THE ROANOKE NT2WS. SATURDAY SEP I EMBER 88, 18T8. 4l New truter in the Moon, Nature stat"9 that I)r, Hermann J. Klein ol Cologne, di.scoverud some time ago, on the moon's surface, a great black crater on the Mare Vnporum, a nil a little to the northwest ol Hie well known crater Hvgin u. He describes the crater as being abc.ut three miles in diameter, being deep and full of shadow, and as forming a conspietis OH8 on the dark gray Mure Vnporum. The appearance ol this crater is new, seeming to iodicale that the surface ol the moon is subject even now to changes of a vo'.cauic nature. A Story ot l'roelor Knott. (From the Capital.) Jones tells 119 a good story of Proctor Nnott. It will be renumbered that, in the tall of 1800 Knott, then refilling in Mis souri, was elected attorney general on the CUib. Jarksnn ticket When Frank BUir Bi'i.o 1 the S' n I Missouri in 18(11, he sent olil Colonel II irustun, at the head ol two U-rmao regiments. Irom St. Louis to take possession ol J-dTcrson City, Bornstcin was a RcvnliitionLt of '48 and a native of JIfse Cassed. At his approsch Chili, Jackson fled In Neosho, accomp mied by all the State otlisials, except Knott imd one other. As soon us Bornstcin had established hiniiell in possession with headquarter at the State house, he sent a corpnal and a file ol men to collect those ( a invnts of the 3'ate government which Jackson in his Imstu had left, hehia I. The corporal collected our J. Proctor along with the other fragments, and marched him up to hcadq larters. where Bornstcin, in lull regimentals, with sword and pistol by his 8Mb. and seated in the great chair oi tho chief justice, received him. When Knott was presented to him, liornstein begun a speech ia follows ; "Mr. ddorney Shcueral : Der rcfol ti-ui ish now gnmblede. Der modcr'nil oal der Shdtate guflirmei.t isli now in undish huted hnssession of der dhroobs oal der United Sinistra. I am embowered to effeiit a reorganitfitinn nl der Situate gullernient upon dor dhrue basis ool der jnstituiion lor vich our foreladers blet und died " "Allow me to interrupt you, colonel," Knott broke in solemnly. "Certainly," said Cornstein, wit enor mous (.THvity. " I merelv desired to conserve the nccu ;acy of history," pursued Knott. "You observe. Colonel, that the context of your rrmnik would lead to the inference tlmt your lorefathcrs and mine fought shoulder to shoulder in that, conflict. Hut if you Still reler to any reliable account of Ben nington or Trenton or Piinceton. 5011 will find them represented as lacing each other on those fields 1" "Ooiboral," rejoined liornstein, sadly, "dhake dot man avay ; e-henrt him py his house vere he lilc, and blace him unter guard till lurder orter." Knott tells me, says Jones, that he has Uftyer since ventured upon a, joke at the ex pense ol a Dutchman, particularly it he aa a native at Uess-Cus-el. Special LociiIn. Tiik K-litorof this pni.eris In no way resion.-,i-Me for tlm views or sliiteiuents of i'oi-resihl-ent.s. ro t'oiiiliniiiicul ions of flu liiloiivinous I'llltl-aerer will lie piililisheil ; the real n;iiin of tlio writer must aeeoinpitiiy all i', on munli-at ions. Anv one who may feel at Man-merits inn.le Py eorres;i leleiits ran ulituiii the name on application lo (lie K.iiior. rorresinnttenis will plifise write ojjl;, on nun slile of the pnper. ami to avoi.l luivinir their eoniiiiiMiieatioiiH thrown In the waste liaske!, will furnish their names not neeessarily tor puliiie-pioii Inn lis a guaranty of iroo.i faith. !Ve will not noliee anonymous eori'esponilenc.e. -s Ourt Ahents. The following gentlemen will act as agents for tlio Roanoki: Nkws: Captain A. P.. Iliil, Scotland Nock, K. D. Dickens, Faneotts. Ooo, T. Simmons. Ifalifnx, Major X. E. Jenkins, Littleton, J. C. Hill, P.ii.nyia. Dr. F. M. Garrolt, Itingwood, Rev. C. M. Cook, Warrenton. l' Eugene Poster, Northampton Co. J. D. Boone, Jackson. N. C. E. A. Ritchclnr. Enfield, N. C. John 11, I". Leigh, Petersburg, Vn. Enus very high. Tit a I) !: Improving. Flow litis all gone. SVatkiimdi. ins linger, F.VKKWHI.L toillllllloss. Wkatiiku very pleasant. Now is tho time to advertise, A Indies cl lb tho broomstick. Faiimuus busy picking cotton. Am, tint fodder bars boon savod. Tun ice dealer's; huh is setting. To pay is the Jewish New Year. Tin-: old scoop boniiiit is revived. Cotton very low lor a beginning. Oi'H merchants will soon go north. jo preaching in town last Sunday. Tuavkl very good on .II the roa b'. Fl.n iw sleeves are very fishioiu.blo. Oun merchants wear cheerful faces. . . Havk you put down your earpot yet ? Suxn your Job Work to J, V, Slcdgo, ViiitY little sickness In this eomniunily. Fakkw 1:1.1. mosipiitoos utter thin month. . - . Walk way on tho bridge badly needed. l'niNTi'.iis ink will tpjl merchants, Try Wr. had