7T on jOTOii LEI ALL THE ENDS THOU AIHSV AT BE 11 COUHfRK'S, THY GOD'S ASD TRUTHS." $I-A f BAR CASH iH ADVASCE; ii BtST ADVERTISING KED1US. WILSON. X. UMAX i; ART (, 1898. -l VOLUME XXVII. NUMBER li f dirgtSry.; There will be no to bacco sales u n ti Wan u ary 3rd, '9 3. L ll FA Kl U.KK OF TIHINS LOCAL VRAINS: .'." N. Hound. S Bound Between Florence and Weldon. NO. 78. V NO. 23 2:35 P. Leaves Wilson 2:20 JP, M Between Wilmington 'and Norfolk: . No 4S.. ' . , .N. 49 i.-.SS Leaves Wilson, 2:37 P. M. Between Goldsborb and Norfolk NaToi. r V r N'V 103. ffYM Leaves Wilson ' 7: 17 PM f ' -. ; ; (OO rjy VV lllllllliuil IV ixwyiv.v i-ii. io. 40; mo. 41. 10:20 P M- Leaves Wilson,; 6:15 TH ROUGJi TRAINS. Between Florence and Weldon: NTo.. 3.2 ..' . . ino. 35. 2:22 A. M. Leaves Wilson, 11:00 r. fti Ol!N I V OFKICKK-i. . BOARDj-OF COMMISlSIONf RS: " . , K. S. Clark, Chairman. Shade Felton, J. IL Nf.wsom C.'ADLEV. . ; ISAAq FEiON W. J. Cherry, Sheriff, r J.-1). Bardin, Clerk pf Superior Court J , H. Griffin, Register of Deeds, S. H. Tyson, Treasurer, :-Wm. Harriss, Coroner, . . J. T, Revel, Surveyor. , TOWN (IFCM KtRS aldermen: ' , Ward. - J. D. Lee, , J. ?. Clark, 1st .2nd 3rd 4th Dr A. Anderson, , , Geo. Hackney, J. T. Ellis. .-, v 5 th P, B. DEAS.iMayor; Jno. R. Moork", Town Clerk; .WYE. Deans, Collector police: ; , 1 W. P. Snakenberg, Chief. ., " Ephriam Harrell, Frank Felton ' JamesMarshbourne.' ' :;: p, P Christma.n; Sjt Commissioner, St. TimothV's church.' Thomas Bell," rector. Services: Sundays, ,11 a. m , 7 p. - m; Sunday. School at 3 p. ni. Wednesdays, evening prayer 4 p ni., bible class 7:30 p. m, Fridays, .evei -ing prayer and address 7:30. , ' . , Mrthodist Church, Rc. J. B. Hurley Pastor;" services.it n .a. -rn, and 7:30 p. ni. Sunday! School, 5 p. . m.J. F Bruton, Supt. Prayer meeting Wed fnesday night at . 7:30. v ChfTstian Church, Rev. B.H; Melton Pastor; services every Sunday, 11 a m, 7:00 p m. Prayer meeting VVednesday night. Sunday School at 9:30 o clock, a. ti). j Geo. Hackney, Supt. 1 t . ' nu.:u 'Di., ' i,mi,c V Presbyterian Church. Rev. James fpipmas, f,astor; services on the'hirsr, 1 urd and fpurin ounuay in cvcij imnUh and at. Loiliisburg Second Sun- Services at 11 a. in. and 830 p. SuiKUy Schobi at 5 o'clock, .p., in. ' j. baptist ChufCh, service as follows: IPreaching .Sunday riiormng at ii;oo ; jj'clock and, 8 p. m Rev. W. H. Redisb .Pastor. . Prayer meeting vveaniesaaj evening at. 8io!plock Sunday School at 5 p. m., Iv- Hoykjin upt rimutve aptis.t upurcn, -preHcuiiiy XIT ? xid $undyt by Elrfer Jas Bass;, on '3rd Sun4av by Ei4er Jas S. Wotidard; . .1 .lU C,l,, Cil urAl r' hifflirt- by the pastor, Elder P. U. Gold. Ser- vices begin at n a. i. ? . V I Regular meetings of .Mt. Lebanon ll j.dge No, 117 A.- F & A; M. are held Sni their hall, corner of Nasli and Gblds V'U fl Streets on the 1st and 3rd Alonclay niihts at 7:30 o'clock p-,m. each month, Retrtilar meetings of "Mt: Lebanon Chapter No 27 are held in the Masonic Hall every 2nd Monday night at 7:30 o'clock p. m each month. ":.' VV. H..AppJewhite.H. P. : Re rular meetings of Mt. ' Lebanon Cofnjnandery No. 7 are held in 'the Masonic hn II every 4th Monday night at 7:30 o'clock each month. W , ; T j ' K, S. Barnes, E. C. . Regular meetings of Wilsbn Lodge K. of H. No. 1694 are held in their ball over-the. 1st National Hank eveiy isi Thursday evening at 3:30 o'clock; p m, , : B. F. Briggs, Director. Regular meetings ' of Contentnea r Lodge, No. 87, K. of P , are held iii tjdd Fellows1 . Hall every Thii'rs'dav miriit. Visiting members always wel t Regular meetings of Enterprise -Odge, Ino. 44, are, held' every Frday nigbt in Odd Fellows'. Hall. " ' , ' POS- OFFICE HOURS. '. . Office opens 8 a mJ and closes a sunset Day mails cl ose for Ncth at i p.-m. " 4 4 ' 44 West 44 i p m, 4 4 . 44 f 44 South 44 1. 30 p in, ' Night mails for all points close at 9 pjn. GET YOUR OB PRINTING AT THE ADVANCE OFFICE. 1 . r ' ' ' ' . . :i .' " And a MexicanFia;? Takes Its Plac3 Clipperton Island. TEE WOEE OF MEXICAN MAEINES. Thpv I,tidpd From the GoTernment. HiinhofLt llefii'oci'at-a and Went Aboit Their WlorJi deliberately Claim tne Island Is Within Mexican Territory. San Diego, Cal., Jftn. 1. The steamer Albion arrived yesterday, 'from a month's cjruise.down the coast, and herf r ... - ... ....... j passengers tell or a ratner nign. nanaeoi proceedin ? at Clipperton Island on the. part" of :he ;Mexican gunboat. Demo crata, be ng no less than the hauling down of the Stars and Stripes by an armed force landed, tvr.'