THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY W. P. BATCH ELOR, One Year, In advance, Six Months, " rnre Months, " $? tXi I no 75 els. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rp W. MASON 3" ATTOltJi EY AT LAW, GAUY.snuua, n. c. Practices In the courts nf Northampton and adjoiniiiir counties, also in the Federal and Supreme court. Juno ft-tf JOS. B BATCH KI)K. ATTOK'.Y AT MW, RAI.RIOH, N. c. Practice In Ihe onurts nf the fith Indi cll Dle'rlcl ami la lUe Federal and ,u Mnv II If. prime OinrN. WAI.TKB CI.AKK, P.ilolBh, N.C. LARK A 0 r.. T. Cl.tltK, Halifax, N. c. CLARK, ATTOKXEYt AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Will prvitiee la the Courts of Halifax and a.ijniuinz counties. March lfl tf. K II. KITI'IIKS. I T O II K N & w. i. nvss. DUNN. ATTORN KYs C lONaELl.OHS AT LAW, Scotland Keck, llaliliix Co., N.C. Practice in thi Courts nf Halifax and ad in'm ij-inntie', ti 1 in the Supreme and Federal Courts. janlS tf rpioMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. O. Practices in Halifax and adjoining Counties and Federal and Supreme Courts. Will ba at Sotlaud Neck, ouee every tortuight. Aug. 28-a W. II. IUY, A Y D W. W. Hai.l. HALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WKI.OOV, n. c. Practice inthociurts of Kalifax and adjninin i counties, nnd in the Supreme and Federal court. Claims oollected In any part of Nona Carolina, jun 20 1 l gAMUJEL I. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. J tl'KSU V, fi. V. Practices in the Court of Northampton aari adjoining counties. eep 15 I Y A V I N L. II V M A N ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In Ili6 courts of Ifaliiax and adjoining counties, aud in the Supreme an t Federal Courts. Clainas collected in all parts of North Carolina. Offlod in lbs Court Flousa. July 4-1 Q. R B U R T O tf, JR. LAW. ATTORNEY AT HALIFAX, X. C. Prat-tiou io tbe Courts nf Halifax foualy. and Uo'intiea adlnliilnjr. In the iapreme Court of the Nt tto, and lu tbe federal Courts. Will tfiv sp.s;Ul ette rtini to the oollec ien nfcUiins.,aiid to adjusting the amounts jf E incut irs, Adininisrators and liuir iians. iloc-l.Vlf J, M. G K I Z A K I), ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Offle in the Court Hons". Strict atten tion given to all brauclios of '.he proles aioa. jan 1-1 c E. T. BRANCH, VOL. VII. WELD ON", N. O, SATURDAY, JUNK 15, 1878. NO. 18. SPACE "nii Square, I wo Mjiiairs, hree ."squares, our Siiiari'a, '"iirth rnl'n. Half Coliiiiiii, vbolti t:. I. mm. A ( till). ATTORNEY AT LAW, KKrmi.D. rtALifAX county, n. c. Practises in the Counties of Halifax, Jasa, Kdxocoinlx and Wilson. Cnlleetions male iu all parts nf I lis .Itata. Jan 12 6 i A M E E. 11 A K A, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EXFIEI.O, C. Praelines in the Counties of Halifax, jRdieeombe and Nash, lu the Snirem Court of the Stale aud in tbe Federal tfou rts. Collections made In anv part ef the tata. Will attend a1, the Court House In jialiUx on Monday and Friday of racb yrack. ju ! o A KDRRW J. BURTON, ATroBi:r at law, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Halifax, War ren snd Northampton counties and in tbe Jue-ein and Federal Courts. Claims collected iu any iart or orlU (Urelina. liao a. acLLits. 1 V h h E jun 17-a JOHS A. MOORS. MOOSE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ualiriai, S. C. Practice In the Counties of Halifax, 'Northamitoi, Kdeoombe, Tilt and Mar gin In tne riupre-ne Court of the Nute snd in the Federal Courts of the Eahtvru District. Collections male in any part of North faroliua. jsn 1-1 0 To the ruhlk : 8. nee my election lo the Soni'.e uf the United Slates in 172 Gov. Vancu and in mi v id' Z'i lous friemls have ward an ir j'.islifiutile wuil'ure upon me tome times opeiily soon times covertly wholly unworthy of th it gt tli'inuu mi J unnieiited Ly niYself. 