TviZ ROANOKE NEWS SATURDAY JUNE 8 18:8. THE WRCHO TOM CAT. A mn ii om-e owned i- K i rinr dutf A lul't:tii ornery 'ii-s - An J that Hi-io pup nt that there iir.m I i in inv un Wi y muss. Fur i iim in in was cm the muscle, Ami tlm iln w i nil Ills bite. : Ni in kick ilii' itoi'ic-itoneil aniitu'o W.IS MH''1 lO liil-Ml il liilt. A woman o.vnc, ,i Th mils cut, 'I'ii a ti ! ut iri -ci: . 'iiihU ; An. I other i'l'i k i. nit hikI slid In n ili.i: t!i'-r i'.i; was round Tin' ni ri h hI ii :t il in riimn Rlnnu one day, x h.'ic 'iifi W 'ni in sm iii iwh!i ; An. I :!i-i liAgrnwli-J ler mi nisly, l Ian In' wtnt i ir ril hue wvli, Hu tri'il to fin the neck of tho cat, It it t i . t: t ti 'o'i!.ri t lift cnwet T i he I't on ili Ii ick ill t 'nit are il'rir, Aii.l In ! mi l pUiv.i I ! hm1 cl two I ! Uh, ilio Ii it r it lliw!an I lbs pn; lis yoiilci A ill" i'I ih wi; i'ii hu I'ulii, An I chunk, hi fl li worn peelej fiotn III li.'.i; ;, Tlmii If 11 i in it:i x r., in I kii-ked, an (Hot. T!i in ri Ii" rip I un I e'lr-o I, swirc And he c t ' . 1 i bi.i l'i"l''kliit, 'I Ii 'm I. .ii! I In. hu un. c.itially li In' i!i in'i k- I .ut ! Hut tlii 1 w i.ii ui 'Hu 1. 1 slin'.l !o Wml i: r I A" I m ii 'i ' 'I,, a i i.l I li . ifnn, l.i. ll -il 111 . 1 'l H'PjMTII l J(.J. i!.rtj!iui Willi li.iil sh it ninilinr in. . Thev l-.i'.l Ii in hi'iifinn a wind i'.v blin A -i 1 1 the .. i t ir iMiri' I him un , !t ii li w,t, r if ii ,'vu ;l a;, in , t ir ow n ir ; tit r ji i lolk- iiun turn up tli iir snoots at thin rliy mi I ii in'i i iri' a nisi f r tl-.nt ! All I want tn 'i i v ii, thai llirlituitf line's M '' U - It In Hi ivr mit T nil i' it. ' LGVEO AT LAST. A'jl s i lis !nvs iitP. tlii,!i.-i I hey Mil - 1 "' i''T v mi l i- in i 1. 1 1 1 1 r , 'flint 1 ill ,u I ill' T Im W.l IT Wdd, Dr , u v.-i niv ;n"i , They were so ir.. ill. t 1 , I nuKI tnln A tt ll'lillli's (.-1! ! ,.f 1,1 1M. An 1 I, In tlin -a I eriv li'iiirs. WlM'll l!ir I 111' 'i 'J 11 l I ;t (,,,.,,, An.i u ttnii llir'-iw S:'i't'inlii'r siimvr ri Si'i'ini-1 ii i iii .i.'s tt'ti s I' ir in in ut or Kniie, 1 murmur' .1 ilh n .ni- .ioh, My f'.immi-r nUu I: .is oi;t hy." l!u! now I k'l'.w Hut win! t,i mo '.-"t:" I 3iitii;iiu ri:liis wire Hlt.weni of sl,r!,' Su'i.rn '- li.ii '-ii'ii'i, Rti'l noiT T si' p lni.'i i'i il;jh: iniii-i'ii n-'i filling ; '! " fivM Ii" I ivii in-, an 1 tii. 1 17 My voir m!!, Iji -k t early M iy. II'iw ii: 1 i! " mn. I v.i; r,r Mm , II" snv niv un. i, M,..t v I liir ; A till i't I 111" t! in.- -,., k M ill Ml , A 1 1 I ou tins It mi' I'i -1 i f i'irn ; Hill now lli-i pvi'i . ni in ! ,. Iivi.i,; An.I oiiw Bt ii:i tint linwr j;r i lilil. ITf lni'ii IV V v. i Ti. 1 1- -t .... ir,-,-.. An I 4 nil' i'i-- v imp I'i' '.' ,! .! ,v v . Null' I , Hi ,;.!; n i I l. ivc'i i;,., : ir 1;:, . i f I ri'n" it 1 Ti-rv Inmr : ; '" i m "i't "..ii-.i an I iiir ; -i. ri' I. .1 I, .. ' l K 1,1. I 'ii'. ! .; ; l I i s ' i ,v.r un; nr xcari, Mil- l.v l.ii I -v,i I in ijii' :i.,,i u;r( 1 I ' "i' I ; iii'li l.a,.jir t- i, A ' I " " I.i :.i: i .. .-vi'i v Iti-rr I 'i his it. ; i , ,i I 'H in In- an, ;ve ; H it i. . n, ii .r i. ,.!. f.u'ivp. II ".ii'i t If. 