THE ROANOKE NEWS. SATURDAY JUNE 22, 1878. Speeltl Lttila. Tn time of pea a prepare for war. WUlle all la quiet don't forget to Insure jour property with K. V. Butler, Qeneral luaurance Agent. SlNumi Sewing Machines, needles ad all attachment, for tale at White & Stain back's Bottom Store. 100 I 10311 100! 1 1. -One hundred Iba. of Ciour Just received and for tale choap fur cash. White Staimback A Oooch. Call and exanlne nnr large and new elected ttoek of Crockery before pu rebat ing. Wbitk, Stai.haok, A Ghoocb. If you die anon will your family be pro Tided for? If not he aure to Insure your lire In tbe Miiropuitak, K. F. Botlkk, Agent. Two elegant business ao I pleasure wag oat fur en or two horses foi tale cheap at the Itoanoke Agricultural works Weldon. tf. Wlnfield and Emry have to arrive 100 barrels of flour and 23,000 pounds of hanou, which tbo.v will tell at Haltlmore prirea, wlth(ut any charge for freight. tf. Just received a lot of Mile Celobratod Walkenpbt and Uultoned Mhnai). ('all nd see thorn, vie guarantee satisfaction. Wat Stain back Hooch. You can Hud Bulled Lioteed Oil, Haw Linseed Oil, Machine Oil for Qies, &c. Hewing Machine Oil, Lsrd Oil, Tunncrt Oil, at T. A. CUrks Drug Store. On and after October 1st all goods will be aold, strictly for ca-li. Every thing clown at lowest prices. Call and see ua before purchasing else where. tf Wikfikld ifc Rmrx Please remember that your little ac counts are past due and we respectlulW ak a settlement el the same. Whits & Stainback, Bottom Store Just to hand one car load Liverpool fine malt, full weight, factory tilled 1.85 per sack. Also at Garysb'urg M tore same price. K. P. Npikks, Bottom Store. ThbBiit is the Cheapest. Therefore you should call and get the prices of Fer tilizers for which we are agents before buying Elsewhere. Wbite & Stainback, Bottom Store. To tub Ladiu. We have just received a few peices of beautiful dress goods call carlj and get tbe 6 rat choice. Wbitk & Stainback, B ttnra Store. Farmers save money by using tbe Home utilizer, made at home by the Formula of Boykin, Carmer A Co., which has given such general satisfaction whore tried. Tbe cbemioals can be. bad pure of T. A. Clark Weldon N. C. Agaut for Boykin Carmer & Co. I am new selling at retail, pretty coffee sugars, at 10ot. per pound, shoulder meat 1, aides 8cts , a No I article of cofee at iMlt., medium quality at 111 its. H. P. KPIBRS, Bottom Store. L O O Jl. L. Sksd your Job Work to J. W. Sledge. Trr nights are still two cold and cotton has aet jet begun growing wel'. Six hundred crates nt peaches are new dully shipped Worth from along the line ol the R. A 0. R, R. We are glad to learn tint the receipts ol the least given by the ladies for lbs bene fit of the military company were considers blj more than $50. TiiioTLKS require radical treatment to re move them, and so do Bulls and Pimples. Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture Is a radical blood searcher, curing all tkin eruptions. Orkoo baa gone Democratic, ber Leg Islatere Is Jeniooratio by 19 majority on Joint ballot which will secure a Senator In Co ogres for as la plaoj of tbe preient Republlosn Senator. InterpNtiug to Fruit Grower. New York June 21st 1878. R. MAyo, Ji!., Richmond Va., Fruit In arriving on lime and In excel lert erudition. ('. J. Voorhkki. , - Quite a number ol our Northampton school girls returned yesterday from the different achoola. Among them Miss Kate Thomas and tho Misses Squire Iroui Wan ton and Ml a Mason from Petersburg Fe male College. Letters remaining in the Wel den N C. Post Offi. e tor the week ending Junt 221 1878: . Allen Aringo, Mitilda Banks. L Cob. James Durrlsm, William tla'ls, Thomas N Jackson (2). Amos Jones. Miss Lucv Mc Ilmort'.Laiayeie M:nlv. Mrs Marii Pierce, Miss Harriet Pluiner. Joe W R ce, Jery Smith Whitman 8 uith. W O Sherman, W E Spiers. WJ B Smith. Julia Terry, W M & 0 Watkins, Out Williams. Persons calling tor the above letters will please say advertiser. It net called lor in 10 days aill be seat te dead le'ter office. Jito, M. Foots, Post Master. Mr. J as. T. Gooes has fully embarked In the fruit business and is dally shipping large quantities North. In the meantime he does not neglect his local trade but al ways has One peaches on hand at bis brick store on Washington stree'. Wr are requested by M.J. P. Leach to (tile that he has withdrawn Irom the coolest for the office ol sheriff. That if he ia voted far and electa I at a democrat he will accept the ollio t, but that he will nnt lurlher setk it. We want to bet oar interest In the estate of "Our American Cous'.n" there was more beauty diaplayod at Hi Festival in the Literary Hall on Wednesday night last, than baa been seeu any where in North Carolina at any oue time in twelve months. Job wort of tvery description done at short notice. Apply to Johs W. Slkdok. A crying bsby it a bore to tbe whale neighborhood and the paieott should be fur.ed to keep Dr. Bull's Bah; Syrup on band. Price 25 cents. Wholesale Cash Pricij at V. J. Naw's Babkbt and Camdt Mamufacto kT. Sugar Cakes per barrel $5.0. Ginger - Cake per barrel 84.60. Candy 18 cents In lots of 15 pounds and upward. mayttf. Hm.ierows Intkm.iqkncb. Wt are re queued tu give notice that