THE ROANOKE NEWS. WEDNESDAY, URCH 27, H78. "Peelai Locals. To TH LtMKt -W here )iat teceivtd fe peicetot b-.n1 dreaagoedt (a! fl aod p.tllieait-h'.ic. VViiirK t Stainiack, Bottom Story. Kt.vourt Mcwige M if 'line. ar-edlct 43d I tttuchim-n:.. for u at White Stain eV, B .tlnin 8tre 100 ck. (il Liverpool salt 298 lbs., at 1.25. Alio 5'J b.rtel liming. .' J WlNPtKLO A KjIRY. Ml 10)!! Ml! ! !.On hundredlb. .Fioar jait r!uiel end for tale champ r chIi. ., Whitr Mtaihback A Oouch. Labui Fum t K ,t ,t Wmr A Stainbick 't "II .ttoin 8:r" Call an 1 flxa ni 4 our larg an I new I toU -tel stock t Crockery In-fur puroha. ift- Whit. Tiiiu!t A Git mric. Wiiiflall mi, I R-n-r ,vit toarriv00 barrels of It mr a i I jii ,, , ,,,,! ,if baoon, which thay will mil i 11,11,1 n ,re price., without any onarg.e f.r freight, tf. S font raiinl a lot of Mile Celobrated V Uenpbat mid Ituitoned Sh". Call nd iee them, n nil inn tee satlsfatllin. Wbik Staisbaok G men. ! Twe elejsnt tmsincaa. I pletiiire wag n fornne r twn h"r tu sale cheap Ht iha Utiiooke Agncultui! work Weldon. ' 1 ' Frm thl dv t wit tell a lot or heavy clnthing.auob asovareoita ami bouts Ht New Yorkeia, AIoalotof hl quilt and blanket at e st. p. P. Sri kr, R itlnin 8mre. Yu can fl 1 1 B tiled fji ns I Oil. Naw Linseed Oil. Midline A I for flip. & Mewing MVhln Oil. bird 0 1. Tinners Oil, at T. A. Olarku D ig Store. O aril after Oitobsr in all cvl will beail-l, at'tinly for oih. Kii'Y t iiiii 4"tl at lnHt prlosi. i; all 'i i ane uh before pureli.nin U nh-o-n. tf VVUflKLB A Kmux Plrair remember tint your liitle c N0t are pmt du- ant w respcctlnll k-k a avttlenie'it n' tin- i nc. WhithA 'TAlSnvCK. II iii.iiii 5t ire ' ,RTIR Iniolitnl toll) Run IKK Nk c 1 1 I II of ?pt Mti -mr IS77 will pi-e ! tb -n with V. H. ChpmII, at WMldo-i or with Day A lUtohe "at the Nkws oftice. ttf-tf T. h. EHKY. IKTT p-r f. nt save 1 In- Rei'tit' patNnt Tr. Chinnuvii iiiti?il with Hit lii I il . Jobs tttki-n at all point-). I' .1 Rkavt. Wtl.iuu, N. C. .' ut t band ane er lnnd Uverpool fine t full weight, lmory tiilol 1 fi3 pnr ik. Alo al nai ysljur S nino ice. R. P. Spikr. , B tttom Htore. Ph RT utrk fiTitAPKJT Thnrpforo II nhx'lld call and t tne prii'M of Kor. ir fir which r mj-mu be:oro vlt.g ulsiwb'irc ' WaiTR ifc STAtNBICK, ' JiottoHi .Store. I am now asllio it retail, ortt enrTi-e far, at 10j:. p-r p in I i. l) ml lir meit ide 8it . a M i I arlioln of imI'oh al at., ineJuiin quality at. 19 -t. K. P. ."iPIKH-, Bottom Store. tE Too lNHttKDt--One Hifn f a y1 id biiio.i tut'i I'. ti ki."fi all h il:ilble propert? inured tn ij.mhI rmnp ni. Qotn4t F. (1 a'rr trni ct him to pi ten rur rnk-i in relta tie, fl .t tis c nn paaira. uch aihe repruncnti. i Farmrr iia in may hy usini thn H-imn K'tll!T. nu'le at hotria bf t' K nn ila of H ivKlo, TAnn r A ., wnlch ha Kirnn annh I e'IMril anliUittion where triel. I'ne ohn nirl mi bo Inl pnreof T. A. CUrk iVeld n N. 0. Vi;iil lor Boykrn Cariner A Co. A Whr am mike p.-.iyn' m fer hi family. "H who profi le not tor Himeol hi hmi'fh'ld i itmi thuo an infl-l-l " Iai ire o ir lir--. then in the Mi'trpli laa" Lifu Iourau 'e CMinpa-iy. liuiler is the agent. if P.i'e Vniile Ci ler V n-tM ran be Unn.l at SdliC'fl-' l i St -e. Alan a toll lin nl ijU-ij w'e, iticln li "i I iii.c. lam p Itture. &iv Al'o a mc a" i tmenl ol T I .11 1 t.i..L ..IT... .vd f... jeweiry, an wi wuita ioj w . i.. .w. price. LatbT Nkw. 20 Hirrel d B nof'fk Famtlv Klur jnt re -eiTe I t While A ttinhk'"B npini S'ure." VV ca m.n renlace tin wiib any a mc. C.!i vr'y aud bay bcfuie it i all ld. W'UITR A TA'NB If "ButtoiH Sluie." Tn proelil f r the futiirn, I tha part of wiafiml Bi ye. then, ihnrelore le. Oaarl atlnat oon' initio .ia and IiiMirn .f t! pMporty w !"" who repreaenta wnlr tlrat eln No. 1 0iipnle. Hkimh lw found nither at hi urflje or 35 illluohVr'a dniij at ire, W'al aaa. tt. JoT receife l al Z dlicf1 t'i Dnu Siwr fre-ib iro a th Nmth, the k it aw nnem I French I plain ctnliea, nu, Innf, : . elfl., to b Imin I In We.d m. I.adica, (enlleinro, and the pil'i'if u-nerellf aie lef it I t rail an 1 i xainif tin ir (lock be lre ptrcbiiiaj! elsewhere. Tttn b-vika Jnat to hndnd and for le. THeken ooinpln'" HkN 14 volume illu rated. Tru- 14 dollar or I as amirie Tolame. Soott 0"inpi'ti w rk, Way i ly Jrel J3 Tliiintla, illuatrated al tJ or 1.2a alnule copy. Al roinpi'te line or ckool book, MoGutnaa, Hornera and Natl nal Koader-". tiraiB'nar. tleonrA ybi. Arithmetic and all kind ol xi-kool material. Uyiuu b-ioKa and bih.ei a epeeiallty. Complete line of atall n.ary, . nuinrter na articl of letter paper at l.'i oentt pr quire Imia ty the wlioleaale, R. P. Spiura B ituini Ster. ggwiN