THE ROANOKE rJE.W.5 ADVERTISING RATfcS. 11 9PAC5 H r- 10 00 11 00 l 00 12 00 St) 00 40 no i M 00 10 CO 30 10 SB 00 40 00 DAY t B4TCIIELOK. ne Sduaie, DO 1 20 CO 1,0 (0 to to f(l w re rwt S(uare, R ( 0 ' I'll fee qttaree, 10 do ulr sqiiHcea, 12 (Ifl fine Yosx. irt slvenoe!,l I Mix sMniria, ' " ' s fbree Months, " :VOL.- :VIT. ' WELD ON", 1ST. C, SATURDAY, APRIL , 1378 NO 8. ilrth Col'n. .. lo 110 . 1 1 no 75 cts. Half Coin in 11. 0 00 co 00 ! ice e v hole Colli Inn. One Year, it ( THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC ; ; t W E liKLY N E W S P A P E II , PUBLISHED ttY p mf CARDS. K. T. CLARK, , . Hall tax, N. C. curk' PROFESSIONAL WA1.TKS CLARK, Utleiirh, N. C. Q L A R K A ATTOKXKYV AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Will nrK'itino l:i thn Courts of Halifax hftd a iloinliiK counties. March 1(1 tf. w. a. nrrucN. w. A. MNS. Iv .fCHEN. A DV N N ATTlHHYt 0 Uttti:i,l,OR AT LAW, fteetUtid Keck, llnlilnx o., ti.V. Practice in tin Court of Halifax and hdilMlng n iii'i'.ins, aud in, the .Supreme mud Federal Courts. Jiul8tf rjtrtOMA!!, N.TllLL, Atloraey sU Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. Practices In Halifax and adjnininir Counties and Federal and Supremo Courts. Will b at Scotland Neok, once every tortu iIit. Auk. 28-a V. H. DAT, A Y D W. W. Hall. HALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELUOV, X. V. . - i : ' '. Prae-tlcs In the courts of Halifax and adjoinint enmities, and in the Supremo and Federal oourla. Claims oollectod In any part of North Carolina. Jun 20 1 U C AMUKL J. WRIGHT, O ATTORNEY AT LAW. J4CKO.V, X. C. Practices in th Court of Northampton bad '!oininn enmities. Bf p 15 1 Y V J y-i.jr ; l; m y m a n ATTORNEY, AT, LAW ' Halifax! n. V Pract.ioas in thn cmrts of 1111 ax and adjilnintr cnnntiea, and la the Supremo IN I Federal Court. Claims Collected In all parti of North Carolina. . , ,. OfBae In the Court House. - july 4-1 Q. THE YGUNQ WIDOW. Sim la mrnloM but not bashful, Free and fav hut not liold : LiUean apple, ripe arid rnollrtw, Not, ton voimit rr not too old , Hlf Irrvll inir. lialf repulsive, Now ad vnncitiii, and now slty There l mischief in her iliinpl'o, There Is daii.'r In Iter eve. She hu studied human nlttnrn ; Sli Im frhindxd i.i all Iwr attn ; Klin hn t:ikpti hnr ditilottn And tlii mi-trflm of all lirwrtx, Sh rtt lell tint vtrv moment Wllf'll ollillHMl lit Ti to Kinllo j Oh. II iiihIiI In .soinct in'oo I'll:. rilling, Hut a widow nil tlia nluli'. rr'.fori in I t I'ovr vr-rv ai'ilnim Will licr liand"riiin' firn Iwoomo ! Ara vmi an '.-rv ? sh li wi"ti'licd. l.niK-lv, frlciidliM, tciHl'nl, dtinil) ! Am von mirthful ? Mow hrr hui 'li: Silver aoiindini; will rimjonl! Slip can lure and cud h ami ply you As the hikIi' docs the trout. Y old haidinlora of lortv, Wlin lmve Kr"Wii so n ild and win, Ton iii; A niprwaiiN of twenty, With the love-look in your eve, You truly ' Pai'tiee all lh" li"-ons '1'i'iieiit by Cupid sinen the fill ; lint I know a Mile widow Who could win and fool ynii all. MILDRED BY rONSTAKl'E -MAITI.AND. I or U'i, tn c' home nort thirk to think ! How would thinkiot! Ii' lp me now ? Hut siion we wi'ri? iiIoiir ng iiu, Mil- dri ll and I ulonp whti Pucli niter. HOW VCUN'O SAf.'PSON THWACKED. WAS E R U R T O N, J R- ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. ) Prantiees in Ihn Court! of Hlifax feiBtr. and Co inties adioinlng. In the ibreina 'iViiirt of th Hutu, and in the Federal Court. iVlli ivn poil attn.itioil to the oolleo tiaa Nftlaiins,and to adjintiwn the aecounta of Kxaoutira, A.liniuiaratora and lluar iUi. lUli-l l-tf t hi. g n i zi K a ATTPN 5 T AX LA W HALIFAX, X. c, Olflne in the Court Hons". Striet atten tion given to all branches of '.ho protest Wh. Jan ia-1 o E. BRANCH, I J ATTORNEY AT LAW, EKFIBLD, n.Ul.V C0DSTY. N. C. Praitiaea in the Countiea of Halifax, Ifaab, Kleeembi and Vvilnon. Collection male in all parta of the State. jan 12-6 1 ' II A R A, AMES E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, i Prn)lls in tha Conntlet of Hullfax, tdDuiUe and Nash. In the Supreme )urt of, the aiata ttud in lUo l'uduiul