Rcyal makes the food pure, wholesome mud delicious Absolutely Pur ROVAL BAKING POWOgB CO., NEW VQHK. Nadal's Drug Store W ILL BE OPEN NEXT SUNDAY. WILSON LOCALS. A WKKK'S NKWS BRIKFLV TOLD JFOR Home Mutters Picked up on Our Streets by our Reporter What lie Sees nt Hears. The weather is. just about right lor a lvnchine bee over in Nash County. The little children were delighted at the sight of a monkey and organ yesterday. C C. Daniels is making ready to build a law office on the Court House square. inejosnua oimpkins L.o. gave a parade on , Monday noon The band was one of the best that has ever visited Wilson. Our most eminent physicians prescribe "MARTS EMULSION OF Con Liver Oil" with Creasote and the Hypophosphites. - The Commissioner on Labor Statistias says that the cotton mills of the State will use all the cotton raised in the State this year All kinds oi books, both schoo books and books to read, can be found at the Wilson Book Store, op posite the Court" House. A special sale on toilet paper at the Wilson tJook store. 10 cent packages at 5 cents. See townordi nance in another column. '. ine otate superintendent o Public Instruction has been urged to make February ( 12th Lincoln day, to be generally observed throughout the United States. Do not wear impermeable and tight-fitting hats that constrict the blood vessels of the scalp. Use Hall's Hair Renewer occasionally and you will not be bald. Hy the published statement of sales of tobacco here and at Rocky Mount it would appear that this mar ket had sold almost two pounds for every one sold there during the pres ent season. A slight shower on Monday suc ceeded by heavy dews has laid the dust somewhat, but everything on the farm is still verv dry. It will take a Jiard, soaking rain to get the ground thoroughly wet. See statement of the Bank of Branch & Co. in another column. -This bank started in business only a few years ago but by strict attention to-business and by always making it a point. to accommodate its patrons it has succeeded in building up a busi-. ness surpassed by few similar institu tions in the State. It makes a big difference to you whether you ask for Putnam Fade less Dye or some other kind. You get less for your money, gel colors that fade, that will not stand washing and have to get a package for wool I and one for cotton. Ask for Putriam i i aci jiess Dyes and you will avoicrall this. Sold by Hawley & Raper, Uoyett, N. B. - We wish to s imply state that we nave seen Mr. Grantham's article in the Times. We refrain from making reply, in defte'rence to a wish, ex pressed at a meeting of the commis sione'rs last Thursday evening, ''that further newspaper discussion be avoid ed, until the board be allowed time to make an investigation." When this probation shall have passed we will take up the case. Recent Ordinances Passed by Commission CIS. Confederate DaTat the sute Fair. The managers of the Stat tr desirous of making Wednesday, 20th x-u,cucraie:. Veteran's Day,", when portraits of several prominet soldiers will pe presented to the State. All Confederate' veterans will he tnev are licensed butchers admitted to the lair grounds free, on That no. person shall be allowed to that day, provided he has a certificate Post bills in the town except those of membership, signed by his local who have procured license therefor camp-officers. - PERSONAL MENTION.; - Ordinance VII Sec. 4 That any person selling meats that have been salted .for less than seven days will be subject to a fine of $10 unless Mrs. J. H. Cutchin is visiting rela tives in Greenville, N. C. Ex Sheriff Ricks, of Nash county, wis in the city this week. Mr. John Selby has returned from a business trip to Lexington, Ky. Mr. Thomas Gilliam has returned said license to be $1.00 a month or after a month's visit to iriends in Vir- nied. On Friday a Iternoon last, Oct. 8th "i uuock, archie, son ol Edward $10 per yhar. 1 hat all peddlers or venders ot medicine, prize package or mer chandize8 of any kind shall pay a li- Rtop the Cow Kicking:. N. C- Bulletin The kicking cow, while milking, is an abomination. - to prevent the kicking a small rope or large cord passed around the body of the cow just in lront of the udder and over the top of the hips. It need not 'be drawn tight just snug will do and no cow to which it is applied will ever try to kick. Sometimes a cow thus tethered will lift a foot to kick, butsomeho v she seems to change and Florence Stalfings, age 3 years tax of $5 per month or $25 per year a.m o monins. 