PS" THE ROANOKE NEWS. SATURDAY JULY 20, J8T8. Oar Northampton Letter. Gahtsui'iw, K. C . July 17th, 1878 Mkishi Eiitobs lour corrcipoud.-nt askt the favor tu inquire whetlm the bridge of thu l A W. U. R.. late over the river near your town, ii stilr where the vein w ol November placed it. T'z acrms the bil of the river, nr whether the same u at tieeii removed by the company. The last intelligence ou the subject, was from yaur ppc r, and to the effect that it would ba replaced in a shoit time, and travel returned. The motive nl the inquiry It thia : Many ol our people ate interes'ed in the navigation ol the Roanoke (mm gJiMrdi' Perry to Weldon, that is, they wish to ilip via Weldon to Norlolk or Ptfteisburn, or direct to Wel,op,. Thii tbey cannot do, il the aforesaid bridge is kt ill !yin acroit the channel ol the nver, and the track of the road washed gway. The qiestinn then it, if this obstruction till remains, (and your correspondent lias been inlormeil that it toc) ought it longer tliut to rema'n I Can you nut prevail on somebody to get tiia trouble out ol the way I Per ho pi we Uiglt gel up a iqiad ol volunteers Iron) our cule of the river tu remove it (or our own benefit, but tin:e the lata Oat of the Federal court, wi are afraid to lay h 'Id ot auy thing belnngiin to the Petersburg Ktilro.d. That veiicia pie corporation Ins now reacheil the acme fit Railroad gentility, a receiver? Iiip in ths bn im ol chancery, an I all person mutt hands off no iu .re li ni ij i p tj qf en ginei to the track no. Ultimo you sot move thu sensitive tout of this proud cor poration to give us the tree navigation of iour river? Try it, lor t)p fijod o the people. Our cropt will iour ha ready to move. Shall we hp rrquirei) U haul, in wagons, twenty or thirty rptlet, or make the slow uncertain voyage ol the Canal, and be (hut up, that, lo rnarketj or tlull re enj y the pnviluge at we used to do. ol pourisg iut.i and through join town, our rich argosies ol "costly hales?" We shall sea. One other favor : Your correspondent was talking, a lew evening! ago, wj'.J) an )Kl Hue democrat, about old time, when nur discourse turned upon former govern ors and gubernatorial c n!ests. We be',' an xo recall their tuacesMnn, or rather, pre. cession, ning back from the last and, at I believe mu; ptnpleoutside of Raleigh hiik,thc hrtt, viz.our fares recol lection would carry us We toon had c ue to know now Irencheioua an hi-torian'a memory i. We could remember Ii og.icn. ijrd how he got to be governor, hii.I Cald well, and then, with bowed heads, Holdeu. and then, amid the trcoke spd (Jime of w .r. Vance, and thu eyrcinj in August X 873. when he btdn the "1,1 command good-bye. bear the city of Pi tersburg, and (old them to be brave and laithlpl, and ihat be would do all he could, at their Governor, to help them along in (heir bard dune, and then came Ca ke, and gllis, then we were out into tint sunthic) littij nl prosperous peace, when they mud to ulk aitot ail valorem ar.d spociftc lax ation when tverybudy who didn't go to the mountains in l)u summer, staid at home and eat barbecue and watermelons, and then came Jlraiig the pure and learle.a lawyer, and thou Held and Free Suffrage, and then we got lost. My old line friend fell to musing.arjd after a while observed with a touch ot t Jiutft. that he ha i been slruek with the fact tint to leu ot Irs old pvtj were tilini a lo liny part in public afturt, he wondered wljit had become of (hem "were they all killed in the war" uo I hate it at lat."he exclaimed ra.'arl)! Whai jijttaiii 1?' "The List Oauso fell on siiem!" Would not tho history of these by-gone Governors and tbeif pontes! s jnierestiqg ? And '.hit Loo rveu if we arr if) the flii'lst of life issues, f3aj you not Mei-trs. Editors, tit some of your older Citi2ena to trace them nit lor us in rpitnme ? Jrot intlanre Judge I, , or Capt. J. 8 . or tpy old friend J6 M. I' t Thia was tha other and last favor. You see I am in .a tUKgeslive hiiHsor so to speak I wish I could tee you both I will came as Hon at you lay down a plank nn the bridge tor ne t walk on. W know 0'ir "t'other one" mighty well wi mist him o'ir ti le ol the river we devote a hall hour extra lo the News, once a week or. his account we mean the local wt slum d be grieved to hear harm of him he will dn well it he bs carelul of the ladiet t)d theatrical! tbty were always hit weaknesses. Tbers it no newt exrept the weather which it warm and dry. No polite of consequence nobody running for anything except the radical?, and thoy fcni to be Co istly colored paopl. Loug to vu both, 1 T. . , As IfiriaioL Kact. KvsrV en who bns been slnndily sollini? the Imp proved $-0 Hoinnatead Sewing Maubitio for three years, owns his dwtliuig Iioiima, nas a gnoil account iu bank, is clear of debt, and lias mny Jt lnler6at ',b natural aonaerfuanos of securing a good gnoy for superior goods at the lowest price. 