THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVKIU'INIXU HATES. i"T 1S Iff Av I 3 3 ! THE ROANOKE NEWS. A MCMOCKATIC W K K K L Y N Y, V S V A P 1' 11 , PUBLISHED BY IIATf IIKI.OK !t I.OIK1UKT, ptia Ynw, in a i vanco, Hix Months, " foroa Month , " K en l en '" PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T W. M A S 0 N . ATTOKSKY AT LAW, cuuyshur'J, x. c, Prni'M(!"s in Ihi' cunts nf Nnrtlni'iudoiti and mljoiniiiir counties, also in llin Federal jiud Sn iron n cum is. os. it lurcuiuih-. AITUllM V AT l.XXV, U VLKIGH, N. c, in llvi nonrts f III" filh Judi liisti inl and in Hid Kv1it.1 . n 1 1 mi- prome Court. May 11 if. W.ll.TKIt!!, filloi -.h, N. C. I'. T. I I. AUk ll.ilif.ix, N. 0. 0 L .V 11 K it A 1 ATl'OHSKY AT MiV, II VL1F vx, X. c. Will nr s 'tien i:i the, (tn'ji-ts of Hal. fix U,i a jonnn.; coiinui!-' March HI If II. KITCU'iS. W. . lll'NS . DUN X , K I T (J !1 K N AI'DHNr.Vi 0 it,'Nsi;T,r,'ltiS AT WW, Scitlliitiil .Vccli. litilil.iv Co., .'.' PiM'i'.iiM i:i th i 0 iirt a li liniii , i! i i 'i: i'i i, and pad Fa 1 or a I (1 nuts. i of IMii'.i iv. rl i:i tip) .Supi'niho Jill 18 If UM.VS. N. HILL, Altc-tney ill l,y.y, II LI FAX, N. C, Cnetaeris in l( ililHx .n.-l di!ni.:ir Counties all Federal an 1 So "rune ( 'vim . N. Will tu nt So .li in 1 No.), ouea every JoriaiUht. Aiu. 28-a W. W. Hut. II A L L W. D II. TVlY. A. V ATT03NSY8 AT LAW, tti:i.o v, sr. r, Pri'itloi in thn courts nf l.alilix nni! adjoining o.nCitilies, and ill lliu Supreme ami Fe.ltiri.1 u mrt . ' Claims oolleetod In at'-y '' "f Xoiili Carolina. ju:i 20 1 'J MML'Hli J. Willi! HT, ATTORNEY AT L.W. Pruotiom in tlin Court of Northampton anil ad)oitiin", ciuuliu-i. soil 11 1 Y v I L. II VT M A N 'ur AT FOR WHY AT L&W HALIFAX, N. C. PraitioK I'-. Ili, emrts of Iti'i -.x an.) Ailioiniuif c iiiti'iin, an I in th' Supremo an 1 Felonl Court'. : CUinn o.iU.;toI in ail puts ni North Carolina. Olll;.) In the. Oe.irl .1 ':sc j ily 41 0. O 11 U It T O -V, -r u. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, K. C. J'ranlii'O.s in llio Courts oT Filif.ix Tnuntv. mill l,'i ml1.'' mli'iinine- In tin' 'Utiuramu t rii". ol U:o !Sl itn, iiuj ir. llio Folnral C.inrK. Will irn-1 -iti i -ill att ili in to tl;o n.-lloo-tion nl'oliiiiii. iii I to .ii!jntii.K llio ;mt nin! bf Kx3Mtors, A lniiitr.t.)r.H an 1 linar dians. lioo-lVII M. G Li I . A. E I ATT01JSY AT LAW, H.VUFAS', N. c. OlTlon in tin Court IfmM". SI riot i-.tton-givon to all br.inclios nf ! o iro;w ion. j ' ' I! U K k N C II, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KXFIKI.n, UYUIAA I'.H'XIV. X. ' Pr itiiMH iu tlio C ointlos nf Halifax, 31 mb, l'Moe milt i tnd Vi iisi.n. ' Collnotioin m ilo in i-ll prls f Ilm A M S K. () ' II A It A, AT T 3 e! M S Y AT LAW, Pruetliws in thn ToiritovS nl Halif, JCdeeoinha ami N'.isli. In ti n .Suiiiome V'ourt of the Statu mi l in tho l'luleral 3olirtit. . , ' ivttu .lions in ilo In iinv cart i too .Statu. V.'ill iitieml at IU ourl I i illlrt" IU llnllfax'ou V-omiay and 1'ii.lav "I ,'" 'h onk. j tu l-'-t ' a j, JK D It F. W J. V P. TO ATTUXXEV AT LiW, WELDON, N. C. ' !ractle(s It; thn ilonrts of Halilai, War den Mid Norlliimptoii o nintios an I in the ."Surtrouie and ke.leral Coiirtu. ' CUinis colleelud in any part of V'HU Oaroliiia. Juno !' llUKS II. Ml'l.l.r.'.'. lyj- u r. l e N .'.li:: . k.o. Its. MOO 11 K . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ilitlllrti, y. v. rraotieo In thi Coo.ntios of lli.lil'ax, Norlhaml to i, K lij.'eiimhe, Flit ami Mar tin In tnu Supromn Court of tin' Slate vi. I In the l'udural Cuui ts ofttiu Kaslurii Distrlet. Oolloetious mad iu any pait of North Carolina. Jim I I n A ii ft A i. VOL. VII. SOUTHERN JESSAMISE, !1:iii tv 1, lis ol oo I n- u'olili-n, S..vinis ;;!illy lii-ro m.l llioro, 'it lliiiu; iii'H i.ory ol.loii Ti'iiilp.- IioIIn hj suc.iit urn; fair : rn win i rroiii tlio rioli nrpin tno'os I n I ii' i so If i nn I' Ti'-il's sh hi" ; t'liokiiiii ro'iiiil mi'in'iri;il .'ros-cH, S lion ilm do I i:i po:i"o n i o l;u I ; Ko:ioliin; ii f oin mil llio slm.'ow Ol I ho I llioli won I's 1 lit i'li 0 i !:r vi-o ; f'l'nililiiL-.t ii-ii.i:,lhriii;li llio liraiioluw, 'I'll It li;, ii tliOj;niy nin, s lilmy laro Panslni: wlion :ii 1 oil, 1 1 iunipli in, Thcv ih" sun', lii iiili!. lit o I'uiiiul I! loo in ioi; u'l.vly f mil in i; hoi in m l'.ir i'.I.jvu ilm ii'iKoin" it fri ! 1 1 . In the ilim oi l son'liorn f III I'l.l a ol snh'iii i. ,1 i r In I'I i'lll-ll L- I V i V lllt'-O fill i an I I...'