uli KJANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC W K 15 K'L Y NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY BATCUELOSl A KKiUI VKT. fine Yesr, in advance, ii Months, " fbroe Month, " f 2 f'fl 1 I'll 75 c.ts PROFESSIONAL CARDS, rj-i w, mas o n r ATTOItVEY AT L4W, . ai.RyBUR'J, n. c, Prmtlcs in t'lfl court of Norths'tinton nil idiinlnr enin'loa, also in the Federal ti;l Supreme. Courts. June S-rf JOS. B. BATCUKL' K. ATTOUoiflY AT 1.XXV, It ALKIG H, X. C. Prsctlcis in Hi court of the 6'h Itidl eUl lllHit-ii't nirt 111 IUb federal and Su prrtriu 'InurH. May 11 If. w. n. ki truss. I T u n E N w. a. rtrss. fc D V N N , ATTIHttltYt fc C UV4El.tjORy AT LAW, Scotland Meek, Hul lis Co., IV. C. r a . Practici in thi Cm" of M-Hfix and gj ,1-i.ri.j n rpi'ln, in 1 in tlio Kiinrnuin and Fntnral Courts. jiulStl' T HILL, Attorney at law, HALIFAX, N. fl. PrsiMRns In H-ilif-n nnd sdjoinirie Counties nil Kdvrl uirl Supreme i'ourts. Will ha at Sc .tUn 1 Neek, mine nvory lortnirfllt. A n it. 21 a W. It. DAT, W. W. IUi.r,. HALL D A Y ATTOIN aY3 AT LA W, "i'Xtt v, w. c. Prset.hu In til" C mrt of I.itlifnT and ilj lining c.nuntiHs, and iu thu Supreme ml Fediiral mrt. Olai ii cuUected in any part nf North Camliua. jim 2u 1 Q gAMUKL J. Willi. ilT, ATTQ..MEY AT LAW. Practice! In tlix Court of Northsin pto:i nd a l.iitiiii cuumies, son 1", l Y A V I S L. II y M A N , ATTORNEY AT LAW U A LIP IX, v. c. Prue.tlns, n ihs cm'M nf 1 1 il i .a it ami djolnlna; c. ninUns, hi I in the Supreme an 1 Fe lord l!inrt. UUl'm i! iliBiitu I iu ail parts of N'urlh Carolina. Oiliei in iho Curt Ifou.sit. j uly 4 1 l R B U K T 0 X, i R. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In llm Courts of Halifax Csantv. and (Jo mties iidininiii",. In the luprans Cuirt of tue St ito, ami iu the retral Ciurts. VVI 1 1 ivi D4 il il atttvition to Iho colli'" tiia ofclaiins,nd to adjusting Ihn accounts f Ktnaat irs, A.i;tiitiisr,tt rs and Huur diau8. ilnc-IVtl' J. . UBIZASD, ATT01MEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Ofllos Iu ths Court Hons", fitriet attf-n-tUn giTn to all brandling of '.b prolcs aia. jan 1-1 o T. B A A K C H, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BUHBLD, HiLIlfAI C9UMTT, K. C. Prajtlcus in the Conntins of Halifax, ail, Elueootnb-t and VMlsnn. Callaatiuaa utals in all parts nf the BUM. janJS-G i JAMES eT 0 ' 11 A Jl A, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ENFIELD, S. '. Practice in tin ffovintlps of Hulifax, kdtrtooiaiii) and Sumii. iu tim Mnnoiui' y'ourt of the 8Ut and In the Fmlnial Couru. Oollestlims made in any part of lht Btate. Will ailend a1. Iii I'mirt llnuwiii HallUx ou Monday and F, lit iv ol weet. jiuijl A KDRE W J. a UK TON, ATfOltSEY IT I.VIV, W.'.LOOX, X. C. Practical In th Court nf HhIUux, War ren nd Mortliamptoii countios mid in the Bant-ema and Federal t'ourt. Clai'n nollBctud iu an v I'art of North Carolina. jun 17 a Iamii m, iiuu.nx. JOHN 1. HllUltK. M . U L h E N MOO 11 K , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. , s Halifax, C. ' Prantine In the Counties of Halifax, ' Nurthamreton, Kdunoomho, Fltt and Mar tin Iu tow Supreme Court of th Slalt nd In the Federal Courts of the Kitsten biatrlct. Oolientious uiayla iu auy part of Not lb Carolina. Jn 1-1 o XV Jill W rrtf i f It V vol. vi r. D.5APP3 1 TiTKl E:.T. UV II II M lu.l M. Iiiii:'iiiilmciil, ii j., l.uildinir "'I'll ami h It'll tin- st"4 lli-u rimch In a hroadiT I ito, wh.is,, m,-,u in Bi iliiBr lessons (mi t teach. If wr nhv -vs lived in sunshlnA, I' no i-hi low er. s(i, iilir ,.,1 Li aves i f lii'i. Hi ,i nmv n,,f Idn'u Then would with t un I ,fr,y ' A llm dew at ovii'e.T Kind n.,1N ,uw ,. S" dlM'Ippoiut'lielH ..i,,. Only I, . ,, t t, 'Ull.-i.; Iu'l :;ilt M'luiiiiii; GUARD AOs V. the HEART- I I i Iii'vp I I, nt. j-iv.-i, all theerd, r-, Al .mi, j isl n mi Wish,.d. Tin- lilt (i lihniry is iilieudy ii r r i n f i n idi ;R usi iitlle bracket mid M ilne in t I it li,u lioiiiji-vooui n.-d Uiich-n niih thi.n. it, linijii i:f,( MiM'i h iMiMiisliin, i d sul.-hiuril, j ,st us ynii (iirPLtt'd, have n!rtluii(i in plave. An;i your ninin how I . is!t you con I (., a ,d sen it is bf nut ii ill TlirtH ia.i he no rrnlcr. Ii ir iiiimv limn tli blfuVjj tdue ttm!-.i,j luiirshi e id ihiit rn,llu " "You are ery gooij, Arthur." "Tha. k-., Alma ; Imt nut hall' so ijond as von in Iohi.h mo so tenderly and 1 iyally :' I nas fcolhun-d about in c tllil.f, s Mil " 'What was it '!" "V .ur wrni,i.d.-k Tt is such C-ii. I (I n't t;el,-- yon c.r, e, (V'ile ii'.yll.i. o Out. p iet;v Ut I'. I c n n r I 'i t o 't a pli'.