1 ) - 1 Tl I C HO AN OK E NC'S. tY, II. I Y H. I 11 It III ..OR, i ' rw' .. SATUIlDAT MARCH 23, 19 IS. 0 u n t i c k i: t . rir. ( ini i ,irTK ic ( si-mi mi: ( m ur, HON, DAVID ICMF.NCK, 0 1 I. I S C o I. N . Ais'Xl.vn: .Ji- rici: l iiom nt; i:.sr. T N HILL' n r II A !- 1 T A X . 't: ii'H free to confess lint our csti. m'c i'f tl'iii-f J.istic ."nith i much changed sii C'J the oVcitimi of the Su preme Cum l iv tiic I i iv cr cnv. ft it iruo. ,ln ae ('nitll ;ii lint present nt the rendc iu; uf t'.e opinions i'f the I'. nut ; lini in a cue ' ii!iln nei t t eveiy .Pi.ticriit "I j i liti', i sinls'ive til'rvetv i hi d piim'iple of law, ami ii tii.oeviic nf e a n il ha'iod, it n is ii (.'unbent iipmi ifii'ln Aiii'h to have come u ,l f, .. rv u i."n Lis associates, in Live (ln'liii'iicJ ull c miplicity mtli such doctrines an. I t 1 h ive pr. !sti: .1 asii.st bo prom tg i:i n nl sucl) opinions. II bat not d lie si; and kii.cn he has '1ttly sci(i (".ci'. in srt m utislr mi it F'r"Vi!iiiiiii l.e mu.t abide tlie imnf. l'lunce. While be bus not sullied bis 1 '"al purity, hf nicusi, n de iiniin.'ed i.iilTiy firmness and d-tisive independ ence ; and ns yet, ill. re Ins leeii ii.aJe I") tll.iuitioti of either. It nny then fore be necessary li re c.ist the table. In sodi case, the K is!, which C.iitf .1 n'.ice S uith mitjlil be supposed ill some sense li represert Will make other demands, lumbers nl available names will be presented ; liming llii'ni Thomas X. 1 1 1 1 t IlilitV.x, .'udtje 11 iward of Taibm.), and ('. C Clnke ol Nenhern. We unhesitatingly prefer the first ; fir while holding the i-thcr tvt i gentlemen in the l.ijjbcit re Jir.1, Mr. I Ml prusents to our mind Ibe most ciinij l' te cmnbi.ati n of rc fpiisito. man of bright native talent, it lias been cuHivatcJ to the highest degree nl a.or 'ineul. A lawyer l high attainment, Vis stores nf burning le ceivo daily accretion, and, wi.h large and b.-illant pritticp, krrping his armor .right by ciiislant use. A man of the purest character, h'u virtues stroni; unrlrr pvrry trkt, in bun may be expected tii.it finiinfss nnd deciki.m nitlmut wireb b ari.ing iil avail lilllo iu the defence of riht. S i much for the lvjt ; and f.ir the rtnirp, in ai iitiou t lha nane o! Jno I! IVihrd that of O.I. Tlnnn.li Kullin i preseiitei with tn viable distinction We presume that bcUecn llitse two gi.tleiean i i- i-bo .;. will liy. With ti.bcr, tlir i'treme Court will have at tained 1 1 ' - fonp'sitioQ all that might li u'esi. . .. " The V.'i .:. seems almost unanimous in its prefer nee tor .iudge Schenck ; and ith either thioa gentleme i. tha State nl have vi e us-, n nice of l tribunal whicll vsill 'L.i i ;':u period when il was adorned vv ii., t .r. tt I iminarics nl learn ing and such illustrators of virtus ns Daniel, and Gastou, aud Kullin, and A''li Hid Manly. jl'DUt: iiiui:( H I oit t ini F Jl rii :. From tlie H ih-ub New. ; The Line 'la Process puhhshel nt the hone of Judge l'avid Sjhenik, li.dsts th-? Ma e ol that d.s'i.icoiished nnd (topul ir jurist ts its nias'.-head lor I" iicl J jsiii-e. His ilevati.ui to the uch is a foregone c niclasiot ; the ti lestion now nri.es. shall te on as Ciof or Associite Justice? Ja.lge ?:henck possesses the requisite ability, egrity, emirate and patriotism lor the sin it. 114 is a devoted l P ch ima; m "til li'.ierty, a L lend nl the f Mil rt -"'s 'l-'ate ef a f'ail.-ss, i't lepeuutos '"rlh Caioliua j i.lici'iry, Ii is young a id vigorous, b-it mature ru mg'i foi th ; chief justiceship. The C .nve ,ti if. co.l.l not ti l li.-tter than p'.acs his ua ne at the bead ot the ticket. That is nur ticker, and our platform is I ... ' .1 I tniiiim ul ivrt.enuc. cases t th 1',-dnal uirts. 