" - . . THE ROANOKE NEWfrl Sf - : AUVKUTISINO BATES. j, fi f iri'lid Sill If I' & I J if fc SPACE j I j H ! Due Sniiaae. s 00 I 10 0 I M I JO C THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMnCllA I TO B E M I . V K K K L V N KWrfl'ArER, PUBLISH EI) BY .A l A Y A U A I ( I! K I, O II . Das Ttar.ln art vano, Jix M'iniS, " vbrat Months, " PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WAI.Tr.B CUM, klniKli,N. C. f1 LARK A T.. lUllK, Halifax, N. C. CLAIt K, ATfOUXKVH AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Will prselicn i:i '-nrln of Halifax J March lit'. K ITCHES DUNS ATTIRXKYi A C UNaltl.l.'iB.s AT LAW, fceutlitntl NecU, llnliiix do., N. '. PraMles i!i tin Courts of II t'"-ix H 'I'lniK (MiI'itiiM, mill In tlie Sum. and Federal Court, .j IS l rl tOMAS X. HlL'i Attorney Law, HAL1KA . :, N. (3. Pramiens in lliliftt ami adjolnine Onii'itins anil Kndm'tl ami Supreme Courts, Will ha at So jtliui'l Ni'uk, once every Iortrtij(ht. Auir. 28 a W. W. ItM.I.. HALL W H. lUY, It, AY, A ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AKM)Of, Ji. Praciie.s In th" fi nii'ls of Halifax and ttdj tiniot i'oiiiiti, and ill tile Supreme anil Federal c nirt. Clariu collected in any part '.f Xor'h Carolina. jnn -'J 1 l s VMUKL J. WIUGUT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JlCKSOf, tsj. C. Frtetieas in the Court of Northampton ml a l i 'l in (Minnies. Rep lr I Y U " N L. It Y II A N ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, X. C. P,--t,ie in court of 1111 an anit djilnini i' ' in'i", and in the Nnprtnin? n l F'llHril I'o irt.. Clai n c iliHdn I in all par's of North t'arn' .n. 028 in the (' inrt llonso. July 4 1 Q 0 n U K T O N, J R. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, 5. 0. PraSie In th Conrta of HxliNi flnlv. anil ( int.i aili'ilniiiK. In tlie "Sayra ai (' ;irt of Uio Stt, ami ill tlie ft I T il II mi'1 . Will l"t It 1 Ition t l lIlH IVlllfHI laaa ufalaiuu.an l to ai)JutiL'R tlm :con nt Bxaoitira, A.iininiranir an! Hmr tf'jtna. ilmi-l.i-tf M. (J R I Z 7, A B t), ATT0HSY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. 0. OIBaa la tha Court Hmia". Slrlnt alien tiaa given to all braucUra nt 'li prods ia. J11" '- I c E. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BHNBt.D, HAI.ITAX COUNTY, S. C rVanHcM In thfl C.iuntiit of Htlifax. 1, K H'Tino- mid '..ils.iii. CIIhiii mala 111 all parts "I Hi" lllk. j'" C' ' AMES K. 0 11 A K A, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KtiFIEI.U, sr. V. Prawtiais in tha rmntles nf Htliui, and Ntsh. In the Supreme 'rt tf tn Stt i'li tl,e federal Calle'itl'ins msdn in any part nf Ho hu. Will attend a' the Court Hons., in B.nro ti,s,idv and Friday "I e"1'') rak. j'1 1 1 c A KDRK W J. B URTON, A. ATrOICtl KY AT LAW, fV 'LIXIN', N. C, Pratllcai In the 0 mrtt of Hsliiax, War raq i Niirtlismiit-in p nmtios ami in the aw-anaa and Kedvral fun it. CIisat(.lieiiiMd iu ay part of Njuih rlint. fjuneha a. KULl.K. f U L L K N JOHN i. MOitltr.. MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW .Halifax, N. t . Prantioe In the I!oiintis of Halifax, Northaipeii, Kdeeoinho, Titt and .Mar ti" In too auprti iia Court ol tna Mate sill 111 ihe federal (Jourta of tna Kai-teru Hiatrbit. Collantirtas made in any p .rt of North Oarullua, jan 1-1 0 Two Squares. 8 1 0 1 14 iU J M 20 Ce Throe .Squares, 10 0(1 1 2l 00 Mlul 4 W '.' "" , -" ' v rr rr : "t-nrr. rr. . 1 Four Square, 1 2 (Ml vi HO l Ml it VOL. rELI)()N, N. G, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1878. NO. o. Sritt: iu5sLSo0 JSS!,U!S l0" 1 -iiii i. ,., .. ii iiekiirnri rr 'Vliolw I'oiuinn, Olm Year, Jit it A LITERARY CURIOSITY. A Icily occupied a wluili veir in sparcli. iintir ,i liilniK tlie !'.il..winK llil'ty iu' t liiu'f from LimlM. unil A ni,.tlr .i, o f-. Thn vIioIh ri'adi ax if wriltin ai Oiie tiiiio hihI I y onn air ln.r s i. i k i: . Why ml this toil lur Iriinnplii. i f i, ,U)? Yoiinit. Liln' a Hliint Miniini'i' oian Imt, ,i llowcr.-l Hr ,.,inx ll.Vturiitnoi.rih.il H,H l.ual bruutli and In' : I I'lTi.. 1 lift Cllldll! IIII, liil KKU-n, no Inn i. 1 1'l lor. 'I'o be It ii,.it,.r 4r ii, ,M ,, i,, !,(... i j.,.,.ii Ihi. lift) ail miiii., n,;iy (.,., i,;,,,,!.; I tpeni'iT. Hut liul.i citnit'tpiMk whrii inliility ((riffs iiro iliiinli :; lini.i.,'. Tim holt i- Inn hh.iliuw whi'iiiM llicv cnlliu Si! 