there will be no presetting at tbe II til Sun lay oilit. Rev. Mr. von Puich, who hat been previ ously announced to preach there, having accepted an Invitation to deliver ao a lrlre't hetora the 3 & R. College. Services will be held at Grace ehnrch Sunday morning at 11 a. u. It -v. A. S. Smith officiating. On Wednesday we had the pieaiure of seeing several uretneren ol tne piesa, Messrs, Culvert and Barrow of the Jack son Courier, Mr. T. N. Rumey nl tbe Franklin Monitor an I R.v. O. P. Fllppo. ut tht Baptist Visiter puulisht4 in llilti- more. The Jickion bretherun were le ik ing alter the Base Bill match. And Mr. Flippn was an his return Iroin the Suuthern Biptist Astocistion recently held in Ntsli yille Tenn. lie has pronised at same ea ly date t lecture hern lor tbe benuth of the Bkbtut Church which it in course el coustiuction at this place. Captain P. A. Old. lncl editor of the Raleigh News wr j marrie i in that city Thursday morning to Mrs Kite P.-imrnsc. The bride is a granddaughter of T. P Dtvereur. E q.. one ot the most valued and honored citizmt ol Htlifax un ler tbe old regime. Jut follawing Jii'ors were drawn Inr the July Term el the Inferior Cuu rt 1878 to wit 1 Frank Johnton. W. E Mabry, 18 2 Geo. W. Pearen, II . S. Nevil e. 17 3 W. T. Sledge, O. P. Dickint. 18 4 Jaha Hiidcen, William Smith, (col ) 19 Wr wish the town authorities would prohibit cows from being on tbe aide walks on dark night. Wa rained the on ly eound toe that waa left us while coming from tbe last plo nlo excursion, by falling in ditch to prevent collision wttb a bovine In the act of getting up on our approach. The wheat crop of this section has gen erally been harvested and far exceeded expectations In both quantity and quillty, It was feared at one time tbe excessive rains would destroy it with rust, but it baa proven otherwise. We hear of or J I narv land prodnoing some ten and tther ta much na fifteen busbela per acre. WE learn that the Northampton Grave have ordered their un'forms and for warded their muster roll to the Adjutant General with more than fifty names. From our knowledge of the officers, it will not be long before Northampton county will he proud of iuoh nn organisa tion. The Captain Is an old soldier wltb honorable acars. Attention is called, to the advertisement of Geo, W, Charlotte, proprietor ol tht Ocean View lbU at Beaufort, Hit termt are very moderate, tor such cnrulert at he premises big guestt. Wt capy from a private letter from a friend sojourning there. "The table it first class. On Friday last went fishing and caught in one hur forty two blue fish weighing two paunds each." Another recommendation here nice clean beds and do chinches, tbt usual accompaniment at mnt watering places. We Lave been lo Beaulnrt and for unadultuatrd enjoyment have louod its equtl do where in Uuited States. Bask Bam. -The lUlifag nd Wel Ion Bise Ball Cluhi phyed a mitoh in Weldon last Wednesday. Tne Hiltfax went first to bat an I ma te 5 ruts, then Weldon ored unt, an I then the only question to be decided was by bow mush Htlifax shuul 1 be victors. The final score was Halifax S3, Wellon 2t. The HilifaX bys play remarkably will, their batting being exceptionally fine. The bating ol Messrs. Futrell and W. JI. Willc.ox was tpccially worthy ot mantiou. We understan I tb.t Weldon will not rest easy unddr this lelett but will try their adversaries again in a lew days, when the gtme will c me uff on the greuudt of the Halifax Club. 5 J. D. Dir.kina. Ti.dge Deyereox, 7 Samuel Ives Jr , 8 Albert Hardy, 9 B F. Woed. 10 R. B Perry, U H. J. Hewlin, 12 Nick irringten. 13 Amhiir Reynolds, 14 B F Cullom, 15 William Hawley, By order the Board J. M. DeBrrv. 20 J J. Bell, 21 Hardy Pitts, 22 J. T. Rjsn. 8 Thomas Fern!), 24 Nel-nn Davis, 25 Albert Hocadsv, 28 Joshua Clark, 27 Jr. J. R. Baily. 28 John Wilkins, 29 N. M. Ha-rison, 80 R. J. Lewis, Clerk. Aw Historical Kaot. Every agent who has been atealily selling the Im proved 820 Homestead Sewing Machine for three; vears. owns his dw Uing hons", has a good aooount in bank, ia ulnar of debt, and lias money at interest Ibe natural oonseauenca of securing a good agency lor superior goods Rt tbe lowest Drlces. A aood flrst-cUss Sewing Ma chine, most useful reliable at all times, easy to understand and control, the game size and does the same worn as any ma ehiues that aell at Four Times tbe priee, There is so machine at any price better, r that will do finer or moie work, and .certainly none so low in crice liv many dollars. Tho Homestrad ia widely known and used in thousands of families in the Eastern and Middle States, and daily be ooiniost popular In tbe West. It will save it oust several times over la one season doing the work of the family, or will earn four or five dollars a day for any man or woman who sews for a living. It Is tbe ateongest machine made, ia ready at all times tn do Its work, makfla the atrongest and finest stitch yet invented, and I" fully acknowledged as tho Standard Family Soxlng Machine, l'rico, compUla for do mMllo use, $2D, delivered at your door, no matter how remote you may reside. Busl uess permansnt and honorable, with more certain and rapid sales, and larger profits than any other. Kxtraordinary liberal .ofl'era