THE ROANOKE NEU'S. W. H. DAY, H. P. BillHKLOK, I' rup'a. -1 a... !!-.. Hi . jm Biii-J 'i . j ' WEDNESDAY. MAHCII 27, 187d. 0 U II TICK K T . ron chief jisricE or mpkimk coiiit, HON, DAVID SCHLNCK. or nsroix, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE PROS THE KAT, T- N HILL. r HALIFAX. Till article in our last i-ue mi the Supreme Court shuulil have been credi ted to the U.tlsborn Recorder. THE tOlXTY t OXVEISTIOSf. A j nill be seen by nut irpirt nf the rnciediigl i f Ike eoiienlion held al llalifus lst Saturday, the deim cracy nl lau county gate forth no uncertain s ud that da; in relation tn the stanJ she will take io the ensuing Stste Conten tion. lo the first place the delegates to the Sine Contention wire instructed to vote for Thomas N. 11.11 fret, last and alk the time. This was to hate been expected ; lor i residence of forty years in their midst has endeared Mr. II U to the aeo pie of the cog'. ty of Halifax, an1, while every mat., with ao aiuch force of characier as Mr. Hill has eter, must have enemies, we known of no one in the comity who will not frel personalty rat.fied if be should be chosen as one of tha Associate Justices. To the resolutions of Mr. Kitchen e. dorsing Judge Fchenck for C tief Jus tice there was some appearance of or position, but tha opposition wss nut Caustd by any disinclination on the part ri( the griitlemrn by whom it was mani fested t seeing Jul Ige 8 :ln ink exiltcd to that high position, but it arose mil) because certain gentlemen thnttgltt it best to Irate the delegates m.lramrllrd by say imtrucliont further than thoie relating to .Mr. Hill. In relations to the resolutions intro duced by Mr. Hitchelor we hive at piei-nt limply to say that thry cover a matter aft'ecling (lerply the vital iuterettt f the euiovralic party iu the 10 it. Vfe shall recur to these resolutioni or f re the Stale C-iiiei.lin meets and shall present such facts and figures as will, we thii.k, le-d all the Kistcru drlrgate to demand the incorporation of the principle entered by theui in the platform nf the party. The Convention W4, we are glad to int. entirely harmonious, and txcept in ri'sirud to the resolution! in relation to J dge Schrnck unanimous on all matters hrnogbt before it. We hope and lirliute that the councils nf the party through tit the Stale will be marked by a like spirit, and that the tear 178 may be ma-keel by sweeping lK'tnocrutic victories in etery quarter. OIR JllXr CHIEF Jl'HTItl'.. The opinion is gritting atr .mger and atrongrr etery day IK it there is, in Cfi. tain circles in this Mate, a di -reputable iatiigue going nn to preveat tha ap proaching Stale C ui'rntio i from muni tiatiaf Jedjje S.niltt fur Cnief Jdttice ( is 'amtiiUble that such a scheme shouM list md it Wont,! K e.t.i...i ...a if it should succed. The ab us extra :t we clip from the Ashtille cil'iee. The liberality nf the leiitiment ex Xessed by nur c-tnrkrr in the Ileum eratic vine) ar d nf North Cirolina, might to be preserved aa an etiJe.te nf ur s loerslilt towards ih ise who " l - - its own. Why it shout I be a calamity to defeat J.Hge S nilli for Chief Justice insr neighbor ought to lay. H it i stead be treats bis readers to a Column of naughty speeches. And why it sheul. be disreputable to Vote against J'idgi $init when m e honestly prefers another, we fail to sea We have said this much because we were una of the first pipers in the ftsle t.i adtcste Jadge S.henck fur Chief J e. tica. In urging his claivs, we believe that wa s-a suS-serting the best interests uf Denvcraiic North Carolina. We d i it, in the interests uf tha young asen of North Carolina who asust a.le this p, ibltm of Sute end Ftderat Juriadic tinn. C Oil that po'ntt h'rs record rang out cleae aod clean cut. In that laoment af Supreme trial be had the nere and the manhned 1 1 ssy tit Federal at