THE ROANOKE NEWS A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER 1 PUBLISHED BT .ai. LONO fc W.W. IIALl.'.. 1J ,;.r,i .. Ono Tear, la advance, Six 'Months, " Tbroe Months, " 2 no 1 00 75 eta, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. jpT" u. smi r JR'WWVX- ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Scotland Nkck, Halifax Countt N. C. Praotlees in the oonnty of Halifax and adjoining countioa, and the Ku titoiqfl ceurt of the State. jan Vi ly. R. E. L. II U N T E R HIRCEOII DENTIST, T ' Can be found at hij ofric in Enfield. Pure Nitrous Oxtdo Oas Inr the Pillu les Kxtmoting of Teeth, always on hand. Juno 'l'l tl.. T. w MASON. ATTOItSEY AT LAW, GAUYSBURGr, N. C. Practices in the courts of Northampton aanVailjoinlitir counties, also in tlioFoiieral a ad Supremo eourts. - - - Juno 8-lf JOS. B. BATOIIELOlt. J 0 ".' ATTOUKiftY AT LAW, , RALKIQ II, N. C. Praotioes In the oonrti of tho (iih Judi cial Iial riot and in tho Federal and Su .preJ; Courts. Mav 11 tf. w. n. KiTOiuy. I T C H EN w. . nra. fc DUNN, ATTORXKYS CJBX9ELMRS AT LAW, Scotland Xeclc, Haliliix Co., Ji. C. Practice In the Courts of Halifax nnd iolnini oiit'itios, Rnd in tho Hupromo and Federal Courts. j.ml8 tf fjpUOMAS.Nt HILL, Attorney at Lav, HALIFAX, N. C. Prac.tieos in Halifax and adjoining Cannties and Federal and Stiprome Courts. Will bo at ScJtlaud Nook, once every fortnight. Aug. 28-a W. H. Day, W. V. Hall. H A L L ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDOS, HT. . Tra'etloe In the conrti of Kalifax and adjoining counting and In llio Suprome and Federal courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. jun 2U 1 Q q a y i x l. anus, ATTORNEY AT LAV HALIFAX, N. C. Pr'aotio98 iri ths courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and iu the Huprome and' Federal Court. Claims oolloctoi iu all parts of North Carolina. Olfioe ia the Court House. july4lQ. . BURTON, J b. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; HALIFAX, V. C. . Practices In the Courts of Halifax Ceanty. anil Co'inties Bdioinlni?. In the luprene Court of the Btate, and iu the fe lrral CourU. Will tri apenial attontioil to tho colioo tien afolaiiBSjBnd to adjusting tho accounts f lixoutora, Adiuiuisrators and Ouar 4iana. .lec-15-tf J. M. ftlXZASD, ATTORMSY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Offiea ia tho Court House. Strict atton tia elvea tg all brauohoa of tho proles- janlli-lo E. T. B A N C II, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BSFISLn, HAUP.YX (X1HMTT, N. C. Pru.rtines in the Counties of Halifax, Bash, la;eoombe and Wilson. Cillootions uialo lu all parts of t!0 BUt-e. ji'" 1- ' j"A M K 8 Kl O ' H A It A, ATTOSNSY AT LAW, E3IF!EI., X. C. Praetlnes In the Countlos of Halifax, KdKiniiHiho and Nash. In tho ISuprouiH Court of the State and In the Federal Courts. Collections mala In nnv part nf tho State. Will attend at the Court House in Hlifx on Monday and Friday or each ! roelc.' janl'J-lo A Jf D & R Vf J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. k n i : t .. n-,.Hta if T T ! 1 1 ( n War mn 'wm i-t ........... ..... nn and Nortlmmiton conittios and in the onnroiue nun rwiurai wiuus. Claims collected In any part of North Carolina. J1"10 I7"a tAKKa H. UHLKN. C It S N JOUX A. MOORK MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. liuut'itx, a. c Practice In tho Countlos of Halifax, Northampton, Kit)?ioomDO, ruianu II.. u ;......- l'..,t r.f tun Slut. snd in tUe Fedora! Courts of tho Eastern , Collections mads iu auy part of North 1 ill m& 6 VOL. VII. NOW. Thoyaro sinijine sons or tho lone aco And the beiinlifiil by-and-tiy, With never a strain f,.'r tho tmivinn tinm We aro living iu you and I, Tho Ions aso Is an old, old time, And 'twixt wearisome ivl:nn n ...... Only the nnchaiitnient that distance' .'omls aiaues it now uuetu so dear. The sweet hy-and-hy in a rndi mt time, Whan sohii thr.niL'li the eon,!,,,. ..,...., Say, will it ever cnuie lo ho nmv. And chase away nil our fears ? When thoswnrt by nnd by e.inics to l,o now A nd tho now Is lntm air v. Will hands Rrow weary ami hearts still KCJIO As now, I would lllo to know ? f'h, Ring ns ASCIIs of tho present Umn. I'liiit hlmll mellow our iinln.i v,, ..