and muni cipal dignitaries of Cork and Limerick. robed in their official regalia, the maces being Wound with ivy, rode next in Erilded coaches. After them came the various deputations, carrying gaudy banners. ' - There were more than thirtv bands In the procession and every county and large town, as well as scores of smaller towns,-had representation in county o town officials, clubs, societies or other organizations. The. procession was 45 minutes in passing a given point. : No Union Jacks were carried, but nearly every county delegation raised the Stars and Stripes next to the Green flag. One of the most suggestive features of the demonstration was. the predominance of children and aged people, showing that the tide of emi . eration is carrviner Ireland's ab'e bodied sons and daughters to more prosperous lands. Though the crowds were so great that the police had considerable difficulty in clearing the way for the procession there were no sheuts or disturbances Old men remarked that Irishmen seem each year to have lost something more of their proverbial exuberance. The Long Droujrht Ended. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 11. Specials from Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Arkansas points announce the break ing of the drouth. The rain has been general throughout Kansas, varyinj from a good rain to a regular down pour. At Witchita there was a precipi tation of three inches. Other reports of good rains in Kansas come from In dependence, Emporia, Hutchinson, Con cordia; Greenleaf, Frankfort, Stockton and Atchison. A heavy rain fell at Springfield, Mo., and reasonably good rains are reported at Little Rock and Siloam Springs, Ark., and Nebraska City, Neb. ; SOUTHERN TRAIN ROBBERS. CouncIImen In a fJeonrJa Town In dieted For Complicity. Chattanooga, TennOct. 9. The in vestigation of the Bohannorf car gang robberies by the Whitfield county (Ga.) grand jury has brought forth some sen sational disclosures in the town of Dal ton 40 miles south of here. The jury has discovered that the gang has stolen over $100,000, and has been working sys tematlcally for years. In. addition to finding 13 indictments against each member of the gang the jury has found indictments against the following leading merchants of Dal ton for working in complicity with the gang, and receiving stolen goods: John Bender, member of council; Drew M Peeples. member of coAmcil; T..N. Pee pies, Jr., G: W. Gannon and Anderson Giddinsrs. The plan of the robbers was to go out on the railroads and break into cars Before reaching Dalton the goods were thrown out and carried away by con federates. The goods wrere afterward sold bv the gang to the Dalton mer chants. The work continued for years Superintendent Vaughn, of the South ern railway, put detectives on the case, who played tramps, joined the gan and located the robbers. Berlin, Oct. 7. The German govern ,v,ot vm a refused to recognize Mr. --' Ferdinand Neumann, of Illinois, who was nominated by President McKinley on May 28 to be United States consul to Cologne. The rejection is on ac count of certain allegations connefted with the World's fair, ana a certain in which Neumann LUH1 v.- - . tk. A r- Via va Virion interested which 10 cm w B-rw..- resulted disastrously to some German artists. Tie f 10 timils Igaatnre of Is en A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. Tuesday, Oet 5. Recent floods in China destroyed GO villages, and the death list is placed at 15,000 to 20,000. Samuel R. McMillan. ex-United States senator from Minnesota, died in bt. Paul, aged 71. , ' Senor Sagasta assufmed the premier ship of Spain yesterday, and his new cabinet was sworn in. Near Willow Springs, Mo., a wagon containing seven persons was run down by a train. Six were killed and one fatally hurt. Joseph Herth, Adolph Pierson. A. Hendricksori and George Robbins, pound nshermen, were drowned by the upset ting of their, boat off Long Branch. Wednesday, Oct. . Professor L. Si Swanson, of Minne sota, has been appointed minister to Denmark. - The anti-gambling amendment to New Jersey's constitution was carried at last week's election. Ex-Congressman Godfrey Hunter, of Kentucky, has been appointed min ister to Guatemala, and will probably accept. . Henry George last night accepted the various nominations tendered him for mayor of greater New York at an en thusiastic