1'i.wiilinj lo pnrude my armies hi fore ilm puS ic ulii'n I could avoid doing so, noxious for the liiiriiMtiy of ilu 1) in. c ntic party, ill.' q.iiet nl Urn pi" p', tl,e promotion ol i! c eneiul elf;irn, I hnvc sileiiilv hiilciMUtil for tliuu fim mrs lo (;r M deli action, misrepn sei,- tntloii m il n s It" l i. t rs im.l t.iiinl. ilini sin io rely upon my ch.irucli'r uiul coi.duci, both public a d printo fir my sure viudicutioii. Mi sili'ine bus been iiiiscoiisliucd hy my uilversiu ics. They Imv c tntu ii iiilviii.lapc of it in view of the appri ttubin August election fV.r members of the Legislature, and the election of my futcei-sor in the Senate iuj inuiirv ihxI a (1 Lave of late re newed their assiults upon nin tv t i siuh iulencn as manil'i sis tlie witkd pur pose to rletroy me. if posibl", in the eMecni of my fell iw ciliz us. F abt ar anci) in this respect on my part, loiio siixe ceased to be a viitu, I b ive sub mitted q iietlii li ti ei ooh pciliajis too long to such calumnies. la ie fei ce ol myself, in jit-tice to my fiicds mid Ibe people i;eiier.illy, I feel called upon to take s i:ne "itu:e of the InKe and u found "(J iii) ut itinns n;a I t n iiost me. I am averse to and deprecate such a coiitrovcrsy, but te turu to trust, under the ciicuiti.Uuce, I shall bo pardoned for en iiji. g in it now uuly in defence of myself. Duiinj; the time I have been in the Senate, matters and qnesli his of the most complicated aid embarrassing character, and many of them of grave moment to the whole country and par ticularly to the S outbi rn Slates ai d people, Lv c one before that body for coiisideralion and action. I have voted upon all, aud discussed, to a greater or less extent, most ol the nnpirtant nnes. It c iuld baldly be expected that 1 would make no mistakes. I a n, linw ever, gratified to know that n i serious ot'ji'eluin has been taken to my course of conduct as a Senator. I have en deavored to serve my Stato and pe pie mid Uie whole country faithfully, a d I challenge the closest scrutiny of my conduct and iccnd. I think L can truthfully say, that I have not neglectt d the btiM iess interests of any one, rich or poor, while or black, snd witljQ'it teard to putty alii, alien the same hae been lroii Jit to my ultentiou and 1 n.inlu be pmpeily churned with them. . d while 1 have paid due tegm-d to tiie Interests of the country and particalarly those of tiie people whose num"J'U'. servur. I am, have been evt-r faithful to the I. oi i cralic party. In mat ers of ku'istnnec there crems to be no comnluinl or ground of complaint against tin;. The tingle thaige against o e, that I have l.esid of, is allegrd tiou to the IVin cratic caucus in t: e Legislature iu 1H72, on the occasion of my election to the Senate of tilt! I'oit-d Slates; a d iu that connection, Collusion with I he KepubliCiii me. oilers in the L-gislature tu secure their v te for my sell lor Senator. This lhargc I fl itly deny. It is uf.eily false iu substa ce and duta I, and I clia'. lei ge oi y oue lo preduce aught in proof of it. It has been si.), and nfteo. repcatfd, that iMimcralic gentlemen io tl.e L egis lature, wb supporte 1 ill e lor ntor, and myself tea" the . mnciatic caucus. This is not true, ui d t!io-e who say so, eiui T do not kno the fads, or thev ate unactpiaii.l' d with party usage and practice, or thi-y wil'ully pcrveit the truth. J i lac, I expressly refused to sob nil to or be boti id br the action i f the c incus, and the ge tfjoie referri d to lei S3 I to go into or be bound by it. or its acl.o i, biciuse it bad been "packed" by liovern ir Vance, liovcr mr Vance told me in plain terms, and did not deny it aflerwarU, that be had a majority of the caucus pledged tJ vole for hit nomination fur Senator before the Cau us assembled. He stated in terms, that he had for inoi tlis "electioneered a hard as he could" to secure such pledge. 1 complained then that ) bad been grossly iinsieprrsented by himself ai d tome of bit f i lends ia ti the late war. not only on that, but on firmer occasiont us well, ai d by such undue ipeaut 1 was prejudiced gieuiy. I insisted then that be bad by sucb pledg ing destroyed the freedom ol the caucus as a Dominating b "ly. . id so be h id. The lundaii'.eulal pnucple on whicll the caucus system refcts i, that He members first consider the public goi d. and, iu feSjiect to nomi. atioiis, that they cou Mder la'uly nnd wi.hnut prtjuJice, the fitness and claims ol such peisous as may go befoie llietii to share in the distribution of such honors and .beinfi'.s as they may have power t' bestow. Tbe abs Mute (a. mess and freedom of the caucus is the tingle tjtiiUy tl at gives it life and binding power none mav tainoer with tlieitt. Laucuset ore perverted by active, designing men, aua this has been done so often us to cause Mr. Calhoun and other great political writers in Ibis country to denounce tbein at the instruments of intrigue ing men to defeat ike popular will Tliey are essential to concerted prty ac lion, but Hnlest true fairness pie-ails they do not and ought uo( to bind any body. A uiu'j irily of iba caucus bating beeo pledged in advance of iu meeting had the the the to t support (i