. tlic t- Juroee, and in sbite of the prafests of the(men there einjiloyed, and the raising of the Mexican Hag.? The story is told as fol lows: ' . ' ' . ' ; "Our trip down the coast as far as Santo Domingo was void of any par- ticular : ir cident," said Roscoe Howard, one of the passcn&crs. "On our re turn we- took on a sailor at . Acapulco And; from him I learned that he had been brought to that port by the Mexi can gunboat Democrata. from Clipper .ton Island. He; With two other men, had been employed by a guano com pany to take charge of about 4.000 tons of guano that was stcg-ed in', the ware houses in the. island, and when they were landed -theEel some nine months ago, thej hoisted the American flag and notified the secretary -of state of their action.' L . "On Dec. 'ii the Democrata' anrhored a short distance from' the, island arid sent a boat's crew of marines, fully , armed, to the island, but on attempting ' to land the boat was dashed against- a coral reef and .suffered considerable (lamage,rf Finally the marines . were landed, and after an official, ceremony the Stars; and Stripes were hauled down om the'flagpole thai had been erected byHJie Americans', and m its place the an, flag was hoteted. , Haying taken formal nosse?sion, the marines .with drew and notified the men who re -mained on the island not to allow any one to t?,ke away the guano, under penalty of violating the Mexican laws.' The island is about SCO miles off the Mexican coast, almost due west of Acapulco, and is; hnbwh as an atoll, or coral reef. It is 'about four miles in circumference. Two palm trees con stitute tne sole: vegetation on, the islr and, which I is made ' the home of mil lions of sea fowl. ' Thousands of tonfs pf the richest guano is to be found on . the island. When the marines landed to take .possession cf the island in be half of Mexico they were fully armed". K . . : - . . I - THE MEXICAX VIEW J?? IT. . Claim That the Island Is vitliln Mex- !' lean Territory. . Mexico : City, , Jan. 1. Official inteU ligenee received from .Mazatlin sows that when .the Mexican gunboat El Pemocrala arrived at .Clipperton Isl and it was found ; that a parry of Americans had raised the American flag , and had appropriated all the guano beds, where they wete operating, They had built houses-andpermanently established themselves. . .ine 4Jemo crata had a very stormy passage fed found the island ef very -difficult ac pess, arid a boatload of Mexican ma fines was upset in getting through. the Burt, the men- losing- their rifles and swords. They saved themselves by swimming, and a Jilexican flag was carried ashcne bv Julian Santos, the stoker of the, gunboat, who ran the risk of being devoured by sharks that, abound in those waters. Captain Genesta ordered the Ameri- non floft ViQiilerl rl n v.-n a rS ft thf AfPYirnn f?ag was rftised, there . being 'little pro- test on the part of the Americans rep- resenting a guano 'exploring' company. . formklhy having been accom- pUgj, the .-srunboat returned to Mar ratlin:. There are about 20,000 tons of guaTnr-ethe island, valued at $300,000 J fn gold. "RepiSesnfations showing that the aclion cf ihesano company isXTpe ofTntre usurpation will be madeClip perton Island is undoubtedly iri Mexi can territory, although notsettled by Mexicans. - There bas be&h no excite- ment A ver the matter. x- "BniMied the Ainerienn Fln.ar. , New LYork,. Jan. 3. Captain - William a. Chief Officer Beckwith, p the rican line s teamship St, 1 Louis, which .arrived in prt. Saturday, spent nuch" of . their '-, time during the tflpacross the Atlantic investigating a- story which made, every. American on board indignant. The stOryrelates to the 'burning of an American flag by three stewards aboard ,the 'steamship duringjthe passage. As a result several memlers ,of the crew' were, dis6harged from tihe service' of the American line today. Said Sec ond . Offieer Campbell: (J am isorry that the matter, should be pome iiublic. It was simply the act of a Piispeeted of XiHtrieloe. Philadelphia, Jan. - 3. Mrs. Mary LambJ tiighf of 2214 Cuthbert street, diep. last in the Medico-Chirurgi. al' hos pital fjrom a fractured -skull, and her son by her -first husband is under ar rest on suspicion of having caused her. death. The son's , name is" Malachi Scannell. Saturday, night Mrs'.; Lamb' was found lying at the foot of the stairs In her . home.. She was uncon scious,! and her body was covered w ith bruises. The. police it is said, learned that the woman and her son : had been jiuarreiing considerably on New Year'vs ; eve. Scannell was then arrested. 