-j Vi liilo the Hwet t liv nn 1 In- i . ,;m . i.i u And ilm past Is olwnr'Nl y, Ph icara. . A NEW YEAfJ'3 5 TO f Y , BY VIOr.l:T VAT.K, "Stitch, stitch, glitch I Will tho woik never be done? Weik, woilt, wutltl Will this weary life never end?" h ) ti!oii.;lit Mabel Wi'mot as she sal in hclitilu fiurtlpitory roein, where nil mentions she had bean at work on Irene Ilemlitck'a dress, which was t ) be warn that New , Teai's niMit to the orandest ball of ihe season. Poor, weary, loaelv, M.ibcll 0 nd grant, gentle reader, you JI y never know how weary she was, ns s'ui pressed her face asainst the wiuJosv pane, aud gazed at tha merry scene below. I here wore sleighs Iiilin hither and thitser over the glistening snow, d nn MU ringing, and a "Happy New Year!" fi r sumo one on every lip. . i'.;t tbrra was no one to w's'a any rood tiling for her ; no one cared whether ber new year was happy or sad, unless it were some philanthropist, who wished all mat, kind iii;lit be happy. Four vears before it was not so. Oh, no I Then she vras the beautiful daughter of the aristocratic Colonel iVilmot. Then fu'.l ns many tripped up the marble step, and were ushered into tho lighted parlor, to be received by tho stately 31rs. W;l:iut and daughter, oa culled at any other mansioiiun Fifth Avenue. Uut the King of Terror c -tercd their homo, and after him, un known to Mabel, stalked p.viat poverty. Col. Wihnot was killed by a fall from his horso. It was the eld s'.ory. lis financial nfTaiis were iu a precarious csndiiiun ; what ho had, or rather wlu.t the world supposed lie had, was squ.tu. dcred by heartless lawyers or seiz nl by grasping creditors. I'roud Mrs. Wdiuot retained her usual style as long ns the law wuuld nllow, mid strove ti keeii the truth from her daughter. V!:eu at last the crisis came, she sent M.ibla It visit friends in a distant city, at.d stayed t meet grim poverty a!oue. The ordeal was more than she on' bear. Overworlfcd brain and nervs at last suecombed ; her streti,; lasted until she readied her and her reasoti lu'lt her soon h barely daughter, after a! e mitde her child ncrpiai.dcd circinistanccs. Siie urged with their Mabel to a oiil former friends, li.-.pect-.t'y her lover, who she; declared t nil f t 'rs would surely forsake Lor, and a slight from any one of their old associates seemed then by far the vo:st feature of their poverty. Death was welcomed by the mother as a friend, for he tool; her from a life she dreaded. Aod poor Mabel was left alone. No doubt Mrs. Wihnot overestimated the effect which their pove.ty would have on their former associate:, for Mabel was iodmd luv.i'il", an 1 hi 1 s inc friends who loved her for Iter own swwl si If. She ccitaisly slid not understand Richard Ilendrick. He was too wea't'iy to wed her for her money, nod too noble to lure her for her priuccly stir roundi. gs. Ik' sought, witched and wa'L'J f.r tidings of Ids loved one, but in vain. It was rumored that sho had gone abroad with friends. (Society sion forgot the family ; be tried to for.ret her. Fur a time after her ruother's death, Mabel remained with friends, and was urged to stay longer ; but una pov'essed of tmi inuud fcpint could not ciiJure dependence. Prido'aiid pnvrrty! Hew timiHr-r- abie wretched is the dwelling which ye i habit ! H-'W many l'rns ye bay bawed, and victims hurried to a prema ture grave 1 , ,S!k lotted a cheap tenement in a long brick block, and strove to keep body and soul together like itiat.y others, by her needle, nr.d, thouoh liv iig in the city where she had ub.vays