THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC ' j WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY W. II. DAY. One Tr, in advance, flit Months, " fores Months, " ?2 CO I (Hi 75 eta. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Wil.TKR CURS, Kleih,N.C. R. T. TI.ABK, Halifax, N. C. c LARK t CLARK, ATTOKNKY1 AT 1.4 W, HALIFAX, N.C. Will prseticn in th Courts of Halifax ni a.ijotnimi countiH. March M tf. w. n. XITl'IIM. w. A. DfNN. K T I T C II EN DUNK ATT1RNKY 4 0 HJ.tSBM.OIW AT LAW, Scotland Nrck, llnlilux to., SI. O. Praotice In tin Courts of Halifax a (I ii j n i 11 ui j e, unties and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. janl8-tf (OVIAlv. X. HILL, Attorapy att Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. Printings in Halifax mid adjoinine Counties and Federal and Supreme Courts, Will b al Soitlaud Neok, once every fortnight. A us. 28 a W. W. Il.vt.i.. HALL W. II. DAT, D A. Y A ATTORNEYS WELDQ V, AT LAW, sr. v. Practics In the courts of Halifax and djoioint counties, and in the Supreme and Federal oiurts. Clahns collected in a:;y part '.f North Carolina. j ii ii 2U 1 Q s -JYMUKL J. WRUillT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. jmjksom, sr. c. Practiees In the Court of aad adoimnn enmities. Northampton sop 15 1 Y Q a V I N L. H Y M A N , ATTORNEY, AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. Prswtim In Old onins of Hali'ax and adjolninsr a itin'.ins, an I in the Supreme and Fx ler il Courts. Claims colleulel in ail parts of North Carolina. OiSm in the Court House. july 4-1 Q. E . BURTON, Jr. : ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX. N. C. Praoticea in the Courts of Halifax feanty. and (Jo llities adjoining. In the Snoreme Court of the Statu, and in the Federal Courts. Will iespfiUl attention to the cnllee, tin nf claims ,snd to adjnstiuK the accounts of Kxejutors, Admtiiisra'ara ami Uuar dian. dee-lo-tf m, a a i z a a o, ATTORN SY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N0. Offlse III the Court Hons-. Strict alien ,tion given to all branches of '.lis proles- la. jan n-i o BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IKFIBLD, HALIFAX. COUNTY, N. C. Praetioes In the Counties nf Halifax lash, Klaeeombt and vtilann. Colloollnni male in all parts of the tale. Jan 12 0 i AMES U A KA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KSl FIELD, SI. C. Prantlees In the Counties of Halifax Bileemahe and Nash, In the Hiinreme Coarl of the Stale and Hi the Federal Co ana. Oelle'tinns made in anv part of the tStala. Will attend a', tho Court House in Halifax ea Monday and Friday nt eaeh week. jan 11 o A KDREW J. BURTON, ATTOSIKY AT tlW, WKLDON, N. C. Praeliees in the Courts of Halilax, War can snd Nortliainptui uountiaa and in the BunrenM and Federal Courtn. Claims cullucted in auy part of Nurth Oaraliiia. Juno i. -k UKKt M. MUL1.KM. U L L E N JOHN A. MOIII1K A MOOllli ATTORNEYS AT LAW. naiirai, sr. c. PranMeo In the Counties nf Halifax, Kdirnnoinhe, Fltt and Mar In fie Siipreme Court nf the State tud lu the Federal Courts ol too bastern liatrioL VCol.Hi'tl'oiis made iu any part of North ..Tima. jau i-i o VOL. VII. WELD ON, N. OFTENTIMES HNHINK OF THEE. FKANK W. O DI'llKV. When the hnde of cvenleu, darling. IMi ken nYr the mure sky -When my heart is sad and lonely. And I'o parthlv or.o U nUdi, Then I sit and run in silence, TMnkini ot the glad and free, And, in v dai I i ri ir in thcs tnnmonts Oltentiines 1 tiling id thee. Ymi may tliink itstranco. my darling, A- ) oil pas in t lioimli i In 1 ill", When e meet evil nllim-, darling, 'I hat I oliou thl' k nl thee ; Yn niuv never know my darling, On this lair Itui parthlv t-h-iro. Hut I'll bless your u imo in silence, Till tlii- ra I III v ln'e is i.Vr LIFE. 