. Sliiuiii',' I'o i ;h .i h; it. ' oi nil. Thm vilh ix) ami sirruiv eoi-r ll.ipo oiitwinoih, fair mul In k'ht ; C'oVl l-iiiij .p 1 1 U III llllll illllklli'M-i lit' nf! lo li' iuon's li'hi. A TRAGSUY. I.Y ri: !) il s.NTH:l!I. "Aro yon nut ooii,o nni, for a v.n'il; Ihis iifii-iinoii, Miiiio':" askoil Miss 1'ii'vt hi nf !ior i rwiv ii". 'cc "Yi'S an tio,'' i ir i 1 v r-; y voire, and a yoiri i;itl nipi"."! u tl.ost ii.'s. ho vi'i'S hU'iiclor, a'Mi oi.l'.v ..! t ! ij; ! i 1 1 uiih tl.i.l: I). nv:i lioi,, (",.' brows a d i yo-':.M'.i":. c!'.' ir oomIo ; hi nni! ilfi'p I. Ino I'W'i. that I n i.O'l at y.iti fl lllll'S-.h', :i. S l' IlC. 1 , (. ; y ,.;- vi-ry ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 at ulmcn la iitot, ulio wasl iialo.' t s;i.-i v to Uvu young moil in llio, wlios' ir.iiti.'M woio ri'sifcuvulv K I i"i Walters an I riio, oa.s W lis in . Tlio lili'T a yni'io r.i;i!;i'i' tii',0 livcij noil' hi'. It ! ::; "f ini il'iiui lioioio, s'.i ii ii;-l 'mil '1 an. I s'raihl, wll o lun'o 1 ati 1 to, ilt lo farm in i;i tirtvO ho 1 .y. .1 !'. Tt.8 i tlior lovor, Tom Wi'mi", wir th.! vii' ioiii t ciiiii!'! a ii:y ihi." i! Ii.ul co'iiu nut Irion l'.iiiiiilt'li!)iii a low ni cks pt ovions to ' (.' en unit! 'i'tf -iimnt of nnr niitralive. II : lin'so'il lilio a iiuhnh, run he ! iv as what iniolit termed hand iiiK.' ; it lor some leas n or nt her he was n it popular niiiof.o ihe VI i:i:'"IS. Milan h i,l mot hiii at her aunt's with .ilium s! o liv..' 1 lie askc I pormi-si in to i'imI Ihe lioiM', w' wis oiaiit.d, a' d ere a mo .th p 1 In: Ii o! pro pniid in.d aas i-.'c i a plain, a'laihllui ward no. lie erne ue aiu and nain, to i eceive llie same, nod was li ally I'.u .idde.i liie buns.! enti.vly. riiij ' X isperaled hioi, :'.u l !:o vol'! venoon co mi the f 1 1 I ,va : d ii a l- I hi s, to lio in he s.i.i le ('.'.o.l dolVi'.t. Miiloi's father 1 m t .e;' h 1 !u en .lend several Vi-ai . a'".! s'.i! aS h it to tlie cine "! her am.t to whom we In-. e already l.oen inir, duci .1. The c-.t ::e was (i lite l.ifoo, and ;:' (iu-.! I r hi : t'Ui'.y l:,vii'i', It woul.'. t'c I. r 1 to f. ! a in i. e iu v iii p a'j 'tir t o '. a 'O.l.noii'r ,r a bt'e'i n il t i t!; place, sioioiy knti.Mi lis '. ii1 1 r !.'.'. u larui. I oe h oasi , a tv; i ,. situated in a spacious j:r.m d acres tilled with shide, iiu'l. ii.Cnta! lu es, was m-erly In I the road by Uroii tins that . no; n e, several itl'l Ull,".- Ir.i'.n the :.tietche.l their arms over and in ml shin like oii irdiaii oi.u.'.s. house to t'oe ea-taa,,!, i. il the ui I m to In Iroi t ol the early a qi; irtci' uf a in ill! distaut ami doisii a radui! slope. lav a be.suti'u! Iiltle !l. ,e'- of water The p '.'ii to ihij led thri'tioii emte a r.iVB nf limb -r and pail nl '.!.-! way al.-c-a a reuia- t c old M.1..0 fence cni l s- 1. o tne e .ft' past'iro. ('1 ie:c..i i the beach I .vol,' scvk' en", the ee. i ho id). ue vi'us cuveii'd with siieili; and (.en tiles il' eveiy cuiiceivat it! Coiur an 1 shape. A tastily (iiii.ted boat, the (irouetty ul M liie, was nine! ed there, and the waves was'.it d soles. Wll le we vteie udiiiuino '.lie 'cture, Millie came tiq-pi g il 'Wti tin: path totally niiciiiici us nf nil ai.mii.l ber llt-r pi t 10 v, ,v,i...b il1, put head over the letico ami I n lo t I r too csu. 1 Ciiievsi'S, lui'il a awiy ili-app .ii.le I wuii, h riii, what coll.l the uia'.l' r witli her youiia ni'e.n ss. I' iciieo ihe vicinity of the painted, s 10 throw herself into a nti.' so it Listened L l ie roots nf a lino t or oak '.110114 water iii.d the bold cltlls k'.u d. iippe.ired lesth'ss and .n'- cilpied. produced diawiio! inileii..!.! but tapped licr bold: iaiiuiictiy with i.u cil. I'u Ki'iitly she arose, j ir.i.i''' i,.to I. tile, hoat and was so 11 shuuuiiu the plact I w ilei ; 1.1 the du tv io 1 of iilln r si. me, io :u ly h ill a m,'..' d -Il was a very ditl'ere it s'ioio l.oo! one th" tii y boat just left, be:n vm a lain, " place 1 11 aci o'.ii.t i l ti e the ill Ii. r uv el toe L in', ti e d of pi I- (i,u,i!:cu!ar rocks list, 1 Irom twc'.y to li I'l v leel 1 :'..:,'('. whole occ isioually the stone and du t failing lien above had hi. cJ up the 1 .ht! in a I e ,v places s as to form a laii.'i te 1 or t i e ity f ' ct io leiiLUh end lr,,i:i lliici lo ten Ice', wide. 0 ir heroine moored her boat nt tw o of these (ihice-, j iniped nut and com nieicid Ic pluck wild P. nvrt , hiimtnini; a favorile ho',14 now liuppy as il bud. She stepped under en uv rhiuiiug ciid In (duck 1 floiTer which i'.ltrncted her atteiili 'i', wneu suddenly she heard a noise nhiivo her, and sut'.ieihin'' heavy Cell from where she bad been slt'-ndm" thru a splash iu the wa'er. (Ju tin ni"(i nrimud she In lield the pale and quiver ing face nf Thorn vi Wilsun nt her Let, and beloiid, in ihe y.aler, mis I'dward Wnlt 'is, slrue.lii;o ne.d nppnrei liy tiunble tu reach the shorn :ll!)ouoh lie wao a emid sv. iiiiuier. Iu moment she was iu her liulo bjul uud boou VVELDOX, ro.iuin d tin; si.li1 "f Iter ilroivnino I'-rer. Ilo cm;!'t lit. !.l of the biat, ro-.'