mmmmm mmmmmmm i i .,,, , MBIHBWWI'111 - - ' " ' . ' " - . - . .... I, ' -- :.. , - - - - - t ' ' ' : ' .. 1897 OCTOBEK. 1897 Su. Mo. Ta. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 10 IT 12 13 JL4 15 J6; 17 18 19 ?0 21 22 23 .24 "25 '26 27 28 29 30 31 First $ Quarter t. Full .x. Moon MOON'S PHASES. 0:31 O . - O a.ra. 10 X2 TR 4:09 iO p.m. Third Ij. Quarter New rr 6:28 ViyMoon ZD p.m. to week, that acceptance of these courtesies is proof that the man is a hireling of the corporations. What does the Governor say? He says substantially that he takes passes m order to get even with Judge Simon ton and other people, that he has rendered no equivalent ior his trans portation and doesn't intend to, but that he. proposes to beat the railroads out of everything he can. .There is a legal maxim that an ac cuser must himself come into court with clean hands. His Excellency, the Governor", could with better face, certainly, with much better effect, lodge his charges against the railroads and stand by seeing his newspaper organs accuse men of corruption in accepting passes, if he did not himself have to confess that he had a pocket ful of them. " His avowal that he knows that the roads are violating the law in the giving ot passes is an ad mission that Tie is a party to the x T 1 1 vfrvii r r4 of crime, ne simpiy nas. uu siuu"u all to stand on, and the tone ot his interview indicates that he realizes this fact fully. Do ot Suppress Names. Pogressiee Former. The News and Observer has for years opposed free passes. This much can be said to its credit. Re cently Judge Robinson charged the Wake county grand jury that the law plainly forbadethis discrimina tion. The grand lury, it is said, made a lot of presentments, specify ing the names ot many "big bugs" who have been riding free. Solici tor Pou put oft drawing indictments till npYf tprm;and the prand iurv. rrnld no no farther The names of of Brandy, placed on the market by nv nf these recinients of free oasses the Speer, N. J. Wine Co., as a com are known. The News and Observer panion to their Superior Old Port nrnmntlv nublished that Governor Grape Wine. Resell had ridden on free oasses. This Old Branny is a pure distilla- but it did not Vive ' the numerous lion from the grape and stands unri names of prominent persons in its own vailed. It isjconsidered by eminent party, ;and personal friends, whom, by medical men far, superior to most ii,.c,mpnrpntmpnt arP named as the French Brandis for medical pur- 187C Climax. Is the name of a superior quality poses-and is preferred by them to other Bradies on account of ijs known purity. Sold' by Druggists. recipients of passes, We are told that U. S. District Attorney C. B Aycock, Solicitor , Pou, and many other nrominent Democrats have been "toting" free passes regularly. There " are among the thousands Mr. Aycock, as U. S. District At- who use Cod Liver Oil to whom the - :j a-c ; in taste of the Oil is obiectionable. To lorney, is paiu jsu.uuvj p-ci yai i - j ' nrosecute violators of the Federal these we take pleasure in recommend laws." hut he has failed to nrosecute ing "morrhunin" (Wine of Cod mnrarinn Pnaprl in vlation Liver Oil) It is not a synthetical of that clause of the law, so far as we compound, but is actually" extracted have heard. Same can be said of from the finest quality pure Norwe- Mr. Pou. The News and Observer gn Cod Liver Oil, thereby repre- didnot mention that when Solicitor senting all its virtues, combined with r, i j . V i , .i Hvphosphites of Lime, Soda and Pah fnnnH that hie namf 73Q nn thp - f r ' "'"r