-e iu t ie I ir.uy suit me. This liol.t Wa ton Ihlll liol.t too l), id. 1 l:n.t led a s !i, n,i l,iu jjj,' t, ho I set tor it to ,:.!aiy, and il le t (it'll it iu joiii r ii, ii'i.J , ill h u e moi U) in i .in a j.l io- I.T it I fl ill, ted mist II li:;i' e. i-'Ml.ino c't-fi will ,!i aw j' u." "Tl'fi piL'tnn s !"' "Tile, ri f i,!! Iitinnr I cil ll it'ii , teli vou nn,v her (a.:h inn- U ':. lJ'atricc C -nci I hung over the liiuai) door whicdi i nt. -is o .. our rmmi " W'.y, what made you gUe it sut.lt u poor pl.iee as tluii f" ' Fol jou! i 111! 1. 1, if! I' as. in .f i iy nn. Fler (.-real, std, sufieiiir:, palieil ens aie tl ujiliii'tes o your tvu. S i 1 ii,i lui' u it ( h i re us a sitio t i ine til l tl.e (io. r iiCi.ea-h ii I'pci s to .1 ( la e ulieirin Ilie e. l;l. s of Ii V III'" ( ll-sl,ifs; llUo ll.at nliee ll.e d o r is- 'lint, vi.ur l;i.r sha I sill: I "!; ilovin u,i oi ni , a. d foil ' , me wit Ii no. n ii Iu I ami ouaidinl lenilei. . , ness 'Ti.nuo'i yonr li'-o an 1 l.mcy, A't'inr. 'ii'.kesu., eies t--ln as lonii.iiiiis as I'c'ie'-, .i l ll.ips to-.)noinw lhisetli.it love liie nio-t inn,1 .o oft or u :M In forget taal I ever i s st, d ; Co w'locin l". i i ine ii , ':! ler l'.'.i.lie, i.e er i.'. I id u!l p.iets, K.;s a reality or a .!.('. ." "IJ'ii to-otorrow y". "ill hncemn ti!l llio iii.diiy nf my lik (.hill ricr kn.nr nr wish, for I i- not r .'iv, v, hen tin' t ut h.is ha I his serviui' and the ili,isses h ive wtitii'ti llieir uaiiKS, and your dai.-ty fi. ger has a new riuo Uini'i ir, I shall set you d ova in the pretty y. i!..n d.!i'.,n: room where Ueatria' li-ep iaM'l. Then you shuil disn t-s nr leu'n, the lii-lnre.-nl si'iilinel as Mm -!e:is.', foi you slnil fi I all my to-:iinrrons wiib mur nun sweet self" II ! to. i h iih her hluaJer tthitu hands in puiti 's;, inn) sai I : "lleiiiHiiiher, we are t ) be prnnijitly at the church al lour. GUnd-uy, sffeel, till then," Her eyes filled with trnrs. and s1'! clunn t'l him teiideilv as It she trmiid not hivn linn mi; but she nnly nid : "'eil, Artiiur, , t J; itri,.i! stay when! she is, and vv'nei.evi r you look ul her think of mo, il vo l will " Tins last so I , that In.' di I tint hei'.r. lin i he wen", out husv and h ippy wi.h t'inuj'ils of his wtvl lin.4 d iy. Alo.u stood siiii u. nil t ie d r rl ed bei.in.i him. tiiu.i she ciaiped her hi,,Js and cried : -Win hi I? V!iit am I? that I should deceive s ich a m in," Wueti A llnir went en tin! morrow when! the merry (;uhsU wei e nse i lili d f. ,r the ani line, l-o while-robed biide nn go c ', hnt lo her ro.i n as 'ound a note I t Ar Inn I"roy, w.iieh ri at) : '.Uthii', l'iooi me. I lne nil t I" 'freeive y U II v II has all con e ah 'itt 1 h ndr, I; n iv am I ( i i ii. an yourse I. I ii mi ' it is t h it when nn reu I this I sh i h I'm ilt! of Ho other. I'Ycrt.'l!, a .d may yonr in Id,' 'Tint find lot;;l tl.,1 ,ess of Al.M " l'"i'P rnrs tiMii, A ll nr l.er y is st'.r.dii'r; '.vu'.-! i-,; " ' :'. i iMiire-n,'!" or""P B it on I e oi in t of me l i i n ii u di M .. ... i l: JT l'l LMD I I 1III1U lt i'i 1 1- . 1 ' Wl-ile he slo .,1 a -I f.- I;'"l, a t ill, ' I i. i " I race'ul won. an (lies.cri la m on , iiree d"Wn sited iii.il s'ood Lpspo- nun. She );i.iui'ed Ii nii-diy tit the s in jiinup wliicll bis own eves Weiii SclulnoI ine. At'.hur was pursuing bis ntlis'ie slu lies nl one, a I w ;S sc u thi'io lol a model. The won In- s: k! ht'ii was upon a i-i il ir iiiib-.ioii S n-, h ivi v i , seemed 'o find none auiono ll.e yroup o suil bet, and sbe s'aiP-J to A she luri.ed, Iheir planes met Artliu. and Alira were lai.e to lace. Il.-rpics were sadder tha i ior uud her yaib was weeds o1' m.ojtni .J. "Arihiit I" she i x-.l.u ne I, in s.-prise, lanldi (,' out her whi'H. slendi r h ind The blood r ceded lio:n Ins lace and left it white in tn.uble. Tne "M li'" and Ihe i Id pain surged buck. Il.T look the hand sl.e extendi-1, uud Soii I in a ri' c in I voice ; 'Mrs R issel , I am l.i l lo n'eet ymi , ,. i- i..i . . . Ill'IP. IU Mill CH "1 U (Iionei, i V slut sail! in a voice which liaa a pcrcepti'v-le qaiter ' but I have IvtiuJ atuuivw-aw i hi.ii.u.j.b1mjwiw. 'I. v rELDOX, N". C. SATURDAY, BW27VVW:il,llUJ.l!.B. JTj,'JM IUIW I IV to the l'i,,z ij M 8,n v ( " j i'i me, and tell tut; you h.ne het n !" "Ho walked besidfl lier as she slatted i ' IT, f.n ine : 'flunks. As to ho I nni now eJ! ; Imw I have hern I ha u lorg-.tte ." Slie lelt the little thrust ; hut it wlv easy Mr In r wii'i.uii's v. ii to parry n I'V saMno with her old i.aiM'tu nl in mi. r : ' '. I!, y mi ee i flienco i fynnr taste dim hud it, i Hiem mi me. Iiiup tun c I nitit inv.i i " 'Vou did in, i lia,e to turn niiist j you weie tiUuvs m e lv iia'uie. S.ie saw t.!i',nly rnon- Ii I tint ill vtee was still in Uii mu soul She lud phiOi il lliete it cut nt mice. i il sin; n S'llvtd to phuk "II it you iicmt to!J mo I ivas a,, arnst. "I never kne.v lili" "N T did I know it mv't'ir," said 'he, iuterruplii g him, Mi. 11 isseii's de.iln Iw i yeais aoo, whrn I wis lelt oh .' '.I vv:lliout (iieans nr resnurccs nl any kino." S'ic iimsi'd; bn tc anii"unceriri,t of tlie il.'