' ,1 1 1 .. "I Ii, II THE ROANOKE NE'S. SAITIfDAY. APHIL 13, 1S78 0 U 11 TICK i: T . FOR C IIII'.F Jl'STICK OK PI" Pit! Ml" folItT, HON. DAVID SCHENCK. OF LINCOLN. A'iOCIATE jrsTICE FROM THE EAgT. T- N HILL. OF HALIFAX. . As e hae previ msly said the wily immediate danger to tbe Demncra ic parly lies in its nun preponderance f strength. This danger we d. (ear and the course of a ti-n adopted by the ri.al candidates fur the Chief J.ts teship make us fear that the cud nil Ccuuo in June. IIAI.IF.tX IjlTlt'ff. ADVEIITISE.MENTS. 1(U L L IN miCES, We are glad to see that i ur friend ol the Tarboro Southerner have mod ified their ijras, end do-, with an ex Cpliou which mmna nnllitn?, they recti py substantially the sime grounds with ourselves. The Southerner in its issue of Thursday latt lakes position in favor f Judge Schemk for member of the .Supreme Cunt, and informs im ihnt Judjjc Howard' position on the Wil wiiigton an J Well in Iliilmad in mere ly nominal (me. I hut he is a mere figure head and it not responsible for the acts of the maniifement of that road No let the Southerner inform us what truth there il in tlie teport that its editor reci-ived a litter or l.'ltets from nne llti dolph A. Shntwoll which letter rr letters were were to be used against J idge Schei.ck, but were not under any circuinstmces ti be published. Uir friends will nliser-e that we di lot rHnrge tliut such letters were received. I!, it rumors ol suck have cmne to us and we think it but j'ist to the gentlemen who is charged with having received the Liter or letters to let him know that kiich rumors are in ciicilatioii and to ive him ao opportunity to deny their trut!', unless they be true. TIIK Mri'ICKHK COt'HT. During the p ist week the interest felt in the canvass for Ciief Justiceship lias not wanrd in the least. 0,i the contrary p lb ic iutprest see ut to be constantly on the increase, nuJ we very much fear that Ihe contest is liejjinninp to be fraught with a degree nf ucriuiony, which may potsibly. even probably lead to the very greatest const quences. Charges ol c iii.biuatini.s and conspiracy are be'in" circulated ngai. st gentlemen who have MomJ high in the cmn.tils i.f the P.'ttin cralic party, and who have shown their leilty to that p.uty by btiuo In thiol to it and to its ioUresU when the ItiJicals would have welcomed them with open . . .i. . i - i ., . .. .. .... nr.ii, to me nignesi r.ilices in the ;;atp, lavor of .Mr. .Smith, he spoke of him These cliarg. s fi: ?t made tl.eir appear- heautifully and elcrj icntly ; I concede aticc in a couple id letters published in a"d lh" P'ci.le that the New .Y.r.h State, a Radical paper i ""'V ' 1? U,,e 1 ' r"eJ l" . . , , , v' be udmired I.u'. a mr.j -nty were ot . owned Alifl or ht-1,jujj, .i.I.ia.I k. I ... . J I K...C.J U o.,c p, sen io his choice, and voted f..r Keho.-, the C lui'man i.fthe K puhliean j S henck. No wh le I believe State Kiecolue Committee, and are said '''l -' " white muii out of very multireel are ."vhenik men, I have no nail Mood lor those who nppos'.' him Correspandmrft of The Observer. Scotland Neck, April 4. 