THE ROANOKE NEWS THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES, A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED BY BATCflELOB A LOCK 11 A KT. One Year, In advance, SU Months, " fbroe Month, " 2 00 I 00 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORXEY AT LAW, OAllYSBURQ, N. C. PraotloBg In the courts nf Northampton and adjoining onnntles, also la the Federal and Supremo courts, June 8-tf JOS. B. BATC'HELOU. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEK3H, N.C. Praotlces In the oonrts of the flth Infll elal Diairinl and in tho Kedoral and Nu promo Court. May 11 If. WA1.TKR CLAM, Rtteigh, tf. C. Halifax, N. C. CLARK, O1 LARK fe ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Will prtiotioe In the Courts of Halifax and adjolulng counties. March 16 tf. B. IITCmX. W. A. Dt'NN . DUNN, K ITCH B N ATTORNEYS A OSXSHLLOBS AT LAW, Scotland Neck, II all I m Co., N. C. Practice In the Courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and in tho Supreme and Federal Courts. JanlS tf fl 30.MAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. Practices in Halifax and adjoining Counties and Federal and Supreme Courts. Will be at Scotland Neck, ouce every iortnifht. Aug. 28 a H. DAT, A Y W. W. Kali,. HALL D ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, K. C. Practice In the courts nf Halifax and adjoining oouuties, and in the Supreme and Federal oourM. , Claims collected in acy part of North Carolina, Jun 201(4 s AUffEL J. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JACKSON, N. C. Practices In the Court of Northampton aad adjoining couuties. sep 15 1 Y QAVIN L. HYMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. 0. Praotiosa In the eourts of Halifax and adjoining counties, aud In the Supreme aad Federal Courts. Claims collected lu all parts of North Carolina. OMoe la the Court House. July 4-1-Q. R i . BURTON, J l. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, H. 0. Practices in the Courts of Halifax Comoty. and Counties adiolnlng. In the uareme Court of the State, and In the Federal Courts. Will give speoial attention to the oolloo tlea of cl al ras,and to adj u stl n g th e acoo u n t s f Executors, Adminisratora and Ounr aiana. dec-lS-tf J. K. SrRIZZAKD, Attorney at law, HALIFAX, N. C. Offlee in the Court Hons. Striot atten Men ivea to all brancbos of the proles' lea. J 121 B. T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, iKFIBLD, fiAtll AX C0U1TTY. . C. Practices In the Counties of Halifax, Srh Rriennambe and Wilson. Rollaotloaa made in all Darts of the tate. Jan 12-6 i JiUIl B. O ' ATTORNEY AT H A R A, LAW, ENFIELD, N. C. Frantlnss In the Counties of Halifax Kdgeoewbe and Nash. In the Supreme nourt of the State and in the Federal ovulations made in any part tf the sit.t.. Will attend at the Court House in allfar en Monday and Friday of each week. J" 12-1 " jKDREW J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Prantinna in the Courts of Halifax. War rea and Northampton counties aud in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims colleoted in any part of North Carolina. June u-a tAMSS H. MVLLKM. fy U L L E N JOHN A. MOOR A MOORE ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Halifax, N. C. Practioe in the Counties of Halifax Northampton, Edgecombe, Fitt and Mar tin In the Supreme Court of the State na lu the Federal Courts of the JSaatern Diatriot. .' Collections made in any part of North vol. vii. WITH A PRESENT. The Index to a hook Is small ComDRred with what the hook The Head, though but a little ball. ' incloses ardent, thoughtful brains. And dreris of rain are little things That point to oceans If the akv And bridegroom deal In little rings as ajuiuois ui toe strongest tie. And little blades of grass, though small All point to life within the earth ' That life tnst