r'" """J Magnese. list ne waiKeopver io 101. nnurew s office and surrendered his free pass to private secretary Miller. Perhaps it had not heard this. For over thirty years, it is said, Gen. Matt W. Ransom has not paid a cent of fare on any North Carolina railroad. He simply let the cost of "-his .free riding be added to the price of the tickets of other folks. For ten years, since the Act of Congress made free passes' illegal, he rode free from Garysburg to Washington. It is even Newspapers as Text 15 oks. STATE NEWS. Rain continues and so much has fallen that the streams are now' at REV TOuLfoUCTE?2E ENINGS "aI '?bt ,be'firSt ,in'e ' g THROUGHOUT THE STATE. The Commonwealth Cotton Mills, at Durham, has started up with a doubje plant. Mrs. Nora Wilson, a very hand- some woman, wno was arresitu at Durham for bigamy, is out on bai'; Julian S. Carr, of Durham, has ac cepted an invitation to" open Win ston's -.big tobacco fair with an ad dress November 3 The boiler in a saw mill exploded at Benson, Johnson county, Friday and scalded the owner, Robert Mil ler, to death. in several months The Populists want to know whether Secretary of State Thomp son, and .Auditor Ayer are Butler or anti Rntlpr Pnnnlisfs.. Neither of them attended the conference of the Butler men or the anti Butler men last week. Thompson has for seme weeks been put down on the list as an uncertain quantity. The minority populist at their con- ference Thursday night -at wtnen Congressman Harry Skinner was ihe master spirit, decided to call on all Populists who stand by the Ocala platform to affiliate with him. Sever- ya i j r i 1 u n m for Infants and Children. Castorlalssowenadaptedtochildrenthat I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St- Brooklyn, N. Y. The case which is to decide which al speeches were made, and Senator of the four sets of officers are entitled to the city government ot Wilming ton will come up b tfore the Suprf me Court Nov. 2d. But'er's loss of -strength was com mented on by Congressman Skinner and others. "The rise of Castoria is so 'universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Fe are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria . within easy reach." Carlos Mabtts, D. D., . . New York City. The Cektacr Company, 77 Murray Street, Net York City. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, KHla Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended ''Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so,-as it has invariably produced beneficial results." ' ) Edt"in F. Pardee, M. TXZ 13Tth Street and 7th Ave., Sew York Cit. 'Will It Kmj ? George4Vanderbilt won the $ico prize for the best agriculture display at the State Fair, also sizty-two prizes on poultry, and six on cattle, all from his Biltmore farm. In reply to a correspondent asking Mr. Speer about his Oporto Grape Juice, he sivs 1- ' 'r"nt U to kecUM V lcllL'Sh v.i t..,.v. . ilL.ta f they are kept well corked. The juice Fsrmers say that clover and grain js not likely to keep long after allow- are coming up admirably, thanks to ed to come in contact with atmos- the wet weather. The crop of small phere over 40 degrees temperature. grain is to be the biggest ever, sow n It is excellent for invalids. in the Stcte. The Wilson Book S ore, The State Superintendent of Publ'c Instruction issued a circular Friday stating that on no condition must a teacher's certificate be granted a man who sells liquor. Mr. Mebane, Stale Superintendent r o..ui: t .: a :a 1 . ui iuuhl iusuuuun, ucuucu lu ,. a lartre reward was offered change the date, of the meeting of the jy Cumberland county for his cap- State Board of Medical Examiners ture. Alex Gilmore, colored, a notorious Cumberland county outlaw, who was. captured at Jacksonville was taken to Fayetteville Friday. FoJty shot are in his body. He has committed no less than four murders. He was outlawed and defied arrest, declaring he would never be taken A SCHOOL AT- BOOKS m war - Jfoze Carefully ihe M'ollousing Lee's History of U. S., ' Holmes' 1st Reader, new edition. 