THE ROANOKE NEWS A D V K RTIIN (1 RATES. - A DEMOCRATIC ,?a-' a Is s WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, 4: in I 3 I 5 J PUULISIJED BY IV, H. A SPACE A o THE ROANOKE NEWS. Rkf sd 3 Ay w HI ,s As A i' JA yi it 1 II I ' X W. it I L Ono S(,u e, 1 E. pne Year, In advance, Hii Months, " , Three Months, " $1 CO 1 00 ". ets. pnOFESSIONAL CAF.DS. "'i ' WALTS CMU, K. T. CLARK. hilniRh.N.C. - Halifax, N. C. 0L. ARK & CLARK, ATTOICXKY AT I-IW, HALIFAX, N.C. Will prvtieo la I Iib Courts of Haliftx kilo H ijniniim counties. March lo tf. w. A. PCSS. ITCH E.N A DtlH.t ATTIUHKVI A CMUNsW.l.opa AT I. AW, Krutlaiid Nock, Uilil:x ., I.'. Praetieo in th (' "in h ljnnill,J I) millilM, Hlpl and Federal Conrli, i of IMII'.ix and ill tho Supreme jmlS If IOf AS N. HILL Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. P Motion. In Halifax and adjoining Cmnties and Federal and Su promo Courts. ' Will be at So itlaad Neck, once every lortniijht. i Auk. 13 a w. n. mr, w W. 1 1 A 1. 1.. D A Y It ALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, tVEI.UUV, X. '. Practice in the o iurt of Inllf x nnd iadjoiiiina counties, and in tho Supreme hnd Federal ; iii tL . Claims collected in any pavt of North Carolina. jun 20 1 ll JAMUEL J. WHIG 111', ATTORNEY AT LAW. jitKsov, sr. c. Protie in Mm Court of Northampton ' had adjoining counties. sop 15 1 Y A V I N L. lintAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. PrunticM lr. Ilid'CiurW or U.ili.nx an.) adjoining counties, an I in tlu fiiipremu and Ka lural Conrt. Claims oolloctnl in all parts of Xorth Carolina. OIU-J9 in tho Court fl uisn. jnly -l Q. O . B UllTO N, J K. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in thn Courts of Hilil'iix Ciunty, and Counties iidioinluu. In tdo Supreins (Jourt of tha St ite, and in the riral Courts. Will tivn spsi'ul att'vition to (ho oollon Wan of clalms.and to adinstini; the aoounts of Kneoutors, Adirliuisrators and (luar diani. - doc-lVtl' J. M. a K I Z Z A K I), ATTORMEY AT LAW, , , HALIFAX, X. C. Offlce in tlie Court Hons". .Strict alien- Jin givou to all branches of '.ho proles OI'l4. mi slm. .1'" i- 1 c T. IJ II A N U II, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EMFIRI.l). HAMPAX CUES TV, X. C. Prat:rts In tlia C.untirs of Hnlil'ax, Hash, KdKx'nl) and WiUnn, I'olUatiins made in all parts nf tho IUt. Jan li fi i A K E 8 i;. II A HA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tiSfr'IKI.D, S. V. Praotl'H in t'm Counllos of H.ilifax, hdooin'o and NjsU. In H.h Supntiuo Vrv of (ba Htato and in the t vtlorat Oourta. Celleilions malo In anv pirt of th tatc. Will attend a', thn f mirl llnnxH in fialifiX ea Monday and Friday or each Veek. Jhii )l a A KDKKIY J. BURTON, ATfORXKY AT LAW, WKLOON, N. C. Prar.!rp in thn Conrts of II.iIUhx, War-S-n nd NorthaiVlptoii oountloi and in the Supreme and Fodoral Court. Claims collictid m any iart or ivirui rlina. iunel'-H Oaralina. tAvcs u. m i.i.Kx. UL h IS JOHN i. UlKIHK. N A MOORB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Halirai, M. . Prantloe la tho Counties of Halifax, Northampton, Kdnooiulie, rittand Mar ,l In toe Supromo Court of tlio Ktate Mid in the Fo Jural Courts of the K.isteru Bistriot. llolious made iu any part of Norlb Carolina. .ian 1-1 c , VOL. -A7H. WELDON, JST. G.'J THE FALL OF A LEAF. Tho lni d nppmrfd w liens pi inn's soft brof zo Kevivod tiui torpid onith. Anil liird-i nltunod thnir nl.ulsouie lav, As if ta hail lis l.inh. Tha l'iif .ippoTii o.l, no raainct htorm (.'on lil tear that loaf a way; 'Twi nurtured hv tln t'onile new, And hy 'he sun's mild my. Thevollfiw l;if apppnrrd. Tlio wind Now whlstloi) Ihiiiimh tlio ile 1, Th" lofty trM low howoil Its bo'ul, The luaf hi'iii'im move. I, mid tell. The pr:i!t 1 'r-ir li v vim so,.nt woo-i hnp 1 1 iipo!h il Ihouuhl an I ram ; Tho I'lonm ol ileullll iv .u on Iih i'h;-oI;( His brow was hiiii'oth mid luir. Tlio imip niw in hi to ioto w is noon, I In si u H o him io's i! in : Or l"ilo l nnd toilnd, hv ! iv mid nlht, Soiiui K'itti'i'it'H (irises to