tho pleasure of meeting Dr. Pleasants of the Petersbnig Index Appeal in Weldon lust Tuesday on Ills way to li'aul'on. Whom the Gods love die young has been amended no as to read, whom the Gods love eat. cucumbers. It meaus the B ime thing. Caj't LociiiiAiiT, the Junior Editor ol this, paper, has been seriously ill during the past week, and wc are sotry to say u still no better. All of them have used J r Hull's Word Mixture, Who? Thii'n who heretofore sulTeied witli P.oils and Pimples, but who tree from suuh annoyances. Capt. TuiiNKlt W. IIattlk. and family nl Nash county have been in Weldon during this week, being detained lure by the serious illness il his little boy Gordon. Piukons Want 1 n, Two hundred nd IHtv livo grown pigoons wauled; to bo do livern I on Friday dot. at. Wcddori N. (' I'.irties will ple.tso cnmnninicatn with tho RoANi Ut: X i:vih 1 lliee at once. Dtsi'iNiutlsiii'.o A uitlvAL. Tho I'ldije c untie raeo bore Jeiupher, has taken up bis q iiirtors at tho Fair tironnds, where bo will lie put in 1 omlitlnn for the fall races by Anthony Hall. A million ol worms gtvnving day ami night is unite enough, we think, to throw a child into spasms. Shrinei's Indian Vermiluge will destroy and expel them and restore the chil l. Ri'MovAL. -William MuNVill formerly id the Hotel barber shop has removed his shop on 2.1 J street near the Postoflice where he will be found ready and willing at all hours to servo his customers. Read his ailvin li-cuient aud give Kim a call. The Wilson Advanic Col. 11. U. Wil liam has sold this ixcellcnt weekly to. T HobgoDi) and John E. Woodard, E'qs., a s'rong learn, who will sustain the reputa tion and character nl the paper in every particular. W. II Rlount, ''the Sweet Singer ot the East, severs his connection. We do not hesitate to say a goodly portion ol credit is due the pel) aud brain id Henry Blount lor the standing and interest of the Advance. Wo trust he will not be ng without pmplovment in the sphere lor which he is so fine I by menial romp nieiit. aucruss to the new maiHgenietit.- Tarboro Southerner. it. In timo of poa n nreparn for wak. While all is quiet don't fnrgnt to insure our proporty with K, F. liuller, iJmirrnl Insurance Agont. SlNortll Sewing Machines, needles .t'ld all attachments, for sale at White A. Stain back's Bottom Store. 100 1 10!) ! I 100 ! I !. -One hundred lbs. of Flour just received and for bale cheap for cash. White Stainiiacic A tionoii. Call and examine our largo und now selected stock of Crockery before purchas ing. Wuitk, Stmmbauk, A lillOOCIt. If yon dio soon will your family lie pro. Tided for? If not bo sure to losiiro your lite in the Metiiopolitan. U. F. lturi.KR, Agent. Two elegant business an I pleasure wag ons for one or two horses for sale cheap at the Roanoke Agricultural works tVeidon. tf. Winfleld and Einry have to arrive 100 barrels of Hour and 25,0011 pounds of bacon, which tUo will soil at Italtimoi-e prices, without any chargu for freight. tf. Jnut received a lot of Miles Celebrated Walkonpbast und liuttonod Shoes. Call ud see them, vie guarantee sal isliiellon. Wain Stain back AUooch. Y'ou ran find Roiled Linseed Oil, Raw Linseed Oil, Machine Oil for (lira, &c. Sewing Machino Oil, Lir I Oil, Taiineis Oil, at T. A. Clarks Drug tstore. On and after October 1st all goods wil be sold, strictly lor c-h. Every thing down at lowest prices. Call and see 1 bofore purchasing else where, tf Wl'.iKiKi.n A EmrX Just to hand one ear load Liverpool flno Jialt. full weight., factorv filled 1.05 per aek. Also at Uarvsburg S torn Ramo price. H P. SriKRs, Uottom Storo. To Tits Laihhs. We have just irceivcd a few peices of beauiilul dress goods call early and get the first choice. WllITtt & Stainiiack. R dtom Store. Pi.rasr remember that vnur little nc counts are past duo and we respecllully ask a settlement the same. Wiiitk & Stainiiack, ltottom Store, Tun Met istiii? Cm kapkst. Thornforo you should call and xot tho price of Fur. tillr.ers for which wo nre :ig"!!ts-berore buying ulsHWhere. Wuitk it Stainbapk, HotU.ui .Store. Ltkst Nitws. 