1 s THE ROANOKE NE'S. SATURDAY, Jfl.Y 1-7S O U It T I C K E T FOR CMlilil- .TU.STICi: : IV. X. II. SMITH, 11 k w 1. i: . I'OK ASSOCIATES: THO. S. AHIIF., O F A N SON . Jo. ii, dii.lakii, l K (i U I I. 1 O K U . COI'.VI'Y I'd I.I I US. Last Saturday the regular radical pow-irow cuiiv-nt'd in Hilifax town ai.d proceeded to protnu'ga'.e a ticket tor the legislature i.tul county oilices. Of the legislative ticket it is tuiHidetit to nay l!ev. Henry Kppos a gentlemen of midnight hue wm nominated for tlic Seriate and Viilli and Iw-yuoMs, the present incumbents, wire renominated for the II imc. Tiicse men will be eluded and they nill If k well rat tling obout in scats nhi:h Daniel, Devcr eux, Smith, Whitaker tml Ling hate filled, For clerk nf the S iperior V urt J 'io. T. (Iregnry and for lugister of Deeds 11. J. Lewis were both renomina ted, while the Coutty Tieasurersliip fell to the share of I'.. 1. t 'la: k. The great surprise of the day was the dctcat of Liili'ui fur shcrilF bt one James T. l'ason, bt to us tli'd was a remarkubly agreeable surpiic. It is true that we know nulliing agiiuV. Lir kin, but his politics, and from all wo can learn, las n is one of the most thor ough priced scamps with which u coun ty was ever cursed, but Lirkin Ins been sri lung the ?cry .aj and lront of the republic in part', it is so much due to his talent fir munge lneut that the negroes have at nil times presented an unbroken front in this county, tli.it we hail his defeat by any oi.e, regarding it as the beginning of tho disruption in the negro rank, the first lift in the dirk cloud which for s lone bns overshadowed our political hnri i n. Since wiiting the a'love the cud of L 1'. L irkiu announcing his deterroiiw lion to try c inclusions with Oinsou be fore the people, has been handed lo us for publication, and we cheerfully givo it room at out regular advertising r iles. The matter is no.v before the people, it is none of our lilit, only for the benefit of i. - i ..i . mi: uuuuiy we nope uie ucal miu may win. it is impei feet, in consequence of the planting of seed of impaired vitality Tbe sensnn is earlier than the last, by an average of ten days, la some dis tricts the crop is t, further advanced than usual at this date. In a few local ities, a difference of from three to fuur weks is eluimed in favor of the presei.t C-op. The comparative! low condition ia North Carolina is due to wet weather Mid cool nights. In South Carolina and (.enrgia plantiig was unusually early, with seasonable weather until the flint week in May, since which time there has been little rain, and drought generally reported. In several districts in (ieoru the- bs.t prospect for many years is claimed. Ia Mississippi, Lmis inna, and Arkansas rains have been frequent, and in some districts in injuriously heavy. Very favorable weather has beep enjoyed in Texas Few insects are repotted. The cut worm was a partial cause of defecliie stands at many points on the Atlantic coast, and plai ts aie beginning to be infested with lice in limited areas est f the Mississippi. Tho i'ji'y has been very slight, l-'ields are unus ually clean in culture, and labor is k- ciea.ing iu tflicieiicy. NKW ADVKUTISKMKXTS. yI LSO.V COLLEUI ATE SEMIN AH V. MTLSOY. X. c. (!' 