.iih of llio man aim ,.,. r-dibed Arthur , roy nf Lis liriji; diev no Don', ue t li' io l is lips. S.ie hid I it'g iioo la.ithl him to ciolure sutpiises in 8lenrn, "T on I ci'iie here to M idy ; l learn, il I i in, tiie die.iin tnil id an artis.'s hie. "I i "li:ch caiii in you havp my liest wislo . ;..c imir K'iccess, ai I tuv S"i VK.es hi s at y oir c nimand," he s.ii I .ilh in io ri s:ci cfi'v. "V un p. .nd nis'iec, Aithiir, arc prale ful to '(, .in I I shall lo! (O.lv mo d i i t i a. i.ll 'O.Si II id your idlll leso'ioes- !i oi , n i! 1 may i rily knuw th.it .i in I. "V.ni arc forrrivf'.i. it I il l n it foto.t l';ert'inii wlii.:'i I put i t' v nir to i -i is thero vet It ilon.-he.l K'. ui that d iv t ' tins hour I"" d i .i- li.no ' Pen I .c'.e I 'he l '-'o c n .i s t liie win ! ovs are d :1 -V ; , (I tn , Hie hlie is attilo.e.l, a d n .1 cp t li i !.. in!, noon .ill withio. S. liie d e ls, mi l w ind o' ir ii i tu ' ai is nr.- i I tied aoonl IKi '.'m'iii o v i i tit v li'iit. Tn' --'alo i st' d I ut,. iii-l a Ion ; l: ne 1! .t t i oi iiiiia il niil lie li.lt- I. Tn.' I! alii e I br ive'.i ivlli me. I t " 1 T i' a 'ove (tiy d i r li- re in 11 one us an phi "leoi ,,f liie .'i;iil u Veil vou hid til. hi .'lie to set upon en he. ut. At 1. 1st L nave found ' ' ' (' I' d" of l ies 111 Ti hi III (Mis U't'.o'M tliv n i '.v. t'uio a ,! Hi -s, of 1,' itru e ir l'-ul'C. Ol IT' til' pii'Ulip .io.li; ti ; y d n.r and I ' e M ir.l ah ve n, lieatt ivid 1 e l:,l;.' . ilown :,u I iha lij-ht of i lo" nciv i u's -a ill pniir i i." Sac w is in doubt as lo Ins ineauim; Was he piiriniM'ljr ohscute? Was lie lalki i ol t'.i'j oi l l.ne? riiiif tool; it for e.:,nled " i ,.i M ' I d i nt aerord?" "Ft the ma da.d I s Vim, Ar'ln ili set vu as r, S:.e s in-.ich ;:s d.l U"'s s for tin' -.lltilul Aim l " ! !;'.p st iited as be ta.,c I her name. i!e l.iid ti .ue so nd 're ri:e hii 1 Iv r j ha il li'iau bis arm, in d sii.l in a I n", ; tender v. ice, hj ,er eji-s fii.tj illis'' tr-irs: "A thur 1" j ;" "Wait u ii. on. enl, sinned ; 'dor the i.uke was, her I tile room. please," lie re of Al'iia nl: lei which my love niidef.r her, shall fever he wl.t'e I I'm- Sh" cast, the shad' peucd ut. en it. M I',,, . or mv I sh ill le mani.-d to 1! u p S ip is ao inti-l t i i." Tne hand up n bis tre-i. tiled, .ir.d the ( ,pcti!v woman nl his snle m-.-w U.-iJIv j pile, ind sn npd sl.oh'lv' I r.uid ns thin wnio d 11.' dre.v tliH II I id n..ie i piurelv thr -ii o his in in i.nd iKi.le.l : "Wi'.l ymi pause at the (li Stuo.,, or shai 1 s.-e vu nt your h 1 i "f We will il you pl.-iise. 'flunk-f-r y. ur k iidnms." '!' en, a!', r a a -s". sha Slid; "Vm have hern Inn.k and just A Ihur. The teii'lerest are ihe crui lest. 1 U-'. I j know h .w il is ho' iveh ne b th prou d i it. M iv I Sod forgive U9 both, and bless i you ul tv ys Five Je.us l ine fo'le I the d'.l-ly wheels iter that s id th'.v when Ar. M,-,r n, d A!... a met and .ur'.i d ii II ... e. 1 1 is w i; h I. is wi e in Scellind S'i lias bi'Pi'ttii' fiiumu nn. I ii. h, find is . m l; .it In r nl I ii.o.ip. 0 t - i w'.i- o the d us nip I iir, i tail i ii i'tii) w. ni.. in is .Live . s ,iv I'lrioi ti i ci r aii ri-t. a ol ir !ii cm I 1 1 i i , ivni l -is her ''p. , icveie ol a In I '..r t I'd t Illl I r I l I III. I'li ; iv wi.bi.i. ii h let m In up tl , (-ii.leily w".i ll h i voiis. fiie tne t n t irie. Is iv , n ur.i . c" . (l ist. T ..- cur; i b!,.- l'i.i.; , .f lu: i i ; u .r!er U,e luiom II ,1 Ihe .'U I '(' j il il nil I j P i.s :,: e Id" sh t, - ! o.l. a ni-....iy n.iiv, L'oviied with yeais. : ft," run -fe ted ospii . li nu wh.c'i ere set ivi.bin it one-' have ene.i p-ace I lo t ie s li t c.los nl a calm, suioctb e iv il hniit. A C'JHE Fj3 EUSALCICTOnTHiCHE, , Cermsn ih'.-iei.n reoinnitiid.- pnw ile i d ipii t ine ven hiohly n- -i lo, ul up. piCiioi I t 1'i-U' il'e loot h irlie. Ilo sill r.: bhou! i 'I... i ii .--c mi 'It i ' o.'t ..n i ll,,n li.l.. (In- (j .iiitui- u'lvvdei.-tiiiil n.li it iluuiiin ,,ly on l. ii ",,a In I n-jit-i j.lit.m ho. ol nl Ine h I it 11 lo in lie apph-'i-li .ns ii.ii d lie run u'i i l .vo or iii ee liui s in -.i.'ei -:.,. ii. ' li hirer n-le ol tin- on -I-no e s:,.,iil, l.e i .,,,.' a- .. i' '.s p-'ksHd-. 