MACniNR I take erdera for tk lullowiiK i-ewinK anaclnne : 'iVheeb-r anal Wila, D'RieHc, Home tSliuitl', florenc W.ed. an I American. Thu.e ia waot nf a m' hme wi'l du ell ta rorrea nd wild nr c a I can ell them r tlMUt hall Ike puce 'oinmnlY paid tnr tketi. I !" kee fiectlle for the m mat hloe. ilc I cent ecli r S) cenia per d-il-B. I ry Inatanee puraoii Mrdet 402 Kdl jut encUt the amount oi wane per mail a(l a p'ttajn tinp and I will tend aJ number 'ram one needle to iana. K-1. f'riKH. Jjjit 'iu 8!r, Welrlen, N. C. rilK hdltnrnf this nftitprli In nn m.v Jtinnsi Mi-foi lliuvicw or statements of ivr'i'"nil ents. No communications of an atif.vmous eiisrncter will In- iiiiliiiahi'd: the roitii of tin- writer must scrompanyali cnmnnJcatlnn. Any one who may fee1 airirricvcd at aTleinents correspondents can obtain h" name on application to the Killtor, rnrreapniiilenta will i. lease write o7 on one slihioftlie paper, and to v td l,Hi their communication!! thrown In the basknf. will furnish their namesnot noisssrllv for puhllCHtlon-t.iit as a gnarsnty (,firoot faith. vt' will not not I cu anonymous cof 'Simnitence. I; c c Our Ani!Nr. The f.illoivltif Kntemen ill net aent for tb' K'UNoait Ouptaln A. II. HIM, teotla.n Nenk. K I). !lokmi Kaneelt. Gen. T. Simmon. Ila'lfn Major V. K. .f ikin, billtou. J. C. Hill, Pal.nvi. , Dr, P. M (Urrotl, flimw1"'!. K C H. t'nk. WarrftoR. V. Kien Kiitr. S-rtiinpton C'. J D. B'oae, J.-ickon. C. E A. Bitchclor, Enflr'l. N. 0. No pojiilicn Hila i mr,' O'MI to the rurr In I'iril. Frot yeaienljv irioii'nvt. PtHBt are b(Miiiiiiir plentiful. IIiLt, At, laat andall the time. March re leeme l itaeif Sunday. Skmd your J.)l wok to J. W, Sledge. Tnu t'lu (if S'lmlsj uoioiilcd ioiae kuuaei in Hichinoad. K white robin a Wel-lon I ail rt-cnriUr, killed juat below Fiitkkii nu'- n twenty RiuU nnnd mar .riaijea are elopeniHiH". Thkkk w it killing frost in S inlkifde Virginia 8 null, moni iir. THRfirat 1iiirdy of Aiikusi N this ymr the first iy "f tli month. Rkv. A. th wi on the nei! ml Siindav ! preach al ffnldan April Thb tirslinnti of the tump inn of 1S78 was Hind al Hitifax SilunUy. DANVtut c-m-niii nia. liquor in the he-id ilia any other Vi'ijiaia town. Who aa It who ioqnlied if Nnveinher iv u rt o'limieiiced tlm drat M imlay in Mai? ... LA'-TSiitniey known In the reli gion calendur a i!in Third SunUy in lent. Plll'i'.-nR Edmon haa inventel a h-'u-phon.c l"' h-irn wlnc'i cun lie hi-inl I line mile. Tiik alfi-e nl rollirter il cuatom in Alk i TiCdtit and 'here aie mi npjilica. liana for it Oitt nl the entire cn.wd at the CotiTcn llon Satiirdny wo tailed to get a kIiiuIii item cf news. Nn readinn nlub Mond niht. and catply atewa are numbered among the Hi i ii that were. .Iamkh rt.iss Snowukn. one nl the m at diaiinnialicl nl Pennsylvania ilciioirnl. died last Thiiradiiy - - - Don't Ioi'h liiive another raadins; at the Hal! tipdnr any circumstances. It Would give a nncbody ch Ila. Rinop I.T vs will adminiaicr Ihn rile of conllrrt! itii'ti at Srniland Nock on the fourth Hum'.ay in April, Tn ace a pretty u'lrl pulling nn a past ace stamp, -nakc a It-Mow with he wa the lilr ol his ronntry. Thr iron h'lo'gi la serosa the rlvor, and the workman haR onlv to Id the finish ing touches to make it complete. Don't s'c'i nl I ; hut i! von d n-lh. ina will meet "he rt-flj-iiteinenta nt the cae a well a D'. Bull's cB'!h avrnp. TrtR ro'e'ed cttir nao1 n;c'im nd hare a'ked to be alma; I 1 1 narticini'e in the urirauv flection ol thH deniocacy. Th r nsM-rrnpher whi refer tn Mirch aacmina in likn a la-nh and irolne out lik a lion have n goml time this year. OuRonlvnew a-lvortlaemn-'t to ilav is one from the -hcriir nl Northampton o(fcrln a re-ard for escaped convl. ta. On -a(jiiBini and 'Init be oll. 50 000 t'ai.ehart' No 'I Corned Her ii ii.. "his Hprlna'a Catch. Mri7.(w. J. T. GOOOH. rrT JoaKpn J. Davi. representative from th Klelib district pasaed Ihronuh Wel.lon M m I ly on hi w to Washing ton. Rkt Jon .Tatkr (col) who dis eovered that lh sun g'ie rou-wl the wntld will sion preach a sermon nn the "O'igm nf Sin " Pcmr il old tr incr ? tkt for the pie'lod a mantli h-'nre m"ir. and a mon'h Uer death, men rird fieir wiee as anifela. Tbr Kalclirh (rtarrr nroponri'' a n,nrv diroo'ed especiillv tn the Roan -rr N'kw,I hlchour aaswr i nbvlnua. W don't know. Lai runs- may make a man grow ft, tnt yo . have git In mix it lightly wi'h r a I and meat anil 1 quiet eonaeien'C, if yii iret it I a'ick. Jorr W. Sf.KDRR, I authorise; bv as to collent and receipt nr ll bllla iln the lin' rr Nw, and ii''b receipt will be duly rw-ngnlipad hy n. ' Job Work nf all kinda don at short notice, ai d price low aa are consistent with Rood workmanship Apply to John W. fledg. Weldon, N. C. A colored Imy named nh nil G'aw living al Half way station nn th Rich mood and Pt.ti'irg Rilr' lo'iod ' relic nl the war m the shape af an nil bambshell. la t ?iin'ly and tin ill nf fir u-'dcr it The result wa an milnston which hr ke the hat's eft arm, put nut both hi eyas and terribly lacerated bit body. It I? thai hi wuodi tr lata). Mm iii us -" uld take warning and mop d-niiiR their babiea wilh Ian latinip wliil. teething. Dr lluli'a baby ayrup anew, i the tame putpm.and ii petcci ly birmliu. 