arpslioas, ball I North Cirolin is amply abla to vindicate her awe liwi, and. lo punish all t'sote who transgress them. At tba same lima we said, wt bad no unkind leeling for Judge S aith. Hit tinea to upiiose him is to be aa intriguer in tha eyes of our eighbur, aa must ask. What ser -ices has chief Justice S niib done tha State siace lb war, to ea tilla him to that proud ptsilion, nore than baadreds uf others. Wa further ask our neighbor, if at oa time since the was waea all wat chanic a ad datk in North Caaolina, when tha aisest treated, at I.,. j t . riey cukwipiiw ana iisve) as nur proud u'i Stoti'. C-iirf Jxii'ue S niiU did nut Icote us in tin, u hours nf U tenia si'ii), and take himself and his laatily la s State over which caraet-bif eer bid never flapped bis fuaeieeJ iiiS Iflhcie weren't ntliet reasons, I he last is eiiiiujh, hy Jatljge Siiilh should ot be C-iiel Just ee. Special correspondence ol the New. IIiouinb . Illll, of llalil'ax lor Associate Justice al the pr lut s oar! HikuH ood. N. C , March S.h, Let me endorse u man for the high end dignified posiliou of Supreme Coint Judge. I allude tn Thomas N. IMl, r.-q . nf ti. inly, ,t a gentleman, Mr. liill is upright and open; ns a law yer, intellie. .t and energetic; and as a Judge, would be impartial a .d diguifl-d. the learol enemies, tha fatnr of uienai, nur the ol reward, could etva him from the path of equiti, law and justice. In urging Mr (I II, d i si without a y rlispurug. me-it toward the nuny namei alreadt suggested, b it d t so in rec 'gi loin of hisein'iieiil fiiness for the bench. H tl-ijls Nei. We toi.y tUe aSote from the Kileiiih News ol the 13, h ius' and with pleanne eudoisa etery wind tba wiitcr says Cabarrus will gladlv give her voice lor the promotion of Mr. Hi,, the woithy and eminent ol' tha Kist, to the Supreme C urt Ueuch. Cot cord Register. 1812 rK!,s,0K8- L'oo.-r this a t, nv person who served fourn-en (Uy or partinlpitai in one Lattte Hi tna war ot la eniule.l to a l'un-lon I SS pi-r inoiitii from dam of apprnvnl of am. m i f aiiL-n aiil.llAis as kave Med af er similar tar vice, n matmr what w the dte of . arria; to lha mildier.are niilie-i to '.lie sumo feiisiou. No nthsT iia'tins are mititifd. All lili Henainimrs dropped f'om the Rolls because ol l!i(i.d disiujally are re stored l v ttos a. t, AM IC4tl ii must he executed before an of a oourt of record. Hi. d to us fir any Information ar blanks neaiMKl. OILMOI K A CO. 6:0 K. Street, R. W Washington, D. C. March 21 4t. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORYoftheWORLD IMIII.In. III 1 1 HlMl HUllll- I'll! -.U. US of everv nailnn of ancient ard uneii-rn tiiiitis. and inoliidina; a hl-tnrv nl the rim ami la'l nr I On iirruk and liomau Kinpirus the iirnwiu uf thn nations of moilrn K;i ro,ie, the mlildln e., the nruaadtis, the is'iu .1 sysu'in, ma rel'irrnallon, th dis o .very ami atiltleuiant ol the New World eto.. et. It rnnlaina H'9 line histnrlel nnrravlnr arm I'.'isi i iri(H noiiiiia eoimnn pufts. and is the oi'.H it .uipltite llismrv ot lh World ever pumisiia.1. 11 arils at nht. Send f'r specimen pae-ea and extra terms tu AaniK, and se why it n Ha fustor than any other linnlt. Ad. Ires, NATION A I. Pf Itl.ISMINrJ CO., I'biladeliihia, t'a. mha 4t. jTATK ok Nuitra i akolina. Kortbamptou (ounly, Superior (oart. Jrnies W. I.sssiter, Js.nis I.. I.sssiler and D.rsey Helmti-n and wile, Miriha Duloolcb, I'laintills Agsinat Wm. P. Edwsrds, rturiis Allen, If n rv Allen, Win. Allen, It chard Allen, Adriaiuia i'lw.irds. Alfre.1 ll Kdwarus, Iboinas n, Snrsh FlwarHi Mav lir Klwsrds, D-lU Klwsr.d Willi un K ltHids. I.vdla K.lwar l, J.:n. Kdward, K.leaour Julia Krt wsr lsainl Kl csbith (.sssiler, .IsiinhliT of Ksvid l.s-sil-r Hiid thu .ilhrr ehi:drn si.. I heirs at i iw l si Utvnl I.s-s.lHr, (h.e names are unknown,) i)elend auts. The above