THE ROANOKE NEWS. SATURDAY JUNE 1, 1878 From il f O'iserTer. A. leadinn Republican aewipaper. re ceived last evening, relerriag to Senator Rsnsem, say I hut "Ransom has been quiet. Aim, courteous, fair in al) things and de voted to his party. He Iia, thrnuuh his genial social qualities won the conlMeoce mil regard ol every Imity ; and to day we thii k lie occupies a position in the nation al Democratia party lar higher than that held by Gordon, Lunar. Hill., or any other Southern man. Thurinan, lUvard and Raasnm are the Democratic giants ol the 8' nate." The remark sell us to thinking. The peopla ol N-rih Carolina learn slowly, but they learn er.eeedioglv well. A. coascrva tive cat ef mind ami thought has mads them feel their way into now fashions ! politic! and beliefs, and hat prfsaired them trum filling he .1 long into many humiliating and s niiutiiiiea absurd trrnrs that hare overcome so ran ol her mare sen sitire or more haughty aiater. One great f ict that has grown iato a part ol 'lit Slate creed, slowly lint fery surely, It that lha people are entitled ol right to kdh hat it done anJ what is said hy their pu'iiio servants, an 1 whe i they knew this, they i ling tenecteosly to the higher trivil. cge of totaling an I tt rcssing opinions about the ari.idf a d actions of ihi'te the r Representatives. Asa eousi qoence ol this Dianral activity cnmei in due course the determination te to. low great principles, and to legard public men as worthy t honor and trml only when thev are the sxponcnts ol principles, and when they tr iwn down nfforts to snbnrdinste the in terests in which all have an tqnal share to their personal inlliinccs. One remarked characteristic of the teachings of The Observer Imm the day when it was G st printed until now, has been Us intensely North Carolina faith, pride and Live. O ir faith if a practical iaith 0 ir pride is a just and an honora ble pride not leaning tor support upon accidents, hut founded nn her put and te cent deeds and upon her luture capabili ties. The love we have Inr the Slate is a iart ol us, was born with ns, has lived with as and will die with as. We can no mord explain it than we can our lore 1 1 what is right. It cornea naturally to oi r duty to teach it to our people. We be lit v.; with the simple-! Iaith that there is o immense undirelopet love Inr the Sta io our people, hut, we repeat, it has n . been educa'ed to rent itself. The chio nel through which this gnat mine ot fu ture wealth lor us is to he reached is a proper pride in i nr riaoorn-s. We bin stood by with ur hats in aur hands and have allowed other Ptatcs by t In ir ver stll-cenfldent ttrtngth to tnke the prece dence ol us in nalional affiiit. We have men in rur high places who are the peers ol the sons ol any Statu It is a great wrong that we do eureelvts when we throw high honors upon ve el our no blest nitir ns and tm-o quietly look on upon him as oiice a Ring always a Kins?, an4 to be nothing beyond. It he is wor thy and loyal the whole people shnulrf bi-ar htm on their shoulders to the hiuliest dignities. There is a chu-1 of our clans who was born upon the banks of the Roanoke, was nurtured in our home r.hnels. bore off the honors ol the State University, setved his country and com monwealth in o vil employment, an ' when war came serted his State and the South with a dauntless outrage and a sweet rouney that won lor hioi the name ol the Sir Philip Sidney ol the army. His devo tion lo his mother State did not wane while she wept a widow over her lost cbi'drrn. He was called by his old (riends ai-d his new one to the councils d the National Sentite. Since his appearance Ui' B the fl iO'S ol this august body bis influence and use'ulnese have grown apace with his opportunities for good. A'lclna, ing the Sinators but seldom, his wind lall wrth easy grice up'-n willing and trust ing ears. Like another great North Ca'o'.ioa Senator, Willie P. Mangum. his nry sil m e girt-a him power, and it is not unsafe or unlair lo aay that he has a te st rvt farce and a na'i.inal following fiat do other Soiiilurn Sena'or has been accorded since the war between the Slates. He is wiser and giratt-r than the erratic Hill. He is a sa'er leader than that other great Georgian who has lost, we think, aoroethiug of the dignity of the Senator in becoming a favorite at the While House. Lamar, a Kupert in debate, has not thrilled the Nation with an o tio that will be enrolled in our classic, and thai, to u-e the language ot William Eaton, one ol our best lawyers an t potest men, "will be declaimed as a model of eli qui nce by the lads of aur schools long alter he has tested an his great Uureis Ire in his f reatr labois.'' In assigning to the South her place among the national leadets in the coming contest lor the Presidency, Nonh Carolina aught to and will name, and we believe that she will have the spontaneous en dorsement of all the States. Matt. W. Rsasom, as the Denvcra'ic candidate lor Vice President. His loyalty has never been and Can never he suspected. He has suffered with hi people and he knows what they stand in need of Irons natn al sympathy. His riews on all subjects ! legislation are as broad aa his knowledge ol tbem is thorough. Far all these reasons and as a tartly reward lor the patient work ol a hast ol good North Caro inians who have always been true to country an I to principle, we beltere that we sha'l see Senator Hanson preside ever thai body ol fhiClS tt It 89T SB It"!"'"