gpL.iL. . 111 -jjii'"jgajw THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. THE ROANOKE MEWS. A DEMOCRATIC : . fr',i WEEKLY .NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY ' " W. P. BATCHELOR. SPACE s o Xi n O 0n Tr; iT advnnee, Blx Months, " rhree Months, " 1 00 I 00 75 ets. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B. BATCHELOR. ATTORNEY AT LW, RALEIGH, N. C. JOS, Practices in the courts of th 6th Jiicli. elal District and In tbe Federal and Su preme Court. May 11 tt'. , Wil.TSB CURS, Rslelgh, N. 0. QLARK A K. T. CI.AKIC, Halifax, N. C. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LW, HALIFAX, N.C. Will prHntloa In the Courts of Halifax March 1(1 tf. and ailjolnlug counties. W. I. (1TCHEK. K ITOHBN & DUNN ATTHIWBYS COUNSBLkORt AT LAW, Scotland Neck, Hnlitax Co., N. C. Praotlc In the Courts f Halifax and adinlng nnnntiea, and in the .Supreme and Federal Courts. jaul8tf rfaHOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at law, HALIFAX, N. C. radioes in Halifax and adjoining Counties and Federal and Supreme ConrtH. Will be at Sojtland Neok, once every fortnight. Aug. 28-a V. H. DAT, w7w. Ham.. AT, A HALL. D ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDOtf, Jf. C. Praetioe In the courts of Kalifax and adjoining counties, and in the Supremo and Federal courti. Claims oolleoted tu any part of North arolloa. jun 20 1 (-1 s AUUEL J. WRIQHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. jacksox, c. Northampton nep IS 1 Y practices in the Court of aid adjoining counties. Q A V I N L. H Y M A N , ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. ' Frantic in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme ad Federal Cn'irts. Claim cqlleotei, in all parts of North Carolina. Offlo in the Court House. july 4-1 Q- R i , BURTON, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' j Halifax,' n . c. 5 Pra.tinea In the Courts of Halifax feanty. and Counties adjoining. In the tairame Court of the State, aud in the WmArm Courts. Till giveapoil attention to the colleo aiea f elaims,and to adjusting tke aooounts f Bxeoutors, Admunsrators ami uuar- rieo-15-tf J. M. , R I Z Z A R D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. , OHea in the Court Hons". Rtrlot atten- tie gt"Q to all braucuos of the proles, lea. Jn l-'l 0 E. T. BRANCH, VOL. TIT. WELD ON, K O, SATURDAY, , MAY 25, 1378. . NO. 15. One Square, Two Squares, Three Square, Four Square, Fourth Col'n, Half Column, 20 00 180 00 whole Column, S 00 ft i0 8 00 in on 18 00 8 00 10 00 IS 00 18 00 20 00 One Year, I s won 2V oo so to S6 00 40 00 60 00 IK 0 .0 u 0 40 t 60 60 loeo TRUE FRIENDSHIP. B T D A T I D 11 H 1 T C A L P. . I nu'er will forsnko thee, Though darkness ' i woe 6hroul with gloom tliv pathway In lile's Journey below Tixui.b friends may prove IiiIbo When fortune doili frown, One heart shall prnye true To the Hotil that'll oust down, How sweet lor true friends In communion to meet, Where, heart Ix aia lo heat I, And tiaiiniit i dwelt ; In weal or in woe Mover 'Minder Dm tin Thin liinila heart together, 'i lionsl. storin.i'loinN Kwrfp by. Though udver-otv he thine, True liearu will riinaih Free from the tool touch ' til I'ulMtv's slain i In Joy or in aorrow, Fatso hearts, let tliem llee ! But nohle smils will h ever True to lionven and thon. MR. AND MRS. PAOLO. 1!V MAItY KYLK DALLAS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HtniLD,' HALfFAt COOKTT, N. C. Frtl In th Counties of Halifax In. Itrlceeembii and Wilson. (.UastioB made la all parts of the Statt. Jn 16 1 E. T A U X ATTORNEY AT U A U A, LAW, RMFIELD, N. C. Fraetless In the Counties of Halifax BdKeaoiabe and Nash, lu the Supreme Our. mi tka Hum and in the Federal Cell,-tloai made in any part of the Itala. Will attend at th Court House in Halifax ea Mouday and Friday of each WHk, jail 12-1 c jJfDRKTr J.; BURTON, TT9RXEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Praallo la th Courts of Halilax, War ra ad Northamptan counties and in the firaa and Federal Courts. . 