0 II TOUSO I. A I" I K 8 .) The Fall Session ISr-rins Kepi. Oils. TERMS Vl'Al SESSION' OK 21 WEEKS ftoard and Literary Tuition $77..'f to $!'1 on. Musie, with usoolTiauo lor practices 2'i.nn. !'n:ii!iii, Lino. Iirawini;, Wax Woik 10.11(1. lo.ou, ADVEIt n.SEMENTS. For Catalogue, or i informal ion, nil, I rose J. It. hit K IV Ell, 1 i i u c ; p it 1. Juno 29 3 m. The Near Y.nk Stockholder docs not take the cheerful vk-iv of businrs pros pects lint oilier pipers haye taken. It does n ,t b lieve i i an early rccunera tion. and k.iys lliose who d wili be greatly disipj-omlcJ. Whs are right those who arc hoieful that a new era of prosperity is about to dawn upon the coui.try, or those who believe there is still a "lov.cr deep'r-' We ku ow not. Astonishment is not a very well bred feeling b'lt it was ast jtiishiuent we felt on saeiiig the abotc in the Wilmington Mar for we really thought that there was nothing in tho past present or future whicti was h i J Jen from the pieicing ken of the editor of that paper. T O T I C E. L'nitkd Stated i r A mkiuim, I i X Til K ILTHH'T CotrilT ClF TIIK KasTKItN , Al.HKMAI.KI I DlsTllIlT OF NoKTli I AlloI.I.NA. J Nntien is heroliv iri v-nn Unit I have been ilolv appointed assinim in Hankrnptev cf John It. Tillerv of lialilai county, It u.krupt, June 17lh, Is?1. (i. I.. IIY.MAV. A s s I g n e . June H 3 v. f BURN HAM'S ' iiAi WARRAKTEO BEST A, CHEAPEST. VlV- Also, KilLLINB MACHINERY. SV r"E3 ESD'JCED AfS. 23, '73. ln:,L(UI:ct, Om C, Yllin, l'4 June H (I in. C 1) AN VI E W II U T E E, liEAL'I'Dltr, X. C. KO. W. II IKI.OTTF, PRornin o it , t I.a'e Proprietor A'.iaiitin House ,) WAS nl-KNEH Knit THE H ECEI' IK i.N "K iiL'EVTOX MAY Nt, 1-Ts. riIlE HIMillAM SI'IIOUL, Mehanevilln, . (' . surpasses ai! oilier similar Se'irioN in th .Smith; 1-t. ill nfrej lil, in th" ehai arter of its Ijiiild in :s. ;),!, in niinilier; -llh, in inoi of pmroiiHi;'; olh, in aliHiiy to proviiln (.rolitnlilo employ ment for lis nroli.'ieiit pupils; and din while other expenses am rattier lielow the aver iL'", this Ntirtli Ciiroliim flc'iool coir niainls omo hat lii'lier tuil ion Ires Hum any oilier institution of le.irnirir of any grille, for mules, in the .Southern Stale-. These fae'.s make, other testimonials- un-neen-sarv. June 'JIM m. ADVEK TISEMENTts. K U 11 .N J. J. I. O I' (i II I I T II K EASIIIOXAIH-E SHOE MAICEII has returned ti Wehlnn whore ho can be found over V. IE liltOWN'S STOKE, prepared to do all kiinls of work in lii.s line. Hepairinc neatly and promptly done. Mav "...If A. E. !: E I. E TT A V V., IMIY iXH)S VI OTIOV.M io. 12 and it TwiiLFni sri:j;i:r 1 J can make in mey fusUr at work r lis LJ thiiii at anvihini; else Caiil il not r quii eil; w v ill start yon. $1-per liay i t home undo liy tho industrious. Men, women, licy- and utI.s wauled everywhere to work for us. Now is tho timfl. Costly ontiit and terms tree. Address Till' K A Co., Auuu.sta, Mainn. .juno 1 1 y. A. E. lil t I TT, A. .Il lLSoN V ATKI.VS, Cl.AV IHIKWKY, S. It. Hl IlUKS. ' KKTIMO.ND VA. ) M;iv2itr. N T li T I C 10 . I Vlvrl in'iin-et J To Tlip Voters of llaliliii ouiily. 