1897 DEOEMBEE. 1897 Su. Mo. TV. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 12 14 15 JL6 '17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6"27 28 29 30 m Full q 11:54 vSMoon O p. m. - Third , R 11:22 Q Quart:.r J.0 p. m. MOON'S PHASES. New rq 2:B5 WMoon ZO p. m. First OA 2:27 y Quarter oU p.m. AllHt kri I lit: SuiMlay wi)per, Washington Dispatch, 19th. The Rev. Dr. Hugh Johnson, pas tor of the Metropolitan Methodist church, where President McKinley attends, today preached a sermon full of. violent -abuse., of the Sunday ! newspaper in gt neral and the Sunday yellow journalism inparticular. On Thanksgiving Day Dr. Johnson de livered an address on the perils which threaten the country, mentioning chiefly social discontent and propa gandists ot class divisions, "Jesuit ism"' and "the liquor traffic." His utterances brought forth some sha-p criticism by newspapers in various parts of the country, so sharp in fact, that he ielt called-upon to defend himself in a local newspaper, and to deny the statement that President McKinley was offended at the ser mon and would leave the church. Dr. Jonson Joday said ; "Of all the violators of the foarth commandment the Sunday newspa pers are doing most to rob Sunday . of its sacredness. The much laugh ed at blue laws had much to do with making the sterling, forceful, charac ter of the New England civilization. It is largely as a result of them that the little state of Massachusetts has been the mother of hundreds of men famous in the history of the country, while 27 Western States have ' only given us altogether 40 men who are known to the world. -'" "The Sunday newspaper is the embodiment of a so-called liberality, which is rather only looseness. They fill pages with politics, murders, sui cides, disasters, sensations, and un- cleaniness, employ 500 switt express trains and drop their sheets into mil- Ions of homes ail over the country. They fill the Lord's day with secular thought and break down the moral sense ot the people. They under mine homes by destroying the family day ot rest, which is so powerful for good." Dr. Johnson said the reason news papers were losing their power j and influence was that people believed that papers that would break the fourth commandment might not be aboye breaking others also- He de clared that every man who allowed a Sunday newspaper to come into his house was committing a sin. A Public Lt-tter. ClNCINXATTI, O., Aug. l6, 1893. Aunt Rachael Speer, Dear Madam - We are seven in family myself, wife, her sister and four children. All have been sick two summers with malaria. Quinine would break it but leaves us weak and distressed in the head and when we stopped the quinine the fever re turned. Many people praised your Peruvian Bitters and our physician told us to use it. I feel grateful to you because your bitters have cured every one of us after using 21 dys. We use it five and six times a day, taking a tablespoonful of the bitters in a small wine glass'of Speer's Port Wine. Rev. John J. Thomas. The Cotton Growers' Convention in Atlanta last week adopted some excellent resolutions, declaring, in fa vor of a reduction in the cotton acre age, against trusts and speculation in cotton futures, in javor of a complett organization in each cotton growing State, and ofself sustaining larms II these declarations are carried out, the South vviil be m'de richer by mil lions oi dollars ai d l he' people wiil be ir.deptndent t the res of the world These declarations are excellent, but . they cannot be carried into erLo without an t fficiem system that will receive rhe supp .rt of nearly all iht cotton growers of the South, rnnaiks the Charlotte Ne's,.'' The.dffj u!i is in carrying these good reso:u!Pnv into IT ct. Unless encli f .r.!U r p plies the lesson 'of