i 1AILK0AD ElliDDLU,. TH HOANOKE NEWS WEDNESDAY. M.U.Cil SILVER FUM2S AMO THE GOLD. DT PICK T CLAW ' She raised her H.rin to her rye, A nl lank refute in ier ; Wniie n. w h- dm "l bi Uii, r rbU4h frightened at b r fears. ' Hi (M il l iimi hiv that lie bid met A ulrl in H i his life, t WfiHii diil a i m a pssnnn get, i Wjjuu a-kcd 10 be a w;le. Ii il there alia H n and sitill be wooed iV'iiii il iinuiil Ici'lmu' ee-, ' Till by decree It w,ani(n I Irnr moo J fi yiet led up the pr.z-. And J.mrt ti made a happy man j A ki he ill I lniirliit Upon her Hp, mil iiv me hail, 11m I m! Iih' to Hie mint. Arid e hie I her lesri In loving oires, ' I n t iiiiili Ml I Ijiy fc'i", Ami children r4 nil use lopa of ataira, Wuu bill Hie it'll I'luK an, M r h"r apr-ii) to her i e, When sneaKin iI llinse ilenrs ; It n .1 'hn, i hi i.' timv were a prize To niuilifili wars, '. THE H.USE OF DEATH. " i Not a haul has. lllif't th ralrhel .since 11111 w flat ci it t nl . he dour -No icntfti'T' sliail urns, tin lhrr.otl Since tttf vii u mio In uii mote. There Is rust upon lock n and ti I inr-, ".CI J mould Hint llllihl nil III wads, Ami sluice limf. In i he chants r, t AnJ djiXiiess M In Urn (Mil Waits Hsu 1 1 tibia bare malted Mince she weni Mint day "I spring, 11 fin In mr pslnd spendor To Iweli in liiu Curt ul tlio Klnn. With lilies r,n hn.w and bosom, Witn r.-bes of -I k mi sheen. Ami her WoiiuVrlul ln r.ni bnauty Tbe lilies mul tt' .n In nv. en, Roil roses bu left behind her, HutCny died Ion, long miih '! the oil.irmH ithnst i.f h lilinniim '1 tut ine I thriuli ibi'dara 1 1 glow. Tim ssrnionts k;e lnl nim k llin shadows Willi h'U's il wuiitnW iuo'i Ami Inr iiiinixH swims im the mirror Ti hi w, it so use. I t'i tier l'i:u. ' Tbe l-trds utalie IiimjIcii t music VV'in,rn the inibiiiw rids i inside, i A ""I ttm winds are iinirry and wan mi ' rt'llh thu suiuumr'a p imp and pride. j Dut Ui till- (l'iit.i mansion, Whvre I i ha - imk-w I Hi? dour, Vit i n-li iiu ii ir h i ni'T nlmil ei-lor, " i im hIi nil r huh Hi ni in ir. FACcTIJUS IDLE TALK, " Ahll Mi.llio: "Cnr.e, Bi I, ipUt me mine woiiit " Iiiifilnl tun V t tUrl On it ; I balicTt' lu irtaiin out lh old vvtt B'.t." O ir ini'tc conNina In ilut," ita rnuntiy nliinr. I). )fnii.' Cni'lcil WliiKet,' A 'hi in in l .imirm l,' ud van iili uilirr mttrnuiij eiiiclte " A M I vnnki-e liMiciniJ-m ieit-r ii nh oil intrnrli) in ii nrw -Uii- e nii'i-i.lf fur I t pe 'n'r. All 'I'r u-f'T'io-ta In t to do is U ait on tin Ifnnr n 1 1 k irk. A vming ihii in Kinr fi!piti iii-lc ii if we im'H tn iiiiii ' pur. I i!i'K." ihnik vmi. VV h id pi ii. I ( fiiwl it hioI llnl ii li in llniD'lir prnplr I Mi l py tin (heir p;ni il.'i'!H. ' v . li'it ire to I llimkine n' i! o imeMv f" ' A M. Violin, ni llT !.i.i w i- ti r ! nuriii I e 'ii!l in Ir 0'ir ; in i 1 n trvini; I i milic mil nliic'l "I u.4 lllit ivuijl I lie I" An nrlnu'e n"li to km liuw i)P To'ki