20 barrels ol Rinoswick Family Flour just rucuived at White it tiainbnrk's 'Roitom Store." Wc cannot enlace Ihu with any as nice, Call eurly ud buy before it is all sold. Wiiitb & Stainhack, tf "Rottom Store." Fabmrrs save inonoy by using the) ilome, mdo at homo by tlio Formula of Hovkin. t'anncr M t'o., wlncli haa iriven audi i oneral satlsliiction w here triod. The chornicals can bo had pure of T. A. Clark Weldon N. C. Agont lor Boy kin Carmer A Co, I am now selling at rntail, pretty eolfeo nrnrars. at KliH". per pound, shoulder meat (HI, utiles Hots , a Not article of coffee at Wots., medium quainy ai. It. P. Ml-IKIIS, i Uottom Storo, 7 New books. just to hand and and for sale THpknna union OlO HOOKS l lVolllinHS IIII1S trated. Price 11 dollars or l.lio singlo volnmn. Knot ooliiplete works, Wnyorly Novels' vol inns, illustrated at or aingle copy, Also cgmpicto line of aebool tmoks. McUtilllos. lloriiers anu ,l,os. Uiiiitimars. Ueourii pbies. Arithmetics and all kind of ncbool niatnrial. llvmn uooaa ami uioius eneaialitv. Complete line ol sliUlonary, number one article of letter paper at 1 oonts por (luirn, less by (lie wholesale, K. P. Hpiora, Bottom Stor e, liADlhu now wear goiitlemaii'.s neck tied, Ti: k damp weaiher is keoping cotton back. Scii'iiiKi'Ls are now in primo order for broiling, a Ckt ready tho tax collvctui will be after you noon. , KvKKViioDY looking iorward to the Weldon lair. A walU way on the bridgo is sortie-thing wo most hivo. The handle of a crank cir caught in the button hole of the vest ol a colored road hand at llililax Wednediy. It threw him about fortv vanls and when we lelt Hallux that ciav he was curled up in a comer ol the warehouse waiting lor tho verdict. On Thursday night during our Fair thero will ho a Herman at t0 Weldon Hotel lead by our accomplished friend W. It. Avri's of Itichmond. By the yav wo are indcbti d to him fur extreme kind noss Mi iwn us on a recent visit to that city. isdtks ok tiik Wkatiiku iron tub 1'a-t tiiiii:i5 wisicks. Highest Teliipeiaturc SO'' Lowist " Mean " 7dJ Prevailing Wind Xortheily. Amount of Riinlall 1.03 inches. And mi O'llara as down and out. to bo made to step Smvkual bales ol new cotton shipped from this place this week. Com 1: lo the Weldon fair, and our word 'or it, you will never regret tho trip. . . Jon work of all kind done vory cheap. Apply to J. W. Si.rpoi:. Wr. understand the ladies will have ae other feast in Liieia y Hall duiing tho fair. Tiik quickest wcy to reform is for all to run for ol'iieo and every man vote fur himself. Why is tlio letter "" like "tlio end of hojs? Becau.-u ii's the beginning of isnu- Ii. A . F.uiiNimi.Ts (Iroerrv Department is s, ned willi a lull supply ot HA( ON I'L'Mli. Nl'ilAK, I, A 111), HK'li, JIO I.ASSKS, Caovasseil Hams, Salt, S.iiip Concunti aled, l-N-ence ol'ColVep, Blue ing. Sliirch. ,Ve,. A. Dry goods, Notions, Boots -ind Shoes, Hats, Cloibiiig, &., Bio now beiiitr sold low down to make room for t ill stock. Prices of every thing to suit the hard times. Tim longest night in Nomay lasts three months, and when a young man goes to see his "ill, her mother, before re tiring, tells her not to ruin her health by sitting up more than two months. Wo republish tlio above from a Norwe gian exchange lor three reasons. 1st. To show that thiugs are alike all over the w orld. ijnd, As a warning to certain young men of Weldon. 3rd. As a measure of relief to certain ol our young lady Irienils. JLiT pf Juiors drawn at the Septembir meeting ol Hoard ol County Commissioners for the Oct. Term lulerior Court to wit : 1 J L Dunn WHO Scott 10 2 ,1 T (iooch Mills Butts 17 II Geo Lewis Turner Whitaker 18 It is the season (or missing tho hickory 11 u'. aud icunag your iiiuum a mis-lick. - Court adjoiirne I Thursday morning, having finished continuing eases on Ihu Civil docket. Tun colorod troops lit nobly, but the way they paraded Tuesday evening is past telling. RkV. C, M, Cook has just closed very successlul revivals at Mount Tabor aud Calv.ii'. Skvi.h.M. ta lors tiro busily engaged working 011 tho unilornis ol tlio Uoauuko Light I nuniry. Evkiiv day brings new evidence that the Weldon F.iir this year will telipso all its p.vdecesaots. Til 11 hK eloping couples lioiu Richmond weut to Vt adiiugtou uu out) exouisioti train last week. Two nmawavs delighted the heart of the Wcidon small boy I ml Tu.'aUy. The fiM, was caused by tho line sorrel driven bv Mr. Granville. He didn't hurt anything then a mule nrgtniz '. I a bolt an I tried to have a real monkey mid pinot time. He knockel down Farinh ill's awning, flung a nioeer into liis lint he did not hint the wagon. Wk omitted to inoiiiion in our l ist thai Mr. L. M. Long was n'ooioi Tax Collector for this year, and Mr. K. T. ('lai' was elce'cd Treasurer to fill the vaoanev eau-f d by tho resignation of Mr. Long. These are both lii'st'class appointinonls and lor evidence-of this, if any is needed, we stain (hot at this frm of the court the jury was paid in cash, which wo believo has not happened be lorn in a number of years. In our new adveitiseiittut culuiua this morning will be louml th3 aeiiusl lall announcement ol Messrs JJoah Walker it Co the well known clothing merchants ot Petersburg, This Ijrm keupu on hand every article necessary ; to the adornment ol the outer man and those in want of any. thing in their line cannot do better than by going lo sec them. We also present the announcement of Messrs Pliiinuier t Wheeler ol Petersbnig well known lo the people ol