the laM t-w eat- to him sell the movement will be of no effect. Hart's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote and the Hypo phosphites, if. faithfully used, is a specific 111 the treatment of Weak Lungs, Consumption, Bronchitis, etc.. Leading Physicians recommend . it.. Sold by B. W. Hargnve. Monkeys at FdbVV?all. Brooklyn Times Travelers in South Africa have not ed the fact that wheie monkey's con gregate in large numbers they -also indulge in games of a certain kind. Two of these games seem to resemble cricket and football. The crickst is a primitive order. About a dozen monkeys stand in a circle, or whatever is akin to the simian idea of a" circle Two of them ad vancejrom different' ex'remeties ot the circlejand stop about fifteen yard's apartT?acing each other. The inon key at the Southern end of the circle has a cocoanut in his hand He js the bowler. The monkey at the other end does not, as you might suppose, wield a full cane bat. His business is to dodge the cocoanut which the bowler aims" at his head. The delivery of the ball is tremendously fast, full pitched ard franght with dire results if it "touched the spot " When it does happen toMouch the spotthat is, any parr of the monkey's body that monkey is very much out and doesn't even stop to dispute the ques tion. Another monkey takes his place until he, too, receives his dismissal. It was presumed by the travelers that the game was firiished when a majori ty ot the monkeys lay nursing their wounds under the friendiy shade of a neighboring palm, . The football is of a more- advanced type. It is also played with a cocoa nut. The game, it anything, is real ly the "socker" game, and is played with the teet. Of course there is no goal nor any tactics to speak of, the object of each animal being to keep the ball to himself as much as possi. ble. " Still the competition to get the ball makes it resemble a real game o1 "footer," and the dexterity exhibited by these ameteaurs is surprising and wonderful, In an evil moment some ambitious monkey may elect to play the Rugby game by snatching up the half and x making off, but the game then develops (into war, in which life is sometimes the prize. No mention is made of a referee, but if there is one about, like wise and provident mbnkeyf, he is proba bly up a tree. "I don't know, there may be oth ers," he said, "but I have used Par ker's Tolu Cough Syrup in my family for yearsy.-and would not be without it." He knew better than to buy the inferior preparation that was being urged upon him. FARKER's Tolu Cough Syrup has no equal It will immediately" relieve any Cough, or Cold, Whooping Cough, Sore throat, Hoarsness, Croup, Bron chitis, and kindred ailments. Con tains no injurious ingredients, is pleasant to take and a safe remedy for children. Sold by B. W. Har grave. - A Layer of Human ltng. City of Mexico Dispatch, 20th. A letter just received here from William Niven, the New York ar chaeologist, who is making excava tions in a prehistoric city in the State of Guerreo, says that he just made a surprising discovery of a layer of hu man bones from ten inches to seven feet from the surface, plainly visinle on the side of a earranca tor fully 300 feet, and which seems to continue for several thousand feet more. The Golgotha is only two hours on horse back north of Chilpaneingo, and is near the southern boundary of the prehistoric cities of O.nitlan.. He is excavating with great success, un earthing objects of the greatest inter est of jade, oraehyte, diorite, bone, shell, and terra cotta. Couldn't Afford to taken Paper. One of our exchanges describes the man who could not afford to take his home paper as follows : , By getting hold of a f'treigu advertising sheet he spent $1 writing to ft id out how to keep sober the