THE ROANOKE NEWS ! SATURDAY NOVEMBER 3, 187S. Sial SitnutiOQ. Ch'cago Tribune, The relicl steamer that reached Mem phis Tuesday reports that at the mouth of White river muse on ooaro. uiecovcrea tad rase ot inhumanity and suffering. A Mr. Zider, who has lost a wife and three children by the yellow levsr and tour other relative in the lame bouse, hat not been permitted to h ave liii home or gee anyone in hia house. The ci ii(rs have quaran tine! the house and placed a guard around it. Hi only company ii a yeung babe, which need attention th it a man cannot give, lie appealed to the relief'boat through a note throrn trnm his window, hut thov were powerless to break the booth tb it lielil him prisoner. The Bent Men. N. Y. Tribaue. The South is going to tend her strongest Di'-o to the next Cm.gwa. More than till, she is uoinj to send a neater number ol men who were lenders ia the Confederate mm than ever before. 01 ronrse they will be devoted to the Solid 8 mill 'and her interests. The N rtliern Democrats am notoriously supporting the weakest men they hare voted for in year. They have in many instances formed combina tions with the Nationals to elect inlerior men, and in in my others they have nomi nated equally Interior man to catch the discontented vole. These men may be honest, hut they will Inevitably be con trolled by thu strongest men Irom the Boutb. Blaine as an Agricultural Orator. Senator lilaine commenced his speech at the Bridgewaler, Mass., Agricultural Fair, Thursday, as follows : "I believe it has become the accepted custom at sjrieollural societes to speak your mind Ircelv upon everything except agriculture (laughter); and the unlucky attempts ruide to venture within that Held by orators who were not ttaitied to the toil, have "diminished others to keep clear of it You remember the man m New York, who, in uttering bis wis loin helme an agricultural society said, that as regarieei the ocion trees, they shunM be planted ten leet apart, and the fruit should be gathered before the first frost (laughter) ; and a Governor of Iudiau, whose name I will pas9 over, although he was a sound metslic Democrat (laughter), recommended to the State etoi kgrowing society the importation of a liydruultic ram to improve stock. (Loud laughter.) I shall steer clear of the errors ot there gentlemen, and con less my ignorance iu advauce." An Historical Fact. Every agent who has boen steadily selling the Im proved J20 Homestead Sewing Machine for three yearn, owns his dwi lling house, has a gooiil aecount in batik, ia clear ol debt, and has money at interest the natural consequence of securing a good agency for supr-" r goods at ihe lowest prices. A good tiist-class .Sewing Ma chine, most useful reliaiile at all limes, easy to understand and control, the tame size and does ihe same work as any ma ohioes that sell at Foiitt TiMKs tho price. There is r.ct machine at any price bettor, or that will do finer or moie work, and certainly none so low in price by many dollars. The Homkstkad is widnly known and used in thousands of families In the Eastern suit Middle States, and daily be. iomlng popular in the West. It will save its coat, several times over in one season, doing the work of the family, or will earn four or Ave dollars a day for any man or woman who sews for a living. It is the strongest machine made, is ready at all times to do its work, makes the and lines! sti'ch yet invented, anr1 is tolly acknowledged as the Hatidard Family Mewing Machine. Price. cip4ete for do mestic use, $2(1, delivered at your door, no in :il lor bow roiuole you mav Maid. Busi ness permanent and botmraiilo, with more certain ami rapid sales, and larger profit than any other. Extraordinary liberal offers made to local or traveling agents whore we have none established ; ol if there is no agent near you, send your order direetio thefaetiwy Address John H. Keudall Ci., til Broadway, New York. Special Local. "R. P. Spiers, Weldon, W, C, is the place to find lb" biggest atork ol now goods in Halifax coo n iv. Just to land 300 cotton picking bags at 14 eta each. Just to hand a lot of nice side meat, price sj to . K. I'. Spiers, Weldon -N. C. Just to band 100 sacks Liverpool salt, R. P. Spiers, Weldon. Host tolhand lflff bundles arrow ties at '2 25 pm-bundle. Also lot of licuvv bag ging,. XL. f. Spiers, Weldon, just to band a nice ) tretdv madeolnih