f THE ROANOKE NEWS, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1878. Special Locals. To Tint Lawks Wit have just received afe petcea of besa'l'til drernt godl call tail; and get tbe first ihnice. WlUTB & Stainback, B ttora Stor. Simoiir Sewing MicNtnes. aeedlei ad all attachments, fur sale at W Into & Stain hack's B ittnm Store. 103 sack of Liverpool salt 239 lbs., at $1.25. Alan SO birrela timing. WlNKlBLD ib EltRT. 101 1 10) ! I 101! M.-Ona hundred lb. of Ciimr Just rajeived and for sal cheap fur cash. Whit Stairback A Oooou La Dim Furs at c at At Whit & Stainimck' tf "Bottom Store." Call and exanlaa our larg and new snlettol stock of Cmoksry before purchas ing, Wiitr. St wsbvuk., A On man. Wlnflell and Kmry hive to arrlva 100 btrrnU of fl mr an I '21,011 pounds of banun, which thnv will ell at Biltlmir prices, with tut any onarge for freight. tf. Just recti vol a lot of Miles Celobrated Walkenpoast ami Buttoned Shoos. Call nd sea tliein, r,e gmrants satisfaction. Wlllg 3TAIMBARK AG KICK. Tn elegant business an I pleasure wag mi I t nnx or two horses tut sal cheap at llig liomnke Agricultural works Weldon. tf. Krn thU da'.e I will aell lot of beavv et ith in g,u ell as overnnats ami bouts al New York os'. Also a lot of he I quilts and blankets at oat. P. P. Sfikrs, B ittom .Store. Y'U fan fl rl B died Linsee I Oil, liaw Linked Oil. Mtohine O.I fur Girs, & Hewing M fliiuo Oil. Ltrd 0 1, Tinners Oil, at T. A. CUrks Drug Store. Otf sad after October 1st all amis will hes'dd, strictly for e-h. Kvery thin il ) vii at lowest price. (Jill and see us before purchasing else wharo. tf WlUFIRXB lit lCuiDf. I'lsask remember that your little sc (aunts are past due nnd we respectlullv ak a settlement the same. - Whith & Stainback, Bottum Store, Parties indebted to to Runokk Nkws orier to 8:,h of September 1S77 will please souls the same with VV. If. Oapnll, at the Weldon. Hotel or with Day A Batche. lor at tbe Nrws a (lice. octv-tf T. L. Eiit-.r. Fiftt per ft nt lave 1 by Re imy's patent D over. Chimneys moved with t lie build log. Jobs takc-u at all point. ' r .r. Rbanct. f Weldoo, N. C. Just ta band one ear load Liverpool fine i alt, full weight., factory Ailed 1.65 per tank. A No at Garysburg S tors sarno prioe. R. F. Sfikrs, Bottom Store. Thb Bbt isthk Chraprst Therefore yon sho'ild call and net the prices of Kor. tiliZTS for which we ara agents belore buying elsewhere. Whitr Stains vck, H ittiMi Store. I am now soiling at retail, pra-tty coffje siliars, at I0ut. pir p iiiu4, shoulder me.it l, ildea 8iiU , a Mo I article of C)lr.;e at 2-ljls., lueiuiin quality at 19 as. It. P. Spiers, Bottom Store. Abb Too Insukrd !--0ne lien of a good hii-iiii'ts mtn i. he keeps all his iti'jrble property insurwl in uind rntnpa nivt. Q i to H F. H itler and et I'iiu to pi ici your rnks in reliaole, flrat class Com panies, such as he represents. Fabmrrs save in may by usin? the Home Kbi tillz-r, undo at home by t!:e Formula of el ty kin, Oarm-ir A Cii., which faas niVHii aiiuh e ieral satisfaction where trie). The clifl'tiinali can bit had pure of T. A. Cltrk Weld-in Nk. 0. AgJilt for Boy k la Carinsr A Co. A WisR Man makes provision ftr hi family. "IU who provide nut lor thine nl fcis hnuehld is worse than an I o Hi lei " Insur yo ir livit then in the "Metrp"li taan Life Iosurance Lxinpuny. Butler is the agent. tf Pure Vmilo Ci ler Vma tt can bi laund at Z illic iHr' I)rn Store. Also a full lin nt k's4 wars, including Isiniis, lamp fixtures, Ac. ANo a nice aornient nl Jewelry, all of wbiclt they offer low fur prices. Latkst Nbwi. JO hsrrels ol B'linswick Family Flur just received at White A StainhukV'B iitnna S'nre." We ca inot reulare this wild any as nic. Ull early and buy befure it is all shIiI. Wnil'B Jk STAiNBVCK, tf "BottoiN Stuie." To provide fir tho future, U the part f wlsio'n! Hi ve. tuen, inereiore wise. Oaard airiinst continamcHS and InMire your Ufa and property with W. A. Danieil who represents only first elnsa No. 1 CumnsniH. Ilnosn hu foiiiiu either at his utiles or Z illloofter'sdrnii stire, Wei 4om, tf. Just raceive 1 at Z illicnfter'a Dm 9'ere freh Iro u ths No'th, the H ivst assortment ol French and plain candies, nuts, fruits, t . etc.., la i lonn t in Wu'.don. Ladies, gentlemen, and the public generally aie iavite I te call an-l i iinina their stuck Wa fer Murchjsiait elsewhere. New book just to hand and and for aale. Dickens complete bonks Mvnluuiet Illus trated Price 14 dollars nr 125 single volume, Scotts complete works, Waverly Novels 23 valumns, lllustritted at f'23 or 1,2a alniile copy. Also campiete line of school books, McGufTles, rioruers and Nati"ial Rvaders, Grain in ara, Geogra phies, Arithmetics and all kind of school material, Uvniu bonks and bibles a speciality. Complete linn of stationary, liumbar one article of leuer paper at( 15 oeuts per uUlre. loss by the wholesale, ' R, P. Spiers Bottom Store. Skwinb MacniNKS I take ardors for tks lullowintf -winK snacliines: WheeUr aael Wilsan, Jomestic, Home Sliuttl', Florence Vd, an I American, Those ia waat uf a ms lime will Jo well ta correa pend with or ace ae as I can sell then) lar aheut hall the price eoininnly paid lor Ihe'U. I also keep needles for the ssmt machines, piice I cents each ar SO cents per dti'D. la every instaoce persons orders inff aeedl.s Just enclose the araauat al mnney per mail and a pstag stamp and I will send any aumber train one needl to a dor-n. " r. rriKits. 