fHE ROANOKE NEWS THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISISO BATCS. A DEMOCRATIC i K M I Vf IV K L Y NEWSPAl'KU, R V T 1 MJoLISHED by SPACE a c a ntrtririTmrlkii fKFf ft- DAY A i A T C II K L O B . an Tear, In aitvante, Mix Month, " 1 . TbrcHi Months, " i H ((' f 110 I mi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K IITCIISX. t T C HEN W. A. fH. DVS.1, ATTnKHY 0 -UffaRLLOIIS AT I.SW, Heutlanii iSurb, llnlilnx C., !'.'. Ptaotlcn In lln Court of IT'lioix rd hftlniniiiK o niM'i", hikI In tlio Kunremo ani Federal I'ourts. janl tf fp 1M AS N. H tL.t.7 Aitornoy at I., HALIFAX, N. P. Pracuer-s In lulifnv and adjoiuimr Cjiintios a ad Kderl anil Supremo ' ur . Will hs atSotlaud Xeck, once every tuniugm. vr. h. i)t, D 4 ATTORNEYS An. z- . W. W. Ml".. II A L L AT LAW, Practio-i In the c unts of irnliiat and arijoininc cnuntina, and In Ilia Supremo V'J Federal o niru. 1 "lalm oolleelod in any pair, nf North Cl.rnlltia. un2ul'i gtUUKL, J. Wiuuur, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jtl'KSOV, K. C. Practices In tlm Court of Northampton end adJointn counties. ecp IS 1 Y QPIER (5 VV II 1 T A K K R . ATTORNEY AT LAW, r..Fii.i,n, n. '. Practices In Halifax and a 1j unins; coun ties. Collections p.nmp'.iy aitondoi; to III all par's of tlm Stat, stp i:! 1 Y D R. IS . L. II U N T E U Bontal Can be found at bli oliieo lit Rnfiuld furs Nitrous Oxi.ia C.a for tlm Pain less Extracting ot 'iVrth always nn hand. mch till-a .V V I N L. II 1)1 A N , ATTORNEY AT LAW U.VMFAX.N. C. Practical In ths ei'irts .if Hull SI and adjoining cnitn'.in, and In tlm Kupre:ni and federal Courts, (.'lain collected in all parts ofJSrth Carrdin. ' O.Hje in thn Court Uousa. julyJt Q. n O . BURTON, Jb, ATTORNEY AT HAtl? AX, 5. C. LAW, Prattle tn the Courts nr Hdifax "wstT. and ('.vintine sdinlninu.. In the '""rs-ns etmrtoftho Statu, and In the "alaral Omrta. Will j;iv spet-dal attvitim t'i thn n..l!ce- feiaim,v.id tn adjiitiin,-llio ocnt iMsutors, Ada;iiuer'.ra 4n l .n:r- io, J M. Q R I Z I A R ATl"JaNSY HALIFAX, AT LAW, , S. 0. E. B R A " l' ATTORNEY AT LAW , "HHfU), HALIFAX CJCXfV, S Frttl.M n thtt OountiM "f Hi P, KdKwmb and MI 'ilMH-jn m.t to la all r M ',r MW, '.'III i. VOL. VII. vVELDONT N.""G, "WEDNESDAY, MARC II 13, 1878. " "NO. " 2. THE OLOJRAMP. Oond mnrnli.V bovs, and liow 1 ilr. ? I'm ii ppady lioikiiiK tramp Yon fln lt niittit my little bud wa jni!, a trlfl" damp j I mls'Pd ih tr:iln- tlut'j finny, too and then I willicd tlm rull s I found my bod as I always do, when Inn c nnoi'tlonii I'nil. Lasl niclit I dreamt a dram, an I I wish I'd ' fvii' aw kn -To. I oy. I drcnii 1 1 lived aifiin liolorn I took tllU V"IP i I xaw Hi lonna nl.rlhrr ''nvs-tlioy'ro nllnitifil th R.ldon hill I nilnuloil Willi n liomsly throng I wish It woro so utill. 'Twin n bariiibt pi"nd In ihal nl 1 honie, ami a'l w in irihr rf 1 tliioo Tj arowd around thfl I'oMial hoard, paren tal I lOMslt'lll, .NlltlrH You tvn I ivd my lifo again, 0 happy iliivn ao liriulif, As I alopt nn mv dw-damp bed in tlia ebajows of laat nivlit. A poor trtmp prlntrr has a licait beneath hla lairod irurb ; Bind Time la roamine thronzh the land, and wo havo felt hi bxrb : Ard triiieors, when I xvli tl Is mom, ifh ormnpx and ninnlal pain. May 0 id I'oi'kIvh in v wicked wNh to never wli again, I'?e mdn sorne liiatifipatlon In tlila an cient, haitornil tnrin. Ami tnv beiiiiiiifl wa-h l'vo thrown aldc, It's hroiicht to ma niin'h harm i My nroof h i Inan corrected, a rsvlso will lieedetl be, For l:n who senndictb heart will many errors ffn. My t-nmp Is almf it rnd-jd now old nee w III win tho rieo, You aii niv hands are troubly, and I can .iii liidd a oaso t lint I v.' nuiiloan application at tha City hi. ill of irold, And 1 lo'ut to hear tho answer ! "'Tis a oavi von iiin hold,'' BABIES OfBae In th Court Hi mis". Strict at'en 'n given to all branches of '.hft pro'es jan 12-1 0 II A K A, T m i: s k. ATTORNEY AT LAW, KXF1KLD, K. C. FratlM la lh Cinntlas of KtlKat, ouib and Nash. In the Supreme 0rt f the Siale aud In ho Inderal ?ta. oll-tior.a mada in any part nl the "Ut. Will attend '. tha Court llolse in KalihK