M THE ROANOKE NE"'S. SATURDAY, JUNE 1, is;8 o u r rr i c k i: t . a sou.ite jisticf. moil Tin: i:as T N HILL O K HALIFAX. l:nO( K (l l( .OMl ATIOXS Since our lust issue, lluplio Iredell no-I H .r.iett cnntiet hae made nonv illations. Of the lljplin nominations the Uoldsbnrn Messenger says: The Ddplin county nomination cor,- veir.ion was heU at keunnsville on Sit urdny list. Mr. .Inn. A. lirvati ans nooiinrited for the Semite ; Mtssrs. V ((. Lamb n I A. S. dldwell lor the House. The dinner Remitter (Mr. I'lmil) ant! Clerk (Mr. Souther laml) were tt nominated and delega'es were appointed i' ihc .S at", JuJici.il and Sunatmiul (.'omenlini g. Th i. Hue uf tmeriirsecmi to ha'e been the kontt ol K'eal contention (ho critct bcin be tween the present inciiinhiMil, Mr. Wa!- hmce, and .Mr V. II. Hurst. The two third rule bem adopted, balloting was kept up briskly way into iiiylit but with out coming to any satisfactory result. Mr. W'al.ace was uheud in the itue but lucked thr rtriuisite ti -'.hird ote J he effort to nominate a Sntrifl" wa finally abandoned, and the two r.v-ils will now apprai to the voters direct. And of the liar: ett meu toe Observer (.peaks as follows : Neill S. Stewart, Kq , is the candi date for the Senu'e from Ihrnett and ('umbcrland, and (I. H. Cm-Id, K-q . the nominee lor the II mse of Uepreset: tutives fur Ihrnett. These gentlemen arc well known as able representatives of ('.unberland and Ilaroctt in the "niid old t rues," and they will well represent the people of those counties i i the timet now, which are hard, but as good as they ever were. Wg praise this but the gentlemen deserve it. In Iredell county II in. T A. Nichn!- m, the no.ninee for the S !iu'e is una "f those nl J fashioned L-gislitort uf whorc unfortunately the race ii fait dying out. While in Uiltigh he devotes i. whole time to the business of his cm ililuents and we wntUl be willing t v-nper any amount that daring tha long pe'iod in which he has serve 1 his cou.- Our Inferior Court. Enfield. N. C . May 23th, 17$. Mr. Editor: I should certainly rr. frain from any further rrpiv to my friend, "Q londam J. I'. L , Now Anonymous Scritibler," ns he lias given up the sub ject undtsr discussion and devoted his last letter to the art of portraiture, and I hope he kas painted my picture to his sitivfsct ion, il in that, he finds a soothing balm lor the Uccrntion which I u-intet.-lionally i. flitted by the use of "the con siderable ainoui t of personalities and far-fetched conclusions" in my ''labored defence nf the court." But he calls on me to rise and explain, for the satisfac tion of my many fiiends in that section, as to whether I favor lour instead of two terms of the Inferior Couittandl will do so by fcaii)R that I am and have been at all limes ready tu bow in submission to the will of the power creating the churls. My own opinion however, is that it will better serve the purpose of economy and facilitate l.'gal prnces-u to ha four terms of the court. It there are nnW to tornis a year, the docket of neither the Superior, nor In ferior Court can be disposed of at their regular terms, and the consripe'ice will be that the ca-es will bo continued from term to term with accumulating cost and inconvenience to the parties interested ; and besides the one main nlj it of the Inferior ('mill that of speedy jail d. livery will he defeated, and in tint event the expense of the county is increased by a longer dote lion of the prisoners, or by extra charges for a special term of the Superior Court. 