in this grsat round ball isives spring us sweetest, freshest birth, A woman's eye Is hut a bead Sot clear and fair 'neath snowy brow, And yot It shows the fairest creed ueiore wnicn men on earth may bow. And words are little wenkling notes That va Ish like a Dassinir ultrh And yet they tell our swselost thoughts, jiuu uvo mm mougni tuar, will notdie. So this T send is but a mark urgratsrul thoughts and warm esteem Is but a little wav'ring sprrk Dropped from Iriendsliip's glowing beam PREMIUMS A WAKUED AT THE NINTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE It. A T. R. A. SOCIETY. DEPARTMENT A. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, N C: largest yield of Irish potatoes on J acre, silver plate, value 20 00. Jai Norwood, HilUboro, N C : largest yield of turnips on one acre, silver plat, value 10 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, N C: largest yield native grasses, silver plate, value 20 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, NC; lareest yield of red clover for one acre, silver plate, value 20 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, N C; largest yield of cultivated grass one acre, silver plate, value 20 00. 11 A Patterson, Littleton. N C : best bale of any of the above varieties 5 00. W II Cheek, Warreuton ; best variety f bread coro, 3 00 J T Jones, Warrenton ; best variety f stock corn, 3 00. S W. Lee. Hiclcsford ; best bushel of hear, 3 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro : best bushel foals, 3 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro; best busbel of rye. 3 00. S W Lee, Ilicksford J best busbel of field peas, 3 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro; best half bushel North Carolina raised clover seed, 5 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro ; best half bushel of North Carolina raised blue grass seed, 5 00. J T Jones, Warrenton ; best half bushel of North Carolina raised millet seed, 5 00. Jas Norweod, Ilillsboro; best half busbel of North Carolina raised Herds grass seed, 5 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro; best half bushel of North Carolina raised timothy seed, 5 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro ; best half bushel of North Carolina raised grass, 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro ; best and greatest variety of the above seeds of one farm, 8 00. S W Lee. Hicluford ; best bale of cotton, 20 00. T B Brady, Little Rock, S C; 2 stalks of cotton, 2 00, Mrs S A Parker, Weldoa ; best 50 pounds of seed cotton, 2 00. s 1) Callis, Henderson ; best specimen of leaf tobacco, 6 00. II J Pope, Wei Jon; best sweet potatoes, one bushel, 2 00. Jas Norwood ilillsboro; best Irish potatoes, one bushel, 2 00. S W Lee, liickslord ; best specimen wheat flour, one barrel, G 00. s vy Lee, uicxsiord ; best specimen extra flour, one barrel, 4 00. B V Lee. liickslord ; best specimen f super flour, one barrel, 4 00. 8 W Lee, liickslord ; best specimen f corn meal, one barrel, 4 00. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro; most meri torious and largest number ol held pro ducts, diploma and 15 00. Mrs J W Johnston, Weldon, IN U; 1 bunch of East India peart millet, 1st premium. V a Hell, Wulieid ; 1 pecu ot sweet ootntoes. 1st premium. James b Urant, Northampton ; lor ins best general exhibition by any sub ordinate Grange, sterling silver plate, 50 00. DEPARTMENT B. P II B irlow, Tarboro ; best thorough bred over 4 years. 15 00. W 11 Capehart. Avoca : 2nd best thoroughbred over 4 years, diploma. T M W hunker, Charlotte; best thoroughbred 3 years old, 10 00. T M Whilakor, Charlotte; best thoroughbred 3 years old diploma. W R Capehart, Avoca ; best thorough bred maro over 4 years old, 10 00 W R Capehart, Avoca; 2nd best thoroughbred mare over 4 years old, piploma. II J rope, Weldon; dpbc morouju- bred mare 3 years old, 6 00. II J Pope, Weldon; best and largest exhibitiun of thoroughbred mares aod colls with certified pedigrees, 25 00. J fc Grant, Northampton; best geld ing not thoroughbred, 5 00. J S Grant, Northampton ; best Stallion, 10 00. W R Csoehart. Avoca : best saddle horse. 