lived, w s as far removed Iroin lornier friends as though an ocean rolled be tween them. Tap, tap tap.! Mabel was roused from her reery by a colored uiasscngcr from Miss Hyndiiek. "Young mis-is she say bow if dat ar frock of hern be -.nt done now yt'il have to fetch it yei:,eif as soon ns fwe o'clock, and if it beant dar by six, she won't pay you a cert on it. "Very well." was all M able crulj say as sha closed the door a:,d took up Lcr task. Stitch, stitch I The weay hours rolled on. Pie o'clock. Tho dress was At last Mabel reached Miss Hei.diiik's door, but ere she rang the bell her strength gave way and she fainted on the steps. The streets wco new deserted by nearly every living beieg save the rlosi'lv mefllad One of these nuarjiatis discovered Mjbei'a i WELDON, K fainting form and rang the house bill, ft was answered by a colored serv. ant. "Tell Cil. Ilendrick there's a waman fainted on the steps a begcer, proba bly i nsk him if 1 shall send" her to the hospital." "Send linr there by all means," said Irene, who overheard the cotivcrta tion. "Not quite s i fast, cousin," said Col. Ilen'diick, as hn stepped from his study and tang tor the seviiM'. "Alter wish iiig so many of the fair one a 'Happy New Year' to-day, I cannot semi per bas the frailest of their sex away from my di or, ami thereby add hitlerne;s ti her nl;e:uly hitter cup. II nv worthless aro our New Year's greetings when we do not strive to help 'others rather than scatter seed of misery !" Thee, tuning to the. servants, who had entered, he s aid, "Hire, men, carry this woman up to the room over the l.brary, next room to Miss Ilendrick' s ; then, Hi.l, run for the doctor, and you, Nancy, stay v.itli her and do all in your power f.'r her. Cousin, I'd trouble jou to see that sho wants n.Hhing which the house ufl'nrds." ''flunks 1 When I isursj paupers I will set k a situation iu the City II s '." With these words Iicne strept into the parlor. "i'liere I've let myself etit asaiii?" thought she. "Ai if it were not enough to fret abjtit ny dresF, which I believe will never cnuie ! I wisli Dick would not waste so much money on beggars 1 He might allow me enough lo biro a respectable dressmaker. It's well ho doesn't know anything ab.nit the .dress or my new diamond ear-tings, Iritvcsc.-, wouldn't bis eyes snap? I suppose I ovist o up t i see that creature, and pretend I'm s rry for uiv cnedu t. Just wait a few months until I inu K'chard Ilendrick thea see if I'll on beggar;, or cat humble pie I" Mrs. wait I. -j accordance .villi her i.lin, I; eno assumed a very peniteat dctnc.n ir and went up to Mabel's room, She found that consciousness had returno.l, nnd that tlie giil was sleep!. ij. Slie dis covered a p! i:i the roo.".i, nnd at olico CSirniiied its contents. "Oh, joyl Jt is my new dress! Taka it to my room, Nai cy, and mind you say not a wotd to Mr. Ilendrick about it ; but be sure yon tell him that 1 think it my duty to give up the paity to-night, nnd remain with this pour woman. I!e a good girl Nancy, and l'l! f.'.e yon a!! my el l ribVms to-in ir rmv," Irene was the only daughter of Klih.'.ru's!, a wealthy Southern planter. During childhood sh ha I l;".'o indulge I in every nhioi nrd c i j. rice. Aa over fotul, wj: Idly ni: thi r tinted on her beauty, and unef ..sciniisly s.v.ed seeds iu her yeuthd mind which giow with her growth uud cmbillercd her very existence. She was early taught ti worship Mau.inoti. Nj fabrics were too costly, no geois too precious for her to wear, and she was taught to consider what the world call; a brilliant the height of worldly ambition, and little thought or said of anything bey 'ml this woi Id. D.l.ieg ibo war her fathei's plant i ti.m was laid waste, his slaves liberated, and both parents, who were s,o bound mi in earthly possessions, parsed on and left their dr-gbter dependent on her relative.,. CjI Ilendrick found