1 THE ROANOKE NEWS. SATURDAY SEPlEMUER 11, 18TS. Ctort ol' tlie State Agrieultual C'outmiKMioiicr. Dkpautment of Aghicih.tuhb, ) Ralhioii, N. C Sep. 4. 1878. ( CHEMICALS USED IN COMPOSTING. The shipments ol Chemicals to our State during tha past season, show Unit our farmers ars greatly increaiug their use in manipulating their fertilizers for various crops. So general and extensive has be come their me that our Hoard regards their auahiitionas so importan',aud essen tial t the protection of our farmers that our Chemist Or- A, U. Ledouif. bas peri lected arrangements for analysing these Chemicals aid their attention is directed to the billowing circular issued by him on -the 23od u!t. ()KPARTMKNT H9 AOIUCUI.TUHR, NollTH Carolina Aamcui.TtinB Expkhiuknt ANU FkUTIMKRII CoNTIIOL STATION. AT this Statu UnivkhsIty. Ciiapkl .Mill, N. (J., Dr. Ai.ukut R, Lcdol'x, Dikec Toil. "The following regulations ol the Board of Agriculture must bs noticed by those desiring analyses: I. Any farmer wishing an analysis of the Chemicals used by him in composting or (Miking home leriili?rs caq secure it, Iree ot charge, by premiying the Exprcess charge on the same to (impel Hill, and drawing the sample according to printed instructions, which will be tarnished on upnliGitioo to the Station. II. No analyses of comncrcial fertilisers can be made unlcrS authnnzsd by the Commissioner of Agriculture, and the sample drawn by his ngeu', III. No analysis ot ores, soils, marls an 1 mineral waters can he made unless authorize! tiy the Slate Gailogist, to whom implication must he made. Circulars containing directions for com posting, making vinegar; formulas lor tohaco, cotton and other crops; reports upon the commercial valuo ol the fertili Kirs sold in the State, &3 , &ti., will be lurnished Iree on application. Correspondence on any subject relating to the chemistry of agriculture, fertilize lion and kindred topics will be welcomed and receive prompt atteptiQi)." To be assured and protected against im position in their purchases, our farmers should avail them-elvei ol the services ot our Chemist ; and send to him lor instruc tions, as to the manner ol packing and for warding the sample!1. BOO iCUOLKRA AND OTIfltU DISEASES. The immense losses annually, to our people Irora the ravages of cholera among the hogs, and which has thus far bullied all efforts to arrest it, has caused the Gov ernment to appoint a committee ot gentle men, with an appropriatioa of 10.000, to investigate the causes and character of the disease, aud il possible to ascertain a .remedy. Dr. t. E. Salman ol Charlotte, N. C, is one ol the commission, and I earnestly ask our correspondents and other citizens to communicate to him, their knowledge ol any diseases, and their extent among winc. This is a gratuitous effort to fecurc our people against the heavy losses they sustain annually, il possible. The term of the Commission will expire Oct, 15:h, and it is thereloro importaint that early attention be given to the subject. is sriiciAL c miussi' ikomjts. I have just isnied circulars to corres pondents appcsling to them and to the farmers and m .'Chauics an I mauulacturers generally to collect and forwird by the first day ol October, specimens lor their respective counties lor our Agricultural Museum. Also a circular to the several Hoards of County Commissioners for a mi.p of each county to be used in the Museum. The near approach ol our State Fair when thousauds will visit the museum, justifies me in again appealing urgently to the friends of progress throughout the State, to aid the corres pondents for their respective counties in collecting these specimens that they may be received and arranged before the Fair, Reader are vnu willing that the space lor your couuty bb ill longer be emptv t L. L. P. i.k, Commissioner. The K. liter of this paper is in no way responsi ble foe Hit! views or stuti'iiieiils of Uorresp.. int ents. 'o eoiipiiiiiiieipioiis of an niiiitivmmis elianu'ter will lie published; the ri-til miui of tlie. writer must nei-onipmiy all comiinuiie.'itioti's. Any one who mny feel ni,rri,'vet nr Mnirinrnts limit." liy oonvspoiplents run obtain the name on aiiplieation to the Ivlitor. ('orres.ui.ieiis will please write only on one Mill-nr the paper, ami to sv..,l having their eoniuiunientions thrown In the waste brisket, will (nrnisli their names-n it i essarily for publication but as a iruiiraiuy of iroo.l faith. iVu will not notice anonymous correspondence. Ouri AriBNT. The following gentlemen will ant as agents for thu Hoasokk News; Captain A. I!. Hill, Scotland Nock. E. 1), Dickons, Faucetls. Geo, T. Simmons, Halifax, Major N. K. Jonkius, Littlotou. J. 0. Hill, Palmyra. Dp. F. M. Oarrott, Kingwood. Hcv. C. M. Cook, Warrcnton. F. Eugcno Foster, Northampton Cu. J. 1). Bione, Jackson, N. C. E. A. Bachelor, Enfield, N. C. John II. P. Leigh, Petersburg, Va. j a o cT X ij. The WoldoH Fair will bo a big affair this