8ccrc;tr.v Gaire Gieets Good TJmes. New! York, Jan. 3, The Times pub lishes an interview with Secretary G.age - in the I course of which he is quoted as saying: x '.'The coming o good times to our country is not now something intangjible, far bft'f our good" times are right iat hand, dependent merely, al together, on our willingness to worthily greet jthem and keep them. Through out thte length and" breadth of our land blessings have been showered in b.oun-- en shpw teousnjess by 1S97. Dr. Shields, an eminent physician of Tennessee, says : "I ( regard Ayer's Sarsaparilla as thebest blood'-inedicine on eaf.th, oncl-l knnW of'many wonder ful C.ire.s eiTected by' its. use." Phyi cians jill over the land have made sim ilar statements. ' Randle, and -Ane A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED.' .1 Tue-day, Hee. 28. The Salvation Army hasyabandoned its home for e x-cohvicts m, California, some of the inmates, having again fallen into evil ways. , 'or forgery and attempted abduction, Francis Lingo, colored, was sentenced at Carrdem N. Ji, to 20 years' imprison ment and .$3,000 fine. Horace G. Burt, third vice president of the Chicago and Northwestern rail-, oad, has been appointed president of the Union Pacific road. The' suit of, the state of New York against tlie Armours for -Sl.TOO.OOCr for alleged violation of the aairy laws is likely to end i a fiasco. t -Wednesday, Doe. SO. . ' The report that' Secretary Gage ten dered 'his resignation to the president is unfounded. '. t A secret organization has been form ed at Lexington, Ky.., to fight the: civil service system. ' Patrick Kelly, of Louisville, who- was struck dumb while cursing an employer had his speech reetpred during a fit yt anger. r ' . ' A Christmas parddn for Diedrich Tragman, a Sing Sing convict, arrived 1 '-it . t ' ' ' 1 a. t" 1 i ; j- a at tne prison jusi nan an nour aiier his death. Peter .Ryan, un eccentric citizen of Hopltinsville, Ky., has been buried, in a sar.cophp gus which he had had on exhibftion for several years! Thomas Collins, a merchant of Berse- meri Aia went to tne jail ana snor and killed J. H. Powell, who had been arrested on complaint or coinns wire , I TlmiNilny, lee. SO. Tne president has approved the to prevent the killing of fur Se the North Pacific. Major Moses P; Handy, special com missioner to the Paris exoosition, is seriously ill at Augusta, Ga. ' . . ' An effort, will be made to have crew ated trie office of secretary of mines and mining in the president's cabinet. The asphalt, beds on fhe trder of the Uncompahgre Indian res ervat ion will be worked-, and are exrscted to. yield about $1,000,000,000. -. ; ' -As there are" no dire h ?irs," the million dclfar;' estate of Char es Con toit, who' died recently In NeKv York, has been devised to charity, . Four officers gf the Stock Exchange bahk. of El IVno," O. Ti, have been ar rested, charged with receiving deposits, knowing the bank to; be insolvent. . Frbtny, Dee. . The census recently made shows that there' are 106.375 children of school age in Philadelphia. ' i , ' Representative HinrichEen, of Illinois, is likely to be, chosen chairman cf the Democratic congressional .committee. Hugh McLaughlin has retired from the leadership of the Democratic party of Brooklyn, and Befnard, J. York will succeed hirb. j ,, ' . - . ! Trustees of Princeton University have passed a resolution forbidding students to drink or 'have jn their, possession. r any intoxicating liquors, , The saloons at Juneau. Alaska, wer busy at last, accounts exchanging vhis ky for gold dust, a large party of Yukon miners having come.to town. ' ... "Saturday;, .Ian. 1. A snowstorm in Pittsburg and Alle gheny did $85,0)0 damage. During this year's game season in; . Maine 7,500 deer, 250 moose and 10 caribou were shot. j Nathan B. Scott,, of West Virginia, fook the oath of office as internal reve nue commissioner, vice W. S. Formarv .Mall box robberies aggregating $50 .000 have been discovered in Cleveland. Richard O.-Davis, under arrest-n. New LYork, Is suspected. ' J. H.' Ashmore was kiUecl by falling from a train near Treiaxon last night. He was en route to spend New Year's daj-v. ith his .mother in Trenton. Slonitlny.' .laiK ?$. . yA ri' b lynciied James Jones. ' colored, near Mcorr3Iiss.,-for se,tting fire to the hottse pfT' woman. ' Farmer Jhn Fitzgerald, of Ogdens burg, N. Y., hid $400 in his cellar and thieves carried it on. .. t . tw .1 n-vrw TV T o rtin rT It rvn o "X7" our ' Vn'r. gift 'at Sing Sing (N. Y.) prison was) a stay of execution, set for the week be ginning Jan. 10. " Janri.es Kirkley, the Benton county (Ind.) treasurer, who was' found dead in his office, committed suicide because his accounts were short. "i .r Mrs. Nellie Peterkin, of New York, has been convicted at Boston of : man slaughter for causing the death of Mrs. , Caroline F. Murphy. . . . "Ilnyttan Hioters SJiot- lort. Npw York, .Dec. 21. Officers' of the Prinz Wilhelm IV, which has arrived lvre from Ilayti,-. report that n the 'afternoon of. Dec. 13 12 rioters