THE: ROANOKE NEW'S. w. II. H . P. DA, laAn'a SATURDAY MARCH 0, li'.b. OtR KW VOLIHK, Tkie iiLmbcr of the New it the firt fl iit Sev enh Volume. At tuch e time it i nut out if order to give tligkt review of in work io the pan, ant! reoew tbe pledget for its career. The Koanoke News wai ejtaul'ulie.i by Messrs. Slone and I'titll in 18G8. Biie1 wsi run by them, cnnt'tnil; grow inn in popularity and ii.fl en:e uatil 172, whin they went to UileiijW ft r the purpose of establishing the Iily News io that city, and m leaving i Id it the Roaniikk Nkw ta the Manning Urotliert. Under the control ofthete genllemen tbe Ntua lust nttihinj; of the hijjh rep utatinn and large popularity it er j jcd vthile wilder the ruantgetneal of Mmsn Stene and VntW aud it was at all timet restrdcd as '.he representative DtMno crai'ic paper nf North Eastern Caroline In Jjnuary W6 the M inning Brothers established the lUily News at Dinville Va.indMr. T. Manning of the G ut removed to that town to assume editorial control of the young paper. Dr. II K T. Manning retailed pn&testi in of the Koanokk Ni:v until February 1H77, when he to'd the sumo to Capt T. L Kmry and moving to liihiinore established the Miilicsl iltoori ie con nection with Dr. T. A AsSby. I'udtrlhe ownership nf lapt. I'.inry Andrew J. fiirton Kiq. was called to the editorial management of the News. lie brought to its columns the ready pon of a practiced wiiltr, and under his editor ship, the editorials of the Nnv-i attracted wore altent'on than at any previous time iu lis history. The N i:vs continual under the editorship of Mr. It irton U it'll .Sptarnber 1S77. when it ca oe i il ithe liaatla of ita present owned. C its Career since thst time au pre fer tbat others tliould spenk, aud He prefer too, that, our promises for the future should bo gallwrcd from our past reemds. RK4TII OF JI'IXiK IU,.1. Hon. As.i Higg", of the firm of Kider Biggs & Co., died i i N . r f . ) I k at 12 m. of Wedofdiv the fi.h inst. Tne imme June cause of his death was rheumatic gout. Judge Higes tut bun in M irtin coun ty, North C.inilinn, on the Vh nf Feb luary, He was licensed to prac tice titv in IS') I, entered pjlili': life in IMOas a member of the II mse of (' .ninoni from Mirtin, wis re-elected in 112, nod wont lo lha S.ite io isl I. In hri was elected to C ! press from the Firt D.stiict, bealin.; II mi D iviJ 0 itl:iiv, audit 117 was in Urn defeated bi M.. Oi'.Lw. In 183J tie . i -levied,. conjointly with tbe late k " . . . i n i n xi nueis aiiti u in, i r. ,'i tore, l" ' -j the sxitMrs f i Htnte, ae tlie result of their j lint labors, the K vised t'ole, w.nilj, of itself, h ive been fci'llkieiit to hsve kp! green tbe roe') ies of each of the co-lab .rers. In J idje Bijjgt was agtin , elected to the I.egMitnre frurn Martin nd by the legislature of ISj-t and iMii he wtt elected to the United Slates Senate. This position lie resigned for the purpose of accepting the I'uited States Distrut JdJeship, which position Iw held until the breaki g out of the war, when be re,igiei aoH wa al once appointed l.tcict Jjlse of the Con- fcJi.