2.1 Ceita. ' ' NOTK OF THIt WkaTHKH FoR THB PAST FOUR DATs. ) Highest Temperature 81 LtHwcat " 84e Mean " 83 Prevailing Winil Norllierly and Wealed. A rnung man not more than a hundred m 1 Irani here, w is nut riding with a loung lady net lung ago. tin horse wa uuinu ralh-r alow an I thinking to increase l.if speed, he rai-d Ilia whin an I came lioa-n on hia Ii ore, at the a ne time liol lowing mil in a lau I voice in five t in p-ari to hia lick, " oiorning Ab eat minded ma ll A Foot Hach. -Lat Mondav morning a con pie ol oiMi-ngera (recti the North, who intended to u up the Tiileiifh mad ha dine etigaed in earned rent under tile shed until nne nl thrai, rai-in; hia ha-l iluc 'ft' -1 to hia unulleiable hor'or that the train wa oiovinf riff. The next anatnena the two gratlenitn with Iraniir cne were making But on time !n puraitit ; hut they never wenld haveaaught that train had the coa.liictnr not seen their Iraniio cndravnrn an I alod up lor them. Officr BoAno Co. C'omjji-smonsrs, i M.ich Meetinit 1874. The InlUwingisa li-t nt Juror drawn lor the April Terui Infenar t'aurt, 1879 to wit : R. J D. G. H. While, J W Pawell, Nat Dinn. J. U. CuH. .in. .T.iha 0. Shaw, (?riiae Diniel. Ilil'lard Too. John It Hitidolph, Tb -a llru keil, John Mivs, . J. . Mi Oee. Jatues Williatis, J.ihn II. Wool, im M Ila, Ben Shntt, A II. Divm. Thm. Cullu n, Joltn- llrvant. Sterling Lewi. Mailt Whitehead. Wtti, Itulieli. II I) I'i'T. Stephen lloi'lpHl. Mo. L. M'diry, rthaoeiii k L-nn, II. J rfrviv, Steaa d C C. ker, IVur Branch n J. LEAI. O.KKK. Tiik following rules ehould hi observed ainciiy by paiHio li-viag uucasiou to visit a printing office : l-'uter xoilly. Sit down q'llelly. Suliacribe for the pipar, I'av f. it it in ndranre, K 6i six leet Irotn the devil. Hands off th manuscript. Don't touch the tvpe. Don't talk to thn uom;ioaltor. Ihi'i't carr) olf echange. Neri-r beg a paper. (jHiillem.-n observing these rules when entering a printing will greatly oblige til udilor, and nn I navu no fear ol tint devil. 1, d is are n t iiiolnd! In Iha ahoy rules, they are privilege character, ilo or ha.' any thliiz lliuv Winl lo anil nlliinii will ever b' said. I.lTTi.KT"! Iikm'. -We went no tn Littleton in feat oh el items last Monday, hut loon I tin same dearth nt m-wa up thn with arliicli the teat n the eouaty .lema la lie rtiiltited A one venllenaan. Mi NfW-nni, tohl ua rotton was a Inw that oalxidy would li-ll it and ther were nn eetton aieulm- aai in tb neijjbbar haod W ilid mstiage to team two piicc t iagloriuatioti, which Would hay tallied ) iy to the heait l lb loc I ol our Raleigh namaaake. wa ahnul Dr. Alatiin'a huree running away an I siueshiag hi bugoy, and the other was n like proceeding "ti the p. t ul Mr. Davi I He hoia. No body waa Innt by sillier accident. W found Dr. Pu-ot engaged in amuu ta'ing the B iger ol a little n -gro child I'ti. ringer it I ren hail I y mih I lome lime mire a In reniier Ila retnnyal n.cea aty. I'll child .ltd not sun to Buflei veiy tnucu and w hup will auna be well. Wr proent Uel.i-r. the prosir .mm lr tne raoa lu b had heie o tne 16 n ai d 17th ilajj nt n. xi ill-oil I. . A rIsucc at Una p i -'i; i. ,iii in- will show that the.e ta es . ail! be ery I w 'till htutiding Tne sicend race ofearh ay s sp.riaily worthy id a 'eull n. On the lliat day T-ni B.con a ol 11 iitvaa me-1 or a eliku nl f 600. Both these harte a.e now in tr-iiiiinii at I be Fair Oiou1 ci and I'hiii Hie way they ni.ivt in tl.rir wck we are inclined lo beln-ve that i-vtry tnat nl Ihi ir two mile will be holly (ought tor. and that nn mo alive can naw tell which one will have hi tioi ia hot at ti e tlni.ii. In the th'ee aii'e dt-h these liorae will ma ahly meet a.'am and lie bsrke I up by In It in 15 ij an I Saans-n". ! "' in-lit .Hum are r. -rrei t he rac will I w-irtti going a ihouid miletne. All iniir ol lion. are rlrst cla, and it wool i take a prophet to tell which will l( rlrst i ctlch the jj'lue'a t. The other r"es will ! be gaerl and well worth a ttip to VVeldoa In see. and taking il altogether ill" i.'rnilemio having lit niter in charge