THE HOANOKE NL'S. S I PHD AY, MAY 1H. Is 8 o u u t i c k i: t A'bt(i.Ti: jfitii'i: h:i tiik kart. T N HILL O Y HALIFAX. On our I ,cal ptijje will be lound the proceeding had by the M.igi-tratej of tie coin. ly at their meeting i.i lliiifai l-ntn las'. Monday, uud to lliii we call l, ic'al atletitinn. ll is ruiuonJ tbaC 'm I.ihistou Junes his re.iicd tho elimiship of the Kileigh Neas, tsu rcsig' sti in ti take f fleet on the lit diy of Jane and that lie will lie Kuixi-edrd editor of that paper by M ij Win A. Iluarne. fft: have rcivel Ironi the l.oenaid Peoll I'lmpany 11 MirelaV street N Y the April i umhiT uf the llutish ur'.et l l.iev. i'liti hum Ler nl the 11 vie cmUi'Su rtuiarkv bly Concise and ell wr.ttr n sketch of the history of the firt decade of the Province of Canada, a review of Pr Scklieman'j explorations a; Mtcenap, a etch ol the life and labor ol Victor Hugo, a woman', reply to P,ed,ric Hi- rison ou the 5 u! e.d J'nurt L;le, lour S i " g'sting oidi rri.t posnuiuies ii regard to tin Kistern complication", und the usual notices of I'ontenipniaiy 1,'ueia ture. The period cnls reprinted by the Leonard Scott l',itlihii g Company are, Jilackwood's Magazine and tlic Lor d in (Juarteily, Kdinhurub, Westminster and Jlrilisli tjiartrrly Ueview. Hon. Wm. A. WuKiirr of Wilming ton, oi,e ol the finest lawyers aud must sliitiarjuished men the Flute has ever produced died in Wilmii'gtun last Wed nesday of pneumonia. 31 r Wright was elected a director of rKe Wilmingtna tad Weiclon Kailrnud Company in lx.'!I, and was a director of that compufy until his death. In laclM'. Wrigiit was really father of ike IjuJ of whose foun latioti the Ojserver lei's the following apropos story : In 1:)2, ut a social gathering in one of the hospit ib!e mansions of the then little bi rough nf Wilmington, Klivard 15 I'udley, .1 inies Oaten, Aleuuder McP.ue. P. K. Dickinson, Prs. A J. Pel! is-et, father and sou, Pr. James P William 15 Meare.. L. IP Marstellir. the IIilU. liohert II. (' wan, the In hers Thomas II. and William A Wright, and oilier ' leading cit lens pledged each other over a glass of wine their (own should be connected bv rail with other sections of tU S'.ut -.a.d in l-Sith:lo (in t -eil t I QWS af'er 'h.'r 'j f was !ven the cit.leiis ol li ihiiii .i., -Vd tubstiibej inuie in o ev t thu pro posed railrnad, by muor lli"M;'. Is ol Hollars, than the rniirr tu ili c pr.ipenv t.l the town am oeiiteJ to I this cpiriiino tke W iliuioglon ami Ttldo R i ilroad as ci inpletfd to Wehlon, a d i.' a me of in,)) knndrerj and sxty.'iar mile', in March, ls(ij, nrnl was, when Comp!cte,1, tao longest railroa.l in the Worlil, and reimined Sii for si'ven years, ken the Fonpernr of Kasii.i built one which exueeilej ii i length. Mr. Wrioht one am inj the Invt nf a class ol men now fast rlisjppcaring. His deatli :s a loss i,i he ohole S .ate and viluU e f, el tint caan it if. lieve llm s rrusrs o( his fitti'ry. yet we may shire thvir grieT. nvisiii.tiivti i hi: fuisi. ik. n i . Oi M .nd iv Ust, Mr. I'oit.r i.r N,n Yoik urnu;ht helure the I' lied S ails II mse (d P.cptescnta'ues, a