! member. Correspondents of the Rlugwooal natter. Kinowuo N 0., May 3ih U78. ( I learn that a seveie bail storm passed ver the Brinklevville section Saturday ight, destioying wheat, eats and rotto . Quite a storm visited u, blowing dewn 1st ces and washing lands, but nn hail. There is great complaint ot cotton dyiog nd many ace replanting bow. The cool damp weather has been bad an all eropa Wheal has the n.t, and a half crop cannot be made. Md. Temple 0. Arrington, mother ol J. G. Arrington. of lliliiardsteo, Nash county, died os Saturday morning alter short illness No Boliiica! news to note, the Chief Justice o, estien having Wta settUd, satis lactorily te all. N"W if we Can gat Hill M l a Western man as Associates, the Supreme bench will be lightly repteented bv al rctiens. and by men worthy to fill the seats ol their bjoercd prodecessors. Hastily. G. E M "A newly Imported Hungarian. em ployed on a (arm a lew miles nert'.i ot the city, tilted iii beahive the other day to :e what the bees - -ra dninj Dnder there. Us knows now. II iTS they were mak ing chain lighim f I had 3 000 tns ol tt en baud, whifi tip tt led hetore he bad time to let lbs l d tb." -Haa-keye. Tnrt FMItorof this paper I In no way responsi ble fti. the viewa orsialeineut nf Correspond ents. No communication!) of an anonvinoiis character will lm published : the real name of the writer must accompany all communications. Any one who may f.-i aiorrlevetl t atatcmenta made hy correspondents ran obtain the name on application to the Kclltnr. rorre iiMiiiilctita will jilcasc write only on one aide of the paper, ami to avoid having their emntntinleatlona thrown In the waste hasKet, will Inrnisli their names not neeesarlly for piihlicatlon but aa a (runraiity of (rood faith. Wti will not notice anonymous correspondence. O C Ju Our AagNTi. The following gentlnmen will ant as agents for tin. KoaNokk Nkwb: Captain A. R. Hill, Scotland Nock. R. I). Dickens, F.uieetta. Geo. T. Simmons, Halifax. Major N. K. Jeukina, Littleton. J.C. Hill, PaLnyia. Dr. F. M Garrett, ttingwoeid. Hev C. M. Cmk, Warrenton. F. Eivene Foster, Northampton Co. J. D. B one, Jackson, N. C. E. A. Bstchelnr, Enflrltl, N. C, We oarry our greatest enemies wlibln us. Harvrst iievor c-nna to such ss sow not. Fi.eatko waiata with ami without yokes are coming in fashion. A St I.oiim woman "'died the other day without medical assistance." "Pat, do you understand FrerchT" "Tis, If it's spmken in Oirish," Job worn of every description done at short notice. Apply to Johw W. Slrpob, Pi.wino np and replsn'ing cotton is the business of the hour with farmers in this loc ility. Wr still have conl nights, hut 40 minutes by the watch is the sun's limit Inr ral-i'.ig any blister. Thr season is lar aivance l and enly three picnics. S imclio ly please get up another or something, Cuk voung woman who used to sing so divinely, "Oh, had I the winaa of a dove," Is aaliftucd with a chicken leg. She is married. RT. 0. M. Cok will administer the ordinance of baptism br Immersion at Bass' mill near Weldon, to-morrow after noon at 4 o'clock. Attention Eta nob r LianT Tsfan trt. Meet at the Tterartr Hall on Mon day night at 8;J0 P. M. By order of your Captain, W. P. RaTCDEr.oR, O. S. Wanti'I every one to be (ree Irom Pimplts Blotches, Roils etc.. which can be done by pnritving th bl ind with Roll's Blend Mixture. Used everywhere. If your Irish potatoes are watery, put apiece of lime shout thi aii of a hen's e?g In the pot. and boil with tlim, and they will oome ut as mealy as you please. Yisitino. Mrs. Juden Orant of T)aven port, Iowa, and Misa Maggie 13. Jihnator, of Philaditlphii, Pa , are visitini relatives in the upper portion of this county. rVe wish 'heui a pleasant sojinrn amoi.g th'sir kindred and friends. . - Robkrt O Burton. Jr. a prominent oung lawrer af Halifax, was ma'r'ed to Miss Mart Carroll, ef Ash'and on Wedrea- day the 29 h ult May th y live long aud prni-p-r. - Mv ch'ddrer. do n it thrive. Th- y have such chanjeable co'or. I' now occurs to me that wnrms are the