-ra'.e Slate. At the clise of t'le war .lalge ligfi rcsjinrd the praclice of law with marked success anil continued in tbe practice nlil ls'V.t, when he, in c impsny with . JFJhivf Justice 8m tb. went tJ N rfolk and opened a law olli e. Judge ldggs loves t family of three ems and three dauihsers. Oapt. Wm, I? g;, e.f tU Ojfoid F ree Ia-ice, beine the tldett of li s inne. Kt('F, IM H KOrt. There terms to be o i longer room fur doubt that the inevitable European con fl ct bat been paftponed for the pre'eot. The treaty of peace bat been signed and K igland, it teems, will content herself with grc wlirg. We are glad of ibis Wars a tkg W be, at all times, Vsded, and by all proper meant to be hunned, and while we are inclined to ievt that war between the great Horn- i(pnert would have acted it a tii certaitt Americaa Industries, kthink that in remit ta the 1 , -.IW llfllGI et degree dissstrous. at peace It certain we look for ,ry rite to cotton. Hut wa de- 'yn tbe farmer! agiinst being . ,ythit Into planliog loo large u e u in the tisple. We hve noticed for t ime yeart that there ' aUayt a littlo fiery in the cotton mtrbel about plaaiing time. Tbit generally has the elTeci io'.eaj 4 of caoiing a' large actesge In be pUnted, and hatiaf bad tHit effect cottm begin to fcn 'owe and reacliai ill lowest (ijori't ab m'. the rP(nr are f,tr.J la ( f '.. .' LJ Li Cotton nn the mutket. We think thi ye? will be no f xception lo the rule, nil we warn tur friends tgtiutt tbe trick. A Bt'STED CUnSIOSWICALTH. La-t Tuesday the Auditor of Virginia sent for the cHiirmen of the IpgUUlive commitUi a e Finances ai.d informed them thai there wai only 103 left in the Treasury, tbatthi banks, to whom the State already owei $175, 000, had refuted lo make further ad vances and that, to use a slightly fijiiri Site phrase the old thing wouldn't work M hour lunger. Tbil i we believe, the first instance on record of a fl .t broke coaiaaonwealth and that such a fate should have over taken tbe mother of States, and elates men it of course horrible to co miens plate, but at the same time as the Con Uelerups will probably lead to tbe in. mediate adj lurument of the Virginia Legislatare, we don't knnw but that the State is to be congratulated after all. ADVKHTIEMKNTS. QOODS AT AMI) BLLOW (.OUT AT L. A. FAlllNIIOIrS. Tbe lollowlnn arllnles and prlivs are (jiven a a specimen of the lurgo quantity of roikIh on liaiul to be aolil, nml tbe vtry low prk' they are ntl'xrcit at, in order lo nuke room for tny Spring Stock. (i.oriiisu. Overcnsts worth HIS 0) noil at $10 50. Ovnrcnet worth $f on sell it 4 00. Stripe l Ca-'inii'r nuitn worth (IS 00 aell at 10 60. K:ilckerhker suits north )i8 aell at I2, i'laid ( aai tmere suits worth I2." hi at I8. Light Canaiiiiera suits wertb f 18 sell a: Plnld I'ainiuinrvSuils worth $12 60 tell a' $o oo. Plal.l Kxr-prui" worth tin sell nt 17 60. Htripn'l li rnev kw.t! worth S5 hII at ti 60. llerrioi; Hone Iversoy t'oaia worth $i anil at ti lb. .sboepa'a Urey Coala worth $1 sell at (J 60 VXSX UOOIIN. Fredericks! org C usiuiere worth $1 tell 8) com. Dul'oiikI Korsey (wool) worth 16 cents oil at 4 c, All Wnnl Casnimera werth $1 23 aell at 75, All Wool CaiwimerB, anit pattern, worth $1 -5 nor vanl null at 7.i cent par yil All Wool I'ainlireiO. mil phII'Tim, wonh $t 60 per vat il eii at $i 00 por vi'. Wool Kir-ry w rth :U eents sell at 26 els, llerrioir Itino .tool Kero' wortb 60 cts tll at 40 cent. Horn ('iiiier wn-th 7ie'oll atflOe, Mhwep's rey 1 1 Wool I wortli 76 C sol I at 46 n. hlriiH Kney Casnimure worlli $1 00 aell at To win. Daik llarrlni! Hone Ke-aey worth 60 ota sail at 30 cents. HOOT til) SIIOt.M. Heavy Hoots, long Uii, worth $4 -ell at $3. Heavy I', ioi, Ioiik lvs, worth H 60 sell at ti 76. Heavy Helots, (or g Isfrs, worth f 1 26 sell at 3 AO. Hoys Hoots, loog lo(i, worth $2 60 tell at 2.00. Rove