THE ROANOKE NEWS. 8ATURD.VT MAY 18 1878. Special Locals). Tn time of pea'O prepare for war. While all ii quiet don't forgst to insure your property will) H, F. Butler, Senerai Insurance Agent. If yea die noon will your family be pro Tided fort If not tie sure to iueure your life in tbe'.M kt Rornt, ita H . K. F. Botlkh, Agent. Tn T Ladccs --We hv just icceive. ft few peices of beaulllal dtesi goods call earl; tod get l lie Gist cli ice. Whitb & Stainuvch. Uittjm Store. Sew'jt Midlines, needles Aid alt t atne.i.s i'nr tile at While t Stain ku 'i Bei.eai S.ere. 109 )ck ef Liverpool aalt SSI Ilia., at $1.29. Alan SO barrels hrriimrs. VViNKiicuu & Euiir. t 1811 'Oil! 100 I I I. -One hundred lbs. ef Fmor jttib reieived and lor tale cheap fei' Rati). WnirB Staimback Jr. Ooocb. Calient ecanl'ie our lama an I new seloeiel stock ef Ccookery before purchas Warm. Stihivh, A Go ncrc. Wlnnall aed E nrv huve tn arrive 100 barrels of flr aad ',!,000 pniinds of bacon, which tber will eli at Btllim ire prices, without aar ouarge for freight. tf. Juit recsivel a lot of Miles Celobrated Walkenpaast and Buttoned Shies. Call ad aee them, rm guarantee satisfaction. WHIB STAI.NBACK AGlOCH. Two e!ennt business an I pleasure wag ons (orsiiHor two U-n.f lot sal cheap at the KailoLe works vVeldon. tf. Toil can Bt 1 Rsiled L'nvel Oil. Raw Oil. Alanine Od I'nr Gins, &. Cawing Midline Oil. Led 0 1, Tanners Oil, at l". A. Cisiks Store. t and after October lit all goods will baaold, strictly lor cadi. Kvery thing down at lowest price. Call and aee uh be fere purchasing else where. tf Wiukikld A Emiix Fl-iasr remember thst yon: little ac ceej iii iiiir Bnii we respectiully at a aetiletneut e,' the i"ne. Whit & Si'amback. Lloitnin Sure. Just to hand one ear load Liverpool fine alt, full weight, he lory tiilol 1.65 per auk. Also at Garysbtirg S tore same price. K r. Spikrs, U.)ttom Store. Tub Bk'T is thb Co bapest. Therefore yeu olinuld oil and 'lot the prices of For. ili-'.er fr which wo are agents betore buyifcg olowbere. White & Stains ten, B ittbin Store. I am now senium at reU'l, pretty coffee entars, at lOu.s. per p mud, aliontdnr msat J, aides 8cis , a No I article of coftje at liolt., medium quality at lOils. II. P. Spiers, Boltoin Store. Farmers aave in way by using tho Home Kki tills r, msdo at home by fie formula of H ykio, Cariner A Co., which has given such eneral satisfaction where tried. I'be ehetnieaU can bn htl pureof T. A. CUrk Weldm N. 0. Agaut for Boykln Caruier & Co. Pure lpple Cider Vineen caa he leund at Z dlicoflor'a D ni Store. Alsa a lull liae el ware, including Isinps, lamp litnres, At-n a nice a-snrtmunt nl Jewelry, all of which tbey nfft-r lo.v fur pricee. Latkst Nbw.h. 20 barrela -il B unjwick Family Flnijr just received at White & taiiibsck'i ' BottniB Store." We cannot reulare this with any as me. C.I I early ad b'ij buforii it is all nld. Wuitb & Sta:nbck, tf "BottoiB Store." JotT rece'iTe.l at ZtllicnfttT's Dru Stere freiih Irom the North, the It test assortment I Breach sad pHm candies, nuts, fruit. ti . etc., t l found in VVe'.ilon. l.sdies, gentlemen, anil the puWIie generally aie iif ited tecall and i x iruine tin ir slack be fore BJrch -siaj eluenhtrc. Now bks lust to baud and and for sale. Dinkens complete books 14 vlums illu tiaied. Price 14 dollars or 1 U5 aiiigle olume. Scotts oomnlete work. Waynrly Nereis 23 velumuH, illusliKled fl $2:i or l.I aiajle copy. AImo coinpiote line of eobool books. Mcliunlns, ttnniers anil National Headers. Gram mars, (ngra pbie. Arithmetics and all kind nT scbeol aatorial. llvmu books and blbloi a apeoiality. Cnmnlete line of Btalioi.ary, .. umber one ai Hole ef letter paper at l" eats per quire, less by the wiiolo- ale, K. 1'. Spiers ttotloai Store. "Uermin Kyrap.' Ko other medicine in the we. U' lias over xirea eiicn a lest of lis qualities as Hmhkk'i (!khmi rtiraiive Hykiip. in turee yewin wo uiiiiiu i'oiir liUOiliud lbttaand small bottles oi this medicine was ditribnleil free of nh.ii' io by Orun gists In tnis couniry io those afflicted with Conaomptionj t'inuii, severe Couths, Pneumonia aod other diseases of ibo throat and lilies, Kv:nK tbe American peole anduniable prnol thatGKRMAH Syrup wii cure ihmn The result has been that Drivjuists in every town and villa'.e iu tbe United Sutns are reooaiiwenciina it to their cnHlomera. Go to your DriiKgist, and ask what he knows about II. Sample Bottles 10 ceois. Khii lar site 7 cauls. Three tlo-es will relieve anv ease. I'V k Io h R. W. Crown. Weltlon, N. '.. C.owa & Cirawsv. Hsliir. N. C. aJ Pvtwuf ii Btll,Ei)fle:t. N. C. Eajoy I.iTe. What a baaiiUi'nl world we live In ! Na. turo gives ua grandeur of inoor.l na, glens and oceans, and thousands