f HE ROANOKE NEWS. a moiocn.vtic W B E ti L t N E W S 1' A P E R , unusiitiD by D1Y A B A T C II E t O II . THE ROANOKE N KW R. ADVliliTISIliO RATES. SPACE e a 0 fl o ; .V' t.. M I 12 f . I P( 75 ets PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Walter clark, r., t. cftnK, kilaiu, N. C. Halifax, N. C. LARK fe CLARK; ATTO ltKT1 AT LlV, HALIFAX, N.O. Will nrnPtien In the Courts df tialifax an i a 'Joining couulifl" March 10 tf. K r I T O H K N ATnKNKYS A C'VNSIll.I.nliS AT LAW, Scnlliui'i Spelt, llnlilxx ( o., SI. V. Prantle In tin Courts of Tt 1 1 f k n' d al) li'iunt e .-uvtMns, and in thu Siinrttinn and Federal Courts. JinlS-tf 'p-CO.vI.VS N. hill, A Homey at I.fciv, HALIFAX, N. f). Praetlp.es In Halifax and admininc Counties and Federal and Supreme Courts. Will bs alSUitlatil Neck, once every VortninUt. Auk. 28-b W. II. Pat, V,'. W. HALL. a hall. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WKi.nav, sr. c. FranHc-s In the courts of Kalif'ax and fcdlninlns oloiin'.lns, and in the Supremo Und Federiil c ul riot. Claims oollee'ted in ar'.Jr pttrt of Nnrlk Carolina. Juti 0 1 O. C-VIUBL, J. ATTORNEY AT LAW. JtCUSOV; ti. V. Prictinas in the Court of Northampton ami a ll'iintn nihilities. sen 15 1 Y n l V I N t. H Y M A N , ATTORNEY At LAW HALIFAX, V. C. Prtetiess if. Hi Ci'irts of II iH ax and adjoining c. ninth's, and in tlm Niipreino an I Kulrtrnl Court. CUi ns cilleetel in ll parts of North Carolina. OS ;e In llie Court House. July 4-1 Q. T . O . BURTON, J K. ATTORNEY AT LAW, " CUIFAX, If. C, Practice In Hie Courts nf Halifax teunty. and C mtiea adjnlnini: In the Supremo Court of the SUlei and ill the Pa laral C turts. Vlll irtv srmiil attoitinn tn tllo enl'.en tln ofelaiins.snd n adjiistiUR the apeonnt of Kxatiutirs, Adnliiiisi-atJrs and tur diam. itwvl.vtf M. a U I Z A A u, ATTOJT4SY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. 0'. OiTiee in the Court Hoils". Strict atten' lien glve-U to all branding of '.he prnfes. him. jan 12-1 c BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BKNBLD. HALIFAX COUSTT, N. C. Praat'nas in tha (i.ninlips of Halifax RasH. EiiJPcombi and Vvilson. Collauiiom mala in all parts nf tha lata. jan 12-6 i AMES E. U A KA, ATTORNEY At LAW, bxfiei.o, n. c. rraotinm in tha ruint'ft nf Halifax U.ri.n!a and Na.h. In tlia SiiirniiiM tjnart uf tli ttiata aud in tha Kedaral ttuu"La. Calle-tinns maile In anv part of the btta. Will allpiiil a' tlm rmirL HmlHH in sllfat ao Monday and Friday nr parb sYH. jan J J-t 0 XDRBtf J. BURTON, AT rOKA ET AT LAW, r WKLDOX, N. C. Prarlims In tha Courts of llalilax, War -n nd Northampton emmtios and In the Buweme and Fedpral Oourta. Claims oilluotd iu any part of North Oarnlina. jltna 17 a tiUVS M. MDL1.ES. tyj" U L L E N jcihn i. aootu. JlOOBK, St ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . Haunt. N. C. Praetinn In the Counties of Halifax, Northair.itaa, Edsoooinbe, rittand Mar tin Iu inu .Sapie ns Court of the sttato nd In tdo Federal Court of the Ka tern fcltricL Ciillaottoas made la aoy part of North Carallua; ia lll Dns Year, in advance, Six Month?, " : Thrne Month', " fet VOL. VII. HOME. ' l is awrct at niulit to Bit alnnn, And wiitiA Hib mars h;ni hoar tlio MHKII Of litfiil brfl In tli nlrt Km tli n my tlmuvlita rn far away Tlirm on awift Hii-irj llin liri-e.o hmir To w liUro my litt'.o aiatflra I'luy, And sinir a kiujii of niailnpMt still," 1'x-side the (5111.111115 mountain fill. ' I'ls KU'WI at t I f 1 1 1 t'l flit lllnlld t hpr l"Vpd vowiM In tlip ton tn 1 vrr wiinl atirrid I)iiu!i above nm Vuippa "I UiO'P fir. fir awav, Wi " prav l'"r, and lio over I ivp in ', tVlm weep 111 v al urn ilnv by il iv, Vnd imi thn ninni nVr m-paii' l ni n, To nan (Hp a;iil tl at wal'.a inu homo. 'TN s've ct lit ni((lit to Hit ulmio -Thi'il I spp Uvi- dp i ly k II n i 1 liliH'.v, Hum, tl c bli-s of iiicplin My brow 1111 hm ilh inv uioilinr's. kiss I rUap my sWlr,r' liirin, Ihoimli II -! I iifc,! 1 4 I hr p' 11. 1 l ap Urn tl - in this f lirlulit v ilnriN t but in vanNidiiK LeariiiK lr y a poltiiint tniK. My ino'liprNils thi nvnn lidn, My p'dpr ilr at h'tr miIk, And at hpr kinm in bi'.tulv bnndinfr, A lihpnili lia.iinut infint pray hi- Winch, to Lloavon like drw asi'tuidin);, Is ahnddiii IV.ii aiic tven thpro As iv .is minn ha 11 111 rar!y yiMrs, Hoc blow not witii a iiM.lhui'a lears. And tlifri I itioan In aory For ih" bl' Kt li uiio I iitf'cr may epo ; 'I'm far awav, and d..y tin .'lining, 1 R ?. i at Um ili';nrt'n ! aim. Anil mpp that Mi' is blichily i-l)inlii (.In MM'titit 1 pam 10 ifii.n upon. Wppp ml my trur like sunlit drw, i In nar on my hi.pps a tniiihipr him. F'BST LOVEi II Y Ul sTV FOOT. 