'Iiifc is but n walking shiddow, u poor pl.nrr that frets ami sip its his h nr upon the diij;i nnri then is hriird no more. . A tale told hv no idiot lull "I sniniil mid I'u r v, sijj' it) iiig ni.t!ii"i;." What coiil l have bono t'le deep ii fi.iiti of hiik-peurt-'.s min i ini'Iicatiu j lhi strange approximate and original truth none but that muster of th"U'''t anil genius oi mind cm cer pos-ihlv have n iiieistonil I'nh'ss that master of thought nn'1 diviner of Im nan nature had, by ihe maic of his own incniiiptf liensibility beliel I in its (mtnvn mil CnnsiiuHiiiition the traij'dy and ciniicili of that about uhi ll philosophers have theoriz' d, pi c.s have mi "g, ikpii hue been disgraced tiini time lnvu uiiruv ti led. S r nge, nil, dnulily strange is lliis iroiuii shad'HV "I o...'i belli T S' II Like the ever shifti i li I lh it cHil I .if uncertainty and inconslste c, life is ti -day brilliant il!i a yoldi u inoniiiij;, ti'-ni'iirow rlaiklv ominu nis with the threateniny shad nvs a cl nidy sunset. Tn.dav we are clld.liea B,inr'iiij i inno. cent glee, In. noir.nv me", t:iri rn, sin-stained, with eies fined upon ihe beautiful pas', mid body bent t"urd that land of sliadoas the untxplorid mistenes of the Inline. If we weie a ainti r we should re re soul lile first bv u baby wrapped in Ihe white rohi s of inrici iii't; sivei lly sleep ing nnay the passini; liuiiis. Then a s'.ilaait man with gold in one hand anil the raus of pro.eity in the ot ier, mid while bu leans toward the selling miii his lace is lit up wit't a rejr-tl .! smile us l.r.ks with a liaupy I 'iij:nj towaiu thu (lav's cIosl. Listly, uu old man stint; mi his si o IV upon the brink ol u tint k, shado i y, inysieiious river, I o k no In ll peful I Xui tint)' Up mi the gr.ives, ,md ( oii't ha.Us sjrcvl nut al hij fie iisi e l-iink, while the daik, luitud waves are IilMoi; u id lappl g tiieeri) inoiit his feet, and his gia IxU me imiij blown to and fro t y thu strurj; winds of cniiiig dissolution. Li'e is mdeel ofteiitimes but a wn 1;- ing shadow will) Kcarccly enniijili of si.n- lit t make it real or des'rable. I. lie the far distant clouds it I r a ucmss the sun-jial of the :i"es and then is seen no inure. 0 , lilie a far-away nil upon a distant sea, it spreads ils kite wines for a moment, like a ghost finm anolhtr wni Id, and then vmishes a mi id the Irns and mists of oblivion. Iluwt'vcr. Hire is lar inure in lid- than tee incie theuretical or iinnn'maiive pul. Had ne only this wo would be lnt amid he niiiz -s and doiihts of nur nw i i 'i r- aiice. It ts u tru'li thai hie is wnal we make it It m alios not whilhiT we lotlie ii in priiveitv or wealth, whether we robe it In iin or uilorn it ll purity, it is lu a measure tl'.e wink of our own hands, and e nit tu a k"ul dterie re sponsible That we see so in a v lies a disgraee to a 1 1 that is nnilhi of life oflVis no ex cuse lor our nwi deina ily. Tor nl- Ihoiiiih the bi iohtekl unoels ft . there are blight anjiels still D i we not find tragedy and comedy, beauty, and dr- ituiily represented teryhere iu the diamil of pas-ino eo ts? )i we not se puritv a-ul innocence walking side by side n. to viee and ickednes", and is it nut lor mir interes'. our highest social, iinual an I inl-dle. tu al ll- vol p n.e i I. since 1'iey are. b ull our teachers lor hitler or worse? The. one Hi'i.tiu peiklesslv tlie robes of her iiide.:eucy thai we may discern more plainly t't.n nakedness of htr immodest delonnily and the evidences of her s'l ime an I lis. grace, the other txten Is or h il is out to us llie rohes of purity and honor t mis to wii us by tku very I'oi.trast lit her lavor. Life is also a stage, and each ami all are actors, liom the. little, child ll at bresthei, a liiiv fl iwtr appearing hut for a in in c 1 1 1 and their passmrr may to enact bef ire us the fa j.oly nf il.-ii'h n its grandest fiii'iii, to the staUait man who sti ides wii h unloosed buskin bul .te the font-lights across the sttoe '.vents come and go, lime clia c and the course of ihuigs irnto by with all the novelly and rapidity nf an eer Miryuig .Irao.a, and around us and nboiit us we see the (link hand of desti ny playinj ut die with the fate o humun nlTairs and as e stand, auditors, no Ii ss astonished than interested beloie this changing puuotstna of buiusii events, the i'ont-liohts nf expe ience seem In throw hut a dim shadow upon thu nirying scenes that pass in qn'uk succession. The daik, mysterious hand of lute is noiselessly tin nil g the wheel uf destiny, iiieasiniiig out lu-Jay boiinr, power uud