ot meana lor anlovinenl. We can dtsne no bailor whon in perlent health; but hew often do the snalorlly of people leei like givinu it up disheartened, discouraged and worried out with iHaeana. wben tliere la no oeciuion foe bin fenlinir. as every sulferor can east Iv obtain satisfactory proof that Green's Aa jusl Flower will tusks them as free from disease as when born. Dvspepsin and Liver Complaint ia the direct cuime rf ooventy-nva por cent orsucn maianies as Biliousness, Indigestion. Sink Headsche, Costiveness, Nervous Pronation, Dizzi ness of ths Head. Palpitation of ths He.i t and other distressing svmnioins. Three doses of A ir u -a Fl- wer will prove Its wonderful etleot. Hum pie bolt'es, 19 cents. Try It. For sale by R. W. Brown, Weldon, N. P.; Brown A Carraway, Halifax, N. C; . Pwway A Be!!, EeCeld. N. C. The KJltorof this import tn no wav rospnnsi Mi foMlm views or slatiMiirnta of (.'irnsHilnl enls. No romiDiiiileatliiiis of an anonymous ehartifti-r will In imi11ImIi, ; thi resl initio of tho wHIit must nreninpsliv nil I'muiiiiiiiii'ntinns. Anv one who may f..-' avirrieveil at aiatenn'iits mailt t.y rorrcsiompnts can obtain the name on api'lteatlon tn tin Kdlfor. rorrtsioiiiliiits will pii-aae write only en one S'lliMiftlm paper, am) to avolit hnvin tlielr eoinmiinleatlons thrown In the waste liaskel, win i urn lull (heir names not neeessarlly for piiMleatlon toil as a iriiaranry of (rood faith. A'ti will not notice anonymeus corn-simniieiiee. c o .V I Our AfJitNTj.-The following gentlemen will act as a;reiits for the Koanuke News: Captain A. Tt. Hill, Neck. K. 1). Dickens, Kaiicetts. Geo. T. Simmons, Halifax. Major N. H. Jenkins, Littleteu. J. C. Hill, Paluiyia. Dr. F. M. Garrett, King wood. Htv. C. M, Cink, Wsrrfatna. F. Eurene Foster, Nerl ban ptsa Co. J I). B ioae, Jacknn, X. C. K A. Ilsichelur, Knflild. N. 0. What bus boeome or the Woldon mln strels. Farmers weather. Hut biiao abated. are complaining of wet ball lever lias somewhat TiiB9tr.ts nl Knlia'd an traversed by telephone, slrincs. Therk was a i'iuht fre-t in tlm fee tion ThtirsOay mnrnintr. TnK New York Sun d'da es lor HutUr fr 'resident in 18S0 B. F. Rkt. Mr Phim U..8K will -reach io Wflden next Monday nijht. Oert farmer frimi.lH inlorui ui that (he rold snap won't hurt the crops nine1. Wk lonrn that there will be an excursion from tills place to tuleigh on the 25th. Thk i i i i' n i a n Hik Meiho.liat. Sunday School will take p'aee n the 3Sih imt. Aktkr a long aod psinlul illnoss Mrs. Ezikiel White nl (hit county died lust Tuesday of Cancer. Urv. A. U. Itavvn has been holding a very luemnlul reival at Eafltld lor a wek or twit pst. The Wold n String Hind did not cive Hlif4X the proposed serenade this week on account of bail we itlier. THtRTT-sr.vtcN ll.ltisx coun'y people went to Nerfa'k In ice K ll'ee. a five lit e psiajraph in the News did it. 0R townsman Mr. W. I. Winfield, Ins recently bad his dwelling nioolv painted, which adds much tn the appearance. Our trpros denire to return many thanks tn Mr. J. M. Bass, for a larne bueket full ef nice straw be-riis. Next. . - WmrH Is the boat way to raise strsw. berries T asks a correspondent. Well, we've alwavs found it best to raise thorn with a spoon, Tub Press Asciati of Nrth Caro lina will meet this year at the Spaiklie; Catawba 8)rins on the 3 J day f July. llrw. Plaiikdun N. Potter nl Ner Y"tk has 'ntroduce l a resolution to inves tigate the Florida and Lunsiani ehctien frauds. Su!AN TiRANCH. colored, snaeosed lo be aHnnt 115 Tears old died near Ivilield on the 0'h inst. Sne was prnbtblv the eldest perunn in the reuntv. A ynuno mother must have seme rest. But hnw is this to bs aecimplished, when the bsbv ii re'leg and cries constantly t Simely bv mini; Dr. Bull's Biby Syrup - . . - Wk had the pleasure of meeting in town on last Monday, our friend and former townsman, Mr. B. F. Manning cf Dan ville, Va. Glad to see you "Squire Frank." A cbsncsable complexion indicates the existence f wmms. A few doses nl Rliri. ner'a Isdian Vermilnee will destroy them and make your complexion bright and healthy. A socislut named Ho.Iel fired three pistol sluts at the Kmp'-rur William nl Germany on? dsy last week. H4cl was arps'ed and claimed that he wai Iryino te kill himsell. , Ry Mn Hkius of Jarksnn will fill the app.'intmen'i. nl Rev A- S Smith in Wel don next Friday niolit the 24'h and aexi Sunday the li b inst. Mr. Smith will preach at Orove church. Our It' tie friend Mr. II. 11. Pope, who has for the past kit months been living with Messrs Mnsi-rnvo it Firmer, hss fnns back to do business for his "old hogs" Mr. J. T. Ford, and will be pleased to see bis old customers. Wr ha I the p'sssure ol m-ttinn in eur lewn on