1. good first-class Hewing Ms- ,ohlua, most useful reliable at all times, eav to understand and cuitrol, tbs same size and does the same work as any ma dimes that sell at Four Tjis the pri'-e. -There Is to machine at any price batter, or that wll dn nnr or more work, and certainly none so low In price by many dollars. The Hcmcgstrad ig.wldWv known und useti In thoimaod!' of famiiies in lbs Eastern ana Middle Stales, and daily be (mining popular in the Wost. It will asve jts coat aeveral titnna ov in one season, .doing the work of the tamllv, r will earn ,opr.or flva dollar a day for any man or WoiBH Uo bw (or a living. 11 la tne itrnntst Habins made, is ready at all lma fo rtr ih work, makes Ihe ntronpt nd linest atitoh yet Invented, and is lolly tckiinwledgnd as tho tntiilurd Kurn 1 1 j Mowing Machine. I'rlce. complete fof do. mestlc use, f2l), delivered at your dor, no matter bow remote you inav rsoi-i". Iul ,neas permanent and honoraltlo, wiui tjjore .certain and rapid sales, and larger profits than any ojhor, kAUaordlmu-jr liberal .offers mad to local or traveling agents ,iwar we have none established .; m if Is no agent near you, aend vour jorder direct to the farttorv". Address John H. Ke.idall Co., 4?l Irodway, New ork. Mtt RceiUe iv Sugar Coffee and Meat. L. A. FARINBOLTS ItKTAir. PftWJl .rORRRNT. iBnlk shoulders, is per 100 M. Hulk P. R, Sitjes, per 100 lbs, 7 o per lb. iRaoon ebovJaarj, 7 n per 100 I ne. i Baoop C. R. Sides, . Coffee, good Kio, ..Cofto, prime Hlo, ,. Coffee, LaG'ira, .8ugarBrigbt Brown, FJxtra C. Coffee Sugar, Standard "A." Sugar, Molasses (good), Height SyrjtP, Va. Kainlly riour, Va. Katra Flour, a j per Ha) Hi", liije per" lb. W e per Ih, k-i e per lb. S e per lb, 10 o per Ih, 12i a pe- lb, 35 cpv aal 7yd per Bl, f-S r3(lHr) per bbl. $7 50a8 per bbl. v. upr r iour. IS OOaH 50 per hbl Nails, (Old Dorpiuion) a o per lb., or $3 60 per keg. Cotton Warn. J.Ofl per Block vThon Stock Rrognns, 1.00 per pnlr. A full ot ol i URNtTal.-l aiwavs on hand -The prioea named will be atriokly adhered lo so long as they appear id toe ariveruae moot. ' All fail and winter goods at and balnw ost. "Male bay vfciio tbetjn HWao..', Thk Kditnr of tilts paipris in no way raionl Mf for the views or statement of Correspond ents. No communication of an anonvmous rharaeter will be published : the real nam of the writer must accompany all cuinmunlcatloiw. Anyone who may feel aiorrlevcd at statements made by corresKndents ran lihtalu the name on application to the Editor, Correspondents w write onlv on on side of the paner. and to ay jld having their i-'iiuuiuiiif-niniuK inrown in me waste basket in inrnish Hieir names not neeessarlly for r irwmii nm as a iruaranty of rood faith We will n,,t uptir.e amil)iliflMs pprrimiH.Hdenee'; - Onn, Aoknt. The followiu( M'lemen will art as agent for thu Roasokk News: Captain A. B. Hill, Scotland Neck. K D. Dickens, Faneetts. Geo, T. aiinimons. Hllfnx. Major N. E. Jentjins, MttloUm, J. C, Hill, Palmy. a. Dp. F. M. Qarrett, Ilingwood. Hav. 0. M, Cook, Warranton. P. Bugcna Foster, Nerthamptos Co. J. P. B tone, Jackson. N. 0. E. A. Hitchelnr. Enfield. H. 0. John H. P. Leigh, Pelerabuig, Va. j j o "cT a Jj . Don't ncghct to Reeittcr. ,Sit!i) your Job Work lo J. W. fcledgo. Yri.i.ow ritvKli has appeared In New York. FnitTT pe-iple die.) of iun-ttrke in St Lsuil last Tuesday. Moaiftsno's jnlipt at prepared by Judge Robint on are not In le despitid. Tub Northaiiipton farmers ara com, plaining of excesajve ilrniijjbt, 10J in the thai'e w'at the reeor I of the ihermsmetir lor Wednesday in New York. On Sund ay Ut L)int. T. L. Ktnry had a fine mtilo killed near the Fair Gtounds by a train on the W. A W. R. K. Attrntin is called to the interesting report of our eflicient State Agricultural Coinmittinncr, Col. Ij L. P.II(. TwrntT thousand children tared Irom disease and death by tht niu't wonderful agent, Shriner't Iilian Vrriluj(. It will not deceive jsn. Wanted to Know. Who claimed the cabbage thrown to the serenadert en Mon day night last, Als i a ho were tho sere nade or was there any tpenarie, any how J . fc- Wr understand that on the 1st of Oc tober, daily mail route will be estab lished between Hilifsx and Scotland Neck. If .lilti will lnil this event with i'f- Thk Weldon Minstrel Troupe la a first, class one and we bops everybody will re member tht ebjwt of tho entertainment and aid as far at possible in bringing s large crowd, Wg acknowledge the receipt oi in in vitation to attend a re-unimi of the soldiers o' hoth armies to he held in Marietta GVo on the 3rd, 4th, 8th and 8 h daft ol September ti' ti. - "Honour! bathe eainest worker, Klesd the roii-jh toil-baHened hand , While the g irious hymn of lab r Upward II nt from wave to land, Toilers, noble is your lot. Work Is worship, sdorn it not. Wllot.FSAI.K CASH VniCl: AT V. J; Naw's n.KKBT AWD CaNOV f ANUFACTO-l-T. Snciir Cske per liarrel $5 W. Gu.trsr Cakes per barrel t4.M. Oanrly 1.1 cents In lots of 2b pounds and upward. mayttf. Mr. K M. L" himit Reifistrar o( Wel don township, will be at Inge't Stare on Monday the SJ I nf July, with his Re'.'ittration B ok. for Ilia accommoda tion of pur t let who have not t regit tered. Wri.oon hat hern as dull a a deserted irave yard this week. Our fair tisitert have left us and carrisd with them teferl ol