n UouJy and frlday o( nauh mfk. jati 1 o yK D R slfJ. B U R T Q s, ATTOrlXET AT LAW, WELIXliN, N. 0. Fraeliesa In the Courts of TtalKax, War- run a4 Nnrthaiaptmn enim'.in, and In tho livemt and Fcrlnral l ourt. Claias etlleeiad in any part of North 6erlii. J'in f7-a EN M 0 R K M a. ncLi.au, U L L ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' Haltrias, X. C Prantioa In tha Cnntins of Hallftx, jl'irthm.a, Klonombn, f't and Mar tin latin Mnpreme Oourt of tlm Slate iid in lue Federal Conrta of '.he KasWrn uistriot. , i CiIlanMnni raada iu aav part of Pitnn I ;.'ua. j J" 1-1 Wo aliravj did iJola on baSies. In fict, we were a baby mice ourseliea. Or ratl'i-r were bo'.iira. as vvt were twins. We ciiilcS our M.i Louisiana, because she was run by a dual government There are numerous kinds of babies. Some ate aliiie, and some are not quite so while, and some lilac!. Then there are doll habics luijj babies uro the favorite of the Gn enbuck party. Then, again, there nru wax babies. We were whacks i babies, because our motber wbacketjns to much when we were small. IFut we aro not proud. Ciiina babies ill nut wear pijj-la'iN, or blue sliiits, ti:'.!inr do tliey f pin. There is a nst dil.'roiico beiwonn Ciai"a a'Kl (-liinesu babies. No one ever saw a (Jnineie 4aby. Perhaps nur l ive for babies nrkos from the fact that we never owned a lahy, or ever bad a pail ir.ter eNt in out. A mother always ! as a "part" i ttreit in one when she triea t comh its hair. When -e feel lntHy, wo j ist burro oar nciqhboi'.s baby to cheer us up. We don't feel I mely lour;, then. It is mora husy than loin ly. U is a stuJv to nit and watch a tvtKr-month old ( ir yiii i:) baby ? j' ! ilvlf. Thi ie ib that ti ter naivete uiul roililiss abandon nhi.nt ihem that we canm t but admire. There is no hisitutinn u their part in siin-ariiij. your li);ht pants ilh molasM'S caiidv, ir the pulling over of a nialuvli to L'linl-lal.le. Tliey are inihui d with a s 'it df a doi 't-ciri-a-coidineidal eleuieni t'ut makes them attractive. We have seen a tliree hundred di.llar wau h r , oi d In two seconds by an in vestij ii u li.it-. v. 1 'lb the bay ai d the aa'.L r, lied down a lliyht of stabs It w:is i,i,i r ous,,. s baby, and we weie wiitchinp il nhi'o the ni' tin r was sea for lion little hcaihrti, 't lit!"' r to k a job like that on tick agi'pi. 15 th I'm baby ami the w.itih were se .t I ) the dij-doi'ks for repairs. A poor m.io once ti l.1 iw that when be nai desp n.d ent, there sms n.ithiurj buoyml r girled) up his spirits S3 quickly as his wile's baby. We took h;s word for it. lie couid,.'t give a note. K.ibiis have many advantspe ar.i dUadvaiitsges. They do not snieke n' r drive fast horses. They do dric l"a!-t nsli ep a;;y, ho--pvcr There is n.dhie?, s yet, i vented that will more effect is'ilv rob "mel na'.urt's sweit rtstorri" and fcullier bed of their ci-niforls tl.an a iholeric baby. We used to think we wnu'J I ke t ' be chief matron or pa-troti of a louiid',ier B'yluin. We bovi: chained our mind now. A visit t ' the baby show fixed that, li.ibies, as a fiend in hirrnan lorm (old us tlie other diit, wou'd innke nood faimers, as they ai s us.i.l to sighs and wiy lucis uiio ot ini 1 1 ' ica uy nei-1 ous niotheis. n.e libi(t nre linn i'.h a silver spoon in tht ir inouihs IVr- bn'H tl at is l' s mu yoniio riien nie j so spooney i is to Hot's ndvuiilieu tn be ft bay lil ting aiiot lint when free tlikeis to the ci.'cus art bring tlis-uibi-ted it is er ih otherwise Were there p.") bal.i. , "he checrii g spectacle of a iiineij-Kiu poi.nd mini pushing a coach full "I tnns and lol lowed by tt two hundred and fotty-three p luud w.mnn, wool 1 n longer be seen mi our streets. Tni soldiers kla lnned in cities would, like O.in ilo, fi id their occupation gone, and ujuitl mourn (or lue tmrss that wero not. It is wise, tfeercfWe. that babies are. We tn.ai they will continue !o be. S mio people despise babies We dnVt, for we were taught to "despise no', the day of small things." A baby docs not l ist mine than ten nr twelve years, csocpl in faro case. ) looking ovel the causes ol death, weekly, in the