2 I. "Diive biA the Federal C mrts " .11. I'rotectn.ii l.i aives Ir.nn H,,. ( b'.ila,1 and i'tt.buili'tii c.tlitfvtct ef "Liur! j I iit.usuai" Ine.liv. ids. ' I ' l'rcaliug w.ini.iu'a grievances as real, 'not lauci'nl and poetica1," und ei i 'g her relief fi - rn wrong " ...ll. Xo Mudicial Legislation." Legislation bel'iitj-s I. the Lei.islnl.ire i I nnd not the Courts. G'.ll. Cat.di.Uies for nllico who are in the full possessiim 0f tuental and physi Cal vigor. We heariily eiidnrsi; the. above ticket and platf'Tin lUvtr c.,ip,nporary. V hsve ' ect Judge Schenck ,,s chief Justice, Tbaro, s , un ,()r I associate lsticc from VB(( gnd 0 I equal! r,''od ml" frual Wutre, and V the platform 'ill be carried out. KHRU. We see d" ll'e r,r81 lime the Mobil , ''" l,re,i'"',y erl.,ked ; . hit the recent State Democrat cm. -e., , .ii of Iitditna imitated that of no'iit adoe'.lt'g reolut''n '. ooku.j t0 H the dii.i. g bail. .r 'S,. V.derS ct Irnm (In- advanced pukiuoas rli-y have ginned tinec the war in their nltack lipmi the ligliti and prer'.e itivpg nf tlm Stutfh. In Ijhe Indun.a Slate I)jii)..crulie plat- li.rin :is a I i-S' lntinn leciling that kii.CO I H'-'M there had bei n extraoidinary ad diiioiil iiiiule to the juriadieti'in of the I niti d Sta'i s c on t, by which the an thurity ol the S at cimtls ha beeu greatly aliriilged mid. overshadowed, ll uny I ecesiily existed for thin (luring or bte.niso of the war, or beenuie ol the c iiiditmn of flair in certain. Stileii. (but nrcpssity no longer fxistf and all such legislation ougiit i.ow l be re ptuled. like ii ii.'ini s have been nllen d uiA adopted by vari in Ie'ii -cr Jtic or)(n iitKins in Illinois The de iiminl is, tl.it the jiriid'C.ion of the l'edera) onts Uiall be rc-ilricti d to what it wai under the J tdioiary act of IT-'.! In n leitfi te to thia ol'j K't a bill ban been iiiliod'icp.l by Mr. Tnnnieiid, ol Ir.iimiii, in ll e House of Iiepreseiitiiives havii'g lor its o'ljeci the rr strict ion ol the j insdic! id I oiled S' ites com ti. Two poors an in ade iu su;i;i nl of thin I bill i I. That it will rest .re to the Stale j eoiiilt j ii is')ic!iin wliich lus been ille--1 kiViiii itely taken from tin in. 2. That it will Inr. isli all the relief tu Oie I'Vde r ii jiidiuar y that is needed. The in ii i point io this nutter, how i vet, is tli vi asver'.i ni of St .to suveirign ty, and the tost .rati on of the sti,neiiiacy nl the State c uii is iu nil uialteis not pi cilic.tliy ixi.Pted by the vuiiMitulinii. fins is th.) politic il nr party point on which the I einoct its !r-in all lectim s are expeeted to unite, and evidence that il will be ode of the leading battle cries in the in xt cairifi iigu has been multiply ing in our own State for neaily a )ar past Whafver otb r objections iiiiv be urged igiin.t the uiiwarrant abl.i di -i;iee ol jnisdiction exercisetl by the l'edctal tourti, and thesa nbj"cli ns are many and well-founded, there is no ac tion on its put which our people have watched Willi so rtmili anxiety as its usorpiitiiM'S in therui'ter of the trials ol 'tilted States otriiers for breaches of the Stale laws. Aided and abetted by the Supreme Court of the State, til! Fede ral judiciary has usurped the authority of the State courts, o?er-rid.lcti their mandates and in l ie then tno laughing stuck of iiresponsible Federal nthcers. Oar j'idges have been forced to see their helplessness and our people have bewail' 1 the sights which were pre sented lo them last summer iu the c ises ol Kiva'.d 11 iskins, as u iiuistakablc evidence of the dulling of power aw ay from the State and into the central gov ernment. Therefore, whatever legisla tion urty be inaugurated by (.'ingress, looking to a le-ei.throneineiit of the I .,;.- ,1 ..i- sj. t. ..:n ' . ' " awsKen Hi no Mum nioie sincere ie juicing than in North Car. .Inn. since aone, p rhips, have fell nio e keenly than we the debase:n;nt br nijht about by the divestment of our State courts of their constitutioiul p .wers. Another p unt, hmvever, is hardly less significant. It is urged that at piesea the Federal courts have taken possession of one third or morv of the railroads of '.he country, and of various oilier c irpu rations, t Ibc entire exclusion ol the State cne.rti ; I'm', under the bankrupt laws and otherwise, the Federal courts, through receiver and assignees, have control ul immense am iU"ls of private propeity to the exclusion of ail interference. by the Stale courts. It is limber claimed that the Federal emits have, through tie tier inn al lurciuu mnturs (pcrt ms le-nli-nt in other Slutrs), uuder taken ta override S'ate constitutions. S ute Uws, irtunieipal charter, and lo u-urp tin intepn-laiion ol Sta'e cnstilu tione a il Uws in the txe!iii.inn ol tne State i n ills ; that it Inn ii.'W tn-i nine common I Inn a l.r l-VIial ceuits la diirct Hi uthecrs to levy tnif s -upecinl taxes - , .. .'