THE ROANOKE NE'S. SATURDAY. A U (JUST 10, 1STS MR. WHIT IK Fit AD THE In tho last issue of the Hoanokk Nkws, there was letter up. mi the coo duct and usefulness of the- Inferior (! nut of this C'liiuty which wc published with the f.ill.ining continent : The letter of our correspondent "X" eqials anvthinj that has appeared since the days of Junius, aud while full of silid seise ni I be found rather amusing to read. xlw paragraph, at,d '.ho letter to which it referred seem,, to hato stirred up in an unusual ik-gree the oils of Spier Whitakcr , the s ilicitor of the Infe i 'r Court. In tniblislipg the comment and the letter ire did not sup pose it would cut so close under the skin of the S ilicitor. We had been taught t tej; rd public oil! ri-rt 01 pub lic priiprrly and tlx ir acts as tu'ject for It'jitimnto cri'.icHin, mil Mr Whitakrr, hi.nsolf, in his speech, admit -ted the tnuh of every thuge id kK: by ' X," except the one ulleging tlie couit was formed for the purpose of convicting the commissioners, and we did not suppose this charge was in tended as serious. Hit it seens that in opening our olurons for public discus sion of public ollicers we have iovoked 00 our innocent heads the anathemas of Mr. Whitakcr, and we be lieve if he cauld command eunuch fol lowers in Halifax county, or eliewhere, that the liberties of the press would be numbered amon; the things that were, lis denounces this paper as imbecile, corrupt and unworthy of the confidence of the people, because it will not j in him in a crusade against defendants, that as yet he has failed to convict on five bills of indictment r.i lie himself admits. Wc hao been taught by our bill of rights thit every ciiiz;n was in titled to a fair trial, nt the hands of a jury without prejudice and unbiassed. And wh it could h;ive justified us in de nouncing these m io, on four of the bills of indictment when a jury o their coun try and Mr. Whitaltrr himself hat said that they were not guilty.. If Mr. AVhitakei'j theory of running a nows puper be the correct one, thin the pres? of the country Instead of being a seoti. nel on the notch-tower of Liberty be comes a snare to the feet of the weak and the innocent, aud its b.iasted privil eges have do? onerated into license. Th proper place for discussing thrguilt or in. nocci co of a man under indictment for crime is in the Court Home after a ju y has been mpamiellcd, where they roij make their defence and not in a newspaper's col umns, where the evidence must be one-sided and not under oath. Thit is tin f rm designated by the C institu ti in aud laws of our la id. T.i secure this privilege, milliois of Kiglish speak ing people have died. With that de cision we are content and s i f ir as we are concerned there it shall remain. Mr Whitaker further clnrges that the com roiiiioiiers arc the d irhn pe s of fie lIuAxoKU whan this p:ipur was denouncing J unes 1', O'llir-, as u negro carpet-bii'gcr. H, Mr. Wnita ker ai:dthe said O'll.ira werch ibnobbiiig t igether clietk-bv j iwl, giving p iiriotic adice to tlio people of this county under the social and afTjoliunato appellations of ".rim" and "Spier." Another charge made by Mr. Whita. Iter against the Uo.vnjkk is that $ 5o a he indicted the Comurssi in ert the Niws attacked him. This chirge is simply filse and whan Mr. Whitaker made it, he simply lie '. So much for the attack-up n the Sr.w i. Let us see now huw Mr. Whitakcr stands. At the meeting of the magistrates of this county held 00 M nd ir I ist, the occasion was sought by M. Whitaker to convince them that the S, ilicitor was their special pet. Tim appiul w is su. . festive to us of the folio, ng bei itilul lines t , a ynuno bird when hut i.v Tilling oiru wucn oit hv ii inoihar "It eirlirtt pinions to irv "'Hound the niMt will mill lintteriuhover "hro Us irmnoliiiK wiii(s eau l!v. L mg and anxi ntsly d d the frie ids of Mr. Whituker