t f HE ROANOKE NEWS, A DEMOCRATIC THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVEKTISING RATES. ISM I-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY i I a j J j H bit BATCH ELOB. SPACE I I 5 I M I J3 flfl 2 mi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Itilfllirh.N.C. Halifax, N, o. 0 LARK CLARK, ATTOKSKYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Will practice In th Courts of Halifax and a Joining counties. Mured lfi tr. w. a. xitcus. K ITOHBN 4 DDs.l ATTllHIT0'IINii:t,LnR at l.sw, Reellaa Keek, Halifax Co., N.C. Practice In th noun or (I'IIThj ,,, aHI-ilnlng counties, aad in the Sunrwino end Federal t;nurt. jmlStf T HOHki. M. HILL, Attorney t Law, HALIFAX, IT. C. Pnn'.ioos In Halifax and adl'iinine O'.iuiMm and Federal and Supreme Court. Will ! itt so .timid Nock, once every fortnight. Ausr. 28-s W. H. Pat, W. W. Ham.. D A Y HALL ATTORNEYS AT LAV, WEliDOl, sr. v. PrviMcn In the riiiirt.s of Kslifax and adjoininc counties, mid In the Supremo and Federal courts. Claims collected In any part ,f Xnrtli Carolina. Jun 2U 1 li gAMUKL J. WKKJUr, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JICXJOX, N. C. TracUaa In Ihi Court of Nurtlwmpton and adninini( cniiiitin. pop 15 1 Y Q A V I N L. u y man, ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, V. C. . PratinMlr. thi oiurtii of FTill a and adjolninit nxinMna, and In thu Supremo and Faierl !o'irt. CUimioollARte.1 in all purts of North Carolina. 0a.- ia the Court Houne. july4 1Q. R BURTON, J u. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, H. C. Praatiaea In the Courts of Hilifnx Caanty. and (!i mtina adiolninu. In the f -' Curtoftha Htata, and in tlie F Itral Cmrta. Will jira tpaUl atteition to the collar. rtlalin,and toadjiititi) the -c unit I Exaautora, Admiuurtara and liutr a. ,p,...,.,f J. . O R I Z Z A B It, ATT0RM5Y AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. OBae In the Court Hoiia", Strict atten liaa gya to all branolios of '.lie proie. jan r.'-l o E. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, UriKLD, HaLIKAI CODNTV. N. C. Fraatlaaa In the Cmntiaa of Halifax, aia, Kluocornbi end Wihon. Callaertona male iu all nurta of the jan 12-6 i AMES E. 11 A It A, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HSI'IELD, X. C. Praati M it, the Couatle of Hallfa, m t and Nh. In the SupreniK Oar m( la, UlM tB1j , lU, Ke:'.i.ral a'ia. Oailanlona mvle In an part of the iStala. 7illBtinit a' the Omrl House in alifcx Moudy and Friday or nat-h JM 12-10 DRKw J. BURTON, ATrKer at law, WULDON, N. C. Pratlloaa in the 0iirti f Haliiax, War Torthampwn a iiinliiM and ia the "V" l Federal Oourta.' Olai llewuwt in ay art of Nut!i r"a. june I7-a vtuaa. "Hi JOUN k. MOORE. MOORE, N ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Hallflai, X. C. PrMtloa i, tu Countiea of Halifax, nortWaitn,4) E,l8nombe, Filtand Mar-tla-Inti,, jju)rrt.ne Court of the Nlatu hi the Federal Courta or the EaMurn flatriot. Celleotlom mi la nj part of North ''reiiBa, ji jn 1-1 One Year. In sdvance, Hi Months, " Three Month, " VOL. VII ONLY WAITING. 0n'""f''ftTII h.lHbUMi 0'jl.v w.lil..i b m-rrLl' In a satin ri, aiil, Anil the .ur r hf.,,,1 , passion' Im-uugl, the twiliulu , lfl kl,a uiy. Onls walling lora lovod one lo accept iiih fir Inn own i 0.y wnitlnc-vs, ,n wu.nnir An. in, hear, i, : , , How ., t ,,r hi. loot-ucp, Y" learbi'W ,u, ,,, WMy ' 8,1 ''" wvrUlvn, wishing, ' waiting, Only Waiting to 0,..y. ' Only wiUliu lor mi echo Ol distant nlulii him" mnff, O.ilv waiting in i,u'iow 'll! why don't ho ,.10 n Ah how I mlsln, k hi niB.Mina In lux acemtsi ,.r, ,,., " If he wishes , l. . es mi to ii ii' it in. Well, perhaps, I niiirht 'No.' HE I. A IK KlMVlito i O.M. riiR ar!j mriied incvti .n nf tho m,m. hr-rs of ihr ,r al'.oidi- - tlie Supwior (joiirt lor HjIiChx innntv mi nt ,k.. nt Court Mouse i H.ilifax i.'n Ihe 13 h day . I LV.1. r.. . T ..... . . rtwniBij-, in,, jM di U U,ichel, r, INq , iu lie Ci-utt, aid J M. Muilns K q , uttiiii' as Seerelarv Un'.ii thr iiieetinu lirinn calli',1 tn order by the Chairman and ti n .d iect it explained, Thomas N IIlli, K.n . Chairman of ihr- C imuiitlee. on Resolutions, sub mitted ihe fo.iiHi "Viikrkas, Ci"d has in his nnsterimis aisdnin temovrd fr..m our midst under circumst.mcrs of creat pain a .d dis'ress I'.daard Cn ijjlir d, K-q , a beloved, reer. d and umdi admired thi- IJ.r. IicsuU-eil, Uf the Uir of the Suoerior Coin t of Hililax c iii.ly, that in puv re spect to bis mi iu i ry, tiiua boi,,o jn meek subini.sii.il t i our lu,s, Wri jm di'sire to express in feell,' seosrt. our hib appreciation of liw cb ir i, t r ,,' our late brother us a man, ami as a liw. yer, illustrated as it has herm thn-ijli his whole life, by qualni-s and acts which ennoble the imr, ai d comuiend tJ our fnllovtini; Mm ether. Restilcid, That in the death of our br..lher the State of his n loj ti n has lost a irn-d and dented s m, ih8 c mi- iini .it v iu which he lived a us -ful an.) valuable citiz-'n. ami our urolessioii a member alio held its trusts iu purity and j Slien lustre upun Its praclicu. Ren-ilonl, Tuut ne mingle our tens ith those of his laiuily, while we re mind them that ttiu vsitilim n ol r which thev bnvv brinus u loss winch is not theirs bIiiii", but I I s wifi ( q r) weight upon us. we mourn with th.-iii. and teiidur them the sympathy id" our grief. Rfsolcetl, That we respcctfuilv n quest the llotioiaiile Superior Court of Hal - lux conoty, i.uw in mss , to order that the minute of this meeting ami a cp) of these it solutions b- spiead Upon its recrds. ResnlcKtl, That the Secretirv of t!,i Hieetino be directed 1 transmit to the la iiily of our deceased hmiher a copv ol thesir res- lulinns, and that he nuusr them, t ioetlier with thu minuies of tins incetiio', to be published m the HoA NtiKK News and the IMc-th Daily News"' rni rrs. Thomas N. Hii.i., 1 John A Mooki:, ) W II Day, Oi.tn. John Iiati.ino, ) srn.it Wiin akki:. J After reading s.t;d reso uti nis, re maiks in respect ti the ni'u: .ry ol the d ceased wire made by Messrs Th on is N IMl, .1. M Mullen, W. II. Knchen, W II J),y. VV. W. IVebl-s, It b.-rl O Hurton, Jr., J JI (rrzzird, His II r Judge Sjtieuck, J.ihii A M (ore and J. 15 IS. ihel .r. The res ilutions wrre then unani nutisly ad -i led H ibeit O U irton, Jr , E q., then read the lollowioo skelci ol tho hfe of the deceased, prepared bv the brother Mi. Andrew C niijiud I the deceived ; IIIOdKAf.Ul'AL SKITU! OP EDWAitD CONUil.AXD Tin re is n vuid m the ranks of our fraternity. Iy nil awIiiI casualty our beloved brother, KlwarJ C MiiI.n.ef, has been reunited (' reer from the scene his law., nod the teqa, st ,,f ,- ej;l brethren makes it uiy duty ti give a skeich ol his li'e. 1 he deceased was b irn in the t iwn of Cuatlelio, C unty Doiea', Ireltnd. in the year lft 1 0. His lather, a pr im-i.t physician, made it Ins chiel care to (Mve his child. ca a good eJucali The truthful nature, a. d rare (acuities, eaily developed, with which his youngest w Kdward. was ui.gtlted, caused him, so 1 ug as that worthy pireot lived, to be the object o( his assiduous care. H.-i'ore his emigration to this C ntii.unt a lew years alter '.is fathei's death, his pro gress in (ire,k anj Latin would have qual fied him to e. ter the S iphoniore cl iss in our University. Frmii his n.la.it years ha was a ii.delatiMab:e reader, and, at the? period lo which I refer, be was acquainted with some ol the best wiks of modern literature, besides, bis knowledge of his ury was not u-tiil in one id his Bgn. When the b y of me school, where be wus a pupil, formed a debating society, th uigb thu youngest among them, his discu-sive aptitude and sti ck ot iiitoruiatioi., gave him an as ceiidancy. Iu the vouuiiuoity where a I kn hill-, it was there the general iioin iu , that a remarkable lutuie was tn Stme for him. Hid space to d.vell on his portion of lis early history 1 would b, .ur. tb.t th, qUa,itit, which cbarac . U'ELDON, N. ti" Zl lii, mind in his advance I y,.nr, wi'ie c nspicu. us, th ujh iu u less drgiee in dis bo lin d. Hh arrived i X,.w Ynrk in the yeir lJ t. D hi ig hi rrtulence in th.it cil. .is fJixaiiiiH as in.t hi'leiiteil, hut In h id no uppoitu.iiiv of purniing his cl i--Meal gMiJi. s Tli ei-cui whicd 'ud most i fl i-nca on his futur cirn-r, wis liis cnuiii'Ctioii wild h, M,--r p..l t i Assoii iliun, tislnl)i,n,., j,, f., Y irk by yiu'ii; iniMi o iiiliivaie I tisti un,l litei. nyy s;iirati m lor nutml iiiiurovem nt The nficises of tlrs sociitv cu,s;,t d of iilij;ii'iil ess:i . ilidialfK, l.