tjoo-ta.""" Celleitiona rnide In any part of the Vtate. Will attend a', the Court Hoiish in ballfm an Monday and Friday of each week. jau 12-1 o JX 0 R E V BCR.TON, ATrOitSUY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Prantifla III the CourH of Ilalllax, War ran and Northampton counties and ill the finnreuie and Federal Oourtei -f Clia ooUtwmil in any part of Nortli Oaralina. June 17 a UM M. UULLRX. JOHN A. HOORR M U L L E N 4 MOORE ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Halifax, K. C. Prantion In the Counties of Halifax, rtorthaiuLtn, Kdouoinhe, J itt and Mar tin In toe jt ipre ue Court of tlie State nd in the Federal Court of tlie Kanteru ' Btstriot. Collections made In any part of North Carollnai .ian 1-1 o " She lifted up her eyes, And loVpd Li in with a luvu llitit wus lloolll, '' rend Mildred, from tluit sweetest of nil Tcimh son's sweet Idils; and us .he paused a toon, cut upon the suecslive words, .mil the conscious b'usli uiantlt'J over check uml brow, otir i!ies nit!t in one unk y'lince ; and each, us if by in spiratiof, lcarii:d for a tititli wl at had liillicito I'een only n suspicion that e loved, butli of u?, lt.u dolph I'uhu mel. "Mildred?" 'Constance?" And, like stag nt buy, wo looked enck other in the fact; for o .c long moment; thee, with a suJJen 11 ish, which, dyi 'g down, left licr fnon as white as nslu s. Mildred said, ''Constance, what are we to dor" "Tlierfi is nothing for us to do," I answered, turning uway witli tiiiti r icss in my he.nt, '.iithing, but t. keep canto othei's seen l." There was a paus", and she said neain, with a siijht tremor in her voice, '0 in stance, whatever Inppens, do not let this Come between wir friendship." ' " Thure Is mi reason " I began. "Vf, there is," she answeieil, quickly, and with dishing eyes. 'A Dumit" t oo, when you saw 1 loved him, there was f uel hatred in your heart. I felt it. 1 ou could almost have knlci mc Constniii.e :" Site was right; fir one brief econd I had been in sight of heaven ai d my own , , T - Conscience, a uiuriiereri uut rcpeni- unce cunt', and wuli it an inward c v for patdou. I caiijjU my cou in' hand. "Oh, Mildred." I ftirl, "foroive tnel Nothing, not evtrn he, shall ever again come In twecn our love 1 Heaven keep me true !" And njaio and aga'n, since that day I have tha ked hea-eo for Hit) promise then exchanged between ui O i that snnie evening wis Mrs. Mur ray's soiree dausaiite, at which we were both cnnaed ; and, with what cht-0 ful ness e nngliti Mildred and I dressed and went . Theieisadim feo'big of vagaeness mined will) my rtudieution of the earlier hours iif. that ball. A confu'ed lensatint) (d lights ai d perfu'iie, of music and dai.cinL'i and n cloud of loruis and colors, in which M bin d and I seemed to be lor ever tossing to anil fro, now apart, i ow togethi-ri yet ever with a 'range current of sympathy flowing ceaselessly from one to the other, anil keeping re ord in each id the oihei s beats. And then Ruidolph lHiliame1' daik. clear-cut tame between us, and in the intuxicatioti of his presence, Mildred all was forgottoo. I know now hovr lully Ihe happiness (if a whole lilctime lived ai d died in thai one short hour ; I know how the lights in the dazzling bul'-roimi grew faint and pale belore the animated glow of his dark eyes how Ike hum of sU"d hushed into silence as his voice only fin, d audience in my eats; how every thing turned into wearisome I signifi cance, and sight and sound became cold and dumb belore the presence of the man I loved ; ai d my loolish heart kept healing wild measure to the wind-. "I love vou, Hand olph 1 love you I love youl'' until I nlmokt dared it might drunk into voice and betray my secret. And then then came the awakening. 1 remember how the cool air ol the conservatory bkw over my cheek like a chill as we ttir,,eJ in anion,; the dark plants I reniemher, as we passed, the while look of .M. hin d's face us she stood by the side of some tiresome paitner, and I remember how, like a heavy blow upon the heait, canre, in their full CBitce, the words he was saying In her "Randolph D.ihamel s engaged to Miss Fanny Poweb !" 