made to local ur traveling agents where we have none established ; m If adhere is no agent near you, send your order direct to the faotnry. Address John H. Kendall ft Co., 421 Broadway, New ?fork. We have seen several Radicals who are much dissatisfied with the nomination o' Collins for feollcUor of this Oistriot, and wa have been tf Id by some of the n that be must, and will be gotten out of the way Stand np for your riglita Collins wa are with you a Utile way for Radicals even have some rights that should be respected especially colored Radicals. Wonder if he ia any kin to Tom Collins. The hmdsnmcst ensch runaing to this place now is one turned eut last week Irom the works hnpt of the Petersburg Road. For elegance of finish and neat appearance it cannot bt surpassed Vy any at the North. This is the second band seme cnarh recently placed on that read hy the company fitted up by their wo workmen. A letter from Ma . R. M. Sully, of the Petersburg Railroad Informs ua that he has planned a grand excursion to Peters burg and Rlebmond on the 4th of July Tbe letter says : "Wa will raako uouaua exertions to aeoure the o unfurl and oon venience ot our patrons. Arrangomenta will be made for reduced rates by tbe lines centering at Weldon ao that all desiring tfi avail themselyes of this occasion can come to Weldon by trains oonneotlng wltb our excursion train." TicxKTsoa tbeSeiboard and Roanoke Railroad will be aold at reduced rates to enable persona io visit Old Point and witness tbe grand display of Fire Works on tbe night of the 4tb ot July. Mr. Ohio wltb his uaual generosity baa presented a certain portion of the proet Ja of each sale of tickets, to tbe laudable purpose of aiding our Military Company. Tbe fare is reduced to a mere nominal sum 2.0 11 .50 so as to pot It In the power ot nil to go. Tbe pyroteobnio display will be of the most magnificent character, while a triptoOld Point and Norfolk la alwaya pleaaant at tbia season, here we backwoods peeple can luxuriate on crabs, flab and other ocean delicacies. Wt lesrn that every member of the Military Company Is inak log a big effirt to m to the a frlr a suc cess. W are requested to atate that the p'sy of "Our American Coualn" will certainly take place on the night of the 28th ot June. We hope theie will be a large attendance oa tho object for which it is given la a praiseworthy one, besides, we are satisfied tbe audience will be highly delighted wltb tbe fine acting nn the part of some of tbe oharactera. Wa learn there will be a large party from Raleigh en the occasion. Let them coins, we will give them n ost hearty welcome. A brutal attack by tw negroes was made recently on Mr. James V. Tucker residing in Northampton, near here, with clubs and atone'. It teams that tbe bogs belonging to tbe negroes iWaverly and Charles M'wdy) bad beeu very trouble some to Mr. Tucker in destroying bis wheat and after notifying them several times, finding his complaints' unavailing, he, by the advice of bis neighbors shot the hogs and propoeed W py tne full value ot them. This offor tbe negroea refused but said they would whip him. They came near his bouse and threatened and dared him to come out wbio'i he prudent ly deolln d to do. A short while after thia thinking they hid ni to their bouses, bo started for Weldon In a different direcs tion from tbrir houses thinking of nu danger, having his gun with biin, he shot at a squirrel and while awaiting the effect of the shot tho negroes approaehol him lu a run, and when diacovoro 1 were within ton foul of him, when one of then threw a stone of about four p ninds weight strik ing him lu the side and knocking him si most senseless. He wis then attacked by tho other negro with a club receiving veiy severe blow upon bis arm which ia still very painful to him. When he r covered from the sh dk he struck one of tbe nerooa with his o nnty gun. In the mean ti re his wife hearing the noise came to bis assistan t or it is pronaoie they would bavo killed him. The nogroes were arrested upin a warrant signed by Justine Grant, and bound over to tho next Inferior Court, one of them give bail the other made his eaotpe, bavin tei.i p'ao.ed under the obargj of a negro by tbe Consta bio. It la to ba hoped tbit h may be oau itand b th of the n audi to sufT r for tbsir lawlessness Su.h things should nit go uup luiibol, h it the community mty beasturel Hint S ilioitor Biwen, will dthU whole duty In the matter mid with bis known legal talent, tbeir chauces are god for a situation ou some Western Railroad. Wake Fotest t'ommeenriot. By our Special Reporter. Wake Forest, June 12th, 1878. WKDNEIDAT. After the adjearnment of the Mail meet- iegs of the Societies, there was an inter vention lor soppcr. At 8J clock the crowd again began tn assemble in the Chapel to listen to the address belore the Alumni Association, wnitll Wit nenvereu by O.