the Wilson Advance. Wilson Times. Itjs common for those in lavor ot by the advance PUBLISHING company replied, 'this is no hobby, it is a PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. X , . the irold Standard to rrv nnt that sil replied, 'this is no fioopy, it is a ver y cheap mo w'orth less thai horse.' 'VVHat is ine uiuereucc, fifly cerjts in the dollar: and the gov W. L. Caxtwell Proprietor. Entered ia the Post Office at Wilson tt. C, as second class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : One Year. ..-" . .. . $1.00 Six Months. . .-. 5 Remit by draft, post-office order or registered letter at our risk. Always give post-office address in full. my friend,' said I, 'between a eminent is endorsing this position hnMw anH a horse ?' 'The that a silver dollar is not worlh more A:an calrl he o-ivino- the than fiuV ce"ts in the dollar ; now if umciv-w-, - & this. is so why does the government table another Jasn, witn tne f. f ' -B- wtK jnl whip, 'is-that you can get ott ot ar ? Why do they deal out a piece a Horse but you can't get off of of money they say is not worth fifty a hobby.' " ' The UK ACCUKATK. Times of last w eek cents, yet pass it lor a full dollar ? When we ask for a fish what do they give us? When we ask lor bread what do they give us ? The shame of this deed will re bound on somebody's head yet. P. D.'Gold. tSfAdvertising Rates furnished on says : application. 7 "According- to the Advance (he advocates of the Iree coinage ol silver ro rppi Slirnr;se ar anvthino- nn N.T- : : . .:11 V. nrintad I J ..U (V,o cnmolick I . " J ' ' i inu cuuiiuuiui muu win uc p""i-u are 10 ue ciasacu wun without the name of the writer being nri anarrvi;cti' We had long since ceased se 111 tne editorial col known to the Editor. Address all cor respondence to The Advance, Wilson. N. C. Newborn Journal, October 22. If the Raleigh News-Observer's "specials" from other counties of the State have as little basis as those it credits from Craven county, its "out rage" news editor ought to be put on the retired list. Newborn Journal. After carefully reading and thoughtfully pondering over the editorials which flow through the columns of those esteemed contemporaries, the Raleigh News and" Observer and Fayetteville Observer the Journal leels like asking the question "Are there any Dem ocrats in North Carolina?" I r . i r t r . i ever vou ffarmersVwant comiort why l.umns oi tne limes irom tne just think ol what wheat is .bringing pen of either, of its editors) but and imagine your cotton is selling in we must adnrt that we were proportion, butdo'n't allow yourseii to surprised to read the above ar- think. Ifyoudo,theADVA tide, signed P. D. Gold. We hang you on the gibbet and say to j i the world; "BehoM an anarchist." cannot understand, how any It would be distinctly un- man occupying the position. in pleasant to be forced to speak a community that Mr. Gold oc- of the editors ot the Times as tuples, could allow his name to liars, but unless they are a lit- be connected with a statement tie more careful in their (sup- which, if not absolutely false, posed) quotations from . this at least ; calculated to leave paper, such a course will be a false impression upon the found necessary. We have mind of the reader never believed that the free- He says the government is coinao-e of silver would correct endorsing the position that a the evils which now exist, but while such has been our opin ion we have never called any man or men names for think ing otherwise. We, accord to every individ- silver dollar is not worth more than fifty cents in the dollar," and havinp- made this1 assertion he proceeds to ask the question, "Why do they deal out a piece of money they say is not The first Thanksgiving din ner was celebated in this coun try two hundred and seventy six years ago .at Plymouth, ' TV T TU ... U1 iidi)bd.LIlUbCLL5). 1 11C WUU1C - American army was present it numbered twenty men. "'.