-ctnri's in. minus aulj.'cu. and u itil c rx i b iions Omfveiiil . cciiiicins wturii ih,. pu ilic was Mdiiiitl.'d, tin. lulent iwn;i,,., b. ih dicciiSHd, both as u r;trr and h spr ukxr, wus C'Uiipliiii.M.ied in snniu id' the j urn . Is A nber , f tlie b.os of this soen'tv luvo s'n.cu bne mi rniinunt in turioiis proresiinns A il -tht-rv Mr J J . dors. , a oem l.-iu ,,, ut ciiiism lima e Un.l, n .. ,. I .. ...... cfssdil auth-r. r uiw ,.i i...... ...i... I h,ie nil fxtrnsie circulation in t'm State.' R.-ta. A ... j .l . dfccnstd, a wnrni fiieiiiUiin fubM!.tnl lor more th;m th iti-fue Ctr. I'lu-y wer cinvtni.t Cnnespoi (1,'oiA O i reiiiovinj. to ih,. west Mr (?. wis appoint, d li DrriHd uu I SHvrot:iry t a liter.iry inslitutiM.i in St. L uis II -ri als tie u tainccj luti spenker. refutation as a Ii was frnrii the crlib'ily thus Caiii J. tliimjll in I limited 8(.hire. that cvim. tiirrs aere mud,; lo him tn pi ter (in tin ktndy ol law in this Sialw. The linii.. iii he hid rfcived in (he soci.-ii s me. tinned, as coi.sideied an excvlloi t p eiura!i, ti lor Inn nvio sm ct s-. T'-.e nenl justified tliis b. ;.-C. Ili at the U.ir hi,s u iriiiuiph. L ka m. st oun La-jcii he came inl.i luuratiri; pruclice l: wli, hut he made nn link. an! se(i. till his :,'e ,ts idu!ir, placed him in (lie h,t rUnU ol tlie prof. s Sinn. Tilis position hi! retained l.nl i Islan.liun his ircrtusiij; deafness T"e t tililnated l.iw cases in hich he as enc-ijed, were the tiinl ol fj.iv Iloldeii and ihe .lolmsion will lumi The fiist is on rcc .rd and does not re (1'iiie Sji-eiul int-iiti ni, ol' iti ,lUl.r lepoit was ev. r pu') i,he,l, b, t jt ,.. k nwledoed that l.,r,e id iieui,.n,tr,iti.i , loan id umlit., ioneiiuiy, mil ac.t-inss in diHfCtini evi,l, ,c were . x'nliili.d in t'ie pl-ading ,il M, ( Itiepe l.. us .il;;ls of misrulu and p'nsL-npiive las whici hi itm-.ss d i i his yon!) hid the elHa uf rend ti ij Inn. mi ard lit v nary of J n .ca'ic I h eity. Vet h.! wis cms r ativ in the best seose of the term. N . in i held in more tilihor'once ule advanced I her. alisui, t!ial nfleLts t'i renovate s n:i ty l)V dislroyiu toe sa euards of ci.'iozi- tion Whilst them was a chance for pr-icn he stT,!..u usly pp ,s .d Sl.L,.Ssi . ... Ii,t when the li u ie mi was passed, he t ie , Hire himself i ,to thu c o fiVl wifi all the devoted ipsi of Ins IMNr, Ull rr. mained u e'ul, i i spue reve se-, t.. H e Inner ei d The i.ohle tmid he made in the con- ei.tioi, of 18115 a, d 'CG to delfuce .1 lusliLe and riybt, ,is rtsstaoceto vi. iliitivea d op;,ifSsi. measures, g iin..- It him the apor.ival a oj rej ..l 1,1 fi,. true beared sons f the Siat". Hi, ciirsu was warmly C'Himei.ded in ve . etl. r bkh he rei-iv .. erahle J.nloe R.,ffi X,, bunted more uniiorm a ene:gv to tiueli iral,! th- the people, when ground ro ii ma i ever ex I in l iiintahl' C m ill I ill ol to llio r 4' i Ii under Car, lel-liig d Ciniiglaud. uiina'.iju, than Mr. Ail his iictinns proved lhat. in l is whole sairir, 1st', and cha.acter. no man t)el..ug,d u.u.-e intensely tu Nlli, (jaril. liaa. As a writer he was remarkahly sue cesslul, and Mood nioh iu tn,. esli natioH o1 s one f ihe best cuic j,, t,B j,tlte A se'e.li oi Iroin bis compositions, p,tr. Iihed and iu oiamisrript will, n js Ii ,, ed, t e gi en t.. the public. Exceeding Imi and bnohi with promise was the mor,. ln "I his lile As gav in de:i.rai,..r, as Iree Irom sad foreb .di gs, as he -as in his j.vous youth, did he appear ..nthat o..K. i,,,- ,.lal on wnicr, ha was to view the scenes of earth liw uir of heaven. and breathe ' He was on his war biiii.e, whii.li ho h.d left two hours before A walk of a few mi .utej w odd h,u placed bun i t'ie b-.s.iii f his family to whom noil, ing could hev s.