11, ii turn fltare. , iao si Weldon. N. C. The Editor of this patxrls tn no way responsi ble for th.j views orsUtements of Oirmsmii(l ents. No cniniouiileMtons of an anonymons eharaetr will lie inilillshed : the reiil nsui o! the writer must accompany all communications. Any one who may feel amrrleveit at atatementa marte hy corresimndcius can obtain the name on application to the Billtnr. f orrespondtMita will please write only on on aide of the paper, ami to avoid having their communications thrown In the waste banket, will furnish their names not necessarily for publication hut as a (ruaranly of (rood faith. Wii will not notice anonymous correspondence. O O A. H Onn Aobmts. The following Rentletnen will ant as amenta fir the Roamokb Nbws: Captain A. B. Hill, 8eotland Neck. R. I). I'lckens, Faucetta. Go. T. Simmons. HBlifaz. - Major N. R. Jenkins, Littletou. J. C. Hill, Pal, n vi a. Dr. F. M Garrett, Ring;wood. Hev. C. M. Cnk, Warrentoa. F. Euyent Foster. Northampton Co. J D Bmae, J.tckon, N. C. E A. Bitchelor, Enfield, N. C. Hot and dry ayain. A gO"d raia Thursday nigkt. Tub fruit has not vat been killed. Sknd your Job work to J, W. Sledge. Tub seent ol Rinnn Is loud In the land. The circus had fmsll crewd at En field. Enoi.axii and l!u-n.i are still attitude n;z'na with chins on their shoulders. Thr Virginia hell t U'ich for recistering drinks has been sd ple I by L-misiana. Tom So itt pn's the fill Usi t the Pennsvlvinta Rail;iad C imnany Iroro the liots last summr at 080 000. Til", wiilr on the iron part of the bridge is finUhorl and the foreign artisans em ploye) on it hive rfMrns'! home. Wr rail attention 1 1 tin advertisement nf the Western Union Tel crai. h' Company inviting prepassls for turni liinf; cross ms. Rp.V I C. Garmc will preach at the f. E Chmch in Ibis place tn mnrraw nt 11 a. m , instesd ol the first Sunday as heretolore announced. Nkithiir child or adult can have a rosy, blight omplrxinn when wnrms exist Shrinei's Indian Veriniluye will rrmrve t lie worms and puiify the system. Wiehave found tho man who killed six wild turkeys this year. M'. W. R Johnson iulnrms us that he lias killed six. Four at one shot snd lw at another. Wk ara elail to know that our popular townsman, Mr. T. N. White, h was tsken so suddenly, and it wis fmre I seriously ill a 'ew niglits ago, U now much hetler. Tim IndiflTerence with which so msny people reard a congh or co'd is truly tin. pardrnahle. These alT ciions olti n lend to consumption, an I should be checked in time by the use of Dr. Bull's coiil'Ii syrup . Wr understand that arrangements wd' soob) by ma tf whereby Ihe the Rev. M'. Primrose will preach lor in regulaily once a month Wc are ((lad to learn this, as Mr P. is (pile "opnlar in this sec'ian. MoTRs (IK T1IR WKATHBR Foil TDK FAST F lUR DATS Hiahest Temperature 7H Lowest " 34 Men " 00s Prcvailina Winds Somheily, I throw mv arms around har n,l clasped her lovely form, swore I would protect her From tho w rid and the world's oold sloroi, Sba turned her liquid evs on ine Tbe tesrs did lowiiwerd from. LThen npnd bar coral tins and said, uontound you let me go. lliri.HMS RABiic. ' 1 his work is ac. knw ledfed to be the best tell. nvj article in inr bookstores. Dm foists, however, say that Dr. Bull's baby syruo sella better than any other medicine. It is perlee'ty harm'e-s and alwajs reliable. Price 23 cents a bottle. Low Tor Cash. J. T. Gonn'i baa in store and for sale low tor cish, 21 sacks enftna, 25 lbs, extra C and A sugars, 75 bbla. Orenshiw'a ftml ly fl iur, fine N. O. molasses, Queen He syrup. Caoensrts No 1 N. C. Herrlnga. Ship stuff nnd soap, TnR Roanoke Literary Society will hold ita next meeting in the Hi'l over Brown'a iIt; store in the tm-n of Weldon on Kri 'sy the S'h day of April 1378 at 4 n'clack f U. Business of special toiunrlance will he under consideration and a full attendance ia thtrsfart earnestly drtircd. Will. A, Dakifl, Presid-.nt. Curtain change hava been made In the urogram me far the races to which we wlH call attention. Since our last issue a colt by Lynchburg lm been sent our from Balti more to take part in the affsir, and is now at the Fair Grounds finder tbe charge ol Anthony Hall, e also learn Irnm M'. Merlingi-r that two other Biltiinorestahle will certainly com ont to try and win fame and pe'.l. A Sad Accidknt. Last Wednesday the wife of Mr. E. P. Green Jr., was caller) out nl the room in which she was sitting on some household duty and lelt her liltle child' playing abont on the fl mr. When he letnined she found that in soie way the clothing l th little thing had taken tire aa I was Mazing furiously. Mrs. Green managed tn extinguish the fl iroes, ana) at aoc tent lar Dr, Z dlicuffer ; but whn the daotor eriived lis lound the little sufl.