this H'cUon as a thoroughly rename urm ami one which sells only the best goods and at the lowest price. Mr. PliimoiiT ol the linn has been in the haiilware lupines all his lile and is thoroughly au lait in every Icpaitinent ul his bucincis. We also Uku pleasure in calling atten tion tho Insurance noticu ol Mr. R. F. Rul er. In sui,i times as these it is not only good policy but au actual duly to insuie property aud Butler is a good hand to place ihe risk. Jcst Ills Lit if Wo have previously had occasion to call attention to tlo be ginning ol work on the streets ol Wei Ion and the vigor and energy with which the work was being pushed by tho street com missioner. It now becomes our painful duty to tpll what put such a sudden peiiod to tho cseitinnu of said commissioner. Among oilier picoes nl work instituted by the commissioner was the tilling up ol the holes just beyond the Episcopal chmcli. In doing this it was necessary to level the breast works aud throw tiio dirt into the water, i I so the combination ol in, id and water made a deep and adhesive paste. Now the street coiumisiioner hs lately gone into sloi.k raising on a largo scale aud amongst his. live stock is a sinejo pow. On the evening that the Itolu was tilled up, when the eons yerc coining home nil the cows walked atound the treaclieroiH spot except this 01 c cow of the coinniistiiur's who waded in, got mired, and was only rescued ut the cost ol much prizing and piotanity. The commissioner says he has iiot been so badly treated since his lasl steer ran away and broke his neck. Littici.i.'s LiviNii Auk. The number ol Littcll's Living Age lor the weeks ending Sept. 21 it and Siili, have the following valuable an I interesting contents: Catherine of Russia, liarterly Review: M icleod ul I) ne, by William Black: Irom tt Ivanoo sheets; Amopg tl) Burmese, Kraser ; Finlay's History ol the Seivitudv ol liieece, Kdiuloirgli Id view; Within the Piicinels, by Mrs., I rum advance sheets ; Agj of the Sun and Earth, Coin- kill : Rus-iaii Court Life in the Lojhtienlli An Historic u. Fact Hvery au'Ont who has been slendjly .soiling tho lllir proved $"0 Homestead Sewin; Machine lor three years, ow ns his dwflling bouse, Has a good account in bank, is clear ol debt, and lias money at interist 'die natural consequence of securing a good agency lor superior goods at ihe lowest prices. A good lirst-eUss Sewing Mil ehino, most useful reliable nt all times, easy In understand und control, tho sumo si.e and does Ihe s.imo work as nny nia chines llmt soil at Fol'R TlMKs the price. Thero is -lo machine at any price lienor, or that will do liner or 111010 work, and certainly none so low in prion bv ninny dollars. 'Tim Homkhtkad is wldelv known ami used In thousand" of fumbles in Ihe Fasten and Middle S'ates, and clnilv be coming popular in tho West. D will hvu lis cost several limes over 111 0110 season, tiling the work ol the laniliv, or will earn four or live dollars a day for any man or woman who sews for a living. It is (he strongest m.uihitio made, is ready at all llincs to do Us work, makes tlio strongest and finest sliii'h yet invented, and is t it 1 1 y ai-kuow lodged as the standard Family Sewing Machine. Price, complete for do mestic use, fJO, dolive.-eil at your ioor, no mailer how remote vou mav reside. Busi ness permanent and honorable, with more certain and rapid sales, and larger profits than nnv oilier. Kxtraordinarv lilieral oilers mad 10 local or traveling agonls where wo luvo noun established : in il thorn is 110 HL'ont noar vou, send your order direct to tho factory. Address John II. Kuiidall t Ik-., 421 Broadway, Now York. OI K FAME. 1 R C Josef r Caswell Smoinon 0 J B Askew Daniel Richardson H F.lisha Snow t) Thomas CI ir' 10 Dow Whitaler 1 1 Samuel Garner 13 Ransom Vau.dian ID Berry Draughati 14 Henry Coleman J 3 Joseph Whitaker Gus Adams 19 AI Copland 20 W IS Wilson 21 William Ward 22 Trim Macon 2:i John R llvman 24 Joe Watson 25 Little Parker 2(i Miam Daniel 27 Ale Alston 23 Jiflvtijnn Hnnter 20 Wiley Perry 30. By order nl ihu Board. R J. Lkwh, Clerk. Wttldou Market. UKPOHTKO liv H. i. spirals. Wm.potr. September 2S, 1X78. MiTti r.