lesiloiiMn raisii'j' a coiiimi tee 1 1 iini sliyne the frauds alleged t i have lieo conmiit'ed ia l' and I.ou ai,a in the last l' si.'iitial election. Mr. 1 'otter pr -poses tci do ab mt it nfter he prts hi, coniaailtep. is a s, act between that goo tleman ot.d hit ctei! ir. I p to this time the republican members of the House have refused 1 1 vote, n v as a ggod many deirmcrats arc ab.eni, Mr. tu i', iri dutioas ha.e s i fjr failed t i pass for Kant of a rj ioiu n. e entires that " d o it see niii Ji Jtr-d '." be ice ri!p::,l:cJ i; ) res -iiti uis. N i one (linib', e i,n:i"ie. that the elect mil vote, of I, niU ma nnd Kliridi were slea by Mr. Hives' friend au.l he recei.ed llim know iug them t'i h ive been stolen. It i, u insult to Auirricvi intel ijcoci; to sup. p ise lhal all '.he investigations of vvriy c 'mmittJe of t" ingress can render the penpla any more ceitain ol this than they now are, and if impeachment f I iws the iiivestigithm, its only effect will be to substitute another republican fur th. model Pecksniff who naw spends Mr. Tildeu's salary. Nr d i we clearly see bo iv any advantage lo tho sieuioc racy i to result fn m the proposed iiivt'stijjatinn. We are inclined tu be lieve that in Ike fall campsigns the people will look more t how power has been stseJ than to lion it was tbiaiucd, d if our opinion in this br ha If is right - elections are to be decided on ' obstruction of public busi i'i the interest of the .esinan of Gramercy l'ark i 5ltni"thea eur bunds fur t l It IM l lilOU ( Ol ltTV 15 publishing the letter signed J. P. L ou the abov subject we called dmrn .ion our dt-vol'-d head, a rebuke from mir old nd tallied lnei.d t,. D C Claik. Thit retake e published in our istue i f l iii Saturday. We repro duce it ti -Jay for (lie purp of mak ing certain remarks Ihereenent Inch lack nf space made ut unable to giva utterance tn o that day. We q rile from Col. Claik'a letler : IJefure entering directly upon the sub ject, ailow in r by way of prefatory to ay that the I'ies. coiifined to its legiti mate province is one of the great pal ladiums nl the public good ; but when prevertrd, nr ued as a vi-hiile for the C rculalijri of untnarranted attacks upon uubl.c or private iilitutinm, aud such attack not clearly setting foith facts; but only giviiiji (he opinions if anna) nious uiihbler, then iiidi cd it beenn es an engine of mischief, calculated to s'ir up ttrile aoH dis.-iird and to create in ti e roindi of the people a pn jidice that will cau.e them to disregard In a iinMsu'f, u n t refutation of such attacks however Imihlul su.h rrfulati in may be. Now we thoroughly agree aith the Colonel in regarding a fier press as the great palladium of the libeities of the peop.e and we further Bjjree with him that when it is perverted to anaarramed I attacks on nub lie r i.rivatr iiotilulioi a it .,., , c cirie f ......cleiel. Tke nly ,,.,ibt f . a,tn bl tweel) t, whether or not the publication ef the letter referred to. was such perver- sion . arguing q.i jiimi we will pre mise by saying that we know of no three rkii in !l,l.f;u county who