-ier in canvulsioas, and all that he could rl j was to slleviats in lufleriogs until death en J J Ibem. lorming Stat debt paying asaactations. Bvtlcr, B r.. calls Hu's speech a batch of state 'acts well stated. No more gands ae to be recieved at present for transpor'aiioa to the Paris ex position. Conorrs'man Vanck ol IXentucky has mvsteri'ily iisspcare) under circum stsncc9 which pi in1 to sniri le. A PRII. Fooi.'s Oat The usual numh- r of folih trick snd prac'ical i -kes and pranks wiil darnhiless he visited on the unsnspi cling an Monday next, Auril 1st. to the great amusement af the Joker and by-standeis. Look nut hoys, . - That clever cpnt'eman A. M Goldsmith came into aur ollice ye-trrdiy morning snd informed us thst he wanted us to tn a'lvrtise Mtatnue & Co's , cigars, lor which he is agent in Narlh C-rolina, wc at once lol l him that we wnnH certainly do so, and ws do it. Having tried the ci gar we can cordially recommend them. Important to Lapii's. -Hunting or sea clnth is a very beantilul labric. It draprs, does not crease, is Mglif. canl, durable, in ixrenive snd very f-shinnsble. A lull us sortmenl of colors, light blue, navy bine. dirk green, dark brown, grey, creim white, and blsck, just received at E B. BUmiri-'s, 116 Main ftreet Nurlolk. Bum plea of these and any ether goods nt oo applicatioD. Wkldon and Rinowood Tdrmpikr aoaix. The citiz-ns of the Rmgwond Section and alng the line of the turnpike heretoiere contempUted between Weldan an I Ringwool are hereby reapectlullv invited tn meet in the town af Weld n on the evening rl Tuesday the 18 It day ol April to consult over the necessity of open in -.! same more ilirect clunnel al com flint- cstion between these points. A full atten- 't -ii.ee issoltr.itcd, in orlcr that this matter may befully discussrd. Marriaqr im CoI.ORBD Hkiii Lifb. Last Wednosda" night O. Wi Jonnlngs led to the hymeneal alter Ra the daughter of ToV Prince, R6V. James Bsgsinore he In ; the officiating clergyman. The bride groom is well known in (porting circles. Ho was raised by Mr. Price M tgra'h the great Kentucky turfman, and, until be hecim too heavy, wus that gentleinau'a favorite J nkv. His winning the Saratoga Cup of 1S73 on Wiididlo was tbe beat known of bis turf victories. The bride is a hindsomo, petito brunette ami we wish the young couple much hap piness. A FoinrjNK Fnt somi! onr. There is a curiosity in this town in the tbape ol l a log. The sni I dug was born perfectly blind, there being not even the sign uf an eye present, but the pi ce wheie Ibey ought ta be, is as smooth an t Hnn as any other part nt his lie id. He has readied the age nl dog,hoil and is now in pertcct health. His c.anineship can b seen by applying ta Mr. John W. Oonch, who is inter, ted in this great and wonder'ul cutiosity. This ia a rate el snce lur some side sliowuiin, Wnn bids Brst 1 A trip in the country a lev rlsvs ajo convinced us that the farmers are much litrlhcr advanced in their operations than they u-ui Iv are at this senson of the year. S.uiie hava fini-hed planting corn, and others are yet planting. The land Items to bi) in ;;len lid conditim, an I we are hopeful th a tha Brent wi'l prove a good nop year. We notice that there i n t m niiich comaost being made this sessnii as heretofore. PruhaMy P.of. Kirr's letter on th it subj -ct ctnivincel the n that tiler was nat much virtue in it. OfFICR Bo MID C l. CoHMIssIOMS, I Much Meeting 1873 ( The Inllnwing is a li-t nl Jurors drawn fortliuApnl lerm luftriar Caurt, 1073 to wit : 1 U. J Dav. O. H. White, 16 2 J W P-W.-11, Nst Dunn. 17 3 J. R. Culli'in. ,I,he D. Shaw, 1 4 Crusae Diniel, Hilnard Tony. 19 5 John H It.ndolph, Th -s Bru k. il, 20 0 J hi. Msys. J. H. MeQeu, 21 7 Junes Wilda-ns, John H. Wood, 22 Kr.lirim Mdls, Bn Short, 28 9 A II, Dtvis, Thomas Cnllo n. 21 10 Jolin Hi van t, Sterling Lewis. 2i 11 Mont Whitehead. Wm. R ibens, 2(1 13 It U Ivey. Stephen lleadapytb. 27 13 Mn. L. Mabry, Shai.erii k Lng, 28 14 H.J Hervey, Steward Hardy, ' SO 16 C. C. B.ker; I'eier lira, ch 8l R J. LEvH Ci.brk. Tat; Lath Dit. J L. Biiowkr. W take plensurs in publishing the sn'-j nned ex traet.lrnm a letter lately receive 1 by Mavnr Dsniel lr.m Rev C H Wilov, (Superin tendent of the Bible Society al N-'tlh Caia Una.) iu whisse emuloy the lite D . Rroaei was z aloribly engage) at the time he came to his dea'li by rirwning in the Roanoke river near this place. It bestows a merited eulnium on the characirr and services ol a fai t ft I u I worker In a good Clime, and evinces a gra'eful appreciation ul tli rc-p ctlul atlentions shown the memory al the deceased iiy our authorities and c'u Z-ns nl this coinmuni y. Alter ninking some suggestinns as tn th dirposition "I th- valuables lound an Hie person of the deceased, Mr. Wiley closes his letter a fa'lows : "On my own behalf, for tho American