.til hiiixoll, an-! as smti as lie cuulil giin siiliicioi.t breath va'ul, "Mv i!u line, y nil li.ivi1 siveJ my life; I coitlil not have reached the slime alone." Jlill'e w is silent, orent lea s dimmino her lovely cyi s ami her p i'.' , n s'lu'i! lips wll. spi lino a prnver to II. mvoii sii.i wiue.l (ho nier ('mm the young mail's laC'i i i u lioiti" 'l:si:ovi'te.l an nj;!y near llio loH lomplo. She hastily b mini itiii wita her liaol kerchief ninl rowed the h.ut .slinly Inward liie shnro. They soon readied llie rocky l i ibo, li I waul sli ciiiiijino to llio silo of liie bin', where hv the aid nl a hnsli ho ilioiv hiiu scll Ir.ini the v; iter, "Yli;i! can no do for Lim asked Miiiio in a s ihiliii'd voioo. p .'i. ti .o ti ll'if ipll 't l"Pli ol 'i'.'lll V.'i'ivin. 'l, o. ho ha I boo.,. I i feel bci!er, aJv.liieod a s'."p, '..i ll "! iho hody pattly nvcr, turned toward M llio and sini. "W o can do t;i Ihio" for, hiai dailing ; he loll loci nod struck on the side ! his head. We will send the roper pi rs' ns for l.iai when e ic;k!i llie v illaoe..'' ivlaaid sealdl hi use',!' in Iho boat ami Millie picked up the a-S and t.rtc;l fur homo. "This will iii'Tcr (In," ir iti'sted K I wild; ' vo'i inii-t It mo lake your I l ot '. I leisl iniicli .,tron:;i r now." ' ,' roi'lied V, want yon (o tell mo how nil ihi. I.nppi ned, ami ymi cu.'t tow and talk; be.i.lis, I like the exorcise." "Very wol',' must nb"V. t'.ii lifiornoo. tint ran- al way. .l ist tie s lid c I a nd, seeiiiii ho I st it ; e:l for the;;" I ii;i: o iha i i.le t tad ! the Dhill" part uf '.ho 'ore ri.'iic'.'.iiio tl.e place n here saw a llie r his runs iic.iros! tao metis I i i . it r II .Ml e.'OIll! I WllltS (110, and. I k i:,vs,?T ii 'ii o (t i'.t;! si iwlv. As no in ated each oilier I leeo"' ir.ed I I.,. , '!, W,!.: ,n fn, ... ,.iiri.'ii i .f (iC'.or and said vnod ilterao in ; 1 i'i . . I he h id ' s- ,i US I indo oe, i e from bol.h.d v.i I, i i i, ! ; iii i.i ii i.". rut Iv u one oil : I'.e.ny wapiei ami cut the ; aw on ::i' li'iiiido. i loll Irniu .nn, ...ii. . I I-." my h io ( ".:te heloless t lit not in ".ih'e. with Mv ! in v t'lon p lied me ui,, in d I lliu' U'l , d cttl it s lh. it I could 11 t Holler - j I st in, I, carried ma to the verge nl' tlio j 1 pieJpife as i.far r. I colli I ti II, J I made a mnti m to tlirmv tne nnr, b it ! the eailli and fill oil which h" was standi '" oavo wav nni'. wo wot:! both I 1 ii'cini'aled (luwnwi-.rd. .' ho'it half ' wa,' down I Still, k the top ol a 1.11 au tieo iluit rew Irmii a cievi e, wh eh cniiM.h'! ably lessened tlio i-peed at which 1 I wa.. "oino, and lns!:'.:i 'i.e 1.11'. it t the ; nator; ie e 1 would have stun k 011 :tl,e ieliilo" ' 1 y. ilho shield 'red but r.,wed silently on 11 I'd t'.O'' re 'c'o'd t:io otliei' si.lo. 1. liv 1: d !i i 1 a 1 far 1 o,: n.t I tint he s ir-u'S I."-.-'.." ' !;,'r C I"1, il l of ')., k. I O'll Wils 11,' friends i:i Ihe I rt c 'lh c'.i in id memory alive lore an ! as-ii 1.1 tne the bill!' ! to iLsr.ii- b nly w is s 'nt to s', and r. 'thi io hm l.'.s the the ti.:",. ly his io Ihe io al.b.l! h 'ml 'I lid live mo hoe.-e. o, excliauot! Millie and K Luiii I, qipi'v to M' in A id "'ii lie s ivs s'i. li ' in ii 1 1 th .it 1 s won! I u h r ho. n palace. or l.ushai.d I'. r a ptiuce and u IHE E,";3 OF A MIRACLE. ll:! l,et:i;:i has C in -o to V ll...; ",1 !:; of s''ocul itor Ill linrac! it tel. List spr'n o a smal tov.'i in le.o the dep: t !., no l nl' the Mouse .i-iene l '.!':il iv the Yi10.11 M u v io an .ipple tire. I iiis w..s I U 1 1 upon as a miiaclo, an i lie ft -1,1 in w! '.'10 apn'e '.roe ilo -d v.' is cl 1, at:,': a c'.i '.eel i.v; I'rected on the ground. Thou j niis ol pe 'pie ivi.t on a c'llriiiiitye to the won del la! auplo tree, and b(iu;lil phot. er.iph.s .,1 th: Vii 'in i:i the tree i.s she was -1 en by til" file "uls. T.o' c ei"v li a'iv w ai i.ed the people a:; iii s'. lh imp 'S 'l 01, and investialioii soow ,! tlio ,.!.!. -eheaio .;s th,. dick or noun ivie ..I luo'h:.ip specula!, r-, who pr., lie : 1 t 1 tiade mi the credulity id or ml people uf Ihe dis'riet, A j weM-!..n 'ivn aetie.s bid s' ind lor the : iihotn.'r.iiili in a dress suppoMtl lo bo suitable s dry v; 1 Tue pi'ii oienl lo .1 the ncc i' 1 'I', el thi! in n.vei.ti 111 1 I lie specill it' I B. 1 :"d to i.iipttson. i,i il iv is s 'id, 11 :' ll,.