1 1 ALII AX, C, July -1th, l.sTS. Ordinaiily when a candid ite f ir public ollice has submitted his claims to a con vention of his party, und it has by 'such convention been decided agaiost him, ;t behooves him to sub nit quietly. Hut the circurnstai.ces connected with the nomination for Sheriir. by the late Ke puhlicau convention m the town of Ilali- lax, are such us, iu my opini i;i and the "I'm ol Irie.uls with whom I have cniisul'.ed. justify tne in appealing from the vndicl of the conveuti u to the peo ple themseves h has transpired that many of the delegates who voted against me were, at the primary elections in structed by the peoj le by whom thrv were sent, and whose wishes it was their hriuinlen ilu'y to cany out to .vote for my re-noiiiiiiuiiou. Aside lioin these iiistruclinnsniiny of these same delegates ji wr: uor ui i'oitrs. e lire ill rei!eiiit of lln rtinrli 1 1 b" ... ., i: in i,1C (,,m; () U1Pr j,. poii.tmit ile;.:e: tlic.nselves for me. liy what nits of misrepresentation and trick of chicai.ciy these Mine delen ites were 111,; the ncieage, condition nnd pros- ! i'"lui C I to disipgnrded the wishes of their pects of the crops of Hie nstion, for the I c,",s:iUu",t' '11 ""l sav, that mouth of, I me, issued by the Xational 'irnu of Agriculture. Muit ol tho inforiuation comes too they di I s ', however there is for doubt, und th,'' 1 should submit lo have the voice of the people stilled and their widies disieeard w mid be n demur. I .. - r , . . . . r .. . . - - ' iaie lor pracncai use this year, an I only j re rrora the principles of a Republican the Corn and cotton reports have: in- j "r '"n" ('f "Verntiieet which principles terct to the people- who read th- Vrvs i I11'aVe Bu'r l'uL' iV'"eA iphoKI. I'm . i r ,i . , , . ' , ;l"'s'' 'easoi.s then nnd for others which and forth, reason, and. further, because I lx,ec to eclair, at length in the wo have Already given on our first pige j course of th- canvass f hate concluded tn an eihaus'.ive report of tho small grain make the run for Sneriir before the cro,., we shall now only give the repoits 01 "'''"s ''-unty and let them rn those sul'ec's j " ""usi. t oeiicvc l nm the W-n,.t.?....n .k. .... Tlleuf. i,jority of the voter f the i - ' S.HI.U14I in icia- lion lo the corn crop n follows : As this crop is not nil planted, in northern latitu les on the first of June, returns of aciesge are not ii c'uded in the June circulirs. Vol intarv notes of Us condition are favorable. ihrougrVut 1 l.e aliove Hotel i spuate.l iiiro"ili ilely on the water fn n', io the In;. hies eenir'e of the town, mi i . IV-rs .pee; ti iri liieniieots io e.iiuiii' rei.i! I ravel rs und h .s it 1 ieiv fro'ii irs ii r oi i !e on i,n rool unsur. pa se I any other Ijiiil.ling in the town. uti i. itoo.n. This Hotel 1ms n splendid Hill Ro'Mii a!Ueh"d, and a Hind of Mu-io lias heen en.nacj (or the entire .sees in. it i i mix; iioi.ses. Cominndious Ha'hini; Ilon.os have been ereet-u on shore mid I) H' h. lor thu bent-lit of patrons of this Hotel, icoiri:r ;;iorxis. For tho-o who delight in innoeent auiiisi mi ni, provi.-iou has been made. HO ITS. Kast-nii: i.ijj and vell.inana'ed rioats 'i:i bn in reidioess at all hours to eonvov pi.senceis nboiit !m hirhor, and will eoiiu-ft with all trains. Tim loiiied suips Mai! I! iat lands ami sails from tho Hotel wbarl. I iKiut;. UniMifort oll'ers superior a.lvalilaires lo th .se ii ho delight in citehin,' h(i tinny irine. mi: Ttiti.i; will always be furnished with the best this nnd Die mljoiniiii; market airuds. HOTEL H six oi i xom:. The S.