htpp-iic I t I' urn to rl ;lit hi -i . Wiiirropo i aii'tier i xi'hiii ;h exrla im: "iVh in in. Hunt ul tlii- Tu kish insert he over hill a Afn wivrf." A Incka io Pi irei bt r. epivtk io-j en Hie ljrj l" ul i;. lll to ll'IVKn. mi I ' Mi h'i-lliren. it ii i iit;jiH.iii Inr a Mmier t. l!"f la litv"n in Ini in-. t.ir tin- n.t h-iriu-'nan in tln o n..ri l"iM'"i - ride a trett nl liht'on tiir.nijii crmti.np)!r tree wlllinjt rtt n.' frrati'lied. A hlnrk'iii Ii li T:no iurrliae! and flttfil no tor a ilmp. h li'in-e privioiiilr ned and orennifil l a Unier, ifi'ii- nn i h- d r : "Thia hiie a Inwver nnre enjoycJ, A vnith iI'iiih ii'iw 'mun ; liner naiurxllr Hie linn ei:e Sm'.'eeda the eeonl lii ak ! 1 RUSHINQ THE B3Y. A' J(1 sVl'irk e.?er.laT. '"rrnon, avi Hi- D'r .il Fire Prii-i, a (Jiutmild iiint i fTi r '; w.n iiisktnii chalk picurrt nn the t lllv atr. irlren hi fi pi i?i-r rame H..tlini al.itii; Itnin bicaklatl and ta'le i out : "Any ci! A". Sim J" Net even a bt-jiir." repliel 6uiD. ' llste yon iwiini nut 1" 'Vca. Ilirre limir ai?i." Sad dn.tel nif tatdet" I have." "And n one h n been io V' "N .1 a nl." "II.vc tnu rlrsne'l the win Iowa bla kill thetliiTe I" aril Ve." "Well bow, vna rah our ipitisoo rlewn h-:c ta !!;c c.ijr'-s'uriE st'1 ti-tn '! ! I ha I eixireo i licoii wailtuj lo iplt la It !" "I hsfe jnat rli-aeerl if, air !"' Thu i(i and Kotow m-t" anmr'ed III" mm: 'Mirrar all Joj can Bud on dtir U sir ! Ude H it in h.e an air nl hiiiimi. iisnuing aruund there ilaiit nr we w n'itskr in a hiliinif in week. Hmh n an I down slam rlnnra whnp II make all the nnme ynn ean, ! il any one rslt l.r me tell 'rm tn t -k a chsif sd wait tee ni'mi'is till I clinrh the bsrisin en a tne&ican eiltvr niioe wi.nk S0OOO;)O!" Sam p. ,'! hia chalk, Wked tiler hia retfeattnu ernelnver, and ituck up bit ne aa he whitpered : 'I he wants an air nf htiintii aronnai li'-te. tab; don't he et ent a free luorh " Evil. 8PKAKIM0 -Ner beliefe, nnrh Ins prop '(ale, an HI report nf a ntiukkor, wiiho.it goud ri lenre nt 111 truth ; nevei linen to aa inUmoui I'ory haaded la ynq by man wh ia inimical tn the sereae de'emed, nr who ii hiuiitll apt tn def nr hie oeiKhliera, nr who is wont to tnw d e csr f smnn'i b-ethren and excite diato'h- 1 e in eiet. Ni-T-r utter the evil ahlcb too kosw nr iit-pect another till jiin have an opportunl'f tn np.'ulate with In ill. lii-vr a red e a est her while yna are under the Infl'icica nf envy end mtlevnlence. hut wait till ynui splrita are co ded down, , that ynu hiav the better J l U whriber t oner Ot lupptm &e AKVKKTI.