jing, (.uirts aud gents fiirnUhiog goods. K. P. Spiers, Weldon. Just to hand n full line or aadlery, bar. nesss, whips, oT0. K. P. Spiers. Just to band latest hats. stylos gentleinena K. P. Spiers Just to hand a large and stylish lot of geutleinens clothing. K. P. Spiers Just to band anloelotofblanketsshawla and overcoats. It. P. Spiers Just to hand the obeapest lot of tin and crockery ware ever seen, n, r. spiers Just to hand 100 doaen ooats spool cotton at So cents per djion. K. P. tipiers. Just to hand a full line of pins needles and ml ,y!nnr f eoipt, imllniw 1 sewing machine neudles. R. P. Spiers. Jut to hand almost every thing from Uioth pick to a fine top buggy, or the iiest aewing machinn that over was offered 't the publlo at 25 dollars. K. P. Spiers. To time of peace nrepare for war, While all is quiet don't forgot to insure ou- property with K. F. liutler, General Jusurauce Agent. If you die soon will your family be pro Tided for? If not be sure to insure your lire in the Metropolitan. K. F. Uutlkh, Agent. 'Two elegant business an 1 pleasure wsg obs fr one or two b'rso foi sale cheap at the Romoke Agricultural works vVcidon. tf. Just (o hand Ten handsome Top buggies which I will sell for one hundred dollars each and throw in a nice set of harness Persons wishing to bur cannot do better than to give me a call, they are really good buiriiles and evorv one of them warranted It months. Twenly-Ove of these bngg'ee have been sold in the town of Weldon in the laat six days. K. P. Spiers, Doltora Store, Weldon N, C. Nice lot eoffee Just to band, will eell at cts, strong ana gooa. n. r.oriKRs, iljttupi Store, Weldoo N, C. Tux Editor of this paper la In no way reiponal blr for the vluws or statements of CorreaMail ents. No communications of au anonymous character will l.e published: thu res) nam of the writer must sccoiqpany all eoromutilrstlons. Any one who may feel auKrlevsi) at utaleijimita made hy correspondent" ean obtain the name on application to the Killtor. Correspondents will please write only on one aide of the paper, and to avoid having their ciuniniinioationi inrown in the waste basket will tumuli their names not necessarily for rmiuraiinn iui as a irusrsnty of (rood faith, we will not notice anonymous correspondence! o C J 1 J Rfoiktkb. Wcathkr cooliah. Election near at hand. Cotton etui vary low. Votii for Kitchen. 8m tax notice. Sail administrator's notloa, Town full of pc.plt this week. Lots of pretty ladies at the Pair. Tun Ii the lat month of autumn. Autumn leaves are carpeting the itreete. Lovrlt day for the Fair lait Thursday. Trnt Fair is over and now for business again. All true women want to be natrons of husbandry, Ooino the routids of Hie press The clrl wbo waltzes. Wintkb is coming- lay in jour supplies of wood and toal. IltiRKAn for the Hxeooke and Tar River Agricultural Society. Most of the visitors bare gone and Weldon looks lonely. "All the world's a stage," but the fare does not suit everybody, Our Fair Mis its own as the banocr Agric lltural Fair of tin State. Tim Roanoke Light Iufantry arquitUd themselves haodsomely last Thursday. Tuts grand military display Thursday wat the priocipal feature of (he whole lair. Wk have had the pleasure ol meeting a number ol our brethren of the quill this week. Kbahi.t all the youn ladies who hare been attending the laic have left us add we are u4. Supsb we had an agricultural fair every week bow lung dj you reckon we would last t Swkkt pot'itnea rsquire a temperature of ejxty degrees to keep tbem safely through the winter. Thb military ball Thuriday night was ell attended and proved a source ol great pleasure to all present. I would not lire always, I care not to stav, it costs too much for washing, wear ing three shirts a day. - Old soldiers say that the- best drillnd companyifer its age io the State it the Roanoke Light Inlantry. On. a jolly set are the soldier hoy, they all sremed to enj y themselvei during their fisit to our town this week. Thk belles of Athena, Oa , hare been selling kisses, at a dime a piece for the benefit of yellow fever sure re re. Thr glrla like the new song, "Put your armor on my boys." It sounds no much like "Put your arms around me beys." - I nn Newbern Silver Cornet Band, furs nished music lor the fair. This is to ex cellent band and sa lienor to the state. In spite of the rain the receipts for the first too dare