2nd 3rd 4th 5 (( Norfolk Virginian." The Superintendent of the Kansas Public-Schools has introduced news papers in the schools of that State as text books, and if they are the proper kind of newspapersf as, no doubt they are, it will prove a benefit. The Post of Washington, says it is not a bad idea, and cites the fact that the teaches of the schools in that city invite their nunils to Hisrnss thp tnnins said that m his frequent trips to and ft, - , . , . . - r , , ,r , of the day as gathered lrom the press, from Mexico (for he spent half his , ,t , , . - . . and the result has been most sats factory. . The Post, has this to say about the matter : "It may be said that newspapers do not always print every detail of the truth and that sometimes they are from October 29th to November 9th. The penitentiary directors have unanimously decided that Dr. Kirby Smith, son of the Superintendent, had been guilty of the grossest im morality with two of the criminal insane. 1 ne wagon and carriage repair shops of T. A: Bowen & Son, Ral eigh, were burned last week. It was a double, four story brick building, but was almost empty. The loss is only about 9,000. News comes of another murder in Alleghany county. A man named Johnson shot and killed one Murphy and dangerously wounded Murphy's brother. They fell out over a divis ion of some rent corn. A sensation was caused on the Fair Grounds at Rakiyli, Friday by a number of fakirs making speeches from their ticket-stands igorously denouncing Rev. 'Dr. A.'Simms, of die Baptist Tabernacle. Dr. Simms used his influence against the Fair becauseSecrelarvJNich( ls 'wer.t b'e!ore the Aldermen asking - them to lake ihe restrictions oft the saloons lor the Week. Sanford's Primary Arithmetic, Intermediate " Common School Arithmetic, Higher Arithmetic, Harvey's Elementary Grammar, " Practical English Grarn mar, Maury's Elementary Geography, " Revised Manual of Geograph), " Physical " ; Harrington's Speller, complete, r W W- w' I5C. 25C. 40C 5OC. 2C. 20C. x6c. 64c. ' S5c. 42c. 65c. 55c, 1.20. 20c. time at home) he took nothing from his $20,000 " salary as Minister to Mexico for traveling expenses Though he totally disregarded both state and national laws, no U. b District Attorney or state court solic ltor ever attempted to enforce the law guilty of absolute mendacity. So it on his case. Perhaps the News and 11 may ocsaia 01 Histories, thai they ru 1 .i-- ci-l- " are not always correct or an unpreiu- Observer hnew nothinp-of this. ... J . . . - ullHiCJu . , - , "., U1CCU rceoru 01 me periods and There are others who ride on mile- events which the ofess t . age books given them without any cle. , As to bald and malicious men- consideration whatever in return. A dacity in newspapers, it can be said certain Snnerior Court TnrlaP Js salH indt lts rare occurence only proves tn ride on a "verh.l " Am. the rule ;of general fidelity to the , truth hs roo w c,,r..l j . , 1 . ,1 iv.anr sucaaiui newspa uul uua F,.uc per ot to day cannot survive unless it gotten the railroad president to tell I is, as near as careful editing and faith conductors