vernor Vance fi r Senator, w hut a motkerv for other t;enllemen, i cluiliug inseK, to go into the caucus j jt to see his Domination recorded ! It had been procured prearranged, predetermined. Up--n what considera. lims? (Tpnn what re r.'Sentutiuns? And it was so done in I he absence if every o'.btr gentleman wbo aspired, and without such mv.j irdy having beard or eonsiilered any other person's rights or clii'n, or any thi g tint might be Slid in favor of the public, the party or any other person. The innj u ity being so pledai'd, tin) niinoiity were belj I 'ss they had to su'iiuit to the dictation of i l-'dged innj i r i t y , pledged fur one con. snleriition or another, lair or unfair, in the n'.xeiice of everybody save only the man who received the pledge 1 If sii'b piactlce can be tolerated and upheld bv a ireat party if one member of the party can thus successfully prostitute the machinery of the party, then the caucus system is a cheat and a fraud, The man who can alford to go around in advance of the assembling of the caucus and intrigue with individuals. make his own exporte statement, argu ments and misrepresentations, with no ntie hy to correct them, will utmost invariably get a controlling advantage, which those who cannot and will nut do such things can r.cver hae. Such practices are vicinu, contravene every principle of true and just party discipline and destroy all fair and wise pirty action. Stich practice makes lie caucus uiid the convention a mere trap, a snare for the bem fit of those who employ intrigue and cunning. Io this case a liiend of mine asked that I might be beard by the caucus in reference to certain methods of rlecl'onorri'ig against me and misrepresentations of which I complained. Of courso the plelged m ii irity rejected and mocked at the respectful request the n nni nitioii already been (Jeci lcd and before caucus met! did not "jolt" caucus nor did my friends fur reasons stated, we expressly refused g i hit it or be bound by it. The result was, tl) it although a num ber of gentlemen uspired to the nomina tion for Senator, Gov. Vance had a clear field no one cared to venture into a caucus the maj rity of which was pledged to one man and without oppo sition in the caucus so pledged, he received, on the first ballot, forty-nine votes, only half a vole more than e inngh to nominate him. Then, as of course, the nomination was maj:! u aiiiuinus as to those who into it Fur the reasons stated, I did ti"t subm I myself to the caucus, although a number of ge illeoien wim desired my cl c'i n did go ii.t i it and ubided its action. I here declare my fi.'in convic tion that if there h id been a free and lair vote of the cau jus all the Dem ocrats being presa.t I would hate been nominated, and I koow this was the opioi o of many other gnllemen. K'ghteen Il-mocats friendly to me s one of them wm; tbe leading and ablest men in the Legislature, and all of them m.'ii of high integrity and respect ability, absolutely refused to go into the caucus unless (i -v. Tance and I both should be withdrawn from its considera tion lor nomination. 1 know that many others went into it and submitted to its action with great reluctance, and on the ground that a majoiity of it wiu p'ed.ed, and it was nut a free caucus on the subject ol the S maiorship. 1 know that many gentlemen who were io it debited my election. They told me so, mi I Min e nf the limit cordial con gratulations I received alter my elec tion weie horn gentlemen who under order uf tbe caucus voted for Governor Tuiice. I was nevertheless sincerely tt' X'ocs '0 preserve paily bjriji my, and Irom the hegiuui' g of the contest between (io. Vance and myself to the end, my Inei ds a d im self proposed to him and his fi lends 'hit I would abandon it, if, he would do likewise, and let the caucus nominate a third person. This they re'used to do. It was then proposed by my friends to bis that one fice, un pledged ballot should be taken iu the Legislature lor Senator, leaving every democrat to vole as be plrase-l, and ull-iw the person who niihl receive the highest ilemopratic vote, to be the iniiiiinee of llli! caucus. Tnin ton was re jected, lid w is bent u realizing the benelit ol the pledged vole. Al las', tiller ma oy uusucees-lul bal- lollings iu tbe L glslaliiro lor Senator, Gov. Vance withdrew with a ere it flour ish li out the Contest, u.akiug loud pru- essio s of sacril'ue on bis part. Imme diately, theieup on, I w.tlelie, us I bud all along proposed to do I withdrew in all sincerity, and