-e ued ni ne ceiluii. than his speedy rs urn.. Wmt a re turn I what a greeting! wailing ovei lb dead hie st of sorrow from nn a ve stricken crowd men I ,ng unused to wee i ,o, shedding tears like lain. Iu one des dating moment, he Inn been t rn forever from tnose wIm were "Jear to him as li.-ht and life " "The sleep he sleeps will never be broke." U U death gives to those who have see.:, the privilege- or revealing hat they know, to those who ba-e I v, d, l iiiscl .suig their ,ve. Then by shnuld we not tell t i the Itviw what they have I .st iu the dead. " L t us be j est to me memory of n:ie whose voice and Words nfteu tlirillud popular assemblies, but never in gdvo cic. oft cause which he did not be. lieve, in his soul, to be j .,t, f OMe , never deserted a friend or cowered br. fore an aggress ,r wno would have sbaieii bis last crust with the destitue ho, if he erred through excitement, wa always ready to remedy bis errr,aott a. i e lr his fault. Honored 0e m remains i.r him, who old "t have stooped ti a sordid act nr arir,..Arl . , . . . , . . b X 0, WEDNESDAY, MARCH "2oTWllior T o' la teho .d and hvp.ci-. unrialit .r m a, and honfsiy 0f parpi.se dc.ern, to nave inscntied mi his gra. "The grind old nann; g tinman " Uu m. tio.i i, J ot A Moore K.n ih chairman of the 0 iMimitiee on resolu. ti-ns iiriu rr quest d t present the pr ,.,...,i;,.,.u ..I' 1 1 . .: . ' ... . ... oirnuig in uie toiirl ith a r.iupst that the same be spread on I'll, luinutes. Thereiiiioi, tkf me.'li'g ndjinn oH. Jos. H.Hatciiki.011 Caiman J- M Ml'l.l.l N. Se, t', , A MAN WHJ MAOE THE WILDERNESS HOWL. At Inlf.pvt ele.eu ..'clock ye-terday r""' -pan "f halMaru"! horses. iiitached t u cuvere l wiig-io, halted ..t the cur stoni. on (iratiot street, and the driver .iu..ht s.uie oils hi a feed More and placed them before the hiii. uuils whil'i be and his wife proceeded to make a cold lunch. They had a stive in the wagon, n i l were muM .g them S. Ives n,,d lew uiticles of value to mm, "ther clime. At noon three or four J umeymeii lldcltsiHiths Woikint' inn si'Mi near th wagon came nut and began p king fun at the ol I ,. f w, was the only one iu sight in the vehicle Sae kept her temper for a while, bat w'-ien a snow.bali uruclt her in the ear she i-alleil nut : "If you want I). S 1 1 to C'inio down there and oreak a lew head yuu'J better ,S"ep tins t ii : n j up u bo's d- s .t S i ut us the in in Misissippi River I' who discovered (he veiled the men. 1),; S 'to u .t d w i on the endViaH. II- looke I to be about forty yeirs old, mid it was plain ihat h had fight in him. lie li ftnP'1 on ooo of the whec s and chewed crackers un I .,kii the cr .wd iu the eies while his wife stack her h--ad out rem nked ; 'We don't want to pi,.k a liriht, but we em't he imposed on l' 'Is that your ym.ngpst child ?' ca'led out one of th- j ,iinrv,iie,i, 'I!- keerful I' .he replies'. 'He's the man who made the wildernen howl, and )""' I b t'sr move on j' S.'einj dm ab.-nd, soma me in the hai k-;iound t.'Sstfd uu a i old tin pit", which came down fair and sq i ire on Da S t tiea t. 11,. spit out his cracker, 1 oft' his big comforter, and the learned out of the wagon and pu'l, wife said W.ule right i to tho crowd, hn'ihv?' II- wailed 0 le of the jmrnevmeu met liin at the en-h-stone, and in ..I) ut a minute the in n wh i hid made Ihe wildeiiiess him I ,.,d crawled uulei his wig n for sirciy. Tim w.ona . j i nped down and saw him under there, and was satisfied fiat he wis a ILked nun. U s u ise wasiange l ar.und, one eve was closing an I his upper li,i was as nig as an uppli-v ,ne . 'What's Ihe matte, i' she asked as she neered nt hi.u between the SjiokeS of the hind wheel. 