nl the Fair this year were larger than ler the same time last year. Wg are glad to say that we have not heard ol single accident of any conte- qnence that has happened during the week. Early to had and early to rise nukes a man healthy wealthy and nise; but early to ryes and tardy to bed makes a man's nose turn cardinal red. Marrikb. At the residence of the bride's father, Oet. Jlst 1878, y Rev J. A. R. Kilpatrick, Mr. James Hawkins and Miaa Battle Green all of this county Grrat credit is due the officers and members of the Roanoke and Tar "River Agricultural Society for the success they make ol their ninth annual exhibition, just closed. Thr husk on the corn ear is unusually thick this year, ard the weatberwls mnskrat Is putting double windows on Ida habitation. Infallible signs are these or a cold winter. Ths Weldon me-chants closed their Stairs tVeiliieedey lielwreu ihe iioiiit ol 11 and 4 to allow the members nf the esilitary company in their employment to oio the parade. Mr. B .did you say, or did yon not say, what I said you said? beosnse C said you said yon never did aay what I said you said. Now, If you did say that, you did m t say what I said yon said, then what did yoa say? W( have heard many very cntnplimen. tary remarks made shout the hospitalitv and whole-muled treatment our visiting Iriends received at the hands el theciiin of Wsldon. This makes us feel proud and justly so. Fatal Cash or BcRNlrtr On last Mnnday a small colarrd child aged five years, was so badly horned by ber clothes taking fire, that she died the next day This little girl "as brought Irom Wilming ton N. C to he te;nJ by Sarah Msclin at bouse the accident occured Children shauld never be left in the house alone, we hops ibis will be a warning to otkef. Our patrons are urged to ennoe forward and pay their indebtedness to the Nliws. We have waited patiently all the year on them end now that they have gotten their cettou In, they should meet their oblige, tions. ftSOOO! 950001! $5000111 Wantkd! Wantkd!! Wantkd!!--Wanted $5000 woi th ot County Orders and Jury Tickets, for which 1 will pay the b ghost cash price. j as. t. aoocn, Weldon, N.C, 31 II tc had not slept a wink for twenty Uur hours, coughing all the time. His sister bought a 25 cent bottle ol Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at the nearest drug store, cave him a dose, and the cniijh was broken at once and he fltipt quietly during the night. Odr enterprising townsman, John M. Foote, Fiq., proprietor of the Roanoke Agricultural Works, had a handsome display of larming imolements, cooking utensils, stoves, michinery, car wheels, carts &z., ol his n vn m ike on exhibition at the fair. This speaks well for heme in dustry. Stow it at nnce If you sea your nnrte giving the bshy either Laudanum, Parr, gnric or any soothing remedy containing np:ates, stop it at nnce. If yon want a good medicine lor your children, get Dr. Bull's Rahy Syrup, wsrrsntel to contain nothing injurious, but safe and efficient. Price 25 cents. Wkatiirr RnrriT. -Notes of the wrather for the past 4 week" : Highest Temperature 68 Lowest " S8a Mean " 6t Prevailing Wind Northerly. Amount of Rainfall 4.32 inches. First Frost on the 13:h. Number of days on which it rained 10. First Ice November 1st. Complimentary Skrknapv. We ac knowledge the compliment of a serenade from the Newbern Silver Cornet Band, Prof. Cook leader, yesterday morning. This is an excellent band, composed of a handsome, defer and gentlemanly set of fellows. It is the pride of the Elm City and an honor to the State. These gentle, men have been 1 1 our city al the week furnishing tinisio for the fair. They have made many friends since they came amongst us, all of whom speak in compli mentary terms of their gentlemanly hear ing and line musical qualifications. There are fifteen place io the band and every man is an adept in the management of his particular piece. They play some very sweet airs and their music has been the delight of the occasion. Wo hope to have this excollnnt band again visit our city. Plcmmkb 4 Wbsklkr These are the nurchants who keep those light and ea-j-going farm wagons, which we havo tol I volt about bel.iro In addition to their Urge and choice stock ol turdwate thry have new a lull assortment ol sash, dojrs. blinds, Ac, lor sale at very low flames. All who are buildin! should get these things from Mcsrs