0ing to H'e Tact that the Inferior L lurt of this coun ty disposed of so large a iiu:nber of cases, sixtv-six of its April term; the Superior (' iurt reached the civil docket on Thursday of the first week of its term which has not been ihc case since l-Su". The consequence wa, many cases of long standing were dinpi s d of and the witnesses and parlies, were ei rtbled 1 1 return to their homes at an earlv day. The presumption it, lint crim.; will al ways be committed and of curse has to be taken cgoiz nice of by the courts; therefore if the cost for similar crimes is the same in the I lienor Court as in the Superior Court, it seems to me that the more speed v the trial, the less expense, inconvenience, aid anx e'y will accrue to the parties; and of course four terms will give a more speedy trial than two. Now to illustrate as to the c ist. Sup pose I owe one man one hundred d ill ai but am directed to pay it to two men in installments of II. ty dolliri ea Ii I can't see h iw I am nsr. O i the oth-r ha d if I have a epp ntir ily to pav the claim or one half o it al an early da-, I sue the interest that would lie consequent upon dt-lav, so it is with the costs in the Iw a. ..ilI.I.i. h 1. ... 1. . ! t i r j oniaiui it i uiuic u is cc uvcu -courts, l ta u e ii i : ir gra n te o, in a l it is uiaikcd itseiit from any roll cull. Uf ' admitted that crime will at all times be the other gentlemen we know nothing personally but il they are fil ciidjitors lor Mr. Nichols in they will do. In adJition to these, Hincmbe C lunty has nominated ('apt. Nitt Alk'u s in and M:lin House, two capital nominations, M lore has Humiliated, IV. J din shaw for ihe Senate aad James A Worthy lor the Housm, two goud and tried mei, nnd Lincoln has nominated Win. A. Itr ibim f r tlm S-nnt ,v,d ('. Cnbb Our Interior ort. Kiiiotvoor), N C, May 27ih, 187S. Messus KniTons: It is unfur'u nale that the spirit of partizanship has crept into the Inferior C mit d sciission, and that measures for the safety aid well-being nT the citizens of our cownty cannot bo discussej on their soent. and without the disclosure of aerimn nious feeling. The proposal t- reduce the tiumbi-r of these c oirts from f.ur to two per year is one which will meet tl e appron of every well disposed cit f.en. for it is evident that two terms nf theM courts, if as elli.k'nt as nur Superior C inns have been ii tlx pisi tan and will dispose of all the business coming belore them through regular and legiti mate channels, now if this prnpos lion cannot be well sustained by relerei.ee to the rocor.li and a fair comparison nl pait facts and figures with the present, then I for one will forever detnto in) self with peuilenti.il sorrow I o its sup port meanwhile the sickly, sentiment il wailing uf those claiming redress for i iiagioury prietaiices must g i unootiiei, but if Mr. Foica really means t deny the facts as stated in rny li st c om u i ii cation then in justice to mis If it mar becoiiie necessary 1 1 give