our own la lie" and no one knaat, haw many hearts. The f.ior f.ilows ariund tovn look diitn(ilate, cheer p boys, they'll come tgaxn. Corrks imdrxt will greatly oblige na by being more careful Iu writing. We should not. b sapeutsd to read manuscript that would undoubtedly puzzle the author, boar in mind that we don't "cuss," and dislike very much to mill nil aur hair nut trying to read bid manuscript. Have mercy oa ua if y u please. QilARTRiil.T meeting at New Hape church next Sunday. Wt alway love I g to New Hope to "all day meeting" far alter the "feast el rtM'Xi" the "tj w nf taol il ol the most inspiring otdtr. th sermon are alyi good tod the dipneft excellent Mr Al.KMrtH Ka;o, a worlby man and good rllix-n.a olirtjnjight by ocrupa tien wat found dead is lieai iast Sunday joining. Ite had ben a little lick lei a aay nr two, but nothing icrinut was thought nf it. lilt diAu8 tt tuppo(i to be ol the heart. -TJl T.jik late i'rrsulijitial contest engta dered much - bad hlned," which coolness and judgement will correct. The "bad b'ond" inductd by a ifi'sistent tislatinn nf Ntture't great hut sua pie laws requires not only coolness ind judgment, but bediesce to hygienic measure) and the proper use nf Pr. Bull's Blood Uixtyre I iDMre,Jtl puriflcatiaa. Tart tovn cnuimitiif tu haye euployjl Capt. E. A. Jborne to majce a survey and map nf Wulfn, We hasten to put on recoid r.ur hatij approval nl Ihn act. The strerti of tha Jopn and tbeir namrt have been changed to eftep Ihat titles are beenrpin (1 ,flj :ult to t;co and vexatious litigation must l ion have ensued. Capt. riiorne hat thorough knowledge el hit buiioest und the map to be made by bim, with ralereDca to old inapt and dee ft, wil) leUle all ie,b o iestoD You cannot vote unlets you Remit ter. EyrtltT mother in the land should know the valus el Dr. Bull's Raby Byrup and ntvtr be without it. It it free Irem opiates. Price SS crntt a brittle. Not us of Tire Wkathrr foh t PAST THHKB WkRKJ. Uighrtt Temperature 101 Lewett " 7S9 Mean " 80" Prevailing Wind Son'lierly. Amount of Raipfall of an inch, - We taw a rewly married lady several day ago zre.tly troubled in tbit wise, the wat tixteen and ler Imiband thirty-lwt), now, she wits told by Irlrnd Ihat when she becomo lixty year old, her husband would be one hundred and twenty. She couldn't see t,e poin', Rrv. J, W. pRikiwsR of the 1'rt by teriau church preached in the Metlmditt church on Thurt lay night to an a rip re ciaiive a'ldienoe, a very fj it serinen en Faith. It wat diff rent frair, biany we hive heard on the tame tubjict, and hit logic and illustrations wen very Ane in detd. Seldom have we heard a bitter dis course. Mi's Nor. Davidson, el Petersburg will tive her annual school excursion and concert at the Hotel in this placs next Thursday nitrlir. Tl.e )ric. cl admission will be fixed at a la ar price to that all ran attei d. The pro ceeds ol the entertainment will he devoted U) erepliog a monument over the North Carolina soldiers buried in Ijlapil lord cemetery. I if J'r"klin, V", on the 4th n July, a man was prosecuted lor swearing. It was pmved he only "twore one small twear," whereupon he was fiued sixty-teyen cents, Think ol Ihat, oh ye profane and p-ocul If e could collect Hijty seven ntt fer every oath in Virginlt, the debt q lestion would be tett!ed to the last 'continental red "Richmond State. Virginia cussing isn't a circumstance we know a maa in Weldon Ihat cauld pay the National debt in 43 hours. Jl-ix,iNg from the many veiy earnest and quiet tete a tetet just visible in the moonlight Wednesday niuht about uioe miles from Weldon, we might look con fidently for tome seven or eil.t hiK Wed diog tiippeis between this an I cbnatrnat. We with them all at much happinci as they now anlioipi and ffoij!( )jrievt jain the happy throng if we c mtd get "tnmebo ly" to join with lit. Wk cali attention to the new advertise mtnts nf the Graham Fligh S:honl situs in tho town ol Graham, in Alamance county one of the hra'thirtt localities in the Stale, and Mrs, Kiddie's Female tckoni at Enfield in Ualilax county. S ifield is one of the pleasantest littis villages in the State situated immadialtly on the W, A W, R. Ii.. rjtid i as hciiijiy at any por tion ol Ecsteru Carotins. O! Mr. Hani;, ploase put just one littlp narrow plank down on your pretty, new white bridge. Wo will treat vou to the Lint glass of sod a water that can be bad in the tv siules, and you shall be waited sn by the skillful manufacturer thereof, Kph 7, illioofTer, Now we wool In't Insist on the pl ink so much, but the letter of our friend "T." published to-day, caused such a longing desire ti ba bim ou;o to see us that we thought we'd try Ih soda water plan on you. We have received the circular of our friend Chailrt Fetter announcing hit High Schaol at Jackson, N. C. Vtr. Pet'cr is one of the Ii st instructors of youth in tbt State, and his rchol it lituitrd in a healthy ami reane I ullage. M i l ijuor i old in Northampton cuiity, which givet ittschnnlt a decided tdianta; nf those of other sections The nxt session will commence tfae id of Suptemhtr. T premium