were, 'killed arid 20 seriously wounded during an encounter at Jacmel, Hayti. The mob was hostile to President Sam on account of his recent submission to the dernands'of Germany. The government, troops poured a volley into the rioters that scattered them in confusjen ' and resulted in' the aforementioned fatali ties, , ": - ' ' Tventv"one ''rt,'s '"or Mrs. Xaqk. Long Island t?ity. Jan: 5$'. Mrs. Au gusta Nack, the accomplice, of - Martin- Thorn in the murder of Guldnsuppe,. the bath .rubber, in a cottage at "vv'ood Btoe, L. L, was arraigned today and pleaded guilty to manslaugter. I?istrlct Attorney Youngs consented "to the im position of a sentence of 21 years in the penitentiary at Sing Sing, This sen tence was also ' acceptable1 to Mrs, Nack's attorneys, ' ,. ; Staare Robbers Make a Good. Haul. Lewiston, Idaho, Dec. 31. The. Lew. Jston-Mount Idaho' stage was held up Tuesday night by two highwaymen oner mile irora crangevine. rwo, pas sengers were relieved of about $6l).000. and the robbeis secured the contents of two mail sacks, but mrssed the one containing money packages. A vigi lance committee has 'been organized a! Grangeville. . . l$r ad Uiots in slel y. Rone, Jan. 3. The Tribuna reports that bread riots 'have occurred in the province of Girgenti, Sicily. The riot ers have fired upon, and looted the municipal bui'ding. The. troops have been' called out. -,4,ln a minute" one dose of Hart's Essknctk; ok Ginger will relieve any ordiiiary cae of Colic, Cramps or Nau sea. An iineXreHe'd remedy for Diar.- rhoeta, v,holera morbus, bummer com plaints and all internal -pains.. Sold by H. V. Harrave. ; 1 ' i I TERRIBLE HOLOCAUST Six Members ci a Family Meet . noT, in ToTr flUw' Death in Jersey City TATHER ' SAOHtFIOED HIS LIFE.. Had Keaped From Ills Kurnlne Iloiiie, But Went ltnek to Rescue Ills Loved Ones Two Son- Escape, One Per , haps Katall.v Burned. Jersey Ciy, Jan. 3. Six members of : one family, were killed by flames, and smoke in a fife thafe occurred eariy yes- morniife in this city.' The dead Reih, 42 years old, the r; Kmrha Itfeich, 42 Shears old, , the mother;" Tillie Rich, 22 yeuis old; Ida Reich: 15 years o'd; Albert Reich; 14 yearr old; Casta-. Reich, 8 years old. Several others were injured, and it may be that an&.ther member o. the ill-, fated family will di. He is the 19-year-oidson, and his body is covered with burns. " '' : . ' ' John Conway, hief of the Jersey City fire' department was badly cut and' burned. He ft'.J through a burning floor and was rescued' with difficulty. Henry A. Reich, 17 years old, man aged to make his ercape from the house with .bad" burns on the neck, face and hands, but he is. riot seriously Injured. Adolth Reich's homf was at 317 Oer-, mania avenue, near the Hudson county boulevard, in the Hudson city district. e was a real estnte agent, and well to do, living inna pleasant house ci- three stories. It is believed? that the fire broke out from a heater he basement, and it worked its -way up to the third floor, where the sleeping apartments 'of thi family were 'ocated. f . Henry Reich fnlcl it was lae when the family retired, te evening haying been spent in entertaflning New Year's callers. TCarly fn . the rnorning he was awakened by shouts. Running into the hall he saw. the snxoke and the flames in the lower 'hall. His father ,was jthere, and. they managed to get out' of the house together in. their night clothes. Young Reich then rani dawn one of It he. .streets and gave the alarm. When he returned his father, was no where to be seen, but one of his broth ers, Sistfsihund, was there, but badly burned. . He was taken to a neighboring house, w,here ,he sa'icl that some one had awakened him and . that, he) had jumped, through the l)Mnding smoke and flame down the staircase arid out .into the open air, . . . r Several engine companies responded promptly to the alarm, and ten minutes later the fire was out. Then began the search . of the housK The ravs ; f rom ihe firemen s' lanterns discosed three charred bodies against the wall at the foot of the stairsr They were the bodie.3 of Adolh Reich, his daugh' er. TilHe and -little- Gustave. . They lay. on tlie remnants 01" a burned bicycle. Tht father had fallen upon the daughter, and his f on was in his arms. They were burned almost beyond recognition The lather had -as-lii-e uack ii-to th burning house in a desire to save - his loyed ones, and hd forfeited his life in the effort. . In the basemen t? of . tbe house the searching- party stumbled 'over some thing at- the .toot of the stairs.' Two blackened'corpses, with arms entwined lay there. , They were the remains of Ida .and Albert- Portions of the limbs had been en tire! v bwrned away, and the faces were horrify! y distorted. "They searched them for the mother. Her body was found jn the dining room. Shes was hut slightly burned. Her face- showed no look of pain She undoubtedly died from suffocation. At dawn the bodies were rolled in blankets' and sent 'to the Tnorgjie, I EMPEROR MENELIK WARLIKE. : - . ' Leading Abysslnlans - the Support of French Knterprises. ' London. Jan. 3 The Ciro,. corre spondent of The Daily Mail- said, as part explanation of the British . !ad vance ur the Nile, .that it is believed French expeditions have arrived quite 'close to .Khartoum. . 