-o. W. Blount E q of Wiltna N. C. Tne speaker ratq'iito a fine looking man. and at ence impressed all preient by hit commanding appearance, Mr. Blant spoke for about an hour. He first stated the difficulty in selecting a subject, ana then hhowe.l the duty that an educated man owsi ti his country, and relerteJ very tauchingly to hit past cellege lile. He paid a very high tribute ta tbe f.e fessart. and to the tmiueoc to which any el tbe membeis nl the Alumni had attained, mentioning the names ol Yatet, Pritihard. Wingate. Junes, Foote and others. He closed by psjtag a toncmng tribute to the memory ol Samuel Wsitt, the feuader ot Wake Forest College, im pressing upon the meabers of the Alumni that they ihauld erect a moment to bis mammy, ever the tpot where he it buiied. What delicate child is that ? it it being d vourrd by wormi. Tell its mother that one bottle of Shrlaer'a Vermifuge- will re Here it to health. ' Decline In No gar Ceilee mnm near,. ti. A. Fabimkolt's HktaiIi Price CnaaiNT Bulk ahouldera, 8o per 100 lbs. Jtulk C. R. Sides, per 100 Hs, 7 o per in, Baoon shoulders. Bacon C. R. Sides, iToftee, good Rio, CoOeo, prime Itio, Coffee, LrtGaira, SugarBrigbt Brown, Extra C. Coffee Sugar, Standard "A." Sugar, Molasses (good), . Bright Syrup, Ta. Kainily Floor, Va. Kvtra Floor, Va. Super Flour, o per 100 Iba, 8o per luO lbs, Kilo per lb, 20 e per II). 25 e per lb 81 o per lb. 10 o per Ih. 12 o per lb, 35 o per gal, 75a per gal tH 50f9 per bhl. 17 50afS per bbl 6 OOato 60 per bhl Okw O'orxirK A. M We bse been t-bjs moment Informed that the devil will call at 7 o'olook for two columns of looal, noth ing has happened lor a weak, how In the thunder ean two oolumns of news burst upon In six hours of quiet slumber which wo expect to enjoy, If our legal friend and obum will ever get through with thia ever lasting rehearsal of "Our Amerioan Cou aln" we almost wish Msroot bid filled drunkards irrave, before we wero born. 8 o'clock P. M. what shall we do I he is now searching lor a book in bia library to aee if be can't prevent tbo aals ol mule. One ot the ft nut speeches delivtred at the late State Conventioo was by Thot, W. Mas m, our esteemed friend ol Narth ampton count'. Mr Masen put is Loml natisn, our C'luntvman, Mr. Tbot X. Hill, a ') is deing to held that vast aiseinblage spell heund for the space el hall an hour, It was observed that he was the first ol tht only two speekeit thit received the un tenied attention ol that noisy crowd, the other being eut nl Halilax't noblest Democrats, ,W. II. Kitchen. We have b'.en nq letted to publish Mr. Mason't (petch, but have been unable to get a copy. Mr. Eitohen waa congratulated on tbe finer hy numbers of delegate!, most ol whom were ttraogart te bin) Hit. tpeech was delivered at the time ol mast Intense excitement, aod hit burning eloquence aud patbetio appeals, breuiiht reason to the minda ol thi excited fans;, tnd rendered them once mora an orderly tit ef intelligent Democrats, tent to Kaltigh te telict a tudiciarv ef which we might be proud. THURSDAY. Tht weather wat all that any one could wish. At Ol a'clork a special train came from Raleigh bringing q lite a crowd af visiters, thit being tht big day. At 1U o'clock tbe audieoee atssmhled in tht Chapel which is capable ol ti.-ating about 500 prisons. Every sea', doer, an I win dow was completely pacKsd. ami uunureu were standing ouiside, all anxieut in near the speeches el the g aduatet. Dr. Win- gate called the assembly to order, and stated that ha was sorry Ma unspci wat not large enough ta accommodate all tbe visitor, hut that be hone. I ey next com inencement they would have a chaptl large enough to held all who might wish te attend The exercises of the day wete opened by a verv imnressive prayer by Rev. T. II Jardan thanking God for the grttt, and voad msn alieadv sent lorth Irom Wakt Feres., ant beseeching hit kleiiingt upon thisesha should send forth today. Dr Winuate then introduced Mr. John G Bunch Irom Chowan Co., whs delivtred th Latin Salutatory, which wai pre nnunced bv every one t ) bt the best as lived Salutatory they tver heard. Mr. Bunch graduates with much (inunction, and it destined if he continue tn apply himself te become an hnnaf to hit State. Mr. Walter E. 1) iniel Imoj Weldoa N C. was the first speaker, and be handled his subject "The "Lamp ol Experience," with tbai leal ano- a'limaren waicu nat cnar acteiictd hia whole callege course. Hi thowtd a Ikarougli acquaintance with tht manner in which in treat his w tijrct ana how lo.imsrett bit thoughts upon tht minds nl his hearers. Mf Daniel speakt with at much ease at it he had been accustomed to it all his lile H graduates wih rtst distinction, having taken every houor ef hit clan. He wat the only nne ol the clatt who took the degree ol A. M. lie has not bees absent irom a duty id nur years. Mr, Nails, (Old Dominion) t e per lb., or 13 80 per keg. , , Cetton Warp. 1.60 per Blook. .Whole Slock Brogans, 1.00 per pnlr. a full lntoi FnRNiTnaaal wave on hand The prloea named will bes'riokly adhered to ao long as they appear in the advertise ment. ' All fall and winter goods at end below ott, "Make hay while the too thlne-" We tee from nne ef enr exchanget that three yn eg ladies from North OaMlina have taken the degree of A. B. Wt coos gratulatt' hetn on their tucceas. We always knew that North Caroltea ladies wefeiqual jf nut tuporior te any others. The degree A B, anetnt Batchlr of arts, and how ia thf world girls can be ba'chetor, nl artt it be?oud ur compre hension. Instructors rt youths, especially oi the girl part, thoala find more appro