'Licked !' hn softly said. S le felt that so oft explanation was demandeJ, and lernino t,, the croad s ii.1 : I'd have h,-t our hull nuHU on Imn, bul I own up ihat he's walloped You see, we lived op in the woods, and he can he cleaned ut n sch .ol. n aster we kinder thought he could stand up tn anything smallei'u a hunicaiie. Get into the wag n, hu'.Sy, and let ms rub you with camphire 1' He crawled in without n word, a-d the siinll of camphor and the lejiiiu up of an old shirt convinced th crowd that the show was n.er. Llelioit F:ee li ess BICaMl.iG Aot'O UMBEC3Mi:vJ3. To lovers of the beautiful, it is reillv trying 1 1 ubser-e h w few wouien un dertju l the metii .d of arranging the hair in the way m st heco.i,i..g t them. No wo nan, sh ,ld follow a fashion which is u suite I lo her simply because d is the I'ashi ,n. L t ev ry wmiau study her fa. e before she dresses her hair, as she studies her hand before she buys her gl vcs. If she finds her fore nea I narrowing ab ve the cheek-bone. lul ,B "eer l8" ",s,!,t P l(J' her ba r at the Mrte. I! it be a broad forehead, title her fa. 6 it our iw, let her av ,irf Ihi. stvle rigidly, whatever he the fash ion II her Iniehpad be ill shepen, 1. 1 her cuiti a'e a "f.inge ;" if she possesses a fine brow, she should not si dis'uisp it ll her hutd be slightly flit, a euro, net of plaints, or the hair turned over acustii vi', aru the only alternatives ; l.ui il naturally too high, let her disperse elsewhere the Ulln-ss nf hair. And shou'd ihe head be perfect in shape, let her dress her hair as plainly as possible, and make a point of showing a charm lhat is exceedingly rare. It would be simply waste and ruin to pad it into all sorts of ssapes. In weiring false ha, great j idgmeut should be exercised As in iic ii should be used as looks nat eral and no m re. Great cable ofbair, and oiosS' S of linolets. are not natural, and therefore weary eye, while uu body is luipoied upo i by them. The dill rencs between a pig and a P'. euotne it th .t one u,e a peo and Ihi oilier a q il 1 A t'enll.Miian ind when a pretty girl tr I on Ins t-irs that he had icelwd the stamp ol besuty. A child, whin ssk'il why a certaia Ire cew ero.kud, replied; "Somebody tnd u'on it, I Kiipriote. when it was little." The liutiei Uie times, the more the den til! 'co .is down io tre in'jtb. MRS GAINES'S ALLIQATOR STORY. Mrs. Gaines, Biirrom.ded by a group ot l- teresiel listeners in ihe parlor nf the not.-i, was miightng and carrying on as merry as a gill of sixteen, telling strange anecd des of her most strange and romantic career. "Is th it s.,':" said a person in the cir cle npentedly. I e.er heard any one say 'Is that s i" withnut thiuki. g of an all-gat .r slnry," said the little w man. ' Hue any of vu ever heuid it:" ' ell, a credulous stranger was going i'Wu tie Unl river in tlie snail packet that niiviait-s that stream The man ensconced himself in the pilut-'ioine and kept up a c nli u il vollev of inierroga- II VIS." ' "Are there mviy al ittora in this stieaoi, stranger? ' "Hundreds . f them: indeed, I nii"t.t say millions of them I" ' Is that so stranger?1' Never told ,, li- in my hip, Rjr ()1)e time wu weie run. i g a race, and every thing was excitement Tn our surprise, the i.taer bout passed. 'Throw over the li,.s," said the captain. The lines were thr 'Wu ovorb ard and the ulliga tors took tr. lings, and they j nd made tracks, a' d they shot nhcud ol the ether boat and ru ir bont d wn streuui so last ihut in fi.e minutes we were out ol sight " "Is that so stranger?" "Never tld a lie in my life. Another tune the boat struck on n bir. We win lied and winked, but she didn't move a peg. -lnr ,w over the lines,' said the captain. The lines were tnssed into the water, and the a'liga o s seized them. ii d nrew 1,3 od as bli k as the skin un a boiled potato." ' Is that so stranger?" "N"er t .U a lie iu my life. 0 .e time nil t"e alligators g ,t sick and were about to -lie. "Throw over tlie medi cine,' said the captain. The nmdieine chest was emptied into the river, and the al.igat us all got well. ' '! that s . str.ng-r ?" .,V - ...,J ; . ... ..ever If list a 119 III Illy lite. Alltr awhile Ihe captam g t sick and tli-J, and the alligjtirs hpJ a meeting and adopted resolulioes and res dved t-i eear mourning for thirty dy. Kich all'ga tor clapped a ehu ,k of nm I over his right eye, and the in -eting a 1j .urued." "Itr that so sir mger " "Never told a lie in my life. Read abnet in rge Was .iogt tnd the hatchet iu nif infantile career " The story told in Mrs. C, lines's rapid dramatic muiiier brought d iwa the house. 