1 Olalai aallaotad in any cart of North Jrlla. Jun 17-a. FAia-s a. lls. Joun i. m ULLKN MOORE ATTORNEYS AT LAW. II all flax, IT. C. Praetioe In the Counties of Halifax, NortharaptfB,, Dtt aud Mar tla la th Supreiue Court of th Stat sad la the Ftiioral Court of the Eastern Platriot. Collaotinns made In any part of North Oarelloa. Jan 1-1 c I.ycry since Mr. mid Mrs. Paolo had been married they bad teen in the habit of taking a Sunday afternoon walk to gether. They nere not fashionable people, for they only kept a little shop for the sale of coulcctionery aid small re-works. Patks of crackers lay stile by side; long rocket sticks, red, white, and blue, were dis,lned to the best ad vantage; and j;rs of Fietich mixed and peppermint-drops faced other jars of moti-drops and licoitcp; while under the counter, stored s:ifely away, was one little keg of gun-ponder. It was a but day altcrnoon, mid of course the shop as closed but to day Mr. and Mrs l'uolo ntrc not going out to walk. They had quaireiled over their noontide dinner, and Mrs. Paolo had old Mr. Paolo that she wisl ed she bad not muirii d him and he bud ui snered that he wished she had not. Now they were sitting apart sulking he in the back parlor, she in her upstairs bed room. -Slie bad been crying, and be bad been furiously angry, and both had decided that they bad made a grand mistake and only desired to be separated. This is what they bave told me mar- ri ipo UrtU"ht upon a man, said iir. anlo. "Mother always said that husbands generally ill-used their wives alter they had bfen married a yar, said Mrs. U) herself. All the world seemed dark t: each, and each desired to pol ish the ulher lor it. At last Mrs. Paolo thought of a plan. She would go out ai.d walk by herself. that would make bun hoely angry when he came down. He should see she could be very happy wiltout him, ery Aud with boiling blood and achioghead, she dressed herself in her best, put on a nil to hide her face, and slatted .upon the most miserable walk she bad etcr taken In her life. It seemed as though people could sen straight down into her heart, and knotf what was passing there Ihat she was set npnrt as a woman who bad oust relied with her husband Other wives passed her leaning on their husbands arms. There weie girls with their Inters, How Paolo used to make love to ber, (Jld Couples, who bad lived together more years than she bad known in the world. Ah. when she was old, how would it be? Miseiaule little woman At last she. found her way to the little rk, where, two jeais before, Paolo bad proposed to her, and sal down under the very tree and lent her Head against "All is over," said poor little Mrs Paolo ; "but bow sweet it was." Then she arose and walked slowly home' ward. Meanwhile Mr. Paolo had come to the conclusion that in no way could he so puuish little Mrs. Paolo as by goii g out uloue to take his Sunday walk Consequently he put on his hat and went erv Quietly nut of the door through which his wife bad slipped little while before, lie had the advan tage of not having swollen his nose and reddened bis eyes by crying, but he wus a very miserable looking tutu. In order to look lolly, be lit a cigar as he went out, and threw the wulch to ward the fireplace, not unlici C that the still lighted ed touched the carpet Then he inarched down the street, but his ri""f H1 not "iv? h'fl lb ir h d sired. Happy couples walked before him arm in arm. no saw a jolly yonn, low wllh his arm about his sweetheart' waist; he alone was lonely, desolate, un loved. So the unhappy couple walked the streets at a block's distance from each other, believing the other at home. Each 6i) wretched that the. bright day seemed dull, aud lite sweet air poison ous. At last Mr. Paolo, like his wife, re membered the pretty paik wheie be bad make lote to her, aid went thither; he sat down on the old bench under the old tree, and rested his head against it. "It's all over," sighed poor Mr. Paolo; "but how hippy we were. Tltcn he also arose and walked slowly and sadly home in the gloaming. How pleasant it used to be, Mr. Paolo thought, as though he were think ing of ages gone, instead of last week