-K.MENT3. U O U K 11 O U S E , CnR. Mil it CuMUKKCR Ull Sit lll'OLK, V . JE-SE C. JACOCES, riU'PRIKTOU BOAUD PER D A V, 2.00 Oct. 20 tf. rj"i II E OLD R i; L I A B l7k D R I G MTOKE. I am eonttsntlr recnlvliifj FitESlI JRL'OS. MEDICI.VE3, FANCY GOOD3, PAIMTS, Oir,3, TARNISnES. WINDOW CLAS3, T03VCCO, snltp, cia.ins, lvmps. LANIEIINi CHIMNEVS, Ac. Slc &e. Mul am now preparej to funilsli the publle wilhchjico CON FECTIUKER1E), I.F. WO, ind irooil thlnira tfaerallv, all at the l'iwet I. ASH PKIPICS. Ymi etii alwav rely i n lliil the heel ol i.n.iila anil the must oarelul mill couipeleut alifruliou. I'reaflriptl'ina CarefuMv cointiniiniled at all hoii s. d if or nU' ii, nod ','ountry or ders proiiipuy attomle I to. llAvlnit aerved vmi lalthfiilly for aerrel vers I I'Uirii ih u I ran still plnas I'lia-kliiK vol fc mt f.ivors I i-oliclt vur con tin u ei I airomiiii). R. W. BKOW.V. Oel tj II. OAN()KK AUKICULTU JtTi. X WORKS. VELDON. N. C J Oil M. FOO IK, Proprietor, Tin: ItlClltKOSO.V OTTOJ 1LU A SPECIALTY. MAl'FA0n KKHlir, AMDOrSKRAI. AUtlNT KoR, ALL KINDS OF JKARMIX0 IM l'LEMENTS," STEAM ENGINES AND COTTON fiIX3. Also Agenl for the Chicago JScalo Com. I'ttiij'a UNITED STATES STANDAIU) SCALES. F.verTthlnir, liilhis line front li.o TON Rsilmad .Vale m the hl AI.I.IN r TK Scale furni.hed al S 'rpnsimr I.'W Knf ore. A Flsllnrm HIV ,,r 4t'lirU k.,.u of Korit Tu.N'.S cejiaolly lor 00.00 and . i.h.ih All kiudecif IKON AND UUAS3 CASTINGS Fnrnlshed at SHORT VOTIcr.; and at Peleiaburg or Norfolk PHICKSJ I em prepared to do ANY KIND nf Repair Work for ENGINES, MILLS AND COTTON GINS, J.1?!?" El!lnt MACHINIST nd BOILER MAKER. t keep constantly nn band of toy own Manufacture a MOOD OFi'ICK COAL AND WOOD STOVE. Also good assortment of HOLLOW WaKK. I.tTMRERfiirilli.he,l In ill, nnantlt at tbe LOWE IT Market aU P IK J ADVKRnsEMEXTS. K. A. K. , jLLU .OFKKK A MKO, u it r U U I T N , WELDOX, N, C. Havlri move I into tlielrown New Str nil l l W l-l Inut'.ii A i i'ii no lll-l eist i'e Kailrnnd sli1 he ehv ifve nnlce ilia hc ae now limior piniiareil llnin evr i i yervo clieir friftidi i d llie pnhiln neii -r illv, with mervihliK ""Ually f iaiid In . FlKhi LLAi' llKUa SroKK. They keep ennatanily on hand a ful line i.f DriUH Medn-liiee, lnirit, ili i'lHt.v, Ind ia- (iia-a Lamps, I,h i i 'id-, l)ye istiil, Pntuit Medirines, pi'e s laps, Hhkiii.' I n oers, C orf line:. V uih'iiary ai d a yraui ymiely ul l-anci I uilel articlea. Alao a fine aanr'tnetit ol fon'ecilone rl, Ini'liKilnn i Hke. Crai ki'rs pimi aim r'rmcli l ainlu'", .Nuta, Fiuiu, At. iio. Thiiv w!l ale k"np supplied avllh a fini lock i.f pure himr. lor ini-dii al pur ii"e auith as KrHiniies, Wliikln ni Wlniw. and the tvii lirands nf Curars I'l'H ins and Siuok l"! 'I'oIihihm. ami finull a'l ol wlncb '.hey olkr lew fur L'asB. PhvalniBna proa riplions carefully fllled, Cntioiiers servud unil pntinuu treatvd al .ill hour. Sincerity tha'-kTiil f-ir pt favora Iipsi -wi ll on iih hi our i ld aland, in t'iid in strive to hit wnr'bv nl tho same libc.iil p ilrni.ago i our 'mv llouse. r. . H. 7. -II to iffur with lhanka fir a'l Uvnrs. ( iitmuis lo oir.-r his pio.. fisi'ii:il si-rvii n to ihapnhlli; Ksrierully 1877. 