the public the bfiiilit ol fie testi do. y nl Mr. HiiiZil, who he n iw claims ns his client and nt his persecutor s range inetamnrphosis I I an s irry the ge tleiue i mi the other side should feel si often cilled upon to make personal explanations ihe di 1 1-1 1 o ol me c ouil must be laborious I am s.rc t rtquires ni'i h s.iiToniuj to keep it straight a d m friend the "stinnj b iwer" se'ms lo (eel called cpo'i to fur nish the buckram, excuse the pun if vnu sh' uld make this real 'link I!jih," though I have been by the c doiul dubbed fie Ii.-ll Weather." Il" occasion requires I promise i i my next to give the friends of the Inferior Cunt S'ciie "cruubs of comfort" in the shape of ad litioe, subtra tion and com par is in it is said figures never lip, I.'sl run pla n t.ilk sh ou'd be ak n as n(rusie and for the benefit nf all seek ing redress I will nu linger use donbt!ul initials. Very truly and Respectfully, J P. LKACII. ADYEK I'lSKM KN TS. I J JiJ'P hiisiijms yon ean enaai in. iJl-JO I .fito$Ji) par div maJn hy any wot k -r of either mi, right in Ihni'r own lo.Miiiio. Pai-rieiiltm and aimples worili f:, f,o. Iutproro your npure lima at this tiuainmis. Address SriNsnil A Co., fortlaml, Maine, juiin 1 1 y. II r II CAROL! X A ADVEHTI-EMENr. VT OTILK OF SALI. OK LAND. Under anil hr virtue of a deed maile to me on lh 8:h liav of Deoenitier 18 7. by If K. Uriit. ('. A. Britt. noil 1). 1. Brviin 1 will ell hi i Ii o front door of the Kiifield Iiouha, In me town nf Knliold on Saturday II, e lirh day June ISir, al 3 o'olor k p. m tu the liiiihi-Kt Liildor for cash, a i-ertain rrrt ol land iiul d In (lie county of Halifix. and StaW of North Carolina. known as tlm Valentine Ha'ley Iraet, an houiided tolloivs : On th South-east hv the Culpupper road, on the South-west hy Ja ket .Swamp, on Ihe Norlh viet liy Hie Hill's bridge road, coiitnininu lour liiindri'd and anventv-mx aeres, more or liws w-d adj liniru the lands of Judith Ifmiid'n hfirM. Slheldred Thrower and oilier, and wbieh is the traet nl land con vnved to theaaid K. It. Hrilt by Thomas K. UutiorUon. and lis vsite l.uvnn'.a u K.'hertsoii, by de d of 12ih day January 1S7-I. May 3rd, 1S7.S. SPIEK WJIITAKER. Mav 11 t d i. -1 II H A P li R T H A N K V K K. ( am now reeelvinit Spring Ooods aU moNt daily and It is really 8lonihlng to sen liu iv fin-up i;oods arn. Aru.-li-a and prii'im are too niiiiinriiiis to ineiilion llnwevfr I w ill name a lew. Il- at I'rints from fi to fij ltnt Hro n I'oltons from fl to 1 , Hi-I li! i k Cutioris Iroin (ii to ll'ft Waoisoita III' ai-hit'L'3 ln-i. (ioods New sn If s from 15 to j. I I'ique Iteautiea from 10 to 2-i ets. ( ai and ( lark a pooi l otion Oljis or ns per doz-m. PIIOKS. HATS. AMI ri.OTinXO VKRY LOW. i(M'EKii:.t vi:uv i.otv. Svrups from So to (10, On! r'asiiion New Oi loans Holasiis 7.c, lti-st Kio Cotlces from 10 to 20, Nice White Sugars 10 la. hide Meat 7cts. Snonlder Meat 6cts Llvcrn nil Sail Faetm-y fill 4 Bushels l.tio. I have thrown on niv counters about One Thousand yards best prints, dark colors Sets per yard. R. P. SPIERS, April 1H If. Weldnn, N. P. 1878. SI'ltlMU, 1878. committed and that cost will as surely attach to its investigations; and that the county has to come i i for its share nl the cost in