year. The darkies bad a big baptising bore last Sunday. Our Episcopal friends Lave roeently had thoir church yard cleaned oil'. We are Informed that several moio now dwellings wjll soon bo erected in town, Ali, of our lartnors aroexpootod to have something on exhibition at tbo coining fair. The Weldon minstrels will probably giyo another entertainineut ono night during the Fair. Ipyou want lo call a n an a eircumslani. tial liar now, you say that ho is "inebriated with tbo exuborai09 of bis own vorbosi. ty." Th r palingsaround ttie Mothodist church ofthisplacn bavo been finished at last, which adds ii)ucb to tbo appeatatico of the church. September is a stirring time. When every heart with joy stirs ; When poets stir with stirring rhyme, And e'en the festive oy-stors ! We ore requested by Mr. W. II. Kitchen to state that ho will address the people at Enfold to-day and at Halifax on Monday, ones' P.aby a RoANi KB AND TaK RlVP.Il AcillICUL- TL'iial SecuiTV. Our thanks are due, and hereby tendered, tor an invitation to attend the ninth annual exhibition ol the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society, which occurs at Weldon, October 28th, 2lth, 30th 3Ut, at d Novenmher 1st. 1'. E. Smith, E'l) , is the president, and fi. M. Long, secretary, Raleigh Ouaerver. A Pitoip.UM to iin Soi.vki). A certain town emplojs an agent to sell liquor. They furnish him cash 32.17 They " in liijuor 5151 llu pays for l:qoor 59 01 Ho " cleik hire 25.00 His sales amount to 102 97 He return to the town cash 31 37 How Dow stands the account between him and the town ? Tun Weldon String Band mot for the first time in along while, In Literary Hall last Saturday night and delighted our citizens with some roalswoot music. They play Rovcral new sonliimmtiil pieces, and our word tor il thoy can make t!ie hair stand straight on your head. AH of those young gontleuioti conipising this baud possess lino musical talent, and as wo have a military company now wo should bavo a brass b md. Win says loU got it We arc permitted to publish the follow ing cornmunicaiton ; Tauhoro, M. C, Sep. 12th, 1878. Mb, L. M. Lono, Secretaiy. DkaiKik; The Tarboro Souli''ner, beiug an lvi-t rn jouriml, devoted emphat ically to thu interests ol East Carolina and recognising the R T. U. Auricultural Society as an Eastern institution and culer prise of which we are proud and would a id our mile toward fostering, offers yotir Society tep (10) nnual subscription to be awaidcd as pnz s lit your corning Fir. Very truly, Ciiaki.ks it Hatti,k, Proprietors. Itatdeboro Lctlor. Battleboro, N. C, Sep. 12th 1878. Dear News : I am plad to see the name of dpt. W. H. Idtcliin of your countv as a candidate lor congressional honors, Being once a ciiiz, ;n of Halifax, I cannot but look with feelings of more than pride and pleasure upon one who so well deserves the Bame be so justly bears. Asa readv able orator, bis ciiuils are rarely to be found ; as a lawyer of talent and of great ability, do one who Has kdowd him will deny ; as a scholar and a reasoner 'bo is hard to" beat, and aa a clear-headed. commoD-seuso. vet deep thinker, but lew nhilosnnhers e n excel bim. Should be be successful in getting to the U. S. Congress, all may reasonably expect to Jiear a good report of his stewardsiup And may hit get there with all my heart. We are soon aaain to have a newspaper here, to be published by J. W. Portia fc Co.. what will be its name. I have not learned, if it has really been decided upon Since the 1 cky Mount Mail, as i under. stand, i to be removed to Uoldsboro, it will be a verv propitious time lor sucb Brl enteriwisu in this -countv. It il to be hoped they will meet with much success, as 1 think they will, Mnce wo arc sur rounded by so many intelligent and liberal people, both ia Nash aud Edgecombe. A I it tin disturbance look place with some of the colored bretberen a lew nights -since in their church here, when sevcial exchanges of fists were ps-ed without, however niueb blood beiug spilt. This was while the service of prayer was going ou. The two belligerent urethreri were arrested, and the aggressive party caused 4a sing (not to the tune of "Good will lo oil men), but t tha amouut of $22 and -.cost. -VY. T. Bryan. Esq , Nash, showed a -iweei totato a few days since, of this year's production, weighing five pounds and three quarterj. It was ol the Bahama waiietv. W ho can beat it lor this season ol the tear I Mr. 15. has always borne the naroe of a hard working, industrious and successful larmer. Hef. Mr. F. I). Swindell, of the M. E. k church, announces bis purpose of com mencing a protracted meeting hero nixt mMB. Ha writ probably oe assrstea uy ether divines. ' The continuous rains nf the last few weeks have caused our laruiers to com plain of losing fodder, while much injury is beins done to cotton. Our merchants, many ol them, bave just returned from the Northern markets, and .say they bought more heavily thau they ever did beluro. Mr. N. O. Warren, ao old cilii'.to, died U this pla;e last Friday uioruiug at the age ol 8J. His remains wore carried to Wil , uiiugto for iutcroicot i'tituso!. "May your troubles only be little miy you always have Dr. Bull's Syrup handy," said an old batchclsr to newly-married couple. $5000!! $5000!!! Wanted! Wanted!! Wanted!!