'It. Your lii to in nut llm L'.iiutiiiluiv. iininiMi ftU of nil ; L'i.mnii.lil J .t hora do no man befall , S,.ititt,.. aturn to cjiri allot Ui proper spliero j V'omcipvo KoriiniH iiink.M lul ll.n lior pwuliar cni;--l('i uii'liill. Custom il nt oLu.i ri'tson overrulo.- I Ko I'liHtf r. Ami ihrmvii i rui'l Hiiuthine on a fool, I A r iiitUiniiK. Li( Ii Imw lone or khi.it permit to Mb vi'ii.-MiIi,,m. Thi'v who i.i'n vii inotl Hhail Ini must fur- Kivcii. - I lUilrv. Sin in t v tin ci ip -. so closo wo e iniiot hon hit fa.M ; I'ikli'Ii, Vi o ii t ii,;oiiitc, whf.ro virluo has not plai!H. tuiucrvii.'n. Tin u kci'D rn'ii nai-Mou down, however d"ai, l'l.iiniit.n. Tliuu piMidoiuiu timwlxt a amilo and a t.-ar.- Hyroli, Her miimi.,1 (.oris let l.iill, list piiMtnre la .- Silllllll.t, With rrali ami skill to run mid to bf ti;iv.-(('r.iir.o. Soar ii.it too liiuh to fall, but, i;t on tu rise. MasKfl.-iKio-. We n.i'ti'rt it row u( all '.hat v liospisp. 1 1 'low Inv. Dh, tin ii ii.ii..iiiii'ii Unit iinpioiiH sull'et t - I Hi'tttio. llii'l.ih bavn iiiK-., and graiiJuur in a ilrfHT . ( Y u i"ir, riiii.k n-.l am nit i u, wlto boiMiiso 'tit Iiimvi . I .lavi'naut. The p iibt ol (-lory lead but 1 1 tbn uravi1. ,ii-iv. Whul is ainbiti in? ' Ti a ulorious i he.it. lU'iliit, Only ni-sti unlive to tho bravo and great.-- I. Vil.l.noli, What't all I iio niiudy 14 i i ttcf of a crown ? - I In ilini. Thi! uv to miss lint not on bedt old iwu. Uiuai let. How long we live, not yeirs, but iii'tions (ell.- Valkius, That linn lives twice who lives th first lite w. ll.-lHerni k. M. ke then, w hiie yet. 11 n niav, your (iml y.itii' friend.- leirn l. Whom Christians worship, yet not coin pienend - H11L The ! list Hi t's ji i"i :M ird. and to your self lie u-t - D.11..1 Kor. live bow we iiiav, yet die wo must. MiaUspeare. UNCLE ISHAfvl ON HELL. Darlit')' I'roM-lier Tit I. cm Ihiio lilh (ul. flub lnt'ixll. mm, is yiui bin read tie pn- cis Ini.-1) :" 'Me! in e lead? Ketch n.p wi in mv tune a .d 'slioim' mv mi..' lilt" d it ! N'n! bless Ii .ml, 1 uiu.'t icifl, m'r i d n' 'tin to. I Oil .mi U I rum boll's Ion: ; .mil us ..r Ally bit, el All mis 1 1 Man' up In ite bid .1 1 b l t L c HiKlii't t.-ll 'em unail. " i eil, tie papers say Jul t!ar a'n.'t no h.ii" 'D ir ! Wli I I tide yi 11, what I tule von? l'.s 111 u oil-sj ei.kii.', a or.. stiiiit.i.b. utiu and 11 ucwsp.ipcr ri ailh, jieiiriasliui., and lt. all tinn Ii ol. You you you j.V yo on blcivin' dur an.t no I, cil and MB uliar i'U j;i, e lotcn up," ' ISiil d" p i;. cis s.iy it 11 oooilit be a I. ell, but 'mi ' eo rral lull, I U - lie yiiui It .:!Uiiin licll liur us r.nsed to. It ir ul. I no tit dai ." ''A Hal ! l)ev ain't lit it j it r" "V1.1-, dil what lie panel siy, anil Ii tL'.ei pie.icl) do sjuio Ir.nii the IllI,"." "(i'n.iv rioni me, pinner. ) 1 ' call ihc n.niii- ' II Kin r 1 1 tin', lor I'm a t'n-ti" inn, h '. 1 a. -d r.ns'd 11 ide Vir coin, 'hi i. 1; iccti'iii! ittii'-t! I -ilis I'l lu ll nil. 1 i;t, lis c Z tie) u.iili.. Ii.r a (Oio'l i.ll' o' Is 1 1 .li 1 1 1 1 like 1! Itdlel I'l iinl.t 11 m l li.it 'tis buri i ,' ii'id a 1. n i.ii-', 1l.1v and 1 I dit like it i'.i.i lur iss dal d "i't icfr t;ii dull. Pr is too u:iil Ii si. -Umber kiv'11..' le nt It . un I the L iwd caret clear the ne iiiuii' lur ele saints lib il'il hi est! it nul'ii d any " '!ul ynu d m' I b'liwo i 1 no in irteyul I, II:" IVlievo in il? I.I it's I b'linve in a fi;e wnat starts Iroiu itulblo no nil 1 i 1 1 u il is built t.T and hii'n- III! pUpflllS 'ci pllu j.'s I m ike a liht I)ln7.', Id(e Imjs pi m ' aid a pile w' shavins? At me ti 'inch nit faith tn a fox-fire, juk ,nt -laolcru In II (l it shines but diiu't iiu'..if You's 11 lout. -Ills' en li nil!.'' "Yaas" When a man die, he ilime dude, t he."' Yaas." 'Well, when a man ilode, he (1 ne de, im hu camt conic t 1 lite im urn , I i" '? ' Y.i.s" Te'.l de A j'll Gabul bin' de hn'iif" "Y.ns" ' An' de till npit shell Snun' " -Yaas" Y.tiis iiif n 1 yaas. Yuassin' is sass 11,'. Here I is. de 'nuf t" lie de daddt nv v" lira .' ni uiiiny and I camt pen my" ul lult k. t de pspil 0 1 Sci'p- ter but ynu keep on 'impll'i' me wid y ' a.eil'irs'ei, ) aasPin' a. (I yaassiu'. Id I carnl talk in peace I ain' g''i taik 11 tad " 'Pen I ax yo' piirdie, prant yo grace ..'10110 : ii'V car ai' "pui to de mil " pe iruinpit shell snun'. and de p-avea hi 1 ii"i'. and (1 dide shell be nils ome to de tforj ! sheep an J lume to (In tlnin 1 nstie:i liv bilh jj.iats V. Il ! ' ci) you c unt! um'u y 1' grave abat you H iiic d ':" "I iliiumi." 