'Ami your only nnd (1st love?" asked n lirijjl'l eed yitl its slio recline! her lLissh.ii Iv iinnil.lt'.l brow upon llie sli nilili r ol her lover. ''N , Le in. you a- e 11 it my only nor my first love I have loved another, umu years before I sa you I I ej another, auii 1 I ve tiuit other still." 'Love tl'iit other still and belter t'inn me 1 l'au1, why d i yu tell me lb-it f" said sin', rai iny ber dark blue eyes and 'zitl stead' isl! in lb se nf her lovi r, hal in 11st noisli iieut a id ball ia am run, v.hil I'er j-vil!.-.! li iocs tightened emivulsin Iv mi his arm. "Y u usked ine, L:li.i, unil I nn saeied iuu with M'tc i ity; y u Wntild i,nt h ue me di'tei e ynu, w ni'd you.'" 'Von l"e her still,' then:" '1 love her still," A d b't'er than you d 1 mei" "No 1 e'ti r. 1 m us eli " A' H mill love Inr stiH':" 'Until di a;b, and eeu he.ond death over her last reslinJ id. ice I w i i I strew spring a earlii si tl iweis, and tieileiv llie t with the purest tears ilia". I.oo ever shed " "Handsomer tlian I is she tinl'r" "Her eyes are as lilack us nilil, mid her hair In gloossy black' ess niilli.fs lie !n.'S til' the raven S i hasn't our sweet blue eye, 1 or your soil brnnii hair ; yet, oh, J,"lia I her eyes have been the sweetest eyes to mn that ever looked the look ol eternal love " Paul, ally do vou wish t b'eak my heart ? ivbv have yu tanelit me to love you so ftildly So bliudlv ad thu, in the midl ol my ha.ipiuess tell mn that lhert is an iuijiissi ila barrier between us? Tiiis nigtr. Paul, we m ist par; for ever 1 I would nut have believed I'd ha I another tol I me !" and her eyes grew dim with leais. 15- nut too rash, I.elia ; hear tun to the fun; vim love nit; too (liMny t" pirt with nm thus I Think you that yna could nut share tnv heart wilb m e Unit I so deailv li've'f" 'Ni vvr, Paul, never I" "You shall, Le'.ia, and must I L'sten lor a iniiiiiei'i while I tell you ol 11 y first love, and I am sure y 01 be wil ling to s'.nire il with her t' en." "I Will l.ste , Paid, but will not share your ln'O; I leust have nil or none; 1 am selfish in that respect and who llml oves as I do, 's mil? 1' or ret me Paul, or lorijel her forever 1 I'oruPt her, Lelii? Never 1 I would in I 1 ise one j 'l ol ner pure aiiecnun lor the 'air' si lace lUnt ever tdooined; no, n"t for the j;iri)le of Venus or lur the lo e of a second II den." " Then, Pan1, you are lost to nie for ever; we must part f.irwell to our every dream of a b. ieliter future. I love you well, I'd am inn proud to t-haie your love with aught ceuled O , Paul I you have r"ii' d me deeply ;" and her nooisilrly v.hi-, !! .d lii.S Cu:l d in lodii aut amrow. "Stop, L'lia. or you will deeply wrung me a S '. I met this l ived nee, as I aaid before, in niif of the saeeies', sunniest vales nf mil broad Ilhn is; wardered with Inr bind iu hand, for loi j; yeais, beside the spaikliil-i waters of my childhuod's home. Fust, by Iter smile of exquisite sweetness, she tauglu niv heait that she loved with u iti'teranle loiidiivss, and never have I dounted ; my trust iu her has ever tiuce b-e steadfast and fe rless; never has her rje looked c Idly upon me, and never will il till the death angel shall dim it for the long sleep O l ih the still hours of tl e night have I been awakened as if by II e gem le lain.ii.g of t'j e sleep-god's wing, and beheld that face, those ejes ut t upon me wilb all the beatific te derncss of a guardian angel over a repenting prodigal; and a kiss would fall upon 111 v brow mure gouihinfi than ihe dew nf Hebron. The Same gentle baud has held me along life's flowery wav, and beside its uun HI -d wuters ; ai d If evtr my aim was raised to do deed id wroi g, or my heart steeled to conceive it, that gentle, admoiiilory voice came whispering iu my car, and stayed the one niidMVi ar.d drew the iruu from the vVELDOX, N. other. And I do well rnncmbrr, in my miiuho .iii's riper years, when dirp sorrow It'll llpn Wy son!; nnd I fii.. wnnld Iiiim' drunk oblivion from th wine cup'a d r, brim, that snme flat k eyed woman t ime iu l natttf ine. w the nine of G nil In sliil i the fntnl snnrij . iiinl tuiiiiiij; her nuns nrmind my 1 euk. wlilli' lier pyrs hramed wild Im'S diH'ppxt iii-pirulioii, slio poured oil upon tbp irntibli'il watrrs l"UI 11. e of pnri r hopes anil In i jiili-r aims, and in my rai lii-pered 11 (in! Ii'il w 'i il ilia. Ii.is oul livpil all sol row. I.elin, would inn know llie liiiint' f my first lov ? 