--Wanted $5000 worth ot Comity Ordors aud Jury Tickots, fir which I will pay the b'ghost cash pricp. Pp big sunflower may riao above Pe modflst 'later vino, All' brag about its Sunday clothes An put on airs ro line ; Dot when do winter Uowls around, An' do snow lies at tie doah, Do big sunflower, oh ! war am be? He 'later hex d IJoor ! DtsniLiTY in adults is often caused by worms. The change from child to man hood is not sufficient to rid the system ol this awful plague. Shrincr's Indian Verm ifuge will expel them and restore health and a bright complexion. A lovely landscape all dotted over with unsightly boql lers, is not more unpleasant to the sight than is a human laco dis figured with Bumps and Pimples, those primo evidences ol impurity ol the blood. Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture will remove all such disfigurements promptly. Aihonq our new advertisements to-day will be fouu 1 the notice al the .fjualificv tion of Jas. M. Mullen Etq, as admin.s trator ol A O. Mcllwaine. Mr. Mullen also advertises that he will -sell piivately, at low pricts and ou easy terms, several very desirable tracts nl land. Hi loigb Nws i Dr. If. K, T. Manning, one of llio editors nl the Maryland Medical Journal, ol l!altimnro,has kindly tondoio l his services to Uio Howard Association ,ut Virksburg, lor i)n ti cat intuit of the yellow fever snlfiirors. Dr. Manning is a native of Halifax couuly, and ii well and favor bly know,) in Noitli C.uolina. This la truly a noblo act from kintUheartod physician. This is not tho fust noblo net of Dr. Manning's. Wliilu lie edited this paper bo ruadn a tender of bis services to tho sutler ing pnoplo of Charleston who woro terribly Htricknu with small pox. We leirn Irorn a friend that there wa an cxciliug chase at Jackson yesterday. Il appears, that one Moses Hell having been conviited of stealing a lot ol (iuau, was being carried from the Court House to the jail when it occurred to him to attempt his escape and no doubt ho woul I have suc ceeded but lor the lare number who joined in the pursuit, for he was in charge of the clever Deputy Sdeiiff who is not built for running foot races over hurdles- Gone North. Mr. famnel Pono, latnly tho popular and eflle.iont clerk of I. Levy, of Enfield, N. ('., passed through our town on Tuesday last on route for tho north where ho will purchase a largo stock of goods for the house of Iiranch it Pope, a now concern just beginning businoss at Parkei's new and commodious storo on the coriior. Will bo opnn by tho i!Uth when they will be glad to wait upon their friends. This firm shipped on Friday a balo of new cotton, being tho first in tho couuly of the growing crop. Letti'.ks remaining in the Weldon Post Ollico for tho week ending September l llh 1M7S : Thomas Ashford, Miss Livy Smith, Mrs, Caltimiti Smith, Wesley Tucker, Pavid Boyd, Mrs. Julia Branch, Miss Mary Vin son, Miss Callina Day, Mrs. M. (J.Walker, James Harris, James K. WilUii s, Miss Martha Harris, Joseph Lirans, llal.Keid, Donald H iss, Miss Martha Rogers, Miss Luvcnia Smith. Persons calling Iwr tho ahovo letters wil please say advertise I, it net callnil lor in 30 days will bo sent to tho d aid letter ollico. J. M. FODTK, P. M New Orleans Pioayuito: "Fob de Lord,' said an old colore I women yesterday, "I nebber hoard of deseyer niggahs habbin the yello' fevah befo." One of the new school explained, -'Why not? Wosoallda rigliie and privlijums of citi.ems, and wesejest goln' to hab everything HKe white folks." That seemerj to settle tbo question. Tun Fiiist New Rale. The first new bale of cetton brought to tho iVcldon market came in yciterdiy. It was raised by J .1. Goi lvyn of Faucets township, weighed SGI pounds, was bought by WinSeld and K nry at 10i cents and ship nnd hv thst firm to Messrs. Uilli ird aud Moore ol Norfolk. W. A. Davis of tbo Oxford Tore blight is whin swakn fellow, we noticed a few d.ivsalueo his gift of 10 copies of hi ex cellont paper to tho SUtp Agricultural Society, and it now becomes our pjeaeani duty to thank bim In behilfoftlio Roanoke ami aud Tar Hiver Agricultural NocihIV fori copies to bo distributed at our noxt big Fair as special preuiiutmi. We have received The South Land, a monthly, published iu Charlotte by Messrs. Dawsoo & Co. It is published in the in tens', pi imigratioo to that portion uf North Caroliua. The information it con tains is faluablo to those seeking homes, in our Southern country Piico 50 cents per auDum. It is very gratilyiiig to see what interest is 'uken in our approachnm 1'nir in every direction. It is ccitaiuly being t;iore talked ol, than ever before, and exhibitors are coming Irom several new localities. Hut at this, wc are not surpti.