'N 111 1 you d ni't. No ncwtpapei. ro nt ui' toil 1 ver kii"ii All hit:). n in ti h me ob liulpolcs M nit no licid, oidv 11 ti ' lull y bit ob la I, null il- m. ylin" o' ilal ilt-t lonl'.ns ai I nher aslim. and Call il 'lileiiiiiiiii'i t. Hut !i it nu tttini- il l when V"il C 'ine oil ',1 v ' nrave? You ijaiuc ht 11 ' ilir in dtt 11. dil ob lie road like 11 balkt mule? N , srreo. Y u fit to tit up a .1 yil, anil joi wliar yiui 'b uijis she-p, to id. rijit.t ami t; .ills to (Ic lei'. I.!,, s'll'etis a..d I mi's id i.'(lni",s j 's' ri.es up bke b'loons llHIII "!nr to (;l',y, till ili- - l ft d de luideiest s ais in licbiu nu.'l nntliin' lint low e,r ana ob smrer compared to 'cm; while ymi, mv impeaiiienl, wiile iniiiil', 1 Cttsiiapi'i-'cidiu' yomi iifj-r ficn', nnii de lilt s ob you, il tie kotcli by He nap' o' dc neck n tl (lniif over de Inttil ninti, nml you'll diap, and diiip, and (Imp, and ilr.ip lor a lliniisa .d cari iti.ii alien ynu Uht ynu'il liulil in (le burniii' lake, and greal will hp de splash dimf And you won't hear 1 iithi,,' bat de dr ippiu' ol) oiler wicked I. ,l!i -oals ntid m rs 1 diuppii.' and a dri.ppiii' like peas 011 a nut bide or iinkey shot iu a In s ;iimi'. Anil d -. nr.. diin' wuirum InM I u dar and he' il yrab y. 11 de in. nieut )"il lich', and he'd kile and kilo hifseir ar.inii' you I'll de verv uiarn r ob yo' S'Uil is tqn; z outci) you. A d tile Satun he' 1 be dar to ki.r you up wid nciiop.ipeis soiikl in lur..senp ilc, and ' d sulltir a d wid brim-t , a (I Ik'iI bank do fiics on ymi, nml dar yoit'd stay, wid plenty nb newspaper wid )iil a t ml kl-s in 'cm. 'till bmieby (! tin (1 l's a sleain anil a fry in' and a lil-sin' ami a hilii,' mid 11 I) ll.bli ,' in y mi will b.mt "ill in a bliiri? dat iil 1. tch de -kies, and de smoke ob y.i' tnrnient will be dat l.ig .Hid black dat all do tar-kills in N'oith Ki'liuy wont be no mo'ii a I insily match 'l.iiicsiile ob it " "Pari stop riytit dir. Un.' I. ham, anil li'Hiine 11X you dis one ( lestun ; Hi (L.r is all dut siimki! d nvn il.ir, wbar de C Ii unlit V In cai' it nil', und wliar il yaiiie to j;,i aider it bin done cui'J unuaer me it it ?" " hi you you's a p nit y s rt ob a ob a pestle tail pio mramers ti ux un: (J'les'i 'iis like dat ! II w dar y ou to ca '.)' tl (i m and spitt !i 1,. w.d a ole, sii lilv man iik me? Wliar de cliiinbUs ..' lull? Wuir vo' s'15, it liar to man ners? Is y.i' uiiiid d ine Id' yo' it'son, is to' sense 1111 i.lf a. il ..ru.it t.' , Iti nut's ? CiiiniMjs, I11111I1 ! smoke, Ini . ! j 11 spi c's you nl me, d o t y 11 ? P .11' y.,' ki.'iv, vmi nun j 'i.ii', mini is1. us I s ip-')ead, dat in bad w athei (It- smoke ' 'alls to de pound, 111 i wliar ton iiiiie fi '' baddcr an I m .' liireatenii,' wcatll r ! dun down bcli.'? Yaas, da's it: dtt sin ke i b t'Miniul lads d mi int.de Carpi .' 010. ils nb ncusjat'er-readi i' sputi! , i,.' I'.'hI, a, id iley sit a II ! I1.11 it go " lt da. ' I "N iw 1111 .' wliat I tell v 111, for d nil .' what I tell v ni, for dis ai' , ; de I chiir is time. Cm rebaii,', jiue ,i,e h. read y.' Hihle, pr"iv Constiint. at I j yo' Hoik and nil (! 11. ne; qu t rea i ', pvo to scmpt a id do cl 1 s to de po ; be 'spectlul In a nle uiaii .Un mi', n d den in.iihe yu'll be sated. Iv yu d.oi't, ct' 1011 tcaiN pipers and '1 iw vo' pi 1' 1 1 1 'count mill' l i 'spiltily '.i"U' th I siicliuinstai.ee ou (! case, vu i""iie. Hell will hell llllli to" y.. p ui 01, s'lo', and im sh w nei her, lor ev. i v ih in hikes de fi e de bums', me in his own lues', if d ih th kindles it dieckly de brt-aih il it would bloiv out de maich 11. daiiinatioii in' g .ned. Y' u'il ne b'i'..t iip, cer'.in And (!' I Ue ob ton won't be put in de pai!. r fi.e.place, 1 either dal'd reserve f .r (Ji'iil' ni'ii si incis lint you'll lie pitched il 'Wn ami s uked into do nr de 11--le h.'t'es' st i.e ob heb't bust went, and dar shell he wccpii,' anil wii i ' and liiinsliin' eh t 'cti) sei the rusty s.utll.s id pi idi-hMu and aji 1 tSe as.'i a-h-cai ts . I) e beilasti,,' mis'it.and aoiu du In U n bito'-jitks "I) nebhi'i. It 1..' da k ih'ss loieier ami foierter mo'. And dar shell be no inori.ii.' p ii eis dar ! ' (! W li.tollY EASY OF ATTAINMENT. li, tlie ciilti.ntuui of kind ni d pen 10. 