THE RQNGIiE NEWS SATURDAY OCTOBER 3Q; 1578. Cll.M'Il'SilCATEI). Wkldon, N. C . October 25th, 1S73. Ia vnur Utit issue I noticed a cmnmuni C-ition signed "Q icstioncr,'' the purport of winch was to ascertain what, if any, renudy C"Uld be luuccsted tn relievo Mm present condition of tlia iariner. ' lestioner" iso speans 01 7-ue "V P"l;p iiicq cotton brings, and desires 10 know il some co- iperitive measure may not be intr.i duccd by which the present gt le ol aSairs may be changed somewhat lor the belter, and alio desires to know if lactones could pot be erected in the south which would ootume the surplus cotton and thereby lessen the bulk and increase the price. He also propounds the aiestinn if it would be better to raise more gf other products aii.t less cotton, and asks if this vo?,ld not J;c as had jn the end, by bring ing down ;he pries of those products which he says are too low for raising. ' I would very much to invent some mcaos tiy which life larnier could be benefitted, but at present I cannot see where to art, the entire country is now undergoing this revolution, and until tilings are more settled there cau be no .succesalul attempt, that I know of jut now and it will be only when quiet is .restore 1 to tho restless waters of thu mcr. cantile teas that the remedy cin stlely be .agitated. There is out) tbiog morally .certain an I that is wc mint bridle our .avarice, we inuat pot vxnect to realise so immense fortune at once, Iqr it vo da dt9atistactino is the result. Another . thit g must be conidered in fpe..king of the present stite ol our people and that is this, vpfe visited by g,nfl ol the largest inundations in the lall '77, and the waters swept every thing as they went. Up to, and previous to that Sid event our people were Retting on tolerably well, and alter that they were almost destitute, but they went nobly tn work with all thit pressure upon them, and have made hy the ai I ol tome kind merchants, what tjiey now have, thnusth it may appear small to them I will , kindly say to them, wiit a Jit tie while 1 ana every inioi may prove lor toe Deal. It is a (great pity that ovtloo has de clined, n t brings such a low price but how can that be helped t There is not much df'oap I probably as there has been, n.iug perhaps, to tho wars in Europe .which have beeu waged lor long time and in the meantime pio?trated or entceblcd truilo so much that it will be a long time ,befote it will net an impetus again. Our ,pw- market" are lull and when tint is ,the case low prices will be the result. Doubtless it would be a eipital idea il some of our southern people would lonn a ,Btock company and build lactones lor the working up of cotton, hut even then I think it would have but a very Biiyht iffect upon raising the price lor the staplfc,1 s they would not lie able to compete with the fac:n iea north, as it is hard to control a trade anil even merchants ,and farmers themselves will in many ,intnuees tend abroad, an I buy wh ,t they need before they will buy at horns, fliey seem to think hey cannot do as well at home as they can elsewere and tho cons qucuce is. they seqd i heir orders aw ay while the (adorers at horne suffer for the want ol suoport, Confi leoee has hern broken .down and until there is a better nnl perfect understanding between the mer chant aud people at home, this thins; will CpvtioitB to exist. Build up ennridmec ,fjrit and then you ran accomplish more, you may then buil I factories an I they will be properly sustained, hut till Ihen, ,it will be w rse than folly to talk about eurdi thing as bucccss and r.ipita'Jsts are aware of this, and act accordingly. "Questioner" asks if not so mu ih cotton was raised and more ol other pindurts would not the products decrease in value. Ii is well understood, liiat ii inert is more of aoy one paruaular ailielo in the market Ihao there i. demand lor it, i.t will mist assuredly decline- Il varied and assorted crops were made then we would have plenty of other things and could withstand the decline in any out but il we depend upon Cotton alone we will Ipse, but having made other things while it does not help the loss, consequent upon the decline in cotton, still it leaves something else tor homo consumption. Every thing is law down iv, was bi.'ore the war, and we must Dot look lor high pines Ur op. ether while the price ot the oiher its 30 small. We must learn to eeooom z add raise what is necessary for linir.e and then the balance lor mmket, and when that Is done you wont hear hall as much about hard times and low price. There is nothing raised on a farm that is not worth plannrjg the only trouble ,'aiiAUt it is we warn to net rich too soon and we male a eignal Isilure. I trust something Qiay be done to