Boots, lang legs, woith $i 00 sell al I 60. Uigb Cot Plow Khoes wortb $2 SO aell at 1 76. High Cot Plow shoes wor.h $2 0 veil at 1 60. A I.I. OOI. SII AUI.H Worth 5 IK) sell at 2 75. All Wool Shawl, wortb S 00 sell at I 76. Plant Wool Mlmwl wurlh 2 Oil sell at I 00. Morioo lil.ick Mwla worth f.i"l! al 1,76 mtism t.oons. A piece Black iasxiiiiere worlb i'-0 cents aell al 30 i-cats. Beautiful Plahl Worsletl worth 2 to 76 Ola ao I al 16 I i'i rent. Striped WorMul worth 26 sell at 10 0. niack Alpamia worth 60 o soli al 40 o. Klack Alpacas wertli 40 p tell at 36 c. HI ak Alpacas worlb 76 a nelt at 60 e. lilacs Alpacas worth 1 Oi aell at 70 o. Tbe test brands or Oalioo will now be soul ft) e. (Joort OdieiM at 6 c. White Blankets worth 00 sll S 50. Whitn Hlsr.knls worth 3 SO aell at 2 SO. White Blankets worlli S 00sll at 2 25. White Blankets w rth 2 10 aell at 2 00. Bed Spread worth 2 ( I aell at I 25. Figured Q i'lta worth S 60 to 2 60 aell al S W to 1 7i. 7-4 Kd Klanui 1 worth IS c ssll at IS. .1-4 Bed Kl iniiel wurib 'J J o sell al li e. Hnd Flannel worth 36 o sell at 2-4 0. 7-8 Red Flannel worth 60 n aell at 35 c. 3- 4 While Flannel worlb 20 0 sell n' 12). S4 White Flannel worth iiu aell H e. 7 8 W hite r lannel worth X5 0 seil at ;21 e. 4- 4 White Flannel worth Sue tell nt40e. 7-8 White Twilled Flanuel worth 60 o ael at 314. Tanton Flannel worth 12 e soil at 9 e. Wblte Flannel t'nilerabirls worlb 1 U0 aell at Hi. White FUnnel fall wool) shirts worth 2 60 fll at 1 75. VTIiite Fiannvl ahlrta wortkTSeaoll at 60 HsTH AXO (IM niack Fe't It us worth 4 05 aell st 3 00. BUik Kelt Hals worth S SO aell si 2 .60. Black Felt litis worth 3 i sell at 2 Z'. Black Felt lints, wide brim, Worth 3 60 aell a. 2 60. Black Wool llaia worth 2 00 aell at t fO. Black Wool llata winh 1 10 aell at I 25. I.adiea Fura worth 5 P0 Mi al 3 OO. l.aolea Fura worth 3 .'0ar st 2 00. II IK Kill. Bna-ey Harness wortli 12 Oil aell at 8 OOi Hiikkv IUrin-k o.vlh l! m v-ll al II ai Hn,rr Harwas worth IS lalllt IS ' on- I Ixlit ami- Waiu llarni-aa wttn 4;u.iu "'Il at til t. M'OOI, TIIKEAD. r-ata io,l r'oitnn 1. r.-nt-t rr doicn. arrrr ao1 O SI SpoJ s fNnt per ilofc.u. Trcae irooia nioit slid shall le fold. Wtoek must br rrrtucetl. wtllly COUKTER,PLATfCRM VAGCN&TRACK THE BEST ARE "THE ChEAPTST ITOSAFESCALEC(L 2$S BROADWAY N.Y. 721 CHCSTNUTSZ FillLA. PA. in seneca st p. imp mm i ADVERTISEMENTS. 1ALB O? V ALX'ABLK LAM). .S Purnnant to an ordor of the Superior Court lor Northampton ominty made on tbe 4'h day nf February '78, I tball on Alnnifwy tbe nrat Out or Ap'll IH7. at toe Court Home door In Jncksnn Nortliampton c-mntr, aell to tbe blulitxt Ll.lcl.'r hi putillo Miicllon Ic make asietn, tlie fullowtnj liml belnne tn l tbe en'ate of J. J. Loin dceawil to wit : That Irani of lar.d lylne near (Jarynburn io Nortliaoipton county k'.nwn an Lniigwood, adj olnlnu tb" land of T. J. KrtroD, i. i,. umui(reii and otuera, Terms mar kuowa on dv nf al. J AS.'T. OnorH, Comml'Klonar. Thla Feb. slh '78. Feb 9 if. K K C F I V R P Internntlonsl Imbibition Award London. 