15 00. M W Ransom. Jr . Garvsburg ; best oak of carriage horses, 15 00. 11 S Neville, Halifax; best single harness horse. 15 00 E L Suoiinerill, Gsrysburg 2nd best WELD ON, N. single harness horse, 5 00. J T Evans, Weldon ; best mare and colt under 12 months, 10 00. R B Brickell, Weldon ; best 2 year old colt, 10 00. J T Fvans, Weldoo, best 1 year old colt, ft 00. J S Grant, Northampton, best and largest exhibition of raares and colts other than thoroughbred, 15 00. J S Jones, Ringwood best jack, 15 00. J B Zollicoffer, Weldoo, best pair mules, 10 00. J li ZollioofTur, Weldon, best mule, 5 00 II J Pope, Weldop, best mule colt 2 years old, 10 00 J S Grant, Northampton, best mule colt 1 year old, 5 00. DEPARTMENT C. II J. Pope, Weldon, best bull of any breed, special award. II J Pope, Weldon, best cow, over 3 years 8 00. II. J. Pope, Weldon, 2d cow, over 3 years 5 00. L B Muuning, Halifax, best yoke rxen, over 4 years 2 00. II J. Pope, Halifax best pen fat cat tle 10 00. H J Pope, Halifax, best pair fat cattle 5 00. II J Pope, Halifax, best fat ox 7 00. II. J. Pope, Halifax, best fa: cow or heifer 5 00. II J Pope, Halifax, best and largest bow calile by any one person 25 00 Jjs Norwood, Ilillsboro, best pig, under 4 months 4 00. T L Emry, Weldon, largest fat hog. S Trueblnnd, We'.dju, b.'Bt and largest show I o s 25 00. J's N'irwood, Weldo", best thorough-. bred boar, over 1 year 5 00. Jas Norwood, W eldoo, best tborogh- bred sow 5 00. W R Capehart, Avoca, 2d best tboroug bred sow 5 00. R B Brickell, Weldon, best grade boar 3 00. R. li Brickell, Weldon, best grade sow diploma. Miss Katia Franklin, Weldon, best pair bruhma pootras 2 00. Mrs Clover, Portsmouth, 2d best pair brahina pnotras diploma. Mrs S. Parker, Weldon, best black Spanish 2 oo. J. S. Grant, Northampton, best pair darkings 2 oo. II J. Pope, Weldon, best pair game variety 2 oo. II. J. Pope, W eldon, best pair tnus- cova drakes 2 oo. II J Pope, Weldon, best pair com mon geese 2 oo. J C Sua nous, Woldon, best pair turkeys 2 oo. Jack Long, Weldoo, best domestic turkeys 2 oo. II J Pope, Weldon, best and largest exhibit by one person 5 oo. Jack Long, Weldon, deserves special premium for the largest exhibit. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, best buck long wools 4 oo. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, best ewe oo. Jas Nirwood, HilUboro, best psa buck ewe and lamb 5 oo. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, best buck, middle wools Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, on. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, no. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, best buck best ewe best pen buck ene and lambs 5 no. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro, best buck, merino 4 oo. 3 Jaa Norwood. Ilillsboro. best ewe oo. Jas Norwood, Hillboro, best pen buck ewe and Innb 5 oo. II. J. Pope, Weldon. best buck, native 5 no. II. J Pone. Weldon. best ewe 3 oo II J Pope, Weldon, best peu 5 oo. II J Pope, Weldon, best and largest exhibit of sheep by any one peron 11 oo, S. ft. Shnver, diploma, for best Durham bull. DEPARTMENT D. Mrs N M Long, Weldon; 1 loaf bread 2 00. Mrs N M Lone. I dosrolls;2 00. Mrs M A Carter, Weldon ; 1 loaf corn bread ; 1 00. Mrs Peggy Alson, col Weldon ; dos borne wade buscuil; 1 00. Mrs N. M Long, Weldon ; 1 sponge cake 3 00. Mrs N M Lone. Weldon; 1 fruit cake 6 00. Mrs S G Wilson, Henderson ; 1 plain cuke 4 00. Mrs M E Tanner, Halifax; 1 white spread 4 00. Mrs H U Wilson, Henderson; best jellies