city papers, we find there is one thing of which b.bies lifter die old rig. Hence, the wis dom of beiuo a bi;!v. Nearly even- ooay was a haby onco. r he only no tjlrt esceplions to thig rSfie are Ad im ""?, (dd 13-11 Allan, tlio Colorado stft is fh Joyce lleth, ( Cleopatin, oergennt litHtvind old man Jiender. lunrnwu baby lva!wa;i success. j uur nuiii i a unure. TIGHT BOOTS. I kar on i i-w alines. They were OUTiHer S'-vens when I started, but wre no more thaa fives now and Kill ditnin Isllioj;, 1 walked two hours in'lhose lines al' er that hefi to I itached hoinn 1) oihi,.s I could have the reatloi' itmni'liv for Ike of.k.17 i'lany ptoi le lime neer Lud the In uJ- .-le cr toethnche. iikd I am nun ol thos myself ; but everybody li .is a urn light shoes for two ur three bonis, an I knnw the lusury of taking them nil in a leiired place ni. i) sei'!ii his ftoi swell up art! oriscuro the liruiiiment. L i w ut us will ever lot get the c'.'iis;to hour wo n ere inarrieil. O n:e a ben I was a Callow, hasMn cub. I took a li n. un. ne nt.itiienttit couidrv girl to a comedy una night. I hud known her a day ; she seemed dmne; I wme u J new boots At the end of lite frst hall hour she said, ' Why do yon fidjiet so with your feet?" 1 sa d, 'Did It" The I put my anentioii thrre and kept still At tho end of another half hour she said. '-WliV do von suv. 'Yes. oh. ves.' and Ho, ah, ho, certainly, very true 1' to :vcryt!iig av, when hall' the time they are entirely irrelevant ansoers'r" I blushed and rxplnined that I had been a little ali5eiit-:iiind('(l. At the end of another linlf hour she sai !, "l'lease why do you p riti so Mradlastly at vacancy mid yet look s'i sadr" I exp'aioed tint I always did when I was ted ct'ng. An hour passed and then shii turiud and contemplated me with her earnest eves and said, "Why do ynu cry all the time?" 1 explained Hint tcry funny comedies always made me cry. At last human nature surrendered and I seurt ly slioped my boots oil'. That was a mistake ; I was imt able to got them nu any more. It was a rai'-y nigld, there were tin omnibu.es goii,(, eur way, nod as I nlktd In n.e Imuing up wih shame, with the girl no ore arm and my boots under the other, I was an ob- jot worthy of gonie ccmpassioit, espec ially in those tiMmictts ol tnartvrdoni when I had to pass Uiruugh the elate that fell iiooii the pavement from street laoipi Finally tl)i chil 1 of tin l'oit-t said. 'W litre are your boots'" and being taken iiiipiepiired I put a filling fi is to the follii a uftho evening with ibe Hupid renie.rk, "The higher cla.-si u do not wear thoni t'i tho theatre." - - . - WHAT HE WANTED. The belt en the I Bik dooi Ivd needed leplac'u g for a leeg time, l,ir it whso. ly the other pighl tl at Mr. Tbrecton bad the presence ol mii:d to buy a new one and take it home A'ur supper he I'.unteJ ep his tool., removed tlie old b dt, and u.easuied the locali. n lor the lew ni.e. IT' most bore soino i.ew holes, and M.S. Throctori brnrd bim ronmiug uround the kitchen rr (1 wood, shed, slaiiiti.it g dm i pulin g lit diaw eis'. and kic Kirg ftrr.ittire nrm:i d. rh went to ihe I c.d o! li t k'aiis, uiul called ih wii : ' llicha id, do von waid anjlhirg'r" ' Yes, 1 do I" he jelled bmk. "1 want to k now ti be re in Tixus thnt cmh screw is'f" "O.ikscrew, ll cl'ird:" "Ye, coikscrewl I've linked the hoi so ever, and cai't find ill'' "Why. we never lud one, llichard." "Hnlii't eh? We've bad a d' It tl of 'em i i the I asi two years, and I bought one not four necks aijo. Its uUajs the way who i I wa t an thing." It.it you must be out of your heid, husband." she said, as shu descended the stairs. "We've kept house seven yeais, and I never lemeiiiher seeing you bring a cmk-cre.t hoine." "0, yes. I' n out of my head, I am?" he giumblud as he pulled out the sew ing machine drawer and turned ovi r its cont. ids. ' I . rhans 1 d better g i to the lunatic iisvliiin riht away 1 ' "We:!!, llichard, I knot that I hate never si-en a en kscreiv in this bouse." "Then you me as blind as a i owl in davbglit, lor I ve bought live nr six. The house is nlwiys upsid.1 dowi, aiy how, and I never can find anything 1" "The house is kept as well as m.y of your folks can keep erne 1" she tetoited, growing red in th luce . 