. 1 .11 .ill-.l lh.,r i... ..:.in l.tk,..,,,.,....., ..... ""-. "", -'" ""'i'"'p Kitvernmeiits ivnd iinwis.in the vdE.a-rs t tlie m e app!'?:ttiB ..I tome n.ar. ndi-iit. eliiiiiuii!: t o ''ti a t:t,l',' or , ana Ills! tie Sta'e judiciary is powei'eas t.s pneeet t: e : to cnltoce Ihtt Sli.li- i n-isli'nniifi. hml I,.. I All tins- ens. c,es are too Hue. 1)1 tl truth ol ti, U.t l.,ent.,..,1 our peop'e m td no more I hsn they hsveslr.aly hoi n our owe citt we have hsd the ra rl D P l.vr the iimnlir ol lilia.n- rftrrri-.l to hv our n.i .nl.r I Iu- Oe.ii.u' . in Its is.n. of ..s.r.i.r when ..!,,., . - .. - , .... w tan veiv poiot a esse with nil tlie detail I I wlocli the eetiprul public is lani'lis'. Justice vvss in vi r m.nt raliilesslj- tlnotld than when the L'nilid fla ts court wiested this prisoni ,-Iruin th hands ol the Stnie and pi im tti J I, in to 'o Iree ; the paid c hio.iway n s cr wi;n:sel a mor (lirai.t iliieard ol siatutory law, II, as hs he. u nr mi a'eil, the prosramnie uhove s.l lorih, is to tie made a leading feature ol lutilre IX inm-i a' m patty k'l.Uev, it w-,1; msikviuli ai awakening on the pan a il.e people to a unsu ut 1 1, i! . vidua! r-i;ts as tins ciiu'ry nas larelj tv.r Iniiivn Even it the Towrn-end lull he not pa-sn! its pi.rnosi- ran lie on I . rei I and laptnl I t m s'ly t very State Hi Itir l nl ii nu'si te ol .V w Knelsnrl. nnd ti t r t i I' in w lor the o ra.su id l riiiine 1 Ii to tt.e n.i u'U'ii id ll: Ueinoi r itic par y '' X, n'h C.noln.s. Im t,o.si,li is'ien n-u seiin l.v th- State convention which will nnat d. kt ii'i u.vf. -Char.-tto Oose.v.-r. NniireiiK- 1 0nrl Jiiitgeis. (Corrt spi'iidi'iiee ol the OUservor. Hai.i inn, March ICtb, 1h"s. Mkshs, Knnoiis: 1 rend a short .'i..Me, i.i'iii'bi-i it-mi " l"m,PJiAM'Kl LKt I CoHiniuincation in your paper ..r to-day, j Vj . i: 'l-l. V- 11:, I I ' n C iiiiuieiidiiig Tims. N. Hill, Ksq., ol II ililiix, lor one ol the Justices of the Sapreoio Court. This would be a gnod selection. .Mr. 1 1 ill is probably lha best read lawyer of bis age in the State. I recollect a little incident that oc curred when faov. IVugg wag Governor of the Slate. Ii was shortly ufler he had appointed Mr. Jos. B Batthelor (then ol Warren) Attorney General, to rill the unexpired term caused by Gen. Uni son.' resignation. Gov. liraKg and an old friend from Jackson, N. 0 , were en joying a social conversation m the Kx- i ecutive olficc. I'uriug the conversation j the friend remarked : ' Governor, I was . . ... somewhat surprised nt your appointment of r.alchelor. I ixpecied you would' have nimointea an older man." To ! which the 11 ivernor. wit. the oeculiarlv ,eprcss'Te lo:)k of hii rye, when br wanted to b; i'liprcs.ivp replied; , ynu inns' imt g . too last, a man sIumiIJ nut be condemned bisforehe is tr ed. I think 1 hay.) at least tii iuh i'X)eri enee to cnablo ie ti reciijjniz! a go nl lawyer, L ivo willinii In my rt pnta tioii (M tbii ivpiviioiineiit nf that yoiliig man, :nd I tln.iU 1 know him Kiillie.iently welt to satisl'v me that he possesses the needed qiiahfrcatrnni to fill the ullke. I beheve in the uppo'ntmeiit nf y iuii Hire, when they poss'ss muell talent, ll I hud to appoint a Judge, 1 wonl'l select a Ik v ' ti ' ff mini they will make the best i llicers, fur they will ixert themselves inure to supply t!u! aeemi'-g deficiency of want ol'nne, and will in the end, make better i lli.ers than older men, w ho would be lens inclined 1 1 up phciti'li." tj ivernor Uragg' wisdnin in Mr liitchi I ..'s 91-leclion was soon universully acknowledg d. The State nevi r b id a better A' lorney-( tu oral, uud ho is l- div one of the best lawyer ia the Stat Wlio knows but that verv