answer being to take a pledge. He also sent fifty two cent stamps to find out-how to raise tur nip's and received, a post ti ctrd re ply : "Take hold of the t0ps and ptifl " It was the siine person that sent 50 cents,-to a fallow in the east for twelve 'useful houeho:d articles tnd rectived a jackac-of needles. He is near relative to ihe man who s-r.t $1 to find out how to get rich an 1 received th( bl!owini replv: "Work hke thedeil and never spend a cent." He i h-i. tei;,ied to lie manwho-setu $5 to cut how 10 Atile wiiho.il pt n or luk.iii fl the an wer.was: "Trv a lead pencii." lie s;i tttin broirw r to lhe n'tHn who' sent' to find oui how to live w thout work, aud rec eived the reply printed in one black line on a postal card : "Fish for sufk'ers like we do." Ex- umua dgutore Of in tm 42 ever? Lady MVllalv Romance ( ?). ' Philadelphia Press. ' : Lady Millais, widow of Sir" John Millias, late president ot the British Royal Academy, who died Thursday was the divorced wife of John Rus kin, the painter and art critic. Mil lais was a pupil of Ruskins, and learn ed to love the latters wite. When Ruslrin learned the state' of affairs he, although deeply chagrined, conquered his feelings, and determined not to mar the happiness ot his wife. So he bade her go with her lover, surren dering her to his rival in her affec tions. . Ruskin allowed his wife to p'ead for divorce in a Scottish court in cam era, and he offered no objections. A short time after the decree was made Mrs. Ruskin was married to Millais as Miss Euphemia Grav. Ruskin stood by the couple in church when they were married. Rukin remained the friend of Mr. and Mrs. Millais, although for years polite society refused to recognize them. One of the finest portraits ex tant is that painted by Millais after he had married Mrs. Ruskiri. Ladv Millafs had baen suffering for some time past from cancer of the throat, the disease which caused the death of her husband, on August 13. 1896. You need Cod Liver Oil, you say, but think you can't take it ? Try "MORRHUVIN," a perfected Wine of of Cod Liver Oil. You get all the virtues of the Oil without the disa greeable effects. - Sold by B. W Hargrave. Horse Meat for Fx port. N. Y. Sun. .. The American Horsemeat Compa ny, New Jersey, has obtained a li cense from the Kearnv, N. J., author ities to carry on the business of mak ing sugar-cured horse hams, smoked hose tenderloins, pickled side ribs oi horse, and plain salt horse, all of it strictly for ex put. At least, the company has given bonds of $1,000 to sell none of its product for con sumption in America, and it claims to have a large trade already estab lished in Europe. The license was granted on Monday night and the concern will occupy the slaughter house on the Kearney meadows, 'neat Frank Creek, formerly used for the slaughter of sheep. Dr. J. V. Laddey, a United States meat inspector,, and a graduate ot the College of Veternary Surgeons 'of New York, has charge of the plant. He has also given bonds to keep the place free from odors and other nui sances. . , Tne horse mtat is to be shipped from Kearney, packed in" casks and cases duly branded as horse meat, and each package will contain a cer tificate bearing a notary's attestation that the contents have been duly in spected and are perfectly pure and healthlul. The company will do all its export business througff a New York brokerage concern. Old Fine Climax ltrandy. From grape wine, has been four teen years stored and cared for in the same way that Brandies are cared for in France, and is as fine in fl tvor and mellowness as Hennessy Brandy of Cognac. Ask your druggist tor Speers Climax Brandy. Fine PoHt mate r The Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says : "A strange but true story is told of a certain Davie County