list ef the Ranke and Tar River Aaricultural Society has been placed upon our table and we are glad to anunucs that the premiums offered era very liberal, and will itjiuI any in the S.'Uth, fflli's the list embraces a'l most tvarf eanteivablt article. At the tarns lime, special premi ums articles nt mentiooeil have been prnvidad for, to that nana need fear being nver looked nor nrglertej. SAR Slojiy. We haye betn told by a Northampton man that a lew day's ince ke taw a large black make make a start a crnst his field, apparently in per fct b.cilth; after trayeljnjf, jama dj.tanct he wat teen to buter iu hia foettUpi, nj dually "h.i I down and died'' from the excessive heat n tljt ttud oyer which it had ptssed, (nt) ho now reports the rrptilt thoroughly batttd altar regaining teveral dajs in the tun. It la atranire how queer aonts itooplo are. A man came into our oftlcs a day or tyo ago and asked for some old newspa pets- Wt yreie excetdioaly polite and with a blaud amlls we told hint to go to the bnvll, when be,w Into a violent passion and tftld we had Insulted bim and talked ehouf big sticks, pistol and clher war like ''weplna" in a manner quite earful. Now the weather I too warm for ua to do mush fighting, but ws bavs a friend who delights In it, and that fallow Jiad batter Jet is t'.oae. Wb are requested to announce a mteljng ef the fcutivt Comrolltet of t lie RoangifB d Tar River Agricultural So ciety, to take plpctjo We!den tbt Sth of August. Ii lp Retired thtt IJ tbe mem bers b.l in attendance at the gsat interest in the approaching Fair demands nntual txertion to meet tbe wants of itt patrons. Wt are attured frees a personal itnewl edge ol tvery oflj,;er cnnv'd wit b the Anncialinn, that no meant will be spared to mskt t, next Fair the most brilliant tuccest the people have yet teen, aftf) Wel don Fairt hav slwayaberD trtioDg tbt flrst iu t'e South. Tbr election it only tw wttkt 'ff Let everybody Register. , flow dotb the little busy fly Improve each day that pa-sul j Wilhouh however, bettering The butter and molaaeal Hpw clinging are hjs feet At mom when we're reposing ; tiow well hia miesi),l he fulfill hy keeping us trow dozing ! Satan' emissary be, And zsaloua past comparing ; While others mppnly u?, be Juaiata qpon riir swearing, Kluwhkrk will b foqnii tbo pre gramme of tbe minstrel performance to take place on Tp,esduy night, t i allrac tlve and will all'ord infinile amusement to the large audieDce that is expected, We are autborlaod to say tu our North ampton friends who may wlab, to atlend the entertainment, that arraiigements hare been made to take l))m over the hlldgo, botb ooailng and going, r Thr Matph of Rash: Ham, - The match game herrtolore announced, wat pltyed hiitwern the Second, Nine ol the Romake I). . Club, and the lllue Ilevils nf this place on l-st Monday. The H ue Devils carps out winner by a I ore el twrnly.four lust. The Second -Sine and Ih lllue Tl u v j 1 s both had uniforms and lii'ied well in tlicio, and will play a deciding ma'ch game on ntxt Monday the 32nd. Every body ii invited, tspecisil? the ladiet to. be present on that day. TffK 3er(or editor is ia a bad humor this weok. A U-ajn of tbe W. 4. W, It. R. ran over and killed "R.ed" the s mil noli eat and llotf.'tt lioi; n,i but two of tbe Weldoi pack. It seems that bad luck bas pursued thia,a(k, Spot wa ridden oyer in the chase, Rose died, blacl( Rattler wr,j stolen and noy Red has bepr) filled. But thore is a littlo of the eld U"od atill left and when tip hunting season, again opnna the glories of the dog whoso denh ha inndo our associate awear s i Inrioualv vvl live aaln In his sons and in harking thuin torward ho may loartt to forget hia lost loyo and ipeovar bja teipper, W, hear, though we do not vouch for the truthlulncss ol the statement, that a young man, tqme low rp i lea in the cauu'ry. offered to bet trn dollars t)jl nthtr day that he could swallow an uinbreiU which beheld In hit haul, plear up le the handle. 4 man prusent bet tea dollars t)r)t the young in 14 a cqild not pcrforrrj the leal and the ijj irov wat deposited in tha hinds of a hfetag Itr. The ynng man did swallow the umhrulli,, ,'!;) male the man who had bet that lis cuu'd not, to angry at the idea of the lost el hit teq dollars, that l,p teix.'d the pro jecting handle ol tha umbrella, an i lunuino hia band up to tho slide, npcseJ it in its I ij! lest extent, and now it is lound impossible to close the umbrella, and tho poor victim will have to go until his dying day with a blue cotton umbrella wide open in-ide nl him. "Evriit white Republican who flinches, dodges, or does net pome ij iate nut ami announce that he intends (o vote lor Col lint or Q'tlara, at the case mas lie, ought to ba dropped 11 y the negro votpri an I be permitted to secure bis election solely by the aid ot the votes nl white ni n. Il the e are whits Uepubljaiij who 'riave been elrcted to nlh ' by the V0U1 of the negroes, w li t will not in return support the nominee brcauie he is a negro, 11 11 time this lact we known, si ihat (hp negmes, m iy assert their mauhooi by delealiiig pyery white