-cd, as our Agricultural Society ia in, perhaps, a bet ter financial condition than any in the South. It owes net a dollar and has money to pay down lor every premium awarded. It deserves the patronage of our Virginia Iricnds as well as ol those witliiu our own borders. It is earnestly requested tuat the mem bers ot the .Military Company, have their uuilotins made ut ouce. I ho cloth is here and paid for, and the trimmings will only cost a very small amouut. Wo would like te have about ten more good men. There is sufficient cloth on band to unilorm them. We hope during the next week all those who have not done so, will have their uni forms made as it will be better lor the boys to get a Utile r.sed to them before the Fair, otherwise they may strut them selves to death. Our Tkip to Petersuurh. It was our good (ortune last Wednesday evatihig to happen in Potorshurg whori tbo renowned Duprcn and Hotiedict minstrels wcro there and gavo one of thoir first-class en tertainments, of course wo wont, and wcro highly dnligbto I with the purlnrmanco. Thu jokes, local hits and singing could not bo beaten, and tho farces were original and sido-spliting. Mr. Warflold was a show in himself and brought down roars of laughter from tho vast assembly of specta tors. Tho most laughable farco wo think, was I'Dno Night in a Medical College.'' When Wartinld tho"modicnl Nttigout'' as ho styled himself, wanted lo "cut up" his frlond "Archie White," but Arohlo always happened to be out of his roach wlpin he got bis butcher knife sharpened on Ills big shoo. Tbo whole thing wiis a siiuco-sand wo doubt not that thu company mado a lasting impression. Wo aro indebted to our pororsburg frionds for favors shown us while tbero and hopo to bo ablo to re ciprocate some way. Concert kor the Kenki-it ok the Yellow Fi;y i:r Suiter e its, On Tuesday night noxt tlin 17th inst., S. M. llregory, (better known as the (jood Old Hohcl) will givo an otitnrtainni.int in Weldon for tiie above purposo, consisting of Panes a'l'in views, Sontimonlal sjougs, Ethiopian Kceont.ricitios and local bits. Doors open at7 o'clock, performance commence at 84. Admission 25 cents reserved seats 50 cents. Tho object of the "above concert is one in which wo should all feel the deepest in terest, and we hope that Mr. (Irugury will have a crowded house. Tliosi who road the newsapers at all must feej tlio doep. est sympathy for our plaguu-striokon poo ple, Jteiijeiijber that our liitlp (.own has lieeti blessed this summer with rnniarka bio health, and it should bo our pleasure as it hi our duty to contribute every djino we can possibly sparo from our necessities to those of our fellow beings who aro lying holplusa an 1 poverty-stricken. Minyuf them tiro so ro luco l.that limy sutler lor the necessaries nf lile. Let us remember that God's nllictloiis am ooii!ii;ud to no particu lar locality and wo may yet bo subjected to the samo ordeal through which o ir ex treme southern people aro now passing Lniiti.i.'s I.ivinu Am:. I.ittcH's Living Age (or the week ending September It'll contains a vnry interesting article, entitled 'The Four L ut Sultans," translated and abridged lor the m agna tic, from adviecc sheets of a work by C i mt E. dc K sratry ex diplomatist at Constantinople. The uuiiibj, also contains Tho 1! ipLij.'i il Crc'd ol the Enly Rinin Cliilrch, Contem porary R-view ; Tuo Trill ut T v i Q lakers i i l li o Pun j ol O.ivcr Cr ioi.vc l, Irom origin il d icunents, A. If, A. II i n i I ton, Kraz .'r's M ignzine ; Tin First Eliubirgli Reviewers, Coruhill Migazine; The lie wilib rments ol Science, Spectator ; Thibet, Nature; The Drawbicks of tint Intellectual Lile, Spectator ; Instalments of two setials, one by Miss Keary, author of "Castle llily," "O'.dbury," etc. ; the other by Mrs. Oliphant, and both published Irom tiie authors' advance sheets; together with the Usual choice pretty, etc. For tilly two such numbers, nf sixty-four large pages each (or more than ,0il0 page's i yeat), the sub-eriptioti price (fS) in low or lor $ 10.50 an; one ol the American ft monthlies or weeklies is sent w ith The Living Ago tor a year, belli post-paid. LUtlc and U iy, I! Hton, are the publisher. List op Mar ii i. i.s. The billowing is a list ol M .rslnlls ut our next Fair com mencing O.'t. 2H:h : Ainc i-ffHii l'iuiios Abroad. A LEADINU IlAI.TIMollK KIltM K3 TAIII.ISIIK8 A llltANCH HOfSE IN I,Oi;iluN. From, liiillimoru Daily Oanntlo. It is inlcresiing and grsiitying to note the (act that Messrs. Wm. IC iabc & Co., one of li iltiinore's leading manufacturing firms, has been Bolieitcl by u gieat London music house to establish an agency in that city for the sale ol their pianos throughout Great HriUm. The Loudon firm rclerred lo is the leading music house, el the Enulish metropolis, Messrs, M-i.'er & C '., of (iie it