1851. New York, IV!, Paris, ISO. I'hllolelpnia, 1N74. HF.KKIMi A (', 151 A 252 Bio-.dway, New York. Jin 2,1 tf. ATE Of NORTH CAUOLtNA. Korlliamptou C'oanly. Hnperoor (enrl, Wil-y M Colson. Everett Dvl anil wlfn Martha Ann Thos. f Colson, anil A. J. Harrcll, Plain tills. Ayslnut Margaret Colson, Charles Colson, and Msrths Colson. IlcfcnilsBls. In thlm'siHc It appesnnir ly Ihn Rheriff'sra turn i nil by nll lavil that the .l, f -i,,l u.ts Mar-jrart-t nnd i'hnrli'ti Cnta in ar not ri-aldfiita f thisSiao-; and cannot aftt-r Oni Uil-fi-neH be fontcl. i( It (nrtli t anncarlne that the ohl -i-t n( thl ir H-cclliiit It to nolain pail It tan ol I ho fotlowtii-r tra'M of land lowtt : A triet of laml In Northampton eonnty, lionnil-d liv the land o( Jimhua bivwn, by tlx land known a the Lssaiti-r" land, alu by the landnof Comclltn l.naioternnd I A.J. Harrcll and (ith'-rB. conialnln l'J7 acrca, and fiat the dcf.-lltlllla are prnp'T parties to tills proeeed Inc lv r-aon of a-i lni-rwt In Katd land It ia orilerel thai pttltl lent Ion made fir aift tnccea Hive week" III tht Koalche .lew, n paper pub- llahed at Wehlon, N I'., cominawliitt; the tie PtnclantH. Martran'U'olaou ami Charles Cotaon to pi,'rat the i.rfl-e cf Ihe Clerk of the ."npertor I'ouri for "aid eonii'y thefora whom the anin mom tternn la re- ir' on or le-fojv the tc.'ii-l. dav of April li;. and antwer or oemur lo the peMilKti and complain! s eon? of which hm been nied In aalil ottiiv. ami Id iheni ink- notice, Ifllier fill aot'Mlu.the plaoitttr will take Jndire went 'lor ihe relief demanded ib the romplatnt. Wiineaa nir hand sod aeal of curt at ofTute In Jackson, il'ils rVl.mray Ulh, Wl- N. R OTHIM. Clerk fnperlor Court. Northampton County. Willis Btffly Attn. Feb. 1 w. ytATKOP MOUTH OAR'J'.IXA, Northnmplod I eiintv. aperior eurt. Msrtha Plaintiff. AKSiuat Wiley M Colson, Kvereit jiavl" snd wife, Martin Ann and I'lioa K Colaon. A J. Harrcll. Mar-irar-t colaon and CharlcsCoKon. Iiefendauia. To ihu eauae, it a ppeariuir hy the return vf the NherltT. and be aitldavit thai the defcnilaiits Marifaret and liharlea Colaon are not realdeiils oi ih, a Slate, and cannot aft r due d.liircuce im fouint ana it further ai'pearliiif that the object id Ihla rocerillmr la to iddain dower f the plaintiff in the follovlns- lanas; lo wit; A It-act of land In Northampton county lioundeu by the lands of Jnahua brown, the land knoll u M ttie ' iter" laud ; also by the Inmls of Cornelliia Laaiiter and of A. J. liarre:i and ottp ra. roinaininir l:d acret ; and that the di fendsnta are proper partlcn thereto, by reason ofinteret,! in aa hi lands; It ta nnt r o ttiat puiMiearion le male tor Bis atie eeislve weeks in the K tanoke :;ewa. a naner published at Wei, lou. N. C. ci-inmaiutinfr the I UeP-iirtstils. Martfarei I'olsnu ainl i narlrs i'oIh.ui to n p, ear at ttie office nf the rierk of the Superior Coil. I for aald county itiefure whom f lie- ainn moiis herein is returnable) on or b-fore tlie 'itul day of April 171 and answer or Oeuiur lo the ImmIHiui and com plaint, acipy of which has bei-n Hied in saui iti "e, and let Ihein take tiollcr, if tlief fa'l ao t,i do. the plaintiff will take Ja,lr lneut fi,r Ihn u'lief ileinanilrit iutna aomplainl. In witnena whereof, I have .hereunto aet my hand and aval of cfllee. at Jackson, this February isth, ;s. n . R onoM, Clerk Saperiur I ourt Nurihainpton Counii. Wllba rtali y Atio. Feb. t S w. E ii. L U M m i: It A 0 O, 15 X i.T :AMOUK ST. i,kit;k-bi:ru. va. We call th s .ittioition ot ti e Ftriuer of NOKl'li CARill.IXA, to few Teatimo n Ms as to tbe merits of the FARMERS FUlKXO riW, from arlies who have o I them, have many others of the same kind. T E N T I O N I 4 I, V . T a nnono, N. C, J in. II, 78. Mkius. K, II. Plcmmrm it Co , fie o t lu lias ri : I ran eipbt o! your Farmers Friend Plows lit ye T ami chei lullv t -atifv Ihst it is the Leal loin plow I hiv nver used, eaiecinlly in rough a iil bin or new gr tin, I. These plows run stoidy and easy to ihe mule ami man and the pointa last longer man bev i O on any other p,ow uod liBretoror b ine. II. L. 8TATOX. HiixsnoK v N.C.Jin. 