many cases, and that a very large amount of it is feeding prisoners ; therefore the shorter ihe lime in which K. Carter V.q. for the I th,"i0 cas"s C:1" b d,,l' "' bcltcr uiiu in iwursc c in ii.t u me m re 'pecdily by hiving four instead of two terms ol the cou ts a year. There is no sery conve i"nt t rue tor people to go to Cour', for having b'iin s in cou't lllira ( oniily, Miperior Court. Geo. B.Curtis, Adiur. of Lewis Rraiicli tli'CiasH 1. Aniinst I Annie It aneh, IVna lillery and Francos i iin-i i . In this ean it appear by the SherifTs rutiirn and liV alii (avit th it i he dchmdanta Delia nili'iy and Fiances Tillerv am iron riiMii.niis o this Slate; Hint eanimt al'.cr dun ililiiKoiien h found, and it itiuuiir uppciri.iif nut the nltct ol this proi-iiiidinii is n iibuiii an order of lis I'ourl, to sell for assets the loll-iwiiiiri i 1 of land to wit : A tract nl I iiii in the County nf M,Max Imundfd liv the lau is of V. ' F. I'aiker,' Joep!i Coin and inl.ers (I ein the tract n't unu "II li en Lew is Branch resided at I'm lime ,,f I,,, dcatli) cord lininir one onniiin i an I iL'hty-thrHn acrei, and that Ki f r the loner House. Of these t j men il is unnecessary to speak at ! greitest i umber, having to attend ; an I I ngih. M-j r Graham has already i lb,t "ub" belonging lo the farmiuclass been i.t the Senate and make his mark ! 1 fa,'"r ,'oUli,,fi thc c ,urls lho,e 1,1 " In . Uld.,;.. i; ... j r s. J which will least interfere with that branch "' "IV'""- "'. j .nu oi .u . (rbu,- ... ... . - ...l. I . . L . . .- . . . . t . . . . . . ' ' uiraiia uou 'ic ; uui lor i ie reas ins inai 1 ino uereu,i ints Hr proper pini-n by iia ave fl.en IlavorliU terms nf the court " '"""!,t in sad land to be held during those months which which will be most convenient fir the ( --bb we can heartily endorse the fn. lowing remarks of the Liocolnt in Neas: Again our fellow cit tens have called this gnulcmtn ti represent them in I ha lower house nf the legislature. He was nonrnated I s-1 Siturday, and Lincnln county need have no fears about its best i.itcrests baing guarded with signal abil 1 ! li'verly t imeron t; ibb is a native of ii ucohitoii, and is a young lawyer nf Ii ie legal attainments Mr. Cobh grr!. omul under the late Chief Justice I", chuiond M lVvson, d that cru:. i cut jurist prou muced hi u one of Ins lost pr.iniisiog students Mr. Cibn I as been a true friend, a fearless and intlil'iil a-lvocate nf the principles of )' mocracy, and cc-Uinly deserves an lending rcc ig iti 1 1 at its hand. Till'. Leonard Scilt PjVisYmg C I ve issued their reprint ol Blackwood". V, igazirie for M iy. The second put of "J ,hti ('.Idigue," which his the fi st plM in the number, t 'Is about the tiya,; 1 1 M;b urne and t e fourth lady win his fasci ute I, or l-co chartnid by, the hero. w!i i in far .