how pleasant it used to be to some borne together aid eat the nice little supper aud talk over the people they had seen, and plan what their walk should be next week. When they were separated as they would be, of course bow be would re member it all I He sat down upon the BISHOP step of a corner store and felt as though he could not enter, the hooie that was now only the grave of their domestic peace. At the iime moment Mrs. -PjoIo paused at another corner and looked towards her home. There was the sweet th ugh humble place to -hich Paolo hod brought her in her bonty moon. When they were separated, she said to herself, she should see over and over again the dear little back parlor, the pretty tea-table, aud Paolo opposite her. "On I dear, I can't go in," said Mrs Paolo to herself. "He's siltine i there, angry and brutal, wishing we had never been married." I've a mind not U jo in," said Mr. Paulo, "She is sulkino in her room, so different from what T thought her, wish ing she had never married me. Lttle did those two people guess ttt that moment that they rcver should tcr tuat aoor asatn, out it was so. nst as she took a step forward, and as he arose, a horrible explosion shook the street, and their house came flying out of its o"u windows. The spatk from Mr. Paolo's match hud been all this creeping slowly over the carpet until it reached the door f the store. 1 here it might have dead ened out, hut that, in her temper, Mrs, loin had thrown the newspaper upon the floor. The spark caught this with light, flashed into a blaze, and caught mckct-stick and went under the counter to tlie barrel of gunpowder. So their hoove came nut of its win dows to meet Mr. and Mrs. Paolo. Fortunately there was an empty lot on one side, and a half finished house on the other. Only the Paolo's house suffered ; but the street was full of pee- pie in an inslaut, and amidst thena rushed the little woman, shrieking : Oh, my husband I I left him in that horrible house 1" and rau against a in un who was creaming s Let me puss I Lt ine pass I I will die with my wile, II 1 cannot save her-" It was Paolo, In that moment those two foolish people h'ad discoved that they loved each other just as well as ever ; that that Dome might have been ns happy a phce ; that they bad only had a ridiculous little quarrel. Pushing the woman before him out of his way, the man flew on ; but the woman caught him by the arm. "Oh 1 oh 1 ynu re not dead 1 sho scsramed. ' Oh, my dar ing 1" O'.i, my love, you ore here ui hurt?" said he. And kissing each other, they forgot the burning home aud their losses, and the poverty that must come. They bud enrh other again, und those miserable hours were quite blotted out. "Did you notice Mr. and Mrs. Paolo f said the friend who entertained them in their homelessoess that night. "How plain it is that they have never bad any quarrels I They are really married oveis WHITTLE ON DANCING. ROUND Bishop Whittle's address t the Kpis copul Council at Lynchburg, Friday, in cludes the following e'irne.-t denuncia tion of the fashionable dance : DEMORALIZING DISSIPATION ItOUND DANCINO. In his address to the Council of 172 my venerated predecessor earnestly warned communicants against tlie incon. sisttney of indulging in "demoralizing dissipation," which hu denounced as "that lascivious mode of promiscuous dancing styled the rouud dance " "This scandal," fie srrid. "is not t'J be toler ated In the Church of Christ. Let every appeal be made in the way of ulfuction ate remonstrance, judicious teaching, and earnest prayer for tho refor nation of those led astray, if Cod pcrudveu tare will give them repeiitnncc. If all such efforts prove unavailing, and to re move the scandal, and at thu same time employ the lust expedient lor awaking the offjndcr to a sense of bis sin und danger, it becomes necessary to resort to the exercise ol decided discipline, it must be done." I adopt this language as my own that he, being dead, may yet speak on this important matter. Per haps his words struck some as being too strong ind harsh when they were first uttered who