appointment has had a j oinl deal to do witli ii ? Koine lime thereafter I lv. IVaju nppointe I to lill vac ml jmleships deisn li Stephrr.!. of t'ninhi'il nil, Thoaias ll'illin, ol (In i (j , tie i. II maid, ol I'jlecoiu'ie, and Samuel J 1'erion. of V II II l" . .sew ll mover an V"'ino men. mm i imt liiesi! app lint'iientv credit ihle alike to the KxecillKe nnd lUe S.ate? Can K-lerei'cr, iillii'rie thin wi'.h umiIh U'iJ s itisdieti hi, be mil;1 ti the j idici il nets of tin 's; men? Wi re thev, l any lint , siibp'cieil even to entieil n '! Mi . Hill is the eiin.il ol any of these men in legal ability at a similar age. Iln nomination fii'd give general sulis. l iLtion, and abnulj he be elected, 1 l'i' lieve in a h rt lime th 'real'ier, he will be rai ked as the? ecp.l of any member of the Sapre m l' mil. T. A )FA riSKMKNTS. . ' I (mil and rri'. Irii'twn-tn." s.v ! '" C F T V V. r liKrriiHll on it I I lilhillon vrnrla. I, I. oi, IS'il. I New YorK, is.'l. I'.VI'l.-, IS-.,', I'llllsdelpllM, ISTli. II KltKIN'ii A CO, "d .V 2.W UroH.I way, New York. J m 2:; tt. s T ATK i. V N o It f l( (. A It i' I H A .urliiiiiiiloil ouiily. Superior (mill. Wit. M Clson. Kv-r -ll Unvi- iin.l . .t..- M-u-llia Ann t'.,o.. f Civil, and A. J ll.'invll, l',:r. till, ,fc-ain.-t M ir.'.ir. t 1-..N..O, l :i iri' l' .!- nl. u.i I l;-:!r, I ' I -, h, n l nit . In ttwi-ius.. i-vvvirn: 1-v I l.i On-rifT - rr turn I I.; n!tl l:iv;l Hial III.-' .1. f.-ii.UnK M ir-.on--I im, I ':.. - i . i ll hi-.- n. t ri-snl.'iils ,.f tills S'llt... :oi. ( -iull.it ftfler -111 - .lll.;.-li '.. f.-uii .. iin.l 0 f in 'i.-r iinei sriiu- th o ti.c ..in .i-t of i lo ., m ... .Ini,.- i .. ,.nt:ou i :ii-liiiii r.. ll. .win r ;t.i t ,.f i in. I to ii . A li-.i'l ef l.'Oi.l in Neil :i:i'ii:'..ii e.'-in-. ...nllnl.-.l liy 111 - l-nids ..f .l,.Onci 111 i, .v V; j 1'iii.t kii.o. ii .s It:.- -1 a-isiu-r' i.tii'l. al-w nv luei lull I-. .(.'.. i-.....-. I. :i-m! t lll.t ,.f A .1. II:,!-,-, nu. I . tli-T-. ,-oii'ainiiu- 1 .? n -is.x, ri it. I r i .1 Hi.- nefen ,nt u-e pr,i.iT 0Vri le o Hill. .., ill i i v r 'it -1 -ii il a 1 1 1 1 1 1 r -t in -. v ! I.cni ll i ..r.l.-r-'-l - lii put . i. oi I e in'iil-. r.-r i mi,..-, iv-w.-. k-hi t li. U,,nii.,k,- News, n ii'iju r ul 111-!, ,'0 lit W' li! oi N i . i-i.iioiiioi.nie,' ll... ll," 1 '"" lis Miir. Ti-i i ,.u. .ii iin.l , ini i,,s r, .;,, t, i, ..-ral ia.M-l f ll -r. i-K . ( th - s .rior t I'.nipi r. .r -ii'. I c-.'iriiy ( I f, -r.- uh.'iii Id" Mou lin, n li.-r-n. i. r ! ,ir-.i ' ,,,, .n nr I, r ... i,,,. I. 0 r . ! V'-ril l-r-. aii.l nnsw.-i- ei- ,. ,iiir : . t... ..-! I! nii.l , I., i. In ,. n-. n til. a m - ani .,'ti. , nir.i i.-t ni, m n..iii-.,. " "'": '' ';'"' i'i ont.iT wui i.ik - net --' ii.-ni for lie- r -In i .1 - r i . . i I . I in tl. ';,,i ,i .... . I.. i ,io, Mini i ii,i -,ii s -ai , r .-..in-! a: ,ili .-i,i I Jaetisoo, ilea f,,-:.rura.v rith, I ; j son-.V- o-ol-i .Nortinnnnioii i ..u.cy wills r.iTty At'... I-, i, ,-, ; ' 1A If or NulU'll .'.tit .11.1 N.. j ' 'lnnpoii onuty. I Mirtta ,...,.., , MT.or 'arl. a.i.i u-t "'."' '. "" lv''" ' I'avts an-' w-lf. Martha Ann .i j nsi-r, ii. siiir- : ir-' i-.u. ti r-iMiiiuN, nil. i . I... fi r 'lur; I I In i S',.'rilT. an.l I y a.l. Iiivii I ,.. II f , o-,'iir. I Slut l'lilirl-s C1.N..11 ni- Inn ri'shi.-lit.. 11. Hih s;Ht, . ,,,. j ,-all- r iltie ,) li-ene.. . f -in 1. r. ni 11 l.irtlii-r a;.. -ai-nnf llisl ti i,,.,. . f lio- 1 i-.. i- In.,: e, 10 ol,i.,,n Onvv, i- ct'tiu. i-i -. mi' ill 11 lie f.. Hewing ihiiiN: lo writ; A Trvl ot Ian. I iu . .rl lir.iii.ron emitify I.,, nil. I. ,1 .y I lie lan.Ui.l .l.ilillll lil-.ovii. . ,m,j k"-'ii :1' ' 1.-0"I ' I nnl : al l.v lie- Inn.U ,, t. '.,i-ii lie. l a.. :l... ami ,.j A J liiirr-il ami ol tiers. 1-1 ni Hiion.: I'., H.-i-e-, : nr.. I ihrn r lio (,.. t.-ll tllllW l.e .r..,T I'Hrtl.'.s lliereto, liV renseli 1.! iuler..-.l in n:,l I1111.lv ; It is ..nl-rsl Hist oil,li.-atn.ii Iu- mn.le f,,r s.t. sne.-e-.siv-w-. ks iu tlie It 'ii,,k" Sit., n ,ii,.r iul'lisli-.t w W'el.lo n. N. r., ,-,,im,,a,,nc ,,. 1! .f-ielantv, Miu-,-nr-i i ..Km, ami i ,.,;,i.;,.s , ,,s,,i, l..,i,,;...r v ti,, ...til f i he ricpu ..ril,.