Ifepuqlican win) it too good to roluse u he elected hy negro votes, hi;; vJio is too giivl fo ytte fur a neero pn;pinee. (,-l Ihr .jue-iii-a l, leaked, and mike every Rspuidican answer J"S tr 110, There it no mn(i(;p grouu I. Yet or no it the fiuly answer, Any other answer will be ponclusivd evidence that the carjifiilte it aaiutt the negro noini net." The above it capie I from the Riltigh Raglate-, the Radical organ ot the 4tte, and we place it lie lore our rttd-'- sot that we c ira a continental he Ridicalt vote but because it it good logic. We are curious to lr,o, however, how tome al our Radical nr iiintancct intern) to vote. Tijk emncratic Kfecutiire fintnr()ittee ol Northampton cuuaiy htt called a ran veutiou ol the people lor to-dav, the 20 h, lar the purpose of nominating a (ill Democratic ticket t-.r tl( c urity. We hope the people will deem it wiie lo do le, fur jt. ii by po mef ds ceitain that the dissaosiena in the liadical ftokt may not enable ut to carry the rlrctlon. Should it not result in to Ijappy g e;nt, still it would l) Kre,t moral eff ct up n the luke wtrm ol our own party, many of whom have almost despaired of our being relieved Irom Holies! rule. We knew the people ef Northampton, and Tt)uf that ndtr ordinary circun;tancei It i- bars) lo get up any politii eot))Uiim een when we knfl cantniait M the Ii Id. Now Nr!htujpt3 is ruriH with rather a better n; ' adii als that most cnuntiet of our a ction and they have many per ianal liiendt among the Democrats who with lillle persuasion would vote ler these men when there are no Dcmncratiu can didatet and when a man once casts hit vott for a penonal IricniJ jje is not apt to change. It it our opiTion that the !etne cratio pari; J: us fJrey ,luit ground in Noiijaripoti, by negietiag to bring forward gentlemen nl our party lor whom the masses may cast tbeir votes. "or King) again! Tour Acs.. 'Special Despatch to the N. JT, ypr.d.) ' Trot. July 18 Char's 4ltii. John Helty and John Cooper, ol New York, were arriated 00 board the steamboat City ef Troy to-day Upon her arrival here charged with swindling Edward Nve, an Englishman on a tour, nut of 31 000 francs at drawspokar, Nya did cot know ntr thing about the came and Adami acted at bit instructor. Nve was given lour kinut and one nl the iharira four aces. The Eugliihnjaa was on hit way from Long Branch to Saratoga, but .plopped hers tn notily the police, wha arrtst,t,j the sharpen and raciu ted 25,000 Iranci. II thai awn ha I livtd ID iWaldon ha would have been sma-ler tbta to bivc bet 0D lour kings, unless ba dealt the cards t.!. II We are Indebted to Mr. and Mrs. K. R, Mosely, fcr a delightful evening apent, in company with many of our belleu and beauxs on Wednesday ,lt,t at tuelr hem tlful place aboit ninp oiilQt in tecountry. Kyerybody aeon ed In the happlfwt biunor and tie boi)rs flew rapidly , while we all er joyed the rpilaio, ramin-ligl,t, If.p creatn and cake and o)er sweet Ihingt, There was some little swinging on gate and other suspicions pr ceedings, which we hope are preliminary to other and more important events. We will lose confidence in tbe enterprise of our beaux Ifaome of them did not inak i au Impression on so 1 e maiden's heart, among those lo- ely How era and under Buch soft inopn-llgbl. Vfe tVttjet believe they triei to dq so, fur it ia impossible for us to ooiicoive.tbst auy single one of thorn, could pass such an evening In o'impany with such baauty,wlt ar.d intelligence without tailing, at least, H'itfhtly in lovo, W hail to struggle ter ribly hard, to koep out of trouble by lov ing ami saying swnat things to every one we met, and when one, lovelier, If possible than tho rest, to4 privately to the dining room, buttered our broad so nicely and cat dainty bits nl baibocued pg, (we have a weak 'ion for barbsoue,! am) atood over Ma and entiled at our eujiymeut we almost ohoked ouraolvM to ireve,i)t, a bats treachery, and doing our boat In out nut a dear old friend, but thank (be Kqrd, tlfl pig und our conscience saved hia) and u. Tho ride home about two in tbe morning was delightful and wa po doubt enjjye I bv thoe who werq appro priately paired oil. We tried to trade our eompanim, but it seemed that 110 one waited either of u, s 1 we talko.l mom light and l',v6' ari-l imtgined we had eweoihsatta, whioh vystuppoae wa about a woli. Oiico again do the young peoplo return th inks to tbi hand for sweet music furnished. Wl.f;lN .11. ISSf TltKLH. Tha following is the programme of the Weld iu MiiiHtrels. Their will giro .'ieir irst eutert liomsot ol the season at tbn Weldon f(ot;;l, next Tuesday night the 23rd iuatant, for tb,o boiiftj t of ;lje Ifoanulce Infantry : Business Mao tger, Stage Maoaor, Laador of Oruliostra, T, ,. Kmry, J, J, lioiigblin, R.S. Hall. PART PIRMT, Overt i)re. (JfjsiiiiiK L'h'irus, (lentlo late, Bityoiid tl)B CJ.nid", Never uay Die, llalheriog .Shells, Susan Jr.e, Finalo, Band, Company. J. W. SleUgo. K. S. Hall, W. W. Hull, W. T. Marrow, J. J, Loughliu, Company. PART HKCONp, Champion Jig, , Jonng. RIVA1. A KIT SIS. (leorijo Vormet, BilJ iiapljj, I.andloril, Heir, R. O. Kd wards. K. M. Hall W. T iutcbolor, II. I. Pope. Comic Songs, J. J, I.oughlin, Banjo 80I0, ir - .