help the . larmer, and it would be worth his while to see if by raising more than oue thing he will fare better. I have great regard and esteem lor the noble tillerB ot the soil auJ give them what advice I am capable of. FwhhD to Fahmeri". An Historical Fact. Kvery aeont who has been alnadilv xollitiK thfl lui proved $20 Uoiuentead Suwing Macbino Tor threo yearn, owns Uia dwi llmg Iiuumm, oaaagood account in 'bank, is clear of AebL and bas in one v at lotnreat Uie natural couseouence of occiirina good agency for Buperlor gooda at liio lowpat prioea. A good first-clans Sowing ta ohlne. raoHt aseful re':lat)le a't all'iimna, easy to understand and control, the name site and dea tbn aarnn work A' nov ma chines that sell at Four Timks tiio price. There is no lOaobfna at any price bottor. r that will (io finer or moie v oi k, ami certalnTy none no low In price by many 'rt.ilium, Th Hovp-iTisr i wl'i'dy known 'and uaeri In thniiaandsi of families In the 'itTHtVirn and Middle Stale, aud dally bo coining popqlar In tho West. H wlil avo "its noat. Mevoral tlinna over in one oaon, ; doing the work of tho laiiUly, "r will earn tfnur or five dollars a day tor any mau or woipan' who aews for " living. H ia the (CrrlngMit inaobine made, la ready at all .i lines to do lis work, make the alrongost and finest stitch yet invented, am' i lolly .'acknowledged as the standard family ' 8ewin Maoliinb. Price. eoiooU'te for do- mettle use, 12.0, doliVored'aJt your door, no matter bow rombto you mav reaide. l Hai rless perniansut Sod honorable, wiU Oiore oerlafii aod rapid saliw, and larai pnoits ' than aoy other. Kxlraordinary liberal offora made to local or traveling a trout a . whre we have none established l ol if . there is no agent near you, aend your order direct to the faotnrv. Addrtwa John H. Keodall Cc. 42rBroadway, New York. AftOOO!. 500! I $500011 1 WantkdJ Wasted II WastkdM- Wanted 50QO wotth ot County Order and Jury Ticket, fop which I will pay tho h:ghesl cash price. JAS. T. GOOCH, Weldon, N. C. Tin Editor of tlila paper is in no av responsi ble fiif the views or statements of Corriii-iJoY.Ii- '"'. roniinninearioiw or an anonymous ehararttr will tin puMlahi-.l : trip roal'iiam of wruer mil . Rreoiiijiany all communications Any one who may feel io.-ri.'lol ai stalcmerita ma.le hy rorrespon.lents can ohtain the name on rtppllcnt Ion to the Killtnr. Oorrespopcjeiit? wl flea write (jnlv on on shle of thfl iMPor. and to avoid havlnir their commiinlcationa thrown in the waste basket will turnisli their names n it necessarily for- i"""1"" " guaranty or (rood faith owlll npt notice anonymous correspondence o c J j . Tkn buggies were sold in Weldeo lust Satunlay. Fitusu Urcad, Cakes, Pus aud Crackers every day at the Hakeiy. Tickets to the Fair over the A. & N. C. R. II., will be sold at 3 ctnts per mile each way. 18t) bales ol cotton were recived at the Seaboard & Itoanrjke Co's. wntehouse on Salurday lust. Wis learn Mr. Samuel Ives who lived in the upper portion -if this county fe)l dead from heart disease on S inday last. - - - - Said tho Nuise to the J)oclor; "Sure sir. I only know ol one good medicine lor the If iby, and lb;U is Dr. Hull's llaby Syrup.-" - A Jnvyer in town says Colonel V. L. Stt'.in-iera' head is flo long t hat barbers ought to charge double price for shaving h'm. - - Afk your druigigi vliethcr ghrincr's Indian Veruiiluo js really an nriielo of merit ami whether it will destrov and expel worms. Bum BARRXKy nl the fi m of J. L. Bass & Co., will have outers on the ball shell during the, Their restaurant will bo open day and night duiipg the week. Thanks to tyr. VVm. Alderman Secretary lor complimentary ticket to the Cumber land county Fair tn be held at Fayette ville, N. C on 12:h, 13 h, 14 h hnd 1? h ol November. Tun regulations ior the Turret practice at the Fair Grounds, on Wednesday ricxt, the ?0:h, wiM be eirmincd by thecoma niandcrs pf tho different Teams, on the day of shooting. Turrb will be a-German at the Weldon Hotel on Thursday night the 81st, under the leadership nl our accomplished friend an I splendid gentleman, Mr. V. C Ayres, ol Richmond. Wr have a lady friend whrj is the brav est woman in the world. We are credibly imfomel that she. actuilly killed a moue a few days ago, and. what is more wonder ful still, she only sc-eamed once. Y"U need not neg.leci your bnisness when troubled with a couuh or cold, il you only ,u'e a reliable rem edy tt onco. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best remady we know frt. IVice only 20 cents. We regnt to announce tho death of Mrs, Squires, wile of Mr. Junius Squires nl Northampton county, on Bun day last. lier husband and friends have our sympathy in their bereavement. Tun pigem shooting or handsome Breach loader will take place at the Fair Grounds mjtt Tttesd y the .2Jih, at 12 o'cl.nk. The match will be ci ndnc:cd nrcording to the nvles of the ' Richmond Shooting Club." Tax payers fro f r icsted to teai the notice of appointmeMts made by M .j. L. M. liing. Tax C dlector tor the county. They may fave themselves much trouble by meeting him at tho d.fiVrcut places mentioned, Tim Board ol Commissi oners have pissed an ordinance lorbiddlcg the erec tion of booths on our streets during the Fair. This Is gratifying intelligence, our ears will not now be rffalcocd wilji the cries of vender ol trifling wares as has heretofore been the Thanks to our old friend Jr. Clements ol Gaston for the kind invitation to dine with him on yeslerday. Labor non yolup tascoot, while we thought of the splendid dinner our Iriends were enjoyiug, while we ouzz 'd our brain to lind something to please a lastideous reading public. Wkaturii Rkjht, -Notes of tho wrather for the pBSt 4 weeks: Highest Temperature 6, Lawest " 40s Mean " . Prevailing Wind Northerly. Amaunt of Riinfall 4.37 inches. First Frost on the l?:h. Fink Ci.oititsa axu M.iMnku. Onr Irirnis will no doubt read with pleasure the notice of M. E. Kull f Petesburg Va., who will be at W. II B own's store during the Fair with a largo stock of Clolhing and Furnishing Goods. Also Milli cry which will be sold at Petenburg prices. A Ooi) Ioka. Wr understand our popular Wi Mob barber, Vin. McNeil has hat) a nice shop fitted up at the fair grounds lor tho accommnJatioo nl visitors to the fair. 1 ill is an excellent barber and will be pleased lo serve his Iriends. Call on hi to If you want to feci good and look well, lie will also have his &hop rpen below the Posto(iice. Wb are requested by Maj. L. M. Loust Secretary ol the R. A. T. R. A. 9., to its' to ministers ol the gospal attending .the Fair, wha have not received complimen tary tickets, that they can procure them by applying to him at his office at the Fair grounds. Maj. Long fears, he may possibly have verloqketl some ministers in ths ircat prns ol bosinecs connected with the Fair. 1 am, Tfn ii. j. '.MUXIiJLJ.., . ,. M. 1 . .. Tim Norlolk Quards will visit our Fair and compete for the flag. We learn jt is a fine company, and under excellent discipline. Tnit Assictant Marshals are nquoted to assemble, mounted, in liont ol U W. Brnwu's Drugstore, on Tuesday the 20:h at 8 o'clock A.M. Tuts section was visited by a violent and disagreeable rnin storm on Tuesdav tiiglit last. The wild wiuiU howled dis mally all night. Eolus was on a bender. Marhikp At Christ Churph Rdeigb on Tuesday the iu1 inst , Miss Bessie A. Batchelor only daughter of IJon. Jos. B. Batchclor to Mr. Harry feb ot Wilming. ton. Mont Si.rdok has eu hand "O'd Cabi net Whiskey" in bottles ready for the Fair Eterjbody knows where to find him in the linltoin at his Lager H er sdoon, under Mr. J. T. Kans store. Attention H:iankk Light Infan thy. -You are hereby oommanded to meet at jour armory in full unllorm on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. By order of Cait. Fuitv. - - I have (or sale cheap-20 Hirrels Apples, i'ew Uaisins, Current, Citron, Dites, Nu'c, Oranges and Lemons, also Cigais, Tobacco and ijhuifj, and a nice lot ol Toys tor the little ones. (Jail and see me V. J. Naw. - - Mil J, J. Damui, having rented the confectionary stands at the Fiiir grounds, will have on baud all sorts ol nico things for his friends uq.I the publiq. Any fel low wanting to please his sweetheart mlithlily should call on John, We call attention to tho advertisement ol the Southern Musical Combination This troupe will appear at the Literary Hall every night during the Fair week. They are highly ol and wo bespeak for then; lull bouses Don't forget tha" Mrs. A. B. Jones, will have on bund next week, at Mrs. J. T, Evan's store a handsome stock ol Millinery &c. lor sale. Also she will be prepared tn embtlm flowers. Sweethearts and beaux ought by all means to preserve in their pristine beauty, the little btquets re ceived during the Fair. Ws noticed on Thursday the shipment of a lot of car wheels turned out at the Roanoke Agricultural workj at this place, for the SMtlaod Ne k It B. They will compare favorably wilh similar work from Richmond, we think it a sensible thing in Mr. Tiliery;9 jtronirng home institu tions. ,Tn sedition to the regular forces ynder the command of Genl. Wyche and the stable trained by Anthony II ill Mr. Whitaker of Charlotte has arriyed at the Fa'r Grounds with the following racers. Santue. by Patriot dam Fanny Fisher Guy Mannering by Lynchburg dam Ka'e Mason. Brown Colt hy Lynchburg dam Lost Cause by Revenue Ch. C. by I'lanet rlam Merry Wave. Ch. F. by Abd-el KoOiee. dam Notre Dpino by L xingtnu ami two unnanjed colts of unknown pedi gree. Wo have now on the cronnd all the racers that wen- gtB.a!eigh and in addition to thise a large number o horses will be here Irom Ball i more. ItI.RS Kolt HUHDI.K ToUHNAMKNT. Distance, 150 yards; time to be deter- minnl hy Kniibts. fjisiancc divided as (ollo.vs : First burdl 2") Irom ttart. 