'l is m in tit i- r !" '()', 1'aul ! Til fnrgivi you and shuie your lot' inili'i'd I 11 " ' I knew you no il l, I, li.j. Sett). id Ion; is us ilr.ir in Hip first " MR. MULLEN'S STATEMENTS. Halifax, N 0. M uch 27. Ii is 7.1 To the J-.il, tor of the fea s : Mr; In the communication from Ilalilux si j ed "II " 111 your issuo ol 11-day. ami a Is in t' - lay's issue of tt:e KoAXOKK NEys, pilhlished in U'eldon, my name is used in comiei lion w ith certain rt snlutions that went lief.ire the recei.t Coil' ty C oivi i.ti in ol Uililux. That my position m iv imt ha niisu iilei stoi d toward the entleuien, Mr. Hill and Ju'loe Schenck, whose names were lieu iiieiiltoiied for Hie i5 ipreme I'uuit, I have to usk I ! 1 a t yu insert this in your paper. In C0111111 on n itli the people of If tli. fax county, I have prrlenrd lluit Mr. II.il should be mxiiinutl'd by ill 'i Slate C iiiv. nti in at tl.e eastern candid ale 011 Ibe JVeuiocriHic tiilut lor Suprvrne Court. I a so prelt'ired Jmle Sliei.tk 11s ihe candidate from the We-t. 15 'lore the usseuibluio of tbe C itiven tioi', I had heard that iheie were itl iiois ufl at in dilTi ient parts nf tlie Slate lo the ellict that t'iese two niitiem ii or their respective frier (Is had formed or wt re ei deavi'Hnrj to f rm a comhiua ; in 11 to nb iiin positions lor themselves on the Suineiiie C nirt l?;ti(.h, pl'dyinu their mutual u divid.-d aiipnrl lo ail olh rs. I Could not believe that such rcuii rs writ' line; but I c uld well understand why their reputation would iijuiethe rneret iii"HS claims of those two gentlemen for these hill positions in loi all'".'S where they were ml known. When ine li n ventio.i usse muled, the resolutioos en lorsi. ft Mr. II II were car ried without a disse .linjj vmc", an I ! joined hearlilv in their adoption ; but I 'I pesi d the res 'lu'i u s endotsi' g Judge bJicnck l"r t hiel J isiice, lor He lowing 1 eus uis st i'ed by toe in c inven tion. 1 Miid, that to adopt tins lesolu lion, cioi iing t '"t'llirr as il ti'd the 1. 11. in s ol S lienck and Hill and tiiat iu the very home of the Infer would be received as fu'l c o fi illation of these ruinors i.( a coalili o ; U1.1l its only ( ll'.-ct nould bt't if in t to ii j ne Mr. ll.M, nt least to 11 11 -ct on linn where his ret tit i linn f or Ian ness was Imt so well kt-wo 11s line ; that the gieat object of the ilteelino was to h 'iior our countryman and to timber bis pr specls for the nomination, but Is at this coupling ol names in the lad; 1 f the al. it'Miid ie I nits would dirt cl a laii'.l blow at Ins chances 1 staled finlher that it was due to Judge S iieock hiinvdf as well as to Mr. lid1, tint the c mventi. 1 should do notlii ig to ConPn 01 ay (In aging irport that niig! t le cucnlited againsl him, and ih.l (lie itsolutiuu , , . . , . . . 11- 1 . wni.bi II tve tup sa io- 1 lien up 01 011; 11s it wmild nyon Mr 11 il. Attor the dis cussiot. tl.e res luti n was ad' pted by a j in j ritv if ti'is'nps, tlnee ur lour of' winch voti p there!. r were lepreseuted by si -gle iin !iv. duals. In the (lis:ussi 1 was surmised and paired t hear the remaiks that were made bv those who diilered from me i 1 regard to 1 ur present Chie Jus'ice. It was alleged rtgit. st him that he favoieil a lr ng c r.l aiiZ'- l g 'Vernme. t. and coincided with the decision of the Supicuii! Court in the l.inious 11 isk'u.s case. It Judge Saiild is a leutralist now, be has always been one, and it is strange that those who opp se his i.oiiiiii ition by t e S ate Convention for Cnul Justice, should not have known the lad when the, passed Sited high encomiums upon him upon his eiuva'.io 1 1 thul position a lev tnon' iis ago. His life, and tile li 'll us that have been C oi ler led up 01 hiiu bi the people as well ;1 by r:i:r ll ooire'l M-iVfruuri nueaK 111 his vli.dicntiuu and should d s.rm the fe us of any one Iroui any danger in III liusting ihe-r r'.lns to iiis ltee -ing. Auoiher obj.c'.i' 11 uiged a;;ainSt liim was that he hud actually left the Sale at one lime, a d tin r 'lore might 11 it to be Chief Justice. Those who allege this against him were singularly lorget I tit n( that fad last winter, ur have been unusually diiigpnt in il ding out some thing. When Mr Smith bit the State to iiradice his profession iu our sister State of Virginia, he carried wild him an unspotted 1 auie and an enviable. reputation 1 and when be returned to the "Uld Nortli 3, ate;" be brought back wdh hiiu the same testimonies of a good ami u geat man fiuiii those whom be had lelt behind Inm. An. ther ci.a ge was the acti m of llie Supreme Cmiit iu toe celebrated Oliver case. It seen a in me that the uilicsu.S upon the Cliiel Justice iu Ibis cm n.