Biblo Knoietv and foe tbe afflicted r!a tivea of Dr. Hrowee. I tender to you and to the citizens nf Weldno, sincere thanks for tne Interest mnnltosted In this aad event, and I'nr attentions to tho body, of our ilHcease-1 rrienrl. Ha was a good and useful citir.en, and a tr.ie man, inspired with pablio eplrlt, and devoted to the welfare of hia race, and your people have honored themselves bv their sympathy. and by tbe regard thav have ahon to his memory. Pleasa be kind enounb to 1st this appreciation of their Oonduct be known to all eoiicernad. With thanka to you psrsonaljjr for your courtesies ansl kind expressions, and witn my best wishes, I am truly yours, 1 C. U. WILET. VlKOiNIA wnmen are LtTTKLL's Living Abb. The ouiulms ol Litteil'a Living Ag tor th Works ao-t-iag March 231 and 30th, respectively, bav tho loll wing valuable contents : Precious 8tents, British Q-isrterly ; Th Tslepbnc, Weluiinster Review ; How th Turk Rule Armnnia, by Dr. Uinnphicy Stodwilh, of K -rs, Nioeteenih' Century Vithia the Precincts, bv Mrs Oliphant, horn advance sheets; QirverU, G niiemsii's MagaZ'iie; Benedict ue slpinszs. Nineteenth Century ; V Ringnf Worlds, Cornhill; E'ica, traat Utd lor Th L ving Age Itam Hie Ger ni sn nf Frauvon ingersieben; Lay Figures, Exiniiner; Macleodof Dtr. by William Blsc, Irnin adv.nce ah-U ; TU Mability ol Asiatics, Spectator ; with cnaica poetry, &c. A rew volume begins with the first number ol April For ll tf two numbers, of sixty-lnui larg pa ;es each (ar more than 3 100 pages a year,) the subscription P'ife (3l is low ; ar fr $10 SO aov one ol th American $1 monthlies nr weeklies is sent with The Living Age f-r a year, both postpaid. Littell & Oiy, Button, ate the pukliahers. Mcvliiig ol Hi annte Ex cntlve I'oinisilticc. The Commiitee met in the Supreme Ourt Koorn at 12 ui., on Wednesday the 2 7 1 Is i is st. Piese t : S. A Ashe. Chairman. C M. liii-licc. Secretary. K II Battle. Jr. G. II So-w. J. S Amis, Granville. J. W Vick, J .hnston. A .1 O illoway. Wavne. R B Petb'cs, Nuithampton. D. S Covr .n. Co nniliiis. J. N. Stallings. Duplin. J s A Worth, Cumberland. Wharton J Green, Warreu. K-n Craige, Uowsn. It M Furman, Buncombe. E. It Li i'S. Anson. T'ie vscanides in the. Central Ciinmif'ee caused by the resignation ol Judges Cox and Smith wete filled hy the election ol Robert T. Gray an I J, J Lbchlord. The vacamsy in the First District ma le by the death ol Moses G lliaru wss sup plied by the election ol W. T. Calm, ol P n'.tco . Mr J. W. Todd, of Ashe, was chosen In upply the place il J G. Mailer, whose lentil occurred ome time since. TIUH AND r-LlCB DF H LDINU TIIS CON V UN- TloN. Thursdsy. June 13 h, 1S78. was th time named far hoi ling thi Conveatian, anil R ilcigh was dengnated as tbe most suits ble place. O i m rtion the Central Com nitteo was directed In prepare and pu'ihsh ao ad (1 rrss to the people of the Stat Ou ni-'tion ol Mr. Kerr Cr iige it was Heto;ved, That the Exeuutive Commit tee in their a hires request the seveial Judicial Districts Irom which Snpe ior Court Judges are to he c'msen to hold District 0 'iiveutions and lecnnmenl to the S'ate Convention candidates for the lli e nl Ju Ijje lion their respective (lu ll lets . The cmnmittie then proceeded I the appointment ol the Executive Committee tor the nine Julicial Distrtci nl the Statu under th new apportionment : l.-T district. Chairmin, W. F. Martia, Pasquotank; Oc avius Cote, Chowan ; Thomas It Jer ntgin, II rtloid; J. M Woadhuuse, Curri tuck ; W. H. Lieas, Hide. 2nd district. Chairman, S.der Whitekr, Hili'ax, Fred Phillips, E Igeeoinbe ; Q.-orge Allen, (J a vvn ; W, A. M-sntgn neiy, Warten ; W. C Bowtu, N inh impln. 3ltD DI-THICr. Cliairnian, II. F. Graing-r, Wayne , T eo. Edwards, Onene ; 11. G. Williams, Wtls n ; C a West, Lrii ur; A. M. Fai. too, Duplia. rii DisTHicr Cliairm:in, 1. II. Mrover. Cumberland ; Samuel T. Ashe, Anson j H B StMrr, Jr. C ilnmhiia : Dr W G. Cii'tis. Brunswick : Dr. Farquhard Smith. J dinston. Srtl district. Chairman, John A Gilmer. Guilford; Janus A Graham, Alamance ; M 8. Rob lins, Riiidolpii ; C. It. Gieuo, O aage ; J S Hel l, liockinghum. 6 rn dit .ict. Cliairnian. P B. Means C harrus ; J. D Heariie. Stanly ; I). A. C ivingtim. Union ; Alex Hke, Cleveland ; George E. Wilson. Mecklenburg. 7m district. Chairman. C. B Watson, Forsylhe ; M II. Pmnix. Dvi l-on ; It C Puryear. Yad- kin; John W. Mtuney, Rowan: J. W. Williaiitsun, Divia 8ru district. Chairman, Thus. S. Tucker, Iredell ; Eds muiid Jones, Csldwell ; H.rvey Binghaoi, Watauga ; M 0. Sberrill, Catawba ; A. M. Erwin, McDowell. 