1 J f THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY BATCHELOK A LOCK HART. One Year, In advance, Hix Months, " Three Months, " 2 no 1 00 75 eta. NO. VOL, VII. WELD ON, N. O, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2G, 1878. 37. T. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. MASON. ATTORNEY AT LsW, GARY3BTJRO, N. C. Practices In the oonrts of Northampton and adjoining onun'lni, also In the Federal and Supreme courts. June 8-tf JOS. B. BATCHELOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGIT, N. C. Practice In the courts of the 6th Jndl elal Dlatrlot and In the Federal and Su preme ConrU. May 11 tf. wii.tss tun, Rslalgb, N. 0. LARK A K. T. CUBIC, Halifax, N. C. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Will practice In the Courts of Halifax nd adjoining counties. March 16 tf. K ureas. I T 0 HEN W. A. Dl'NJI. DUNN, MY HEART IT IS HUNGRY FOR THEE. BW. W. 0. Aln by the star-llgbted window The soft breme w;is threading my hair Aa If the cool, Angers of woman Was seeking to drive away care I The bright lights were burning in Heaven 1 lie sky was ao tranquilly blue 1 The K ft fingered breeze and the starlight, Kemtna me, Nannie, oi you i And I thought if the stars were enkindled With a light all angslio above, I knew of two orbs that were lighted With tin. Impulse and glory of love t So alone by the star-lighted window A song came gushing and free, And the burden was : "dear Nannie, My heart It la hungry fur thee I" Italia may boast of her beauties, Her radiantly Solie llko girls Hispanla in troubadour music May sing of bar orbs and her curls But glye me thy cheek whore the lilies Are lair as the foam n( the sea, And thy soul when It echoes the burden; "My heart it is hungry lor thee 1" I know not, I ask not if others Are rarer, or lairor than won In thy soul there is love and devotion And beauty for me on thy brow t In sunsbino or cloud, gentlo Nannie O ! day-star and nighlBtar to mo, I shall sing in tny soul but this burden 1 "My heart is huogrv lor thee I ' WHEN THE ANGELS DRAW NIGH. by a. w J. ATTORNEYS A C"TJNSELt,OR AT LW, Scotland Reek, HalifAX Co., N.O. Practice In ths Courts of Halifax and Adjoining ounties, and in the Supreme na Federal Courts. , , Jaul8 tf fjtHO.MAS ST, HILL, ; " " Attorney t Lw, . HALIFAX, K. C Practices In Halifax and adjoining Rmintias and Federal and Snp-retne Courts, Will be at Scotland eok, vuce every jog on tne ,)W railing of lortuigui. Aug. 28- W. H. DAT, A Y D w. w. ni.L. HALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, weldos, N. c. A sad, sweet face framed in a cluster of Tines a mcc as suit and a) pure as the moonlight that bathed it a face with a heart craving m it was the pic ture he saw. She was unconscious of sis pretence, though be might have stretched out his hand and touched ber unconscious of the whole world. Lean' the balcony with a tired, drooping grace that re minded him, scoffer though be was, of the bend of the lily after a storm, she seemed to be communing with the great beyond pleading with the mil nte for help in soma ereat sorrow. This man could not have told wit; he left the caid-table and a doxen merry s .ii In t Ik a nan rti nf Kali fax and .. . . .1 -J In fiiinranifl 1 ...I ! .....nnamnna ti MIV KollttlflA an1oinmg couuntsu, uu m u r 1 " " i u u ... at that nour. ...j iri1i.rAl courts. ni.im. nnllncted in any part of North1 Carelina. jun 2U 1 gAMUEL J. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JACKSON, N. C. Praotices In the Court of Northampton d adjoining counties. sep 15 1 Y AVIN L. HYMAST ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. Practises In Ins oourts of Halifax and adjoining aouoties. and la the Supreme tad Federal Courts. Claims collected iu all parts of North Carolina, ' Office in the Court House. July 41-Q. The time had been when ke could have appreciated all the beau ties of such a night, but it was long since. The durs when the" beautiful and true touched him, and when he had anvthiug in common with poetry aud flowers and moonlight, were like the nhantom of a dream only distioct enough to plague him. He had sought hanniness. but he had taken the wrong nnth. He had looked for the breath of the rose and pmity of the violet where be lie obeyed her, but made one stipu lation. Somehow he pitied her, for there was a look in ber lace that asked from him what none had ever asked be fore sympathy. "We have been friends, ha said. I may be better than I know. If I am it is your work. Should you Deed me send for me." Let it be a antnpact," she replied gently; a compact, she repotted in a whisper, made when the angels draw nigh. Then, fearing she had shown ton much of her heart, she became, her calm telf again. Yes, she feared that she had shown too much of her heart. How many fears to show the sweetest flowers of their uature lest they be chilled 1 II iw many of these sweet flowers are blighted to tin death by the frosts of human nature? If we could only tell where to show them and who to sh w them to if we only knew who craved their per fume what a garden we might niuke of the world ! Sometimes a single sentence becomes branded in the life of a man as if with letters of living fire. Thus it was with him; and the sentence was: '-When the angels draw nigh.' Ho tried to lauah it from his memory, aud strove to ii nun op his old bitterness to exercise it from his heart, only to prove that he was be'ter than he knew," ani that it was the prophecy of his fate. II J said she was nothing to him, and he be. lieved it; but where cynicism one held swav there was a pitiable yearning. At limes he heard of ber ss a beauty and a belle, and as ' courted and admired ; heard her praised for her grace and dig uity, and tried to reason that she was b.ppv, but the face of the moonlight and the evening ot parting would ever come back and deny it. And at last he knew what it all meant. Out of his own heart.ache came the revelation that her heart was hopeless, and again ha said. "I may be better tbau I know," and resolved to test it. He sought her whero tbey had first met and there was another season of two lives drifting together. The one, without knowing it, was unfolding ber heart : the other was readme it as he would a beautiful poem. Unconsciously she was planting flowers where before all had been weeds : unconsciously he was preparing to twine them into wreath with which to crown her. In the woman's heart was being laid the foundation of an altar of happiness; in the man's the offerings that were to feed its sucred fires were gathering. When they separated again the old compact Recently minister. He is a nice. A BIO MISTAKE. our church had good, sociable gentle. a oew GETTING UPJNTHE DARK. Did you ever try the experiment ol getting up in the dark, and doing your utmost, to rrre vent the people in the - , n. . fit r i ...... v.,K,,nM nnii man; out irons a distant Mate, oi nouse irnm ncanng yui course, be was totally unacquainted with up in the dark, be the object ever so our petiole. Therefore, it happened that during his pastoral calls be made several ludi crous blunders. One of them is as follows t The. other aveniuf? he called uoon Mrs. note the result. You Uaddon. Soo had just lost her bus- perhaps, on the order innocent, without feeling a strong de sire to perform the operation noiselessly and secretly. Why it is we do nut know. It is one of the mysteries ot nature. You just try it some night, and pride yourseii, which pcrvsdes hand, and she naturally supposed that everything in your establishment, lou his visit was relative to the sad occur, are in the habit of telling your inenas that you have "a place for everything, AQREEABLE PEOPLE. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. SPACE One Square, Two Houarua, Three Squares, rour Mquares, Fourth Col'n, Half Column. Whole Column, o I P I I a 00 8 00 14 00 ft 10 10 00 20 00 8 CO Jo 00 30 10 10 00 18 00 30 00 1 00 0 00 40 00 20 00 I 30 00 60 00 One Year, 20 CO 80 00 40 10 40 eu 50 10 C.i 00 7o 00 ADVERTISEMENTS. rence. So. after a few common.plnces had een exchanged, she was not at all stir ised to hear htm remark : 'It was a sad bereavement; was it not, rs. lladtlon; "Yes," faltered the widow. 