01s impulses, every in in who w II may be a (ii'illemau. It is tso ruiely c find. nnrii'U llmse who vote tbei selves the geiilleiiii-n and ladies of tile dut, antlhiiig to warrant 1 heir assiiiup'' ,i There is hut liitle nt the line metal about them. I'.ms 011I cuitriH t reteuls iirnmaiii'i! and pride; and Inn nfleu a meanness nf spu it and littleness that dis. graces Im nun nature. So f-tr as our ol'Sf 1 viilioti cues and it C'ovors many years of cm lact with hint) and low, licit and po.it we are constrained to say that, while ntuoiio; the poorer classes there is as a general thing a sad lack of external culture 0! ulteiiiiun to 'iltle nfisoual hubils that me 1 nt iigieeahle to nttieis, anil which ought t lie V r- rei ted there are really ii the lower t d middle ranks ol's'ciety, so called, inlet as many true gentlemen and ladies as am nig those who claim the exclusive rihl tn ihese honorable desiguatioin. The Ann Ail) t (Mi.-h) Arpus snys: If ymi want ti s-e 11 st auge sight, go He to the phisinlojiic'il la juratory hoI ask Pr S'owell to show you his dog ".V'X'S." "A'exis" has u silver tube exti ltding from the out-ide nf his body t . the inside ol h s st 011 ic'i. Tne lu ie is closed It y a coik. and by reiri"i g thise nk the contents nf the stomach uriv be ilrunu awuy and cxiinioed nlant lini! The d "g is' fit and sleek, and teems to appreciate bis uutoricty." MRS. KIDD AND THE BUROLAR. Hut He Kimlird Into Her I! Hi rudin und How A lit) Iat i Im l i'lllit. Fio h ll.e Nta Y ok Sun. Mr. (i."T(!f Y. Kidd was unei (fit tit v deinined at Ilia ..Ic .li"l distillcrt in a-liiut.iii street oil Tui'llaY I've... im', wiim to 11 chimtie id' WfiiU i en M s Krl I, who visited him at Hie di t'll ri , n turncd t i her hmi.tt ul 10 Ma t l' ctt-tevei.tb street at '.I n'llnck ''lie she ii unl lipi-u absent ilit p.aid chi n ul 1 he ( r nt dnt.r had ln.en at t uli" l us usual, but li ! u she entered site hot il ttiib I'lcil so Hi.it her l.cs'iHud 1. "ill I Id l.ini.iir in with his iiijjht ket. Tite hous" is one nl a hiinds iiiK! bioivn tt me tow, Kich is piir.icd by a pii v.il" ivi'chiimu. MrsKild hail allowed her maid 11 j;ii In 11 put ty , and there Hen' in ibe house, besides herself, only h 1 women, Itiielicn neivants Smii aft 1 r her ri luin b im she went to bod At D ..'sIolU alii! wn sitti up in bed tea. nng Hie heard a rust, liu ol patiei s in l h bath room, nidi nej u is her hi'dronm 011 the swoud flmr 'i'hout n tli niijlit nf lear she arose, a d in a leisurely nitin o r u. l. ck'-d her bediii'UI door und drew back the boll As she turned the kso'i the d mr was ihrust open and a man tpia in Witb I; s I -It hand he fjut a saume tip on ker rieht shmil ter, and will) bis riyltt he pre-s d fie muzzle ul a cocked pistol ajaiust her tKinple. The li.Jit shone f I: i 1 Lis face, and Mia Kiild says she ill never fnret him us lunij as she lives, lie was Hilly u 111 ( It taller than heiself Hi wore a shun, well cut, eta colile colored overcoat. His face w is pair, ami she is certain Im was an Am ric.iii. His hht Ul iiisUchc was ha dsoniilv tiiuiiued, and his hands were as white us a luds. The door ns it swir g open screened the bed lr"ni view. He eagerly thrusl li s head bV'vird until he c ui.il see that there was no on- in the bed. Then he mid to her : "li: qiiet or I will kill ton" His voice was low, but she culd nut help ii. lie Hi i that tho tones were not tliostt ol a man used to rntiidi hie. II s manner, too, as polite as w.is possible under the cncuiusta1 ces. lie opened Ids eves tery wide and tiied to scare her l y the fi -rei! expres-inn of his ! n:e He r. peatej his tlireat aain ami aeai 1 : )' c iH-t nr I ni I k:ll jmi" M s. Kd.l replied: "You dare not kill die lieciiise my 111 1 id l in tne. nrx'. r.oii." II r lil't arm, uepn tecteJ except by h' 1 night diets, was nearly pauiltzvl by his unp, imt tti.h hr lelt she kept s rik in.; aw. iv the pisti I I101H bir luicbeiid Ilepnssed hei across the room until she not her biuk nrjsinst the l.nreaa T.'ieu she 111 ilea despeiate tdTiit and I"11'"1 "1111 naiK to the u mr. all the inne scnamiii" ut the top of her voice. 