1 dropped bis aim and looked at him. There was a glow over tho. daih cheeks an i a smile upon the pliant lip", that gave Confirmation to the story even he spoke. "Yes. Miss Constance. I was bring ing you into this quiet place to tell you. Will you not wish me joy "f" And, with a dead weight whero all had been s light belore I took the pr. lfered hand, and murmured s' me low Kurds of Congratulation. "Home, hjme V I repeated, restlessly to myself. united more than evir in the agony of our mutual It ill. Some l'ulle tiar, some passionate words were indulged between in , and. theo, as bv common c. intent, the b.i' ji-ct was dropped, nml each bore hi r own woiht of trouble ns she miht. 15 it I saw how Mildred's che-k pa!e! day bv day, cud how this slight hectic flush came and wnl ; 111111 I siw, ti i, that Mildred su(!''red under a s;ill more living form ol suro.v thin imoe; for thb ki' z ns I knew she did, that P 1 h.niH'i's chosen wile as too ihild.sli lor his love, she mourned tie downfall 1 I nr idol; 1, only that it passed ii.1t another's keeping. To me, my god was a god still. And then spring came, and brought this wedding dav. "Shall yon go? ' asked M'Mred. "No 1" I answered ; choking buck the stony pain that would rise in my throat. "( i, Mildred 1 1) von know how I hale to think of his marrying that girl? l),i you know I c ud. I almost hall him, tin. only that I loved him mice a ileinK that 1 love him so nmdlv still!" IKt s.nile was very quiet, very sad, too, ns she answered, "It seems now ns if I had loved a different person. .My Randolph Djhmnel is di a.i. I shall go, Constance." A"d she went. And I laid his carte de visile before me on the table, und went over ii :t i 11 every line and leal m et of the noble, beautiful face, and every word and look that, dining our three years of acquaintance, he had ever given mc ; a' il then. With a passionate ptidc strug gling against u controllable love mil learning. I fling the photograph ill the fire and wept. They were my last tenrs. I have never shed any since. And Mild-ed t;rew pMer nml more fragile; and t knew that my sivcrt cousin was slowly leaving far behind her the shadow of her khoit life's snr, w. And oh, the bitter longing villi wl.'k'b I craved to sleep also 1 ,il'o nusso weary, and I only twenty-two I The prolonged wedding lour, was over, and they had c one rtgtiin ; but wo had never seen th"in. N 1 it began to possess me n clamorous I uigin that would not go down, to look 11pm: his race again; and a wild plan wove lUell in mi brain that mn-,t be acted out I remember how dtenchingly it laiio ,1. how the dhiil'inps lined against, the misty sky, how the cold wet of the pivv menls. struck through my thin shoes as L bullied, like A gwi!ty thi g, al . eg llie. steets that led t th-ir horn,'. 1 remem ber mv load heai t-'nnis, liu I kept weaiily coiihtiej them, and woi detn g strangely if they wtnild ever be sti-l again, and the faint tiomMoig of mv feet, that secned to nuke no progress through the slippery mud, and how for biddingly the dark houses Iro ned upon my errand and how that bouse his h'Oise seemed t reel, ss if to fall and cruh me. And then, creeping nt) the lonely steps, L climbed, I know not hitw, over the low bilcony rails, anil crouched fearfully ngaiot the window, lie was there, as I had thought, and she ! Oh, Mildred, my dying M hired, could thnt child 1 e him as we had dour? P. rose i' to sound, utmost like n erv. A. id then again and nuain I pressed to tlie eold glass my colder hp" ptayieg I lesiii"S on the sacred head of my I 1st love, and on be.s, too, situe bo l.,ved her. And then, with a Ust despairing g:!1, I turned hastily, and fi ol home. I) it as I tried my pinioned bttcl',-ky with shaking lingers, 11 cold hand was laid on mine, mil a faint voice said. "Help me in, Constance 1 I saw you go out, and susptcttfd, and loll wcd voii Hush I it is two late for blaim I Now that T bate Seen hiui again, I Cin sleep I" And before long Mildred s!rpt. in deed. Her cnfi'iu was :nrtied to the grave; and Iw' idettd vaguely which lot was best this, or the one she would