THE ROANOKE NE"'S. S.VTUliDAV, MAY 138 0 U R T I C K E T . AEIWC1ATB jr&Tlcn V ROM THE KAST, T. N HILL OF HALIFAX. Union County instructed her delegates to the State emivsnsinn to VDte fur Smith, Ah and Totn 11,11. The Hileigh O iservcr has an idea that the S'Wth is entitled to the next Via -President and that Mitt. W. Rail Sim of North Carolina is the roan for the place ani the 0 iserirer it as usual exactly right . Wr. surrender iust of our apace to-jaj to letters from various gentlemen mainly on the svljcct of the Infeiinr Cjurts, I'.ir d,iiii this we have no apologies to mukn. As we have pre viously said we look up, in a newspaper as a tnediun f,,r the 1 iter-: nviiunica. lion of tho iddjs of the people and when the demands up, a its space be come too heavy, oar idea of the manner i'i which this space shuslj be divided is as follows: To news, all it want, to let-U-rs from the people the choice of what Is left, to advertisem nts the next choice nf the position un J to the editorial what is left. THE i:i.t(Tir.Ai, iwrsriGi' Fiiday List Mr. Putter succeeded in finally obtaitiii.g a quorum nn his i.i ftttigalion resolutions aud they were at leng'h parsed. Thereupon on Mon dty following, the following nsmed gen tlemen were designated as the eoromittre proposed to be raised thereby : Mesr, V-tter of New York, Morrison of Illinois, Strnger, of l'ennsylvania, McMahnn, of Ohie, Cobb, of Indiana, lllackburn, of Kentucky, C.ix, of Ohio, I5iler, of Massachuset:s, Heed, of Maine iu id Hiscock, uf New York. S x Dim ncrats and fie Republicans. IlKHOt K ITIC KO.'IIXATIOVS. Although the year is yet young Mecklenburg and Orange counties have ulready named the men who shall rep reeat them in the next L"gis'uture. In Mecklenburg ('apt. S li. Alex mder has been nominated for the Senate and C l. J io. L l'), owii aol Y. ). ArJrey q for the II luse of Representatives." The tietuination of dpt. Alexander is one especially to be commended Al though he has never before appeared ia the political arena, he is by no means unknown to the general public. II is master of the State grange of the I'i'.rons of husbandry and is well known H4 line of the leading agriculturists of the States. The interests of tho far. mers aie his interests a d he can be trotted 1 1 guard them. In addition to Die high q uliflcations of Capt. Alexander fur the pnaliiiHt to which he has been i alio J, wu of II ixifax county feel some what of a ptrinnal gratification in his pmmolioo from the fact that he married a 1 1 u I fax girl, a daughter of one of our best known cozens T. V. Nicholson. CjI. ISrowu and Mr. Ardrey the oom it.ces fir the lower House nre gentle men of reco,juized ability. Cul. 15 own is one of the leading merchants of the Cluulntto but bne not heretofore been in pol.tics, while Mr. ArJrey is a leading farmer and has previously s-rved two terms in the Legislature. To Oranje roui.ty the tnmiiee for the Senate is Augustus '. Graha.n, the next you igest ion of H iu. V. A. Graham ml a worthy son of suck a father. Mr. Grahiro is quite a youag man hut people who know him sny that he can carry O.ange county on any issue and that only bis own disinclination thereto, has prevented bis earlier reception of legislative houors. In the nomina tion of Mr. Graham as of Capt. Alexan der we feel a personal gratification. The nominati ms for the hurse iu Or. ange are M. A. Angier and J R Hutch ins. (V these gentlemen we know Hntliieg personally, but old Orange has iiever yet Dominated any but gmid meu and we aie willing to bet she has, done well now. Io both the cuntie the nominations are equiialent