1 I'd hl;e my mo'ht r In be here to a'ww yon a lew tilings," he sstct.ns lie stretched his neck t loots on ihe high sin Ii in the panlty "I'erhaps she'd b. il her spectacles with the p .tat e-s Hjaui I answered the wile. Do you know who you aro U'king to?" he yelled, as he jumped down. "Yes, I do 1" "'Veil, V'u'll be goi' g for York Slut--, if yen don't look out !" "I'd like to see myself, When I go this house goes 1" "L iok out Nancy 1" 'Tin afraid of in thai llut lives." "I'll leie you I" "And I'll lugh to cee you go!" Going close up to her, he cxte' ded his finger, shook it to cmphnsizo Irs words and si iwly said : "Nancy Thrt'Cton, I'll apply for a di v. ice tu-inorrow I Til tell the j.idge that I kindly and lovingly ueked you where the giuilel was, and you said ws'd never hud "ue in ihe bouse, which is a bold falsehood, ns I can prove I" "(jiuile-lf" she exclaimed. "Yes. t-imlct!" "Why, I know when there are three nr four I You said corkscrew 1" "D d I?" bo gasped, sitting down on the corner of the tuulu, "well, Duff, I believe I did " ' And you went and abused me 1'ko a slave because I wouldn't say e gimlet was a corkscrew!" she sobbed,' falling1 mi the leu ge, "Nancy," he said tenderly lifting ber up. "0, Rcnard 1" she chokingly an srerrd And that h imspIi.iI 1 is si quietly happy tlntl a c n a t y bird would sing its bead ofl' if hung up in the ball. A THOUGHTFUL WITeT Doctor - , the whilom Professor of Hebrew in ono of Mir the ilimicnl Col leges, had a strong i.npre-sio i that bis nile was iml the in oat tender-hearted wiiimio living, and it had tn.u entered into Ik iimi jo : n i ( i . ti that she was not c ipahle of deep und .selt.j lerlfuing love In fajt, ho had morn ihaii once let her see bow his tiiinel was bent in that re. spect, and he su e that it did not at all mm d the matter. One d iy the doctor hud gone ton neighboring town, to visit a friend, on foot. U.i his way homo, and when fur fiom any human linl.it i'i in, n sudden shnwer befell him, ave, it q iicklv came to he a storm with light, ing and thunder, vis id and Clashing. The poor tn m was in a terrible pliojst Hh was subject to rheumatism, acme and painful, and a thorough wem g by rain would be aure to bring it on. As a strange unci ghos' lv luck w mid h:ve it, ut that moment the old sextoa came uj on his hearse. He had to drive directly hv Hie doctm's door. The good man hailed him and begged for a tide. "I shall die if I get wet," he said. "Theic ain't room up here, D ct ir, for only one, and a plagued small seat at that; but if you're a mind to gel in side, you can dt no. S ikes nlie! I'd lather tide in there strong and well than dead" The doctor did not stop long to can. sirtnr. Any port in such a storm nstha', he though!, ns he crept into the body of ti'.e hearse, an I pulled the narrow door shut alter him. In due time j.;st before noun the sexton pullel up at the doctm's door, and the good wife, who chanced to be standing at the front window, wlw.1 sh saw the ghostly equipage s'.; p nt her d. ni' -stone, wet t to see why it was. "'. r mercy's sake, Mr. Pron', whal've ye stopping here with that dreadful thing (.ii r" ' 1 hae t!.e doctor your hit band inside, M is'.iin." ' (' i.idness me 1 Who'd 'a thought ill N more midnight liampin' over them etcilasi.il,' old Hebrews ! Sally 1 S'lilv !" suddenly t'irnitij, and direct i. g her voice down ir.to the cellar kit chen ' tuko that mutton out of the oven! Take 't rghl out! It'll inuke dinners for tn-m now, ai d " S!ie stopped Middrnly, for just then she saw her bnshai.d crnwlii g eo.t from the henise. Sl e saw this iiii.lIi aid then retired within the citadel. What transpired there? we ennnot iny. It was l etter lot lo tell, pcihaps, even if wo knew. The guest leerned to consider the nutter. II looked at tho inaj ir, and at the pist d. The man might be really insane, though if be v-s, thora was much method in it. However, he was there alone none to behold bis discern (iUrrr and mayhap, he thought, the tables