11 ' 1,",M tiled to tup her. In the sliue- i:' lie kept treading un her bine feet, bl,t l,a rub " r-' 8 ' xhi V e,c only hiuisd aid nut Ckt. Her ri"ht side was bruissd iu tlie -truegle. Mrs Kidd is a brunette, about 27 V.Mrs i.f ioe, o lad me.lij nil', tn.t.i", quii k, and brave. Twice, she siys, the burlai pushed her across lite lomn l llie bureau, nud twice shs pushed In in 1 ti It lo the door. The see n d lium she iHiiiaj. H I almve him nut into 1'ie ball Here her screuns were heard by the two wi.ii'cn servants. They bad not yet gone to bed, but they did not arrive on the scene nf Co (Vet in time t s render ai l Mrs. Kidd ci)' liuued to scream, while she pushed her enemy half wuy d wn the stairs. At this point he made his last stmale. S le had kept hold of the bairel ol the pislol during most tit the suiio-de. N iw she succeeded in (M'tllll also '1 II of It witii her light hand !!' in Hill a oesperale clViit to gt til away 1 1 r nnly thought was to prctent hi 11 fiuiu shooting her. I t the struggle her 'i'it arm was badly sprained. Suddenly he let go id Ihe pisi..!, tins', luinin;; around, gave one leap 1 1 out the mi. Idle ol the Hans to Ihe bottom, mil went out of ihe door like a shot, j ist as the two sertautt came up from the kitchen. li t left the front door ajar. Mrs. Kid, I stood mi the staircive a minute or ini', and then hurried down a d fell fainting at the bolto.it, with thu pistol vet clenched ill her hatidi 0 ie of the seiviiiits ra 1 nut n the Ir nit stoop and screamed in til some hat Uiiieu wuiti g i 1 front nt the Windsor 11 del came run ning to the house. No clue to tlie identity of the bnruhtr lias vet been Imind. List evening .Ms Kidd was iu emd health and spirits, but her tide is yet sure, und her tight arm is i 1 a sling Yesterday Mr. Kidd went to Police Ciptuin Williams, who had tuken possession of lha pislol, and said he thought his wile had fairly won it and uglil ti have it. The Capiat 1 promptly gave it up II it a bands '(tie nick'-lpliiled, sevcn-hiirieiled revolver of Urge cali'irc. Nx chambers were loaded. It was cuik-d (lining the entire struggle, but ihe hammer was raised over the empty chawber. Y'esterdat two new locks were put on Mr. Kidd's front dnor Skoholifl, the ltus-ian ieueral, is said to l)r only liiutv -three years of aije. II) is a very religious man. "0 ie cannot face dentil Imltllv," he atiys, "ehu is ui.t a believer in God and who ia eith ul h"tie of a better world Ha aall the soldiers ui prayer and joins in iiitm pe culi.tr chant, which is si.iU lu be very I touching. FjROETFULNESS. Hard al It may laeni to overc m th hihit nf forfeit iilneta, it is 11 thing "li'tttj may be ccnm.'.ii'ii ; for the laemnrr. likf nil iiad-irea liilent", nisy be ctilti t.iied t i a jreit extent Th ism nh i do not i'iidi'iinr to cutiiviitti it are ful'v of culpable ti'ejrct, and stfuil I 1 ol be si. limed to pb 1 I lnr;i lrul icss in pubis lion of any oininsi .11 or iieylnit Wi ll ivn the happiness nf hi itm( a genii. . mini whrnc 11. iter nf uit'.i nry it 1 (jr ut ns t-i teen leilly wonileifu', li t itsult ului .t ei liiclv ol cubit'timi. In fait, we have heard hi.n sa that tthen he was yoU' jj U.i was gn furgeiful as In bit I'onstai'tlv under a cloud in com. q mece I) ie d it , when sniiiethiii inoie seiioui tliuu usual hid 1 esiilt d from this fail inp, he deierinined to ntere.ui it. and IniHi Unit iiiii(i,eit resolved that his n e nory should do for him its appoiuUd w ik, and forced it iut 1 aciiin. II iilln.cd liiuiself ti mak 11 un mme lueiniitiiudtiiiis 01 ai.K' to iiteniory, but .eiiianded 1'iul tint laculty sliould wmk for his iisaisliuicn The result is he lias but lew eqn ds in the country in this reS;ei.l. What ntie ca'i do. MireU another may d ; nml, unlets in cases where the brain is mcrtixed, it is man's 011 fault if he is liirjfiful. A CSUoT SCENE. A yniiuj wkim i u pleasi ig com , nance and dilli lent ai-, attired in sdk and seal skin, stood before Jjdje K.I breth yeslerlay nioriiing !he had bera nrns ed for intoxicatinti an I d s "rderly conduct in Ii n.t of the S:rnd tal i ni in S xlh nvaait In the c unt ske secned to real it her posilmii, aid to 'eel deeply its ignominy. "Tnal 1 mat nailer the ii fluence ul liquor," ih (aid, "I til. ill h ive to admit ; but I acted in un ii.aui.fr dit Tdeily, and the slimie nf uppearnuce here it mure painful In me ihuu any peua'ty your hoinir cnu iif.ut. My nine is Kl P ira in, and wherti I lite I prefer nut to say " The Judge fi ted her $10, nni she proceeded to th chief t Urk't detk to piv it. That fuiicli.i.iary happentlti be away ut tlie lime, ana ut tltn yn'aug wouian wiittoj there in the full view ul th iiidonkers ait J raised her eit to men ike curious gUnces cast upon l.er she became to ov. icons