to election, and so the gentlemen named will be members of the next General Assembly. Since the above was written ii.telli geuce ha come tint Wilson county bas also held ber nominating convention and that has put forward for the Seoatorsbip , sterling Democrat .and clever gen- tlemsa R. W. King tni fur the lower hnnse Dr. J. M. Taylor, tbe brother of the old lime Senator Alsey J. Taylor of ; N. T sse oosaioatians nre good eoough to go with tbe Mecklenburg and Orange nominations. In addition to the.e legisla 1 lite oomloilionr, tbe Democrats of tbe Niath Judicial Dstrict bave nominate! J. C. L Uudg-e for Judge of the Superior C urt aad G. 8 fur Furgertoo solicitor. Mr. Gudger is a lawyer of high Hand ; ing and considerable experience, having been at tbe bar about fi'teca year. 1U is an ui swerving deinncrul and lias always done his full duty in the cam paign but has heretofore refused political promotion, lie was born iu Buncombe in 1838. Mr. Furgeraon was born io Haywood coa ly in 143. He came to the bar in 1KG7. His judgement as to law is universally respected. Hd was a mem ber of lha State Sjnate of 1876 aud made a fiic reputation as a business member, and though he spoke little his remarks were aUajs worth listening to when he did speak. If we coiitinue to make tucb nomi nations as these success will be worth wurkii g fur and easy of attainment. ROOK NOTICE. I.ITTtLL's LIVING A OK. The numberi of The Living Age for tbe weeks eiuli. g May 18th and 25, h respectively, Lave the following note worthy contents : Leckj's ' History of liiigland ia the K ghteentb Century,' Quarterly Review j From the Qiirinal to the Vatican, Macmillan; Maelend of Dare, by William Black, parts VIII, and IX, from advance sheets; Popular Buddhism acc nding to the Cninvse Canon, Westminster Review j The Poe try of Diubt Arnold and Clougb, Church Qiarterly ; Second Sight, a story by Rudolph Lindau, translated for The Living Age; Thimas Arnold, D. D , by Cauon Farrar, M icmillan ; Tbe Comet, a story by Marie Orm, Argosy; The China-Clay I idustry of Cornwall Devon, by J. II. C .llim. F. G. S , Secretary of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Top ular Science 11 iview ; The Apollo 15.1- videre, New Q larterly ; Fl iwers of Anclo-Iudian Literature, St. Farmes's Magnzine; Cauossa, C.iruhill ; The Lux ury of Reading Old Novels, Spectator ; Courtesy at II me, Saturday Riviewj The Chinese Reconquest of Eistern Turkestan, Spectator; aud the usual se lect poetry and miscellany. For fifty two numbers, of sixty-four large pages each (or more than 3000 pages a year,) tee subscription price ($8) is low ; or for $10 50 any one of the Americin $4 monthlies or weeklies is sent with ihe Lii"g Age for a year, both post-paid. L t'.ell k Gay, Boston, are the publishers. The KriiNiintoit Review for April has lately appeared fiom the press of the Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 11 Barclay Street, New Yolk. This oldest uf tbe quarterly reviews still maintains its high reputation, and keeps ils read ers ell iufor ned u pan the principal subjects which at the time are attract ing public attention. We have uuly space for a short sketch ol the contetits of the present number. 1. "S;r Hrtkiue May's Democracy in Kurope." Tukirg this woik for a text, the reviewer considers the history of F.umpean democracy under three heads from the dark ages to the time of I lei, r f VIII, the period of the French devolution, and the rise of the UuiteJ States with observations oo tbe capac ity uf democracy t i perforin well or ill, its province of governing. 