1878. Mksmis. Knrroits: As much as I am opposed to controversy and to seeming dimensions I cum .t rt rain In m r. c irring to a Conservative meeting held ul Halilux an the 23d ult. And I would say in the outset that I write not for fit purpose of condemning any man, tmr for the purpose of ce suring the conduct of any man, but I write to endeavor u eradi cate false impression which may have been created on the public mind by cer tain correspondents. One of tin se letters contains in elTxt a statement that the character ol V N ir c.t.i. i. i . . ii tumuli as iisniuitcu unci Ins lali name defamed by tin iiclots in aaaf o eniii", and that l..alie..i, Whilaker, Kitihiu, and nthios were in the lead. (,, another letter it is said that Mr South w a helil up ss conniving nl cri'np Now, he who usm-iN that Mr. Smith', ihurac'cr us a gentleman and us a l.iw jer was nssaul'cil, or he who ussi ils tii.it he was bell np ns c mnivino at ciime, hsm'iis that which he u usi know to be Miiirne. think I said as much as any one in this meet i i . and I am cheerlulli willing to assume the resp insiuil ty of all ol my utterances, if my w rds aie given their correct mid legitimate import, and one imt penciled to sun tin; din. tempered iiiiaoimitioo nf 8 oi -'muds. I said then, and I still say, that Mi. S mith's character as a gentleman and christian was ii reprouchablc, and that his abilities and attiiooients as a lawyer and jurist were unqie. i .ned. Hit when man enters public life and is the n - cipient of homos and favors from the public, his ncl his record, his learning become piiMij property, ami the people. itli wlicm is vested paramount and sovereign power, have a right to criticise and scrutiniit) his public acts; and, if a public servants at any limn makes it manliest by his conduct that his ideas and notioi s d government are hostile to the politics i.dvoc ited by his constituent?, I C"tici'ic that they have a riht t ex- press their disapprobation and dissatis taction, and to nmke choice of oi e known tn be in accord ilh them. The people of IJixilax met fir the purpose of selecting their di legates t i represent them i i the nomination Con vention which is to meet in Jane. N i one who is in the least conveisint with public meetings woiil I expect to see tin entire unity nl sentiment txUlii g i UL., a meeting. I d ire sav theie neer was snch an instance. Mr. Mnden was in 1878. ADVEUrisEMENr. N I' It I N O , 1878. : run an Aoisvrr and JO or ( 00 per wek. "the bvkr iiKcnv asi .vtrtu obt or obhkr" HOMtSTKA l KKWIXG $0 SSO MAC III Si r. For Tomestie uo. ITH TAI1I.E KIXTfKES C'OMn.nK, only tit. A perfect and uiiipili il. Innre, Klronp nml (Inriilile Machine, ron-i rneted eleirant ami solid from the next material Willi iimthionalleal pre cision, for ('iiumhii! Family use or iiiaimfact ur inif pnrnost ii. Always rea.iy nx a ninineiil 's no tice lo,., us iinv's wiirx. le'veronl of onler.nnil will lnt a veiierntlon with im derate care ; ey to understand and iiianaic : lorlil, smooili. and HWlll rillllilllir. Iik I In- Well recol id'. I inove- meni of a line wa'eh ; Nlmide. Coninnrt, Krncl-nt ami uenanie, whi, ftn n. valuiiMe Improve meiils to i.e fcuml In ibe hlirhest priced Ma. lilne warrant' d to do Hie hnme word, the nsrti" way mid ns rapid and smooili as a 7S Maelinie. An aelili.iwledi.ed triumph nf lIKi'llhllls i danlral fklll. ess, -iii i.i I v tin. wnrkiiitf woinmra friend, and fnr In mliai ce of uj ordlmirv Mneh nes, for nl.soliite sirmi ol,. Kriml.iliiv n'nd