priate termt to apply ti graduate. A, M. might do eecatte girlt my be maiden's ot artt, But that waulJ not be appropri ate either, most every girl it made ef artt, at least partly to. aod then agaio, that might br alio taken, to mean master ef irts -tl leant efceat 'tnt. A lull reyort ef the Commencement exercitet of the Petersburg Female Collegt wat gilen ia tbe Index Appeal of the 20th. Wa reirret exceedingly our in- abil'ty to acctpt as invitation to bt pres. ent. , Laying aside tbt deep personal interett we feel it tbat fine Inttititton of Uarniog, we are satisfied wt missed muck in nat bearing the adirest of Nerthamps ton's gilted orator, T. W, Masio. Bit tulogy on tbe late principal of the Institution Mrs, Roberta B. Wright ia highly sunken ef. aod Iroui tht tpeakert kowledge ef ber noble character and hit great powers ef delinea tion the audience who knew and laved ber re well must have apreciattd in the bighett degree. We kntw her well and leted her, tnd, while tbt lived, wt looked upon btr at ent of the yery first wtmea ol tbe nineteenth century. May tht tchool ever remain at efficient at the kept it and at tke present ptisoiaal bu aoatinusd tu tbie time. A. E W.lten oi Wake Forest, In atual Dltasant manner thawsd us that 'To bear it to cooq ler eur Fate." His sueech wat wall written and well dt livered. Mr. F. H Ceeatref Simpson V. wat the next speaker, and by hit sound rta soniog onvinced us very clearly that ht had given hit subject "Man a progretiivt Heine" mucb study. Mr. W. J. K. Farl nrxt tellt ut that 'Duties are eurt. Results belong te God Mr. Ford it a j"Uog minister and tpeakt well and haa a fine addrett. Mr. J C. Caddoll ef Cartbagt N. C thinks tbat there ia "No day witheut itt mark." It we may taxa hit speech eo tblt eccasien as an evidence of his capa bility, Mr. CsdJell is d.stined to mske bit talk in thu luture. Mr. W. T Jordan it the next tpesker, tnd be took lor hit sobWet "The night brings out the Stars." Mr. Jordan it a tea. ef the Rev. F. M. Jordan, and pos sesses that sami pnwtr ot interning bit audience, tbat it characteristic of hit father. Mr. N. D. Jebrisoo of Richmond county, demonstrated very lornibly that ' Thitagt needs harama." Utile pleasant tptakti. 1 ted t(tilt bt may becbmt a great be.-o in bis intended p allusion, the law. Mr. JoLn G. Bunch a the lat speaker and he ditcusned hit tu eject 'Tht power and freedom of Thought," with the grsct and eloqiieoce of a yui g Webster. It weuld give ut math pleasure to ex trtct Irom the sptecbet of these gentle men, and cam men t upon them at the? ilt'trve, but waat ot epic forbids that wr should dose. Sulfl ttoisy tkey thowtd very cletrly that their tine at college bad bsen profitably spent, in searohing eut the bidden mytteriet of science. Dr. Wiagttl (hca praseutrd Dlplo nat tn the loeriOsf gentlemen Baichelnr ! liSiten. F. F Cooper, R. D Jehnten.W. Jordan. Batchelor af Ant -J G. Burch, J. C. Caddell, W. R Ford atd A. S. Waltert. Master of Arts Wall K. Daniel, Meda's wen then awarded. Mr. J. F. McMillan was preitnted with tht b auliful gold medal given to the bett drclaiunr Mr. W. R. Wait secured the medal given te tht heal ttudent ia Lttin. Dr. Pritckard in a prsltt little speech r- seated to W. T. LewelWn the mrdl whirhwts givso by the Plillemasthaian Saaety te their beat debater. Dr. Win- gate atattd that tbe title ut U. U had been conferred opoo K:T. Theo Whl'flrld l Charlotte!, Rev. J D. Huffim of Scotland Nuck, an 4 Rev. Mr. Lodge at New Jersey Mr. Walter K Daniel ef Weldon then delivered tht Vi'eli lory, bis untireim: energy and perseverance tinct he entered callege htvi' g g lined tor him thit dit tinotiun. We were told by tbe laculty that bit average mark wat the highest ol any ttudent who had' graduated at thia eolltge tinct the war. Mr. Dauiel entered as a ttudent at this institution when ha was quite jeung, and his quiet gentlemanly conduct, and mict oliedieiics to the rults aad regulation, cause I him to be looked upen as one worthy to be imitated aad has gained lor him the love and H ctii.n ol tht people ol Wake Forest, and the Fac ully had learned U elee li'm at a mem btr el tbtir own fauolies. His valedictory was the most touching we hsvs ever liu teocl to, and while he was speaking scarcely a dry eje to be seen in tbe vast audience. In the aftercoan the ciowd again as. ttmbled in tbe chapel te listen to tin ipra-hrt, in honor ol tht event l the day- laying the corner ttoae ol Science Hail, Judge Kerr having been made Chair man, Introduced Rav. T. H. Pritchard who made a forcib'e speech nrgiag the inpor taoce of educatim. Ha said that 40 years av,e the corner stone ol tht main budding wit laiJ. But to-day wt lay the earner ttoae al Science Hall, which when fiaisbe I will he paid for hy two nsblo brethren el the Raltigb Baalist chU'ch. He also shewed tht Importance of investing ia tueh Inttitutient ol learning. Education lies at the faundation of civilizttien. Na- tteas secerns more poveilul just in pro portion ateduca'ioa advaaces. Educa tiaa brings wealth. Iwiizrlann ewes her wealth to her rultlvattd papulation. Qradet ot morality depend upon education He laid alto that religion should be con nected with education, ilmt the cultivation of the Intellect