'Totally unexpected." "Oh, yes; I never dreamed of it." "He died in the barn, I suppose?" "Oh, no j in the houso. ' "Ah well, I suppose you must thought a great deal of him?" "Oi course, sit ' this with a vim. The minister looked rather surprised, crossed his legs, and renewed the con ersation. "Blind stiesers was the- disease, I elieve?" he said. No, sir," snapped the widow, apoplexy." Indeed; you must have fed him too much He was quite capable of feeding iniself, sir. Very intelligent he must nave been. Died hard, dido, t be; "He did." "You had to hit him on the head with and axe to put him out of misery, I was told." Mrs. Haddon's eves snapped fire. "Whoever told you so did not speak the truth," she hiughtily uttered. "James died naturally." "Yes," continued the minister, in a slightly perplexed tone, "he kicked the side ol the baro down in bis last agont". did he not?'' ' No, sir, he didn't." "Well, I have been misinformed, suppose, liow old was Dot Thirty five." R. BURTON, Jr. ATTORNEY AT HALIFAX, H. C. LAW, ertw the oiehUshade. lrom what had sowo he had only reaped bitterness WM renewed, aad ho had the inspiration and cynicism, the arch-enemies of 0f being trusted. Ho carried with him peace. a picture of the ideal her pure soul had A burst of merriment from within pained, and determined to consecrate the bouse ; and as the woman turned bimself to realizing it away something while a little flower she had worn in her hair fluttered to Tear passed a year in which b his feet, for a moment he stood with ne,er faltered in his ambition and then his head bowed, fiahtine some influence ,i,e flower came back to him. There wns no message wnti it. ny annum there be? It was a messsace in itsell t) Will give special attention to the onlleo (lea of dain8,and to adjusting the acoounts tf Executors, Adiniuiaratora aud Guar dians. fo&U-lt U. R I K Z A K D, be knew not what a weakness he would have called it then picked it up. I .. . .... vP.ti.jui In the Courts of Halifax Btranea feelings were surging up witnio stie needed linn, and he went t ) ner, Ceanty. and Counties adlolning. In the nl(B He could not understand their ja ruu,l(i her where his heart told him iuiireme Jourt oi iae -, " i,nDort. perhaps it was better that he si.e W()Um beat her favorite luunt on could not. He caught himself dnclliug tne mountain side lud their meetiogs uboo that face, which reminded him nl Bas a nifiet one faces seen only in old portraits, and I am here." he said, as be seated wondering whether in the bygone art himself beside her and dropped th T U. R I Z u was really mspire d or wnmeo partly nower i ber lap. divine. An hour before be would nave trampled upon this 4 werj now he feared to pari wi b it. Ha would have told you that he feared neither God nor man; that he believed nothiog and resnected nothing. Did he know him self? What man does? Who cao tell how small a thins can change the current of a life? A month later these two met as men J T. a a . Md wo(oe(i meet f wy daJ , ihe social circle, anu lor bcbiuu men lives drifted somewhat together. Wither she went he went. Some of the old ATTORNEY AT HALIFAX, N. LAW, c. Cmee'U IbVOort Hoiis. Strict atten tUa given to all branches of the profes. lea. J . . - T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "I knew you would come, was she answered ; but there was a wesltb of inist and content in her lace. It waa her face as be had first seen it, with tb Dain all gone. The gold and purpl lioht of the autunn sunset, which flushed the village below them, was fast dying out, and a dreamy mist was creep me up the mountains wueti ne agai 'Did your heart oeea met askea. She turned a searching, wistful gave upon him that made his whole soul go and everything is in its place" that you could get up in the darkest night, and know just where to put your hand on anything in the house. Hut wnon you come to attempt it, quito likely things may not turn nut just as you expected ihein to. You slida out of bed stealthily, and put ono foot down first, and then the other, and feel to be sure that vou have hit the floor, and ore not have being betrayed into any hidden pitfalls. If there is a cat in tho house you will step on her tail the first thing, and tho howl she will set up will bo as penetrat ing as the tnot of a French horn aud the grind of two broken-winded hand-organs. Your.