- Rival Durklos, M. K. y, dil(!otler Hall Brothers. CHARACTER SO.NU. Over 'is il ills to tho Pour House, J. J. Lnughlin. QUARTISTTK. Little Brown Church, J. W Slodge, R. S. Hall, W. T. Marrow, V- W. Hull. MISTAlf'KN. 1 iri-us Sliiigstoukiig, J.J. I.oublin, Mat lda Maujxr, 11. U. Pope, Billy Kcrnggins, J, W, Slodgo. k 11 1 1 " "s ORAM' KIN A I.E. Skidinore Guards, Compnny. Adniissiou Children 50 cts. i: cts. tlltlTIAKV. Diro, at Ins iiomo 111 Kutivld, on Sunday July 7iij, l', Or. Jail, es Hunter, in tbe 4h year 01' bis age. if Thus In tbe tirigtil sunsl,iie nf a beautl f il aiabbatb noon, after skvoral years of nalient sn Iter I ou, a noble spirit winged its Itight tn another an 1 but er world. Ho was born within n fow miles of tho place vn which ho liyd nod died, and it wa bore, about the ar (S.'iQ, that he coinrnoiiced the practice of me tioino, and served the people lor over lorty years, How well U pnifonned his duties, as physician, we will leave to tho numerous residents of tins u luiuy to say. Th, j poor may apeaK a wo,; a; iie rich. When Time, in lis ' anp urite 1 ciurso, shall have circled Into K ernity, and the last great trump shall bavo sounJoil, call' ing forth from tho uttermost part of the earth those who have been ao I nig In their silent resting-plano, may be be lound standing st the right hauC 01 tbo Kterual Throno to reonive lun bonedlnlion, "Como ys l)nsi) of my Fathor, for Inasmuch as yo have done It unto one of the leist nf ibuae my brethren, ye have di;iie it unto me." M. Oar Htugwowdi l.eler. RlNnwiMilt N. O , July IM i, U'lbecca Williams XCnl) gave birth to t rhil'l on Wedne'iliy last, when the child wat found a l one weighing furty pounds was laying ijii it, about lorty yard limn the house i". which (aid Reberca lesidcs A coroner't lury Las decided it a case ol H)fjnt;ciiic. J,e party lives n tin plan latum iy' w. Hr. Kisser ahout six miles from thin pce. She will be lakeu to jail wljeu abla It he carried. your eijitorij.1 oij the right man lor Senatorial honors rooms the approval o) all right thnking Contervatives. Vance, lor bis purity, honesty and ability deserves well of his e mntryaten, and will sncuie the seat, he s'mu'd have ore 1 pied eart ago I am pUaml that Humphrey, Urngdea and all other white ra ti were defeated by O'Ha a for the ,f:.',ingrs-ioiial nominaiioo. U tiara lias inia sense, notutty au't pa triotism than any while mao al the party who doiri-d tht olll c. aod B)en who barter rrincipal expecting to be rewarded by idui-e should go down. Weather Very dry and cofl are tuffcting very much am indebted to Mr'-'K Merrimnn for a copy ol the Report ol the Commissioner of Agriculture lor tbe year 1876" which contains sorje tat Is nd figures very iu (resting tn agriculturists. Would jt nat,bs well for a convention to be ctet if bring nut a L-gislative cket t Most people with whom I have converssd want loias one to vett lor, and are jo Jivor of a couterrative Leitla'ati ticket t st. r, L. 51. CHOP ItKI'ORT. DKpAHIMItMT OF AoillltL'l.Tprirt, 1 Ra(.rioh, N. C. July 2 1, S7I. ( Durint tha latter part ol the month ol Jnnc, tha wrther wat generally very favorable to farming operations, and the clean condition el tbe various grxwim cropt shows Ihat out la mtri have made the bett tip of it. CofTOW, under the in'icnce ol the ruin rjn'l warm weather, whtch have prevailed fir the past ten days, it rapidly improving, II) nigh, in many counties, a bad eland is reported. C o it n it doing well, an 1 is generally clean, yHKAT. Tbi crop wa badly dam, aged in a large portion of the Stftte by rait, though thu increase I acreage may compensite lur Una, in the segregate yi-ild. oats, also, ia nispy countiet, weft greatly im aged tiy rutt, rl.oVRIt iVNI) ipa UIIA-HKS have dene rcmaikably el, so l the sura cess which reward intelligent flrt, in all narti of the Slate, lo in'rtdnce h m as one nl the leading crops, will, doubtless, increase the acreage 'mm year to year, until oijr ;iep!e come to appreciate, liilly, their great In riir Muorum mat be ston 8i'ei,',iiieiis Irom oil parti'i it af the Slate, tuperior to ll",n of last teateu, and wbipll will c inipete with the same varieties grown ip the beat grass iBiinni of no thcip States, The impression which ha prevailed "Irom time immemo rial" that our soil and climate w. re not adapted to the grasses, is la-t being dis pelled by the gratifying succuss which rewards the tiial wherever made. The liu-ii r.rrvio crop wtq, perhaps, never finer jn (ho Stats. ' t'KACIIR generilly abundant, and nl excellent rpality. Our growers, who w. re ai'crt sible to market, aere unaldeil tn p,,t their peachei on talc sixteen days Cifhpr than last teaton, and feund narly sale at satislaetory prices, pilicr I f u 1 1 u ' lining well, exci pt A,l)il,KS, which vtlll fall far short of a lull crop. I.. Ii. Pol.R, Cem'r. Nlowarslsi llnlilux 4 irrnlf . DKAK KKOTIIKH1 t -H Hie l.irj I WI'IJ T : - J -v ..... 1- i". ..r...... . . 1 1 . W our 1IIIIH vltiiviij u 'innivni.q vm 1.