fair, bnvethosMi? And vould Eternity tell lluliuiael nut secret? NAPLJS. Th 1 ther afternoon Simpsin Jone, a boy of fourteen, was c oning d wn L ilavette Street, wondering if he would get a bowie-knife in bis New Veai's slot kino, when il young man of pleasing address lincou 'tt'ied him, and said : "l?ab, do you want to emu u q tar ter r" "You've hit mo deod-cetitre I do?" replied Simpson. "Will, now; vno see Uoit third house on the riglit-hnnd sole, don't yu't'', con: linin-d the young man. "I fpe." ' Well, I live there with my dear sis ter, Amelia. Wo are n! n me II) this j cold world, and though we l each ether deul , we iiccasiio ntly quarrel. We bad a work or t, this noon, and I left the house declaring that I would never return. I. h iwever, goin.hamed of mvsell i 1 a 5I1 irt tim, a id wrote ibis lit'.le n ile to her t i evince my con triteness of spirit. If you'd hand it in she'll read it, forgive me, write at) an swer telling me that all is forgiven. And as soon as you return t'll pay you, and rush to her ki-sos of sisterly gladn-ss." "That's a pnity bu g ktory, said Sampson, "nut if your sister don't own a doo; think I'll earn that q niter." "Go up the frnnt steps kind o' softly,'1 tautioue I the y uni una, "and if mir hi) Tit hired girl opens the d.ior, siv to her that you want to see A uelia. You understand?" ' I t-.i-m, turn, b I-e, tumble," and Sampson winked us he took the note a 1 d stai ted 1 (T Ile went up the steps softly, and pulled the bell the saaie nay, audit ab nit a mioine a portly matron of foity opened Lvighing Napieat It 1ns a charm ol its own a charm which is irresistib'e It never goes to bed. Enly in the morning may be heard the tb-kl of gout bells and the patter of ninllilhitiuioi hoofs hurriing to pu-ture. Then comes ibe quick turnip of'1 th regiment, headed by bands, out on their il iCu ex ercise; the city cries of fi b and fruit und water ; the horns of the tiatn vay om nibuses 1 the thousand mice of men nml women and childien, who all Seem tloiil: together and to shout forever; ull these noises begin tlia day in good lime, a d go on without, ioti i ini-sio' , sae for sii ! 1 in the suiii-ner, till fur into the night. When the sun has ioi e (town, there are no m ro goat-Sells nor the tramp of s ildiers t swell tho ceaspiess uproar; bill, instead of these mandolin plavers waiidir from house to house, singing snlely for Soldi those Neapolitan love-songs which once were sung unlj for love and at a risk. It is a strange (nil in poetry to bear these, carnssleu and passionals strai s, whi.di were once worth s 1 much life-blood of gallant men and lovely women, coarsely screamed beneath the btucony by s-irre ragged robin who would rather die in the sun than work li the shade, and who wanders about twanging his mandolin and giving out his s nigs until he has scraped just enough for his sapper of macaroni tied red wine. very little romaieeis lett in the world anywhere; and even N.ip'es has become, in a certain sense, prosaic like the tea. the dour, glared down on him, ai cl sked: "What do you want aroin d here?" ' Tnt'ii on n heap 1' dig for a hired L'irl. aieii't yoe. V he sneet inoly an- ! swt red, us he tried to look iulo the I parlor. j "What! What's that !" s'lfl exclaimed, as she teiz-ol hit collar I "See heie, old gal, don't try to put on any niiK.i-piaie tor my Dsnctit. lnu kin deceive the kittles and spiders, 'cause they lia'n.t traveled, but you don't hang my hair not for Joseph I" "You unmitigated young villain you impudent wretch you you 1" 15 it she didn't waste her strength in words. She l irt i.' picked X hubs in upi and s ut n' shook, the breath out of him. and dropped hi n over the fence on the walk before ho cuild fmire. that two ciiis at f7 dolliis each would cos' $14 As he gi t up a young lady ca ne run nirg t 1 the d mr and ciunl o..t : "Mother 1 mother ! what is il? What's 'be n.atleri" "(Jorne here, Awrlin, till wo cne catch him agtinl" aus,'red the mother. I! it ihey di.b.'t. Simpson got across the street I, ko 4 thrisly ca U"l rilnnia fnt w iter, uud Nil torne. I ari l sqrveyed the house ami the two fe nales, ami then Im ko 1 down the street und as lie saw the young nun flyis around the corner, he solif qirr.'ol : "Uearcst AuieTa darling brnlher fat liiiei girl a siting t rush, ami si on 1 l-a-t-lt, taik, and I'd have bet a a hea-i:oep to a cent no living mm ciuldlavc put up that 'rt job 011 me "LorJv ! but didn't that old lady criss cross all the ribs in my b idy by that one shake 1 " big, 1st hired girl 1' I s-f-e 1 'My sister A uelia' I c-.'