1 L A K U E 1S7S. STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINC. Just received at NO A II WALKER A CO. CIiTHlr RS, 113 KYC.4MO ICE STREET, rrlersbnrK, In. AI.KX. F. HOltT, 1 , J. .'KO. WILKINXON, J AOENTS. Oct S-l Y ir N A I K L F. It A T T Y 8 I'l.lSOd A J I O K ti A Ti H . Ilealty Pimm, irnind iqimroand upright and H.'iH's (fli'l.r.iti. (.'ildnn lnn:!iic I'nrlnr Orirnna urn the wfiM toned hiiiI iiiom1 purlect liistriiipantserer lii'f.ire msn iiliK'tU'eil In I hta nr any i.lher country. T:ie ' Tld is cli lilnnued to equal thniii. Its l diofiimts and ierm ever hi'f.ire i;iven. K"ek ll 'tt 'iii pmlo prices now reitlv M J dilu'rs, events an the trade in item ral. Aiii'tTer; Thi-n rcli lir;l" d in-ir' miu .e.lln r Pinmi .ir Orirun) Imxi'd and hip. pi-.l Hi'Vwhi'rn, on live to fl'tpnn d va' lest trist. Mnney .v lii intml nnrl freight charuee mtid boiii wavs It m anv va - nnsetiviHO lory. Ku Iv warMiiied for sl vtara as sincilv rtril el iss. (extra.. Miliary Liber, al fiiM'.iun'e Kiven lo Churches. Schonla, i,"oi!-s, n:uii, Aimistprs, 1 1'iichors, etc., in nrder te hsvi liimii intrndm-ed at enee lnre 1 hive no aui'nls. I hmiaanil nnw in use. New Illustrated Advertiser, i Cstsloifin Kill'.iiin.i with list of t.limn nisla now ausdv, hhiii If e. Established in i'.b'X A. Id rem, lUNIKI. F. UK ATT Y. Viliiiiiiiiiiii New Jersey, nee 1 tl 1 1857 I8IABLI8HED 1857 January lat, IS57. RIFE IF. DAMEL. He baT more (food thing, au9h at PICKLES, JELLIES, BRANDY-PEACHES. Ilia stock of I.liiimre aud tirceriee ett- hrace In part FHENX'II, APPLE, IH.ACROVUKY AND WILD CIIEIlUf RHANDY, WHISKIES, POUT AND SHERRY, MADEIRA AND CHAMPAGNE WINE Cigars, Bcvn, Floor, )Ulass,Lrat, Ulsigor, Pft 'prr- Hplre, Calt. tlwaerlr. s And many olbet artiolee too tedlone to mention. R. W. DANIEL, 10 Wash. Avenue, W'eldon, N.C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. I, WINFIRLD, T. L. F.MRY. 1877. FALL CHEAP GOOD! ' e takepleseore In Informing "nr friends and the public genorally that we bav isl returned Iroui the Rorilurn Markets with uew ami well seUcli'd etork of DRY GOODri, GENTS' FURNISHING G0CD3, CLOTHING, SUGAR, TEA, 8PICM, HATS FARMIrTO TlJf WARX, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, And everything fonnd iu t FIRST-CLASS pTORE. WHOLESALE A SPECIALTY. W'ognartnteelednplioatetDy bill maJe In PETERSBfJ RQ. II 10 Q EST PRICE paid lor COUNTRY PRODUCE. These (roods were aalecln 1 cap'jcnliy with rcfrircuce to the Fall T i a d e of 1S77 Uavmg koughl largely .or C A S H We are prepared tn give eriet barjins on the s.imo. Call and examine our block Oct 9 ly. FALL S T 0 O K. I havejust returned from tbs North with a full stock of FALL GOODS, CONSISTING OF DRT GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHS, MI LLIN FRY, UAKDWAKE, (M'.SS, Kad Ft PNITl'RK a d MATTRsS'KS aiHAWlJ, LANKETS, SADDLERY and flARNKSS. And a I a II line ef R O C E R I E 8. Calltnu examiei rny stuck iod prices