strive to procure the adop. lion of the resolutions Wnen it was announced that a failire t pass the resolutio ns would ba foliowe I by the iu ktaot resignation of tha court aud the Sjlicitor, the resiljii.ini were reluctantly pis ed,the Secretary of the board of mngis trates ssys with only two dissenting voices Oar opinion on this subject differs from that of the Secretary, am we are unabla to see how ho obtained the numbers s 1 accurately when there was no division bad, and no roll called. We d 1 know, (bat a motion was made t lay the res olutions on the table, ou which motiou u division was had and it only failed by two votes, and we do know that the maker of the motion to table stated, that be withdrew bis opposition, to the resolutions on account of the threatened resignation of the court and Solici tor. , It seams it ui that the letter of "X" Mull have been tiswered without abuse O1" this paper, and wa regard it as un fortunate for the honor and dignity of the court rnd Solicitor that those charges were not specifically met. Unon Mr. Whitaker asktfd Mr Batchclor, of this paper, for the author of the "X" letter, and when Mr. Hitch elor refused to give it, then be mad himself persoually responsible. Mr, Whitakcr is a m m of sufll;ic:tt intelli gence to know this, and to know that Mr Bachelor is still responsible. Mr Whitaker has a substance to fijht, why docs ha waste lime 011 shadows. THK IIOlltDOt-tt tGltTIMTF.S We publish to-day, on our local page a full report of the proceedings of tl, Magistrates of Halifax county had 1 their meeting last Monday. The must important part of the work done by the Magistrates wns the elcc lion of a new Hoard of P unity Cuiimis s' i crs. II iw weil this work was don the names of the gentlemen elected shows suhViuntly. They are all men who have formerly been honored by the people of Halifax county; at least three of 1 hem aro distinguished for business capacity of the very highest order, all of them are greatly interested in agricultural enterprises and as such are well fi led to look after and guard over the interests of an agriaultural c immunity I he honor aid luterosts of the people of lltlifax are sifeiiithc hands of SikIi men. We might close our article right here but wc would fail to represent the sense of this community, did we not mention with praise and thanks the gallant mao 111 which Messrs. Juo. 1?. .Veal and J. 1'. L a:h came to the defence of Weldon township. The speeches made by these goutlemeu on this subjttct were graceful in thought and eloquent in ut tcratiop, they did justice to our town, no 1 in behalf of the people of Weldon we thank the gentlemeu. Wk devote a good deal of our space to-day to a letter from (Id. J. H. Z illi coffer. Of this letteter it is sufficient to say that it is worthy of tho gontlemao by whom i: is written, and does equal ju.tice to his head and to his heart. THK KLM TIO.V. Our late political triumph, especially iu this part of our Stato, has a high significance in our estimation. Think of it iu just two counties, .Northampton with her late solid Hidical maj irity of 10Q in round numbers, returns to the lower Hiuse of the legislature by a Democratic 01 a j uity of 133, ooe of her truest, umst iulelligeut and public. -pirited sons, i 1 the person of James W. Grant and gives to that brilliant lawyer and high-souled patriot l ab. II. Uisbce a .: c .vi 1 it- .1 uiujiiiigr 111 over uiiiins liie 1UUI. cul candidate. Htlifax, when year alter year her little band of patriot, have inarched against an immovable phalanx that outuumberod them by more thun 2000, uuder her most skillful leaders only to suffer defeat, if a fair cou;it can now be had has returned to the Senate that veteran ol the Old Guard, whose name is cooped with praise by all who eer mention him, J J. ,,,, licoiLr. What a glorious tri umph? What a fruitful victory? How came it abuttt? What does