nffc-r a ry at'rac live bi I ol tare, and we nhall be it-appointed if a urest many people linm the UTounding coui try ilo D"t com in to psitake nl it. The lailrnad will give . xcaision tatea an. I every one can come ilowo in the mornine, tee the iscis and return I ue at nigut. "Goraaa yrap.'' No other inwli. iue In uiu world ha aver Riven auch a test nf Its curative qualities aa Hose n Kb' GkkMM Hvrdp In throe vwiraiwo million four hundred thuand small hotlloa 01 tbia madinin was di-trllitilO'l Ireu of nharga by lrug nisi in ti.ia ooiiniry tn those affliclel with t'niisiiiiiplion, Asthma, Croup, aevre Cnha, P'.eiimniiia and other diesea of ill throat and lunira, giving thn Amerlca-i peopla undoniabla pmnf mat it krman siTRnr win core itinin rue rssnlt haa imen that- Druggists in aiery town and villaira in tint United Mlstaw are renomiR idinn It tn their customer. Uo to vim.- Druggist, and ak wbal h know about H. Main pi B-'ltle 10 oeuU. Kngu lar aix 7S nenu. Tbr dose will reliaya an v case. For sal by R W. Brawa. Weldon, H. ., Brown & Carraway, Halilai, N. C- aod I Patway B.-ll, L-8e! . C. O toi-OB Carson It'. In- Ml"P, H it" Abr iniaiid (jiiarlot e Dohurty ire t us id in Petersburg M T lav cha'ge.1 w.'h stealing bands and to. ka to the aaiunt af mot than! 1500 000 from Janata' H, Young, id New York. The bond wre loutid ic their poaaeaainn. f y , f . MASS IIKCTINU AT II ALU AX. HILL FIRST, LAST AND ALL TUB TIMK. SOIgNt K ENDOltSKD AMD REPRMCSENTA TION DEMANDKD FOB TUB BAST. At a meeting nl the D'Oinerstie party held at Ilaiilax torn nn Una day, Capt. E A. Thome call I the meeting In order. On aiatiuu, li II Smith, Jr., ot Scotland N.-i'k, wit called I IR ohslr, an I W P Bttche'or and W. V. Hall were rtq.trd t act a Secretaries Capt. J. M. Or Mini mfd that a com miiue ol Hv bt appointed to prepare biislneaa lar tb niculing. The toiitloa pre Vai'vl, and the Chair appainted J, M Ur 7,1 nd, W II. IC tchen, A. J ll.irtuc, K. A Tautne aud JjOU B. Nual at 'he Coin nntlc. The C-immitte having retired for coo ultalino returned and through In chair man, Capt. J. M. Orixird, rprtcd th Inllewing retolutUo : Wrkrka. Ii ia pr.ip.i(d to hold a can veiitinn al m csmr-J paint in the Sta'e pnar te I lie firat I bun-diy in August next In pominate c-milidatrs lor Judges ol Hie - Judicial District nl Naith Cam liua, suit ala a ian.lid(e lar Chiet Jualic and twn Assuuiete Jutlicea ol the ttuprenie Cum t, and. WnsiiKA, Ia the patmn el Thims N Hlli, J-q , ol llalilax i nunty. werecgoxe a u'tiill.nian nl uuiolsiRisliid rharader, a Jurit able nn4 iqialtu all eiliargeuciea therelore. Unsolved. That the dvlegation l"m the county ol Il ililaX to the Siate C invention be and they a hemby iaaliufitod tn vote lirai, last and all the lim lor Toninaa N Hill, E-sj , ai H ili ax uounty. tor one l the A-so.isi Jusiicrs ul th Supreme Court l North Car!ius. Krilv.l, Fh.l the CiiHan ol this meeting appoint twenty five aVIcgttet to tint entii .g S'.ste Coaventmn, an. I Unit nn o .eix ept said delegate an appoint' d hall be autlimilsd 10 act. It -Milved Tht this Convention do pr reed to cl'Ct a chsirm in. n 1 one ineiiiei from each tnwn.uip, a County Exei utive Committee, any lour ol who n, t.'gcttnr witn the Clwtrniati, shall hav pewer tn Iran-act bus lies. lies .Ive Tuat th C iairmto ol the ('oiinty Execinive Co.Hiniltce, app iitit an F,tei-utiv C!"tnm He lor each (nwnship. c 'ruposu.l ol three po'sona and also Can. v-seis lor e ch lu n-hip, witli a nq ieai that they leave n s'nne tintutned ta per 'ret a thnroU".h nrganizatt n. J. M. Ukizzard, Cb'm A. J Bt'RT N W. II. KttCtlKN, K A. Tit 'imic, J. B. NttAb The resolutiona were a lopte I. Tn n- xl busines being the election nl a chairman fir the Couuty Executive Cemiuittee, Captain J. M Or z.v.l notuir.ated Cautain E A. Th.irae tor the po-itiou. Calaiu fburae wi l:d by acclnna' The .illnitig gentlemen were then nnminited and unanim Usy elected mem-hi-r uf the Eiecntive C niinite Irmn the varie.n townslmx. v i : J in. B. Ncal ol Caledonia, D. C Claik l E'lti- ld, W. A. J.ihnan nl Littleton, W. E Aaron nl Couoconane, Win. Hudge of H inath. t. E Spruill a' Buttcrwoi l. W. M Petktna or Kuo!tte, J. M. Ur mr l al Hililax. A ran Prracolt of Wa dou. E. W. lljniau ol Piliayra an I S 3. Norman al Biinaleyville. Captain W H Kitchen introdu ed the Ullowing re"iuti"0t : Whrris: Tn tim will toon come fer til st li-ctinn tiy the democrat C party ol North Oarviia i, af lamlid.tea lor III Supreme Ju licial TrUniua! nl th 8'aie, and it i viunivHily proper that anly ibo-e men tli'-ul-l beaelrCe l wlnne past hi-iory a in scenr i wita th Ure el thn S aie and wnose a'.ilin. eiumvotly qa ilily tlieui