-.H- vene at P.nnwell 01 Saturday the U7 1 II inst. Up to last Q nrterly Conference we had pair) our Paator only 1(17 IV which lelt us in debt to him f :533 Bj Out n the $107.11) he ha I to pay h use rent $1)-, loving ,117 i5 lor him. his wile, two in fant1, and nurse (which, In ,is case il In dispensable) tn ti vp i. Iemember that his only means of (i ppjtt is )yhat we pay him lor preaching. C mid i,ov nf i;t Jive decently "i what the? dot Please push your claims anil try to make large reports n the 27 II. At that time we will owe lo our Pastijr nn) Presiding K 1 r , in cluding what mi,y have b en paid tioce last quarter, the juui o' itJ7.7.'j To the whole jcmbershiii ol )1 ilifax Circuit I a-k, in bfiitheily k!i) lne-s, shall u allow our Rasto; and his h;;, i!y to sill ier lor the necesfbries of Ijlu when wc owe him for hit labors) Hie smull iimoiints we puv irom lime t" time are scarcely mi -sril by us, but c institute their only mains of support. The O larterlv Conference tn bo held at Farmwell on the 2 7 1 li is our third for th s yea-, a 11 4 by that tune, we npglit to p three Isiirths ol tl.e aii)ujit we are t py dii'intr the year. Uiinpi,. it should bu a li'tle hard for i:a I., pat ? li,.ru ye ipusi deny oifiselyes. Can we expect to reach heavep wirtiout sacrill -e? rt'lnclj it lies', tor ut to deny ourselves a linlv. (e arc eomnianded to deny much.) or lor our Pastor fo snlTor f ijupposo lis should have tn go jn ijebt (jrj ll; tait'i ef the rhiirch, and that so lar i aireirs as n; pro-luce a fear that it will not par up in lull, dnu't you suppose it would press to heavily upon hit mini) as la ren lir him unfit tn preach to us at be ouuht t Hurry up brothers, and -sisters too ; 'ook up your itcwtird and pay him your triiiterige, be may l.e u lablo to c i'i on yoti. I, n't lit our pastor go ctj 'unpaid lor hi set vices this year as we ha.o V'li in Ihe habit ot doing hittieito II is a shim lor ut to do so, anr lir pga reproach upon our church. Can we stand thii f A'l I on me in saving no, by Ihe help ef O i l we will not ; and I assure yoa "where there a a will there s a way " All the churches al the circuit except Halifax, are behind lor la't year. Rro Wheeler needs his money and the cbuicliet ought to pay it. ft he nw(,d u at ityiich at wp os him, and woijl I nt pay , J fear we wo(,ld deniiuncc hinj as an iinpos ler. O chatitv i eharily I llow innocent wa arc W;th christian love, OKI). T. SlMX'ISt (Jtcotjinj Steward. July 9ih, 11)78. Npeclal IiOvala. In time of pca o nrnpare for war. While all is quiet don't forget to insure von- nronerlv wiLh H. V. Bnllor. General Iiiauratica Agont. SiNijiKU Sewing Machine, necdlct and all attachments, fy sale al Wlufc Stain back's Bstton. Store. loot lOl.'l 10i) ! I I. -On hundred lbs. of Fiour just received and for sole cheap tor casti, WufTp StaISI, Jt Ooocu. Call and nr ijinu our l.irga now selecio l stock ot l.roukery In lore purchas ing. WlllTK, STtlMIIAOK, it Ull 00CII. If you die soon will your family be pro vided for r If not tie sure to Insure your life in the M K T n o p 0 1, 1 t a v II. t. Uvn.KH, Agent. Two elc(ant husiijesa an I pleasure wag tint lor ooe or two h'TSiis loi safe cheap nf thu Lvitii,i,Le Agncultuial wyri-i vS'eldnn. tf. Wintlold and Kmrv liva to arrive 100 barrels of Uour and It.xCKi pounds of bacon, which thoy will soj; ' at Baltimore prices, wiiliont any uhargv lor Irclght. tl. Just reoaivod a lot of Miles Celebrated WalkupJ;t and Buttoned Shoes. Call and 8,00 thorn, we guarantee sat Isfiictlon, Whik Stainback Alioocii. You ran find Roiled Unseed Oil, Raw Linseed Oil, Machine Oil for Oirs, ic. Sewing Machine Oil. Lard O.I, Tauyers Oil, at T. A. Clatks Diug Store. ON and after October 1st t'l poo.Jj will be sold, strictly for ,Q$b-' lpry thing down at lowost nrtcos. call ana see us lo fore purchaslp isp wherp. tf " Viii),iRi,t) t EMnx rctnetubei that your little ac Counts sre psit (Jus and we rcspectlul'y esjt i jttlleipet.oi the tame. JtyiiTS & Stainback, Bottom Store Tbr Bb-it 11 this Chbasst. Therefore you should call and got tbe prioea of For. tilizers for whloh wo are agon la before ouytr.g elsesvoere. WITf KTAfJJJAOE, Bottooi Str'ne. Just lo band one car load Liverpool Hps kail, full weinbr, factory Oiled 1.65 per sack. Also at (iarysbiirg Store earns, pripe. K. P. Si'ikhs. fsottijru Store. To vhi! Lahirs. We have ju,!jt receUol a few peices ot beautiful drest gop,ji C(i',l early and gel the first choice, Wiiitb & Stainpacs;. B ttom Sioro. I am now soiling a( retni), prettv otf S soL-ars, at l,ci. per jionnd, shoulder; til, idiis tV.ltj , a No t iirticlo of coffee at J2ctt., inpd,ii) finality at l'1-ts. R. P. HhlSRs, Bottom Storfj. Kaumkiis Have money by using the Homo Kbiillizor, iutle n t Immn by tie. Formula, of Boykin, Carmer Co., which has giveu guuh erieial satisfajction where tried. Tho clmnilcaW can bn had pure of T. A. Clark Wold.n N. C. Agjot ffjr Boykin Ciirmer A Co. IiATKst Nkws, 26 harrelsnl Btunswicif Family Flour just receivui) at White 1 Slainback's "Unltom Htore.i' We pjnnot reulaee this with any as nice. Cdl early and buy before it is all Sold. WlllTR A f-TAINU tf "Rottom Slorp.'l New tnnkNj'ist to hand and and for aal, Dickens C'Unpleto books 14 volume lllua trattid, I'rlcp II dollars or 15 singUi volurn'n. tctts ijo(plet works, Wavorly Novels';; voliimna, tllutratoil at ti'i ot I.Vh ainirlo copy. Also coinpiffto lino ot seliool books, M ell 11 til us, Hn(ncrs arid National Roudors, tirarninars, iliiira plnea, Arilhinetics and all kind of scboi, matiirial, llvoin honks Mini nihle speciality. Cmnpli'to line id stationary, .'