'T8. I am a '.dacksint'h have Lean n ak Ing wr u.gbi plows i l my lite anil using them on uiv f.irtn, hill a Her trying the Farmers Frier , I moat rnnteaa It It cliesoer thn buvtng the iron and making my rwn plows bet idea being ur Holler. w, ' '! . H rp.Z!i. Oxronn, N.C. Dec. 10, '7S. M rates. K. II. Pli'Mmkr Co., nts : As it would be Impossible for me ta see all or evan a small pail of lha farm era In tins county who are now using tbe Farmers Fiiend Plow, iu tune to get cr titlrates. I take the liberty of tending the names fas many farmers aa I ran at this moment recollect who are now using the aboxe named plow, ami every one ol whom, witnniit escs'piiou, pronounced Ii lo be the ver- liesi plow they have ever used, and will use II exoluslely here alter. The names anneied are awioogst the beat and most sucinsaliil ot our liranville farmers, and any one wishing further Information can refer the following M. A.URKUullY, H.CltKWS, SIM L. HOWARD, J. W. CARMIX, Tbe other names given br rapt. Landis are lelt out for lack ol space There are st luasl one hundral others in tbl county vch re uslnj; your plows nnd If necsaary I e uld cat ceiitflcates trom all of tlitm Ikml would antHrv any ana. A. LAMUli, JR. Clrrulara and price I In Is tent an appli cation. K. H. PLUMMFS CO., 1 N. BycamiM-e vt., Petersburg, Va. Dee 13 tf. I E N T 1 8 TRY. As successor to Dr. E. L Hunter, In the practice of Dentistry, I will open an office In the town of Enfield on the 1st of March' -sill occupy my ofhoe there, Ibe Hrstlwn weeks in e cli month and aiwaryi tbe remaining lime, al Biy oflloe In Tar boro. ... Tbe patronage o the puh Is aol cltod I.KO. U BHACKLKFORf), TKYl "'ea'Trarg CHAMPION 01 feJ tCR'l'f PgvilST. AOVERTiSEMENT, I U u. h .... lit M' lit: I : ouiu.i:, i a I ir-", .! eittr? v v. LIVES 17 OIURIIU' C (Wi:',C'f.v :? 0IL!CU3iE3t, anrsPtPsiA. in. k 15 1 J. aept. F OR BALK A valuable (rant of land lying on Hoa nnke Kivttr In Halifax county, adjoining tin lands of Quo. I). I'Urk and others, cnntainluir about 1700 acres, on which there la a pnnrl mill alto. This tract Is valuable and withiu one mile or Hill's Kerry anil can be divided Inlooneer more tracts tn aim purchasers. Terms easy. Apply to R. R. Bcswki.L, 'Townsvlll. UraovUleCo., N. I'., Or A. b. Hm.l Hcotltwid Neck, N. V. jHn2-3m JNDUCUMKSTS WORTH SMCKINU n. E. K V is L . 200SVCAMOltE BT PKTKRS13URG, VA Olfeit a lsrue slock of Ready made Clothing for Men anil Hoy'a wear, nl inamifxctnred bv bini. of warranted tna ta Inls and latest style's, at prices leas than Northern Mannraclurera can sou mum CLOTH I NO MADE TO ORDKR of the most Fas lonahle Goods worn of Knul'sh, French, Uenusn and American make, In tbe most tasty manner and at lowest rates. Directions tor self-ine isur Inx teuton application irne. TUB KRWKslT ajTYI.F.l OF ROYS 4 LTIII!s'U VKItY CIIEAI. Be ami and aend your orders or iall on M. K. KL'LL, 09 Sc,inore St., Potcrsburk', Va, The moat taty seleollon ol Fancy as well as Staple Dry Goods, Cloths. Cei meres, OveroostliiR and f ostlng, Flannols, ('loaklns, Bed Ticks, Blankets and all housekeeping (Inula, can be ordered at lowest rule and satisfaction guaranteed. The best assortment ol Under Nblrls and Linen Bosom Shirts t'beao. M. K. K V Lli, ?