yesterdav. Dr. W M. Wings'e Pres:deet i.f the Wake Forest ''ollege. He was on his return frem the Chowan lisp-ti-t Convention which has been in tension st Sliiloh in Camden county this week. Dr R. A. Patterson delegates Irmn Halilax State Convet.tion. Ilia printel witb.the list, but was srrnnonsly printed IS one county the th net In name was R. A. Pittoisn when it should hsve been R. A. Patterieo. Clt ar thought aad vigorous action depend npnn tbe perfect condition ol system resulting Irom pure blend. Whei symptoms arnvocslive of dullness sn I in activity present themselves, then use at ooce Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. Tna residence of a Mr. Hamilton resid' ini auar St. Tammany's Ferry, nn the Roannke River, was entirely destryed by fire one night last week, Mr Hanilion pasted We don last Monday es hit way la tdcatlsnd Neck, where be wi'l hereafter Kike bis texe. Wholesale Caii Pkioi.s at V. J. Naw's bAatHY amoCandt Maslfacto- KT. Suijar Cakes per barrel $5.W. Gincer Cakes per barrel $1 .50. Caady 13 ceuta in lots of 25 pounds aud upward. inav4tf. Excellent A ppointmknt. The Gon emor hai appointed C l. Wharton J Qieen a cnaimiB-nooer of the Lee Menus meets! Auociation, under an act ef the Virginia Assembly, ieuetinu the Govern ors ot the Southern Stites lo uuke audi appointments. Marhiiib At the rendi-rce of the bride's lather in CuaihetUnil county on April 17th 1878 Mini Fannis dp.httrel Col. T. W. Uevaae and Dr. A. P. Dickson ol Bladen Co. Note : The letter informing ua ef this m iriiaL'e was niisptnt and only rsacued ui Tue.-dsy. Wk regret very much la learn from s arlvatu le'ter. that Rev. C. K Tayler, 1'iofessnr ol Latin at Wake Fine t Csllege, has been Bull 'titig lor teveral days with an slmoit entire loss nl hin voice, so muck so th it he has been unable to atteml to his daises. We (ltd net lasrn the cause el this misfortune, but hose it may prnvs only a temporary atlsek. Wk csll atltation tn tlie aet vcrtiseasent ut the Western North Carolina Warm Springs. There springs are about to tl lect a wnnderlul curs o' a ce of rheums tisas and L'out, and art said to bo certain in 'heir eff cli. Thoie of our resden who contsmphte spendug a summer in the rrsuntsias w u I 1 d) well lo sn 1 to Dr lljwsrtoo for descriptive pamphlet. Till', tawn et Halilax is being blessed by bestilij vtsiens ol besstilul hellei (rem Lower Halifax anil Bertie, and the yisllnif lawyers jnintly and severally have prayed A oietieu mof of their cas- in the Saperier Court and put ia an appearance in caurts el another kind. Wc have enly seen our clitiTi once this we! and his cjmluct then gave us crave tears as to his asuity. Ol'R interest was in wwikei up in regard to Ills Wulden municipal election that we neglected to give ths other town e'ectiona in eur last imue. We hasten to net i ty the o t i-sien. In Eiirlclil J, J. U diertson was rt elecied Mnyr and the old bi.ard l Ci):missi.nerfl itas re-elecled, sll witlisnt nppniiiion. Ii ILili'nX a tu-inn tiik.'t was eleclud beatuii; the reeular demscratic ticket. . Thk Military Company. The Milits ry Comsany met accoiding tn adj-mrn-ment last M mdar night, but adjourned to give tht committees Inns to repsit. There was a lurtlier mealing last night but we gi to preis ten oan to give a full record nl the deliberations, S icli is lue unauioiity with which the yunni in c-u are joining that it is thsuglit that another company will soon have te be termed te accomm ni-its the y.iluntetrs. Tine Lkcturs Skasom Rev. 0 F. Flippo, now of SufToik W, but feisssrly f Bsliiinore M I and at preseut ths ed itor of the llspiis''.r pu'ilmlied in lialtimore will deliver his noted lecture on ' Ice in t lie Pulmt and who put it thsrs," at tho Literary Hill on Thursday niuht the 23nl inst. Mr. Flippo hai previomly tie livi red this lecture with great surcoii 'a most nl the Northe n cities anil has brsn especially cempltmenied in Richmond. In admission lee of twenty Ave cent! will be charged The lecture is lor the bone fit nl the lUntist clintch. Mn the Liltlaten peach grower, inlnrms tl - mat he will have rips pe.clleS this year from the 1st day of June until late in O 'slier. We alio learn from Mr. Belli sn I from other aourcca that, while the esch crops wan in asuie antt dsn. aoed by tile old, it wi I Kill be q iite lull and of remarkably fins quality. We have the'ssm" tidings from Cil, Thoa. Gjode Tuekei's orchards near Gsston and we are inclined tn believe thui this years crop will bring as much mens as did the crop of 1877. I.KiTRiia ri-mainmg in thi We'den, N. C, P.i't Olfioe lor tbe week ending May IStn 1878. Mrs. Mary Agnes, Junius IUrtan, L. Urnwn, Miss Ann U audi. R-bert J Conn. Mrs Annie E Gneii, Tin