'u'-' I bav" kii'iK-n 11 1. I i ii, 1 1 . , l ive ."n-in, r toi ; ji '. ' ! .ir I i ii e, irl'.ir.w'a V i' ! u ' i.i' l,u:n,!...t h" r 'i :o. '' 1 1 ''. ' IiIUit, 1 1 . t ' r t . ii 'I .1 ' ll l il i I l',H , i'i ih (1 llU' Ufl, i' . ' iv . 1 iv . 1.1V (in l,:i,i.0 wor l, .' 1'. ! I'ViT .i' i 1 ll'i : . 1 Ti.l .11 '111' , 11' 111, V.i I i il. .11,1, Ail I full ih.. ,.-,., ri of !, 1 In ml ; N . in iri 1 v . s,;:i, i,', , ; I a i-i l.: oi;i',n, I ,.. i ,,V i-Mwn. EARLY RISING. 'My tafir'-i:, la.i!'.-' riir - .liv nr Mi'-in. ( wilt.- tiny "-'i.-u I lo-at li '.: i' s'' ' i rr ci.r'."'hf thr nir fi'i' i l i i ir-. , : i- lo i'i but up t1 t:(. ri'ie. ii n i'i'i r u'lmtnh' ini'l of tnt be!! r- ki t.i ','o' n- ,. v .'i.-r; in fimT-, o- !,( i,l ,. ,,. Hr-t tx-t'. r a m-.r'i ) I i r. mm) rvj j'liln.ti, rr.'i-c tL. in i i tril. ti'l t',a afrntinn Krvnr-. or i'.i. rr..rr.orT !"ivc r, n; lr:g'i'; t.on ti--' il or. 1 rii irm 1. Kir, p-oi-rr-. . r, .!..: t.,.,!. ,,,, ,,vil lcg. t ir I r !'.'". in i, el.r, tn I nt luniii.h I'1'.' I'm i- ri !,, ininJ, 1 1 the rao of r. ; '. i-1 nir cm "t" lihi'in--i). ltkfi IT nil,- fj , h,,,,.' in -snii.! l,,i u , ,ua l sfl c,,vtr ,lt. Ulinn." ir.TLUfiCE CF KID WORDS. K k:n 1 Ti' i fo'g roUrns n l r i:i inflienc- n.av Um a K'Oil'worit ipiken at ln:i'..-, iii liu r..!, t.i dtrnis;er.', and t c'i.i!1'Mi. in .se in lovel a ,"id wc a-e U. krl up,m l.v inl.-t i.r . o:ntlr.n3 in 'c linn luiun b in, am we r'c : i 1 1 I u v 'it vlnte mth nas'f, a-id t' l- 1 1 fv.M ! ir r.. rn'i!n'iiin ot i', piiiti in. Ii j tfituliii', k.r, 1 ' Mirliii s c'ic : 'ipn lu 1. 1. i lfi n m I f k -. k.i w,i ii , WO'll, W . C1! cu tit,'e I vi ire ,'iti wiiiire ,. Tl ;if.k r e.-.thi the i! ' ! .i t mn! a i . . v . 'y ni- i-i! u in vr e T I n :,! citi' mn, or 'o-t a- n rm Cii.i- r ,1 1., .1 1 1 1 n in ii r ki . ', i t !rr:n .1 , ' V l.i, e ii .1 i,.. 'I v n o' c i'i".'. aii.i 1 SI U'lli'ii 'tmn. A i. n 1 , r.l often r.e. '.H l-lic.ur.iti. I Iff 'll lUl.l'P e aii fin ilik,i M .n rl. i -t!ie wi hIc n.y 1m le.'i.liiei li-n i..;. T..e ci i.U. iJ " bfr; it i aiwivs Ii- nut he tan eXre.l. e v-" "i ! i. a-, 1 the '".' I bj- a kit .1 a ii.l. i'u a mi li.iut rum ' t Mn ik ki ii.l I r ta (r rveiy .. an.i .- h,;, haVe ln(,,.!H. N OMt ki-ii t-U t their ntmu-t ri'riit, t!,r,? i )nm thl J FpsVf n tec! t! i m,vt th-nsh tiae j.,.,ku are a!, Ii n, Ti-e I, A-rj twor is :ir np all tliat in evil in rr.i;e u. ny tliintu we dn n H in:rrj4, wneie a km,l w-tJ wnillJ q iiet o, A t'Uur w.ifi --tl"e ptin an J iV'trrt - tn the niinl while a kin l wt, a-iotlira the ti'nt Vain wnr.iii at diniitute of lute, ami tin, .1 : inn. Kin ! w are awimj the brih'wt flw rr, tin y cinvert the Inim'iVt tmref intr. a parailne. th-ri lorir nn.- them, tiu-cia!lj run I Ihs fi:. f i,ic e:fi!. 'A lilt's nr in IhiilrnH, sjioken, A mot tun r a lesr, ' .las iftn hm!l ti n (hit's In ken AtidmaJca fticni sincere, ' wnr.1, a U ik, Iim e-t.ihej t nh Full manT a Iiu.I.1,mi; ( . r. ' Vhicli. I 1 a iH.iin but owned il'a UrUi Would blwa lu 's i!ri hour. ' ban do rn It n-.l i n Uli thing A pleM'-M wrr-t lo fpua ; 'ha l" r.iu " r ,e tlioBgi,!, Ton ..;.. D A I.i; i't iii-;. . , i....f i - Ar:v!:!:;i-:;;;;;x . i,.