win, Tlio wfirv, ii'i d man, was soon, And I'o'v tho d iv hi fir liim ; Willi imtoi sii'ps iio iiniirs Urn lirinlt, 'I ho liiu k grave elosos o'v er hi in. A WOMAN'S CRI.VIE. nv in: k ir. "As yon am to lie my wife, Va'crie, f.T i it y silo; slop fl'iiiii" b'hIi those ab iniiiiul)!'' f ips li i i ttoml tins parlies anil 1 1 c i 1 1 1 li . i ' s tliut aru bi-ii'O given lio.v." Ami I Iio si-'i'ilii'i', a tall, hatul- 1 somo uni' ii m.i'i. ifii'ssoil i i an cvcniiiy suit i I' il.ii U I roaJi loth, stood leaning iiouiii'U the arm cli t ir !n'i t' sit Valoriu Pciiil, tho atLoonleilm'd hello id' ill e li'tla sea siilo circle, ami lietivLlu'd to yiinn" CieraM liiey the son ol' a wealthy city morcliatit. "UcriM, I s'ia'1 i! i j ist as I please. The yoiiii" men pay me uttiMuioo, and 1 slnill iiuilte no uiiteiy iioiiest it.'' "Thou you do not believe me sincere in my regard lor yi u, Valeiie." ' I linie n i reason to d 'ii':t it yet, (lor.ilil. V hi are ei l..Mitly j mIoiis, and iieed!":sly g i ; Cor heie in this i lie place n lint else is there 1 1 do hut to fl rt and play t he part of a eoq I' tlo?" " yii iiiiohi In- less i ti 'viH with lUeScMgijiiis; llicy ate d c'tleilly vul gat." "Ciitiio, now, that is ton sovce on those poor voii: ponple. I shall j;o into liysieiies il' o i do not ihane the sut j. cl. L'-t us y i into the purl ir n .il have a jianic ol' chess " ' Va'.eiie, ymi are honitless utterly devoid of feeling, i'mi do not care to ocy tnv uislies." "And you would liae inn make a nun of invsi 11', ui d keep away Irani society. N ', (jeiuid, I do not care to obey you, if tint is your de'ire. I am too I on, I of eay li;e in I his ic soit for that." "It is very .evidet t tint yen care ni ire for the silly attention of others than yon do for me " "And if I do. what then? ' she iisaoiI her blue eyes lot ki 'jj l.i.n fuil ii the lace. , "Y'ou cannot have tho c nisi ler.iti in for my feelings due from a promised bride ; that is all." ' llmeu't I pliel ted y -u my whole heaiton c t lynii solely? Wh it fUu is th; re for me to d '" "Say that uain, Valerie; say that yuu will be mine,'' said Gerald, sloopi ;g and clasping the white hand lay 119011 her pink muslin dres'i in his, and ptcssid,! it to his li,,s. "All yn',u, Cerald. Tin re. iln.'l fed sliylttd because I now and then look at the people here. N'. thiej; iviil come of it, I'm sine. Now, Herald, suy that yuu am rry for doubting me" "Wcii, then, I am si ny.'Vsaid. the lover, pre-si'ijj a ki-s upon her a'. toaster bioiv ; ".Hid I Hill tiy imt to be jealous ai y mine And present no his aim to toe lair girl, they pa-se-l from ihe veianda nf the hotel into the pat lor. In an alcove, paitly coniTah d by dra peries, tl.ey paused belVie u bttle ina hoaany l hes staud. Valeric knew ll.e power she h.-ld, and she did not scruple to ea side glances uoiv and then toward an adjacent table mheic sat several Jillng men playing tittds. Tl e 1 1 ui Ii was, she I ived society and excitement, and was ns ut lit to be the wife of Herald (itov, Iin had a naturally jealous disposition, us lie was to wed a viiaoo. "Z mods ! what a pretty woman that is in the tilcvc, Jai k," tern aiked one fl tie ynune. in on ut the. table. "ou siv pretty : l,v, that is i' iss- ical loreli in s. She is ur renal liio. nes, tiie caravansiny bi iie. lv Joe! hut you should Viioif her. Hairy. 8he will m iko you gid !v-'iei'i,.i the first teo minutes, and at Co en 1 ol a half hour desperately in Invev 15 it ther is yon in (irty, who has her heait uid haiij ; he is li iiibly jealous, so tluy say." Well, he should t like her away to some soiitaiy island nl.eie lover) of female beaa'.y caneot ber out." "lie would, if she eared to go, JJir, between you and mo, llirry, there is not so iiiuch all'ectiou bel.veeu them as there mi"ht be, at least, not ou her side." 