2 "llirry Cirowali'e Life and l'oems " A brief biographical sketch, whith extracts from and comments on the pteins. 3. "Scepticism iu Genlogy." A short account of a work recently published under tbe above title, which impugns the accuracy of the scientific grounds of certaiu recent geological theories. 4. "Three Scottish Teachers " Three notable Scotchmen Thomas Krskine, I John McLeod Campbell, and Bishop Alexander ing, are bere cimmemo rated. 5. ' Browning's Agamemnon, and Campbell's Trachiiiias " 6. "The Age of Bionze." Presents an outline of the neilithin culture in K 'glaod and France, and discusses the phases of the bronxe age. 7. "A noble Qieen." Reviews the nnter of that name by tbe late Mead ews Taylar, wbicb is quite a romance of Indian history. 8 "The Naval Strength cf England. A review of tbe relative ettengtb of En eland. 'J. " 1'orrena'" Memoirs of L-rd Mel bourne." 10. "Tbe preseut and tbe Future of the East " 3 Toe periodicals reprinted or The Leunard Scott Publishing Co. (41 Bar clay Street. N. Y ) ate as foll iws: The London Ijmrtfrly. Kliuburgh. West minster, and Brltisn Quarterly Rcsiews, and Blackwood s Magazine. Price fi a year for any vi e, or only (15 for all, and the postsge is prepaid by the 1 ubiistiers. Knjoy Lire. Whit a heaivMful world wa live In ! Na turnnlvea u rideorof mount ns.Klena and ix-rana. and tbout,and c meant tor njoy meu:. W can dtsii ua bvttur when Id perlmit health; but hw often do the nia(.,rlty or peo fcol like glvlnii It up n slieaiti'iied, dioouraijed and worrleit out with ilineaae, when tnero la nooocaaioo fr i fHliii(, as every sulUrev ean east ly obtain satUI'autory proof that Oreeo'a Aujusl Flower will make tbem aa frea from dl.eaae aa woen boru. Dyspepsia aad Liver Complaint I tbe dlreet otuae rf evmilv-tlvo per cent of aaoh maladlna as Billonanea-i, Indigeallon, Hlok Headache, Costlvftiiosa. Nervoms HreiratUo, liiu out of tbe Head, Pa4pitnlion of Ihe Hem and ttker dUlreaalnK symptoms. Three diwes of Auirust Kl wer will prv Itv o idoriul etlect. bample boitleii, It centa. Try It. For ! by R. W. Drown, Weldon, N. 0. Brawn (Jnrraway, Halilax, N. CVi Petway dt BeU, Kofieki, N. C. LETTER I'KOtl COL. (LAKH. Knkiki.d.N. C, May 2f.h. 1878. W. P. Batchalor Ksq., Editor, Deaii Sin: You place a construc timi upon what I wrote in regard to the press, which I did not intend to convey. I am not opposed to a fair discussion ol any subject, nor did I question your right to pub'ish the letter of any corres pondent; but merely gave my opinion as to the action of tbe press, io general, in regard to anonymous letti rs containing wurraoted attacks ; i i which you aree even with me. Your attack up in me, is cal culated to create the impression that I am opp sed to giving the opp isite side a hearing io this matter, which is lar fruni my intention ; but on the other hand I invite a fair discussion, and one containing facts, and if, (dS I stated in my letter on the suhject,) it can be es tablibbed that the Inferior Court, woiks a hardship to tbe people or, if it has gone out of its legitimate prevince in the dis charge of ils work, the I would unite iu voting it out of rxis'e ce. I am unable to see bow a mere ex pression of opinion on my part as to the action of the pres, could have been con strued into a rebuke to you ; when in fact I did not know that you were the editor of the psprr, as I had not seen that you were connected with it since the announcement of your retirement, and beside, tho issue of the piper con taining the article signed J. P. L , has the name of W. II. Day as editor, and I bad previously asked aud villained per mission