to pass him and he tells lul reporting can make it, an actual everybody that he has no pass. "l Uduy cvenis- newspaper TUc 1S puDiisneo as a business venture. ' I ann It ran nr mnro t-n..,l I j ply contemptible. A judge or any fraud upon the public tban a y y other official who rides on a "verbal" can build up a remunerative trP kr J I." .11. . . J IS or actual pass can give nothing in ex change, except his inflence or, worse still, his judicial power, to the rail road in exchange for the same. aeaiing in adulterated goods. It the pride of every paper of any standing whatever that its assertiors can be relied upon. The editor who deliberately misrepresents is nowa- Aslong as "big bugs,, big politi- days the exception. Even if he were cians and bie shippers ride free and not. influenced by by the. higher nrin have the cost of their riding added to o'ples of morality he would soon fin H the tickets of, other people, they wilt influence waning and his circula--t r. u t,on decreasing it he held not to the minis. - v-ci.' l idles -iicdu cilUUiill. r.;.;,.! Ui . . i . . T3 ..m?,.. Pn"c,P.e that truth-telling ,s the best uui wntu uuty ctic uiduc iu Jxy I1KC pOl!CVf . 1 . t Ml . I omer people tney will tind that This is all very true.and th it is verv hifh fare. The "hit nr- a, V F P WU1U1 Pursues . a contrary bugs and Dig corporations must course will-soon find its influence and oDey me taw. ine way to get uni- along with it its liv lorm low rates is to make all pay reclaim alike. Stop the free pass business and the "big bugs" will soon join in the general demand for low rates. ie news- 'ing gone beyond The Governor and His Passes Charlotte Observer. Hart's Essence nntr ly cures, summer .complajnts caused uy cnanges in drinking water Cli matic changes unripe fruit etc Diar rhoea, Dysentary, Cholera Morbus, Nauseau, Vomiting. Fioti Governor Russell's defense of him- Cramps, Colic and all internal nain self on account of his taking railroad passes, is the weakest effort of his """.M Alw' life. Indeed, ii could hardly have News and Observer.' cost him any eltort at all. We have A Philadelphia- syndicate has no sympathy with the idea that eyery written to the State Board of Educa- "man Who talrns - roilrnarl nicL lo na tlOn matinor oniin 1 . ... - - u . uujj u i i v 1 " - v.ijvjuiiic.'s Hiinnr r t i 1 . LJUU11L cessanly abad man and that his ac- swamP lands and expressing a desire ceptance of it is prima facie evidence to purchase 1,000,000 acres of timber of his corruption ; but when a man lands. Of course they cannot cret it - . r .1 - goes into a war upon corporations irm me tsoard, as the Wilminotr.r. r . j.. u..: 1 i . . j Tnupctmcr - , iui a sicauy uirauiess ne ujgnr toae- -.i-iji umpacy nas an option cline their courtesies or ot least make on a tne State swamp lands until his organs stop declaring -from week January 1st." ' OASTOHIA. Tie fae - ' limils aigu:&T9 , cf . il OS ever? wrapper. - tt -mm mm mm ' YV wlf1ER 1Iod's Sareaparilla tL JaV bl is imP ure your appe- tltC STOne. vnnr hoolft, ; t mg builds up health like HOOD'S. The North Carolina Forestry Socie ty was organized in Raleigh last FULL LINE OF SCHOOL SUPi The Co?ia cry Line. When a young r:rl steps frcni girllioo'd into wo Tiianiiood. she en- Jtjr tcrs a new and stranare Come and see us when in need of anything in . our line. We will try to please you. country. A. lanu 01 pror.iise and hope, yet week. Statements were read showing find happiness or tni.