Slnilborough street, whose estab lishment is Itimiliar to all Americans who travel abroad. This gives to Messrs. Kuab; it Co., an agency coveiing all id Great Britain, and also an nutlet lor their insutitiic tits throughout continental Europe. It is, of course, unnccess irv to speak of the excellence of the Knabe pianos; but while they are so widely known throughout the United States, their reputation abroad nnd the .demand lor them in other countries than ours, to such an extent as to prompt the leading London li'io to purchase them directly, is a a event in the piano tra 'o ol America unilhy ol special mention. Bnltimote is to be con gratulated upon the enterprise of such n wide-awake and public-spitited house as that ol Knaho it Co., through whose t II irts our inaaul.ictures have gainel an enviable reputation in other countries as well as the United State. Messrs. MeUlcr it Co.'s representative visited Uiltiuiote a lew days ago and close I the final urrang- uients with Messrs Unabo iK Co., leaving with them large orders and bespeaking an extensive business in the early lulnru. A large shipment ol grand nnd upright pianos the styles most desired in Europe an cities -was made during the present week, and it is probnblu that Messrs. Kn.ihe it Co. will hud it nercssary to increase their fence ol employees to meet this extra demand, as their large lorce is now taxed to its lullest capacity in sup plying the home trade lor their instruments. H hy Is II? Why is it that people arc always so tired out" by a 20 minute sermon, and so "relrc-hed" by a two-hour society drama, a little bad ? That every man who owns a horse, tljinks ho ha a "stepper," and firmly believes that the animal woul I go liku the wir.d if he were "let out ?'' That no'jody ever thjuk of sitting in a summer-house ? That t) tinny nioro w itch-chains are worn than watches ? That in no matter wljat ilirertion a man starts a pin I lie point ulways ultimate in the end ot his forefinger ? That no man tbiuk-i any other man knows ho.v to build a lite ? That ciery living mm who smokes uffec.U to ba a connoisseur in cigais j The b inkers ucver have any money to lean ? Tha". your boy, who never goes farther from home than "the next corner.'' is no. cinately intorined whe:i he returns on m it lei s that tinusipitcl at tic HV.r t0 miles away i An llisroriii: r. Fait. I' very anent win) has liecn steadjlv selling llio Inir proved X) Homestead .Sewing Machine fir three years, owns Iris dividing house, us a good account in bank, is clear of debt, and lias money lit inleri si '.lie natural ooesoijuonoc of securing n.good Agency lor bUporinr gnoos at ihn lowest prices, A good first -class Sowing Ma chine, most useful reliahlo yt all times, oasv to onilerstiind and control, l!;o same s'.o and does tlie sumo work as any ma chines thai sell at Four TlMi'.s the priee, There is ;) uiacliinu ill any prii-o bettor, or that will do liner or moio work, and certainly none so !ow in price by many dollarsTim Mojjestemi is w idely known and used in llion- in,l of f.iuniies in the Faster'! and M idd le States, and daily be coming popular in the West, it will save its eosl several times over ill one season, doing the work of the family, "r will earn four or live dollars a day for any man or woinail who -eivs for a lii ing. If ii llio t:t rongest machine ma de, is ready at all times lo do its work, mkes the strongest nnd line-l stitch vet invented, am' is lully aikiii)ivled.'it as the -lanriuril Family Sewing Machine, Price, complete fordo- ineslie use, f JO, ilelive.-eil at yoi;r iloor, no matter bow reunite vou tuav ic-ide. liusi ness perm inent and lionoriible, w ith more eriain ami rapei saies, nnn nirner iroius than any oilier. Fxtraordinarv iiocral Iters made to local or traveling agents where we luvo none established ; ot if there is no bl'oiiI near ynt;, send your ler direct to llio factory. Address John II. Keod.iil if Co., -TJI Hrondway, -New York. Two elegant business an I pleasure wag ons lor one or two horses for sale cheap Lt thu Hoaiioke Agricultural works Weldon. tf. Wlntleld and Kmry hive to arrive 11)0 barrels of flour and '-!r,,iKni pounds of bacon, wliieli tlioy will soli at lialtimore prices, wtibnut any ohargH fpf fipight. tf. Just roceivti l a lot of Miles Celebrated Walkenpbst aud buttoned Shoes, fall nd soo (.hum, vie guarantee satisfaction. WIIU STAlNllAfK & tjoOCH. You, can find Boiled Linseed Oil, Haw Linseed Oil, Machine Oil for Gins, &c. Sewing Machine Oil. Jcird Oil, Tuunuis Oil, at T. A. Clinks Drug Store. On nnd after October 1st all goods will be sold, strictly lor i:a-b. Livery thing dim n ut lowest prices. C .ll and see us lieforo purchasing else where, tf WlLiUKI.P .1 Emrx. Just In band one cur load Liverpool fine salt, foil weight, factory filled l.ti.i per sack. Also ut (iarysiniri; Store samo price. It. P. Simurs, Bottom spire. To lK Lvihks Wo have just tcceivci a few pciocs ol bcautilul dress goods call early and get the first choice. Wiim'H k Stainii.vi'K, li iltoiu Store. Pi.evsi; rumciiibcr that your little ac counts arc past due and we res petti 11 1W ask a settlement ol lip- saine. White it Si'.usn ack, Bottom Store, The Hhst istiie Cheapest, Therefore vou should call and got the prices of For lilizers for which wu are a;i;uiits--beloro buying- tdsewlterc. White Ji Stainuack, llottoni Store M:W ADVEltTLSKMKXTS. DMlNISjTItATOH'S NOTICE. 