-rvauts will bo reouirol to bo polite and attentive. Kl IM ( TIO V I SI Hot ic Ik. I! iitrd per day - j H lord per month . . . $;j 0 lilllO oo tl. Under and by virtue of a eertain mort (aite deed made to us by l' S. 1'ieren and I nil,, iinii 'inn loeorueo III ll.o mill 6 111 llle i Ite.'lster of IJiomIs. in unil lor Ihe entinrp of Halifax, we will on Monday the Tl id day ol July l7f expose to public sale at the Court House door in Halifax town nil (lie riyht title and interest of said K. S. I'iere in ami to the estate, of H. i. f'iereo. Terms of saio cash. WIN EI ELL) it EM II Y. May 2.5' f. I'onntv. It is a question that can only be decided on the l,t of August ne- and ! now promise that before that da T -if ! . ' I will give yau ample reasons why you selves. I.. V. l'AKKIX. should cast your balli 'ts for mi. Thanktul lor y.nir support in tho past and soliciting the votes of a!!. I leave thp the .s, nji.ii. In t ic N irtlie.M nnd West- "'atter in fie hands of the people them- i-rn .ates tne c md.toin is I ss liivon -ble. The wr;n weather el April er -curaged earlv planting in the central belt, while the succeeding c l and wet sens in either caused the hti to rot in the gmu id, 01 impa iid the s:g"r of the ynuiis plants and u-urdeii thrir C'i"th. Keplmti.ig f considira'ilf areas was required. It in n,,t eijoy. ing favorable Conditions fur n vigomu, Krowth in the holier latitude", and must depend upon fuluie ceiiJuions for k'iccesslul develop;iient. U'e desire to c ill atte tin fspeclally lo tbe unfuv .rable ns(.ct of :,ij.,ir in the Northern and Western i'l ites. This foreshadow a high price for lire i is iffs early in the nest srai, ,u,d w h jc nur people will piy attei.tion to th,.ir Corn, oT which wo believe an iecreasid acreage has been planted, and thus avoid the nCvCs.tv of sendim for food. The returns indicate an increase in the nrea planted in dittim. The per centagrs, as c imp.ned with the ncienge of 177, are: Virginia, Jui); ,ltn (',. olina, 101; South ('.iroliin, 103; Oeirgia, 102; Fiurida. lm); Alabams. 101; Mississippi, Hit); Eouisiaun, 101; Tex4. 10G; Arkansas, :m ; and Tennis aee, US. The condition of the crop is better than in June of last year. The figures indicating it, are the same as in 1877 in Viritjj.i, and Louisiana, and bigberjuli other Stalet. They areas foljj. Virginia, 8 ; N'mth Carolina, 'M - South Carolina, U9 ; GeorRi, 101 ; 1'lo'rida, 98; Alabama, 101; Mississippi, 98 ; Louisiana, 03 ; Texas, 10 i Arkan kai 98 ; Tennessee, 97. The general ..e'rage of condition i 99. The stand U geocr.Uy 8od. U di.trkt. TOliL IDSTHFAf E SIH5G KWE TILL IT Kins. Tre i n reri.-n r-ory aSnnt ffwne native wiii' s .. !.k :oc i o n oriv .Hhetiervl nowa itn .o.it ! (.,.( ,. , -, mlv been ut iiikoi t'.e ii,..:,..-. It. t 'n !,:, il, ihe well-known j;r.i ,'-, r r i f ( '; : ,a 1', ::it. died in 1871. "in" ft I. i ,.;:s :.:i'ii.ii:i' ,1 lemperanco v., v. . ,-f ;.!, i-streme lend, iliat ihev wtro eni::ii,;; 1 1 ;i;:,,v the f:,.i.k 1 ( o s then en I e.d to b;' ?,.fl ir nr.v l-KTO lo be made. 'Ine prats-s have s n.iini)' ., be, n sent lo I' .elv t, a: I oirictiines b-ll lo it-e.-iy cporii I',-' 1'ic . Ii i 1 nlv no-v fiit the i.il.er heirs ' : er.! i in nrr.inn: f.,r a t( :iU nient ri ! e r :.v - n iil i!n; s.uc ol the wines 011 I. ,:! A;ie ru th i"- a w Inert t'i- smiripis I I k . i'.- .titicil a. a ".irt t'nion Port," I t.t :,!f"ye llo lo.pe. i.:l 'ioWiV loom lln-i :n,v o'lwr I'ur'T'i.i i w ne. ae.d lie:n(j vi: ,l'v im'.le ,Tv ),, r vi;.e ( Anifruan j;i,".. h I' 1 c -r. 1 iu,.-'iii,"s ma l 'ii i'...;'' ' . ".1 b '0 v i i.i 'i-.s red wirr-f- ' : .: ;: -,. tl.J I I i. ' 1 .in.