-oe years, an ll.e sbenl!" ul), mt . ) -SSI's-.'. ij'ple tree uf Ihe ir. peity VIRTUE IN W.HS TLIXG. A 'i old f.irour once said he would 10 t 1 have ll hired man nil bis farm who di I not habitually nlf:.'.!e. nl.vays hired nhisCcrs. Sill he ney-T knew a vil.i-tli' '4 laborer to f, ol fault with his f .od. his hod, or coiiidai 1 of any Fttlu exti.i wink lie wis asked to perform Sack a man :is youei ,l!v kind to clid ilieu, 11ml to an: 11 ah: in bis tare. He woul I whistle a cli'dlcl into warmlh ami l,l, nnd would Inine; ill his lint full of ecus from the bun ith out breiik'tng into nf llieni. Ill luuml such 11 nun tii'ire rnreful clos'nrj gates, puttiiit; tip bars, and feeing that the ions on his 1 1 hy were all properly tiohtetied before lie took it nut into thn lid.!, lie never knew a whisilino hired man to beat ur kick u cow, or diivn her Ha a run into thu stable. He had in tieed that the sheep that he fed in llin vurd or shed (.lathered around him us he whistled withmt leji-. fli had never eiiplovcd a whistler itha was uut ' thourlulul nud ecoiiumical. X. C, SATUiiDAY, JULY 'A WHAT HER LOVE COST, 11 Y S.W.I. V A. IU'JlltS. ' Yes. Lovi, I will marry you," nnd the wimdr. usbrnan eyes weio raiod a uinineiit to Levi Warnick's dull (.rii nni s ; "lint you must nut nltempt to m i ki! me love you, Yuu are my Inthi'i's choice, n 't mine, remo ehcr. You know I no Horace Jlenly, nnd would rather marry llio poor blin:kiuili than you wi'h ymir llinus mds. l i now, I will meet yon at the altar one week from to ..nielii." "li d. i ..'..hits on, you will repent before y ur al .? many months my bride. I ca i air. id t i wall " Il was iho old vt iit, t!u father s-l. ing his ehil.l for (; Id. w is utvii heaiily, and L ivi Warnick cimo for ward as soc'iiri ity nn condition th il L' ! i sh.'til I b- his. 11 ! ha I Hied by lair means to win her, and failed, liny.' I.e uniild buy her. Th ! wi ildi g was very Li 1 1 would not c itisont to an v d:s;dty. Tne next day she went In her ne.v hna.e, eli'oantly fiirnishcrl, at d supplied with ihroo servants. Her falaei's notes wore cancel). a the siino iiioi oiiio, and h" ei t 'i ed with n z.a! into b.i HISS l."vi did iinf fn-.L'e e.tleiitiotis upon his il'e. Ilo we'll knO'V hoiv di-t islel'..:l hi, presence was to her. H. was not hand s one. Shri, very (1 -shy, with bu-liy rod hair, lare lips uiid snia'1, dull eye, hewisti 'ta man that a pretty, till, iiaci liti like Lid i wm:l 1 I'anev. Ho knew his livul, nnd risnlvid fust lo delrny h in. then try r. iin to v, in her hive, Horace wi-.s not in .ei'.siiiie ti il illorv, and though he Colt LiUrrly to ward L'.i for wtnniio; L; I i, he eon-s-'i'toil 'o lake cliaroe uf a I iron shop a foro ia i f. r much higher wanes than he I, .id ever before U'Coivcd. As bii'itiei-s men I'lo two now In ijuently I n ' . and 1, '.'l invai i ihlv ti i'ate! to hrau.iy or ciius. II i a , i 1 1 e . I: l in'llU-l II'" n,. .i . i . . i. in., i i. .1 :.. , , ,e , , Micro,,,,, , cv,ry ,!1 e l,,e tin t A'ter ex ni' booati to teil I, ielh uf h tl If as I to lis that h.! won d til! Ci .iii- U"t she disci. aro. Ho:: ...Ins. ui ace. (list dr..-1, d, hut. hoc u 1 y u 'v 1 s nv 1,1.11 1 eel v'. ik toward a shop, 1111! "iio hi .1 ini'i'.'.i.'r Ir ' i', i.e! 1 ell' hi:; buried in to iok and then under ! nut, and ; iccoed t 1 f.ioe 1'. ',: Il her s:a"'.'ii:io if line proles', t ..k l, d 1 .1 i'i loi.ioia her la"o id 1 1 1 .it v. .1 1 e rn" .y i street t. v. .ul: I she wa? sarpii. d le v m iulhs h i I in i nt th.? , in,,! a ch.i : satis! ict i on li,:i ncr si L 'v,' I ', he si' ,ho d: I tu t ivtJl to let':' l In r oriiier lover. vi wisely made no comment:!. The .,i , he I 6 itll" o.o ! lor v. 'n u mo as ,.o c:t a: e his ile w as ni n: in i kisso 1 her !.i time since she into I! I'O: In tit nvcr ho fl st v, i'o. 1 1" p!- had so ( ti en the Ivr, dell seen l.i.'.i brow, hecame lor ! bis ceil hu'.tily at the 11: nu t i nt ly waited lor I er li.:u:e ,,f iloc.ce rce 1 ed and fallen as she that (J I V . J:liillL! tiside book she came to her liushand's side and laid her hand iu bis. 'I'eideily he diew her 10 his bosom, klsspd a:tin o, iioiiin ll.e lips 1 )u c Us it : 1 i blows, a n il in th t hour al! 