--l ' . v . I 1 V:":"' mmf i I ; 1 : .. . ... . . , ; , -vv. -: ' -. : Jt.U-r-iii-Al .,. .. ,f52 u i: c v. i v t; n Infcrntttlnnnl I vlilliif Ion A nurd I.. ii l"ii. Ni'.v V.,ik. lv.'l. I'ailS, l-'ii'. I'llll'.lli'll.lli:!, ISii. liKHHlM; ,V fu. I A 'i'ti llr i. I .iv, N Vorlt. J t :, JSi; Vut'M. M 1'. I. hl'Ki aso savt vova tvs eicit i! .'.I i..n ii, .iim :i , . w, t;. i.i un,! mi vnr V. 'it. !.(., 'i'.i nl .Ii u . 'i " , i 't.i'i a hihI Vi t h hi i, I mn! 1 ; r ii- ii u, inl liiniff I- 'Hi ! ' ' "i. " i-, 1'1',-l.i'r'. ( ill S..i hi , ! i r :i, ., ri-. i r I -.i ii tlic a.iie B in. i' in !,n I iiit: lit h.r in Ni-w Vi'rk. f w i,: i i.ii, i, v !',.r .Ii .v!r" an,l will 'll'.T iii'lui ei:ii.iii - l.i .in , I ii... ; .1. 'J'. YM'Ni, ,i- lll'.d., "I'lll 1 'l S'. t. j-i,ui lt, v, llllf !i-if lu.iri'. at thf 'ntrmiinl liij' , I lli,nr :iiul Mciial i f Mcr.l, 1' r c.uNn, ri'iii'.'ir and ?juahe r i a x o s. 1 lio I l ;'ii'i- ;l ' ,'iili of ni'i-i ini iry i IlicSi'in 1 I'i m:;i i'i ,i! .afi: ii.i:ii, 'innlii v nf I'liiM, i' h en it pr u -pvin-ill-si i'i' t. -jrli t'mii.i:!!!.'.!! eniiio ncalii, i.iiiii.f:. I..-.I n, uu.-iir,i pud il.nal ia;y, ami ii in .'sim'h'i! w ( r!:m m-h ji. A l.irL'i' i 'in ' ' .'('.'''''l-l r i;l Pianos, Of all ll'illl'-', I ' -1 . -' !' ! i t ! i-5 . vnt n,,J rui,ni..., i.i : . lioti, '.'j : i "M, Wt arc ii.iS v . . i r th Snv.:! ri .":.r.i' . i i i in M.v'fciij i r::: :: i r iijans, T II 1. HUT N o w M a I K A fu'! -in ' '',' of i v.-!' vi,-:, i on "i.iiil'v ,.j .'.'.. i. i.i ',; . ii tii.i I", r '1 ! in i.r.! i'.,:s:ri: 1 fata!. j.-ucs o! r..:l.'i a...i rk . i. '!'ii', -i IM V:. M.MII.r'K, . i ll r-iv k tret Sept. LV, l.v. in rw n . w . i'itt.i;.Kki.i ' A-v::. i..(CVV.;.!r jr--sr..vt I .ll . . ,; , . I V, 1 " THExST:;- '. rl i ij - I.". 721 c: in Si :j TO Ii M i.i , i. , i . ! in:'.., , Vi-':. r s ii t. i" r.t - . ' ' ,- .. -'.- 5 U ( '-TV j.Yti-'-,--. i. f 0?0A""5 r ."; It C l IvaSiSS, ! fvu:rt; :. -,-r .a -'s.. m .'-JSf -r "'V- -i: - -:. . .- jrS V', ' ;,,.- I' I . . : ....... ... . ffj.t. 1 j 1 y. POTJTS'G HORSE AKO CATTLE POWDERS, f.-i ,t in a i: v. . v f, r , Oet. 17 l.v. B:o. N A I i: 1. F. HCAIT Y s 1' f.V S O V It Oli U AH. Rrafv Pisnn, trrmi! square mil npiii'ht ii.tll,..!ii' r,.;,.!.,,.,! fit. a in- t I'.-jms a e ff we-i"si t inej hinl ln"s' 1 ' ii'.-trin,..-i. never l ..r? ninn. ufa.-tuie I in il, or any , muniry. rax w-ibt , ei-aiNna.-.l lu equal Iheiii. jl'i t it-..- uiiti a;, :,.,, CVl,r t I.,,-,, rjw n. K.x-I; 1', ittmi pm-es iiim r.-aly tn Vibbcrv aM.t. a'l 1 t!i traia In peneral. An.itl.'r: Hio.e eeleliratej iiilriin:enl ieUhi.r l'laiiour Oiii .nj t.,ne.t antl fhip. e.i anyntii're, on live to iiit,n .tn' lusi Irinl, Money .-ffuti lot ami fioicM r"tiar-o raid b.itb wava il lu anr way unniti.lac tory. Kmly warrat:n,t f-.r ix ears ki striclly flm elasi. Kj,tr.e.t Jiiui'v Libnr al llMmnl piven lo I'lnin-hii". Sfln olt IOiiu. UaiU. Mim,im, liarliwi, ;,. in (.r.l. r l.i hive thMii ij,lro,iU'-i ,t rt rmee wbiro 1 have no nvciiti. I liouaainw rmw " New :ilin-tratci Advertiser. (ratal'.enHaliiiun.i Willi list ri l"si,,. niala Bow aemly, eent fr, e. JMablnhed In Is-..'