t uu. Mrs A 1J Pierce, weldon; best pre serves i UU. Mrs 8 G.Wilson, Henderson; best pickles 2 00. Mrs J W Johnson, Weldon; best catsups 2 00 Mrs SOW ilson, Henderson ; best and greatest variety by one person 5 00. Mrs S G WiUon, Henderson; best dried peaches 2 00, Mis SO Wilson, Henderson; best dried pears 2 00. Mrs S A Parker, Weldon ; best dried apples 2 00. Mis S G. Wilson, Henderson ; best snd greatest variety dried fruits S 00. Mrs A. P. Taylor, Seaboard ; 1 box bard soap 2 00. Mrs S. G Wilson, Heoderson ; 1 box borne made soap 2 00. C, SATURDAY, Mrs S G Wilson, Henderson ; sperial premium home made wheat starch 1 00. di Mrs M. h Morecock, Weldon; 1 counterpane 3 00. Mrs R. A Taylor, Towelton; 2 bei-t counterpane 2 00. Mrs hva Davis, Weldon; best bed- quilt 2 00. Mrs S (j W ilson, Henderson ; 1 hearth rug 2 00 Mrs Not fleet Smith, Scotland Neck: best gents shirt 2 00. Mrs a. (. Wilson, Henderson; best domestic flannel 3 00. Mrs, S. G. Wilson, Henderson; lar gest and most meritorious lu this class 00. Mis E. Mcllhenny, Wilmington ; 4 table mats 4 00. Mrs Not fleet Smith, Scotland Neck ; 1 tidy 2 00. Miss Lula Dongan, Portsmouth; 1 hawl 4 00. Mrs Jas Smith, Scotland Neck ; spe cial premium oi one shawl 3 00. Miss Shields, Scotland Neck ; one shawl 4 00. Mrs. II. F. Taylor, Seaboard; 1 collar 00. Miss Lei a M Person ; 1 embroidered yoke 2 00. Mrs M (J Watkin, Halifax; 1 embroid ered handkerchiel 2 00. Mrs Norflel Smith, Scotland Neck ; 1 embroidered sacqne 2 00. Mrs S. G W ilson, Henderson ; 1 ch ds embroidered cloak 1 00. Miss Mollie Souiball; 1 crotchet sacque 3 00. Mrs R A Norfleet, Scotland Neck: em-chemise 2 00. Mrs W D Fducelt, Halifax ; em-slip pers 2 00. Mrs Not fleet Smith, Scotland Neck ; infant's cloak 3 00. Miss Floe Engle, Raleigh ; special band made lace 1 00. Mrs R A Tavlor, Towelton, Va ; crotchet flowers 3 00. Mrs S G Wilson, Henderson; silk hose 1 00. Mrs Jesse Yeates, Murfreesboro ; sifa pillows 1 00. DEPARTMENT E. Mrs A B Pearce, Weldoa ; best 12 va ieties flowers 3 00. MrsT. G. Tucker. Gaston; 24 best varieties flowers 2 00. Mrs. Martha Clark, Weldon, best col lection variegated leaf plants 2 00. Mrs. A. Taylor, seaboard, best boqaet 1 00. Miis Lula Allen, Weldoo; 1 design 1 00 Mrs Martha Clark, Weldon; best dried ernes 1 09 Mis A IS fierce, Weldon; uesi uasxei flowers 1 00. Mis Molliu Soutball, Weldoo; cross shell work 1 00. Mrs James Smith, Scotland Neck; 1 frame shell work 1 00. Miss Lena II Smith, Scotland Neck; 1 nine buir basket 1 09. Mus Emm furner. nation; shuck bufket 1 0. Mrs. 11 U White, Weldou; 1 Mois design t 00 " Wtldoe; 1 setd Irame 1 09 " Weldon; best variety stuffed birds 2 00. Chss M Stiel, Baltimore; bsst piano 2 00 Mis K.ora Gay, Wilson; best oil paint ins 5 00. Miks Amu II 1'ope, Hallux; uest crayon drtwios 2 00. Mr. Murtha Clark. Weldon; water color 00. Mrs II White, Wei Ion; best variegated fl iwem 1 00. D L Filljaw, Wilaiington, oblnog vase 00. Mrs A B Jones, Ptttnburu; embalmed flowers 5 00. Pelonhet Pcltoo A Co, New Ierk; one nrrnn 10 00. Mrs S A Klliot, Uxlercl; urpuan Asyium exhibition 5 00. O K Lowder, Alleghaney lpring; one safety lamp diploin. Mr A e l avlor, Bcauoara; reuusr n'iw r a 00. Mrs Peter Smith, Scotland Neck; 1 frame of leaves 2 00. Mrs II II White, Welden; fish scale flw ers 3 00. Mrs F B Andrews, Littletoo; i Irame 1 00. . , Mrs A F Taylor, SeahOsrd; hair jewelry 3 09 Mrs E L Bummerill, Qarysburg; hair work S 00. D L Fillyaw, Wilmington; 1 clock 2 00, 1 comer cabinet 2 00. Clsik and Turner, 2 00, Halifax; 1 picture " 1 brsckct 2 00. Mm a Lmnahau, Rilaijli; Wool fivi 3 Ot) Miss Lury Capehart, KittrelU; Leather frame 2 00. DEPABTMENf P. T A Wsinwnglit, Wilson N C; 1 cotton sweep 2 00. F 8 Royster, Tnrbore; 1 harrow 5 00. Jno M Foote, Weldon; But and largest variety ol agricultural implements lo UU. Juo