could bvlter fid the pusiliens than ti e three gentleiniiii wh i nuw compose the Infer I r Court. Uir steady and feieot ad vocacy nf the chairman of tUai I ferior Court for the highest legal preferment possible, is kullicienl evidence of our ae prociution of his high tilent, and for the other numbers of the couit we oi . terrain also the very highest respect and esteem, por there reasons if for no other we should crlaidy not have allowed room to anything rtflrcting upon these gentlemen personally. Put we did not think nor ri.i we list k lhal the letter in question was liable to this tjeclioe. At we read the le;ter U was simply an attack no the syitem nf Inferior Courts generally, and the cases cited, wtre cited, in nur opinion, for the purpose of showing tint hardship would necessa rily arise under its working. Heading the letter thus we did not (eel at liberlt not to publish it lor although we are personally favorable to tke Interior C,iu:ts, we are aare that a portion of our riMZ'iis are iichnfdtu think th. rn a mistake ur.d burdeLS unp, and this por '"' 'r -ns have a ri(jht to vl the 'jts'.iun I) v nr ::t'.iii!. U':ta , .,r v si the duties of j iu . ' iUn c -a ,,! p sh all letter sent tu Ms excpl such as contain personal at tacks upon gmlkuieu in ibeir private capacity. This we regard only as duty. And we bk.ill give place t' letters op. posing oun vi. ws eva more cheerfully than to those uti our owu tide nf the question. 'I he ttuth is that a newspaper is not, or should not be, a mere peis.mal organ h should be a medium lor iuier com. luunlcation of idujj oetwean the people This is what we trj 1 1 make the 1!ianHvK News and we shall i.oi ait4i this object by n lusii.g t i gi.e utjlt a lion lo ideas mil, nhx'h do not ngiee and to argumeuts in support l those ids'.is. U hile we, as we hive reviouy said favor the t,.,j or Courts It l very Cert.,in tliat unless they can stand lte test of Iree discussion they should te ab.-lish.-d. We belie. e the. can stand the test and we reiterate our !. vitationti all gentlemen, alio have opinions on the sul j -it, to g'se Mtirr aace to tke sme through mir coluams. Al Kfl I li;I K.NTS. ,Y ll K K U l, .M AN. A I. W AYS C A ll It I V. S .4 Vrnrl, INihej f iinranre A i i A V x (' A C C I I) K X T S V t A Shi fin: ii.NK IX THK MOtlll.K Mn; IKM itA VtK . r xiui.n. ai. . TWHXTV -FIVK ( KMS Will Iusorn Ytiu Aijsin.t A- el lnr for tine lav lo II. n mini of TIIKKE i s ii ) . . Alts In ih( ev.oo of li..,.t,, iir j , i.;n E?H IN ) KM VI l'V for Disabling Injuries. II A T K S Ona liiy . . 2o rents Two I'ava 5) Cent, Ktv. Ii.y, . . . Jljj I en 1) . vsi - s 2 50 Tlnrljr l)jy ti.Ut. 00 WILL IX3UIIK YOU AGAINST ACCIDENTS, Foil THK TFRM OP lYEARiSJW $1,000 It. K. Bl'Tt.KK, AE.nt, Weldon, N. C May 11 1 y. Dentist. Nsirgrun Will iKin resouia lila nraiHi : at Kn. fe'.t N .'. QK. E. I. H USIER, " ADYEI1 riSEMENTS. OLD, TRIED, AND TRUE. reopl nrt gvctlnir arqualnteM mul ttuuMi who iff tt'tt ought t Ik-- with th wonderful HK-rtt n( thai treat Arnvrlvan Iu-ihuIt, t!j MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, FOR MAJf AND BEAST. Thit ll'iinD-iit rfry ititurn . 