P. A. W. Yon will hod it cheeper to buy of them than to have them made to ord;r. All JO'i have to do it to send dimnions for anything you want ; these gentlemen can lurnisli yeu by return train. They have been ton long belnre the public as larje snd popular dealers to need anything Sild as to their character, retponsihility, ite They stand in the troot rsnk of Peters burg merchants in ivery partioular. Mutual interest ol buyer and sillier ia the rule ot the bouse. Send your orders direct to the Iron Front Ilardwsre Store lor anything In their line. Ol KIM I It. As we anticipatud the 0;h annual fair ol the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society surpassed all its predecessors io Ihe interest ol the display, in the crowds in and generally in being a complete succrns. The fair this year wss opened on Monday but it was not until Tuesday that the people commenced com ing io. On Tuesday morning the town began filling up, and wuen at about 11 o'clock the lam Com iu. need tail nf it was for a short while about as blue a crowd as we have ever seen, but that night when it was found that in spite nf the raiu the receipts at the gates bad been larger than for the same day laat year, Ihe faces ol th: officers cleared up and the next day when the sky billowed their ciaxple and cleared up too, they became perlectly radiaat. It is a well known (act to all that the conduct ol this Society, troiu its beg;n- ning, lias been puiely a "labor of love" with its officers and friends, and its great uccrss, amid lailures on all aides, has been mainly due Io the lact that no reward, other than the promotion of the agricultural interests ol Hie State, was expected by (hose who have given I heir time aud means to it. The liberal aud enlightened managtmrnt, which has characterized it every year, has placed it on an enduring financial basis, and served to permanently establish it in the aflVc tionate interest and regard ol the people. Every rlubition has increased its Iriends and added to its nicmberdiip, ami it is a source nf pride to all concerned, that ths Saciety offers eveij year greater attrac tions to visitors, and more liberal induce ments lo exhibitors. The officers ol the society, are: Presi dent -P. E. Smith. Yice Presidents Hon. Jesse J. Yealct. R. II. Smith, James R Thigpen, Henty William. Dr. W. R J toe hart, R. B. Salisbury, B, A. Capehart, James M Wavne. Dr. J. C. Jacobs. Joeeuh W Phillip. Col. Quo. W, Stanton, Col J. B. ZolliclTer, Jos. L, Statnn, Col. T. A. Granger, Dr. II. E. T. Manning, M .j. W. E. Tanner, W T. Plummer, C d. John C. Randolph, Wm. J R.gri, James Nor wood, J. Powell, Jot. M. Wilson, Sictetaiy L. M L mg. Treasurer Rii.hsrd V, Drown. Executive Committee W. JI. Shields, L. B. Manninr, J. S Gtaut, A. Prcscott. A. II. Davis, John M, Foote, R B Peeblrs. N M. Long, II. J. Pope, T. L. Eimy, 8. V. Lee, J. Ii. Neal, James B. Bi ickeli. Among the exhibitors this ye-r we specially note the jewelry display ofMers J T. Young and Bro., the nwule Iroct jewelry meo ol Petersburg. In the steam engine line Mcs-ri. W. E. Tanner & Co.. of Richmond bad a (lie display and in the field crop and grata line James. Nor woed, E q , ol IlilUboro made a heavier exhibit than ever. The new features of the fair also proved very attractive. For ihe pigexn shooting some ( the best wing shots In the Stale cutereJ and the score was as lollows. Rounds. 1 3 t 4 5 6 7 ToUl, D. It Pulleu 1110 110 E B, Engelhard 111111 J. T Jones J. J Robertson 0 110 1 I 0 11110 N. A. Risks 0 0 I 0 I 1 1 J. M. Grizzird 0 110 11 0 10 0 1 II. W. Halleck 1 I 1 0 J. II. House 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 R. B. Peebles H. E. Smith U. II Smith 1 I 1 1 1 0 1111 10 0 10 11111 1 0 0 U. F. Norroent D. A. Jordan W. B. White Major Sully ' R. B. Peebles 0 0 0 1 1 110 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1111111 110 0 110 E. L II outer For L. M. Long. dipt. Peebles, shooting for Mr. Lop, ami Mr. Engelhard having tied, they were entitled te three more shots, Capt. R B. Peebles won the. match and gun. The crowd present ware very mnch in terested, and warmly congratulated Capt Peebles no his success, which was the more lo his credit as Mr. Engelhard was one of the ett shots at the State Fair and the winter ol the prizt there. The military display was very good, and the boys io blue, gray and brass buttons were the linns ol