if.oieriil use fulness I W ill l in, l-' ll, I'll.'ll. ,M :ini, Uillll, llm I, Hr.ml. i'or I, liuMier. Untile, Mih r. Piatt Fold, ecaliop, II ,. I.ml.roider. (ton up llr "nltlis. ,C,' , Willi wnnd'-rf'il nii.nlov. i.esfnes. l, I e(1s , s.l'S the slrilML'e.t Ills! if si e I- inalli line and su 1 1, ii.roiu li nil kinds of "-'oils, fr cniii.rie to seven r Mi k m-.fi of nr..a.cioiii or le iMn-r. llh III r roars it. , lineil. -till ..r ll lives peif.el sal Ist.'liO . ,,. Will lam Its c.l sevoal times over III Hie work il does. ,,r ma ie a t'oed liv lu-foranv mail ot woiiian who il.-sir.-s l ii. n fur Hint er pose ; .ir ,ss,i f,ui,f,i an i env the servant i or .-'i H.lri'ii can u-e ii wohoiit 'ilniiiairc. Tr ee of M.iehpie wnii h .hi tahle. fuilv eiiiippmi f,,r f m 1 1 i 1 1 work. Half rase, l over. Mil" liraw-er- ami ( ahiu. t styles each at r.irr-spoiidinirlv hoy rates, safe delivery iruarante. d. free from Isiiiaire. Kvilanalory pamphlets lllusiral.-d Willi eiit-raviiii-s of the several styles i f In ehines. r-fernees. variety of sewim; If., iiiail-d fre. i',.iilld..ntial terms with hi., .rat Indue ments to uterpri-lli rh rymeii. Teachers. Ilasineas Me,,, trnveliinr or 1.- en I Agents, ic, who desire exelusiv" A ooits. f,irnl-l,e,l. on a -plicate n. Address . I. din II. Kendall St Co.. i:l llroa.twiiy. .New Vorlt. flee IS 1 y. I am now opening c'ailv. NEW 8 PKIN Cx I) 11 K 3 S GOODS, II? THE I.ateist anil .Moist Desirable Klyles, Foit Tim C'omino Skason. b.vKGAlNS IX BLACK SILKS AND CASHMEUKS, BRANCH AGENCY KOR E BUTTE RICK k CO , CKLKIIItATKD I'ATTKItNS. Samples nf (loon's and Catalogue of 1 uuuriin Belli on applleatlun, Ad'lresv, K H 1ST, M I It R. lid Main Mieut, Norioik, Va. March "a ;( ,,. ADVJ.nriSEMF.NT8. mm yf COUNTER.PLATF0RM VACON &TRACK y J. n a w WKI.DOV, N. C. Ii A Ii K K A CO N F EC T I O N" '. rt. Maiiiira 'tiires all kinds of plain and fan. ev n.n.lies, Kei.ps aUavs nn hand ihe fullest, flock: of Cnoilii i, Krelts, Niiih. ,te., tn b" foiiml In Kaslern N'orlh CnrwIlnH, whieh ha sells l.v w li oIpshIm ,,r rnlail. (Ir.lors tor weiilinK parlies., unci UIU pmparid i n short notiiv anil at, mo,t rea- aoiiaoln pi ices. Cct "0 tf. IV, .11 . I. i.i. I. i. .. 1,1,1. Vil ir i r, i.i pe r n Hi ) f LIVER STOMACH 0 M?WBfSfA..g Fur l'aii.ph. ..udiv.i 1. 1;. .' am oi e. , o.k U FOB DISFASESGr- 5',. " R "" "'"siess, sept. 1.) 1 y. ft - L I l "ii'e urmi wruteii oy one 1 onreee, I . k.- l .1 t.- . nuo ii uuring ins q nisi residence in N nth f'.irolina (jaineil a notoriety of no sweet savour. Whoever was the author of the letters, they consisted of under hand and lo.(l ing assaulti on Jmlge Fowle, JiHne S .-henck and J id.e Kerr. and they were hail d with delight by certain leading lemncrnts, who reoard these gen' len.cn in the way of their own pohtioil ambition. I, f;,ct e have been i iformed bf a gentleinao j ist from Hileioh that these genllemeii are in diiktrimisly circuluting copies nf the New North State, the Had.cal sheet in which these let1 ers appeared, and th it ono of them has carried with him for dislribu tun in the Kist two hnn Ired copies f fie lialeigh Register, the organ of the Kepsiblijan party in North Carolina, in which they were luysteiiously c ipied. N r is this all. A series of special di pa ches from H.lcieh appeared last week ill tlte