11 iving quiilifled as Administrator with tbo will unnoxed upon tho estate of A. f.. Mcllw.iiie, oneoased, situated and beiri- in tbo stato of North Carolina, all persi.ru indebted to said testator aro rcfiu rod to iiiako iinmfidUte pavment : and iUosb holding claims rgninsi, him aro hereby notitind fo prbaent Ihe same duly authen ticated to tne, nt Halifax, N. (,'., on or bo tore tlie l;th day of September ISiO. Halifax, N. O JAME-J il. MULLE.V, Administrator, Sept. 14 (Iw. riAIU G IVH'ND PH1VILFGLS Ft li V UK NT. Unless rented privately, befnt o that Hate, 1 Will on Sa urday the VK.h day of Sept , at 12 o'clock In front of Hro'wn's Dru store, rent to tlie hiu'h-st biildy, orio largo Dining Hall, Confcctionai'y stands, aud one bur privilogo, all In good repair. it. w. uttuw v, Treasurer, Scnt7tf g C 11 O O L SOTJC E. Mrs. Dr. i.'icl;olseri will rc-npen bor school in Weddon on Mondav Septernl er the Mill inst. Thankful lor llio very liber al patronage heretofore extended to her by her friend-', she legs to iis-in o them tli.it no eir irt yil! 1,0 spared to merit their con tinued eonliiteiiM'. Terms the uaiiio as last session. j)i'.pi'i:K'.s m:v hotel. (Mi A iiicrlcim A' l.tiropciiii I'ltin. U O I. L 1 1) A Y S T H K liT, Nt:xr noon to Hot i.in iv (ItTOSITK (' STIIKI.T I'lH-'llUK, AVU i llu,!.. Latest News. 20 barrels ol Brunswick Family Flour jusit received at White it Stainbsck's "llottom Store." Wc cannot replace tins with any as nice. Call curly and buy belore it is all sold. Wimtk & Stainuack, tf "Bottom Store." Farmers savo niotiey by using the Home I'l l tili.or, nmilii at homo by the Formula of Itovkin, farmer ,k Co., iyhieh has given such enentl satislection where tried, l lio chemii'sls can be bad pure of T. A. flirk Weldon N. C. Ag.mt lor Hoykin farmer i; fo, 1 am now selling at retail, pretty collco sii'.'ars, a,; luols, per pound, shoulder meat (it, tides Si-Is , a No 1 article of cop'ou at --els. , medium i j ii;ili ly at, lO.'ts. It. P. SlJlISlis, Hot toli Slote. New buiks just t' band and and for sale. Dickens complete, books 1 1 velumes illus trated. 1'rico It dollars or l.'i" single volume. Scotts cotnplcto works, Wavcrly Novels '.'if volumns, illustrated at tl'.i or l.'J,) single copy. Also coinpiuto line of school iiooks, McHullles, ilerncrs and National Headers. 0 rammars, Uoogni pines, A ritbnielics and all kind of school material, llvmn books and bibles a speciality. Complete lino of stationary, . ii ii in tvr niio article of li tter paper ut l.'i cents per quire, less hy lli wholesale, It. P. Spiers, llottom Store. YVelilon ?lnrliels. UKl'OUTUI) II Y R. 1'. SIM Kits. Hoard per Day, - r - - - - ?x00 Tallin Hoard per Week, s - - $ii 00 K mini per Day , - - - 75 to jf l.thi, L Y X II A V E N O Y S T E U S A SPKCIAI.ITV. KM't'i;i! Iniliicciiieiils to oiiimcr 'iul TrincliTH. W. S. l'F.l'PKH. Proprietor, Haliiinore, Md. Aug it!:)m. O T 1 N C E Distressing ArruiKNT. On yesterday morning (Kiiday) Mr. Fred 1. Simmons one ol the noblest christian gentlemen we ever knew was accidentally drowned dur ing ac attack of epilepsy, while bathing in his room. An appropriate obituary will appear next week. Hun lrc.U and thousands will mnati this unhappy mis fortune and his untimely death. Panola Star. Mr. Simmons was a son of Mr. .1. Fred Simmons foimcrly ol this place, and grand son of our ven-rable and esteemed Iricnd Capt. James Sinimoin. also n"pl;o to Mr. J. C. Simmou'. Wc, with the many l.ienJsot llm family, deeply sympathise with them, in tln ir , til n;: inn. Hates ok Excprsios TjrkEts to the Wki.iios Fair and Hkturn Oct. 2sni, Mr. Hhnhy Plkduu while engaged at work in the Foundry ol J. H. tooto in this place on Wednesday last, bad bis arip caught in one of the belts and painfully washed. As tho baud was running loosely it ws easily thrown Iruiu the wheel, nt Mr. Sledge would have been seriously injured. Ma. Guinyillk, a sewing machine agent 'rem Norfolk was somewhat hurt a lew dajs sioce by the ruuuiiijj away ol bis horse. It seems that Mr. G. attempted to change the bridle while the borso was hitched to bis buggy, and as soon as freed from the bridle the horse ran off knocking Mr. G. dona auJ bruising him scvccly. Jst Class, 2ml Clasi Seaboard, 60 40 Maigareltsville, 03 SO llraochville, 73 00 Uoykins, 80 03 Newsoms, 85 70 Handsome, 00 73 Nottoway, 100 83 Franklin, 100 85 Carsville, JJ3 100 Purvis, 150 123 Suffolk, 175 130 Portsmouth, 8.00 L75 W. W. Il