9to u trict. Chairman, W, B. Furgtison, Haywood; W. H. McClur-, Clav ; W. N. AHman Msc.on ; T, L. 0sh. Tianaylvauta ; S. F Cleiumana, Madison. Senator H-vyrc'si pcTh -hat Praaldeiit llaiyes) tUisiha of It. A number nf Congre-sinDal litends of the Pie-ident called upon him this morn ing with relerene ta the speech Senator I ' delivered yterilay. I'bey all ex pressed more leelmg in tae matter than the President hiuiicll, and snggestud that the sprcch be aussrer I. fearing that to pir. roil it to pass ia silence might be an ad mission at its entire truth. The President timk a different view id the question plac ing himl n the ground that what he had done in the way nf ofll lal acion based an his sense al tibt, without think ing tot a moment what might hu the result as aft. ctuig hint personalty. Ue oppose I to a public res'ne, pieterring that his acts should be the best iaterpreirr nt his motive and principles H had sought ta perlonn his duty, and with thi he was content, no matter how attars with prejudiced minds, might view hi conduct. All would ha said, recolle, t ho onte'ly Senator How had denounced P esidvnt Lincoln ta-wa d tbe close m hi first term, and how or her sought to prevent Mr Lincoln from being nominated for a second term. But a twiili-landing all this, he was reno ninand and became more popular than ever, th penpl having become hatter acquainted with bio and apreoiatiog hi eanduct th mor. Presi st-nt Haye was perlectly willing tn b jud I by lha Sim tribunal. Tn Presi dent daes ont appear to b ta III least disturbed hy Senator Uavt's speech, thinking Ihst time will lulls; yiaoicats hitn.-Washin,tuo Spioiai to tb Hvy Yark Hurald. , ressaaaaMBsawaaasBaaaBBsaBiaaasasaasssa OBITVAKY. At bar b me inHalifax county, N. C. 8lator Ann Heptlnatall, wlfesif Kav. John j W. Heptlnatall, and daughter of the late Henry and Sarah Sledge, after a life of pstlvnt realnnato n, (lor aha had been for many y-ra a sufferer,) suddenly and ua xpecleJly on tbe m ruing ofthetib luat., quietly passed away to her home in Heaven, Born nf pious parents, on the 2nd day of March 1809--shu was born again at the tender age of twelve years, and unites) with tba M. K. Church on Koaimka Cir ouii. and was married to Rev. Jno. W. Heptiiiatall, now a local preacher on that Circuit ;uly 25th 1835. sty nature, kind and nan tie. aba lived tn possession eminently af that "cbarttv thai tblnketh noavil." From the oralle tn tba grave. It was al wa a tba privilege nt sifter Heptlnatall to h ive a home where tha good without dls ttiiotlnn ever found a ahsilter with a hearty wolentiia. Kor to say nothing of tho pro verbial bospitslity ol her b-snie after inar rlaie, her fathers house was not nnlv a home lor preachers, but it was a (lied ru a of his Ufa. eob year, ta oultlvnte care fully a csrialn port on of his landa to be strictly appr pelatel to purp ia, a of be nevolonoe And to-dav. many nf the nMer members nf Koanoke Circuit, In traveling the road lo ding bv tba old hooioat'ad, t ka pleasure In pointing nut to tna pa s. lug at, anger, this oncn consecrated ground In flriiiiuieiidation nf the example, aa wall as an expression of rog.i' I lor tha memory of the nor sainted Henry Sledge. It was my prlvllige aa her pastoe a few dava before her de ariius.to i (alt this MotU er In larafll,and f mnd her aausaul,lraiidy equipped tor tho journey ; wkh iinthing olauxiety to part with, save only tho de sire, with th c ntlJenl expactation that the ami of ber old age together w ith his beloved oooipaninn might soon give their hearts to God -and it waa also iny ' rlvi lege at the grave, around whioh a lame oouoourse of neighbors an I friends ha I gathered, to reoive from unasked lips, words of encouragement and oamlort from thi as for whom aha bad felt and expressed so much of anxiety, May Heaven grant, that before the closo of tho present Cnuferencs year, It may be my privilege ta see them bo h rejoicing iu a knowledge ol aim forgiven, and the dying prayera of a fond mother answers I lathe prayer of one who cares for, aud loves them. On s. M. Cook. t ' wasjiiisuto Lurruit. Washington, D. C, March 28th, 1878. Sunday evening at tliu Whit Hoiku re minds one et "home and mother. (Jsutlly Vo'C-Pre-ident VVhealer, Geul. Sherman, and one or twa oilier persons! Iriens ot tne Hayes' dm iu for an hour and the taniily sit ia die easy library which is lite mnit chearl'ul and homelike room in the house and sing goo I nld-teshinned hymns in tha go-id old-fashioned ay. Mr, Wheeler is particularly ion I ol (hi siirip'e, draestio hymn singing. Its has a cle.r sweet voice and s has Mistress Hayes though neither are niu h cultivated--at least, after the modern style ol cultivation. This year the Moo ly and Sankav Gos,el Hy Hints ar sung and discussed by this pleasant group in high lile just tbe same a they ar in tbe humblest cottage in America Among m iny other specimens ol Ameri can industry ami inventiou to be exhiln eil at Pans ar fighting impleinuut anil e p.cially, marlela of torpede-. Although our Destructive agenie aie many an 1 cruel, the latest invention and the nost wicked, must lie credited tn L'eut. Palmer, f the British Navy, who proposes to inau gurate a new method nl wholestla killing it y deluging a hostile vessel with petro leum by means til powerttil e. rectors, and then set fl e to them by the use al rockets. Full length an I lils-3'zi p cturr ol Mr. and Mr. Haye art on exhibition h re which are to go