New York Tones, the na tional urea,., of the llepiblican patty, from which we make the following tx tra.ts : P.aixhhi Aprils -The fioht for Sen ator aud Chief Justice grows fi.'rcer ami hotter. It is now cutrei.t upon tiiC klreeta that lUniel (i, L'.wle. Jne llaiid Schenek, ad Senator Munition have 1'i.rnied an ofleiiMve and delensive elliance against Gov Vance ami C lie! Jus ice S nith. r,.r the purpose of niak I ig Schcnck Chief Justice of ibe Su tvreiiie Coutt, to aecure Men inioi,', re- letlimi tu tiie 1'i.ited Scutes, and to imiiiinalc 1'uwlo f,,r Governor in 1HHI). These weie tr-pri,.ted in the IliUigh Obserer i.fthe H;h, that paper with ils usual fain ess wishing to give the gen tlemen named in the ub ive extract an opportunity to refute the accnsal'mp, JjJjje Fowle, baing in Uilcigh at once characte'riTed ihe charge M utterly fal.e, and his denial was published in the 0 erverof the lO.h. In ipite of this, h,.w rver, we are informed that the chargej t ntai,.ed in the above extract are being circulated with as much induitry at have been the letters alluded to. Verily gen tlemen whose lips are sealed make good use of the lips of their friend. Now what we desire to say is this ao) we desire lo make our meaning as clear as the EogliiU lango,,. ajm-a of This species cf warfare must be Hopped or the friends of the gentlemen wbo ere ssailcd must, and will hit back. This will lead to mutual recrimination and what tht end may be no man can fori- Let them do all t.at they can for their fivoiite. Tins is jet it tree cou any where I tinst the in jority will always rule, and where I trust, the minoiity will ever be respected in all their righ s. l enderstiuj these letters to indirectly ....... i, nun ... uu.rj i ii e lues, niiii a .combination was formed bv Swheick mid Hill or by their friends. ' I have no kiionledje or information of soc!l a combination. I have never heaid such thing intimated or proposed. 1 am opposed to rums and combluntimis ol any sort, and I would certainly use my most persistent t ff'.its to di-frat the pur p ises of such 1 was the mover o! the Schenck resolutions adopted in that meeting, ami if it is the inteutiou of any of these li tters lo convey ihe idea that I had any knowledge of any such a combination, or that I believe th .l such exists, I pronounce it as infamous uud false nod tot .My without Inundation. The people u! Ililiiax county are for iVivid Scbenck for Cinel Justice, and .I'd in t know that it wis a cnuu to publicly expiess as much, nn'jl tlu.j vie-e so i dd by "II " and ' ',. K. M " They are lor Scheu. k because he is an able lawyer and prolixin I j insl ; b. tause he is uninemlv qunlili d in eery ay for the position ; b, cause every impulse ol his noble nature siws that he is true to his mother, North Carolina ; became it was he that n.rew his judicial b dy between this mother and Hie Fed eral I ioveriiiiiem, and with stroim urn, dauntless coiiiane, 4,,J invincible will, Keep nil Ike federal usurpation, until the S ipreme C url sml thil Noitlt 04r. Ii-ia had no rights that the Federal written upon substance more enduriiiL than rock, more lasting than brass : and, when in niter jean, U,is Southland ,,i nurs becomes the free and happy coun try ol the world. David Schenck will be p intcd 1 1 as the model Uir noble and