- , , I' inn I n- saul .-.eiiil, in, ?,,ri. win. iu tl..- sin,,, in .us h. n ui i- r.-f iinmlilei on or b-t.,e He. ilav ..( Aenl I-"- iin.l hiimv.t ,.i- .lorn o ,, JlH, -l 1 1 n .ii ami i-i.ui plaint, a coin- ,.f whieh n. , . Iile.i in Sam . 'li,--. ami let 11,-ui ins,. I,,,,.,.,, I.',, ;. fail ... I... I... Hi- plait, tor will .,.,. ,' in nl fortli-i-llef il lost. j, , . ' I1 '"'''' In vvitn wl..-r.-r. I I, .-.ve I i 'I'll hi'ii. t. I I, Mi. I utels-ul. f ..till-,- nl J.uk-',.ii. ., ' "lv N U .. '" f!,-rU-.i,,.r,M,,;;., v.-., ,,-lv... , "P"'l"l''"i I'onntv Willi, ll -l.- stti. , 4 Meal will not ha retailed I'ersoiis w ishii k in Imv, wnl l-ie.ise . nil iho .l.im nl i ii.li, -ni ,v ..ini I-.MIIV ,v I'AI'EI.L. W, Id in, N.C., "' i'i. Tst. Jan 10 t f. : 1: vi VM'-f.si.TriiKii ok in t :o- C O C K A D K CITY Ik It i: S M N II I It T N, 1M.MKS I'lf sin lies. liltWVI Its. OVERAIU!. Ac. Ar, At', Ac. K I'LT.L I.IXU UK (THMMIIMI OOOHS. XO. 20flSYC.MORK ST. FarKHaurBii, V. Feb i8 i v. O1 liAKSII C 1 'i A ll S I I w'1'tln;!f KrT.W','t,?, (Vnfs 8 T' efl- 1 he Model l iaar HI c a., a piece ,,r 3 (or nj ,.pi,m' The l.et Cluara ever ollered to the Wei public. For Male by ! MUSQROVK A- FARM KR, ' .1 o, 3 in. WkUioti, N. C. 4iJ Urn? AJ)U;HfMOll'..s r. U i&Mk t;off'tvE fs m r,. 3 FOROISEAStSOFfVi i.n. .V.-.. I...L Ri,t. I.", I y. s a u i; A valnnhle trnet oflaui! Ivlnijmi Una in kn Itivor in llallfsx eomily, ,eljoi,uim th lainls nl' Hen, I) I l.rk iiinl others, 'onta inn; alu ml I7IKI Hen on Wileli there is a Knml mill ello. Tni truel Is uluabltt anil willMl) oov mile nl lll.l's I'Vrry ami ean U iliviihut inl -.one or im.ro i art's In mill firchi-eiw. Terms imv. A..It to K. U. lii nwn.i., Tovvnselli.'. limnviile Co , V '., Or A. I.. II IU. Scotland Ne.k, N.C. i ii hi I N I l" i ' '. M KN Wi.'KTII M'.KKIMi. 2r!s'VCitoK!': Ml'., l'KTHKSt'.UKn, VA OlTios a I vil'O sto.'U nf ltnaily madii Collilni; !' r Men innl H-.v'a wear, nil nuiii'tl.ftiiro'l t,y Iiinl, nf wnrinnteit mu le, nils mi. I Ininsi style-., at pri less than Noithnrrv Maiiolai-tiirer.s ean Kill them. 1'i.oriUNi) maim: to cri) .!'. "I ineieosl Fa lonalile 11 oods worn ol Knitl.sl Kr.'iieli, if rinau Hint AmorifNin inaliii. In tlm iiio-t t.istv ina-im-r in. I ut low e-t rates, lilrvi ions tor soll-mn esur ini; Hi'iil mi application ip-". Till', SKWKssT NI'KI.KH OF IIOTM i.oi uivt; u.itv in; At. lie stw ami wind your '.rder' or ' nil on M. K. M I. I.. .t''.1 St- iiiiir" St., I'l'lnrstoll, V.I, Thp m .st tasi,- t'-'e.'l urn o l io'-y us . rll as st aplo Il.-v (i n il-, Cloths. Chm. inrres, Ovi'ii' .a'llnvt and Ve-tinir, ! I-inneN, I'l'-aWiin:-:, l'.'i( 'Inks, I'.l.mki-ts nod a!l honsn k(ii..ir,tf Hoods, ran Im i.rden-d ill hiwesi ratM , and nuist-n-lion H'.lal iinti'lisl. Tl.e li.'si assoit'iiioii ot fi.vlt'i Shirts and Linen Hoscon Sliitts Chnai'. M. K. K1I.1,, I't fi Sn'.numi SI , retei'.srnii't;, Va. J!U.INFR' ! MII.I.IN'KKY ! 1 m ii h. n. i:. K i i. i-, tIBi SVCsMHRli ST., I i.ri'.xsRrui;, va. OfT'T the largest and m"t romplete stoel: nl' Heal l'leio-h Miiliimry liooOs in., polled h her, anil sold at lowest, pricey. ltiivt;ri. It ATsi. xl.tv I. A 111 liSCAI. itiniMs-s. H.OIVI lis, 1 I I. MK-. 7'ltl.S.. l-.s. vi:ts. vki vi. i'ki.'ns. Ml.U.-. I I n i --it. I AClvS. V hi I s. I.AlHI-.si 1 ills. M' V V I A "111 S I IKS. i..M... .X rttniMi.Tii, K I IM.I ' .V I.S. I OtN AM KNT.S, Hl'rltiv--. Ladies Suits nu lc to order in r.er lit short notice, Rt-pppc tftiMv, M RS. vl . V. Si ' A Ill's, L'C.-l ui.in- KII.I., Jan 12 V. J N A VY , tviii.rios-, x. c B A K K K A CO X F UC T I' ) N K R. Manu''i"tuies all kimts of plain and fan cy coolies. Keeps uhvavs on laud the fulle.t ktwk of Caodi. s, 'n its, Xuts;, Ac., to be ftoind in Kastern N'orih Catiilimi, wlneh litt Hells l iv In.lesiiie or rnlrtil. )r, lets ;.r vva-idn, ii.i1ii.s. ai d i alls pi-epan d n short notii" and ut im-st roa- aonmle pfi,T, ret t!u tf. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, Foi s.lc hv Dr. A. R. . . (let. 17-l-v. Hi I i lire. THE PARKER GUN. .SCNO STAMP TOR CIRCULAfi PARKER BROS; WEST MERIDEN.CT. 7 O T 1CK! X O T 1 C K ! ! The Ili-irk Ktore on Iho I vrnrr Ol'PooK Hie rctrikburK Ware House. llsvinjr moved In dm chsvo Rnildinir 1 with an enlirn Nivv Mih k, 1 am lieitcr i Dian ever frimi i.l to urn vs oiv frtMnOs 1 anil t lie pill. lio, w ih any thin.; local and! drink or eeuenil tal'le llstnres, Ac. I w.ll I nol HI lelnpt to l iiliiuei 4in sleek , rilll and ask for w liat yml -a ant. j I return oiv aiueere th inks to a l.heral pulilier.il thcii pist I, v.-is, and hope l v ' Mnei hii, .ini. in io nu. inc. s ln tiiu lutiii e . 01 i-"rc nr prrvr. I ni.-. i to merit a eoiitinuaiiee of the HMine. n iu ; n- n-si n-.i. rml u o ii u,;-; liein.ii n-n I pi-e-I will Insure I. He or I'looerlv in ihe 1 .-wion. l-r ...'.. fanot.v n r i.i:telnr- hest. Cmpante-. and n.rnish lii'mWr in ; J- '- 'Tl'l aiiv quMOin v, nod Itolesnle 1. 1. tut. is. ; ,.,, t,.,.,;1i ;,, lt, , r. . Th Seaiiiiurd Brirlijij you 'tn now cross j ;,, u n.i, -r- t -1 uil niiuii.s.- ; linl.i. sui....il,. anil also the l-'rrry with perleel saleiy. So 1 sw.n nitooirr. Iik tin- well res-niateil una-.- von ean come ami lay m your holiday '" ' "(, ; "'l'1' ' ""o""" i-m ' I ' J J ! an, I it. i iii I ... . Willi a'l t,.. vnluiille iinpri'V-e- K . , , ... . I ne Ms in I.,- f.uinl iu tU- h nrii.-! priee, M:u-liine ( all at the Cornr r llriek flora Opposite a-arrui.l .1 1.. .lol..-aiiie work. Un- same way Feterahurg l.Vipol and see me. 1 ru.1 iis n.pi.l in-l siii,.!li ss n M.-ielon.., An J. U. ItAIT.l-'.Y, ' ii.-kn.o, I-!, en ti-i'iitipli "t iiureiiioiis ni'-eiia nl W'c. ni. V I skill. I'seui ut1!, lie- Wi rkou' w.-nuiu fiiiuul. ., f 1 ' ""' .,r ),, k 'v of all ,.i-,liiiiin Miieloli.--.. f,,r I'Ol 11. ,,j,,. siis lielh, Keliiilulil j itinl trelierill II". - OTIC r:. i.v Tinue 01 ine 111 wera eonirron in a ,in, nsi., sews the slnuuresi lasiinv sllli-li e eertmn uinrti'iiiio ileeil duly proven and j iiuullv t un" -iin"'lli tlooic h nil konls of n-eorocfi in in- oiiiee ot the Keuister i t Deeds for Halifax einntv, n eeit'iin tru-t ot land, siiuitM liinu hi,, I Iwinir in Ihe county or Until n aort uta'e ol Not tn Cm-. nnna ami lioiiitiieil on tlie e.ust hv the lai.il o vviiin-in ivim iiesires i., use 11 r.-r tliin pur n William lliahop, on the North hv the ! 1"""' : "rssn faliliful an. I -asy ilu- servsnis IhBiU ol Iimenll I linb .,,,1 Mrs 'v-r. 1 or el-ll.lrell cull Use l witllnllt lllltnHs'e. l'r inaos oi .iiwepli I licefc and Mrs. ary 1,.1,l Wllh ,, , rill, ,,,r Sinn Ivvo oil, on the West hy Il.e lands of I ,,,. wre. ... Hail ... fver. sin-liraw- Jes-e Medhn anil Mrs. rar..er. mi.i1 on Ih3 ,n'nl fad 1 Slyl-s eai-li nt i-orrrspoiuliiu-iy Sonth l.v Ihe lands nf Win. Msln.p. Jno. I lw nn-s. snf- it-livery iriiannu I. free fr.un Medlln and othors-Coiitsininiz lour linn- i .1""".". Ksi-leiiatory .iiiihet Illustrate,! .Ired .tid ninety .wo acre,. re. or le sMiioemno i v luioiie aiienon ior ei'sn 10 the hlirhest liidder at tru Court Ih aepil-nr In Halifax town on Tuea-.'ay tho IHIli (lay of March is7rt. .'OS. R. HATCH HOR, Attnrpey fur V'irtgace. AHVI.it I hKVil'INTS. AWArtl'tli TIIM lll'.IIKs'l' M1.HA1. AT V I I . .V . A . jl A II. T. ANTHONY A CO., Ml iia.TAt.WAV, Nr.w York. (Opp, Mutrnp.jlit.ui Hotel. I M V.l IM'TI III. i:, lMl'ni:.li:i;- k Imi.l ll- IS KN li H A VI Si iS. CIIIIOMDS AND I RAM I'M. STI'.Hl-'.osci.pKS AND Vll-lWS, Ai.ni ii', I iiiayitosr' et , l'noii uuarHs, And all aiudred ir -viiIk t'olehrities, Atf tresses, cte. ril()l'WI!APiIC MATI.rU A 1A Wo aro llHailfUHrtiir for everything In the way ul SlT.IU-'.n'K'ilV AXIkji Mite LAN TKR.tn, It. inil Mnulai-nircr nf the M K I'.i ).scl KNTf i ' I.ANTICKN. SI'I ItKO I'ANot'lK (IN. I'M v i'imtv s rr-;i:i:opTlcov, A hVI'.ltl IsElfssI KitKOI'iyi'lLDX A It lOl'l Ii iN, si'tr.i't. t.tM'titv i'amii.y f.rtTi:us. n,'in.i:'! l.v.M i UN. i- aeti .t v o- I.eii'K the hest of its class In ll.ii fn :i r I-1-' . Iti-.i'ilU'il I'li'it'.nrnpl.in Tr.nisp'.ren.'iesi of Siniiiary and l.nni-aviiiijs r tho w inituvs . C. . lives (ilass, M.inut'ai-tor.'rs of Velvet for K 1 1' lat in i s a in I I'niiii'j (il.