('9 Hvcamore (St , Peteisburg, Va. jILLINRRtl! MILLINERY 1 I !H R H. n. E. K VI. I , 20U8YCAMORK8T., PfjrKRSBURO, VA. Offers the largest nil mon' complete atocl: of Real Freach Millinery Goods ii,. polled bv her, and aold al lowest prtoee. BONNETH. VKI.VKTS. HATS. VKI VKI'KKNS, I.AlHESCAl'fi, MLKS, SATINH. KIHHiiNS. l'l.lH. Kl.ilWKKS, LACKK, MliMK.S, VKIIS. KKINiiKS. I.ADIKSCLOAKS. UAI.OON TRIMMIRll. SHAWLS. Ktiiiii.cvKs. m;hias. OR M A M KNTtl, T1KS, II It'll LS, W'ARK.S, lancs Suits mmle to order in beat urn Li ner si short notice. Rcspeclfnllv, MES. 'si. R. KT'LL. Jan 12 S m. 7 J. HAW, WKLDOX, N. C. BAKER A COXFECTIOXER. Manufactures all kinds of plain and fan ny cndine. Keeps alwava on hand the fullest stock nf Candies, Fruits, Nuls, Ao., to he fonnd in Kastern Norlb Carolina, which he soils bv wholesalonr retail. Ordi ra lor wedding parlies, and balls prepared on short untie and al most rea sonable prices. Cot 'Al tr. FOUTZ'S MORSE AND CATTLE POWDER J, l nor rr rrsvrnt Tljirasa. For sale by Ur. A. P.. Z illicoffor Si Urn. l)cl. 17-1- Illgheal Award at tlia C'entewniMl Tilploma of Honor and Medal of Merit, IT RIG IIT for AND GRAND, SQUARE V I A N O S. 1 be principal polnla nf euperiorily in the MTlKFF Flanos are brilliant urging quality of tone, with grest prwer-even-neas of touch tbrouglniit Iho entire scale, tatilileNS action, ainsiirpssaed dnrshllity, and uuexcellSMl woikmanabip. A large Tarlely of Socond-l-and fiance, of all makers, constantly la afore, and ranging to prloea rrota . tn IIKI. We are also Sole Agents for the Southern Slates of tbe MATCHLESS BIBDETT ORGANS, THI BEST NOW MADI A full supply of every style constantly in store, and told on the moat liberal terms. For Terms and llliistratnil Catalnguea of Pianos and Organs, addsean CHAS.M.STIEPr, No. I N. "nlberty "Heat, Bai.timokk, Mn. Sept. 2(1, l-y. THE PARKER GUI iti.ic; PARKER BPr tilt y. HI I UHD STAIWP rn WHUBUsii i ) A DV)'.RT1 CEMENTS. QIOARNII UIUARSt! Whltlonka Key West Cents a Pi ee. The Motiel ('Igar 10 e a., a piece or S lor 26 cent. The best Cigars ever offered to the Wei don public. For Hale by MUSUROVI FARMER, Wkxuon, N. C. Jan 12 8 tn. AWARHEf) TUB UlflHKKT V ll!,1,U. MBflAL AT E. A U. T. ANTUON Y A CO., 501 R ROADWAY, !Vkw Yobk. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) M AHl'FACTrnFRS, IkrOSTFRS t flKSl.tat Ik RMURAVINiiS. CHRnl08 AND KBAMKS. STKRICOSCOPE8 AND VIKWS, Alri ms, OtiAPHonpi rue, Piiotoorafhi, And all itlndrnrl go-jds "olebrltlee, c trmsoa. etc - PHOTOfJUAriitC MATERIALS, '! We are Headquarters tor everything in tbe way of RTKRI.Ol'nOiiNS AMI) MAOIC I.ANTBRNS, Being Mauulaciurert nf tbe MICRO.SCIKNTIFIO LANTERN, HTF.KEO PANOHTICON, UM VKRSITY STCRHOPTICON. AlJVKIt'l'ISER'.s S I'F.KEOl'OTlt'ON ARTOPTICO.I, SCHOOL LANTHK.1. At!I.T LANTERN. rKOt'l.Kfl LANl'IiKN. rarh style being tiie best of ita claaa In the market. Beautiful Pliotogrnplila Transparencies nf Ktaiuury and Kii(rnvings for the winnow. Conves Ola'st. Manufacturers of Velet fir Miniatorea and Convei Olsas I'iclnrea, Catalogues of Lanterns nod Slides, witlt directions for using, sent on application. Any enterprising man can make money with a Mngin Lantern. rst.Cut out this advertisement for refer enca. Jan 5 3m. T RUSTEKS LAND SALE. Under end hr virtue of n deed nf trust, eseeiitod and deliiered to James M. Mullen as trustee by iticliard 11. Nmitb and Win. H. Smith as esecutorsof Win, R. Hoiith, decensed, snd by Brnainln O. Smith on tho 