shauM hi couple 1 with that of the heart. At Wake Forest we have auch an euucatunal system. Send yeur boys where they will breatho on atmos pbere ef purity. Dr. McDoosld was next introduced anil made noito an interesting speich. lie laid as it took Moses forty yean to pre nare for the liberation af his people, an, ler forty years thit college hat been pr paring to Irce ber toat Irmn ignorance, Hi can kneel io every church ta Virginia and thank G d, lays he, lor John Kerr and James B lay lor. Judge Kerr then being called upon ad dressed the sudience in that pleasant manner so characteristic of himself. He said that education without religion is a curse. Mental culture will aat elevate a people. Wake Forest haa dune mere to rkristianize North Carolina than any tiler college in it. He then referred in a touching manner to Ut louuder bimuel Waitt D. D. Thu plan ef the new building to be erected was then explained by Dr. Pritchard. Il will cojt about tight thousand dellart when completed, an. I Col. J. M. Heck tnd John G Williams will ever receive the prayers of this denomina tion lar their liberality. Thu building il being erected entirely at the txpense at these two gentleineiLAsnther buiidin of the tarns style wilt be put up eu tbe South end ol the college. Bath tliesi new build ings, when finished will be joined to the eld building by orridert thus presenting a Iroot ol 480 fet. A resolution at tbankt nl the Beard nl Trustees and the Baptists ef North Carolina was tendered tn these brethren for tbeir generous dona tinn. The crowd then lelt tbt Chapel and as sembled at tbe leundatinn of Science Hall, and were latereattd by tome earnest re marks Irom Dr. W.T.Broeks, wha conduc ted the ceremony ot laying tht corner stone. Many articles were then place in the box to bedapositel io the enruer atone, inclu ding a copy o! the Itihle, catalogue ol the college, photographe ol tht Governor and Lieu'. Governor of the aiaie, ot the r a-ul. ty and many ol the ttudenls, an 1 ol the Truatet. Thtre was also a copy ot the Observer, Daily Ntws, Index-Appeal, Roanoke Nkws, Buliol K oocder an I other state papers put iu I In box. The exercises ol the day were closed by an im p reset a prayer oll-r-l by Rev. R. H. Otllllth oi Charlotte N. C. At night there waa a t icial gsring 1 1 tin the Halls complimentary to the graduating class. And we take this nccatiou to lay that in all our previous life it hat never been our pleasure to inek npon and mingle with, tuch an array ef hsauty, worth aad Intellect at wat assembled in tht Chapel, iisiia and t aasagoa, and evea the camou was ipaikling with the grace and elegance ot the I iir tex who had ctrue to add tn the pleasure nl the day. Hut commencement II oyer, anil those who have spent Dint lonj months "in tailing upward through the night," will return tn their homes to morrow, to meet with fend paicnts aad Irieada from whom they have been separa ted an leng. The Faculty will now hive time te rest awhile from their labort which Ihey haveta well executed. The prosperity of Wake Forett College it daily increaiog. thit wit tnaailesled by tht inttrest which was taken by every eoe io thit, the most pleasant commencement ia the history ol the cellege, as well ts fr im the I set that there ware mora ttudeoti in attend ance last teuton than there hat been, linct tbe war, and vi itt present corpt ol abls Professors it ft dettiotd to take in pi act among the tt inttitutient ef Icarni ng In thit or u.ur States. We detirs to return our tbankt far the hospitality shown ua bj the citiaent ol Wake Foret, tnd also lor the courtetiet extended to ut by the polite and handsome marsbali Mettn. Ferebte, McMillan, Cov ingtao, Rodgeri, Hamrick and Strickland. Our visit to tbt Commenctmiot will long remain freth ia tbt memery ol jour Repor. ler. Toun, The rroftrding of the fttalc Ji dlfisW s. onvenuon. in ill Samuel A. Ashe, the Chairman of th State Executive Committee called the Con vention to order at 13 in. and named Her, John Manning nl Cha'.ham, lor temporary C'lairman. The ceminatien al Mr. Man ning was received wiih a round of ap plause and unanim "i-ly assented tn. On assuming the du'ies nl bis high and Im pertant position he tpnka earnestly and eh quently. Tne Chairman, at the con lu-ien ol Mr. Manning remarks, scnouiicel tbat the C invention ai ready lor '.he dispatch of business. Oa mntijn of II n. J. L. Robinson, et Macon, Col. C. R Jmes, of the Charla'.te Observer, wst appointed temporary secre tary. O i motion of C I. Wharton J. Green, i f Warren county, all m m'ert of the Dents critic p'ost preient we e r queued to aot at temporary secretaries. The lollawing Committee nn P. rmanent Onan'xtliea wat announced by the Chair- n ai : John H. Hendersob, Rowan, Chairman; James Edwin Moore, Martin; W. Gaston Lewis. E tgecnmui; O. C. Lvna, B aden; John D Cimerou, Orange; W. 8. Robbies Kandalph; Dr. A. M. Powell, Catawba; J W. Wilson, Bmke. On Crkokntiai.. N. B. Cannaday, Granvile,Cbai mm; A L Blow. Pitt. B M Collins, Warrc ; J G Burr, Nv Haa over; David Settle, Rockingham; S J Pemberton, Stanlej; C. B. Watson, For sytli; J. K. Simpson, Polk. On motion of Geo. II. Suaw, of Wake the Committees nn Ciedentialt and Per manent Organization were appointed