her. while travelling over historic ground, living with a distant cousin, whose family were ii'.il:g;.d to w oik for daily bread. Si:a alone diclued she would not,'!is;;;ueo herself with me..iil labor," and inaile her own and ilia lives of those about her uiiserahic by hem an ieg hrr file, in pity lor them ha to k lu r to his ho lie, whore i . (! S V3 W IS 111 U iiiias'ii:e happy, for she was again sur rounded v. I til luxury, and Lad servants to d i her bid li.ig. t li. u .Maael avvi Ke, Irene iliseov in ber u;.q'i:''.ionablu evidence nf tiro; she. kueiv before that sho beautiful. She asked her many pertinent (1'iestions, but found her col. was treinely reticent for a "pauper." The sick woman thanked Irene for tin. kind .ess extendi d by herself and her husband, and nOu-d to be taken to her Inline. Irene did net care to hive one u'nn loir la become her livid in Hie hotue, and, wiilieg to he thought the colonel's wife, she answered, '1 will I oil my husband that you desire to be removed at once to your luiine." As she turned to leave tho room, she was confronted by Col. Ilendrick, who had oviheard Iter last remark. "Where do you expect to find him?" he asked, sarcastically. Then, as if her speech were, alter all, of but little exist qoence, ho iuquired about the patient. Yon can see for yourself." said reno, ' I think her a Jitlle insane, ' and try ti) humor her." "Perhaps she may be unwillinj to see ine." "I should be very hippy to see and thatd: Co iidr'uk for his hospitality,' ciiiie ia low, sweet toucs from Mabel' room. "My d.irling, lonn lost Mabel!'' "Richard ! dear Kichard I" For a moiiicnt she permitted bis em brace, then uttered a faint cry and pointed to Irene, who had w sely faiuted, and said, "Your wife?" "No, Hunk God, she is not my wife, darlinj;," n v i t i a i v i y a, THURSDAY, Irene was carried to Iter room and left in charge of he maid, toi recover and repent at lensuro. We will not relate all that passed be tween the two lovers. It was a meeting after each had been lost to tho other for four long years, and can better be imagined than described. Kichard insisted an an immediate marriage. Mabel was so happy in aeain being loved that she could not resist his pleadings. Sho is now his happy wife. TWOPOS- Down iu Caroline county, Md,, the ether dav, as tha Her. Mr. W.ilton, or the Shepherds.' chapel, was engaged in fen etit prayer, a hilarious worshipper named Marvel, took a qic id of tobacco in his baud, and, watching for a favtira ble oppoitunity when the clergyman's head was thrown buck in earnest devo tion, lot fir the tuoist weed, which strut k fair in the faco of tho hunau mark. Tho ptayer suddenly stopped and a scene er.stied, and Muvel was taken be fore a resident magistrate and fined and cos's. This remind one that a prominent southern preacher, has said that tho only ti cue he ever felt hk laoghiog i i tho pulpit was when he sa-.v a ia an in the gallery drop a quid of to bacco in the lace of a sleeping man in a pew on the ground Ih-er of the church. ' Yes," said a venerable Ilriton, a CoLkney of tho Cockuevest, to tho wri ter, who had sltowu hi:u tha item above, "it is getting well on to fifty years since I Saw something like that, and q lite ns fanny, in a l. indon theatre. Thepliy was 'Kichard,' naJ the Kichard was Kd intitid Kean. The theatre was packed, and every one in it was under tho spell of the act u'e mae;ic. The play was al most over in fact they had coma to tho tent seene in tho fifth net, where Richard bids llatchfl' leave him, and everybody is preparing for the rising of the ghosts. Well, in the front row of the gallery I could see nno admirer of .he drama fairly wrought up by the playci's pi'iiiou and expectation, clinch ing the Iroel of the gallery with his hand , ae.d leaning away out over it, s'arini; downward, with his eyes pro ttuliig and his mouth opening. Right heneath