it import? Never was contest so Tairly waged, never was there so little of political in. triguc or art or trickery or demagogue . ism. There were no appeals to mie the baser passions no money to cor rupt the wcaknii promises of future reward to entica those of easy pUUic virtue. In the county or Northampton, there was teally 00 canvass from the hustings but men mot each other by the wayside, in the fulls and workshops, and talked the oritur over free from al political excitement, nnd the result was a change of one thousand votes and more in that countr. That staid and sturdy sect, the (j lakeis, who make up a cots munity of several hundred in our midst, who have heretofore conscientiously and almost soli lly voted the Ridical ticket, CiOifl in q-iiet processi m to the polls, and change! every man, his vote to the aid of the ciuse, whosi truth had been sluwly demonstrating itself to their consciousness. 0 .lored ennn, who had heretofore come Ko the preciucts on the day of election with the wild fre zy of a Trench mob were seen to reason to gether, in groups, with quiet faces, and then with firm aud steady baud to cast in their Democrtic ballots. And so the noiseless battle of reason against trror, of patriotism against power went on until the grea'. victory was wona vic tory thai is not roe decikWe in its no litical than grand in its moral aspects, bocause it demonstrates clearly to our minds that the iron age of fierce paity and color hatred is giving place to tho goldon era of a belter felig between all parties and races of our people, and that least in this our section.we the white and the colored people may live in peace and harmony and build up a nappy ana prosperous community, pre Jerving for ourselves and transmitting to our posterity, our free institutions. TO THK IM'.OI'I.K OF HALIFAX VOl' S TV. Fim.i.ow.Oitizkns : In view of the enthusiastic reception and support met at your hands in my late short, but brilliant canvass, for a seat in the Senate of the next Legislature. I annot with hold from giving you through the public pres, an expression of my most sincere thanks for this additional evidence of your confidence acd esteem. Entering the contest as I did, without perhaps, duo c iiisideration nnd the necessary preparation, to combat the muny dillkullies, it was reasonable to suppose I should have to encounter, with a disorganized party behind me whose confi lence from cm stint defeat had nearly been doslroyetl, and having to contend against one of the most pow erful and thoroughly disciplined organi anions to be found in any country. led and directed by a staff of able, active, euer geiic, and detrrmiued leaders, made ointment Irom constant success, it wns not to be supposed that my brisf cam pnign of a little over five days could re suit io anything short of disaster, its ter uiiMalnin, de'eat his oocu sucn as was under the circumstances to have bueo a iiticiputed. I have fallen I'Vllow-cilizms, the ponde-iHis wheels of the moving Juger nnut have rul ed over me, but 1 have fallen, sword in hand, proud und confi dent even iu defeat, h:ie in my hum bio way single-handed and alone, made u gallant ktrujgle, a splendid campaign I have lei a fori .rn hop?, ngainst tre mci.ilou-. I may say overwhelming d'fti cullies I have imtdc a breach in the Koli I ranks of the opposition and have fallen at i'.s c trance, and although my pulitical sun has goon down perhaps lorevcr, its declining rays have lighted up the pathway to almost ccrtai 1 success, for the democratic party not far off in the future. In making this campaign, I have borne up, and canied forw ird the Democratic standard, wkh a pr ud determination. to increase if possible its brilliancr, and in no way to tarnish its lustre; I have had to lower it, Fellow-citizens, but I have been compelled to do so for want of the necessary support in the face of a poweiful and victorious