nf him to use the columns ol the paper, with the knowledge on hi part that I intended writing an article in which I should take issue with the press in its general usage io such cuses. I thought the article unwarranted, as I as a meml'er of the Inferior Court, had been arraigned beforo the bar, of tbe people of the county as having used "I'uul" means to keep the c urt in ex istence, when tbe rrcurd willtbnw that I as a magistrate, have never sent a case to tbe court for trial, un the other hand I have refused to try any case upon which I would be called to sit in judg ment as a member of the Iuferi r C mrt. As to the authorship I wished tlut k'lown, as a matter of justice both to the author and myself, knowing the fact that the character of tbe witness, al ways adds to or detracts from tbe weight of testimony. There is a diffeieace of opinion between u, as to whether the article in question is aimed at the sys tem of Interior Courts or against this particular court. To yuu I accord the fuM right to the enj lyuiei t of your opinion, and I further accede to you the full scope and prerogative of a public journalist, aad I would respectfully ask at your hands that I have the right to my opinion, though it may dtflW with your?, eve.i ia regard to the action of the press. I hope I have satisfied you that my "rebuke" as you ae pleased to term it was not aimed at you ; and that for the fill, ire my view! may be shielded by that simplicity of ixfressien, which will show their intent, so pluinly, as that I mav not be accused of being desirous of de priving either the press or any iudividual of their just rights. very respectfully yours, I). C CLARK. "Urrinan .Syrup.'' Nnollinr ii'i' l i, i no in ilm wmld bas vr Riypn kiicu a tet of lis curative qoaliiiesas Uo.hiukkh liK.r.Ms. Syiiup. In Hires years two million four hundred tiim-aml hiiihII bolilcs ot this niedii-iuw wss di-t, iooieii ln of ell n t bv Drue- ttists in It, is country to tlinse afllioleil wnU CoiiMiiiiilioii, Aalhoia, Cinup, severe C'Mnos, Pnnnmu'iM and other di .eases ni lha toiojt and limns. 5iv!nu ja Ameri - .o penole mooniaole nronl that Ckkman Syiu:p wi'l core iboin. Tbe rssiilt Inis iieen Ui uirist in every town ami villa ,6 in 'ie United f.tPtfls are reuoinmenuinn it n liieir ciiatoinei'i. Co to veur Di uvjiNt, ami a-k what be Uows atioutil. Sample Boitlos IG ee.ita. lWo- ar size 75 eenls. Three tfoses will relieve any case. For silo bv R. W. Brown, Weldon, N. , Biown & Ciiit.twav. Halilax, N. C, aad P.iwsv.t B. II. Enfield. N. C. AOVEltriSEMENTS. OLD, TRIED, AMD TRUE. Pvnplv r iriilnf angualnua-cnj ihoM who arDntoai)i tbr-wiih ih wonderful mwlti of tbu (mi AnwSou iteowdr, lha MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, for van and beast. Thli llalmnrt -nrj nuurallr nrlflnatMl la Amtri M. where Natara proridn In h labontorv inch lurprUIn, willdotM for th malulln of harchll dNn. Iu fame hu bts-n iprwlliig for MTwra, until bow It fuclrrlca tho habltabto lob. Tho Mezlean Uuitang Liniment It a malchUas remedy forallexternalallmenuor manandbaaak To stock owners and farmers H ta Invaluable. A tingle bottlo often aarei a human life or r atom the uaefuUMaa ol aa axoellant bona, ox, cow, or aheep. It caret foot-rot, hoof-all, hollow horn, frub, acrew-worm, abouldor-rot, mana, tbo'bllaa and BtlnKtof poUonotu rrpulca and InMK-te. and sry urh drawback to stock breedlns and buah Ufa II cures arary external trouble ot harm, aseb aa Uroeneat, acratclMa, iwinny, spmlxa, founder, wind -tall, rlnj bone, etc, tto. The Mexican Moatanc Ltnlment It lha qulckaat cure In Um world for aeddeau oectwrtat