the day. The Norfolk City Guards and Cadets, the Pelersbnrg Grays, the E Igece'iibe Guards and a de tachment of the Go isboro Rifl ;a were here Col. John W. Cetlen, of the First Re-i ment N. C. S. G , wss ia command. He is a soldier ol a lino type, and the men respect anil admire him. The R aiuke Light Inlantry, under the command of Cup'. T. L. Emry, received the visiting companies as they arrived They presented a very inaitial and soldieily ap iiaiaiice In the military dis play ami competitive drill the Norfolk boys bore eff the honors and the beautiful dig tint was given a aprir.i. The Edge ee nlic and Weldon companies were highly complimented by the Judge. In the target shooting Lt. Bain, ol the Golihboro R fl a, woo the gold medal. Among the large crnvd in attendance we s .w many gentlemen ol distinction, and he girls were Just awlully pretty, io pretty lb it it woul l be really wrong to pick out the prettieat. If we are to )idge by the number of Vtejux in attendance on them, hewever we think we should hsve te divide the laurels between the Misies En gelhard and Mi's Bryan nf It Iriyh snd Miss Capehart, daughter Colonel Ral ly Capehart nf Granville, a little blonde beau ty with velvety biowu nes, aud the only purely classical Is tie we can now rrmamber to have seen. Take it altogether the fair was a big thing and every body is coming to the next. 5000 nle ol Cotton Wanted. Highest cash pi ices paid. J. T. lioooH, Weldon, N. C. To OUR .SiMisriunrRH. e)ur delinquent subscribers are hereby warned Hist If their subscriptions are not settled by the first of Dropiuber tbolr nitinna will be erased from the list and accounts placed in the handa of an rllluor for collection, liURAH I t HI THR MlUSTRKLS ! I- I BUI now prepared to sell the largost and pheapest stock of groceries ever soon in Wed or, 1000 Ilia. llama Maryland and Virginia. MJOIha. Breakfast bacon. 100110 lbs. Hulk sides and Shoulders. 75 Sacks salt, Marshall. Z Sacka coffee Java Moca and Rio. a III. I. ........ Oll'l ill. II ..! Ill' O 50 Qrosa ofsuufT 1 2 and 4 or. cases. 100 ltbls. flour Family Sopor and Kxtrs. U 00 lbs. lard 1; 2. 5. and 10 lb. reus. 50 Rolls Bagjlng. 10 Kbls. No. 1 apples. 50 Bushels Black sood oats. 100 nunheia Whito oats. 20,000 Cigars all brands. 211 B lies starch. 10 Box os SO Boxes best eream cheese, :to Itoxes soap all kinds. 10 Boxes tcbacoo. 5 Cases mustard. 100 lbs. pepper. 100 Iba. spice. '4i0 yds. 8 and ft Spit rubber belting. D't ltbls Herrings, Labrador. 100 Reams paper, Bags tc. 5 ltbls wrapping twine. 10 (Iroas matches, parlor. 5 Cases teas of all t)rand and kinds, gru cerles too numerous to mention, Jas. T. Goouh, Weldon, N. C. THOt'OIIT.f, The credit that is got by a lie lasts only till the truth comes, Do as jeur sonscirnct dictates, ard yeu will not go far astray. Head not bonks alone, but men, and be caielul to lea I thyself, Do not train boys to learning by lorre nd haishnem, but dinct them to it hy what amuses their miods, so that you tnej be the better able to discover with accurscy the peculiar bent ol the geuiit tf each. Weltit a Markets. KKPOHTKD 11V It, r. 8PIKIU. Wkloom, Nov. 2,1878. Cotton Middling Fair, Middling Low Middling tood O dinary Hueon sides Shoulders Canvassed bams Lard Crn Meal Family flour Host ICxtra Super Sugar standard A Sugar standard 15 Sugar extra J Huuar brown Coffee Rio Coffee Laguyra S da Starch Syrups Common Sv.'up New Orleans Nails Nails retail Salt Liverpool Northern Apples Southern apples Hhhs wax Hay Fodder Candles Cheese Hides Flint Hides dry -salted H Ides green S lie leather Kusset Upper Herrings 3 Calicoes bent brand White ol nhs Modi um cloths White linings Kjets 81 8 7. miivts Kn Halo 80 cts por Imsh.'l OOhU'O 7..r0 6,."i0a7 (KJ S.OChiI Oil lJ'ls 11 lOallcis lllj t'4l 2Ci'icts )0o lll.'ts 25a:l.ic per gallon SUa'ficta Xl'M.M per keg Bets l.Mal.75 per sack 8.0U pi r liarrol 3 (HI lie per I ii 1,00 per cwl 7 per c t l&altij per lb l.'iaaic Halite fli7c 'Julio South AOitill 00a I, no per barrel It.i.V 7i.He ia7c 6 .