enemy, but no shads of dishonor appears on its surface or clings to its b irders even in defeat. I have gone forth amongst the people not na it were, with "banner, brand, and iw," exciting and engendering dissen- tion, hatred and animosity, by passion ate relerence to the past or plooinv forebodings for the future, but on the contrary have everywhere endeavored to hold nut the olive branch of peace, re conciliation and harmony, and have in every way tried, earnestly tried, to soothe and quiet the storm of political discord, that lias raged so disastrously to our in terest since the war. I believe I have succeeded, it may be only partially. I am well sntisfied however, from observa tion that my course has met the hearty approval of the mass of the people, and that I have in no way, thus compromised the dignity, the honor nor the principles 1 me ileni'icralic party, nor have I in any way, given reasonable cause of Hence, to either the leaders or followers ( the opposition from whom I am proud to say I have drawn a lioeral share of niv support. I have no where set myself up as the chosen, or even the favorite leader of the democratic party, but have in my humble way earnestly advocated and sustained the justice of its clajmi and the purity of its principles. I have at no time identified myself with any private political rings, combinations or cliques, if any such there be in existence. I have' made the canvass as an independent candidate, and my defeat can in no way damage or r fl ct upon the party with 1 am associated. The time hm arrived, Ivllow-citizens, when there must bo reconciliation, political reconc::ation amongst the penple of th's county, or we ure ruinea, irretrcivablv ruined : wo must abandon, and bury political hatred and prejudice, and come together, not as par'.isaus, anxious to promote our indi. vidual interest, but the interest of our whole country. We are as it were, a stranded, dismantled ship, rolling upon the bosom of a stormy ocean, with no welcome coast, nor cheering light, on a friendly headland in the distance. We cannot alf ird to allow ourselves to re divided or distracted by doubts or di. senlions, but we must come togethrr, wc must pull together, or we shall never reach a secure anchorage in a port of safety. And if we will do this it will ni t be long before a brighter day will dawn upon us. I he people are everywhere becinninp to thii.k for themfii Ives ;the pernicious io. (1 icuce of patty leaders which has hereto, fore been so ruinous to our interest, like dark clouds are passing away ; and al though the humble flag of j! JJ Z illicof. ler in this contest has been made to trail lowly in the dust, J hear the thunders of the tempest, faintly dying aay, and I see the white plume of peace and pn S perity towering far op in the future. And now Fellow citizens, iu coi elusion. allow me to tender to you, and each of you. regardless of color, regardless of party, or paiiy olllliatmus my most sin. cere, heartfelt thanks for the flittering support received at your bands. The sympathy or the people has been witb me, and ilie principle of harmony I ad vocated every where. The democratic party, has done all for me under tha circumstances that Could have been ex pected, and I am grateful, more than grateful for their co-operation ; but I beg in all kindness, in passing, to be allowed to say to them, don't fur Ileaven'a sake don'?, longer permit the fouudation of your strength to be sipped by .indifTer ence, personal jealousy or political envy. Vu are strong aud powerful, when uni ted. firmly united, but weak even 10 feebleness and utter prostrati i- when turn asunder by dissension. I have received from the Republican party firm and active opposition, but I am prond to say nothing but the most respectful cuuitesy, and I believe in many instances, sincere sympathy. And I here lake nccasioo to publiclv