-iss l'i.l in.., Catah.!lli's of I , i n 1 1 i n nod Slides, with direi-tui'i! t ir u-niir, sent on ap.tiei';on. Any niterinsinn limn can make inmiu.y with a M.nni I o.iur. r i, , "'.ii.' 'nt on' thh. a I vi rtiseiiient for refcr-. cuee. Jan 5 :in. i - "Ss ,f - - - X" 'V jCXJU KTE R, rLATfu h; ! t'l.'i"''.! f T I Wi .Lv.iCk,! an, 1 il THE BEST A:;;; ! MRVlMSAFE&SCALECOi 265 BROADWAY . 72 CHtSWJTs:r;;;ii.rA Jan 2 tr. A. w h t: x n , M iiinfa.ti;ier nf and Ivraler in all k.inlsof I V.rri.i-'-, I'.irnrss, Sa'M!e, Hi'd e.s, C, l.ui s. c.ii n. A In-r-N, Asl'-s. i-aiui Wnij'i'.i.- ;-.nd lo-ai, Horse Cioiliinu, I Lap K'.Lcs, ,Ve. Xr.s. H. Hi, 21 will 2l'. I'nion S:rcet, . o n v o i. k, v a. Vo l I inn of Carriajie and liai ncss l ate- i 1 . I v i J ' Oct 24 1 v. . X o U ll , Takes pleasii -e in nnnouncinu that lie cr,u sii.l be toiinii at his stand on : K I R ST S 7 U F. F. T, Where, he has on hand a full l;i.e ol I'm Finest WINKS. I.IKIKS ani ItivAM'IKs. TO A 1 'CD, ( III AHS, mid sMTI', D,;Ni.ES. AI'PLF. and KlNl-l.t Tlvi.M-JtlF.S llissioel. if Canned i.ioo, Is and (iroeor ics is iiuii.stiaiiy 1' n I I 11 11 1 ( 11 111 . I r I e , in.;. Cai-.im.t W'ai.-KKY A M-ioii nv I'll h ll l.Atildt Ml.l.ll OM Iin.an.lIT. ll Kiiai aiilees sat Wheth.n. (.'all and see 1,1111, X-v 1 y. n ALL IN 1' It 1 C B S . ., ' ' iiinl j-'v'l or J DJ prr w Till' I.M'tl I.I 11,1 AMI VV!:U OUT IIOIII STUVI) MWIMi fiiO j n 11 iiivi 1 For I'eii.estic use, ITU TM'I I I'l X 1 VRIS ('.,-iri 1 ti t. i'f. I li 1! ilM-ioinl.',!. lur.'-,. v ' Hint ,;,,rin.!.. :;...i,iii.., . n-i i i, il , i. cum innl ,,lul . InlH.-ss : will II in. 1' II. I n.-',, .s un. o.i Em w icvmn-Mt. ," -'i,". ir-ini' ns. Ai . m i , ii . , t i i i-i-i o I I ,ip:. i i , , Ileal ness I... fretu i-i'nit.r;- in s. vera I li.eko.--s of lirimilr!..! h or I.-hi In r witli line or cm rse cotton, ' lie -li. Mlk '-r tWII.e. I,i -s pefteel Mil I S llli'l loll . M ill earn It" "'! several times over III Hie ; work it Hoc, or innke a Iivuik (or an?- mini ; ir,.,.. f,.i,tl,lei,t lal i-nus with lil.er.-il linlur. ui'-iits to nterprisliik" (' l-rs'i'iiien, Teni-hers, lliisin-ss Men. 'I'riiveliiitr ur I.oi-hI Arrenis, jo-., wlio ilesire exclusive Airents. furuislieit. on a -plication. A.Mts-ss .lolili H. Kendall '., Wl It- N i. y.-rl.. Ititi.t. limnl. fonl. initl.er. Ku'tl-. S'hlrr, plait, . used, and will use it txci'usielv here K.'lil. s,..tl;,.,. Ki.il. I.uil.i-i.ui-l-. linn up Her. AUVERTISHMENTS. " A TTKXTI O N , F A R M E K S'P C' 1 f Saved on -vnrv to ' "f Ouano hv uirch -aing illmat fr.i'n tha 1 1 I nr . Ol l.i)J snel. 1 will hell M A .' NN' ITFtoi; u I, K, n sij I'KH-PHC Sl'BATl'" 01)' l.lMKIor S:i7.S PtK TOM, C.ISIII HITII OKDEK. " t n e m a v i: s r ii o s r ii a t e i the Oldest and M ist Hod ili'.e I'h wnlialB In thn ITalte I S'Htas, R id has given satU- laetu.u wherever used. The (il. XSHOW PIIOSIM1 I'V. is preparnd Irorn Bone, l-lvsli ami liloi'd. and J..nlv lupinus a trl .1 to anaure lis continued use. 1 wiLl mill it e'r the same prie" as Mapns. I am silluns at the ahnvti nan el fahtilouslv low prices lo pnaure )ai'Rm!es, and to nfiv( tu the larm ir the Ayeiu'a Com iiInsio.is and the exorbitant charges ii.iulo wImi sold on tiirm, x-.ibural Ci6 Advances on COTTON', I'lTANUTS or other COUNTRY I'VCK. Address JNO. O'CONNOR JR. March 23 Im. P A L IM -e C R A M P T 1 I. M S 0 A I', RECOMMtNDEO TLIE KITCHEN M AMTAUiURKD FOR ANr P LT R P BY Co:tM.it Mn.nioK axd Jkrr'KRMiK Sthi-ts, Xnw Yorit, Foil SaI ft BT W'lMr'tl l.D Jt 1'AlkT, VlKl.D '. T. N. Will TU, A. I STAl.N'BACK, J II. 600f K , JR. 'W.:;iT!'