(1 1. c on U KU( I t Ii si UK K is. Pktkrsiiuroi, Va., Nov. 1, 1S78. Cotton New Cotton is coming In, In some quantity, and soils at about i! for best uracles. Other grades are proportionately lower according to quality. Grain Wheat is dull, prices run ning from Wo. to 1 10. The cleanest and best, seed might overreach the lat figure. I'orm At present Is rather Ncarco and market aolive, ami price decidedly higher, (iJi8c.c, white, mixed. ftOafiio. Oats Marknt dull, and the supply on hand greater than thn demand. Wo quote spring 40a45 per bushel. Bacon tr'hniildere 7c, sides 7Je bulk ahou liters fliifil.i aides 7a7jo.; Ya. hams ISallljo ; Va., hog round Dj, Soap Common, sialic., as to quality: toilet, CaJOc. Molamsks Extra heavy hogshead, 2'!., lier"e,2lo ; barrels, aS).: goldon syrups, Via-Tic; Porto Kio i 40 sYic j New Orleans, prime, 40 por barrel. Fish Fall catch now Kastport round herrings, Ma4 f0. Labrador splits 4 ftfi; liliicKcrel-sinall It's 5 00; N. ('., cut 4 CO Meal-Wholesale, 70o, per bushel of 41) lbs.; retail 85. Klour-Ojiiot. We quote; Family Mia 7 50 as to quality; extra .rm,"iJ. Lower grades are dull ai d nominal. Sunar Market qniet-cruslied, pow dered and granulated, 10c ; A's Oa'.IJc; yellow, 7 ifiio. Colleo-O'iiol; Rio, Me: Lannayra. IGa I7n : Jiivh, asc. Salt Liverpool lino, fl 30. Noiipolk November 1, 1878. Cotton Middling. lOo. Low Mid. dling, Vis. (ion,) Ordinary Ordi nary Tone Steady. M'Ovrs Morket linn. Uclined Sugars A cofTtifl Istiindardl lllo nor timind t fnlt'l OJo, per pound ; while extra f! 0(n per po.-.nd vellow 7i;iKl, per pound ; bard suirars inlslln, per poiindi cm loaf 114c, ptir pniinil. r I.ouk Market quiet. Wo quote; Pamllv 5.5010.50 nor barrel, extra 14.5045 AO per barr'.d ; snperlinn $4a$4.75 per iiarro1 j lancy family fil.75a7.25 per barrel. NKV ADVKUTISKM KNTS. JOTICK TO TAX PAYERS'! I will be at the follnwlna nlaoes on the Hsvs named for the purpose of collecting tsxes. Sterling Johnstons St"re Monday Noy. U Heptinatsll's Utore Tuesday i 12. MnMarka Store Thursday " 14. Lltlleioo SalArdnv ' 10, I hereby notify all persona fulling to cone to th" appointments and seitlo their taxes, that I shall proceed at once to collect ny law, X. K. MOSKLRY, Pcpt Collector for Halifax county, Nov2tf. D .t I S I ST R ATO RS' N OT I C K. Iliiving qualified as Administrator ds bonis mm with tbo will annexed ol Kelix n. incKena. necsnsnd, lhoe indebled lo said estate are ren ulred to make Imme. dlate payment, and those holding claims against naia estal are Merel y notifies) to present them to me st my office in Hali fax town duly an(hnticatil on or before the 1st day nf November 1879. Halilai", N. C Oct Lttth 187. JAS, M. MULLEN, Nov2if Ailmlnietrator. ATTRACTIVE. In addition to our Urja and uieftt"y ppiniTicu in naniware, we nsve suppliod ourselves with a full assortment of S A S II, D O O K N, AND BLINDS. These we hive purchased from the Fsoto- ry and receiving them in osr I' ad lota. We get very low rates of freight, ind are enabled to offer tbem at VERY LOW JVIUVRRS, PLUMMER WHEILER, Petersburg, V. 1 .Vovftf NEW ADVEIU'IHMENTS. s Q jw KEWAKl). , mt .sir . i r-n ct.aM,i rn (It nitzllt Of iIM'IHH IIIIUI IIM nioiiii '. - thfl aivt I nut. nn l:rk rhotnut Sorrel hDre. .w lelt feet whitft, Htar in forehoad, VHraK Hisi, in 8t1iU hnrHe, gait natu rHil, in the lope, " "J-M,rilJTRE. ooti:6U, llAttleboro N. C. 4k . i. -p A O h E Ii R E W K Y. CEO. W. ROBINSON. BltF.WEll A B r. A h E II 1 N M A L T it HOPS Con. Wkst Ct'AV anp Harrison Srs., HH'HMOND, VA. Oct 2(1 tf. JOTK 1C TO TAX PAYERS. T will Iia nt thn Tid'owlnc olaces on the days named Tor the purpose i f collecting taxes. Halifax Mopdav A Tucaday Nov.4th A 5th CrowollaX Honda Wednesday Nov 6th. DawMona X Roads 'I'luirsday Nov. 7lli. V blinkers Sloro Friday Nov. th. i: .field Salurdav Novnuibor 0th. Drapers X Rends Momlav Nov. Hth. Kingwond Tiinsdiiy Nov 1'Ji.h. ltiinklevvllle Wednesday Nov la'h. r iii-.ii.u i.ioit'v hII iiorhoiis I'allinir to come to ilicHo n'pp iltilincnts and soltle their taxes, thai 1 shall prooeod el once to eolleot by law L. M. LON8. Tax Unllector lor naiu.ix vo, oct 2rttf. V ALUAI1LH LANDS VOll SALIC ;)o Monday, the 2d day o' December next thfl following valuable lands. Niluatod in Halifax county, will lie sold at piihlic aurtion at thn Court p use in Halifax iwn to the highest biddor, to-w it : I. The trail n noil which JamPs L. Ous- by now livns, being about three miles from Halifax, ad lining ths lamia of Kd ward Coiiinliihil.'decin-Hcl, Win. E. Kenner and others and containing about one thou sand seres. Terms Cash. rive undivided sevenths of a tract near ItrinklHWilie. known as the Solomon" land, adioii'lng the lands of David Parker, Thomas Wilcox and others. and