-a con. s-'.-r-e w, Mi ew, coiolrew" MIND YCUR CWN KUSiiVESS. A PASSIONATETE?Pt!l. A merchant in L 1 dim bad a dispute with a Q taker, respecting the stttlement of nn account. The merchant was de termined to bring the question into court, a proceeding which the (J laker "ar.cstly deprecated, usinj every urgn ment in his po.'er ta C 'nviuc-- the 111 cr eha' t of his e.ror ; but the Ir.tler was in dex ble. Desirous to make a last effirt ; the Q uker called at hit bouse one Morn ing, and ir quired nf tlie servant if bis tr.&r.ter was at home. The merchant bearing the inquiry, and ktinsing the voice, called aloud Iratu the top of the Stairs, "Tell that rascal tbat I am not at born ' " The Q i iker, looking up toward bitn, calmly said, ' Well, friend, God put thee in ft better mind." The merchant, struck afterward with the meekness of the reply, und having more deliberately investigated lh matter beciuie convinced tint the Q uker was right, and he in .the wrong- He request ed to fee him, and after ctLuowledging bis error, he said, "I have one question to ask you he were vou able, with such ualtfi.ce, 1111 various occasions ti beir my aute?" 'Friend," replied lite Quaker, I will tell thee; I was nsMriHy as h it and as violent as thou art. I knew thi.t to in dulge this lem.ier wis sinful; and I found that it was imprudent. I observed that men in THE BRIGHT SIDE, I.tok on thn bright tide. It Is th rijrU side. Trie tltues niv bn hard, but it will ni',k tlieui rv r-ier to wir a rjloomt and ri1 C 'Uiitvn ie. tt is the niiivlf'ne. arid , rot Hoi clna I. that k'V"' brum o the II iwer. Tin re is a' ways liiOore or ,,ri 0 1 in that whh'h fhould clieur and 111 the l.firt with Warmth snd ulsdne", I'lie 'Ity in I'bi 1 ten (tines wlirre it is d o k once. You loivr ll'iillibt, it may b-. 1 loive othert, Noe are tree front 1 iiein.-i'ul peihsf It is will that n no hiil'd Im I hey giyii siuh ai d loim to lilv lononde and courji'u to 111 a n Thn woii'd h a du'l ei. it a ) the sa'l or woiii iit-vi r rq nrw fkill where theie it n 'th. Mk' to di.tnrh Its urhii','. P l duty "I iti-'V nu to extract nil binpl nta and en vmrnt ho esn (rein within iistl w 't boat him; ami. above a' I lie sliotnil look mi tut bilhl stile. thnug' thintft 'ank n btt'e ila'kl The bine wil hsvs a tutti'ni!. an I the light will tin! in lean I iUv. I i the lonu run the if i ton halniri! uohls it-i f Wloit iitiueais III Imcomfs well 'b ,t which appear wrorn rtk;ht. marhIid'life What misery may exist in th inarrie-' stain il the coiiUat tint; parlies aru mil bar uioniouly tna'e I 1 Maniaue 1 n hrouo ohriwxini). Item excesj ol ttitcniinn, Il t ot m ill ted in tint linht spirit, and alo Iron neohct and Indill.ornce. A wile ma' maku piicIi denimnU uiitiu her hnsliaiiit' attention and lnnu ns to mako him leel liin-Hrlf 11 Utile belter than a flave and avery it uulliug t" the most inihmissivi S.ich a wile puis shaclt let nn bl leet, u ral 10 ni liainU.a hur.-len to his sheuMvn. L ich Have nerirct contlJeuci in the oilier. Snould one remain wy from the uther ifiiL'th ol t i 111 u unaccounted for by him, Irt boinc be year munttor until a voblutsry ourn rettal the lee.tct ol tho almenrt il itli men ami women, united in the mr ris'ge relation, are nccarily triad ano perplex I at masons when sil'nro ilioal close their bps until moiletatiaD takvs n.,ae siou at them. Jfelo'isiet of ever tr fl natures should never be rater tanuvl lor a tingle moment. To prevent audi oiUundriftWu lings, ueront ro'rr lug Ihe imicl otdval ui married lilt hcll acouniiit tliemjeivrt with the di-untitinn, tta'ei, and unsvi idible re n iti'jKn ntt "1 tl.vir partners, and retolv to (,'iivtru tl.vniktlTca ui mucli ai point), e tbtreby. AN INSPECTOR OUTWITTED. AbVERTtSlIKNTS- g C H O L t HA C H K K 8 , : r You can easilv Increase vanr ulr h bv (levntiiiK a very small portion f "your leisure tlmi to my lute run. . I Ho not tf pect you to canvass for tny celbreMl DiHttyw Planna and Oiuana unlhsk svetitb! but tire HorVice Iri tnibanf nt. In both ,lasnnt aud protfable. Fait purtieillals fref,. " AdUrtisa. , DANIEL P. BKATtT, 7 WnshtoKton, N. J. R 1 K 1 C O R D , BALTIMORE, Mt). DR. J. IC. KICOItD. 