.THE ROANOKE NEWS. a democratic' .' WEEKLY N E W SPA Y E 11 . PUBLISHED BY W. I. BATOIIELOIt. On Year,-ih advance, Six Months, " fnree Months, ' 1' . : f 2 CO I PO 7.i cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B. BATUHELOU. ATTOKXCY AT llff, JOS, RALEIGH, N. C. PrnRtices in the courts of the 6tli Jndi el si District and in tbe Federal and Su preme Courts. May 11 tf. K. T. CLARK, Halifax, N. C. 0 L A. It K , WALTER CLAItK, toilelgh, N. C. . AYroKY AT LAW, ' HALIFAX, N.C. t Will nrtseUeo In tin Courts of Halifax i and a .(Joining oouiitii)-". March 1(1 tf. yr. n. iitcukx. w. a. ui sx. I T 0 H K N A DUSK attorneys A c uJsr:M,orts at law, I I Seotlaixl Nock, llnlil.ix Co., Sf. C. t Practice lu tho Court of Halifax and adtoininif mnntim, and in tha Supreme I and Federal Courts. janlS tf IfT'HIAS N. HILL, . I Allorucy at I.hw, I HALIFAX, N. 0. Practices in Halifax and adjoining i Counties and Federal and Supreme Courts. Will bu atSoitlanl Noak, once every fortnight. W. H. Day, A Y D Aug. 28-a w A W. Ham.. L L ATTORNEYS the Practice In tho ciurts adjoining countias, auu in and Feileral nouns. Claims collected In any part of North AT LAW, w. c. of Kalil'ax and Supreme Carolina. jun 20 1 tfc C5 AMUEL J. W'KIUHT, ATTORNEY AT Practice in the Court of and adjoining counties. LAW. v. Northampton sep 15 1 Y 0 IKT ' III' fit WWfjfail ft' VOL. Vli: "Y;! WffltNr''1 rSATURD AY, JUNE 8, . 1878....,, , NO. ...,17, SPACE One Squa-e, 1 wo Squares. Three Squares, Four Squares, Fourth l.'ol'n. nur column, HOPE BY Y 11 A. N K W. G 0 1) 11 K Y , Hope is a Hlar that brightly beams As o'er lilt's una we glide, With merry hearts no happy air.ilos, H 'ii ii t for the other cid". We do n t I'mr thooc-'.n waves, Though far away Irom shorn. For lii'pn iloi'S liecin so bright;' inw To piide us sali'ly o'ur. Th" sliv Is dark and drarv now, Hut siH thai 01 1) an bright, Pros glimmer o'er Ihn iroutilul sea, A nil Itn ides us mi mi Ighl, Ulilnii I' n 111, fur orb ol' golden 1 ij'lit, 'I honh loud (ho thunder I I : t t ; Heroin) the I'lotnls we nc ihn Unit, We'll tiui-li Hie shorn at ln-t. A SMALL MARTYR. Q IVIN L. II Y M A N ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. Prantlm in ths ourts of Hililax and adjoininR O'lun'iua, and in thu Hupreiua n'l Federal Courts, CUinrm )llctea iu all pnrts of North Carol io a. Offl26 In lh Court Hoina. J.ly -l Q. . BURTON, J b. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, 5. C. ' ' Practices In the Courts of Halifax County, and Counties adjoining. In the Supreme Court of the Stale, aud in tbe Federal CourU. ' W 111 gie spacial attention to the collec 'lUa ofolalins,and to adjusting the anoountu of Kxeeulors, AdiniuiaratJi and (iiiar diant. dec-15-tf J. H I Z Z - A a D, ATTORMEY AT .IIAI4JFAX, N. LAW, c.V Offiea In the Court Hons". Strict atten tia giveo to all branchos of the proles- ,eia. JanU-10 .E. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IKFIBLD, HALIKAX COnSTY, N. C. ' PrMllasa in the Counties of Halifax, JUsa, Edgo:einb and Wilson. CelUoiioui uialo in all parts of tlik AMES K. jan Vi 6 i XI A K A, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4 Praetless In the fouutles of Halifa . i ,dMosl aud NU. In the Supremo 3 .Can of lit Stale aud iu tho l'udurul 4 learu. J Cell!tions made In any part of the folate. Will attend a', the Court House in Halifax oa Muutiay and hriuay oi acu .week. Jan 2-lo A V D R K V J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. . Fraction Wi the Courts of Halifax, War den snd N'orthainptnn eonnties and In the JBoareuae and Federal Coui u. Claiios ettliectad in any part or .Miriu Caraliaa. June 17 ILUM M. MILLIX. U L L E N 4 JOHN A. MOORE. MOOUE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Halifax, H. C. Practice to tha Counties of Halifax, Northampton, Hdnoooiube, Fitt and Mar .,tia latne (Supreme Cuurt of tbe Stale . snj In taa Federal Courts of lbs Eastern Diitriot. CollecHiona mad In any part of North Carolina, Jan 1-1 e It wits nliiinst imp osi!)li to toil itie material of which Tn'titm's pants li ul been oii;iiiully ii-.aiio. I'atoh by patch is siiil to bi1 imihb oly, b it pilch up o patch, bi'scurly. Pjor, little, bcjioarlv Turn ! The re was a