named Klizalioth Lassiiar and thenitiMr ehll.ri.n and haira at law of the said Dvid l.aiier, rieeessed. still .akaniilic that Ih). ah its iiIiiiihI artinn lisa been c.mniMn.v.l In tli Sup-rmr t'ourl fur the a..iintv nt Mnrllinmp'ini and state or Nortn t'srolma, to have divided f T psrlilinn tn tram of land owned bv the !leSils ,.ssitnr. c uilKlninu three bui. .lie I and eiiihiv an.e. r.d known ss the Id 'Svke- pUo ,' and that if thet da n-t on or Let'.. re Thursday M .r.'li a8ih, '71 Hj. pear at the i.ffli-e of tnn t'lerk of s id '.tut at J ijksii . in si I (..ninit nid hide, mid answer or to Ibe i-nu.plali'1 ti ed io sal I an ion, ilin plai' t IT sr.. will aiipiy to tbo e nirt for the relief de inandnl in Hoi onmula iit- WluM N. K. mil in. f'leik Suneri. r Court, Nort Hmpton tN.univ. a i.lll.-e I...L-...n II... 9-..I. .1... t-.l l 1 87(1. N. It. OI)OM, Clerk Superior Court, N'irthaiiiptiin Cininlv. R. B. Preh'es Ally. March Si t r. ASl'Kl L K V 1 , :: m '.TACTt'aK or Tt :o- C O l' K A D K CUT D K K H N N K T N, noMKsni' KtitRTs. DuwrBitx. ovkrail Ac. Ac. Ac, Ar. a m.L i.ixk or riii.tiMii.Nii ijoodh. NO. 2Jfl SVCAMOHK ST. i'KTIHSHUHO, V. Fib!ll v. jTATBOP ItDUTII cAnoidNA. Nerthaanptua aualy. np-rir Caarl Martha Colsou, Plaintiff, Aifs.nst Wiley M Minn, Kve n-tt ltarls and wife, Martha Ann and I' K Colsou. A. J Mnrrrll. Str- fsivl Colsou suit t'hsri.vit'alsoii. U.-(eulsnU. ii ihl cause. ila...'rmjt h the Miurn t the KI.entT. sn.l l.jr siH.lsvll I, ml the d-f-ndani Msrifsn-t and 'hri..s Ci.laou are n... n-sldnts o. tins state, suit cfiinut after due .1 IlKenre u found. Mid It lurthot ,..-arin that the al.JfH l this i r.M-.-e.llnx Is to ol.taln ilower el the Planum in ine loiiownin lands: lo wli: A trsei- of land In Nnrlh(.mpton e..nnty. Iioiinded by the lsn.N.,t J,.lMia lln.wn. tht .and annwii asiiie- i.a-siier land ; aUo hy I he lands nn ornenu. LSii.-r anil ot A. J. Harrell and nthers. ronlailllllir yt aerea . anil thai tlx. .1... feiidaiiiaar.- (.r-.-r .rlles ih-retu, .y ri-ssii wi imrrni in asm ; II isont r-d tliat p.W.lleatlon Im- ins.le ftir six sneeetslve weeks In tha Koanoke Hews, a naiwr Imialslied at Wel.lon. .V i:., eonoiisn.llnj ilie det.-ndaula, Mara-an-t t olson and t'harleni to appear at t he oitlee nl the t iers nf the miiwrlor w..ii..r Mwrinniy miore whom file sum mon heri-ltl is is-lnrislilel on nr lMr.ih. I he en,J Oay of lsis and answer or demur to the pi-i.ii.ion sn.l r..iii.iann, aeonf of whlrh has heea tued-lu saidoUlee. and let tle-tu takn hollee. if Mtey tail ... to d.i. the plaintiff will lake neHl tor the relief d tntedlnttm roinnlalHt. Jo witueaa whertH.I. have .hereunto set my hwiid snd aealuf odlee. at Jackson, this Kehrusry MlaOS. n. R oiMiM. Clerk Kni erlori-oiirt Won. n . . . Nonkami'ton (Vuntr. Ill's Pslej- Ktf r-t ; ADVKuriSEMKNTS. ir)ODS AT AND ii li Lo W I OS TA T sjr L. A. FARINIIOIrS. The 'ollowinii at tides and prio. s are It: von as a specimen nr Ibn Isme qiiamlty of if-1 .da on hand In ha sold, am: tun vert lew prices they are offered at, in order lo make room for my Sprlux Stock. CXOI Ill.tU, Overcoats worth SI5 00 no!! at t'.O bO. Itvnri-oHla worth 6 00 Bull at (4 m). .Striped CtiiHiere auila wurth $lb 00 aell at 10 CO. Knlekeritfiiiker anils worth $18 Ml at $13 Plaid Caai itnere suits worth t'l't sell at IH. LikIii s-Mlmere suite with JI8 well at i:t en. Plaid i'H-imerssuils worth 112 aOsell a' f 9 00. Plal.J Kersey suits worth $10 sell at IT SD. Striped Kersey suits worth M snll at $." f.0, Uerriuu liono Kerrey Coats worth $:l all at : 15. heepa'a (Jruy Costa worth U mil at $.! 