-s of tiik im: 1:3s. We tender our thanks lo the Secictnry Mr. L. M. Long, lor a complimentary ticket to the ninth annual exhibition ol the Roanoke and Tar ldvcr Agricultural Socictv. to be held in Weldon. Oclob r 2S h. 20 h, :'0:h, '.il-t and November, 1st. F.xehange. Till! WIvLPON KAMI. We acknowledge the receipt ol an in vitaiion to attend tho ninth annual lair ol the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Socictv whirh comes oil at Wei (on on the 28 h. 2!) Ii. :58th and HM of October and Ihe 1st of November. Mr P. K. Smit'i is president ol the society and L. M. Lono, Secretary. The fairs ol the Weldon Socictv are alxvavs interesting and siiccesslu'. -Murlrccsboro Ki quiier, Cotton Middling Fair, Middling , nv Mnlilllng Uood O dimtry llnmoi sides Shoulders ( 'anvassed bams. Laid C.j. 11 Meal 1'Ainilv llnir Host llxtra Super Sonar standard A Sugar standard i Sugar extra O Snuar brown Co I on Rio Colteo Laguyrit S .ila Starch Syrups t'ominon Svnip New Orleans Nails Nails retail Salt Liverpool Northern Apples Southern apples Bees wax Hay Fodder Caudles Cheese Hides Flint Hides dry-suited Hides green S do leather Kiisset I'pper Herrings Calicoes best brands Into cl ilhs Medium I clolhs W bill) linings NHW ADVERTISEMENTS. B lil L T ING, li A K GIN ii k t b i; n, SAW FILES, . Wets 0 Hi . (UlOels Hall Malo 1-1 r(l cts per bushel 0, iii ton 7. ell I!..'illa7 OH J.llllall Oil lUi'-ts 11 Wallets P.' lilia'JI 22aiK!ts )0e 10-ts 2' per sal bin . llaT.lels ;i.,J"ia:t.,rii) per keg fails JUla 1 .75 per sack fl.PO per barrel S (Kl Xx. per lb 1.00 per cwt 76 per c l l.iallij per lb loa20e salllc fli7o 2a3c nrjo .'ill.Oill H.OOal.OO por barrel I'niSc 7i'wC Il.i7c CiiO'. (made especially for us by patterns fur nished ih by Mr. Peter K. S nith, of Xorth Carolioa GIN liHISTLES, WRENail'IS and cverythinj necessary for COTTON GINS, for salo at Bottom Figures by PLUM M Hit A WIIKELF.R, IKON HIIONT Ut'lLDISO, Aug Rf. Petersburg, Va, I N O T l'.l 'O.H n KIU'I .V l il A It li K I N. To the Creditor ofS. B. Ilymun lecened, Take notice that a Special 1 rocpeiling has been eommoncpd beioro t1 o Clerk ttf tiin Superior Court lor Halifax County anains F. VY. Hyiiian. A ministritor of S. II, llvmaii, diicnised, lor an uccotini and settloinent. of Ins administration, and to pay to the creditors what may bn payabin to theiii respectively ; and this is to notify you lo appear before said Clerk (.11 or before the ;t llh day of October, lt7H, at his office in tho town of Halifax, i n, I Ii o vour evidence ot itet t against unit decedent duly authenticated, or thisnotice 111 be plead ill bar n.f their rooovory. a copy oi tins iiouco no pu misncj at the coin l boiiso in llalilaV tor thirty ivs.and a oopv Iheioot bo publisheil in the ItoANouu Nkws, a uewspapnr pub lished In said county, onco a week lor sue successive weelis. 1 Ins sept, ism, I3i. .loll N T. lillKdOKV. Clerk Superior Court and Probate .) udgn Halifax County, N. C. Iv.lehon mid Bunii Atty for Creditors. JESTAh NOTIC K. Tho niidersiuned wlilloeate in Weldon i or about the Urst ol epgigniu the practice of dentistry, and will In fuluro spend tho llrt wi ok in each month (or ongcr il necessary I III n onion, nm , inajiiliie time in e.ieli inontli, in seotiamt NecK, Wilson, ami nocay .iouui. i niir-r i suit Ibe ti rues and all worn warrantee! to uivo satisfaclion. UEU, Ij. tjlliv ivi.c.r one, Ceuiiiiv: Khzibetli l'etrmna L-le- inciile," I'omplu liar: Rose Chtiiil, an xile's Jj ove Story, Cornhill ; What is Morphology ? by Prol. W. W. Paiker, F R. Nitioii; Dark mid Fair, Saturday R vie.v ; together with choice inetiy und iniseell anv. I'ne uext number, the first in October, gins ii new volume, and is a good oi.e ith wli ieh to begm tnisiriptioii. lot liitv-U'o numbers, ol sixty-four large page ueli (or more thau audit pages a ycai), the ibsciiption price ($8) is low; or lor fit)..) J any one of the American ft inonthr li,-s or weeklies is sent willm The Linn lor a vear , both post-paid, Littell A: U.v, Boslnn, are the publishers. Wk had tho pleasure ot seeing in Weldon last Thursday our young friend Col. W. 'I Tucker of Rilelgh. The colonel was just returning from au extended tour in Kuropn in which lie was ace nup mied by his charming ncieos Misses M.igio, Lulu and Floiiini'O, daughters of Mai. U. S. Tucker. Mrs. It. S, Tucker, still no less charming t ban anv of her daughter bad dned tho party in New Vuk and was with tlieni ou ihnir relurn trip. 4 4, . Tin: Jackson Courier has the ndvantaue of us in one rospoct at least. We noticed among tho scraps in Us last Issue one pelt as follows; k-i-ssiner-w o o t Now tho Courier published this request and it hs led to noseiioiis consequences. If wo had dared to do so every olio of our young lady readers would havo conceived hern II pe.sona'ly appeilo.l to and lher.1 would havo benu a rti-h of be.iulv to our ollico which would run the devil era, All thosame we wish sweet would do it. Nu cards, no c .ke, uo company, no body's business is ihu way weddings ate aiiuuuucid iu I taho. Tiik books are now open and tho col lector is calling upon all parlies to come aud seltlo liieir l.ixus. EspiKl.u's dune party lalsed a little more thau J150 lor the fever sulfcrers. It was sent to Brownsville Teen. Cait. Loun Rk-NN luiineriy of the R. it G. R R. was limine! to MUs Lilian Scar. lett ol Ruleigll lust l'nursday. Im reply to the q'le-tion mil the coming man be bald an exchange says that he generally is when ho litst comes, A. II. Laklim, naval nllicer ex-mrmber of Congress slid brotheof our Byron Lallm cominitted suicide byhanging, last Tues day. IIr thought ho hcid "that anijels sing but it proved to be a chorus ot yells from tho next door children, lie grew despcrs ate. procured a bottle of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup and sent it to Mrs. 8. with his com t p I ncuts. Ho wos a batclulo'." Kkad ! Bi:in!! Iti.APMl- J ust, received HMD bundlis of Cotton Ties pl'l Itidls of bacuimr. 