-s lo ba prod gsl of bis aiTocti ms, a nl lo distiibu't tliein without the slight- -ii -- i.liM. The aerial "M neis Thine draws to a 1 1' e with unabated interest. M. TiHoi' book eiiliilej 'Vienna and lenoess Lifts" furnishes the auhj-ct for eiy pleasing article describing old "v enna, and the recent improvements b ought abjut la part by tha opening of t'i Kxkibiti in, the dress and habits ol ti e people, etc. The poems consist nf at Irish legend, t .kea from the Cironicle of the 1' iscil, besid th translatiotii from H iue, which aro becomin a regular Ie ire uf tha ojigitme. I he review of the "BiJget," is fu. low.d by a d-scussioa of ihe positino uf K gaud, and tha Treaty uf Sn 'elawrj, per'odicaU reprinted by Taa 1, 'onard 8:ott Pulishioj Cj. (41 lUr chy sStreet. N Y ) are at follows: The l...uJin (Juiterly, Kjinhurgh, West winster, and U itish (tarterly IUviewl b'i i Uisckwnod' Mtgitne. Price, yfi r"f one, or only f 15 fur ull, nnd the pustaja is prepaid by the j' , )iis'r.'i. I lo re I have explained satisfactorily. A lew other points and I am done. My friend Q icndatw. J P. L Now Anonym ius Scrib )lei" says that il I hid pondered the advice nf the origi nal Divi l Crocket (ahom he claims as my i.am. -sake.) I would have left many tilings unsaid lo my recent communica tion. With the lights before me I cn- uot say that I could injustice to myself and the cause I advocated, have said less. N iw let us extmine and tee if I did B' I p i' der the advice nf the mig'. i al Inid Crocket ; "t be s ire you arc right and (hen g ahead 1" Was 1 right in saying the lofcri r C .urt would be sustained i the discharge of its duties? it would seem so, ns there was not a word saul ngaii 81 il at the meeting nf thc M ig;stratcs ; then I had a right to go ahead on that point. Was I right in my supposition that my frier-d "Qdondam J P. L , N w Aionyiu nis Scrinb'cr," went to court rx- cling tu be a witiies? in the Case of ihe !S ate s Gen. O.loin, lie does not deny it (and I suppose the quest inn f whether I was rioht or not is aubmittel to the arbitration of his infalli ble opinion) then I hud a right to go ahead on thai point. In fact I claim to have had a right to go ahead on many poir ts in my recent communication" as I have failed to fi id in the last article of my niui.il iiauiei! fiiend, any answer In ahy inquiry or any refutation nf any point nude by ne. but only Ihe state wieul in general t-rms that he wished to point out tome of my many "erroneous coiicluwi ms" without specifying a single one j except that he aava that I was in error in supposing ilmt ha attributed to the court the blamr in the two cases cited by him ; 1 would say in rep'y that th principle 1'alsmn in unn fulsun In omnibus" dors not hold good at a law of evidence. My friend now ditctaimt any intention of any reflection upon the members nf th couil and also gracefully yields the pal a tt to the discussion, and I should be an unwoithy competitor and falsa to th kind feeling I entertain for him, wer I to push the matter further; so I will desist; and only add, that al though he to valiantly engaged In this cause, nevertheless bo may gain wisdom by giving heed to tha useful lesson con tained in th little couplet. When valor preva on reason" It eata lb awoid II Biihta with." I sign, myself quoadain aad now, I'.C '1 A HIC. Il is ordered that iinhi.c.-ii Hill liA ma,!.. rirsu siinwssivo wi-pks in "14 Koasi kk .s kws a ir:mr puhlishdd al W Idoo. X. C, ci.iiitniiiili ia- th" defeinlai ts li.lia Tillo-v arm r ranees I rl lory to appear at the idliee 1 nu- . ,i"K hi .,i superior I'mirl for naid Oui'iiy tnf.ro whom the sum in .ns herein m reuiriiarii , nu nr In f.ir- tin. 27 ,iiy , May IsTSand answer or diiinur lo ;he pe. li'i-ui sod c imp) ,,r a e .pv of which has .ie."i 111-11 i-, s.u.l ..in v., and let them ta.e notice il tlmv lail so to d,., the plainptl will nke Jinln nt lor (lie icliel di. man led lo Hi, cirnpUint. W'iln.