-c-lion are tint only erroneous in them selves, but they saur ol soinelhiug near akiu It) vindicliveness und pet Sedition 1 have heard the temaik made "that it will not do In have a SupiCme C nirt that would sh d a negro to the peniten tiary lor stealing a chicken, aud turn luoee ana fr butchering bis wile.'' 0., SATURDAY, If lli s was true of I iilei-d he ureht be c i Ii-, but i.Ih ilti'ely Mr Smith, ihed, imt ' vici ''.is. 1 1' then i:: s oiht to depose the Chief Justice in order to (indicate Judoe why not fully Vin lictite Inu) Ivor, bv 111. then kino him Chief J sl'i 1 ? An.'tliei charge, and one mucli iu vojiiie ol lale. was that the Coii f J istice h is no "hacl; hone." 1! it this i scarcely he believed by til -S-' who luive nut Mr S.nith al t!.r bir, on til.' bis. tnijis a. d 111 the hai's of Ci.io.es-', m r by ihe nuiiicioiis cho 'ts. an I a devoti-d coistliiiei cv ah ise causes hi! has u.ibelil alien s'oiit heait'i hive filled ad strm g nuns have wiiliered. If it b.s li in: iti it lie is wan'lno in 1110111I cu nee, .t is to I) ' deeply regretted tll.it so leebli u iii.hi sh mill have been no recently nr.,. 1 oiiiicrd a uiaol iv. d a her 1. A lirge I icr ilie practice. I04 C ulrso in tin. I '"islalure, io the C m(;r-as' of the I' i'.ed rt.t'S, and the Confederate H'u'.rs, in 1 uuieimis p.litcil ca llpllen , incluiliiin the lust one. and in every s'litinii to which he has bee 1 called, it t -t'-st ihe firmness and ii.tejiiy of Ins noli 11 s. If hu is lacking! in this q ial fi Citi 111, why s'n .11 r lie have been srlecli d as a iiji niber of the D 'iiincratie Statu KxiViiUut Co nmi tee. where fir nness n nl wisiloiii are nl viy s in denrmil? I wi i o iu no spirit of tv U11. .'iv ss to Jndje S.he ck o M . Ili'l. I w.,ul,l chri'ilully vote lor the r nomi .ati on for the p siiinn nf Alsnciute Jist'c.s u,i"ii our lii kr', a id trust th.'v will he p! lerd there bv the S ate C mventi i ', for they holli puss, ss siilli i.! t merit to entitle them tn that huor; but wiiy this bitter crus ide ii;) hi our C lief J 1-. lice i 1 order to ittain that t ti I ? I do not heiie.e thai eitiier of Hiem aia p ii litis or piivies to itie ii'j ist usiui'ts that lave b;'en made and are beinjj s!i'il 111a le up ni o i! wlio.n N ull) Cnoll ni 1 nns havenl ways delighted to h uior ; lor it I tlid, I ah .ni 1 think th it hud been sadly deceived in nt v estimate of their iiatiltPS. And it is to be hoped that the ross antl i!'.v i;iM'ij assaul i tli it have b-eii made upon ('tiief )ilstico Sm.th niiliiol.be ntti iliu'i'd to Ihem bv u y one; but liny will lie i-x.'ii-ed and ' vei iuoiied us mere iudcreti'ius on the put id over i ml on a Ivnc itns of v.ui .us "en tk'iiieii ll.ioilli nit the S alo. I confess that I am an side t nduiin r of the Cniel .1 us. .c -, loi I have koii'Vo hiiu all oiy til t', an;! 1'. is a leasilre to ine n 'leu his liis aie sealed and his mil l shackled hv teas m of his p tptioo, to C oii'.ihi e its l;tr as I cjii, to ihe vindica- f ooil 11ml an i j tied man loi-j,! us 11 .t it i ct 111.' c u lie dial was so np'l, mad ' lor us ny our (1 ivem ir J b it let us now show liy our actions ill it wit.it vv.; then sai l ab .tit the wisiooi nf thai choice was 11 it reeking hv picr sy, hut an hiinc'st 1 x,u U'si 111 ol opini in J.M Ml LLLN. iv il.'igh A'cifs. THE DESIRE r Jl DI3TlolCTI0.J. X ii liing- b 1'. ioi-n ir ali')' ran viti-fy llie in'unl of man ; the ruin I of iii-iu is iitnutil. Til" ocean only cm (ill the ocean's he 1. 11 iv vain then ii ".an In ImaoiuH s 1' i-f n '.ion i l the actjuiie 11, e I of a".t'! ' pel i'.l.abli' Was pard nor hoini'. then t b.! ani'iilioiis would bt wise. Hit we aie bnunl to immo'tili'v ; and he "hi 1111 wings of I ambition seeks hapiuitpss I 1 w ul Ily nf j quitenients will be sun' to In I. Wli 1 of i il. have tint ohserM d the reslles iess of 1 11. nan iiiii'i ti 'ti v Wno of us can sar, I am c n leuti d ? We a". l,i"!v fnrtvitd to sunt t'nnj V I t 1 f olic I he scenes nf 1 1-lav d sjust us, and we are pleased with the v sin s :f le-nnl row We gaie npo 11 Hm di tml in oi in ' ; us n lies 01 azure, its lights an I shades, si s. fily bleu le I, iniilie us i'lia ino i's precincts ihe retietts a d c ml of K .