m .s Gregory, J. W. Hudson, Joseph Harris, Mrs. Ma'tha lLiinn, Logan ILcks, Benjtruio Hunter, Peter Jooei", Mrs. Matilda John son, Peter U. Janes. Nsd Msyho, Samuel Majhu, Willieni I'.wrll, Weldoa Robin son, Mrs. Francis Rmk, Frank Smith W. J H Smith, Isliain Tavlor. Naiinai) N. Williams. Persons railing Isr the a'aoya letters will please say advertised. A letter is alto held lr direction. Jm i. M Foot, P. M. Our Election. As was to have been cxpe. ted accounts el :he little iracas wmcn orcurrei he c en electtun dsy have betn io almxtt all the papers and up to date un two have been alike. We, however, deem it ntcesssry only to correct one nl the errota in regard to the slliir ol the many pub lish, d. The Raleicll News, stated that we lud lilcgraphrd to NorloU lor troops, aud ths Petersburg IudtX full iu the tame lidiculous cror, Tht truth of the matter ia that no treosi were ever iifedsd nor wut thoru ever a ehanci that troopa wkuIiI te oeeJui. While we hsve Do doubt that a formid.bls riat was io tended la be inaa.iratcd the firmness snd con I nest with which the rbite DmBocialt act. d prevented it tram ever becoaaiog anything terioua. Io this connection we woul i stats that we nave been inlemed tbst Grume Dan iel, Bill Robardt, Bug Parker, B'll Long an Ale.: Bolsu, nil coioren, aenavew very well during the aregrett ol the row uad gaii. h .t v-flnayce I" quieling lb dia tarbarjce. Halifax Slpb .ior Court. I'Ue tec ond werk ol tint tribuunl hss been ncci pled with the civil tide of the docket. Tl runnier case which wst to have been tried Wadnetdny wta continue I until the next term ef tile Court. The cite nl Dr. Jno A. Collins ai'siott the Farmville Banking aad Ioaurancs Company ws io procera of trial VTedntaday. Thia caae hat arented a great deal cl ub ic iD'crratt. Tbe verdict was in favor at Dr. Collin. In sddiiien to the homo members tl the bar e noticed in attendance Hor. Jo B Bachelor, Col. Wa ter Clark, aod Messrs. Henry A. Gilliam. Jno. Gatling, T. P. Deveteux, Fb II Bu.bee snd A VY. Haywood ol lUloitih. Col L C. Ed wsrds of Qrnvilla an1 Ii. il Uunu Erq el Reeky Mouot. The court hat bean presided over by Ju Igs Seymour. We hsye stopped com -plimentirg judges, but the old lawyers say that he it the best judge Ihey htv practiced before since the war. Northampton Cobnty Convention The dkiuociatic convention ol Northamp ton rnunty was liel I at Jickton cu Sttur day latt tbe 11 h intt. The in -el in wat called to order by Capl. R. B I'eeblrt. cliairmau nl ths demecratic sxeeutivn cjm mittec ol the county. Jeremiah Gay wat called to the ch ur and S. J. Calvert re quiated to act as Secretary. A cu mill Hive el one irom tush town ship wst appointed by the chairman, to elect clolegstet to the State Convention. I'hu IslliiWing delegates were elected ; Gastoo, J. W. Uraat, J. G. Lickhart and Joha Carstarphen ; Ojconeecheo, T. W. Misen, E J. Pesblei aod E L. Summer- sell ; J ickjun, W. C, Bawen, R. B. Peebles and J T. Peehlea ; Roanoke, Jas. 3 Grant, Wiu Skull and W. II Willi im; Rich Square, Oao, Bitliop, Dr. J. C. J .coat ami II. C. KlwarJsj Kirby. J A. Gariiaa, W. J. Ei wards snd Wai. B i.n : Wicjucinu. Dr. R. II Staocell, J. M R idgsrt and I. T. S.-ur.-; Seabuird. D. J. N. Run -ay, R. T. Strphcnaou au I S. M Livienct. J. S. Grant moved that the chairman, nctelary aud S. .1. Wright hi add d te the list of delegitei. The nio;in was carrie i. Cist. Peebles olfjred ihti fallowing retnliition which was adopted : K.-vilved. Tint we have witneaiel with aUt iu the ten lency of the Federal cemti to encroach upon lbs j iris fiction ol in state courts, so I tbe growing poer and constantly increasing ir.fl nnce for evil ef great mongrel corporations, both foreign an I dutnetlic, an I especially the uniuU and ufi.jusive diicriinin nieus by co amon satriers against local passengers and slit p- ptr ol l.ic il Ireig'it, Ami while we do not desire to form our S'tprdiiw Ciurt nl men who wo ild deci le imti on of law limn any m stivc other Hi in a dd-ire to in terprel tlie law correctly, yet we do tin cerely dotire an 1 hipa III. it mn will be placed nn our ticket whose sympathies on ihene importnnt questions are in accord with the isntiitieois and interests ef th people. It wai moved nn4 carried that the eld County Executive Cum intiee be retained It ia comi.oed tl tliu loilowin geutlemen : R. B. Peebles. Ch uruitn; S. .1. Wright, Sec retary : Dr. J C. Jacobs, F. N, Mason and V, C Biiwen. Jkhicuiah Gat, S. J. Palter r, Chirinao. Secretary. Ouu Coiiinu Fair. Wo cntinue our extrastt Item the Premiiiru liat lor th ntxl lair with the iitt of piemiuuia ofltred lor IIOU-K1I 'LI) ritOUUCTS, which it st lollows ; UIIEAI) &c. Best sped into Fli.ur Bread loaf $2.09 Best spetiiusu Fluur Bread rolls dozen $2.10. Vest specimen Porn Breed lost $1.00. Best specimen Sps.igu Pake SS 90. Brat ssacimen F.uit Cke $6 Ot Best specimen Pake $4 CO Beit speeiin n ol Honey strains I ga'loa $1 00. Ilit Jellies, Pretervss. Pi.klei, Jamsi Paisupt, Syrupa, Puriials ifeo., each kind $2 00. Beat and greatstt Variety ol above mide and ix'iibited by the aunt tudiv ideal $5 00. Bett specimen of the following dritd fUti ; Peaches Pimm, Figt and Apolts, buahsl eeli $2 03. Best specimen of Grapes, Pluns and Phernes of aet leit linn 10 poundi each $2 00. Best siecimen snd grettett variety el the above diisd Iruits mule so I exhibited by ths tame isdividiual $3 00 Bttl b ix hard tosp 10 pnua Is $2 0). Rett box soap, hoint made $2.00. Beat lot toilet tosp S poir.ids $2 00, HorHKHOI.f) FABRICS. Best Ponnterpane 8 00 gecon-l Beit Pouolerpsae 2 00 Best Q lilt Cation 2.00 Btst (Jiilt tfilk 2 00 Beit (J nit Wonted 2 00 Beat Hearth Rug 2.00 Second Beat Hearth III 2 00 Beit pair Pottoa lime 1 00 Best loot mat 1 00 Beat piece (10 yds) woollen cloth 2.00 Beat Gsotluman't Shirt 2 09 B at D.imestic Curceting (10 yard ) 5 00 Bust D.i.acstic flt'iael plain or twilled (10 yds) 3.00 Beat Demesne Blankets 3 00 Largest and moat uieritoriuua ix- hibil in thitcUss S 00 CROTCHET WORK. Bast Tidy 2 00 Beit Sit Table Mats 4 00 Beat Shawl 4 00 Best Toilet Mat 2 00 Beit Collar 2 00 Bett Embroidered Teke 9 00 Bvat Haadkerclusfs 2 00 Best Collar " 3 0 Rest Sacqnes 2 00 1 bell Crotch tt Sauries t 00 Beit Emhronterid Chcmiie 2 00 Best Iolsrt's PU.k 3 00 Best Kmhioidere l suit lor child 2 00 BeltCiatchet Flewers S 00 MII.I.INEHT. Bett and handsiiuiei Velvet Ronnt 2 00 Best and tisnt1tomt Straw list 2 00 Best and handsomest Childs list 2 lit Bct ssd hsndsi.mcsi Lsdit't Csp 2(0 Best and handsomest Head I) rest 2.(0 Best sod handsomest Riding Hat 2 00 Best and largest dtttlsy 6 CO AT a maeting ot the Justirts ol tie Pices of Il.lifux County held in the town of Halifax an MmUy ths 13 h day ' M.y, 1874, a raijinty ol Hie Justice bring preterit ; tlie lollowing pioceedins were bail, to wit : On mollon R. E Moie!y. E q , st called to the chair, and Aurun Pietcott. E q appointed tecreiary. Do motion a coiuiniites el one was appointed from each low tkip to snugest names ol rvgiitrars and Ju li!e of eteciixn tor th election to be h. Id an the first Thuriday in Aul'Us) sex'. The ermmilti met and rep.irtnd the lollowing persons, who, upon motion, win spionuel lor tbeil respective loan ships, viz : KlIR nRlNKI.KTTII.LK TOWNSHIP J. P. Lisc.h. Rintr.r; II J. llewlio, John Haivtlle. John P. Tyree an I S. S. Norman, .Indue. FOR UUI'TERWOUD TOWNSHIP. E A. Thoroi!, Registrar; K Ii Rhue Lewis Shcarrin, Win. E. Spruill and David C!ark, Ju igea. FIR CALEDONIA ToWN-UIP. R. II. Smith, Jr.. Registrar; W. II Shielda. J. B. Neal, Jshn A. Collins aud Albert Hill. Judges. FOR CONOCONAHIE TiWNSIIIP. Win, E. Aar ni. Regittrar ; John A. No'lliet. L. B. Manning, Miils Riud and Elijah Tillcry, Judaea. FOR RNF1KLD TOWNSIIIP. D. C. Clark. H-gistrar ; J. J Robert anti, Jonat Colien, John T. Reynalds, and Warren II irtnsn. J idges FOR UAL1FAX TOWN HIP. n J. Carraway, Re'istrnr ; M. II. Clark N. B, Dickens. Andrew Jackson and Alex. Robertaen, Judges. FOR l,ITTI.KTN TOWNSHIP. Wm. A. Johnston, Registrar; Sterling Johnston, J. V. Newsom, W. F. Young snd John Eitnn, Ju fgct. FOR FAUCKTTS ToW.S HIPS. G. V. Hardee Ugistrsr;W. I. Daniel. Ricliar.l B inkley. W. T. McMarks mid Dauiel C .leinna. Judges. FOR ROsKN EATU TOiVNSHIl. W. T. Whitehead. Ueifttlrar; J. W. Liggett, R II PnrnglO'i, John Siuallwond and Mnj r Br intlev, Jildjei. FOR I'ALMYUA TOWNSHIP. El P Hymiin. Regist'si; II I Alsbrnok, W K White, William ,1 nines and Jordan Savage, Judges. FOR WELDON TiWNSIIIP R W Dniiel, Raislrsr ; J. T. Gooeh, Win L. Lmg, R 'V. Wm. Davis an I Rev R iwser Mas m, Jude-. O i moiion a committee ol three was appointed to Highest names nl a perms. nent chairman and 'ecicwry Isr the bnatd ol Justices el the Peace The committee nici and reported the name id I). C. Clark us paruiinrnt chairman and )i. John O'Biien a tecre ary, and 03 mutmn, their tepurt w is a lopied. It wat erdeie I that a new rrg st'atiou of voters be heM thinughout the county. Onlertd l list iqi secretary give nonce forthwith to Ih registrars that tin; uotifty thelccto t nl their respective town ships at thiee or more public p luces thirty day that Ih registration bosk.4 will be O'-entil tliirtv days piisr tn the day ul election, cotiimracing oi Saturday the first day nl July, O.i motion the voting precinct "I Pal myra towmlni) it changed Irom Palmyra liraswell X Roads. On msiion the voting precinct of Little Ion township is changed tram