-Miles Standish, the backward ual the right, which we claim worm nity cents, yet pass it for ourself, "to think a we tor a iuli dollar? In the first please-" If we do not agree Place "the government" has why the 'only thing that re- no personality and therefore mains is to wait and see what cannot endorse anything, but : . i thP- future hac n. Qtnrp. Wr JdbSincr miS inaCCUraCV in are all but human and "to err A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. ' Tuesday, Oct 19- . - Newton L ' Bates, recently appointed surgeon general of the navy, died in Washington yesterday. - The will of the late Josephine L. San ford, of San Francisco, is to be con tested, she having left her fortune to strangers. . Fire in the great oil fields of European Russia, on the west coastr of the Cas pian sea, destroyed millions of barrels of oil and caused great money loss. Admiral John Worden, who com-' manded the ironclad Monitor in her famous battle with the Merrimac t dur ing the civil war, died in Washington yesterday, aged 80. Wednesday. Oct. 20. The rate of wages in Japan is 30 per cent higher this year than in 1S95. George M. Pullman, the parlor car magnate, , died at his Chicago home, aged 60. Isaac Dietrich, a mine expert of Cali fornia, predicts a great future for the gold production of Alaska. Mrs. Liangtry's lawyer says she paid Mr. Langtry a regular allowance from the time of their separation. Ex-Senator Tabor, of Colorado, ha.3 received from Winfield Scott Stratton, the Cripple Creek mining king, a pres ent of $15,000 wherewith to begin life . anew. Thursday, Oct. 21. James K. Taylor, of Pennsylvania, was appointed supervising architect of the treasury. , J. F. Har tley, acsvt ---rcfr?.rr cf the tieasury under t:.. , . j. died af Laco, Me., aged 8S. Benjamin F. Hunt, aged 87 years, and Mrs. Julia Ann Sherman, aged 90, were married yesterday at "Watertown, Conn. To give up enough of his skin to re place what he scalded from anothei boy. or be prosecuted, is the alternative offered to a Chieasro lad. sa,curauy, uet. xjtv Trie Abyssinians are - devastating Somaliland and committing horrible atrocities. - "f'-'ic" hf)s taken f.teps to prevent the undervaluation of goods imported into that country. Four . sniail boys were poisoned by whisky which one of them stole from a wagon in New York. yesterday received the degree of LL. D. One man was killed and three others fatally injured by the premature ex plosion of a blast at Rosendale, N. Y. At Danville, Ills., Miss Carrie Corbett, A Guilford man has succeeded well in making cigars entirely from tobacco grown in Guillord county. . The hop 'culture near Hamlet proves to be a success. ' Next year it will be conducted on a larger scale. The North Carolina Methodist Episcopal conference meets in Kal eieh December- ist. Bishop Har grove is to preside. The conference il! elect delegates to the general conference, .which meets in B ilii nore next RIay. In the Superior Court at Raleigh Monday the interesting case of John A. Pearson against S Otho Wilton was r.rgutd bt fore Judge Robinson. This is the case in which' Fearson, who is Goyernor Russell's appointee as railroad commissioner, seeks to oust Wilson. They were both pres ent and so was L. C Caldwell, who is another of the Governor's appointees, to succeed James W. Wilson as commissioner. Ik which A MM I scss the really pretty things one sees here -it is good taste! It is not credulity that leads one to believe that our prices represent the honest value ot honest jewelry. That common sense. ; Yours to serve, J J-.Pr 1 V ETT &, Co 0 READY . Every expectant mother has a trying ordeal to face. If she does not is CHEAP AS THE 1EAPEST WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF is human." The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, l r D -ii v 4. 4.1' a community of honesf, God-fearing over nf Prm , i m v snt af the 3 ' h feast, .while Priscillri served at and women, have prepared the the tables. The Story will ap- Shaker Digestive Cordial for many pear in the November number dUU 51 " Tdb "" bim' pic, jjvjucsl uiaiivc uieuicme mai uas helped to make the Shakers the heslty, long-lived people that they are5 The Shakers never haver indi- x of the Ladies' Home Journal We note with interest that a schooj book congress was call ed toqfether at Nashville on T.uesdav for the purpose of formulating some plan by which the South ccvuld be sup plied books written and pub lished in the South, This is a matter which has been under serious consideration for some gestion. This is partly owing to their simple mode of lile, partly to the