In the tamlly. In tha abaencc of a phyalclan, auoh as bnrna, aehlda, apralna, rata, ete., and for rbauma tlm, aad atlffnaaa en (rendered by exposure, par Itcuarly yaluable to Itinera. It la Uweheapaat ranwdr In the world, tor II peaetratM tbe muacle to the bona, and a atrujta application U reneraUr eufflcleat to euro. Hex loan Xuaunf Llataaaal la put up In three alxee of bottle tbe larear ones belnx pmpartioay atetf ranch the cbeapeat. Sold iTarprhore. Mny 11 1 j. ADVERTISEMENT. N OTICE Ob- SAI.K OF LAND. Under and bv virtue of a dned matte to me on the 8ili day nf I)ecinher IS 7, by B. It. liritt, C. A. Brrtt, and I). D. Brvan, I will sell Ht ilio front door of tlie Knflelu house, Ia the town of Knlleld on Saturday the 15th day June IS78, at 3 o'clock p. ni , tit til llll lllf. Iilddnr for rash, a certain irurl nl laud ailnat d In the county of Halifax, and State of North laroiina, known as the Valentine Ba'ley tiairt, and i,nin.d.,d hs tnllows : tin tbe South-east Ov the Culpepper road, on the South-went liy Ja-ket Swamp, on the North-west by the Hill's bridge road, containing four hundred and cventv-mx acres, ninr ur le a"d adjoining the lands or Judith Daniel's heir,, iitbeldred Thrower and olhera, and whinb is tho traet of land con veyed to ihe said K. U. Kritt by Thomas U.'lloberWon, and lis wife Luvmna U. Ituhertsou, by de d of 12th day January 11174. Hay 3rd, 1878. May 11 t d a. Q 11 K A V K It T U A N K V K R. I am now reeelvlnir Rprlnir Good al moKt daily and it i really aaloiiishlng to sen how cli'iap Koods aro. Article and prienn are too numerous to mention. Ilowovnr I will liamo a few. Il',t I'rintit from f ' oi liest Mrown Cotton from "1 to 1 . Hint lilock Cottons from 1 t l'-M WaiiiHUlta HIiacliliiKH !- Iirens Hoods .New Nl leu from lft to i. Pliiio Dualities from 10 to M els. Coai aud Clark's Spool Cotton lijMs or (I'i pur dozen. RHOKS, HATS. A.NI) H.OTIII.NO VKRV LOW. uitiu i:im: tkkv low. Svrupsfroin 85 to (W. Old Ka-liioi) New Orleans Molassia B.t Ilio Colloes from 10 to 20. Nice White Sugars 10 la- Side Meat Vets. Hhoulder Meat oeta Liverpool Salt Factory fill 4 Bushels 1.65. 1 bavo thrown nn my counters about (inn Thnnsnnd vards best orinis. dark colors Sots per yard. r. . i unrvna IV. I , an r.ivo, April 13 It. Weldon, N. P. 1878. itriii,u 1878. I am now opening c'aily. NEW SPUING DRESS G O 0 D S , llf THE Latest and Moist Desirable Stylos, For Tub Comino Skason. BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS AMD CASHMERES, BRANCH AGENCY FOR E. BUTTERICK k CO., Celediiated Pattekns. Samples of Goods and Catalogue of Pattorna sent on application. Ad drew, K. B. BLAMTRE. 1 Main Strent, Norlolk, Va. March 23 3m. TO IIAVR(.'OOI) HKAL'J'II TI'K I.IVF& Ml .'!' llf. Ill PC N OUIMtlt. 14NVIG0RKT: " Dinn;iiA "tnt CShSTIFloli a SICKHHJACHfX 2 'SUN MtRCIWPt units, k cnoniecflecenri OILI0U3HE3S.2 -V LIVER STOMACH . V n n.ii m ADYSPEPSIA.; ilA7fi CURS IX OMPICXIDK Fur rinihllsadUrcM Llx. bANfuKU, New eik- aopt. 15 I y. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, For tile by Dr. A. R. Z illicoiTer i Bro. Oei. 17-1-y. THE PARKER GUM. J5 E HD STAMPf OR CIRCULAH, PARKER BRO'S ; WEST MERIDEN.CT. RRCKIVBH Internaitlonavl Exhibition Award, Iwlon. 