1 he little one was laid at rest Saturday evening. To the be reaved parents we extend our deepest sympathy. . On Tuesday last, October 1 2th. Wiley B. Deans, of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Deans was a brother of our towns men, P. 13. Deans and A. B. Deans 1 He had moved to Atlanta some time ago where he was engaged in the bro or be subject to a fine of $10 for each offense. That any person using anything other than standard toilet paper in gima. . - Messrs. Dorsey and Parham, of Oxford, were in the city this week her min aml Put it down again visiting friends. Paul Christman, who has been England's Berlnir Sea Ultimatum. London, Oct. -7. The officials of the British foreljrn" office- have, communi cated to the United States ambassador. Colonel John Hay. the final decision that the government of Great Britain must refuse to take part In any sealing conference with representatives of Rus sia and Japan. The British govern-, ment. however, asserts its willingness to confer with the United States alone but it insists that Russia and Japan are not interested in the Bering sea seals to a degree entitling them to represent ation at the conference. Charlotte Observer. That is a good stroke of business traveling with Barnum & Bailey, has on the part of the Southern Railway! j When you take Hood's Pills. The big. old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not in it with Hood's. Easy to take returned to Wilson. Misses Annie Simpson and Nan - n w a M. 1 I -uy -.uaei connected with the public Branch have returned from a three sewers shall be subject to a fine of $25 weeks visit to "Woodlawn Farm" for eagh and every offense. lieautiTnl Sea Shells. Every one admires them. Since where they spent a most enjoyable time chasing birds and foxes. Mr. A. B. Deans dtft Monday night for Atlanta, in resDonse to a telegram announcing the serious ill - kerage business, His remains were coming south I have received nnmer taken tc Washington for burial, this ous inquiries from northern people ness of his brother, at that place. ucing me nome 01 his wife. Five and One-half Cent Cotton. Cotton has taken another down ward turn. Last week itsold above, 6 cents but yesterday it was down in the neighborhood of 5 cents. With all the reports in on the cot- for sea shells, and now I am prepared ' Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hunt, who to answer yes, I can send. you shelis, have been visiting their daughter, mill men and.it hopes they will come ... ,1 in extending an invitation to the members of the New England-Manu facturing Association to visit the cot ton miils along the line of that com- pany. Could the New Engenders ; realize before hand the social delights ! that a trip into the South of the kind s proposed could afford, they would not hesitate about accepting the ! Southern's invitation. The South J does not want to loose the opportuni ty of entertaining the New Engjand n and easy to operai . is true of Hood's Pills, - fl'ch are up to date in ever? 'espect Safe, certain and re. AH druggists. 25c. C. i. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. el s 10 ior 1 nave made quite a collection of Mrs. J. H. Cheatham, returned to lovely shells, both from our own coast, their home in Granville Tuesday tne coral reefs, and some beautiful ones from the West India Islands. I will mail a dozen or more different kinds, no tuO aliirf tr antr rna too crop in and every indication that , , . . . . 1 sends a stamD for oostatre. A so 1 1 1 . 1 1 r - ic ,upp,y iS oeiow me demand, ,t send , d -T. Pes snouid branch comh range so low. Last year s crop bare postage. piece of white Mr. J as. T. Wiggins has returned from quite an extended trip through the northern cities and Canada. He says that the drought has extended period ol thirty years The capital in full force. All doors down this way are wide open. 1 The Sanford Clothing Manufac turing Company has betfn incorpor ated by the Secretary of State for a up there ly ran out eight and one-half mil-. lioa bales and should this crop fall below nine or even nine and a quar ter million there will be a rush for the staple, late in the season. Yours, Mrs. F. A. Warner, Jacksonville, Fta. Geo. nadly Co') B-aten. George Hadley (colored) was chased and given a severe beating Sat urday night. None of the partici ulars were ascertained as the crowd A Correction. In our lasf week's issue. we printed an account in Which Richard Ren- i S t 1 r-rst . now (coi.; ngureo. 1 he item wrs given us by a party that we thougl t was strictly reliable but it turns out that it was a fake, and we take this, Where can a comfortable couch be found ? Why at Tucker's. He has just received a new supply of the very latest design, also a full sjpply of other things in the furniture line. A. Strange Comparison a r 1 . 