think very differently now, alter six vein's observatmu and exper ience. Certain it is that many of our wisest and best people, ministers ai d laymen, judging the tree by its fruits, have become alarmed lest the effect of this WUEADFfL EYIL of round dancing shall be uut only to injure pure and un defiled religion, but even to sup the very foundations of all social virtue and morality. I will not discuss its character a, id consequences; for while St Paul wrote to the church in hnhosus that it was a shame even to speak of those things which were done by some in secret, I should feel ashamed even to speak as the truth would require of this thine which is done openly be fore all. I will only say that 1 trust no man or woman will he presented for confirmation who means to continue to participate iu this abomiuution, an.1 il the ministers of the Church have no au thonty to discipline cummutiicauls as "notorious evi -lovers who practice surely this Council should not fail clothe them with such authority canon. MR. AND MRS. J0HST0N. From the New York Times Of the numerous eminent citizens of Oshkush. there is none who is more deserving of respect than Mr. Johnston Not only is he au amiable and upright man, Out he is gltteu wun remaiKuuie inventive genius. At least, such is his opinion, and thosn who are not person ally acquainted with him rarely deny that his opinion is right. Mrs. Johnston 1 however, does not regard her husbam So they were as happy a couple as as an able inventor. Slie ndmits that ever livid, and they remained so des- he means well, but she asserts with much pile their losses and privations. Hut emphasis that when one of his inven they bad been very near the rapids tions comes iu at the trout uor it is where so many boats go over into the time for her to fly out of the nearest whirlpools of separation and divorce, available window, if her life is really and they knew it. And yet they had only quarrelled ahout her boots, which she declared to be loose enough and he mail taincd were too tight. THE CHARM OF A SOFT ViilCE. FEMALE Yes.we agr 4e with that he was a young man and a modern port poet who said that a low. soft voice was an excel lent thing in woman. Indeed, we leel inclined to go much further than he has in the subject, and call it one of her crowning charms. Ni matter what other attractions she may still bave : she may be as fair as the Tnjun Helen, aud us learoea as llio lumous ilypalia ol au cient times, she may have all the ac cnmplishments considered requisite at pn sent day, and every advantage that wealth cm procure, and yet, if she lack A low, sweet voire, she can never be really fatciuuting. How often the spell nf beauty is broken by coarse, loud talk! worth snviug. r ..... ' Mr, Johnstop las always .rnsiptained that his wile's lack of faith in him was due to an unfortunate accident that occurred in Connection with au attempt made by him to manufacture rico grid dle Cakes. As ho justly says, cooking has nothing to do with invention, and it is unjust to discredit his inventive genius simply because he once made a mistake in conking. . ilia circumstances of the affair were these :' ".'Mr. Johnston, who had repeatedly louild Isinlt with bis bacaUa-t, rcuuikcd ou . one occasion that his wife seemed absolutely incap able of learning to make rice griddle- thereupon that indignant womao announced that she should refuse to have anything to do with the oext day's breakfast, and should lay the hole burden of Us preparation upon her husband's shoulders. "Of course," she added, "you know how to make rice- cakes better than the Angel Gabriel, and you can iust show, for once, what clean the kitchen and an Irishman (a carry away the inirciil"ii3 batter. Naturally bis wife taunted hitu with his culinary failure, but ' tho unprejudiced mind will admit that it cngU m t to have cast any discredit on his inventive powers. This, however, is mere;y told in di- fens of Mr. Johnston against unde served criticism.' As to one nf his recent Inventions, which cast u cloud of gloom over Oshkosh, it must bn admit led that he