was entirely content to rio so. The caucus then reassembled, all the lem icmlic members of tbe L 'gislature heiog present, and at I have Iraroed from many ecullemen of the caucus, with the dis inct agreement, that in ither my name nor that of U v. Vance should be brought before the caucus again for nominat noi. Kntire barmouy then teemed to ptrmil. Alter my aithdiawal, I gave myself no more concern about the movements of the caucus, and only kuow uf what was done in it, and how I came tu be elected Senator from others, t here give an account of what happened after wards frum the pen uf Col. V. II. Aera, a democrat who supp Tied me. lie is a gentleman well known, of high respectability and intelligence, and no oue wbo knows him will fur una tuu meut question bis yeracity. I have al ways heard the facts were substan tially as be states them tie says in a rece-1 number of his p'p r, the Ricky Mount Mail, among other things, as follows : "At the Monday nu rning caucus both the supporters of Judje Mitrritimii and Gov. Vance were present; not haviio; s iffi rient fme before the convening ol the Legislature, to make a nomination, it was ngreed t vote that day ccmnli mental y to various fiiend", guarding ia the meauwhilo the ball t, seeing to it that imt enough support bd given to any line to enable the it 'pulillca H to rleut by concentrating their vute u.noi him. The Vote uf lK'inncrats before the leg islature M mi lav was therefore c i-t lor various personal friends, scatt-red in all parts nl the S ate, ami of course res.iltcd in no election ; and at 1 o'clock that afternoon the caucus a;'ivn assembled to nominate a cutuli.l.ite for He a'or, when on third ballot (leu. A M. Soles devel oped strength that indicated bis iiuuii i) itioti on the next ballot. TM.'utrMg set in, and the caucus ailj turned in great confusion. The object of this adj iuru meiit j'jst at Ihe apparent point of the no'nination of lien Scales w is explained in the next morning's caucus when it met, by a motion made by Mr, Krysou who had formerly S'ipp rted .lodge Mcrriiiiop, that the nauvi of Gov. Vance bo bivugi.t again t efore t Ii t caucus for nomination, vi Inch was called with the express d understanding that neit icr tbe 'name of G v Vance or Judge Mj'ri innn shoti d be brought before it ; this pledge having been made by the friemls ufGov. Vance, wh i h id iuvi'cd tln friends of Mr. Morri noii to participite wiih them. This moli in was carried, notwithstanding the protests irn la hy Judge Merrimoii's friends. (The writer among the number. ) It is but candid, however, to state that there were two pers ms. that hud supported hi i, ai d did afterwards support him on the last ballot beftue the Legislature, when he was elected, who did in speeches before this caucus, favor the intro.tucii m of tha name of (inv. Vance a 4:1111 before the caucus This a.tini wis taken and the caucus aiijo irued about fifty miuuti s before the elect on before the L 'gislature was to be gone into. The friends of Mr Merrimon fell that Ihey ought not to abide this action ami leave their Iriend to be ruined in the house of Lis foimer suporters, they covering their heads Irom the violence of the pilitictl st rtn then raging nnd they agiin put his niiuie in iio niiia ioii buforo the leg isltture. This action was taken without the knowledge or oonse J, of J jd je Mer rinion, as d 01' tless was the case with Gov. Vance, in regard lo tbe action uf his friends "In this nay, and under these circum stances both Gov. Vance aud Judge Merrimon were for the second lime brought into this memorable and ti'i loitunale coolest before the Legislature, and it vote was taken : At the end of the roll-call it was found that 17 nf the original Democratic supporters of M.irri nioii had voted for him with 13 Republi cans, and while the tellers weru casting up the vote the Republicans who bad voted for Mr. l'ool, upon nll-call, began j to change their votes to M ri imnn, st 1 tiog emphatic. I'y that they did it as 11 choice betiv-cn what they considered l.vo of the most ol j -cli onaale Djoiacrats ti them to be lou id in tiie St tf ; ami mat no overtures, promise or pledges of any kind had been made t'lein by Jodge Merrlmo 1, or from his fiiunds for him. In this way, and u tder th-sij cir cuo. stances, he was eleetel l the United Siat-'S Senate. We beg our readers to remember the folloing material points: "1st. The in'.eg ity nf the caucus bi i g di!stm e 1, the friemls ol M .rrim-111 did not j 10 in its delil.erattons. '2 d. That they, at all tines,, ex pressed a willing' e,s to withdraw the 1 ante nf Meiiiiuoii il the fiieuds of Gov Vancu withdrew his name. "3rd. They proposed that a vote be fore the Legislature iniyht decide the contest ; which was declined. "l:h. When Vance was withdrawn they withdrew M.