-ii .i,v h ind and seal this lS:li day of A, ril 1ST 8. J'H'X T.i ItKiiOCY, Clerk Sinierinr Couri, H ilifax County . J. K. O'ilara, Aily. A p'. 17 riw. K W tl P H 1 X ( "go o iTs'if L. A. FAMNIIOLTS. JUST ARKIVK!) AND F0;t SALK AT i:nti:Tj.i.- i.w PituKsi. Beautiful Styles of Sprina; Dress Ui nds Irom loc to "i0 per . it. Bn.wrn I. men Sliding, 4 4 w, I'iqnos frnm I'.') (.1 i.s per vd. Bishop Lawna, Fuurml Ijiwus, Swiss Mils. ins. niaek A!naasgi endi l quality and very eheip. -SO pi.icr.s Spriaa Calic.is 6Jc por yd. t i Hlacliin,i l So. ROT10XJ. Lulins Collars and CulTs, Silk Handker rhii-fs. I.adlos Silk and Lane S.-art'. Tuck CoiiiIi. 1.S lies and Gents T.lsln tliri-al Glove. N4ni4i Hiimi and Hill jlii.iiwiilu.fii atrlped. 2 flntt.,n Kid O'oves ",'ie pr. II imtiiii .' ICdntnu and Insertlngs. Willi.. (inive, Wnita Tim. Silk and Leather liells. Linen 1! is. tin Mtiirla, I'eroa'la Sh'rM, Ac. HIIOF.i. La lles Sorire flatters and Sllppeia. lierit Knuhxh Ties and tUil-m. Iadins Patent Leather aad M tioeeo SipN pera. Miasns ami Children Shoes. KlneCairskin Kinla. 1 1.0 rut u. Jut lo h ind a nlew a.aorlinent of tbe iiistmt styles spring pant. H ue r laiinel -nil. I.inon Suits, Whitn Vesa. H sck Alpa.-a Coal. Ltiitil Caaaimere Hprlnn fulls, II1TK. Straw Hal ail aitm and prleas, wide brim wihI and fi ll Hats. fiitot t.rii.sj. Thi department i kept up to its usual slan.lsrd. Suitsr, CoHea, Ba.wn, lni, Khmr. Ae . as low as (liny can ho ImiuhU( aouih ol Haiti, more, I keep on h .nd all kinds of Furnllnre. Pil.se r reduced to csmlnrm to the secilvif money and tha hard n.n... . Call twfiiia purchasing elsowbere and aase I mnnev. I am now opening r'aily, NKW S P 11 I N G DRESS () I) 0 1) 8 , IN THE I.Htest and Most Dosii ruble Ktyles, F.iK Tun Comi.no Skason. blRGAlXS IM BLACK SILKS AND CASHMERES, IilUNClt AGENCY FOR E BUTTERICK k CO , (.'FUCK HATED PaTTKIINS. Samples of Goods and Cata'ogtie of raiierus sent, on application. Address, K. H. BLAMIRR, ll Main Street, Norlolk, Va. March 2.1 S.n. to li i juii 1 11 i:Lni 1 11, , k H l' UK M pr v ,(,," Mll'CU5NES8, c3 tnYSPESIA.,3 tur I'miil.saUrck. Ijk. l-lM um, N. h oik. aept. 15 1 y. 5 5 S- V I Vras'TAUSIsM V FOXJTS'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, V. nl wn or rrrrnt TlrA-e. For s.le In Dr. A. It. Z illicoffer & i,o 'cr. 17-Nv. THE PARKER GUN. .SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAA PARKER BROS; WEST MERIDEN.CT. iKly. ADVJiHTISEMENTS. mm r m w f srsi srv COUNTER, PLATFORM VAGOMS.TRACK mm, THE BEST ARE : "THE CHEAPEST MARVIN SAFE SCALEC0. 265 ChOs'D'SA Y N. V. 721 CHiSmursiPiULA. PA. 117 SEKECA ST. CLOVE. 