100 Barrels Flour r-iinily, extra, super, IPO It is Salt f idol y lilled. oil Ca-os Sriulf, Tobteco, Ac, 'joo Itusliels bolted meal, 2 "i Barrels Sugar, all grades. 20 ruls of Mullets and 25 Barrels of Herrings. At loo wholesale and retail grocery and commission house of J. is. T. tioonha Weldon, N. C, for the lowest prices, Tiik following deligates and allernati were appointed lo the Ooldslmrn Conven tion by the meeting held at IJalifax jester ilny : Ddigatcs J. P. Tyree. W. A. Dunn. David Claik. Dr. W. M. Perkinc. J. R. Tillery. David C. Clark. J. M. Crizzird. W. A Johnson. E. P. llyinan. M. T. Pavae. W. r. Diitchclor. iVe rc'iim thanks to V. L. M. Lnn-j lor an invitation to attend the ninth annual lair ol the Koinoko and Tar R vcr Agri- cultuial Socieiv. Mr. P. H. Smith is the President nl tlio society and Mi. L, M, Ling Se.'.ietaiv. Fhe Weldon lairs are alivavs largely alien led und are sure to he a success, but we In ar that this one bid lair to meet wth unbounded success. Thank-, thanks we will be on hand. Jackson Courier. WKLIION KAMI. The Oth annual exhibition of the Roan oke and far River Agncull ural Society will be held at Wcidon Oc. 23'h, to Nov. Is. It promises to rival anv exhibi tion of Ihe kind ever lpld in tlin State Cant Ln'kharl, l the Roanouk Nkivs avs they nie lining to "have a big time' and we believe it. Then let our fanner send in their products. The lati bed-oniiti. itn P. K. S'lnlli hi, 1 President and L. M. L li-I Secietarv We lender thanks lor touiplinieiitaiy ticket. Oxford I ondilight. Pr.TKiisiiuiiu, Va., Sept. 27lh, 1S7S, Cotton Is quiet and scarcely anything lion g. V li quoio pan, ino laiier cm middling, the prices uru plainly noini lint. other grades urn proportionately lower according pi qnaiuy. I.IWIN-Wheat is dull, prices run- iiioi; from ooe. to &1 ID. The cleanest anil best seed mliiht overreach tho last figure. CoitN-At present is rather scarce anil market active, and price dcpldodly tngUer, I, I ill ,c. Wl.ltC I11IXC, . 00 1,1,'. (lA'is-.M.uket (lull, ami llio snppiv on band greater than tho demand. Wo quote sprinir lui1 per bushel. li.M oN-MiouiilL'is sines i.e.; inu sbouliioi's (tail1..: sides 7t iTje.; Va. hams l:t il:;te : V.I.. ion round Oc. SoAi'-Coinuiou, IJaiij., as to quality; toilet, lil'.!ll'. Mo.ssi-:s- Fxtra heavy hoirslmad, .: lio-ee-,'Jlo : tiarrcls, 'J-ti.; gohlou syrup toiloc; Porto ltic i i'l. loo ; Now Or lea it a, in inie. 4o ner banid. Hsu - tall caicli new i-.asipori rouini liiirriniis. oil. Libr.idor splits 1 on; inacKerel -small :'." is); N . ( ., cut 4 PO Meal-Wholesale 70c. per bushel ol Pi H'S.; letail So. Flour-O'liet. Wennote: Kainiiy u oca oOas to oiialitv; extra ."no J. Lower ilieir uradei nie dull a"d r.omlnal. - - - . . . ..... i i Mi'ai--.MarKi 1 quiei -ei ii.iit-ii, i' le:id and innnlaied, ltle ; AsPCnc vol low. 7? iS'le. Colleo-ijinol; Kin,iii'.; i.agmiyra, iu. I To : Java, 2Sc. Salt Liverpool tine, 1 Itil. Alletnates Dr. G. E. MstlhcwB. Jno. U Ncal. E. A. Thome. R. C. Daniel. J. A. Noifleet. B. Whitaker. R. O. Burton. Ii. Pullen. E. W.IIyniin' W. W. Hodgei. Wk have receivnl linm Capt. C. B. Den- . . .. . . . i . i i in n-cretarv ai nivii ai ion in ine nu ll V or aud were about to yyrile uu nc iioffli'dgclmeiit Mlien nie laruorouyn nith irnci c mi ; in, and we of cour.-e oppa I to see wil it Dor.-ey jtallle had to iv. wc Mil ml Ills mean ou me sue ei iu . . i i nxor.l Willi our own ami so we qaoic iin.ui in-y lead this way : Our tlnii kare henby tcndcied to Capt ('.11 Denson. the courteous ami ifiiciciit Secre tarv tor a ' complinicutarv to the Rdeigh Fair, which begins on Uth Dot mid ends on the 10th . Capt. Denton cer tiiinlv does all th it withia hi m lies to m ki ltie institution an Ipmor t-u the State. Would that thuoihcr pirts wjiu so well piirliiruiml I Tlpi opt eiliibition Ins been ixt.emely ciiticisod. Col. L M: Blakely w is oa the boat with Ul last week going to Pitt C.nirt. Uu was a large exhibitor ol line slock, horses, cattle, sheep and pigs at the last fur. But lie sayi villi Ins ex. perieutc i.ii lor the management and ith he system of appointing judgis, the met li nts pursued in the allolin l i t ol pf .es, the poor ehow that nttd intuit bus. luiinshes uo en Ci urngciuml