hungry I ink in the boy's great Inn est eyes fur, diHiiito bis rajs, it was known to thi! noiyhb rho.nl tliat Torn bus honest llmt no ainotpit il' gooj food cuiihl bnuih. Hcivrn knows, the poor chilii ticcdcl I'noil sorcl)' enough, but h;s lonely I ttlc lieait longiMl for something more than this. 0 mid you hate snen him all alono in tha great chuichyard, layino liis poor, tirtii head down on his ninthoi's grave, nnd wetting ihu green sod with the bitter tears wrung from his toiUred heart, in Lis lonely agony, then you wou'd have understood that Tom's greatest need was tii be gathered up into soma one's great, warm, caressing love. lie was only a baby now this sevn years old hoy prematurely old through his woeful experiences of the great world about him. How he comes into this world, and the reason of his coming, was as much a mystery to him as it is to the west prolound philosopher that ever undertook lu elucidate the subject. Neither could be understand the re.v sin that one white, sweet (nee that had bent lovingly over him should have b. en laid away t'oreter with the damp ground lying heavily and immovably about. 1I-J reniemheicd the last words those pale molhei's lips had said, and iu his baby heart had treasured them as a sacred trust. . "Tom :6v, stay by tha father; Its true to bint ; try to make him belter, so that we may Le all together there " Then, with the white face turned toward the open window, through which the disla t blue sky was visibl ', the last spaik of life went nut, and Tommy's head rested upon the bnsoui ol the dead. A'i unsteady step bad come tip the walk through the broken gate, a d a dark shadow had falh u upon t' e sunlit, fl.inr. T mmy lifted his hea l. Hush 1" he said with his small finger on tus lias ; "alter so tiiucu Dam, sue s i asleep at last.". O.er the boated face a l ink of horror came, and into the bleared eyes tne not tears gushed n' d rolled tloaly down the coarsened cheeks. Mary, U Mary darling! speak to me once more ! U boat tuu late, too ate 1" He cowed down ver his dead he clatpi d his hard bands in agony, tore at his uncombed hair but there was no awakening; as poor little motherless Tommy had said, "she was asleep at last 1" He was too remorseful iu this, '.he first har of bis crii f, to think of Mary's child, but the thought came to him at last, lie was not entirely alone. Tiie boy, wilh bis muthei's daik gray eVi'S, was looking wistfully up to him. II iw ofi en bad he seen that look in the eyes once bright and loving, low dim and fur ever closed.' "I'oor lit'.le Tommy," he saij and folded the lonely hit I 'J felbw to his bosom. , "I will never n" &,!,y f'0:" you." the boy cried, his heart lull of gladness ut the unwanted caress. ''She said 'be true to father, and try 1 1 make him better, so that we may be all together there.' " lie pointed with his I title finger to ward i he blue tky. and the nun shud dered, for to him the gulf hing be tween his preset t life and the one which ho felt assured she had entered, seemed impassable. I For a little time, he kept sober ; hut there came a night when Tommy waited hij Coming in vain.' The old life had not faded Irom the hoy's mind. W lie i ho heard bis step, he cowered d w i iu silence, his little heart heatiinj painfully, for well he remembered ihe cruelt? of the heavy h titd ; and she was not here to turn aside the uimerited blow. Ah! it is an old story ; no words are pathetic enough to do it justice. The house iu which Tommy lived, and where ihn father slept in drunken stupor, .was near the levee iu a great city. It was raining fearfully, but above the tioUa of the rain could be heard tho mad roar of the river, as it dashed ouward, pait the ularmed city. ' Of a sudden, a bell sounds, ringing, out clc.uly above Ihe storm above the deafening roar. There is a wild sh )ut log iu tbe street mad voices crying cut: "lhck 1 back from the river, for your lives, back I the leveo is giving ay I" Whitevaccd Tommy hears this, and tues with all bis mighi-nt tho drunken man sleeping to near death's door. "0'i, father;, cotuel" be cries; ' w ken ; waken l "A muttering 'cursS ii the '(inly An swer. , " WV1I be s e.it away 1 IM'ier the river is eve' fl iwi"g the town 1" ' No words apply, to the boy's frantic appeal. "Oume, father, enme! ' I ' hear the water rushing along 1" lie clapnd his lathe ' hands. tu:4 tries, in his puny strength, to pull him from Ids miserable he'll. lie falls back himself hi'lplcs:- and dihCouiagcd. "l) i mother I" he cri.ss "hu isn't fit to go! I've di"0 my best I I've tried to save him to muko him better; to make him good enough to come with ine to v. 