fist the sanU lo the fi mi in a swiii.n. Il ai ume Iihih belore she wis it ttored to ci' Sci in-i t as. and then tho htl to be as sisted out til coiirt. A PaOFHETlC DREAM. A 'a. 1 y wliii W i s'w tvt rsilier tkepti'-a' mi t he ib ct nt du nun unvl their Imm inent. iicniMy net wuli a mulur txp-n- I lire. She is init el Hi''n luitl'.od ra' linnsi keeiii ra w Ini hat a pUcu lor iverv iIiiiij and 1 y. r ' Itinsf 'n it pi. re. It 111st e well to it iiotik that th' ie aie lot Niii vt 1 1 children in Hie in 1.1 i r. The lady keeps a II x'ss-es jut! mid that l'- sU ays beea in ns pioi er pUri . w ith thr t x-epiiw) of now ami Hon a tup to I he 1 r-eety lr a new supply ot uwe.'ti.e-s. 6 veiai dyt agn the III ol s'. s ju'i rii me 1111 lu'p-inff. an I ll ever iln-ie nns a a oiaMul inc.- mi a wimno it hl lonjied to Hist Isd? I'll" Vtlac ot the Ml "I'l-i-e. 1 j was 11 .thin.. ; bin 1 hits it 111 her own limise, wne-e she e.oild jpt in the (Ink and find savlhirj she Wanied I K r iictily tw-o weiks It r .nuking h m I were iine.hb'd in uicd tsiiDK on that jug. and liii diy she dre .mid en i. (she iliiiiijtht slie wen down lam ine (-Her and runo-ed a 'nt iiti t'n can wmch l"r sn ne tune had m,n d bottom side up on s , hell', an irnler it he 'mind Iut iiiolset jag. Sue anise ill lite llullliiao, leenPcctcd her limm went dawn n il .r. lanc l till tin can. am! thi'it) bni 'it the Inst iHnla.se, joy ! She i si ill puzr. ed to know hnw 1! tvio eauie IhiT". s she II I 1 .) recolb cllun ol rniiovini! it t tiai ii u-usl pl iee, an l bvr liusiinrid sat i'ron up t dray any iiicncv in the iiit-ler'.itiiK tiansftr. Now, she ia billy (ntivinird Ihst dn ii, iu some ii'.f ance", fcrlaiiily rn we to pa-t. A B3Y'S COMPOSmON CM G!US. Cirli. ia a qui!' r knd nt viriniii. O il i- the I'lily I nk, that has 1 1 1 -1 r nun wat rveiv time, Uidiia ot seteral tlimi-an I K imI , and o net mica one "U I r ill lie like ai trial lltr utand mlirr It ,li Wttila 10 dn anylliiiig. Girls 11 alike nut way In y aie nil like 01 1 II ynu uih 'em the ncht way ol the hair they'll pun and b k a.erl t yen. bill il yt n rub'tiu tlirwroii.. way or klt'ii on llieii lull, tlnV.I t ia vml. Sn o"i as ynu b l a uiil have tier n 11 Wsy she's nice and -Weil; but j.i-t erots her 11c 1 she II suit at yo worm nor a eat llirls la abo I ke mu e tlii-y'iv head a i.m.j, Ilacyil il n't vtsi.t in b. In vc 1 1 y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 vou eoi't msku her. II she knows it's mi she won't sav Girl i- liltUi wn npii, il lliev'ie itond, snil it thi t alio ko.,'1 then nit when they j t bio. thri m ae rtiVils.. Ihata w list lather .aid ti". m am w as iniru Inn she Hied a hot flit-iron in Ilia chair so ht' 1 vei Inwii on it. Yams see s mad at K in linn In r U. or e iv hu iban't like biti ten -. nut Ik: (lot a like Imle nu, and wht u 1 aw bun a kissing Jenni - Jones last Sun lav, and told him ul what he'd ,id he .aid he was luting her, 'caii.e ht dudn'i ;ke her. 1 think nil hurt her, for ,hi: iiolltiw d and inn. and the'e a Liu red cp. t nil nvei hold id tar two clinks. Tins la all I kimw ahitut girls, mil taller sts the less 1 kll.w about tlojui llio lultir nfj I am. WM tN L s-iiu i xclaiiu., "Woman is llie ma tetpiere ol the univer-e " H nird-'i' asy, 'Tne peail is the imaus ol punlv, lu;t wt'tiian. u purer ihaii ihe peail." Tback- rt w till a, "A kitod wmnaii it llie love lie-t fi iwer that blooms tinder heaven" Ki'Z Casta "Even the errori of woman sptlno l"r her faith in tlie emid." Yl taire declart s. "A 1 the n aseiitng id men are not worth one itrtitiiuiit d woman'' L'tmsnine st'eits that "wiiinen have more heart and mn-e imsirinatiuo than men.' Oiwsy tx -Ulmt, 'On, wamaal lovely woman! Natuiu niude thee te timpei ueu. We Be a beeo brutes without yuu. MI.S. LINC.LeTS QULER PETS, a c.eTi.a nr lids NKi,y tad Titans old Kreiil the ilosloo Herald H,rtd d iet u( ll.ar nl a Udt aita- htiic t,na.ll 1. 1 such t anje pen an t'n snln i at Mu I.ii e. i'ii'-. 54 H iwaul stnet, lit r isnni'i Lit ing in t. 