Sterling Johnstuu't Store te the tonil ul Lmle- n. On metioa the ncrela-y waa directed to (urii'sli th R mnoke Newt with a copy ul the- proceedings lor puelica'l.ia. On motiou tins lueetinti a ' iurne.1. Aahon Prescott. Secretary. - . Till. OXFF.DF.HATi: MTK. The following lines wero written upon the back of a Five Hundred Dollar Con federate Note by M jor !. A. Jonns : Representing nothing on Gcd's earth mn, And naught in thfl water below il : And a pledge of a nation that's diad and gone Keep it, dear Captain, and show it. Show it to tliooo thai will lund an ear To the tale that this paper can tell Of Liberty born, of tho pa riots dream, Of a storm cradled nation that foil. Ton poor to possess the precious ore, And too mucli a stranire.- lo ti rrow, We issue to day our "promise to pay," And hope to redeem on the mnrrow. Days rutleiC bv.and weeks boesnie yoara, Hut our enftars wero empty still, Coin was an rare that the treasurer quaked If a dollar ahould drop in tlie till. But the faith that was in us was strong indeed. And our poverty well we discerned. And these little checks represented the psy 't hat our nattering veterans earned. We knew il bad hardly a value in gold, But as if old the soldier received II, It gszod In our eves with a promise to pay And each patriot soldier beleived it. But our boys thought Hi lies of pr'p e or psy Or of bills that were over due, Wi knew II it bought our broad today, Twea the moat that our country eoulddn. Keep it ! il lolls all our hi-tory o'er, From the birth of the dream to the las', Modest and born ol t .e Angel Hope, Like our hope of success it passed. ----- " - - luic cold rpui,L -f rout, lcit and Sno in tub Nortr Tub Fruits and Vkoktaolkb Uuiit. Port Jsrvis, N. Y May 13 There was a heavy trait in this section last night whieb dtstrnyed ten lideiahle young vegetation. Ic wat trained in some placet. Msueh Chunk, Pa, May 13 -The water has been extremely cold lor the past few days with slitiht anew. There ass a heavy frest this morning which did acme daatags la tbe croi a. A snow floral prevailed on Saturday alontr the Oakalaos i branch ot I lit Chic ago, Rock liland snd Pacific. Retires!, in loss, covering the ground in annie alaevi, and terminating in hail and rain. Th storm also p availed in various Src tieaa rd the N inhere Slates snd Canada. No damage to frnit nr crops in repsrttd. There was a slight frost in th interior of Nils York Stale na Friday sight. No dsmsgs wss dou to the liuil trcei ei r.ropa. Des Moines, M y 14 - It ia snowing a id I fSZ ng. The told ! aa u jiped tbe giaae trope acd all ;uoe' vegetaolrs la .thii re- gion. It la t Ii e. ti Ii t the crapes are nearly all ki'.U.I. Ti e cheiry cmp is much iu- jore I. l hap'esa'e btyond icjury. PitrtJcrvis, N. Y., May 11. -For Ike psst Ivur nightt there hut bien very hesvt fmt in this sect inn. and repnr's Irom the suna 'nding routitt y state that Us tftact upon the gro ing cmpa have leen very ditastioia. Peaches, peart and timers. it is leaied, ars nlomsl entirely nnirtys.l The L'sr.icr.s w ill have tn be iep':intd Ice lonneil ls( nilit in many locsliliei Oar Kingwootl I. filer. Rinqwoou, N. C, May 14th. 1878 The weather ia cooler than known to the oldest iiihsbit-nt, ai a me time of year. and cotten and corn ate dymsz wsrse than ever known Ovuicoats SLd fi aa ur 111 d'lneneiule te com'olt. Dittri -A (nlrer.ce el the M P Church was held at Bet bed a last week. Several l resellers Irom many parts ot Hi Stat wer pit sunt, anil murli tniir ei traniace I 1 ai'eoi e I on Sundsy and hear! a niosi excellent seimon presrhed by Kev M O'hurn, Irom I s i a h v chspi 4 vetse : "Whit ra re could I have done in my vineyard tint I luv not iIbho it,'' Vmy fee'tnuly ami iinptvsaively lie tliowed what the Saviour had done I' r lallen man- made it easy er hia to rise I r in his ru'nt stale to a iiigher III iu the G eat llrjond. I h'.pe the di-cnssions on th merits S' 1 leun rits of the Iulerior Coiirii, will bring out all points conmc'eil with it to the aiitlsrl'in ot those who enmp'sin to l.eav. ilf ajaint It. That then, is com pl .int in many, i not in sll aictisna id tl e county, any una can ascertain by taking limns to inquire. I Imeu the disctlatisiis on the subject will couched in reiiiectlul and dignified rempii.-ition, and crimination and recrimination not he indulged in bt members nl the same pirty. All are to doubt e'riv ng at the same thing tn t tit in ly the penplu in one of two wiyt. Reduce .r abolish the conns, or prove that Ihey are henrll ial. This being done all thing will work on sme mIi! v. G. E. M. Great Decline in Nugur C'offVe nml 'leu . L. A. Va ri n molt s IIktaii, Pbiok Cl'KRKNT. Bulk slioiildf is, (ii jicr 100 lbs. Kill k V. H. Sidos, per 100 lb., 7 o l or lb. Bacon, 7 n per 100 Ibn. It icon C. pi. SiileH, Collno, pond Kio, Cofl.