. unrulier one article of letter paper at I'i :eiifS ror iiuire, less by tbn wholesale, H. P. Spiers Bottom Store. Vrldoif lrketa. PRil'IIIVKD bt n. r. 8PIKI1S. WKI.OOK, July '.'Ij, JjCa. Cotton - Lower, Middling Fair; fOc, Middling HJi'i Low Middling Cjcod Ordinary nj; Stained 8. Bacii'i Smoko'l side p.r ; smohed shoulders Ho; bulk aides Vis 8 ; L'tiljf hliouldera fijatljo Canyasjicd iains I2c. Corn f ri per bushel,' Lard VMv. Flour Finely li Imirids 8iS.50; Exlift 7.nua7.7.',i Super fi.lKaD.OIl. Simar-'A' l'ilo; 'B' I2; Extra 'C lfi,-) 'C yellow Uo; Brown tugiir 8c. Coll'ee Kio KIjhUOc: Lnunayra ".iaTic, Svrnps t'oininon :tr,s4ilo; iSii)lr "hoir'co 60a7on per pallon. Nnils :i.iVi3..'i( per keir. Liverpool salt I nl." per suck. Norlhorn Aipjp.i. green, per barrel, .'...VLiljOO. Souther n A pplps ,1 .ri0af;'P. iueswax c(v,i", if!) cents; compon, Sip cents. M:il-8i) con( )nr liushol. I ttf v--tmloil, $1 1 0 nnr hundred. Foil lor-i.'j 'tsajl nL'onjing tnqualiiy Cm lies -Ad;iin;intim, l.atf ctsporlb. Cheese yo. J'.'O cents per pound i p!'''" lilon Noi, 1,'ialtl rents, ' Hides - Flint. ,0 1 1 1 cts.; salted dry, StIQ c's. ; K'een, .fHl cents. Solo Lrtlier N 1, 3.1 1 (Q centfj, good, damage I No J, 2"a:t.r, cenis per pound. ' ltuasets upDer-riU eoiits per pound. Herring gl :"il)i$.i W pur tiarrej. (Vliooes, best brands from ti to J eta. White c'oitis lour f'uarer's heavy 8 cl. Medium (wide til. White, lininga 5 XliW ADVKIITISKMKNTS. 1 1t A II A M HIOH SCHOOL, ii at A it A II Al, f . Always opens tbe last Monday in Aq Kiist, and closo tbo lust hiiduy in May following ; Hoard, Wa bing, li' enil lights ' f) til pnr monili 'iii;.;i)nliiiir to tbe distapge WHlked, o.lii'.' n.'cmi i,ioiiii,ii)iis furnished. Tuition $ I. ;m) 10 r-f :,u per nioiitb. For addiliouul Information address, UKV I). A, LONO,' P It t N C I T A 1.. Alamance Co, N. C, July '.'0 1 t. M RS. R. Ii. niDD'CK'SS'-HOOL K si r 1 1: i. K v. ". Mrs H. 10. Kiddie relurif.s her nnc tbaiii. to br fneil.ds and p ilions fur their continued interest in her school, and here by iniorrns thmn and the public that aba will ret nine her school duties on the 9th of September next. She will b 1 aided by an efliulen asaistaiit, ami pioiciee from long xporiein o lo devote l,ei sell 'ntiringl v to tbe advrtiicQiient bot'i uiorul and mental of ti,oi sntriisiod to bor pare. Sho will s""i,;i(iodate six or eight boarders. Cbargns Irom entr.iiH'e unl il close of tern). Nodedii 'tlon except from protracted siok uess ol one montb. duly 20 3t. N (TICK SALIC OF PROPKRTY. On the llitli day ol Anuii-it, lc',8, 1 will sell lo tliH highost. tiiddur, iu tbo town of Well 01, live valljil('v town lots twentv six Icot front on Washington aveniio.and on'e hundred foit deop, il being a porflon nftlihlot on which the old station iiotiso now atunds, on tj,v t.illowing easy terms one third cash, one third on I ho first dny of Jiiiiiinr.v l.iiu, und the reiimining third the lirst ot Janu iry ISSll. Tillo relninod until liO wboln iitirclinso nioncv is paid. By ord"r of Board of Commissioners. R. I'. Morfcock, J'ovru Constable. j my 1 J 1 1. OTJCi; T() TA' PA.YF.RS. All persons w ho liavo lulled to pay thalr property t.ix 111 list ronitf forward and Ma lta at once, or tbeir prope-ty will ho ad vertised. And aoM s no longer ii'dulgenca will bo given. Poll-tax doliiiqiienlH wl be advertised at onoe, it not psj l. By o;iJer of tl,o Board of Commission "." Jt. F. MoRKOX'K, Town Conatablw. July I.". If. Il- F- H U T L E1, lire n nd I. lis? nouruueo Agent. Places risks of sil kinds in first -diss Coiuprttues aainy an safety vtill permit. Call and ri;b txo bofore insuring else where, liKOWN'.S PRUU STORK, Woldoii, N. C. July 1.. 1 y. QI'RONO'S LAW M'HOOL. Tbe next regular sossaoti of this inslis tuti in will bpn' ijn Monday, the 2nd i September next, mid continue till the first dvVif tii,iio following ; Applicants Will, however,' be rocelvod at any tin.o ana lectures will bo delivered during vacation to those romaiuiiig in e Ciif and wishing it. Octa;(')nal lectures will be dolivred to the school hy disiiuguishod members of the Raleieh bar. Tbe advantages which this city offers Jij the convenience of to the best libra rles, In opportunities for attending the courts which are iu settlor! piore than hall the year, and In meeting" members of the bar and other proyineivi gentlemen, Mirpassea thoso of any other locality Iri the Stale. M .... j.'kk One hundred dolHrs for wbioh Ks student csn attnd as long as he may choose. Qoo'd board cat? b bad for I6 Jlo 1, per morjh. Fjr further partioulars. Address, OKOR'iE V. STR050, Raleigh, N. 0. July 13 1 m. -