cne of all this trouble. I will try Sh'iner's Ialian Vermi fuge. JeiiH A. WoHsnAM. the celib'ated Richmmd gambler dietl in that city last Sunday evening. He was at one time well knows io some portions ol this Stale. Fbssri. tea is a simple remedy to qu;e' the baby, and this inn c ot artii le is em bodied in Dr. Bull's Biy Syrup, which puts the bahy to sleep without the tvil u-e ol opiates. Price 25 Cenls. Dr. R I.. Madison. Surgeon of tin Vir. ginia Military Institute ami formerly physician to Geo L'e. died in Lexigtnn, V., last Monday. D'. Madison was a great-nephew of President Madison, Ma, Job is W. Slkdok bad the misfor tune to lose his fine Italian grey hound nn Sunday last, from some very peculiar dis ease. All of our cltisans will bear of the death of ''Larry" with regre', for he was one of the prettiest dogs re have ever aeen nd was really a pe'. for nearly everybody In lowo. Tbe military c nifsry cr mi a rn splen dldly. The drill master marched them la line for the flral time laat Saturday aftor- nonn and the peiformance would nave doneerodil to old soldiers. The Adntant General In forms us that he will have the arms ready by the tine they are needed and that be fully eipecia to aae the boya In front at the grand review next fall. A csinsany nl Weldon enaiteurs will produce Tom Tavloi's great comedy, ' Our American Cousin" on the 20' li ol ntxt month. We understand that a psrty has been mile up in Rileigh te attenl and witness the pcr'ormancs. Tills is probably a good place to say that a ropy of the play wis Inst at the Episcopal church picnic. The fiu.)er will please lesva it at this i ffice. In traveling through the county we have been pleased to hear so much said el our approaching Fair. From every ind Cation, more Interest is being felt in that direction than lor several years. Our Fairs have alwaya been successes, but we think the next will excel soy yet held The premium list will soon be published for distribution, an! in roonrctlen with it a lot ol biiiiai-s cards, Ac. It will be an excellent advertising medium. Applies tlon for space in the pamphlet can be tent to this cCre. Sono of the ladiits makluit their t ilets "Combing jea We're o inbing." Thkrm is a daily consrinption In the world of over ten thousand lead pencils. Somebody Is bound to make a mark. MaitniRD In Wldu. N C, on Fri day May 3t 1878 by J. T. Evans J. P Geo. W, Moigan to Miss Ary L C. Mas9ey all ol Northampton eounly. Trbrb is some talk in Peter.lmrg rd an agricultural Inir there next fall. We hope the i lia will be tarried out, as the Peterss hurg Fairs have always teen au attructinn to our people. DittD at his residence near Cmwell's X R taJs nn the 36th inst., Mr. Albert Branch in the 63 h year of his age.he had been af flicted with rbeumatitut for 33 years and wss perfectly helpless for the last fire yeaia ol his life. Mils. SuMMPRici.t.. relict of John Sum merell ol Northampton county, dietl suddenly about one week ago. She w s engaged In same household duiiis when she was stickrn with heart rirteasu and died in a lew hours. WHOI.K8ALK CAH PrICI.9 AT V. J. Naw's Barkrt and Ca n py Manufacto kt. Sugar Cakes per barrel $3.o. Oiucer Cakns por barrel 4.50 Candy 13 eeuts in Iota of 25 pounds and upward. may4tf. Ratiirr Early. Mr. Cullen C. Tucker showed us a ripe peach Imt Tuesday which was lound in the orchard ol Ctd Thus Goode Tucker on that day. We have forgotten what variety ol peach it was, hut arc inclined lo think it was the Beatrice. This i probably the carist ripe peach on recur I lor this lectlity. A Military Company has hcen organized at Garyshurg w ith the fo. lowing officers : J. L. Suiter Capt. J G. Ellis M Lent. B H. Suiter 2nd Lieut. Sq lires 3 d Ieut. William Harding Ord'y Serg't. Northampton S iperi ir Court arlj iurned on Friday. Jude Sevmoif presiding He is said to despatch business rapidly and to possrss a thorough knowledge el his d.itie as Judoe. Several old aad important c srs nn the Docket one th it In sppea e-i lor trial at twenty fur times of lbs cnutt were ilicided on Thurfdiy. Collision. Our Davil complains of be ing aors this morning, occasioned by an accidental collision with our worthy conn tv Treasurer, whi'e plating tase ball a few evenings aince, but wo ate happy to remark, that the Treasurer was not anriouslv Injured br the unexpected eon tact with his sutanln majesty We claim that Halifig bis rhs only Trstsurer nn earth who can knock the devil out of time. Wr learn an eff irt is being made hy the merchants ol Richmond to I U'diase the Petersburg R.ilraad. Shiulti close Weight connections be ma le at Petersburg and rates kept rrederale. almost the entire tra le ol this lich section will be directed hence to Richmond. We will say one tiling lor the Richmond