1 The .Rome correspondent. of The Daily Mail ;i says: "I - learn,- from private ' sources 'that the' Italian foreign office EMPEROR MENELIK. " has received . information that . Em teror" Menelik has sunimoned, the Abyssijnians to arn in" support of French enferprises fn Equatorial Af rica' ajnd especiallythe plans of the Russiah Count Leon;ti'efL governor of the, equatorial provinces of Abyssinia. ".Menelik-him self is setting out at the head cif an army, and, t is lelieved the movement masks an expedition againrtl the AnglophVe. Ras Mtaiigascla whie province, Tigce, the negus wishes i. rp annex. I also hear that Menelik, (jtlculafing upi n the remii::ness of the ftalian j go"rnment, purposes an ad vance toward the coast." " : . lierlih. Jan. . j. u is announced tnat Chlnafa's yielded to the dema'r.u of tn. German ambassador at Pekiri. Baion Heykirig, f Or the. dismissal of the tc-oro-mandant of the Chinese frarrison at Tsao ('how, province of Shan Tung, because of U. use of threatening lan guage to the G rmanmisfionaries there. The ChinEfe gcvernment tflegraphed a dismissal of 1 he cornmandant. 't Itack l!i-o!,eti fn l;'ot bin I (inme. . . Marysvii'e. da'.. Jan. 3. In Satur day's foOtvallj match between the ivlarysjllle and jWheatland' reams Clyde MarivMl, of Wbeatland had" his back bone broj; efi, and recovery, is impos sible, he being totally paralyzed. qASTOHIA. 'Ti . eckels' suco;3:or. Charles G. J)awc Quallfle as Com p- ! troller ef the Currency . Washington, Dec. 31. Comptroller ct the currency , james p. Eckies. whose resignation took .effect today, cajyfed 1 CHARLES G. DA WES. r.pon the president, yesterday afternoon to pay his respects and say goodby.: I Mr. Eles left for Chicago this morn-; ,ing. His successor. Mr. Charles i.i Dawes, qualified: as comptroller today,! and will take charge of the Office next Monday. , , - .; '.., LONDON'S STARTLINGySENSATION Report That British Admiral Fired on a Iiis-;Ian Warship.' Ijondon. Jan.' 3. A sensation has been caused bv a rumor from Plymouth that the English admiral ha? fired on a Russian man-of-war in ! Chinese waters. ' Nothing is kno-wn as to the matter at the foreign office or the admiralty. ' . The morning papers publish also the statement that England! Is pressing China' to declare Port AHhiir a free port: It is supposed that the presence of British warships there is intended to insure freedom of access for trading vessels. ' - The Daily , Graphic claims to have authority for' the assertion that no agreement exists between Russia arid Germany with regard. to Chiria; that Germany occupied Kiaf-.Chau vyithout Russia s cognizance, and thatthe oc cupation .annoyed . the advisers of the czar. . Trenton, Jan. trCn Saturday, while the Wind s Ulo i.r.j.;r .a gale and the thermomt ti i' -'ririslt : ed but 5 degrees above ze:o, ex.-Ma;i,r Frank' a. Ma gowau and ..M.-s.. I : a ae.c iiago'wan .were thrust 'from .the .A .-:e-' ,:rtV Koxise into i,the street. The eiEi .'.lilf miiliohaire and his Oklahirrry ; lie i'ovnd them-' selves hoir.eletri i.ad j-r. :ii ?i:.3.'--Hack-men refused jto cirry theth' without' payment in advance and oftcr a leng' hunt they found a" hr ft, i t'lat adV.-itted them after Magowan had paid all. the money he had foe two d'i i .rd In advance, lie! Was dies: ed iii a liglit summer suit. : , From Tramp to Biroii t. ' Portland". Ore., Jan. 3,-Cla- ' V e Dan- wrs nfliicnniirt a vnnno- ro .a-iichTna., whohas been leading a hand to mouth senatorship.- He said: "1- am a candi exlfetence. in' Portland since last "Au- I date only, in the receptive sense. . . I gust, has become a baronet. He re- want, the members of the general as ceived a.' cnbles-mm "-annonneirn. t,0V mbly to settle it for themselves. If UcrcLLil UL um ir, oil s. ill-Hell 11 LJrbdl vers, of Danvers Court, Lincolnshire, England, and informing him that he had succeeded to the estate and title: Money for the trip to England was telegraphed him' by American agents of the estate, and he left to take pos session of his inheritance. )PJle has tramped about the' country fpr the past' three years. : ' s Why allow yourself to be slowly tor turecl at the stake of disease ? .Chills and Fever will undernrne, and eventu ally break cbnvn, the strongest consti tution "KEBRI-CURA; .tSweet Chill Tonic of Iron) Vis .more erfer-tive than Cjiiinine and being coiibined with Iron .is an excellent Tonic and Nervine. Med icine. It is ple yant to take, "sold under positive aVrantee to cure or money refunded. , Accept no' substi tu es. The "just as good" kind don't effect cures' Sold by B. V. Har'grave. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 31. The battlefieljd park commission held a very importarit meeting here yesterday. It Was largely attended. General Edgar "Allan and Major E. T. 'D. Myers, of Richmond, bfcing among, the number, the' former lending his active assistance as. he has since the inception, of the movement. . T,he latter eviiced great interest .in the undertaking arid prorn-; laed his hearty co-operatlori. The com-i mittee cn sites and location presented. aj written report accompanied wy maps ntrepaieI by "Engineer S. S. Bradford.' rThe survey embraces an acreage of 6,527 acres. General John B. Gordon, grand commander , of the United. Conr federate Veterans', sent, a ringing letter heartily approving the" project. Messrs. A. T. Embrey, J.iS. Potter and H. F. Crismond Were appointed - a commit tee to "draft a: Joint resolution to be passed by the Virginia legisla'ure, giv ing the state's approval and commend ing. the tnoyement to the favorable con sideration of all the states whose sens particij a'ed in the great battles fought in, this section. An extract was read from a.tetter from Gener'al John P. S. Gobtn. ttii.-;manuer-in-ehief of the Grand Army of the Pepub' c. to Gen eral Allen, in which he momired his endorser, cnt anu app'-val- .when thc nlan . '- . -r ' nrfpetd.. Pr'm-e I5!-i.,.-jic1- Kii.Joyel Vew Vear's -FrtOc-: ichsrhue. Jan.' 3. Prince Bis marck's condition is'tin no way worse. He took his midday bath as usual. New Year's daw he passed in the-company of CouritHerbert Bismarck, the Count and Countess William Bismarck the Countess Vcn Arnim anu Count and Countess Von Rantzau-. He did not retire until 1:S0 yesterday morning. ' Twenty-four 1etrree Below Zero. Kirgston, N. Y., Jan. 3. The : ther mometer reeistered at the zero mark; nearly- all day yesterday. At 7 o'clock In the morning the temiierature was 18 degrees below zero in this city, while in the Cafskill rhountafns 24 degrees below was recorded. The Hudson river Is frozen solid, and preparations are all ready for the early cutting and storing ofr ice. TIE i I it ges trie Retirement of One of , Bushnell's Appointees. 1 - BUSHNELL OUT TOE TJE SEN ATE J ' The Governor Announces Ills S-ipo!. 1 lion to Senator llHiinn, and avs lie I Is Not Politically Indebnnrto the atcm Al-ReiMTbTlea n ' h a l rnian. Columbus, O., Jan. 3. Judge- George K. Nash, chairman of the Republican state executfve "iVmimittee. yesterday sent a letter- to Governor Rushnefl re signing his position as a tr.uVtee of the Ohio asylum at Ciallipolis, forr epiieptics. to which. position Judge NasR had been appointed by Governor IJushneM.-. The' letter is sa'd to be very caustic but Judgp tvash will not -'give it out for publication 'till after it has K-en re ceived by ttie governor. Upon - being asked for the reasons for. .hi'S action Judge Nash -said:- . -: "On FrKllfyr-fcam informed by a most reliable kentleinaloyernor BuslineU said tharTTle Itepiilican state execu tive committee in tli recent i-ainpaign did not do a thmg to assist him as a candidate. In justie to my associates on. that committee, vban wVkAii a more loj'al set of men to a party. ticke. and "to -a. great caure wt re never handed to gethei-, as h '! -as . to mvself as the chairman. I couTd not do otherwise' than resent the insult j. - "Again, if Governor Oushnell really. believes , that I was "disloyal to hmi as chairman he. raw st be verV uneasy as Jo whether I will' ircperly perform my duties as an officer, I desi red to relieve. his mind of this worry. '"".' "I am. also disgusted with the conduct of Governor Bushnelr. Before the Vlec .tlon in public speeches, he pretended that he desired Mr. Hanna's return- to the United States . senate. . Since that time he has consorted with the enemies of the Republican party to defeat the will of the people. ' I look upon, this as a square ca?e-of obtaining Votes by false pretenses." Judge Nash as chairman of the state pommittee is taking an active interest in the election ."of Senatof Hanna arid claims that the last state convention at Toledo named Mr. Hanna for senator as well as nominated Mr. Bushm-ll for governor. At the last sta.te .convention in Toledo tJovernor Bushnell wanted Charles L. -Kurtz selected as chaitman of the. state executive committee, a