postmaster. Recently a lady was expecting a letter inform ing her of the condition of a relative who wasveW ill. After waiting sev eral weeks for the letter, she' went to the postoffice and asked'lhe' offi clal to go over his mail carefully for h-r. He did so, but found no letter The lady then took matters in her her own hands, as she knew the post master was ignorant and im fTi.ient, and searched the fft :el She finally found the leiter put away in an out-of-the-way o rntr. It had a black border and announced the-death of the relative. The postmaster's ex cuse was : "That thing came a monh ayo, but 1 was tjoin' to send it to thr- dead letter offl "e Secaue it it w i .mcU. and 1 t bought there was soiiv ihiny wrong with if " iBiousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, iru insomnia, nervousness, and. if not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's Pills stimulate the stomach. rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold toy all druggists. The only Pdia to take with Hood's SarsaparUla. IT UIU5 Not Born to be Killed thjit Wht. G reenvillo Reflector. 8 - Thursday there was a wreck on the Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Cm pany's road in Carolma township, that was caused in a peculiar wav. A colored man named Whitfield wanted to get a ride and tried to. jump a train of flat cars. He m!sed the car, at d f 11 across the track, where the wheels to several of the cars passed directly over him. His bwdv threw two of the carsofl the track, and the Strang est part of it is that after the cars had run over him the man was able in yet up. Why his body was not ground to pieces is a mstt ry. At last accounts the man was getting on fairly well and -it was thought le would pull through a'l right. fpURE BLOOD is the foimdntioi BT of health. Hood's Sarsapari 11a make the blood pure, rich and nonrishiiiiram gives and maintains good H E ALTH . Foieitrii ChristiiUD l-r-'eit Chicago Chronicle. ' It is estimated that the amount of remittances thro ijli freion de- partmei-.t ol the ,i : i-.ouev ouler service for the holiday season wijl be not less than $15,000,006. The most of this immense sum goes from Americanized foreignors to their rela tives in the various parts of Europe It is said that there is an offset to this amount in the way of money sent by relatives living in Europe to their connections in the United States. The return amount is thought to be one-third of that which goes" to 'Eu rope that is $5.000000. If these calculations approach c uracy the balance against the United States in the foreigrrexchanges would be about $10,000,000' - " To tell the truth, my mother has lived with one foot in the grave," writes Mrs. Eusrene St::nt- zenberp, of No. 1604 Walker Ave., Houston, Texas, in a let ter to Dr. II. V. Pierce, of Euf- falo. N. Y. With a mort thankful heart I w i 1 1 tell you about the wn derful cure effected i-i her case. She has been a per fect wreck for seven long years. No words can describe what she has suffered. She could not sleep otraceounl.of severe pains. She tried every doctor arov nd here and spent hundreds of dollars wi'hf.ut benefit. After hearing of your wondeiful remedies I wrote to you. My mcther lias taken six bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery, and fix of the 'Pavorite pre scription,' and is now perfectly cured. Please receive the heartiest thanks and bles sings f;ora mv father and seven children for saving the lite of deaf mother. May God bless you and your Institution, is the wish of your friend." Tens of thousands of women have found complete and permanent relief from obsti nate and seemingly incurable disease Jiy using the wonderful remedies referred to above. The "Golden Medical Discovery" possesses the peculiar property of nourish