- 1. l'.;i h ins we a't"-n;it to gritify our I mion-;. As p approa h, the uiounta n lUrows IT it 117. ire; its lights ami shades shrink 1 into ru'i;ed hills a ul vales all dies tiwuv into cold reality, liius It is witu ine nalural landscape ; it is lliC (cirue with the moral The pour are sick nf their thatched r oof a tl bumble fate They looked upon llie man "f wealth as filled with p'easure anil delight. The rich are tiied wilb Ihe cares and trxitlim.s of Ide world. They look uiinn the neat cut t ige as Ihe ahode of peace and Con tentment A kind of distance in eithei dse Icn.ls its charms " laseimitions, enverinj! the whole with Ihe hut! of en chant .ne t. Thus are we ever in the clitsefur happiness j lor hipiiiti'SS is tlm gnul of our ambiioii y et the tplendi I bauble is ever cludi''; unr grasp. "Lilte iliu idiot kt-ir.ina 0.1 t'10 brook Wo b'tp nt sins and fasten iu the mud." The seed nf ambition are Sown in our very did Idood. We all even then have ,. - , . . . 11 1. gome lime print" to graniv an nave our dreams of great ness As we grow, our ambition grows, und it "-lretieth.'ns with our stie .gili," Th'ui.;h its otj'ct may be di d nit w ith different individuals, (tlill il is everywhere cssd tially the same. The sigh ol the villager for a petty magistracy is the sin;o iu Its na ture as that of a Caesar Inr the gl ry ol an Alexander, t r of a Theinistides lor the renown of a M lli ides As we ar rive at mat. hood we launch our frail barks upon the tempestuous sea of life, each striving for that ' tido in the nfftiis ol mtn. winch taken al the fl tod leads en to foitune." Then commences the contest ; it i a contest for glory, fur h.ippmtss Trie warriur onses through th-? vista ol many battle?, and beheld a diadem of APRIL 13, 1878 b irii iness and renown He fot ill to the tri iison f elds d1- w tr. The w arm blond of millions (1 is. Mothers and 111 liilens vvc"(i seas nf sorrow. Tin earth is c. t'led in iiniiirniiio. The harp of nations is h'ltig noun lite rillows. Tbt) cvprevs is evertn'iere pla ted Tlltt heavens become n"B vtt gallery id w u. LnureU are henind up in tin hern's hr iw, b .t wh it is llvgi i d re sult? It has b"Pti said that Wvllnintoii was no senlii'iniiitalist, yet he, as he ua! lope I Ids hm se iilono the bio dy pi. .ins f WiiiK'i loo, pa'.IS d I'll t x.l line I. "What is w use ih 111 a b.'.tle vv m, s av a ha tie lost " N tp 'Inio us tilt" seen 111 tea's, lli iiiii in thu midst 1 f victory. Yet in t 'ihstaiidii'i; nil this ; n uwitli. Hla din pillars nod temples outiive t1 names of th ''.e w ho rear ttii'ti', what .l not ttiiiii perlorui 10 fill a le v shee s of ti' certain paper. M 111 still wish a to b" C;c ar, 1 li'iiio !i a v com s fr mi each o ie of his oU'i(h. A'libilini still cries, ' I will asjead into heave", I will 1 xa't my throne above the slurs ol li id; will ascend atiuie the clmil'. 1 will be like ihe M 'St High" Much 111 ire, then, will il still plant i s iron hool uiion t'ie neck of ea .ions M id) more will it still to ch tile eirtil to iiiiinic the storms of heaven, pLture the cloudy te-iipest i 1 the fi ght ' f armies ; and with the deep touts of Use gun, and the II viK's ol the cities, mock the thunder and t le lijihtiiiog of the skirs. 1! - the glea 11 ol steel, the cannon, the stained scarf, nnd trwi rulinij niipir do unt compose nil ol t'ie lillil of ambi tion. It see us to cast an Letiero 011 ill that is lovely n inn. A e dd win ter frowns upon tlw summer of the human h art. and lib; social and tl uifvio ulfeciinus wither anil die Am- iii m is selfish, ; I ke Ihe w tves of death, it serks the overwlicl.libitj of nil. Thus is man's anihitinn and dues a father, or amide-, or brother, or si-ter, or Irieni, ye 1, or cve i n wife, stand b I teen him and tin; ol i ;.t of ins a-nhi- lion tli very i.nt'iie of liim alio bef're was Invelv, undergoes a ch mge. The aiiiianle .1. aephina uiest be nif.de to eep and drop the tear unregtrd d. 1'ivo roses 111 11 t be steeped in th.! same U' h dv die. lvru the hired assassin 111 1st desp.h-h a m 'tlier, and to des'r y a sister or brother, li I I must he s eept' in L'lood. Tl C mu.t be cm 0 very haunts of Lien a Illinium wilderness TiiiH alone 't itn is ntidiiti m as 11 ha'- I. inert. Siys 1) right, -'It knows "i other path to i!,r ncs h it that ol blood " li ever lha ivuo.'