him, in the pit, Wa3 another ad rniuT of the drama and the actor, as in tensely wrought upon by Ihe niiaiic scene, who, with his month and eyes wide open, was staring upward us intent ly. And j'ist at this instant, from , the unheeding jaws of the man in tho gal lery, fell a tremendous quid. I traced its flight through the air, and kerslap I djwn it came flit in tho eye of the man ;n tho pit. lie in the gallery started back, awakened from his trauce, and his vietim, uw kencd from his, j 'imped "P, and, turning to the gallery, yelled, 'I'll jjivo L'3 tu any one who'll show nn: the sua of a 60a cock that dropped his tub acco-quid in my eye.' This inciJe t and exehimatioa, as . you may naturally imagine, coming light ia the middle of the extreme tension to which the audience had been wronjht up, b id a tre.-mind ius ifT;ct, and eery me in the h uso fairly shrieked and doubled up with laughter even the ac tors on the stage could not control ih 'insclves and the curtain had to come down. Finally, when every one's sides were sore, and the audience was tuo ni i, eh exhausted to laugh any more, it was rung up again avid the play pro ceeded perilously but decorously till Richard, (i.iteshv, Katcliff, and the others came on. T!t:i there was a gur gling rji-tgle heard in one or twj quar ters, choked off as by a desperate rll'-rt, till the pteeiss passage was reached vtliiJi, a li tie while before, llio fatal ivi'id had l.illeu. when, g'imiilta :enti ,lv. Tevery soul present, remeoiberiiig the 'X qu'.sittlv aesorj, incuenr, mane one cie vu! ive attempt to restrain himself, and hurst out in a roarimj gutT.iw. Tne f miliums of tho great deep of nieni- inetit were broken up. nnd people howled, hugged themselves, ly back in their seals, anil grew apoplectic. Djwii ca.iic the cuitain again, and when nt last the audience was worn ou', it was oiijo tn ire raised, and the play went on 1 his time all went nicely, tho fatal line was parsed, and there was not a snicker, when oiis staid uld gentleman in a box, ah i bad never smiled Ihruugli the whole oide il, but had sat in deep disgust, hav- liavieg been communing with himself all tins time, and having arrived at the conclusion that the conduct of the au dience was shockingly ridiculous, sold i qnized aloud iu a still, small voice, dis tiuctly audible in th hush, 'What d d fools I This brought back instaully both the preceding sceoes, plus tho old gen tleman's mental processes, and a scream weut up to which the others were whis pers. The end of it was they bad to leave the play unfinished mil put on a farce. Yes," said tho old gentleman, reflectively, "let a man get a quid of to bacco in the eye on any particularly solera occasion nnd the result will be start ling. Tribune. -- The Hindoo is capable nt wondurM saci Wires. Stretchim: liinifcelf on the earth on his look, the devotee tikes a handful .: f moist earth, and plncing it nu his upper lip, hu punts in itauuitt must a i 1 iced slid exooti'S li inn-el I to the dews nl the ni,:ht and liusl of the thy till thu seed i;ir in in a tei. In this position the iivm must lie. in a fixed, motionless condition, with out lood or ririuk, till the vr;i t ible preens liherates him, which will be, generally, ab.iut the fouith day. - "I stund corrected," as tho boy Jnid who was too Eore, a'ter a thrashing, te sit ujwd lu coiturt. fs it FEBRUARY 0, 1370. A LIVELY SSCIASLE. CONTlWVintSY AND ItOW AKOVT GOINCI HOME WITH TIIK CIIKI.S. People who were present at a recent church sociable near Westficld, tell bow it broke up in a free fight among the ycung men as to who should g home with certain girls. The minister was engaged in making the closing prayer iu the when hi row commenced in the kitchen ; but as the noiso there in cressed, tho parson, without wpetiitig his ryes, merely raised his voice a little and went on with his invocation. The fight iu the