bore pi r''Uasi:ig elsewhere. K. P. SPIKKS, HeptESI y. J . T. GOOCH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. Buys end sells til klndt nf PRODUCE, BAOliING Agent for th itle ef B. 1). SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. YEARSLKY'S STANDARD AMMONUTED PHOSPHATE. -AL30- fl A?ont for th Celebrated TAYLOR COTTON GIN, manufactured .t Clombnt. On hand i second band thirty iw CARVER GIN, which will be told low. 1 r TRADE. 10 I I NEW GOODS NOTIONS, DOilESTICS CASSIMERE1, COFFEE, BOOTH, SHOES, IMPLEMENTS, 6 LABS WARS, GROCERIES WINFIELD & EMRY, HFLD, ti. C NOTIONS, end CLOTfllNG OIL ATS and CAPS, FANCY GOODS. PISTOLS WKLbnn, N. C. AND TIES. SEA FOWL GUANO, :ST0X0 SOLUBLE GUANO, very J. T. COOCH, WK I. DOW, N. C. AliVEUrb-EJlENTS. 0 lA KM! ClllAIIM! Whltlots Kov West S Coots a Pi of. The tiidel 1'ivnr 10 n ., a piece nr S lor '.'.ri cenia. Too be'fli-srs ever cftVrvd to the Wei Ion pub Ic For Sain by USUUoVE A FA I! M KH, Wl I.H 'N, N. C. J in 12 3 n I N t A I N 'I E R S i 'Vn.ited t.-vcrv sccll'i" of ih" ITni'e . ties n,i y.niiicei lo nnswfit ii-ail ertiietnei.t A' 0'c-, ' DAVIE K RKTTY asl. inutnri , N J. 'le. ltf H tft'INRsott MIERY, IS Tl E QUKS'l UN ! Dr. W. E Hi t of 3"i yors Hiicaoas' 1 practice Kiuraistca speed v mid p.nnaii t mirM l' nil Ctiriiic, Scrolul ms, 1'iivei , Svphilitic nnd V'tinlH Discuses, Speriri -lerrbiui, or Hcli nse hi Ins Medical I sliliili-, Ann n ilsi hi'iicv IJlock. onposi e Uw City ILtil Pat. HviMi'iisn, V Y. Mh liiinii seni to ail j irts ol thu U. S. si d t'rtiiadii I) ni'i be li'ccivi-d Iiv a lverim inir(iiiicks whn mug our lui(to ciliie, Inn ciiisiilt Dr. , 1 1. r send f r ciri ii;i ecu mir on his e Mines to hie P. (. Ilox LA Dim. Mv liMt I'qnid French Kemedv, AM IK HH'MMr; or IVuu o Friend, is mil illlou the cure i f sll peln lul mill d.i'ii;r'Ois dirases of your sex. It iiinilcriie sil exm. and brniKS "n the inontniy pei i i l wifc rcuuUiiiy. In hII nei vniis mid splnsl nti iimii, pslns In hi buck or I i ui Ui, he iv i in) -i, fuMuue on "11k. I (I'triori, inliist!on o i licirt, lnwness ol snirit, h.vsuiri.'s, sicltli" nhtclio, whites, nnd ail pair ful dinaaes) occusinneil bv e d'S'ir'icrfi.l syslnoi, it I'as h cure when nil other menus I'.iil Pj'e$2,(IO per II l tie, rent by m ill. Dr. t, li. iloyt, Dox 7') S; r iciish, N, y. Nov 1 y. DR. KK H ARD H. yKW (Lit' Profc En in the if D's 'inckir the Kve S.ivannah Mtl.'il Colli m- Practice I.hti.feil to llir" EY AMD ER, v. y. II II. EX!!!, Refers In the Stitu M "'i"iHlr,cictv fttttl to llio Georgia Modieal Socie'.v. HOI15 12 M F. BUTLEK, , Flrp nnd I.Ilo IiiKiirmirc1 gcnf, Plnres list's nl' nl! kinds in firt-class Cninpniiips hs low assn'ctv will pornit. Call and .