'ii : esiia ,00 i.e t vanished no ;i taeir lives. I n! h 111 .1! I.iill it ' ei 'S 'd t s e'etv w is thro-va Olieo. ) d 1 1; , 1 lie ti,,. I.' T i I th ' j 1 i .l.ion i'll.- Wei 1,1 and us 11 11 "to :. r k i In wet in.d I I'w'i- s!,.- I ihevi d t'.. it a 1 kin I I . .'V i oe hi! -:i'i I her fr 1:11 b i, I her Ir wife. 1: ,:' a soul i 1 iv .1" .1: t n n ' I l;'n w tli it L I . .o.c. 1, . . LITTLE TIM. The b ly w:th ihe I' isk t "f app'.'s w is h ilf :i ho i: l ite yi'st.-id iv at (lie v'"n tr il s::,:i ni f ,r Cm li st lim i iu 'i: ' in-. ..lii-, a. d who, 1 ho ci lie i:i lie wis ' w il'.uut his b.sko, and hi- ryes iM'ic j led n il swollen. lie's been suc'l n .ti iiolit, sq 1 11 e Imy lh it lie Inn ninny ll ieinls mi lh n. rr, ami lie was ut boothlicks bad been OIH " llslted il Cilb'll'io", l-.lll. '.So, not cm," yell remember lliat hu "L Slid, "Hilt 'el!e I'i n," Ion l w h I w'.lh C11 nn) me ':" hcie unci) in a v. hit "Lh'le Tim I 1 es !Ki is yot.r hl'othel ' "Finn's '.vl"ll lie l'!i'.ikio" liim to ell ch,t,'!?e" W. ll, little wis, and ni'jdi 3 nie wits in nke Ti 11 L dead 1' N it" ' .s Wlie i iv ik ! up nt d'lvlij'il this no mul.; In: was ru i III ,1 op to my hick, col nnd do id I Ihe Loid t "!( hitii in ihe tiioht, sir, and wasn't it nwlul. sir, that I wasn't iiaake to (iiit my inns orer hint ami hu hi-j Ihtle l.t'Ji'. Under mv thin I ' "K's awli.l on US all, sir. Lather's sitting iu a corner, cnit.e; like a child; Hio'liei's weeping a"d wailing, nd the rliihlien are sin lol'-.i ig little rim's cm Is and 1 ailing on him lo wake up I That's why I haven't biouqht the appl-s, sir, and thiil's why 1 won't bo here fur two or three il iyi We'm Rot to bury leel! ! Tim, w l.nve, and I don't see Low we can ever gather iiroued the slnvo again of an cvo dug and be ly'u g in the grnvey nil. I'm big, sir, but 1 tau t belli but cry, and I wish I I." A' d may tlio Lord seat litlls Tim at at His riebt k ind and ojva Lim a crown of fjory. 1878. WORK, Thrre are men and wu.nen who, hav ing w iked'n.o a h.i(i, fl id it imposMble l i re .-t. Mmy ul tell yuu that one.' th'y ciilJ be uiodeiiitely happy when resiii.e, now they dire rest nn more. Thev may try to iniiku work less urgent, es fenerish ; hut it will not do to stand s ill. They are kontsino aid S 'liice.ihle Old by t v ; I ' ; Ihe mind perpetual occupation. F.verv i:i:e ton em'iei how I. itlirr said, "I rush out am oi.; pii ratlier th in sit still and d niilhiii"." L is sad, hut it is Inn, thai human beini;'., not much like Lather in any other chat aclei ist'c, urn like him in this; that they d ire not have a qiiet 11 lice, thu koir. wl'iil res ttto ah'ehul, ipiuie, chloral; hence the ci I v in " lor inn: ' ess, which is liMipuiaty am.i'iil ui in. It' pis can h' lp y ii, us Ihey helped Luther, be I'm. kuil. S Hue folk, buth clever nnd tiond, iii-i'd mure thin any pio emd', ur any virntv nf annual, for that in at li r. I'tf.v minds lire sell's .111 'in". All human beings who h ive attained mid dle aeo ii. ust ho h'.i'li cs' ed from with out. Il may he sicied nature, preen tiee, jjanloiiiu, pis, h unes, liu' cniiipaiii ins, i. u ry or ( net iiCJ l Iti ill ; hut in I oi.o'i I I ic liie ui ire as .in ed 1 "o t n i li i i m o lal I 'M or am that I tin ui hut (lull have ui i id he i Iv.' i 1 iioy tin I Inc'iist Ives e .,n'.'!t:v. .'.'I peopl ! in il i 1 ,i i i in id sn ne !s 1 : i I or thev 3.U3 m1!:ita::i s?uTr;?i3 znn. Hi ::i-yV, July - eorresji ui lent, S"ttl. to M iiiulaii., iirri'od nt lie id of ihe WiSto'ii Kailroad, to-div. Tne i'i.'hte.'ii mih s tbs'a ', to i "iru anvlhio ; del" i Condition, it is cm i iu by p ii-'.i' s v. ho fee. in mil! ii that m .re t)js.'iv.u'.s up 1M.I pliioe, the tie North (..'iioiina ni iiiutaiii beitip it is i op s'dh!.' to In : 1' i,s illy ici oled lioie . o.iy visited tin! iiim'jili'o imises ha.e I, ecu ho.ird ; als ', the (i.siite h is increased ten feet in width, nod a vast cave has hecn di-covet ed. The ruiidilii'os arc suppose I to h ive ben caused by iha la'.lii.o ul li'ar; boulders Irom the l '( to the ti iltoui ol this cave. I'.x.l reis h.vo descended into the Civ.' t 1 the depth of siiy feel by l'o ('-, u'th. ul li a : y tnu'ii ol llio liollom. Yuor eel 1 C: ii loues t - 1 1 v for t'.K moiiiiiai! the in.. I n'f'.o. fill 'W.ll dl'd i n'.i !:i)e:.'ts to I i'Vll'U in id part cui us will be I lilsp itch hy ui id. ll is le l lied he c:l'i;:''r o III A-livi oe tu, it a paiiy is or- to Visit ! 