-' ..ne 1.0 v , fir 111 ..nv 101-.-Ml-r ,! ' ,;niiniit . I lie vl ,,le I ti.'fn lies I .mils i t L.e v.i-,1 l.r. o.ui u!., ic ,ic i;i,eiy b 'i-e 1 I lie 'tVatlu.. .V. 1'. Iniiint, Th' aN-v.s rprsl . f r ii.'lf, tmt wr wctild ad l ftiat tliii i'. the '.tire juice of the prape, neither .fai ,v.. n.-r vii,vtJ; that it has been tip red ;:.! 1 '.vr.l by ae, ,sni I t nied.cnial or r.u.ic-rii.il pur;.o:,cs it is iins'irp.is oil. It can tei!tatnrii from most cf tbe leading I :ii --nts throughout Ihe t'n ;el Si.in-, ,-n I at who'es.i'.e from tho under ,1. !n ,11 f r,iard descriptive pamphlet, be , f !...r;;e. ta application, R-pec fitly, ete H. K. & F. 6. THURBER & Ca Wat JrMJuuv. AY j..'.' iia iYmrti June 'JO H III. UK LAND KOK On Mond y ,e Mh ,r of AnB.ist IS7S I w 11 m !i . ,i,e htL,,)rI f(ir riRl; Hlllhn riht t,t,o and inters, f a Itniwelt to nnd to n eertiiin traet cf lai d p. lti'"aldle,to-.ll,fvt.to anil county uxeAUur. r the ver i.r ls; E- K. I.AHkrN, Mi. IT. i.n,...t,la. l'r A ''''U,l..S. yoTlCe", S A EE 1 taxes. NT ATE HE'S NOUEKsr IlEMEDY 1 bbl'lMllli AIXM i IIION SPitlMi.s WiTF.Il "El'ieienl for tUron diseases." Dr. tar riiiluo of Yd. "Spneiiie in SUiu diseases."-Dr. Allen ol N. ('. "l'm,ualod r.r Scrofulous airiclion." Dr. t aiKer o a. "I'roiipt and IioiioIi-IhI as; nn altera, live. -I'rof llu.,e.i,,. 1.. D., late l'rlt. ivindiilph Maeon Culloiie. ' ItejuveiiHiiii on lirsons worn with bul ami cure.-. Dr. :,i,.s t -A son'" v"'"1' f,,r Ne,"'alu'" Harri- "Hi'L-uhtes tho Secretive Orjins-o, Clirisij.in o a. if. i'urilies thu Elood '-tlr. lnnhorae, Sueeo-.srul in ltyi.pepi,ia"-l'rol. Jack, s 'ii, L 111 v. ol I'.i. "Has noenual for t'hil!s"Itov. Ellis C. IIoiIm, n, Va. "Excellent T.mic and Hiuretic"-Meil Ass... ,,f Va. E'b'p. riiNiirpHMs.il 'or ,li-essea poeuli;,r to ,man.".foiu I. .Mettcaiir M. 1,. l. 1 I. ol ii'Kima. UVell ;,, ,,,.,( j,, Vleeratlve alTec Hons. lr,, M ,r,n.l(li Vn ".N'lill, ll,llll II tl i l.r , ..... ncs."-Va. M.d. Monthlvr 'U" ' Very valiiabln t.,r St.mu,. j jvp Eikne.M. ,,d 1!u,vc1h.--lion. Ull(1(; isi riiuu-s, ,1. Hai'ibo' v"'m "'"r"1 1"ie ly."-I'rof. l'KI.'Es':lwaTH ? 0K , M... 1IOIT, Ks; f , . 5 lll.MIJOHS ; .ill ri-sirs PKH OM.i,.)N. ' Mass; -.-,o,K,, ANI)ji ,,.,,, .,,, ' IIAl.t' tlo.o; ; J:, AN tM sent post pan 1, Liberal terms properly Kra,le.l to w h ,o sale ami retail ,,.BrH. Anlvi and iirreiions nun ,.eh nacknite. Eul proof ol a I claim,. 1 sent lre 11 ,,,,,. , sample Htipply rP t() p,yehu1M ,eMrinK The-o c'.nrmiiiir S,,rjt, llr0 ,,, fnr visitoiHainl inva id, tho vear round f.,.m and alter Juno ih7s. ,ri ,,, monih; jlu 1 week. JE.'-i 11 ,av. Cnnvwv I'oees daily from E.VIiellllulO! to Sprillif., 'ii '".'Ir" .'I.I''U", "v,'r l':" " mads ..:r . ii;,i j.ietoi, .,,. eonnirv, eoniieei inir w ith 1 n,o tri,i, K. u ml trip tlekeiH fii iii all polnis south mi l North at n . duee l rab . Ituildiiiiis all nets or thor ouuhly retltted. Kru hii 1 nee..iiiiiio,l,'l,io,M liiKt-ehivs. Nkillol r-sob.,,1 t.hvs elan. A. M. DAV1ES, 1'rest. It. A. A I. !SpriiiKH "o Eynehbnri;, Vn. Sod ky A. It. .OEEiCOFKKK ,t HI to. Wcldon, X. C. J one M 1' in. SltKlllH s OFFicr, Hai.ikax, N. ('. Junn Mih 1S7!I. To Jnror, Witneasea and all wlmni It muy concern. TtiiH July hessioll of the 'Inferior Court,' will not conimene until Monday July lo ll, iiiMtead of Momta .Inly Bill, as) is kionerally Mippimcd and expected, Thi- occurs 