'Perhaps nut.1' responded llirry, lang uidly. "C ime, I have a little scheme in view. I will go and get my fi ite, and play a few nolcs under the wind w just to try the effect on the nerves of young Gre.: Accordingly, the faity arose and rpr.t the room, leaving iivo livers sole occu pants for the time being. "I here, llioso inquisitive nitiniei nave gone ; I hope they will learn manners enough not sture when they corns again," said Gerald. "I don't think they did 80 purposely. Young men must ute their eyes," said the fair flirt. "Hut they stared, a-d that is an im pertinence they will have to ausivar for," said Gerald, as tie arosa and abruptly left the room. lie had not been gone lon before the low, melodious tones f the "Last Hose of Summer, played upon the. flute came in through the window, and ebbed and swclbd with the get. tie evening brerz' until it seemed to be very rear, then died away with a low, bnig-drawo c id.n ce as sweet as the chimes ot a silver bell. "Oh, how tenib r !" murmurc 1 Valerie, as she went out through the open win dow upon the balcony. 'l ie performer was concealed by s imp datk bushes, but his presence could he di lei.tud 'by t'.e s mad. S d'l an I I nv, II. rilling and throbbing, now loud and distinct, then deep and far away, but always teutleily melancholy, it seemed to her the perfect ideal of knightly minstrelsy when lovers wrnt forth to serenade tho;r fair divines. She hardly dared lli'u.k it was meant for her, Lut bieathlessly watched and lis tened, totally iinu.inscieus that the moon had slowly r's ti from behind sum: trees, an was directly' upon her. Gi raid Grey, coming up ihe avenue fio.n the bench, where he had been smok'nio his evc:.i,ig cigar, saw her with thu nio'onlieli'. s'.reaniing over her, long before, ho heard the music of the flute. lie noticed with ad. nil ation the almost statur-Lke mould of her features, and thought, as most lovers think, that she was dream ing of biui. Alas, how misguided he nasi Coming nearer, he could see the lips parted over the i early teeth into a smile that expressed perfect trust in the present and contentnie .t for the future. What, then, niiil he have ft It when the music commenced ugain? It would be difficult to tell what h'n feelings were, but there came into his fico a terrible lijdit a passiouthat convulsed his whole Irame, a d made him surge ti und fri like a drunken man. "She is false to me I At last, have found on' what I suspected; she holds secret meeli gs with i-trange parlies Sie is false 1 Oh, my Valerie, you are mine no mure. Farewell I'm ever 1" lie looked up 1 1 the balcony, but she had disappeared. Like a snr kc with stealthy, noiseless tread, and with di ated, bloodshot eyes, be crept upon ti e ui known musician. A s iui.d of tearing s id, a low, gurgling groan, and the pros' rale form of a man lay behind the clump of foliage where the morrow's sun revealed it to the in mates of the hi tel. The party of young men supposed their friend sale in bed. Could they have known the true situation, and the blanched, honnr-stiickon face of Gerall Grey on beholding what he had done, the would not have slept so soundly. Il uirs afterward he had put nut to sea in a sailboat, aid was far away when the body was discovered the next morning. Tiie sul event taught Valerie Pearl a praclicil Ksson that a Hli-'.ime wil i e'.cr efface. She may not have loved Gerald Grey as she should have loved him, but the promise was was given, and the stioina placid upon her name by the result will never wear away, Poisons travelling a bead now and then meet with a broken-down wan who ex tr'sses in every lineament of his lace tho despair that u judicious woman mihl have savid bun from. imUESCt'cF MUSIC. A reporter who r.cently visited an I. diistrial School was very much iiu- pussr l by what he st.v und learned there coucer aing n it onl.' the taming, but the reforming a d refi Trng ii fluence of a "concord of sweet sounds." Al tiched to the institution is a music teacher who has nt nil times in active triib ing a iiu.nher of boys, who perforin in the various instruments that make up it brass band. This teacher, who is an intelligent German, and, to ail appear ances, an aide instructor, testifies to the wonderful elli: icy of mus:c