1) . II 1 1 a I- I le i t :n- :r. n. d Iir. op lit n ... I it n i I in il on li u leu. ' U - nt in r p. is up; ml 'lie l.n- imuili.i wire nialiV who I mi Hied oilier leilirdlen in v 1: ii.Vuriil.l, j-iolUicJ a iBtfiU IbivMino ol the? iiu, 11 G33D ADVICE A?J3 G300 MAMLRS. Miif'i j-'wi h v is vulvar. I' i not smack whil' eating. I'd not tut your nail 's in public. D ' not run after famous people. I) nnt breathe hard while, rating. I'Vrijiji w liters is paving blackmail. Serve veoetiibles on sepirato plates. Oheee shonll he eaten with a fork. ru.s.U'i teiicd coffee cures bid breath. A nom's dressed slinuld not be re nun l.ahle. 1 t gio mere friend costly pres ents. SV rt mil make Iho frignr.'.ipi grnr In o.i.l Io filing up and (1 nvn stairs, preccile f1"' ' I v . (iiils n ho pm t their liuir mi (be Bide Im k last. A lot. ami call is long if it lasts over Il ill an Ii. nr Never t .kn bits out (if your luoutli with yoer I, and. T.ine U t ni nt'.ndi promise ipu kiss i 'g in tl.is C'uii irv. A you-o jdy should never strctth hi r lee' nut in co .up:, iy. S niio men unpii asai tly comb thuir i m oist ic'ies at tlio tanle. A pink rii)!i ui I'liiL-r li'C chij makes a pil" ihkii in Im k brighter. AWvavs t.ike the last piece of anything Iiieie is sii;ip ised I i he mote. Tin! lady of ihi' li nen! slinu d receive enesis i,t a ioruial reccptioo. Never poll your iv.it. I) out in com j c y u .li ss yi u ari! fainiii.tr w ith Hi" p ....le. ll ii is necessiry t i use the bawl k icli el sotiotouslv, It-avo ibe r.iom jii-ilv. I.r.r 1 ice t'.e tl nnn to the l.uly ni.l 'ss Ui o;- tU:. nan is uotisiderably the el,:cr. An en" loeoiei.t of iiia'ri i-e is less s n;ti'J than a marii i-i! with li'.'.ln UT- III ii v . If vou me 't a ccellein III friend wiih a sti itiee In ly on his iirui. raisu your .11' I I lioll!, )i i.ni cili u mi:: 1 liar unle, von li ue a I'i'up i i your I'irnat and are sure Ilia', he is a li ir Men iih i ('.it vv ll it, ihev w mt, tiro ustl ails lie.n'iiicr l i.i i Hi isu wii.i are a!..ij-.iii-tit..; . il l.ei I ip t ca 'i nil lle.vlv tl.'.H I i -.1 P-'opi -, w i'd u 1 1 u iless y or led! il ate i iv i el t i the '.loo. Jay C i l' lu'll. t::e LUCi.iC'Sino. D,r - '.-ip'.-li I rcuwre 1 in . io lb IV .nt po-c'i, I ,l.e, and u Iu ie'.it ie '.(..'..en )i isl.-.d. : .ei:- I'. 1 -led I'," to r I, ,.' ni.,!, wi'h tree tiu lis r air, lie ini.es n.Yav. h S'l'.ll (li'j.'l'ls ncioi.s n r. , ii. i -. i v, (.. ,-f en;. .!.;.!.' c- litii.ia in 1 1,.: uie Tn lo (li .tite-uis Ihe ii', ul tii'Milil;l, :l C.il: lll'lss nl I'nli pje, i: it a liht o.-lior- ii-id, 'fliere are luoclii-.-- ur.is iit stied i:i Ilia i.rao"-' tries nil ell. mt me, wli-i keen up a cuti s' int m.'iiiey of s in-. (hie f Hon ( si..-.:,i;l-, , fl.'.'s to p, rt-h on ll.e Cf.:!-''-! t-.pni ..r-t p-tk and l his y.'iV he.ut out. My njia: ;iran 'p on Hie p.iveli t r ci .rein;', was a sieuil lor a I i.l ut'oiis it ii'ini'.o (iiein, I ir lliesu UUils t; am i ; l;-i i.v tl: it y m I!;:- lie'r v. .if", as well us any I I'iiii.i i! on. a vt Sprnjer II ill. O.i:' v-.ice I dn.tii."u':,i!id, par i t'cularU. by ibe rapidity wi ll whiidi is lr,.ula tin h. !: lto;:i one t-i lU'.otlnr; iv I el., fi i. .el mu I - oi u .teS , !: net, chid:, nartridce Heri tor ui a in in. 1 uis pa iutusv A ti c lii uiii ' nl one ear is si J;ll III. -ci was at I 'ss (o p"t bis p-op ion, in : if he v. .: tne p.-.iks ii vtepo -d ir un liie p neb to ml i :j lav T l! pPitfl ml I ,'il i i I s i.v his m .isidiil e: ay c ml and w hile lining II Uteri;'.' on a iiiin', 1! it. s . . ii Ihe e,.iv fell ' haw llnit I i.olh'.'d him, be we. t mid with miii.ly in d c.nii.-i ii. lhiwu lie j iiiipcd on linjr biiinthe-', u- :il be whs j ist a'i-.vi: my he n!, i X ciei-.f: a variety nf nl .i,tasli fills, n iu! II it'.irin; ar.d tbrowi'ii! his b-.ily ubeiit in a state ni lu'euso i-ci'i"M"it. A fellow lili- S tu b.i uppici ia(. d, i .d, u . i ku ,w it in this w oid. I wbis'ied back and be stopped, c ii ked his he id li-t.io. as if I i s iy. "Try that ay.iiil i l l I'd ow, Imt yell il n.'i d i it rj .: ; Fen 's '.lie v..i;,," then if l.e npil. Thi v ine eiv lenriess O.e tl iv into til c r mm -t' I I c-,-.ij!'t I! on I ie iu ,,' . n.i ii! Iu live mi mt -snr less, I, il !, o ll ll, I ol I''' t. it a .S I'.llloo- i ,i In. iii ii. v open h in I. 11 it the wiel hi',! li es l;l po',!i-:iM...,t ; a d I '" I nf I',,, v . n I .' Iron 1 1 si . fl u- ...it nl S'X liie I -it ,11 I is J, ll I- i'- 1 1 1 1 1 lo see I i-e in ol ;o i' Im I C mie t'l tie c m t- t-i lee I lil .s Lili. I i , lilis 11. IV ; m.d II i.o..! ir sii-i. :-,ii;i.Mi usseits l-it the ill ,! i,,-r hiid , ,:-. I is il"l )il.lll, C.lp''li'e.l il i, I ,. -o"d. ll pal 1. t her at t'u, mi. I'-, rt n-i,;! 