101 account of th present osm.,m of Ihn iiis-iiir Court. All Intnruatini will pleaae govern Ihmnsclvesi aismrdtnirlv. I.. K. EAKKIN, SherilT Halifax t'ouuiT. Jun20ff. yiNE 1UI.E maekauaiiemy", Krotluntl .ck, X. C. Th arBsimi, of tbia Iiixtitution lieoln M the tirat Monday In January ami third Monday in Ati(tu-t. Eocalion healthy ai d dnsirahle. Soeieiy ctilliyatcd and moral. Hiimhimm rr !ollei( preparation. AveniBe oinenxis fl n p( r ye,r. Jfor oircu.ar apply to l . nAtif EV, June :a b n. Ay A K M S 1' I X (j S . U'ostcrn Xorth Curoliiiu. Is riirv open for tho 'eception ol ple is ure seekers mid im alids. 'I Ins loveiy pl.i.-o is .situated in the beau tiful valley ol ihn Ereneh Broad within eiL'ht in 1 Ins of railioa l. We Jiave a lino D; nil of music, attentive servants, and all other aee iiiodations to be found at a first cla-s wateriiu. place. Eor naitieubns apply for descriptive pamphlet, W. II. MOWKHTOX, M ' V 1 t f - Proprietor. C A 11 ''- K U Ij V N A h W A Y S C A It K I E S A Yoiirlj Tolit j f Iiisnriiiirc A fl A INST A C C I I) E N T 8 Yi' c..N SKl'irilK dXH I TIIK uoihi.i: mh: iM iii. 0 OK MOIIIEi',, AI.A, TWKXTY-KIVI-: 0KXTS Will Insure You Ai;:iinwt A'-ei boils for "no Hiv iu the Nino ol Til KEE TII'H'SANIi Il'll.l.Alts in ti,u evonl of Deaih, Or Slo l'l'ili WEEK INDEMNITY for Disabling Injuries,. 1, . ,n iv a 1 i', .-11 me nay '.'o Cents Two Diivm - 00 Cents I' i v-i, Diys . . . Jl.o,-, Ton (i ivs - . . s J ;-, Thirty Days .. 6.ou. $3.00 WILL ixsniK vor A'! AINST ACCIDIiNTS, l-l ' II THE TKHM OK I YEAliCT 81.000 K. E. lH'TI.KK. Aent, ,. , ' 'Velilon, N. C. May Illy. It. E. I: il I X T E It , Can be fnnnd ,y hii oiiieo in Enfield. I'liro Nitr misO;,Io (iiH lor tho Pain less I'Miaetin ,i p..,. ., ulw.n a on hand. June '.2 It. T E W fl 1 HI X U UOODSA T L. A. FARINIIOLT'S. JEST ARRIVED AND FOR SALE AT EXTREMELY LOW PIUtES. Reautiful Styles of Spring Dresa (hcd.s Iroin 10e lo otic per d. Isrow n Einen Suitings 4 4 wide, Piques from EM to '2oc. per yd. Hishop Ea.vns, Figured .Lawns, Swiss M uslins. lilack Aloacas splendid quality and very cheap. 50 peiees Spring ('aliens CJe par yd. 4 4 Illeacliini; at lie. XOTIOXV. Ladies Collars and Cuffs, Silk Ilanrlker. chl-fs. Ladies Silk and La.-ie Searts. Tllek Comb". Ladies and Hunts Li-ln tlirea l filoves. Seamle-s llo-e and Half lloso whitu and Ntriped. 2 fintloii Kid I, loves 7'ie pr. Ilainliuru EdeiiiL-s and irisortlngs. White Oloyes, Whilfl Ties. Silk and Leather Kelts. Li. .en Eosom Shirts, Percale Shirts, ic. Ladies Some G liters and Slippers, lionts English Ties ami (Jaitwrs. Ladies Patent Leather and Morocco Sipl- pers. Mis-.es ami Children Shoes. Fine Calfskin I! jobs. CLOTHING. Just to hand ft nicn assortment of tbe neatest styles spring pants. HI tits Flannel Suits. Linen Suits, White Vests, lliaek Alpaca Coat a. Light Cassimeie Spring Puits. II A I S. Straw Mats all sizes and prices, wide brim wool and felt Hats. .!