24tb dy ot April 1873 and duly reuorded In Bwolt -19 Reginter'a fflce for Hit'ifai county. Said trustee will, on Monday the 18th day of Febuary 187ft, sell nt public suction for caab at the Court Houso in said county, al! the real estate conveyed by said dent, situated In said m untv. to wit: One tract known as the 'IHooie" place, containing eighty acres n ore or leas, and adjoining the land of James K. Smith and others- it being the trs't whereon Bent J. Smith resides-and upon wblch la a large and commodious dwelling house, and other valuable and necesearv buildings. One tract known as the"Pocos!n" trait, adoining ti t lands ot Jolin T. Laurence, Albert Pope, V. A. Pope, tbe Kilwaica Ken j tract and others, ard containing one thousand neves more or less. This is also a valuable tract, upon which are the necessary buildings for tanning purposes, JAM KS N4. MULLF.N. Trustee llaliiax, N.C., Jan. 14, 1878. janlStdt W R K N N Manufactnrer nf and Dealer io all k.nda of Carriages, Harness, Saddles, Brid'es, Collars. Carts, Wheels, Axles, farm Wagons and Gear, Horse Clolhiug, Lap Holts, &c. Koa. 14. It, 24 and 6 Union Street, NORFOLK, V A. Full line of Carriage and Harness Male lials. Oct U I y. J N O. FORD, Takes pleasn re In announcing tbat ho can sitll be tound at his stand on FIRST STREET, Where he ha on hand a full line ol tbe Fi neai WINKS. WKlslttFS an BRAN OIF. TOBACCO, CIGARS, and fSNCFF, ORANiiB. ATPM'S, and CON KKCTION FRIES Ills stock of Canned Gooda and Grocer ies Is unusually Fall and Complet. Old Csisst Wnisir.v A Srsn.ii.iTT. KRBflt LAUKH BKKR OI DRAUOIIT. lie guaranteea see tutlsfactinn. Call and Xov 81 1 v. L L IN PRICKS tr rst s Asssct aud 10 or ) 00 per week. "tbi sirs arsey vn i:vsa on or osnr.a" I.OMfTF.l SI.HIX. 20 to nu iiixE For PonirMtlc uie. ITH TAH1.R riXtrRKS CoMfiATC, osi.T so. frtMu Ihr IfKt uiHtoriM with nmtluiiiniH'nl ir riHion, fttr Coimtum rmiui) hc or nmiiufnciur' tiiTturiM!M'ii. Alv.NVHrt'it'lr nt imtHitni'ti no- tin to do iti k work, ii''vit tuil nf tr.Ur, and will .Mat fT.'iirtin vfIHi intMli rtift run", to unlrntauit antl umnitK ; htfht, tsmoth, nnd Rwiit rittnifiiir. I IK- tin H rtihitMl mov- mont nf fliifl imirh : Nimilt. Coin purl, Kfflotf nl nnd HH'anh'. with mi Hit vntuai'io luu'rov- itii'titi lo 1m f.nuitl In thliltrM'l priivd Mnrlitiiv wfcrrM d lo do Ih miiw wur-t. ttie rmm wnjr tint ft rnptt! rii1 mncolli 75 NUcti'n. An nrknowl.'.lt.rsl triumph of mi if n lou mfttiARtcnf fkill, c-wfUtia'ly thv working woinRn'n Itlvnti, nnd far In Mlvnnci of rJI onltnary Mrliinr., for ntvnnlntoHtrrnfrtli, RrliMt.lttv nnd ffMirrnl nw fnlii"-n; will Kmi. Tiivk. Ham, Vnlt, Bind. Hnitn rnrrt. JMIirr. Knffl. whlir, I'lulf. Hold rmllop. H'-M. KintirotdT, Run np WrradtSi kc, wltt wond rfnl rniitllty, nrntrtt Mid ran-. rw thr HtrMit?'nt Initlnc niii qtmllv II 1 1 n and Hmoulh tlmtiwh nit kind, of (Tiiodn, from tvniliric to cvcriv tMrktiPMR of hr.drtoth or Imtlicr. with llnr or ton, lnu, tlk or twlno. iivr jtrift-rt Mtlnlaotion. Will nrn Ita fff wvithI ttmoa ivrr In the work It dora. or mnkr a ifod It v nip for anr mn or woman who di'MlroH t uno It ftr that imr imttr : wornaau fattlthil an t nny Ihr aorvanta or rhHdrt'n ran ur ,t wMhout uamasir, rrlrf of Marhlnr with Itplit tnldr. fmfy rtniii-prd tor iMnily work. rn. Halt Tovrr. mdr Dra. naw. .! I'attilllot tttvlt'st OUcIl at fllFfflrHll I t i T ' sr rnt.'S. atr.a itniivtira pitittsevasa ,,, . "Xilana7,-J-ml siyV, cVi ? J.",, '""ln a! ... n ' " IllllUt