meeting in Cooper Union. A big hotel in course of erection at Lindsay park, near Charlevoix, Mich., collapsed, burying 40 workmen. Two were killed, nine seriously injured. Thursday, Oct. 7. The president has appointed Augus tus G. Seyfert, of Pennsylvania, con sul, at Stratford, Ont. The proposed forest reserve in the Turtle mountains, N. D., , has been stripxed of timber by premature set tlers. " The postoffice department is experi menting with a machine which regis ters mail automatically when a dime 13 dropped into it. . . ; I Marines have been put on guard at St- Michaels, Alaska, to keep order among the desperate characters who have drifted towards the Klondike. I'riday, Oet. 8. ; Rufus Heming, of Ohio, has been, ap pointed consul at Edinburgh, and Sam uel A. MacAllister, of Delaware, consul at. Barbados. The Paris edition of the New York Herald asserts that the Indian govern ment declines to reopen the Indian mints to silver. At Willow Grove park, Philadelphia, Cyclist "Jimmie" Michael covered a mne, paced, m i.sb, creating a new American record. Three Italian convicts, serving a life sentence in Colorado on a conviction of 'murder, have been released, their in nocence being established by the Italian consul. Saturday, Oct. O. The restrictions on American meats in Italy have been removed. , ' The postoflice department has adopted a policy of extension of the money order system. The United States enjoy more than half the trade in supplying England with bacon. Klondike miners threaten to lynch the leaders of two expeditions should the outfit fail to reach Dawson. Henry Neisniith and son met Henry Harris and sen just outside of Moultree, Ga. Both sides opened fire and Henry "Neismith was killed. The other three men were wounded. Monday, Oct. 11. 1 Samuel Parker, a wealthy Hawaiian and ex-foreigii minister, is at San Francico, working for annexation. George ITamock, clerk at John Wana- maker's store in New York, is under arrest for stealing $1,200 worth of goods General - Horatio C. King has been nominated for congress by the inde nendents. or Shepard Democrats, of the Third New York district. Thomas A. Dillon, aged 47, president of Cav'anaugh & Co., distillers, of Chi cago, who has been in bad health, on Saturday jumped into the lake and was drowned. At Philadelphia Saturday Jimmy Michael, the Welsh cyclist, covered 32 miles and C52 yards in an hour, defeat ing all records. He also broke all rec ords over 11 miles. Why not profit by experience of oth ers. Thousand of grateful men anc women have been rendered heal thy and happv bv the use of Feuricuka (Sweet Choi Tonic with Iron), a skill corn' t i n a t i o n of the most approved rem edies, which will promptly cure any case of Chills and-Fever. It is sold by reputable dealers, who will not ask you tn trv inferior articles for the sake of j extra profit, Guaranteed to cure or money refunded. llus'a' Son! T)e'i?f to Arrives. Washington, Oct. 11. Prince Botkine the Russian delegate to the interna tional seal conference to be held in this citv in a few weeks, has arrived here He is the first of the foreign delegates to reach Washington. Of the two experts who are to assist him, Commercial Asrent Routkowsky is already here and n.Tr. Orrhnitzkv. the srovernor of the Commander (Seal) islands, is expected very soon. Prince Botkine says the seals on the Commander islands suffer from pelagic sealing, as do those cf the Pribvlov islands, and Russia is anxious for some amicable .arrangement for their preservation. Probable Murder by Flame. Canton, O., Oct. 11. Residents cf the tenderloin district at daylight yester day morning heard screams and saw a column of flames in the rear yard of the home of William Depeyster. On in vestigation Mrs. Depeyster was found with her clothing on fire, and before aid could be rendered she was dead The kitchen of the house was covered with oil spots and fragments of a broken lamp were found in the house and vard. Depeyster would give no explana tion of what hadcccurred, and was placed under arrest on suspicion of murder. AYholesale Murderer's Confession. Rotterdam. Oct. 9. A man named Gustave Muller has surrendered to the city police, confessing the murder of v,io wife arid child. As proof of the truth of his confession he! produced from his pocket tour numan ears. j.ne rniiop on searching his house, found the two bodies. Muller