M Foote, wetoon; uni cast momu- board plow, 1 horse 5 00. T A Wamwrinht, wiiann; 1 casteui mould lrd plow 1 horse 5 00 T A Waiowrigut, Wilson; 1 suhsoil plow 8 00. T W Godwin, Norfolk Va; best .ergine agrieultnrsl purposes 50 00 John JI f oote, Weioon; ana nest engine aerttiltiiral purposes, manufactured by Prick A Co. Waynesboro, P; 25 00. D N Stanton, La Grange N C; Beat sweet1 hmse power 10 00. R K Bsnner, Kich 8qmre; best threshing machine 8 00. Tapnv & Steel, Petersburg; best cotton press 10 00. T M Barna, Hamilton, N C; cotten plsn tcr li 00. John M Foote, Weldon; straw and shuck cutter 3 00. M Kellv. Ilalilax: best com planter 2 00, G W Stanton, Suutousburg N C; wheat lower 3 CO. NOVEMBER 1C, 1878. Q W 8tauton, Stantonbarg; seed drill ?loms. i II Webb, Franklin; single tree diplo ma. h II Webb, Franklin; oil tank, special pnuiium rtcnmmenrieil. J no M Foots, Weldon; Uottnn plow 8 uo Hinuer Machine rompany, diploma. T J Iteamy, Wcll-tllgiicr diplnms. F S Rovster, Tarbors; horse powrr wheat drill, special premium rrcouiuiemled. DEPARTMENT O. J M Foote, Woldon, N O ; 1 two horn wajjon, 10 00. " lidst tumble c rt, o uo. " . U.nt wheel brrrow, 2 00. A Wrenn Si Sod, ISurtollc Va; Top bug gy 10 00. W 8 Andenon.BUck Crsek, N C; IJcst open uungy S 00. Committee recommend specisi prvmiura to John M Footo, Weldon N C; for oue sat car whiiflB, castings, 1 biatiuR stove, 1 lurhine wheel. P M Stewart, Petersburg; best set car riage harness, 8 00. P M Stewstt. Petersburg, best set buggy Imrness. 5 00. V d Ivilby Ashvillc, best side harness eathcr, 2 00. " best sole leather kid and calf, 3 00. L 11 Webb, Franklin, Va; let tinware, 1 00. We derire to make special mention ol a lot of howU, exhibited by W T Taylor. Mrs J W Johnston, Woldon; 1 doZ"n tallow candles, 2 00. DEPARTMENT II. Nat Atkinkon, Ashcville N C; Bvst and greatest variety of apples, 4 09. Mrs A U Pierce, Weldon; Best and great est variety ol grapes 4 00. Q S Ikllis, Littleton; lies', and greatest vsiiety ol peach trees 4 03. n L liusi Weldou, 12 best table beets 1 00 It R Brickell, Weldon; 13 parsnips 103. Mrs M A Carter, Woldon; 13 onions 100. Jas Norwood, llillabori ; 13 best ears seed torn 1 90. 8 W Leo, Ilicksford; Sad best ears seed corn 1 00. J N Nicholson, Weldon; best 3 beads ol cubhnue 1 00. Jas Norwood, flillsboro; t peck potateis 100. 1) C Richardson, Weldou; 2nd best po. Utois 1 00. J s Norwood, Ililhbore; 12 best table turnips 1 09. Oee W Btaoten, Btantomuurg, W C; 1 dozen table turnips 1 00, Mrs J W Johnstou, Welden; ball peck lima beans 1 00. Mrs M A Cartu, Weldon; 1 bunch dou ble partly 1 00. Mrs M A Carter. Weldon; i tquash 1 DO. Mrs 8 A Parktr, Weldon; 1 buuch let tuce 1 00. T L Kmry, Weldon; bust 10 gnurds 1 00. Mrs J L B'ihs Weldon; native wines 10 00. 8 W Lee, llitkilord; best 12 ears corn Snd premium. Jas Norwood, Ilillsboro; 12 sugar bee s lit premium. 8 B Dreiry, Boykins Va; 1 bottlu bran dy 1st premium J 11 Uenl, Halifax; 2nd best brandy 2nd premium. It Porta', JNtirioiK; a cases Deer is pre mium. Tho committee receuimcnd a special pre mium to Mia M A Carter of Ilalilax, for hall perk Lima beans 1 00. Also lor half peck Winsor beans 1 CO. hqwTarmerFlose money. By not taking odo or moro good papers. Keeping no account of farm opera tions, paying no attentions to the maxim, that "a stitch in time saves nine," iu regard to towing grain and planting seed at the proper time. Leaving reapers, plows cultivators, ilc , unsheltered l'ro:n the rain and the heat of tho sun. More money is lost atiiiuilly in this way than most per sons would be willing to believe. Permitting broken implements to be scattered over the farm until they are irreparable. By repairing broken implements at the proper time, many dollars uiav he saved a proof of the assertion that time is money. Attending auction sales and purchac