'ii, up thee ; b'lt he will not listen! (Jive him a little longer lime, Oh, father, w.iken it is almost t"o late! Too late, too late! The river is growing' more fearful, the clamor of voices i.l vini away; tho streets, by all liv- A D3S'S VENGEAKE. in' ou ortAY. . . i . , IT, .1 nig Uetugs, are aesertea. u.ner me d tor some col l and creeping thing; is fast coining.. It st-a',S in slowly, a li't e stream at first, then rushes on faster t russes the floor, and laps about the little bare feet. 'Oh, lather, fnlher, it i here!" and yet the faithful child stands firmly. Upward, the' water, rises. It covers the cold feet, eddies about ihe ankles It striltvs a chill through the unclothed limbs n deep chi'l through the child's heart. For himself he is not afraid ; but. 0, God of merfy't must lie go, an 1 her Ni uufu' filled? lis think, then of that unknown future J of the. great gu'.i' between the good. and bad; of the lear ful wicked, ess of his unkind father; of the anjelic g mdness (it his blessed .(ii other ; and though he is too much of a child to clothe the thought in words, yet his baby beait real zes tbe terrible tragedy, and he cries aloud nfiaiu : "Father, oh, father, do not die, and so forever be kept away from mother and at Tho that chill us? The sleeping man turns heavily. "He is awakening awukeuiug last!" the child criei", eagerly. s The water comes up to his waist. It creeps over the edge of the bed nod wets the moldy straw. It reaches the sleep ing man. He mutter wearily : Ourse the cold ! If I had a drink i f whisky I might 'drive the chill away ; but the lit dime is gnue." "Oh, lather come quitk, come! levee's br ken away 1 It is water yi u feel it is that which sends the over ycu. Oome father, cornel" "Whatl water r .rrii all tt limit Tin cursed liver i i the room, aud not a stream of ol ! ho ub fl iwing by as 1 dreamed! Why didn't you waken me, Tommy ? V n U.io.v I am not fit to die! Ili're, let m o rust my band on you shoulder." lie stajoered heavily to his feet. Crossed the room unsteadily, unlatched the door aud went out into the fearful 11 iod. In going nut, he went down two steps. It brought the water to - bis shoulders Tommy, following him el selv, we.;l d w:i the two steps also. It brought the water over Tommy's hetd. The drniike.i man rushed on, miking tnvard tha bluff that ly back from the river. Theic was a faint, drowning cry of ' Oh, father," ending in a hoarse jiurnli. a lilting up for a momei.t of n waite face aud two white, childish hands, aud then the bauds and lace were gone lost amid tbu rushing, boiling water. A fearful b!uT ting against the mad slie un, a terrible struggle for a worth , . , ' .... i : .1...: ., . less It'e, a.U IHU siu-orn imwinni: reaches the bluff. Then the horrible tiutfi rushes upon him. Then he uti lei- .laols the failhluloess of his dead child realizes to its fullest txtent that he has set.t lhal child lo his death. ' The morning came. Rocked on the swaving branch of an uprooted tree, they found the little martyr, his white face gleaming in tho spring sunshine. ll.it the I'Ure, yennz soul had c iteied upon that everlasting spring of which he had su often dreamed, with his head lying on his mother's grave. Two graves then in the churchyard two deaths in the housciitld aud ho re sponsible for both! Could he ever b come thr 'Ugh his terrible penitence, ii.n.rj enough t i meet them up there? He seemed to see Tommy's tiny hands reaching out to him tlironh ihe torriule g'imiii that bad settled awiliiy over him ; he seemed tu hear Mary's voice calling to him. Let us hone that the child's death has not been in v ai n. for he lor whom be iiid has tu'ned his feit away from the mad along which destruction marks the way, and bis old haunts, whers death stiil lurk, know no more. Heaven