60 OUUDM. Prederleksl ur Cissiuiera worth $1 aell itt 8J cents. Diaipinal Kerey (wool) worth J cents -ell at 4 c. AM Wool Canner woith $1 2u sell at 7S. All W.miI t as-linern, sun paiterns, worth ?l 25 per ard at.ll al 7."i esiit vd All Wol I Hsslii pallerns, wurib I II ao tier vmil n i at s. i-o pnr v.1. Wool Ker-ev W rth H.'i eenia sell at 14 'i els. llerrinu II me Wool U rey worth 4'J c.a sell al 4U ee' Ih. Ilon.s lU-siinerii wo-ih Ties sell al 1)0 0. Slltep'a Uiey tWnol) wortli75 c sell at 4i 0. Htrlped K.ncy Caasloiere worth f I 00 sell at 7. neeia. Dark llarrliu 11 me Kersey worth U eta sell at 30 cents. BOUTS A .ID SHOf.S. Heavy It tots, long, worth $4 -ell at tltavy B nits, Ioiik leijs, wortu $3 60 sell at fl 71. Heavy limits, long Urs, worth $3 ii sell at i oo. Boy a Boots, long leirs, worlb $- 50 sell at 2.0D. Boys H, lu'n lent, worth $i 00 tell at 1.50. Uigh Cut Plow Shoes worth U 50 soil at 1 7i. Higb Cut Plow Sboea wor ,h ti U0 aell at 1 AO. A I.I. WOOL Nil S.WI.H Wortl 5 00 sell a' t 75. All Wn .1 Shawls worth 3 I'M' sell at I 7't. Plaid Wool Nliawla wurili 2 00 -ell at . (HI Marino Black shawls worth 3 sell nl 1.75 IrtU.N ;!. A piece KlaeK i,asn inure worth 50 cents aell at M cents, lieautilul Piai I Worsted worth 2i to 75 eta an 1 at 15 to Xi rents. Striped Worud worlb 25 e anil at 18 c Black Aleii.'.is worth I a' sic. Hlai-k A tpucas wnrili 40 l- -nl. at 35 e. Blurk Alpa as worth 75 stul al so o. I'.l ics Alia.-as worth I 00 anil al 70 c. The lieat lirands id Calico will now be aold I'd a. Gnrt Calico, at Sc. H bile Illai.liH-i wortli tt 00 sell 3 50. White. Mlai.k-O- worth : 50 anil at 2 50. White lllanketa wortu 3 00 si II at 2 2t While Blauknis w rth 2 SO sell at 2 00. He,! Spreads worth 'i 00 anil at I 25. Figured Q i Its worth 3 50 to 2 50 sell al I U to 1 7". 7-4 Red KisNtiel worth 25 o sell at IS. 3-4 Bed KUni.el w..r h 21 tt srll at I'l . S-M Bed Plannel worth :ft e sell at 'ilk r. 7-S lie I Klannal worth 50 n nail at 35 e. 3-4 Wliit Flannel wolth 20 0 sell a Ut. 34 WI1119 Flsneel worth 2 i. sell ltli . 1 W hit,. Flannel worth S5 c sell at v2i r, 4 4 Wliilx Flannel worth Ml n anil at 40 u. 7-8 Whit I'wiihd Flannul worth 60 u sei at Hi. Canton Flao'ii'l worth 12 P sell at 8 . While FHnnel UiularMbirts worth 1 00 aell a- White Flannel (all wool) shirts worth 2 50 sell at 1 75. White Fiannel shirts worlb 75 n sail at 60. II ITM AND !!. Black Ke t H ts worth 4 01 sail st 3 00. Itlai k Kelt Mitts worth 3 Ml sell Nt 2 All. Black Felt lists worth i 10 soil at 2 "5. Ill, k Fell. II us. wide brim, worlb S 60 sell a-. 2 50. B!u-k Wool II ia worth 2 00 sell at 1 fO. Black Wool Hals winh 1 SUs-H at 1 25. I.a.lles For- worth 5 Isj sel. at 3 00. I .a Ins Fura worth 3 .0 si II at 2 O't. II A K FAS. Ituevrv 'tarness worth 12 00 aell at 8 00. Itiixiry It -rne.s worth ir. io ! si II fS) linL-v tlnriie. wor h W is. H-ll sr n 110. one l.lirtt net d. Wa..n Uarnes wortk ;u .) aell at SUim StPOOI. TIIRKAD Pis-s S(.aI Cotton 7ei-nt doien. ril.'whr'. slid ll a IV Keool ft rent-per do' nn. rne-a irn..ri iiiiki and shall Ih- sold. Moek must be r.-duced nrtl7 ly R K 0 K I V K I Inleruallonal Kshlbllloa Awards. Imdoii. IS.'il. I New York, IH.l. Pans, 1.;. j Pliilsdvlptiis, I87ti. IIERRIMi A CO, 251 A 252 BroaJway, Ne York. Jsa 2.1 tr. T A T R P NORTH C A R (1 1, 1 K A Kerluamplan I'ouHly. auprnar anrt. Wiley M (-olsoli. Kven-tl llsvis snd wl'o M. iritis Ann Tuns. t'. I'olson. and A J llarrell, I' tills. A rail. it Msrs-stvt rdson. Charles Colson, si 1 Utrlha Colsoa. Defendants. In thlscanse. II appear oif hy the herlrT re taruitidl.y will In v il thai II..' i. tend Msr Ksr't sn.l Ciisrl.-s Cols- ll sre not realdenta of tins Stale; ami c-innol afler due nlli-euf, t,a found, and n further apeariair that the otij.-ri of tins pr.M-ee(liiK la to onisiii parlliian ot the following tra"t of land to wit : A tr.ct of land in Northsmpton rnnnty.! I.y the Isuds of Jonhita Uruwn, hy ih lsn.1 known as the -Lasilier" Isud. als-j t.y tiie Isudsof Cornellua Laaallrraud of A.J. ltarn-ll and others, cok'siuuk lyT ai-r.-s, an.t list the defeu t int are proper parlies to this pro.