141 Pavetth Hi. below Howard, has devoted thirty taara f hit extensive practice eRDeoill In, tw treatment of Chionicnnd Privat lildeateai A ,luliH nt-A T.'.J ... .. . ,., twrr ivioueva and uiuunerwi ma iiuuri ana tiunirti 1'Dleon ous I)ischh of thin Hlood, H andNkiii! I)ltwpsia, Htrictnrea. Chrnrtii lirseaso 01 tim Urinary Orito, UWeri, 0 fonslveDiscliarget, Nbrvoua aud Phyaieal ueuiiuy. YO0NO dlN, victim" nt ahufe and excess, with fatal- tilde, Palpitation ol the Heart, rimrlnsr ! the Pars N, rVotisness, Blash'njt, Tltnld- ity, neaauoasot too Haen and Limb, In dicestion, should apply before it i IM lain, and restore viiti rV their horile and minds, ere tliey entail misery aud disease up-n those n their posterity. Private DineaKes recently eohtrr.et4 cured In three days. Mercury aud Potash (nsenurjiPi. Chrnnie Uonorrhea or Gleet in Ave rfayt by a local application. Persons at a dies lance by (tivinir avmntorriN. treated and uindlcimR ent by mail or express. . A cure niiHrnteed in nil eases, Write symptoms directed, ' ' ' DR. HICOKU. 141 V. FavetteSt., Baltlmon, M apt t 1-e ....... MOUNT MILLS, THE WAY OF SAYI.'tlG THINGS. L ink ut the ri licul us way in which a man takes for -rantfl '.hit ti wmtn will bo interested in his sajini;s aid doings. It his wife has a long story to tell him, she is filled with misgivings lest it might tire him, she leaves out many lutle picturesque touches that she may not take up hit time, und, even on thn hand-gallop she has not ,11 rived with in call of her conclusion when he asks with Confusing dinvtiiess, "Well, how did il turn nut?' Hit the mint has never a misgiving that he w.ll be hatried, or that life has aoiitittig better to idler than listening to him. He begins his story at its eutliest morning stig-'S and !pes leisurely to lis close, or il it is rapid be gives it rapid transit, but be never omils anvlhing on his wile s nc count. He tells what hn said und what ihe oth'T man -uid aud what the other man might have said, and what he would have said had the otiier man said wha'. be might have ssi I And the worst of it is the latal point is that his confi dence is justified The wait's talk lakes her nut of her own into a larger lite, and she not only t clonics but eijiys it; and what are you going to do about it? If people would only abstiin from in termeddling in things wit'i which thev have 110 co.iLcrc, nnd which an wijuti flible interest, ai ising from a pru.ieut disposition of petty Ciuiositv, prompts, bow hiiionlhly affairs wuld proccid in f imilies and society, ind how much mis cbiet miidil be avoided and vex ition spared! The happiness and tranq of life depends upon trifles and by Mich is much misery and disquietude caused. A prying spirit 011W admin'Mets to its ow n uneasiness ; and those who are 011 the watch for causes of offence, fi id, that one day or another, they cune home to them in an accumulating wive, like ti e Du'cl iuai). centuries ago, who cut ope. 1 a dike to i jure a neighhor, .and drowned hius-lt', nod laid two pioviuces ii'der water. Great events spui Horn little causes, anil matters, ui i 1 port ant in themselves, have a dire ful rft'ee'. in connection with others. It. is alwuis best to Im k upni the shining nsnect of things, and not worry niie'i sell in torturing every lnok, ges tuie and expression into a preconceived notion, and converting an bnaoinary grievance, into a real trouble. There is an unhappy faacv in some people to pa rade as injured and long su'dcri g individuals; as patient martyrs, and ostentations victims of the neglect and imlifierence of others This pro ceeds from obstinacr, pride, and an iil- passbiii