1st ilng 2 ) yards (mm 1st buidle, 2nd I i n i; 2j yards Irom 1st ting, 2nd hurdle 2") yards Ircm 2nd ring, 3rd liug J!i yards from 2.1 1 hurdle, 3rd hurd e y' yards Irom 3 rid ring. Height of hurdle 3 hot. Diameter ol rinirs 2 inches. Weapons to be used sabu. Num er of tilts 3. Kntiance fee $3 00. Coronation ball Criilay niuht. All lioigiits wishing to enter will com municate with the Chief Marshal dpt. J. G. Lock hart. The first prize is a fine tlioroughred borsc, the seconil a fine saddle and bridle, , . .i l;i our advertising column to-day, notice tilt! large space ticcupied by our townsmen, Mr. L. A. Farinhelt, who offers to hisem tomers a general assortment of Urst c'as goods. Mr. Fariuholt purchases ins riond. exclusively lor cash, thereby enabling him ,to buy low and cell ut proportionately loyy prices. Mr. Mullen ol tho firm of Mul'eu & Moore offers far sale some exc. Ilent tracts ef land in Ilalilux county This sale will take place on the 2nd of December, Any information in regard tn thorn can be at tained by addressing him at HalilaK. Mr. Geo. W Robinsen nl tho Eiglo Brewery. Richmond Vs calls attention tn his new Lager Beer, Mr. R ihinsou will have a lot of !'cer on exhibition at nur Fair, where all Cm havy an opportunity ol test ing it excellence. II MeGiilrc ol Bttilehoro uffera a reward of 75 dollars for a horse stolen Trout his stables. A letter before us to the I'res.i lent of the Roanoke ind Tar River Agricultural Society, Mr. P. E. Smith, announces that Mr. J. F. W. Dorman al Il.llimora has changes his io'eoliou iu relation to the self-inking press offi-red the Society "to be awarded ta the best printing 'done by any bny pod-r fourteen years "I age." The letter says: "T be presented to David B. Perry cf Edgecombe county, lor his wonderlul skill as a boy printer anil com poser, being only ten years old. The presentation to take place or Thursday, anil by some friend of his deceased lather, Capl. John M Perry" Wo are glad of the wise disposition Mr, Dorman has made ol the press, for truly has Master Prrty won this mark of distinction. Wo hope he will continue his noble efforts io the prujissioo be has chnten for bimiel, sod honors will follow him through It lu. We will bclad lif welcome this distinguished young gSDllemao on hit visit to our Fair. " ' 5000 Bales) ol Cotton Wanted. - Highest cash prices paid. J. T. Gooch, Weldon, N. C. ToOfin feunscfUBEBS. Our dolinquent subscribers are hereby warnpd l(iat If their subscriptions are not sealed by tho llrut of Decombec tholr uumcs will be erased fpoin the list and accounts placet) in the hands of au efljuer for oollectlon. Tjms table ol exoursion train, on Pcto. ber 28: h, 29th, 3llh, 31st aod November 1st, 1870, for Weldon Fair. flofjtp 80CXB. Leave Franklip, 0 00 A. M " Nottoway, 6 1 " Handsome, (1 21 " lewsnnis, C Boykins, fj ' praochvilje, 7 03 " Marga-ettsville, 7 80 '.' Seaboard, 7 54 '.' Garys, 8 ia Aarrivc Wijldoa 8 2,1 OINO NORTH. 4rrivo Franklin, 7 05 P. M, " Nottoway. 6 40 M Handfouj.e, C 31 " Nvwsmns, lfl " Boykins, 0 04 " Brarchville, 5 4 " Margarettsvillu, 5 3S " Seaboard, 6 00 " Garys, 4 40 L'ayo Woldon, 4 41 )1. O. Gnio, Siiperintendiint. IIUItAH 1 k'OK TUK MlKHTIlKLSil - I aui now prepared to soil the largest nod cheapest stock of grocories -ever soon In Wel'on, 1000 lbs. llama Maryland ind Virginia. 500 lbs. Hroakfast bacon. 10000 lbs. Balk 's tea and Hhoujderj. 75 Hack Halt, Mar.shalls. ' 2"t Jacks ooffoe Java Mooa and Bio. lOllb'.a sugar "H" "C" and Bx;ra "C." 50 Gross r.fmniff 1 2 and 4 oa cases. 100 Hbls. (lour Family Huper arid Kxtra, lnoo lbs. lard 1; 2. 6. and 10 lb. rang. 50 Holla Bitting. lOBbls. No. 1 apples. 50 Uushela Black sued oats. 100 Itiuhoia While oats. 20,01:0 Cigars ail brands. 20 B ixos starch. 10 Boxes Lyo. 50 Boxos best croain choeso, 30 Boxes soap all kinds. 10 ilnxes tcbaoco. 5 Cses muHtard. 100 lbs. popper. 100 lbs. xpicn. 2iK) yds. 0 and S Jplj rubber lilting. 21 Itbls Herrings, Labrador. 100 Rsair.a paper, llisrs c, 5 lllils wrapping twine. 10 Gross matches, parlor. 