kitchcu waxed hotter and moro cliKpntitly and earnestly prayed the dominee, not noticing in Ihe babel of nois'i that neatly all his lisleu eis bad vacated the rom. Over went tha kitchen stove with a crash, nud the sound of jingling dislu s and orthodox words wero wafted to the pious man's ears, but yet with fast-closed eyes be prayed ou. One party had gained the victory in the kitchen, and with yells of triumph putsued tho vanqu'shed into tho parlor, hurling nt them tha hastily scotched up remains of tbe supper table. Just then the man of peace was ab'tut closing his prayer and had stretched forth his hands for the final amen, whea a dciiirjhloul toitk hint in the nuntii and half a I'o a f of cuke in the breast. Wildly the paism stared round as hu rose from his knees, and, spitting from his lips the brown crust of tho doughnut, in an instant stood surrounded by his fcinalu fluek in the fleecy snow outside the house. The row at last quieted for lack of "new fighting riaterial," but sortie of tho young men are skipping church far a Sunday or two, being tcuiporinrly snow-blind. 1! iston Globe. 8ILL ARP'S WONDERFUL WEATHER; My friend Divinnell says a man can sta od any n noun', of cold if he'll fit: l.i n self up for it and brace his resolution up ogiu it. Its interestin to bear him tll about liv'nt away up in Maine some forty or fifty years ago, (I ('org' t which he said,) when bo was a boy and how the house ii'ed to crack, crack ."II hih', and sl.riuk up, and one kcx'.raordiu iry spell it shrunk ofT the pillars, and the nurr.s got su small tho furniture was nil jamed up together and h iw they sat up and cat nil nig'4, nnd wrnt to prayer as tha sua nsr, which was all that saved cm, nnd how a man's breath frojii int i icicles and stuck out sharp and straight a font or two, and sometimes folks got hurt ru'inin into ore another iu thodaik, and bow oin terrible night, when the mercury went out of sight and wwuldenl register, n house got ou fire nul nobody dared 1 1 go to it, and next mortiin t' e house was gotio but the (limes were there striekin up fifty feet high nnd frozen int. i red ice and how they couldent keep mules in M iine, for their ears froze off so you couldent tell cm from horsL-s, and when they brayed at 10 degrees below zero the bi ay turned into ice, shot and br ke wind iw-l tss wore than hai'stuiirs and how, in the fall of the year, whisky was poun d into shallo nans'to freiz.', ar.d thou cut up the retailed all winter by Ihe squaro inch, as che.Tiii-gum and bow otic bitter day a likely lad gol fr.-zen tliMiigh and through as ho was going to school, and it took Iho doctors three days to Ih iw hhn, and they got hiru thawed all but his hejrt, and ttioy couldn't reach tha', and its fr.izen yet, and bo couldent retrain from callin bis name, which is that same Jim lilitiue, I rota the sold S;ale nf M tine, who is , said to contain nary bl mil io his vein, and this serves to rxplai.i why he gets so insane at a little b'ood-stn'it on a rebel shiit. Atlanta Constitution. T MODJESKA TFUS OF HE3 R0MAT1TIC MARRIAGE. From a Detroit News intorvlnw. "Thevsif, m idiiine, th it jou huvo had ip iie n r. miaul ie farter J"' romantic ! V nr. I have live 1 one ol the qaietest livei in l'.iUnd. I think that tuert! is ntthing romantic obaut me hut my nittrriii::e '!'' 1 Was there nviyihin ; very romantic ubmit that in ml a me ?" 