-ee.. Iiur by reaaoaor a i Hit rent in said land It U or-iered 'hat ptililleatlon l.s made for ait suceea sive week In (lis Koanoke Jfcsi, a paper put. Ilshedal Wel.lon. N, C . the de. fsndauta Mariraret Colsou and Charles Colsnti to apiH-ar at the offli-e of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said eoun'y (h'fore whom the sum mons herein Is r-turiuhl, on nr la-for - the &tnil, day ot April 17. and answer or demur to the leiiiion and rouidainl a copy of whl. h has ta-eti filed In said ofllr-e. and let themlsk nntlee. If they fsll so to do. the plaintiff will take ).l.le meat (orthe r--llef deman.le.l la the couij.laiut. Wllneas my hand and sesl of court at crave In Jarkaou, this februray l.ah, lH N R. OIKIM. Clerk .SiiiH-rlor Court, Northampton tmuntv. Willis Bly Alio. Peb. It S w. OTIC K Moal will not be retailed at our mill. Persona wishing to buy, will please call a l he store of WtaaWld A F.uiry. KMKY ACAPELL. Weld ill, N, C., Jan IK, '7ft. jan ir. W "Inert snd Prnven Irilwnrlhv" 4 Al)VE!lI-.E.MKNr. TO U A V I! (.DON III. A I I ii ir I )' t o: l H'e I in; cttTimn-isA KIHT litcif . , p UUWsiIMRMIS.R tna nicrftrc nrr T oiLiousatn, f r V, UVEK S1WHACH I A0VStEP6IA.,i Ruiai-ti'blA, ,n cuss r iJ B0WEIS ajffKS? wV" COSVUEXIM Cut i'ati.h4..ilrcu IJii.Ssni.'M.. N.H Vo.k aept. 15 1 y. F B HALF. A valuable tract of land lying nn Koa rioke Uiver in Halifax county, adjoining Ih lauds of (ien, I Clnrk and others, ennta fling about 1700 hcti n. on which there is a fond mill sitn This tract is vaiuablii aod witlnti one mile nf t. Ill's Ferry and cm ba liividnd iut tone or more traets to still purchaM-ra. Terms easy. Aiply to R. H. RtiRWM.t,, Towioivllle. liraoviile Co., N. C,, Or A. h. II 1 1.1. Scotlrtnd Neck, N. C. an2 3m JNUl'CKMKS T.i WOIITH SEKKINU. n. v.. u v I. I. . I. 9 M Y C A l i.) K B M r PICTKKSBVKO. VA Olfaia a larue stock of Rnady made Cntlilng f..r Men and Boy a wear, all man u facto rod by him, if warranted wis ta lals and latest stylws, at prices less than northern Maiinlacturera can Bull them. CLOTHING MADE TO ORD'H of the most Fas lonabln Omnia worn nl Kniil'sh, Krmich, liermsn and Amnrican make. In tlio lastr tniiinnr nd at lowa-t rates. IHrections for Blfme isur- ingaenlon application tree. TIIF. KKHBT ITYI KS OP ROl'N ILOIIIIU VCKY t'HUAP, Be sine and send your nr all on M.K KL'LI,. 209 Sa o more St., Pelershiirir, V:i, The moat tatv selection o Fancy as welt as Slsnle Dry (io...N, Cloths Casi meres, (iverc .allng and Vn-ling. Flannels, t'loakioirs, Bed Ticks, Blankets and all bouse keopibK tiisids, can be ordered at lowest rate-and sailsMetinn guaranteed Tim best assort enl nt Under .Shirts and Linen Bomuu Shirts Cheat). M. F. K I'LL, ?t:9 Sycamore St , Petersburg, Va JILtlNRRT I ! M ILLINKKY ! ! SI It 4. H. K. K V L L, 209 9YCAMOBIC ST., PI-.rKHSBUKU, VA tho largest and most complete slock i f Keal Preii. n Ml Imary linoda in polled l. her, and aold at lowest prices. BONNKTf. VKI.VKTH. HATS. VKI.VKTKK.NS Ol.l) LAW KB CAPS, KIHHO.NS. H.oWKiUS, M.IIMKS. ritlMihS. uAI.Oii.N TltlMMIXli, KIIKll.llVI-.i. HRV AMP.NT.1, SILKS, KATINS. Pi.i;u. LACKS, VKII S. LAPIK.xri.uAKS, Ml AWI.H. .NUIIIAS, I I KS. RI;tllKS. ai'AKKs, l.aoiea Suits made to order in beat man nor at short nonce. Res pent fill I v, MKS. E. KUl.I. Jan 12 3 m. V. J N A W , W BLOOM, N. C. RAKF.R CONTECTIONER, Maunfaeturaa all kinds of plain and fan cy o 'tidies. Keeps alwAvs on Land the fnllet stm-k of Candies, Frc its. Nuts, Ac, to be found In Eastern North Carwlinn, w hich he sells bv or retail. Orders lor wedding parlies, and balls prepared on abort none" and at most rea eoninle prices. Cot 20 tf. POUTS'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, K.i. s le bi Dr. A. 11. Zdi.