in soiling the nigged ua'ures f th boys who nr sent to the nhii, I, n-ually liucmisa they nie iineoniroll ible by puents or guar di ms He says he has notice J tho singular fact that boys wli ise aversion to learn ing was so great that they could not or . . ! I , . f vau'J n t Uv'pi'r" o.oo n oi their "a-h, abs," took II dd with ei, lent rel sll of the comparatively dillicult study of theoretical music, and in n very short spice of ti ne m istere l tho notes sulfi c eutlv to read a tob rably bard score or piece of m isL'. TnU see ned to 1 1 i ill like a phenomenal phise, and he can only account for it on the ground that a love of music is inherent iu Jie average bad boy. lie has usually in training a hau l of t.veuty pieces, but be 'ays '.hat this number he c Mil t easily nrgmei.t at uny time to two. three, tr even four times as many, for be very rarely fi als a boy who has not a taste fur some mus ical instrument. The greitest trouble he Ins yet en cn mtere.l in ihe formation of bis bands is the fact that as soon as bis pupils be come really proficient they aro ready for a discharge for good conduct, the music pnEiessing such no influence for good over them as t completely reform die positions that would be otherwise incor rigibly bad. Since he has held the po sition of music teacher at the institution, several boys h ive been discharged for good and promising conduct who have turned their knowledge of music ac quired within the walls of Ihe Industrial school to profitable aecout. C, SATURDAY, WORDS CF WISDOM. It is bat poor eh.qai'iice which only shows that the orator can talk. If what is said he not to the purpose a tingle Word ii already too much. We can hardly learn humility ami teudeinesi en )uh, except by sullVr i"g. The worse misfortune is to be unable to bear ini-lnrtuno. II,! that hath in bridle on his tor.guo li'is h i giaco io his heart. Hoop wateis are still. Wise tneu talk because they tin ill much We could in t Ciduie so'itu le weie it not for the poeiful C mva i niship of hope or of some unseen one . Heal g-ea'ni ss dies nit d.'puu I on the thiols we d , but ou too mind with which we do them. We are in the sil'e pith during cur pilgrim statu while wo are in the valley of huiuil'uii ni. The whole ch tractor of the christian seems to be Ci-'mprehendei in this title a believer in (Jurist. A real clitisiiau loves close, searching preaching, and seek ministry of tin so who speak pointed, not the enticing words ol mail s wisdom. The man who will abandon a fiiTnd for an eiror, luioas but little of the human character, and shows that bis heart is as cold as j'idgeme..t is VV CUt . M ire man grow old rr ) n h iving noth ing to do, than from overwoik. The riinniiii' machine will keep briilit for years the idle machine will booh tust out. When the presence nf Christ is real ized, then d i love, gratitude, humility, lai'.h, genllenesp, meekness, etc, How forth iu swtettst fragrance toward their author. Truth is always consistent with itself, and needs nothing to help it out. It is nl.iays near at hand, and sits upon our lip and is ready to drop out before we are aware; whereas a lie is troublesome, and sets a man's invention upon the truck, and one trii k needs a great many more to make it good. THE P0WE3 OF GENTLENESS. S. ADVOCATi:. I; is related that a belated stranger stayed all night at a faruioi's house, lie Noticed that a slender little girl, by her gentle ways, h id a great influence in the house. Shs seemed to lie a briuger of peace and good will to the rougher ones iu the household. She had power over animals also, us the fol- lowing shows : The fai .nor was g dug t i town next morning, ami had agreed to take the stranger with him. Toe family came out to see them start. The farmer gathered up the reim, nod with o jeik laid, "Dick, go lung I" ttA D ck didn't "go long." The whip cracked about tin: pony's ear, and he shouted, "bick, vmi rascal, cot up!" It availed uot. TliC'i came down the whip with a heavy hand ; but the stubborn beast only shook his heal silently. A