111! II (1(11, I t ,',u l!l. 1 ' 'I. .11 illl'O : .!.. a ! in i i )si r . or. .I'lo.l cs ,i , .it tin I I'iie t'ii.iihar Ya Mr Tiihaue stvs : t'ofe "0 I'lld.lV I.ISI .1 went fi-hin ' on .' '.' osville, an I stii.'CiT indy li.', ed in o nn. in- Ir uu a lis", a-li-I.J us -.'l ! ti l.s ill try ill to hi! t'i o; .al, ,.f it he br d." I null lii in out. !l:l' lie ninl men went to a Macks . id near by hi! ;. !..i..'k :, 1 h: of a bloy tp.i.iL'. and iif'.ci lisiino I:, is to 11 p'o.v line n n I Hint' it to a yi.iii'' s ipl. .0 h ' Ii lit ed his o I (s honk null ii yoii "" s, ui.." tiie I his luck ii" aio, and 10 a low miu- Hies iv ei oh one .1 tiio ll ; null 2 hi '. "I iishnre a Hull! that viys i! nny ills. .Mr. C s. a') 1 ? he c.ii I inht-, tin nl: I'.'id : .::.'m I. (iroiluce I.L'll- the latter l.oi.l l5ATi!!un. ',.,!'' V !.",i nie. Ft iv a (1 ui 1 i i'.t to 1 in lh ; : do. if, eke .1 hau liiil with your ihiu ch tlio- s-'adlilh if V Ul i k of ilf c , and b 'C mil 10 ton along wbon you c it'.oii io y.,11 fr nil 00 iu ha: li'ni", put (da , ol your e.u s Ph may ". ive 1 aruche, ;i' d pin i' lj-e; iVmi: 1:: 1::,.. seii 't:s trotdilo. Thoiisa ds e ill, li ea'e I In ear II ou'.lo I as arisen fi o,n f people: li sea-es whose oeltiii" water in ,T Iron! fatcb- : 'h"ir eats while bathing. 1 11 .1 ci.lil i,l such limes hy t"osiuoor 1 I n,'i;lect. Sill water is :ci'li o Iv inilat i n g to the lb iilMti! Striicl'iies of llie , ear. Yery told na'.et of the fieshest kind iinv, hojveiter, be equally hilKll'ul. 0U3SEoJSES A co'isciouoo'ss nf 111 fall icy ol i.'ir senses o, one nl On' iinisl iii.poi la..t con- ! srq 10: cts ol i'lo study of iialnri'. Il I 11 -i.-h-.'S 101 lh .t Ml ohji'ct is so'e 1 l,y us 1 In its irt.e place, 11.1b g to aborroli "i ; that Co c d u :i of !oi' ilanci". are tlio .li' cts of the ni ti 11 of mait'T iliinii 1 lie hi ; liolil. ine'.f e.s well as I in at H' d s. ir il ire tner, 1 ill iti ins c nil 1 uiuiii'. .(ed lo our pi'iceioiotis by the . urivis. The nnsl liniis i, fl n'cco ot malt' r on uiindwi'l inali prubability bi! lorevcr hid frnui man. to'teii. The sounds of hi i vs and shrieks a! li ,et,.. 1 co v I I. Iniii a 'i-'.ii.' oa Ml 'ett -tie, t the ot'ier ,1 iv. ttiol due, liy a )iuin c 111 no ra't.e -aii'itiu ::i:; nlmi". Me se' iui d n 1 1 ;M anx 'tl'. hill yet 1111 in 110 innvi'iiioilt, nnd itne id I he eiow ti 1 x I aimed t "Why 111 the iisiiid nl h'MViii don't yu top thai V Is it n ll"ht I 1 Ul'IIi , lliu f!l" jc r. ''(,) I e .tirse it ' "Am V"U cref ' "S'lie! V l.y, even 1 fool 1 in loll that some nre ii lieiu" poiltided to dea'h!'' peihsns so." mused the ofli 1"; "hut ynu ean'i tell -enii't tell I j lmped ill otlCii ill j'i-1 such h fa.-' us th s and loiind it was a juilui! hnlv ! ikl 'o mnsio I i-soih in- Imtil ol' 1 row. Ivn p 'till, you lioyp, mid let nie pen il I en hnr crockety bung ttgaint tiie wait ''' S NO. 2:. ELECTirjJIEFLECTIONS. We ate n'so ri'iniinl nf the piom ni l (.'on' I ravi who loit o n! li KKt e l neeroip mid a Urije .miiiiKit of properly hv the war. Co.ii pcil" I to t'o nut In hu rt iturc i e r.'iim-t.foes nni (Iiinpi.hitf.1 piv-ineiil and M'l I woo, I I. r III li e every morniri'j. I e luck li s hxc inn a t .lle.ll loo ..l it e oil I not ''(0 it n it. vei v c u'l incriiiii:; s in It I lieie, and m I he w it IiimuI i'l'lh q 0 ' , ' ', loll. in s : 1) ni.ri old Ijiin iiln 1 I) I'lill 11 ,i !';.'(! W M-tl 1 n t tl 1 nil. I heiivino a .h e; jo ill, I t itin Cat i'loplier C ilnin'uM I THUTH G!VE3H0 TROUBLE 'I'i Dili ii aw ;iv mi si--'. 1 with i'sull, 11 " 1 t-i'.l.. iiii'M",;: ti he i it mil. It u h! "ismii!;i' h'lthl Hii.l ?:N upi'ii ntii V !:p 't.l-t 1 H 1 1 ' SM i V t til'M lii'tnit Wl! tlf iiit ; w hi rt : lie is I iti i 1 tlciMiU', hii) y-'t-i ii M', i i'-i itiwiiii -Mi o i th- r i' k ; timl nn 1 1 u k m.'i is u :n"it n;-!iv imi'p o in t kit it a it i. It h l Ut !' u' li v; upmi h tiisc liMiinl iiiiKi, wliioh C Mitiininliv st'iiulj i'i r.iMt ot ptops t.i shfiri' it :). n uniw 'il 111 -1 Ill'Tl! I'll i f i hi i' t linn tu lirive ti: nl i Mif)-t:Mi: i il li'ii! t.'i : ii t)'t uptn il 1 1 ill' nil t'i' i I f i : i i.'! ; t. si, i ci r i! y lir'ji iin.i ijS;,,n'i;i i!. ni. i the i' i ii ilhi' L lud'D'v i-r u 'U1 ii n 'I in it , li c m-i it is h'&'u nr. i nii'Mi, m n t i U"iM ii- .h-iMVf v. ct '.vlncli the 'y n-.'i-i i4 ti w w in 1 a n .. - - ... 0 E N T L t M E W. IV: I i:u: a 'o'lith or ;i U i r iter m .il than '"tile nl is i think I u- Whieh ol in e.m point out m a ti v ni.ih in I is circle - livn who-e aiui'i aia "ell rom, wliim! truth 19 c ii . i ,i.!. 