'iri(iiit"1 In AithtI rn. wIhtc N.-iluri I' rot :i li r ! -ifttrr m fi mirf.rU.Ti- n.ithlotM f -r thf n..l. t! t her clul ilrcn. lE fa nn t. i h i-.i r vl.u j f r K)nii, until now It tiffn-li'M tic ha'.t i:A Rlnt.r. Tho lcx!rntl I is:nr.i I.ii.inirnt K n nmtrhli'4 rmiftly f-irnll r xtrrrml nllmrnf t T'i.-umuI Uv, To wtdck nwm-rjf ciiii fjtrmtTN !t 1ivnl ial-lP. A Injrk hnt'ln oftni fvf ft human llffinrrtv ilures i he liSffnliifM of an rxcrlltMit In;; i',, , vttw, it iirfi, It run s foot rot, hoof 4i(l, hollow horn, gruh, tcri'W worm, kh'iuMcr rot, inAnxr, the liitci t-iil Ktlnpi i'f J"Uoimm n jitlh oinl Inwts. niuli-rry ti-hdrawla('k toht'N-k lrlinif nnd Inihh life. It curr eriTy cxicrnat trouble i f horMw, nrh ah hmrnMi, UTatt hr. pwinuy, ijiralnt, fotiudi-r, wind pall, ring lo:i", rtc, etc. The SlfiU-rm Mustang Llnlim-itt i tin i'ilckc cur.- In th world for lu-cUlpnU occurring In ttu family, In the alnumo of a physician, mch a burns, ffraltli, fpralni, ruti, etc., nnd for rhnuuift tlRm, and tlffriciit cnptidtTed by rxpusur. I'm tlrularly valuabln to Mlnorn. It It thochcajicst remedy In the world, for H IM-ntrstt'f the iiiuuli' to tho lione, and a into j.llrntlon U prnrrally mfllcicnl to cure. Mexican SlmtanK 1-lnlnunt li put up In threa elioi of UittlcH, tl.o lurgtr onei Wing proportion ttly much tho ctu-ujieot. buld vtrynher. May 11 I y. gTATK Ol' NORTH CAROLINA, Hl.'PKP.IOil COl'Rr, COI NTY I'V NOKI'IIAMI'TON, JAM'AKY '1 Kit M 1S7. K. It. 1'i eijie as ailunoistrator ile bonis linn ol IS. A. Warn n, l'laiiitiir. vs. W. W. I'eehUs, rtefvmlant. It n,ioea inn ; itio 'oiiit In the ibova n lied Btlion, Ii alii lavit. .S, K.mly Huiawvn is a necHssary ptriv to tu de". lerinin.iiion of ihu action, and that taiil S. K. i.u.jwrn la a non lesnlent nf tins Slate, h m nrdn r,l Uiat piibliciition he ma, Id In Koanoke Nona, a paper polilishnd at Wehlon, N (',. '-,r ix succe -sivo weuks. enininandiut ami ri-qiiinriK the a.m! s, i.mily Itorivvn to appear ami he mail pariv ilofer .o orl.efoie the Jul day of tho n I ivo k, of I tin next IVr n of Superior 1'ouri, hi. h coi,vne on ll 14, li, Monilav aller tho 'Jnil, Moo ilav i i Feliruaiy 1S7S tl ei a',, I i lien to answe or 'Jeuiur lo Hie eouiplainl in the aetion. Tiia poipo'. e of the action is to recover thu val b of cerl.iin iropR iv of T, p. Uor Ifwvn. m. ,J !iv the ,-ielen,iaiil w .io clalmari l!:c S..HIO as Tniien, .vol upon iI.m jioi.nii I'hiioiifl's int' iW non, who lint intiiii r ; the enion. hull, as Sbi-riff Itvitd f " " ."" '''' in i.tvor il o.,o - - ,.u juoemooi ieri.vneii hv sai l Jacoln. against aid 1'. P. Huiyvvvp. HP'1 Hie Kaid S K iirKwn (V iii'.h N 1:. in om, Cirri; of said eourt at olliiv, JUrluon, thi tho nd dav ol April, lsTii. N. R. Ot)OM, V. S. C. Balyl Mullen Moore attorneys. Apr 8 8 w. Js OUT 11 CAROLINA, lliilifui t onnl.v. Nnprrlor t'oart. Ceo. B. Curtis, Adinr. of l.ewu lirjiioh, deeeiikttd. A calin-t Annie Hranch, Delia Tillery and Princes Tillorv. In .his eaae it appeira hy t lift Sher fTs return and liy afll lavit thai i he di lendania l).