merchants we have round them rxtremely courteous an I gen tlemanly. At this writing, Thursday niuht, Wel don is being d elngrl by a very heavy rain attendel with vivid dishes of lijhtn'ug We intended witi'g a sentimental account I a midnight s'orm with a picture ol the tired local sK'hing over a long blank to be titled, with heavy heart and drooping eyrlids. wishing his weary task over, that he might dream of loved ones far away, , hut our partner (who has a'tended a p cnie to-day) Is snoring so heartily loud that all poetio ideas have been dispelled, it we must content nursell to 1st it rain ithont farther comment. Matrimonittl Poetry. Pit. Tbma a having married Mis Matilda Lyon, the village past wrote as follows : Millennial adrieatoa may aonnd Their Oihrielio horns ; The em', of ti i e. the reiirn of peace, This simple notice warns. For lo! Hn lioth down Together with the lamb ; And soon, perhaps, a little child Khali lead thera by the baud. Cbarlbs Day married Mlsa Llssia Week, upon which local poet comments as follows : A week la made a 'ay at last Rut time should not oomplaio. There'll aonn be little daya enough To make the w a k again. II I. A DIM. TIIEDIICKIFF. A Tale r th Matt) Prlaon. It was a blight day in the merry mon' ol Ma lha a nn shnae itriuhtlv the green young leaves wbi h leapt and quiv ered to meet the embraces ol hit rsys. By the old town of HaliUx, the noble R a noke swept msjusticallr anwar-ta bearing its excessively mil Idy tribute to the great deep. The court house rat packed with a silent throng banking spell bound nn the words ol the tleqient jmist whe was ad dressing aa follows a lone apecimee of the gceus homo species A'ricanu-; "Dave IVeb bles the seutence ol (he court upon you is that you be confined at hard labor in th states prison lar ten years." The crow breathed more freely ao1 Dive attended by the sheriff passed nut unte the gail. The above was to have been ths iutro ductian ta an elegsnt literary rairceau but a kind and palite Irpnd to whom we read (t havie, chararteiif d it as adjectiral bosh we have cancluded to turn Pegasur laose and tell in simple laognsgs that Dave was car ried to Raleigh io charge ot a deputy sheriff and safely delivered ta the Peaiteniiary authorities. The sherifl then returned to Welilou Is find that Dve had Weenme tired of Peaittntiary lars and breaking therefrom had come to Weldon stolen a boat sod gins to join Bab. Jehosea. Tbs beat has beea Isktn of at Halifax. Sunday School Ticnics 1 he Sun lav School picnic "I 0 see church (E,iactpa' ) Ciine off on Fri lay the 24 h at the Fair Grounds under the management of the Su. etl itend. n s and 'a lies, an I a mere enjoyable afiair tor bnth old and young it was never our lot to hear ol unfur inuntely we eie not able to he present, liepoit alter rrpott came io ol ihe groaning tables-the b et is ol ha bicue and ham, there seemed do end, whilu ice lemonade fl iwed Ireely, and strawberries were in aun Itiuce to sny ntsthing of cake, p'ekhs ami comlim n s. The e was nothing 'orgotten to plea-e the appetite el the grown up chidden, even mustard was oo hand. The lions keeper who had that orothi Uht we commend. The last report 'r m the "rau't table," was for little more chuc.iilote cske and the rienwnd was fully supplied. Ami the children voted that i hey never hail s m ich lun, Irom the ol I time swing to i rnq ict they never wete at a loss lot emuseroent, while, thier elder lirmhers an I sisters thought it no hum to i.idul.e iti that which though it da'es back tuthe gatdeu ol Eleu never gtows old. I he Methodi.-t Sun lay Sclmul picnlced last Thursday and nn this m casion it was mir good lortune to be present. It is very hard to describe a pimic. Eu"h one is so nearly alike tint Ihe discripiion of one may no f.-r al'. Of I hi- one it is siillkimt lossy lhat it w a goltnn up tor the hem tit el the yt tingsters, and. that so soon as the elder girls got tired of them and begun to opcu their batteries on the grown boys, the said youngsters seemed heartily te enjoy themstlv a. There was less flirting than is usu il at picnics but the ulrquttuous small boy who tells everything ho fees and hears may have accounted for this. Howbeit there was a greal deal of swinging seme very good sinking and plenty ol good dinner. The muddle was estia nice, ant) serious fears were at one time entertained lor the selety of certain gimlcmin In fact we have rvcieved ceilifieattS that one young gentleman ate more than hie weight. The crowd re turned at about 5J n'clot k heartly tired bu; very huppy sud most el them sorry lhat the day was over. Ol It S P K: 1 4 I, ItF.IMsRTERN TOL'K OF ISU'ECTIO.. SCENES AXDSMELLSISOUR MIDST. A U'artsa arid Continuous; Invl futiou lo UlneaNC Hero lotus tells us th it in