might yet he turned. "Come -couie ! Ihnce, nr die." The gutsi arose, a d stood in the middle of tlx room, and there begun to dine.eloths negro' minic; hut the m tsifi was wtsUhed -s:i wretched that the maj.ir mine than one threatened U shoot the negru if he did uot play belter. The poor wayfarer dunce;! until he wis fairly tired, und thu.t stopped. The h. st was upon the point of urging him on, wlicn a horse's trump was heard nt the landing, and presently a servant put his head iuto the rnoi.i and called the muster out. Wiiet',c-r he furj 't what be was doing, or whether ho cared not to be seen ontsiJ'.i with the pistol, we c-in-not say, but he le't it on the tuMs when he wont nut A'sxn as the d or was closed the guest went to, tha table, and look the pistol in his baud. As he hud hali' suspected, It was not loidd; it was as innocent as a horsc-sboe. out the trsveller had his pistol aen munition in his p icket, und he qiickly loaded the weapon with powder and ball, calling Kpn i. the darkey to witness. Shurllv the ami 'r returned, and his first movement was to look for his pis tol, which he found misiinp. ' "My diar sir," said the guest, with a Ion bow, end one of the blandest of smilea a smilr, b. oer, q iickly !'! loived by a look that might have mas' a hern quail. 'T found your pistol sadly deficient ! bat I hive rectified all that. You see I have my pi w ier-fl isk and bail-pouch, The pist-d is loaded, sir, seeundein urtcm. We will coutinue tho amuseuietit by a d.mco executed by the master of tho house j and let me ts sure you that I can use a pistol much belter than I can ounce a reel. Dance, sir, or by the eternal, I'll put a bullet through your legs, if not through your heail I" The mij ir wis stirt'ed. There Wai something in the man's words that al most lifted him from his feet, and look away bis breath; and in the lo k was a command be could no n:o,o have dis obeyed than he could bate bushed the throbbing of his own heart. He danced. The negro rww with unc tion played in a manner t reflect credit upon his New Orleans teaching More than once the dancer begged to be allowed U stop, but that pistol, held by an iron band, kept him moving. Had the weapon bean aimed at his head or heart, hs m'wlit have run the risk of the man's fuiog, but he ic.illy believed the iron traveller would as lief break One fiqiiais, . 5 00 I JO 0 t wo isqunrea,. i 8 1,0 I J4 CO Thiee Squares, 10 fm go 00 Four Squares, 12 on 42 CO Fourth cjoi'n, 15 jo So eo Haire tiium,,. 20 00 I 40 no i tee en i hoi. Ooitimn, , on 7t, . m e o to H 10 Irt vO t!v ! tW M 4t ti I h:wjohn swore fqrbetty. The law, rf llii Slate of Yi'.'ir.ia pro hill iiiariUiii' ittilesa the paries ate ol lawful sg i nr ly the Conuent Ol ill taMit, ' ,; ' 1 ' " 1 J.ihn N , wed-ln dn. lniDitrr in the vail? ol Vnguiia, w ofs-cd with tvery tiii;..ii i-xcejif 1 1: at lm iiortanl (le.i.liitilili a wile, J ill n Oust h a ',r ar iiiu I, hut utif'iCfui-slu'lv. until they lu I Uiinn the Inrin ol a r.ertuiii 11,'t'v, lUughier of John Junes, one of the r. ttiet t; Ifls 1n the eoiintry. Alter couiiah p ol ti avxt, Jsihn w lemUred happy by tin cor.kcnl ol ihe luir H'tiv. Thu nisi day, J iiiii with a fiiin l, i. rut to town to gel Hie o cisotij di nuir',t. with Ihe Infiiis ol ptoiMirlni; which he w s iiiont Ititnentahlv ltfnrnt. Bdng ill reeled to illv clink's ( III 'e, John, wi ll a com I ilea! ol lienilnllon, iiilotnu'd ihe ntbme M , IVnwu fust he wa going tog I mairied to Ilettv jMtirs, and nunietl tn knew whist hs mu't tin to i-ciipi-a' th t desliahl ; emisuiil'iistioii. Ml IJ ow n with a hlan I mi in, inlormed him tliat alter liaitii! sa Htird that l.o leipd iiiiMidiiiiviit pruttint.'d tlie eertniotiy, lm would lor Ihe sum mi l c losideratin i ol fit arunt him the ieine. John. mch rtliaved, handed out the tieeesnaty lunilf, "Allow me," siid Brown, "to ask yoa a h.w ipl-stioeis Yu we 21 years l age, 1 nprio.'. Mr. N 1" Y..," raid John. "Do you solemnly swear that Betty Jones, stdnsier, Is ol lanlul a:: (made nod sa aeted by ti.s LvgislaMire ol Viriinia) to tii lee 'he msrriata vuw t" "Wi.Hl'a tint " said Jhn. Mr U repeated. "Wsll," ni l J ihn, "I wsat to get mar- ried hut I .ind the e.liuictl at lha last revitil. anl I wouldn't swear tr a liua drt.1 dollars" Thee, sir. ynu c mrnt get inatriad." 