-iery depends largrely kf t. r - ' unon the health and condition of the deii- .o.! Ui "Men. uu- cite spetial organism, wliich is the soue ties give aggregate annual income of and centre of :ier womanhood. Oer twelve million dollars. wrecked oe'. uise of a mistake modestv, which leads them to neglect the The Supreme Court devotes this earlier symptoms of feminine weakness r TVip?? tro;-lli unions (-"orrerted. nevelo.) week to the hearing of appeals i:ora into serious chronic ' .... .1 -vl r 1 .-I tu:uc l vlll' me 5m. Uniy One or tWO Ot tile dlS- opportunities and blisrht ins M possibility trAUr. 1 a I of haorv wifehood and moUie; nr-od. uiw-uco -.c uw m:,tvy.. a Anv woman stifferiasr from 'these delicate general thing there are now about complaint . needs the health -ivin?: power' " 1 r tv.- r: ... t? it. . i 14- 200 appeals heard at every term of heals and 'strengthens the womanly organs; I stops weakentnar drains: jjives vitality to the nerve-centres, ana restores perfect or- tranio ;niinmifs anrl constitutional enerfiTV. Sim Wright,- the negro Under ar- It is the only medicine devised for this pur- coi jwi me MinuKAii vv . r. iicai in diseases of the teminine organism. Goldsboro three weeks ago. and 4 THE BLICKENSDERFER I TYPEWRITER. ONCE SEEN WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AS ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE MECHANICAL DEVICES OF THE DAY CALL AND SEE ONE. IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW. TESTIMONIALS. Mrs. W. B. Duncan, of Arlington", Mo., writes: T have used vour ' Favorite 1M escrintion ' and tried fnr mdrder in the fJunprinr am never tired of souiulii:s its irai.-.e. When my I " I lady friends complain, I say ' V!iy don't you take L-OUrt last week was COnVlCted and Dr, Pierce's I-avonte Prescription.' I told an anxious mother, who danyrhter (18 years oui) SPntPnrpd so hp hanaprl MniiPrnKcr had not been rieht tor five months, about ths .WIWHUI 1 . , r .. , l.,.J.. 1 1 ,1 rntli I lwr-thiril- of n hotlle of Fa-.-ori'.ff I'rescrintion ' 1U111 . i ----- --. - , , , . . , . . sne was an n-ni.- bne naa oeen ireaieu oy iwo It is rslimatpd that nm nPnnlp 0,ur best uoclors- ' I Tlr Pi'prpp'a crrpft tlifiicnnrl - race iIIuq. Visited the State Fair at Raleigh last trated book. ''Tlie People's Common Sense h. ,- , Meaicai Aaviser" sent paper-oouna on is reported mat Stewart week. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Euf:o, K. Y X ma on 11 Knnr elf ',nc-r &AU cost of mailiiisf only. Or, a handsome " ; uvanv cloth-bound c4opy for 71 stamps. Address, Ayer, secretary ot State Thompson and possibly Treasurer Worth", for al leged malfeasance in office. The board .also decided to place the penitential y absolutely in charge of the Executive Committee, compos ed of Directors Chadbourn, Martin and Cotten, thus taking the control entirely out of Superintendent Smith's hands. Wilson, N. C. Sent. 2A. 'q7. Dear Sir I have been using: a "Blick." for some time and can heartily recom mend it to any one who needs a writ ing machine. Yours truly. Jno. R.'Moork, City Clerk. Wilson, N. C , Sept. 20, '97. Dear Sir I am deliehted with mv ' Mick" and womd not exchange it for any too machine on the market. Yours truly, 'Pi B. Deans, Mayor. Wilson, N. C, Sept. 21, '07 Dear Sir Your treneral aent, (Mr. Jones), sold me. a "BlickensdertVr" some time ago and .1 am Arery much pleased with it. It does everything that a f ico machine can do and only costs 35. von can reier to me for a reconr inendation. Yours truly, J. D Bardin, C. S. C. Wilson. NIC., Sept " 2S, '97 Dear Sir I have ne J your ma chines. It is all your agent claims for it. Yours truly, F. S. Davis. It was decided