help him lu bi'Comc wot thy of poor litllc Tommv, the martvr. iI was always - f, n 1 of do. Oo'd smith, in. his beautiful style, makes a touching and eloq icut plea for the d a", where, iu alluding to a sort of mania for dog killing which prevailed at the time of which he sneaks, in consequence of uuieasoiRh!e apprehension of the spread of hydrophobia, ho says, n'liong other fine things, that the dog is the only animal which nill leave his own kind voluutaiilf to" follow man. It is true, and the truth shuuld bind uiau lo fce the dog's protector and Iriend. An Aineiicao luing, on one , f her voyages, hud on board a splendid speci men n( the Newfoundland breed, named Napoleon, and his magnificent size and proportion, his intelligent heid, broad, white chest, white feet. a:id white-tipped tail, the rest of bis glossy body being black, ma.li! Iii.n us btautifnl as . his peerlcsi namesake, nhu no doubt. would have heiui proud to possess him. He tvas owned by a seatrnu i a ned Lsucav Ur, wjjo was naturally enough extremely fund of him. The captain, however, tvas not partial to animals of any kind, and who had an unaccountable and es picial dislike to dogs, so much so, in- deed, as if all his ancest "is had died of hydrophobia, uu.l he dreaded to be bitten like his unfni tcnate predeces sois. This dislike .l.e one day mani les'e l in a most th' CKing manner, tor asvNupolcon had severul times entered Ins room, and by wagging bis ereut banner of a tail, knocked paper and ink off his desk, on the next occasion the captain seized a knife and cut half the poor animal's Uil off. The dog's yell brought his master to tho spi t, and seeing the calsaiity, aud the author of it, without s . moment's . hesitation he felled tit't captain t the cabin floor with a sledgehammer blow, which, I-id it hit thu temple, would forever bi'e pi evented the ciptaia Irom cviui ig ; ulf any more dogs' tails. Tito result wis that Laiicas'er was put iu irons, from which however, hi) was soit.a released The captain partly repented bis cruel deed, on learning that Napoleon had once saved the owner's life. The while shark, ns all my nautical I'rjeuds are well aware, is ono of the very largest ol 5'iarUs. It averages iintrcjhan twenty left, and I haie seen fiiii!, tveuly-teveu Ut d a half feot.iu length, it is generally considered lo be tho fiercest and most formidable of all slinks. li.it a few days eUpsod after tho cat astrophe to poor Napoleon ere he be came the hero of a most thrilling oc Currencv, th; very thought of which has olteu- thrilled me -with horror. Daring the r'tetv.il tho noble beast was not at all backaard in txhijitiu his wralh at the capuin by low growls when be ap proached, l o vai i did his master, fear ful for tho lit'e of hi dog, ess av t click these signs of his a agcr. The captain, however, marie the allow ance be shuulJ, and cll'crcd uo further harm to him. . , One morning, as tho captain was standing on the b onsprit, he lost bis looting and fell overboard, tho brig then running about ten 'knots. "Mm overboard I Tho captain over board I" was the cry, and ull rushed to get out the boat as they saw the' swim mer sir.king out for the biig, which was at once rounded to; and as ibey felt es pecially apprehensive on acc u it of tbe wlide sharks iu those unlets, they re garded his situa'i on with tha most pain lul solicitude. 11 the t'unj the boat touched waled their worst fears were realized, I' r ut some distance beyond the swimmer they beheld a nhi'.C shark advancing upon biiu. ll'jrrv 1 hurry, men ! or we shall be too lite 1" shouted the male. "What' thnt'r" ho exclaimed. The splash which c iued this i.qairy was accasioned by the plunge of Napo leon id i the ses, tho nol le animal l.a- inj bot'H ffatchine the cause nt tho tumult Irom ihe bow nf tho vessel.