1 si ni -o: the m, st t-i Ip. sa.d ol lu-r :s, (hat i:i her over niixieti, S ie i.ver-leciis (hi-ni . mi FarfiiE f.,i:;o. When Ihe d ii i n an a il un, iio,-i ci'i in, nt l--r tin--ir ii-'e, lop v 1 , r- .( iiioitioa is iiio-inl... tin;. 'u'l supply nt i X : me ho,ir4 m ., y lie -c-",e nien'Hl (io-ts h't'e Ini n :-i, d to Heir mm si tlumi h the In. ins ol lulioi.ii i- ale nlul.'lv ii"t" s-ary to I'c.ilih iiu-l happi ns- tlpit Iney ue intinlv nl. .-e l lor a- l.-,-t a purlieu ol the lino III it Is l it 1' i. ip, I iTiniiuli '.li'il Ihe Usllal ,itno'i"t ol lime he s.im in re , I -n , . I ll'-l o' si. I. il IT. rv w-iiknij; hour he In. e l h. fit- it i 1 1 iih e .i er, fe'loiH ee. ii pi Ion It is tp't i n, ui :h ili it , i r'aiii lion s hi' !.' c i'i 1 In e trom nl.-oluh- Wotk.il fey nt s'l I peiUP-iteii Wit ' llllToi'lie 1 1, .ill -lit, in- t. 1 4" lu l ii , or i'Si-ifni p iii-iiii'S. l lm ini', d in i .1.4 ie I 'loin . If il In ns wakiui; lion t -ii nine when it tmiy ri-h'ly b.y inuil,.-i.i uiliVo.y and ei jov t-intj nctul upja by CHlm siid giutwi iiflava:w ' DHOEUBHR I I, 187S. MENTAL VlCIO.'tS. Piekons used to say that ha sump limes heard the chanieiers of lii novels sneak to him. A Fumed novelist de clared that while iriiiing the descr'pli mi of the poisoni.'-t of one of bis cli-n uctets, he had the! tasle of arsenic a- distinctly in his mouth ns if li" bimr.elf bad bt'cn poisoned. Artists someiimes huvo Ibis power of iliaki' o media! r.-prpsent iitinii speiii roal; hut u is a d n er us lo use. Til" incut il vision t:i ,y poivi-r Imip.t the man u lil hp becomes i- s ine. r Wieun lelU f f a K'idllul painter lloiu be li eiV nil I ussiiied hi n lliyf lip once pninled three I'll', d I'd portraits in one year. Til" .Vitrei of bis rapidity mid snccsss whs that be rirpiircd hut one s'ltiii-, ami pAinted wilb wiii.derfu! faciUlv. 'When a sitter came," be said, "I looked at hi, n attentively lor half an hour, sketc!iin( from time tn ti.xe on the canvass. I wanted no to ire, I pit', away my c.'.nvas and took uiiotber sit ter. "When 1 wish'd to retime my fift portrait, I look the m m and s.'t hut) i , Hie chair, where I saiv iiiui us di.slinc'.'.y ns if li1: had been lut'or.' me in bis mvn proper pets in I m iy aluiost siy m ire vividly. 'I I inked from time to li ne at the i't-.iieimry figure, the i w itke, 1 with mv pencil, then referred to llm cualtM. ai.ee, and () o.i, j i .t ns I s'l nd I have done It id ill'! nil 1 it lie- n (hrip. When I I o-ked at ihe ch sir I s.tiv liie min. "Il,-idu illv I hea.i to I-kp ihe dr,. (iiiL'iioii bpiiveen the im teinarv fijuie am! t' e real pers-i , ami s -mu t; lies d;--puti'd v.'.th -il'.ei-i tli.it they h id been w itn ine ti'.e (I iy before "At, last I was sure of it and then a-.d ihe all is c. -illusion. I suppose Itiev took t'oe nl irm. I ree dl-'ct i. -th-ii.jj un ue. I ist my senses was ibiMy M'.!vs i i a i asv'u'ii. The whole perind, pxcppl I'm last six m ui'.lis of my c 'li ft ipuieiit, is a dead hlank in my mem ..." . . , s a - A TREME.133U3 EAKii. () i a j.er W. l am La luke, of V l-enii. s, Vt , ii-i !ft:.i k lo ( i'. i-i ! tl's I I I ; O'lilds P'uk dtp I;, I t ee i-dat one half nf a p;- -Im i s id" wheat I'ip-kI, i-ack one nii.l ipmrler 'null's tl.ii.li, on, -('iut -r pn ol I'u't. r, h : a bus iel of nojile-, 1 ''''li te. i four t VI nc- U il .1 t i lo.k l-V two I'll' s 1 ell. A: seip.t t be;; in his la k He the-i nte s, ti'. o 1 n e p ,t i i" liie oioriii:." he e .ti. o fne :Mle.'S p Mill I of p il; s'e a o: e slice ol ' -rea I omp- io, th p ii d one cu.i ol tea. I Inri'iiMini hp spp',1 eal in .' lipples, of i, t vpi.l y.;!oee ( 12 on- (pi. uler oi a i. e. I .!' iMi'ier, :-p I c. aid. , ii-.' up re i,i,i! .er nt I , l in w oil. in- e.i), ut and '.i jh he h id dov - ured ..'i:i c!:. ii oi'i b" rl!i l.e( potl-'d ol i"iii st a l- I n- pi.-!'! i, miolci'"! I'.ri ad, onp-ei- .th n-.'.iiid dbitier, :nd '!; ml. t v i cms o' lea. I! ! ss liie. I ill i .'I.e. I, lu.d .H)--d t'i lu.ti! (Mi, el seven aid one-luill' li'-ii.is 1' ir the v.i'Kl Hires bmiis he r.i-r-:aed ubo'.it t.vo aiijifi per h-Mir ,'t ball- I'ui- I' M lo at ihe I.ISI to n-HP. ll;swi i 'hl when Pee ri wis 1 l.'i u uiu-l , no.! at t. e c!,.-..' 1"". : ui 1.1:., siiov-in,; a onn id pieiit pell .lis in i.ine a d U"e-liii'.l imurs. S-vr.n in d uee-biilf pounds nf (bis he ncpiiicd in the fi, tit five bonis, ihe list fne Imurs addine onlt oi.r-! all pou d to Lis weight. Tim half busb-'l ! of apples was -iieapine" memirc, tind numbered j isl s xiv-fi " apoli"-. Lnl-ike i; Iweiili-.