-o, prime Uio, I'ofl'ou, Iil 1 ua, Sng-rllright Crown, Kxtrit C. Colli e Sugar, Si un il mil " A." Sugar, M'.lassns (rfooi!), lirigbt Nyl IIP, Tit. Kniiiily Floor, Va. Kxira Flour, Va. .Super Flour, 8u per let) Hi. Mja per lb. 20 c per ll. HI e per lb. M o per lb. 10 ii per lb. 1-) 0 per lo. 3o n per 7."o per ' t olliij'.l per Wb1 t7 allot per bnl. fil (Herd "iO pur b1 . Nails, (Old Dominion) j o per lb., oi j;l per keg. Cotton Warp. 1.0.) oer Block Whole Stock ltr!sna, I 110 per pair. A lull lolol Ft' KM I vrK always no hand. The prices niimi d will hesiinckly s'liTed In so long as limy nopear i.i i ho advui tiso mnl. All I'm I and srlritnr iroods nt and below cost, "Make hay while Ibo on n shines.'1 An His'I'.iriom, Fact. F.verv acenl who has been sieadilv m 1 1 i i n Ihn Im proved f'0 llotnestend Sewing Mao'mio for three vears, owns his dwi llmg h.uiso has a giMid account in bank, is clear debt, and lias motii'V at Interest '.he natural coiiHiniiiniion of Hecurioit a goo. I agi n iy lor auporior guilds at tlie lowest priciw. A good lirst-class Sewing Ma- chum, most useful reliable et all times, east' to iiiidorstniid mid control, Ihn same sizo u iil does t tin Hiiino work as any inn cbini's that sell nt Fotnt Timih the price, Thnro is ;o in ichine al any price better, or that will do liner or iiwifl vork, and certainly norm so !nw iu price by many dollars. I hn IIomkvik tn is widely known and used in thousand of families in the Kaslern and Middle Mates, nnd dally he -coming popular in Ihn Wet. It will save its cost several Ilmus nvel ill ono senwiu, doing the work of the family, "r will earn four or live dollars a day for any man or woman who sews for a living. It is llio r.lroiignst machine niit'le, is ready nt all times to do its work, m ikes tho strongest and lines! slitcli yet invented, anil Is liilly acknowledged as Ihn taiidard Family Sowing Machine. Price, complete for do isiefttie use, $JI). ilnlivu.-e.l at y.uir, no matter bow remote veil mnv reside, I'.usi iiess perm ii, enl nml hoiiornlile, w tilt uinre certain and rapid siles,-nin larger profits than any other. Fxtra .rdiiiarv liberal oilers in ado to local or traveling agents wlioro we have nonii established j m if there is no Bient niur you. send vour order direct to the laclorv. Address John II. Ke.idall it C(., I21 Broulwjv, New York. Weldoa Msirkala. KKPOHTKI) BT It. P. STUBS. Wki.oon. May IS, 1178. Cotton Lower, Middlieg Fair, lOu, Middling Die; !.w Middling V'; Good Ordinary M: SI allied 8. Itaco Smoke 1 aides He; smoked shouldiMH Cc; bulk sides 7(a 8- ; bulk shoulders 5)r0,c Canvassed imuis I J'.o. Corn 7a por bushel. Lard I'Jji. Flour- Famil? In barrels 8aS.'0; ICxtra 7.00a7.7a; Super fl.0(ii0l). Sngar-'A' l'ije: 'K' I2; Estra 'C 10a t" Yellow Uo; Hrowu sugar So Coffee Kin lilja'Oc; J.nguavra 2'Ju'5c. Nvruns Coiiirnon 35a40o; bouse 50a7.'n per gal Ion. Nnils 3.'i"a:t."iO per l.e. Liverpool salt I 5 al7." por s ick. Northeru Apples- reeii, per barrel, S.,F0iiil.H). Soctliprn Apples S .ri04.00. Beeswax clear, 2. ennis; oominoa, 19 cents. Meal -ill ee.ts por b ishel. Ilav--halcil, fl iO ns henlie,'. Fcl.!"r--i j '.sail 2"i ancurding to qnab j Candle '-Ar'am. in1 ioe, I.VtlScts per Ir. Cheese No. l-'!0 cents pr pound J cu 1) men Null. IVill cents. IliJoa t'llui, ,0.11 cts. ; sallod dry, 8a!0 CIH. : geeep, ,la-l ceol Sole l.oitlioi No 1. S."n 10 ceets , jood damaged No 2. ..ii" ; cesls pei poniui. Kussets io iei'--,"iO cents ier pound. Herring- t 'l)iS 00 pec barrel. Calicoes, ' el I) -fN from 6 to I cfa. ss.'hio c' lie quaiers heavy I c(s. Medium J vv ide i. WhitL Iiuhi ;a .i NEW ADVKIUTSKMEN I S. A K M H P I N G S , Wralorn Notlh CnroiinH. Is now npnn fr the icception ol pUis seekers and invalids This loveiy place Is situatpd in tbe beau tiful valley of the French Broad within au-lit miles of railioad. We have a fine bind nf music, attentive servants, and nil other accommodations to bn found at a first chits watering plane. For particnlara apply for descriptive pamphlet. 