ambitious posteiity, and long ufier the Head enrnou i. those who come, as sassin like, to stab him io the dark aud unawares, will be mouldered and frj;ot- otiieocK, instead ol bei. g hurt or polluted by their touch, will shine still brighter, as gold shows to best advan tage when brought iu contact with baser mi lali. Very respct!ully, V. II. KlTC'lllS, QOODS AT AM) liKl.oW losp AT L. A. FAl.IXHOIrs. Tlio lollowiiiK Ritieles and priei s are tfimn as a speeiiuen ol Mm I irue qtiantitv ol tpe.ils on hau, I to Im sold, nun ihn very low pneea thHv ainolleied at, in order lo make room f,,r my S;i i i ri ti Stock. 4 III I Ii IM'. Overcoats woilh $;, ni Kn at $10 50. iiver-oii, worth J.i on sell at fl 0). Siripe I I a-s nii-i y hu.Is worth Jl.'i (X) sell alio .',0. Ktiiei;, ro i ker suit, worth ?:s s at ss o I Ihi.i I as: niiern soils worth ' i i.ll m is Hull'. i-simere soils with fIS sell at Jl:i i'laid ta-siriieromiii, ,rii, j j 50 sell a' o no. Halil Kersev suits vroi ill soil at 7 51. Stuped K' rs'. v suit , w.irlh S soil at jt.", Ml. Horiinu It 001 Kersey Coats worlli f at In. Mneps', linn- Coats worth $1 sn at SO IMT bUODV Pre lerieksl m,. Cisniiieio worth fl a 1 Ht Hleio.ts. Uuii list Ke.sey (wool) worth 61 eents M'f! 111 Li e. Ail Wool ('Hssimore wi th fl 2,i sell at 7S. Ail Wool Cus-iinoie, suit. p;u,.rnsi M.,,tn $1 per Mini si. 11 at 7;, ,i.vll .,Hr .,,) Ait wool 1 ussio me, suit pHiterns, worth ( I ntl per ya d Bl: Ml $, no pur v,'. Wool Kerey w rt Ii :io ei nts m-iI Ht ; Uei ritiif It ..... vV ... K. r-ey worlh ill mil at 10 en. In. Home (VMini.rn wo-th 7iessell at liO e Miip'a UieviWi.oli w.rtli 7" c sell at 4 j e strip. I r-'-nrr fnssimeio worth Jl oOsnll at 7n eents. Dailt llHriln.. Bono Keisv Worth 50 eta sell at lit) ents. HOOTS A.I .SIKI.1. Iteavv II mis. lntiK lens, worth f I -oil at Ilmvy llmt,, ne Willlll j j M wU at J 7o. Heavy It. tots, long t(s, worth $t 25 soil at 2 n0. Boy a It i.ts, g !(f,i Worlb J 50 tell at Boy K "., l.,-iK lejts, worth ti 00 sell at l.-0. I'iti t ot, I'low Shoea worth f2 50 sell at Hiu j'tit flow Shoe, wor,h?J00 soil at A I.I, WOOL MI IWI.S Wort'. 5 0(1 s,. if o -:, All Wo I ssawls wonh .1 fto .ll a'. 1 75. flai l Wool Slum u worh 2 no soil m 1 nil. Merino III iek - haw is wonii H,.i 1 75 Iits.ss ;lsj. A pieee lila. K . ass.,.re w urtu 50 cents foil at ;r, eents, Beautilul I'UM V 'rslo.f w irtli 2"i to 75 ets se I si 15 t 1 J.1 emits). Striped Worst, d Worth ITi e sell nl in e. Itiack Alpaeus worth 50 esell at -10 0. It lack A Ipaeas worth An e sell al .15 e. Blin k Alpa as worth 75 e soil at 5(1 0. UUeK A Ipaeas woiih I nil sell Kt 70 e. The tiest bran,), r c;aio will now be .1.1 it) e. Ha '(; (Mi,.,,. ( r, P White Itlankels worth il 00 smII 3 ,V Wliit.. ilhu.kts worlli :i 50 sell at 2 5(1. winm lli.inkets worth 3 on . II hi 2 -, WliitH lll.oke s w- rih 2 Ml s. U hi 2 00. Ili-.l priiads worth 2 (It) soil nt I 25. at (tovernmftil wrre legilly b..ui.d lo ri-j ,''':'"r"d 'M H worth 2 W to 2 Ml 'e!l ??lr 4 "' e'er T -- U-r'VumJiwor,., 25 .0,, a, ,S. ..... ..