'in. I ion .-, v ooii-t mt in its kind, lull i h v it..i in its ilivli'i' : V" ho-',,' w ,nt nl uu sue, ss mikes Ihi-ti: iir,.:ih; who run l"uk th. wuii him, s'lv in the lie,-, with .iiie la! uoinlv svuipithv I'.r the (jiciit i. n I the ; miu I i We a l know a him trod w h, i.e coat J u'i! very well mide, and a i ,o who li'ivo i'hiil iniiinin, mul one or I wo happy Ih'Iiom n'ho ara what I'll": '"ill in the inn. r erel: 'i, and liiVCfhot it, to t'ae V. r Ce'ltie Mi l I liii'.--i'Ji' O I la-l'-lo ; hut ol o. ml,. in, ui, ho v in my J ). 't 113 lake s luLe i-er n ul p'.;n r in.l tai h inukc o it hii list. music a'jTlmulemt, A'li"ii. nlleii h. fore iie wrote propned hi" nun, I hy li-lei iu.; lo ii.u-io. Aliiiost all m v 1 1 1 o il .'s ere s'.ie'elie.l in mv nutni either in 'he no nf' o niiu'e er n few hours si!:.", a i ucilin .la; i'c whieh lushian ,'.u.le I ol iniiiy o'::e'-. L"id loioon Inol' " , 1 oil ti'avi.l in i;,i r !! lolioillioL' his study. t..r h's ',V!,:I (V I t s innhu'i'ts u l ine e.n Mil:, lill'l ,, 1, I,. inspii'i :iiy io I to his oreiin "i,s ; iu:d music Vat hut!. oi. Thi' , in the po.t 1 A' , tion-', t ' I'I II I It h i e t'.'i.i'i i-e I ' lit ci i in 1" !. I IS A It ii ,! i "iie or li.eo; on .lie (o p Ifli. j jv, : the V I i ' I " h'.if' r-li p' e i n e,- I , . I Miveil.e 1 Vi '1 ll t ,v a i e,.". I hi j ,r p,:a',ov i j -loot i. ! , v .! 0 on t. I '.ii : ' li.i'l W'l'.i l. i ': ' I. mil. to ,! :;,( 1 ion':'" v. Iu ; I, H i'l! ll'. Ill ( ooi ui' c no i w ii h .v . t! I,i u a !.. lo-i' 'lo n! oi ' I'll h ,ti I ; lo- ',! hiuis,',', . n ,s, u hi!, i t' t.' S, wa I I.e c iiiiiiijj e ui i ! 1.1 ll . I I - . ' , , io i i -hi tie h. NCT ATK0Mc, n on a h -e-o oi Cm''!: sn i.'ii'i t t a .t witli"" is done .1 ' iiiiiiril I hnt it 11 Ly .'i o:l I tike h a ii I 1 i.U i I 1 1 q un il ; - the put. he !h . He io. an I I! w is , I ,1.1 rluioie W"u k.i.o in j linn lie 1111 ler his 'ti 11 ask nf tl. It'ih. 1 l.oy on the step : tile ivii-Ii .i oni'ill in (' i 'No, si'!' wis liie 1 'ply --! Inu e's tin wusli ! worn ni hcie at al! " ! it th at s'ua s ,ys w i-hio ; dole Let e,' 1 rvili'irked the ill 1". I 'S'pos it .1 n s ' reel 1, k" 1 I h" hoy, in n hielo'i k'-v - s'pos,. it il ( A hd.' j 111 iv : eo. uie- the vi ui'ii of iieloil'ini'e e r- ou.iil iliees to -n,,!, 11 ' x tout that shu Is Willi o (o w :,.h aioi 11 .1 1 s'lii Is 11 ti I sheets, hut that do. 4ii 1 mike 11 in'o'l , con la ol her, ,ioe4 I' 1' 'I 1 li'inj ht it did.' f ii I the man. 'lluuii'h! II you .h iw 1 lii.'u'V do'vii lo the slio;, .0 he lepauer a loose id yuiit' 'I'll,! man v. is silent ivii.'l the hoy vide I ; il.if 4 lh 1! 111 ,k,i ttirnir.g away 'F oi l want to li 1 1 lh- 1 1 I y ol iinl.iitu n il" e oeii'uo t",'.'-, e o t i-in t t , th,, si le .loio. h i' th" w isher.v ir.1'1 is i'l nt liouie. I' Ih'-s. IT WASN T TH? TOOTHACHE' la liie I 1II31' w iiitug r. 0111 at the ("en ir d II p t til ' "lo r ,1 iv wen! a new y. ooinielim ti.ert (iriss lak". They h id lin n visitiu" ia the oily two of ih'ic d ,s, and were ill, 11 li ii'v lo ti home. I'l,. s,l h, ..; !. . ul ..i .e, I.U iii. itoiiu ! lo r w ust mi l she leiniiig on his I hou'.fi'. A loii-w s'sli .1 (.tii,,i,i linn j t he K, nit. hu vini; sol.- i ves and a In,' heir! , I IMllk I'd ill. H il.i ll tll'ls "1'f I, uu. I in j 1I1 e.t 1 nil mt i I i' ' -1 'd "I t ie h'tshsii l ; "If .s ' u it v, .on ui ih, . e o 't the tooth Jii.'h.?' I Ihe en -Iu., 1 I lo, 'le 1 c.p in 'urpiise, bu: ins h' n 1 Hii-wer. A Iter 1 11 .1 or tliiee min ni Ihe I-ng Wiisini lii'iu Kgiiu ie- !nii.:k.'d: i 'It thi' woman hti " 1 Liullia.'he I V" "l a Uiie J , ij ei inliit 111 111 y .'1'eln I lu re.' 'Fie In ile role 1 lur bii; whi'o ryes n'o..-,, 111 I '.he hu h i i 1 lo ik, -1 soinewhat i n, hail. i-o'd. The 1, ne liom down Kast mil rked liil -atcliel, luiut'h.'il isuioi.' shi't. nn I c! i.t". and hr-night lip lour oi.tnc' sol i"!ii'.'i aiinl t'-seiice. lie , I it, tn.iel.ed Ihe coii'enls nf Ihe lliutle naii'ii-t hu Ion le i tongue, and, Imndir.s; it ioiAiird tn.vcrd t!.M ht', leelicgly ciiiil : '.lust h ive her p soine on a rsg nnd ruii her fitiii wi'h it. Vv mud it 111 our fimdv tor yent ' The Iu i'le'4 eves threw out ipitks as he liltnl In r 1k.uI I10111 in ioiini' position a id s'l' kit!; at thu hottle, aim snarled out : Tulhnrhe, yu fule ! If you don't knew IliC difl'eiviiee 'Iwi'rn love and the luth iche you'd better idek ursfi wi'li the grese !' 