'My liusliiiiid bflonzed to one of thr proudest families ia 1'oUnd. My lumi'y H nob'e, to t, but poor, nnd hi.t peiple, when ho did nut thu honor to lull iu love with me, thought that hu would npiUe n mesiillinnee in iivirrvinj' hu net'cs, 1 knev oi tliis, nil'! proud in llicy. Koi two years I hid I out aijaiiut linn even, hut at last their p-ide bant, nnd I in rrieil linn, nnd have been lumpy ever since ' We lnvo hid m&uv swuut years together, irti-.iiMeur." ' How many might you term many nindunit?'' . "Ah! that is coniin? to tho lorbidden point of inq liring a lady's a e; but I nnv tell ju, hele.cfn ournilves, loan enough to bless us with a sou alrtadv n 'urlv 17 rears "I aije, w ho is now prepariiijj lor the fictile Ceiitrale In lbiris, whero lie is to be ed nested. Hive I driven away an illu flour Thiii was omo vhat cnilmrrajsinr;, but tho cliromrlfr t'nt over it by askin whether tho sen bai any turn for the st'iee. Nn," replied madanio, "but .be hss decided Uleat lor nuuie,. He does not intend to tiuonnii) a musicinu, however hut to emiihini niu-iu with hit o:l cr etudies. I may lay," $he continued, "Unit my piny iDfr in Aruenea doc nut Rive plonsnre to I lie Iiu-snui Unveriimcnt. I mceived a poreieptory erder a lew A'J ! to rrturD hn;ni uudr lorfeit ol 10,' Otfd roubles. I .lull pay tba rouble, oh JIB. A man was taken no lately for robbing his ie'low lodger, lie fnid he commmiced bv cheuiinu Iks piiut.r, nnd af cr that everything ra?cal;y cuaic cuy to him. NO. 50. NEVADA SHEEP DIES OF DELIRIUM TREMENS. Tiirc it.t or tiir touch and fihe DKl'AKTMENT GONE. "Dilly." the black sheep, is dead, For tho last eight years, says the Virginia (Xevadu) Cbroniclo of the 13th, Hilly bus moved about irgima, and has long been looked upon as nua of the pioneers of the Comsloek. Lie never bud ar.y enemies. The dogs would not molest hioi, unci whenever he rubbod tip ngaiusl a man he was patted ou the head aid complimented on his appearance. When he was a little l.iml) ho was civrn tn a ton of J. J. Cooper, D id has since consi.l erod himself one of the family. He was a mo'iiber of tho police force, exenitt fire brigade and wool growers' associa tion. Whenever a policeman passed down 0. street with a drunk in tow. l!;lly would follow in tho rear nnd sec the law-breaker safely housed. When ever the fiic-bclI ra:sg he would rnsh out and run with tho machine. O.lieors Simpson and Hiytou wero great favor- ites ol J.lly, probably berauso they al waj s cirried plenty of tobacco or pri vate flasks. Each year ho turned ovfr fifteen pounds of wool to Mr. Cooper. New Yens day tho bovs got Hilly off one side and clipped bis wool. Th:s proceeding ctade Cooper "scour," as they say, and ever since the sagacious sheep avoided the gang of wool-gatherers. Hilly was and we. do not say it to cast a cloud upoh bis memory a reckless inebriate. lie bummed drinks nlT everybody. Aiythitig was well re ceived by kis throttle from plain ciJer to champagne. Hj never turnci bis ios u;t at atiythitif' except Mound House whi'key and California white sine. When ho was pretty crsavt, how- ever, he would not bo si fastidious. The 0 her right he was taking his rounds as usual, when some of the boy a gave htm neatly a quart of wh'nkey. lie weut rceli'ii: diwu towards the nil. intendine. pro'eably, t. givn himself up, and drop ped near tho corner of Sutton avenue and C. strict. Hit was found there bout mi I night, half dead. Tun Kx mpts took him in charge, nnd rcvcrol phvs.c.aiii wero called. He died at 1 u cio :u v'sterdav. ana was Durietl witn lienors. The exempts and police at tended, lu'ttlo Rally lirown delivered touching discourse, which brought tears to the eyes of Cooper, who seemed to bo tho heaviest mourner present. A monument is talked of. MINISTERIAL SIMPLICITY. W. V.. F. Hound iu Sunday Afternoon. Perhaps the worst and most mis chievous of bobby-ridden ministers is he who makes a hobby of some real or fancied porsMinl trait of his owe. I knew oministcr, who was once compli mented by sumo very soft and spooney young ladies they were not so very young cither n his simplicity. From that time ho cultivated simplicity in and out of tho pulpit. a'id cultivated simplic ity is very likely to degenerate into what nn tho oii'.sidc looks very l.kc imbecility. Iho truly saple minister is simple iu the childishness that Christ commends. No child ever thinks of