'Ciin't cut married I Good grsciong, llr. Cleik. they'll turn ma out -l ihurcli il I ewearl Don't ri-fuse Mr. llhr. for heaven', sik ". I'll cite too $10 it jeu let me e(T Iroui sweurtuu." "C. n't do it, Mr. N "Held n, 11,. Clerk. I'll aw.arl 1 wouldn't piet up Bout ir a dcz;n e'idiohes. 1 il sweat : 'Mst I be d d if she ain't 18 year old' give ra the lieerae," A.lttir the cl. ft.lt bursted a few buttsni oS his vest, hs granted tin liceusa. ADVERTISEMENTS. gCHOOL TKACHB48. Ynu ran easily lrirwi year antaw. hy ileve.Una a very aniall portion i o3 IflaiiretliDetonty Intereat. I ol . poet you to oanvii.s for my welebraksd Biatty a I'lanoa and (iriiana nnltae wn rtttoj liutthnanrvli-u J rrQuir f yo io uoin pleasant and paiiiuuiura !i ps K profliahlii, A .'til .a DAIF.L P.BEATTt. WashlriKton, N.J, k i cbnht ton foll Ualtimori; md. E V FORCEil DANCING -A REM'.MS GENCE IF OLD HICKORY. In tie (lavs of our fathe rs thrre lived in Vi-giiiia an old phiuler. Major ll'iuVy, who was an ml.iiiy iu his way. Some said he was cinzy, while others declared that eotily an im nliuate love of fun gave riso lo his tUint linings. He might be culled a praulit.nl j ki-r, and it was laid that he never allowe d a stranger in come aiii go without p'stine npon him one or more of his r:o i.ttl. us tucks. One chid, ?i i?-z'iV autumns! evening a OH. J. K. KICOItD, 141 ravntta Bf. below (toward, bn devoted tblily ytsra of li:a extensive practice eapecialtv to the reaimniJtrtff'limnli.andPWtHte Hlwavnw ' Atfcetincs ofthn Kielaova and D ! acinar DIseasM of liio lltmrt and Luims; i'oi.on ou nmeases of the, Dlooel, Throat, Mose and .Skin; IHsppaid, Strioturea. Ohronle ima..i-h t Urinarv Oricaiie, Clrr, Of r.iisiveOi.ulurgot, Mervou and Physical Debility, YOUNG MEN, victims ol slnive and excess, with tasal- tuile, Palpitation ot the Heart, rlnclnB la ttie Kar, N. rvotisness, lilushinn, Tloild Itv, Wiiaknes nt the Hack ditestlon, should apply before It is tee ta.e, mm restore vlp r to their todlee and inlnde, ere they entail misery and disease up n thoae ol their posterity. Prlvnto diseases reeoiitit eoetractsd enred Iu three day. Mercury and Potaab. dlseharpted, t hronio ejono'rhaa or Oleet In flte days by a local application. Peraons at a die-, tance ly nivinir ivmntcm. trs.irl .. medlelnf a aant by mail or express. A cure (juarnteed In all eauaa Write ayrnptoma directed, DR. P.ICOKD. Ml W. Fayette ait, ... - Baltimore, Ut ant I l-o A EPISODE. A TRCE ST0RT, !! IT KBVBB ItrrSSRD. horseman pu lli d up at the major's door, ami requested hospitality for the night lie had wandered horn his way, end it was n. w too lute to rertifv his mistake. He was warmly nelcomcd, and when his hotse had b- ::o taken in charoe by a com) e:ent seivant, und his se.ldle-baS removed, he w is ushered into the great lising-rmiiii, whin; n chi eif.i! fire blsr.ed in the cuormni'.s fl eil.H'e, and wliero candles were ted The m:.jir was a 'arge, utron f I y-buill man, of middle-age, bald headed, rather red in the lace null an eye deep set and winkling. The guest was also of middle-age. t nil and spare, but compact nnd muscular, with features of a decided leonine cist, strongly maiktd. heavy brow, and a shock of thick, crisp I. air, that stood up i ti Lis lare head like Uiu mnue of a lio.a. Slipper was announced, and after that the evening passed on pleasantly. As Ihe cl ck struck nine t' e host arose and excused himself for a few minutes. When he relutn-d he w is cu'Cnmpaiiii-d bynn.'uit wi i carried a Ii I lie and how, nnd thn muj : himself hud a largo horse-pistol in his hand. "My d''r fiiu id " said tse host, with a b and a s.n le, 'st must not Itt the evening piss without a Utile amuseinent, prom your looks I know ynu can dunce. I have one nl the best fiddleis in the world j he learned in pliy in New )i leans, where (iiusic and da icu.g are cut livuted. S i. sir, you will take your place upon the fl ior, and dance us a re--l Lt il bo' a rcotcIi ' tec'. ynu 1 i,,k like a Scotchman. , Come, m ike no diiay Suiko up Pomp." , , Tlie guest protested that be couhl not rlanc. He bad not dime such a thing smce bis bov hood. B it M"jr Uanley would not lake no for ni swvr. He did n. t matte many wnvds. He wnked ihe pistol, and fcwore lhat he would shoot the t'uest if be elid hot rlaec The negro had begun to trcrntje, tnd TMC" or twice he seemed upon the point of cfyiug but, but fear bf bis master wUhhc'd bin). his leg as nl. At loneth the visitor went tn the firr place and discharged the pistel up tho chimney, and the major was suffered to sit down. As old Poinpey passed bim he stopped, and bent over and pereel into bis master's ear : T.r ihe L.r' a Missy's sake, Mirs'r don't ye go (or lo cut up no mora. I t -11 ye I knows de iiianl W hough I who'd ebber forget 'im ! He's Oen'i'l I Jackson der rale 0!c Hickory, ni.' no mistake I" Mjjor Uanley opened bis eyes wide. There is no knowing what he miht have done, but as he was sUitm?, up, pale and aff'iphted, his visitor, whii hud heard Powiey's revel ition, put, out bis hand, and said, with a smile: "Hold on. Major. Not a word. If ynu raw be satisfied, I can. lift us hate a bit of icpose, and a bit of pui cb with it. The punch wss brought, add as nn aa the host could regain his spiiiis, jollity rated the hour. Of Course the major bid lo tell the story of the coming of his illustrious visitor, and through the weakness of . Id p .mpey the rust of the scene In.iked out. S 0., Jit. A littl cpiinde hapeued to one of eut wvll known legi,Istrs wlm is lander ot a practical j.ika than lie ia si law-making It si.', in thst tlie leullatr was psyioit bis dewtion to a Iticnni'ind tulle wh resided In a bnardina hwuse, anJ as there waa only oi e piulor he louad it hstl woik t s:t;t that pnvacy wliich yauu lover desire lor their lulling, sad was always in terrupted By a eaii"U obi fjcntleciaB wlms as soon aa the pair bad tetlM ihemstlvea down lo buniniss, would CMnd ia and cn-c .nee himself in an arm rhair, and while uppsrtntly obiitiiius el all surround iiu.s. would t.ko keen note l a'l thst w..s eomj on The lejisl itor stao 1 It ai lenic us it was his nature to ataad aoythini1 and I .--i hia pmiunce eate out, and the ruxt evening wten the same thin was repeated, he w MsiKTcii h i plan to his tatr coin whi, baiiion. and then let out into siifti a ,ovg scene as would throw Lswrenco liirrctl in ilui shade, an i nisike even Uoetli look tn his Uiirvl. An vlopimiut waa urjed as ihu It.shion ia It uliuiwnd rtqnirea, and the lair lady s K.l actress herself, hy Un way aisweri -I, e." I n.-u tlie ifLiill. mui. ea ned awa , became tco ar.init and thn Ii t bad to lrav. O nini all this time the I'ua ncura U tba chaii never stiired. Had he heard I !hp le idainr eoal t tint tell -he did nat know. ThuS Qiiei (how. d that the vemr ,! dd rooster wasn t nnnitiUril t tn cene. neither wi he elevl fct asleep, In tha next mornin j the Hale urrni ot to ynn i In. 1 v. aeenmpsnied by two grown sous, came sionnini down P the Capitnl oal ed ot:t the liw.iunker and askv.l nun his inteatio.is. Tlie liw-maket sal. I Im liiieulioiis wum sluully coneot. Tlie niretit then stor.U' .ieminded tUat tlie elooeiMerit shnil I t iinsipoi.ed blither mote, that h- stimitdn't vi.il his has- any Ho .re il lie did 1'iere would be the tn ilit. and t tie (l oierHl A'samblt w.w use one et il lifiolitetit ornaiiii'iit. Altel some tal ine. In.wever. so rumor CC, 'be p ,ii ut ibU ut. d. net told the liiw-uniker io do nettt-r. It . ban .d S.a'e. SIMPLE FAITH. MOUNT 4.IU8,. ROCKY MOUNT, N. 8. January 1st, 171." We are now prepare!; to farsUk 1A trade with 8BKETIKGS, H1RTLX. PLOW UXM m COTTONJ YARNS, all eif the best rmality and at lew pries. our terms strictly net east., 10 days, AdJre 'se tl a SAT-TLB 803, Stteky Ma eat, If. ( ir XBOLPB 4 CO., GENERAL 0RTA?pfL., A H D 1 cons its lux JB3CnAiM, j li ' Ood always hears when we reriipii Ihe hoitom ol a fl.mr hatnl." So said t lie ehi'd el a poor widow to his mother ore in . uiinn, alt. r tlie had pi aye ti ss imly t nrerir can, "Jtre st T!t:s v.:. rsr sic: bread." Dtautilul