acknoml. edge tbeir kindness, especially that of the Wen, through whose instrumentali. ty alone I was enabled at many places to address the people. I am under lasting obligations to the colored people of this county as well asmy white friends for the promptness aod zeal wi n which they have rallied to my support. I know ibe sneers, ridicule, and perhaps insult to which you have been compelled to sub mil, because of your friendship for me on this election as well as on many other occasions. I thank vou yes I do, thank you, Let me assure you that you have no cause to blush or be made ashamed Vou have only asserted your independ ence and maintained your rights as free mer, and no one has a right to abuse or make ynu afraid. And although I may never appear before nm again in a pub lie capacity, I shall ever carry with me a grateful remembrance of the readiness and firmness with which many of you stood by me in this campaign. To thus who voted against me, and thnre who calmly stood by and allowed the engine of destruction to pass over and crush me, without extending a help ing hand, I cutuitain neither prejudice nor resentment, nor have I a single word of reproof. Ism crushed nnd broken Fclli.w.ciliz 'us, but iu tha lanouasii of the great Webster, ' I vet live," and nm hiHiyant with hope, and cheerful io con (ideuce of a brighter and better political future, and In this spirit, I extend to one and all my very best wishes for your present welfare nnd your permanent prosperity, individually and collectively. I huvo Mien in n gallant fii;lit My Btar ol hope lia paled its light, The 1 nielli's past the o nitliel o'er The i'msIi o arum is hminl no mora, My flan trails lowly in the dust My sword h covered o'er with rust, My sun ol hope Ion ver 8t I quit tho liolil without rogrAt. Very respectfully, J B. ZOLLICUFFKR. A DVKlt riSEM KNTS. YyAJtKUNTON MALU ACADEMY, FALL SESSION opens .tloudny, July alh, 1S7S, And continues Twentv weeks, Total Expenses, $73 to $85. Tonus Half tlio above roouirml In ad vance, tl 0 tialanee November Ist, 1878. No extra oliarues. PiidIIs eharifflJ from dato ot entry to eloae of sii)ii., JU1IN (iBAHAM, Principal ; or Dr. Sol. a. Ward. Chairman of Hoard nf Trunteos. jntitf BURNHAM'S WARRANTED BEST ft CHEAPEST. Also, MILLING MACHINERY. PEICSSBEDUCEDAPB.20,'78. ramjiUgU tree, OrncE, Yow, 1'. June 8 G m. pUUCELL HOUSE. NORFOLK, VI, J. R- D A V I S . PROPRIETOR. KATES. $3.00, 2.50, and $2.00 par Cay, According to Location. July 0 ly. rHi HINUilAM SCtKIOL, MelianavillB, N. C . surpassed all other similar Schools In tho South! It, in ne; 2d, in !li character of it tiuildingn. 3.1. in' iiuiiiIium; 4th, in ro of pfttronaK; oth, in ability to rnvi.o protiiabln employ ment for Hi nrohVieiit pupil) and uth, while other exnenses are rather below the avorai!, this Nurth Carolina Sohool com. mauds aornuwUt higher tuition fees than any other iniliutlnn of learning of any Itradi., fur males, in the Southern Stales, TIih l.iQts mako other testimonial un. uoeessary. Juno 2'J I 01. A CAREFUL MAN. ALWAYS CARRIES" A Yeurly Folic- Of Inaorunco AGAINST ACCIDENTS VOU C.N SECURB ONK IN THE MOIIII.K 1.IFK IVNiacVNCK CO. OF MOItlLr.. ALA. TWKNTYFIVi: CF.XTS Will Insure You Ai(iiist AeeiJonta for One Day In the sum of THKEE THOUSAND DOLLARS in the ovjnt of Death. Or $15 PER WEEK INDEMNITY for Distilling lujuriea. RATE S Ono Day 25 Cents Two Daw 61I Cunts Five luyt . . . $1.25 Ten Duvs . . s i! 5 THIrty Diys . . i.oo, $5.00 WILL INSURE YOU ; AGAINST ACCIDENTS, FOR THE TKHM OF lYEARsuSl.000 R. K. Rl'TLEK, Altent, nuiuou, N. c. May II 1 y, Q R. I. UUSTBlt, K I II O K G . D K Ai r I j T . Can be found at his oflice in Enfield. Piiro Nitrous 0idrt Oas lor the Pain less Extracting of Teulh always un band. Juno M it, Snn week In vour own town. $5 out UU lit fne. No risk.