ing all kinds of trumpery, because in the words of the vender, the articles are very cheap. Allowing fences to to remain unre paired until strange cattle are found grazing in tho meadow, grain field, or browsing on the fruit trees. Disbelieving the principle of rotation of crops, before making a single experi ment. Planting fruit trees without giving the trees half the attention required to make thfni profitable, GOING ToTaRTIES. There are many tests of good breed ing to which young girls are subject in going to parties, ol which perhaps they are not themselves aware: modesty, self-possession, a certain amount of reserve, and unlading cheerfulness, and good temper, ore among them. Absence of worry about one's dress helps to all these desirable conditions, and is indeed essential to some of them. Girls who think of nothing but their looks sonic times forget the common civilities of polite society. They are exacting and troublesome to their escort, thev fail of endeavors to make his evening as pleas ant as they expect be will make theii s. They depreciate instead of honestly adnvrinz the dress and appearance of lb:r voting friends and associates' wi.ey are offended at the praise of other, and seem to consider it meant as bit me '.o themselves tbey are always on the ok out for Blights, yei, are often insult- in 7 in their owu speech and manners 8uch girls must not be surprised, if, in time, a wide berth is given them, by frieuds and acquaintances. Jennie June, in Pemorests Monthly NO. 40. DANGEROUS SMARTNESS. A litllo while ago, it is said, a farmer in Pensylvania set a trap with a tempting bait to catcb a fox which was making uawclcome and expensive lists to bis bee roost. When the farmer went to see his trap it had been sprung, or touched off. The bait was gone, and instead of a live cap tured fox there was only a quiet stick of wood fast in the jaws of the trap. This happennJ for fourteen nights The farmer could see no tracks but his own and those of the fox. It perhaps seemed discouraging work to furnish baits only to have them stolen. But the man persevered ; he did not give it up and think, 'Well, it's no use." No, he bated mice more, and on the lifeenlh night he found a fine oil fox with his nose fast in the strong j iws of tho trap, and iu his mouth was a stick of wood. O.ico too often he had tried his sharp game of springing the trap and stealing the bait. He was caught at last. This little story shows that some kinds of smartness are dangeroas. Tho fox was cunning, but his cute tricks cost him dear. Sometimes human beings, as well as foxes, try to gaiu something by sharp tricks. They seem to enjoy for awhile tho fruits of their dishonest doings. They may many times escape catch ing, but tbey get safely "nobbed" at last. Lying, cheating, pilfering, disobey ing and other naughty things, may seem to be profitable for a while, but by and by the trap snaps in an unex pected way, and the evil doer is caught and punished, or found out and put to shame. S NO DRONES THERE. A gentleman Using in the northern suburbs secured a bive of bees two or three weeks ago as a nucleus for an apiary, and in the course of ten days be had read ten different works on the boney-beo and invented half a dozen parent hives. The other forenoon a man called at the house on business and was informed by the wife that ber busband was nut inspecting the bees. "Is he looking up honey ?" inquired the roan. "Oh, No he's looking to see if there are any drones in the hives. At that moment both were startled by a series of whoops and yells, and the husband came around the corner of the house on the jump, his hat striking the air on ail sides of him. lie rushed through the current bushes and back, rolled over the grass and lit out for the barn, nnd the amazed wife shaded her eyes from the sun ns she looked