ta lorn sucn high p aces, woo ioierny nt i baracie' I bay. in I reproach, an I wh i are Oi'ps'srd ta an un icr artagaica asu a-sumpti.n puorr ny in r -oera: JoVeinuinat snd tn the ll"S' dcnen'k ul L'n.V'ln county, w rvcogmg- one wh 'ts utc ii Dent ability aa a Itwiet a t jurist niial w h" punlie and private virtuui ta addition tu I he q laliflcattana. shave etiiimtrat. d rniiiunt y q talny III in ta teiult Mer aaitl C "in : It ia therelore rraolved : That while wi wiiulil pat .Itlisct Irmn lb mettts nl aihei egsl Ktntltni' n wka msy be ffri t f-r that postiion. ytt it ia th unanimous voir ul Uablax cau'ity, ilithom ' D'viu, Daniel, M""e, Wlntakar. Uslcl.'lor Bianili, Couiia''d. Bnitoii and Andrew lyuer that III 1 1 S 'bene a m I lated at sal I (J-'iiventijB to the elH ' till s,i,ur I the ts.iurnna Caurl id lb alat "I N -rill Caialms. K-aolyrd: That th delega'e at ilu iHeelli g () to .1 1 u. ta.t ta II all Injal an I koiictt tiieana to aecur tb aomiaitiuo ol I it tame, Mr. Mullen iml that the reoluiin Ii n the table. Tiiu m ilina did not pre vail and tli qietun recurring un th a iptioo ul the reml jtiou, Mr. Mullen moved to annod by ttiikiag out th Usui of Judge Kcheack and lustrtmg th asmeol W. N. II. Siaith. 0 l CUik called lor a divisin i "I tne q les'ion. The questtiia then leoirrmg on striking out the narai al Judge Schenck Tn motion did not prevail and the q iestioa recurring on the reaoluiium offered by Ktichea they wei adopted, . j 'J i.i . ' Mr. W. P. Batahelor offurtd th follow ing resolution which waa adopted. WtlR iKAa, Uader the present svt'eri nf Legi-lative cauiuset 80 000 Democratic Totert are ki ent in all rlrctinnt lor County Jusltcra and La ted State a jo a tors Keaalved, l'ht the delegate "I llali'ax cauuty he m-liuuted to deiB'Bd and in.. oil rapteeeatalion in said legislative Caucus lar lb oegr n.ldeu cauntlea al the ttnl. Tb chair then ppio:d th toll.'Wieg named gentlemra a delegites tn tb a a Cayotin W. U D.y. 8pir VThitak , J. M Onzzird, W. II. Kitchen, W. li ftbielilt, E. A. Thorno, A. J. Burton J h B. N al, II. 0. Button Jr. D. C. C.rk. J I T. Tyr a, L M. L-ag. J. H- WbiUkw, w A .leh-son, W E A r n. J. B Z iliu off', t I. Ml. A. P, Davi' E. W. Hyman. W. II Smith, R A P.ttman, It H, Smith Sr, M T. Savage Wet. Hcdget tad W. W Hall On mntlon nl Capt J M. Otizzird the Damn f the Chairman sod Bicrelarirt at added tn the list l dvlegattt. ' On motion al the atme gco'leman it wa-tder.-d that the proceeding b publil'i d In th Nttwa a' d that other Dfmocra'U-tt papara be requested to publl-h th tain Thtrrupan thert bring on further huai Best the meetiag trtjrnd. R H. Smith, Jr., Chairman. W. p Batchklur, ,,. W. W. Hall. S'c y' ' Halifax N. C, March 23 J, 1878. COMDEXSEU TKLEORUM. FROM WAHINOTOtf. WAniIoroR Match 21. Mr. Winden. el Mmnrsnia I rum th Cnaamitte nn Appropriations trpnitrd with smrnl meets Haute Hill making spun.prlal ion lor rosulsr and oielemstic service lor Ins fiscal year ending J. me 31, 1879, It wa placed a the ralendar. Tho Senate galleiiet wet ctowdd to ketr Mr. Howe's speech. ARRAMOINO WITB TBK1R CRKDITOTtt. Naw York. March 25 -Terry A Wells BiTtrhead, L I , who tceo'ly taad tueli a duattroui fallu-a have i fTer I to ram pautd with their rreditnrt ta iweaty-tvt re ill on th dallar. and im f th laltsi have llgnd an agreement tn accept th rRr. The deRfnency al tb Urn It up ward of I75.0PO AMOIHttll AI.AIIA C iLLRCrOR 0NR. 8am Francico, March 25.-Thr achoaner Oenetal Miller, henee far Alsska Fbrury 16 h wita Cal. Waod. tollntur I custom tor Alaska, aboard, hat been Inund balliim up. All are undoubtedly lost. PRATIt f F AR II Diri.MT Readiho, Pa., March 35. I. Olancy Jones, nma'.sr ot Cngr- tiam 18.10 lo I808 aud niinmsr tn Austria untisr Buck ausn, It dead. Ag siity.aix. ALK OF kRII potTPONItD. Nk.w Yoiix Manb 25. Jtdge Danieli hta postpened ihs tle a' th En railway, under th lotcUtura ot December lor thirty dajl. WAR AOAIKIT RICARA0UA, Parana, Ma'eli 25 -Th germsn flel lei t this port and Asptnwsll na th 16 h lor Nicaragua, which Uismark prapaaea to iilocks.le. an ( msnra cttkrancr. I.nRDoR. March 21 Th Times' edit rial. .Iisi-uismg Lo.l 0 rbt's damseds and Uns.ia' c-ii'C.-ain., Cum Tides : "rhui she (B.i-aia) d. plinet ilie only caditioii an aIiicIi our Uovonaient will tind a pli-ui-inliutiaiy to B-rliu " FROM ST PRTFR-BURa. LjROOR, March 25. -The Timet' enrret-pun-Jeni at St Peirraburit K.