-ee mo bct'oro iiiMiririj clsq where, at j nuov'N's dri'c, stoh; Wki.Dun, N C. fob 211 ( YJKTKOHOI.irAN WORKS, CAAN'L St.. FI'OM PlXTII TO Sf.VKNTt, It I ( IIHOVD, VI. ENtilNKS, fOUTAIll.H AM) hTATIONAHY J SAW-MlLLb, GRIST-MILLS, BOILERS, CASTINGS OF ItlUSS AND 1 HON, FORIilNGS, AO. ,M AC1I1N lilt Y FOR G'9LD COA I. X, I N ES, m. AST fi:i:.vaci:s, &c. Wecnil specinl attintlon to our IMPROViiD PORTABLE ENGINES, for Apr iciiltiir.il and other purposes. Alr.o, in mir i.ihv stvlca SMALL LOCOMOTIVES FOU HAUI.INU I.UMI1KP, and other art idea upon tramways and tiar row Kiiipift rnilas. Our t.l.(i liNO INKS ire mid bv eiiuii.'iii planters in N.uth Carolina lo bn the Hl'.s I' in n.p, i lov ,S0!ut,,v tree I i in danger fp-rn -mirks. SIIAFTI.MJ, II A N(i K Its and PUL LEYS for (.INN I MJ HiU'.-lX. d RTir afcrk soiiuited and promptly Send fur illtietratisl eiialorun which will be liirnMn .1 free. ..x. WM. E. TANNER A CO. apr HON JJ U L L s v ii r I j O K N E II A Ti C O M MISS I O N MERCHANTS, North Water Vuii.aii:i.piii,, No. 210 Street, and wholesale dealers in Iluttnr, Cheese i.srd, Taiiow. Kirte, Ponltrv, limno. Stnek' tiHUine'., Apnina, Ur iin II ! T '' .; ' Fhnir, Fur, Wo n, Coltnn, Il ea. T.ibiicco,' PeHtiuts, llr. oin t urn. Dried Kriilt, Hai Koreiirn and llomestin t rmta and In fact we esn an'l sny and everything at toe hithe.t niurkel prim; inskn prninpt r,. turns, aod Lib. nil dmh Advance, ina,lu on all alilpniet.ra except rerlstiahlMartlelfN. I' II F. ti N ti. To ahiisv that we ilo sn nVn''V', l"'s'"'"-. .V Knie desier in Phll,b'l.h.a will t,l ,, tt8 I,,,,!,)!,.,, iiiore na ns , .HH ,, H, , I II I. I it i , s,,,,.! ,r ,,r(.e , , Stenn.l, ". Ac. It,.,....,,,,,,., Ca ., , ; relvr you to ,y Responsible House in fiAHF. Sept 211 .y TrHi-; i;i Ari Perimi ho will make and for. wanlniea list f the names of reliable peisons of their acquaintance who to procure a.i Instrument, eit or Hian.roe Oruan. I will use nn best end avors t i sell them tine, and Inr every Pia-m I succeed in 'etlimr to their list within one year. 1 will credit tliPin with $10, aod fur every Orusn .", to lieHPnlied nn navmeni ol either a piano or (irnsn; and when it atiiiiiinU to a sum ulllelent to prty fur anv instrument, selected nt the lowest whole sale price, I will iinmndiaiely ah In the In S'riinient. free, or alter any amount ! uretliifd the hHimice tnsv he paid me le oash and I will then ship them the instru ment. Tliev ne-st n-t bs known In the mailer, r.i.d will be d"iiii their trienda real service, as I ehall make speelsl offers to them, sellli'ir a superior liis roment foi from nne-liaif to two-thirds whal ia ordi narily asked bv an"iits. Please send me a Hat at once, and alter von have made inqniry, yon can add l It. eciire., DAN 1 1 li F. BEATTY, ' i'asbitigt.oii, N. J. IVc Uf. .Vita..mu.i KailnoAIi1,( . OkfickMu M(liS I Pftkr-bi ho, ViJhiu .MtM j OHKDULE OK T(t4IN8. i . 1'OTAKB EFFECT TBcRsDAi.' JaV. StTH. O01NQ SnvTU Ariivc t Wi'lilnli St.. fl:M A. W. siiuilicni Exjircss leave Po l.V.'i'.',.' .hilly. except Moimay, . M Arr.vent Mi llion at " A- - Fn-lfbl with raseeiurcre,,;-;,';;;.