position which Mr. Kurtz-had held for the two previous campaigns. It is claimed that the head 'of. the state ticket by precedent has always named the state campaign chairman' In 189$ Secretary, of -Sta.e Charles Kinney headed the state ticket ar.d op posed Kurt?: for chairman, but Gov ernor Bushnell secured the reapproint ment then of Kurtz as chairman over the. protest of Kinney." When the last state convention -nominated Bushnell fo'r . eovernot and Hanna for sna'tor the latter defeated Kuriz for chairman and secured the election of . Na: h for chairman. That is:. the cause of the present tight 'against Hanna. Governor Bushnell. in an interview Saturday, night, mode the first an- nouncement of his candidacy for the I have.any political future. I want ,it to Test right now "upon my opposition to. Senator Hanna. 'The people . of this state, in my opinion, are tired of boss ism. , .. ( "I am' blamed because.' some of- my appointees ate working against- Sena tor.Hanna. The city is full of federal employes from Washington for hirn, and nothing is said about that." I am tired of this attempt to hold flie up. It seems toime that 1 do not jowe any4 thing to. Senator Hanna after the way I was treat ed by him and his frienus in the last state convention. t. "If. Senator " Hanna's friends think they can scare me by threatening to stop the inauguration exercises they are ''-. -pimply- mistaken in their man. Here is exrCongressman A. C. Thomp son, cf Portsmouth, teliing it about the ' hotel (-lobbies -that" if -I don't look out I will have no Inausuration ceremony at all. If the people of the state don't want it,-1 am sure I don't care." ' . '-'"' " ' : ' J1 iirder at a New f'ear"s laiiee. We'st Ojange, N. J., Jan. 1. Peter Christiano last, night stabbed Justino Cardo through the heart w ith' a stiletto in the home of Antonio Capollo. where a dance was in progress in celebration of the new year. :- Cardo died, almost Instantlv, and Christiano was' arrested. Cardo,' .who .resMed at Cariollo's house but did not attend. the party, entered the room w here the dancers were, as- sembled apd objected to the noise. Christiano: rsenftd - the interference of Cardo, and a fight followed, which resulted in the deathiof, Christiano. . MIes.Willnrd stricken. . ? JanesvilleWis., Jan. 3. Frances E. WMlard, president of -the National W. C. T. II., fainted last pight at the' close of her -lecture on "A White Life for Two." which she delivered Jn the Con gregational church. A physician was summoned, but it was some time be fore she recovered sufficiently to' be removed toHie home of a relative. . Miss Willard has 'been ill for several days,, but haVl kept 'lip fcf this .address to4he people of Janesville, among whom her girlhood was spent. Klht Norwetr'a-;! (I'ldiN Orowned. Iiondon, Jan. 3. The Norwegian bark Undine. Cartain '.Hansen, from- Tyne for Table Bay, was abandoned at sea Part of t crew have arrived at Naza reth.' Portural. ' Eiiht were, dr jWned. The Amcrban -bark. Serene, Captain Dalling, fr;m Philadelphia for C)porto,' has been wrecked at 'Leixoes. No lives were lost. The cargo is washine up along .-bore. ' ' . When a mm is suffering from an aching head a sluggish body when his muscles are lax and lazy his brain dull and his stomach disdaining food he will, if ;wise hr:ed these w-arning's and resort to the right remedy, before .it. is too late. 'Parker's -S a.-rtsa pa ri liJa". the "lilNO 'OK BLOOD HRIFI ers,?' makes the appetite keen and hhearty, invigorates the liver, purifies th" bloocl and fills it with life giving el tr e Us of tl . f od. It is a wonderful bl.d makci and fiesh builder. Sold ANT HaNNa rib by B. V Hargrave. . ' - lb93 JAlJTJAilY. 18931 Su.jLIo. Tu.;We:i Th. Fr. Sa. : 1 - 3 10; 17 4 G 7 1 a "J II 213 lill5- 16 13 10 -20 2U22 231 24 ; 25 28.: 27 23 29 30131 . . r- MQON'S PHASES r T:40 New Moon p. re. Thi.d 11:00 FimtV) ort .19 Swaxet ZV a. in. V Q.iarter .10 a. io. GENERAL Sr0THERN NEWS. Millwood. V. V., Dec' XI.--Nows la re-eived here, tfiat James--McCoy, of Miiirl ltnn' rar Ilinlev.- killed: Iii a ftlat-.' in-law ." Miss Shamblin, by -a blunT tis fist. Hi- had forblJc her to K'i to school, hut she took 5er books and tarted. lie Tonowva at ? struck her a heavy blow cn the n c. killing h9r instantly; Bristol, Va.. Jan. 1. preme y court of appeals havirvn refused a writ 01 error in ine case 01 jonn,jrKson, sentenced to death for the murder of W. P. . Leonard. Jackson's counsel 1 circulating a petition with the hope of securing a' respite of 60 days. The." execution Is. set for -Jan. 8, at Abing don. Va. Jackson's counsel hopes to secure commutation of his sentence to imprisonment for life. I -j Parkerrbilrg. W. Vai, Dec. 31. J. M. -Meenan.