-iX P;us ni l, I'm! .le-d s-.i"i in lies in Inieh', noil Ii,: i.evfr is- pet n-nccd a s:iK oav I t hi lite, li" Is a lliiti, i,.ire in.ii., und has i.Kvays worked out f..r his li.in;;, u-uiliv amn " liie luriliers. lie t xnerieni'iid no ll . usual diiliciil v from bis square meal, and len d l b t live doll us tint he could tat another peck of iip'd.s the same evi-niiin. THE KICMSCCPeTs Y DETECTIVE. r ui.e yeais since it was by tl e ii;i'lioiii:eii of n r-iil-r:' n.iii'y that a b irnd '.s'.ki'i, il- sp, ilclied t r .in ,i iT'itain si ta oi- I silio-r c -in h 1 1, jn li' e v I" i' s .' .'s ii .' ; o', h tf. --covered in (lei- 0-1 bei ." ti 'II, COM- un: tie i k.ii t e I o' :1s C it.te M U'.d 1 : .- ii F t ' uuii I or.-' no (:'ue t u liie i .I.i mm y c ni l fi If I .veil slid i the peip.-ir .1 'f he di c pi e I ; nut ,' lee; h a le n u nl pr i less -I, h l'- i " bee i I' ll'" ; In And tVs mt The CmiimII , I on the .ii j 'i-l, r.e ni, i ii.se . " thn f w as Impel ol i i t i it I'U-U iiruuist tleoi,'. dllf'i i'.ii'i' in tl, van us H I'i-'ii. lie i.i I . I ,,v I) lie i i c- th ill 'h l'l the V I y ' l.t re w .IS il ii is' i .ct e sand toil (I near (tie hI-h i the taiUitt li s oil l-ir a si i.ple ol il lie in etch of t'.e lacs Uironeh ivh'.iih ll'.e li kin c ml ii. lino '!e s.l ei com had piss. d. Wi.hlli- n. ci -scop be tar- Iu. !y ( xjh.i .p. I the sun':. I. ii. ired it U.e std I un. I b irri-l, ii .d l Ii ii i i.ic ililp'-l lh" , C "I i , lh". kl.ll.ihl 11 pro- from which the l.n I. r bad Iip.m ciikI. 11 ii'i"ij. in this i' pp - is nun net, I- n - J ' id the stall in . - wanted, little (I liicu'ijf leu'.aii.i'd fur the tad vay si.ovii.its r.iiplnnd at i', bv m e of whmii the robbery lu I bfi 1 cu -in if tied, were so few in inhnber that tiui tiihuil Was rc.l ll!)' dete'Jted. 'What n pi"i'. ol wink is Mini .m no'.ile in ip ,4 ,i I li ,w i. Ilniie 111 I --. I n- 1 In I uni -n l m vit'ir, l.o iv i s, ire-. I.'l.l '.ll'l.Tl'ie ! ll -K-'l Ml h"'.V li!.e ll siiip 1 1 I.i iippii'l.i'ii-i'in how I k a !." I I' And .let f.unell OV or nil (T, hi! tieV.T I lili tli it whi n I e 'a I'ui lie I up to a peanut stulid, I tkin- in a tnil pe-ckct ' piutu:3.-ilavikiD. i.ii" 1 1 I v v NO. 44. HOW TO PUT OM A CCR3ET. At tliis junciure iho ('orouer desired ta slmw (o jiiry liie cntse laked by the hall, a' d fur this purpo.e produced the Ciset worn by ll.i khart t the ti.ne of the t'ardy '-Vou see," sa.d be and here b' drew ike corset around his tl-iisl wit!l the l. C 'S in from ' the ball noist have (.one in h re .fnno behind. No li.at c n.'t he i ilher, for tliC (inclorssys the I. .1! r ent in in front C.iir,,u id il, I've r; d it on wrmg. Ah I this way " (Here the (' irntp-r pill ihe CefM-t (in Up side dov..;.) ",'ow, yuu sue," pniiititiji t i ll.e b de iu li e " iriiu ut . wbiib rested directly nvi-r his lni, "ibe bsd mast hive come ii Iku. nt that caft either, f.if " Here Mr. Mather, Uio lundiotnest mui on Ihejini, bn.ke in. "Pr. Still ni m," stii I h'. "you've got that Conet on wroiie." 11,-re I)r. niillman Llashud Ike a peony 'Weil," Slid he, "I've he n n a 'ie l f.vi o, and I "iiohl to Lli i b .w to r:e H cnni l " "Vfi." said Mr. M itber, "Dut you d ii';. V.iu had it riht in (lie fi..-',t place. The iri. gs jju in front and Indies clasp then t .getlier in the back. 1 .n't I k-.o'.v ? I ihi, k I mi 'lit tu ; I'm b' eti ruanied. Il" you d oiht it, I, i .1; here ( iniiitioj tu the lul-ne-s in liie top) Il .wd.) yuu suppose that's oiling (o be fillid up n dti-s you im' il on as I si:2:ost? "That," said Dr. S'.il'.uan, ' whv th il p is over the hips." "X i it don't," said Mr. "d illipr; ' (ha full o -s p. n s s ine' h-tre else this way," null here Mi'. M I'bcr indiiTiU'd where he tbnujlit the lullnpss might to At (his a pale fai d -younj mm with a voice like a tpliin. a d a i: if bnek under his arm, slid be tb mi 'lit die I idii.'S always cli'.s.i 'd their corsets un the side. The pale faced youno m.lu said this very i:i:,o;:e' lIy, it' Iih ' sh:! I tu convey tim ii'l risdun lhat he kne Motbinrj nhit-'ver id the nmtier. 'J'ne j'l'y hi.inh d the p ill fa;:etI yonuij u,a i sunn, and m e of t!i"iu iutionilin Unt tie l'l "I ;..t li- y om.; nun iv.i..n ll ,1 o '.'te.-ll .ilioilt Aii'ii-'ii'., .lre.il ns lie Inc. i I.. Kin"''. Toe you io in ui vv ,s a i. p u-:i--, mi I it i li.-t. hue e.e,T.'i ly pi .ini. Id t'i-it In kii.iwl--1; wiiii luliv luiiiti: I a spi-l'iTit In in 1-14 mi ; . e, io.i, i h, i'i:yai ui lo till' P 'lilia y lint w :. hsiuii.l i i : 11 'i ii'ilhi' j r una .'p-ivi.