to au exiiuuiiir. for in stance his splendid team Ethan Alleu and Night Shade, whose bcsipy and spetd, lineage and adaptation in match, have ever been surpassed at any Fair, had the prize lor match (nkm Itpm them even alter t was awarded. Judges upon stock are not competent to judge. That initc d of a ppoinling cuch nun as Jas. Norwood, who are really competent, judges arc ap. pi luted who are No Jt'PUKS. Col. B'akeley offered a $1 ,000 wager that no ono could Bhoiv a better Berkshire sow one i ear old, in America. We have been reliably inlormcd that Meinis. Barlow ol Edgicombc. and Wnmoedof Hiljsboro would nut exhibit this year. One u (be judges of a rsto last year refused to eirn Our Itiiigiiooil I.iKcr. RlNO'.VOOIl, N. 0 . Sept. "Uth, 178. There is an interesting revival ol religion going on at Iiethi'.sda chmcli near III ink levvillc. under the p.c iching ol Rev. Mr. Pane and Dr. Mills. The meetings ale Urgcly attended in'.i night and nunc tweinv have prolc-scd lallli in Chiist. They iuve a splendid choir, an I their de licious devotional hymns accompanied by the solt miles ol the or.gail Is sweet as mi,s;c mcauurcs, Thai sioal Lo III Irom lulu on some fuot loocii'. On the 8th of October the choir will give a coin ert, the proceeds of which will i:o towards t pairing the (-lurch. All w ho are loud ot iiiusi i wili have a le ut by at ten tniL'. Rev. Mr Raven is prnt mci ing a nicotine: at Faimwcll this week, and 1 bene much good may be accnmplisncd. Vomn jlatt Miuie, son ol Dr. .1. R. Moure preached Ht l-.iiiniviil e tcr lay. lie is a young man "I line proini-c and has storied out ou a i arn r id cleat USelulntiS. May hr r.rusper. Cut ton has coinno-nced roinnig in rather fie -ly and -el's at :) cents per pound in seed. It is laining to-day and bids but bn a long jpe'.J ol wit Aeailo-r winch will be a considirublu draw buck to cotton picking. li. E. M. Nom-'.iLK September 7, 1S7S, Cotton Middlinir. 10'i-lilc. Low Mid lliiig,lO,l-lic. lio.i.t Ordlnaiy Pje. narv rone-niliei. M.h mis- Morket lirm. Holnied Suga-! -A cotf o 1st iiidird) lite per piniinl ; (on o per pound ; whitu extra C i'0 per poniiil ; vellow iiisj, per pouno li us pi4uic, per pouuu uuv ion tier pound. I' j.oiih AiarKoi quici. ng in"i" F.ioiilv i....'iO,ij'i..''iil per barrel, ex'.r Ua ' .SO lier barrel ; super line fta?l. per liarroi ; lancy laiiiuy fu,i.mi.i.i pei lull rel. Ion. II NIJW A 1 ) V V, IU' IS 11 M E NTS . Sep i tf. Surgeon Dentist, KliAl.I A MAN I' FACTORY. Jl U X MITT 1. 1. 1) K I- I . It , MANUFACTL'RF.U OF AND ni-.viii; in Sdcii iv and Gil LUIS, l'.ANNERS. FLAGS. SCARFS. RADGF.S, kc. Also Cislunios for Toui naiiionts,riUs,Ac.. at lowest rale. 410 Broad Street, bet. Fourth and tilth, Sept !il ly llieliinooii, v a. A L K. L AND J) F. M O V A L . I Take this method of Informing my friends and customers, in f o tow n ami -on nil v, 1 have removed my ,i.ur. culling and shaving saloon on Second nil eel below Ihe Post OjUce, where 1 tjhcll bp pleaded to see Un lit, and wail upon 1 belli in a ualisiaetorv manner as have endeavored to do heretofore. I can tie found at. my place of business at all hours during the day anil evening. WM. .aic. .Kll.l., itarncr. an appeal Kir Jeniler because the juJge was a member el the (JuurcU, The military, too, (sit year lodged heavy co in plain. We do not publish these things to injure or captiously criticise, but lo have the abiifcs remedied lor the pride wa have in the State, Indiicriiiiiniie pull'ery never R. J, Day. i yet righted a wtocg. Iluw uu liuliim nut Itaplieil. Prn'essoi Kd-vard Fnlitaiue, who is now in P.eidsville, once bapliz 1 a negip, Maik Davis, the slive of the nephew ol J If. Davis, at Cmtcn, Miss. Mnk lit 1 act i dents Iv kill-d a voniig wlnte man .vhile 'pus. urn liunliiij. lin ler the I'nHnws tie i'lCtiil" VY.i3 to h'V.r.ti d he c-.,iMii'l l in I lie r pe and Maik helped linn tie it around Int own neck. He thanked Dr. Foulaiii uu ler the gallows. 'Mi-ter," tail he, when you come to di", I prav ! 1 nnv be nm ol them si nt In hear you lioni this world. Bui the Sunday previous he was ba t 7. 'd. He pieb ned lo be dipped like the oilier iicgiocs. Ihe jiilor and M Fontaine nuietly took him down to the creek at Canton, but the thing had got wind, and a great crowd wu on the banks. and among 'hem was a band ol liltv Choc taw Indians. The creek not far from the bunk was some lit feet deep. Alter Maik had been dipped, Dr Fontaine made the etoss of Christ on Lis lorclieiid. and j n-t then "kerdip" came a sound, and a Choi taw had taken a tunning leap sn I plunged head under Into the deepest, ol the stream. As lie arose he nude a cross on his lace and said willi a grunt, 'TIcll's gone I" Dr Fontaine had delivered an allccting ser mon on the bank of the creek, and this Indian had understool it. He haplii-d himself. They ll fhojk haqls, and the Indian returned to his tribe a converted man. $51)00! S5000!! 