. STAIXBACK & GOOCH. w u S V C CRSSORS TO J. T. G O O C II . J. T. GOOCH'S OLD STAND. Have just "paneii thvir Fall Sleek of Cords, whieh lay nffwr to the trada at 1. OWK.fi T C A Tha stock eoinpnses a lull line of REAliY M A U K CLOTH I NO, DRT (iOODS, UOOT3, OA PS, Tlie larpe't su-csk of UROCKPilFS, SUGARS, P A I.TS, SOATS, AC, to he found in Ktsrn North Caroliwa. They cad Htteniion to thoir aioek of the famnas MILES I'HII.ADELPIll V. HANI) MADE ROOTS AMD SHOF.S For H"lh LADIES arid 9 KN TI.EM KM. Oct '.7 1 j-. T. N. W FHTK, W II 1 T E & S W E L D ava just ro'ornid froai North with ip l.rSet Stoek ef I)K V t.iOOli.S, A X'd ;i:ahy map. a.oTHjya, toots, MIOlCsr, HATS, GROCERIES, ! llt:jI:Vs, aX COLLARS. j ver aHered in ll. in ar.arket, which t aty are aelliaa t LOW FOR i Thev rail especial alleniioa lo their Sloek .f PRESS a(i.DS, au4 TRI Ml They w ill Puplioaia any loll rvf Koodn thai can be purchased Sukth of Xaw Tark, I We intend to please. Call ami sea us. II. I' I. U M M V. R A C O, I ir x sy wmoiu: st. rKTHuspt rtrj, va. We call Ih at tent ion nt thn Farmers nf : No It C 1 1 CMtoI.lN V. to a low Testimo- ; nuU as tu thu into us of Lhu FAIIMKHS KHIEXD FI.DW, fi'ilin 1 iii-tiAu uhn liat'i ituA.l llvaini ai j hl(Vl, hiaV ,,,, ()(t1(, SHll() klll, 'I' K ST I (I O , I 4 I, V , Taiuioro, X, C. Jan. II, '7S. Mk-siis. K. II. I'l l mmkh A Co , j (ientlerurn : I 1 I ran ei-.ht ol vonr Farmers Friend j rinw-a last yPT Hnii chnmlullv testify that I il is ti,e lir.st turn plow I have ever used, 'es aallv in roiich Hiiildila .,r ne. i I r' und. ' These plows mi, steady p.- (1 ! leasvi-tihe mule and man and he'; s last' loimer man hnv co on auv othorl ! p,ow ii-n.1 heretofore bv- nin. . i II. I. STATON' i Itu.l.sn .un, X. (',, Jan. 'VS. I I am a l laeksoiilii and have I. ecu u nk.' ini; w r iiuhi plows all inv lile and usnnj I iheoi oil of Innl, hill alter livilirllie 1 ' , , " ' , ,,,.n ,,i ' 11 y 'W O I'lUWSI ursine iiMnf nr Ol 11 Mr, n. li. v.iiAiiiuh;i';. OsK'ilin. X. C. Dec. 10, 'Tts. Mksshs. K. ti. I'i.I'.vimi:h A Co., lieola ; As it w ould he impossildi. for me to see all or even a small pail of the tur ners in tins enmity who arc now using the Farmers l-'iiend Plow, in time to net c-r-lilieatea. I take the lihcriy ot cndu,i: the names uf as iininy farmers a I can al this inoment recollecr w Im lire now usinu Urn al.ove named plow am! every one nf whom, wuhnuieseeplii.il, pronounced ll to lie lhu ttri ht.t.1 ,0. u, ll,.... I " - - ...... ,,,t-v unvi, tivMr Tne names annexed are amongst the heat ami moat successful ol our (iranville farmers, ami any olio wihlut lurlher informalion ean refer t . tlia f. II,, wine M. A. IjKKUDKY, II. ( KI.WS, MAM D. HOWARD, J. VV. CARMIN, The other names piveu bv ( apt. Laudis are Inn mil lor lack ut space There are at least one humlre 1 others In thiy enmity who are iisinu your plows and If necessary I could kbi eortifleatos Irom all of lln in that would satisfy anv one. A. l.AN HIS, JR. Circulars and price lists sent on -vppli-catio'i, E. II. ritUMMF.r. A CO.. 1.1 X. Sycamore t., t'etorsburp;, V. Dec Ti tf, PORTSMOUTH, Vy. S 0 A r rn 0 N B R 0 S' Jj i w Y 0 II K . THE CENEn.' L 0 S 1J S . LAU.NDFt RRO 1 HliKS. CRAM PTO N N. 0 S 11 I It I C E . GOODH, LAP IKS DRESS SMOFts, J1A1S, NQlION'Si COFFEKS, TI'JAS. A. L. STAIN BACK. T A I N B A C K, 0 '. G. KOTIOX?; AXD CAPS, 8 A DLI.KS, CAN II. Oct 17-1-y. II Igheai Award At Ihe Onleuniat liiploma of Honor ami Medal of Merit, f..r (JHAXD, UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS. ,. ' " V,' ! ' 7 1 ' 1 . i thn p 1 1 '',!' 1 1 re '"''l""'t " PiK ("ahty lone w n h tt, e.i , wer-ev.n- t";eh Hirinelnul I lie entire ealev U" ",ss '"' ' "' "' r.Ulity, 'iu uin xce'ied w oi kuiaiiship. h l.A . I... .1 .t...u -. I. A larae variety "f Seeond-l and Pianea. all makers, eonslaiillv in store, a ranging in priotm fiom fTS to JSOti, We are also Sole Aifoita for tha Sonthern, Slates of the MATCHLESS KURDETT ORGANS, llll tlltT NOW MADE A full supply of everv aryl cootalltly in Ntoia, and sold on thu must liberal tor urn. For Terms and tllii at rated Cakaligucs of Pianos and Oifcana, addresa CHAS. M.STIFFT, No. 9 N. ulherty trest, Bai.timoiik, Mr., Sept. 2ll, 1-y. TJTSK YOUNli'9 P. P. SPECB, AHD SAVE YOVX ZTX 8I0HT. Hold down, Jewelry low, Qnld and Sli ver Waichea, sits of Jtwelry, Opera and Vast Chaina, Hand Bracelets., Heal KiiiRk, Full Tea Nells Walters, Pltehera, Cups. Hpoona, Forks, Ac., eheiiper lhan the aajie gotvda own be bought for in New York. ' We want eurreney for Jewelrv and j ofifer iuducementa to pqrehaKera. L J. T. yqt;nu S ' ap-ij S 1 (j Tec v-