stout lad caoie out a id sei?.'d the bridle nnd pulled, and jiinkKd," nnd ' kicked the ruhelli ms po iy ; not a me p I he move. At this ci s n sweet voice said, "Willie, don't d so." The voice was quickly recognised. And now the magic hand was laid the neck o! the soeiningly incorrigible animal, and a simple 1 iw word was spoken Instantly the rigid uiu-cles icUx, d, and the air of st'l' h irnnesS vanisaeJ, ' Poor Dick," said the Sweet, . und she stroked and patted softly his. neck with the childlike h mil. "N go afong, ynu nliightv fell i w," io liall-ciiidiog, but in a ti ti ler voice, as she drew slightly on the b;iJle. Tim pony turned and rub bed Lis head against her arm for a moment, and stalled off on a cheerful trot, and there was no further trouble that day. The stranger remarked to tho far- tiler : "What a wonderful pinrer that hand possesses I" The reply was : "Oil, she's good 1 Every body and everything Ime her." WHEM THE DARK COMES. A little ghl sat. nt twilight, in her sick m-'thei's ruom, busily ihinkieg. All (lav she had been full of fun nod noise, and many times worried her poor tired iiioiber. "Ma." said the little giil, "what do you suppose mikes mo get over my mis chief, und begin to act good, j 1st about this time every night?" "I do tint know, dear. Cm you not tell !" "Well, I guess it's because this is when the dark conies. You know I am a littlu afraid of that. Ami 'hen, ma, I begin to think of all the naughty tbings I've dure to grieve you, and that per haps yon might die before morning; and so I begin to act good." "Oh." ihotiobt I. "how many of ti wait till dark come?, in lite form of sick ness or sorrow, or trouble of some kind, before we "begin In do good I" How much belter to bo good while we are enj tying life's blight nmshine? and then, "when the dark comes." is it will in a moasure, to all we shull be ready to meet it without" Hoiiinutic death, a young Inly drowned io Ims. A PHIL 27, 1878. NO. 11. THE BEAUTIES OF MATURE. BY C EUWAIlt) Ml'llltAY. The man v. li t goes through this woiM of nur". w hich is s fraught with beauty. and gives no thought or feeling to any thing else but bust iss and ihe co.iimoft, eveiydav affairs of life ; who does not sit down once i i n while and give up his soul to communion with nature and its ol uinwi bo.iipy, loses half nf the enj iy cient of his life, lie seis n. thi'oj, really, of Ihe blight side of li'e. His biutil ibu'S not take iu the entire rich, iii-sand (Jury id the world in which he in in s in d has his being, lie d es nut n ll.'ctoii the eiiedness nf God in thus placing him in a " otld of beauty, whom everything is Calculated to remind him ol his never ending tare end watchful love. We know that be.iuly bus a softening effect upon lite senses; so G n', the Su preme Hob c, sin rounded us by a w irld nf beauty Hit how lit1!') we think of these things. We see beauti ful objects, and our s oises me delighted with them, but should wo n .t go farther than this? The beauties of nature aro varied. We have the earth iu its suoiinei's glory O'ul its niotei's glooui. We hive the trees loaded with their foliage and liiiit, and wo Ii ive tiioin stiippej ol lue u:lorn- i tnent, and ii!:m,st her, It of beiu'.y. 1! it on waking some mni wo Ii id thove same trees all covered with beiuty in the shape of spaikliug ite. The sun, just rising, throws bis bright lays over them, and they spatkle aid gltsien us thouoh Covered with precious stones. Oil, who is so ilea I us to sre no beauty here nothing to lift up his soul above the things of dull, pludJiog humanity? And yet there are men who can look on such a scene and feel no pulsation of gratitude to tho great Giver of all good. Why do the birds sing? I'ecaii'te all around them is s i lrh;ht and glorious they cannot help it. The jay that they feel must bo exiuess"d, and so it poms I'm th in a heart stiiring melody. Then, boside that, G nl made them to sing; il is the pait they are to play in nature. Some people fiod beauty in a goldeu sunset; others find it in a sunrise. Hut all nature is beati'iln1, and tends to bring men out of this narrow worldli ness into a realizing sense of the luct that there is a God. The II iwers are beautiful, and 'vho can doubt the good they pet form when a hunch of them is given to a pour, weak suII'tit who has imt been out of donis, it tiiiy bo, for months? 