colli, union about, tlimft hundred acres. It. Oun undivided third ol a tract known as the "William Lowe' tract, lying on Reach Swamp adjoining thn lands ol tt m H. Tilhii'v and others and containing about four hundred acres, lorms fur tins and Noli, niio lourt'i Cash, balance bio in tvolvo iiiiiiitlio lioin day of sale, the purchaser giving bond w ith good te enritv with interest from date. 4. The tract near 1 Mien's Mill, known as the Morgan, or Raven's Nut trad, for merly belonging to .lohn II. Tillorv, ad ioiiiinir llio lands of J tines M. Mullen ami others and containing about live hundrod res. Tortus, onn-lenth cash, balance In one, two, throe, four, live and six years, bonds with irnod semiiily required, hear ing intorest Irom day of sain. Oilier valuabln Isnds v 11 He sold at I no saoiH lime and place. rarlios wishing to purchase win no won to call upon us bnlorn day o salo for In- imialiun concerning sain minis. MULLRN A MOORK, Atto ruoj-s, HaliTax N. ( Oct 23, 187S. OiH ai uw. N OTIC K. The undersigned having Ibis day quail fieii before I In Court of Mrobatn of I Uhlan county as Kxi'cntors of the last will and testament of W, W. Urickeli diii'oase I hero by notify all poisons holding churns against the e dato of 'heir lost ator to pre- out. them dill authonticatid by the first day nl December HT'J. This Oct 15th, is;s. It. B. HKICKKLT,k J. 11. IIRICKKLL, net 101. f. Kxecutors, N K W K I It JI. JAS. I,. HAS-4, n L. HAHKLKY. Weldon, N. C, llaryalmrg, N. C. Having opened a firat class Keataurant a id 0Hlor Snli on, next door to W. H. Ilrown's, on Water Street, am prepared to serve their friends with anything in their line. They have it splend'il Oyster Cook, who will sorvo Ihe delioioua bivalves In an style. U.mIoih by tho quantity to their country customers. Tuev will also keep oii hand a good supply of Family Orocer- les, 1 oiiluctionariiis, lnUacco and the post 5 cent Cjgars in town. J AS, U. liANX, iV. CO, Oct 10 Gut. Water Street. D K N T I H T U Y. Dlt. GEO. XV. HAHTTIAX, SURCEON DENTIST. Having Incite I peniiamnitly in Weldon, tenders bis services to the citizens thereof, and the inhabitants uf tho surrounding country. Long experience in all branches of the pro oision, eiMibles hiiu to eiiaratilcn sat isfne in, and warrant nl cases entrusted to him, Persona, whoso health or hnainoss pre vent thnir visiting him at bis nhVe, wil tin waiteil upon st their homes, on notill- cation of such desire, by postal card or letter C harges moderate. Address DR. OKO. W. HARTMAN, Itrd Street, W.ldon, N. C. Oct 12 lui. V1 SI TO RS TO 7 II K FAIR Will find M. V.. Kl'I.L of Peterilmrg Y.i.,a( the Slum ol W. II. ItllOWN, Wel don, N, C, with a full line of iS.iporlor HEADY MADE CLOTIIISd, nr.s as it uoyn iyjmk, All mamifaetuioil by blm, and overy artiulu wairaiilud. A.lo over tho same store, there will be lound from M. K. KULL'9 ESTABLISHMENT, A Magnlflcent Stock of Millinery f every description, RON NETS, HATS, HASHES, FEATHERS, TLUMK't, WREATHS, OHNAMENTS. Thar will be a Competeut I.VDY ATTi:DEXT, Any one In want of anything before this stock rnsches Weldon will have all orders promptly Oiled by addressing M. E. KULL, 113 Svoamnre Street, PtTpneauB, V. Oet 12 1m. NKY ADVKliri6E.MK.TS. mjis.aVb. jonks. 2S Sjtminoro SI, I'clcrsburg V. FALL AND WIN T r ii - "i I Is opening a New and Desirablo stock of M I I. I. I X K 11 V liOUDN, D Ii K 8 S M A K N O A SPECIALITY, t i rnJ AM) FITTI.'sO, At short notice. Latest stylos dress trim. Illllli;. Irmunn. imti..u i. . notions. " ' Bt,ai.a Wedding and party dro-sns made, and if requested, will furnish tho material. Oriiiimenta fop Uie. HHlr ol Ev. ry Oosirriptioii. ' Braids, Swritches. Jet and Fine Jawolrw, Also , aiithlui.,aii excellent preparaiio, lor tho ha r. In dm ... i.i.... .' . 1 a lady. lvu" l" "uur" ALSO K M H A L M K R OP Si A T 17 It A I, I' I. o w i; u k . Wn warrant our Embalmed Flowers nevr lo nhanuu tlifir J-'OUM OH coioit, aoi:nt for E. P.UrTEIHCK Aco-a. CELEI5KATED patterns; Catalociicsscnt freo on application, I am prepared to offer enstomors extra induceninnls this sn.un,, t.. qua. ity and price of my giods, so hm to ..r.n ,, ,,, ,,,,.,r ,, uoresi io givo mo a largo sham of tholi patronage. ihcipi'me hope to have lh pleasure nl an early call ironi ' "n i ii '. i win win ill v post etlorls to mnkn vt.itr I...II.,,. ...1.1. . . tlrolv halKftictnrv to you. linn-is tr nil ir.