-...,,.,. ,,,, i,Bj,e 1, mieaclv A Curious) Drrlalon. A QeargU Judje, with some odd 1 e. tinns oa the ninrnsm q leitmo, has de ndeilthnt BIX'een-iir nhl ml, who clove 10 a maa in (lt d met af her mem ps e n' wishes, it 1rf(ally enough, married, hui tint ihe el I Rtoi una 1 ii entitled to her services until the it twralv-nne IT. h efore riitrnisitt a writ nl h ltd ojt bf tie Utiliauuv Ku-Uhh.i .nH 1 J"r twl Ocif ton i 75 c-nt per (tn. -.ndsihgir, u thsVf Si i' W.' latl.cf. must h re.lurcj, " eflMv X-l lied I' l ini.nl worili 22 e sell m Ii! r. s-N iced e ,'aiinel worth .'15 e sell nt 2: r. 1-i lie,! Klaunul wonh Ul e. sail mi 35 e. A 1 VMhio Kl innrl wotili 20 o sell h' l.'J. S--4 bite Kl im i-l worth 2 : . sell 10$ e. 7-KSAhlle Klaiinol worth :i5 e ! al :'2J e. Ai WhitB Klannel wmth Nl c mhiI at 4)0 n. 7-8 While Twilled Khiniiel worth 50 e sei nt .'14. fanton Klnii'iel worlh 12 e soli at e. W'htto r laniml Un.lernli.ru wonh 1 W) sell a' 4. White KUnnel (hll wool) shirts worth 2 50 nell at 1 75. While K, annul Bhlrts worlh 75 c sell at 50, HIT AM AI.j. Black Kelt II its worth i 01 sell nt 3 00. hhlik Kelt Hats worth 3 50 sell nt 2 50. RUek Kelt llstn worth 3 00 sell at 2 25v Blnelc Kelt Hats, w ide brim, worth 60 m-ll at 2 50. Blaek VVo.il II ns worth S 00 sell at 1 f 0. Black Wool Hats wirth 1 si)ll nt I 25. Ladles Kurs worth 5 n) e, nl 3 00. . Laden Kurs worlh 3 :o mil at 2 00. II A It MOSS. BmrBV 'lamess worth 12 0,1 oell nt 8 00. Miliory ilsru.'ss ,,rlii j s. ii nl II ,. hinry Harness worn 25 (niselltt 1J ml. One t.lirlit Met doiiMe Waicoii Hnniest worth :o'Jrii at turn NPOOL THREAD. JNDUt'ISMKSTS WOltni SLKKING. W. K. K U I. 1. . 2(!)SYCAMOItIi;.sr., rKTKRSIIUK, VA., Olfnis a larco .stnek of Iteadv niadi) rtoihini; for .Men anil II. y'-s wear, all niaoiifetnro l by him, i f warruited ma in mis and latest styles, nl priees: less than Northern Maiinlai tiireis ean soil them. CI.OTII1.no MADE TO ORDK.K of the most Fas lonalile OonrN worn of Knulish, Kreneh, (inrman and Atnnriean in tkn, in the inosi tasty imt'i ri'-r hikI at. lowost rates. Diroel ions lor soil'-me isur- innnonton applieation iree. TIIK SKll'KST S I'YI.KS OF ItOV.S jITIIii VKKV IIKAI. flo sine and send your orders or nil on M. K. K I'M,. 10.1 Si e more St., f etersloiru, Va, The most tasty snieelion n Kaoey as well ns Staple llrv Omuls, Cloths. Cassi. meres, (lypre .atinir and Ve-tinn, Klnnneln, ( 'luak int's, lied Tnks, Itlankels a ml all Iioiisii kenpiiiu II .oils, ean ho ordered nl lowest rains and ati"laetinn guaranteed. Tli best assortment of I'liiler .Shirts and Liliet) lioscuu Shirts ( lie in. M I'. Kl'lil,. f(.9 Sveainom St , l'etcrsburn, Va. ijf.i.N'i,ny ! miMjIxeky i ! n it s. n. i:. k r i. i., 20ilSYCA.MOKKST., rr.rKiismmo, va. OIT rs the lattfost and rnoHl eomplcte stoel: rf Heal h'roiieii M i.linry Hoods In., p oled hi her, and Hold al lowest prieen. II'INXKTS. VKI.VBTS. HATS. Vt.l VKI'I-K.S. lI.I l.AIHKS CAPS. MI.KS, SA I'INS, ItlliHiAS. I'i l's H.mWKKS. I M K-l' llllt-. VKII.S. KIllXiiK1. LADIKSI'I.'IAKS, i Ai.OiiX rillMMLHd, Ml i YVI.S KHIUI.dVKS. M'HIAS HIISAMI.M'S, Ills' lll-CIIKS, RCAKI's; Ladles Suits niadn to ordor in best man tier nl slioi t not ire. THE BEST ARE -1- : -"THE CliEAPZST MARVIN SAFE SCALEC0: 265 BROADWAY A. )'. 