1 1 w grateful one's heart is in such a moment that a part, a siu iil part of niture's beauty c in bo traosp uted to the s ck rooii), where il is so mn:h neede 1. O.ia can scarcely imagi io that tititure, with her thousand beauties, her It o.veis that are so constat tiy teaching us lessons h,T gently blowing breez's a ol warsi air, can do so much toward bunging ha.k the bloom to the cheek, und re stor'ng bia'th to the innilii'. Some one Ins truly siid tint "Your voieehss lips, (I dower! ate living pioiolu r-, Fieh oiip a loupii, and e.Hi leal a Ii ok; Supply inn to Ihe l.iii"v numerous tenei"rs From o u a tha lowliest nook ! ' And who shall say that there is no beauty in a s'a nil? Toere is a gra id, a sublime beauty iu it ; at such ti nes we feel awed and amazid, a J we think Hut God is speaking to us in the thu ider of the tempest and the lighlni'ig's 11 :sh, (or nature sometimes comes am embassador lor G nl. and says, ONLY TIGHT. " 'How flushed, i.nw weak, What is the mailer with biiu'r' is! " 'Only light.' " -Tight ?r " 'O dy tight.' Mm'., h st. an I great est glit, bis l -tc!le-;t, degraded the only power lint raises from brute crea tion trodden down ui.iKr the form ol a debasi: g appetite. '"Only tight.' The gonllf! sister, whose strongest love through life Ius been given to her handsome, talented brother, shiinks wi b contempt a id dis gust from his embrace, und brushes uu'.iy the hot, impure kiss be imprints upon her cheek. ''Only tight;' und his young biide stops io the glad ru-i she is making to u.uel !.;..,, a. ', ciieik; tha ivciju.ue o:i hrr lips, to g iz; iu tentir ou ihe iceling form and ll-ished face of him who was her idol. " 'Only tight ;' and tho fathiii's ficc grows daik uud sa f, a, with a bitter sigh, he stoops over the sleeping from of his first bom. "lie bus brought sorrow to all thtse affectionate hearts ; he has opened the door to a fat 1 1 indulgence; be has brought himself down to n level with brutes; he has tasted, exciting tha appe tite to crave tho poisonous draught ugaiii ; bit has f alien fiom high and noble manhood to bubhii g idiocy und heay s'upnr ; fcriiugrit erief to bis mother, dis'.rast to bis sister, alum t de mur to his biide, uud boned his father's head with sorrow. Hat blame him uot ; fur lie is 'ouly tight.' " Tint following re licls; Washinuton was a surveyor mid luiunr; Krunklin a piintrr ; Iitiu Paine a Hayin.ker ; Girt-u a liluck'niiili ; Waircn a plivnicmn ; Sumplm a shepherd , R gei Sherman a lioi-inkci ; Maiiou a larnirr, i.s also Wile I'utnuin, Kihan Allen and Stark ; 'luncoek it shin piug merclisnt ; 1'ruiiiUull a i aitmt; and An. aid, who, ill. joh a liaitor t a gnqii ijeueral, a d;iigj,'i:t and berk rir. CSOWJNG OLD, How strangely nur ideas ol growing old charge us we get on in lile ! To the g'ul in her tecs tho riper maiden of twenty-five si ems quite age I. Twenty two thinks t'nity.fisrt "an oil thing." Thiilwfi'O dreads forty, but congrat unites herself that there may still remain somo ground in be pos essed in the fii'loon yearn before the bull' century shall be attained, Hit (i:'ty does not by any means give up the battle ol lie. It loils loiddb-'.ged aid vgorous, and think old ugo a lo g way iu tho future. Sixty remcmhoiH those who have done grout thinks ut three score ; ami one uoutits il l air, when I e was mairied ut uno hundred and twui.l y, had at nil begun to led himself an old man. Itislli ! desire of life ii t,s which iniikcs lis feel young S long, NO TEETH IN HER UPPER JAW. A city gentleman who had just pur cha ed a turn) in the country wished to, b iy some cattle with which to stock it He therefore attend d an audi in where cows aero to be sold. 0 le of them was a remaikable flue