-blond will curdlo for there is uo sound so full of horrors as the yell of a down trodeti cat in tho nioht-timc. When you have recovered your sclfcon- trol you will strike out a fresh ; and, generally speaking, the first thing you will brine ud against will be the rocker of a chair, or "a love of a hassock. If there is a box of buttons, or an ink stand, or a basket of fancy work, inciti ng a score of spools of thread and silk, you will be sure to koock it over ; aim n will make clatter enough to arouse the whole house, and impress the timid ones with the fixed ido that the mansion has been burglarised, and that everybody is in danger of being murdured in their beds. You grope after the matches, but the match-sale has moved away since you went to bed. Then you remember that there were some stray matches .on the mantel a lew davs ago. You search for them, and off sues a 11 ohnmiiin vase, or a pieco oi " . ii . rt' J - pottery, and smashes ilsoll nil to nmaers on the fl )or at vour feet. You stand Rest assured, you can not be pleasirg at all times and seasons, or to all per sons, without trying to be agreeable. You must not be too brilliant. Clever things cau not be said unobtrusively enough. A person so brilliant as to make others feel that his efforts are above theirs will be detested. If you are well satisfied with yourself, and sure of pleating, you will be apt to succeed Characters pleased with themselves please others, for they are j yous and natural in mien, and are arc at liberty from thinking of themselves to pay suc cessful attention to others. Still, the sef-sonceitcd and the bragging are never attractive, self being the topic on hich all are ft lent and nono interesting. They who dwell on self in any way the self.dcnies, the self-improvers aio hateful to the heart nf civilized man. Try to adjust yourself to the peculi arities of others, and appear interested in them. The belle is a lady who has an air of enjoying herself with whom soever she talks. We like those who seem to delight in our company. You must not overdo it, and thus make your self suspected of acting ; but do not imagine that you will please without try ing. Those who are careless) of pleas ing aro never popular. Those who do not care how they look invariably look ugly. You will never please without doing all ihee things and more, After all. what a I'eeksnilli in business it is to go into self is required I No wonder there are so few thoroughly agreeable people. S1 QN PAINTERS Wanted In every section of the United States and Provinces to anawera tfeis ad vertisement, Addros, DANIEL V. BEA.TTY, Washington. N. J. Deo, ltf , HAPPINESS OR MISERY, 13 TUK QUESTION! Dr. W. E. Hoyt of V years successful practice guarantees speedy and permanent curerfall Chronic, H-wfulMift, Private, Syphilitic and Female Diseases, Nperioa lorrlxn i, or self-abuse at his Medical In stitute, Agan fc ('benny illock. opposite tho City Hall Farl:, Syracuse, N. Y. Med icine Mn; to all parts of tho U. 8, and Canada. Don't be deceived by advertis lug quacks who throng our large cities, but consult Dr. Hoyt or Bend for circular treating on his specialties to Lis F. O, Box Z7H. LADIES. My great liquid French Rotnody, AM1E DE P .-3 MM IS, or Female Friend, is unfailing in Ihe cure of all pain ful and dangerous diseases of ronr sor. It moderates alt excess, and brings on the moiitnly period with regularity. In all nei voi.s and spinal h HVctions, pains In ihe back or Utnbs, heaviness, fatigue on alig.'