places tn meet, with the understanding that no credentials be referred to tin former committee except in ra e ot content On motion ot Hon. A.Z I.inncv, ol Al exaoder, tbe Committee on Permanent Or gan'ziiion was constituted a Committee on Retolutioni. On motion ol Hon. II. O. Williams, ol N ish, the roll of counties wat cal ed over and all lound to be reprosented by actual delcga'es except Alliighany, represented bv Hon. J. A. Engelhard, Sicretary ol Siati Dividson, by Col J. A. Gilmir, of Guil ford; Onslow, by II. R. Bryan, of Craven Watauga, by Geo. 11 Snow, ol Wake. 1 he coiintm ol Ase and Davie ha t oeitlu del- gates or proxies. On motion ol Mr. CuffieM,! ef Harnett Hon. T. L Clingman, ot Buncombe, ws invited to a tett on the rostrum. In rrapoore to loud calls Gen. Clinginan proceeded to Bedrest the Convention, giv ing a running sketch el tome of the prom itent itasont for the distreoed condition of the country attributed it chit fir 'o the control exeiciped by the money holders, and to sectionalism. He then wt-nt on show that tbe existence ol the Republics parly wat responsible lar this tta'e Btl iirt, tnd that tuere weuld be no goon government it long at it was alive. He touched slightly upon the fitululcot man ner of Ttldeo's exclusion from the Piesi denc,an 1 concluded by advising prndence aud caution nn the part nl the Southern people and predicted that lu tbe luture a would he well. Mr. Henderson, of Rowan, from the Committee nn Permanent Organizitlnu made the lullowmg report, wbicu wat unanimously adopted : For Prtudent II. B. Sliert, ol Col'Jtn bus. Vice rresidcot 1st. Congressional D trict. Col. S. B Spruill, el Bertiu ; 2d. M. Rtuntrer, nl Greene ; 3 !. Col. W. A Allen, ot Duplin; 4th. W. II. Bledtne, ol Wake; 5th J II. Liu Isay, nl GuiUn-d; 6'b John D, Shaw, ol Lincoln; 7th A. Z Lin ue j, at Alexander; 8tb J. Johnston, el Ma con. Sectaries John D. Cmieroo. Ol the Hillnboro Recorder ; R. M. Furman, of the Asheville Citi2en, and Seth Carpenter, of the Ni-wb' rni-n. Messrs. Henderson, nl Rowan, and Rob inson, nl Macao, were appointed ' to con du !t the Piesi lent to the Chair Oi taking the Chair, Mr. Short e'e q iently returned thanks for the honor con ferred. He di I not have the vauitv to take this a a compliment to himtell indi vidually, but to the glorious old Demo cratic county of Columbus, and to the noble, illu-trious Cape Fear lection. He said tbat the convention came to work and there was no necessity fur long speeches. He then declared the convention perma nently organized and ready for thj dis patch et business. On motion el Hon. H. C. Jenet, of Meck lenburg, A T. London, ol New Hanover, was appoiuted aa additional Secretary, Col. Wharton J. ureen, of Warren, of' fered a resolution that each gentleman who allows his name to be presents I te tint Convention shall pledge himself to abide by iit decision. He said that ha had heard it staled on the ttreett that if a certain gentleman's name wst not adopted that he would bo an independent candi date. Laud cries for name! name!) name 1 1 ! Mr. Hum in thought (he resolution wat au insu t lo the Con Veotieu, aud moved ta lay it n tho table. Mr. bkiuner, of Perquimans spoke at length against it. Alter louiu further debate Mr. Green, by request, withdrew the MioluUon, . Mr. A. L. Blow, of Pitt, from the Com millee on Credentials, submitted the lol lowing report which wat adapted : 1st. Tbat the couuties Duiu and Ashe are not represented. 3 i. Tuat the couniiit Currilu k. Cam den, D ire, Tyrrell, O islow, D tvidsto, Al' leghauy, Watiuga, Cherokeo. Clay, .Hen duison, J.icksoD, Swain, Graham and Transylvania are repress ted by proxies 3rd. that the other counties are re pre UUU-..I by UriegaU-l Id peisou. Ou motion it was agreed that the halls t iug el (hit convention than be baste: on the gubrroa'orial vote el 1870. The Chair announced that nominaiiont lor Chief Justicii ol the Suprime Ceurt were in order. Mr. Z Lemay, ef Johnston ceuoty nUced in nomination tbe nami of W. N H Smith, of Wake. Hn. W. T. Djrtch, of Wayne, moved that W. N. U. Smith be nominated by acclamation. Objection being raised on account nl ir regularity, a ballot was taktn, which re tulted io Mr. Smith receiving all the vote cat. On motion nl Mr. Furman, of the Asbe ville Citizen, Mr. Smith wat declared the unanimous nominee, aod by the Chair wat aa declartd. The Chairman then announced that noicinatioQi far two Associate Jnstlret tbe Puoreme Court were In arder. Mr. Furman, ef the Asluville Citizen moved that ne delegation shall change It vote peodlug a ballet. Altei same debate Mr. Furman with drew kit nation. Capt. J. W. Plummtr, ef Rebeton placed In nomination Hen. Thomas 8. Asbe ol Anton. Major Jon. Hughes, of Craven, placed in nemiaattoa lion. M. . Mnly, Crsvca. . Hon. A, Z Linney. ef Alexander, gomi n.ted Col. G. N. Toik, er Caioe.'J. Hon. Jai L. Itobinson. ol Mion. nominated Hen. Dai II Scbcnck, ol L a- Cln. Maj W. II. DeysneAl New ttanov r. sliced the name of Allmand A. McK y. of Sampson, tn nomination. Hon. II. C. Janes, of Mecklenbu'L' seconded tht nomination of Mr. Scbeocl . J. W, Kerr, Ktq , of Sampsoo, eccupi I tht floor in endorsing tbe nomination t Ju tgt M Ky. Hon' W. T. Dorlcb, of Wavnt, nemi aated