. Aiiil-csa. lUNll.L K. ItKATTV m ijiimii.ii iMiasm JWMlffi'tWtAtBfriTWlAitag&'ji I "iv. til It., i - .r Vtv , A A. aTN Calf A k V t r y . ADVKRIlSKMKNrs. OLD, TRIED, AND TRUE. People nro get ling acquainted and thoM wlm Arenototiht toc with tlif wonderful morltiof that grvat American Hvmetly, ti MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, FOR MA5 AND BEAST. Thlllnlmnt v rvnaHimllrrlclnntMl In mtri f.V v. h re Naturn rovi.lvt in lu r l.iliorator.T Mich inirprlwiitf nntlil.'tt f t tli-- inaladU- ( f hr rhil iln-n. Ui fini'- lin.t t en t-prfifllns for S3 yuan, until new It rtir lr. l(- thr hnbilalil.: plo. Tlie Mi xlran Mu.' iann Uniwcnl I ft niatchlw h'ir.clv f. irnllr nllmrnlsf mftnftndbtU To stwk o imt unit farmer it la Invaluable A ulnulo b -trio t.ftcn navci a human llfoorr itnrcj t lit iiJtcfu!i:o&ii t-f an excellent horst', ox, ffrtv, ( r sltrfp. It curf-s foot rot, hoof -all, hollow horn, jrrub, (i-riw wiirm, fcliouhlrr -rot, mAn,;( the liitti and ellitp.i of JioIpoiious n ptilt-B nnd Insect. ftndevMy ia'.'h (Jianlk-ii k t Mix-li lirccdiii and butu life. It cures every external trouble of horses, Buch m Jfinicnrs, ncmtches, twlnuy, sprain, fuuudtr, wind pull, rlnti Ikhic, etc., etc. Tlic Mi-xlcaii Tu!.ing Mnimcnt (s the fjnlckwt cure In tho wrrld for accidents ocenrrinff In tha family, lu tho al-si-nco of n jhysidan, nuch at buriiii, KcnliW, riprr.l!!-, cut, cic, and for rheuma tism, nnd tlfT:u .s cimTiidend by exposure. I'ar- llculaily valuable to Mincra. It U thochcapot nmody In tho world, for it pen tmUn tlicr.mclc to Iho Ixme, and a alnglo application frcncrally puflidcut tocure. Jliist.iii?; l.lnimcnt Is put up in thro fir. of iMtth-?, II larfrcr ones bcint; proportloD- t uly mucb thu th( uiRst. bold uvcrywhen. V.nv 11 1 r. ROAN 0 K K AUltlCl'LTl'RAI. WORKS, WELDON. N. C.i JOHN M. roOTE, Proprietor, mi: tHIIlUUSO.V COTTOX PLOW .' ' A SPECIALTY. vt.xi i AorrRKH or, ajooeskihu aoem P'.iR, ALL KINDS OF FARMING 1M TEEM EXT?, STEAM EXi.IXI-S AND COTTON GINS. Also Agent fur tho Chicago Scale Com. panj'a UNITEr STATES STANDARD SCALES. l.verylhinii in thi line from a l.'fl TON" I? icilxto tlin sMALl.hT TK.V SlAiA f llril l.llA.1 at W .I. I t t I- ' -' I" i-i. U' ri r U A l'latiiirtn HAY or STO "K Si-nle "i rni u iu.vs cajiaritv for 00.0O and I'r, I'-l.l Allkiuda of IRON AND BRASS CA.TIXC.'?' Fnrnl-hM at SHORT VOTtCE and at I'etembnrgor Norfolk PRICES. I am rreparAd to do ANY K1SD of Repair Work for ENGINES. MILLS AND COTTON GINS, .VJ.T.8.1? ?.Vlle1 MACUIXL3T and iiyi ic iv .11 a u tiv. I Wp eonUnlly on hand nr rnT own Manutaotura a t.U01i CFFICU COAL AND WOOD STOVE. WakK g0i ',ortm',nt of HOLLOW LUMBER fun, K" d in an r quant it? aims lAJiVKiTMariMhaui. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VV. X. WINFIELD, 1877. FALL CHEAP GOOD! n- i.i.. ........... i informing nnr friAnrla int ri'turiieii frum llie Sorlheru Murketn DRY 00OD3, K0TI0N3. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHING, SUGAR, TEA, HATS FARHIXG TIN WARE, HARDWAKK, CROCK And ererytbing found ia a FIRST-CLASS STORK. VYHOLESALE A SPECIALTY Wo gnarante t dnpllcataoy bill mad HIGHEST PRICE pui.l tor COUNTRY II. ..7 - ---"' , i.u; miu Having bought largely lor CASH We are prnarftfi to Rive prut bargain on Oct S ly. r A L M - C R A M p t 1 L M SOAP, RECOMMENDED FOR TDE KITCHEN A0 GENERAL HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES. MANUFACTURED BY CRAMPTON RROTUtRS, ConitKn M...nkue amd JtrrBRsoK Steii, Nbw York, For Sai.b bt Jin S tf. lbt)7 ESTABLISHED 1857 Jaauarjr 1st, 1S37. RIFE IT. DANIEL, He ha more good things, aaah as PICKLES, JELLIES, BRANDY PEACHES. Ilia atuck of Liquora &Ld Ure-ertM aa- brace In part FRENCH, APPLE, ELACE3FURT AND WILD CIIERRf CRANDT, WUISKIES, PORT AND SHERRY, MADEIRA AND CHAMPAGNE WINE i'lgra, Bra, rio, nlMsem,LTd. Clngrr, Prpprr ApplM, (on Ire lioaerleia. And many othar article too tedioni to mention. R. W. ItANIEL, lOWasb. Avenue, WeMon, N.C. rue lb J (, T. L. EMRY. 1877 NEW GOODS and tho niihlie crenorally that we havi with a new and weil selected stock of DOMESTICS CASSI11ERE3, COFFEE, BOOTS, 6U0ES, IMFLEMKST9, SI.A.SS WARE, ERT, GROCERIES in PETERSBCR3. PRODUCE. mrariiiiij. in u, rail II 1H1 Orl877. the same. WINFIELD & EMRY . WELDOX, N. SOAP 0o 0 N B ll 0 S NEW TO R K THE Wisfield 4 Emrt, Weldok, N. C E MAX U EL LEVI, :o: maxufactvrkr o tub :oj COOKADK CITY DRESS S II I It T S, domestic sniars, drawers, overalls. Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac. A FULL LIXB CP FCRNLsniSQ OVK)U9. NO. 20 SYCAMORK 1ST FebMly. rHtM0M'Vi- W KE N K , Minu.'aotnrer ofand Dealer in all kinds of Carriages, Harneaa, 8add;ea, Br idea, C.liara. CrU, WbeeU, Aiee, Farm Wagons snd Gear, Dorse Clothing, Lap Rubea, Ac. Ko 14. 14, 34 and jj Vaioa s,reel NORFOLK, VA. Full lint of Carriage and Haineea Mate rials. . Oct 21 1 j. JQR. RICHARD H. LEWIS, (Latn Protessor of liiaeaiea of the Kye and o.uuan Mtwicai i.0111 Praetlrti Llnitlcal lo the TKADE, EYE AND EAR, RALEIGH, ST. C. Refers to the State Medipai Society and to the Georgia lledical Soeie tv. eSpIiUM ADVERTISEMENTS. UK ULil RELIABLE DKIIQ IS T O II K . I am constantly rocolviog f'RESII JRUGS. MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, T03ACC0, SNUFF, CIGARS, LAMPS, LANTERNS, CHIMNEYS, &c. &c. &c. nd am now prepared ju blie with uhoioe to furnish the t o x i i:t r i o t: it i eh, OUA.GK , li:uos, and nooil thlnes pcnnrall v, all At the lowe-l CA'ill P KICKS. Toil can alwayi rely cm ellini? the iieat of doods and the most, careful utiu compctuut attention. Presoriptions Carefully cotnpoundad al all liiitu s, d iy or iiUhi, and Country or ders promptly attended to. Having served you faithfully for sevreal yoars 1 claim that I can Htill pleasu. Thnnkiiig yoti oast favors 1 tollcityour continued pairunaci. R. W. BROWN. Oct 0 tf. jjl ALL IN PRICES, !'' t'ltK .VX AOKNCT aud ;J0 or 3 00 per week. "THK KVKR I'.K.VtiV AND NEVEtt OCT Or 0K1IEH HOIII STLAI $20 MACHINE SKMIXtl $20 For Domestic use. ITII TABLE FIXTURES COJirLETE, only 820. A perfect anil imeiiuilr-il. larire, stronir nnd rliiniUi- Machine, const runted elcjraiit anil solid from the hi-st mati'i-hil with niatheiiiallenl pre cision, fur Constant Family use or liiantifactur IntrpirriinaiM. Always ready at a moment's m ti i' to do lis day's work, never out of order, and will bit a i-i'iierntion with moderate care ; easv to understand and uiauago ; light, Hniuolh, and swift riiiniinu. like the w.-ll regulated inove-ni.-iit of a line winch ; simple. Compact, Efflnient and rtiPalil.'