made a disastrous inistnke, th nigh ho was actuated by the best ol niutivo-i. Mrs. Johnson was in the habit of com- lainlng that she found it exceedingly tiresome to operate her sewing mtchine, and her affectionate hushand determined 0 nupply some other power than the female foot to the machine. After experimenting with galvanic batteries until ho had burned two coals and a csrpet with acid, and ofter having tried in vain to construct a steam engine which would not (ill half the space of the room is which it wns placed, ho fell back upon clock wuik. In course of tune he make a really beantilul engine woiked exclusively by cl.iek-.vork, and fitted it t. the semug machine. V ueo wound up it would operate the m iichne for five consecutive hours, and ufier adding to the latter an improved device for holding cloth and leading it under the needle, he felt that he was a bene factor to the female sex, and a worthy successor of Morso and the inventor of the steam engine. Mrs. Johnson was delighted with the new invention when it was explained to her. aid lealily agreed that the neighbors should bo invited to see it in upcratiuu for the first time. The neighbors responded hcar;ily t the invitation, and at 7 :30 on the third day of the present month Mr. Johnston's drawing room was filled with the lead ing citizens of Oshkosh and their wives. At 8 o'clock Mrs. Johnston sat down to her sewing machine, and undertook to run a double gusset in a new dressing grown designed for her husband. The clock-wot k was wound up, the machine was started, and tho gusset was st'tched with twice the rapidity usual iu such cases. Unfortunately, the machine did not stop when il hud finished its allotted wmk, but continued to stitch the dressing-gown until it became faiily "quilted. Probibly it would have gone on and converted the cloth into a compact bundle, sewed and re-sewed a dozen times, had not .'Irs. Johnson come to the rescue and endeavored to cut the' thread. She did succeed iu rescuing the cloth, but at the same moment tho demoniacal machine l'aston!d upon her clothing and proceeded to sew it with insatiable energy. Vainly did Mr. J, (ha sten try to stop bis clock wmk, and vainly did he try to drag hii wife away The machine rapidly gathered her skirts into Us uubuly clutches, and there was every prospect that after the skirts were finished it would proceed to hem Mis Johnston herself, und possibly to put series of gusots in portions of her frame where they were not needed Luckily, there was one leading citizen present, a young physician, who retained his presence of mind. He seized his knife and cut the fastenings of Mrs, Johnston's that is to say, he cut her loose. 1 he machine was compelled U satisfy its rapacity upon her skirts alone while the unhappy lady was wrapped in a table clolb aud removed to ber private room. This is why Mrs. J.ilisten is at least justified in denouncing her husband's invention. She was wrong about the rice-cakes. There is no doubt she did him injustice in that matter; but it equally clear that her experience with the sewing machine motor is a valid excuse for her present views as to her husband. The event was cer'uinly a deolorable one, and public opinion in (Uikosh is deeldely unfavorable ta Mr. Johustaa as on inventor. ' for that purpose, suddenly paused, and, af cr I S t nii g a few inomei ti, declared most soUumly he hrad a low, . gulteral sound which appeared to proceed from fie shark. The sailors, after er loving a hcuity laugh nt h;s expense, proceeded ti listen for themselves, alien they were compelled to admit they heaid a similar srund. They then proceeded to open the slunk, when the mystery was explained. It appears the sailor was not dead, but in a trance; and his son, on miking tl.W discovery when iesi.lo the shark, had, by means of his knife, ripped open thu blanket. Having thus liberated his father, they bulb went to work and righted up tho old griuJstono. The boy was turning, the father was holding on the old ship-carpenter's ax, sharpen ing it for the purpose of cottier their way out f tneir Jonuh-like prison, which occasioned the noise beard by the Miilor. As it was the hottest sea son of the year, und very little air stirring where they were at work, they were b itli .'sweating tremendously. Eichange' ADVERTISEMENTS. s ION PAINTERS Wanted in every section of the Unites! States and Province to answtra lb 1 ad vertisement. Addres, DANIEL V. BEAT TT , VVasbinxtoo , N. J. Dm. ltf ' TT A PfMN RSS OR MISERY, ill SPRING Spiinil is upon un aain, with her tolt is and mild nile, April nias hd ! sunny isyi", trailing artiutus and My 11 wrs : but, most wenderlul ol all, with tur e,rnd roeru.