iilwsvs speak almd; and I thought if I emd I control mv voice, t should repress my passion I have, therefore, mado il a rule never to sufd'er my voice to rise above a cer tain key ; and by a careful observance of this rule, I have, with the blessing nf (,id, entirely mastered my natural t omper " The Q laker reasoned philosophically, and the merchant, ss eerv one else amy do, beuefUted by his example. HOME. SWEET KB ME. O.l one nccision Howml P.tvne, the L'eiiiitl-htaiteil, knot ht'le mm wha wrui the iminoital sunt; ol "It-iuie, Sweet Home," was walkiing wnii me in the trat city to London, and, pointing it one id the uiis toeri'ic -treeta id Mty I'tir, where iv,!th ,n 1 luxury ha I the windows ligiitlv elosul and 1 uriained lest the lea-.t rav ol Iktit and ua nilh should no out. or t,, .noil;, air !l oil I wm'er couitr iu, wlieie itoluied, 1 X elusiv- En ;li-0 GHiuhnt Waa gut'ded by a panicina nraeoti ul rol l, h.', this tiny man Willi hit; heart said : "There, lay tood Iriati 1. I became in spired will) Ihe ides el 'Home. 8,vcet llmar.'aa I vranderel about witiiout lend, Willi , ut a aeiuhlance ol shelter I enul l t all my nwn, M mv a nivlii since 1 wrote tlin-r words that ushered out nl my heart hy aha lute want ol a home, have I passed in thi lnrah'V. nn 1 hi-.-.r 1 a siren v i cr eoiiiiuii Irom tlm gilded, lur lmed, cam ttrlahle walls, in the ilep:lt ol a dim, cold Luiidiiii w inter, waihlino Home, Sweet Home,' and I Ivtiew tin bed I call luy own." There was a woi krr an earnest, hones' man- w inker ol soul mid liody, and w hat was bis ttagi S I A nolre-iusufftor. oh beinit inftrn.el that a rtataUMteur was servinx game nut nt seaioa. yi-in the rtatauruut iu dmguite mid otdera diaaer. Waiter," ai he, "can you a;i ve me d !) el uarlridee I" Si rtniii y, sir," leplie the f titer, vi n promptiv, ami vvns to me cook, r.ittiiug ,r nua " The in-pictot finishr s his dinner le'b'itvl), and tlie 1 atya to ihe waiter : "As the b 'as to step ihu way a niinu''' "What for ?'' "1 wish 'o uotily him to appear in eourt to-iusrrjw an 1 kuiwit for partiidge out ol sutton. " "O i. I miesa it ain't worth while bath erini hi in sliiiut th it " "1 1 as I tell you. I am the polire-in-aif(0,,r, aud have secured the nec;8?a:y tvi.b nre tgaiiiat him.-' "ln, I spotted you, a' d Rueased what you wer after. It wasn't partridge you had." Police Inspector (ouvaaily) What was it, then I Waiter (eiieerlully) Crow I rocky Mount, n. c. January 1st, 1871 . We are now prepared to fsroith the trade with SHEETING:, SHIRTINGS. PLOW LINES and COTTON,t YARNS, ! of the beat quality and at Inw pries, Our t vi ins strictly net Cash, 3D days. Addreae A STORY OF A MAGPIE. Going Down Him, The laA is," said an old imuier, "wlie.11 a inuo begins in go down hill, he liuds everything greased lr tbe occasion." temper un,l q icrubois temperament el wh eh they are not conscious. Ihey fancy that they are a personification of amiability, and wbib) the world is ring ing with praises of their exemplnry res ignation, they little think that they have occasioned thea.selves the very sorrows of which they complain; and thuti had they known how to practice the great maxim, "hear and futbenr," tse farce of the selftormentor would have wanted prominent illustratinn. . -. What is the only pane ol which every one makes light! -A wludew pane. A Wisi: Cini.D. A little grand nephew of I'rince Hismarck was sitting on the IVioce's knee the other diy, when he s id lonly cried out, "Oi. uncle, I hope I shall be a great man Lke. yoii when I grow up 1" Why, my child r" inked Ins u ,cle. "Because you ure s great, nod every one fears you '' "Wouldn't yon rather every one laved you:' The child thought a ht'le. anil then replied, 'No, uncle; for when po love you they cheat you, but when they fear you they lit yu cheat them." A'neut three lea'geet from Nantes, in France, It a retty villasje culled Thouare. In ihia yil'iice (i oinehvd, a lew ytari ago, a magpie, wh, ati im mory tiu.ryes to tit cliritilied. 