. Willi all the valuable improve ments to he found In tin- hii-hest prieed Machine warrant' d to do the same wvrk. the same way and as rapid and smooth as a i75 .Machine. An nckuowlcds fd triumph of HnpMiiuus lin-clinnical skill. ess"iillaliy the worklnjr woman's friend, and far in advance of all ordinary Machines, for absolute Sti-i'inrtli. Reliability and pri'iiornl use fulness; will H.'in. Fell. Tuck. S'-iim, Qtiilr, Rind. Braid, Cord, C.ather, liufllo, ubiir, Plait, Fold, scallii., Unli, Kinbriiid-r, Run up Dn ailtlis, lie, with wonderful rapidity, neatness ' "D tin siiwn.-si 1.-1.11111-81111.11 e- qiially line and smooth thromjh all kinds of K.ioiis, from cambric to several thickness of hroauelotli or leather, with line ov coarse cotton, linen, i silk or twine. Hives perfect fcatisfaction. Will o.'.r.i Its Cost several times over In the work il does, or make a .iod livinjr fur any man or woman who desires to use It for that pur pose; works so faithful an. I i-asv tho servants or children can use it without damage. Price of Machine with li.-li! table, fully equipped for .num.! ,i,.i., f., i, iiu . in.-, i.over. Miieiirnw ere .ni.l L'al.inet Styles each at eorrrsiiomlintrlv l" rates. Safe delivery iruariinii'. d, free from d:iina.'. Explanatory pamiililets Illustrated Willi enrnviiii:s of the several styles of Ma chine.", references, variety of si'wlmr Ac. mailed free. Comideiiiial tonus with liberal indue--mciifs to interirisiii)f t'lerr m.-ii. Teachers, Business Men. or I.oeul Afrents. ic, who d.-sire . yi-lusive Airenls. furnished, on a" plic.'iti. n. Address John li. Kendall k Co., 421 Broadway. 'cw York. Dec 15 1 y. II U L L &. SCOTS E Y GENERAL MISS MERCHAXTS, C O M I O N No. 216 North Water Street, rniLADKLrinA, and a. ii. . nrtiu.irnirn ii. ininvi, .lei'Be, Lard, Tallow. Kirga, Ponllrv, (iasin. Stock, l ot itoo-, Apiiles, Urain It li T TCK. L-l L' .. f. .. ll, i. t. .i. J,Al. n n...... ei r niijr, r hi, ...Mi, iiuiiii, jview, looacco, Peatiuts, llrnoin t oni. Dried Frait, Hay, rorenfii iinu iiomestle fruits snd in fact we can anil any and everything at tue bi.-lict market price; make prompt re turns, and Liberal Cash Advaneoi made AD all sbitim Af .In Piee-nt r.Arishbla -.riili. I' II KKs K, To show that we do an eitensivo business, any pi me dealer in Philadelphia will teli you we bandied mure game last aeaaon than all other iloiises in Philadelphia put ti'celher POULTRY. Semi fir Pri.L StAiiuil, Jiij. ,Vo. Hel'eriinees Ca-h, or we refer you to any Responsible House in our l ity. KSi G1MF.. Sept J 1-y K K E ! An. Person who will make and for ward me ll-t ,if the names of reliable persons of their aniiiainlance who wish to procure a;i instrument, elfier Piano or Oman, I will use niv best end' avors ti anil tbein one, and lor every Piano I succeed in t-eilinu to their list within one year. 1 will creiil them ith flO. and for every tiriian f.', to bo applied on pavnient of filllier a l.iur.n .r I lr,..,n ...,l i. - I ...... , ., . 