that the penitenti ary should not be leased, as the ger- eral sentiment in the State is strongly against leasing. Chairman Dockery says an excellent showing is made by Superintendent Smith, as to farming operations and that after paying the debts, there will be $25,000 surplus!. Heavy rain Friday morning pre vented any racing at the State Fair, and also made the attendance very small. It was the last day, and with fine weather the attendance would have been very large. Financially the fair was not a success. In all oth er respects it was one, save as to the exhibit of cattle. Ik""" LXJOlBU DAILY dEMM AtlantaJew Orleans, Augusta, Ma con, Chattanooga, Nashville, Memphis Morula, " I e.xas, Cahioriua and the en tire South. On exhibition at the WILSON BOOK STORE NASH STREET OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. Southern Railway. (Piedmont Air Line.) First and Second Divisions (N. C.) Schedule effective May 2nd, 1S97 This Condensfil S.lioilnl i imliliorl aa tiifomo;., . i j . . . , out notice to the public. - UUI"' -" buujm xo cnan-e with IN EPFEGT MAY 30, 1897. JjV Fortsn outh Ar Norfolk Lewistoii " Woldon - lien U-rson " ltaioilJ " .vont!iern Pint-s WilininiTton " Charlotte t'olunil)ia ' Au;?iietu Athjjjis S A l. N SA 1. No. 41. ! No. 403. 9 2ft am f4 pm 95." am 9 2; pm 1 i 4- i in 1 1 41 a in 11 10 pm 1 : p ni l : r( a m a p in H a in Jv: j P in: 4 "2 a m th ' i a in" li :h) p m !0r:5pm; f liilam :7() a nil 4:l n ni O V.t-:jii-; n n; r()5 pm A i. 4.) a in: l i.i p m I NbRFOLK AND CHATTANOOCA ' (THROUGH KNOXVILLE, MORRISTOWN, HOT SPRINGS, ASHEVILLE SAI.lSl'l kY C uniiMsiiURU, UUKMAfll, KAI.h-IUn , SPJLMA, WILSON, Atlanta (t'ont. Time) rut) a m Macon . Cof Ga li 4 i a ni Jacksonville Plant1 K5ipm Tampa " X a m Ilirminliam S Uv! 11 4' n'n Montgomery AV of A! 10 :l -a m Mobile L&M ;J50pm Z;1) ni 7 id p m 7;H)a in 4 45 p m 10 10 p III 5)0 p in .(() a iu IN cw Orleans X10pm 7 4!) am t'hattan(K)?a W & A; 1 03 p m "( r0 p m Nashville N C & it.-Li 7 00 p id (i 4'i a m 51 em phis K C M & Hi !40 ni 7 40 a ni i Daily tDaily ex Sunday. J Daily ex Monday. Connections at New Orleans with Sonthorr. Pacific and Texas & Pacific-Railways lor all in, .Mexico ana t aiiionna. No. 402 Arrive Portsmouth daily 7S5 a m. No. 3$ -Arrive Portsmouth daiiy 5"0 p m. Pass'r Ag-t.. 11)0 Main St. yir J. W. Brown, Jr NtVfolk. Va. Murray Forbes. Tr.iv. mouth, Va- niuJ1" 1(" and lO. (central and eastern 1)all- Daily. lriy. "1MB.) 12 25 pfn 11 0 pm Lv Nashville Ar 6 0 4 15 am " c'liattanooa-a H5Ti 18 25 Knoxville " 10 5.1 9 50 " Morristown " f 12 23 am 1116 Hot Springs 141 125 pm " Asheville " r 3 15 3 33 " . Marion 3 4t 411 " . Morgan ton " t 4 0Ti 4 30 " Connelly Springs " 4 2 t 4 50 Hickory 4 ;fli 5 08 " ewton 5 16 5 48 - Statesville 6 00 6 40 " Salisbury " ; (Central time.) 10 47 am 7 10 8 15 Salisbury "j . (Eastern time.) i UlOpm 8.-0 9 52 j- Greensboro J- 3 2"- 10 52 5 30 am " . Durham '40 11 45 ,710 " ItaUifrh 4 3i i;4 " SeJpia 1 42 Wilson . r 25 lM Goldsboro s a oo : : T" : : f515 " ( South Kocky Mt.-J f5" . .. Pinnprs' Point " S25 r - X r'olk 1 v -i Meal stations. No. 11.'" No. a5. '".''--" Daily. -Daily. V"''1 'J- J Daily. 6 45am 1 5ii fmi - 4 0) 3 i.2 f i :!, 2 25 " .. fl7i:5pm J!-8"111 io o: 1106 f 9 Hi 104. o:i 10 26 - ., . - . k4', 8 55 T", 9:J' 8 15 am i - 7 3' ,6 55 1155 am 6 33) 9M 4 38 - 200 8 r,3 :; o" T4'J , 2:15 J 1 142 i 7 10 - an 1 2" " 1 12 ?2 ' f 9 I.", . ' - i s- MLANTIC COAST Ll Wi LMI A I NGTON AND W ELDOx R A , . nd Branches and Flok Ad IvAlLKOAD, thaix going sorlTir DATl5D Sept. 23rd, 1897 T.v ffpHnn Ar llockv Mt. XjV Tn; bo o. Oi. M no S'g' 'j- t '-- - P. M. p . C , ;..'v.V?,r p.m. i" . r.v Uoeky Mt. I.v WifKori. . . l.V oin.o.. . f,v Favetleville ! 