Hn. Qeo. Hard, nl E lgiOombe. Mr. N. A. Sittdmao, of Bltdto, ceodeJ tht Dttainatioo ef Judge Vc- Cspt. Fred Phillips, e' E Igrcomhe en- orsed the nomination el Hon. George Howard. Cel. Wharton J. Greta, of Warren,, seconded the nomination el Hon. Tbo. 8. Atht. J. P. Waedbet, ol Patanaiaok. ntted P. II. Winston, Br., o( Bertie. lion. It. r. Uenneit, el Anson, eidonttV the nomination nl Hon. Tonus S. Athe. Col. John A. Gilmer al Gmllard, placed nominaloa Col. John II. Dillatd, of Guillord. C l. T. B Venabl. ol Graniille. nemi. nie l M. V. Lanier. Eq, of Granville. A W. Graham, K q , ol Orange, nemi oalrd Hon. Thomat huffin, ol Orange. M . T. W. Mason, of Nerthamptoc, ooml- oated Thomas N. H II, of Halifax. lion. J. M. Monsg, ef Cbathan.ieoended the nonitiation ol Mr, Hill. Hon. F. E Shnuer, of Rwan, nomi- sated J. M. Clemeots, ot Davie. Col f. C Fuder, ol Waks, seconded th nomination ol P. II. Winston, Mr. It chard H. Smith, ol Halifax, rended the nomination el Mr. f. N. U II. M. Q. Waddell. Etq.. of Chatham, tn tcred lutu a bumereua ditctiptiou ef tho claims of the various geutleruen nominate I r the position ol A-s ciaie Justice ot lha Suprtnie Court, aod ceocluded by eal neat ly urging the nomination of Hn-. Thus, S. Asue, ol Anson, and M. E, Manly, ol Ortvs. n, at Aiociate Jmtices. Oa motion ol J. G Byoum, E q , ot Burke, it wat aureed that the twe caodi datet for Associate Juiticet thoul I be voted fur at tht tame time. Tbt arrival ot tht Davie delegation Wat announced. The ballet wat taken, ai.d resulted at fellows : Ash. 784: fkhenck. 119; Howard, 171: Dillsrd. 83S; Hill. 109; Manly, 83; Folk, 1J; McKay, 202 ; Winston, 470. I tins badat is not as Dr.i cast, a lira; m .ny change!, in all tons of wtys, being msds belnre aooouooement ol the result, amidst tremendous conlu-iou. The vo'e for Messrs. Clements, Kutllrj snd Lanier wst not announced, Six hundred and aod niot veten were nccesss'y to s choice Tht whole number el vjtet cut wire 1,214. Oj thit ballot only on Atnciaie Justice wat choten, H n. That. 8. Ahe. Mr. Ujonett, ef Anion, came npea the rostrum and ret'irmd thanks lur the uomi u.ilon nf Hon. Thoi. S. Athe, and promised a loithful ptrlormance et all the duties devolving en him. Alter a good deal ot wrangling the con vention took a recess until 8:30 p. na. EVKHINA IB8HON. At 6:39 p m. the Convention was again called to order by Mr. President Short On motion ol Mr. William Biggi, et Grautille, tpeechet were limited to five minutes io length. Hero a tang tnd confuted debits eatutd upon th lection of each gentleman pre posed lor the remaining Associate Justice ship, and the claim ef rach tectieo urged. During tbit debt' the coulusiun wat ttun niog. Ou motion a tccoud ballot wat bid for the remaining Astociatt Juttice. During tht pendeocy al the ballot tke various gentlemen already mentionea were ,nl. f..r Km, kT.,r til raaillt VJB In. nounced so many changes ware mule te Mr. Dillard, that, nu motion ol Mr. C. M. Cooke, ul Franklin, teeondtd by Mr. Meaus, ef Cabitrua, the nomination et Mr. Dillard was made unanimous by tbi Cntveatioo and wat io declared by thj Chair. Mr. J. G. Burr, el New Hanover, during the pendency ol the above ballit, with drew tbe name ot Judge McKny. Captain Fred. Pbillipt, ol Edgecamb. belore th result ol the ballot wat an aauactd, withdraw the same of Mr, Howard and voted for J. H. Dillard. On motion of Mr. Ehas, nl Macso the nomination af J. F. Graves aa Superior, Court Judge el the 7th Judicial District; A. C. Avery, ef tbe 8tb and 1. C. L. Uud ger, nf tbe 9 h heretofore mad in the abeve mentioned districts, wet nnaoi mousty confirmed. Alter another long debate ths following wire tppoioted as tbe Stat Executive Committee : lit Congressional District J. E. Shep lnrd, of Ueauert ; J. It Jermj in, ot Ilerl- lord ; Burgest Urqhuart, el Berti ; Ilanrj Wah ab, ol Hyde. 2d District-A. J. Ga'Uway, ef Wayn ; W. J. Green, el Warren ; R. B Peeblet, al Northampton; J S. Lang ol Craven. 31 District. -Joseph A. Worth, of Cumberland ; D. J. Davant, of New Han over ; C. W. McCleuiray, ef Pen Jer ; II. B. Short, nf Co'umbut. 4th District C. B. Green, ol Orange; J. 8 Amis, ol Grin villi; M. A. London, ol Chatham j Dr, J. Y. Tick of Johnson. 3th District Q. II. Grsgory, nf Gull- ford ; J. W, Rtid, ol Rockinghtm ; Jtmei Hnlsmin, of Person ; J. A, Grakatn, ( Alamance. fib District. B, C. Cokh, el Lincoln, Prank McNeill, ol Robesno t P. D. Wslktr, ol Meckleabatrg; X R. Llltt, ef Anton. 7ih Dittrict. W. U. II. Cewlet, of Wilket ; Kerr Craig, of Rewao ; G. W. MsthfS. ef Forsyth ; T. S. Tuoker, of Iredell. 8th Dittrict, Knee Ellas, ef Macsn ; A. M. Erwia, ol Mi D iwell ; B. P. Logan, ef Cleavtland ; Robert M. Furmsn, ef Bun-comb, Oa motion of T. B. Ventblr, of Gran ville, the chair was authorized to appoint uvea additional utmner t aot with tbii conmailttte tl a Central Executivt Cents raittee. Oa motion of M. Q. Waddell, ef Chat ham, the oeminatiens e teth tbt Ate cltte Justices ol the Supreme Court were mad uoaeimous. On motion of Hen. J. L Robimen, oi Maeeo, tht tbankt ef th convention were returned to th President and ethtr ofijaeri ef tbe nod;, and Je th eitj un thorititt for tb at ef th hall. Oa moltM th conyeotien aljoarnaj tits di. -