to the Paris Exposition also. Mr. Ha es is standing, gloves in band, hat and coat in a (hair near by. Th light in the picture seems to tulmi nate In the upoer part ol the lace, and make our President a very handsome man which he is not by any means, And still, the likeness is a good one. Mr. Hsje il sitting, (l essrd in black silk aad Ue scarf. Her lacu 'I n illreatil and recogmzihl aoywhrr, but thi painting scarcely d cs it justice. In. lea. I. it is une of those whose coloring and mobile ex press venesj giv it variety nnd constitu'e its charm, and tbesa are things that can not ha put upi'B canvas. The two extremes oe.er met in society hr more beautitu.ly Ihtn has b.'an the ca-e this winter in the little circle of Cabi net lad es These extreme, - repre sauted uy Mr. Thampsoo tbeeht-st nt the group who has air. ved at the periad al caps and while lace tales lor Hie hair and manifests a dignified grandmo herliness and slend-r, delicite. girlish Mm Agatha Schiuz. who takes her but molher'a place asf'taiuetarv Scbuii' lady, Tbe line ol reOeivng ladies at Ms. Httes la-t recep tion was a gran I t-.d an I ii'.sl plraamg in ita variety Mrs II yes. in hr bright est crimsnm silk and velvet, M s. Evarts in half mo.irning, Mrs. Sherman in Ida k vel vet and lemon ai1 k. Mis McCtary in dark and pale bine silk.M-s Thompson in black with white laces MrsICry in peach bins, sam brocade and Miss SjIiOix :n black velvet and wbit silk. Among many unique arnaiu nts ware here this winter, on that has att aeted much attention is a necklace belongin; to Senator Speucer'i nei e, whs has lived same time in the Sandwich Islands. It is msde of tiger' rUns inlaid and act with gold. Toe daws are in tha shap ol ball moons and ar linked together with mdal linne af wrought gald. Ladles bav warn mora natural 0. iwtr ss trimmings snd arnamcnt this wintir than ever belmr. Florists aver that the demand tor their chattlei has h .n lar greater tnan the mnaly and New Ynik haa beer draso upon to a great n'ent. One ol our recent brides' pretty and navel i lea waa a Ian composed wholly ol rini hlotsm. N klaces of n.lnral fl wra, rlinopiog & iwrs, lik lilies-ol- I lie-v. lb y has been, and atill are vary much worn. M. M. W. fFtJRtntH Nkw Dollari Light weight silver dollars af the new tengn have already appeared. They ron'ain about ten grains less than tha dollar which come Irani tbe mint. The spurious is-u ts said to be a vety perfect imitation a far aa design and workmanship an concerned, the only difference) being that there it only about 80 esn's' worth nl silver in the spurious dolls-, while in the genuine issue there is 921 cents' wrth ol lilvery . . ) ........... Norlalk V-rgisisn: Mr. John ll-ihe ts, the wealthiest man fa Chowan c 'Univ, N irth C-irolina. warth ever $73 000. com mitted suicide no Sunday Kit by -limiting himself rhrough tbe head. - Ha had been lUlTsr ng Iram rtesi aodency lor some time , o. q iem upon the small success wf hi. expensive Ashiria na III Albemarle sound ami on Sunday alternaoa walked down tn th besch. where h Uuoil that hi leire bad bfn carried away by th storm, and were last. Returning home, he went inlo hia office aad shot hlmiell, n listed. A German waman in th inhnrhi ef New Ymk ha wuiktd for Dye n at iisiit- Dt black'xUl lo uir burjaod. Aii'nst B linnnt hn a tarm which r t him $900 000 and produces eight cent net reveou-, II 'a ms on tbe Urie'ey pru- eipls. The sixpenny savings bank of New Y k has closed with a deficiency in $10 000. . ,-. f In Bro. klyn, Sunday evening, while John Cnnolly as playing with bis lit'lt on. aed foiir'een nionthl. whs was iu Ins lap, he playfully blew a pntf o t. . ' acci smoke in hia Nee. Tim chil i couched and gasped lar breath an I Ml b k unconscious. Iu a fe minute it diel linm inff.ctp n. The lather is al most wild with griel. 1 How Watch ita arb Madk. It will be apparent to any one, who will axainina a solid gold watch, Ibat aside from lha nec essary thickness for engravinir and polish Ing, tbe large proportion nl lha precious inntal used, is neo.led onlv to stitton and bold the engraved portiona in place, ard supply tbe necessary solidity and stronglb. The surplus gold Is actually tieoulnsa, so faraamlliiy and boautv ara omreerned. In James Hons' Patent Ntlllnned gold watch oasaa, this waste of precious metal l ovaruoum, and tba aams snildlly and strengtli produced at from one-lhird to oiia-lialf of the ushuI o t. nf solid caaas. This proonss Is of the moat slmpla nalur" as follows I A plato of ooinposiilon metal specially adapted lo the purpose, baa two piatea nf solid gold soldered una on each slil. The three ar then passed i it ween polished aieol ro lars, and tbe roault ia a atrip of heavily plated com position, from which tbe cases, backs, ueiitras, bends, sic, are cut and -lisped by suttabla tls and formers. The gold in those eases Is sufllninnllv thick to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving and enamelling; and enzravnd cases "lava been carried Bnlll worn perfectly