subsequently rnnfpcppd that he had also killed his parents, mutilating their remains in the sam.3 manner, and then ne made tne astounding statement that he had similarly disposed of 14 wiverv A Mi I or in ixi.m jut vnnif II EX-SENATOR M'PHERSON DEAD. Served In the National Senate From 1877 to 185. Tn.i-nir r- fk T..1 T- 3 1 i .bursting 01 a Water JJlain UaUSeS McPherson, one time Democratic leader Jn New Jersey, and United States sena tor from this state from 1877 until 1S93, died late last night at Taylor's hotel. Mr. McPherson had been staying at the hotel for over a month. He had not been Well for some time, being sick with intestinal trouble.' On Tuesday last he was obliged to take to his bed. His condition was not alarming until toward the last. .Ex-Seriator McPherson was bom at York, Livingston county, on May 9, Much. Property Damage. LOSS WILL BE MANY THOUSANDS. The Accident Happened In the Heart of the Fashionable District, and All liasements In the Immediate Vicin ity Were Quickly Flooded. New York, Oct. 11. A large croton water main burst early yesterday morning at the corner of Madison ave nue and Forty-eighth street, in the Jieart of the fashionable district, and wrought such havoc with property, both near ard remote, that not even a partial calculation can be made of the financial damage at present. For blocks around scarcely a building es caped Injury by ri.-abtf.vof the volumes of water which poured into the streets, cellars and basements. The loss . will reach far into the thousands. The damage by the water extends as far west as Sixth avenue and as far -east as First avenue. The sewers were choked by the great rush of water, and then the flood rose in the streets. The big water main was probably craekea" by a blast which was fired in a sewer excavation late Saturday afternoon. Then in the night time, when the strain on the pipe was greatest, it gave way and the flood followed. The breaking of the four foot pipe was announced by a rumbling noise which awakened the people in the immediate vicinity. Look? ing out of their windows they saw a great geyser in the middle of the ave nue shooting a vast volume of water into the air, a column so high that it reached almost to the top of the elec tric light pole on the corner. Those who had no view of the fountain "heard a mighty rush of water., - For five hours this column shot into the air before it was shut off at its source, and in that time 10,000,000 gal lons of water" had run down the ave nue and side streets on either hand. All the streets east of Madison avenue slope gradually, and down them the water surged in a torrent, flooding the cellars and basements. The most serious damage was done to the building of the railroad branch of the Y. M. C. A. and to the Knicker bocker Athletic club house. In the base ment of the latter place were located the dynamos, machinery, bowling al leys, bath rooms and big swimming tank. These have probably been ruined by the flood. The club -officials place the loss at $15,000. The club house will be closed until the damage has been re paired. After five hours the flow was stopped. Almost without exception the houses in the vicinity of the break .were so flooded that they have been damaged from $500 to $2,0CO-each. The residence -'.'of '-'-'J. Hooker Hamersley, William Eustace,' J. Talbot and the club house of the Delta Phi were amonr those most damaged. The main which broke was laid in 1874. It has a capacity of 2,000,000 gal lons an hour, with a pressure of 27 pounds to the square inch. 1S33. He was for a time engaged in . STREET CAR HELD UP. Two Men Coileotnu Involuntary Snb- scrlption at Port'and, Ore. Portland, Ore., Oct. 11. A car on the Oregon vCity Electric line was held up by two masked men at Meldrum Sta tion, four miles from Oregon City, last night. Theie were "3 passengers on board, and the highwaymen went through the pockets of all of them, get ting about $G0. The motorman slowed down when he came to the switch at Meldrum Station. One of the robber- jumped on the front of the car, and with a revolver in his hand ordered the motorman to stop the car while the second robber climbed on the rear, endn Conductor John Andersen stepped in side and quickly turned out the lights, but he vras held a prisoner by the man on the rear platform, who stood guard with a revolver. The robber who boarded the car in front made the mo torman go inside, and then he quietly searched each passenger, joking as he went through the car. Many of the passengers put their money and valu ables in their shoes or dropped them on the floor. Train Hoidnp in .Misonri. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 7. The Chi cago and St. Louis express which yeft here on the Chicago and Alton road at 8:30 o'clock last night, was held up and robbed less than six miles out of the city at a siding known as Evans- ton. There were eight of the robbers, and they completely overawed the train crew. They took $22 in coin from the conductor, and then run the engine and express car up the track a half mile. Here they atempted to blow open the express safe with dynamite,' but were unsuccessful, and finally decamped. evidently fearing pursuit. EX-SENATOR M'PHERSON. farming and stock raisjng. He be came a resident of Jersey City in 1858. Here he entered largely into the live stock trade, and soon became' one of the most prominent dealers. Mr. McPher son was a member of the board ot al dermen of Jersey City from 1864 to 1870, and for more than three years of that time he was -president of the board. He established in this city the People's Gaslight company and was elected. its president. He was also president of several savings banks. In 1871 he was elected to the New Jersey senate by an unusually large majority, and served for three years. In 1876 he Was a presi dential elector, when the state went for Tilden by a large majority. In 1877 he was elected a . United States sena tor to succeed F. P. Frelinhuysen, and served three terms. YELLOW FEVER 1N GALVESTON. Dr. Gnlteras, the Government's Ex pert, Fears No Serious Trouble. Washington, . Oct. .11. Surgeon Gen eral Wyman, of the Marine hospital service, received a brief dispatch from Dr. John Guiteras, the yellow fever ex pert, informing him of the appearance of the disease in Galveston, Tex. The dispatch was as follows: "Five cases of yellow fever now here; three more have been. I do not apprehend serious trouble here, hut dengue causes much confusion." Dr. Wyman has been in communica tion with Dr. Fisher, of Galveston, and State Health Officer Swearingen, and nas been advised that an necessary precautions have been taken to pre vent the spread of the disease. The of ficials of the Marine hospital service have known for several weeks of the existence of considerable-dengue fever at Galveston, but they decline to ex press any opinion ofthe development of the yellow fever at that place.. At Mobile, Ala., there were yesterday seven new cases in the city and two deaths. In. the county there was one death, but no new cases. The official report of the board of health of New Orleans says: Cases of yellow fever yesterday, 37; deaths yes terday, 5; total cases of yellow fever to date, 577; total deaths from yellow fever to date, 61; total Cases absolutely recovered, 240; total cases under treat ment, 276. ' ' Brutal Punishment in the Army. Chicago, Oct. 11. The punishment meted out to Private Charles Ham mond, at Fort Sheridan, has caused considerable mutinous talk among the enlisted men at the post. Under orders from Captain Lovering, officer of the day, Hammond was dragged feet first by four snldiers from the guard house, down, a flight of stairs to the head quarters, 500 yards away, up the stairs, then down again, and to the adjutant's quarters, where he was to be given a hearing for refusing to. work. The mat ter has been referred to Colonel Hall, commandent, but.it is doubtful if any investigation win oe maae. Ham mond's injuries were confined, to bruises and scratches. Fearful Holocaust In South Dakota. Plankinton, S. D., Oct. 7. One of the worst disasters in the history of the state occurred Tuesday midnight, when seven lives were lest by the burning of the girls' dormitory at the State In dustrial school. The dead are: Tillie Hooper, instructor; Mabel Tobert, aged 9, of Sioux Falls; Bessie Merby, aged 14, of Hot Springs; Ida Yarner, aged 16, of Watertown; Christina Bergman, aged .11, of Yankton; Nellie Johnson, siged 13, of Grafton, N. D.; Lillian West, k ged 11, of Sioux Falls. J mm WITHDRAWAL The Ex-Cuban Commander to Ee- turn to Spain at Once. ENGLISH NEWSPAPER ADVICE. How to Cure Cataifh. The London Times Suggests That Sa- irnsta Should Adopt a Policy "Likely to Disarm American, JInIrtKs, The Standard Advises Circumspection. Madrid, Oct- 1L Captain General Blanco will sail for Cuba on the loth, and Captain General Weyler will re turn to Spain Immediately, General Catellanos assuming the direction of affairs: in Cuba until Blanco's arrival. The Marquis de Ahmuda, who was Captain General Weyler's second in command, has resigned. ' ! At the meeting of the cabinet Satur day it was decided to send reinforce ments to the Philippine Islands. Mar shal Primo Rivera, who succeeded Gen eral Blanco as governor general of the Philippines, will.