-lia Tillciy and Fiances Tillery are non residents ol this Ntalo; and cannot tifier doe Hillic'oine he. toooil, nnd it farthnr apiiearioij lhat the olj"ct o I hie iroi ediiiB is io olitiin an im'er of 1 1 Court, lo Bell fo. assets the I din wing; , of laud to wit : A iraet o l ini in the Coiiriy nf H.,"rx l.ouud.d hy Hie Ian 'a of W. F. 1'a.ker, aiir oileri. tVeirsj tl.e Iraet oi land on vihieli I,eis Hraoeli resided a I'm lime of Ins death) eoi.ti nii'ir one hundred aad eiirhtv-lhree ai-ies, nnd lhal Ihu defendant are proper ivuiies by ,ea- sil im mi- interest in Haul limi. II is ordered lhal publication be made f r an i!nccesRive n, ek in Hid It, AN' kk . k ii piper puiiisi,i ui Weld in, N. . . I'olllinioiiiog t ll H liefHinlanla llt Till-v and Krances I lei v lo appear at theifflce f the Clerk ol Ihn .Sjimi inr I'ourt for nan C u it before vthoin the itmmons beram ia r.Ooi oalil , an or before Him 117 day el May i.s, a ami answer r doinur to ;hi. pe. Ipion aiideoiiipl li t a e ipy of whiuli haa li. en tiled in said nfU -e, ami let them !,, notice il Kiev lail to do, Iho plaintiff win insa jiKiitniaol .-r the reliel de uinioled lo iho -oniilaiBt. Winter my hand and aeal this 18:h day of, nl 1878. ' JUI'N T. HKiiOl Y, Clink .Superior Court, H ilifax Coaniv. J. E. OMIara, Atty. Apr. 27 (!w. T O K T II I' A U L I J A , II ul I f si ('0111117, Kuprrior Court. A Itrane!), At;iust ll. Hi Tillery, l-'rauc-a Tillvry, and Geo. U. Cuius Adntr. cf I,w ia "itraach Ue-e.-a-ed. I.i ihia eauselt spnearimt hv theS'ierifPa lelnrn and bv aflldavil that the ilefuoi). nt Ha u'l'tllaiv aud Frmiees Tillery are non resilient nf this S ate, and cannot rr due d)l ence bn f iund, and it further appeuruiK thai the nb)rct nf this proceed ii, u is to oh'.; n dowi r nf tlm plaititur In the following lands, l wit : A tract of laud ill Ha'ifax Cnunty lion mind by the lands of V. K. PMkr, Joseph Cole am) otlierv, timing the tiact nf laud on wliii-b l.ewia Riacti resided a' the tune of bi death,; coiilaiuinii one tiundre I and vichtv-lbree aces, and Hint h Ha tendinis a-e prnpo pxrt'es by rest in f an Interest in sato land. It Ian dared tbat pn bi Ira I 'in lie made for ail uecsivn week in ,) Koannke New a paper nnbllrhd at A eldon. ', c. c mmandinn the nefendanti D dia Tillei v, ano rraucea I lilt y lo iippenr at tne urn nl the Clerk of toe Superb r C urtfiralti County before whuin ihe summons herein is returnable on or helore the 27lh day ol Miv 187H, aid a wer er demur to the petition aid susipla nt, a copy ot widest bis been Hied in aald ollioe, and let there take notice il they fdi so to do the plaintiff wni lane jungeniniit ler the relief d( ntaudeil inlbe emnpl tiat. Witness my Iund and aeal of eourt at om.'i in Llalifaz, Tbia IHth day of April joie. JOHN T. GREdORY. Clerk Wu e. lor Court, Hallux Cnuaty, J B C'dara, Alty. ApriTew. ADVEIi ! I-EMKN" T. c "1 HEAP K H T IX A N K V K H. lam ro.v reeeivinK Sririini Onnd al most daily anil it is real I v astonishing to f liuw elieap pooits are. Articles and prices ae loo rtoinerons to ineiitiou. iluweiur I will iiaiue a few. Hcht Print lioin 5 to tij. Ha-t I'.roHn I'oi.oos froin 6) to 1 host Iihu'K Cotioos oo.ll rij la I'.'j. Waniniilta lilcai'liinijs 1-1. Ii pm (JooiH Newr St. from 15 to 2.5. F'ique HMaiities fr on 10 to iieis. I'oais ami Clark' Spool t'ottou lljjis or ti.i per iIozmi , IIOKH, HATS, AXII n.OTHIXO VKI1Y LOW. '!