wealth, tn-nmrriiw proveity and misery. Cl-'lhing the brow at morning with the laurel of victory and nt evening stumping It will) the seal ot death. Ad when looking upun this Hivkterious panoraaia wt vxcluim wi ll Sbakspeare," "Can such thing be, and pveinlit-'liu ua like a suusct could with out special wonder'f" But we csnnot, without deep thougkt say with Young, "AH tilings here is shid m, all thiiigs beyond is suhstance." Fir oftentimes we have seen those who, lost amid Ihe mists of douM and uncertainty, stand ing as Shakspeare says, upon this shore and shoal of time who would foi on have ju I'ped the life to collie. All ihiuiiS her are moving, charging, snillly i hauiog Sense and reusi n on'! s ihe door nf the sepulchre, cal s for the bier a id poi. ts us to the dus'. All things beyond are wrapped i i deep shr' tided mystery. Kiel) advent up m 1'ie stige uslii'is in u io-w devel pnn nt. 'u:ll curt lin-l'all s iggesis of co ninJ triumph Up n yonder side ofthes'ae the are pstonibing the shruudi d skele ton of ii former deelopinent, nnd up hi this side comes a new era, bright ith a recent dis mery. The curtain rapidly rises, and the w old stands aghast Hi euch i ew discovery II fulls, and thev S'and waiting fur the hand of lime o turn again Ihe curtain of the ngs nod staitle sleepi g reason that divinity ol Milium affairs to the mystery uf ber own Iransforinaliou. We often w n-der at ourselves aud iu ourselves are lost for ive are mystery, mid in us ' pe s wide a still deeper 0 ystery to recent! us Tim clock strikes we take no n- tii of time, ns the visions of life c m e like shad ms nnd so depart before ihe weary warder 01 the In am us he, his sleepless igi!s keep. HOW J3HN BURKE PROPOSED. BY MIl.IUiKU M1CTAL. J'din IJuike was a lull, lean, red headed, lieiklc-'acid young man, who brought vegt tables sod hut to the pp pie of our tillugo fmni his faihei's f iroi a few miles nuti A d as tnv mother was an invalid most of the lime it happened that I must direct him iibinit piitli g the fruit and vegetables my lather begun to -.p-ak ii'innt llh! large measure 13 irge tone, and how sunii liines he threw oil considerable nn the price, and we tailed him a penerous. firge.hcarled man. 0 e uioinieg he lii'iinght me a beautiful l ipiot say ing, the gals tu limn were powerful I'mil of ih'seys ii' d he ih- uht uiaibe I iniglil like s one," uud a h-w mornings after he brought me a bask' t of stiuuberrics, and later n few apples nf some litre sop, i r a lew Inn clo.s of grapes. Things went on thai may for some lime and we lh nbt ii'.tliioo ol it, supposing that he treated every one just the same out ol sheir kindness ol heiiit; but all at nine my ties were opened link" suddenly. 0 ie Su day iimming beloie I got my -.v i U done, who sin. ul 1 I see con- ing but ,1'ilin Ihiike, a"d when I inel j lim al the dour he Pine no i riund, but ri-teitd li e house beloie I thought to ask him. lie did no' lake the chair I offered him, hut inn ku I into n con it, ,iid set there with his iMi'ii'li half ope., and his evs fixed on me, now and then shifting the tobacco fmni one check lu the other. Mv mother, u ui'ile to keen on n grave face, soon lo't the room, md as soon ns she l it. be hitched his chair up cli se to wheie I sat by the window I ciilil see now how much pains and tioiilil'' he had l iken for p or. unworthy me 11 s red hair was grecsed u lil it was auburn, bis yellow mustache was the natural color a little ways from his lip n d ihen gie sevcial similes tinker, n nily black. Taking his big straw hat iu both ';a ds and ha ging bis head, only raising it with sudden j' iks when he si ke, he smiled, sh'lted his q lid oi ce mote a id begun, ' Nice weather, ai .'l it Miss Withers!" I assented. He shilled bis chew again. "D w you I'ke lew rider" ' Ye, very much " "Wall, iieow, won't vew rido nut wiih me lew-night "r" I was taken by surprise, but m in igid to 'tiiisuier out that I didn't think 1 could. "Oh, dew nenw. ThfU's jest what 1 cum over f ir, by gu'ly I'' uud he j imped up Iroin his chair, chucked his hut on his lieu-l and his bunds iu his tronvets pockets. "I cai not. Mi. Ii iike, I expect com pany to night " "Wall, nenw, conldu'l till1)' Clllll again? I want yew lew go poweilul bad, why can't yer neow ? It's Sioduy. ui d iheie u'n.'t much lew dw ; yew'd better go. I wun't ye lnw desput bad r" "l cannot go, possibly. Mr. Itdike. I believe I (old you before Unit 1 expect cunii:inv ." "Wall, seems tew me as if they might cum agin, and taint every day dad'll let me hnve the gray mure. Won't yew go iioo? I'd usk yer dad f" "Y ur asking my father cmild make no possible dilference, sir. I told you before, il is simply iiuposihle " "Wnll, I swe.ivv that's lew bid! I'm sine I don't want lew go il yew cau'i a ol here I've ben a lotten oii't this wh' le week I'm powerful sorry 1" Then a bright idea seemed to come to him nud he onlimu d, "ii it I'll tell yew what sum lime whoa yer ain't agon,' tew hev company nor iinthiu', yer jest let me know, and il we can't huf the gray mare we'd hev some ether boss, nnd we'll ride long enuff tew muku it all up." And having delivered himself of this long speech, to which I nodded, know i. g that il I opened my mouth to' an. swer, I should laugh in his face, he took his departure with a broader gnu thuu ever. C, SATURDAY, It was hard "ik to keep sti I tl t I I e was well through the door. I Ibuiigt t the matter would end where it wasj that if J din did in t take the hint his parents Would enlighten him, nnd hu'wnuld keep awar, hut not si. In about a week I receiied a lettr r directed in a cnre, nukward hand, a ul I c-uld n't repress a smile as I guessed who it might be from. Having no s"erets Ir in my in 1'ier to her I hastened wit1) my ims le i "US letter. I tore it open nnd read al oid, ' My menu ri,w.l--l was sorry that, vnw oul'lnnl g i s ride wuh me and I wiet tew know I he leaoiu aIiv is n. sninilou 1 hev r!u n, or mi -lit hi n sum huh s in en say m aio me ) st let mo know doii'i ha bashful 1 1 riku or w rit low inn I want to know all iiboiil it I ilnol know but yew think i or ut lliink nothin o' yi r lo;l lhais an nw'ul mist i e tin I novur se-d the n ill thai 1 loved like yew. now . u lorc v me one question i want lew ailt jew nil ye.v lie my eomreii lur lild will ew On in V In lovid wife nemv doi't ha i iroiOrd hiieausr. of this an wrr inn yi s or no sv y a i ho dow and Jest lot me ku' wnat ilia mutter is Willi Die. yon is iluuinlv J US 1 ; l ' i : l c l : . As I finished reading I d to ward mother and met such a I uk of miiiglad milt!) and disgust lh it it upset iiiv gia. it v Completely, and we l.iugb '(I toeiher until the tears ran down our chei ks. It was some time beloie 1 could command myself enough to write u slmrt negative answer ready f r the morning's mail, lilt I never mailed it, for the next morning, bright and early, who should drive up but John linke, with some fruit. Its-tins he had felt so lent of his sccess that he had come fiersonalK to receive his m sw-r, and as I went to the d mr he laid d iwn his baket nnd held out. b th hands with a smile cou'riuii his freckled face with big wrinkles. II - sobered ( neveral decrees bewever, when I only laid my letter in one b'g ted h.ind and turncl to go in We did not exchange n word after that. I left him staring after me with u world of iistonishme t in his face, and that was the last I ever saw of him lie left liis home the next day, and I heard s line time ulier that Mr. l'uke suid he thought that Witluos gall had somethi g to do about J din's going iiwm.firhe never seemed the same nftti he went down to see her mice; but de didn't see why bo need go off nut West, just for her. I' .or fellow, let us hope that time nud a change uf scenery may heal the wound so unintentionally given THE BLESSING THE RAIN. We live upon ihe tain. We eat en I diii.k in one form or another thu j iices that drop from the clouds. Animal life is ltd from the clover, r.iss and h.iy in which the rain and drew are till' souped ; and we fee.l up m the leg titables ut the second renin1 e, and upon ihe n ii i mills ut the thud remove, Irom the water of the sli i.vers and th.) storms. The Rreek mvlli dogy bus a picture nf the goddess of beaut, as h orn uiirac n 1 iusly from the foam of the sea This is only a feeble statement id ihe