after bias, aod continued, in a disappointed toi.e : "Bit I don't believe he found a single drone, by the way tbey stick him. De troit Free Press. ANOTHER WILD MAN. A wild man is in Louisiana no re flection is intended upon any journalist. He is divided into three parts that is, the ownership of him, and large dm dcuds are anticipated. The Courier Journal says ! "Ilis whole body is covered with a layer of scales, which drow off at regu lar periods, in the spring and fall, like the skia of a rattlesnake. He has a heavy, growth of hair 00 his head, and a dark redish beard about six inches Ion?. His eyes present a frightful appearance, being at least twice the size of the aver age eye. S me of his toes are formed together, which give his feet a strange appearance, and his height, when stand- ine perfectly, is about six feet five inches. This strange creature is amphibious in his proclivities, or rather he was before he was cased. Ho lived in the mountains of Tennessee, and subsisted on raw fish and herbs. A band of horsemen chased him down, and caught him, but not until he had, fighting with bis bands, gorilla fashion, seriously wounded one of his pursuers. Such is the story of the wild man. The amount of his salary is not stated, and he is not to be brought 1'iast until after election. BAD FOR BOYS. Fiom tho Detroit Free Tress. A rat of a boy who had in vain searched the purt otlice enridora for the nickel which a ca-cleas hand occasionally drops at tho stmp clerk's window, yesterday took his position belere a chestnut stand on Oriswold street and eyd the Iresb nuts a long timo before drawing a deep sigh aod grosni d: "Oh, I wish I was rich! Tho chestnut roaster made no reply, and the "dor of tho tontin nuts dually in duced the boy to inquire: "Are chestnuts health)?" "No, bub they are prolific of indiges tion," was the reply. Altera while the boy thought it ' was limn to remark: Did joii ever hear the story of the man who gave a poor boy a handtid ol chest nuts, and when the boy grew up and sot rich he rewarded the old man with a dia mond pin and a four horse teuml" "No, I never did; but I heard of the man wlio brought a poor boy to the edge of the grave bv giving him a dozen chestnuts," The boy look a turn up and down, secured another snufl of the pleasant odor, and then leaned over and whispered: "If I'll take the chances on the edge ol the crave business will 50a take tbs Obanocsno the chestuutsl" ..' The render finally thought he would. ' f SPACE I I - I - 8 00 a 00 U 09 CO 10 OO 2A 00 on tr oo 30 co lo on 18 oo a oo ir oo :o oo 40 00 20 00 1 so 00 co 00 o One Square, Two Sounrtts. 2 00 30 00 40 (0 4 tO M eo 7oia Three Squares, rmr noiiares, Fourth Corn, Half Column. Whole Colume, One Tear, ADVERTISEMENTS. glON PAINTER Wanted In every section nf if, rrn- Stites mid Provinces to answers tale ad. vertisemout. Addres, DANIEL V. UEATTY, Docltf Washing, N. J, OH 00 1, TKACH1CRS, You enn easily Incrovio yonr salary by by dovnlinir a very small portion of your loinure time' to- my Inierost. I do not ex. poet you to cHtnvaws for my eelebratml HHttv's Pianos and Oriransj unless ynu o lit to: hut the servlco 1 remit nf .mi in ixhii pleasant and pr.-ft!l)lo. particular froo. aH,!m Pull DA NIK L P. B BATTY, Washington, N. J. JOCKY MOUNT MILLS. ROCKY MOUNT, N. 0. January 1st, 1878. We are now prepared to furaisb that trade wltb SI1EETIXOS, BUinTINGS, TLOW LINES and COTTON. : YARNS, all of the best quality and at low prices. Our terms strictly set cash, 30 day. Address BATTLE SON, Bocky Mount, N. O. 