-i ihd Dr. S -i I -i I ud Ihe i-iii-i-l ,vi holtotii -i "' it;i "D :, :,.i," tut, I In- "put i on tin other MIIV. T: en the D'i t-ir put il rn ill levels.-o- 1 r. w-iii ll, la-, s in li.uil. Tl.i. In-. o:it ihe hi h-t liohs i:u(",:v over t, . I : ,.l Ins e -ai ' I I, Mi'' 111! -li," fyi I Mill- h i" ! v," t -n l'l .,', Do N . 1 hot,-! ihi'ik ii . ll io ,' (.' i.ii I ; id il, IN --s k ,11 I' i I. I ill-ll l'l t h s o-e t'eii li a a A' h In- .v 1 3 pat Jii'V', "li nt n I." win th.. UCo'ltV I'llltlV I mu mi i n .1 mi a iv. un iti'ii ( (I -I t." I!. I ' t',e te; oiler, '.vl.ii lisd fevetid (.'. . '. r - s'i.1 al .v n l.e -p , h eyes upnii, ti vie' d .in1 i-ovoi.-ed Dr. Sn! n.im ft.i.l M-. Millet, n'tei t!i'i:h ii' j. ,:!ii,--it, t ll i ( I lie hie. ot u c,.et ol belitud, and tllil l.-: o 'inn til is e.p d i i (lout, A'l. i t'n.i i-m t ,-i i ;,ni -he c mi e u' lh- bullet iv.:- ii-ui, v nn i'! i.ii 1 loiiu l to hc-.r u it h.- i xpla!,!,'; ui ..Pi'it lcl Liy t.o phyti- ADViCE TO MUTLHS. I i view nf the uibuv ticcidsuts which ar coiilinuiiuslv ocnirrini iu d iflen-iit sections of tne coii-!iy d:iii"n the hiint- I-m sees uis. the I illnwi.'u advice, by un ioiciest-d phda .ti,r 'p;-,;, lo auiati'iir, j or, ns ii o put it. "spr mtiog sp utis j 'iien." is n least timely and worth p I lUtei tioti : j "1 im'i p .int ymr eii'i nt yourself. P in! poi..t your .tt at any one !!. . I' I carry your mpi s i tti.it its r inge i' plit les nd your hunti e c unp.ini'iioiis 1 :." L try to li -id out Whether your "'ll is loaded or n.-t by sliuttiuj m e eve and I oki'i't d ",vn (he barrel w til (lie other, ll im'i n-e yniir mm f, r ft wa'.k ine. s'i, k. P. i 'l climb over ; fence itud pull ymir '.ci ihrniijli iii"'. ) i .'t tor . your b .at s Ih it the tri jmor ivi se ,t and the ch tree he ymir stotiiaeli. l,i fi u.e lliu.ih hi fine gun iut i a il click in the d-p sile I lu V'-ir I" i ii for a nil-dee Ii limner, on. i l"l i ,u ked. H w iii the h ,ni oi' r d I i.d. Ihi i'l soil I- r ' iu t car: y your ,'l c.irrv y our '.'im n. 1 1 'u i ue ii "t il " II 'e i- VI H'M I' I ''I' i.l 4 (' . . i. "a. 1.. in.. 'A' '' sin 'I. O. I , , . ,,!, ; I (, , ' l"t . 1 I ,! H It ll -I ' I. .,4 ..' Iii-l' I i, 'I 'I 4 ' M ' T -1 i ' 1 1 ' o 1 1 ' s i ,, .. Is' . ii i." i V 1 I " '. " r ,t t1,.' ., i,' ,t I '' r k. pt ii' ,. ,d I, m I !' (1 1 il l'V, IT 4 .d heel l i ll. .1 til II , vet' i Villi, 'e 1 li.ol 111. 11 I., ttir. en v s ' i lie M e n s n a '- u ."ii t i ..I 1 1 . i iu s ill ll-e. I'1'.' l ! nl iTtp. ani-n-il I v ri -;r,Mr p, il,,. i ,, n i t.n, 0 oe iia 1 ihtn-t it 1! .te 'o ti". r's u 'm'. Tio' ,1 .iien: In- k it. he !,-ii.d to I i, ..,,i - le -..I ; .III wl." till! 111.114.. s 1 inn e I., rim n-ir I. hp, lu, i I'l.tne l I l.iun. f in'-, in .'..'ii r, -nl "tool ti.ni- -'ti -, -i-i-l lean-( l-ir.' i' 1.1 hii ec-hi'V o' h a', s.,,.,,,,!! , ,. p,,, 1,, ,sss over tin -pol w-li-rr 'Ip- :. "i I'i-n lin'e n.ol4 t,n l.-iek.virU 1,11 I loiwi fit K-ir p h-., t ,.v.. I, w.ia'.l n 1 move, U'l .1' I. net h. hv I he he'n ,,i the iq-nh. ll v 1. nlpi, d to t i-1 ; I in ip ea -I of pie n , h :-u elv i.er ! 14 ,1,-n, or pf Iv.sViti" s fi-t' in 'o st'd I lh.- o'.j el nl hi4 hU-ih I h e. tier l? look s ki- ,1 "I fl iinf leap, no l.wh 114 n. -t'v to i.finj I, .etc fi rnn hut with the roof of hit ('4';-. - 4Ht - - Ti e ynniift mini who will turn lip li s no-,.. n i-iilihi.; 111 eorntc'ion with eoiiiid .,. ,.( ,1' sch.' an r.-sti,i:i'u,t wid c'li-iiine it .1 ih . ll 1 1 11 in Hie i;.i:se nl pute Ilivaia c'i,;.i(4 a oi 10'" - - !' - - Ovv-frniVA will worn lona thU winter, THE ROANOKE N EW I ADVICHTISING RATES. SPACE I I I M I M I h eo no Oo .to i 0 of. 01 One Squars, S 00 fi 00 ft HI i III OU S hi I I 15 On ID (in I !8 no 15 Ul! ! tdl IK) i (' l (I 40 U t I wo .Sijunrpn, Threo oMjuares, l-'.'iir eopmrcs, KoiiiTh Col'n, Half (Vlu.Ti n, 'Vliole Colunin, 40 00 U ft t!U 00 I ,S(J 00 I 60 00 I (!.', Of One Ymr, 7i( ADVERTISEMENTS. g I U N PA INI EH 3 Wanfyl In every cotion of the Unit S lns and frovineov to answer tslt ti vnrtiseuiBUt. Arldreii UAN'IEL K HKATTT, Dee. l.f Wa.iJlno.,M.J. C II 0 O L T 1 A C II K Ii S You can rnilv Inrreise yonr salary l.r hv ilevotin a very miuhII "portion of your leisure 1 1 tun to mv tnirel. Idoiint ex pect you lo ctiiivns .,r my eelebratrd llonltv iManos and Orirans unless y.,B s..o III fj hut the sen 'ie I rrqujre ol voh In h.lli p'eis.'tnt n,i proliuilde. Full paitieulars Iree. Addro-s UANIKL F. ItKATl'V, Watdilimtou, N. J. .MOUNT iilLLS, ROCKY MOUNT, N G. Jinuory lat, 1871. We sre now prcp&red to furcitk th tradu w itU Plltl ETIXOet, 8nHTIMG3. TI.OW LINES stiil COTTON., YARNS, all of the best quality and at low price!, Il. ........ ...i..,l.. . .1. ni 3 su. vviujb on i. my nri cabu, ov UdJI. Addrcs BATTLE & SOX, flock y Mount, N. 0. '.in 00 a li- 1- J UTLE1I, l ire uud I. lie, lukuruuce Ageut. Pl.ir.es risks ofall hinds In first.clas! Cotnp inins as low aiail'o'.y yiill piruiis. Cil nnd seo ma before Injuring o'.ss vvh.'re, ul nrowN's Pitun stoiif, Vpldim, '. 0. July 13 1 r. IVM'Ill.u - in, on cm i eniirn in. I r ilav made hy any w-.ik.-rol pi l.er sex, rieht in ilu lr w . i , e 1 1 1 : it-i. Ihn tieul irs nnd H .irpl.'S wniili vi l',i.i. lnii.r.,i-e v.-iir sieirc lime i- this I. .ism. .ss. ,, Irie.s Minsmn ,v Co.. I'm II and, Maine. fine I 1 v. r riuiiru-iAM's -.;'-.:.r...'..;r,,i;,-;:,ii r.-sr t..r::f;,t-!:T. ' y- :!'!!i ?.:-'"!i;KiliV. -- ' ...... : i . ., I-. - ',- ' . V.-. u. 1 n. .1 Itie S 0 111. it i: in Any lh ri oi who will in ilvo and for wild iu. i ii.; oi Un- in. ni" of icliahlo p.usotis ,.l iheir i, e:). i liutnin,'.. who wl-b in pro '.nn 1. 1 i- sli in.ie'it, nt -er l Pino or (li .;il, I will i:si, my l.n-1 rmi-avors f s.-ll llimn one, and lor evry l'la io I siie.'ei d io selling to Iheir list vvi'ldo nna veil', 1 will credit litem w.lh Jlp, uud for every Or-,nn ?, to h-.' applied , n payment ..I f liliiT a p a:m or nr;.i: :mi w hen it e'l.oiin's t , a 411111 suill Tent to p-iy ..r any lust ruuiei.t, s, et.'d ut ill" jii.'st w hole -al. pi le", I w ill I111111 luiely slip, the n h' tu ut. ni, lii, ir itler any ii'ooiinl tt ere lit. -il 1 he l.'ihinee 111 iv l e paid me In ee'ti and 1 will lln-11 sliin llu-iil Ihe insiiu until. Thevpp'.l nit l,r known lu the :).' Icr, ami will l.e if.ii l: lln-lr Irlnnd n rc il seivie-1, as I shill oni's,. sp,,,-inl ollera to 1 Iiein, "id.ii l' a KUWTior liis'nimeiit for Irmii in e h.i'l 10 i wo-ihir .U what i nidi p'lniy nak.-il liy .ii tit i. l'iease send Ine s li-1 at niiee. mil nler mu have luaiio inquiry , vmi ,-:-.n add I 1 i. A, hire, IiAXll.l, K. ItriATTY, Wushlnglnil , N, J, fee 1 If. n all in i' u 1 1-1-: 1 . : ; 1MB fi A.its'iT and f.'O r f.OO per week. 1 in: mi.it scttir i) mua uir or cuoua" UO II I sll.tl) hl'.W lV SIAt 1IIMK r.ir iLimeslie use. I HI 1 PI.E l'i l'l Kits r urine. (iMt.rl. A p. -hliil. rt"-t mi, I ipi ,- Mii.-i.iii-.. im, imli .i, !np : stronif m,il 1' Ml I Ki'IkI '1 1rr- l-HtHl''iT't I". M!h!fll !.. l.-.t Mil v. 'h U'l. is'it l'.niiiiv .. t-r . f..r tH I'- i-,' ii ,1 1 if ii -1 . " t . r 1. ii ili ln--t a -r MH'riii :!! w ,: "i 1 u i'li't Vui,t nn 1 u; " :i -' r i mi t f it I t, nrn iii'ii-'.'ir."' ran- ; ( ll-llt, rillltJ.itll, hi -it li I'lMllNtiMt till VO wilt ruu!ii:t;r, liUt tii- in.'M ft 11 lili" wa.'!i ; Mm; l ruip:u'J, Kllli'ioiit li'i-l ilt'I'-iti!.-, wiih iii if.. v-yJnHMr tnM,r' in. if- I'll- f.'iKiii tn tl.- iilirlii'sl (rH',,'i Mi'lilii w.iT.inl l lo ilo I'm -ii. ".o woik. tl i.ivtt iy . 1 nn. I mui. 't )i n a :ri Mihtn. An h.'Um.a . .li. l Irmiiii'li (( .ii.'iiiwiia iitf'tmiitcal ht'il. ! h i.. ilv li.l' W.irUiti:,- Vi-piMiV flli'Uti, nt.! I.ip in nt', a ff nil i p!uihi',v MiH'ltiinv, fop ;i I. ! ii: M f. ii. Ui 'i 1,1 Mil i 11 ml tji lii-ml ftf'. f'll'.i".-: will It -ui, I'VM. T-lcH. S-'rtin, Qu-U, H ii . iiru ii. .-r i. (..Vli.-r. Hu;il Miit. l'lftit, i' 'Iii, .-v.i1;,'!', II- il. r.inl'ryil.l'T. Kim up Ur i:i ,(1h. wild v or.u.Ti'ul mi'Hly, ni'nnosfi .'H . si'.vh tin' bttimo-t J:.n;iP',' silt'h c tj ia'lv 1U1" Mid s.iw.1 h 1!imu..'U nil MmU of s, from pflini.nr lo si-vt'iu lliit Kuoshi-' liri.a, ic'ni h or Io mIut. wit li tlnv cp coarse Mt tun, I'M-n. ei;U o iwh itlv-H I'.'iff.-t MitlnfHoiton. Will 'iirn IU i'i)H( H'v.'rnl tiim! over tn l!i w ; k it tl-iosi. ir iu.tUi a ir-mil Itv ii,t f.-p nny man W1M11 111 who oV;r-.t (. 11 -tt It fur li ml pur- Ji Hi' WOPsMH ) f tlthfill H'l t Ms,y lh ttcrv-llltt nf Hitt iri'ii rnn u-' t! witlxtnt "!imn-i. Vripe nf Mi 'hifio wtth H rht luii.p, fuily rquniix-d fop 'Huiiiy wi.ptt, .,m. hill 'A nni. t'uvop. std. 1pw nnd rahliu'l yhi t,-h nl corPwroi fHiiffr 1 w r:;"H, St6 ti'-Hvry Hinn-anf k, fiir fimm ilfi'v, .;. 'p:iT'niry I'lini'iili'fs llluttrnt-'d v.-iiii i'Mrrrtvii.r-4 of t'i Sv'Vfinl styii f rbliii'n.r f'T 'tic 'i. n let) of H.tvrliK h, imllini f ;. ' uiil'-ul iul t'-rni. U hWn i,(nn pi''i.4 to t'lutfrpr i"T Clerm Pii'ti, Tvioihrs, H i'il'ievs Mmi, !ivo.nirf or .v.il i-'itt, whn x etlro rxlM4vo V'TiMitn. fuPnUhovi, 011 iiUi.it ion. AitilnMM.!oJm 11. Uvurtall & (Ju. til Dec 131 ft s r ir a I '- . li l I l il n n 1 1 ir.f oi ; I l'i . II Hi '

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