5 Cases tua-s of all brand and kinds, gru. coiics ton numerous to mention. Jam. T. Gooi'U, Weldon, N. C. Tiim Entkiiiainmkkt T ii I) ii n a y N'lritir, I'he eiitortaiiiinunt uiven bv tho Woldon Minstrels at tho Kinry llousn Thursday night was witunxsod by a very good aud ionoo mid proved an occaaion of much roal onjoymoiit to all present. Tho program inn was well arranged ami '.ho young goiitlnmou all acted their parts ad mirably. Mr. J.J. lioucbliii ua tauiborine, and Ned French as bones, wore a "whole team," aod knpt tho audieuco in a contin uous roar of laughter, Tho opening cho rus by the ontiro company was splendid, wliilo tho solos, Nobody 'n P Mr. W. C Marrow; ll.iby Mine, by Mr. J. W. Riodgtt; Klowor of Kihlarc, by Mr, K. W. Brown; Wreck ol' tho Huron, by Fred Kelt ub; Husan Jane, by Mr. J. J. lioughlin; aud Beyond Ihe Clcn-fsi, by Mr. U.S. Hall wore good end elicited warm applause. Tbo iualu of part llrst, the Mulligan Guards, was full of mirth and had t i bo repualej. The Jig dancing ol Mr. (1. L. Jonns.aud the songs and dances of Mr. J. J. loujjhlln was yo'o'd. The plitya worn laughable and well riiudoro'd, i ud proved qui Lo an interesting Icii.ture of the entitrtiiihinoiit. Tho double .jig ol French and Hall was oxcaljcut and they were re called stveeal thnos. Vho b.nif) aolo o M. (. illiciill'.ir, was good and he fairly brougn'tdown the house. Tho qnarteile of Messrs.;, Froncb, Marrow and Brown pood and ree.-ived loud np- plause. The grand finale nioHod the per formance and all left well plcasod with the evenings entertainment. PiiKMit'u EN(ii'as.--Thc gnld-neda) dT red by the U. C. Slate Agricultural Society lor the "best portable engine lor cotton gins, coin mills i&c, at waik on thu gro nd .,'.' was nn yesterday awarded Messr-. Wm, E. Tanner & Co., of Rich mond. V.i . for their beaut ilul 8 hoise horijs uital engino No. 3-3. For excel!' lence ol design, completeness of couslruc tioi and laste of hnish, this machine can not saidly be 3urpasd and it should be the prido of all true Southerners that w havo such mmulactnries in our midst. Our penplo should encourage such, especi ally as tin r pnets are said to be as moder ate as can be obtained ana here else. 1 r.a J ira Wo Cojij Imu Ilia utieixn News, and at the arue time rc'l special; attention to the advertisement of these eoterpribing gentlemen, io tn-days issue of tht Nays. t the Ba'eigh I sir they toi k premiums over all cnnpetitnra. and as an evidmcs of tho popularity of their tniiines, bothwero solJ en the cpot. We desire to call atuotioa also tto a grave mistake made in getting up tbelastlot ol premium lit-ts tor the Fair. The publisher by a gross piece ol carelessness use I the piste of ano'her manufacturer in the advertisement of the Mcsra Tanner Co., giving them a cut of a vertical engine while their cut was made to adorn the rurd ol Messrs. Qeoige Page A Co., al Baltimore. We de-ire to notice this particularly, .(ha Messis. Tanner k Co., have long since abandoned the nunuf act ure ot vertical engines after convincing proof of their inferiority as com pared with tho horizontal engiuns thry now offer to the public. Two nf those engines will be on rxhibilian next w.ek at nur Pair in charge of Mr. Jnn, M. Bon I, of the Metropolitsn Works. Mr. Bond is himself a competent machinist and will haw off bli engines to'tdviutsge, ' " ' Special Local. R. P. Spiers, Weldop, N. C, la tpe place to find tlm biggest spick of nftw goods in Hslifsf county. Jua( to hand 300 cotton picking' bags at lq eta each. Just tokaud a lot of nlcesldo met, price 8J to S.' ' . 1'. Spiers, Weldo'u N. O. Just lo hand kQ sacks Llvarpaol salt. R. P. Spiers, Wtlduu. Just to hand 100 bundle arrow tios at 2 25 pe,' boudle. Also lot of heavy bag ging. P. Spiera, Weldon. Just to band $ nice U t roady madeolotb ing, shirts and goois lurnisliint; t-oods. K. P. Splors, Weldon. Just to hand ri full line of sa-llory, har nosss, whips, o. "' l: It. P. Spiers. Just to baud latest tyles gontloinena bata. R. f. Spiers. Just to band a large and stylish lot of geutrouieils clothing, K. P. Spiers. Just lo hand anioe ot of blankets shawls and overcoats. H. P. Spiers. Just to hand the cheapest lot nf tin and crockery ware ever soon. K, P. Spiers. Jmt to hand lOOdor.en coats spool oottnn at 05 cenu por dozen. H. P. tipiors, Just to I and a full lino nf pins ncodlna and all manner ol' combs, botions and sowing macbino no"dla. K. P. Spiers. Just to hand almost every thing from a tooth pick to a lino top buirey, or iko best aewintr machine that, ever was oll'ured to tho pubilo at 25 dollars. It. P. .Spiers. Tn tbnn nf peace nrnpure for war. While all is quiet don't (orient to Iiihumi vour property with K. 1". Butler, Ueneral Insurance- Agent. If yoii din soon will your family be pro vided fury If not' he sure to' Insure your lifo In tho M k T ii o 1- .1 i, i t a N . ' !. F. Hutlkii; Agent. Two eluijant business rn 1 pleasure wag oris lor one or two horses for sale cheap at thu Boanoke Agricultural works Weldon. " ' tf. Juat lo hand Ten hinduomoTop buggies wTiich 1 imii hcII for