0. Jsh 2 tf. IIIglieKi Awnril at the Centennial Iriploma of Honor and Medal of Merit, for GRAND, UPRIGHT AND SQUARE TIANOS. T be prineipnl points of Mine-rioritr In the STIKKr' l'mnos are brilliant tiir.KinB quality of tone, with groit p wer even ness ol touch throughout I ho enure scale, lauliless action, unsurpassed durability, and unexcelled workmanship. A large varioty of Seeond-rand Pianoa, of all makers, conniaiidy in store, aud ranging in prices Iroin f5 to 300. We are also Sole Agerts fur the Southern States of tbe MATCHLESS BUUDETT ORGANS. THE n H 8 T NOW MADE A full supply of every style constantly iu more, ami anin on the most liberal terms. For Terms and Illustrated Catalogues of l'mnos ana urnns, address CHAS. M.STIKFF, No. 9 N. liberty ctreet, Baltimokk, Mn. Sept. 2fi, 1-y. USK SE YOUNG'S P. P. SPECS, ADVERTISEMENTS. AND SAVE I0UE EYE SIOEI. Gold down, Jewelry low, Gold and Ril- s-er Wiitchos, m ts of Jewelry, Opera and V est chains, llano Kracelels, sseal Kinifs roll lea Setts, waiters. Pitchers, Cuns Spoons, Forks, Ac., cheiiper than the sajie (joods can lie bought for in New York. a wjnt currency fur Jewelr" and will oner indutetnent to purclixsers. J. T. YOC.NU & BRO., april -l il Petersburn, Va. :w; i ' a i O CHAMPION j 3 s-r-; : 1 1 A. mm O It T H CAROLINA. Ilalifux Con nl-, iVnnerlot Court. Iir. I. K. Crenn and Helen P. bis wile Holt, K. Clsnlon and Mary T. bis wife Plum tills Against John C. Pitchford and Harriet K his wile navi I II. I'xy, Annie M. Uv, Henry I). I'o nt n nnd Lucy K. bia wile and W W . Rnckcil trustee of said HnrT I), and Lucy H. Ponlon Ffaneia W. Williams and Alexander U. lilae'c trading under the Arm of William Hlaek A Co., of the city ot New .rk. I J Horve Adoiliii"- IratorofW. 1). ban celt, J. Jt. tlnrring, W. H.Day, Koucrt J. Day and N. M Long. ceionosnts. The above named John C. Piltchford and Harriet K his wife, and Franoi W. William and Alexander O. ISlsck will tska notice thai tlio above entitled action his been C'imnieiided In the Superior ourt of Halilax countT, Sta'e ol North Carolina fi r the purpose et having parti :on msde, between the tenants in coin mon. of (lie wveral tracts of land owned liy the late William II. iy, ileooaned, and c inuininii in the aggregate about eightneu hundred a.res, and that if (hey uo not answer or dn ur to (lie romplaint of the plainlilis wuicn has neen uled in (heclliee I the Cleric ntltirr Mipnrlnr Court of said Hilax coiintv on or before ihe Rth day of June 187$, die 1'lainliiTs mill apply lo Ilia eouri lor me lenei nrmanursl. Wilr.Mss, Jno. T. Gregory, Clerk nf the Superior Co.ist nf Hallux county, t oflloe in iiaiuai uis istn div or Anrii is;s. J.H1N T. OUKUORY, Clerk Superior I'ourt, C. A. Co' V. PUT ally. Apr6i, J . T. GOO CH, GROCER k COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS - 0 F- COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON, CORN, &C. KEEPS ON HAND A FULL STOCK or GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, MOLASSES. NAILS. & C . Which wil! be sold low for CASH. J. T. COOCH, weldost, nr. c. - Irk-d nnd Prnvi-n Irtntwnr'.hy." K K C K. T V R T lnternntlonl Kxhlbltion Awnrdn. loi. Ion, IsiL 1 Nw York, lR'.l. Paris, 1S07. l'lill.li.ptn, is7u. IIKRRI NU A CO. 2M A 252 Broadway, New York. J.m S3 if. gTATKOI' NO'iTH CAROLINA. Mnperior (onrt, horlliuiion omitj. Jaino IV. OrHutat Aiimmislrator ol Wur- luu H, Jones, ristnliir Against Lney Jones, DalendanL The purpo of ths action la r asset nf a trad of laud ailualr.l in a.id eouiitj.oonlaining ixtv-i.n (Mi aern mi re or les, ol mUn-h Ilia inlestatn dleil eiae.1 and posssid. The isnfendanl ! required to appear al the irflea nf the Clmk of (he Suimrlnr Court il Nonhnmn. ton CKIIIllV. BL Jnik i..... i- .i . ",M ,M ioio, anu answer or oetnur to the poinplint now nn Hie. Witiie. N, R. odnm. Clerk nf said Court, al oilU-e q Jick.on, (hi April ltfib 1 1 Oi y J. N A w , WELDON, N. C. BARER A CONFKCTION'F.R. Mnnf.'