smooth bv time and use without removing the gold. These cases are for sale bv all Jawolera, and era guar anteed by special oortificaia to wear for 20 ysntra If your jeweler d ies not keep lhni, sand to Hag-to j A. Thorpe, ldirer Building Philadelphia, for . tlluatraled catalogue. ' - kn Historical Fact. F.very scent who has been steadily selling tbe Im proved $-'') Homestead Sewing Manbine for threo yearn, owhs his dwi lling bouse, has a good aaoount in bank, ia clear nf dubt, and has money at Interest '.lie natural nonsequenns) nf securing a good agoncy for superior goods at the lowest prices. A good first-class Sewing Ma ohine, most useful reliable at all times, ens to understand and control, the same sir,o nnd doea tbe same work as any ma chine that aell nt. Kotm Timks tl,e price. There ia tn machine at any price better, or that will do finer or mm work, and certainly none an low in price by many dollars. Tho Hombhtbad is widely known and used in thousands of families in the Has torn and Middle 8'alos, and dally be coining popular in the Went. Jt will save lis cost several times oyer In one season, doing tbe work nf the family, "T will earn four or five dollar a day for any maii or wnman who sews for a living. It ia tbe strongest laacbine made, ia ready at all tiniHs lo do its work, makes the strongest and finest etitoh yet invented, and ia lolly acknowledged as the Standard Family Sewing Machine, Price, complete for do mestic use, 2t), delivered at your door, no matter bow minute you tnav residn. Busi ness permanent and honorable, with mors certain and rapid sales, and largvr protits than any other. Kxtra Tdinarv liberal offers made to local or traveling agents wure we hsve none established ; in if there is no sgnnt near you, send vour nrdor direct to the factory Address John H. Kendall Ot ., 421 Broalway, New York. Groat Decline lis Sugar. Cef.ee Rlawi. L. A, Farindolt' Retail Pkiob Currknt. Bulk ahouldera, 8j per 100 lha Hulk r. K. Sides, per 100 lbs, 7 a per lb. Raoon sbiutlders, 7 a per 100 lbs, Bacon (;. it. Sidt s, Coffee, good Kio, Coffoo, prime Kio, Coffoft, LaGwita, SugtrBright Brown, Kxtra C. Coffee Sugar, Standard "A." Sugar, Molasses (good), Bright Syiup, Vs. Katnlly Flour, 8u per llO lbs. K?e per lb. 20 c per lb. 25 a per lb. H o per lb. 10 o per lb, I'-'j o per lb. :). n pe:r gal 75o per gal. 8 5()aj!) per bbl. Va. K.stra Mour, 7 fiOatHt per bbl Va. S'iper Floor. 18 OOu 0 50 per bid Nails, (Old Dominion) 5 e per lb., oi $3 50 per keg. Cotton Wsrp. 1.00 per Block. Whole Stock Brogans, 1 HO per poir. A full Into! ruiiNITURK always on band. Tba pricos named will ne atrickly adhered to so long as they appear m the advertise ment. All fail and winter goods nt and below oust. "Make bay while tbe sun shines.'' "German Syrup.' No other medicine in tbo world has svar given such a test of Its rurstivo qualities aa KoscRBK'a GkkmsN SYRDP In throe veara two million four hundred thou-and small bottles nt this niodrcina waa di-triliutel free of nharnfl by Drug irists Iu this country to those affliated with Consumption, Aslbma, Croup, severe CMnghs, Pneumonia and other diseases nf tha throat and lungs, giving tbn Amor lean people umloniable proof that Hkkman SYRnp wi'l on re litem The rssult has linen that Druggists in every town and village in the United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to ys-ur Druggist, and ask what he knowa about i I. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Kgu ar size 7d cents. Three doses will relieve anv case. For sale hy R W. Brown. Weldon, N. C, Brows A Carraway, Halifax, N. C, and Petway Bell, Enfield, N. C. Knjoy Mfte. What a lies nt I fnl world we live In ! Na tore gives us grandeur of mour.ta ns, glens and Dcvana, and thnuaands nl maana lor enjoyment. W can dtsne no bettor when In porlssni health; hoi haw nlissn ilo lltss BiaWrltv nf people feel Ilka giving it no diNbeartened, diaoouragod and worrlod out with nisease, when there is no occasion for bis fooling, aa every sufferer can easi iv obtain satiafautory proof Ibat Green's An . nal Flower will make luein as free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint Is the direct oauae rl seventy -five per iot of Mch maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Hick Headsche, ttostivenesn, Nervosa Prjstrstion, I)isi nswts nf the Head. Palpitation of the He.rt and i.lhr distressing symptoms. Three doses of Anauat Fl' wer will prove Its wonderful elleol. Sample bottles, 10 reuta. Trv It. For aal bv R. W. Brown, Weldon, N. O ; Brown Carrawav, Tlitlitax, N. C.J Petway k Bell, K-Kleld. N. C. THE MARKETS. NortoLB, Va., Marah 29, 1878. Cettea-Middllng 'if! cent. fern-Market quiet at 42a53 bushel. pBTRRsBOBe, TaN Maroh 2P, 1871. Cotton Firm qaotatiaoa. at the following Mlddllsg 10 Uw hlladlluf it i Staiaad 8J. Dirtv balaa 78. . ' i - - . - ' Cerst-5'JaU oenta. s. - vlaeen Mrkt aativeT Bhoulders tat idaS7oii aula ahouldera s. Weldon Market. KErOKTBD IT B. T. IP1BAI. YBLBwir, March so, mi. Cotton Lower, Middling Fair, 10.