4 40 i 111 Ar Florence-" i 7;5 j 3:5 ;ln."! 12 52 ; lo :t,-T .5! !.! .7 ,7 a mi i. 12 45 P. M Ar (loMslKiro Lv Goldsilniro lv Mavn'olia.. Ar Wilininsrton.i P. M TUA1NS UOIXfi NOH li; , DATRiV A iijf 1st, hS7 iA. M Lv Florence I 8 45 1 Lv Fayetteville 11 :-0 Lv Selma I 1 (0 Ar Wilson 1 42 P M 8 15 10-(i :i l.t ' 3 Lv Wilmington Lv Marnlia Lv Goldsboro...1 A. M 12 1(1 1 P V i 7 15 ; .-. 1 R Oil 10 In P. M. LvWiisoa. .... I 1 42 Ar Ilockv Mt...1 2 31 Ar Tarboro. Lv Tarboro. 12 L PM -R 41 1215 11 v- I-' II. IT . 1 !' :: in r II 5S i- M. IU! I -.11 6 45 : Lv ttocky Mt. Ar Weldon .. . 2 SI 3:) P. M r .:. 12 5:1 -.: 144' I A. M. Daily except Mondav. iDnilv ..." day. - 1 . I rain onScotlaml Neck branch n.a.l u.wit .. ....... i.i,. . in, i iui i.u. ji hi; arnx o N-ot land Neck at 5:20. Greenville 6:57 p hi K iiwron .-.55 p m. Uvturtiinjr. leaves Kinstnn 7 5o , m Greenville 8:5 a ni. nrrivinv nt. tui'h.,.. ... a m, Weldon 11:3:1 a m. daily except Suml tv Trains on Washington branch leine Was'l uiaiijn o:u a in, anud:.i p m, arrives ParJiu.u 9:1!) il in, and 5:10 p m, returning leave 1',iVm. Ie 9135 a m and 0:30 p m, arrive Washington It 00 a ni and 7:20 p m, daily except Suiul Tv Train leaves Tarboro daily 5::i0 p in mVives Plymouth-7: tfl p m. Itotufnimr im,. nioujth 7:5- a m, arrives Tarhoro 10.(5 a nr Tiiiin on MidlandN.C. Ilranch leav.isc'uldi 1 1 ! . . . . i . - . mm uaiiy i;.T)i iMiiKiay T.lil a 111. r.nivcs Smithtield 8:30 a m. lteturnintr leavf-- SmiUi' tield 9:0J a m, arri ves at Goldsboro 10:2". a in Trains on Nashville branch leave lt.Vkv Mount at 4:30 p 'ni, arrive Nashville r-i i. n Spriiifr Hope 5:30 p m. Heturnin leave irinjr Hope 8:0 a m, Nashville -8:: a m, arrive at Uoeky Mount 9:f5 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw 'for Clinton daily except Sunday, 11:15 a in ami 4 10 p m. Ket urniiu,' leaves Clinton at 7:W a m and 3: 0 p m. Train No. 78 makes close connection at 'v don lor all points north .daily, till rail via Kichmond.' Also at Hockv Moun wii Ii Nor folk and arolina rail road for Noi folk and all, points north via Norfolk H. M. EM EKSON, Gcn'l Pass Aent. T U. KBNI.y, Geu l Marrareri T. M. KMEUSON Tratlic Manager ' - , " Cape Fear and Yadkin Valla. Rj ,oiin Gill, Receiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE . hi effect ptitobp-10. "M)7. m5rth bound. No 2 DAILY. f Leate TV'ilmijigton . Arrive Kayettevilie i -eave Fayeltevillp. i-ea . e Faycteville Junction. Leave San ford . . Leave Climax Arrjve Greensboro.... lieave Greensboro Heave Stokesdale, . , Arrive alni.t Cove.. . . Ileaye Walnut CTuve . Arrive Mt. Airv. ... S oo am II io ". 11-21 ' '. 11 2S " 12 50 1 ni 2 49 " 3 20 " .1 y ' 4.-1S " 4.49 " 5 19 " ('45 " SOUTH HOUND. Noi daily.. Leave Mt. A iry . Ieave "Rural Hall.. .. .. Leave Walnut t ove.... Leav. Slo-kesdale. Aarive Ijreensboro . . . . . Leave Greensboro. Leave Climax. ........ ..7. . . Leave Sanford . Arrive iayette vi Me J unci ion. Arrive Kayelteville. ..... Leave Iavettevile. . . .... Arrive Wilmington, . . .... . S 40 ;i m 10 04 " 10 33 " 1 1 06 " ' ' 55 " 12 15pm' 12 43 " 2 30 ' 3 56 " 4 (KJ " 4 10 " 7 2(1 " NORTH HOUND. No 4 DAILY Leave -Benneltsville. ....... Arrive Maxlon . ... Leave Maxton. . . . . . .. . Leave Red Springs Leave Hope MiMs. . . .. . . Arrive Fayetteville. -....... SOUTH BOUND. No 3 DAILY Leave Favelteville Leave Hope Mills . . Leave RedSprings.5 . Arrive Maxton Leave M axion 7. Arrive Bennetts ille. . . . - 8 (xi am 9 oi " 907 " 9 35 " 10 20 " : 10 40 ' 4 45 l ni 5.02 5 42- '": 611" 6 is " '5 " NORTH BOUND No l6 MIXED DAILY except Slllldiiy. Leave Ramsut n. . . . . ,V Leave Climax Arrive Gteenshoro. ....... Led ve Greensboro. ... Leave Stokesdale. .... rrive Madison . .6 40 am S25.'" 