1851. ) New York, W. Paris, 1807. I'lilladotpnta, 1K7U. IIEKRINU CO. 551 4 252 Broadway, New York. Jan 23 tf. S" TATE OF NORTU CAROLINA. Knperlor Court, Northampton Conuty Janie W. Oram ai Auiiiinisualor ol aVur- teu II, Jones, Platuliff Against Lnnv Jonos, Dsfandsnt. The purpnse oflhis action ia a ssla f,ir assets of a traot ol land altuateil in asid count, containing aixtv-tnn (6i) acres, mora or less, of which the intrmtat died eieo ana pnsNtwstti. ine freadant i requiretl to appear at the oHioe of the Clers or the Suoerinr Court ol Knrihmnn ton county, at Jsckson, on lh 20tl of irnrsi epreTent THaea-fc' champion r ji fjM iVTaJi . r-r,.7"trN . X t- . '?!!?Sm fctBaaaaniMi ia- nriiwni' e-' ' tt Jl g "Tried and Proven Irustworlhy,'1 J Wj June, isis, aim answey or demur to tbe cemplaiot Dnw on 6le Wltnesa N. R. Odom, Cletk of said Court, at otBce In Jackson, this April 10th 1878. N. R. ODOM, C. 8.C, Northampton county, 1 prtOtw. ADVERTISEMENTS. (MUNTER.PLATFORM WW THE BESTARE-J--5 -JHE CHEAPEST MARVIN SAFE SCALEC0. 265 BRQADVA Y N. Y. 72 CHESnwrST.PHILA.PA. Ill SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0. Jsa 2 tl. nighent Award at the TentennUl Diploma of Honor and Medal . of Morit, for GRAND, UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS. The nrineipal points of superiority in the S TIE r' V Pianos are brilliant iii:i;ing qimlity of time, with greH i( wer even ness n toildi inrouKiiniu inu enure i:aie, tHiiltlexs action, unsurpassed durability aud unexcelled workmanship. A lurire variety of Second-hand Pianos, of all makers, constantly In store, and ranging in prices liom fib to f-tuu. We are also 8ole Acents f-r the Southern States ot I lie MATCHLESS EURDETT ORGANS, TUB BEST NOW MADE A full supply of every ntyle eonstantly ,'.r 1 ....1.1 u.. Ill StlirH, HUH BDlll 1111 UIO most liberal terms. For Terms and illustrated Catalogues of Pianoa nnd Orsans, address CHAS. M.STIEFF, No. 9 N. liberty treet, Baltimork, Mt. Sept. 26, 1-y. u SB YOUNG'S P. P. SPECS, ARO BATE TlrtJK EYE BIGHT. dniil rlnurn. Jewelrv low. Gold and RU, vor Wrt.ches, sets of Jewelry, Opera and Vest Chains, Band lSracolots, heal khirs. Full Tea Setts, Waiters, Pitchers, 1,'upa Spoons, Forks, Ac., cheaper than the sajie goons can oe uuukui, mr in itiw itira. Wn want ourrouuy fur Jewelry aud will offer inducement to purchasers. J. T. YOUNU t BRO., aprtl 81 H PetorsbnrK, Va, N OKIE CAROLINA, llaliftix County, Suprriot Court. Ur. I. F.. Greon and Helen P. his wile Kvkt. K. ClMiitun and Mary T. bis wil'ci I'laiiititl's Against John C. Pilehford and I'arriet E. his wile uavil U. n.iy, Annie M. Day, Henry I). Pont n and Lucy 1. his wile and W. W, Brickell trustee of saiii Henrv I), and Lucy 1). Puntciii F'ancis W. Williams and Alexamler O. Blnc'c trail lug under the Arm of Williams Black A Co., of the city of New York. 1J liervev AiIoiIiiIn. tratnrolW. 1), raucett, J. K. llerrin, W.H.Day, Robert J. Dsy aud N. M. Long. DefendAnts. The above rained John C. Plttehford a id Harriet K bis wife, and Franoia W. Williams and Alexander U. Black will t ike uotlce that the above entitled action his been commended in the Superior Court of Halilax cuunty, Sta'e of North Carolina fi r tho outiinse et bavins; parti tion made, between the tenants in on in anon of the several tracts ot lann ownen bvtha late William H. hay, deceased, and 0 ntaininn in the airKrcKale about eiiihteen hundred acres, and tint If thy do not answer or de urto the complaint of the nlsintitls v.bicb has Iieen Ulod in too omce of the Clerk ol'the Superior Court of said Hlllax county on or before Ihe Bin day of June 1H78, the Plaintiff vtill apply to tbe court for the reliel nemanueu. Witness. Jno. T. Gregory, Clerk of the Superior Coast of Halifax county, at office .1- I . LI I C?a in riauiax vaia iiu oey i JOHN T. UKKtiOK I , Clerk Superior Court, j C. A. CookPlffs ally. Apr20 8r. y" J. saw, WELDON1, N. C. BARER A CONFECTIONER. Manufactures all kinds ol plain and ran- nv candies. Keeps