(( KIHK TKltV I.OIV. Svrupst from 35 to f'O, Old Kasli'en New Or leans Molaa-e T". HkI Kio l olloes ironi Ifl to JO. Nice Whi.e .Sugars 111 Is. Mil Meat Tets. Nl'ouliler Mit w'Ih Ulverp ioI Salt Koiiii-y A It 4 I'.ushKis I tl'i. Ihivu thrown on .jiv fjunters atioui lnn 'I'll oiiK4tid yar.ts best prints, Uaik colors Aeta per j.irJ. R. V. HPIKItS, April 13 If. Wehlon, N. 0, TMPOHTAMT SAI.K OK KKAl, KS 1 TATK I V IIA1,IKX COI N I Y. Hv virion nfa I .! of li imt laled tlm 28. h dav ul March I'TI, ami (iulv r s; "tcied. aoH ti v direc; of tlm ritrtis llierein swiircil. I tlmll on We.lneKilav llm 17ili loxtiiot. H V l. in iuh n coiiios otlcr lot sale thai va.uali!n plain itioo in tlm county "I tiaiil'ix, N. C, now ueeiipiuil bv II. J. Pone K i. oaiil plantation eonniti nf three eonii'ii inn I rai'is l;own aa the Wvelnt, H"ll anil Mall trieN einlainliiii in Mean- 1 K'eifiiit), ill" acres morel or less. This val uabie properly with the liuililinss tlnsreon I ill he sold lor eh. Kor further io.orom inn annlv on the premises in H.J. Iop, K-q.,' r 'n T. K. itorlaiol, Altornev ai Law, Noifolk, Vs., "" 'o lbs unileri..M pi at Wilmington, 1 X. ('. A I, KX A N DKIl SPKUNf. A prfi t il a. Truiiiee. 1878. H P It I X U , 1878. I am now ono'i'ii? t'ailv. NKIV S P 11 I N G DRESS 0 U 0 1) S , IR T!1K I.Hlrxt (in J Mont loHir:ib!o My!e, Fok Tmi C'omino Skason. B KG A INS IN BLACK H I I. It ft. it i CASHMERES, DR ASCII AGENCY 1'OK K BUTT ERIC K A CO., l,KI.KnitATEr I'ATTKRN. Samples fif (iooiia and Cata'ogue of Patterna tout on applicatiun, Adli em, K HI. A MIRR. H6 Main .Street, Norloik, Va. March 23 llm. TO II I J K I. nil II 11 t, in , ,. ., I . . 1 1 v I T li K 1. 1 it i ' Ji i, . V i: . k CMHAflTIC K enn nvcuerrnrir 7. a OIL 'Ousnfss 8 ro mi uiwchoco ur m f vUVERSTOMACH V? l'?"?, a. A anainn tC C.tJFl'. tut I 4!,l,,s udlc, lii; J-asi i ki,. .New eik. opt. 15 1 y, FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. Fni file hv Dr. A. R. Z illicoffer k Bto. on. 17-l-r . THE PARKER GUN. J5END STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS s WEST MERIDEN.CT. , R K C K I V K I) ntrrnatlwnal Kihlbltluu Awards Iontlmv, 1851. t New York, 18)1. Paria, 1867. I'liiUdelpnia. lS7il, H KKKINtJ A CO, 2ol A 252 Bio .d wav, N ew Y0, k-. Jan 23 if. g ATE OK NOXTII CAROLINA. Snprrlor Court. Northampton fOtiuly James W. Orant m Auininistralor ol Bur- ton H, Jonea, Plaintiff Auainst Luey Jones, Dnlendant. The purpoae of th e action ia a sale for a ; ia of a tract nf land ait tf d in a id count.i, containing aixf-lwo (Gil acres mere or less, ol which t Intestate died afllzed and pohaean;. Tla re eudant l reiuired to appear at the olliee of tke Clerk of the Superior Court nl Norllintnp ton cnunty, at Jaeksnn, ou the L1HU nf, nun anawer or rje.mir i.. n,. cxmplaint