-. Reader, II vou want a business at which persons of eil'her snx can make ureat par all tho limn they wnrk, wilts for particular to tl, I1ai,LETT 4 Co., Portland, Maine. June 1 1-y, QREENSBOIIO FEMALE COLLEGE. TrrniM ltetiM tMl to Suit the Tirum. The 4.1. h .wlnn will begin 011 Wednes day iWtb of August. ( hard Per eiiion otT30 Wcek. Bonnl, (cxi'liHlvMif ws-hln t and hVMs.) SMing 1" "V '"" """U'li (iiiimv ItM btr Studios moder.te. For partlcu'ars apply f 11 emloetie to T. M. JO VEd, July8i.0. 'r o,I Jent. ADVKHTISEMENTS. "y- ARM SPIXGS, Western North Carolina. Is now opon for tho reception ol pleas ure noe'serB and invalids. This lovoiy plaee is situated in the beau tiful valley of the French. Broad within sight oiilfls nf rallioad. We have a fine! of music, attentive servants, and all other accommodations to t-e found at a first class watering plaoe. For particulars apply for duscriptive pamphlet. W. H. HOWERTON, May ISti. Proprietor. Uean make money faster at work fur us than at anything else Capital not re quired; w will start yon. jl'J per dav at home made by the induatriotia. Men, women, lioys and g'rU wanted everywhere to work fir us. Now is the time. Costly outfit and terms tree. Address TborA Co., Augusta, Malno. June 1 1-y. N EW SPRI.VO QOODSAT L. A. PARINIIOLT'S. JUST ARRIVED AND FOR SALK AT KXIKEMKI-Y I.OiV ritltl.S. Ilciititirul Styles of Spring Dress 1 J t r.ds Iron) lOn to !i0n per d, Drown Linnn Huitinns 4 4 wide, Pique from IJ1 to 2"n per yd. Ilislmp Lawns, Fitfurdd .Lawns, Swiss Muslins. Illack Alpacas splondid quality anil very cho 1. .'iO peiens SprinK Calicos 61c per yd. 4 4 Dl;iul)inn at Ho. KOTIOXsJ. Ladies Collars and Cuffs, Silk flandkor chiefs. Ladies Silk and LaoeScarts, Tuek Comhs, Ladies and Gents Lisle thread Gloves. Seamless Hose and Half Hose white and striped. 2 Button Kid Gloves 75n pr. tiainunrg KUtjingii anil Insertings. White Gloves, White Ties. Silk and Leather Delta. Liuen E0H0111 Shirts, Percale Shirts, dec. Ladles HnrffA f!;iit.Ars and Sllnnnri (iotits En(Tib Ties and Gaiters. Ladies fateut Leather and Morooco 8ipl pers. Misses and Children Shoes. Fine Calfskin boots, CLOTHING. Just to hand a nine assortment of the neatest styles sorinu pants. Blue Flannel Suits. Lmen Suits, White Vents, Klank Alpaca Coats. Light Cassimcre Spring Suits. HATS. Straw Hats all sizes and prices, wide brim wool ana leji Hals. GKOCERIhS. This department is kept up to Its usual standard. SiiKr, Coflee, Bacon, Lard, Flour, ito , as low as they can bo bought ooutb of Balti more. I keep rn hind Jl.klmli of Furniture. Prices are reduced b Mnlmm t iho sacacity of money and the bard times. van uuiuio purcuuKing eisewuere anu saye octlMy f3 TTCT1 business vou oan engsise in. JLJXyOl to to ?0 per day made bv any win ker of either sex, right iu their own localities. Particulars, and simples worth $5 fiee. Improve vour snare time at this business. Address Stinson Co.. Portland, Maine. June 1 1 y. c II K A P E It THAN EVER. I am now receiving Spring Goods al-. moat dailv and it I really astonishlne) to see now cneap goons are. Articles aud prices are too numerous to mention However I will name a few, Rest Prints from 5 to 61 Best Hrown Cottons from 6 to 1 . Best Block Oonons fiom 61 to 124 wamsui.ta nieaniiings r.') Dress (jnoris New Ntyles from 5 to 25. Pinue Heantirs from 10 to 25 cts, Coals nnd Clark' Spool Cotton OJcis or os per oozftn. SHOKS, HATS, AMI CI.OTIUNU VKRY LOW UUOC'ICUIES YEUY LOW. Syrupa from 35 to 60, Old Fashion New Orleans Holassti 75, Best K10 Colleea fro on 16 to 20, Nice White Sugars lOels, Side Meat Vets. Shoulder Meat 6ct Liverpool Salt Faotoy All 4 liuahels 1.65. I have thrown on my uou liters about One Thnnssnd yards best prints, dark coinrs acts per yaru. R. P. KPIERS, April 13 tf. Weldon, N. C. N A W , WELDON, N. C. BAKER CONFECTIONER. Mauufa-'tures all kinds of plain and fan oy 0 indies. Keeps always 011 hand tbe lullest mnok. or Candle, Frultn, Nuts. An to be found In Eastern