-be recalled immedi ately, r General Weyler has issued a de cree allowing .the return to Cuba of Senor Gonzalez Lanuza, a judge of the supreme court of Havana, and a pro fessor in the university; Dr. Emiliano Nunez, a well known lawyer; Alfredo Zayas, Adolf o Diaz, Ignaeio Lamas, Manuel Castro Palomino, Juan Ense nat, Adolfo De la Cueva. Miguel 'Fer rer, Jose More, Jose Cay, Antonio Daumy, Antonio Bello, Victor Miranda, Julian Carbo, Miguel Hatuey and 122 others. Every sufferer from Catarrh should -know that it is impossible to cure, the disease with sprays, washes, inhala- -tion3f etc., which are universally used. In fact, the experience of growing worse all the while is proof that the treatment is all wrong. -. Matty who have been under treatment for years and met xrith disappointment in stead of benefit are willing to doubt that there is any cure for Catarrh. ' The trouble is that all of the treat ment they have received haa been mi9- directed, asd has not touched theit; trouble. Catarrh is a stubborn deep ceated blood disease, and every bodv , ehould know that to simply treat tho Bunace, tnat is, the local irritation, does not reach the disease. A blood ' remedy is dc " !?5.'!je a porvj. , one; a remedy "which roes "down totae " very bottom the trouble and forces iV out. S.S.S. (Swift's Specific) is the only one which can have the slightest effcct5 npoii Catarrh, for it is the only one which, -goes to the scat of the disease, and per manently gets rid of it. This is the only reasonable .way to treat Catarrh. ENGLISH NEWSPAPER ADVICE. Instructions For Premier Saasta and Uncle Sam In the Crisis. London," Oct. 11. The Times, com menting editorially this morning on the O' n situation, says: "If Senor Sa gasta fails to adopt a bold reform pol icy in Cuba, likely to disarm American jingoism, It might turn out to have been wiser to have left General Wey ler to finish the war in his own fashion." The Standard, after asking why Gen eral Weyler is recalled if it is intended to continue the campaign, says: "It seems only too plain that Senor Sa- gasta's course hardly deserves the name of policy. It is almost a device for parrying America's importunate. questions. We suspect that Genera'. Woodford presented something very like an ultimatum and that but for American pressure nothing would have heard of autonomy. We doubt that a Cuban settlement is much nearer. There Will be more fighting and more negotiation. Senor Sagasta must walk warily if he proposes to be more than a diplomatic match tor the American Ambassador. "On the other hand.-the Washington cabinet has need to be circumspect. Spain has only Cuba and honor left, and any open interference with her rights over Cuba would kindle a fire of resentment: in which all talk of au-r tonomy would disappear and the strug-L gle attain wider dimensions." The Morning Post, in an editorial, accuses the American jingoes of "try ing to force a quarrel with England or Spain for the purpose of diverting the attention of the country-from home troubles, Bryanism and the general re volt against the domination of profes sional politicians." It expresses the hope that Spain, like Lord Salisbury, "will maintain coolness and good temper in the face of President McKinley's pro vocative attitude." Ml May Demand Miss Cisneros'Surrender Washington, Oct. 11. The escape of Senorita Cisneros from the Casa de Recojidas in Havana may lead to fur ther complications with Spain. Should it develop, as it Ms expected to, that her escape was planned and executed by Americans sent from this country for the purpose and given powerful as sistance here, it is quite possible that the Spanish government may make complaint. As she is said to be on her way to this country, her surrender may be demanded. Such a. demand would most likely lead to