twit li of thild boo I 1 Why may it not be our, I Ood ' ht-.rH tie praters ol his children, and he knows when tn answer. Oar soiritnal ai well as tempotal wants are known to linn, and every sincere crv b r ho p enteie his roinpasaionai r,r. When w leel mtitc y our dependence on him ; wlum our Moek ol pr'de sad sel ennndnm e la rxhaustrd ; when earlltly li-ivnils and earthlt eo ntar's lad ii; 1 tie humble cry el "O my rNlhtr," lh ottenest brings tho speedy an -kit, "Here my child." Ool nlwaya hear whin w have reached tie d'pths f need, and ciy to him lor lu'p. It oalar Spouteia Wha'is. - W hst throat is thn b st lor a sircr lo reach high notes with t - -V a .ur tbrost. Win ! toil' 'ia ',i likea'aNe Irien ii i -eaue il iVhis t'a oniv in ui.tnl', KeturftsitL, Tl?,l rro.jif4 aUddUoa giteta le (all C nearly Bienta. Liberal Caaa Advaneea maale sat eigomaBta. LUMBER A ePECIALTT. RKraiKKtsoKs; W. H. Smith A Son, W. C. Marrow c Co.. A. A'renn, Norfoln, Ta. V. Uiirnt-al il, J. W. r.sucett, J. W. Mul len, lUlilux, N. O. fab Sill .11 .a 4" KTAI.LIC BUKIAL CA8Si f01 SALS. 1 Q'.lfUV. Wtirn i f, c ,n it Ik si;d tt..n. B-h-rd strikes a a cower. il ac upon , aui satda i.y.r a , 7 '"V rit--:. ,sv 4.J S0CIAL"DECEPTI3NS.' I beared a amnning criticism Washinii(n society th wtlier day not williout its anber ltons. A (thin) entrriou tlia room of her empl lew iays ag delivered herself voijilulio alltthus; "VVtll, ma'am, yeaiiel.it w-s snti ly a deception day. 1 w..s out on K a'leel. and tlie wliole glacci was Junuied op Willi ca-riiii.s and people. M"t avrryhody nut theie deceived. I b.-liete lhat Mr. Uvaits must hate p'.nty it iTiiiuey lie paid a ui-.n $5 just to stand there and aieo the ca riag .1 ..i;a. lie ii H".n( to c'vu another ebeeption t morrww night and hate flltern hundred we -pie at It, Well I well 1 what I w.. inter at is, what tim de the; 'low lhtmulves to aerte the Loiel ?" What womau is m.ir.tioieil m the scrip tures I'liire Eve Jcrny fcis. A KTsnt.t HKO Faot. - Moth i maki a a prin laujtb a muiU as w act ul lew teetn. . Thisc who lute tried it s,t ibat k!r-g is lise a sewing-inaehine, because it seen. uood. "I TilIJtlE 1'VR SfFW VOO BsroIlK lie remit a eiown tnwu shit pine n sslir re eeivet li i ko a ten ilnlUr ronnt.-rhlt li n k nn'e lie pnl it in his ocket, think 1 inf that lie miitht have si n.a tun with it riiatwiuir.it he beam ngaced In an H ry slt.'rai'nn with sailor In Grand street, lilews wee strurk, and the ship p.nij n.as'ff was al).,iii t bn taken to the pallet, station by a stalwart ffi s r. "See hero, my liieiiii," said t!' shipping master, ,-I slnn't want to be lockctl up. I'll eiee yu E5 tn lei me Co " The Malwait officer srorned Ilia n'oi,rsi tlon. Then the shipping master e'i-p'at .1 ( lit, 10 ei ntiterlvil bank flo'c. The oftleer's eyes snupneil as he put the note in bis teat pack t. He shook ban- with Shr hipping inal'nr and tiny jajUH teosr a'wit. Thn s'alwart and tad ered iifBwr aubsi qnently met !h ahipnlnB m iier an I groaned, "1 thiuk 1'te seen JU hi;-'ani,' . . 1 , i Thsdd't thine in life is to e a Vesnu instm who has burnt all hair nil sieut Inrehrfid W'lh hot '' r'1"'0". and CADcot ttTird to tut a row oi turlt. Poranns wiahlnp Meulba Bnrfal -Case. 1 cwii nl ways eniRtr, tbeut Oy applying to wa. J ne the Ntora "t Nesura. Wlorietd t JtmrT j , .n, i i..- i.A.t..r.... f, il-..- a. rnnriit ol the Very Heat CASklS, St lhij Very Lswsst PricM. In my ahieiioe ticK, Weld on. Mwnvr. Winluid Jt i.iarr "sj. dt iiver Cnaea lo peraoua wUo-uiay W'V them, 'i : jAM.ES 8IHM0NS, Weleioo, apr 4 1 (J r , l- i- v r i. .j j i .a -s tt r, v v 1.1. iv l .-('.....a. m .. roupo-iu'tilly calla the atieotuin ' - t tra.io i his xtfr.aiT aWx'a: of C3n i" anil. Hiiportc.', Iniuora, to which h is e J making additions aid r-nuiiatlus; of on J It YE ATs'D nORS!OX TI::S French, Applet. Bltwk berry r Mr:iidiis, Jnm-iinaand tew Enj bondon, Tom nnil lli-Haii. t-'herrv. Plan-l, V'h.'ne sir. S.'uppornorg Winn. !- l'ori, Hd a vea-y Urfjo 141. RECTIFIED ' Vf whi-h I m f tv; P fail f o giie fj"-"" f Six -s sH-6Cj"-'C",. rC7il

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