tll, Weldon, N. C. C. C. Tucker, Uast.ui. X. C. J. II. Itobinsftn, P.ir'smouth, Va. W. W. Long, JielleVUC, Ya. F. P. Ilirtow, Jackson, N. C. F. S. Lock hart, Weldon. N. V. John T. Hid.lick, Suirdk, Va. Willie C. Limb, Nurlnlk, V'a. Mac. Hardy, Nrfolk,Vi. G. I,, lljinau, Halilax, N. C. J. G. Ellis. Uirysburg, N. C. A. J. Hiilliii, Uillsboro, N C. T. A. Williams, Uingwood. N. I!. Wiliio May, Petersburg. V. W. 11. Ayrcs, Hichmond, Va. Hugh J. White, Petersburg. Va. Joseph Kinsoin, Uarysljurg. N ('. II. (1. Planner, Wi)miKgton. N. C. H I. Claik, T.rboro, N. C. E$um Lewis, Hartshorn, I. C. F. S. Il.mcy, KlUtbethCi'y.X C. JisseL.'c, Garyliiirg, N. C. Widiatn Martin, KH.i')eth City, N. C. E. J. Peebles, Jst k son, N. V. A. C Z dlicoller, Weldon, N. C. W. A. Heese, Hiekslord. Va. V. S. Faisuo, Mtrgarettsville, N C. List oi Jurors drawn at the Special August Meeting of the Hoard ol Commis sioner for the FallTetiu Supetinr Court i wit : IIRST WKKU. Archie H ilt. Geo M S.-more, Children under 12 years old hall price. We ackowledge tho receipt of a invita tion to attend tlie ninth annual lair ol the lloanoke and Tar Uiver Agricultural S 'du ty which etimo oil at Weldon on the 23 h, 20th, 30ib, and 31st of October and the 1st of November. Mr. P. K. Sm:lh is Piesuleutol the sociuty and L. M. Long Secrctsy. The Fairs of the Weldon So. ciety are always interesting aud aucccssiul. ludcx-Appcal. Mason Komainc, P. F. Pcscud, Jr.. W. L. Loiij;, A. J. Burton, Arnold Hordcn, John Hlouut, Saumel II. Webb, John Hughes, James Kenan, W. A. Davis, II. C. Jones, Dr. II. II. Harris, John A. Cults, J. C. Powell, Pe'cisburg, Vi. iMleigh, N. C. Weldon, N. C, Weldon, N C. Qoldahoro, N. C. Wii8'uington, N. C. IIillb.no, N. C. Newbern. N. C. lyMiatHVille, N. C. Oxford, N.C. Forrestville, N. C. Forrestvillc, N. C. Pittsburg. Pa. Tarboro, N. C. L. A. Faiiinolt Crocery Deparlinent Is stoeked with a lull supply ol uaiiio FLO UK. SUUAKi IAItU, HH'r;, JU LASSFS. Canvassed Hams. Salt, Soaii foncontnitod Lye, Essence of Cotl'i-o, Hiuc Ing, Starch, Ao.. Ao. Dry goods, Notions Knots and Shoes, flats, Clothing, Ac, are now heltm sold low down to make room for fill stuck. Prices of uvcrv lb ins; to ' suit tho bard tiuios. 1 2 Alrica Wills. I Wiley Wills. Enoch G i.kins. J T Cole, lira I lord Aveut. It C Rogers. !J W H Stamper, tl J I" Oooeh. 10 H K Moncoek. It S H llnnton. 18 J K Hue Jr. HI It. Try Draughu. 11 Virgil 1). Kerry. 15 J H II iseinan. 10 O iiii. l Coniglan I 17 llan'y Jones. 10 li II Diuicl. 20 Henry Johnson. 21 lKnton Hrmitly. 2 Ambrose Green. 2o Sum Smith. 21 J E Ande-siin, 25 W lleid. 20 A White. 27 Jordan Lawrence. 2S A M luge. 2 it F Cullutu. ill! T II Cluistie. HI Hubert I'liiirntiin. 112 It f liunn. :t:l Ji It Jones. D.ivnl Jiiiics. ;i5 Wei.piiN, September II, Cotton Middling Fair, Middling Low Middling (Inod U dinary Karon sides Shoulders Canvassed bams Laid t'.ni Meal l'aniilv ('..mi' Host Fx tra Sillier Sugar standard A Sugar standard 1. Sugar extra f Sugar brown Colfoe Hi i) fotleo Laguvra Soda Starch Syrups Common Syrup New Urloail :Nails Nails retail Salt Liverpool .Northern Apples Southern applet lie"s wax I lay Fodder Candles Cher SO lli.les Flint Hides dry-salt;J.l II ides green S de lc.it tier Husset I'pper Herring!! (..ilicoes best brandy White cl Hbs Medium it cloths White linings 1S7S. lll.Ms Will bci sold at the Court lmtise, in tbo town of Halilax en Tuesday thu "lib day of September 1S7S, at public auction, a tract of hind situated in tlie county of Hal ifax, and bounded on thcast by the land of William llishop, on Ihe north by tho lauds ol Joseph Check, and Mrs. Mary Smslhiooil, on the wost, by lands of Jossa M oil I i ii mid Mrs. Parker, and on tbesont'i by lands of Win. KNhop, John M.'dlin and others, containing about tuiirhundred and ninetv acres. S do made under a mortgage executed lo the Nnrlb Caroliaa State Life Insurance Company by Dr. A. K. Pierce and duly recorded m the rlUeo of ilegisler of Deeds for Halifax coitniy. Terms cash. N. f. STATE LIFK I XSCKA CK CO. Aug l llh 1S','S. Jos. li. IL.tehel r. Attorney. Ang'JItf. C A 11 D . The FA KM WA(J()sS Advertised by Messrs. lMiiiiiuicr V Wlii'clrr bave arrived and can lie seen at my slinpt. 1 have examined th.'iil caroliiitv. and 1'liid iug them WF.J.L M DK and nt OilfD M AT Kit I A L. 1 luive no hesitancy iu olfor ing tin. in to my customers. Till Y AM: WAHHAN ITD for twelve month's t i uio from day of sale. lie 'pectfolly, It. U. WILSON, for. Svcamoro and Was'-in;:oii St. Aug'.'ltf. I'cter.siiorg, Ya. 1 itKKNSHOHO FEMALE f OLLEG e7 13 Hicliard Ijrinklv. Neptune Auikony. 30 SKJ'OM) WI.KK. i Howell Plitehelt. 'i If C Whitehead. I Henry Pair, f Sandy f eiiner, 5 Isaac, johti-t on. ti Edward Will-. John Hriitgs. 8 Hilliard Liwrcnce. 9 J L 1) Uncle. sl. ;ialO,-ls Sail llilo I'-'! i-iO cts per bushel yilall'll 7. oil ri..".0a7 tHJ a.iKisi. tin l;!l us ' 11 Mill ten Pi! llrailll 22a2s-ts lec Mels 2.1a:.'m per pillnii oilaT.'icls ;l.'J."ia:l.'i0 per keg r.cls l.tio.il.7o per sacK o.CO pi r barrel jeo 'J"ic per lb Leu per cu t 7S per c t l.'ialtii per lb loa'JOe alOc li i7c iia'ie .V.alO oil it i S.lHI.il.ilO per barrel tiaSc ;,.ir..