animal and he b inolit her at u fair price, lid was ex infilling his purchase, when a farmer y,h i it'itorturritely arrived too late t bay thu cow himself as he intended drove up and thus accosto I him. "I say, friend, din you bid off that cow? I did." was the reply. "Well, did ynu know that she had no teeth in the upper ii.v!" "No," replied tho gentle mac, indignantly, 1 Ts that so?" "You miti see for yourselt." The gentleman examined the; mouth of the cow, and finding no upper teeth; immediately went to tho Buctinneer nnd reuuested him to fell tho cow again. What's the trouble i" asked the auctioneer. 'She hasn't anv upper front teeth," was the reply. ''Very well," replied the action ei", with a smile, "I'll put her up once more." He did so, and tho shrewd farmer who bad givio the information l the city gentleman bij her off nt the same price Lx. MYSTERY OF MUSIC. A lover of music writes: I would fain know what mu-io is. I m ek it as a man setkii eternal wisdom. Yesterday eveuing I walked I ite in thu mmiubeiit iu th beoililul avanue of lime trees on the bank id Ihe Hhine, u id I heard a tapping noise and nolt sinoin,'. At the open door nl eitlii'(e under tho hlonmiiii? I una tree, at a mother unil hfr twin hihiesilho mis lay on lor bri'H-t, the o'her in a cradl which she rocked with lur foot, keepinir time to her biimioa. In every tr nil, thin when the tii.-t tince of life toxins tost iiiu-ic is the nursd nl tho soul ; it murmurs in the car, and the child ileeps, thu tones a e li-.t companions ol bit dream. ; they are Ihe world iu which he lives, lie lm uvthine; lbs babe, though cradled in its motliei's arms, is alone in the spint; hut t.wios ti l l entrance into thu ball -conscious Saul and i nuitsh it us the emli tounshtt the li c ol plant. WISE MAXIMS. Mr John MeDonr.ugh, the New Orleans niilliniiiiaire. Ii.n engiaVi-d on his toiub a seiies of nisx tn. which lie bad o'isciil'ed ' m the nil s lur hit cuidunee tiitough lilt. I lia 1 prescuhe I as the rubs lor hit guM mieti thr. U4I1 111.1, and t which bis succtsa I w is iiiiinly altiihutiihle: i Keiiicmiier always that labor is one of : ihe conditions id oar rxistsiice. 1 '1 ime ia e ll i : throw not one mir.ute ' iwuv. hot n! ice each one to atcootit. l) i unto nil men as you would bu done hy. Never what is uot voiir own. v. r think anv nutter so Hilling as nat to i rve uoli-.e. N.vir -'ive uut that which dci net tltt 1 coi.i'' in. Never spend lull to produce. Li-t the (.iieutest oulir ley laic tho tians action nl j our hie. S udv in tliteoiir-e of 1 1 1 0 tit do tin gie-itrai H 111 mil' t ol good Deprive yuuisvll dl iioihino neeesttry t your eonl. tl, hut live in ail hmiorauly sloipiicily and Iril.a'.lly. I.i'oir.'tliun, to llio Imt moment of your 1 x. stance. I'lilVArK Pbavku The rol that pro duce, the bji.dilul and fl oirinhieg tree, with a I its ipin'ina hrmclii-s, vurdant leiiv.n, mid iilreshing Iruit-tliit wiiich until it cap, hie, victor and Ii oil lulness is ad unsitii; and the lurttiL-r und derper the 100I1 spread lo ot 1! Ii. the 111 ire I lie Irer ip.uiiU ah-'ve. I'liii-tl iii, it you Ung to bnuj I. u'h all th- Sjiiitt, ptrike yur routs deep and wile Ill priyer. Tin,1 litth and support, (hit frongth nnd Bfucc which yon -e. k nl toi l in act re', that thev ui iv In- 1 xcri'bc.l in the hnr ol peed, (Jul wtd 111 that h oir uive vou before uhu. A KAV.lllirK Soitiikiin Disii. Two in-iircrt weio in the stihttinc rails wheu the iiue-lion ol what was tho brsl thiiisj in the wotll tn es eume up. A Htake of ' Iu' Int." " deposited 011 a reic'lihoring stuui. to he tk-n by the one L'ue-ii i: at ihe most pala'alilo tli-h. Altir throw in ' and tads" lor first t;uess, the winnt-r ex- lain.-, i. "Piissum and w '.! pertater 1 '-"S Ii on !" 