-sivti picture at i .lure, nlwuyi cam- plet.ts litit never finished, Hpting, she who witn her miia oreiz-?s an i relreehin j ihoweri inlusus new life into chilled aud inert nature, and causes to break from her winter lethargy and ijo through the same old, but ever new, process ol shooting loitti leave, yielding besoms and beirm I r u . t Who has not word nf w.'leume tor her, with her dear, Itulitlul drew ol charaiiuv green, hr clieerlul countenance and gentle wsys all is more soothing alter the rough 'juftet- tma of the past lew nenths t How dill wilt lul it is te be able to ge through the wh.mU u I ftVUU, and tee the uniloiH elfottii Dune Nature is making tn weave a covering for her dtlormlltus, an I to tuisgiuu into what a piradin this nuno covei wi l tiaualonu the rugged and cheerless Undseipe io the course of a lew week", without being; obliged tn rub one's ears every niw and then io order to keep up the right temperature imt but cold weather is very nice and all that, but pvur, tickle ruin wsiits novelty, and turuo mentlis el eoM li-et mid frosly cars re a nleu'y siiliieienty" lor the average nun- si It i not to be wandered at that depnrt- ing winter meets with hut a willmu tarn- well, to eager are we to welcooie the m re co iuenial spring. O i every bund we fee evidences ol tlie approach ol this welcome VMtm ; the birrtn twitter Irom the hedges aad road side as they hup ahout in earch ol tome dainty gr it, nr dirt hither and thither, their k-en, penetrative eyes ever on the move in search ol seme suitable location lor biiikling their summer resideovet. The trees, tdnub ami bushels begiu to 8 -ml lorth th.-ir y ingusrd of tiny buds, as il lo tee whether the wsy is lor th im inense army ol impatient leaves that only wait lor a warm invitation to make their appeHMiice. The Iruit tes, not 10 De eut- tune by their cousins ol the Icrcet. uave already P1" lorth their two styles ol buds, the one predicting a plentiful harvest and the other promising a beautilul ornament, as veil ns a camunct screen for the fruit. Tlie fields, also, are beginning t assti'ue a tleem-r tint, and, snniehnw. even the sun seems to have a warmer, mere social glow ilisa formerly. la lino, the groundwork ol the gres' panoramic Nndscipo, that it will take months to tialih. it now b.-ing laid en io delicate touches of bright rmeiald. Nature, taking the materials which the ravsgei ol winter has h it. bt'gioi her work by throwing in a prolusion of gteen leave Imu and a lasielul cluster there, then, as the seaeon advances, aiding brilliant fl iwers and tempting Iruit, at length everything being completed, the tend a lew chilly winds and Iruttt, and the green leaves are changed to golden, red nnd brown ami tlie picluie, with its iufinit perspective, u pre emincniy perlect. YlM IS THU QUKSTION I Dr. W. R. Hoyt of 85 years tuccesifal praotiae guarantee ipeedy aud permanent, ciirer.fall Chronic, tjcrofulju, Private, Syphilitic and I'mnale DUeases, Hperuia terrhee t, or aoll-abuse at bin Medical Iu atttute, Airan A I'unticv lilook. enpotlu tlnl'liy Hall Park, Hvramip., M. Y. Md. leinetent tn all part of th U. S. au4 Canada. Don't be deceived by adverua tiiKquaak who throng, our large oltlaa, but consult Dr. Ho) t or send for oirtular treating on hi specialties to ill P. O, Box Ult. LADIES, My great liquid French Remedy, AM IK DK KiCMMK, or Female Friend, is unfailing in the cure of all paiu ful and dangerous disease of your sex. It moderate all exoess, and brlnga en lb inontuly