now on file. witness nr. r. odom. rio.u r ... i CK"rl. l ,B io Jackaon, tbia April IBib N. R. ODOM. C.S.C. Nortliainpton county. . AprlOiw .JTJP" urs . -atT'JNIC C;,cv . na WU tmr or rTnt DiBavsi-e. t& CHAvPlCNlj JL-' f "VI tm v- j I ..J Xaa. lI fi Jti ' tiefrovwiJrubHirt ADVKKTISEMESTS. VkW wi m a w t STANDhRB COUNTER, PLATFORM VAGGN &.Tr..CK THE BESTAHE-: trTH E CHEAPEST MARVIN SAFE SCALECOj 265 F: ROADWAY N. Y. 72 h jn 721 CHCSTtlUT CT. PSA. f. SENECA ST. CLCE: C. J, 2 tl. IlleliPNt Award at the entcunliil Iriploina of Honor and Medal of Merit, for Gil AND, LTHIUIIT AMI) SQUARE P IANOS. 1 he principal points of superiorly in the ST I KM'' Pi.inn4 e.e Inilliart siivjinig qu.iMlv ol lone, wih sieii, fve. even-ne-s oflouch th, i ii o I,,, in iho eo.iie scale, lnltle- Heiion, unsuii:i sid (iur.ihiliiy, aud unexcelled woikiuamdpo. A lariP variety of Secnnd-N'id Pianra, of all omkors, cookIiiui ly In More, and ranging in prices liotw f75 to 300. We are also Sole Aio -ts for tho Southern Kluies of .ho MATCHLESS BUHDETT ORGANS, THE I1BST NOW M A P K A full supp'y of every Nlyle onutantly in H.ii. e ami . nlil on I ho most hbeial le, ins. For Te n's e.nd illustiated Catalogues of Pianos ami Oinita. adrtrca CHAM. M.STIKFF, No. 9 N. iviho'ty fc'tret, flAl.TIMllKK, Mn. Sept. 2, I-y. TJSK YOUNU'S P. 1'. sT'Kt'S, AND SAVE YOUB EYE groPT. fluid down, Jewelry low. lii.ld and Sll. ver Watcher, .its ol Jn.cliy, (ijiei.i and Vest Chains, I).. ml I'.taie'eis, s, il 1'ins, Full Tea So, is Waiters, I'ilcheis, Cops Spoons, Fo ks. itc, cheaper I ban ihes.i.,ie gooda can oo lon-:ht fr.r iu Neiv Yin k. We want currency 7or ,lee' and will olTor indui eineots io pinchanos. J. T. YOl'Nti r,RO., april S 1 H I'etersluir"., Va. jyj O It T H CAB O I, I N llalifuv. (oiiitty, Nnperioi Conrt. Dr. I. K. ilreen and Helen V. bis wile Hokl. K. Clsntwii and .Veiy T. bis wife ri. i.iiuiH A : ti , n;,t John C. Pilchfoid and l:Brrlet K. his wife liavi i II. Day, AnnmM. Dav, Henry I). I'nnl n and l.ucy It, his wi e and W V . Rriekell Irnsieeof id llnrv I), and L.'c.v It. Poiiion-h ...iicis v. Willian .'. id Alexander ti. lioic'l iradine under ' fli Hi of X't'illiania Klaek .t I'm., of the city o -.New , orl;. I J Carve Adniinis ira'orofW. D. Kan. eit, .1. !. llerrini; W. H.Day, Kobe.iJ. Day and N. M I.0113. Defendants. The abovo named John C. Piltchford a itl Hainet Kins u ili, huh Francis W .VilliHins and Alei..nder U. P.lack will take notice Unit Mm above until led action hia ooeu c immomled In the Superior tiiii'i". iiainaa cini y, ,-sia e 01 Worlil Carolina fi r the pin, eel having parti o'iii in oio, nniween inn ' mauls in c in nion of lie h ei ..1 luca of iaod owned li Hie lam Will,. 111 II. .,y, d.-cciiM-d, and r lai.-.n : In . lie : 'in nate about e'.'hteeii !; mil red a.-res, ami Win ifti.-y Jo not anawvr or ile 11 r "o the cioimiI .int of Ihe p'aintills . Inch has bre.i livd 1,1 the office olthelle'k id oe .Viipe. in Court of said H : llax coiiin y on or e tha Sib dm- nl June IS7S, Ihe PLdntiiri will apply tii Ihe coim t for the relief i.emanned.': Jmi.T. t;re;ory, Cimk of the Superior nl llaliiax ofllce in iiaiuax mis ihu u iv oi April I NTS. J' H N T. tiKKtiOliy, Clerk iipenor Cnint. A. Cnol. !'lffs a.ty. A tr Kit dw. Y" J-N A W 7 WKLIX3X, N. C. BAKKK A CDNFKl'TIONF.rt. nil Linda nf plain cm! fan ev endtes. Kei.