scieu tifu fict tint all natural heatitv, all the venture of meadows, all '.he hiliaged slaleliutss of trees, ult the glmy ol blossoms ail (1 iwers, rise out nf the sa, are transtormaii ms ; me moisture. which the deep gives to the air. The bonk of ,1 il asks the sublime q it stion, "II nil the rain a fathui t" M (Inn science nns.vers, yes, it is the thu I'ter of the sin and the ocean, nnd ll is the soul ilill 'sl soul and su'is'iinc id nil that clothes the tartli ui.l fee ls its coil illess inultilu Ins. 0 i, the rich mystery of the si.ilple, tasteless rain I lliiivvn ut ol the silt reservoirs of the deep, a d tr insiillted id) thmsinl liquors a miracle at every steu lor the food of inii'i I If Rod should drop ... in our Die id and meal, our l ice and ll un and Iniit', I very day ii to cur homes by u in li ul uf miracles, hnw Solemnly would the f ,ct touch our religious sensi bdities, bow devout we should all be. tiow deep our feeling uf dependence, how close would the l.ernal l'nst'iice Si em I Hut how is it limy? Is the fact any less wonderful? Is not gieuter beauty, s more radiant nud unite carious mys tery addid to it by the present ut range inert of Providence? Is any chcmisi wise enough to tell how it is that Ihi siii'ple rain-water drawn fresh by ihe sunbeams nut nf saUurss is lumen, lu ihe same field, by passing through d UVr- tut stalks and trunks, into uppb -j uce and peai-flaV'.r, peachhlood and plum- pulp; the liquid lilt) ol Hie neclii'lne. the strawberry, the grup ', uud the melon? Can he i xlain how the I mon gets its acid from it and the sugarcane ils sweet? how it yields such full and delicious juices to the orange, and such sul'-tance to the banana f how it gives Us milk to Ihe cocoa hut, and to the piueappU its leficshiug savor ? AH these, yes, and all the grains and fruits nf the earth, grmv out uf the hitter sea. They come to us funu the seu by the way of the cl nilds Their co nmoo life diops from heaven as if to tell us il is by heavenly bounty, as if to make us l look up, before we ore b'-wildered by the subtle and enlratciog miracles through which God deliohls our hps will) it al lust. And how few of all that ate thus nursed by the clouds think ut ull ol the circuit of the waters from the brine to the vapnrs in heaven, and the' ce through ihe tines and orchard to the tables of men? Mow many of us are wondering if Rod tedly cares for us; how many nf us are uucenaiu whether there is an lufi die IVo.idence, and are longing fur some striking and startling .. .APRIL 20, . 1878. NO. 10. evidence of his enre I The grace nf Rod, the visits a"d presence of his spirit, are p-eseiifd io the IVble s dew and showers, hu ge measures of the early and latter rain. J ist as the trees have no inward vit ility sae what they nhs orb from the moist legncies of tle (-kv, we have none save what comes 1 1 us from the if grace and life. S ii is biijlit. N t ne feature vinfl I ece or pr duct n! it cut) bf. stated or illilstru'ed by anything ! ively and prom, isiug iu nntuii' It is cank-r, mildew, rot, worm, fever, suid, harrenness, des olition. i-'very ileal of fie dretry pic turn otialuril s ill 'iing :m ihe farms of our 1 1 rid (i i a lime of di oudi') is paral- led on a Higher ills that are . i plane in the C'Uidiii m di'sti'.utu uf heavenly of 5 l ruin. SOCIAL ir.TERCQUi.SE. Without friends what, is man ? A sol''. tary oak cp in a sterile roc, symmetri cal indeed in its for.n, beautiful and ex quisitely finished nuttivulling the most lull led pi'if. cti ui nf art i i gracefulness and grandeur, hut over which decay has shaken her Mick wing, aud left ils leaves hligh'cd; its limbs contract ns they die ; its roois, rottenness, a d its bio 'in death ; a scittfcol, lifeless monu ment of its nrisline bounty. When the rebuffs of adversity are rushing us enrtli wi'.rd, when the iluils look black above, mid the muttering thunler ul misfoituHu growls ul.nig the s-vy when our frame is palsied by the skeleton h ind of disease, or nur senses whirled iu the maelstrom chins of insanity when our hearts are tor i by the recent sen oration of some beloved obiect. while our tears me yi t (lowing upon Ihe