.t oxertlnn, palpitation of the heart, lownesa of spirit, hysterics, sick headache, whites, and all pain ful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, It effects a cure when ail other means fail. Price 12,00 per Hot tie, sent by uiiiil. Dr. W. E. Hoyt, J5ox 278. Syracuse, N. If, Nov 25 1 y. s C1IOOL TEACHERS, 'Then he did not do much active dismayed afraid to step lest you s ep work. Perhaps you are better without him, for you can easily supply his place with a better one." 'Never, sir never will I see ai good one as he." 'O'i. ves. vou will. He bad the heaves bad you know." "Nothing of the kind! on broken glass, and immediately you call to mind all the stories you have heard aod read of lock-ja aud paralysis which resulted from stepping on broken class. You find a match at last aud scratch it on the wall paper, regardless nf the "scratch my back, in perforated hoard and saimiDe". which VOU know You ran easily Increase yonr salary by by devoting a very email portion of your IaIw1iia limn tn mv Inlara.l T H what constant subjugation of poet you to oanvass for my celebrated uiv rianos ana organs unless you see fit to; but the service I require of you In both pleasant aud profitable. Fait particulars free. Addroxn, . DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. HOSPITABLE SOLICITUDE, JOCKY MOUNT MILLS, I .... Whv. I recollect I saw him, one must hang somewhere m your vigiuii) A aii with nil mi hi. b.ck. and I (lis. but iust where ah! thats the question tinctly recollect that he had the heaves You scrntch the wrong end of the and walked as if be bad the string- match, and yon quickly reverse it and bait," try the other; but both are the wrong Mrs. Haddon started at hr reverend ends. Ihe days ol its use uincss are visitor as if sho imagined that he was past-someooay nas sciatu ci u oB.or. ueiore you gri uulk in vc. m you have sttimplod over half the chairs n the room. UDset an ottoman, oarKea It is the sole business of a Japaoeses innkeeper to minister to the comfort of his guest. lie is an object ol solitude to every one connected with the estab lishment. II it is midday, and be had arrived hot, dusty and a littla tired, after a Imib morning's tramp, the whole force of the establishment ushers the visitor ioto a pretty, liglr. establishment, look ing on to one of tboss marvelous minia ture gardens, in which, covcHng a space of a lew feet, tho mountains, woods rivers and floods nf an entire province are represented. By one neatly-dressed, pleasant-looking damsel his boots are taken off and his feet bathed in hot water, a second fans him and keeps up a voluble patter ofconversvlin, a third on her knees offers him refreshing tea and sweetmeats, whila tho host bi'nscK" with another detachment of waitresses is help ing the coolies to unpack the box con tainins European food. Everything that meets the eye Is contrived to please I all of the best quality and at low prices, it. There are pleasant rustic paintings on the screens. Vases of flowers are ROCKY MOUNT, N. Q. January 1st, 1378. We are now prepared to furnish fbfl trade with ' SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PLOW LIN E3 and COTTON. i YARNS, Our terms strictly net cash, 30 days. h 1KFIILD, 81HF4.X COUNTY, V. C. polish of his early days some of the 1 out towards her, and ho kuew her an old snatches ol poetry ana romance ne gwer betor n came. thought himself d me with came back to him, and be made uimsei! entertain- . ... r ! - r . I. - .... m 7 ! imt tne leciinea oi mo biuuicuw Pradtlcea In the Counties of Halifax, JSSErStoU Tllnn of th. under the moonlight, when he was MUU. jan "Yes," she whispered ; "and now in deed do the angels draw nigh." "No." he said ; they are here. 1 breo times they drew nigh ; now they have E. TAMES V ATTORNEY AT H A R A, ilent watcher and sne a suenv suuercr, cm- did oot reproduce themselves. If be And if in the after aud. blended life of had