one' hundred dollars each and throw iu a nice set of harness, Persons wishing to buy cailnot do better thou to give mo a call, ibe.v are really good buguies and every one of them warranted 12 months. Twenty-five ol these buggies have been sold lu tho Jown rif Weldon in the last six days. ' It. I'. H pi era, Bottom Store, Wchlon N. O. Nico lotsotl'ee Just to band, will anil at li eta, stronur and good. It. P'.Simkhn, Bottom ritorj,, Weldon N. C. W'llon TlarketH. KKL'OR'f KD IY II. P. Bl'IKIlS. Wki.iion, Ocf. 20,1878. Cotton Middling Fair, Middling Low Middling (iood U dinary Bacon sides Shoulders Canvassed bums La-d f'rn Meal Famllr flour Host 1'xtra Super Suuar standard A SOga'r standard B Sugar extra (! Sucar brown Cotton Rio Culluo Laguyra S da Starch Njets l n 71. UalOcis Ma9 Ha 1 5 l'-'i HO cts por biudiol V.'ulini 7 50 .'i0a7 00 S.tsiat) no 12J.-ta - II lOallcis !' HU2tl 22a2.'ictH I lie lOcts 2$a35c per callon 50a75els 3.2"ia1.50 per ko ' nets lnal3 per sack ' l00' per barrel 3 00 25c per lb 1.00 per cwt 75 por o l 1'iulii- pn,- lb 15a20o ha I He we 2aHo S'.alO bt) 00 3.001. 00 pr barrel 6a He 7i.Se fia7c 5allc. Syrups Common Syrup New Orleans Nails Nails retail Salt Liverpool .Norlli.-rn Apples Southern apples lino wax Hav Fodder I'aiidlea Chi ese lijitmi Flint Hides dry-aalted Hides u-i fori S'de leather Kosset I'ppiir Herrinua Calleona best brands White ol Mha Medium I cloths White linings COnHKKd V I. Ill . It H K I J. PKTKRsmiRci, Va., Qot. 25, 1H78. CcTToN f'ow tlottoh Is coming In. in snnie hjiianlity. and soils at about 0 for best Jirartm. Other grades are proportionately lower according in quality. (iHtm-wheat is doli, prices run iilngTiom 000. toft 10. The cleanest ami best seed might overreach the la-l 11 mire. Cokn At present Is rather sua roe and market active, and price decidedly higher. tiOM6, white, mixed. 50a5Vi. Oats Market null, aud the sopplv nn hand greater than the domand. Wo quote spring -t(ia4.i per iuimiikI. Bacui I-'hnoldiirs 7c, sides 7Jn.; bulk shoullfers OaliJ.! sides "Ja7jo.j Va. bams lgal;!)c : Va., bog ronndOj. Soar C'oininoo, IJaije'., as lo quality; louei, na-oe. Molaskks Kxtra heavy hogshead, 2" lloree", 2to ; barrels,; colden svrups, Vm4,"h'.; Porto Rio i -til.t4.Vs ( 'New Orleans, prime, sn per narrel. Fish Fall catch new Kastpnrt round liorrings, JU J.aiiraaor splits 4 50: miicKerel small 3's 5 00; N. C, rut 4 00 Meal bolosale, 70o. per bushel 4 Its.! rslail M. Klnur-gniet. Weiiote; Family fi) 50 7 50 a to- niiallty; wstra 5a5J. Lower grades are dull aid nominal. nugiir Marset iiilel-rrnlim1, pow iln-ed and granulaied, lOe ; A's llaHo.: yellow, TfiSio. Coiri'e-t.uiet; Ulo, 14c; I.aguayr.i, 10a 17n J.ivu s,. " ' " Salt l.lvei pool line, fl Sy. XnnroMt Oetob'.r 25, IKX CiTTON-M. Jillnig, le. Low Mid tiling, Wc- Good Ordinary Ordi nary Tone -Steady. Kluars-Moi'kut tlnn. Refined Sugars A roQee (a,ilndard) lOo per pound ; (off) yjc, per poung ; wiuto extra C Pto per po.'.na ; yeiiuw a), per pound ; liarrj sugars liljallc, per ponud; ejil loaf Uio, per poo nil. H.o(ik Market nulet. Wo nunte Kamlly X5.ritlaM.Wr per barrel, extra ft.50a$5 50 per barrel superfine $4al.78 per bnrrol; fancy family (tt.75m7.2S per barrel. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS." $25 REWARD, sitilen from iny stable on lie nlghl of inn iisi insi. nns osrg i nesnui Morrei hor.-o, twe lolt feet White. staV In forehead average else, fine saddle horse, gait natu rauy ii toe tope, out dull. R. . McGUIRK, oct2filt. Battleboro N. C. A O I; E B R K W R Y. CEO, W. ROBINSON. BKEWIR A DE ALER IN MALTA HOPS i - t Cor. Wxst and Harrison Srs .... .... f RICHMOND. VA. 1 Oot2tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IT K R VR VU A L L. fnn TUB WKKK ('oinmpncliijj; Mondiiy Oct. '2, 7fl. NIWSUM9" SOUTHERN' COMBINATION. In a select programme consisting of NowSnr.s, Dancos, and Comie Sketches, each and every performer a Admission 50 ct. Reserved Seats 25ets oxtr.i. for sale, oom uieuoiug Monday al 12 o'clock, H. II. NKWilUM, Manager smV Propietor, JOTICK To"TAX PAY IRS. I will be at the following planes nn the days named for the'purpose of collecting tax". Halll'aic Monday t Tuesday Nov.4th A Mh CrowollH X RAac! Wednesday Nov 6th. Dawsons X Roads ThUrsdnv Nov. Whitakera Store FHday ' Mov. ih. iLiitiehl Snlnrday Noynmber 9tl. Drapers X Kitds Mondav Nor. llth. Rlngwood Tuesday Nov 121 h. Brinkleyvillo Wednesday' Nov ISth. I berm'fiy1 notify a(l persons falling tn come to Lhrno app-ilntmenls and hoi tie their taxes, that 1 shall proreed at onco to collect by law- I.. M. I.ON. Tax Collector for Halifax Co, oet 2t)tf. V AtAMBLF. LANDS FOR SALK ;n Monday, tha 2d day of December next the following valnable lands, sitnatod in Halifax 'county, will