'My loiiil' L'li'pnl Iho man, and ha linriii ,1 riut with hu (fttelitl in una hand nnd the botlls in thtolltfr. i I 14 00 J 1 1 00 oO I 0 ci; no in no 1 or 0 ( 0 30 00 40 ( 0 40 OU fid ( 0 8.-. 00 75 00 lino Squnrn, Two iin:ri'.i, Toioo Julian s, Four S'jiiari.jf, I'oiirtli'ii , Half I 'iiliiiun. Whole C, liiinii, .1 Ol) .' i II I S no in nn I in Oil I 00 I in on 1 - o I I S 0(1 nn (ill I tto t.'o I ::u no (10 oo I One Yf'Hr, M'YUUTISKMKN'TS. 1'4 1-N T I" US Wa iled iu every section of llin Unlled ("iti's and 1'rovine.H to answers this ad vei'ttsomeul. Aildres, , DA XI I'I, I'. !', ! : AT TY , Wa-hiniitoti , X. J, Doe, ttf ' : nWIMUNKSSiU Ms.;uv Is THH AiV KSTIO.N : Dr. W. M. iloyt ul' yearn Ntieecssful pr.iellen iru u inieeH .spooilV nr,'l pt rmanpnt euro i f nil Chronio, Seroliil uis, 1'iivalo,' sty hilhio an. I I euialo tii-i asos, Sporina .errhio i. or k.'II.ii'.o...,, nl his Medieal In--tit it", .Ve in .V Chonev llhck. oi.pnsitu Mm City Hall Ih ik, S ri aeiisn, . , M,.,). I. Miio sent lo al parls (.1 Iho V. S. nii I a 'i a. la. li .n't lie .VI , n. v,,vl.,. ine (pi.ieks who llii'oin; our laijro eitlen, tint eoi. suit Dr. llo.M or send lor eirctiiar ti'c.mni: nn his speelaitus to his P. O. Hon LW.'ILS. Mr mat li-uia French Homely, A Mil-: DC. 1'V.MMt:, ur Femalo 1- rieml, is mil lilint; in ilm euro of nil pnlii lu! ninl ila'!,ri'r ins ilist as.'.i of you? MX. I' liiiiilerilO'i all excess, anil hrlnirs on Ilia monthly poiio.1 vvth remilnrily. In all 11 'M voi.s anil spinal ii;Vei';iou, pains in the l ael; or limlm, lieaviuoss, lalioiiooil slhf.'it exoilioi,, palpitation of ihe heart, low lies a of si, in!, h sit t ies, sii'l; he.iipi. he, whiles, aii'l all pile fill diseases oeeasiunrd hy a ilisoi'ilei'i.,1 syst, on , ii elVoe's a euro wheti all oilier means tail. I'i iee o,no per Unt il.', sent hy inn:!. Pe. IV. lloyt, Uor 'JT'l. Sv rueiiso, X. Y. Nov t", 1 y. C C 11 () ( L T K C ! 1 I't It S . " Yuu can easily iiiornisifi ynnr mlary by liy (Ifivo'liui, a very hiihiII portion of your leisure time n my interest. I do not ex poet yuu to einvass lor my eelebrntoil li 'atly'a I'ianos ninl i:'i:um unless you see iit to; liul the service I require of vim In hotli .loiisiint and iroliahle. Full paitieuli'.t'j tree. Address HANIKI, F. ItFATTY, Wnsliintton, N. J. ROOKY M;;l'NT ILLS, HOCKl MOUNT, X, (j. January 1st, 1SVC. "lred to fttraii-ti t!i3 ii! ate nn v pre: ti ide w ilh siu:::nNi;. , PLOW LlNlitsatki CGVTOM., YARNS, ill 1.1 Iho he Our tune t q'lVitv " : Inetiy in t d at low piot? c.ili, :::) days. r.ATn.K a .on,, N. (,'. 1S78. V L U T l 1 X SCKIa'H AND M'MMlin G I STYLES .li'sr 15 k, i iviMi Ar oi o 11 li IV I It r i' Co's No 1 1 1 yenninre Sliet t. Fixr. u-v-s sen's, I'lNK Itl.NlNTiSS SPITS. i'e.iV.S' AN!) YiP I ll'S t'l.oTIIIXCi, A full llu" of oil ui-.i ! s i,f Ko-'.d.v Ma.lo ('Int.nnu i' ,' I'.oi , xiiiihs. aod Men, from throe V( ill's o! 1 n p ut pi iocs ti suit the tier's. We ie,'i all Ih" Lit t st .styles of Cents' l-htrnishiti ( io.'d- mi lui't. S implo- mi Ii in, I. C .1 liiuu and Shirts made to nr. lor ut .01 r It ilt. ii iro hotl'O at sloot uoti.'o, at I'.altioior.i prices, l'leasc ivo us a call liefore liuv inc. N')l! WAI.KF.K ; CO. SYCAHIOKi: STIllli.T, I'rtorsliurg, Vh. ALF. V. SHOUT, ) AilKNT. J.CF.iV WlLKIVsnX, J Kil .E:,- A I KINsil.N-.S ilesiiuiii. o -t :;-1 Y KI'AI.I.IC I'd iilAh (.ASKS 1'OJ' sALK. -.-it,.. w, .... P-'. -;:s v. i. hinj.' Mt Initio H11rl.ll Cases e.'U lilv.'iu s ohiain Ihein liv iipplyine; lo me, rt the s; n ,j ni' Mes-i's. W'li'.ii, id i Kiury. ..... si. 1. iv..-. -(...m, .i- ii.-.. V.....I.-. Hill ' sortmenl n! ilm Vorv lo st OAsllS. nl Ilia Very Low - d I'lien. in my ahseneo fiom Wohlon, Messrs. WitMiol.l' ,1; Kmry Mill deliver Ci'is to persons wliu may wisli liicii:, JAMF.S SIMMONS, YVoldon, X C. apr i 1 ii r 1 ,1 1 F. V N I) K it S 1 1 ) N IC 1) Y K It Y L lospeetiuily calls iho attention of tlio trade i Ins extensive stock of domestic; and imported liquors, to which ho is still nmkiiq; aildilious ar.d eonsist'iig ef tntro RYE AM 15rui:0 lTUlSiilliM Freneh, Apple, Hlaeltberry and Cherry Hriindios, .lauiaieaand Nev Knclnml Kuru 1 Lniulou, Tom p.tnl Holluio (iin, Port Sliorrv, Clarot. Khine and t .ve-y oar-old Souppormu.if Wine. Seotoh and Londou Porter, nnd 11 very huno lot of RECTIFIED WHISKEY TJliieU I ata ollori.isat prices that canuct full to irivo satisiaeiiioi. 8.W. SKTiDNEB.AgU. aprl!6-a lKoar.o.e bquaw. spac:': 1 I 1. ! (1 1 I'i i I . 1 ii: 11 i' 1 o I I a . :

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