1AM AFRAID. ' f;('rge, lei1 do vn to old Rn d's , . . . I : I . I, . : umiu nun- snowm unite in a c-m- oinoiii one eveniiio ja-t alter the lamps w, ru hi, nn I he ,ta,'a vmit w don,., I've liot to 'ii lv," replied ().,. :ije. ' Ln ihe aiiidtin do iuell and come on." s.id I) "I ean't ; I 'iinst opt lhat lesnn " Well, net up in the nirnng an I iret ii. Pm'efsor J -nes sc moruiaif is ihe nahi ii ne t' slu lv, any wav, end he edjlit to kn .." "I srr, s'rsid." si I Oeor ;... A r"ar nl I moiiter hs ilia reply that L'leeted thin hunk cont i.i n. joined in bv all the b ' lhal '., , nroon .. "What sr- a'ra'd ol ?" ini.iir,d Dm, as oon as ht. pou d . oaimaiid In t mgue. tS.M.rte hesilHie I. ' ()' In ni .nils " s -pered nne, " tnd Ins in .nners. " s i led another. "And his iiiou.ny," suppleiueole I a iliir.l. Let him speak lr Inni-ell-" suggested Dsn. "What sre y,.. ulr.i I of tttorge " "W'iy why, if we no th.Tr we mioht s'av la'e ; thee I m'giit nveislvep invseil an ! not get no early in the mirni ,g ; ! i hey fiii- ke and .ar and diink ; and it', not miien nl a iil .ee "' "O turn a hull ! go hire a ball I" wa eclvxl "ii all i le. It i not pi. ss,nt to he I.iu;he1 nt and tie oge wh j ist reidy to r. w ien ooe i he la g.r buys sihueed the cU'nur nn I irl ; "Come on bnys. Who rarss for inm.'i or in.ii.nrs. or grendinotbeit ? Come sheafl. Come. Ocorfe " he ailded pnliei ino'v : "don't be k'scke I duwn ; ihe tools don't ki.oe wh; th.y Hre Isuuhinit at; you've as t'oo 1 a ri .nt to your -piuion, as anyho lv ; hut c.me nee anil jinLe ler ynnmelf ; i( y,u ,j0't like it yo'i ueed't to i.a-k " N I am sorry m ,hJ (,e buneyid word had t he d. mre. I .ft . t, and th ; hnt irop, (J-nrge and ail. wvnt iiisdino down 'o ti e lowest little drain-shop in all lhal cm niit.it with as nei,-h br ivs 'o as il their not s nonsrieiice in ihe cnw-1 Late in the nlylit, nr rs'her ea ly in Ihe ill onin Genri;e -lipped ( lie.y into his h-iue at ihr bai-k d o r, ud erent liaise hs.ly up the b'.ck siairs To-da? a l. 'Hted, deurnb.1. .le'.aurliel. rmn'mvd drunkard, wlimn internpersn e, ai s stionu nin armed, has neercime and lakrn cp live, will tell you. with lesrs nl ahsma in is evp. th ,1 he is goiiiu strsigtit down to hell, with n power to s.ve, l.rcame in his youth he was alraid lu nr. -I m alrain." There is a Divine Arm ahle to ssve even him, but liu has unk so low hu scarrely wants to be saved, and we hardly dare hope he will. Couiave ! hrva, pnurao 1 Dare ta .to rivtht. One to .hun the wron j-. Hive the courage to y, "I Avt ArrtAin." Did ynq pver ee a yuung lady nndeitskt lo drop s letter into ihe post-offlee brj without drawina it hark several limes to Kan the directions and the KiHii nin it'e hrlore finally letting it dr.i-t As mrous ss it may seem, we have. How m.ny nl inu , re there f" a tnire Irom an upper window. .1 a iirensdieff party. "Four,- w .e ,,,,. "Divide thst among y," j ( , t()jre t g h( t of Slop, (ell, . lik, ,hp Sfp,,e d(jw bee,"oo tb-ee btcuth THt OLD M.NWH0 SMILED. One time there w .s a B '"d old n i livio in Detndr. His k was brut, In step so fnvi, sit I unn who (trz-d un-i his nnwy l-.cks and wilnkled face wniurr-l to each othei : "I1,i is a good m .u whw hat not long (. I've." I he old man ha I been well t-fl ia hi lar, hut when he lund Mm-, It nn th. shsdy s de ut hie, aiu dead sn I Uie t.iuken up, I e a d t I Is o ily -on ; "Here, Wuhan), t 'ke all ' I have and let vour huuie lie my huiue unul I die " The sou i . ok the pj,ns vou bet In did ! and the lather wr.s jiivun a mse con er, a Id j oliair Hint a coin cm i pipe. All wui.t wo, I l.ti a yer or so, aod then Hie 1.011 and the son' wilu b. u i. n to tusk, it utirntilnrt li!e tur the nice old insn i i the e..rner. They threw out hints, deprivtd him il his c anions, aoi en. cool day :n winle hu Was toll that lo h.'l belter go In II-iliKx -Nova Scotia. The o I in ii In-art was ie as be aero t in tin r o I I to balile. ac iiu t hunv r "t d CO 1, and when nilit , a ne i noweie.l io a doorway and neol like n tit'l. "Wlin is making Ibst chie-inusic up there !" cslle t a leporter, hose sieps hud bo- n a rested by the