his dav it was remarked that the science ol governing town, then in its inlancy, was learned ao slow'y. As hs put io his strong Greek way : "It is the text lor wonder that no man within the w ills ol Athens Ins ever seen a gootl ci'y cavetn ment. Eiren the most travelled liars, anil most ly in travellers lorbear to tell us that such things exis1, ami now men are begin ning to say that ihe immortal Gods do not I kit that men should live in towns and SO hive sluptd the hunvitl brain us to tens der the production ol a good towo will :er an impossibility," Am mg Dr. Schlirman's discoveries 1 1 Mvcnac, was a suppleRp ot to th- Troj tu Stiothsayvr which throws mm light upan this re nark ot Herodotus. The supple ment is evidently the rep rt of an luvts'.i- gn'or to Ixok into the en Jition nf the Trojan suburbs, atii we reproduce it in order lo shew how irueh the town guv em nertts and ne-naieis al that day ie- sem'-sle thase ol the prrS'tnt. The Extra rents at lall i vs : On MonJay last a specitl reporter of the Soothsayer specially employed lor that purpose, made a lour of ii.speulieo of the neighboring village of Jitnesbarouh, Oar repo ter csmuiencei npera'iios in the eighbarhool l the foundry, li re he found thiols In a deceut conditian, but the oediiion ot the cinl is absolutely ppalliog. D iring several Iwurs of every lay the water ol the canal so recedes as to le-tve expose J a lar je surface ol m id. black with corruption, wh en un ier the infl.i- ence of the present hot sun givei forth such exha'ati'ins S'mmt breed disease. O i FtieilMeat R iw, h styt anihinsrs and gu'ters hardly less unsavory, aeml Uit te hetveo rank ff -nti's ag timt the nisei al all goutl ciiiz ns. 1 1 tact the anly thing lhat one fails tosmell in tun n-dghbirhood is something that smells good. Ou Washington Avenue the smells do not appeal with so m tch of dirctnes lo thesensiiilitirs as in the quarter af the towo we have just alluded to, but even here the disastrous effects of employing hogs aiscsveagers are ptiofully etpsrsnt and are such aa to give the transient trsve Ier the Impre'sieu that Ihe town is ainly inhabited by that uselul but uo cleanly animal. But Immediately adjoin inn Waakinftnn street, and in the bottom are many localities which call sloud lor quirk lime soil disinfectants. Ojr is porter was In'ornied that at soma remote period in 'lis history of the tewo there had lieen an attempt made ta hive this part of the town tleaaed ep, but alter consultations with all at our al lest cit't -ns an t finding that the mrtaery af such peiformance lingered not with any al them we were forced to regard the whole as a fl .m Our reporter would have investigated lurth- i r but the combination ol laul smells which had during the who'e time of his tour ol inspection been saluting his no-s had hy this tim a become loo many for him and at last ha has succumbed, and two doctors sre considering what name they ahall call the diseare which he will die ol. This ia all ol the Soothsayer's report whi. h has yet heeo found, hut Irom Ira dition we lea'n that it, at great sacn (Ice of reporters continued lo invest'gats the sanitary cind tien al Jenrsltorough and In write on the subjttt nt lil the town as thoroughly policed We leatn lurth er that immediately upon ths accomplish ment nl this (act emigrants Is'gun lo paur into the village and in the rouise ol cna paietively very few yurs it grew lo tie so very large a city that the name waa changed and antler its new name nl Antincn it be came the i -at of a vast empire. Does soybody know any Iowa of mere snadero dale and les imposing name j which the! oregriog might spplj. inn., i i i miis irn1f;l.iiiiiiiiiaiia A Citation or Prooiumub Messrs T, n P.ummer & Co. ol Petersburg have during the past spring been etinotiacing through the columns ol the News that they were sole agents lor the ce'ebr.ted Far mer's Friend. They wroto us last week it ling us to change their announcement Irom Plows to Threshers which we do id this issue. People must not understand, however, that M-ssrs. P.ummer & Co have stopped selling their Plows. The-r reason for linking the change was fiat they sold su many nf them that they were sutUlhJ every body in this sec ion o county was suppliid with them snd nn tliepriRClplethat good turn iletve another they wish to give them an oppor tuuity to get something else go id. Rblioijus Intblliubncr Rev. Mr. Higi(i ol Jackson prcaehed to a very at tenure and appreciative congregation at Grace Church, oo Friday livening. His subject was the marriage feist at Caoa in Gilli'ee. He impresnd his hearers lhat w ran never be sine that our walk in lile is tight, unless we can, and da with God s presence, ami $ive it a Iv art'elt welcome Il we Can (lti that we ma bu riht