ing and vitalizing the blood with the life giving red corpuscles, which build t:p healthy flesh and muscular strength. In the special weaknesses and diseases of the feminine organs, the " Favorite Pre scription " is a perfect and positive specific. It is the onlyscientific medicine prepared for that purpose by an educated physician ?nd specialist in that particular field of practice. For weak and nervous women these two medicines taken conjointly constitute tlv most marvelouslv successful course of treat ment known to the uTdinl nofpsoion. For nearly v years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting phvsician to the Tnv-vlid' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Rnflfato. N.-Y., at the head of a splendid aft" of -scoci ite specialist.- f-dinte from th landing med ical universities of America and Europe. SA.L. --Atlanta. New Orleans, Augusta, Ma con, Chattanooga, Nashville, Memphis Florida, Texas, California arid the en tire South. IN EFFECT MAY 30, 1837.! Nc.4L I No. 403 SAL 4. NC S A Li Lv Port s ir outh Ar Norfolk " Iewiston " Weldon " Henderson . " Kaleigh " " Southern Pines " Wilmiugton " " Charlotte " " (Jolumbia CNSL " Auirusta - C & W (3 " Athens . S A Li " Atlanta (Cent. Tim) " Macon , v of (ia Jacksonville Plant, Taiana . " Ilirmingliam " Jloiitomcry " Motiiie " Ne irleans " 'hatta -ooa W - A" " Nasbil;e N 0 & St L " Me -phis K C Vf & n 9 20 am 9 55 am II 41 am 1 ya p m 3 84 p in 5 55 v m ift A t a in 110 i5 p m I t". fin a m Ui-'5 ii'n I w a m 5 a) a m; 114J a m 8 50 p 111 " 8 . 50 a m S Ry' 114 n'n Wof A 10 (1 am L & .V ;:V) . m J ID ( 111 1 00 im 01 i) :u f tl : -n 8 45 p m 9 2i p m 11 45 p m It 10 pm U 56 a m 2Wam 4 JJS a m li30pm a0 a m 4 30 p m 505 i m 1 15 p m ' 50 j) m 7 :i0 p m .7 30 a tn 4 15 p m 10 10 p m 9 '.0 p iu H 05 s m "Warn ' 50 i ni fi 45 a m '40 . m Daily t Daily ex Sunday. jDaily ex Monday. Connections at Sew Or!e ,iu with Southern Paciiio and Texa & Paci..c lt iiv.as for all points in Texas, Mexico an t .California. No. 40..' Arrive Portsmouth dail. 7 5 am. No. .13 -Arrive PortS3ii..ith :t ;i;y 550 i m. J. W. Brown, Jr.. Pass r iat... Um Main t Norfolk, Va. vturray Forbes, Trav. Pass'r Afft.. Ports mouth, Va. ; R St. Jorrvi Viee-?re i lent and 'it-n i Mr. V. E. M.;. .ien . .-u. tMiritiv-.iient. H. a . . (ii.-tv '--. i .. v v w .-son. Trflic Manigtr iy.i 1 Pttd'r A set.' Port hmouth V.:. Chlchcstcr Enzlish Diamond Brand. Oruz'nul ami Cnlv Cenninc. S.rc- aisajj r-liauii.-. uctts ak l.ru.-.ri Kir f'ftn hit ri r r i , . . 3 - - - - - - - ... . .... r . - ... -T J, 1 ---x 1 u ILLS tTMdi l U.- .ir!tte!.ill!cV7l5 aiawih b'.i.. Take ft1 Ano other fiefiae tlnnae if S:ftna mid txttta!itns. t Urn r send 4 KWIcf for IJa,$:--. trf?rr. hv rr ten Mci!. I'VHJO T ci nmii:i)s. ,Vmr Paper IOHN Gror Fashionable Barber, Nash St vVILSON. N C. hh rhairs, razors keen; cis-ors sharp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime Only a nickle to get a shine; j -Shampoo or har cut Pompadour You pay thesuui of twenty cetits more. ' ; ':'':; : ' ' ' ' ' "' 1 ' ' -r for infants and Children. - " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription known to ma" H. A. Aecher, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St BrooUyn, IJ. Y. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria w ithin easy reach. I Cablos SIabtyn, D. D., New York City. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrho3a, Eructation, - Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- gestion, ' Without iiyurioua medication. "For several years I have recommended .'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, ts it. has invariably produced beneflcia) results." ' ; Edin F. Pardee, 31. IX. 135th Street and Ttk Avb., IS ew York Cit. The Cestauh Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. 