1 W. H. HOWRRTON. May IStl. Propriator, O T I O K NOTICE. Notice ia herebT given lhat, frim and a'ter thirty days from the date or (his no tice the voting precinct iu Littleton Town shin, shall be at the town ot Littleton. In said township, nnd tho voting prerinet in Palmyra township shall be at JtrasweH's Croaa Koarj tn anri tnwnnnip, Bv order of tbe board of Justices of the Peace ofllaMfax county. May 13th 1S78. D, C, CLARK, Chairman. May 18 tf. NTi:V ADVERTISEMENTS. O I S i K A T I ON NOTHl Aa Chairman ef the board of the Jus tices of the I'eaee of Hslilax a nnty, I doeea it iipci ssary to call the attentioa of the people, a:id the Hegiatrars to Ihfir diilios prescribed under an act of the Lewislut jro, entitled an act lo regulate election.. Sec. S of anid act rtquiree a re visum o' tlio existing legistraiion books, r iositjil of hi ch reviaioc, the beard o: Ju. tiees may ordnr ntt entire new rcglstrn tinn of voters. Tho II'. aril of Justices ut brir meclinit held on the loth day of May H78 at the Court homo, d d order an entire new registia iou in eaeb luwnkhlp in ibie county. I IherelorB iiotifv each registrar 'o iuino'dlHiely post ni.ti. es in their n -pective town-hips, lo tlie utlKt that there will bu an ei tirely new registration, aud fiat the registration tcoks will l e kept open every day (Hundays excepted) be tween tbe bjors of sunrise and sunset, for thirty daya pieci ding the elsciion, for the registration of all qualified electors, en titled to be registortd Iu each townablp or ptecinct As the registrars ssrpointed, are all mac istiutca I take it f ir granted that they are in pos-essioii uf a copy of the lawn of 1870 and '77, nnd I will call their special atten tion to Seel inns II, 7, 10, 1 1, 12. 13 S7. and 38 ol Ibe act entitled an act to regulate elec tions: in which Ibeir duties aro plainly laid down. D. C. CLARK, Chairman, Board sf Joalioca nf tho Peace. Halifax Cotu.ty. May 18 tf. s,0SS'PATEOTSrZf, WATCH CASES An- tnit'lr nf two i-latoK of Soli. I OoLl ovcrlnylni? ii ('litlf of fnintiiii"t. tni'tiil In -n-'h a niHunrr m to i-rcsiciit only 11 ulil r-urrucc. hilt oosting but. Iiitif tin mt'tn'V, tln-v urn nt eliowv nn clcirant iM 11m- oh.l u-.M. iiii.l ii v V It It A NTV'.n MY Sl'Ki'l XT- I'liliTlFH-WTE TO YEAU I'WtN- vv v i: ks. II " jim hn not Fwn thcue wati-bcn, ask your leuru-r Pt tlnm. I i' l.o ilnri not ki'ft thim, tell li 4 nt lie l" licliui l the ac, uiul to ricutl tor nu illu& tratotl t'utHlt'KUf. HAGST0Z & THORPE, Sixlli unit rliestnut Sis., rilll.Al'Kl.l'lllA, Ta. -S.ilil only tliruii-th Uegular Dealers MaylStf. JTEW 3 i' H 1 N 3 GOODS AT L. A. FAUINIIOLT'S. JCST ARRIVK1) AND f OR SALE AT KXI'ltKvir.I.Y I.O.f l'KICES. Ilunulil'iil Styles of Spring Dross Gicds Irom lUe to iOc per Ml. Ilii.wn Lineu Suitings 4 4 w ide, Piques from 11 to -e per yd. Ilishop l.awns, Fiurod Lawns, Swiss M iisiins. Rlack Alpacas ap'cmlid quality and very cho-tp. SO e ces Spring Calicos fl ; per yd. 4 4 lllnacliing at No. KOTIOW. Ladies Col'iars and Cuffs, silk Handker chiefs. Ladies Silk and I.a.o Scar Is. Tuck Combs. L idies and Gents Lisle threa t Gloves. Seamless Hose and Hill' Hoso white and si I'iped. 2 Mutton Kid Gloves 7.ric pr. Ilimtiurg I'!, tilings mid Instilling!, While Gloves, White Tins. Silk and Leather Hells. I.i., un llooui Shirts, 1'eicalo .Shirts, sic. siior.M. I adies forge Gaiters and Slippeia. G mis Fnglish Ties and Gaiters. Lidips Patent Loalber and Morooeo Sirl- pers. Misses an ! rbildreti Shops. Fine Call' k H Knots. (Mtriiisu. Just to hand a nice n-sortmoit of tUa neatest styles s-r.iig pants. H ue Flannel Suits, Linen Suiti, White Vests. Ituick Alpaca ('oats. Light Cassiiuero Spi lug foils. HATS. Straw Hats nil sixos and prices, wide brim wool and felt Hals. ;ito t un.. This department is kpt up to its usual standard. Sugir, Code i, Macon, Lard, Flour, Ac , as low as limy can bo bought south of Ua I li nn. re. I keep on hind all kinds uf Furniture. Pi leea are reduced to conform to tho s iciicity of money and the hard times. Call before purchasing eliowhere mid say money. ert7-l. N OTICK OF SALK OF LAND. Under and by virtue of a deed made In me on the 8th dav of December 18 7, by H, It. liritt. C. A". Britt, nnd D. D. Brvan, I will sell at the front door of the KnfielJ house, In the lowu nf Enlleld on Saturday Ihn loth day June 1878, at S o'clock p. m , to tbe highest bidder for cash, a certain tract nf land situat d in the county of Halifax, and Suite nf North Carolina, known as tho Valentine Ha' ley tract, and bounded aa lollows : On tbe Souih-aaat bv the Culpepper road, on the Seuth-west I. y Jaket Swamp, on the North-west by the Hill's bridge road, containing four hundred aud seventy-sis acres, more or l-sa ai d arlj liHin the lands of Judith I nmcl's heirs, iitholdred Thrower and others, and which is the tract of land con vene I n the said R. B. Briit by Thomas G. Cnbertson, and his wife Luvenla G, Robertson, by da d of 121b day January 1874. May 3rd, 1873. SPIKR WUITAKER, May 11 Ida. 0 I G A RSI! C I G A R Sll Whlllocka Key West 8 Conta "Pi e. Tbe Modol Cigar 10 o s., a piece or 3 lor 25 cents. 4t The best Cigars ever offered to th' don public. For Sale by gt MUSOROVK F square. W". Jan 12 Sin. a -. -v -COLDs- !-s

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