9 s lew oays ago we overheard a young lady remark 'tint every time she saw a certain child hhe thought of the first, opportunity for correcting a certain problem in geometry." The the error. We Ho thU tl more problem referred to was the old time dispersed -immediately and lladley cheerfu1iy as we find that D'ck is not worn question of school committee: given to getting on sprees but attends men about "rhe square described on strictly to his barber shop and can al- lhe hpothenuse of a right angle tn ways be found behind his chair on Sjturday evenings, ready to give his customers a tip-top shave stood of thecompany is to be$io,coo divided into shares of $100 each, The incorporators are A. L. McNeill, W. A. Monroe and W. J. Edwards, of Sanford. The purpose lor which the corporation is formed are manu facturing articles of wearing apparrel and buying and selling general merchandise. aid not matce nis appearance on Monday morning, at which time he was . to have gone before Mayor Deans and make a report. His ncn appearance would indicate that 1 was somewhat to blame in the malte. Later reports are to the effect thak Hidley has been bought oft by hil assailants. angle, etc., etc." Now if there are two objects that have less similitude than a little cherub, without a single straight line, from the crown of hi's golden head to Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant of the sole of his rosy feet, and a sharp would like to H Grandest Kemrdy. liiuklen's- Arnica Salve. The "best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Kever Sores, Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Chilhowi, Va., certifies that, he had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of; but got no relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. TV m m T-v Kings iNew iJiscoverv, and was Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required.- It is guar- cured by use of two bottles. For the anteed tovgive perfect satisfaction or past three years has been attending money refunded. Price 25 cents per to business,- and says Dr. King's box. For sale by B. W. Hargrave. New Discovery is the grandest reme dy ever made, as it has done much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's New Dis covery is gua'ranteed for Coughs, Colds and Consumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at Hargrave's Drug Store. cornered square we know what they are.- ln justice to the youngster it must be stated that, although he knew nothinsr el either curve, aneie or square.the likeness drawn was resent' ed by a jelouded bro. Shooting Scrape Saturday Lewis Pitt was waylaid and shot on Saturday night last. The scene ol the shooting was oh Nash street ju it bejond its intersec ion with the Stan tonsLur roid almost at the spot at which Nettie Jones was murdered a few weeks ago. Two negroes, John Spader and Bill Ayers, have been arrested, charged with the shooting. The ball entered Pitt's back just below the shoulder blade and has not been lo cated. No cause is assigned for the act, altho there is some rumor that he was commanded to hold up his hands and was asked if he had any money. On his attempting to run the shot was fired. Pitt finally succeeded in getting into the house of a man named Harris'thereby ridding bimsd of his oursuers. -The whole occurrence looks like a piece ol wanton deyilitry. This view of it is made the more pronounced when we consider the fact that the same parties- had previously halted another man and threatened to shoot him it he offered any resistance. Oh Monday afternoon the prison ers were taken to Pitt's house that he might 'identify them this he did without hesitation, stating that Ayers was the man who did the shooting, while Sawder was his other assailant. A IifiiUy Big Dou- The ranks of the Lynchites or "Santified Band," at Southport, are being recruited quite largely. More "arks" loaded with their followers are arriving there. It is said these people are afraid to go any further South, so will abide at Southport. 1 "Joshua Sinipkins." ' Perhaps one of the largest crowds ever seen in the Wilson Upera House witnessed the performance of ''Toshua Simpkins" on Monday night. Every reserved seat had been sold before the doers opened and tfie gal lery was packed. The audience was kept in a con tinued uproar during the whole per formance by the many funny doings of the different actors, Arthur San ders as "Uncle Josh" and Dan Dar- leigh as JiHezekuh" were especially eood. "The old maid" was also He stuck to this firmly although both Twenty lions in one den are to be prisoners tried to get him to change only wfth these great shows. A roy- his evidence. Outside of Pitt's testi- al troupe 01 Japanese, imporieu ex mony there is both direct and cir-r cumstantial evidence against the pris oners and they should be prosecut ed to the full extent of the law. Something to Know. pressly lor this vast enterprise, and the only double troupe ever brought to this county, is another feature. They would be a whole show in an ordinary circus, but are only a single feature with the Robinson and Frank- Tt mav be worth something to jn Bros.' Shows. Acres of tents are - j i ---- , know that the very best medicine for required to accommodate this huge restoring the tired out nervous sys- amusement, while one ticket admits . , . 