-,;.-" ni. nun itiinenuM "any, eneept ' Siimlay, nl io.T i. , Arrive at Wcliloti at ; JlJJ JJ ' tllHNO NOHTU. Sew York Expreaa leave Welrlon dally ' ui ,?o P if Arilve lit Petcrshiirir at ,', W JJ' Southern Express leave Weldou dally) Mi lulnys exeepteil, nt. ,.17 . M Arrive at Peterslmw at ..I V SI- Freight with 1 nsicwrer coaeh attach- ' cil. leave Weliloii daily, except dun- lliiy, lit 7;f!0 p j( Arrive at I'eteiluirjrftt ijfjjs A. H Throiiifh tickets i-nl I tnall Eastern and South i ii puliits. ami tin .'.'11,'e cheeked through . Kii'st-eliiss coaeheK and jnirlor ears will ran llii'imifh hetween Wi liuiinrton and ,ew York on iln traliis. in.4 slei phiir cars run through on iiii-ht trains, sieepui r ear herth can be had for tl itl Kicliiiiond lo Baltimore. I.. K. CLARKE, l.)lriinli:lieriif 'I'raliisv It. M.srl!..(!encral r'upei-intemleiit. fcl)2n-tf IIIC'UMO.NK VMI I'Krr.RS.UIJitU MAIL At liOAD t'UMI'AM. ( 'i.-.n iiii'iK'-iiif Monday. Keh. 4th, ie7i?, trains on this ronil will run ns fnlliovs : LEAVE I'KTEKSBU'I NORTH. t:20 A. M Throuirh Mnil, dallv, except Mnn ilny. ci.iiiiectltiff with HicKmesd, Freiicr I'ksl.uijf and I'otoiuso Hail road for till j'olnia Eaat and West. Slops only nt Mauelicstcr and Chester. 7:'.0 A. M-Ai lime 'lation daily (except Euu- da. I eeiic'i ainichefl. llM'i A. SI -Daily, (except ruiiilny) with Pas- ,. Heni'er t'oai'li atuiclied. 2::m 1'. t:X r. M Acci inuioiliii.in train daily, wllh J.lisei L-er eeaeh at nelied. ,1 -Tin on;; i Mail dully eonneetlnr with K I'hllioll'i, M'-'i.ci'n Ksi-urir end To teniae Ita lnad fur nil )iolnfa East and Wcht. inikniir close conneetion with ( hesnnnke and Ohio Kailmad for Virurinia springs and nil points West aid Knrlli. This train rnly ftps at inelicslcr an Chester. Pas-enters ari'lov r HIM connect at Chester ''nliy (except Munday) by takiuir2.: Y V. triiin. LEAVE Kit HMONIl r-'OUTII. " 8:10 A. M --Throuirh Mail da ly, eoniicctlnirfor Wiitiiiui.'tiiii, Chrr-estoii, havtiiinah, t'ohniililn. Amrnrla, Lalelnli. Atlanta, Si-icon, .Monlifoiiiei-y. Mobile, New cirleans. una all point south and loiilhuei-t. Tliis tr in slops only at Miujel csli r ni d (.'1 csti r. 1:03 P. M - Accommodation (dully except Pnn ilny.) Htnpsni.ly at Manchester anil ( lies' er. ' 4:ir, P. M-l"reiirM ((h'ly except Sunday) with conch attached. 11:1(1 P. SI -Thrini),-'! Mail 'daily except Sundays cornice fltiitku' Wcldoii, W iliiiiiiKton, Chili' cston. Coliunlda. Augusta end r-o v:i in iti h . I'm i 1 mini sleeplug-ear for WllinitiKtnii and the South. Viillmnn I'aiHce Miei-iiinif Caia run be tween Hichuioiid 'ul Baltitnnrn on tbe iB'ht train. Pd-senuiirs can remain in Cir at ILiltimore uniii S a. ti'. Addltinral I are Inr vltepinjt car ace tnmodatiunt 1.0 All trains leaving rcteasliui'jr will start from th" Appemuttiix Jlci of A. SHAW, Feh 14 tf. Superintendent. W1 L MING TON fc WELDON RAILROAD CO Change if S hedule. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Ui.(ni) Donnt daily At 9:01 A M Arrive at Goldsboro - 2.C8 A M R' fk-v Mount - 1:4' P M Weldon - - 3:10 P M LcaveWelrtnii dailv Al 12-.45 P M Arrive at Rockv Mount 2:18 P M Goliisboro . 3;.w M Union Dcpi t - 7:t5 P M EXPRESS TRAIN AND THROUGH FHIilliMT TRAINS. .'.cave Ui inn Depot daily At 11:00 PM Arrive at (Initiation) 4:5.i A M Rockv Mnnnt - 0:1 A M Weldon - - 11:0(1 A M Lcavn Weldon dally OP O P M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:80 P M GnliMioro - 2:'-'9 A M Union Depot 8:60 A M Tlie mnil ti lin tn ikes close connection nt W pldoti f. r nil points Nottb via Bay Line ami At quia Crick routes. Express Tiain connecls on wltb Acquis Creek r utv. PULMAN'S rALACK PLEEEiNG CARS op this Trajn. --w FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wll inimrton trl-w eekhal 5:00 A. M., endtr rive, nt '.:) P. M. " JOeJN P. DIVINE. Gen i Superintendent. 0 IliANGE OF SCUfiDULK Ofpick Sci-'t. or Thansportatiow, M. A R. R. R. CimrAKT, I Porlsnioutb, Va., Jan. 8, 187e. J Ti nins ef this Road wilt leave Veldts daily, except Sundays, as follows: Mail Train at ! ; 3:15 P. M. Through Fitiuhtat : : 4:30 A.M. Way I reiliht Tri-Weekly : (;00 A. M. Throunh Fieiglit : : 5:0 A.M. Mail Train stops at all Stations. Steamer loaves Franklin Mondays, v"W. nes.lavs and Kr'dajs, Inr Edrnleii, pj,. month ami Ian dings on Blackwaler and Chowan river.. Apply to P.. O. EnwAnns, Agent, Wei don, or to E. G. GHIO, Sup't. of Transportation, Portsinotitl , Va, c HAN i OF t( II Klil l K "" RALEIGH ,F (i ASTON RAILROAD. ILROAD.) 1S, 18; . s. a l r Ml I N 1 M D t HT'rt Ul'HCI lH.eisii, a. i-.t jall. MAIL TRAIN. I.fTT r R:i!r!ch, j Arrives at Idnn, l.eaiea w'eldon t" Arrlvea at Raleigh, J0:."0A.1.' H:0(l P. MK 12:40 P. M, o:l.SP. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Raleigh, . Arrives at Weldon, leaves Weldon, Arrives at Ua'oi;li, 8:S0 P. M B:t0 A, 9 30 P. M. 6:3. A. M, Mall train makes chsa connection Weldon W illi the Seaboard and Knnnok Railrnad and n, l,in Steamers via Pali); more, to and from all points North, Wts, and Ncrlbwcsi, and with Petersture jtalK road via Petersburg, Rii'limond, ant) Washinuton City, to and Irtm all Dolnie North and Northwest. r w And at Raleiuh wilh Ibe Korlh Csrollra Railroad te and from all j oins Srulb nd Southwest, and wllh tbe Palehjh Actrea t" Air Line to Haywood rr rsveltvlili JNO. C. WINDER ' may 30a Gen'l Superidtindent rpHE CITY nOTKL, Corner or PNtoiv asd sTanKTs. WASHINOOOR LrctPGRKKn, Pj,npi,'IKTon. Thia hotel which I' a. how a fi, tun ........... ...rill aunitiopa j. psretl tn aicoinnnidale l,,...,). prc- -rnMe.,vi,.or,iiiH,,M , rr, htmrii uh .. OB ccmninnatitiu t,rnii. ( -ars. add iion.i-m.il,., n .,. ' o' a Brst-clact hotel. I a continuance nf . ' 'JU ii II ' i

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