-i ffer k ti (tel. 17-Nv. I THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S WEST MERiDEN.CT. iCKI NOTICE!! Tha Brick More en the Career Oppaattn tba reUrabara; War ilaase. Having m. .ve.i to the nH-ite Building Willi an enilre w "Tfirg, I aui iurr Ihan eter prrparo.1 to seive my frlauda and the pui.lie, wi b any thing lo eat ami drink r eettcral Isl. e n t lures, Ac. I will not atletnpt l-i enumerate slock, call sn.l ask for what y..u want. I return mv sincere Ih.ii.ka to a liberal public for their p t favors, and hop bv .trict atiiinllon to l.nainesa In the fuliiie to merit a mot. nuance of tbn same, I will Insure Llln nr Property In the i Companies, and furnUi, Lu in tier in sov quant. Iv, and Wholnaaln Liquors. The Sean.. ard Brir!g you csn now cross also the Ferry wilb perfect i-afety. So V" ti can come and la, in your holiday giHida. Call al the Corner Brick Store Opposite I eieraourg iieimi ana see nie. J. R BAILEY. Wkluoh, N. c. Doe tf tf. N"1 r i c k. By virtue nf lite rw wars e inferred in a eertsin mortgage deed ilulv prnven ami recorded in the idflca of t' Kenl tet of Deeds forBalllai ontntr, a certain lra-S nt l.ind, sliuste liug and heinir 111 Hie county ol ll ilifix and sia'e of North. Crr olina and I).. moled nn the Kast bv the land nl William Bishop, on the North bv the lands n J.wenli Cheek and Mrs. Mart Sum Iwond, on the Wet bv the lands f iw-e Medlin and Mrs. Parser, and on the Mouth by the lands of Wm. Bishop. Jim. Medlin and other-Cnirtahilim four hun dred and aiueiy two arres more or l, will be aoid bv pablie auction lor cash to the highest bidder at the Court Hcusednnr in Halifax inwn on Tuesday tna 28th day of March 1S78. J(W. B. RATCH FLOR, Attorney for MortgfS, : 1( . rATHAflTlr UCEN6H4I iMH v 'wW s vil ewre or persi-M W I HEMENTS. AWAUDKD TUB HIGHEST MliUAL AT v i a is a . E. A H. T. ANTHONY A CO., 601 BKosDWAr, Kkw Yoiik. (Opp. .Metropolitan Hotel. 1 M INt'FACTCRKSH, IMI-OBTKIIS A IlKAI.CBS IN ENURAVINUH. ClfKOMOS AND FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, ALBI'MS, UKAfBowrM, Pmotoraphi, And all kindred gonda ("elobrlliea, Ac Ireisei, eto. PIIOTOOKAPliIO MATERIALS, We are Hearlruarters for averytbing In the way of STERF.OFTICON". AM) MAOIC LA.NTKRNS, Being Mauulnciiirera nf tho M ICRf )-Mt II E N T I Fl C T , A N TIC UN, STF.KEO PANOPTICON, UNI V KHNITY SI'ICHEOPTICON, AliVKKTlsKK'rt 8TKBUOPOTICON AKTOPIII'O.N. unit Mil. I. AN I' I'll FAMILY l.ANTDRN. PKIifl.K'H I.A.NTKRN. each style beipg tna drat of its class In the llisrket. Hnaullliil I'bologrHphio Trsnstisrnni ies ofsmiiiarv and Fniti .ivtns f r the window. Conves illaa, Minufai' of Velvet for Miniatures and Convex t.. lass Pictures. Calaloguea of Lanterns and Hlides. with directions fir using, sent nn application. Any enterprising man can make money with a Magin Lantern. tS.t'ut out tins adrirtistment for refers euca, Jan 6 3m. iCOUNTER.PLATFORM WAGON &TRACK THE BEST ARE- : i -fTHE CHEAPEST, liMRVlK SAFE SCALECa 265 BR0ADWA Y N, V. 121 CHESTNUT ST. PIA. PA. Ill SENECA ST. CLEVE. C. 8 tl. W K E N X Mauufaolarer nf aod Dealer in all k.nds of Carriazes, Harness, KailJIe", Brid es, Ci llata, Carts, Wliecls, Axles, Farm Wagons and (iear, Horse Clothing, Lap Rubes, Ac. Noa. 14. In, : NOR :t and 6 Union Street, FOLK, V A. Full line uf Carriage and Hat neaa Mate tials. Oct 24 I v. JNO. F OKI), Takes pleani'a in sn- onncing that he can atill be lound at his aland on FIRST STREET, Where ha bas on hand a full line ot tae Finest WINES. WI.HKIES anj BKANMrX TOBACCO, HOARS, and sNL'FF, OKANt.EH. APPLET, and CONrECTIONERlES His stock i f Canned Qooda and Grocer ies is unusually Fall ssil Complete. Oi.rt Casiskt Wiusirr A Smcialitt. PRKM1 LAOKR BKKR O.t DRAUUHT. II guarantees aatlsfaclion. Call and see 1. 