be sold at public auction at tho Court, h 'ii- in Halifax town to tho highest bidder, tn-wit : 1. The trail upon bici James 1.. Oiim by now lives,' being about throe miles from Hlil'.', adjoining tho lands f Kd ward Coliluliuid, deceased, Win. H. Fsnnnr and nthors aod containing about onb thou sand f(ore. Terms (ash. ' ' 2. Fivn" undivided 'sevenths of a trad near Urinkln'yvllM, knriwn as the Solomon" land, ailjoii'luif the lands of "David Parki i', '1'homaa Wilcox ami others, and eon'-iiriinu about three hundred aoros. y. One undivided third ot a tract known as the "wllllam Lowe" tract, lying on Beach Swamp adioinloc; tfie hinds of tVm H. flllei'y' hod others and' ooiitaininir about lour bundled acre. Terms fir this aud No 2, niiC-lohrth Cash, bahinOn paya ble tn tv-elvo nionlho irom uay ol sale, the purubusnr giving bund with gooil se curity with Interest from date. 1. The tract near 'I illery's Mill, known the Mrtriran, or Ravoo'a Nut tract, for merly belonging to John It. Tillriry, ad- intriK the lands ol James M. Million and others arid containing about live hundred res. Terms, one-tenth oash, balance in one, two, three tour, rve and six years. bonds w ith rood security reor.ired, JLear ing intoreb't Irom da of aalh. Oilier vAluaDle lands will no sola at the same lime atid place. Parties winding lo purchase will do won to call upon u before day' of sale for in foruiatiuu coooorning said lands. MULMIN.t MOOBK, Attn r n o y s. Halifnx N. C. Oct 23, TS78. Oct 20 tiw. N T I C K. The Andnrslgned h iving this day final! find before tin Court of Probate of Halifax county iu Kxneu'.nrs of Uio lust wilt and testament of W. V. Itrickcfl decease I hero- bv noiifv all persons holding claims against the e -tato of Mioir lost ilor to pre sent them dnl autboritfciited hy tho first day of December s70. This Oct 15th, W78. ' It. K. IIKII'K Kl.I,, J. 11. BRICK KAi, oct lOtf. Kxecutors, N R W FIR M. AS. T,. BASS, R I,. BAKKr.KY Weldon, N. C. Garyshurg, N. C. fluving opened a first elas Hestauraot id Ovster Sulron, nel door to W. II Brown's, on Water Streei, aro prepared to Hnrvo their friends with auvthing In tholr linn. They havo a sploml'd Ovtor Cook, ho will servo tho delicious bivalves lu Klvlo. Oyk'torrfliv the quantity to their iotry customers. Thov1 will also keep on hand a'good aupplv of Family Grocer ies, C'onl'ectlo'naiivs, Tobacco add the best cent Uigurs In town. j as. u nass, c. Oct 19 lb it. W'ater Si rent. R Tr ) K N T I S T II It. Gr.O. AV. SURCEON DENTIST. Having Incited permanently in Weldon, tenders his services to the eitiaens thereof, and the inhabitants uf the surrounding con ntry. Long experience in mil branches or tbe profession, enables him to guarantee sat isfaction, and warraut all cases entrusted .) h in. Persons whose health or business pre vent their visiting him al his office, will be waited upon si tholr homes, o'n not i tl- catlon ttC rtho.ri'r'o-nre; bv postat curd or l.,.AH -!..... ..a ...,.l....l'. ' Address Dirt. OKtJ. W HARTMAN, Srd Street, Weldon, N. V, Oct 12 lin. "y 1 I T O H S T O T 11 K f Al R Will find M. K. Kl'Mi of Petorflmri: Va.,al the .Stoie ol W. 11. IlllOWV, Wei doit, N. C, with a full line uf M.incrlor ..... RE.YDY MADU CI.OTlUNil, - K() It KN AU HUVS HI) A II, All niannfactuied by him, and every artmlo wai ranted. Also ove- Uie same store, there will be ' log ml from M. K. HULL'S KHTABLlsnVKNT, . L Magnificent Slock nf Millinery tf evrry description, RONNliTS, UfTS, 8AXH1M, FKATy EES, PLUME3, WREATUS, ORNAMENTS. , t There will be a Competent LADY ATTKSIlfcNT. Any one In want of an vthina before this atiWk reaehea Weldon wUl Have all order promptly nl led by addressing ' m! E. KULL, 145 voamore Street. ' " ri:TKHBBCa, Va, Oct 12 lm. ii K V A DVKftTISKMh,N'S. M IIS. 4r B JON BS: Sjeamoro hi, PHersln:rg Va. FALL AND W I N T E P., '78-70 Is opnnlrig a New and Dosirable stonk o( tl I I. I. I X K It Y (JO O 1S, ) II K S S M AKNG A riPKCI A LITY. t'TTI.VU AMI t'ITTpj, At short notice. Latest styles dross trim mings, Irloges, buttons, fancy guoiH., arid tuitions. ' i . - i Wedding and party dro-sos made, and if requested, will furnish tbe material. OruaiuenlN for the II air ol Errry Description. Rrulds, Switches, Jet and Klne Jewelry, Also, Xanthine, au excellent preparation! for the hair. In iot, everything to adAru a lady. ' 1 ' i ALSO E al 11 A L M K R OF N A T tl It A I, I' I, o U K K H . We warrant our Kiiibajmed Floweranever to ehanco their KOlNj Oil roLOR. aui:nt koii E. II U n EKR'K & CO S. CF.I.KRRATlin v a r t k ii n s; Catalogues sont free on application. Iam prepare)' to idler oustnmnra extra inili'cn routs tins season, in the style, quali. ' i.d price of in v p, . ho es to inakn il o il ei.