-ncluilel hit dispatch : ' Influential sad modtrste r"l -licistis app eheii.l that the lesr ol Eng. Istid'a policy will Inrce Hus-it ta occupy ('s-ta-.tino,'1 aad dtivc the Julian I ' I'uikey." Th carretpnndent id It : "Th only kp of peas it tb apiely aaim biiog el the Congreta " That kape hewever. throiiithnnt Ru-fa ti ait fadiog away. Tk h-llicne . ic.t' mrnt ia interne even -t St. Peterahurg. St Prtrr Btno, Match 21 The J..ur nsl de St. Ptirhurj yt Et.l.nt niurt yiel! her wishes lo Europe, sal Case, ar the Congress must meit aitfinut Elg land, or Russia mm' act alcn. TIIH BRITItU trmnino iiip ruiitdicr CAP-IZR OFF THIt ISLB OF WlOar. L 'Niias;, Match 25. In L nd n an I th Pi.'Tinc- yestrd.iy the we. it her wi fin and bright till about 3.3 nVlock in th altera. inn, wheB aa al a st universal i hang ensued. Short aad vixlent gnat nt wind, accompanied by sanw and dual it-it mi nl a very unu-ual charcler. they ' tudden and lidlnaed rapidly from marly oppatitc ptintt ol the coin pan. CAP 1ZIN0 AMD IIMINO OF TIB (UTRIDICIC It it tuppotid that th raps:z ng "d sinking ol the B iti1! naval training ship Eurydi nff the I I nl Wight in the alter nnun Waa da to th tu dt'iin with which the squ-ll uvertoHk the ship, so l thu Net thai its mre tnr.-e wis in-it bi the lull tperad ul iter canvaai A the E nv.lico wa yen close In ihore. tb dan geniue gu-t probably iave no wsmoig a thst anl might have been'ened an I Ike ship' In Im altered so as to im.iroy ker position; ad. led to which, it is posat his that th - .lispniition wi her gun-, ttoret. nr other dead weight may have given leverage in the lor e f fie win I by les sening her a.'dinary stab lity. Din-o'id. ft which the shit was lost, is lonely head Un i, and is weh known to visitors tn the I le nt Wigh'. It ia situated at a short distance uth ol Sjtikle Clime, about midway Iroia that poiul to B ock Gang Coin. ft Eirvd.cs wsi c nmnsinne I tt Pnrtna uih in Pubtua'y. an I went na a practlix.rU'Sa ta 'lis West Indies, whenc s'is liad neen lor same day I peeled at t'orts.nauih. Mi hail a smart c ew, whose number ia variously itated at Ir.'m 200 ta n0 ii 4 "ti.ns I.. ir. tii..i .i, iiff D.innoie and ptnoteding under lull s'til, a sqnal1 struck th vessel. 8n cap ii -r to i -uak I media'!. The toha .oer E i m. whleh pataiag the E'irydice at the tune al the disss'' rescued fiv p-tsnns includ ng L'su'. r'rsn is II. I'sbar. A Ih-y had b u an kaur id th wtisr, t lifts il that ill.. S-i th nnlv turvtvor f II. disaster are B-ni'nin Cuddef-.rd. an able seaman, an t firiney Plctcktt, first clsst boy. Th fol lowing il CODDRMID t ITATtMRMT. The thip capsifil la a squall nnd a tnow-atarta abiut 4 o'clock m the alter uatfl : aheo Bv- miltt lrt.ra Djnnose Thert were over 300 persans n hnaid, all al whnm. ex. pt my -ell anil Fleio .er, wei I tielieved otl. laatnneol th last in th elnp. Capt. Hat was n-ar m whsn sh want diwa altar caput a g, and the o rrxd with hr larg auashar al ms-i wh weie dinting tn her nr ware draw dawn in the vortex. A man near m iid a vestel ass rl-e when a tqiall caes on. and tbereior. w will be sut t b picked ay. I wat mora than aa baur ia ibe water, b lug a S'ti-iat twiinmer aa I very man nt my comrades cried to m lor help. I tried (o as.iit twn nr tkrt nut at la' the. w.-re lour clinging tt m snd I waaob'tged la kick them afT Oir thlp led Bermuda threw weiksgn W paste l th lilnd ennmy of C "Bwall and ran-t southern point ol G'at Eri am vetttr day rid x otetl t anchor at Bpitnaid abomj o'clock in th af'inua " Tk Admiral cmtntndiag at Porti- ta'b btl )t! NBt ItMBVM t9 Itt'Sfc IB the victoity ul the a1 ciden. but an lur ther report lias been received. LoKDoN. Ma'ch 25 -8 r M It It "W believed th F.uiy.lice had abr.nt 820 effic-ts and isamen, of which 270 were young man la training, ben id. about twenty fliors sn l men takaa on heard at lirmu'la at iava'i'la. ' tSrcat Bclia) aid ! Nagar. OftV L. A. Farikholt'i Retail Prior CORP.RNT. Bulk ahnuldera, 8) per 100 lb Hulk r. K. Sides, por 100 lbs, ", e par lb. Bacon shoulders, Bacon C. R. Hldis, foftee, good Kin, Cofl, prima Klo, Culfna, LaGns, 8ugirHright Brown, Kxtra C. tifTe Sugar, sjtsnilard "A." Sugar, Molaases ,'gooi!), Itrlght SyiUP, 7 n per 100 lb. hV per IPO lbs, list per lb. 20 c per lb, 2S per lb. 8) e par lb. - ' 10 a per lb. 1' o per lb. 3ft e per gal 75c par gal. Va. Kauilly Flour, Irl Wat li per bill Va. f air Klour, 17 MS par bbl. Va. Super Clour. $8 00 0 50 par bbl. Nails, (Old Dominion) 6 perlboi 3 60 per keg. Cotton SVrp. 1 .00 par Block. Whole 8uk Bragans, 1 W per pnlr. A full lotnl Kuhr ITPR R always nn band. The prinaa nameil will im atrickly adhered to so long a thoy appear ID th advarlia inant. All rail and winter tonda at and balnw oosl. "Mak hay whilt tb sun shin." Boar Waturr arr will I apparent to any one, who will xamln a solid gold watch, mat sain Irom tn ue ssary thickness for engraving and polish Ing, tb large proportion