wonderful, properties of Shaker Di gestive Cordial. Indigestion is caus ed by the stomach glands not supply ing enough digestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial suppjies wnat's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial invigorates the stomach and all its n rrol 9 ) ii'nr, If T 4 OOO O O ,1 and Others) by,' and for breach of promise. the defendant be- Jonn (iernand. nay, Oct. 23. Birdie Davis, a school girl, - of De catur, Ills., who failed in her studies, killed herself. . Francis Turner Palgrrave, the poet and essayist died in London yesterday, aged 73 years. General William F. Draper, the Uni ted States ambassador to Italv. re turned td Rome yesterday. Because he. found his wife with a strange man, Charles Grant, of Kansas City, Mo., stabbed her to decth. Physicians aitiibute. the death of Miss Mamie V. Perkinson, 16 years old, of Richmond, Va., to her remarkably rapid growth. taking it for granted that he ins 7i-year-oid means tne administrative orti cials, inxharge of that branch oi the government, still his as sertion is untrue, in part, as it has only been claimed that, the COMMERCIAL VALUE OF THE BULLION. CONTAINED IN A SILVER DOLLAR IS WORTH LESS 'THAN I " II T t iftv cents. io question has been raised as to its pur chasing power value, He might just as reasonably cues tion the issue of paper monev which has no intrinsic value whatever The only comment necessary in such cases is to be found in get ready for there is no telling what may happen. Child-birth is full of uncertainties if Nature is not given proper assistance. Clothing, fifinf s Furnishing finndR nnrl nrv fi jj MiuiuiimQ uuu 1JlJ UUyuO timf but thr nrpcpnt mrnrp ic the first that has been made of glabf? ? that, alter f whlle they don't noou neip. vs eviaence of thn hon- a general character looking toward. ' its establishment. There is one Southern Publish ing Company already that has succeeded in getting one of their books taken up we speak of the "B.'F. Johnson Co.," of Richmond,-Va. Their Lee's History has been adopt- the closing sentence of this masterly (?) effusion: "The shame of this deed will rebound on somebody's head yet.'.' esty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every botile. Sold druggists, price io cents to $i.oo per bottle. ' A WISH MAS (;tIAN(;ES, NKVKIi." ,A FOOL, DeafiieesCunuot Uh Cured v... i . i . . uy ioca applications . as tney cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only oneway to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional jrmedies. Deafness is caused ban inflamed con dition ot the mucuous 'lining of .'the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, toe hearing will be destroy v. lu.tvu , mac cases out oi ten are caused b catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tlie mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars" for any case of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure'. Send for circulars, tree. F. T. CHF.MF.V mi t1 r DUmnSP QtQv nn- J . . '"'tUU.U. a in thproi;t,Val bm,. u..:,. i. . 3 Ebold by Drueeists. nc. ... iiuuic uuiu last year by -- Farmers say that over seven eighths of all the cotton is nicked ; that the top crop in a few specially cultivated and fertile spots is practically all re maining in the helds; that all the The Kinston Free Precc ic . i . i t . . .. .. . - - ea in our county scnoois. lhis inclined to be a little caustic book not only gives historic It honors us by quoting a por facts from a Southern stand- tion of an editorial and corn point, but is furnished at a rnents as follows much .more reasonable rate The Wilson Advance, though than we have been charsred claiming to be a DemorranV here-to-fore. - takes no stock in silver or in W T Bryan. It says : To us, the "Chil caPD nlaffnrm i cimnl . T" i . i i . .. tixipijr d idsi year s I TIF. rnnin PtP nnvp in the hirr nocf u a . 3 . .r- i.i un- w.., iiv-oi. LiJVTlJ llic rt VATP t-niicf November issue of Lippin- be a' migratory bird politically here COtt's is "The Price Of a lday somewhere else tomorrow. Wife." bv Tohn Strand Win- ,P5r.haPs may Ro with the yellow tf..' n t. Diras next time. VVeDurnn5P ici uib. ouanuaruj. ic is a kjx 1111311 uoiucsuL inc. me democrats at t hirarrr. n.. and one of the best which the and silver, we believe, will triumph in author of "Booties' Baby" has Igo' written of late years, Among As we have on many other the short stories are "Out of occasions stated, because Meeting," a remarkable story, we think one wav it ii- - i i - j i . hail story, halt sketch, by the aoes not lollow that we lose rp. god cotton is picked. -Thev sav late Thomas Wharton. The sPect for those on the other they think the crop is one fourth off contention of Mr. Leckv's at- side. The CommisciOner of Agriculture discovers that a cotton mill was omit ted from the lit as published in the September bulletin.. It is the Mc Kinley cotton mill at Mt. -Pieasants Cabarrus county. The bag mill of E P. Willard, of Wilmington, 'was also omitted. .Mr, Wiiliard writes that it makes 3,000,000 annually, and that it is the- only mill in the State which imports burlaps. Twenty North Carolina gold min ers are now making deposits ot gold at the assav office' at Chmlnfffv Every week a new mine is being opened while at the beginning of the year nearly all were idle. ther's Friend 13 the best help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and When regularly ap plied several months before baby comes, it makes the advent easy and nearly pain less. It relieves and prevents " morning sickness," relaxes 'the overstrained mus cles, relieves the distended feeling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous after-effects. Mother's F riend is good for only one purpose, viz. : to relieve motherhood oi danger and pain. $1 dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or Bent by mail n i receipt of price. Free Books, rontininp valuable informa tion for worn 71, will be sent to any address upon application to THE BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, G. ;::J Ykv peculiar ills. The 1 A 3 right remedy for i lV fbabies' ills-espccially ti'i J 3jworm3 and stomach 'dyjrxlW disorders ia Which we are selling at prices to x make your mouth water. And.... SHOES ! Qur SHOES ARE THE WONDER. OF ALL WHO SEE THEM. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT We Carry tbc Best. Try a. barrel of our "HARTER'S Ai FLOUR" and you will come back for another. We have a few COOK STOVES on which we are offering a : POMP AMFl Ctr'nv ttc' irrr. t r 1 , , - . . ...uo..ruft yuuk Ilih.Db AND VOU WILL SAVE MONEY. ; RESPECTFULLY h. d. bamhs k ea, Cor. Barnes and Tarboro Sts. tf JEFF. D. LEE, Mr. Whether itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple, scrofulous , or hertl i tary , from i n fancy to age , speedily cured by warm baths with Ccticura Soap, gentle anointings with CuTicmt a (oint ment), the great skin cure, and mild doses of Ccticcka Eesolvext, greatest of blood purifiers and humor cures. Q Frey's Vermifuge has cured children for 50 years. Send ijr !:Ius. book about the ills and tna rcuic":v. Oue bottie mailed tor 25 centt. h. & S. FKEY, Baltimore, Xd. WANTED. . 10 FAMILIES TO WORK IN THE Wilson Cotton kills. For full particulars apply to JAMES LIPSCOMB, Secretary and Treasurer. t FINE ,No. Size 238, Yalae $65.03. S WJH be given to the holder of one of these cards bearin- number cor- " """Sto special card sealed and deposited with us by the "BUCK'S S,STOVE & RANGE CO." There are 3,000 cards issued, one to each cash purchaser of $1.00 worth of goods at our store. As soon as the t.ocxj cards are issued the sealed card will b-, examined and the number annouu.-rd, sS ? mS c cTrpp,thn spns'n'Mmher will receive for $1.00 cash the r- BUCK'S STEEL RANGED valued at. 35. . . Geo. D. Green Hardware Co. SOLE AGENTS FOK wisoN, n. c. buck's Great Wnite Enamel Line. FULL NICKEL PLATED 40-41 I oH throushoat the wnri. Pottir Druo ast Chcu. r., ooie rrops., tsuston. r now to Cure t.vtrr Blood Humor," tree. FACE HUMORSWtSSsk' 3?i-tr FOR SALE. the and LOT Where I now reside. JOHN K. RUFFIN, Trustee. HOUSE and Susie M. Best. est book is answered from the Brother Herbert may stick standpoint of American democ- Ta "Bryan and Silver" just as racy, by Fred Perry Powers, !ong: as he likes, and if his side under the heading, "Govern- is right we hope it may suc- ment By 'Gentlemen.' " Fred- ceed but in the mean time erick H. Dewey calls attention there is ample room for both to certain ''Oddities of a Fa of us and we inhabit a land