1IL I1 ( amounts 1 1 a sain ulllclent to pay for any inslruiiienl, i-eleele.l ut the lowest whole sale prion, I w 111 immediately shir, th. i. airumeiit. Inr, or alter any amouut is credited tlie balaui-e may I pan! me In C.... . I i. ... .....i, ...eiu lii ll.slru. ine-nt. Ther noed not be known in the aiaticr. and will be doing their Iriends a real ervice, as I f hall make kpecial offers to a sunerinr iiisirument for Irom one-half to two-thirds what is ordi tiariiy sskwl by Rg-tits. Please sebd me a iistut ouoe. and after uu Lave made inquiry, you can add tn it. Ariilreis, PANIKL F. BF.ATTY, nashibgioj, N, J. Tec 1 tf. O. T. F OKI) Tales pleasure in announcing that he can alill be lotind at his stand on . FIRST STREET, Where he has on baud a full line ol tbe Finest WINKS, 1KI!KIKS anj UKAXI'IKH. . TuHAt CO. riQARS, ndSNUFK, ORANGES. APPLES, and CONFIXTION'ERIES His stick ef fsiinnH Cr-,,1. m..A - . - buu uivar ies is uuusually Fall aal Complete. Oi Cabiv Wnifar.r A Specialitt. FRESH LAOElt BEER O.t DflACOHr. Hs friiBrantnia aatlsfacliuu. Call and Not 21 1 y. ee him. k BAILEOAD- SCHEDULES. PjCTKKhllHRH RAlliHOAD CflMPAST "T Orrtcii SnrEKiKtjiMiii'SfT I Petebshuhg, Va., Jan. 24, 1878, J vOUEDULE OF TRAINS: TO TAKE El'TECT THURSDAY. JAN. J1TH. OOINa BOUTH". New York Express leaves Petersbur" . daily at , ,., . Arrive st. Weldou at...: pS ' Moiilhi'rn Express leave Peteraburff "' daily, cjcni.t, Monday, at 12-m A - Arrive at Weldon at 3-it A u FreiKht with Passeiurur coach attai-h- Mi eil, leave Pi'tersburtf daily, cxceiit Sunday, at ,,., Arrive at Weldon at q p JJ goiko North. New York Express leave Weldon dally at p Arrive at Petersburg; nt eiz tjoiithi'rn Express leave Weldon daily Mondays excepted, at . Arrive at Petersburg at .", f' JJ'' freight with l'assenfer coach attach- ed. leave Weldon daily, except Sun- hi.v. nt 7-ftn , Arrivu at Pntersbui'frst . .".. 1S4-25 A Through tickets sold toall Eastern and aonth ern points, and lia,, checked through 1-irst-c ass coaches and parlor cars will raw lhroiiKli Wilmington and New York o da iraliw, and s ceplnir cars run thr, -J ! nkht trains, sieeplmr ar berth "an S f. tl.OV-Ricl.liiond ti Ditltimnre " 'ia1 b . , L. K. CLARKE, n v ii-n v n dispatcher. f Trains. ' R. M. cL LL 1 , Uenernl Siiperhitendent. . fehZo-tf I('HMONI AND PHTKRSBL'RU IV ROAD COMPANY. KAIL m a ait i. (''(tninMirnir r..t.nn.t l.i. i.i. ... . this road viiliinasKiihiw-ir ' lTUntn V,';A'.!'; i'i''''1''''sHL'" north. 6.20 A. M lliroinrh Mail, daily, except Mon. day. conneclina- with HlchnioDd, I re. cricks hui'fr mid Potomac Kail rond for all points Earn, and West . 0"'' ' Manchester and Chester' J .iOA. M-Accoinmodalion daily (except Sanl ,,r-. ''". ) !ii''i altoclied. 11 lho.i A. M Daily, (except Sunday) with Pas ... ,"eii(rei-('oach attached. ' . 2-30 P. M Accommodation train daily, with l','',,'r? "h atiached. 6',0P. M-lhi'oiiffh Mail daily roimectimr with Kichuinrid, Fi'edi'i'icksl.urir nnd Po i'l'.'i'T.V1'?'"'""1,1, fur "" l'olnts East ami West, makhiir close connection with l he.snpoake and Ohio Railroad for Vii-Klnia springs and all points West and North. This train only stops at Manchester an Cheator 1 asson.ireni 'or clover Hill connect at takmi;.'? I: a J;HVK KlfHMONU KOtiTH. B.