been askd why he sought her he these lw they ever held that there are LAW, ENFIELD, N. C. Praotle' In the Counties KCJgeooaaha and hours when the atijels draw nigh us, is there aught U be written in cuudeiuna lion of it? A nerfect love Is a love of (i d s form I inn, and ifr of old Bf2-l9 W?r H' I nmhnsndors. mav not the v bo now, al ' though unseen ? Aye, m re. Who has woull have said because bo enjoyed her company. U be had been told that he would love ber he would have mocked Xbe idea. As for tba woman, she was calm 'and uleasaut to him, showing nuthine more of an inner life than au of Halifax, other woman would have done. She Nash. In the Supreme , . ij mocked in her gentle . r;,,ht to chid this men for thinking jOeurt of the State ana in mo "uor"' wiy ,t lh8 thought of love. Ila be- thi, woman an angel? H is s'le not beeo CeHestlona made In any part ef the ieved bimeelf incapable of it ; she felt the means of leading him from darkness Wtate. WilUttnd at the Court Mouse in 0 j0,e exisled or ber. UJlU lur- l0 ijhlf Has the uot planted roses got that where there were only thorns? If tbn Is "oflener 'ar Dot the work tf angels, what is it? A K D R E W J. BUKlun, H$lh though scorned and slighted, JJ-. wrogbtinejoy Orangush of a life whose Issues seem Ruled by far others causes." And yet this woman bad an inner life attuned to sympathy with all that was beautiful and good and true and loving bad a beart that was alt ys going out to an iojial love. The sarrew of the first time be ever saw her was tho sorrow Halifax Monday aod Friday f ob jau 12-1 o KDREW J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice tntbe Courts of Halifax, War area and Northampton counties aud In the .Baareeae and Federal Courla, . Claims oelleotod in any ari oi norm junii- Carolina. ion k. hooks. I of unrest ; the pleading In ber face was a prayer to the spirit ol J cace. klAKU , UVLLIN. L L E N A MOORE Mu . -ATTORNEYS AT LAW. flftUnai, N. C. Practice In the Counties of Halifax, 'Northampton, Kdgeoombe, t lit and Mar .Ha In tho (Supreme Court nf the Slate ,nd In the Federal ConrU of the Eastern District. Collections made In any part of North Carolina. jan 1-1 o Finally the time rame for a parting She waa to eo back to her city home? be was to wooder as be had for years Tbef separated in the evening tide and than he told ber of the & wer aod the night on tbe balcony, and (bowed it to her. There was no sentiment in tne The muru!ar pnwei oi small animals l particularly ohcrva'ile iu the teredo or hio-worm. which sttsrks thu bottom nl hips in multitudes, and with such lores aa has oroduced l he necessity ol coppering verses, now to eeoerallv nracticeil. inn insert is only six inchrt In Ungth, but th muscle with which in head la arrae l ena bias it easily to p.'octritc into thestrnogeit osp DlanK. r.cu worm, in mooring, gu fine itself to Its own shell, which is only divided lrom that ol its neighbor by a par tition not thicker than a piece of writing paper. If it cost anvthing to gn to church, peo nte who never ge now 'would run around like wild men tor Iree passes. Tph, hntiA rMtilia irnm Ihe secret satis telling, but bis voice was solttr than she . 0, our 0WD mjD(i ,d is decreed bad ever heard it. Again strange uei- u, both lf religion and fie suRragts c inffi were welliog up witbio bin. wiic men it is the ihadow of winlom ao . ".. . 1 I , I I : . t 1. 1 .. t. 1 1 ijift it to me, Bte aemaouea. yinus, anu u is iHsaiviv Hum iu. crazr. "Ho could never have bad the string halt, for he had a cork leg I" be re turned. A cork lee I remarkable. Bit really, now. dido t he have a dangerour trick of suddenly stopping acd kicking a wagon all to pieces? 