trauble, as public sentiment in this country would never consent to her surrender. Ex-State Secretary's Shortajre. Charleston, W. Va., Oct. 11. When Secretary of State Chilton retired from office on March 14 last he owed the state somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000 which he had collected as taxes on charters, etc. He informed the Incom ing state administration of the fact at the time, and asked for a reasonable time in which to settle. Seven months have elapsed and he has not paid the amount due, and an effort is now' being made to force him to settle. He says the matter will be arranged within a few- days. There is no effort being made to press him hard, the state offi cers believing that he will pay every cent without unreasonable delay. Many of our people are sufTerinr from nervous troubles. Scrofula. Sores. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, and other diseases who can promptly be ana permanently cured by that s-terhng remedy "Parker's Sarsaparilla tup; King of Rlootj Purifier." It has been used by thousands and never known to fail. Only the finest selected puntyin tome herbs and roots are used in its manufacture. It has all tho good qualities of other remedies, with none of the bad. His Swindles Atrreijate JjMOO.OOO. New York, Oct. 8. Emmet B. Gibson, alias. George B. Sherin, a railroad pro moter, who claims that he was at one time a judge in Ohio and who was once president cf the Akron (O.) Street Rail way company, ana is now vice presi dent cf the company, was arrested yes terday afternoon charged with laying down bogus checks, beating hotels out of board bills and carrying on, swind ling operations of various kinds. amounting to almost $400,000. Cut In Two by a Trolley far. Baltimore. Oct. 11. A trolley car on the Point Breeze division of the City and Suburban traction line ran down a wagon cn the Mt. Carmel road, two miles from Biltimore, yesterday after noon, instant'.y. killing Mrs. John Fred erick Heim. Jr., of 424 South Washing ton street, this city, and injuring her The Pistol That Killed Garfield. Washington, Oct. 8 The, police have recovered what they believe to be the pistol with which Guiteau shot Presi dent Garfield, and have put it in the cabinet at headquarters for safe keep ing. It is an ordinary British bulldog revolver of 44 caliber and of cheap make, the handle being set with pieces of wood instead of bone or Ivory. Tlie pistol was taken from police head quarters July 2, 1SS1, the day President Garfield was shot, by Colonel George B. Corkhill, then district attorney.. Sub sequently it disappeared mysteriously and trace of it was obtained only re cently. . . Mrs." Heim was covered wagon VAg Coal strike Averted. Kazleton. Pa., Oct. 11. The Lehigh tnd Wilkesbarre breaker hands on the Tcuth Side will return to work tomor row. They were promised an advance in wages, and with this assurance have agreed to go back. husband and two boys. on the rar seat, of the when the car ran into it, and becoming entangled in the wreckage was thrown under the car and cut completely in twain. Her husband and the two chil dren, on the front seat, were thrown 20 feet, but escaped with severe bruises and contusions. The conductor and motorman were arrested. Proposed Hanqnet to Captain Wlborgr. .Philadelphia, Oct. 11. Captain WI borg, formerly of the Cuban filibuster ing steamer Horsa, who wTas released from the Eastern penitentiary last Fri day nignt, has determined to take a rest for a few days, after which he will seek for a ship in need of a master. He feels that no disgrace is attached to his imprisonment, as it was due to his devotion to the cause of Cuban liberty. There Is talk cf banqueting the captain. It is a mistakenjidea that a cough'ac- quired clurins: the warm season need not be regarded seriously. Facts orove the contrary. Do not neglect yourself. A simple and effective rem edy is at your hand. Parker's Tolu Cough Syrup is a quick and agreeable To remove the constipation habit. the only safe teatment is a course of A , VkllTc VillA-i,i-f-rl K .r a laxative j--.. -.. ,KM(i,,,tVc An mr remedy for Coueh or Cold. Hoarseness. harm than goo J, therefore leading phy- Whooping Cough, or any affection of sicians recommend Aver s nils, espe- 1 mui .ivaMuuu r-lolltr a fam v f hvs:r. . . cnuureii ukc 11. 