11 r ma-tor was a jmtice 01 pe ace, and niaK iiee I a excellent ta int both witri hnn and his maid-Servant 1 lie ju-t ice, w ho was a iat epieme, had a bio ol el d teltt, which daily lak'n ta Uit ti l.'t ter 'sil. and rxtrci-e. Ihe ivvaiit 1 1;, a cnuoiic'eit inna, anu tn c a compsaitd her The. nuid rriusiktd thn. at U s henr lit-d ler their wnllt, the Hie mviioe rtj'.iiur ly placed hertill in readine-s at tha hen-haue dior. One dav. ;ii. at si c ha I lit th- in eul, sh was tud vniy Called aw:vy. w ken, In tier grea' suipiur, ai.a taw the cavalcade ou its way Itt the tb'ld, under the sol nuniance l rua''. who, witii her beak, waa Britiue nn those wan lafja l behind to luviid theil pa. Next day the servant purpe-e'y Ut her go a. one. when she Hgan look th cnui'usad ol ti,e fl irk, and Imiu that lima the whul chaise WH !l" 10 '"r ' ilui lieg them, and b ulging ll;m in at mshi. Kit the jjatice till not k-e duckt lor the tutor plea'iir nf looking at thru : hi Ttcws were t"s-d th i)ot ; and, at they had now altained proper I in, f", q urn mag taw tlie ninnber if her tuiiieeta L-ra nl ,lw d'lniuisti. Mho be e up wiin tiimneat againtt t'le.o trial n'l'i w lien eniy a solitary dark remain she led 11 to and from the field with hei usual Diinrt ual 11 v. At leniiih th eru o'lli-r was i-vueil ; tha last, duck was I lollew 118 C mi jailioil-, ami titrar "V i iu-tice't lalde. I he maid rmight poor vaitiia. and was about 111 ixecuta 11 niattr coiinaeds, when IlKg, giflug ay 1,1 tier Iu' y. It w upnii her. lore h -:e w it I her t tl-mt sn I tieik, '.id ah ' 1 tr ti remain" with hlonl, tlun tuck Q tlht, and never returned. to tl. tlie le hei Modrstt. Batity is ntvr so lovely and attractive at w hen it is hidden betath the yell ul n limit; nnole'tv. The niuat beuutllul fl iwer nl the gar Irn that np'st attracts and charms the enet, utv,r appeals so lovely 119 when it it keloid aweclly peeping from tht) midtt nf it curtain ol green leaves whie'l lerves tn psrtially prelect it Mem Hie sun and aleraetite, sod tender its ebarnil doubly ins it retting and brautitu!. PiPI.k of Tiiiuk. An sctua-y cave t U'ktit II, c lol nwinij advice how to be eonie eiscneally a' O) timed with the ftuie nt Three": "Live with your wile mntlier, and mother-in-'ar." Paio an arti-t to a ctotonotn enho " I't. necoidinir l you, my picture liea-tU. I suppose l the animals in it arc beastly, too 1" "Well, nr; that'a wh they ought tn be, but nnlortiinatcly the)' nut," replied Ihe lmxorsble Critic. Tft rt i) ictor's Bii.i. " Please, doc ter, iliil 't name our but William." pleaded tl pliy-ieiun't wile "Why net, my deaif' ' fierame if yon do bis naughty playmates willbeanre to nickname him ' The D ie tet't. Bill.'" 'ah C9 a BATTLE A i0X, . ; 1 Bneky Mount, If. (1 ANDOLPH A O Oi GENERAL FORWARDING , ( k K D - . COMMISSIUX nERCUA&iTNt Ktkrfblka (litClnJsa. Trompt aUeatioo given ta all Oostjj tnenU. Liberal Cash Advanoee made on Cost ligaments, LUMBER A 8PECIALTT. Rn-BMErics: W. H. Pmltb A Son W, C. Marrow Co., A. A'renti, Norfolk, Ya.( Carrlbatdl, J. W. fauceit, J. Mi Mul len, Halifax, N. C. .. tab Si a ' KTA1.L1C BURIAL CASEUi tOA 8 ALU. . . ' 1 '- ''''.. yv, , f , " t ,.iuai w.s.yp .."A l,tN'..,r.1.i V -tU-.,r Fersons wiahiu stetalbe Burial Caset can always obtain thorn by applying to met nt the store of Messrs. W intitdd Emryi 1 im:i at ill keepii.g, as hei'titot'ure, a lull aif rtment ol the Very Utwt CASKS, at the Very Lowest Prioes. In iny absence from Woldon. Mussr. Wintleld A Euary will deliver Casi to persons vfho may wills luem.. JAMES SIMMONS, Weldon, JL . , apr 4 I Q v . v milK tl K t) K K S 1 li N ED VERT 1 respectfully calls tmr attention of the trade vi hia extensive stock ef dntoeitie and imported liquors, to Vv hleh be Is still making additions atd oonalaUu( of per RTR AXD BOtltbOX tttttflbtCf Freweli, Apple, Blackherft ihtl Cbrry Brandle, Jamalcaand Ner England Knns London, Tom and Hollai Uio, Port Sherry, Claret, Rhlhe and t .ve-ver-ir1 Scuppernont- Wine. Scotch and "Ixrcdoti Porter, and a vefy largi lot of ....- , RCCTIflED WHISKEY hleh I am oderlnsat prices Shal hs,h not f lit to fc-ive eatisfaction. s.w.stapvsajur-r. aprtli - ,2LKoatf ii rtro, 1 3.

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