-iriinin. "j:h. They met iu j out caucus to aid in noiuinatii g the thud man in good faith. "6th. That they dil not put the name of Merrimon in nomination helorl the I.i"-I I'ure the sec (! tine uottl after the friends of G tv. Vance b id voted in caucus to reuouiiuile bin; nl'ler they hi1 called a tniuens in wh eb the friends of Merrimon were invited o psnicipat ,1 with assurance that neither Vince or Merainou were to bo brought before it. '7'.h. That the chargn that coalition, bargain, trenbery of any kind was prac ticed, or that Hint personal honor wai conipro nised with thi! II 'pub i ::ins, is ab-Solsi-ly false, and is a I mil siauder upon the Jadge and his friends" I knew nothing of what wis line in the caucus j p;l before the L 'gislature met to elect the oiator, except that I beard th it h tv. ane had been re-nimiii-ated. I went lo the Circuit Court of the United States thr-il sitrtng in Me troplitsstt where my business -called me, feeling indignant and supposing that Gov. Vance would be elected. 1 was entirely ignorant of my election at the time it took place and had nothing to do with it in any way. A friend bat tened to the C 'Urt chamber where I was. beckoned me from the immediate prei ei ce f the, Court aud ictornjuj uie uf il. No one could htm beoo .Uinre sur prised al il than utynlf. - I could not at first cYedit the statement, thinking my fnetid might be jesting until be assured nn that he was in earnest. As I turn, d to walk back to my sea', I met one 1 f tliu fi; st, purest audgria'est men in Noilli Car 'linn, a man whose name and j idgmeut aUays comma ided the reaped of the people a Democrat win se sin cerity could not ho questioned, nod ii firmed him of my election he inngrat ulnled me very cordially and expressnl his gratification at the resu't He was familiar with the contest that bad pre ceded the e'ect! hi So anx'o is was 1 1 1 do what I ought, I asked Ihu geuth. man j 1st refi ired to aid In 1 or lilteen nlher DeinoLrnliu gentlemen souni ol ihoni members of the legislature and Some m t several ol them gentlemen ol oitich prominence and i 11 leuce in the Heiiiocr itic piuty, to meet together on thu second even ng ufter the election lo consider what I ought to do io that respect. I'po-i consider itinn, they all, without exe'epti to, agreed that I ought to ncuept the election and thai by doing so 1 would not coiiirunise myself nor the Pernor ra ic patty. It was then mentioned that such contests bad been ft t qtient in the history of p ai tie iu tl.e past. It will he snei that I wis c.tuti nn as to my action. It was my purpose to do right, anil I insist that I did nothing wrong i i a party or any other sense in accepting the election of Siuator under th" circumstances. My consi ience and my judgment approve my action usj it and proper. Hot let it be suppnsid that I erre!, then I ask a n I for oue error, tin 1 a venial one, to be sacrificed and n j cttid by my patty? I) 1 I thereby forfeit ch filcnce and favor? I Cannot believe that disinterested men will think si. Si harsh a rule us that has never prevailed in the past iu any pa-ly, io cases much mure opened to criiicis n than mine, t here are many cses recnrluJ in the history "of the Democratic party, all par ties, when ge tlemen were elected to the Senate aud other high stations as I was. and they were not therefore re jected by their parti-s-j-on ih; contra ry, Iheir parties cmlititied t lion 'r them. , Some of the greatest men this country has produced were elected, some of them more than once, under like circumstances. The Hon. Mr. ILiu ter. of Ihrninia, was twi.-e so elected, so also was Mr. Mum,, of the siine S.a e, si was II on J.ibu Bell, nf Tennessee, over Mr. J' 1 k. the re.uar nominee 0 tbe parly ; so was the lute lVesidi lit Johnson there were two other like cases in Tennessee so wis the late Mr. Kerry, of (' tnnecticut ; there are thtee or four S Miators in the Senate now some of them among the ublest there who were to elected. 