always on land the fullest stoi-k ortandii, r nil is, isuts, Ac, to be found In Kasteru North Carwlina, which be sells bv wliolenale or rmail. Ordora lor -weddiiiK parties, ai.d balls prepared on abort uotio and at most rea sons uln prices. Cot 20 If. "1878 1S78. CLOTHING! SPUING AND SUMMER STYLES Just RkTKiyKD At N at Ii Walker A C No Hi Sycamore Street. FINE DPF.i9 SUITS, FINE BUSINESS SUITS, BOYS' AND YOUTH'S CLOTH I NO. A full line of all grades of Heady-Made Clothing tr Rov's, Youth's and Men, from three yora old up at piicea to suit the times. We keep all tbe latest atvloa of tienta' Famishing Goods en band, Samples on band. V othlng anj Shirts made to order at our Balliinnre hone at short notice, at Baltimore pricea. Please give ns a call before buying. NOAH WALKER A CO. US KYCAMOKE siTltEET, Petershnrs;, V. ALEX. F. SHORT, ) AOKtfTS. J.OEO. WILKINSON, J ROUE It ATKINSON-Salesman. Oct 3-1 Y ADVERTISEMENTS. J .. T . GOOCH, GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS - COUNTRY PRODUCE, KEEPS ON H1KD GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Which will be sold low for CASH. apr S Hti TELEPHONE. NORTH STAR. CENTENNIAL. PAPA CIGARS AND CLUB HOUSE Are the best 5 cent Cigars. They are Havana fillers. LA VALENTINE, EMANCIPATION, MARGARETTA, & GRAND DUCHESS Arc clear Havaoas. - These Cigars are sold by all first-class dealers. Manufactured by 1HANTOUE aft CO., Mh3 -3m Proprletora Charleston Branch of lha Havana Cigar Factory. ATTENTION, FARMERS! 217' KC Saved on every t.n of Guano by puroheslng direct from the under i?il.t)U sind. I will sell MALES' ITROURNIZKU fUPER.PHOSPHATK OF LIME lor $37.5U TEK TOW, CASH WITH UKDEIt. . xa THE MATES PHOSPHATE is the Oldest and Most Reliable Phosphate la the United States, and baa given satis faction wherever used. The GLASGOW PHOSPHATE ia prepared from Bone Klesh and Blood, and Jonly requires a trial to ensure lla continued use. I will sell it for tbe same price as Mapes. I am selling at the above named fabulously low prices to snsnre large aalee, aad ta save te the farmer tbe Agent's Commissions and the exorbitant obarges made whan sold na time. -Liberal Cash Advances on COTTON. PEANUTS or other COUNTRY TKO- vyjXjtSi. anu March 23 3m. T. N. WUITK, A. L. STAINBACK, J H. QOOCS Jl WJiilTE, STAINBACK & GOOCH. ' SUCCKSSORS TO J. T. 6000H. J. T. GOOCH'S 0L STAND, i . . Have just epened tbtir Fall Stock of Goods, whisk Ibey offer to the trad a E. O W E N T CASH F K 1 C E . Tbe stuck eoniprlses a fall line of READY MADE CLOTH I NQ, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, CAPS, The largest stock of .GROCERIES, SUQAR8, SALTS, SOAPS, AC. to he fonnd In Eastern North Carolina, 'ibey call attention So their stock of the fanmns MILES PUILADELPHU. HND MADS DOOTS AND SH0I8 For Itoth LAMES and CENTLEMEIf. Oct 17 1 y. T. N. WHITE, WHITE & STAINBACK W E 1 1 ave Just re'urnid from the North with the Lai gee t Slock ef DRY GOODS, AMD IEADY MAD. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, . RIDLES, ANB COLLARS, ver offered io ttla market, which (hey are selling LOW FOB They call especial attention to their Stook of DRBSS GOODS, and TRIMINGS. They will Duplicate any bill of goods that can be tiureuased Sonth of New Terk. We intend to please. Call and see us. O F- COTTON, CORN, &C. a rULL STOCK OF MOLASSES, NAILS, & C . J. Te COOCH, weldox, irc. JNO. O'CONNOR JR. ess PORTSMOUTH, Vw. n. OOODU, LADIES . DRsWI SHOES, NOTIONS nATi, COFFEES, TEAS. A. L. STAINBACK. 0 N N. MOTIOXS, f APS, SADDLES, ' BOOTS, GROCERIES, CASH. ... Oei IM-y.

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