.i ms in an seems 1 velv, .ve unist sil,ip si) lii. 11 iu the IliJht fu hlerai y lame. X itliino ti.hail vvel miy appeal either in I'm iuiperish-ib'n s u'g of llie 1111 uortal bard his playful spuria wild Hit! "hoary I icks" ol ocean, or his "mi utive tai-ts of the lightning s fi -ry wi ig " .il Ihe drf. nnity of amb.tlou uiay be ed 1 sed by the ;p!endor of h s aequo enipiit-, or the ma Ji.ili.:eu ;e of its art Ii 111 iv ' indeed wear as much llie usoect of virtue as the adroit rogue 0 's thai ol no ho esl man. li.t the li-inj, acii-p spirit is to t more different iii the one than in tha nlher. Hut. we wi 1 ioiagi e him lo be uin'ii ti ms. Let us follow him iu his 1 elite rne.'t. Mnk his fin rowed b:ow; the clutid of auxietv which p rpelua lr mi el"ps him. "'I'lssveet," eiies lie, ".o win l.tiirt Is of bio ul or ink " Hit bis mind spp ns lo be niie continual tern (:-'. "The home of Iiis s.iii it is in the I b s mi nf ih sti.r u." Again he cries. "We cannot fly the deo on thought I' 11 ; is evidently wuliapp. Who gras s at earthly lame, giasps wind; nny, 'itr a -prpenl grusos, that through hi ha ul glides smoothly anil is g uip, b il leave a sting heliiiid which b.iigs pain lint I if nitibiti 01 I,. evil nm! oi!v f if aitihiti 01 be evil am! iii it'ii r llie root tmr the me, what shal. arouse a d u m f cv iv tl insiiii it b !v I'wl, il it t e I'ffspiiim of vil- mm from his im n il z 'j! and enti'i pi ise ? this is the (J les'.ioil Yy'e need 11 .1 the .ieceil'id wonings ol amd'eion to prompt us t 1 hht the mid- uio,t taper, and move us ti ascend the iimui.t ol disiiiiC'iun. There lire otliei spirits which lead forth their numerous trams ol statesmen mi l oraiots, 01 hero s ami poets. 1 1 usefulness and glory. Self-respect will tlo it, or benev olence will do it. ur a thirst for knowl edge will do it. the 'truth" winch is ' the way." will tlo it, or patriotism wiil do it X thing like ambition nonpars in Wash 1 lio 1, "r llow ir l, or Wil i rf ir.;e, or P link, or u long Haiil id nlhers woo nave acemli'i 1 gieati r height of use ful, ess and hoimr thin 1 v. r ..uiJli.u carried one or ever will carry one. Cod gr.mt that a proper spoil may petva le evriv In ail, ci.t...! iug us i 1 all we tlo or say. a d that truth, virtue, in tegrity and Imne-tv my supplant nil In S llis l und audi tions 111 'li es AN AFK CflMU i.sc.U ..s 1 r ie pro p i tsr ol a p 1 minn si bl pii.tn in n I e nl sunt euie'el a esr In luliou l'.ny a d iv 01 twfiiuo. and. sec "d eg to hi Usual easni. 11, dis'ribined t n.lier iiiss.n Kris little ranis wild lha ! rise imi.'li ' L '"k In Ji-Siis when templed, When ttou'i u ', when (ly 11 ." A well dressed gell' till ill tea I nne nf 'he cauls ami put II in lii" Ins poi lii''. Just Ii. lore b sving Ihe cars lie Biid tn M . lluli:: ' f r, when yini give 111 this csui I mi e J way to the terry, intending to jump In in the lrry and ernwn mysplf. I'ne deaib ol my wi e and hu had robbtd m of sll le-ir In live; tiut tiia inkit ll i per anaded ine to ttegi lila uvw. GuaJ tl ij and Oo I bless vmi." "My dear," .al l a w ile to her Inisliand. 'I tenlly think it Is tuna wo had grien liniife"" "Well, m love, pa Dt it any color jiu pleasured, of jjiceu will kuil ine." 9. WHAT DJ WE LIVE F01? The mother, as sliu ben.li over Iht 0.1a. llo nt inr i.uy. feels that ilm is living inr soinei I11111! ; lor t'o.l has cnm iii' ted 10 Her cht't'ii an iiuuioitil tmul. mid (In re 1 eiri'ie s Hilt -he ta 1 1 itialj'! llie fir-iinpre-sion U il'ilt JoU'hl.ll mind llisl -llr 11 1 1! -it be llie " tn m)W the tir-t iern ni vituie in h 9 ptinwav or Iiniiiniil III hit Inn C-oil bo-rill llie rir.t vice. Mothers, yi arj living lr niiimiliink'. i)l,-o.Ml V'll.l:l!;toIi UA'ed ICICU llisl a 101I at! I ll't'J e 111 bis lllc lo llie piuil tiaintiio ..I ,1 ni .tiiet. Shu kui-w il"t llin t ie intmit at In r km a vv.uil I ore May in Hie Fa't a-ol li s country," jet she dnli i..'i;l."l in hu inimt llime hit.tcs 1 triitn nnl wisluui tnal ili'iiv .i bugnllv 1 h 1 011 g :i h 1 tv u .le I . Ic. Y ileal tin llo ..nil.', and Ihe lutiirg v.-. i I led ul. ether H II . been lab i I '!. Inu 1 1 ) e ol a ioiii ui may depuu I 1 11 yuU' boy, and ti.e Ueml, Inn K'e iciruid 111 bi- in a' ey wi'l tell in t c mint ; 'lay. l'lieii do ynu ,uk vv ri ul t o a e bvn lor I I he poet, he b-n It nvir Ins ncmtl, ir ! 1 v 1 11 1 lor ti'iiiirllii ov. ; lor he is at vii.tt wilb .no own b in 1 a naiiis.' 