fresh turf of denurted Innocence in that time it is llie i Hi e of frieudsh p to shield us Irmn proteutous storm, to quicken the fainting pulses nf our sickly fia ne, to biingback llie wan lertng star of mind lib in the ut trout inn nf sympathetic kindness, the ' nil uud balm'' of peace into the vet festering wound, and deliver the aching heart the object of its biei ding nil', ction. A GREAT FARMER'S MAXIMS. The successful life nf Mr. J.icnk Straw, the. pri ice of Aiiericiu farmers, is attributed to the close observation ol the following niiixiins, originated by him std' : M ike ynnr fences high and strong so thev will keep cattle a d pigs out. If v--it have brush make vour lots vtrong and secuie and keep the bogs from the corn. He sure to get hands to b 'd bv seven o'clock ; they will rise early by force of circumstances. Pay a hand, if he is a poor ha d. nil you promise him ; nnd if he is a good one pay him a litlle more; it will en courage him 1 1 do belter. Always feed your bauds wis well as you feed yourselves, I' r the libui o men are the b me and sinew of the Ian I nod ought to be well treited. I am sitisfi -d Hint getting up early, ii.dustiy nnd regular habits, are the best medicine prescribed f T health. Who i rainy, had weather comes so ) ti ca .'t work out of d tors, cut, split and pilu yuur wood, make your racks, fix vour fences or gate, nnd patch the root of vour burn or house. Siiidy your o'vu interest cl isely and do not spo d your time iu eliding V osidenls Rouooors aud other small i fii ers, or talk of hard times, and spend vour li e in whittling store boxes Massachusetts Plo.i oilman. A PLEA FOR WOMEN. Wo are hidividu illy fractional putts of iialion, whose honor we are a call I upon to sustain thioiigh good anil ' ad report. Let lis reun in'icr that individual v'utue can nloiic promote socviul happiness, nnd that social happi ness and peace from the basis ul political independence. Mu man can be a good and respectable citizen who is n bad son, n b id husband, n bud father or n bad imel T. The native ig but a composition nl a great many fumilica knit together by kindred sentiments nnd mutual wants. O.i this basis we ndvocaie the eiiliaiichiseiueiit nf woman. We destroy the gre-,1 purpose of R ol when we ignore woman us a co.wmktr in the social, niorul and political reforms of nur rntiou : Ihe mutual wants of a people cut) only be uudeistond whore them is u i.atuial sviiipnlliy an ! mutual c -oporatioii. Tbn arrangements nf al urn ily, if dUogtlhcr leil to man government, would be sure in lull iu si cm ing a happy family nf Ihe iuui ui ; m.iu fails, simply because he is don g that which is Contrary to Rod's divine law. It was said of old, "It is nut good for mail to be alone." EARLY RISING. "My liKrriing haunts," writes the divine Milton, "are wheie they lieidJ be, at home; not tie piiw or cuncuciiug the snrieils ol an irri ga'ar feast ; but ua. and tinini III wnuer. Illten eD Ihe MMIIl l III any bell swsketi no n lis 1 bi.r nr dv l:mi in sumtner. a oft as lilt In r l tha' lir-t nsis. or not much tautoT, to lead gnu i author., or cuusu theiu to bv res', till the attention be wesry, or iht meniry tiiivt) it. lull trieifhl ; htn will) utrtul and gene'iiis liburs priBervinrf the body', lit .III) nnd )atdines, to lender liuUtHima, elnir, and not lumpish ohedtfiicc tu the inind. to the cnue el n ligion, and ou country's lilint y ; nnd, when il shall res q alte our Hnn hearts in Sound bodies, to i' and and cover their statiuu. FEMALEFAITH. She loved voa whin tb sunny light Of bliss was on vour brow ; That bliss has sunn tn a rrow's night, Anil jet sho loves you now. 8n lov.d yivo when your jovons tons 'I'miirht every heart to thrill ; Tb Nw elnUHs nr that tonun is gono, And yel she loves you still. She loved vou when your home and hear' Of fortune's smile could tmttHt, Slie saw that smilo deeav- depart And then slit loved ynu mo,t. Ob, such the (rnnemiM I'alili that grows 'n wotnan's trenl'e breast; 'Ti. like thai star that stays and ((lows Alone in 11I14I11 a d.u k yes ; Thai stiy beemise eaeb other ray lias- It'll the lonely shore, And thai lh ' wanderer on hW way Tin n wants