acting the part of a child. Tiiey are chtl.lliko because they think nothing about their being children. This one was simple because ho was vain. Ho was the Revorend Cream Cheeso churned into butter, he was so ceticentratedly simple. Hit conversation a as prattle and h's scr- m as babb'e. Ha vai so lamb-'ike that he gambolled away his diaennate, and in bis priesthood turned out what all lambs turn nut if they escape the butch cr To thi-; d-y be rocs from pirisb tepiri'h ie ilim out niteil. etu il bshy Isllt, not be evint be thinks thepeop'o will liks bub; U'k tic', rvciiusc ho is so siinilj. I oucc heard tl U man n.ldr si snio children an J he fi t k : about ns lollows: 'I love the pr i'ty little stats bucaase they twinkle I) i yen ke.ow what makes the stnr twiiik'o ? I dsn't. Maybe wo nil sba'l know Feme day what makes the nt-irs twinkle so. Would yen likotoknow! I should. IVhnps the eood people who have difd and iioco to hsaven know why the stars twioMe . They must he very happy to know why the stars twinkle so. Y.iu mad ask (J ul to h'pyou to bo good children, and then yen will sorrfe dav be with th.'S" ynod peeple, and will knitw why the pretty li tlo stars thinkle so. You niu-t think ol ll.ia wlieu yen look at the T3. Di v"'i k"T.v that pretty little sons bi'i;lnuin!i 'Twinkle, twinkle.'" etc. There was ever si much inoie. nud the children looked sleepy ar.d iltsuusted before mv 'rutin's loun'.aia of simplicitv bad half run out. HOW A WAGON WHEEL RD'NS, Tho Scientific American says: rmol thut the titp of a watgnn wheel, when run ning along the ground, moves fastur than the tin! ; -in, is given, by instastaacnus photographs nf u wagon in rapid motion. It is obvious soys that writer, that an la !iii!nneoiii photograph ol a wheel, re volvieg open its axle in the air. will show all puns ol the wheel io equal distinctnii'. Hut if t io wheel has a progressive motion, and nny one pjtlion has a greater motion that its corresponding part, above it telow, there tnuit ba a liability to blur ritur in 1 1. at nl the pict re. Teo pictures are Ukca with io brii I an exposure that the bone, tiioueli niov ij ; nt a 2 21 unit, in shsri ly nutliaed. Tha w h"els of the drivel's sulky, howovar, have a dilTerrat tale to tell, Tha lowvr third of 1'iieli wheel is sharp and diltict at il abso lutely nt rest. Not so with the top, that part of ths wheel showinc a perceptible movement during tho tT-tliousaodth part a second ol the expoiurs el th piatt. The upper end ef tha spukos and ths rim are MuTcd. THE ROANOKE .NEWS? ADVERTISING BATES.- . X N m SPACB a O One 8qaar, ( 00 Two Hquarea, 6 10 Three 8quaros, ( 00 Four Sejuares, 10 00 Fourth Col'n. 15 nn 00 10 00 IS 00 18 00 20 00 KM 30 H Pi re tM 49 6 MM, t tf MM. Half Column, 20 00 ( 80 00 Of Whole Column, One Tear, 7M MM JOAMOKK AQHICULtORAlVr WOBKS, WELDON. ti. C.i ' ..".'' i . ;):.. 1 f4 .':: ;. ' u..s IOIIX.M. roOTE, l-rPrieCor, THIS An KICHAKDSiOat COTTOS TMW A SPKCIALTT. MANUFXCTUOBK 3F, AMBCtHHAI, UH1 roa, A-LIt KLND3 OP FIRMING IM- TLEMENTS, STEAM ENGINES AND COTTOIf GINS. Also Agent for the Culotjjo Seale Com. fane .j , UNITED BTATE8 STAJfDAZD 6CALE3. . j . ' ... 4 .- . , ) - ..ll Kvorythln(rlnthlelUefrsa lot TOW Rsllnmd Scale to tba HMALLR9T TEA Seale furulHhed at 8urpr1ain LOW T(. ures. A Platform HAY or BTOCK BoaTa or FOUR TONS aapaolty tor aad Froigbt. All kinds of IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS Furnished at SHORT NOTIC" aal U Poteisburg or Norfolk PRICKS. I am prepared U do AKT WD f Ropalr Work for ENGINES, HILLS AND ' COTTON 01X8, As I have an E real lent If AOBIHISTMd BOILER MAKES, .1 I keep eonatantly'ot hand of Isy Manaraaiura a UOOD OFJ ICil COAL AND WOOD BTOYS. ; " - ' ' ' I, h ' ' - - ,vfc Alaoa rad assortment af BOLLOW Ware. LUMBKRfurnW d la any aaoUty n mi v uvnajiaivnioun, tp 8 1 5 ''im 'SW

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