011 t ie pilnr ul fa l.e tiiat wi.l lm nn.i.oita'. lie t P'tvino the palll.vay In 1; b iry and icnow" , We aiu ml 1IVIU4 lor .nins Inn,'. Eicl. me is Iu fl u' Ins ilestiuy, aud tlmuh lie iii ay prugris- ouly i-tep ly step, yet bv will one day retCh ttiu gual ul IDS ainlti lion. L Vi or s i.netliiii,'. I.iari to a-t well s uu,. Hurt ;u tint cr. at urnna vl 1110, no hi t ' t fi 111 wh it ihce vou am plaeed "Whatsi ver tuy ha d fiade'.h to do, ( it with nil thy uiigi t ' l a t.i & 1 1 ivtri iv II 111 w no has appuitne I us all a phi ii bis vi cn.rl A ml wid you mt wnii yui h 111 is Iul te'l b-.c inse you Iisti ut inu vsiiiu wu.k t 0.1 ill.1t .illt.lll 1 list Iilli'.'ie tiniliiiio lur you to il 1 rtrC,U. you ,ie Mil e 1 p 1 11 it; ol do.u ..s ntucu as su nt otlier.s? 1 heie Is a mission lor vach an. 1 Cl to '"rill ; ami what Hod has riq.nrc 1 is In .to, II lias given you unly one ultn j ill you hurt It Insirad ol pultn-g ll out at usury I Ki-rn- iiibei Hvt wlil I. qui 1 1 nt t lU-ni at v 1 1 u 1 lisD.ls, an I y.,ti will 101 in; ixcu-ed lor 'nlij 11 j it ti.'caubc you ha mil .me .v lie 11 all ciier hid lei. I'll -n lie ua nnd ilwinj. il ; a taidier 1111 tli.' Il l I ol 'lilty, "bu a burn ta the tri!t: U .1: ii b.r hiii n oh e puipo-e Let join motive, be '11 I itJ or lor Hie ga d el "tuns to s, iv; well you' d y and yjtinoat 011. aim y our lew' 1: d a id to) 1 liu a aula ul 11 u ap nruviuo em cicnce, nntl Hie l lej ing ul t'i'.H" wlwllive bi en uiadu happy by lilt kiiiii c (H it im have ilium Live Inr soiiivilang ; ll 11 be (ver mi hi .le. It Iter lo ae.-n.u .il sh soil! -ttiliiv! thin noih.ii;. H iter to lu-K lli' tin III; III tie vnll invjiliaj lit 111 tloii over wi.ti-.l 11 mis a nl uns-e .t tune I'bere itwoik lor I've! y one to do, and ha whi latiots witu a wllliib; licit t and ll md will one .1 iv r.-Hp the re ml ul li.s lu'iu.-. L've i. r sun t 1 1 n . I..:t evcty leaf in the vo 11 11 ; m III-; y nr bear so. 11 ; 01 fit tn v o art iljiin lis ntces. Lai every til 1 n ol I'lmc'a oiil 11 mi wticel ivve ni.r.c incuiii i vv.d -prut d'lyo. Live to tlml youi d nit will In le nun. beied long ult.-r yU nave eii.-cd i u . Live so I list jou- ir 11 1 wi I ix el your vices and td Ine in igliler in y out ye .is grovv l. ssanl l.-s. I,: ve m in it y u c in I mx 'o the put w it 11 out n outline 1 11 . t y-iu lull done too lit t.e 111 ll.ls lite. I. alio- It -eaietlilui no .hi and pisistt 'V'UUiy. L ve so tnat In ps.-ini' bum 1 In. 10 111 tiic. suoie you a.Ii leave bvlibnl you ''Fnolsprints mi tlis sand of lima." I, vi; I. r fmiietbi ig. There is no one but w li n e in .1 1 so 11 g md no una w ho in-rd t iv I cut .1.' o 11 dish n.U lung none who nenl .end lluir days 111 idleniss Liie i a b'ai.k bonit, eveiy piu l wh en tu 1-1 b ai Bfonetnin worliiy ul r -e u 1 or i bl u th'.tca m:i 1 bo eta ed. l iien be mi ml. ul w'i .I y u le.ve up iu its leaves; r II wi I teil in linn- and ele'inty vv !nit )i. li a v 0 lived for. an 1 Ha who Keep re -old 0: mir d.e.ls w iil reward us uccci 1 nuly. LIVE AND MARRIAGE. Tout no iiiauy of our young to'ks ia'e In b'g 111 ir u 1 1, e aie lei li lii are n belle III it a lew v ri Is on t ins loj et vv 1 I m ..veil ink d and mil ol pi -ice. lilt tin b "i:l.l n.U until '.Ily o eer to nistiy ' w .i .hii-j bu lino ,v a on ill it ? " ' I. t ' ne. ,1. e l. nee 1 it a "If it toell. r. Lilt tlOtW'ith stainllug ihe j.lnlivile i u:oll.l-te c it la a -lt.j..-Ct at, .ml v.llicll we lie nil lit v.n-etel lo kn-w 8-uiiell.ing. U'lnn a c .nie is Nune.l 111 the h ly etmds td' mal um my. it is txp.ced, ea lletn.liiled iht I vvs iuiiUt b ivu pi.inipt' tl it ,M,riy nut lor love an I bu c il 11 Hut rbj ct l y inr bean's a!T ctinu is wniiliy ol ail y u can bvst.iw. and Hilly nmr tq 1 il, and lei virtue in all ca-e-, wi limit exi-apti-ni, b tlio notlii inal links it wnh c titcln s unue iiii"hiy than stel. wnu'd you have tli nuiil.al union Is-I. I h d iugliter nl a gnu I n. o' Inn rarely pr. iv. s bat tun anil d.'Vniel wile, ii" I l"is idea is one lli.il alllllll.l not 'te lightly C nis.ilv.c.l. We hive ulteii he.r I it md. t i'it fi st we ui.ist g I an ti'isol 1 1 v t ot que-l ovet mi-Si .'v-. an I It w ii mir wives can e-il,' and pieasii.tly bo In; g v Ine. I; in till lueir is iitotti Iril'h til til Hives, as IH my wi l Mtilv. t'he in- nit;; e wnh wbic' Ci d h is gu rd d the so re lnesj l m tii'tt ure flroDg, 'or wedlock Inrcrd b.u In !1, an g l U-e 'r I and cvitinuu .1 a rue, (I ie ol I e te -uu ', so we ate li lorm.l, whv ma tOi'H d'-ei not ulways prove a iniire ol lis .pin -ss is b't nllsi y ni ig Utiles sftmiti iai;ir unia iu 111 1 is 1 11 w mis, mil 111 making e kes." Si Walter Itibigli ). "the best Mm lor mar'iaite will be towsid ihiny, lor Ihe vnu'igl'r tunes ate Unli', cl'l.cr lo ell n e or tn gotern a wi e an t Umily, so iMlmu stay long, limn sh.lt hsitily fee the e ill -atloii ol lb Children, who liunc lell ! uii.iiigers. aie in iff eta lust, ami hi-Hei wvre n 10 b unbnin llisn ill brtd; lor ih'tr'H thu posienty ibad utlnr 11 ii u or n in nn a -haoie 10 thy nsine.'' Young ladie-. atiove nil i.nn.