period with regularity. Ia all net vou and spinal atTeotions, paina In ha hack or limbs, heaviness, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, lowny ofaoirit, hysterics, eick headache, whiten, and all piir fill diseases occasioned by a disordered system, It effects a cure when all other means fail.' Price t2,0ft per Bot tle, sent by mail. Dr. W. E. Hoyt, o -iU. Syracuse, I. Noviily. s CHOOh TEACHERS You ran easily lneraaee year aUy bp by devoting a very small portion f yar leisure time to my interest. I do not a poet you W oanvtss for my eelskraiW IWUt's pianos and Organ oaleaa ye nee tit tof but the service I require of you In both pleasant and profitable. Full partieulara free. Addres, DANIEL F. BKA.TTT, Washington, N. J. ' JOCKY MOUNT MILLS, ROCKY MOUNT, N. 0. January 1st, 1871. We are now jreprd to furnish tbe trade with SUflSTINGS, SHIRTINGS, PLOW LINES and COTTON.; YARNS, all of the best quality and at low price. Our terms strictly net cash, SO days. Addres 'an SO a BATTLE A &ON. Booby Mouat, If. 61 R lliw ulten you me Irresistibly drawn to I ,,.-. j,, a plain, unassuming woman, whose soft, with -ret courago Mr. Johnston silvery tones render her positively at- undertook the unwelcome ttsk thus tmctiv.. f.iHe, ww fancy t&r8st tsoon him. arid made Mi prffsra ! . 1 - a . I. I. . . I- ....'..I. juogc in me cuaracier ny uio voice , .,, with intelligent Care. Tliero were Ihu bland, smooth, fawning tones seis ejght p0rg(V , j (,myt and, as he tn us to betoken deceit and hypecriay, esttmuted that each one would cat a pint as invariably s the musical, suoaueu f tlCf he decided to use four quarts ol voice indictites a Genuine refinement -I-. i ,,.,, his priddle-sakes. To In the secial circle, h iw pleasant it is to tne r;ce he added four quarts of butter I . . II ! I I ... . ... ... near a woman ui,k in inai low ri m u, ...h a,l:irt i ,ui wat.r. besides a wliich always characterizes a true lady I In the sanctuary of home, bow such a voice soothes the Irctlul child ana cheers the weary husband I II iw sweet ly such cadences flo it tbreagh the sick chamber; and around the dying-bed; with what solemn melody d they breathe a prayer for a departing soul. buunv south. Cim.DitooD. Let mnn enjuy what he will Id niter-lite, if hit childhood has beta blessed with the care aud kiodnest el a judicious mother, there will eprne.oiomenls when the cup ol pleasure will be dashed Irnra In lips as lastshst lb comparison with those heu'S el sweet and eecial inter course when he first learned to look for pavading spirit in the realms ol nature- lo welcome all th animated and jeyeui crestnres of earth as memberAf bis own fe'w handfuls of il ur and Lidiau-meal, in order that the cakes should look brown. He Ihcu reflected that it would be necessary to add to the mixture something that would make it light, and, accordingly threw be in a teacuplol of cream ot tarter, an equal quantity ol saleratus, nml half .a paper., of baking powder. Having thus mixed his cakes to bis satisfaction, ho placed the pan containing the mixture in a warm corner of the kitchen and left it to "rise dur ing the night. There is on doubt that it did "rise. Moreover, the rice swelled. U i going into tbe kitcaen the oext morning, Mr. Johnston found that bis rice cukes had ovetflowed a'id covered the floor to depth of at least a fool, while in tho immediate neighborhood ol the paa Kma uiuiuoiiinoi, any in uail ine uiam .. r . , .. ,, , j , . .1 -.ruing a. pledge, of tb. io.xhau.tibl. PJ01"? of reaC.Ucd J16"1 benelieence wliich crested both lile tud lno """ UB,' " 1 "" f licht. and ordained them as a blessinct to fasted on dry bread and water, and sub maukied. J tequeotly employed tbr$e Irish women A VERITABLEFISH -STORY. We fete making a voyage from the Wi Jadiet to . New York, when the ship-fever broke nut among the crew. One of the sailors among the first victims was accompanied by his son, a lad of 11 years, who was strongly at tached to his father, and remained with h'un day and night, ansl never could be persuaded te leave bis sick father for a momrni. A Inrce