North Carolina, wnica neanus ov wnoiehaie or retail. Ordurs Inr wedding parties, and balls prepared on short uuliu aud at most rea sons tile prices, Oct 20 tf. mil bjtliFiJce mm mi mi it ureis. There I' a euvioiii S'ory about some native winrj whirli aro in nsively advertised now, dayi, and have 1 nlv rrcenlly been put upon Uie mmkcu i Jr. LinUcrhiil, liie wcii-knuwn rrape-kTowtr of Croton i'oml, died in 1871. Some of his liciri tnienainrd temperance views of inch extreme kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of inrs then on band to be sold or any more to he made. The grapos have sometime been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs hive succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines oa hand. Among thrse is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more thin any other European wine, ana brief wholly unlike any other wine of American frewtn. Its puritr, nge and mellowness are vmarkahlc, ;.nd both, physicians and wine fanciers have a special interest in it as the cldcM native wine bow accessible in nny con sjcli r.ible quantity. The wholo Mock is in the hands of the welt-known whnlesslo tracery bouse of the Thurbers. JV, Y, TriiuHtt t'ov. 19. i$77- The above sneaks fur itwU, but we would add flmt this is the pure juice of the grape, neither dtvggtd, lijucrrj nor vxtfmd; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purpose! it is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United Slates, and at wholesale from tbe' undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application, Rcspccifully, etc., H. K. k F. B. THURBER & Ca Wttt Broadway, Radi and Hudson Strut NtW-VtRK. Jano'JOi in, ADVERTISEMENTS. J . T. GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE. KKKPS ON HAND GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Which will be sold loir for CASH. arr fl R-n TELEPHONE. NORTH STAR. CENTENNIAL PAPA CIGARS AND CLUB HOUSE Are tbe best 5 cent Cigars. They are fravaoa fillers. ' ' ! 1 LA VALENTINE, EMANCIPATION, MARGARETTA, & GRAND DUCHESS Art clear Uavanas. These Cigars are sold by all first-class dealers. Manufactured by MANTOUE fc CO., 1 Mh3 -3m Froprletora Charleston Branch of the Havana CiKar Faetory. T. N. WHITE, A. L. STAIN BACK; WHITE, STAINBACK & GOOCH. VT EL D SUCCKSSORS TO J. T, SOOCH, J. T. GOOCH'S OLD , STAND. 1 ' , Have just opened their Fall Stock of Goods, which they offer to the trad 1 LOWENT CAHH PMICKS, The etook comprises a full line of '. READY MADE CLOTHING, DRY OOODM. LADIES nil! UOODS, BOOTS, CAPS. Tbe largnut etnok of UKOCERIES, SUQARg, SALTS, 80 APS. AO.. to bo found In Kaitorn North Carolina. They call attention to their etook of tbe famous MILES PHILADELPHIA, HAND MADS BOOTS AND 8HOI8 For Both LADIE9 and GENTLEMEN. Oct 17 1-y. T. N. WHITE. WHITE & STAIN BACK W E I jiiat returnfi) frow, the erth Tfth ftj lAigvki Sink ef ' DKY GOODS, AND 1EADY MAD. CLOTHIKO, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, , GROCERIES, RIDLEi, . . AND COLLARS, ver offered in this market, whiea they are selling IOW F O K CASH. They call eepecial attention to their Stork nf ftfilna .j irtiuivl They will Doplieateaey bill of goods tbt v v ititcsiu iu pivunri vnii iuu oco Ulli A. L. K LLKTT A C O., DRY HOODS AND NOTIONS 10, 12 ant) 14 TWELFTH STREET A. L. Kllktt, A.Jrnson WATKmg, ,f,HMnNn v . S. II. lltujiis. J CVr. GOOCH, it , . K i O F COTTON, CORN, &C. A FULL STOCK OF MOLASSES, NAILS. AC, J. T. COOCH, J H. QUOCH , JR. O N, SHOES, HATS, HOTIOHS V ' : COFFEES, T:a. A. L. 8TAINBACK. O N N. HOTIOVJ; AUD CAPS, . BAPDLKJ, can be iiprcbassd Sontk of New Yori. j Oet 17-l-y. j k t v k m d ,;. jr. jr. LoucnbiN tb ' FASHIONABLF. SHOE MAKER has returned to Weldon where be on b iouna over t W. H. BROWN'S STORE, fpreparea to do all kinds of work In B Repairing neatly and promptly don. f May 2itf

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