1 mijit cite a Siore of cases. The parlies of these gentlemen did not theiuforc repudiate them ; many of them were itedly and continuously h inured by their respective parties, nnd they continued to stand as higu in par'y esteem as any body else. Great political patties call: not 11 trnil to ullow their uai n and the success of great principles lo be con trolled by the personal rivaliies and con flicts of their members, nor can they wisely embrace the cause ot one mem ber against another. II they should do so, the inevitable result would he, that t oey would ut oncu riegene a'e into pcf 8 mill factions, and would ecase. to etis', or to serve any useful public purpose There have been reunited instai c in X rtli Carolina in the Democratic puitv, where members of it, for cause, rclusrd lo submit to and abide the acti m of the cir.cus. lu IMo'J I lunik it was, the late Mr. Dobbin was nomina'ed fur Tui'i'l ted States Senator by the De uoctutic caucus Tho late Judge Sau iders re fused to go into the caucus or abide its action he and one nth t gentleman so refused, an I they d -feato I thi eVc.i m entirely. Jjlee Sanndeis was imt there!, re repudiated ry his party ; on the contrat v, they con'iiued ti ho or him while be live 1 as oie uf th ;i r pre t lights. I inn sensible ol the iiiipnrtsuce of pnv orcsn 7. ,t:on. It o'lijlil to be obseive.l and pre-ervod it is essential lo succiss; but the simplest moid mu-t understand that puch organiiiinn ran nnly be pre s. rvcil by s'i- tlu'e 'nirness and tree I001 in all pa'ty tians iction. Tne ' psi kni'' and o'eigiuz nl primaries, ouru-i-8 ami eonve itionii, is rim bane the run 01 party oros.ni7.f ion ; anil tin man who eni'anes in it should 111 uie 1 In- renrnb ition id 1 fioy IA 1 V - -Tnosi Ann hil-l 1111 Hiid rii(iiirai;' int'lc'ieis and !l:u,e who Mo-k to ci'eil n- r on I Iba poiu'ar will, an; not in'nled to pul'lieran8 teaee and wiil not erj ty it for a I no pi-nod el time. The imputation th.l ( cnllude I with ti e Republic tin in the L-vist .turn fr btr. ifiiiu I lor I lit i r votes is tiltiriy lnl-e and tcandalous, and the reek!K n.'iidseuy ol timta who persist in in vim; it h i sacu ly a parallel in thu vile' type of political wir'a e. I denounce! the imi;.;esiiHn ol i' io a puhli.lud card in Jinnarv, 1S7I1 s ntt- rlv la'-e mv wlio! mume nl c imluet ever elmo proves Hist it was tils,' the ('e no nt! in the L-uislature wlm v.te I lor me hive ilenouncd it as false the He tiuhlicm ucwsiuipvis lik'; ant so have innv prominent He,oit.lioans Irom time to time. II i lel to every sense ot truth, (icer,ry and honor must be the e iluniniaior hi cm' persist in makitu such imputat:n to advance tbe poliiiesl tortunes ol his I ivoritu I It mav ba that there are tlinne who. tn'-a-ur n niy' I' Ity Itn ir own me rrnary and corrupt natures, expected me tu prove U se to princiu e and laolili -s to aiy pnlit i. a! anciat-a I do not doiibl thai tite'e ere in my put ihce who wou'd hnvc r joice I, jl 1 had done so, sail are uuhapi y Dial I have not. Sgeti permni are etpnb nl ce og io Ihem-elvcs un Icr like ciicum stsncet. Ttey uiarlt aud bate rey coo tempt. Tnoae who thus assil me, sITtct to bi cb'iviuui el any pttsible ibortcgmiags on th ' arr n (iiir. 'n c.' in re erei ce to the is ns o UI il.eiionin CJT'.' and on forme 0 fas nits, l iny itiiii he eaiiiioi r asun Itly cnu.p'ain il, 111 oelt sL-lrnee, I tiler to some t t hem. After n hat hai been said, run any lair man say Hist lui mi not censurable lot what happened in 1 87 J 'f l)id he pursue the cou se nl a lair, true parly tiiae I Those a I o understand the Icyilioniie and 1 lining. 1,1' a caucus an I party dm ciplin ciiunnt say m. Ibit il in the opinion of otne m"ii 1 ,tm oil'i cl to i-i'iisnr , oiijltt (1 tv V 11 1 u U lie trie troiu like ce t-iue f Whit he did 10 prmliKii the Birilu in 1S7J I, as been 11 ' le manliest. On a loilil oeea-ion (in 1870) he was a eiiitii'late I 'I fenumr lie was I lien im lict'ile In 'hat pi tee. Many ol 1 lie wiest no n in the I). t uner 1' io party iu 111 I nut ol lite I. g slatiirti thou it tin wise to elrrt liuu r any other 1 nt: i 1 l; 1 : ! e man, lieeaiise It was thouoli' -ertaui Urit sii-h a man would not hi! ndmi'tc-d til the S nate. Neverthele-s. lie an I his liiends iuisted a his iiouiinaiian. Alter about twenty five Iruithss tulltiii'a in caucus, he and till triced onye the pled.e to Hie caucus and the Denu cralic paiiv, that il heslnuild be elected tv-nator iiiol ehou'd rot be promptly admitted to the Senate he svoUiii res'gn, so inn tne i.egisiitiure tlu-n sittm; uiiohi eh'ct some cliihle person in his) In view nl this p'ede and the iicr.-'istenoy ol his Iriunds, hi; was nominated mid elected. Un was not premptlv admit ted to tb Senate; but in the luce ol the pledge so made, he persia'cd in fruit I s THE ROANCKE NEWS ADVKKTI.NING RATES. c O 3 "0 r- , 0 I no I Id (in 15 00 i 00 ! 