-deputy United- States marshal, yesterday received a telegram from Marshal T. J. Anderson, of Camden., saying that Anderson had Captain Hat field and asking Meenan. to bring good men to arrest him and share -in the re ward. Hatfield broke the Mingo Jail -six months ago. He was . serving a murder -sentpnee. and had three other killings to answer for. A reward of $2,000 awaits his" captprs. Frankfort. Ky.Jan. 3. The-caucuses for the organization of the general as sembly wdll be held tonight.- but there is very 'little interest In-the-loutcome. The .absorbing question is what will be the character of legislation adopted . at this sessfon. Though there has been much, talk of violent attacks on the" corporations, the members say there .is no ground for such a belief, and that . the Democratic policy will be conserv- atu-e. The Populist members; will put- j the Democrats on record by introducing some bills embodying Populist priri- , ciples. . ' - J .. , 1 Richmond," Dec. 30. Eton Johnson, the .young , ship carpertter, who last night vvas the prihcipaL acto-r In the bloody tragedy at Camdeh, N. J., is well known here. He was a son i of John - - ... . . 11. Johnson, a high y reFcted res ident of the West End. Young John son, who commitrrd suicide after wounding three members cFne family -with whom he lived, w-asT'nd and dis- . sipated. Ife .had given his father a great deal of 'troulfle. "Johnson was J nearly 252 years of tige, and had work ed here-and In the shipyards at fit port News. ' , MolAle, Ala., Dec. 29. Postmaster P. ;: D. BarVer was Installed before daylight -in otfice after an all night vigil -in the postoffice. The "Inspectors had' over hauled the accounts of the office and . Ifound ihem correct. Two employes, who refusedto take oath to! the' new postmaster, 'were suspended. Colonel Rapier, w ho- claims to hold ' office by virtue of section 3.830of the revised statutes, "which' law requires ithat-. re movals before the expiration j of te.rm"' must be by the advice and consent of . the. senate, snd out a wrlt'of injurio tion in the United States circuit- court. " ' "BarWrville.. Ky,. Dec. Reliable news' has been recHved here" of a trlp'e killing Tit 'Manhester. "She" victlraa were Will Burdy. . James " Phlfpot .and , Bob ; Gregory. They were killed in a .saloon row ctween "Burdy and Phil-. -pot. All had been drinking, and Phll pot called -upon Burdy to stand treat. Burdy declared that he. .had already done so Philpot said - he- lied..-and Burdy knocked him down. I Philpot . arose, drew a re-olver and tn the firing, fatally wounded Gregory. He ' also ' shot Burdy, and waa stabbed' by the latter, each receiving fatal wounds. All the men are well known'mountaln- eers. . " - ' 'Lexington. Ky., Dec. 31. The mar rlage of 'Jarncs "B. Haggin. the, wealthy . turfman of California, Kentucky ani New York,. nn.d. Miss; Pearl . Voorhee. of Vernailies. Ky.. took place yesterday . afternoon at the home pt Mi.s Voor- ' hees' stepfather. James P.Afinden. Mr. Haggin is' 74 years of age n'd hi. bride a strikingly handsome woman of - S. The- young, lady lsthe daughter of .George Voorhees,- of Denver, Colo. Her mother was divorced from, Voor-. hees and married James P. j Amsden, the' Versal les banker.. The bride was - a niece of Mr. Hagglri's first wIfe.She, has been a member of Mr. Hagglir"s Vhpusehold in 'New- York for . several Years. . ! Minter City. Mies., Dec 23. Joseph Ilpkins, the negro' Who murdered tw white men oh Christmas day at Glen dora, a. small inland' town near .this place, 'A-aS; captured "liy" a posse at day- : light yesterday on, the .James planta tion, near Swan lake. Hopkins cbn- cealed hlme'f In a gin housej but'WM discoverP;or by two negVpes, who gave the alarm, Hopkiua fought " like a ; demon litfo're leing taken Int6 custody. pnd.when arreoted tt was found the negro had been jshoc in tnree places He "was not- fatally Injured, however, and was at once taken tothe scene of the terrible crime. Hopkins- con fessefi his guilt, and dldvnot, plead "forw mercy, but legged his captocs to make Jen 1 i .M NriTfU quick work of hirh, and little'tlme was 4 lost In carrying out his. Request A ; rope, was- placed about the riegro'a neck and'he was hanged to a limb of a tree. The body was then riddled! with bul lets and Ifl . hanging. Hopkins', record Is a wry. hadone, many recent crimes being attributed to him-. ' I A January .thaw is always more pro ductive of coltls and coughs ihan a January freeze. Then is the time Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is needed and proves so extremely efficacious. .Ask you druggist for it, and also for Ayer's Almanac. vhichls. free to all.' ;' ;:'1 1 .-

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