1 ' t"i a . 11.1 1 -i. tern to a healthy vigor is xieciric to an tne comDineu biius Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the Family wines that rival the world nerve centres in the stomach, gently in excellence are from Speer's Passaic, stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, N J , Vineyards. The Chust, vin- and aids these organs in throwing oft tage 1881, the Burgund an&Port are the impurities of the blood. Electric very old superior wines. The Port is Bitters improves the appetite, aids especially for invalids. The Climax digestion, and is pronounced by Brandy is very superior. those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Xr,r t ;olH for cor or r ner bottle .L,T 7 . - . is .j .v.. 1 ..1 jT , yV'Z- ererr at Ilnrorve's DniP Store. - -isJ77&6'JLe4.' W v---w- - f 1 w " w - -v OASTORIA Do YotrUse It? V It's the best thing for the hair under all circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions . favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalo. nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost Hnt of crav or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. FOR SKIN-TORTURED 5 WANTED. FAMILIES TO WORK IN THE Wilson Cotton Mills. For full particulars apply to JAMES LIPSCOMB, 4o-4t ' Secretary and Treasurer. FOR SALE. THE HOUSE and LOT Where I now reside. JOHN K. RUFFIN, Trustee. 9 tf And rest for tired mothers in a 'warm bath with C uticur A Soap, and a single application of Cuticura (ointment), the great ekiri cure. Ccticcra Remedies afford instant relief, and point to a speedy cure of torturing, dis figuring, humiliating, itching, burning, bleed ing, crusted, scaly skin and scalp humors, with loss of hair, when all else fails. Sold throughout the irorld. Potter Davo akd Chm. Cork., Sole HropB.. Boston. " Uow to Cure Skm-Tortured Babies," free. SKIN SCALP and ITa'r Beautified oy CCTICLRA SOAP. $500,000 TO LOAN In North Carolina. In large or small amounts on insur ance policies in first class companies. Larger loans ;at lower rales than are made by any other company. For particulars and terms, address English American Loan and 'Trust Company. C. C. DANIELS, Wilson, N. C. LONG TIME LOAN AT LOWEST KATES. 34-lf- Chichester's Encllsh DIomond Brand. i ENNYROYAL PILLS Original ami niy bennine. safe, alwav reliable, ladies isi Druiririst for"Cfticeri Ennliih Dia l mond Brand in Ued XaH Cold mctallicN fea V" other. Refuse dangrmut lubttitu- W in Mamps for particulars, testimonials and VS Keller ror i.aniea, ". mi J- ill At l. lli,uou 1.7..........,... ...... . r. , 'hlchcterChemlcal Co,,llaoUon Siuni Bold by ail Local Druggisu. 1'hUndo., ra Faets A IliiffP Kiilrrprise ble Ciicus. The coming of the great John Robinson and Franklin Bros.' Enor mous Combined Shows to exhibit at well played Wilson on Friday, October 22 will be A saw mill scene was introduced a treat to the citizens ol this entire in the third act with a genuine circu- community the like they never expe lar saw in operation, and as young rienced before. The Robinson Simpkins was thrown upon the log Shows have delighted American with the intention of ending his exis- amusement lovers fjr more than three tence, more than one turned their generations, and the Franklin Bros, faces but as in all such plays he was are the founders of the new school of saved just before he reached the saw. American showmen. In combining The company carry a fine orches- and organizing their shows for the tra. We trust they may visit Wilson season of 1897 they have spared no again. money to secure the best for every department. A glance at the list of celebrities under their control : will convince the most skeptical that they have b2en:amply rewarded (or their lavish oitlay, for there are the best in the world in their various lines. The horses, many of them imported, are models of horseflesh, while their stud of trained horses do everthing but talk. They will appear at every per formance with their original trainer. We do not claim that the sun, moon and stars -would cease to shine, and this great big world would come to an end ; that North Carolina, or even Wil son county would have to enlarge1 her almshouse to receive the starving thousands if it were not for THE CASH RACKET 9 "- ' or that the streets of Wilson would have grown up in bushes and briars had we never opened our doors at all. .We do not wish any one to suppose that we think that our importance has assumed