121 cticsTNUTsmmr. r. Jan 2 U. X O. T. V ) H I) , Takes plensii e in nnnonnriiiK that lio ean still lie lound at his stand on FIRST H T II K K T, Whore he has on band a full line of tbe KineM WINKS. WI.HKIKS and BKAM'lF.s. TOBACro. HOARS, and SXl l'K, OKA NOES. APPI.KS, and I ONeKITIONKKIES His alnek nf ("aimed Goods and Grocer ies is unusually Full and Complete. OI.B CAIlIS KT WllISKEV A SPFCI AI.1TV. FKKSII I.ACIKH BKKR OX BRAUOIIT. Iln euarantees satisfaction, (all and see I. mi. Nov 21 1 v. ADVERTISEMENTS. J . T . GOO CH, GI10CER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. P j U M M K K A O 0, E. u 15.N. SY'AMORE ST. rKTURSBrRa, VA. We call lh attention nt the Farmers of NOU'l'll eKiLI.NA. to a low Testimo nials as to the merits of the FAII!.IS FIUENI) PLOW, from parties who have used them. We have many othois of the sumo kind. T DSTIHOM 1 l,S. TAniioun, N. (".. Jan. 11, '78. MksSKS. K. II. I'M MMKK A Co , Oeutlemen : I ran eiphi of your Farmeis Friend Plows 1 ist year and cbneiftilly testify that it la the best turn plow I havo ever iihikI, espeeially in rniili atuliblo or new r. nod. These plows run sloady and easy to the mule and man and the points last Ioniser than hev to on any ether plow used heretofore bv inn. II. L. STATOV. nii.i.sn iuo, N. C. Jan. 78. I am a hlaeksioith mid have been II ak iii(5 w nmijht plows all my life and iisimr them on mv farm, but alter trying ihe Firmer Friird, I must ennless il, is cheaper Id. in buyiiiic thn iron and making in y uwn plows bosiiies heini; far hetter. W. O. lKA IS l ltlClC. SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS 0 F COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON, CORN, &C. KEEPS ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES, PR 0 VISIONS, MOLASSES. NAILS. & C . Which will be sold low for CASH. J. T, COOCH , WELDON, Bf. C. nor 1 Bit Jan 12 3 in Keapeelfullv, MRS. vf . E. HULL. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, .'ilt Mir rr lirrrrrt "'.-w -, Km Me bv Dr. A. It. I !i,, ff,;r uri)i Oet, 17-. y. THE PARKER GUN. .SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS , WEST MERIDEN.CT. i ei 2ily, 1 cfiriiFofi LI iMd -jM jiJ a J u. V I I C-J I BLslJS mmm Oxford, X.r. I)er. 10, '78. Mhnaita. E. Ii. I'LUM-MKii lt l'o., (ients : As it would be impossible for me to nee all or even a small part of the farmers in this county who nro now using the Farmers Fi iend I'low. in tirno to eel cer tifi, sites, 1 t ike the lib' rly of aendintr the names wins many tanner an 1 ean at Ihif nioinciit reenlleer, who are now usin the ahovn named plow, and every one of whom, without, exception, pronounced II to bo the ver. best plow they have ever used, and will use it excluaielv liere-alli-r. Tno names annexed aro nmnnqst the best and most successful nl our 'iranville farmers, and any one wi-hinir further information ean refer t" the I'.illowini; M. A. OR KOOKY, ll.CKKWS, SAM L. HOWARD, J. W. CAKMIN, The other names piven bv ( 'apt. Laudis aro left out for luck ul space There aro t least one bum) re 1 ethers in tht? county who ure usina your plows and if necessary I could cut iirlilicatis Irom nil of them that would natisfy nnv one, A. LAN D1S, JR. Circulars and price lists umit on appli cation. r. ii. plummet: a Co., IS N. Sycamore t., 1'etaraburv, Va. Dee 12 tf, rut n- o insi H I In. T -r )k II a Mr "Tried and Pniven Trintwurlhv." ail - r r n imm t Til BBlj K B C E I V E I) InK-rnaUonul Exhibition Award. Ijoridon. lh',1. I Nw York. I S.I. PtiiUdelpnia, ISTli, II KltKINi; A, fit Vi A 252 llioadway, New York. Puris, IStU. 2M A J in 2,1 tf. Iliglieat A want