nf th preclens metal used, la nse.te.l onlv to atiuen ana bold the engraved portions In place, and an poly tba necessary solidity and strength Tb surplus gold la aotually ueedleaa, an lar a utility and beauty are onncrna In James Boss' Patent .Stiffened gold watch caaea, this wast of precious metal I overcome, and tha same solidity and strength produced al Irom one-third tn one-half nfth usual mar, of anlld Oases This process is of th moat simple natur es follows I A Plata nr oumpnaltion metal specially adapted ta tha purpose, haa two p.ates nf solid gold soldered una un each side. Tne three ar then passed bttwann noliabed atesl ro lar. and the result 1 ttrip nf heavily plated composition, from which tb oaaea. hacks, oentres, betels. etc., are cut and ehaped by anitahl di nnd former, t he Hold In these osaea la sufficiently thick to admit nf all kind nf chaslnar. emrravlng and anamelliagt and engraved case bar been carried antil worn Derfocily amnntb by tim and use without removing th sold. These case are far aal-j by all jnwnlera, and sr guar anteed by special oertlfloata "to wear for 21) years II V"iir Jeweler aw not Keep Ihnm. aen.l tn Mag-tot A I aorp. logr Building Phlladfllpbia, for Illustrated catalogu. Am Historical Fact. Ever? aeant who has been alaadllv Helling tha lin proved fit) Hotnestnad Hewing Machine for llii-eo vears, owns his nwi mug no use, has a Rood account in bank, la clear uf debt, and has innv at interest :bH natural nonsequeno or aecurltiR a gnon agency lor superior goods at the lowest prices. A good nrsi-ciast fing ma chine, most useful reliahle it all limes easy to understand acid control, the earn size and does the same work as any ins- chine. that sell at I'ollR Time the price. Thern Is rn machine at any price better or that w ill do finer or mrnt work, and certainly none so low in price by many dollara. Thn HomrsTRAO la wpieiy tnnwn and used in thousand nf families in the Kss'ern and Middln H'ntee, and dally be coining popular in thn West. Il w ill sv Its coat several times over In on season doing the work nf the family, "r will earn four or fiv dollars a day for any tnsu or woman who sewa for a living. It ia the elronsest machine ma le, is ready at all times to do its work, makes ihe strongest and finest ati'eh yet Invented, and is tolly acknowledged a thn Maiidaril Family Hewing Machine. Price, complete for do mestic use, f'Ji, delivered at your door, no matter bow remote mil mav reside. Huai nesa permanent and honorable, w ith more cnriaio aa-i ripm s.n, nnn isiu.-i proiibs than any nther. l-.xtra -rdinsry lilieral cflcra mails tn local or traveling agents whre wa have none established t ol If there la no agent near vcu, send vnur order direct tn the fantory. A.ldresa John H. Kendall ct Ci ., 421 Brotlwty, Nw York. Ei Joy Lll. Whit a h.ntftil world w live In ! Na ture gives ps grandeur of inont ta na.glera and ocans. and thonaanda rt meana I'nr eiiloymen'. W can dtaireno better when In perlnci health : but haw often dn the uia!'ritv nf people feel like giving it in disheartened, diaoouragetl end wnrriad out with disease, when ther la no occasion for bia feeling, as e' ery suflerer ran east Iv obtain aiitislactory proof tkal Green's An ut Flower will make them aa fiea Irom diseaaa as when born. Dyspepsia and l.iver Complaint ia the direct cause cf seventy five per '-ant nr such maladi IV.II'itisni ss, Indigestion, Hick Headache, Costivenesa, Nervaa Prostration, Dim nesa. .1' the Head. Palpitation of the He.rt and i.lhr distressing: symptoms. Tbr dose of Aueost Fl- wer will prv It wondnrliil eltecl. Raoipl bottles, 10 rout. Trv it. For sal by R. W. Bruwn, Weldon, C i Brown . Carraway, Halifax, N. Petwav A Bell, Kniield. N. C. N, Ci VTrltlea Harkttle. Kr.PAUTGD BT R. P. in MM. WRt.naR, March 2T, ItTI. Cotton Lower. Middling Fair, 10a Middling SI-; l."w Middling God Or.ll'iarvti: Stained 8. Kaco -Mmoked aidea Uc j amak4 shoulde. Bo: I nlir a de 7a balk skna dera ar o Caavaaaed bama 12o. iii 75 .oi Li.tht I. T.erl mi. Fl.ur-KsniilT In haefls fat. 50; Extra 7.007.75; Super 5.0te6 00. xugar-'A' lijo: 'tt' 12; Jttra 'C li C Yellow tto. Rrnwa augar 8c. CidTne-RU lfla?0f; I Aguayra X2a'Sc. St rupa-Cornia-to S5a40u; Sugar bona Ka7 per gallon. Naila S.SSaS SO par Veg, Liverpool aalt 1 15 al75 per aaok. Nortliero Apples, green, pr oerrel, SSn.HXl. Southern Apples 8 504.00. Beeawax clear, 25 cut eomatea, tt cents. Moal- In cants per bushel, Har-baled, t ' 0 ratr kundrad. Fd'ler- 75 -ta$ 1 2.1 aoeordmg ta qnallty. Candle.. Adamantine, lSalt ota per lb. Cheese N . 120 oents per pound ; n in on No 3, I5atrnta. 