mous Climate " namely that of tnat is (called) free. As for Lalilornia. . Ihe poetry ot the ur migratory characteristics number is by Ella Hio-mnson i we are not somewhat- In ror (and it 'so we ask informa tion) it is, and has Wn I 1 111 The oersistencv. of 'somp. policy of the prtv to bi,;iri of our friends, in the support new Pfatlorm immediately le of the free coinage of silver FORE eacn and every cammln calls to mind a story told by- nd we feeI well assured thatif benator iivarts ata dinner giv en to Senator Spooner some years ago, at which- Senator Stewart insisted on presenting his usual oration on the silver cause. "I" am reminded," said Senator Evarts, "of an expe rience in visiting an insane asylum, where I found a man astride a table which he imag ined a horse and which he was lashing and spurring vigorous ly. Thinking to humor his fancy, I spoke to him and re- A. L Swinson, of Go'dsboro, who as compared with its condition Au. was enrolling clerk of the last I pd5. 'XT anted -A.g-ents.. "The Cnnft'tiprnte 5!nl1ipr i t . . ; " I ' '- wku rr ui Kusi ibi., our. tnat the crop is better lature was. in ' this wetk bis Jl,st published, contains 503 pages Uxi6 in. than was thought October istit would suit gainst Auditor Ayer. Lieuten be. The increase in average brings ant Governor Reynolds and Sneaker - justieo it up to a normal crop. Hileman was HrUueclin ! he Suoet ior AZnu,i evev&to 8efl this Court He sued f r Sim lUln , mere nas been very little cholera salary for both' himseil .anf among hogs in the .State this vear. were both vm,,,..,:,rn Buck's Junior tVCL ilfifG r be'Sveh FREE To the girl uhder" , & 14 years old who cuts the greatest num ber ot our advertisement ..ww, -..i.mun, 3 1 I aUUj iliaift from the newspapers of our city. , TRADE MARKS must be enclosed in envelopes or neat parka-es, plainly marked with name and address of contestant, and may be left at our store ;is T?f nS-rfnlSi COLL EC T AI) VEUTISK.MKNTS FROM OCTOMKK 2Jst" tinftKr 5r .2I?t' l897- Jris coPetition is designed to call tl)e atten tion of the public toour splendid line of wBucK's Stoves and Ranges, w nnnpl3' J-"6 1Tl l?e world equipped with VHITE ENAMELED OVEN oned Brick OvL. VeP lhe SUpedr -i,akinS Q f the oU f;rsh-- GEO. D. GREEN HARDWARE CO , 27 41 lf ! WILSON, fJ. C. sen, w ho year, were botn .summarily us?t d l.-y Rt-v to SUDDlv the npoiSlo Tho : V f-. j.x.. onwi IflFt 31UU. and there will be almost HOOK Oil our HOW Ull cusr iilun iJ.lj anl gentlemen afeiit3 who are at work sire making from $loo to $o jer month eti-nnis. Sous and Daughters of Veterans' others intert-sted are requested to Feud lor a tuMutaul illustrated descriptive circu lar ! 1 ree) and terms t ) ajjents. Address Col-hieu JiiriiNAi, Job Printing Co., ' - Louisville, Ky. 2o At z Brother Hpi-Korf j:j r i 1 um not be- I.eve that vvehad aright to say what we thought was- proper niatena, for the next pliS men riP lirrmll 4.1 1 . ' X, uaKe aown S1gn, ' FREE PRESS." is CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The fae limila signature oune late crop ol corn makes the supply of that food not nearly so large as was expected. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills They willsurely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowel? No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS Winston Skntine!. -District At torney . M.olton re. narked recently that blockading inut ston. -' Ev ery department has taken against it and the livy will b ? enfi rc ed. It art:e:ir-; t Ii ;t m ir r men in the Piedmont W;i Pj ubo have been running s na'l uov rnMiiit stills, do as much if n-.u'ni re ,', )z. ading, as regular "moorisiji.itr.s." number of such cases "were, tried the hist term of the Federal Court at Greensboro. ' A number of (o!d of fenders have been oromising jjudge Dick that they wou'd quit, but they have not kept their promises, and now His Honor proposes to enforce the law. . Stop J . CO o CD d o CD -s 0) Wi ll i in A-at VP,U HED Hood's Sarsaparilln' if your blood is impure, your appo int f yar hea,th impaired. Koth g builds up liealtli like HO n n5. Man or Woman who has bought fori E 3 a o fi tn c 2 W 3" a hp 2. FROM- z CO a o Wooden S Stevens, Will tell you, that is tne place to get the Best Goods for the least money. ? O 01-