at the t'cutcnuial Diploma or Honor aud Msdal of Merit, f.ir GUAND, L'I'liltillT AND SQUARE PIANOS. Ihe principal points of superiority in tho STI i:FF I'miioM are brilliant sinuinR iialily of tone, wiih Kr r wer even ness nf touch throughout Ihe entire scale, laoltless actum, unsurpassed durability, mm unei''..'i'i worffitja!l,i!itp. TELEPHONE. NORTH STAR. CENTENNIAL, PAPA CIGARS ANO CLUB HOUSE Are the best 5 ten Cigars. They are Hav.ua fillers. LA VALENTINE, EMANCIPATION, MAIiGARETTA, 4 GRAND DUCDESS Are clear liavanas. These Cigars are sold by all first-clas dealera. Manufactured by M AAITOUE A CO., Proprietors Charleston Braneh of the Havana Cigar Factory. Mh3 -3nt ATTENTION, FARMERS! $17.50 a8.0?, OF LI M liter IS37.5U PtK IOJ, CASH HI Til oiiilElt T II E M A P E S P II O b P n A T E Flesh an. Klo-.d, and "only r.quirea atrial to enaure cVXnl JTjlZ'l it for the same pnoo aa Mapes. 1 wl" 8811 I am selliiiK at thn above named fabulously lw prtres tonsi.M ...i. j. US time""1" t"8 Agenl'S .rWt Safe VWK." "h Advanotson COll2' PEANUTS or other COUNTRY TRO- March 23 ,1m. JNO. O'CONNOR JR. PORTSMOUTH, Vy. T. IN. WUU'K, A. L. SlAINh.UK, J H.Q. OtH . J WJSITE, STAINBACK & G00CH. I' D O X, W. SUCCESSORS TO J. T. OOOCH.J J. T. GOOC1TS OLD STAND. Have just .p.ned their Fall Stoek of Goods, wbieb they off.r to the trad. 1 C E H. ti H ooo ia, SHOKS, Konoxs f It LADIES DRESS IIA18, A larce variety of Seennd-1 and Pianra, of all luakors, constantly in store, wild ranging in priees from ."5 to j loO. Wo are also Sole Agosta for tlio Southern Stales of ihe MATCHLESS BUHDETT ORGANS, TIIK tlllT NOW MADK A full supply of everv style eouslantly in store, and sold on tho most liberal terms. For Terms Rnd illustrated Catalogues of I i moos hi hi nivalis, tuture.i CIIAS. M.STIEFK, No. 9 N, Liberty utreet, Hai.ti.mouk, M n. Sept. 2(1, 1-y. Ii W E T CA Tho stock ioia prises a full line of READY MADE CLOTHINO, DRY (lOODS, BOOTS, caps, Tlia Urgeit nook of GROCERIES, SUGARS, SALTS, SOAPf, AC. to be fonnd in EaHern NonU Carolina. They ea'l attention la tholr tuck of the fa mom MILES PHILADELPHIA, HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOE For Ho.h LADIES and OENTLKMEf COFFEES TEAS, T. N. WHITE, A. L. STAINBACK. W H I T E & S T AINBAC K. 0 N N. C. Brioks! niiicas!! I!uicr.-! ! i m making, at my brick-yard, ,u LI. I TTSK Y0UNG'8 F' P' SPKrs. piaee, Brielts of superior quality and aut AHD 8AVS YOUB ET! 8I0HT. prepared to fill all rrders promptly, I Hold down, Jowelry low, Uold and Sll p.,p flnieh ..i a .L . ver Watehos. sets of Jbwelrv. f)nr mnA ,m.u.ty ;ney cannot Vest Chains. Band Rn.i;' s. Full Tea Sells, Waiters, Pitchers, Cupf! Hpoons, Forks, ,vp., cheaper than the saaij goods ean be bought for in New York. Wa want currenny fur Jowelr" aud will "nor luuutemeius lo pinehasers, be surpassed. Send orders to T. L. EMRY, aveju,tre-urn.d frow tbe Sortb will,. Urgent Stock 8f DRY GOODS, AND ihaut MAD,. CLOTHING, SHOES, II ATS, GROCERIES, E00TS, KOTIOXSj ANt CAPS, SADDLES RIDLK?, AN a COLLARS. Teraffered ia Uis market, whitb they are selling L W FOR CASH. TlIvftwll7r.ni,P,l';L81 ftUrn,lonr to l.hlr. 8look "f DRESS 00.1DS. am TRIMlGS. ' Oct 17-1-y. Wki,doii,;n. c. maylT a. J. T. YulJNii . urn apri)S-Ki Petersburg, Va.

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