'Never: he was not a mad man, sir I" Probably not. But there were some good points about him." "I should think so !" "The way in which be carried his ears for exa mplc." "Nobody else ever noticed that par. ticular trerit." said the widow, with auch asDerity. "he wis warm hearted, generously, and frank 1" "Oond qualities," answered be. uncon. scinusly. "How long did it take him to go a mile?" "About fifieed minutes. "Not much of a goer. Wasn't bis hair apt to flyr-' "He didn't have any hair. He was bald-headed." ' Quite a curiosity I ' "No, sir ; no more of a curiosity than ynu ore." The minister shifted uneasily and got red in the face. Bat he returned to the attack. "Did you use the whip much en him?" "Never, sir." "Went right along without U. eh?" Ye." ' II must have been a good sort of a brute ?" Mrs. Haddon turned white and made no reply. The minister did not know what to say, but finally blurted out: 'What I. must admired sbiut him was the beautiful waggle of bis tail." Tho widow just sat down and crted. "The idea of your coming bere aid csultlng mel" she sobbed. 'If my husband had lived you wonldu't a done it. Your remarks io reference to that nonr dead man have been a series of insults. 1 won t stana it. He colored and looked dumbfounded "No, no," she cried. "Ain't ynu Mrs. Blinkers?" at last he stammered, "and bas not you old gray horse died? "I never owned a bborse, but my husband died about a w.week ago 1 Ten minutes later the minister came ont of that bouse with the reddest face ever seen on mortal man. "And to think," he groaned as be strode home, "that I was lolking horse to that woman all tho time, and she' was talking husband." Keystone. your ankles, bruised your feet, exhaustei your patience, ana roused up everyooay in the house; ane next mining bi breakfast yon will be asked by the whole household, severally, and collcc what oncarlh you wero up all night fur, tearing the house down I otted about; colored lanterns bang! ithout, so that by tho time the traveler as finished bis repast, has smoked a ,. -rl nioe. and Demons urang a cup oi 1 ... i. Saki" with the host he fee's thoroughly refreshed and m capital humor to re sume bis journey. All this enj iymcnt Is procured at a merely nominal cost, ud the present of some bread or 1 iro- pean liquor to the house at leaving, brings nut the whole establishment, who ay "Siyonara that is "Uooa-Dye with their foreheads on the mats. THE PIAD ALIVE. Two body-snatchers, while following their horrible. occuDallon. were, one . , r dark night, driving over a desolate moor in a rural district m hngland. iney bad the body of a woman enveloped io a large bag, sitting bolt up-right between them. On coming to a road-side inn, the hostlcry to refresh themselves. The hostler of the inn, not liking their looks, went nut to the cart, and, to his bnrmr, found thn corpse. Determined to play trick on the me he hurriedly re moved tho bodv to the stable, and then ealmlv and deliberately got into the sake asd leisurely awaited events. The two worthies . after smoking their ... . :..J .1.- nmes. la't the warm room, arnica iuu horse and proceeded on their j outnev They had gone some distance, wnen one of the men inadvertontly placed his hand on the face of the suppnsed dead Uuitk as lightning he withdrew his band exclaimiiio to his comrade, "Jim, that corpse is hotl" "Yes," exclaimed voice from the big, "nd if you ha been in Tphet as long as I have, you would be hot. too." Alarmed beyond measure, the two j imped from t" cart, and huried away for dear life. The hostler faced the horse's head toward the inn, and immediately advertised the horse and cart, but no owner ever ap peared to claim the property. 'an 26 a Address BATTLE & SON, Rocky Mount, N. C. THE PROFANE PARSON. A TALB IN HVB CHAFTBRS. It- F- BUTLER. Fire an 4 Llle Inaurauce Agont, Places risks of all kinds in first-class Companies as low an safety will paruiit. Call and sue n0 bofore Insuring else where, at BROWN'S DRUQ 8T0RE, Woldon, N. C. July 1,1 y. , I ) TT,GrP business you oan engage In. Crumm I Ooce upon a time, in the XjiJJO I sto$20 par day made by irk ace of the nineteenth century, there I any worker of either sex. right in their lived a gentleman who held a comum.ion I own localities. Particulars and atinplea in the rmy CHARACTER. The it'flfrenca