-IO A. M- n-ous-n Mail daily, comiectine for W ImiiiKton. Charleston, Savannah, l oliiiiiliia. Auuusta, Haleirh. Atlanta. Macon, MonlBomery, Mobile, New Orleans, and all points south snd southwest. Thistmin stops only at , , , Manchester aid Chester. lido P. M Accommodation (dally except Sun day.) stops only at Manchester and ( heater. 4:15 P. M Freiirlit (daily except Sunday) with coach attached. 11:10 r.MThroiui Mail (dally except Sundays connect uiif for Weldon, Wilmington. ( harleston, Columbia, Augusta and savannah. Pullman sleepine-car for Wilmington and the South. I ullman l'aiace Sleeping Cars yia oe. ten Richmond and Baltimore on the ni'ht train. Paieentcrs cau remain in Car at Baltimore until 8 a. tn. Additional charge for nit oping car acc uimodation. fl A 0 All trains lcavlmr Petersburg; will start fronv the App.inattux Depot' A.SHAW, Pcolltf. Superintendent. y I L M I X G TON A WELD0H' RAILROAD CO Change of Schedule. MAIL TRAIN. Lpaye Union Depot daily At 9:05 A M" Arrive at Goldsboro . 2:P8 A Ml Rocky Mount - 1:40 P M , Weldon - . 8:10 P M Ieave W elaon daily At 12:45 P M Arrive at Rocky Mount . 2:18 P M (Joldsboro '. 8:ja p m Uuion Depot - 7:i5 P M EXPRESS TRAIN AND THROUGH FKE1GUT TRAINS. Leave Union Depot daily Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Welden Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount ioldsboro Union Depot At 11:00 P M 4:55 A M 8:'J1 A M 11:00 A M 9:10 P M 11:50 P M 2:ffi A M 8:60 A M The mail train m.,1... -I - , '"'""" i.-Mju eonnection at Woldon for all points North via Bay Linn and Aifjuia Creek routes. Kxpress Train connects ou with Acquis, Creek rout. PULMAV.'? PALACE SLEEP1SQ CARS on thW Train. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wil- rroKaU:io'p.Mk.lyat &W A-M-dr JOHN F. DIVINE. uen'i Mlperintendent. QUANGE OF SCHEDULE. Office Sfp't. of Traksportatioic. tS. A R. R. R. Company, roriswoutn, Va., Jan. 8, 187c Train cftliis Road wilt leave Wld.. daily, except Sundays, as follows : Mail Train at : : 3:15 P.M.. Through Freight at : : 4;30A.M.- Way Freight Trl-Weekly : C:00 A. M.- Through Fteight : : 6: 9 A. M. Mail Train stops at all Stations. Steamer leaves Franklin Mondays. Wedi nesdays and Fridays, rr Edonlt.ii, Ply. nvjuth and landitigs ou Blackwater and tbowau rivers. lO R n Pnar.nn. . . . don, or-to ' aePnl Vu E. G. GHIO, Sup't. ofTransportatiPB, Portstnotitt , V. QHANi.B O? SCHEDULE. RALKIfJH GASTON RAILROAD D.Y. IT ruiiAKjamK iiyFiCK xwienjli, A. C., Jan. 18, 18 MAIL TRAIN. IsA Kaicich, j Arrives at V,.1JB Lt-aves ftVlilnn Arriyct at Raleigh, 10: SO A. . M. 3:f-0 P. , M. !-:(! P 6:15 P. Ms ACCOMMODATION TRAIJf. Leave Rale'mb, Arrives at Weldon, Leaves Weldon, Arrives at Raleigh, 9:30 P. M. M.. 8:l il A. 9:30 P. M 5;30 A. M Mail train nukes close YA eliloti wnh ti. uui i connection and ftoanck- Kailroad anii H. 1 .... ci... . . . . "hi- ...rBiiirri via risiu; and Northwest, and with Petersbnrr Rail rciad via Peteradurp, Richmond, .mfe mpion cir, to and frvm all poieu North ana Northwest. And at Raleiirh with tbe North Carolina. Railroad to ,r.d from all points .oulh an? outhwest, and with tbe PalH,..h A Avew U Air Line to Haywood snd isvettvile JNO. C. WINDER. . Gen'l fcuperoiUudent. , Q.OODK HOUSE, Co. Maw A Commerce 8ts., SORFOLK, TA. JESSE C. JACOCKS, PROPRIETOR. BOARD PER DAT, f2.00 Oct. 20 tf.