(, fhould pat nistiy a insD ivany years tln-ir stn'.or; leiiicnibt , "llicy nai many siieicnl people merely 111 iXoictstmn to bu J ti im; hatitf Ihetn elves in hope thai uue will cmiic an.l IU' the lialnr." " i;ii kinripst and happli at pair W.ll Und 0ucM8i1.11 tu I, iriie.-ir : And aoiuuthing, every day they live p., ..iiv.i.,1 .,.,.i,j..u r.....irttt. ' NO. Ou Sr.tia-e, 3 00 1 8 no 10 00 15 00 18 00 14 00 y 00 80 0 m 00 15 (v 10 00 ito te 40 rs fo 50 60 01 100 0) I wo Squaiea, .10' i bren Mitiarea, 8 IK) I Four Mnuarea, 10 O'l Kou-th Corn, )5O0l 211 00 40 09 60 00 ffs t folninii, 20 0)130 (0 Wh de 0 l imn, One Tfi-ar, ADVERTISEMENTS. glON PAINTERS Vantod In every Rocllon of Ilia United 1 sips and Provinces to nnsweii mi 1 . variiae nent. Attdros. DiNIEL F. HEATTY, Washlngtor; N. J. Do?, ltf HAFM'IVI'JS'SOR MISERY, lii THM Dr. W. K. Doyt nf 3"i yoars aunceasfut nraeile- cunraiilops speedy and Permanent euiP.fall Clironle, Hcrofnl uis, Pilvate, - piiionr f.uu i puiam uispasns, (speriiia pn I mi, or ftp-ahiio at his Medical In. "titnle, Acitn CliPiiey ISIock. nnpnaita 111-city Hall Hark, Syraeue, N. Y. Metl leinti sunt to all pans nf tha U. S. and ''aua la li ui't ba doeplvpd by adverllt iniqiiaeks who thronn our buce citlea, bui eni.Hiilt lir. Ilovt or send for oirrular "pitlitnj on bia spot lames to I. Is p. O: ll'X liTtl L V Dt K1. Mr (rent liquid French et.mip.lv, A MHO DK F.CM M K, or Female FriHiid, Is , 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 n j,) n10 rure of Nil paln 'iil and ibiMerous illstaspa of your awx. It inodpriiPi all eirps, nnd briiiRS CB the uinntiily pprlnd w'lh rpiilariiy. In nit nm vols nud s inal ntfeetions, pnlriS In be back or limbs, hitavliipss, fatigue on lin..t nsei lion, palpltittiuu of the heart, lowims orsoirit, hyateriea, sink headaeho, whites, and all piir Iul d'casus oeoasioned hv a disordered syrilem, it elfeets a cure when ail oilier means fail Price 82,00 per K it lie, Kent bv mail. Dr. VI. K. Uoyl, liox 27'i. Si rien-r, y;. Nov 25 1 v , g C H OO L TE.VCHKKS. You can eailv Inerpsse your ntlaty Ttf bv dovotiiiK a very Hiitall purl Ion of ffg lel-ure time to my Interest. I do not tk neet you to eanva'is for my celebrHVial It' allv ' ,'isno.s and Organs' tiniest yua -eo tl; . ; but the t.ervlt'0 I rpquire of vou In both pleasant and piotl nble. Full particular lien. .Ad1re. DANIEL F. HEATTY, Washington, N. t. OC K Y MOUNT .v.II,LS, 1WCXY MOUNT, N. G. January 1st, 1878. We are uuvr prepared to furnish till trade with SI1EETINQ3, 81IIKTIXG3, PLOW LINES uii COTTON.: YARNS, ill of the bent quality and at low prieaa; Uur ttims atiie.tly net cash, 00 days. Ad. trees BATTLE 4: 0X, an CO a Rnrky Mount, N. O. It a n d 0 l r u it c 0 ; , GENERAL FORWARDING. AND CO'l'msiO' IILltCUASTMi AinrrotU V Irs loan. Prompt albwition given lo ail Conaltjav menu. Liberal Cash Advanoes made oo Coo elgnrhnnia. LUMHEP. A SPECIALTY. Pi-fr iknces : W. n. Smith ,t Sn. W, '". Marrow if Co., A. A' rentt, Norfolk, Va.i . Curribaidi. J. W. Faucett, J. M. Mul len, Uablax, N. C. fob 21 6 a KTAhLIC BURIAL CASES TOJI 6 A LH. .rvaiivjjj,, . T-v-- 1 .-.'.-.T-s Ir-. m'-r- rersnr.s wlshli'ir Mntallio Il'irial Case! can. always obtain mem tv applying loin, at the Morp of Meaiirs. Wililiold A Emry. 1 I'll, still keeping, as bcrrtobup. it lull 1 .rtuiriit 01 1 lie Very UestCASK', al Ilia Verv Lnvvst Prieep. In inv b-Piie flora Wiild.ni. Messrs. Win field' A Kmry will .iMlivnr Casus to persons wbo may wisk luem. JAMES SIMMON3, Weldon, N. 0. apr 4 1 Q -nil H U K D IS K 8 lli N K I JERI L rvspucifully calls the attention of tha trade n bia pxteusira stock of iloniaariti and imported liiuors. lo wbieh hrf ia tlill LuakiUjf additions acd oonsistiug of para RYE AND UOVRBOX tTkllKKIES French, Apple, Blackberry and cherty Brandies, Jamaica and Neve'Engrland Knm (jondotl, To;n and liollai.. Oin, Port Sherry, Claret. Rhine and If .vo-yeaSold Scuppernnni; Wine. Seoteb and Londoc Porter, and a very large lot of RECTIFIED WHISKEY Ti"?ret-i. wltleh I am oRorlhs at pHofes that eaanpt fail to jive arttiRfaptinn. S. W. KF.J.DNIJJ As't. . anrllSia intbatfoke .Squirt,