certain that all will be well whether we are at a social gathering or in God's own house Ilia church. Oi Sunday RtV. Mr. Forth preached one of bis usually hle and telliDg ser mons. Hslaii blnre the congregation a searching self exsmination on the path ef diity.whiuh we cannot make t 'O great haste to follow. There was a large turn eut and an jsic was particularly fine. Correspond nee of tho the News. Kasth County Politics. BaTTLI- B'IRO. N O, ) May. 30th 1873 ( DitAR Nkws: The delega es af the Dimocrstic patty ol the county ol Nish. met at Nashville last M mdav. and notni nated the following excellent ticket : For the Legialature. Ctpt. Gjo. N. Lewis, the presed sherifl; lor Sherifl, C. W. Ward ; lor 1'rohato JU tg", u. il. l irsov. who holds it now ; Ur R-giatcr nl D tds, Capt. A, W. Brliges, tho present In combent, and (or Treasurer, N. W Conner. who has long held Ihe s. mi nfuJS. Ours is one of tlie nob'esl cnuaiies in Ihe Old North State, an 1 may she long bear the honors she now meritari-oislv wears. There seems to be m l.kttlihnod nf any oppositio n in the county, but it would be well for us lo (allow the injunction ol other men, "In time ol pe.ctj prepare for war," Tnere may he, a snake hiking in Ihe grass, lor which we should look I any dtsslTsCtlnn should nc-ur in the ranks the Radicals will siirttly take advantage ol it. As yet. thouoh everyihing seems to be working admirably well. I happened to be in Wilson sometlr since, w lien I saw a remirkable pieie ot mechanism Iron the han la i f a a itive . f N'oilh Car i n. The in-tiu nent lu question is a dock, with duplex move nent", anil the result of ihe labors ol W.J Churchwell. Fioin one winding up, it will run lor 8(5 (lays. It is a nn st remarkable invention an I he. intenda to have it exhibited al thu P.iris Exposi tion. Ours is certainly a town of much (?1 enterprise. A dispute an a; as to who was the laziest min. At last one of the disputants disappeared anil was laund upon the streets, under a shady oak with pipe in mouth, su-iported by a cor I bom his hat crown. This ia true, and a piievi has been upplled for Trad-is as dull as Ihe "limes will aflord." Many drummers have vi-ited us this wei k Ci;is h ive been somewhat dannged by the late fains. The weather you know all about. rhTHItPON. Special Locals. 100 sacks of tvcrptml salt 201 lbs., at f 1 .23. Also 50 barrels In r legs. WlNFlKI.I) & ERT Tn time of pea nrepara lor wan, Wlnle all la ouiet don't. fTirot to insliie von- properly wttli K. f. uutier, oeuerai Insurance Agent. SiNuitu Sewing Machines, nccd'es And a'l attachments, lor lain at W Intu & &tatr back's Bettom Store. 10A I 10.) !1 1001! !. -One hundred lbs, if r"iour just revived and for sale cheap for cast). Wntrs Staixback Uuoru. Call and axanina our Isrg and new selat;ieJ aiock ef Crockery Ulore purchas. WBITB. riTAl s B vera., tl uuoocii. . . If you die soon will your family lie pro vidud for f Ifnot oe ante to insure your hie In tha Mbtropoi. itab. K. F. liDTLKit, Agont Two elegant business an I pleasure wag oas lor ana or two h-rses lot sale cheap at ths Roeaok Agricultuial warks Wtldon tl. Wlnllold and Emrv have to an ive U barrels of flour aad 2',n00 pounds of ba-on wliit h thev will sell al Baltimore prices, witkou. any charge for Ireight. tr, Just received a lot af Miles Celebralei Walkennbast anil lluitoned Sh'-es. ('all and see them, ns g iarinlea sailsfaclinn. WHIB HTAIMBAOK attioOOH. Tau can find Boiled Linseed Od, Raw Linseed OH. Machine M lor i.irs, Sewing Machine Oil, Lard Oil, Tinners Oil, al T. A. Claiks Drug Store. Ot and after October 1st all goorla will heeald, alriclly for ca ll. Kvnry thilm tlewn at lowest prices. Call and aea ua before purchasing els where. tf Will KI KLO .t EXBX Plbasr remember that your little ac caao s are past due and we tesprctlully ak a settlement at the same. Whitb A Staivbscb. Bottom Store, Just ta hand ane car load Liverpool fine sail, full weight., faotory filled 1.6ft per sack. Also at Garyaburg Slurs aarne price. K P. Spikrs, Bottom htcre. Thb Brst is th k Ciibapkst. Therefore von kbouldc.ll and not the prices nf ror tillaara for which wa are agents belora buying elsewhere. Writr A Rtainbaok, Bottom store. Ta TBt Ladics We have joat leceived k few peters af bran: if el dress goods call ally and gel the first choice. Writ Js Staikback. B torn Store, Farmurs aava 'money by using the Home Fbitilisttr, iiisdo at borne by the Formula of Roy kin, farmer A Co., which has given audi eneral aaltsaotinn where tried. I he chemicals can be bad pure of T. A. Clark Weldon N. C. Att for Bcvkfo f armer d, Co. I am now soiling at, retail, pretty ooffe angles, at lllt'ts. per pound oliniiltfer me: t til, l lea 8cta , a No I article of col'oe it Zltii.t medium quality ft lOetK. K. P. Spikrs, Bottom Htore. Latbst Nbw.s. 20 barrels ol B-unswi. k Family Flour just received at White it Staitiusck's "B itom Store." We cant ot rolare this with ar y as ntc. C.ll eai y and buy before it ia all said. W iirrit Staikbck, tf "Battom Store." N'ew biNka Just to hand and and for sale. Dickon'" complete books it volumes Illus trated, Price 14 dollars or 12ft single volume. Scotts comnlete works, Wavrrly Novels 23 voliimna, ll'iistratpd et $2:1 or I. 