such mam moth proportions. But: We do Ol aii 11 XI lis, (and have both goods and prices to back it); that we carry probably as large a stock as any in. Wilson. Buy -in large quantities, therefore cheaper, have better facilities for handling goods, buy for cash and sell for cash, therefore enabling us. to make the 0 PRICES THE VERY LOWEST. Hundreds of people of Wilson and vicinity can testify to the truthtulness of this statement who have patronized us for 1 1 years, and helped to build this great business that has no superior in the little city. To all such friends and patrons We Extend Our Heartfelt Thanks and to the few who possibly have not patronize us, we will say : You just try for a change some of the many hundreds of matchless values we are offering daily. Compare the quality of goods, the difference in price, and in 12 months the saving will astonish ' you. v - Tfie VUvJIl 1LUU 11 U J. M. LEATH, Manager. Cor Nash and Goldsboro Sts. Store. WILSON, N. C m a.m. M ii : B- ': -Real Estate Brokers and Commission Merchants. Office ox Nash St., over R. J. Grantham & Co. Wilson, N. C Real Estate Bought and Sold. (S) Rents Collected. We offer for sale Building Lots in the town of Wilson and Elsewhere. " We inite intending settlers to call and see us. Correspondence solicited. tag lniormation given tree ol charge. Professional Cards. D. WORTHINGTON. . A. B. DEANS. VfTORTHINGTON & DEANS: f ATTORNEYS-AT-IiAW. WILSON. N. C. Office on Court House Square. F. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, iN AbHVILLE, N. C. Practices in Nash, Edgecombe, Wilson i 111 anu iiaiuax counties. A. J. SIMMS. a n nr A V0 A. J. SIMMS & CO.. GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Office in rear of Court House; -O. Box 162. WILSON. N. C. H- G.CONNOR, Attorney at Law, WILSON. - - N.C. Office Branch & Co's. Bank Building A.J.Simms&Go., Real Estate -Dealers, ' WILSON,- K. C, Will gladly furnish any infor- mi-?s-k.-i . l! 1I7M niaiiuii icgaxuinjj wnson and vicinity. WILSON is a town of 4000 inhabitants, with all the modern improve- ments, such as Water works, blectric lights and Telephone service, and is the most pros perous town in North Carolina. We have the best Cotton and Tobacco Market In the State, Yet farming lands are reason ble in price, from $10 pe acre up. We are in a pos tion to offer Building Lots . , in any section of the town, and cajl attention especially to vacant lots on Academv. Spring, Goldsboro, Hines, ing in price from $150 to" $1,000. If youjwant to sell your lot place it with men who are in touch with purchasers. If you want a tenant for your . uunuiiitr, ana tne rents collec ted promptly make a contract with A.j.Simms&Co. No 5. Farrtvof 52 acres 6 miles from-1 Wilson, j tenant houses, a good 1 horse farm in cultivation, adjoining lands that ca.i be bought reasonable. . Price, $1,000. No. 8. A valuable mill plant. One 12 horse power Cooper engine. "12 " : boiler. " circular saw mill complete, cuts 19 5 inches. " mounted cut off saw. " gristmill complete, heavy 40 inch runners. " steam power Wilson Cotton press. . " large Wilson cotton seed crusher. This machinery is in good running or der with belting, shafting, pulleys &c, complete and can be bought for one fourth original cost. No. 12. A farm of 250 acres 4 miles from Wilson, 150 acres in cultivation. 25 acres good pasture, well watered. 4 tenant nouses and good out build-' ings. No better farm in the county. Price, 4,000. -: No. 13. A good 4-room dwelling on corner of Spring and South streets. A good sized lot cheap tor the price, No. 15. 1,250 acres timber land on and extending from the W. C. & A. and C. C. R. K. in Columbus county. Productive farming land if cleared. Place is paying rent as turpentine farm of 10 per cent, on price asked. Price $2,100. - -No. 16. A nice two story 9-room dwelling nicely located, lot 80x130 feet. Price low. No. 18. A farm of 80 acres, 8 miles from Wilson, buildings new. Horse farm just cleared. Price, $850. No. 23. Farm of 90 acres 6 miles from vVilson. One horse farm in cultivation Good buildings. Fine tobacco land. Price, f 1,100. No. 25.. Vacant lot on the corner of Spring and Hines streets, 45X by 1&5 feet. Price f 100. No. 38 Vacant lot on the corner of Goldsboro and Hines streets, 45 by 185 feet. Price $ 100. "No. 39. Vacant lot on the corner of Spring and Dairy streets, 47H by 185 feet. Price $100. - Noi 52. Vacant lot on the corner of Goldsboro and Dairy streets 46 by 185 feet. Price $90. No. 19. Lot on corner of Spring and Dairy streets. Good four-room dwel ling, good water. Price low. No. 53. The lot on Green St. known as the old Methodist , church Jot. A good location for Dice residence Price low. Terms reasonable. 27-18-iyr.

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