1 in. Xov 21 1 y. ,ULL IN PRICES, tc ran AN AotNCV snd ,i0 or 00 per weok "Tiir svrs arnr ssn MtKa owr ot oanra" IIOlSTKAI ba-.lsl.'SU 30 20 HAdllM. For Iinmestie use. ITII TABLK PIXTI'RKN Cuart itk. nvtrfl. A perfect and uneiiiisled. Isre, afmnir and illirsUle Mjirhlne, rot.Mt rueled eleirant sti.l solid fi-iou the la-st mat. -rial with tnstheiuat iral pre rlslou. for Collsnt Kniully use or llnumfsrtlir tnr purpoae. Alunys r. at s moment's no lice tod., it ds)'s H..rK. never out of order, and will last a K-enerniion with moderate cure ; eay lo understand and tii.-iuaxe ; Iik'IiI. .uiootil. mid swill riiiu.uiif. 1 1 Si 1 1n- w.-ll regulated move ment ot a line Wii'eh : slmi le. Conii act, Kfficletit and tt. lial.le, with a. I the valiul.le improve ment,, io ,e found 111 ilo- highest priced Mnchlue wai'rautMl io do the aaiue work, thn same way and as rapid and smooth ss a ST'. Machine. An srkii.wletU.'.i triumph of mcetilotts meehanleal skill, eas.-nllallt the working wonian s friend, and far in n.H sere of ail ordinary Machines, for absolute Nln-nth. Reliahlliiy and s!i-iierl ue- f..l....u. ill If L..II ,.. u...... .hi. it lllnd. Ilralil, Cotd. (lather, llnille. Hnlrr, Pisll, r".ii, .-eniH.p, ia--M. r.iiotnmi'-r. , e lip s.lihs, Ac. with wonderful rapidity, neatness and ens--, sewn the alroti.'e! Issllnir stitch e tnnllv Hue and amli tl.rv.iiKll all kinds nf ffoods. from cambric In aevera- tlilrkness uf bMa.leloth or leather, with fine orcoarae cotton, linen, silk or twine (ilve peif.-et sailslacthai. Will enru Its e-it seversl times over In the work 11 does, or make a good living for any man or woman who denies to use It for thai wotis so faithful and easy the servants or rhlhlreiicuii use It without damage. Trice of Mnehlne with llpM table, fully eipilpped for tamlly work, S'.si. Hall Case, Cover. Hide Itraw err ami Cabinet Mtyles eaeh at i-orrrsindlnirly low rales. Hate delivery guaranteed, free from damage. Ksplanatory ptmphleta lllustriited wltlienrravlinraof the seversl styles of Ma chines, references, variety of sewlnir e., mailed free. Coiirkienllal lertna Willi llls-ral Induc inents to enterprising Clerirynen, Tesnhers, Business Men, Traveling or l.nesl Aenta, Ac, whndnslrf esclnslve Aicnts. funil-hed, on a -pllcittlon. Address J.ilm B. Kendall A Co., 41 R.vH..l.r. Is-w Vera.. r, r I y. IP WcaH FAHDftBt - 1 1 '-' 'swsfci ADVERTISKMKNT8. T ATTENTION, V A EM K 81 ClT ,"; f Saved nn verv t oft) isno bv pn-a T ,. . . , Oil.OU ..,M. I will sell A ' lTRnni-Mzif '"'"!. tTZi'SSL F UiilKior SJ97.50 PrK TO, ASH WlTa OHir S OF UiMKlor 7 I0 riK CASH TJI E M A P E S P II 0 si H A T E is the tV'-st ami M ist Ro.Ub'.e PlioMphal In the Uaita,i N. J faction sherover The ObsHUDW PIIOSPU ATKr' 'J h", n ' " Flesh atil Blond, and Jonly nquiioa atrial to euur o. U Prepared trom Bone, it for tbewmo price aa Mepes. ,l,lluiieil use. I will aell I am srll't(r at tha above named fal ulonslv low priefl, . I savt t th:'rinor the Ageni'a vomntisaioua and Ibe i?,n""re large aalas, and to aold or ii,a. 'Tahnt charges made wbeu -Llbcrt Cash Advances on COTTON, PEAK TJTS . LUCE. Add ess or W ar COUNTRY FRO JKO. March 23 3in. P A L M C R AMP T 1 B 0 A p, RECCMM LNDE0 FOR THE KITCI1E.N ANT) PURPOSES. MANUFACTURKD BY Coknuii MonkokansJ(ffkrk)!Stsl'Ts, Nkw York, ForSai KBT Jin t if. T. N. Will PK, A. L. 81'AINBACK, J H. OOOlH ,JR. WI1TE, STAINBACK & GOOCH. u o SUCCESSORS TO J. T. QOOCH, J- T. GOOrH'S OLD STAND.' Have jnst apened tbeir Fall 8tnk of Oods, which ibwy ofl.r to Ike trade at I. O ,V E H T The stock mimprisea a lall line nf READY MADli CLOTHINa, DRY OOOUS, BOOT a, CAPS, The largest sionk of GROCERIES, SUGARS, SALTS, SOAP", AC, to lie found In Eastern North Carclina. They call atiemion to their stock of the famous JULES I'HILADELPIM , II ND MADE For Both LADIES and OKSTI.EMEN Oct 17 1 y. T. N. WHITE, W H I T E & ST Al N B A C K, D 0 avt in ..t re'ui-ned from Ibe Nortb with 1IIY OOOUS, IEADY MAI. SHOES. AN CLOTHINO, HATS, RlDLXl, AND COLLARS, vereffered in iLi, anarket, vrbiah