8 no in nn 15 nn is 00 vn on u 00 tiO 00 30 10 Sfi 00 40 00 :(u no I fii) 00 One Ycnr, ADVK1UTSKMKNTS. I o 20 n Hi OX 40 (-0 41 On 5V htl 6S 00 76 I'tj ION 1 A I N T K K S iVanter! in every section of iltn TT,,nn S:atsnil Provinces to answers tnis ad . veru.sement. Aodres. DAM EL K IlKATTY , WadiiiiL'tdit . M T l)". Uf ' n API'ININS Olt MlsiKltY, IS TllH (.I-'K-STION ! lr. W. M. il.ivt of :r years niecesaftil praeiice cuaraiiincs t-p Iv and p, 1 ri.nnent urc" I all I lii'O. ie, MMoful u. I'livmn. SvphiPtie ami l otoaln Idseas,,, Kncrina- crrl.o'i, or Ncll-itliusii alius .Mcihenl In. (it He, Acan .V t'lnmev llltek. isnnoaiin lie City Mall I'ark. ,Svrnetie, N. Y. Med. u-ini,'iii 1 o nil 1, arts of Iho '. S iwl l.i hin't Im it ivtl l.v ndverlia- iniriiiiieks who throni; our Ini-jo eltiea. nin cinsiiii nr. ii. t t . r send tor circular irn.itinit on bin m oeiaitica 10 I i l (1. Ilox 7il. liVIUKS. Me urr-at Ihiuid F Honied v, A M I K IH'l I'.iMMK, or I'VmaU britind, is unftilinu in the cure nf all imin. fill uiid il tttcorotis disrases of vour hex. U nio;lerstts nil excess, and brlniH nn the. moiutily period wih regularity. In a II, 1101 vols and spinal itir-etuios, pa'ir.H in tho lta(!k or liuilis, hoiiviuess, fatieue on alior-.t exertion, palpitation of the heart, low lines of Hiiirit, hysterics, sick beulaeho, whiten, and all p.tii ful disoascs occasioned by a lisnsMfrnd system, il ell'in-ts u euro wlion all other means fail, l'rieii o,ni) ((ir Hot lie, sent by mail. Dr. IV. lloyt, Box 1 u. Svneuwn, X, v. Nov 1 v. ff'r'.sto be altnitted lor nearly Iweive ui ntlis. He wai repeateilly ured to desi t on the ground that he iHriaiel? would imt l.e Hilniitt il. tstill he kept the S ate with nut a.'iitiiliun for all tlntl time in vio l uioii ol ni pledoe and Inr a long while 1 'i tin! nice ol Ihu wishci ol the Denmctali St'iistois then in Ihe Senate. They at last dre up ami sione I a paper wr.ting Icllitii; I 1 1 11 he would nut be admitted and lo de sist nn 1 let the l.e;islatuie uiect an tlipiulc man. He still delavod to do t. The time lie thus kvpt tlie State without rcprcscnta tinii, was oue nl i;iavet moment to the S ale ami the wholo South. Mca-ures tiffectin tlioSnith vitally some alvero ly, pseil, nnd others lavo ably, tailed tc pass si ine ol the.n too, by one Vide I Tl.e D. inoeraiie beiiatn a thaueht Ins conduct linji n 11-iWe, an 1 it seeni to nrj there siinstautial ground lr ceinplaiut. Now c.n his moat e ,rnest liiend make any rea sonable iip'ilngy ,tr this con tuct, snd can he say that he did not put his private in tvtests and Im ambition tu bo a Seuator suaiiKt Ins State and the people who souelit to honor him I And is it not Mir prising, seeing tills, liiat be made tile flf its he did 111 lS7i, in Ihe a'tsenee it I ev rybo l y else lo ncute by haul lectiou eer n lor inonlhs, a pledge Iroui a initjori ty ol the caucus to vu'e lor his ctitiiiuatioL? Let candid men judge. 1 advert to another incident in concec linn with his 1 ill, to lie ad nitlcil to t Senate in IfTi. Kx (1.1V. II il l u ' ,s then llovernnr ol the Hts'i'. He was lin;i aehe 1 lor trairsictions in 1ST0. with which the pniphi are lamiltar. 1". 11. lino that iui peip liin' ut, 0 -v. Vtnce lavorcti the prop ositi'iri th it O tv lUld' U's liienls in th Lejial .tU'e s'loahl Vol" Inr tt Sate (,'ou vention to niiuiid the ('institution, nnd iu ronsiilera'itin nf such support nt the ('on venlion proposition, the impeachment pro '(cillno shoii! I be abandoned. At h a-t one ronslii. r ttien in siiftport nl this Strang n'op 'sppin vv is, that it would help Guy Vance to t,et into tho Senate, The prop c -1 1 i 11 w , snouted mil spurned: III) llol den til 'tre I inipetciiinent, bow moti Irons the proposit en to hit ler rioht I 10110 j (.Jati t lie most litii-e fail In a at hast one motive th it Gov. Voice bad til I ivonng this proposition 1 Can uis:u lins'ed mm even tail le see tk'' ear marks ol anibuion, il not iitiholy auilntitiil 1 will not C'i ieise. I leave others to ju Ice ul such condu t. It is said that Qoy. Vance Isbmed hard to seen it) my il'Ctinn as (i ve nor iu 1 S7i an 1. tben'tore, I w is ri'iiMirable tot bcin in lii w ty to ihe Senate I sha'l no. 1111 lerra'e anything he sai l or did in my bi Iml' then. Bat it is due to tr.llll In fav. tliat he was opposed to my tioui iisUmi lor (i tvernor, an I what he did, wis rjnte as modi in In own ictt rests us n.ii r, 1 1 sp ke g'ticrnlly where he coild best prom 'te hii own advaneemsnl - there were in nplaie' in 'o -! lie ir I t hem that 111 IMfiy il st mces ho ttol ii 't U'i wht rc be njoht ,., much o,i ,,1 15 si lis. his i ;iiiis.s -tire paid ny the D inocnlic pirtv dirmi tne e inuiiioii. J ii" wcr- no!. I whs very s: ni te ,tl Hip hio h ,n,). cou'cire I up-m lie bv the no i.ina'i'in lor (1 v 'tuor. I' is well known, liont'V r, that I aeecp'cd it with crcat reluciin . ln-csuse na ' ri renin stances were sii 'li tint I could ill-atf ml to sil-pen 1 ui v piitles-i-tnal liusine-s, or un- erijo ih.