( KKII.S. This department is kept up to its usual standard. Sntf.ir, Collon. Bacon, Lard, Flour, An , as low as they eau bo bought isouth of iialti rnore. I keep on hind all kinds of Furniture, Prices urn reduced to conform to the K ieaeity of money and the hard times. Call before purchasing clsowhere and Haye money, oetl7-ly A 1 V E It T I S K M EX T S . T . G 0 0 C II GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS 0 F COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON, CORN, &C. K IC EPS ON HAND 0 " A P K R T II A X E V E II. Iain now reeeivint; Spring Goods nl, most daily and il is really astonishing to sen how cheap fronds aro. Articles and prices aro too numerous to mention. However I w ill name a few. Hi st Prims from B 0 C,. Host Brown Cottons from BJ to 1 . I est Itloek Cottons from (i to 12j WauiMitta lileaehinus 2A, Dress ( .oods Now St les from 15 to 5. l'iquo lieauties from 10 to 25 els. Coals and Clark' Spool Cotton filjis or ti"i per iloz.m . MIOKS. 11 TS. AMI CbOTIIIXO VKKY LOW It Dl'EISlK.si TEKY LOW. Syrups from RStnfiO. Old Fashion New Orleans Molassis 7.". Host Km Coilnes from 1(1 to 2(1. N leu White Sugars jo Side Meat 7m Shoulder Mei't fteta Liverpool Sail Kactory mi 4 HU,,BS 1 hive thrown on niv counlers about ihio Thousand yards best prims, dark colors nets per yard. It. P. SPIERS, AP'i! lo If. Weldon, N. C. 1878. S V It 1 N , 1878. liESTi'il'S my woi Iter ol l ith. r 'Wi localities. Partii vorib ?"i f.ee. I1111.ro, al this biminesM. Address Siinn.in A Co., Portland , Maine. jun,. 1 1 y. s von can enumn in. tier ibiv 111 .tiln liv any w.n Iter ol either set, r:l. t il Iheir cwi loi'Hlities. Particul irs 11ml no, les worib ?"i f.ee. Iini.r iv.i your spare lime ( ' woek in your own town. J."i Out ''"" lit fr.'ts. No risk.- Itendcr, il you want a husine-K at which persons of elihor sex eun muke ureal hiv all the limn Ihev work, until fur parlietiairi, to II. Hlr.KTT A Co., Portland, Maino. juno 1 1 y. O K T It t' A It O L 1 N A, II it I i Til v Coiiiily, Siiipi lorl ourl. Peyton A. Iunn, P.alnlilT An.ilnsi A"!,t'iO, ft- Kr- ! r!.- !'. E. 0-. , Maruaiet E. Iloeke, Ki'uiiim (. Itoese, John' S. Eei-M', hsi l.-s l Keese, l. Mfredilb Keese, Ai no d K.'lte.s.. and Virginia I,. Ite.t.., ail of whom reside tu the city .' Itiilim i.i in the Stile i, Mirvbuol tin. last nainod si x ..I vt li on are 1 11 1 nils, ho bav no ir u irdiaii in thn Mali, of 0r1U Caroliioi but who have ,,r their itoaidian Kreilerle K. lteesr o .iiid eitv ol Ealtimoie and st ito of Maryland, Helendaots. Action for reineeution of lnt ,e,.,l f,,r bind. It appearing from the aftldv:t filed Unit the Infant defendants Kecai (I. He,so John S. Keese, Chniles E. Keese, 1), Men. dith Kami), Arnold K. Itee.sa and Virginia L. Keese, niter dun dilii;i,iee cannot be lonnd w ithin the Slate of N,t, c.roli,.,, and do not r wid In said Siate but niidn intha eity of Itiltimoro in tho sta ol Maiyland iid haye no unardiaii 111 the Mate ol North Carolina and a Mim,, cannot bo served nn ihm person,,!!.. nn, H eanso i-f iietion will, 10 11,,, V,--,, i...,i.... of this court exists in frvr , ft hi, rluir.tiir niainst said Infant ib,',.n,h,nts. Thnsaid Infunt .leieridants are hereby iioluiKl ,) rf., ,;,e, ,, b and appear n't ihe next term ol ihn Superb r. rt f.r the ountyof r.ixtibeh..l, ., tl, , .,., Hons., in Ihe town of lliillfix ,,,, ,Uo third Monday of Simtem her A. II pc 1 1 ."'- ru answer or demur lo the comprint Mlnss John T. (ireor.., Cl.'rk ol nnr Court at oili,.,, In llahfai thin 7th I nm now opening c'aily, NKW S V R I N G D R K s s : O CDS, IN THE Latent mill Most Uc. ruble tSlyles, Foil Tint Coming Skason. A run STOCK OF GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, MOLASSES. NAILS. & C . Which will be sold low for CASH. J. T, COOCH, WELDON, IV. C. npr (1 fi n TELEPHONE- NORTH STAR. CENTENNIAL. PAPA CIGARS AND CLUB HOUSE Arc the best 5 cent Cigars. They are Havana fillers. LA VALENTINE, EMANCIPATION, MARGARKTTA. it GRAND DUCHESS Are clear Havanus. These Cigars are sold by all first-class dealers. Manufactured by MA NT (DUE & fO., MhS -3m rrotoMetors Charleston Tiraneh of the Havana Cigar Factory. A T T E NT 10 n7 F ARMERgT 7 r.o ??r, .r.rr.r..'"