9-7 " 9 35 " 11 07 " 1- 55." SOUTH BOUND No 15 mixed Daily except Suiutay ; Leave Madison 12 35P"1 Leave Stokesdale. . . .... Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro . . . Leave Climax. .. . ...... Arrive Ramseur 1 25 . 2 45 3 22 4 2o- fF i ONNkJ'l 10..5 it Fayetteville with -.Atlantic- Coast. Line, al Maxlon with Carolina CeiriraL Kailrod, at Red Springs vviili lhe $piiiii;s and How more h aiiroii'l, at Sanfor.-I with the Seaboard -Air 1 ice, -it Gulf with the Durham and Chario te iailroad, at Greensboro vith Soiitln-nr ailwav Comnanv. at WaTiiut A-ith the Norfolk & Western Railuay. f. W. FRY, W. E KVI I, GenTManager. Gen' Pas-.. A'i nt- Pass'r Ag-t., Ports- Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, const. pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly "ured by Hood's Pills. They do their work E. St. John. Vice-President and fieiri M.rr V. E. McliEE, (Jen'i Superintendent. H. V. It. ii.ovp.u. T. J. AMimisnv 1 rathe. Manager. --GenT Pass'r-At. 1 IH11IIIIIMUI1, a. n-n iru (Q)(Q) (Q easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. 25 cents. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The onlw PHI to take wth Hood3 Sarsapariup. PlUs JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barber, Nash St. WILSON, N C. Easy chairs, razors keen:- Scissors sharp, linen clean. , for a shave you pay a dime Only a nickle to get -a shine; Shampoo or hair cut Pompadour You pay the sura nf twentv cents more. M" rtO 1 .T . ,1 "f - . a . . I ' : . , j.u3. i mm 10. ..11..1K im unaiiano -eH Limit - .. Iiptucm Vrt-iv . t . i throu-h Selma, Kaleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury, Ashevi.'l Hot ' C nR ;ttannop Pullman Drawing Koom Sleeping Car between o rfolk nnti Voiu? sn 1 lnf s."ar,,i K ,!,,v ' ,lc and Chattanooga. v-" oeuwten orioik ana Nash illo and between hlar-ie Thmno-h ti,.l,.t0 I ; .....1 . .. . Ply to any aVen1 Tof the rompany: 1 Bla"nS t0 a" po,,lts- Fr r or information a, - VY. H. Green. J. M. Cjip ,., General Superintendent. Traffic Manaeer. n,- T,MK' . ' " ' IM Pa. Ave.. Washington D. C. ,v,lr rtt"t'r AGent CLIcliester's EnsUsh Dlamand Braad. EfJilYROYAL PILLS - irnjrinul mmt Only Sewnlne. rc. alwayi relimble. laoics uk IroKKlst for ChichtMera EiUk ... , mand Brand in Ue4 aad Gold mtllia' Iboxes. seKled with blue rihboD. Take Bw Other. Return damoeroum lu&ffit lion and imitation: At Iragsia.waen14. '.?.r?1?.for P"cilr, tntimooiala Dd "Keller for Ladle," in letter, by ret Bra i'Vtow rmimoniau. Kamt Pantr Bold bj all Local Uruegisu. I'kllaUav, fa. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, in. irai.d 115 hank St., NORFOLK. VA. Large stock of finished vjonuments. Gravestone, ' . Ready for shipment.' Desie-ns free. " irs. 1 rear old nl 2 years old 3 years o'd 4 years old c 0 L T WE HAVE A FINE . LOT OF STANDARD BR 121) C)I-T-S F'rom one to four vears .old. . broke and fresh. Also a few ful! str;"n Jersey Calves. For full particular ap ply to " Fair View Dairy, VV. T. FARMER, I'roPr- W A NTE D. A "jrel liable lailv' or Rentleman to distribute sampled and make a house-to-house convass for our V egetable Toilet Soaps. 40 to f 75 ca month easily made. Address Crofts ii Keed, 842 40 850 Austin Avenue, Chicago 111. x

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