- H had uotice the enptai ,'s fall and the shout, nnd for a fen moments had ventrd bis feelings iu deep growls, as if conscious of the peril of his late enemy, and iiratified at it. His growls, however, were sunn chmiL'cd into those whines of (sympathy which s i ofier shows the at tachmeut of d g ti) man, when tho hit- ..... , , ttrr is III uangei. rtl lant no piunga into tho water, rapidly making Ii is way lo the unvf reatly exhausted captain, wb", a are of bis double danger, and belt,!' but a passible sftiuimei', made p'nyed their r"os of long triangular teeth. , ' , .Tbe .wild shriek of tha capta'o ai. uounced that the crisis iiu.i come. JirH now Napoleon, inspired with increased strength, had also unived, and with a fearful howl leaped upon the gleaming belly of the shark, nnd buried bis teeth iu the rouiistei's flitsh, while the buU swiftly no red them. ",avedl il se re hull as smart as iuai dog is I" cried the m.it', as !l saw Ihe voracious monster kh'iddcr in tho seu, and, smarting with pith', turn over aiu, the dog retaining bis hold unit becoming submerged i i tbe water. At this juncture the boat anived, ana Lancaster, Irs knife in his teeth, plunged into the water where the captain had also now sunk from view. 13.it a few on ments elapsed ire the dog ruse to ti c suiface, and su n after Lancns'er rose with the ins iusil le from ol the ciptain. "l ull them In and give mo an oar I cried the mate, "for that fellow is pre paring for another launch." Uts orders were obeyed, and Lie second onset ot the marine monster was foiled by the mate's splashing water in b,is eyes, us he came ngai.i and cut a fdv minutes loo file to snap off ihn enp tain's legs, while his body was drawu into tho bout., Foibid a second time, thu shatk passed the boat, plunged, and was seen no more, but left a truck of blood on the surfacu of tho water, a token of the servily of his wounds from Napoleon. The boat was now pulling towards the brig, and not many hnurs elapsed before the captain was on deck again, feebli from his efforts, but ablu appreciate the servives of our canine hero, and ibOst bitterly to lament bis own cruel act; which had mutilated him forever. "I would "ive my right orml ex clained tho castaiii as he patted the Newfoundland who stood by his si "if I could only repair tho iij'iry I have done to that uobie le-lluw. Lancaster, you are now fully avenged, and sn is he, and a most Civilian vei geauce it is though my i ihuaiauity will be a source of grief to me ns lonrj; as I live1 H2W HE W3RXE0THE"MARKET. ' - THE i:0RSE s 0 ie day my brother was out driving in the country when a stranger slopped him by exclaiming : "Hallo I that osed i h my horse I" "Ones, not," replied my brother; I bought her at a livery siab'e, a id tl ev told me sh came from IJistoi." IT'ii !" sail the man, "What dii you c 11 her?" My brother answered that tho horse s sold t him. under the name of rink"., "II 1 1" said tho man ; narro Suddenly he cried "Nel-ly 1" Q lick as a fl ish, the up bis purs and looked round 'N'ellv," said the man, steppins In front of her, "Shake hands I" Up eaino the horse's riaht hoof for the man to take. "ow give us tho other hand, Nelly ;" and she raised her fore-font. "There 1" Slid the man R'nilin? d'ye suppnso that wasn't my herse?" What does my readers think? louibV Compauiun. "that isn't her out sharply, hnrso pricked THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. 00 .1 (0 fl 00 in on IS oo 20 00 ! I H 8 00 M 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 so no Whole Ctlumo, Ouo Year, 2 M I 2 W 00 M 00 so ro 30 oo 40 00 60 00 I o is iO CO to es 40 e f t eo c 109 90 ADVERTISEMENTS. s ION PAINTERS Ho was a tobacconist in lliidsilla. They are up to snulf. O i0 was i-i Greenville, Tenn., some ti ne since, an orders were dull, and he found himself with but ono bare ten dollar bill in his pocket. It was a fresh, green, pretty tiling aud. was all ho had Tha next day was Sunday and ho inquired for the pi i icipil church aud went to the Pres byterian, walked solemnly down the aisle aud took a seat iu the amen corner. The hat passe 1 arouu 1. lie deliberate ly took out the ten di ll.ir hill and un folded it and dropped it iu the h it , A young m in sitting by him inilged h'uu. "Didn't you make a mistakur" bo whispered. "I don't thiuk t did," replied our to bacconist. "That was ft ten uollar bill yon put in. ' That was what I took it for." "You're pretty liberal " "Dunno, no use giving to a church un less you give something." The whispering ceased and both set tled down to j iin in tho singing of the. lymti. Tne next day business opened in Greenville f .r that tobacconist. He was overrua with orders. Tba y;'U 'g man be sU by happened t be tha sin of a prominent tobacconist who was a Presbyterian elder, and it is well known that the 1'iesbyterians always nlly around the nun who is 1 beral with his money to God. Reidsvillo has lal a good run on the Greenville market ever since. The nld elders shut their iycM and go lo sleep on a lupd of Reidsvillo tobacco. Winston Rep iblican. horrisseYakd wood. A SMsRT JEWESS. Adnlphui Fiiz-ntlon was a "msrt yo ino man it was his lirm conviction ilia' with the opposite pcx he wns Irresisti ble. Ono evening l-'ilznii-loa wai at the opira. nn ) in an n.iioinhg hex ho espied a he.iutilul yo.;na li lv, without a male ilttendnnt. lie nndderl to his cnmpsni'W, and icin irded tlist Ik- nui. I in ok a a con quest Si iuto the unjoining bus be made Ins why, snd nneer,m,ninuiily sea'Ci hitn. sell bv the vioung lady's side. Sho look d up in surprise , Ad.'lphus smtlen sweetly and begged pa-don ; ho must hae been mistaken J he had thotviht ho roCiignizfd in her nn acquaintance. Blio iuioruicd him he had In en mistaken. Still," ventured Adolphua, ' I hope I dun't intrude." The lady mule on replv, but turned her attention ti tha stsge, where a scene wt transpiring in which she wai mneli in teicstcd. At length Ado'phui addresiel lier ngiiu. Tu ning quickly. ho said. ' Yon unnoy me, sir 1" and her bright eves tl isliud. , "lle..B nn- i" cried Adolphua, drawing back wi:h eio k terror. ' Dm't est me!" The I .uly smi'e i a sweet, beaming smile, as she replied, "Be not aUMie.l, sir. I am a Jfwen, and my relijioi toibiJi mo to eat pork 1" Uulortunately lor Adolplius his Mends heard the lejoiuder. and he ia not likely- soon to hear the Wat ol his rijo a 'cr, and he i nut likeiy anon t hear the last ol hit passuge with the liesntiful .lewesi. ' EDITH S FIRST Wil LETTER. Tiic Trensuris Tlmt llii Major itrri,-s in Ills I'oeWet ullli kcr :i-ture. Wa.itoil In every aeotion of tha TTnltaJ Statos and Provinces to answers tblsavt ' vertUeuieut. Addros, DANIEL F. BKATTY, Washington. K. J. De ltf HAPPf.VESSOR MISERY, 13 THE QUESTION ! Dr. W. IS. Hoyt of 35 years successful pmotloe guarantees speody and ptrmaneet miruifall Obroriie, iSenifuljiia, Private, ,-ivpniiuio aim I'umam Diseases, Mperma terrhcei, or sulf-abuao at his Medical In stitute, Asan A 1'heuoy Block, ennoslte the City Hall Park, Syracuse, N. Y. Md ieine sent to all parts of tbe U. 8. and Canada. Don't bo deceived by advertis ingquacks who throng our large clthM, buteonault Dr. UoyUor send for cireular iwitirm on bis apociaities to liia P. O. liox 27'1. LADIES. My great liquid French Remedy, AM1E DH KilMME, or Female Friond, is unfailing in the cure of all pain ful mid dangerous diseases of your ex. It moderates all excess, and brings on tho inontnly period with regularity. In all noivoi.s and spinal affections, pains in the hack or limbs, heaviuass, fatigue on sligat exertion, palpitation of the heart, lownas of spirit, hysterics, siek hoadaehe, whites, and ail pain ful diseases occasioned by a disordered syntem, it eUeels a eure wheat all other means fail. Price $2,00 per Bot tle, eont by mail, Dr, W. E, Hoyt, Box 270. Syracuse, N. X. Nov 25 1 v. s O II O O h TEACHERS, You can easily Increase your salary bay by devoting a very nmull portion of your leisure time to my Interest. I do aol os pnet you lo canvass lor my ee!erabs4 H-alty'a pianos and Organs us less yem mo rlt to; but tho service I require of yo In both pleasant and profitable. Fall partloulara tree. Addresa, DANIEL T. BKATTY, " Washington, N. J, FHICICY MOUNT .VIILL8, ROCKY MOUNT, N. G. January 1st, 1878. Wu arc now prepared to famish tb trade with SHKETING3, SHIRTINGS, PLOW LINES sad COTTON.i YARNS, all of the best quality and at low prices. Uur terms strictly net cash, SU days. Time are gro vln utill with tho en- llenieu wlio ut Washington write Dceehe r eongreineu. Tlieir lalior ii ocver e nv, tnciute when they nasuniS a rirtain style lor a memhtr they are runipol'e I lo reuif niber and rra?suni it nn ut-e-queiit nrca;ns Tiny are Ireq.i.'ntly compelled tn ttr a nis-n a fviirite poet, ol whom, of couiae, he kuoas unthiog ; mid on a burned nr.Kr to wute another fpi teli tiiuv ickr to their diariea and tie ' (.'ongie.osiuaa Sml'h ot Mucallnngr, wishes to hava it done In the style ol Chsrlea Sumner, with fltepocttral ri'inU tienf ; gave hitn HhelUr, about birds; louiirt li.tllt and wanted Stall ; iH-tfy (B tlitic ; raihar bstd as tt price; wants plenty ol relrreuce lo (he "fircdom of liia district." Al-o a little wit lor iutertvip liMus. Una agreed with Jones, ol Cali coballico Coouty, toiulcrrupt Lint at tijf Ut placs." - j inter o id l .uu'.er strukes, ab.lJ bis au- versary closed r.ipiJIy up in hi.n. Pull boys, lor dear liter shouted the route, as the boalt now followed the dog, whose huge limbs propelled him gallantly to the scene of danger. Mowly the laligued saimmer made nis way, while ever uud an n his beau sanK iu the waves, nn I behind him the back of the voracious animal lo'.J what fea'- fiil progress he was making, while Lan caster, in Ihe buw of the boat, stood with a knife, - hi his uptnis-d - band, watering alteniauly tiro caplaui and his pursuer, and the faithful animal who had sived his owu life. "What a swimmtr!" exclaimed the tDen'wIio marked the spread of the splendid animal. "Thi shatk will bate one or both if we don't dj our best." 1 The sccuri was of short duration Kra the bnntci .ull foverto.ko jTie dug the enorinoui'siuk.' f ai.wijvp; .'hree boats Irtiglh or the,capUui, ,i4 bud sud lenly turiied-oMr tin his 'bncli, rrqinTatury to daitiog ou tbe siukiog 4uao, and receiv ing him iu bis vast jatrs, ahicli. now dis- The death o! John Mirrisey nn I the failure ol Hen Wimd ieea!l 1h Oele irateil bout between these two gamblers, when tha I liter won $121 OOt) bom the I inner. The Ntw Ynik rorre'pun lent ' nl tl.c H ithh) Courier describes Ihe cession. Ben was in the habit ol dropping into Mnrrisfcy's p'ae.e oceasi.iiially lor a little recreation, and one night, about ten yeara ago. he tailnteicd in as usual an I Ull atool ol the bank. Meniasey was there tin l many nun, about town, all ol whom knv Wend 'a pluck and hvig-on-ativene's, and the party n'ttled down lor aiim lively .vork. Wool IimI -ibnut II 000 in his piK'ket. and aa ihe belliiur w i heavy he inauageil lo gel to the linttnni in about nn hur In Isrt ho was ch imed nut. I'm hia blond was up that niolit, nnd, as hi reputntinn lor p u k wts st stske amoi g the bays, he (lit i Ie t that ni ce l. r all It should make n- break, ilia ready rash was gone, but he o vued valuable r ineity nn I ryon row, where the Staata Zitittng bud ling now ftands ami he prooo.el lo liypothecate Ihe properly to M orissey agniti't whatever nun, up to'lta value, 1 c shiiulil luss. 'Mi J idl r was avep'o 1, an t Ihe gteat night began. It lasted all night and up to 0 o'eh ek next niorn'ng, an 1. when a trure to finally ralkd, H-i had vo-j hick the $15 000 In- s'attrd with and arnrtd about $120 000 a'ics I t'esides. With the money tint Moiri8ey had advanced him on tho livpotheested propeity, lie turned around and gave John the worst whaling he ever received at the card table. Not a ilgn nt wincing was shown op cither elrio till physical x hsunlinn forced a ee-sation ot hostilities 11 )th men were true grit to the laat and neither showed the least ill-tempe! tram begioning to end. It was en that occasion that Bm perlnraiod the ixtmrdinarr lsl ol smckine (93 wotth si ctgats in our night. Mnistey bail a i-pscial brand ul cigars at ft each fur Ins II u!i ciistNiners and Wood, w he i( a-trriue-ndoui niu'kcr (or chewer, rather, tor lie merely chew) luriouily at a cigar, and then S.ngi it aaats managed to spoil niuety of tbe:o wtiilo tbe 0'gbt lasted. From the Now York Sun. Kirvh"df knows that niothets hy by ss a preci-.His store tin. fust little stockings th baby wore, and regard them will) ever increasing pride if the baby livia, and chetifb them as sarreri nouvenirs ll the haiy dies; and the Mj r has n len won-det.-.l hither mi n lmvo ttuy i; that is the counterpirt ol this ono lhal Sueaii pes culur lo woitien. It r-ii the M iv days beg in to lengthen nnd btroliteii Mrs. Srwtlguhn took ihe I) iby ulf into the country, where it might have, during the eventlul second year ol tiililhood, the beneli's id treah air aud !ood and ample plavgrunnd, wit h green graa tn roll upon. Diilythe M j'tr re eeivs lifers containing bulletins sh swing how the i n 1 1 u t Is fluirishing, and detail ing nl-o siime id us resnarkn Ie advfnturts For instance, ene day iast week Came this : "I'u i nooning h.inh atiuved into the ki'ehen while I was in tl;o ilitiing roam aud tho C t 1 knew 1 heard an awlul cream, and little E Ito cui rua nng in with her liiiht haml dreadlully burned lioAi alio did it I diiD't kuow, but the- mut have put b-r hand right nn tha atovs, lor the whole palm is one great blister. Siie tski-s it blavelr. anil I have got the band all done no in cutton battiug and fl iiinel, and every now and then she holds it up ta me like a tint white boxing clove and says plaintively, 'Earner, burner.' " "L.tby's liKtid must have lua'.vd rabidly for t days Liter this name : "While K iith was standing on the back steps thia moriiing, trying to catch a but- ti rllv, site tell "If, and it duiu't hurt her bit. but mother says it will cost as much as seven dollars to' replace the nit and nlanta that K lull ftll uiMin : b.ibi ie so ilinyy Ji.il knew." And t-liu h ili velop-.ng ttatts that in other piopV's children wnu'd dnubilew in dica'D an alarming and prtcocioua lerocity, i but which iu thisetsi' so ma only to ahow a rare degree ol murage. ll"ie is a btllu tin ihst is: 'Baby cauitl.t a 11 V thla morning, ami tore it iu pic.tca." An sthei; "K lie alopped on nn u jly spider to-dy anil erushed it ; and on 'he tame day it is reeoidvd IU .1 alio "s:il 'Papa' iu ber ep." Y'slerd.iy tln ie came a letter that w bulkier iloui u-ua', aud the Maiur, as he opened tht envelope, wudpted whit was in it. A liltie p'cre of brown paper il nip ped out. covired ull over wiili piBsilltngi oi no cliar.ch r nr un-anitig, bul s!tiy drawn, cvi lenrly by the baby ; and reading lung down the letUr Ihe .lUjut i ame lo the dully bulletin : ' A- 1 ait here wr.tlng he tmby Is on the fl .or, quiet, lor a won- ier, and busily engaged with a pieco ol liiown piper 'id pr"' il ; sn 1 I sax her hat sue la doing, ana alio Snys 'iriite papi;' and here is the baby's letter, enclosed lo f aa s in-. S this little piece el brewn paper. eribblid all over with suit pcue-illlng. is nditb'a tttst letter, and to papa; ami it must be cnnlesse.l 'hat the Major la very pretul ol it, and lie puts it carelully away with lbs picture ol Kdith that he carina in kit porktl, an.l thinks to biniaell that he baa, may be louud the counterpart ol that peculiar pf ol woaicu, aud been as) nutti d ts the btghett order ol huiuniiy ; Cynthia Di'isures the little tloik ng Philip trvisarcs no Icia the tetter, written in s band that usne but him can r't'cipher, and m.ho reula it over again bo reada be twien tha lints that, ' alter all, this is i very pliasacl world to live in, 'an 28 a Address BATTLE 4 0N, Hoeky Mount, N. G. RANDOLPH CO., GENERAL F0RWARD1NH 1HD ronniosiux nisnciiAacri, NerMk, Virflaits, Prompt attention given to all Coaaaga mcnts. Lllieral Cask Advance made oo Oosks . igumsuts. LUMBER A SPECIALTY. t Kkprkkscks t W. n. Smitb A Son, W. C. Marrow .f Co., A. vVreun, Norfolk, Va.j A. (itirrihaldi. J. W. Faucetl, J. M. Mul len, Ualilax, H. C. fub 21 B KTALLIC CU1UAL LAS KM FOX EALU, . " .'t--,l,,v-i-si'fl-o sjitiyf Persons wisbinr Metallio Rurlal Caasa can always obtaiu tboui by applying tome, at tbe More of Mesars. Winli, Id & Emry. I im:. Ntill keeping, as bereioioie, a full an rtment ot tha Very Uest CASTS, at tht Very Lowest Prices. In my absence from W;don, Messrs, Wtnficld A tmry will d nliver Casus to persons who may wlea luem. .JAMKS SIMMONS, Weldon, N. O. apr4 1Q flVHK UXnURSlUNKD VERT. A respoe-tfully calls the atteullon of tk trado i bis extensive stoek of iloraestia and importHil lieiunrs, to which b ia still making additions at J oouststiug oi para KTC AXD BOl'ttBOX WHISKIC French, 'Apple, Blaokhorry and Cherry Brandies, Jamaica and New'England Hum, London, Tom nnd Hollai.e Hie, Port i Sborry, Claret, Khlne and f .ye-yeiir-old Souppornong Wine, Iseoteh and Loudoo Porter, and a very large lot of RECTIFIED WHISKEY wHrsh. I am nfterlng at prices that eaBDct fail to give satlafaetlon. r S. W.SULDNER, Ag't. april8- . UlKoanoKe Scjuaxa,