- cV"cn-e im 1 I. nt to the under t.iki:i a f.ree in nths to-ir th-i.uj'i th slate ii vert l, I. ss, 1 tl d fi - (.! I un I'lli ami susof ide I niv bu. n- o I r tine. uoin'hs I (ltd the to ! I 1011 d I . r the penult' and toy party, 11 0 I the hut.irv ol the time records -- e.l ut 111 ! .! d it. lid Itiifot-r in reply In the c iniot; jus' rrlcrretl to : I 1 ISTll, w lieii Ii tv-'ruitr Vance w-ts a Citididtte lor llotf- rn ir, I did what I cull I is aid in lis ccc'ioi, al ihniljh he an I 11: nv ol his nr. lent rnp porlcrs had in i'io icd uie t r more than 1 hree yea s I spoke ti many plae s. 'til l witbout pu'li i! the pariy to any esin-nse. I',. 1 u I Ho- vvo.k I 1 vtr did in en le ivormg i. mlvsnce the loituues ol the it un i r ilii p a'ty. I asked an 1 leecivtd noll.K.u. lull I lei It cutiioule I ol niv lesuuiiM a- I ns title lo tl 1 so. I Wave reaion ti ken thai Ins ixpensts were nlieu pa il, even ht n he was a can lid tie. lie was jo-t s a't'e ti nivscll to n.ukti pecuuiary sac Ii 1 -r lit party, tissod ajant. Iltat tio V un f was e!i e'ed Senator 10 1873, an' is n t alhiaed to enter the Senate -thst lie iy is al i;rt a' clot ne, tr m ile aa t dis tpiiiiD iiient, and Uu refore, be 0 11 4 ' 1 1 now obeeicttil as a tcbukii. to the Senate ami ts inr. This ia merely a il u -y i,n I unworthy ciin-ideruinin. Bat il it I. woithy ol U'ttiee at all, I do not oceiipi the teat to which be was electci. General liansniii nf4. .(JoVL'iiior Vancu and his trim. (Is did not cluu wken Ueutral Han roui was re-ebctel in S?(5. that be shou'd tlitn be te-elected tn tge rest be was not allowed to ocruuy It 10 not dillleult to see tbe reasou why they did pot Ihe) upp"ted they would have an caster victo ry 1 ver me by a cimade si slauder and prejudice 1 CONTINUED ON rOfRTU TAGE J U H O U I, T IC A C H H K S , s You can easily Increase your salary hy y ilevolini; 11 very small portion of vour leisure time to mi interest. 1 do not ex. peer you to canvass fur mv celebrated ll"iitl.i a iTiinos and iirirans nnlesa vnu son lit to; but tint snrvieti I rcqtiiro of von 111 liotn pnaaiit ami prnti able. Full piirtieulars free. Address, DAN I KI, K. KKATTY, tVashinploi), N . J. JOCiiY MOL'NT A, ILLS, 1.01'KV MOUNT, N. 0. January 1st, 1870. We arc '.unv prepared to furnish the trade with SHEETINCS, SHIRTLNTtS, PLOW LINKS and COTTON. i YARNS, all of Hit? best j n-i'i: y and ai lu v prices. Our terms strictly net cash, 30 days. Address 11AT I LE &. so:;, liocky Mount, N. 0. O I. 1' II A CO. (jL.NTKAL i"KV.KIlXU a n n 1 O M M I Si 1 v n 1: IU I! X TS, Norlol'.i, VirKlui.i, Prompt iittoiition civen to nil Consign- I.ittetsl t'n-h IJK'l.ts Advan. es n;.ido on CoU" Sii'.uieiiis. l.l MI'.ER A SITCIAI.TY. I!ifkhkn.!Ks: W. H. Smith Sin ". ('. M irr .ov ,1- r-v., A. iVrenii, N111 p.V,'Va.; A . li ari-tl aldi. .1. V. l-'aucelt, J. M. IJu!-' 1. a, ilal'lux, N. ('. fob 1 6 U r-tH.tC lil'ltlAL t.ASKjl FUR SII.K, I'er-i ns ivi.sliiojr .M. tallio lturlal Cases c n- nle.av h i. bi ai ii tin-. ii bv ntml vine to me. p.: the jt oi u nl Messrs. Wmii. ld K Kmry. 1 ft., s;;i Leepit'i;, as hc-retolore. a lull as sort ut ol lite Very ll.-st r.sKS, at the Very l.uwesi I'ru-ca. In my fbscneo fiom Wol'lnu,, ii.iloiil .V Kmry will deliver t'asi's io persons who may wUh Ineus. JAMKS SIMMONS, .Wcld.'U, N. C, apr4 1Q Ml K V N l K tl 8 I il N K D VERY respectfully eal.s tii" attention of tbe trade n Ins extonsivo stork of domestio and imported liiinora, lo v. hich be ie still inaL:i,'g ndditioiie utd coiiBljliiiK of pur . KTK AU HOI ltHO WkllSKIE Kroneb, Apple, Blackberry and Oerry Brandies, Jamaica and Nev Kiijtland Kom liondon, Tom and ilollai.i Gin, I'orl Sherry, Claret, Khlne and t .ve-year-old Soupruoni( VVino. Kcobh and London Hurler, and a very large lot of RECTIFIED WHISKEY which I ahi nfleringat priCM that cannol fail to civ satiefaclion. ' S. VV. HKIDNER, Ag't , aprll 6a !lKoanoke Squajjj,

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