'siiiily un a Colin!" ot lutpa iweiilt-luu 111. nl ba old bro mhl up bt the band id Mr 1,'iiei.ln They a' Att'ian bona, a -pi ens mu vault rear, il in thu cuiiti v, hut Mu Line du ti is tun iiili'd, by the eX'-rciM) l K'eal ore, 111 riirm.' tnein to llmir prtsMit i" and .lie. lie mule Wilelu 11 1 1 1 1 1 SoO 0 u , nml the lema'a pernatl II v pmi ula leu. l'lier li.tvn been at the lmu nil II 'war I ctieet since !al ftepieinbcr ,U ' until withm a iiixn'h have li t I tin run n I lie place, t.iainf aWinit tan lotiu, wo h eini'lilci aii!e lieul un. At a llti-n 1-11 1 f ul roil Inn H10 police tli"iii!ht the ciia nrea sliinild bj lemsii.ed, and then q nirieti a-a no inoie liiiiltnl llian I 1 tm-r I v althoiiyli t'n y have a mile Oil door tun ai d 10 011 m'j inini; Ihe kitchen with nmy a MritiiK wue dnr M'paiul D. the iipiiiiiiituts. Mu Liuiun is a Inv with Ini icts as Lulus a e vtilh tlicl poo lie. 81iv plava Willi Ihctii, lei (Is tllciii I;. un lur liaeila, and hi- t.u.ht tiiiui ui -in t icks. Thi y will ki-t her at l e bi'id'ii'.', ju p through a h.iiip, etc. He 'oi 'hi eo ice itsirictions we'u pUced iiii'iii thfii, Ihe aniin ds were acrnsi ou u 10 wtlk iatu tlie kitchen nr pailor niiiou liUrsts unil go luck to t licit quarter win., mi' . I'o in,; 1. r , 11 to ait oiiu A teir a n 'he liutie-s uof.l lo nci u-y fie atnie couch wilii I e Uoy at n'ul ', toil navv she has oiotvn lad lrg" u lie tk-n opn a e in ill 111 in-ill 1 s I. Tlit .oiiu I- are q lite 1 ti t iit.it v . and. in lluir iien'lcnt cs. .low pi .in y In 1 1 . bi 1-tin hw ul kiu'D t, even with ll. b'Uti-cc a inn. ARTIFIclIu5ABiES. The Ptris Le Sport dea. ribis art "itrtifl. i.ial b ,b,," a Inch is lu he exhibited at the 1 ; r e w 1 Kxpostt ini, and vthi It, it it 1 1 1 nie I l all Am die tu ii venlioi. Thro babies ale ovsl'.rtl nt pioui.i'e the eotiVcnii IH'f ill IriTI. rs Viv laitio id. It It haie I 1111011 Hi' print'iptl thtt tti!lini is Ml ne vexatious Hun lo have dis 'tureeii'e C'uiiiiaai 'ii.i and avuh'toia in the cmpai'linenl whin iiavliiig. 0..e nci up'n Ihe cuiiicr ynu h id (ul yioir bvart mi. sun' lur p events iil Inini sin li'hing Mnir ligit, thud in 'u 011 flint 10:; the window, lotiith is not w iliug or you 10 iiimke, Ac. The j utcvy lima became it totturu. It is to nuu'tly this that th artificisl baby wat invtnie t, Il is ul la I a raober, ria l in thiek winpa ami a hood, so much Ilka nature at to diC'ivu am .ne, I lime it a valve in its atiunacli. Your ne ghbois havtt not ;d .nrivi-d It. Y 'U take it ao'tly Inuu on. til y.uit closk. aurae il lender v. and pn upita the cttiny apiniatu. Instant iy It liejins le slir:t k. Y.'ii,how intnty ind wuik tlm T ilvu utill nine t ner '-tic ii1'. . "Ah ! poor bitle one ! It hat a lit I D oi'i cr 111 v in ami e A , it '. Willi these laVl.l) can Mis yi u all the tin InC'Co-e, the pusoi'e. and tilt lc- ponsit ul I tuo iiiarlmi ct-t t-litirp. r and aoarper until tllt'V I'vceme inlnli ra'oe Yur neighbors step thrir er ; ttiey Hi iiilihle, ihay prot sl, but what is lu le doii'f Y 11 ply the valve ; th i inlant 110 1'iiix.ii 1 ne. it howl. At tie Tcrv fi-: iiiioiikll your eoiiip mi un il pu'inl in tun e ia sraicti nl uilo-r seats, and you !av the entire cuiiparluieut I j out at It. Vict.iiv I A BI3BEDSUS. A neck a to. ssy, ihe Virginia (Xevala) (.'liioiiiiilt-, a man Hum Hem suited tin lh L'.iuttlock to inspect ils lievaltlea. WliHltvtr Its w, liwrvr, did not tiiitith It i in in the least. Nothing ceuld ha Htm w ii hiis I hat he w.nil t nut urawly reitia'k ilpoa, faynii! : "rl'isioii hs to e j ml bkti it, only t'luttvr," Lust evening he ttas p. I iu ' the I. Hi1' null. uiiii II tlvl i n K alliel j l.l al ilu-k, vvlia'i a cap i-l the Chimney b'e w B d.iv it hy I liv win I I lit c.piva, a ciiililar piece wl stti-vl lion pi.; it I c I black, and a!ihtly cmtvi-x. Ihc lour Mippsn la ivl.it ii iMiinrCy I it with the cill'imtv wne like lr(. which held it k Il lV ill. Ill'S IIOIU thi; etouiid. At It It'll it all U'k ju-l iu I ro ut ot l.iin. isiciii.tlrd a law liui-s in lh air no 1 then, id.iwn bt li e wind, went akiilltiinij sluojj llie walk i ke s livii ( ' hut vV h ti't Uiai ? ' th B iitoti nil ii a-ked. feitnii'W 'nut sstnuis'ied. "A lu'ttiiig Ir.aiu l'i hntel,'' lep'ird a wiib, "j it c mil ig aom. lur n l.tt o ii I else." I!y (if.irt'e I" t xclainied the itranipr. T tieVir mu t.itvllt!iiii lika II lu Hit .nt-. a'ei ".i ii ittif.a.i ....h i.ia i....,a .i. Bus ou, killed 'oulti l nl H intuii." SWALL tMEANS. tVe lliiuk that the puwrr of mnnry it on the whoe, iivt'tsniiiate I Tin) gria'esi tli'in.8 whicli wee done lur thu wnrid hive not I if a iiccoeii-llt'd by rich iii'-n, or bv puli-iiiptinn Inn me ii vrneially ol MUtll pectin--at y nutans. The greatest i it 1 1 kins, di.ciiverers. inventor and artits, liavu