- ii ;eresi to v. n ini a large share of iheii pst' no, r ccfcio Impo to have tbo plcrt'-nio of nn lailv call Iroirf von, assnrimr v -u that I will vse in v tnst elfoi fs to make your trading with too en tirely'saiislnetorv to you. Orders 1,0 in .Virginia and North CarnIN mi arpsolieitiid.and will bo promptly filled upon reasonable terms. Thanking yon t ir past favors, I remaia, Yours rsspeclfullv," MRS." A. 1). JONKiS. et Ifltf, O T I C K. ). R. KollleofTar. Pr. A. R. ZhllicorTer end Dallas H. Z illlciiiTur, having thisday formisi a copartuership un ler tho 'styhi and fi r tit of, dliooiibr ,t Hons for tbo pat'J pose of carrying on auonorai Urooery bus inss in the town of Woldon, roipnelfullv announce to tho public that thoy have opened and will keep constantly ori hand a mil line of family Groceries, Liquors, Ao.. at the old lrm store stand of Dr. A.' R. llliofl'or, Hro., Kast side Washing ton Avenue, They solicit a share of tha put lie patroniino. Mr. Ii. F. Slloifgo, their popular slnman will stall tilnes be fonnil roady to accom modate his own as well as the friends of tlieflriu, MPEOI.41 SOTIfE. The llrm of Dr. Ai H. Zolllooffer A Rro., eontlnues their Drug busiiiesa ns hereto. fore in their now hono west side Wash. Inu'tin Ayenuo near the ltailruad shed where l hoy will continue to keep oon siantly on hand a full assnrtmout of Drugs Medicines, faints, Oil, Johacco, Cigars', Sou If. Conteclionaries, Ac Ac. The business nfthe two flrms Is separate and dcxtinctsnd Dr. A. R. Zilllcoflur X Rro., with thanks for past patronago, re spectfully ask a continuance of the eamo. 1). A. Ii. Z illicollerVontlnuna the prac tice of bis profession as heretofore. -" PLANTATION ATUc7lO. " Ry virtue of tho powers eonferrod in a Deed in Tru-t, Registered In Rook 41, ! 74-77, Register's ollice, Warren t mint v. I will (nn ess previously unit, at private sale) On Wedaewility Xov. l.ltli, At 1 n'.'lock, p. m., at tlm D.ipu at Littlt. Ion, Warren conniy N. V , e a pone lor a tie Ht auction that FIJIf, PLANTATION Containing about 1,000 acres of goo t land, wiiu rrsinniicps, millions s. JSC, c tinplnte, lying on tho Raleigh A tiastou Railroad, near Littlntnn. adloiiiinir tho lands ut Nicholas Terhuoe, Lemuel Vsughin, Frederick Hhearin and others, known aa , IU E Ii I T I. L E FARM. Tvii nis-$I,003 cash, and JU.0G0 wltbln ninety da-a If satisfactorily secured. Tho balance iri three equal ins .ailments at six, nine and twelve months, bearing Ciht Title retained until niircbasa nionnv is fully Paid : nosseasiori uiven as aoan an tli t (.',0oi cash s paid or satisfactorily secured. for Inrllmr inlormation, apply to'--JOUX C. BLAKi:, Trustee, Oct 12 tf Raleigh, N. Q. N OTIC K To tho creJItira cf John R. Uarr, ('ecasell : ' ' " TaVe notice that s special preceodlng has oeoii oommemv l be ore the Clerk cf the . iI.ihi lor t jort i .- ljali ax Comity, Nor 'i Caiolin :ip;..i.i : .uil Oary, as ad miui. uitoi o i.i.i i:, (. : - deccA ed, for an aeeoonl and settle. rent his sd.ninhi traiton, a-m m psv o llo or .dltors what inav no ti .y'o e 1 1 .ne.n ro' wt'velv, and this d.iliiy yo.i I i a .. r o'O e said Ce.ku.o ' - ,o e hn -Jf.ti r -n'saptnni. her A. I). ':V, i, at ' n.l'ce a?', x town and tli your ry ,'i ocis o. i.. ',i. a Inst hid decmient i'.''v eo.cen lei ej, o.- this no ico will bo p culcd In j r t.fthe'r rcooy ery. ... , Let a co v of this nol i. lie pnsi.vl t llie Court ttooe In aM ruin of Ha-l-lax for Ih'rIV dsvs and a r i v the e .' l0 published l-i Ihc Roanoko Lews, a news paper putil shed I ii sant ooj uv, once wiwk for six sucresaivs weoha. TL I fbo loll) ilae o,"Ao . I.STS. JKO. 1 '. t, :ti-:COKY, t'lerk .Soperior Cimit, and Probate udije, lfalilai Count,-, N. 0. AugSIGw. N O T I C El To tho Creditors cf 0. R. flyman docrase, ' ake notroe that Special Proceeding has been commonced before the Clork of the Hilperior Court lor Halifax County attains E. W. ilymsn, Aminlstratur (if S. K. llyinan, t issued, for an account and sett'.oiiient of bis administration, and to pay to tbe creditors what may be payable to them respectively j and this is te notify you lo appear before said f'lerk t,n cr be ore t'.- 30th day of October, ltfTS, at his ollice in . town of Halifax, an Hie your evidence of debt (.a.nst ealil deee.tont duly authonllcatod, this notice will bs plead In bar or their recovery. Let a copy of this nnth-e be published at tbe court house in IHlifsX nr thirty days, and eo.iy thereof be published in the Roanok S Nbw, a newspaper pub lished In said eouelv.noce a wiwk for sis aucoeeaive weeks. This Sept. 18tta, 1878. r Janw T. Orkoory. ' Clerk Superior Court and Ptf-bkte Jndga HulltBi Ceunty, N. C, Kitchen and Dmin'Aity for Creditors.'

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