sobs, a id hu went up th, steps, patted th old ids i nn the head, and hy an I by the story was told. U uiie nlown to tin- station with me.1' aid the reporter, taking the old ni'.. rm "Y. ur son is li st e.nisin lo the man who pr.feir.d bnzz.rd to lauiii, and I'll help Villi lix him ! ' N X moniinu one id the daily papers (ioniained Bn it,.u, i,u t ti ft that an old getwleinan named Uiolhuait had been loun I wandering the stnets at night, and 'hat when taken to the aUliun $10UOO worth ol United Stairs bonus were lomol on him. The ol I nne read it over Mira ¬ tions, flipped bis leg as he taw Ihe point -lid a b' autilul smile covered his laCd and (Ii nlie.l up thmuoli his h.ir. In sb.iut so hour his son Wil:vn rushed into the s a tinn and c ,lle I out : "Father, dear laiher. come ho i e ! All ot ui weir crtiiiK ai: niiiht lo g nd my woe is I ing iu a com store state ou ymii account ' The n ,1 man went home with h'm wink ii'ij al the lauitf pus's ard ini:ng as he t imed the corneis Uo had : his com loris ha k, 'lid ih; son houjlit him s vo-i'y ti e and a pair 1 1 bnx ne 1 bout that veiy .lay. Well, tin e went on th son venturea. to suuci st Hi it Ihe bonds had better he lume l over tn him, and every time he aid bonds' the old man would smde an-l turn ihe subject to patent milk cans or the ne esjity ol roui.teileiters Uk'ng more pams with their lea l nickli". The inner lay the lather went in Us t io die, and he smiled nlien.-r then helo e as ht lay wait iii lor 'he cuiii'ii oii. The son s.id hm mart was breaking and than wrnt ilir. u.h 'he old man's clothes to find Ihe bond. Ho .li la'i liu i any U s-sr- he l the hern .i, I the usr-et and the eell.r, sud Dually when he saw th-t death w-s Vsry near he baud eve- the lied and whi-Dited: ' V .ther. d i you know me t" 'Oli, y. I knw you like a book," replied il.n dying mini. "And. father, don't jm c that this linn .' is si t kil'ini; me J" "Yes, William, I see it." "Am. fiithrr tho, thiiip. -bond, ynu know. 1 s.ipp i-e you wai t them Usui " U pur,-liae y u a monument J" "Coirect. Widam," whispered Ihe lather, winking a ghssiiy wink, and it Pott sune ol I smile cverrd his fate death came tn t.k- mm to a 'e!ter h-me. When evininj te 4nH the nn so I the n1- wi'e were i d y searrhing ti.e vtraw bed to kui their hsn Is on llio-e I un Is. a r. porter stood under lbs uss lamp c is the s'leet, and with hi thumb no hi ue he .W. etly c .Med i U' : "S.ld sL'Kin and not the tin -nex Alia! ton a'en lorward '' - Deiiau Fire Pr ii DIDN'T KNOVhTwaS LOADED. Y ll will p'easu observe." s, id oil Mr. Ls'libw.-ll, as he lei 111 through his icheol the her dav, Ilia' the tn.vt are r, quired lo displsy the utai .si attention to quielne-i a ol di-cip ine. md in abort time brrnme iliv. sled id thst un st ananyng dtspomion to tease each othei; in short, they s .on settle down into thj travity nl ms u'e yesrs. under the whole s ima sjntein I U .y i mtrod.iee.l. We at this moment arrived In front if evcrsi hoys who were standinu arcun-1 haeket ol w.ter, and no had j.ist cha-g d his mouth ih the co items ol a tin c.i , wlnle tin old erntlem .u w. etoiping to ecover his p-n Iioin the 11 ...r, when another pasnn..' alon behind snapped his Cnger q ndily beneath the ,1 inker's ea, Mint caused him by a sudden Ha t to .je t' the content id Ins u.o i'h nv.-r in. m. i. gogue's bald pste. Stating upright, rub In U.r sd lace dripping, Lbs master sild: .v no oi.i inni f ' The nelly uu:.minim! n.i.,1 n,. ,.r;... dun. p. " . Jim Dun. von rali-ul ih.l ,11.1 .1 . thst lori- Jim, apualletl at the mitchiel done, muttered nut tint Ii ... ha had net bis an t, bui tua; Torn Owens bsd hllll. snapped This rhsnred th t ,,. " . u ui biii l,ailibwU wr! h. and hbin I.',. . of eld porientou-ly over Owens' heads, he asked: 'Diil ynu snap Gun f The ru put. Iremblinn with U.r .. mured. 