U rn men ol omilerate width n.any i I thna l.tlli la'Bt'il above the cei ilition n' in mu ll Uboiera ia Ihe pnint nf wn liliv ciicsiust .nice. And il will a'waya h's. liielii-t am othener an nam dtmeiit than a sliiutil .nt ol acitoii ; and in many c si s ih. v are iiuite as nuic'i a nsis'oriuiie ss a bUasing. The joiith wltu inheiits w.alth i- apt to hsvc li e ma la 'im ei-y lor him and n L'towa sated with it bt-c .use he h i- tliini: Iv 1 1 lo desiie. Ilatui:' no sp'-i iul "I'j 'Ct In aiuiK'e lor, he llndt time ton hrav t on his II hi tt, temaint ini-ri tally alio tnnial'.y a-ltei': and h't po-i ion in soeittt i "Hip no li-gliT tltsn that el a polypus over winch the lid'- fl 'sir. WILLING TO BE IDLE JJIt is a ea'amiy ab'ii able bulled men ne wd bu t lie idle, and bye ou H't ooii'.lV nt others It Is mdair to ihost who have to support them, and It is a Bicat dam ie to theinse Ves. It b -tiles a aasi to live upon his blend. It destr 'Vs it.ii-'- cll-resptci, an t when one eeatisto rfpect lininell. be can-' harill expert o'her to reauctit him. It has Ween said that Ilitlis nl mankind are tupporicd by the oiler H Ih. and it li pr tha'tle tint one halt n' ihe dependent Inur-litili are at com patent, j hj'sicslly, to eatn their uwn living as must "BU sviiata tueta. ADVERTISEMENTS, g c u e o l t b Ten nun. Ynu ran easily Inwaea year taMry Isf liv devi'tinii a tery amall perl Ion f yeur leisure timx to tu t luisrest. I list ata peet vm to canvars for uay tfltiti ikwal l'.-ati t'laiioa Nnd Oigans anlesa yea en lit b ; Ion the service 1 require f va In both pleasant and jirefl able. tell p.titiculaia lien. Adtlia.i UANIKL r. I1EATTT. Washlnytun, N. J. H . K I C O U V , KALTIMOI'.Ii, MJ na. J. K. Hlt.'OltD, ldl Psyatte ft. below llovvaid, bus devoted thirty yaara "f Ilia extensive piai'llee epeelallv to the treatment of Chi mite ami Private Iitat.ts Atleetio'is ofthp Kldneva and Bladders Hiseittna ol lUe tleart and Luutl"! Pcilaoa- iiim lltse.'tset of the Ulood, T hroat, 'ee and Skin! IH)piii, Htrieturea, Chronia Diseaso "I'tb i 1'riiiarv Uiuana, Uleara, Of t iiisiviiIbteliaiKoi, Xervoua aod Phyaiual Debility, YOUXrtMENT, vletims o al uie and exeme, with Lawl "iide. Palpitation 01 the Heart, ringliif la llie I'art, N rvomnesa, HlusbmK, Tiudd IV. Wti.iki'esa ol the Baea end Limbs, If ili.-esiioii, sliouii) apply bnfora It Is la hue, und restore v'k r to (heir bodies lad iniuiN, ere ibey entail misery end d)Ms np n th.. so d their posteiitv. Private ".loesses reeent'lr aoatraetttf"" enroll In ilirtH iliiya. Mercury and Po'.aih iliseluiroed. 1 'hriiii iii Gonorrhea or Gleet tn Ave dsva bv 11 ! tl nptdieatinn. Persons at a diss lutine bv "K in symptom, treated sue iiii'dieiiu s -ent by mail or ex proaa. A cine uiiaruteoil In all easeai, Wrile ay inptome dlreeted, PR. mcouu. ldl W. Faveite Bt., Baltimore, Hi apr I l e JOCKY MOUNT iilLLS, ROCKY MOUNT. H. 8. January lit4 18?, We are now prepared to ffpjtt ' ttado with SHIRTIMOt, PLOW LINIg Md COTTON. i YARNS, all of (he heat quality aad at low prleae. Our tut ids stnctly net asth, BO day. AdJreu BiTTLB Jk SOX, Itacky Moant, 5. f 'n CS a ASUOL P H tk ) GENERAL lORtTARDINO ma COVMIIIIUI HBBCRABTtlk r Katrfolk, VMasxIaOo, I Prompt aUantion Rivaa to sail Coitatgski menu. Liberal Cash Advance naede eai Gee algnmenra. LUMDER A 8PFCULTT. I'erHrs,nr., . w. IT. Hrotib A tin, Wt C. Marrow- rf- Co., A. A'renn, Norfolk, Ta K. tJtirribahli. .1. W. rauoaiit, J. M. Uul. Ion, II ali tux, N. c. tab 51 a a MK KTALLIC ULK1AL C. k A! . . f ' ' -. ,;i,,- i. ' i ' rh " " Persons wishing Me'aHle ft ti rial Cases can always ob.Hin ihem by nnplylna; to me hi thtj -store of Messrs. Wdnttolii Emrv' I in:, sun keepbo:, a- heroioiuie, B U( MJ s- i-lniei.i oi ihe Very U,-nt CA8hS, at tha ' Vt-rv Lowest i'lteea. In u, vn tel iter Cases to persona who mv wikh'" tbsiti. J AM tS SIMMONS, Weldon, H. 0. apr d 1 Q I'ii k u k n e k a m ji u o tirt respectfully calla the tt.ti..- i n. trade n his extensive etotdi ef doi-j tint i.tiporieu nquora, IO WUleh be It s! """'"I ' i-u twuaistiuOf rf KTE AUD BOCRBOxifSISKir Freneh. Apple. BltvsWy.-, i The-r. ' Rrandies, Jamaica kud Nee-'Kiir."1 Kiu r London, Tom and Hnllai,, i'1' I snorrv. v;iarM. R t no .r,o in-rnr si-iippernoni; Wine. Sesotflh ,j0ndoc orier, ana a very large lot f RECTIFIED WK!?SEY I m oftorineat VrWrrM ' fait to Btx-e aatidfeeiion, , , , j i , ,r 7 old lor lL