141.1s Flint. .011 cts.j aalted dry. 8a 10 c!. ; green, IU4 rants. j, Sol I.eslher N 1 lr40 rals. good damaged Nn 2, 255 ccnti per pound. Kusseta unoerSO eanta par pound. Herring $4 i0$6 00 per barrel. CalltKitM, Deal brands from t to 8 eta. Whi'a c'oths ftmr quart re heavy 8 eta. It -ilium 61. WbltcllnlngaS Br ion I BricrbH Bnicit ! 11 I tm inw making, at my brick-yard, in tit piece, Bricka of superior qnallty asd ana prepared to All all ordtra promptly . For finish and dqrablllty they cannot ha aurpassrd. Send order, to T.L.EMRY. Wunt,,S, C. etjlTt. THE MARKET!. Nckfolr, Va., Ma-a1) 26", 171. fai-Uiddllng IP cat. Oral-Markat quiet at t25S buthtl. rrrRRtRCRO, Ta., ifaob it, int: Ottwa-Flrpi at ihi following qaoutian. Mlddlfni- 101 Law UnadlVna- lfl'r Ulaed 84. Dirty bales 7al. C)PBl-52ai6 ratals. Baeaa Market al!v'. Nbnalilar arad' Ide6i7cj; RulK shu.ldara S, NEW ADTERrt"KMF.MT- RACING AT THE FAIR dR.UXOI. Tliert will b twn stays runninr meet1- ing aver iha cnont of tk R lanuke' aod Tar Rivr Agricultunl Social rr Toaaday th leih.aatl Tafarda tb 17th, Day of April. FROGRAMMU', flRIT DAT Ract t Daab Frat of ODd Bile fur all agt. Second Rac! Match Toaa Btcdfi and Ilatterat $500. Third Baca i Hilf milt heaU ff il agft. RECOXD DAT. r Firat Ract Daib of ort tail tod t qatrtrr for tllagM. Second Rtcts 8cpttak( $50' rn trancr, $500 tdded. Three mile f,t all tgi. Three tntrlet required to till. Third Race : Mile beau for til tget. Mar 27 tf. $150 "A HEW A RDM Tu iiini of on handrod dollar. will re paid to any person who will dur th arrest and dilvry to nt at Jaekaon N. G. of Iarael Savage, of color, convlcttd, at Jan u try Term of the Su-x rinr Court f Northauiptou rounty of tha murder of on p aid county, and who baa broken Jail. Isorlptlon 1 About 6 feat ig Ineb in height, moderately thick aet, black cjmpUxion, nmwht (low of speech. Alio tb auna of flfty dollar fur the arrest and dllyry to m of William H. Patterson, of color, convicted at January Term 1878 ol tb Superior court of Nnrtb amptnn county, nf Lsroeny nf cotton from Seaboard A Roanoke Railroad Company. Description: About & fal 8 iuubas in height par built, projecting mnatb, rather light or b.oon romplexlon, oaka quick, and ia fund of Ulkln. (aid Pat ters n aoapd from jail about a whi agn. The above rewarl psyat-l on dJiyry of tb prisoners t me,' or of rlther one, tb reward named for blia respectively. JAMKS W. NKWkJJJI, eharlO Nonbampton County. March 21 '78. Mer27 It. 1878. irKisii, 1878. I am now opening daily, NEW SPRING DRESS QUODS, II THE Latrei aad Moat Dealrable Style. For Tns Comimo Skaiom. BARGAINS IN BLACK BILKS AMD CASHMERES, BRANCH AGENCY FOR E. BUTTE RICK k CO, Celebrated Patterns fsamplta of Good a and Catalogue of Panama tnt on application. Address, E B. BLAMIRE. 146 Mala Street, Norlo k, Va. March 23 3m. JORTU CAROLINA, Halifax Coaaty Kaperier Coari. G.S. Belli, plsiatlff Tt S. A. J. Saulltr. In thi oause. It appearing by affidavit of lb plaintiff that lb defendant ka not a reside' t nf this 8lte, aud nannnt ftr du 1illgna b found, and It further ap pealing tost ths nuram of tha acttna la to recover Judgement agalnat tba defend ant for Hi sum nf five thousand dollar and in Ureal du tn tli dfadnt nr work: snd Isbor doa rr whica laborer' ia I filed In tb nffie nf the Clark ot tb 8a iH,i l..r Cart cf t!s!!!il ?. !t - f dered that puhllcalmn t anada for aiz aucee-lv weak la tk Roaock Nwt, a paper pnbllbd Ir Weldoa It. CM com. laniiding tb derendant H. A.J. Haulier to aepraraiibe nl trnt of tb Superior C'.iurt nf Hsllfsx eonoty to 0 btd at tho court bnua in said ooonty on the lh Mondsy after lb 2nd Monday of February 187. and t answer or demur to lb cm plaint nfth plaintiff wbmh will be died on nr before th third day i t th tirm aforaaald ia tbeefflo of th clerk of !t oourt, and letbi a lak notice that If ho fail so in dn, tb plaintiff will take judge ment for th rllf demanded In tb oom-pUInt- In witner whereof I bay hrt set my hsd and teal thi tb Stat day of Maroh 1878. JOHH T. GREOORT. Clrk Nupawlo Court, H.lifhx Connty N C C. A. Cook Atty. Plaintiff. Maroh 23 6 w. y ALU ISLE PROPJCtXTT. On Ratarday tb l'h dnyof Mareh, ItTt. t hll Mil at publieuoinio fnr oasb, to ibnwn f Pallfai, N.tX Ibe pMiaiy nf ih tl f K. L. Coban A Co., Banks' rupts, consisting f Dry arm da, UraawiTtesi, B ota and 8noaw, Haw and Caps, Farming Implement, Hardware, Crotktry and Olaaswsr A lot of fll Liquor, A. Aat on Ratnrday tha i day ef Msresi, 1S7R, I will sail at pnMie aorn, for oaak. In tha town of Weldon, N. C eaotbor large lot of th aatie kind of boots be longing ttb asUtanf thaM nkrnpt( , L. A. NULI.EW, ' Ale efE, yj. ;VbaB, B' k'RPt. . hrMin

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