ssa.4.. .1 tvr-lin, nTSTk? ADVBRtBKMKNTS. r al m crampto'n 1 . L M 8 O A P, RECOMMENDED FOR THE KITCHEN A. H t I lr MANUFACTURED BY Cork br Mors hoi amp JrrriatoK Stkets, New York, roaBAi.iBt jsn i tr. T. N. VTHITft, A. L. STAtNBJtCK, WJilTE, STAINBACK & GOOCH. E fSTJUCISBORS TO J. T. GOOCH'S Ilsve jutt'apessd thtir Fall Stosk of LOWEST C A Tks stock sons prists a fall line of RIADY MADE CLOTHING, DRY OOODS, BOOTi, CAPS, Tbe largest atonk of GROCER IKS, eUOARH, r3ALTit, SOAP, AC, to be fonnd In Eattrrn Norlb CsrnliMa. Tbuy cad attention to their stock ef the fkmnaa MILES PHILADELPHIA, HANI) MADE For Both LADIES and OEXTLEMEX. Oct 17 1 J. S T. W. WHITE, WHITE & w E h D 0 avt jest re'arned from DRY GOODS, tbe North with tat Largest Stook ef AKo CLOTHIKO, BOOTS, tKADY MAD. SHOES, HATS, Hi 0 LB 4, AN 9 COLLARS. vereffered ia tk is atarket, whish they ere atlliag LOW r O K They eall especial attention to their Stock They will Ilnpheate aay bill or good a that can v ltiteud to please. Call aud tee ut. J N O . 0 V C O IF a t YOU ii i e h e FOR COTTOM, COUNTRY ' PRODL'CE GENIRjALT, DO NOT FAIL .J N O. O'CONNOR JR. SATISFACTION IS ;GUARANTKKD IB EVERY CAE, YOU CANNOT LOSE BY Ort. U 8K YOUNO'8 P. P. SPKC8, AID SAVE T07X III 8I0HI. Gold down, Jewelry law, Gold and BIL vr WHiobea, sola ol Jswelry, Upera and Veit Chuina, Bend Bratelete, Seal KlnRs, Full Tea Helta, Welters, rite.bers, Cupa. I bpoons, Forks, A., cheaper than the tajie gnortsoan ne noujn kit hi i-iw Wa want curreney fis- Jewolry aud will offer Indntements to ferohaeer. J.T. TOUNBRO., pril 8-1 i i PotersbnrtT, Va. T O T I C iC. B, virtue af the p'ts-sra eonftrred tn a certain mortpsge deed duly prnvee aert renordail In tba eiUsn of the Reflsler of Deeds for Halifax e'unts;, a eerlain tra?t or land, ailuste ht and bein in tbe eonnty of HalllHx'a'id rta'n of North Oer ollna and bounded on the East by the land nf William Bishop, on the North In lands nf Joeeiih ,' Sina'lwood, on thi "e Medlln and J'ith by the land Medlln and othei jTred and ninety "rll he avlrt t.r f blRbeat b d I "Sll W W eS.' SOAP B R 0 S N K TV Y ORE THE LAUNDR GENERiL DeCELD P I K 8 CRAMPTOH RROrBKRte WiNniiLu Ksiat, TLn. J H. OOOCB , JR. C. J. T. GOOCH, OLD STAND, which they offer to the trta Goads, M H I H I U E M. 000D8, LADIES DRBl HATS, SHOES, NOTIONS COFFEES, TEAS. BOOTS AND SHOZi A. L. STAlNBACKr X a T A I N B A C K, 1 N. 0. H0TI0ir9j( VB Arie GROCERIES, CADCI.IM, i . i 5 V a s n, i , . m w of DRKS'sOOIinS, sad TRtMlaS he aurcbased Sauth ef New Yerh, Oet 17-1-y, N N 0 It y a TH1 T ' a WAJtT ARK YOUR P R I A V FEAKl'TS, PEAB Am J, T 0 T 0 GIVING HIM A THAI 2 AKDtroUKTY STREET, PerT'sicClK Ya. OTIC K 1 NOTICEIl i Tb Drlek Ster the rerieef , OpptMlt th Peterabarc War Iloaao. f Ilavlntt ornved to the aove Bolldinf svllh an entire Nsw Stote, 1 am batter tbn ever prepared to aerva my friend and the punlio, wtih any thins to eat and drink or iteueral table lilarea, Ao. 1 will uot attempt to enumerate atovk, oall aad ask for what you want. I ret ore my titioeit Ibanka vn a liberal publio for their pat favors, and bona by strict stiontton in business tbe futnia to merit a onmimiance of tbe tame. I will Insure l.ile or Property in the beat Companies, and furnib Lumbar in any quantity, and Wholesale Liqaore, j The Heanoard Brieve yna eao now cress also tbe Ferry with perfect saMv. 8o you eon come aad la in year holiday Kftods. as Us'. ill?

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