9.1000!! ! WantkpI WantkpII Wantkp!! Wanted f"00!) wolth ol County Ordota and Jury Tickets, for whlclr I will pay tl.o h ghost cash price. JAS. T. fiOOCH, Wcidon, N.C iVVLL AND VfTXTUK STOCK, 1 S 7 8 ! NOAH WALK Ell & CO.. UIIOI.ISll.K ISI HM All, C L O T II I K U S , NO. 1 ft SYCAMORE STREICT. RECEIVING DAILY A LA IME apd iijtractlve tjt-iek of Full mill Winter Clothing mil i'iil' I- iirnmliiiiK .ool. MEN'S YOllTH'.4 AN I) CLOTHINU, BOYS' ALL PRICKS AND SI7.KS. White Shirts and drawers. Merino White nod Scarlet I'lidershirta and Drawers, Collars, H iiidlerotioii's, Socks. Neck. Ties and Scnrls, Suspei,iers. iSO.,o.. 'Ve. SAMPLES nisi foenived. t' LOTH I Nil of all kinds miulo to oruer at Billiinore Prices. i'j.Don't fail to Rivo u a call before buying. NOAH WALKER CO. 1411 S .mo e alreet, tJKTKH"HUHa Va. ALEX. F. SHORT, V AlIKNTS. J.UEO. WILKINSON, j Oct 3-1 Y .1 AIR (iltnl'ND PKIVILEUUS FOR ' It 1.' v -p Unless renlo I privately, Uufoie that date, I will on Saturday the !Wih day of Sept., at 12 o'clock in front of Brown's Drug store, ro it to thebihst blddor, one large Dining Hall, Oonfoctinnat-y stands, aud one bar privilege, all In good repa ir, R. W. BKOWV, Treat ii re r. Scpt7lf Bv virtue of tlio iut tiT i y vested in mtj as Adoiini-traloi- wbh Ibo will iinnexod ol A.ii. llcllw line. iteccAs.Ml, I will sell pri vately, and on reasonable ti rois the loin lowing valuable lands belonuing t, ll.O lid ilive.iscd, situate 1 ill Halilax county, North t'aiolina, to wit : I. Oco trncl known as "i-.linwooii," mt- joiniiiu' the lands of (1. II. Macon, deceased. T. W. .Mchoson anil outers, ami i-onmim log about three hundred and ciiihtyfour iere, lorinorlvowneil ny . l . tsoniiiion, decuiised. l'hisis liuo laud aud situated ill a healthy section. 2. Ouo undivided half intorest, tn an island in Roanoke river near the town ot WeMop, known as Ooat s Is, ami, ami con taining nine and a halt ncics. o one other tract lying butwo'ii tin) cmal and said river ill Weldon, containing about twenty-live aero-, and upon which Is salil i bo ii line mill site. A id on other tract lying in aid river just below tho basin : said canal and containing about twelve acres. li the e lands are not privately disposed of bifi e that time, I -bail oiler t! em nl public auction, at ill-' l in Hal i town, on Monday the !lnd day of De ceinb r next. 1 nls i have for si' ap Attorney for dif lorent parlies other valuable lands situated in said county, in tracts, to m. it purchas ers. For further particulars apply to ptQ, Hulifnx N. C J AM F..S M. MULLEN, A d in i ii i a t r a l o r. Sep! It f. ' AATCRE'S NOBLEST REMEDY ! l!I.IH-Mlil! M.t'M tlbl.N SPllINUS AMI M Ass. "F.ibeiont lor ihro.u dise.isos.'' Dt. ( ar rinnton of 'il. , spwilio iu Skin diseases." Dr. Allen of N.C. , . "I'nequalKd fir Scrofulous atT etion." t)r Walker ot Va. "Prompt and beneficial as an altera the.'' Prop Duncan. L. D., lull) Prejit. lianitolph Macon I'oileue. ' ltcjuvcnntliig on pusons worn willi toil un-t earn. Dr. Hub s of Va. "lnvnlnablo for Neuralgia." Dr. Harri son. N. Y. "Reiiul.ites the Secretive Org ins. ir. Christian ol Va. "Purities the Blood' Dr. Liighorno, Vs. ... , . , "Siiece-sfiil in Dyspepsia - Prof. Jack son, l in v. u i Has iiocoiial for fhilis'-ttev. i-.nisou C. Dodson, s. "Excellent T'tile ana l'liireue - ueij Ass I V a. I. o g. "llnsurpissed (or diseases peculiar Pj W'oinan.".l-diii P. Mctte.iur, Jf I:. L. L. li. of Virginia. Well ndapt'sl iu Floe, alive HlTeC; lion ." -Prot. Moorman, M. I), Va. "None have a id"r raugo of useful ness "-Vs. Mnl, Uoithlv. ' Very valuable for Stoinaen, Liver, Kikneys and Bowels." lion. Laudoa SiriiKgs, Va. "Poweiful Natural Remedy." Prof. Haidin, V. M. . PKIf ESi-Watkr, l cask ok nox i IAt... HOTTI KS ! ?l FOB 5 1-I... DKMIJOUS Itlll'KNTs PKK (IAI.I.OH. MASS: -50CKMS ami1 non-i.s, 2 50 ANPf-l IIAI.K IViZSM ', $1 ANU 10 Por.KX sent postpaid. Liberal terms properly graded tn whole, salo and retail dealor. Analvsh and directions with each packauo. bull proof of all claimed sent free upon application. Sample supply free to physiyUim desirinj to tost. Thr-se charming Springs are open for Isitorsand inva'ids tho vear round from d after Juno 1st. W. B"r1 fc nth; $11) a wpek, l.A0 a day. Convey s daily from Lynchburg to Springs, ; niilos "distant, over plea-ant roads through pic.lureso.ue country, conueotlng with all the trains. Round tnn tlpkets from all points South and North at re. dnced rnt'-s. Buildings all new or thor oimhlv retitted. Fare and acoorjitnodstions firstlass. Ski'tul rsident pljys'elan. A. M. DA VIES' Prest. B. A. 41. Spring! Co.. Lvnchbnrir, Va. Sold ly ' A. K. ZOLliCOFFEH BRO. June 20' m.