-lnia Hud North Caroli. na ari'Holioitod.and will be promptly filled upon reasonable terms. Th inking you I ir past ravors, T remaiq. Yours rispectfiiMv, MRS. A. H. JONES. 9ct intf. N O T I C E. .1. n. TIi. 1 n vi.m...... '. ... ' i n:;i,'r mid Dallas II. V. havinir Ihisdav iiiriiM-u a coiiariiiprHinp under the slvli and Hi in ofZ dliontfer A Sons lor tbo pur pose of carry lug on airomirai (irooeiv boa Is IllOSU III lllU liiwn ,.l Vt'i.l.l v.... .. .tiiiimi, I o-i.(;i ill iy annoiineo to the publio that they have nponod nod will keep iniistait v on hand .. II II.... .. r ....i,.. iuii 1 1 in" in lamiiy Kroceries, i.iquors. Ac. nt the old Drug store aland or Dr. A. R. Z illicill'ii, ,t llro., KastMfdo Washing, ton Avenue. They solicit a share of the pil1 lie patronage, Mr. 11. F. (sledge, tbolr popular salesman "in hi. an minis uoi iuiiii reaily to uecom iiiniaio iimuwu an we 1 as I IO of me ii r ill . S ! K n 4 I, N O T I ; R , Ti e llrm of Dr. A. U. , illioolfir A Rro., coiitiiines thnir Drug business as lirtii. fore in their now hniisii wost sido Wash ingtin Aveiino near tho Railroad sho.l Hherii liioy will coiitiiiuo to keoi ooq. Htuntly on hand a full assortment nf Drugs Medicines. Paints, oil T,w. ri,.... Siniir. Coiitoelionarie.s, &a Ac. ' ' i no irisimiss ol tho l wo Mi nis s yenarata an I ileHilnetiind Dr. A. lt. .dlicotlVr A firo., wiih thanks f-T past patronage, re spectfullv sk a ciiotiniiniicp of tbo same. D. A. R. Z illlin(V..r i 1 1,.. ........ tlco of his prolessiuii as heretofore. Plantation at AUcnoN. Rv virtue of the powers conferred in a Dflei in Trust, Rogistercd in Rook 41, pages 74-77, Roiristor's ollice, Warren County, I wijl (iiulssa previously sell at private sale) On Weil aridity ; ,ov. IUIh, I7S At 1 oVIock, p. m., at .the D ij it at Little, ton, Warre.i eoiini v N. C, flipu.a lor sale mi aiiciion that 1' I SI f. I I, A N T A TKM Containing about IfiVt acres of g iod land, with rosidencos, initliiiiisos. Ac., complete, lying on the Raleiuli ,t lUston Railroad, near Littleton, adj doing the lands vt Nicholas Terhune, Lemuel Vaughn). Frederick Shoarln and otbirs, known a THE Ii I T I, E FAKN, Troi-$l.00( cash, nnd $1,001 within ninety days if satisfactorily secured. Tho balance in lh-oe e.ju i ins .allineols at six, tuna and twelve months, Inuring eight per cent. Interest till piii). Title retained until piirchsss monnv ia fully paid ; possession gien as soon as the J.',0;Hi cash is paid or satisfactorily secured, i nr iiiiiii-r iniorm iiion, apply to JOHN C. BLAKE. Trustee, -l !'- l Raloigb, N. C. N OTIC 1C To the credit-ins of John H. Oary, Take notice that a spicial proceeding has been commenced lef ire the Clerk ol the Superior Court for Halifax County, North Carolina, against I'aul Wary, as ad ministrate! of John R. Wary deceit -ed, fur an aononnt and siiltliniiant of bis ail in in ia -tratimi, and lo pay to the credilors what may m payable t thmn rsspeotively, and this is to notify you to appear before ssld C erk o or before the 2ti h day of Soptoms nor A. D. 1S7S, at his olilceln Halifax town and (Ho yo ir evldonces of debt ag.lnst ald decedent duly aothenticstoil, or this no ice will bo p'oaded in bar oftbeir reoov erv. Lot a co-y of tills nMloo be poRtcd at the Court Houso iu said uo'.nt of Hall lax for thirty days and n u ipy' tbeieif be published in thn Roanoke Mews, a news, paper published in said county, once a week fur six HuceesKive wooka. This the I .Mb day of Aug IS74. JNO. T. WREtiORY, Clerk Superior Court, and Probate Judge, Halifax County, N, O. Ang2lw. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having qualified as Administrator will) the will annexed upon the estate of A. w. Mcllwsine, noooasad, situated and being In the state nf North Carolina, all persona Indebted to said testator are required to make immediate payment ; and those holding claims sgaiiist him are hereby notified to present the same duly authen ticated to me, at Halifax, N. C, on or bc fore the 15th day of September 1879. Halifax, N. C. J AMF.s) if. MULLEN, Administrator, Sept. 14 b, H OUSK AND LOT FOR SALE. One dwelling house containing ya roon.a is otterel for sale lu th town of Weldon. 8aid house is altuated In a deaira ble poition ol the town and contains eua half au acre. F"r further information Appl, law OrFifif, Cot 12 3t.

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