4l4 j h J I J Strangled a Fellow Lunatic. Austin, Tex., Oct. 11. J. B. West, who has been attending the law class of the. State university, became violently in sane Saturday, thinking he was a great Populist leader, and was going to be Texas' next governor. He was confined in the lunatic asylum in a cell with another lunatic named Thomas C. Denge. At an early hour yesterday morning he choked Denge to death. notwithstanding the fact that four at tendants were trying to separate the men. Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Harrodsburg. . Ky., had Catarrh for years, lie writes: could see no improvement what-; ever, though I was constantly treated' . with sprays and washes, and different inhaling remedies in fact, I could feel that each winter I was worse than the year previous. ' "Fiu'ally it wa3 brouqirt to my notice that Catarrh was a blood disease, and alter thinking over the matter, I saw it wa3 unreasonable to expect to be cured by remedies- which ouly reached the surface. I then decided to try G. S. S., and the r. suits were gratifying, for after a few bottles were used, I noticed a perceptible improvement.- Continu ing to take the remedy, the disease was forced out of my system, and a com plete and permanent cure was the result. I advise all who have this dreadful disease to abandon their local treatment, which has never done them any good, arid take S.S.S. (Swift's Spe- .. cine), a remedy which can reach the disease arid cure it." To continue the wrong treatment for Catarrh i3 to continue to suffer. Swift's Specific never fails to cure- even the most aggravated cases. - It is a - real blood remedy, and cures Catarrh, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Eczema, Cancer, Scrofula, and all other blood diseases. S. S. S. is guaranteed Purely V egetablk Books mailed free to any address bv Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. - GENERAL SOUTHERN NEWS. Opelika, Ala.. Oct. 7. During the night the old jail building at this place was totally destroyed by fire, and two prisoners who were confined in it were . burned to death. Both were negroes. Memphis, Tenn.,' Oct.' 7. Henry Crower, a negro, Was taken from the court room -at Hernando, Miss., yes terday by a mob of 75 men and lynched.. Crower -accomplished the ruin of 15- year-old Dovie Ferguson. - Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 6. The Lamb Republican convention last night nomi nated P. HMcCaull for governor; O. B. Roller of Harrisonburg, for lleuten- , ant governor, and James K. Lyons of Richmond, for attorney general. Atlanta, Oct. 9. Hon.- Hoke Smith,. former secretary of the Interior, has been elected president of the board of education of this city. Mr. Smith's election was, unanimous. He repre sents the Sixth ward on the board.. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 5. Passenger train No. 2 on the Louisville and Nash ville railrond jumped the track at Riv erside I'ark, just outside the city, killed G us Boyd, a colored fireman, and ser kuslj injured Jim Brown, engineer. A split -switch,' it is said, caused the ac cident. The' engine turned over, and c;-.ught the fireman.' Onancock, Va.; Oct. 6. Captain Orris A. Browne, manager and general agent of the famous Hollywood Place truck farm, near Cape Charles City, who ex perimented with sugar beets during the past season, furnishes the following re sult of his test: The yield was 25.047 pounds per acre, and the chemical analysis, made by the chemist of the agricultural department at Washing ton, shows that the Valmorin variety of beets grown on Hollywood Place contains 12.54 per cent. ' This result is very encouraging., .'' Asheville, N. C, Oct. 8. William E. Breeze, president; W. II. Phenland. cashier, and J. C. Dickinson, a director of the defunct- First National bank of Asheville, were arrested here yesterday on indictments charging them with em bezzlement and conspiracy. The men gave ball in $20,000 each. National Bank Examiner Maxey has been in Ashe ville. and has made some startling dis coveries, one of these, It Is alleged,' re vealing the fact that $250,000 of "ac comodation notes" signed by Insolvent persons and filled out by officials and some forged papers are in the bank. SURE DLOOD n oil is the foundation : health. Hood's Sarsaparillamakcs the blood pure, rich and nourifiliinrantl gives and maintains good H E ALTH

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