-.. Tit Itctlnt'cil lo Suit llio Time. The Cell session will begin on Wednes day -Mil of August. tJinrge Per Session ofiO Weeks. Hoard, '.ulusiv of m-h-Miit r.n.l lli'lits.l s"n.l l' Tnili-ai in lull hinilisli vourse, ::.i'V. Fxlra Studies moder no. For pat ticuhirs apjily fot cstalneue t J T. M. JoKS, President. July Ci 'irt. A l t' UK'S tniiiiMi,') Ai.t'M Noni.Ksr Hi:mkdy i q'itt.Ntl.s W.VTKlt -Dr. Cur- NT.W AliVKIlTISl'.Mr.NTS. Hobelt S.iV.lliC. 10 Oscar Anthony. 11 II F Crowidl. 12 N. d. lJoi.ka.lav. HI 1) uii. 1 Kimlmll. 1.1 If . Lett Fernll. 15 ,1 T. Howcrs. 11 W. II. Smith. 17 Simeon Long. H K. J. LEWIS, Clcik. K t e c I m 1 1, seals. In time nf peine prepara lor wah, While all is ipiiet don't forgot to insure your property with H. F, Duller, Uoiioral losojaiieu Agent, SiNtlitit Sewing Mschincs, needles a:id all attachments, for sale at White it Stain back's Holtoui Store. Mill Mill! 100 1 ! !. -One hundred lbs. of Flour just roceivod and for mile cheap for cash. Whitk Stainhaw A Gooi ii. fall and examine our large and iin.w selected stock of Crockery bifore purehas Ing. vVhitk. Staiuai-'K, UlIOOUII. If vou din soon will your family Ho pro. Tided fort If not bo sure to Insure your life in lbs M k T b o p o i. i t a n . K. F. Bvixkk, Atfcut. L A N I) l'.v i Irttio of the author! y icvtcd in me as AdioinistralorVltb tlie ivili annexed 1 1 A. G. Mcllwaine. deceased, 1 will sell pri vately, and on reasonable ti nils ths fol" lowing valuable lands belonging lo the said deceased, situ.ited In Halilax county, North Carolina, to wit : 1. Ono tic.0' knnwi) as "Fltnwood," ad joining tlio lands ol O. If. Macon, deceased, 1. IV. ICUOsnn anil oiners, nnu l ooonn. ing abcut tliieehundred and eighty-four acres, fornierlvowned by W. P. Solomon, tlecvased. Tbisis tine land aud situated in a healthy Hcot'on. 3. One undivided half interest, in an Island in Hoanoko river near the town of Weldon, known as Goal's .Jsland.and con taining nine and a naif acres. In one otlior tract lying between tlie canal and said river tit Weldon, containing about twenty-live a. re, mij upon which Is said to bo a fine mill site. Aud in ono other tract Ivhig In aaid river just below tho basin ot said canal and containing about twelve acres. If these lands aro not privately disposed of beforu that Umc, I shall nllur tliom nt public auction, at the Courtsbouse In Hal ifax town, ou Monday the 2nd day of De ceinher next. I also have for a do as Attorney for dif ferent parties olber valuable lands sltuatod in arid county, In tracts to ai.it purehas trs. For further particulars apply to uio, Halifax N. C. JAMES M. MCLLEN, A d iu t n 1 a t r a t o r. SeplHf. ' III IN Ml M "ElV'cK'nt for throat disease- riiigl.in nt a. "Speritio in Skin diseases." Dr. Alien of N. C. "l'ne.,iialcd I or Scrofulous all'.'ttioii." Dr. Walker ot V.i. "Pr nnpt and l.onefieijil as an altera live.'' Prop Duncan, D. D., l.Uo Pre si. Randolph Macon follege. "H.'.luvcnatiiig en persons worn with toil iti lit care. Dr. Hales of V a. "Invaluable for Neuralgia." Dr. Harri son. N. Y. "Hegul.itcs tho Secretive Orgiusr-ir. Christian ot Va. "Purifies tlio Wood' Dr. I.ungboruo, V.i. "Suci e-sful In Dyspepsia"- Prol. Jack sou, l." mv. '( Pa- "II..S no ennui for Chills" Hcv, Ellison O. Dodson, Vs. "Kci.llent Tonic and lilnreii.." Asm... uf Va. L'li'g. "l'iisnriassed lor diseases peculiar to Woiiiau.' .lohu P. Metluiur, 31. D. 1.. I.. D. of Virginia. "Well adapted in Cl.nritive aT.c llnns. " Prol. Mo irinan, .'.I. D, Va, "None have a ivi.p.r range of tisofu'- ness V a. Mcl. Aiontuiy. "Very valuatilo lor Stomacn, Liver, Kikneys and towels." lion. Laudon Si ruggs, V a. "Powerful Natural KonioJy." Prof. Haulm, V. M. T. PHD'ES: V vTi'it, $1 lAfK ok noz J O IL., IIOTTI K : !? t FOR S OAL., DKM: JOHN ; I'll CUNTS PKK IIALLOV. M ASS : -ell rssn AND ?l noTTI.K, f2 SO AM)'i IIAI.K 1,i.N ; Ji AM ?1 U'JKX sent postpaid. Liberal terms properly gr ided to whole sale and retail dealers. Analysis and directions with each package. Full proof of all claimed sent free upon applic ttion. Sample supply free to physitiana dosiring to test. These diamine Springs aro open for visitors and inva'ids tho vear round from and after Juno 1st. 1S7S. Hoard V month: $10 a week. Sl.'iO a day. Convey imiccs daily from Lynchburg to Springs, li! miles distant, over plea-ant roads through plctnies,.io country, connecting with all tho trains. Hound trip tiokeia from all points South an I North at re duced ribs. Huildings all new or thor oughly retlited. Fare an:' accottnnodstmus lirst-olass. Sklllul resident rihys'cUn. A. M. DAMNS, rrcsi. i. a., i. i-ipringM Ci Co., Lvnchbiirg, Va. Sold hy ' a. It. . JLL'fdFFF.H ,t nno. Woldou, N'.C. Juno 20 ! iu.

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