-, Middling flic: Low Middling Dot Goer! Ordinary Sj: Stained 8. Kaon Smoked sides (Let smoked ahniililoia a; bulk aides 74a j bulk shoulder f)a6;e Canvassed bauia lio, Corn 7."i per bushel. Lar I 12Jo. Flour-Pauiil7 In barrels EaS.50; Extra 7.'a7.7&4 Super SJKafl.OO. Snuar-'A' I2jn; 'B' 12.; Extra C 10o C Yellow Do; Brawn sugar 8c. Coffoe-Ria laiaCOci lguayra 22,'6o. 8 vrups -Common 85a40o; dugar hou 60s7jc per aallnn. . . . Nnila-3.25a3.i0 par keg. . Liverpool salt I 05 al75 per asak. Northern Apples green, per - harrel, 6..tO80(). Southern Apples I fsua4.no.. ? r ", Koeawax clear, 23 cauls; eosnsaoB, St oents, : Meal -80 cent per hnsbal, Hsr-balssd, fl to rer bundeod. Fed lr-7J 'tsa$i 2.1 according ta roall'y. Candles Adamantine, lAa 18 eta per lb. Choose No. l-'.'u oonts pr pouad; earn inou Nog, MeWeent. . -'- ., Hides Flint, ,0s 11 cts. t aalted dry, SalOi C'.s, ; green, Sa-I cents. Sola l eather Ns. 1. 8.1a40 een I , good damage I No 3, 26a35 cents per poand, Hussota upoer--50 cents par potmd. Horring- t ''0s$5 00 ptr barrel. Csllooes, beat brand from 0 to S et. Whi'e c'oths four qnarer heavy I eta. Medium Iwlcte 81. White lining 5 ' ' " " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pR'JPOS.VLS - FOR TJSLKGRiPtt tnU sm Art MS. The Western Union TelegrsDb Com pany invites prop, sale until 12 o'clock, noun, Wednesday, April 10th, 1878, for fur. nirshlnp 3IC1 U esr Heart Pino Cross Arms, tn ha delivered on nr Urfore judm 1st, 187i, at the Railroad depot,' Weldon, . ii.. or tvAieigo, Is. J., as follows: 1875 CrosaArms 3x4 inches, 8 rest nng, bored for two pin hot as H Inch dia-noior, and I bolt anil ii spike boJea, ls cross Arms Sx4 Inches, 5) far 4 long, b ired for lour pin bole H lncii diaiRoter, and two bolt holes. Slid Cross Arms to be smooth on alt snloa and beveled en the top edges, as par samp'o, which will be furnished oo appli cation, and to be of first ulaaa ul-ar hiart pine lumber, sound and free of ksots. Ulddera will please name p'lne for each leniitb sbparatrlt, out of aeasonet) a1 unseaHoned lumber. Hills lo be paid be tween tbe fliteemh aud twenty. fifth, or tba .......SI. ... 11. ..-I.., .1.- -1 1 1 . .. . Tha riibt Is reserved to reieet an aad sli bids, or aceept any one wbtoo may seoiu lor tbe beat interest of tbe Corup. ny. The party whose tendar ia aooented mar at the option of tna Company, be required Migiya noon, wnn iwo auretie ror tne proper lulnllment ot tbe contract. Pro posals should be sealed and addressed, to the undersigned, endorsed, "Proposal fur luiorapu (.ro-s Arms," JAS. W. KATES, Supt. vV. U. Tel. Co. Kicbmond, V. March 30 2t. RACING1 AT THE FAIR GROUNDS. There t'iII be a two day running meet ing over the cotine of the R lanoke, and Tar River Agricultural Society on ' " Tneaday the 16lh, aarl Hedneattaf the 17th, Day ol April. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAT. F rit Race : Dash of oo ail for all sots. Secand Raee: Match Ton- Bacon and Haiterat $500. Third Race: Half mile heats far til ages. SECOND DAT . First Race Dash of or.t mile tod a quarter fur all ages. Second Race : Sweepstakes $50 en trance, $500 added. Three miles for all ag . Three entries iequirtd,.to flit. Third Rice : Mila heats Tne all ages. Mar27tt. 18T8. N I K 1 JN tt , 1878. I am now opening dally, NEW SPUING DRESS -QUODS; IH THE Lateatand Moat Desirable Style, Fob Tub Comixo Siasor. BARS AIK8 IN BLACK SILKS, AND CASHMERES, BRANCH AGENCY . FOR ' ' , ' 1'. BUTTERICK & CO., , Cklluhated Patterns. Samples nf Qnnds and Catalogue of Pattern sent on application. -1 . -. B. . BLAMIRF!. HO Main tttreet, Norfolk, Va. March 83 3m. JT ORTU CAROLINA, ( Ilallfax Coaaty kaperlerCeart, Q.8. Bellls, plaintiff ... S. A J. Salter. " In this oauae. It appearing: by affidavit or tbe plaintiff that ihe defendant Is net a reslder t of ibla State, aud oannoi after jiua dl,ligna be found, and it further ap pealing that th purpose nf the action la In leonvnr judgement again at tbe defend ant Tor the sum nf five thousand dollars and interest due to Cia plalbtlff of work snd Ishnr done for whioh a laborer' lien la filvd In th offico of the Clbrk ol tbe Sa lei ior Court of Halifax county. It la or dered that publication be triad for alx Miccea-lve week In the Koanoke New, a paper published In Weldon Ns- C. eon mending the defendant 8. A. J. Salter to agpraratthe next terra of tbe Superior Court of Halifax county to be held at the court houae In eaid oouaiv on the 12th Mondsv after tbo 2nd Monday of Jahruary 1878 and to answer nr demur to tbe c-'Oi plaint f the plaintiff which will be tiled on nr before the third day 1 the term aforesaid in tbenfilsa of tbe clerk of said court, snd let bi-M take notice that tf he fail eo to do, tbe plaintiff will take judge ment for the relief demanded Id tbe ooin-plaint- " ss u In witness whereof I have hereto set my band and aeal tbla the Itat day r March 1875V- - - , JOHN T. GREGOIT, Clerk Rjipcrtoe Onnrt. t Jlallfax County Jf C. C, A Cork Atty. PaiDt'ff. J ' ..atas.il S w,: