i i i ..4 THE ROANOKE NEWS SATURDAY JUNE 8, 1878. STATE NEWS. Hickory Preat : la Catswbs H seems that nearly every school district will hare a candidate for the next Legislature. We Iran that a territtto wind and rain Storm passed sear Ridgeway I' Sunday evening, blowing down en haute and Diaay trera. Salem Preas : From what we can learn the prospect tor the nomination nl Thomas J. Wilson an a candidate) tor the Superior Court Judgeship is very flattering. J koClemmani accidentally shot and killed hi wtle at Chapel Hill Saturday night, tfa was attempting to shoot a man named Milton Ward aid bii wife wai trying to prevent him. Warrsnten G.iHte: A rabid dog bit three colored children in Nutbuth a few vliy ainc. Their father came to town last Sunday and procured a mad atone Irom a lady who wnione. Lincolnton Progress ; Judge Schenck, w4 can laftly aay, will carry nine tenth ol it the western counties, and most probably til ( them. This teem to utile the ques tion as to the bomin.'e from the West. The number of white Mid colored polls I. North Carolina wis pi d tales in 1877 was: Whit.-, 107 702; colored. 54 883 In 1870 : White, 103 287; colored. 82 209. In 1875: White, 99,427; colored, SO 755. Reidaville correspondent of the Raleigh Observer i I could aay nothing if I would gainst our present Governor, and lor Senator Merriatnn I can aay that the people I the State fully appreciate his course in the Seuate, and endorse evoi jtliing be baa done. Statesville American : The Democratic press ! Raleigh is said to be equally di vided between Q v. Vtnee and Mr. Merri mon (or U. S, Senate, the Observer heme; for the latter, the News lor the lormer. The Observer advocates measures not men. Roanoke News. Southern Home : Lincoln and Iredell renominated all nl their old county officers, a did also Mecklenburg They were all excellent officers, and that was the reason. Col. Win. Johnston haa declared him self an independent candidate tor Congress. He visited Cabarrus, made a speech in Concord, and returned expressing himself i highly gratified with tie reception. Jefferson Davis aKleh Nan Again. Ex President Davie haa come into possession nl a very comfortable fortune by a decision of the Mississippi Court ol Appeals The history ol the cae is sin gular and complicated Over fihy years go Davis1 older brother, acquired poss ession of Briersfield plantation, In Warren county, which, with its neighbor Huiricene, now comprises a large island, produred by a cut off ol the Mississippi river. When Jeff Davis lelt the army his brother invis ted him to turn planter there, and be culti vated Briersfield for many years, making enough out ol it to pay his brother its full va'ue.the formal title, lor some unexplained reaeon, was never transferred. While the ex-president of the Confederacy was a prisoner at Fortress Monroe, hia brother, then over 88 yeara of age, aold hia whole estate to a negro who had long been hia chiel manager for$3"0 000 piya'tleen long time. Then he made a cmeplicsted will in wbieh be lelt nothing to his brother, but bequeathed 889 000 to the tatter's chil dren when they became ol age which will cat be for seven years in the case of the voungest. Aa he left evidence that Jeff Davis had paid the value ol the estate, the latter brought suit to re-establish his title, which haa now been decided in hi favor and he finds himelf "quite well off." in stead of leading a I if ol genteel poverty. A Young I'rauip. An Indiana bjy ol fifteen .has jut re turned Iron) a two years tramp Dime novels have pictured to him grat luppi neu to such a life, but he met Hie reality immediately upon reaching New Orleans, in the ehtpe ol a lever. At Galveston he had an arm broken, and at Houston two ribs damaged by being puhcd Irom a Texan freight train. He was wounded by pistol bill while striving a herd of cattle across the Indian Territory, and has been beaten untd life was nearly extinct. In order to keep from starvation he has aold j)apa a, blacked boota, worked iu a livery stable, theatre, and restaurant, cut timber, and herded cattle. He neither drinks, chews, gambles, nor uses profane language. He says he has had enough experience, and now waats to stay at homo. Sensible. Frnsa the Danbary Reporter. An exchange is light in the npin'nn that printera. as a general thing, have to bear ths errors snd taults ol a great many peo pls; but lew know this outside ol the craft. Everv lirte there ia an errror in a Daner or communication, it was the "printers fault." Thev are a much abused set ol oeoule : but thev don't tell ball what they come in contact with. The greatest wonder is that tbey make so fw Mistakes, when persons, that do aat Know bow to write, spell thought, ''thatirghi" and "Plstzs, kerrect awl myssiakes.' Leara bow to write and spell and doo't lay all your ignorance on the printer. Current Comment, Col. Forney writes Irons Paris: "Grant is as roty aa a Newton pippin and as happy aa a sailor;" and the aveiage Amor lean knows exactly what that means. Beioehod? entered Faliciana Aodersoa's room in Philadelphia aud robbed him. Was it John Sherman, who having first ro'ihed bim M his good name would bow flteal bis purse, aUo It will be a groat pity if Honest John fikarinan shall turn oat alter all to be a great rogue, and. well may the Americas people exclaim, "la whose can we put our faith P Atlanta (Georgia) Constitution : "John fhermea is frightened because he knows precisely what ia behind this investigation, while Mr. Key knows very well that il there is any movoinuut to oust Mr. Hayes It whils be sanst strenousl; resisted by tbe southern Democrats." In New York there ia a ladys' alob wherein tbe rule is that no morning diess shall cost snore than $25. no eveaiug dress mere than $50, and no bonnets mare 'than J7 50. At taeb quarterly meeting each lady must declare that she owes neither a milliner nor a dressmaker. Gettino tbe nomination for aa office is not exactlv an election those times. Tbe Bosaiaee will have to bo active if ho should happen to have opposition. Tbe utmost harmony should be preserved ia tbe Democratic ranks Ibis summer, for the Rrpablican party is Dot dssd, but only sleepeth. Bssldes that, tbare is a large . Boating vote tbat can be carried to one or the other party, (a t aa wall as djU Charlotte Democrat. Tire Ritltornf this panerta tn no wav responsi ble fr tlie views or statements ol Correspond ents. No communications of an anonymous character will h publish) ; the real name of the writer must accompany all communications. Anyone who may feel augrleveil at statements made hy correspondents can obtain the uaiue on application to the Kdltor. Correspondent will please write only on out aide of the paper, and to avoid having their communications thrown In the waste banket, will furnish their namesnot necessarily for publication but aa a guaranty of good faith, wawlll not notice anonymous correspondence. L. O C A. T- Otrn AaitNTs. The following gentlemen will ant as agents for tilt Roanoke News: Captain A. R. Hill, Scotland Neck. 15." D. Dickeus, Fancetts. Ooo, T. Simmons. Halifax, Major N. 13. Jenkins, Littleton, J. C. Hill, Palm. vt a. Dr. F. M. Garrett, Ring wood. Rev. C. M. Cook, Warrentoa. F. Eujeoe Foster, Northampton Co. J. I). Boone, Jackson, N. C. K. A. Batclielor, Enfield, N. C. UncxnunRiKS have made Ibeir apper ance in our ma ket. Northampton Iulerior Court will its session ni xt week. bold Warn the weather settles we will tel' what it ia, until then excuse us. Emzadkth City ia now connected with the outside world by telegraph lines. Ant man is mala better by a siater'a love. The love nf another feiluwa eister may do. Job worn of avery description dono at short notice. Apply to Joiije W. Sledge. PsACima from along the Raleigh Road are daily being ahipped North through this place. A petition U being circulated for a new post office at B ten's X Roads in North amptoo county. It begins to look as if Mr. Grunt alter all may be tbeRcpublican candidate for President in 1880. What is the diflcrence hungry man and a glutton! to eat, the other eats too long. between a One longa Hon. This, J. Jahvi has been q'lite sick lor ame timo time past but is, we are are glad to lean, rapidly recovering. We had the pleasure of meeting on Thuraday, Dr. J. II. Claiborne one ol Peteraburg'a most eminent physician". John D. Thorne hereby announces himself an Independent candidate for Register of Deeda for Halifax county and solicits the suffrages of the people. It will pay to give Siuiner's Indian Vermifuge a trial. It will destroy and expel worms and beautify tbe com plexion. Thkrr was a good turn nut ol tbe military compaoy Meodiy night but un less the boys hurry up Northampton rill beat them. A heautilul complexion depends upnn the purity of the blond. To keen the blood pure and healthy use Dr Bull Blood Mixture. "Mt mother-io-law is a walking adver tisement lor ur. Bun s Bsoy Bjrup," a subscriber remarked yesterday ; tbe rccom mends it everywhere," And now the visiting belles have left Halifax, and gloomy fates and aching hearla infest that borough. The disease extends to Weldon. Rkducbd Rates. Delegates to the Democratic Convention will be passed over the Rileigh an I G tston Riitroad, at three cents per mile each way. The Potter investigation is becoming a verr aeriaui matter. Ritd our digest ol the evidence given elsewhere. A sub. committee will visit Louisiana. We call attention to the law card of T. W. Mason, in this issue. Mr. Mason is one ol our most distinguished orators, and will ere long be at the head ol the Bar of Eastern Carolina, Jackson is to have a newspaper called Jackson Courier, edited by Messrs. Barrow and Colvcrt, two young men of ability and popularity. We hope they may sacceed beyond fieir most saagains expectations. We are requested to state that there will be a meeting ol Rosnnke Lidge nl Masons an Thursday the 20lh, lor wnik and in struction. All resident and transient Brethren in good standing ars invited to attend. A certain school ma'am has introduced a new icnluie iu licr avuoul. Wiicn u6 ol the girl misses a word, the boy who spills it gets permission tn kisa her As a result. the girls are becoming very poor, spellers, while tbe boys are improving. In coming up from Enfield Wednesday we saw what seemed to be a gypsy camp, on the sids ol the railroad just this side ol White 0k Swamp. Won't seme of our Enfield Iriends investigate tbe matter for us, and let us know what it was and what it means. We had tbe pleasure ol meeting Col. Wharton J. Green of Wsirea in Weldon this week. Col. Green wss on bis retura from Washington snd it was really refresh ing to us to feel the hearty grasp of his hand sad bear the stauoch bsurbouisra el hia talk. Mr. Dyer of Philadelphia who built Ike iron bridge across tbe Rsaaoke at this place, returned yesterday, and is now at work arranging to erect the two remaining spaas. Wo lsarn that ths iroa will reach bare neat wetk, when it will be epeedily pot la place. When that ia completed we hops to as tkt long (.remised footway laid. Ann now our happiness la complete for we have Pat Donan'a paper on our ex change liat, and once in each week vre break our shins trying to climb over genie entlicly new nine syllabled adjective from his txhauatlcaa vocabulary. Ah exchange says : ''Tell me, ye angelic hosts, ye messengers ol love, shall swindled printers have no redress above The angela flipped their wings and said To us a heap is given delinquents on the printers books can never enter heaven.' " We regret to learn that cotton is still dying and a very p. or stand will be the reault. 1 be eolrt apell aow upaa us will In no wise benefit the crop. This ia much to be regretted aa our farmers were getting in a situation to live comfortably, having for the most part worked themselves out f debt. Notrs or tie Wraterr ton TIE Mntii of May 1878. Highest Temperature 92 Lowest " 51 Mean " 70 Prevailing Wind Southerly. Amount of Rainfall 4 32 laches, Laat froat en the lth. 0R old friend Exum Lewi el Tar- horo is in town, we find him very full ol military ardour, ne assures us that his eomn.n. "Th. H!,Wnmr On. ,1. " - til . . . ... ,un u -u, ,, iKiiuouce can woign wun inerp. juogmg from bis universal popularity we mav place the guards on the list, to start with. A singular accident occurred en tbe Wilmiogtan Road on Thursday raaninp, a freight train while searing Halilax, bad In its rear a common hand car that is usually propelled with poles, on which' were several negroes. The train cause suddenly tn a stop and oris of the poles was thrust through the body of one ol tbe negroes. The neato is still alive. Another attempt waa made this week to assassin ue the Emperor of Germany This time he was fired upon with a g n in tbe hands of Dr. E I ward Nedeling, a German socialist, and struck by fifteen small shot. The E nperor'a condition is q lit precsrisus, and tbe Crows Prince has been made regent. Nodding shot himself and will die. Yonttei Matt Ransom Among the young gentlemen licensed in the begin sing of the week lo practice law by the Supreme Curt occurs the nam of Matt Wliitaker Ransom, Jr., of Northampton, We have this young gentleman's narro filed for future relerenco and will be die. appointed if we do not have to chronicle (or him successes equal to those achieved by his distinguished father, "Gim" said a worthy old lady to her granddaughters, "whonovsr a fellow pops ths question don't blush aud look at your foot. Just throw vour rrms aronod hi neck, look him full In the faoe and corn- mence talking to bim about the furnltura. Yoiinir foiw. .r miM. .m. times. I lost several good ohancos before I caught your fond, grandfather by put ting on airs, but 1 learood how after a while.'' to do it TntR following la lha Hat of delegates to the State Convention from Halifax W. H Day, Spier Whitaker, J. M. Griz- r.ard. W. H. Kitchen, W. H. Shields, E. A. Thorne' A. J. Burton. Jno, B. Noal. R. . Burton. Jr. D. C. Clerk, J. P. Tyros, L. M. Long, J. H. Whitaker, W. A. Johnston, W. E. Aaron, J. B. Z .llloolljr, A. P. Hill, A. P. Davis, E. W. Hyman, W. H. Snstth, R. A. Plttman.R. H. Smith, Sr. M. T. Savage, Wm. Hodges, W, W. Hall, R. H. Smith, Jr. and W. P. Tiatchnlor. The rehearsal of O n American C.inin" en Wcdnesdiiy night was very creditable, and we are eatbfU'd from what we saw oa that occasion that the piece will be rendered on ths 25 ill with a success that would do credit to saore experienced actors. We leirn that the rehersal ol the ' Lady of Lyot s," still continues, and wil he brought before the pu!!!c next fall Weldon has decide I dramstic taleat which should by all means be encour aged. We regret to learn tbat the hail storm of which ctsual mention waa mads in ths last issue of the News, was of almost u paralelled severity and deitructivnes. From all accounts it denuded the lands over which it passed of every vestiga of lolilge. The main track of the storm waa about ol a mile in width and Irom al accounts it extended throngh Wake Chatham, Franklin and Halilax county and p seed off to the east. iud uviia V'ity iwiu iia m iviuu- mnnn onrreaponaont, wno iiirnisona iuo neoDlo of Lo Liana with substantial and real newa--tnnugu it may not be pleasant for them to ba told, ea he tells them, that Kii-limorid is fast becoming a cotton port. and receives quantities of that staple from points as far South aa Georgia. Yes, wo a good deal more.-Richmond State. Tbe only way in which Richmond can get ootton Is by advertising for It in cotton produolngseotious, and by making such ireigm arrangements as win onaoie me producer to send one bale of cotton to ' , . , , ., . , ihvuuiuuu niviiuu, .anuiiig shd,hpi u-.b alni.ff torn.. Ih. .n... .f Ih,. flr.t . a r-j r , Fun Ahead. Tbe Halifax Bise Ball Club haa challenged the Weldoa Club a match gams sf Base Ball, the latter has kcrtepted and the gasae will come off at Weldon on the 19th ol the present month These eluba are both composed of Irst rate players and a coo l game may bo ex pected. In addition to tba baae ba't game the ladiee of Weldon aod vicinity will give a fair and feast at tba Literary Hall en tbat day where everything good to eat aod look at, especially look at caa bo tound, and the good things to tat can ba pur chased at a moderate price. Tkt pro ceeds of this fair aro to go to the Com pany fund of Ike Roanoke light Infantry. Wholesale Cah Pbioi AT V. J. Naw's Bahkry akd Cahdt Manufacto ry. Sugar Cakes par barrel t5.tr, Olnger Cakes per barrel S4.50, Candy 13 cauls in lots of 25 pounds and upward. nay4tf. At a meeting or Roanoke Iodg of A F. dr, A. M. on Thursday night lust the following offloers wore eleoted: W. T. Whitfield, W. M.: T. h. Kmry, H. W.t W. R. Smith, J. W. ; Harden Allen. Treaaurer; J, O. Lnokharr, Secretary. Installation of ofHcers will take place on tbe night of tbe 24tb of Juno. Thanks to Mr. J T. Gooch we enloyed pfMhea of this year'a growth for dinner t Tuesday. These peaches were of the Beatrice variety and were grown on a firm BWne(i by Mr, Gooch and Col. T. G. Tucker Mr Qsat,, Tbil it Mrlier thtn ri,. p4achesnf home growth have ever been seen in Wcldei but from all accounts they will be by no means a nvelty during the summer. Messrs Uooctt and dicker have 15 900 trees and they are all full. We had the pleasure of meeting Captain Suiter of tbe Northampton Guards last Wednesday, who Informed us that bla company now numbered 63 men and that they would soon bo uniformed and armed We are really glad to hear this and hope the publication of it will hurry up our Weldon boy-. By the way the Weldon ,na nampion companies win proua- "V VB "' " " oase a major must be elected and then we . Ji,inft,i n,iietnn,t wa ira In th, naudg of mu lrlendB. Base Bah Clbb Tbe young men of Halifax met on Wednesday night of the 22nd alt., and organized a B. B. Club un dvr Dame ol the Hilifax Club and will say to the neighboring towna to pre pare lor batile. MEMBERS. L. H Hale. J. R, Peaek R T. Simmons W. J, Willcox, C. H. Willcox, M.J. Webb, J. C. Butts, G W. Sheran, J. M Gritztrd, Jr , J. W. Faucett, W. T. Nash, B II Hale. J E Daniel, E. M. Grirz.rd. W. A. Willcox, r. B. Hale, R J Branch, R. L Fenner, C. H. R. Howerton, 0 W. Faucett, R. F, E lis, G. W. Brvau. For the Information of those who have writen to as on tbe subject of the Hurdle Tournament to be bold at our aext Fair, we atate that it haa been decided to have the distance one hundred and fifty yard, lucre will be three hurdles and as many ringa, a hurdle twenty-fire yarda iu Iront of each ring, rings fifty yarda apart Hurdles to be throe feet ia heighth, aahres to be used and cirried at the option ol the rider. The time to be made tn he de cided on the day of riding. The Society has authorised tbe purchase ol a thorough bred horse, to be awarded the successful knight. Also a handsome saddle and kt-irtia f tt llioa Cnot A kit, at A ox n fa (Kin 'y'"''"' " T . " ,0 "8,n u:"" ",e """"S"" priveiege 01 cowning a "Vf ien 01 u ve n l Bsauty" with at'-odaot Mti.is of Honor A B&.ACTiFUi. Thought. When the summer of youth is slowly wasting away en tbs night-lall of age, and the shadow ol the path becomes deeper, and life wears to its close, it ia pleasant to look through the vista of time upon the sorrows and lacilities of our early ye ire. It we have ha I a bi one t i shelter, and hearts to rcj lice with us, and Iriends have been hrsthsmd r.nnd our fir.nd. tk Mnuh placea of waylaring will hsve been worn and smoothed away in the twilight ol life, and many daik apols we havJ passed through will grow brighter and more beau tilul. Htpny, indeed, are tho'e whoie in' tercourse with the word has not changed the tone el their hnMcr lecliog, or broken those musical chords of the heart whose vibrations Jure so melodious, so tender, and so touching in the evening of tbeir lives. Capt. E. A. Thorne is witb us aoais. We notice whenever he comes to Weldon, be is very apt to bring his surveying lm plements, presenting the appearance, at all events, that ho is getting a yast deal of work. Now we take it, la as much aa we know Capt- Thorne to be a man who does not love work ao well, as to work for nothing, that, either there is much land changing hands in this vicinity or there are many disputed boundaries to settle, or something else we don't know what, but one thing wo do know, Capt. Thome don't hale to be in Weldon and the usual de monsirations on h i arrival, indicate olrnrly that the people of Weldon aro not tired of him yet. So speaking for the Weldonians, wo would say come on Cap tain whenever you osn, always glad to see yon, wo aro fond of changing a few jokes oonuionally to while away tba warm n. ti... , . CoctlTY PoUTICS-Tbsre seems to b. a vary coDsiueraois stir ia certain pans oi th e,UBt the ,uk- ct lh, , ,hr. ' J ill t ao Isr H seems confined entirely to the Republicans. The fight seesns to be directed mainly against Larkin the pres. eat sheriff. J. P. Leach, Jackson and W. H. Capell ail Democrats have declared themselves candidates end aa each is ssid ,0 u considerable following things i,.:. :., . i,u .,..A a. ... are becoming luat a little mixed. At we I J I k ' 1 11 .u . .u. -,.uS.. ..... gives any nope ror a real lyemncranc sue eras wo leel very decidedly indifferent as to to the result and wo are ioclined to believe that this feeling ia abated by a large pro portion of tbe people of tbe county. Thia towanhip held a meeting last Monday and appointed 6 delegatri to the county Convention, which will meet oa the 29th loot, at Halilax. Of theae delegates it ia understood tbat 8 aro lor Larkia and 8 lor Capell. The other townships are claimed by every Candidate. la addition to the oodidatrs already named, we no derstaod tbat J. T. Dawsoo Republican bas also declared himself and tbis still further mixes matters. At present da man can name the aomisee asd every j day readers tba result more eultlul, Dmtiuct Oonvkntion. The Democrat ic Judicial Convsntien el tbe first Judlrial District, for the purpose ol nominating a candidate for the office ol Solicitor, will meet ia Edenton, on Thursday, June 20tb. At the aaaae time and place, tbe Demo, eratic CeBVentioo of the first Senatorial District will meet, to nominate two csndi dates lor tbe Senate. The Demecreiic Press of tb District are requested to copy. By order ol Cm. W. F. Martin, Chairman. OBITUAKY. Died at her lather's residence in G'een ville county, Vs., on the 16th ol May 1878, Mrs. Rebs ca Mary Myrlck lato nl Texas A noble woman has gone to tbe tomb. She died in early lile.hut bad lived long enough to write with an indelible pen her owe en viable epitaph, Farewell, thou hast gained while w hive lost. Farewell! Yet again we hope tomeettboe, When our days on earth era fled, When In heaven we will greet the, Where farewell tears aro never shed, K. B. Collins. May 25th 1878. Disorder Unekh the Sheiv It is not often that we feel called upon to proles against anything that happens In Weldon, butlait Saturday morning we wera witness to a sight wh cli we truit we may uever see repeated. The trains wsre just arriving from the North and the shud had Its mual crowd of pa.sieno.era under it. Juat in rear of the caaehca on "he U & G R R. about 20 ball drunken negroes, and oie or two white men were busy discus sing the race lor sheriff The couvaraa tion was loud, and thickly interspersed with horrible oaths and other language of the foulest description. Now Weldun has n-it a very savory reputation with the trav oiling public as it ia, and such scenes aa we have described, are not calculated to bet ter it. Wed.m'tlike to It id fault, but sack things as this must not ba allowed and we desire now to aay to tlw officers who are responsible for the good order nl the town, that unless they do tbeir full duty tbey may hear it thunder yet. Matters Theatrical Wo hvs here tofore bad occasion to notice various and sundry amateur theatrical organizations which have grown up In our midst and believing as we do that every means far innocent amusement should be encotragtd we have dene whatever we could lo aid and encourage them. We have now toa id another to tbe list. Ths Weldon Amateur Minstrala re-organized last Wednesday night and have begun the preparation n a seiies of perlnrmances which will add much to the enjoyment of the town dur the coming summer. This miurtrel troup is composed of tbe first young gen ttetnei of the town and tbey will give a series of very chaste an I enjoyable enter tainments. Their first appearance will be in Weldon. Thereafter they will probably make excursions to the neighboring towns si that all may have an opportunity to laugh and grow 1st. The object of the organization ia to provide a lund tn assist in unilorming the newly erganiz.'d military company and w: bespeak full bouses lor tbem wherever they Appear. Political Xotoo. Pitt county democrats will nominate on tbe 22d ol tbe month. J. D. Mi lvor of Msore county has been nominated for solicitor of the 4th district. The democratic convention of the 2nd Senatorial district meets at Jameaville on the 21st. Beaufort county democrats have nomina ted Dr. J. F. Latham for the House of Represaatatives. ' Col. A. M. Waddell was renominated for Congress in the S d District. This makes Col. Wsddell's 5th tsrm. Col. Montfort MeGehee has been renomi nated for the house of Repre.eatativcs by the dsmecrata of Peraon. Alphonso C. Avery of Burke haa been nominated for Judge and John S. Adams ol Mitchell tor Solicitor of tbe 8th Judicial district. Granville democrats have nominated E. E. Lvnn tor the S nate anil J. E- Burroughs aod Rufus Amis, for tbe lower buse. Edgecombe has nominated Dr. .1. II Baker lor the Senate and D II. Btrlow and Arch Braswoll lor the lower housr Three better nominations could not have been made. The radicals say the e fleet ol the adop tion ot the Potter resolution will be to re unite the republican party aod make i more effective io the neit campaign. As the radicals never were divided en any party principle, but only np n the ques tions otths'ameuot to be pain lor tbe presr drnlial Iranai, and tbe Individuals to re ceive it, and as hatred to the South and its people ever was sad ever will be th living principle of radicalism, the prognte icated re union need not be deplored that ia, by those the prophecy is intended to intimidate. Alexandria Gatette. AN Historical Fact. Everv aeent who has been ainadilv holling the lm proved $20 Homestead Sewing Maori In for thre years, owns his dwtlling hone, bas a good account In bank. Is ulnar debt, and bas money at inte est 'be natural oonsequonoe of -ourlng a stood agency tor superior gooua at the lowest price. A goon nrst-clasg Mewing Ma' ohlne, moat useful reliable at all timos easy to understand aod control, the asm S'.;e ani. does tl:e sHiae work as any ma- climes that sell at foUR Timks tbe prion, mere is no mao'vuo at any pnoe better or mm win no nner or inoio Torg, an certainly none m low in rice by bihh dollaia. 1 no Homestead a widely know and used In thousand of ainliies In tbe Eastern and Middle Stale , and da'tv be coming popu' .r in tbe We. t It wil! ajve Its cost several llmea over In one seiason doing luo work of tbe (amilv. or will earn four or five dol'ars a r tv for any man or woman who tows .Or a living. It ia the strongest machine nriu..e, is readv at times to do Its wori makes the strongest and finest atilcS yet Invented, and is fully acknowledged ra the Standard Family Sewing Machine. Price, comoleio for do. snestic use, $20, delivered at your door, no matter bow remote vou may res He. Busi ness permanent and honorab'j, witb more certain aod rapid ealos, and larger prorita than . any other, kx' aoramary tinera offers winds to looal ur ttwvelfng agent wboro we have none established ; ol tbero la no agant near yon, aend vour order d I root to tbe factory. Address John H. Kendall it Co., 4-1 Broadway, Now xe-r. EVIDF SjOF. ftepoRE THE POT TEH IXYK-TIUA'IIAU COniNITTKE. James E. Andersen, the auperviaor of election in East Feliciana parish, is so far the only witness examiosd by the com mittee lo ieteetigate the Presidential election. The following digest presents the salient points al bis testimony. Andersen testiflel that tbe democratic majority in East Feliclaua was 1,743 on the presidential tuket. There were no protests in tbe returns at originally aent up, Pitkin asked mo why I did not protest, I said because there was more republic m than democratic iotimidatior. I afterwards signed a protest atating Ibat I did not protest in the parish because I leered to do ao. I-havt aeen tbe Sherman protest. It is not the protest sigeed by me it is altered and in tome plaesa llltd up. THE SHERMAN REPORT OF THE PROTEST wattheo placed in tvidenoe. Alter being rsad witness want ovsr ths protest and pointsd out wherein it bad been altered sod said : I never made tbe statement att forth in the Sherman report Ibat I left Eaat Feliciana parish because I was afraid of nit li'e. In the atatessent I mads, ths worda ' Democrat" aod "Republican" did not appsir ia tba whole thing. I did state that there ha I been some intimida'ioo io the pariah, but that tbe whole number would not aggregate ever two hundred. The Sherman statement makes m aay there were twenty-two hundred intimi dated. When I first went to New Orleans iu September Governor Kellogg asked me how I thought Eist Feliciana parish would go. I said I thiuk it will give about 1,500 nujtrity. He said that wou't do ; if East Feliciana goes Democratic I don't see where Packard's majority is com ing from. Kellogg old me to go back to the p.nsti, rally the colored votes at ooo or two polls; let tbe Democrats have the rest; get up a row, and than file pro tests. One day I was told SHERMAN WANTED TO SEE MS. We called at the St. Charles Hotel, but tailed to see him. Subsequently we were walking slong Canal street, ia (rent of Molair's restaurant when WebVr said, "There's Ssermao, now." I said wall 1 may as well see him here at any place else Webber and mysell went into the restau rant. Webber went up to Shermta and said, "This is Mr. Anderson." (MERMAN SAID this is ths time and the hour that we wai t every true Republican to stand by us. Sherman then spoke of protesis. Webb r said if he did any more than be hal doaa he could not stay at bis hous Shermin said, "You can be provided for eliewhere." said to Mr. Sherman, "The sentiment of tbe country may ba all right, but I do not ish to be open to a suit for perjury, be causa tbey are goiag to throw out my parish on a forged protest." Sherman said ws won't dissuss thtt matter now, that is matter lor the State authorities, but il ou itaud nnn ani lot the matter rest here it is, you will not be aorry ! r It. The witness then identified the billowing i a letter received by him from John Sherman. Mr. Sherman gave a qiasi dt- ial of having written audi a letter. New Orleans. November 20, 1878. D. A. Webber and Jts E. Anderson : Gentlemen Your note of even date iast received. Naither Mr. Haves, mrself or any of the gentlemen with me, caa forget Iho ehliganans under which you will have placed us ll you s'anrt firm in the position ou have taken, r mm a long acq umt. nre witb Mr, Hae, I am jastified in at tuning the reap niibility lor the primisei made in guaranteeing that yea shall be ken care of." The letttr concludes with an assurao.a of protection if they leave the S ale, aod is signed "Joha Sherman." ANDERSON RKCOMM ENDED fOR A WARM PLACE. Anderson testified that he snals sn ap plication to the President for a conaulsbip, and that the President endorsed ths paper io his case to Secretary Everts : "Please appoint this Stan to a csosulsbip io some warst climate. - This is a special case. (Signed) R. B. Hayes." Great Decline) In Sugar Co (Too and Meat. li. A. Farinholt's Ketail Price Current. Bulk shoulders, 6o per 100 lbs. Hulk C. R. Sides, per 100 lbs, 7 o per lb, Bacon shoulder. 7 n per 100 lbs. Bacon C. R. Sides, 8a por UK) lbs. liiia per lb. 20 o per lb. 25 e per lb. 11 o per lb. in o per lb. '4 o per lb. S5 c per gal. 75o per gal. $8 50at per bhl. 87 50$S por hbl. rnftee, good Kin, Coftws, prime Kio, Cotloo, banana, Sug ii Bl ight Brown, Extra C. CorToe Sugar, Standard "A." Sugar, Molaaes (good), Wright Syiup, Va. Family Flour, Va. Katra Flour, Va. Super Flour, ?9 ouatB 5U per bin Nails, (Old Dominion) 5 e per lb., or f3 60 lt-r ktig. Cotton Warp. 1.00 per Block. Whole Stock Brogana, 1.0U per pnir. A full lotol KcRKlTURRalwHyaon hand. The prices named will be striokly adhered to so long as they appear in the advertise ment. All tail and wlnU-r goods at and below oost. "Mat s hay while the sun shines." Ipaalal Lacsls, 100 ssrks of Liverpool salt 20t lbs., at $1.25. Alto SO barrels herrings. Winfield & Emry. In time of pea o prepare for war. While all Is quiet don't forgot to insure vour property with R. K. Butler, General Insurance Agent. Hinqkk Sewing Maoliines. needles sad all attachments, for tale at Wbite & Stain back's Bottom Store. 10 I ion 1 1 100 ! 1 1. -Ono hundred lbs. of Floor just received and for sale oboap for cash. White Stainback & Gooch, Call and examine onr large and new aoloctod stock of Crockery before purchas ing. Write, Staia, A Qhoocr. If vou die soon will your family be pro vided for? If not be sure to Insure your lira in me methotoi, itah. R, F. Bottler, Agent Two elegant business an 1 pleasure wag ess for one or two hrsea foi sale cheap at th Roaaokt Agricultural work Weldon. tf. Wlnfiebt and Emry have to arrive 100 barrels of flour and 25,000 pounds of Laoon, which they will sell at Baltimore prices, without any charge f..r freight. tf. Just received a lot of Miles Celebrated ffalkenpbaat n.l Buttoned Shoes.' Calk and see tbem, wo guarantee satisfaction. WHIS HTAINBACIt dt UOOCH. You can find Boiled Linsee I Oil, lUw Linseed Oil, Machine Oil for Gira, &c. Sewing Macluno Oil, Lard O.I, Taoncia Oil, at T. A. Clarks Drug Store. On and after October 1st all goods will bsaeld, strictly for cah. Every thing down at lowest prices. Call and see u before purenaalag else wbere. tr wiririf.LD.Tii.iiHA Please remember tbat your little ac counts sre past due and we respectfully ask a settlement of the same. Write & Stainback, Bottom Store, Juat to band ono ear load Liverpool fln alt, full weight, factory fillod 1.65 per sack. Also at Garyaburg H tors same pries. R. P. SriKRa, Bottom Store. The Best is the Cheapest. Therefor yon should I and get the prices of Kor tilliwrs for whioh wo aro agents before buying vlsowhere. Wbite & Stainback, Bottom Store. To the LtDtES. We have just leccived a few pvlces of beautiful dress goods calt early aod get tbe first choice. White A Stainback, B ttom Store. Farmers save Jinoney by using the Home h'bitlliser, insde at home by tl Formula of Hoy kin, Carmer A Co., which baa given audi eneral satisfaction whern tried. The chemical can bo had pure of T. A. Clark Weldon N. C. Agant lor Boy kin Cartner A Co, I am now selling at retail, pretty eofTeo sugars, at lOcts, per pound, shoulder meat Hi, aides 8cts , a No I article of coFee nt 2'cts., medium quality at 19-ts. R. P. cSriRR', Bottom Ktorr. Latest News. 20 barrels of Bmnswiik Family Flour just received st White & 3taiuback's "Boitom Store." We caoi ot reolace this with any as nice. Cll ear j and buy before It is all sold. White & Stainback, tf "Bottom Store." New books just to band and and for sale. Dickens complete books 14 volumes illus trated. Price 14 dollars or 1.25 single volume. Scotts complote works, Waverlv Novels 23 volumns, Illustrated at $23 or 1.2a single copy. Also complote lino of school books, McGuflles, Homers and National Readers. Grammars, Geogra phies, Arithmetics and all kind of school material. Hvmn books and bibles a speciality. Complete lino of stationary, a number one article nf letter paper at ir cents per quire, less by the wholesale, R. P. Spiers, Bottom Store. Weldon markets. reported bt r. p. triKtis. Weldon, Juno ft, 1H7R. Cotton -Lower, Middling Fair, 10c, Middling Sic; Low Middling 9o; Good Ordinary 8; Stained 8. Baco i Smoked aides 9.': smoked shoulder s; bulk sides 74 ; bulk khonldors Mar;C Canvassed bams 1-Jc. Corn 75 per bushel. Lard 124 Klour- Family In barrels 8a8.50; Extra 7.00a7.75; Super S.OtaO.OO. Kugar-'A' l'2Jo; 'IV 12t; Extra 'C 100 C Yellow 9o; Brown sugar 8c Coffee-Rio 16Ja20c; Ijignayra 22a?5c. Svrups Common S5a40c; Sugar bouse 50750 per gallon. Nails S.25a3.S0 per keg. Liverpool salt 1 65 al75 por sack. Northorn Apples green, per barrel, 5.50a600. Southern Apples 3 50a4.00. lioeswax clear, 25 routs; common, 20 cents. Mal80 cents per bushel. Hay tialod, $1 0 per hundred. Fodder--75itsa$l 25 according to quality. Candles Adamantine, 15alS eta per lb. Cheese No. 120 uonta per pouud ; cow men No 2, 15ai6 cents. Hides -Flint. lOill ots. ; ssltod dry, talO o's. ; green, 3a4 cents. Sole lioathpr Nm 1, 35a40 cents, good rismage l No 2, 25aS5 cents per pound. Russnts iipper50 cents per pound, llorrini;- $1 50a$5 00 per barrel. t"lloou!i, best brands from H to 8 eta. Whi'a o'otbs four quarers heavy 8 ct, M odium iwidn fij. What, liuings 5 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T. W MASON ATTORNEY AT LAW, GAKYSBURQ, N. C. Prsctlces In the courts of Northampton and adjoining counties, also in the Federal and Supreme courts. June 8-tf. BURN HAM'S am WARRANTta BEST A. CHEAPEST. Also. KHUN3 MACHINERY. FIUCE3 SEDUCED ATS. SO, '78. rimrhteufrco. Omca, Yoaa, Pfc Jane 8 6 m. T) THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OP WF.LDON TOWNSHIP. Tba Hoard of Magistrates nf Halifax cuinty having ordered a new registration of tbe voters In the county, notice is here bv given, that the registration books for We'drtn Township, will bo opened st Weldon.In the DrugStoreof Messrs. Zolll c ffor & RroM on the 1st day of July A. D. 1S7S, for the qualified votcra of said Town, ship, to register anew, old registration having been abolished. Noltoes have been rooted in tbo Township. N. M. LOCK R ART, Registrar. juno 1 tf. T 1 1 iirifTI bu slums vou oanoninaae la. L)i-lC5i 5tnf20 por day made by any worker of either sea, right In tholr own localities. Particulars and muiplfls worthf5f.ee. Improve your spare tl-ns at thia busineas. Address Stinson 4 C ., Portland, Maine, junelly. gTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Halilax Connly. 1 bis is tn notify you tbat you hare been appointed Registrar for the oornitig elso tln In August 1873. You aro requested tn take a new registration of all voters in Weldon Township, of lawful age and qualified by law tn vote and none others, J. T. EVANS, J. P. AaRON PRE8COTT, J. P. WM. A. DANIEL, J.P. To N. M. Lock hart. June Itf, a week in vour own town. J5 0nt 00 fit free. No rlak. Reader, if you want a business at which persona of either sex nan make great pay all the time they work, write for parUcu'lara to H. Hal. LETT A Co., Portland, Maine, June 1 1 v. N OTICE NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given tbat. from and alter thirty days from tbo date of tbis no tice the voting preclootin Littleton Town ship, ohall bo at tbe tows ot Littleton, in. said township, and the voting precinct ia Palmyra township aball bo at Rraswell'o Crosa Roads in said township. By order of the board of JusthM.cf tb Peace of Halifax county. May 13lh 1878. D. C, CLARK, Chair n in, MavlS tf.

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