'Yes. sir; 1 snspt Gun, but I cidi.'t know he was I .ailed." MARRYh oToVmqIieY. A late -uthor very iruthlully says, "Gold i-snnot buy happiues', aud the parents who compel their daujhlen tw m.rit r, stsli,n ar money cammit a urievn-i. nn sgsiiut humanity and God. And a wennn marries cnurl lor Ids wealth will find that th has made a tembl- bargain thst all the glitieiings nl a hearties grandeur) are phspnnrerent gliit,. n s ol heart. wretchcioessj that h-r IHe will be nne gdded n,ie'y, and her old age will Ue like a crair on ih 1.1. .,.1 . . i . desert mountain, where cold niooooeam ...inenmes gutter, but on birds sing, but wild storms howl iH h nana - . ..ni(.a tUUU'ltrH '"r.nd I threaih th awee.ing storms atiall be heard the stern voice ol tke gral God, s.ying Your nches are corropted jour Ksrreents ar mntb eaten, your gulii an I silver are Cankered, tn I the rust i.l tbem sh-ll be a witness against yoa and tal oor fl.uh li iv ' ' J I, O I t- J I O One Square, 4 Ot) 10 00 M 60 ! 00 Two square, III liOO MM t ( Three Squares, 10 00 I 20 00 90 (0 40 Ll) Four Kijnarea, 12 00 I il 0 i 10 if P'lurth Col'n, 15 00 I 80 00 J 00 0 HslfColumn, 20 00 140 00 (V (0 j lit Ot 'bole Column, Onp Ypery lie 00 ADVERTISEMENTS. gCU8L TBlCQBSS. s Ynu ran eaxlly Inereswe year ewlary if bv dovotinR a very email pertlon of ytup leisure time to my Interest. I 4o ci t av. neet you to canvas for lay celelutl ittatt.T'a pianos and Organs urilpM y o lit toj but tlie serviee I require of van In both plnaeant aud prn.at.le. Foil, particular fr-. Addrev. DANIEL F. BKATTY, Washington, N, J. H K I O O R D " BALTIMORE, MP. DB. J. K. K1CORD, 141 Fayette St. IjpIow Howard, bee devoted thirty year of hi extensive practice pappplallT to tLe trpntrnent of Cbionloand Private Plseaiesi Airoetlons of the Kidneva and Bladder Ouoasesof the Heart and Lungsj Foiaon ohm Diseases of the Blood, Throat, Nose and Skin; f)lpopia, Strictures. Chronlo Ois-ese f th Urinary Ortan, Uliwra, Of-fnnsivBDisotiarge-s, Nervous and Phyaieal Debility, YOUNG MEN, victim ol abnee and pxop, with Lasst- tinlo. PalpltHtion ol th Heart, ringing lu the Knr, N rvonsnpsa, Itlusb'ntr. Timid It v, Weakneeaot the Buck and Limb, Iu diuesllon, should apply hefoie it is tee bite, and restore vlir.-r to their bndiea and minds, ere thev entail ini-eiy and disease up 'n those ol tbeir posterity. Private nikeases rpcpritly eonirirted onrivi In Ihrce days. Mercury and Potash nbtrliHrged. bronin Gonorrhea or Olppt In Ave rlsve by m local epplieatlnn. Persona at a dl tii- by Rivinir eymptoms, treated and ni-dicinis pnt by mail or Pxpresa. A cure iruariitoed in all oases, Writo symptom directed, DR. RICOKD. 141 VV. Kavett RI.. Baltimore, Ui apt t I-e ' " JOCKY MOUNT A.;i.LS, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. January lsl, 1870. We are now trepateii, to furnish lb trade with BURSTINGS, SHlRriNOS. PLOW LINKS and COTTON,: YARNS. all of the best quality and at low pr!a, Our terms strictly net easb, 80 days. Ad trass BATTLE A 80S, Socky Mount, If. t 'an SO a RANDOLPH tfc CO., GENERAL F0RWARDINS A V D conmsaioN ubucuamtiJ KatrAaa,, Ttrglatau " Prompt atteoiioa aireo to all Oooatgay mens. Liberal Cash Advance mads M Co, r alcnmenks, LCMHER A 8PECIALTT. HKPRH--Nr.Rss W. H.RmlthA Son W. O. M.rrow lCn., A . vVrenn, Norfolk.'y, ! ..trr,bldl,J. w. Faucett. J. al, 'Mu,i Ion, UalHax, H. C. j fcb 21 6 d f KTALLIO BURIAL CASES ro 1 8 ALU. t l-rp Pernnft winhlnc. Mi.ni. o..ti . ? tati always obtain tbem by applying- to I M. ,,, , stteaers. Winti3ld Emryf 1 m:i atill km,, , ... . .. .. -' : - . ... r"-v, oi.m.rB, a jun ae: ..rtiiiiit oi the Very Uest CASES, al lh$ Art I Jturuel L . . S . . fe .if . . . , iwm i n my a rwene n ons it. . , -..... . inueiu a jtmry will deliver Case lo person who may wutk tbem. James simmoivs, Weldoa, N, 0. aprl iq rTIHK UNDKU81HNKD TIRI A respectfully calls the attention of the trade w hia pitj.ri.lv. . . ., , and imported liquora, to wbleh be ia ui ..inuu. woaisuug oi pare BTE AND BOIIBBOX WHISKIES Freneh. Apple. Dlankberry and Chrr Brandies, J amaica and Keyr Knland Hum S........U, .u.u ana tioitei., u,0, Port . Sherry. Claret, Rhine and Kv-vear-ld sV Souppprnor.g Wine. Scotch and LotMjnt Porter, and a very Itrge lot of J " RECTIFIED WHISKEY which I am orleriniiat prieestba ibji io gave eatisftxct'on. v B. W. StWT T-iX-l-s-i' i 4 ...s . s, ii weie ure. s , -iits7eB5k.t, .... j