1 j iculateil theolher, tiiko de in nicy ! lake do money I ilidn'l tliink you'd uoe Ihe berry best Ius' thing.'' ILi't, iii'Te or Us, I suppose, most nl us t'uve, but we keep them so close eased ami padlorked we wear an nutaid no hard or dry that little or noao of t lis love that may ho within. eesp? tw c'ad den th-se sriiuti I ai. And so llio pats will, ant any ol the sweetening to society that comet when stl.'Ciiou is Dot lelt but expressed. flcn. Curtl T,?ti bsrerttned the Ariinj;. ton ri'ata where bis Ini'Tortal lariber tn loriif residia Ho has had a long hnrd fljht in tho courts ami it is a niatttr ol nonaritulalinu that tie has at last beitt-D Ike ei;eipv. 3 00 . i 0 I 8 on I S 00 in oo 15 00 IX 00 14 00 'JO 00 ao i o 3(i 00 10 00 IB (P 0 00 80 60 40 r f no 61) O 'J 109 0 j wo squares, hree "'oiiares. nr Nipiares, 10 00 Id oo I n -th t'ol'n, i!0 00 i'f Column, 20 03 ! MO (0 60 00 I 'Virile 0, 1 iin Ono Year, ADVERTISEMENTS. giu N PAINTEKS Wa.-itei! in "very aectlon of lh Uoited tes and Provinces to ansn-ei ihl r . Jrlisoinont. Addres. DANIEL F. BIS AT TY , Washlnutnn V T De-. llf ... API'lNF.-sSOU JlISEltY, 13 TUB trtTF.STlON Dr. W. )'.. iloyt of 3) years successful practice iinarunlueH speedy and ptrnianant uruifHlL l lironie, Seroful ius. Piivate Syphiliiin and Female I)isoeJt Kpsrnm. fi rnio i, oi noii-HioisB i nis Medical ie. stitule, A uitri it Cheney ISIuck. opnositu lh i City Hall Park, Syrueuwi, N. Y. Mtd- .innoui. to nil parts nl tho U. H. and. 'ana la. Iioo'i ho deeoived hv ndvertm. iniriiiaeks who throng our lai(ie cities, lull e insiill Dr. llo t i r send fi,r circular eaiiiur on bis sioelailies to l is P. O. l)ox tnil. L A 1)1 Kt. Mv L'roat liuuid Fronnh I'.omedy, AM IK DK FMMK. or Femald Frioiid, Is unriilitiii in the cure of all nwln. lul and dangerous diseases ef your sex. it oioueraios an c.vooss, aim limits on tha niontlily period Willi rciculuritv. Io all nmvoi.s and splnul Htloelions, pa'ins in thu hack or liuihs, hoavinoss, fatiKuo on sllg.'.t exurtlon, palpitation of the heart, Inwnesa ofsuiril, hysteric. hIrIc lleadaoho, whites, unil ail t tin ful diseases ocoasioued hv a lisor.lorod system, il elfeots a euro when ml other moans fail. Prioe fc.,00 por Hot tin, sent by mail. Dr. IV. Ii. Hovt.'tiox 27(1. Syracuse, X. Y. fluv l y. g C II O O L TUACUKKS. Ynu can easilv lnu-ssn vrinr mlkuf 1 liy tlsvotinK a very small portion of ytmt leisure time to my interest. I do not poet you lo canvass for my selnbrataai ISeattv's f'ianos and Oman unlesa van see lit to; but tho service I require of you in noui pieasani auu proiitahle. jTbu particulars fren. iddress DANIEL r. HEA'I'TY, Washington, N. , JOCKT MOUNT MILLS. ROCKY MOUHT, N. G. January 1st, 1871. We are now prepared to farniali Ui trade with 8UBETINGS, SniRTIXGS, TLOW LINES and COTTON.i YARNS, all nf the best quality and at low priest, Our teiuis strictly net euali, BO days. Add roes BATTLE 4 Hocky Mount, N. 0. 'iin StJ a 11 ANDULl'H C O : , GEN Ell AL rORWARDINil AND (OMMIMSIOX MEIUII ISTS. Norfotb, Virglutek Prompt attetilioo given to all Consigui ni enls. Liberal Cash Advances uiado on Cou . tignmenia. LVMHER A SPECIALTY. ltvrs!aiNrrs : W. II. Smith A on, C, Marrow it Co., A. iV roll 11, Norfolk. Xt.l, A.liarril.aldi. J. W. Faucett, J. M. Mul len, llablax, N. C. febglSd KTAI.l.lC lil'KIAL CASW JTOH SALK. s 1 Vrsp tviahiisjr MeiKlliu Rurial Casts eat. always obtain' tlieui by applyiuir lomd, ai the Morn of Moasrs. Win lis.. UI st Emry. 1 01:1 alill keopina, as horetoforn, a fuil aa .orioient 01 1 lie Very Host CASKS, at lUj Verv Lowvst Prices. In my absence (loin Weldon, .Mesiiri. VViiitield A Kmry wilt iloltver Cases to persons who may w ials liiem, JAMKS SIMMONS, Weldon, N. 0. npr 4 1 Q fllll K UNllERsllllNKD VERY respectfully calls the attention of tttj trado bis eitonsivs) stock of dotunaio and imported liiiuors, to which bo la laill milking addltioua ai d oousitting of purs KTE AKD BOl RKO. UUI!ltLIS Kroncli, Apple, Blas'Islierry and Chsrry Brandios, Jamaica and Nev F-npland Hum Lsindon, Toia Hiid liollai.s Giu, I'o.t Sherry, Claret. Klilue ami Souppernoni' Wine, Heok.h and London Porter, and a very large lot of RECTIFIED WHISKEY hiri t am oftorilit e.t prices that Cannes' tall to irlya aatisfHotion, 8. W. SI-LDX!, A't. ajiril fi-a SI Koauoke Square. , s - r ,.- -?S :-. - '1