1 lie Wilson Book 1 - ' . - ; store SCHOOL B AA .AT lii Tl Siv - liSiS vTffsl 1 Lee's Historvr of U. S., i Holmes'. 1st Reader,' new edition, 2nd " 3rd ' " 4th . " 44 : 4: 5th " ' Sanford's Primary Arithmetic, 44 Intermediate 44 ( 44 - Common School Arithmetic, T44 Higher Arithmetic,. Harvey's Elementary Grammar, Practical English Grammar, Maury's Elementary Geocrraphv, ' Revised Manual 01 Geography, $1.25. tl Physical '4 $1.20. Harrington's Speller, complete, 20c. FU LL LIME OFSClOQL SD P P LIBS. - Come and see us when in need of anything in our line. We will try to please you. Wilson Book Store. 75c L2 5 C. 40c. 5oc 72c. 20c. 36c. 64c 85c. 42c. ' 65 c. 55C, r xi M ailwar. (Piedmont Air Line.) First and Second Divisions (N. C.) Schedule effective .May 2nd, 1-897. This Condensed Schedule is fuhlished as iiilarma! ion only ami is subject to change with out notice to the public. NOKI-iM.K N i ) CHAl T. . NiJOliA. (f HKOKiH KNOXVILLK, MOK k ISTOW J , HOT SlKlNGS. ASH KVI LLE,. SAL1 SI3UR Y, GRKKNSIiOKO, DIMIAM, K A LEIGH . SKLMA, WILSON, K' CKV I.iOCNT AND TAKIilpKO. - , Nos. 10 an1 10. Daily. 'I'::"1- lan.1 10. ".".- J " " 12 ;'.' I'm ! I inn i L -0 4Tr"am ; 9 55 J S5 : " 1J;V) !)f0 ! " f Li J am 1 1 ;t j. I 1 41 I 2i pm " f 3 15 3 33 3 4 4 it !f 4 08 4 :) 4 25 4 50 , . 4;s -ntw, 5 10 5 4-'- 6 00 6 40 10 47 am "1 10 815 rr" 1J 10 pml Sra 952 3 25 10 52 5.10 am " H40 11 45 7 10 4 3 -i l i 4 5 1 4:i ' " rar j 4o j " s oo 15 15 1 5 05 , -. 5 25 !(CK.TKAL AM) EASTKKM -1MB.) Nashville Ar Chattanooga Knoxviiie Morristown Hot .Spring's Ash:iv"iIio Marion Moranton Connelly Springs Hickory . ewton States ille Salisbury (Central time.) Salisbury (Eastern rinio.i. Greensboro luirham" ItaUih Seima Wilson GoldsVKro South Rocky Mt. ) Pinn rs' Point " Ar' V rfolk No. n.' no. a5. i r-Q lially. laily. jj 6 4am j Utu 1';-rpui TO'ani" 7 30, 4 0) " " " 3 00 3 '2 f 1 -9 -'25 v I j 12 1 J i f Ki35 pm nh-8uin - loo: 11! OH If ji ."I'M" ' !':! 10 -.'rt ' 15 9 4(5 4 . - 7 55 . f - ' ' - - !37 '. . HI5am . ' i . 0T5 tl-Vam nS'ipm 3 3) 9 50 i 4 3H, 2 00 8 53 j 3,0 7 49 J 2 35 l 42 ' 10 ; 1 30 " . ! . Tvi . . f 12 .v I ,f 9 45 Meal stations. Nos. 1 and 10. f lk tni Cl:i-t. o en limit .!. Ueteen Norfolk and hattnio!r throurh Selma, Kaleitfh, Greensboro. Salisbury, Ashcviiie, Hot Surinurs and K 110 ilk Pullman Drawing Koom Sleeping Car between oriolk an.l aslnille and between Klaoiih and Chattnnoog-a. - ".uwtidii Through tickets on sale at principal stations to all points. For rates or information an- ply to any arent of the company. uimauwiap- V. H. Gkrkn. J. m. Cur.p. w A Turk Genera. Superintendent, - nenerafPassenger ent. CO 3 T3 c Y Cv o CO WiWoNAND;vi;LLO R AND IANcs akd-Flo S ' C-XT- Esr - - 1AJ '"-E. -1 - .'im .(. so r rii r rEf bee. mh m: 1 loi- " ' ..... J v WcHoii. Ar i?nckv ft. t.XT -f- I I.I ... I.V l(X-lrr Ut f 1 n.1 1 in . i.v w ilon 1 hi p. Lv Soliri.. ..! 315j, .- Lv Fax ettovPle , 4T j 114 Ar r'lorehee ' 7:.". i :r 15 " I'. M. . v Ar (MMslxro . Lv Joldsbor..i. Lv Miifiiuli ....i Ar wjiininrton. 17 ..".I. 8 00 V. M 1.x'. V TUAIXS UoIXg' Xoin DAT K 1 ' 1 1- Dee. Sftth,' I S7. "z .' ' . .t:l5 'li' '' j., in . V " - I A f Lv Kloronee. -I.. 55 ' Lr Faytittevllltr 12;::;' Lv Seltn,.. "..... 1,1,0; Ar ilsnn ' 35 ' i- iO Lv Wilmington ... Lv Masrn lia j ... Lv Ooldsboni. . .' A. -I- LvWiiso.i. Ar Rocky. Mt.. Ar Tarloro ... Lv TailMiro. . tin ! ti; ( .... 3 28 Lv K cky Alt. . Ar Weldoii ... 1212 3i8 4:;3 I'. M V e 45 ... M (i 1. I 42 i :,HV,ai,y exc't Monday. ; Daily 0 t Sun Train on Scotland Neck braiit h n.-ni 1,. , AVeMon 3 55 p m Halifax 4 3 " land Neck at 5:2.). Greenville ok p ml, v m. li-turuing- leaves K ii sioi, 7 5.1 m a m. v ei.lon .1:33 a m. daily except !,! traits on ashuifrton braiu-h leaxeWr i, tnvUm 8:20 h nind 2:30 p m. urrhes 1, , ,,"(. .". 