her Imht no uimro. BIGOTRY. U gntfy is sn unseemly distortion of tlie Christian character ; religious trim, nvng is ulm ist equa'lf olij 'clionable There is a just medium between thes? extreme. Vou may properly cherish deep and abiding attachment to the Church nf your choice without regard ing it as ihe exclusive way to heaven. To you it may be the best way, and should he, llietef ire highly urized j but to another a diT'rent nrganiz iti in nny be mom helpful and should, for that reason, b ) caosen Tha various methods of Caurch older are well, because they are suited to diverse tastes, tempera tne ds, an I training of R id's people. Out nl the variety select what suits ynu best but when yon have made ynur selection stick to it. Do not temporize, trim or time serve, lie some o io thing or another, and be it always. There are too inunv people in nil the C lurches who plav fust and loose Zion't Herald. OUTDOORS. 11 Y S. A. M I Mo N. Whit s great, great woild we hi bold all aroun I us outito rs Wh .t a broad nU'line ol diveisilv i iXhihitrd bctuiu us trety wheie e chance t' lurii one eye. The hill" belt ol sky above rtur In-nds the countless hil's Ino'iilnij upward until 'hey lom' theinsely where Ihe dt-tant linr zm huts out the cnuopy ol heavens beyi cd llie iiinuiiieiable ptsitis slid 'lie Uliny Tll tys ea ll and nil til (belli, ill Ikt'in, iu ihuir turn, tuive soinetliinir to liach us nl the outdoor woild atnui d ti. In the busy walks ol lite. wh has not I n deli jilted with a thousand si-hts out ? The running b ii.'k. the deep -liad 'Iwiliwoo l. and oeea'ionsl y sunn curi -'tis li'UHi'C in tiaMlit's sevnt ry awakens within us the most iileisn gem lions All we see belorc us outdiint, seems to contain a le-soii. And in Ihe bvautilul laD;us)ie ot Hindis, we c iu exclaim, "Not a treB. A plant, a 'eaf, a Id .ssom, but eontalns A lolln volume. Wu mar roud and read Am, n-u I a.piiu, uud still fin i oim.thiiiK new, Somotlima to pleuso, and mieUiing to loHiri'et, lC'eu In iho noisome weed." Yes, we all like lo get outdoors sway Irrtui the noise ol the spindle, hum Hie trip liii uui' r's de it. mug blow, ham tlie liCZi no s 'tin I ot tlie si, and Irmn the pia v ot our d lily toil tn br. at'.ie the air ot the outdoor worl I. There is miinething in rjettiilJi outdoors that betokens io us heed un hum restrsint i'ur y Ii pu'a new 1 1 le into us How ivet wrsiy we niv be we son forget it. and l- se hII thml ;hts ol woik and worry. The grassy pint, the m issy bmk, the place b.uiinlh the niiple, were always welemne when we hid leisure to ysit wld luiniliar il'iil'its. Iliwhsppywe whi cd many a ; 'l b s h ui r sway in the outdoor wend ol lays oiii) by. COURTING UNDER DIFFICULTIES. Ilrunswlck, (Mo.; Times. They weic rnurMiiK under dilliul'.ii'. ll was in a I i llimuiili which me ineiii- l.eis ol llie In nil)' were I'Oii' il U illy pi.)li)i lo nnd Iro "I), sr Alic e."' he said, "T cannot Unger Ish'.n under this MIS " (The old in in appears ) "-.pension ul bunks is due to the unwise p d-c.y -" (O. I gent passes nn ) "I wssgoinr to siv, my ilea' ri'l. Hist I hope vuii will promise t be mine, slid iiuiiiit u ia'ly dy lor the bond." (Old w, nn an Ii ,pp. ns in ) "should never be paid In gold ahtne." (Kxn -I I gill.) ' N 'llie the happy day when I insy rsll you m O'Vii, lor I csoii it tie leve Hint you will t in nk il in i (i )l I limn tildes in H tin ) -suinp'ioii cannot be so sum accoin- plished " (Tu.) in'ril ler retire..) "I say l csu'l believe yu are entirely iiiddleient to me, but w ill soon craal me thu pilvl u;e of eallnw J"U wl " (O d U iv ou de- k.) "lie giving the liusucial queitiou much slu ly " (Old lady s'tdes "IT.) Il y u love mw )ut not your head Y m slid. O a, "e swret kits to Seal It one swiel -oh. hell I" (Pie-pi cine lather in law ) 'M'l'ir.lmK to emineut divinri, it a myih, s Miptrstition." (They were audn lelt alone) The old lolks con Hide that Alice is safe i ll 'lljll in the company of a ?tiriR niaa who ran talk niiililn but nuance ami thenloun, and o relsx their yigilunce. A tiKNTI.KMAN, la (he true it (itiitian uf a nituih iim u it is nt meant to draw a line tnu would he Invitiious brtwevu high .iid U, rsi k ud Minor linstion, richra unit psvetty. The dlitiuctioo i in the miii. I Wimever is npen, geoerous and true ; wliiuv.r is nt humane and sftihle drmeannr j whoever is honorable io Mm luli. and rauilit in his u lament of others, and riq uivs uo law but Ins word In maka h i iu In d! an eoi(Hgeiiient ; such a man is a gentleman, and rucli a man ttiiy ba louod sinseg the til'en of Ibc aurlli. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. I I i SPACE a O 3 00 f- . 0 fi 00 in on 15 ot One Sr ua 'e, Two Sijuarea. Three Siqnares, Four Squares, Fnu-th Col'n, 00 10 00 15 0( 14 00 20 00 30 r 0 iO to V, i'l fto I f M 0 1 100 (, 18 001 3 00 20 no 40 00 Hiirt'olurnn 20 0 I o0 i o 60 00 Whole C lumn, One Year, ADVERTISEMENTS. g I o N PAINT KRS Wanted In every aeotlon of tb TTnltarl S'ltns and Provinces to anaweia this a I varllserrient. Andres, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wasblnator, N. J, De. ltf ' HAPPIVKSSOR MISERY, IS Ttil, QUESTION 1 Dr. W. K. Hoyt of 85 year" successful praellcM vusrauterw speedy and ptrmanent euio'f all Chronic, Seroful us, Pilvate, Hvpbltiile and I'ernale Plsoases, (tperma en tuii, or se.liiHfl ul bis Medical In stil ule, Aaan V Cheney Hloek. nnposim lU'l tv Had Tark, Syracuse, N. Y. Mr! I' Mio sen; to all pans of the V, S. and Canada Don't bo d"celved by adverthi inn quacks who throng our laipe citle , hut nonsuit Pr. Hoy t or send for cirruli feutinn on bis specialties to Lis P. O, I5'X V.'l L A PI ICS. My creat llonld Frenei, AM1K DE F.''.MMH, or Female Friend, is uuf lillni; iu llie oure of all naln- fill nnd ibi'nierous diseases cf your sex. It inoderiies ail exnoss, and brings nn the montiily perio I win reKiilarily. In al nei voi.s sinl spin it ail",ict.ioii, pains In 'h bank or limlw, i avintvss, fitiaunon slie.o amnion, palpitation of tlie heart, lowlier--ofsnii-it, hvsiprlfM, slek headuehe, whites and ail pali ful diseaHns oeeasioned by i iiisoroerml system, il elfeots h euro whrn ail oilier on atis fail Priej tJ.OO uer K' tie, sent by mail. Dr. W, K, Uoyt, But '! Si r ii'iise, N. V. Nov 1!) 1 i. gCH OO L TEACUKRM. You ran easily Increaso your salarr ks bv (iavotlna a very small portion f yair leisure tlrnv to hiv internal. I do not - pent you to canvass for my oelebrstoi ISeHlty'a I'iano and Ortrani unless run sue tilt"; but the service I require of vou in uom pleasant anil prolliable. Fui. partieulars Iren. Addrea, DANIEL F. HEATTY, Wat-hliiuton, N. J. JOCKY MOUNT MILLS, H0CKY MOUNT, N. 0. January lit, 187. are now prepared to faraiah tu We trade with BIIh'ETINGS, SiURTIXGS, PLOW LINES and COTTON., YARNS. all of the best quality and at low prices. Uur terms strictly net cash, 80 dayi, ' Address BATTLE 4 4MJN, Koeky Mount, N. X an ?S a R A N J ) O L P H CO., GENERAL F0RiTARDIX(J AMD OOWT1 IS SI ON IIEBtnABtTN, Korfolk, Virflolit. Prompt atteution given to all Coowuit. meiila. Liberal Cash Advances wada oo Cwv algnmeuts. LUMBER A SPECIALTY. Mifr (KNrtFs : W. H. Smllb A Son. T . ( Xiarrovv if Co., A. rVrenn, Norfolk, Va i A. Oarribnldl. .1. W. Faueett, J. M. Mul len, Halilax, N. C. feb 21 6 a ICTAl.LIC BURIAL (.ASKS TOR SALK. Persons wiebiiir Metal! lo Burial Cases tan always obtain them liy applying to ir at the Mioro of Messrs. Wlntlold it Ertif I imm still konpiio . us heretofore, a lull as sortment oi the v'ury Uest CASKS, at th Very Lowosl Prioea. In my bseuca fion Weldnu, Muoars. Wiiilield A Einry w. . deliver Cases to persona who may wis., tbein. JAMES SIMMONS, Weldoa, aV. C. apr 4 I Q qillK UNDKRSliJNBD V E R 1 respectfully calls the attention of U i trade io his extensive stock of domasti ; and linporteai liquors, lo which h la sal ', making additions acd eoaaiatiug of par RTS AND BOL'KBOSI NWflUKIIS French, Apple, Blackberry and Cherry Brandies, Jams.e.i and Ne'"Enpland Rum London, Tom and Hollai.. tiin, Ptrt Sherry. Claret. Rhine and Isve-year-oid Seunnernonir Wine, Sootc.h and Ioodor Portor, and a very large lot of RECTIFIED WHISKEY whlnh T am nflerlna at r rices that eft not tail to glT aatiatacnon. ' 8. W. RKl.DNFt, Ast t. aprlld-a SlBoanoka Mrare. J .....j

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