'an 2d a It- F- BUTLKH, Fire and I.ile Inaurnnce Agent. Plaeos risks of all kinds In flrst-olase Coinpauieti as low at) safoty will permit. CaII and boo mo before Insuring else' where, at BROWN'S DRXIO STORE, W eldon, N. O. July HI y. 13 T-rCrP business von csn enire Id. AJiliOl Sto2l) por day mado bv any worker of either sex, right in thoir own localities. Particulars and simnlns worth fii fi on. Improvo your Kparo timo at tills business. Addrosis Stinsom A Co.. i'oitluiui, Maine. June 1 1 y. BURN HAM'S WARRANTED PEST A CHFAPEST. Also, MIllINQ MACHINERY. PHC2SSS3uCE3APB.20,,73. 1'iaiphieU Ire. Uvnci, Vuiul, V. Juue 9 0 m. F K K El Ant Peraon who will make and for- w.inl me : lixt of tho names of reliable persons of tlioir acquaintance who wih to procure a:i iustruuiHiit, oither Piano or Or'in, 1 will uso my best endeavors It sell tliem ono, and lor every Piano I succeed in selling to their list within one year, 1 will credit them with $10, and for every Organ 5, to be applied on payment ol either a piano or Orirao : and when it amounts to a sum sutUoient to pay for any instrument, seloclca at tho )ouoht wuolo sale price, I will immediately sliio the in strument, free, or aftr any amount Is credited the balance may be paid me lu cash and I will then ship them the Instru ment. They need not be known in tho mallor. and" will be doing their Irlends a renl sorvlco, as I shall make special offers to them, selling a superior Insirumeiit for from one-half lo two-thirds what is ordi. narily asked by agents. Ploase send me a list at onuo, and after you have made inquiry, you can add to it. Address, DANIEL V. BE ATT Y, Washiiigtoa, N. J. Dec 1 tf. ,ULL IN PRICKS, SCCI1K AS AllKNCV and r0 or $:00 per week, "the rvKn stunr asb np.ver out or ordeu" IIOHKNTKAD 820 $20 MAI II UK For Doninoiic uso. ITIl TABLE FlXTL'RKfl OOMN.lTIt, OX1.T SiP. A iMrti-rt anil uniiiusli1, lanre, strong and iliirntili Miu'liino. roust rnrlrtt Ht'tHiir nlni Holhl from tin1 Ix'at iimti'rlst with mathematical pw rulon. for 1'onntnnt Family use or tnruuituctur luff purposi'S. Always rvatly at a moim-Hl's no thv toilo tt.s , luy's work. nivi'r ont of ortliT, ami will last a irMiorat Ion with mmW'rnto raw : rssy to tinji-rstiiii,! mid ni:tit,vro ; Itltt. smooth, nml swift riinntnif, llkn tin" whII rerouted move ment ot a line : Simple. Compaet, Kftlelent anil ilnlialile, with all the vsluslilt. Impmve nientH to le fouuil lu the highest priced Machine warranted In doth wnnti work, the snni wnjr and an rapid am) ainootli as a 7" Machine, An acknowledged triumph of ingenious mechanieal skill, essentially the working woman's friend, and fur In advance, of all ordinary Machines, for absolute Strenirth, Kellaldllly and itcneral use fulness; will Hem, fell, Trick. Heam, guilt, ttlnrt, Hrald. ("ord, (lather. Ruffle, Bhirr, Hail, Kohl, Wallop, Unit, Kml'rolder, Run up llreadtlis. . with wondertul rapidity, neatness and ease, sews the stmnKCst lnsttmr stitch f qually tine, and smooth through all kinds of ponds, from cambric to several thickness of broadcloth or leather, with line or coarse col ton, ' linen, sttk or twine, jltves perfect satisfaction. Will earn its oost several times over In th work It does, or make a pnoil llvlnjr for any nimi or woman who desires to use It for that par pose; works so faithful and -issy the servants or children can use It without damage. Price of Machine with llht tslde, fully equipped for tauiily work. S20. Hall Case, Cover, Mide Draw ers and Cabinet . styles each at rnrrraimiidinKly low ratca. Safe delivery guarsntetd, free from daman. Explanatory pamphlets illustrated witheuravln-sof the several styles of Ma chines, references, variety of sewlnst e., mailed free. Confidential terms with liberal Induce ments to enterprising" Clergymen, 'teachers. Business Men. Traveling or Local A (rents, to., who desire exclusive Airenls, furnished, on an idicAlion. Address John H. Kendall a Co., til Broadway, New York. . CotlSly; t j ' If I f ' t ) 1, I S ! k 1 : f r. i U ft I 1 1! i f 1 I 11 1 is 1. , " r il varoiina, . jsn w

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