9:in a mi, and 4.00 p in, returning leave 1 ;U le 93a m and (3:3.1 p m. . rrive Washinuton u 00 a m -mil ,:20 v in. dailv e.x i t .uii.lav , Tra n !eav.;g Tarboro dally, exce t i'n,uv a:.m, hundy 4 15 p m, anhe- l'lynu.u li p rn, 6:10 p m. Iteturning lea e l'l m,,, t ' da-ly except Sunday, 7:5n a-m. amL.'u ..iv 5)00 a in. arriv es Iarbor 10i(5u m. an'l 11 !; ni Irani on VI Miami N. C IsrMiieh leave-(.0 his' boro daily except Sunday 7.W a ni. rUiiv.-s Smithrielu 8-.;) a m. Ketuinliifr leave iiutli rieid 9:0 I a in, arrives at Goldsl.010 10:25 a in Trains on Nashville branch leave k- ekv Mount at 4:30 p in, arrive Nashville .'( 5 1. ni .spring Hope 5:50 p m. Ifeturniug leav e 1 rinj Hoie 8:0 a m. N'ashville 8::.5 a m, airi.eat liocky Mount 0 f5 a m, daily except Sui day. Train-on (Uinton braneh !ea es Warsnw lor ( hnton daily except Sundnv. 11:20 a 111 ami 4 lo p m. Uetnrning, leaes ( iinton wt '.:(4l a in and 3: 0 p m. Train No. 78 makes close connection t W. I don tor all points north daiFy, all tail via Richmond. II- v KMEKS'ON. Gen l Pass Ajr, nt. I R KEM T. G..,fl vr:1, ..,... T. M.EMERSON Trallic. Manager- Gape far and Yadkin Valle Rj, John Gill, Receiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN .KPECT NOVExVIBKK 2S, 1897, NORTH BOUNDr - . No 2 DAILY. Leave tVilmington.. Arrive Fayelteville . Leave Fayettex ille i.eave Fayetevillejunction. Leave. San ford ..... . . ...... Leave Ciimax Arrive Greensboro. Leave Greensboro. ........ Leave Stokesdale. . ........ Arrive v alnut Cove Leave VValuut Cove. ....... Arrive Mt.' Airy. ...... ... .. 9 00 um 12 kj m 12 22 " 12 27 " . 1 48 " ' 3 47 " 4 20 4 30 r 5 17 --v 5 47 6 15 ' 7 45 " SOUTH HOUND. So I DAILY. Leave Mt. Airy. . . . . ..... . .. Leave Rural Hall .. .. ...... Leave Walnut i.pve Leave Stokesdale.. Aarive t reen.sboro. ........ Leave Greensboro....... Leave Climax ...I Leave Sanibrd. ,.. , Arrive Kaytttevilleljuiitlion. . Arrive Kayetteville. .... Leave Fjj, etteville Arrive Wilmington..-. S 40 Hill 1004 c 1035 ' I I ij6 ' II 5. -12 151)111 12 43" 23?) . 3 55 " 4 (XJ " .4" 10 " 1 20 " ' 15et NORTH HOUND. No, 4- daily Leave HetinettsviMe.. riive Maxton. ... . Leave Maxton..... Leave Rod Springs. , Leave Hclpe .Mills Arrive Fa etteville: . 8 a) am 907.". 9 35 " jo 20 " 1040 ' SOUTH BOUND. No -3 DAILY Leave Favetteville. Leave Hope Mills" Leave Red Springs. Arrive Maxti n Leave Mixton.. rrive Benntttsville, 4 50 m 5"7 " 6 43 ' 6 11 v" 6 15 ' 7 '5 '' NORTH BOUND No 16 mixkd daily except Suiulay Leave Ramsuer. . .!. Leave Climax ..... 1 . Arrive Greensboro. Leave- Greensboro. , Leave Ssokesd.de. ... vrrive Madison .. 6 41 am S 2.S 'V 9 ,7 " 9 35" , , 4 ft 1 1 7 11 55 " 12 pm 1 2- "-, : 2 45 " 3 " 6 : SOUTH BOUND No 15 mixed Daily except Sunday Leave Madison Leave Stokesdale. ... ...... Arrive Greensboro, . ... Leave Greensboro .... -eave Climax ... . ........ vrrive Ramseur. .......... ONNLCTIONS t Fayetteville with Atlantic Cum-'l Jne, at Maxton wi ll Caiolina Centr;-! ailrod, at Retl Spi ing.s willr the nl. 'prints and Howniore airal nl 'ianfir.l Hiih ilve Seaboard Aii 1 irer : G i!f vv :th the Durham and CharMte ro t-i. w Greensboro with Sixitju rn. i-ti!va Cii! p.;nv Walnut 1 jve vitb tlie v..rfoik & Western KaiHvaV. !---vV. F'V W. E KVI 1 J, eu'l M I'lTig.-r". Gen' Has-. Ar' nt QL I 1 ('ill' old VCIII'v old ;'Vs i d -s :iV- !(! Y9 (' () L T ; S V i ! . . I. V . "1 V 1? .Us., u fev,v (u'l Mr.:tn;. r full particu'lais apt '- ro ti :K? P; ! '- 'a -f-. air Veiw Dairy." I W. r. FA K M FK. I'ropr, 'Y V v n: 1 VeJIiab'e huh;- or en!le;n;:ii 5.. . i-5ril u e 'Jairu'ies "and n.-l-:e a h nse-to-lnniso ctiivnssTr;r ol r Vegetable Toilet oaps. $ 40 U 5f 5 . month easily made. Address Crofts & Reed. 842 to S50 Austiii Avenue, Chicago 111. i -. .