'io ainglo copy. Alsi cumpifto line of school books, ' McUutlim, Hon, era and National Ruder-. Grammars, Geogra phies. Arithmetics and all kind of school malarial. Uvmn booka and bibles a speciality. Complete line of stationary, .. number one article oT letter paper at 1 oeats per quire, laaa bv the wholesale, R. P. Splera Bottom Stsro. An Historic vl Fact. Every aeenl who has been ateadily aolling the Im proved $2o Homestead Sewing Maoliitie for threa years, owns bis dwi llmg house, has a good account in bank, is clear I debt, and has money at Interiat '.lie natural otinaoqueiite of securing a gond agency lor appellor goods at tho lowest prices, A good rlrst-cUsa Sewing Ma o'iIiio, most ufiil reliaiile at all limes, easy to understand nod control, the same sir.e and does lha asms work as any ma chines thai noil at Four Tim ks the price, riioro is to machine at any price bettor, or that will do liner or in'oe work, ami certainly none an low In price by many dollars. Tho Homrstsad is widely known and used in thousands nf families in the Mastern and Middle iS'atos, and dully be ciuiing popular in tho West. It will save its oust, several times over In one season, ilolng the work of the family, "r will earn four or five dollars a day for any man or woman who sows for a "living. ' ft Is the Klrniigest machine made, is ready at all tiino.i to do its work, makes the strongest and finest atiteh yet Invented, and is fully acknowledged as tho namlard Family Sewing Machine. Price, complete for do mestic nan, $20, delivered at your door, no mutter bow remoto you mav reside. Busi ness permanent and honorable, w ith more ortain sail rvipbl sales, and larger profit- mil any other. Extraordinary liberal nlt'ora made to local ur traveling agents where wo have none established : il there is no agent near you, send your order direct to the faotory. Addreaj John H. Ka.itUII it Ct ., 421 liroalwiy, New York. Great Ueellne In Nngwr Coffee anil Meat. L. A. Farinholt's hi tail Prick Cukkknt. Hoik shnuldr ra, 6o per 100 lbs. Bulk r. K. Sides, per 100 lbs, 7 c per lb. Bacon biildera. 7 c per 100 lbs. Bicon C. R. Sidts, 8tt per lial Il Sc per II . 20 c per lb. 2 e per 1' . f e per II , 10 o per II , lv:J o per II . !tn c ptr gs , 75c per its'. f8 50h! per bbl. (Niftee, good Kin, Cofteo, prime Klo, ottos, l.ali.iia, SngirBright Brown, Kxtra C. Coffee Mugar, Standard "A." Sugar, M ilasses (rfoort), Bright Syiup, Va. Family Flour, a. Kxtra r lour, $7 o0S per bbl a. Super Flour, ftf OuV.C 40 per bbl. Nails, (Old Dominion) 5 c per III., or J.I 50 per kpg. Cotton Warp. 1.00 per Block viholc Sim k Brni ana, 1 w per pur. A full lot ol Kui nit.irk alws a on band. Tho prices named will be strickly adhered to so long aa tliov appear m Hie adveriiie- nient. All fail and w nti r goods at and below cost. "Mate bay wline inn aim shines. NEW AI)VEUTLSKME.M. Ucan make in ney faster at work tor ns than at anything else Capital ont re quired; we will atari you. fl2perdavat home nsscte ny me inoiiMirioiia .Men, women. I ys and g rls warned everywhere In wot k for ua. Now is the time. Costly outfit aod terms tree. Address Trvs A o , Auauata, Maine. June 1 1-y. STATE OF NOltTU CAROLINA, 3 llalilax Con nly. This is to notify you that you haee been appointed Registrar for the coming elec Hon in August I87S. You are riquested to take a new rngisiralion mall voters in Wei !on Toa'iiahlp. of lawful ago aud qualified by law to vote and none others. j. i . r. v .a ..-s, j. r. AARON PKKSCUTT, J. P. WM. A. DANIhL. J.P. To X. M. LoctharU June It f. T iO THE tU'ALIFIKD VOTERS OF wKLIHjN TOWNStllf. The Hoard nf H.sgistrali-a nf Halifax county having ordered a new registration of the voters in Ihe county, notice Is hen bv given, that '.he registration hooka ny We it. hi Tnwkshlp, will he opened at Weldon. in tha IlnmStorenf Messrs. 