(n al. avs ou nd the Iiine i allien o, l, r min ,hm. ,Ve. lo lie i.iiioii ! msiiiii No 1. 1 Cnulina, n i'i- u o foi ov w oo'e .in or leltl. Ordms lor wei diinj pa'.ies. hi tl Vails prepaml on short notic and at mo t rea son., u'e hi iee. Cot 20 if. 187S. S7S. CLOTHING! SPKIXO AND SUMMER STYLES Just Kkckivku At Noah Walker A- V o ' a No 141 sycamore Stree!. riXE DI'EVS SLITS, KIN'K ItlisINirss St'ITS HOYS' AND YOUTH'S CI.OTlilNU A full line of all urailes of Hedy.!a,je Clothinu ler Ho Youth's and Men from three yars old un at mir,,. i. tlie times. We keep all the latest atvlna nf r...i. KurniHhlnu Oomla on hand. Samples on hand. C mbimr ,.! ui.i... made to order at our Baliimorn b.o.v. abort notice, at llaltlmore prices. give us a call before buviiiK. n hi i NOAH WALKER A CO. IIS KYCAMOKK aiTllEUT, I'elembnrj;, m. ALEX. F. SHORT, j J.of.o. wiLKrxsoN, J Aoit,Ti- Oct YK ATKINS0N-s"lcI"n- ADVERTISEMENTS. J . T . GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE, K E E r S ON HAND GROCERIES, PROVISION'S, Which wiU be sold low for CASH. anr fin TELEPHONE. NORTH STAR, CENTENNIAL. PAPA",diii,Ar' 1 7 Are the best 5 cent Cigars. They ore Havana fillers. LA VALENTINE, EMANCIPATION, MARGARETTA, & GRAND DUCHESS Are clear Havanas. The.e Cigars are solrl by all first-clas dealers. Mh3 -3m ATTENTION, FARMERS! 17.50 .STTiSgsi ' '"r r u tos, cash with OK THE MATES PHOSPHATE K.e b and Eh.od, .no -only ,-equirea a trial KurtTu conruTuV'TwiK It for tue same pi iee as Mapes, iwiuasi, 1 am aellinir at the above named low priees ta ensure larire ..Ia. .nH u LiberalCash Advanceaoo roTTON.jPEAJ;UTS or ,.,. C0USTRy JNO. 0'C0xN0R JR. March 23 3in. T. N. Will 1'IC, A. L. S TAIN WfilTE, STAINBACK & G00CH. XV SUCCESSORS TO J. T. OOOCD. J. T. GOOCH'S OLD STAND. Fall Stock of Coeds, which they off.r to th. Ira L W b H T CASH I H I C E S. 1 he stock aorisprises a fall line of HEADY MADK CLOTUINO, DRY OOOUS, boots, CAPS, The largnat atoek of GROCER IKS, SUGARS, SALTS, SOAPS', AC' to h found In Kastern North Csrelina, tbeyeall attention to their atook of the MILES PHILADELPHIA. IUNO For Roll, LADll'S .,,d Oet 17 l y. -""" T. N. WHITE, WHITE & STAINBACK W E D0N I hay, ju.t re-urnid from tb. Mortb Tri,h.tl8 tt,-m BB . I'Kl GOODS, AKj) ikaut MAI) a. CLOTHIKO, SHOES, HATS, IUDLE, AND COLLARS. ver .flared In ILi. market, wbl.h they an MUbg LOW FOR We Inlond to pleuae. Call and ee ua. GOO.CH, -OP- COTTON, CORN, C. A FULL STOCK Or MOLASSES. NAILS, AC, J. T. C00CH, WELDOIT, If. c. war Manufactured by MANTOBE CO., Proprietors Charleston Branch nf the Havana Cigar Factory. PORTSMOUTH, Vt BACK, J H norx 00OPU, SIIOKi?, LADIES DRW oats, NOTIONS COFFEES, TEAS. fare or,, m n, . "uw,a flu A. L. STAIN BACK. N. HOTJOX.' A CAPS, SADDLES, BOOTS, GROCERIES. C A S If. I purcuaatd Boath of H.w Oet V-l y.

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