shark was aseti every dv fal lowing tke vessel,' evidently for the pur pose ol devouring any one who should die and be committed to the deep. Alter lingering a few days the sailor died. As was tbe custom at sea, he was sewed up in a blanket, and for the pur pose of sinking h'un an old grindstone and a carpenter ax were put in with htm. 1 he very impressive services of the Episcopal Church was then read, and the body committed to the deep. ' The poor boy, who had watched the proceedings closely, plunged lo after his father, when aa enormous shark swal lowed them both. The second day after this dreadful scene, as the shark continued to follow tbe vessel fur there were others ick in. the ship one of the sailors proposed, ns they had shatk hooks on board, to make au effort te take him. ' They fastened the hook to & larce rope, and, biting it with a piece of pork, threw it into the sea, and the shark Instantly swallowed ' it. ' Having thus bonked him, by means of a windlass they hoisted him on beard. After he was dead they prepared to open him, when ooe of tbe sailors, stooping - down "For, lo, the winter is past, the r,!n is ver a i gone. The fi nee putteth lorth her green tigs, and thu vine with the loader grapes gives a (nod smell. The fjewers apnear en the rartb ; tho time of tlie tinging ol bind is ceme, and the voice ol tbe tuetle it heard in the land.'' ANDOLPH Jt CO, GENERAL FORWARDING AMD COVftlSSION MEHCn.iSfTK, SUrfolk, VsrglsUsu Prompt attention given to all CooetgtH menu. Liberal Cash Advances made m Con algnment. LUMBER A SPECIALTY. KKVHHKtvnit : W. H. Smith ,1 Ron. W. O. Marrow f Co., A. vVrenri, Norfolk, Ta.i A. Oarribaldl, J. V. Fauceit, J. H. Mul len, Halilax, H. C. leO XI a KTALLIO BURIAL CASRd FOB M 8ALK. Quilt, though it may attain temporal splendor, cm never rouli-r rial happiness the ivil consiq'ieurvs ol our crimct long tjiyiv their cnuiiula.lou, and lik th gliest el the murdered, lerevrr haunt tke ttepa at tli nuletactor ; while th path ol virtue, 1miui;Ii umm tuo id woiLjj greatness, ar always these ol plesasutneat aud peace. 'fV;n''I.:,.VrV-!' T f JMMri?--i'Wi 'iflfc.'mi in'"'' " Bachki.oks A mn who paset through lit.- without merrting, it like a (air uiao iihd Ult by the builder uiiQuifbed. Th half thai is completed runs te decay irons neglect, or ba.einet at heft but a sorry tenement, wanting tlie addition of that which makes the whole belli Uielui, Com lrtl)ie and oruamcntal. Peraon wlsblnfr Matallle Burial Caaea eau alwava btaln thmn by applying to aw, at the Ntor of Mease. VVinaold & Kmry. I eei atlll kaeping, as heretofore, a fall eoruueul ol the Very Iteol CASKS, at the Very Loweat Prioon. In my etwenee from Weldoo, Meimra. Wlnfield A Kmry will deliver Case to peraou who may wife them, JAMES SIMMONS, apr 4 1 Q Weldoe, N. O. This cremating I do net spprove of,' thiu nianiel lly the other day te her companion. ''F-incj being burned into ashes ami put 'up like perervta ia a jsr. Besiifft, when I die, I want te be able to come back and haunt my hat band it he ever marries again." lie appeared to be almost bob. Roll ing his eyes towarrl the partner of Ins bosom, he cssped: "Bury uie 'aeatb tbe weepinir willow, and plant a simple whit ro: a'love my head "Oh, il a do u-e, tbe mapped eut. ' "Yur note would scotch :be roots I'1 He eel well. Uw quick is the succession of bumie event i I The cares el to-day are seldom the cares ol to-morrow aud when we He down at night, wt safely say 'to moat ol ur troubles, "Ye have done your worst, tad we thaU meet Be more," TUB UNDERSIGN KD TEST respectfully call tb attention of the trade V9 bla extensive stock f domaati and imported liquor, to wbielt he ia Mll making addition and oonaiitiug of pare RYE AND BOCRBOX VFaXIflKIBal French, Apple. Blackberry and Chwrry Braudiea, Jamaica and New England Rum London, Tom and Hollabi. Gin, Port Hherry, Claret, Rhine and .ve-yr-old HcuppernoDg Winn, Scotch and London Porter, and a very large lot of RECTIFIED WHISKEY which I am oSeringat prio4 thateonaet Ml to give aatiafefltion. . W. .ELDBPTE, Agt. '. aprii 6-a SuKoadta tqnaret