(iire all kinds nf plain and fan ry OMidtea. Keep always nu l and the rullest utiM'k ol Caniln, Fruits, Nuts. Ae., to ba found iu KsKtcru Nurth Carulina, which lie sells hv holesale or retail, Ordnr tor wedding partina, ai.d halls prepared nn abort uotio" ami al most rea onsnle prices. Oct 20 If. 1S78. C L 0 T II I 1878. X 0 I N. R. ODOM. C. ".C. Northamplun county. SPRING AND SCMMKR STYLES Jl'sT Rwkivkd At Noah Walker Co'i No lUyramore Street. FIXE DH ESS SPITS, I FINK HI SlXESsi STMTsJ ' BOYS' AN D YOUTH'S CLOTHING, A full line of sll grade or Roady-Mada Clothing l.-r Boy's, Youth', and Men, frooi three ytars old up al piice t- auit the time. We keep all the latest styles of Gonli' Furnishing Uoorls on hand. Samples nn hand. C olhnig and Khln. made to order at onr Ralllmnre hona at short untie, at Baltimore prices. Pleas given a call before buying. NOAH WALKER A CO. 113 MYl'AHORK KTKF.ET, I'elerabnr;, Vaj. ALEX. F. SHOUT, ) J.OEO. WILKIVSON, J ROtiER ATKIXSOX-Salsprnan. Oct S 1 Y apr S Atj TELEPHONE. NORTH STAR. CENTENNIAL. PAPA CIGARS AND CLUB HOUSE Are the best 5 cent Cigars. They ore Havana filler. LA VALENTINE, EMANCIPATION, MARGAItETTA, & GRAND DUCD.KS8 Are clear llavanas. These Cigars are sold by oil first-class dealer. Manufactured by MANTCUE A CO., Proprietors Charleston Branch of the Havana Ciirar Faolory. Mh3 -3ni ATTENTION, FARMERS! Saved on very to-i of Guano h niir..h.-in. .. Riene.1. I will Mel) MArKV ITROi; k V 1 7 ir 1? i troii . .V" """r!L OF LI M K lor 7..1 PKR TO, CASH WITH OltDKIt. K $17.50 T II E M A P E S PHOSPHATE iacne five jati. Flesh and Biood. and 'on.y require atrial Tw.H!. il for the same price as Mapes. win ten I am sellinit at tha ahoy named fabulously low prices to nnnr I.,.. ,.i. j . aoM o'n VJ? "e"1' an d tbe XZTcl Sf. DWELiber4' AdvaDCC,on C00N' PEANUTS or "r COUNTRY PRO- JNOO'CONNOR JR. March 23 3m. PORTSMOUTH, VT. T. N. WHITK, A. L. STAINBACK, JH.onrvv WHITE, STAINBACK & GOOCH.' W. c. J. ISUCCESSORS TO J. T. QOOCH. T. COUCH'S OLD st vn u MHafi U.teJu.penedtL.,r Fall Stock of Good., which they ofl.r to the trtd. a F K I C I I, A tt II oooDa, SHOKS. NOTIONS LADIES t O IT I) T C Theatook oomprlsu a full line of READY MADE CLOTHING. DRY GOODS, BOOTS, CAPS, Tbe largest tiork nf GROCERIES, SU0AP.9, 8 ALTS, sin a P -n to be fonnd In Kastern North Carolina. They rail attention to tt,.ir stk of the famous MILES rmLADELrilU. HANn Minn nmu. .rv . For Both LADIKS m4 CEVTIEMEV Oct 17 1 y, 'Mi.i.aL!(. DKUS ruis, COFFEKS, TIlAS. T. N. WHITE, A. L. STAINBACK. WHITE & S T A I N D A C K. W E 0 N N. I hay.Ju.1 re'urn, d from lb. North with ,L, Utfe SU)ck DRY GOODS, A Nd IKADT MAD CLOTHING, SHOES. BOOTS, HATS, GROCERIES, RIDLEi, AND COLLARS. ter offered In thl market, which 1 hey are Balling LOW FOR KOTIOXS AltD CAPS, SADDLES, CAS H. n.Th'-T , ,"Pw'11 enllon to their Slock ,f DRESS GO.IDS TftTMIVT s-tlily Apr r.O t. Oct 17-1-y.

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