laay are a.lllsg LOW FOR They call e.pecial attsniion to their Stock sf DRKS-S QO.)l).4. an4 TKIUIVC4 They will Duplicate any hill of goods that cau e surchaaed 8uutk af New Trk". We intend Ki pleaae. Call and sea ua. , Oct 17-1-y. j7 II. PL U M M E R A CO, 15 N. S IAM0RK ST. PKTKnsnilRO. VA. We nail Ih ot the Farmers nf NORl'H CVRhLIN A. to a few Testimonial-, as to the mem of i tie FAUWEHS FKIENIJ PLovy, from parties hn have nspl them. We have many otheis of the same kind. T K . T I .SI is l j , Tahboro, N. C Jan. 1, 7s. MK-SRS. F. H. Pl.t'M.MBK A Co , Oenllemen : I rn ei(:ht. ol your Farmers Friend Plows lat ye. rami i:hai hilly iHstify that it is t tie best turn plow I have ever used, eiecial!y in rough anibbla or new gr mid. These plows run steady ami essy t-t the mule and man and the p.. iota last longer tliau bey .0 on any t thor p,uw ud unrrmiore dv inn, H. L. SfATOV. Hll.t,-n RO, N. C, Jan. '78. j I am a blacksmith and have been n n'k. i Ing wrought plows all ip.v lite ami using) ilmm mi mv farm, but alter li ving tine F-ruiers Frierd, I must coiile.s t j, i than tiuyii.g I hn iron and making I my uwu plowa l.e-i.lej. being fr hftmr W. (i. CHAUrRKK, ! OxroHD. N.C. Dec. 10 '7h Messrs. K. II. Plummkh t'n., ' Gents -. As It would be impossible for me to see all or even a small part nf Ibe farmers in this eounty who are now using nm Farmers Friend Plow. In t-tne to get cer tificate. 1 Uke the liberty id lending the. names of as many tanners as (.HII gl ,m moment recolbel wlm nie now using u,,, above named plow and every one ,,f .io..,, --.-e.. i, .o, priinoiiiicnj i, tobetbaver bet plow they ,aVa ever Haed, am will use it exulusiely here alter. Toe nan-.ea anneaed are tnnugt tha beat and most su.-ccssfiil ot oilr (iranville farmers, and any one wishing furthBr iufortuation cau refer to the following M. A. URhUuMY H.rRICWst RAM L. HOWARD. .u J VV- L'AH.MI, The other names given by t ,ptt Lai dis are lea out tor lack m space uua' There an, si lean one htintlre I others In thit ontinty who are ug vour plnwa and Ifneceaearv .u,l M rcrtiticsies Irom all of theta that would satisfy any one. m i A- LAN Ills JR. calioT' " PHC8 "St " PP- .. J- PLUMMKH A CO., 13 N. Sycamore t., Peteraburg, Va. . lec 12 tf, S a 111 Ohifk O'CONNOR JR. PORTSMOUTH, Vy. S 0 A. P 0 N B U 0 S' NEW YORK. THE LAUNDR HOl'fEEOLD ' CENERAL CRAM Pro RROIHJCRS. NVlNRII LU Jt I MI T, VT 11.0 ut. N. 0 V. CASH PRICK. OOOPM, LADIES CRESS IU1S, . StJOFeS, NOTIONS COFFEES, TEAS, BOOTS AND 8UOE3 A. L.STAINBACK. N. C. the Largest Stock ef BOTIOXff; ARD BOOTS, O.TiOCEBIES, 8ADI'LK9, C A N II. III, Ueai Award al tha Outeanial ) Diploma of Honor and Medal of Merit, f.-.r GliAND, UPHIGH P AND FQUARE I I A N 0 S. 1 he prls.ipal points of stipeilorlty la tbe S ITE'F Piaiina are brilliant sieging quality nlone, with greit twer-a. urns of I..I.-I. throiiiilii (it .he f n:ire i-ale, tiiitiileaa ti..ii, unsurpasaed durability. I and unei e'.e.i woi k o."i'-hrp. A lara-e variety nfSeonnd-Fand Pianea, of all makers, coi.sisnily in store, and ranging In prices fiona 7i lo f 300, We are alao Sole Agents Tor the Roolheri Slates of ibe MATCHLESS BURDETT ORGANS, TDK HIT NOW MADV A full aupply of everv s'yle eonstaelly la tore, and aold nn the most liberal lerma. For Terms and illnat rated Catalogues of Pianni ai d Organs, addresa CHAS. M.STIKFF, No. 9 N. liberty "treet, Baltimork, Mn. Sept. 20, 1-y. "Q-SK YOUNG'S P. P. SPEC8, AID 8AV1 Y0VB. EYX IIQHT. Gold down, Jewelry low, Gold and Sil ver Watches, sits of Jewelry, Wpera and Vest Chaina, Rami Bracelets, Seal Rings, Full Tea ShUa Waitera, Pitchers, Cu pa. Spoons, Forks, AcM rbeaper than the sajoe gooaa can be bought fnr In New York. v want ourrenoy for Jewel rw a" i louuLements to purcnasera. y J. T, "YOUNG ' ,s3 iSIHIHH J.

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