7. lli e 'tier A llro.. on '.be 1st day nf July A. D 1878, fur the qualified voters of sild Tows. ship, tn register anew, old tegistrat oa having bet-o ehaliahed. ."Sotioei have I a in posted in tba Township. is. .M. lui rv II a is. i , Kegialrar, June It f. nUK HEKBNEH RAILWAY Power, Threaber aatl Cleaner. The Moat Macbiue far Kfflclent ami Kconomical T H R K S 11 I N U UKAlN Capacity of I herae machine 12$ to 2iW hue. 2 " " ZJ to sou auaoeia, Deacrlptiva Ciroulars furnished on ap pllcMlon. K. II. TLUi'MKR it CO, General Agents, Peteraturg, Va. nee 12 tf. VOTICI! SO TICK. Notice Is hereby Riven that, from and alter thirty dava from lha date or this no tins the voting proclnat lo Littleton Towii. ship, ahall be at the town ot Littleton. In aitl township, and tho voting precinnt in Palmyra township ahall ba al Bras well's Cross Roads In said township. Bv ordor ofthe board of Justices of the Teaca of Halifax oounty. May 13ih 1S7H, D. C CLARK, Chair ansa Marlg U. NE LVRTISEMENTS. $ a week n JUrtlfrto. .s ur own to wn. 5 t All ltK. IttJlBl', 11 T II nt a busiiiHss at which persons of ei Oof aex can make great p7 all the lime they wrk, wiite for parlicu'ars to II. llAt.LBTT t Co., Portland, Maine. jnno 1 l y. u 3 K T U K E D j. i) o r a ii ' i x n e FASHIONABLE SUOE MAKER I AS- - has returned t) Weldon whore he can La found over W. tl. BROWN'S STORK, prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Repairing neatly and promptly dona. Mav 2Mf A. L. K L h KT T 4 CO, DRY UOOD AND NOTIOX 10. M ..d H TWKLFTH STREET A. L. Fllut, A. Ji'pron WaTKiysi, ('LAV IIHKWRV, H. II. II I'DOKS. RlfllMONI) VA. May Utf. O TICK Under and by vlrtuo nf a certain mort gage dee.l made to us by F. S. Pioroe and wife, end duly recorded in the office ofthe Hetfister of Deeds, Inane) tor Ihe emntv of Halifax, we will o'l Tuesday the 25 h day ol Juno 1878 expose to public salu at the Coin t House door in H ilifnx towu a'l the right title and interest of gaij F. S. Pierce In and to the estate of A. B. Meroe. Terms of sale, cash. WIN FIELD tt EMRT. May 2.Vf. ARM tH'INUS, Western AortU Carolina. Is iin-v open for tho teception ol plesa ure si ikere and invalids. 'I bis lovoiy place is situated in thbbenu tifjl valley of the French Broad withia eiirht niilos of railioad. We have a lino Dn.d nf music, nttentivn servunta, and nil other atvo.niuodatinns to be ton ml at s first class watering plana. For purliculirs apply for dsorl livs pa in pb let. W. II. IIOWKUT N, Mir !-"tl, Proorioior. sOSS' PATENT SriPj -COLD WATCH CASES Are matte of two plates nf Solid flolil overlaying a plsle tif ctmHisitlon metal In sueh a manner as In present only a aohl surfnec. While costing but hall Ihe inoiiev, they ara as shosry sntl eleaaut ss the solid gold, ami sre WAllRANTKI) BY SPKC1 AT. rUETUlCATE TU WJAB VWEN. VY YKAKS. If thu have not sera these watches, as your len-eler fur them. I r he ilta i not keep thera, tell him he Is hftiiml tho age, anil to scud fur an Illus trated Ciitaluituc. HAGSTOZ & THORPE, Sixth and Chestnut St rHii.AHKi.rniA, Ta. SoM only throui;h Regular lKjultiri May 1H tf. A KEF UL MAN ALWAYS CARRIES A Yearly Policy Of Ioanranca AO A INST A C C I I) K N T S YOtT CAN PKITRB ON K IS THK MOUILK LIFK IMtlttSltE t'U. OF MOlilLu., ALA. TWENTY-FIVE CKXTS Will Insure You Against Acci lenla for One nay in the sum rr TtlKhK THOl'SANn IV1LI.AR1 In tha evor of lleath. Or $l I'F.R YE:JIv IXOKMN'ITY for Disabling Injuries. HATE S One Pay 2o Cents Two I lavs 5J Cents Five Mi've - a - l 25 Tn lava - - - s 2 So Thirty lnya a .. 15.00 WILL INSURE YOU AGAINST ACCIDENTS, FOR THE Tt KM OF I YEAR sum ""81.000 U. F. BUTLER. Agent, Weldon, N. C. Msy 11 1 y. N ORTIl CAROLINA llalilai fonntv. austaristr Catsrt. Annie Branch, Against Oi lla Tiilery, Franc a Tlllery, and Own. H. Curi ia Ad mr. tf Iwia Branch de ceased. In Una cause it apoearlns by IheSherifTa rriurn and bv aftldavit thai tho defend ants lie ia Tilierv and Prances Tiilery ara mm resitlonU of this Mate, and cannot after due diligence te fiund, and it further appearing that the nhlex of this priw-eadw Ing Is to obtain dower of the plaintiff In Ibe following lands, to wit : A tract of land la Ha'lfsx County bounded by tha lands of W. F. Prtker, Jnih Cole and other, ( being Ihe ti act of land on which lxwia Brach resided a tho lime nf his death,) containing one htindro 1 and einhly-lbree acres, and Umt tha d Irmi mis are proper parties by reas o of an Interest in said land. It is ordered that publication he made fur ail auooessive weeks ia (be Kosnnka Nawa a psper pnblisbed at Weldon, N. t!.; OtiiNinsnding the defendants ZMia Ttllory, anJ Frances Tiilery to appear at the rfQeo ol tha Clork of tne Super r Court fair aald County before whom the au ot osona heroin la rem madia on or before the iTth dy ot May 1S7S, and anawer or domui 1 1 lha petition oiuiplsinl. a csipv ol wbiots haa been filed In said rfll , and Ict thorn take noli.- it they fall so lotto the plaintiff will take judgement for lha relief de manded In the ooinplilnt. Witness mv hand and seal of coutt ak r tiles o Uslirai, This 18th day of April 187a. JOHN T. OREUOKY. Cleik Sii a, I r tViu't, lialllai CrtilMe, J S O'Eara, Atty. Arr Z7 8 w. .aa-CS IP