...,'T vnng ffm th. d. P L1MK lor 7.50- VEH TOX, CASH Wl r'll OBnTK OF B KG A INS IX UlllK MILKS AND CASIIMEIIKS, RRAXCII AGENOT FOR K. EUTTER1CK k CO, Ci:i.i:ni:.vn:i) Fattkhns. Samples of Goods nod Ctaliifue of Pattern Mint on nj, plication. Address, K. It. HI.AMIRR, 1 bi Main Street, Norlolk, Va. .Mareli 'j:t Um. SAW, WKI.DOX, . N. C. nK K.K .V CDXKKt'TIOXKR. Maouta 't tires all kinds nf pUin and fan. ev i" in lies. Keps iilwavs nn Hn, (he fullest Ntoek of i 'ii'nti.., Kruits, Xntn, ,ve. ... i... i.o.u.i 10 i.rtii.-iii a.i.iii 1 arnlma lueh lie selLs hv ivholewild ,,r n,tai, ' Orders or weddimr purlieu, ami falls pre an d on short nolle, nod al most roa- siiiihiiIi. prioes. ( el ilo II'. r II E M A 1 E S I II 0 8 P IT A T V kctt0' -"1 W Biven .ati.- K.eshand Blond, and ;?ly require,, a trial' tln T,a J0?? it for tbe samo prion m Mapos, T nnii;t,li;iinaHl.onl,r..,n,i,n.1;.l..i ousure its coMiiiuied use. I will sell M nnrl -n exorbitant chargos made when T-Mberal Cash Advances on COTTON PFAXTTTc .u ,T,., DUCK. Ad.t- S other COUNTRY PRO- Mareh 23 .1m. JNO. O'CONNOR JB. POUTSMOUTU, Vy. J. 11. mil er . 1. i e 1 v o . ..... WJillTE, STAINBACK J H. OOOCH , JR. & GOOCH. XV fi. V. SUCCESSORS TO J. T. OOOCH 1 i. UOOCli'3 OLD STAND. Ilayejusi opened their Fall Stoek of ood., which they pfW lo tBe ir.,,. f w ii 1. a 1 a ki 11 .. aoo m, SHOES NOTION'S I K LADIES DRE63 J1AT8. The stoek itomprlses a full line of HEADY MADE CLOTHING, DRY "GODS, HOOTS, CAPS, The largest aioek of UROCKRIKS, fiUOARa, SALTS, SOAPV. .ir'.. to l,n found in Eastern N'nrth Carolina. I hey call attention to thi.ir toei, f tt, ftmntrs MILES I'lIILADKLIMIIV, IIM) MADE BOOTS ASD Snnf, KoIlnth LADIES and t, EXTLE.MEX, COFFEES, TP.A8. (' L O T II 187S. I N G I JVO. T. (iKEiiOltY, Clerk Sui.erior Court, J fine in I I r v ,. . . 11.1111.1x Countv. irincipai. j 1 . X. , l,n, al t . for j U.in 1 ill . Juno lo ti iv. Sl'Rt.Vti AXI) Sl'MM ER STYLES Jrsr Uki t:iVKi At I n Ii IVulbrr A ('i No Hi "iyeamoro Stioe!. FIXE DKFSSSCIls, FIXE HI 'MX ESS SCITS iioY.s- and via; lies cLoTiiixo. A full linonf all urades of lw-H,lv.U.ln Clothini? tor Itov's, Youlh'H. anil Men, from three yiars old up at piieos to unit ine ui.ii'ft We keep nil Ihe latest, styles of CenU' Fnrnishinir Hoods on hand. Samples nn hand. C tithing and Shin, made to order at nor Ilaliimnro house t short notiee, at Italtimore prieea. I'lease Kiveusaeall In fore huvlnR. NO.VII WALKER. CO. IM NYCAMO UK KiTlll'.KT, IVlcrHliiirg, Yb. ALEX, F. SHORT, ) AflKNTS. J.fiEO. WILKINSON, J UOt.ER ATKINSON Salesman. Oct 3- I Y T. N. WHITE, A. L.STA1NBACK. W 11 I T E W E & STAIN BACK, J O N N. I liavejust re'urnrd f.ora the North with the Urt0,t etocU of DRV GOODS, ANf) IKAUT MADu CLOTHING, 8UOES. HATS, BOOTS, GROCERIES, RfDLKS, AND H0TI0S?; AND CAPS, SADDLES, COLLARS, veroUercd in ti,i market, which they arc telling O W V O It CAN II. They eall espeeial nttnniion to their Stoek of DRESS GOODS nnrl TRIMIXOS. Ji- "V 'W

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