of character are never more distincllv een than in times wh'n men ate surrounded by difficulties an I nrnfnitunts. There i l some who when di.ipoj'd.ed by thd lailure nf an undertaking, from which they had ex pected great things, make up their mind at ooce to exert tuemieljes no longer against what they ca'l late, aa it thereby thev could avenge themselves upon me; others grow dospondiug sod hopeless;, but a third class ol men will rooe them elves just at auob moments aod say to themselves, "the more ditlicolt it is to attain my ends, the more hnooiable it will be ;" and tbia ia a msxim which everyone should imprest upon -binitelf as a law. Some of those wbo are guided by ii prosecute their plans with obstlnicy, aod an i,flsh : others, who are mere praotical I -i ' Chaftkh it. Bat he lud serions scruples as to whether It was right or wrong to Kill his fellow creatures ai me bi'Uiug of others, or, io lact, whether it was not a jcnnje to kill tils Icllow-men at all. Ciiaptkr in. lie decilcd that it was a enme, nntwllliataniling l lie giutcr anu tinsel thrown about the murderous pro- lessien ; so be sold hi commission and entered ihe church, thinking that as he wns an intelligent mnu, and uot a mere machine, ha might do more good to humanity in thnt lira than in the otbtr line. Ciiaptkr iv. One day, discoursing to a rustic congregation on the folly ol using profane langmge, ho told them that he himsell was once guilty nf the ssrae lolly, and a ldicted to the isnie vice but that he had completely ronq irred the habit. I'liAPrKit v. A Hfliig Ititoct besting tho boait, whinkeil hn e al the Congre gation, and thought, 'Til put bim tn the h rssfehz a ci-cait rrtand the old gentleman's bead, bead, he 'lit upon bis uose. 'Seel" ssid the reverend gentleman; "here is an illu'tmlinn. At ono time I should lis vii sworn awlully at this fly hut look now." Hiiiing hia bard, be said, gently, "Go away little fly. go away." But the fly only tickled his nose tbe more. Tho reverend gentleman, rsMng ris hand with some vehsmente, made a grsb at Ihe ofl n.fer; and. being suo cttslul nptnel il to throw tie insect irom biio, when, in extreme dugast he urt.imed. "Whv. dn it, it's s wisp 1" Horror ol the rustict congregation, ftilure ol the Illustration, and Tim END. worth f5fieo. Improve your spare time at this business. Address Stinson fc Co., Portland, Maine. Junelly. BURN HAM'S WARRAHTlcflJtST A CHEAPEST, Also, tMUNB MACHINERY. PRICES AF3. 2071 1'amphJeUlm. Uvnca, Vosa, l'. June 8 6 m. ft M ETALLIC BURIAL OASEtj FOR 8AL& men, if they bate failed Id ods try suother. way, will They were playing crcfjuet. The balls struck and remained in contact. "Ua they kis." said he. ",Y-e-s." drawled she, and looked unutershle sweetocss. But ihe booby couldn't see it, and wjnt on with the atnpid gams. Never be argued out of your soul, never be argued out of your honor, and never be argued Ibto believing that soul, and honor ko not run a fearful risk If you limn into life with lbs load ol a debt en joul sbonldoi. Persons wishing MetalUa Burial Cases can alwsvs obtain them by applying to me, at the Store of Meser. VYInuald Jt Emry, I alill keeping, as heretofore, a lull as sortment ol the Very llet CASES, at the Very Lowest Prices. Iu my absence fiom Weldoo, Mossra. Winnold A Enury will deliver Cgoa to persoua wbo may wiblt them, JAMES 8IMMON3, Weldoo, N. C. aprllQ TUB UNDERSIGNED VERY respectfully calls the attention of tbe trade vo hi extunsivo alock of domouUp and imported liquors, io wnicn u anu making audition ar.o cousinim u RYE AKD BOVKBOS WHISUIE French, Apple, Blackberry and Cherry Brandies, Jamaica and New England Knm London, Tom and Uollat.. Oio, lort. Hherry, Claret, Rhine aud I .ve-yar-old Souppernong Wluo. Bootoh and Londta Porter, and a vary Urge loi of RECTIFIED WHISKEY ' ' ' ' ' . r vbloh I am oflerlngat price that winncjt fall ta sly satisfaction. ' Wl " 8. W. HELDNKR, AS't. aprllea .'JLRoanoite bqua?.

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